6 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1902. H THREE FIRES IN ONE DAY DWELLING HOUSE IN LINCOLN HEIGHTS DESTROYED. Second Fire In Samo Building In Two Days Another Flro In John H. Fellowa' House Other Fire on North Onrfleld Avenue Disorderly House Hntded by the Police Two Accidents Yestordny Events of This Evening Other Nqws Notes and Personal Paragraphs. The Columbian were moused bv a fstlll alarm at G.RO o'clock yesterday morning, when a lire was dlscovoied in th6 double house ut tho corner of South Slain nnd Stratford avenues, Lincoln Heights, owned and occupied by John O'JIulley and family. Owing to the distance and the lack of water In that locality, the building was rapidly consumed, and everything- was lost, A pipe line was run up from tho T3odgo and a force of water supplied, but this was Insufficient. A fire was also discovered In the same bouse Wed nesday morning', but when the lirenien arrived tho flames had been nut out. A barrel of oil In the cellar Is said to have exploded, but just what caused the five cannot he learned. The house was but recently built and occupied, and Is a complete loss. It was partially Insured. While tho occupants of a dwelling bouse at 212 Garfield avenue were thawing out a frozen water pipe at 0.30 o'clock yesterday morning:, the wood work caught fire and was damaged to Ihe extent of about $200. An alarm was sent In from Box 38, and Engine com pany No. 3 and Chemical company No. responded and extinguished the Humes with the aid of the chemical solution. Tlio house is owned by Jlis. Phillips. A still alarm was sent In to the Chemicals at 1 o'clock yesterday after noon from John H. Fellows' house, where flames were again discovered in the flooring. An application of the chemical soon subdued the flames. Jlr. Fellows' loss is placed at about $1,500, nnd ho carried $7,500 insurance on tho house and furniture. Accidents Yesterday. Frank Beavers, of South Hyde Park avenue, manager of Phelps drug store, was thrown from a cutter in tho cen tral city yesterday, but luckily es caped serious injury. The runner Diiioiip's French Tar Will promptly rellcie ami speedily euro coughs, colds and all lunfr trouble. Tor Hlc ,by G. W. JUXK1XS, 101 South Slain avcruc. 4S$tiAj&dAW 1 Men 1 Admire Well 1 Dressed Women H And the best dressed promenaders of this city j 5 hear daily testimony to what you can get for g :$ a little money, provided you come here. All f$ of our customers are models of correct style. -' H3 There is a trig effect, a trim individuality that & :$ is not common. St - : Here Are Practical I Examples of Mhat a Little 1 I Money Will Do When Well Spent :$ The garments offered here now are most bar- SP CS :.-L1 . 4.1 .. ,-rr . !S' wcimauic ui iucsb new reasons than one for I 2 7 Inch Coats 3 Values Up Values Up to $20.00. Price $6.98 ! I 42Inch Jackets g Values Up to $20.00. Price $6,98 1 Ladies' Raglans 1 S Values. Up to $10.00. Price $3.98 1 Values Up g HCSrWe do uot hesitate to say that here are 3T; some of the greatest values we have ever been able to offer you, The prices render competition out of S the questiou, and the sale is ou Friday and Saturday, S' Will you be there? We think you will, ; a In lobe Warehouse! ZM WMMMWMW SCRANTON caught In the street car track on Spruce street, overturning tho cutter. The horse was Btopped before going very far. William Hughes, of South Slnln ave nue, nn employe In the Hellenic mines, was bruised about tho head and body while at work yesterday, lie was re moved to his homo In tho mine ambu lance, and Dr. Comegys attended him. Disorderly House Balded. Lieutenant Davis and squad raided a disorderly house at the foot of Jackson street curly yesterday morning and arrested three men und two women.' They gave their names as G. II. Man earow, John Dougherty. Frank Jordan, Mamie Price and Cnhsle Jordan. All were lined and one paid. The rest were committed to tho county jail. Bowling Notes. The Lledorkrnnss howler challenge the second team of the Electric City Wheelmen for a game on tho hitter's alleys next Tuesday evening. The team Is made up of Fred Welnss, captain; Edward Elsie, Cleorge Hrelg, fieorgo Koech and Henry Dlmler. Answer through The Tribune. The Electric City Wheelmen's first team will play a return game on the Elks alleys next Monday evening. Tbe game on the Electric City Wheel men's alleys last evening between the Patngonlas and the l-nfliyettes result ed In a tie, each team winning one game. The deciding game will be rolled this evening. Events of This Evening. All members of St. Paul's Pioneer emps are requested to meet In their hall this evening for drill, The Probationers class will meet In the Simpson M. E. church this even ing. The Women's Foreign Missionary so ciety of the Simpson Methodist Episco pal church will meet this evening at the home of Mrs. J. B. Snyder, Wash burn street. The choir of the Plymouth Congrega tional church will meet this evening for rehearsal. Pre-Lenten Announcement. You are invited to our fish and oyster departments at both stores, 100 North Main avenue And 103 Drinker street, Dunmore. 'Phone 251-2. Cnnavan & Walsh. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Mrs. J. J. Decker, of Division street, entertained the Railroad auxiliary of tbe Simpson Methodist Episcopal church at her home last evening. St. Leo's battalion drill team held a meeting In their hall hist evening and practiced for the encampment next summer. ' Richard Wheeler, of South Ninth street, a fireman on tho Lackawanna railroad, slipped and fell on the ice, while on his way to work recently, and sustained severe injuries. The coasting on Wet Linden street is tho best in the city, and is not at tended by very much danger. Tho Oxford Glee club held a well-attended rehearsal latt evening, prepara- prices. We Have more making them low priced: 29 r. to $10,00. Price $3.98 S to $20.00. Price $6.98 lory to their ttlp to Allentown on March 17. At a recent nicctlng of the Leek Social club tho candidacy of Evan Morris Tor city controller was unanimously en domed. Angolo J. Pepper, of Stark court, was run down by a coaster on West Linden street, nnd sustained a fractured arm, Dr. F. C. Hall Is attending him. John Uowen, of Fellows' patch, while wrestling with n boy named Gerlock, fell and fractured his arm. Dr. D. J, Jenkins Ret the Injured member. Stephen McDonald, of Scrnnton street, was quite badly Injured by being struck by u bobsled recently. Tho ladles of St. Patrick's T. C. B. U, held an enjoyable meeting In St, Leo's, hall last evening. After the business meeting a social session wus held. William Ludwlck, of Hampton street, had his arm fractured while at work In tho Dodge recently. Bonnie lloyal, of Price street, had his hand badly cut while coasting near his homo recently. Prof, Lewis Davis' mixed choir will meet for ' rehearsal In the Jackson Street Baptist church next Sunday evening. Gurnet- Ueese's temperance choir will meet at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon In the basement of the First Welsh Congiegatlonal church. The choir of the Jackson Street Bap tist church will meet for rehearsal at S o'clock this evening. The Kloctiic City Wheelmen's mln trel company held :l rehearsal last evening under the direction of Profes sor Alfred Wooler. A large number patronised the clam chowder supper served last evening by the Women's Oulld or St. Mark's Lu theran church. Charles w Mathews and W. II. Courtrlght enjoyed a slelghrlde to Dal ton last evening. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Jennie Lowry, of South Simmer avenue, and Mrs. O. F. Coyle, of Forest City, have gone to North Carolina. George Smith, of South Ninth street, is confined to his home with throat trouble. , Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Williams, of Price street, are entertaining tho former's sister, Miss Anna Mason, of Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Speais, of Cox ton, are spending a few days with friends on Price street. Louis a. Jenkins, or Hampton street, and Miss Katie Winters, of Taylor, will be united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents on February S. Announcement has been made of tho engagement of Alfred Davis, of North Filmore avenue, und Miss Dowen, or Bellovue. Mr. and Irs. John McGIoln, of Flf leenth street, were tendered a surprise party recently, and proved equal to the occasion. Albert Wicks, or North Hyde Park avenue, is suffering from an attack of rheumatism. Gomer Davis, of North Ninth stieet, Is slowly recoveilng from an Illness. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Howell, ot North Lincoln avenue, have as their guest their daughter, Mrs. Peck, of Elk dale. Thomas Cooke, or Wilkes-Barre, Is visiting at tho homo or Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Phillips, on Swctlnnd street. Mrs. John T. Richards, or South Main avenue, is Indisposed. C. It. Sliryer, of North Main avenue, has returned from a trip to Carbondale. GREEN RIDGE. Joseph Fldlam, who for years had been a Green Ridge mallcarrier, has been transferred to one of the new routes In the Dunmore section. F. S. Roberts has taken Mr. Fidiam's old route. Beatrice lodge, No. 70, Daughters of Rebeknh, will servo a New England supper in Morel's hall, Tuesday even ing. Feb. 2.), from 5.30 to S o'clock. A horse belonging to C. F. Beckwith & Co. became frightened near the Del aware and Hudson Green Ridge station yesterday afternoon and ran away. Tho wagon collided with tho fence of the Green Ridge hotel, and tho driver was thrown out. The horse broke away and ran down Dickson avenue and out Marion .street to Sanderson avenue, where he was caught. The driver was not injured and tire only damage was a badly broken harness. Prof. Hawker, or school No. 27, Is selecting the best musicians from among his scholars for the purpose of forming a school orchestra. Owing to the trouble experienced by frozen pipes the water has been shut off at nil watering troughs in this vic inity, except the one nt the corner of r-ast auu-Kei street and Sanderson ave nue, i The lecture room of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church was crowd ed last evening with friends of the church and Sabbath school, gathered to hear tho entertainment given by class No. 22. At the close of the programme refreshments were served. J. Bartron and Fied Smith, sons of Mr. and Mrs. P. p. Smith, of Mousey avenue, have been enjoying a hare and hound chase in Massachusetts. OBITUARY. HAROLD PRENTICE, son of Mr. and Mm, Charles P. Turner, died nt their home, in West Elizabeth, on Mon day, Jantmry 27, lined 4 years. He wan 111 nhoiit three weeks, and wiih the only child ut" his parents, greatly beloved by them. The funeral will bo this after noon at 1 o'clock, Interment at Eliza beth cemetery, Jlr. Turner is employed In tho eiiBlueeriiiB department of tho Rteel works at Clalrton, and tho fam ily linvo resided here for soma months. Elizabeth Herald, January 30, Harold Turner's father, Charles P Turner, was until ir yem- ug0 principal" of t,ho school of mechanical engineer ing of the International Correspondence schools. Ho left here to accept u posi tion with the Elisabeth Steel company. MRS, MARY DUFFY, an old and re spected resident of Dunmore. died at tho homo of hor damthter, Mrs. James Urown, on Chestnut street, Dunmore, Wednesday evening, after a llnjjerliiK lllness. Sho Is (survived by two chil dren, Michael and Mrs, .Tames llrown. FUNERALS, The funeral of tho talc Jlks fjilihoii, lat.9 place Iioni liU late loldejice on Cliiiti.l annuo, thl morning, Srivlccj will be londuitcU at tho Holy (oary ilnmli. JnUiinciil 11 be made in the Cuthedul tctnetciy. THE MHELIEST MAN IN SCRANTON As well as Ihe handsomest, and others are Invited to call on any druggist and get freo a trial bottle of Kemp's UaUam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy tint li Ruauntu'd to euro and icllcio all t'lirtulc and Aeuto Cou!u, Asthma, Bioiuhltls and Consumption. I'rlcg 2$tr. oud Wo, A $1,000 PRIZE. A prominent manufacturer hns of fered a prlzo of one thousand dollars for tho best essay on preventive medi cine, "believing that a proper exorcise of preventive medicine Is of Incal culable bonellt to tho human race." The tendency of medical science Is to ward preventive measures. The best thought of tho world Is being given to tho subject. It Is easier nnd bettor to prevent than to cure. It hns been fully demonstrated that pneumonia, one of the most dangerous diseases that medical men have to contend with, can bo prevented by the use of Chamber lain's Cough Homedy. Pneumonia al ways results from a cold or from an attack of influenza (grip), and It has been observed that tins remedy coun teracts tho tendency of these diseases toward pneumonia. This has been fully proven In many thousands of cases In which this remedy has been used during tho great prevalence of colds and grip In recent years, and can bo relied upon with Implicit confidence. For sulo by all druggists. DUNMORE DOINGS. Republicans Are Rallying to the Sup port of the Excellent Republican Borough Ticket. The Republicans of Dunmore uie showing great Interest In the coming election and there Is every Indication that they will be victorious In the com ing contest. The borough ticket nom inated Is a most excellent one. Everyone of the candidates is a rep resentative man well qualified to per form tho duties of the oillce to which he seeks to be elected, and theie Is no reason If the Republican voters will do their duty and go to the polls nnd vote. There Is no doubt that a majority of the voters of Dunmore are Republican and all that is required is to get them out. The committee Is doing every thing in their power to Interest and enthuse the party nnd their efforts will undoubtedly be crowned with suc cess, if only the individual voteis will do their duty. The ' Republicans of Dunmore can win this light. All that is required is that they do their duty as Republicans should. Work should be your watch-word. Last night the committee of the First and Second districts of the Sixth ward met and considered plans for getting a complete and authoritative list of the voters of the ward as a basis for the work of getting out the vote on elec tion day. SHORT PARAGRAPHS. The funeral of the late Arthur Uuane took place from bis home, on Bunker Hill, yesterday afternoon. Interment was made in St. Marv's cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. John Ames, of Hawley, are guests at the home of B. P. Sav age, of Gieen stieet. John Kelly, of Apple street, is visit ing fi lends at Port Jervis. Hnrnessmaker Bee will dispose of his stock during this month and return to his home at Shenandoah, where ho has a lucrative position awaiting him. Corn, to Mr. and Mrs. John Fox, of East Drinker street, a daughter. Joseph McGrall has accepted a posi tion as driver of the Lackawanna laundry wagon In town. FOREST CITY. Special to t lie Scranlon Tribune. l'oict City, Pel). I!. ThfTP U liu tlnlli uluit ner in tiie lcpoit whk-Ii lui been Riven general iliciilation by the Ucinily nicx Hut tlieie i' iin.ill.poY al Iticliinonihllli-. The Notsick family uhieli was (.aid lo lie sick has not been ill. Mr. O. P. Cojle left jetenla.v to join a puty of Seianton people who will tpeiul the rest of the winter in tho south. They ro by nay of W.ili. iutfton and ilaltiinoic. County Siipeiintcnilint ('. II. Mole., of lljll Mead, MU-iI the local school jc-tcnliy. He U a candidate fur re-election and has dining hii teuuio of oldie gluii n,it Miction, the mIiouK IliroiiRliout Ihe louiilj- luring attained a liish slaiidjnl under hi" MipcivUlnn. A. .1. I.owrie, W. .1. Mil.nuRlilin and P. fj. Al len spent Wednesday and Thursday in Mr.uilon. .1. P. M'hlte lias gone to Hot Springs, All.., for hit health. Mr. and Mr. Kvciett Itonhim wore In Wa. mart Wednesday attending the futieial of the for mer's brother-in-law, 1'ieil Jones, in Wu.wiuu. .7. .1. Walker, Tliomu .lone-, and II, T. (VXclli seived ai Juiois nt Montro-c this week. UNCROWNED ENGLISH QUEENS. No Less Than Seven Have Missed the Honor of a Coronation. I'roni the London Lady's Pictorial, As a rule most English queens have been solemnly crowned, whether they reigned in their own right or as wives or royal husbands. To this rule, how ever, there are seven exceptions. The lit st Mas Margaret of France, the young, plain, nmlnble second wife of Edward I. He had spent so much money In conquering Wales nnd In trying to conquer Scotland that he could not afford the expense of a coro nation for his girl bride, nnd she had to do without the splendors of the pageant King Henry VIII", took care that Anno Iloleyn should bo crowned with extreme magnificence. He desired to show tho world how much ho loved her and how very much lie defied tho blshon of Home, The four wives who succceeded her wens never crowned nt nil. For ono thing, money ran short, and for another, there may havo lurked, even in his masterful mind, a sense of tho "fitness of things," which may have caused lihn to shirk from publicity crowning so many ladies in such very rapid succession. At any rate, tho beloved Jnno Sey mour, tho I'esplsed Anno of Cloves, the girlish Catherine Howard and tho wary Catherino Purr were never con secruted In public us queen consorts of England, Henrietta Mnrln, wife of Charles l refused to bo crowned. Sho wns young, sho was pretty, she was u French piincess, and she declined to' take part in u stnte function, which would coin pel her to partake of the sacrament ac cording to Church of England rites. Sophia Dorothea of Zell cannot be reckoned among tho seven, because she wns never called Queen of England" nt all. While aeorge I, was being crowned, and nnnolnted, and bored, t)io lady of Ahlden wns pining In her long, monotonous captivity, Caroline of Brunswick Is the last nnd most remarkable Instance of the un ci owned English queens. Though George IV. had been forced from popu hrr Indignation torsive up the bill of pains and penalties against hor, noth ing would Induce him to let her, 110th hls coronation. She wns not permitted to bo present In Westminster Abbey at all. Itepulsed from all the entrances, she returned to her house, to dio within three weeks of a violent fever, brought, I im uy Hiuju.-is or u'unui excitement. NORTHSGRANTON JOHN M'KENNA FELL FROM A SCAFFOLD. Had Both of His Legs Broken and Is Now at tho Hospital John Prlco Had His Leg Crushed in tho Leg gott's Creek Mine This Will Be Ladles' Afternoon at tho North Soranton Bowling Alloys Prizes Are Offered Articles Won at tho Fair News Notes. John, the 13-year-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. William MoKenna, of Ruano street, fell nnd broko his two legs while at work on a scaffold at the St. Mary's Seminary Wednesday after noon. McICcnna was employed about tho place to do light work and run er rands, and while on tho scuffold, ho attempted to walk from one window to another on tho north side of tho building. Owing to the Icy condition of the scaffold, he slipped and fell a distance of about thirty feet, Tho Lackawanna bosplta ambulance was summoned and the boy was taken to his home, but later was removed to the Lackawanna hospital. His Father Assaulted. Dr. J. C. Caldwell, of 42?, West Mar ket street, received ye.steiday a copy of the Boston Herald containing nu account of a brutal assault committed upon his father, Cleoige F. Caldwell, i ho lives In Wnshuu, New Hampshire. Mr. Caldwell Is a wealthy farmer and was found at his home uncon scious from a severe scalp wound. When lie regained Ills senses at the hospital he stated that he had been lnuiderously assaulted by persons un known to him. John Price Injured. John Price had his leg badly smashed between the mine locomotive and a trip of cars yesterday morning in the Legget's Creek mine. Pi ice was sitting on the rear end of a locomotive when a trip of cms came along crushing his leg. He wns lemoved to his home where Dr. Bower attended him. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. The meeting of the North Soranton Prohibition society, which was to have been held this evening at the home of Mrs. John McDonnell, of North Main avenue, will be held at the home of Mrs. Thomas Moore, of Parker street. There will bo a special meeting of the North Soranton Republican club, No. 1, this evening in their looms on West Market street. Every member is requested to be present. Misses Dora and Cecelia Early, of Carbondale, were among visitor! in town Wednesday. Tho North Scrnnton bowling alleys will be open this afternoon from 2 to C for ladies only. The rooms will be in charge of Miss Selby of the Young Women's Christian Association. The manager has arranged to have the Ladles' Bowling club, of Green Ridge, give an exhibition. They will also give two prizes, one to the lady from this place making tho highest score and one to the Green Ridge lady doing like wise. The ladies of Maccabees held their regular monthly meeting in the Audi torium last evening. Manager Hnswell, of the North End Stars, has returned from Harrisburg. William J. McHnle, of Connnellsvllle, Pa was among visitors in town Wed nesday. Messrs. McNulty and Muiphy, ot Oly phant, were among the out of town guests at the fair, last evening. P. J. O'Horo, of North Main avenue, left Wednesday evening for New Mexico. The follow Ing articles were carried away from the fair In St. Mary's hall Wednesday night: Rox of crackers, John May: rocker, Miss Mary Hop kins; woolen coat, Thomas Cavnnaugh; chamber set, John Hensler; zither, Al phonsus Hcnohrnn; damask table cloth, Daniel Katowski; Administer rug, Ed wnrd Lynn; box of tobacco, Henry Miller. THE WILDCAT. Cunning, Courageous and Dangerous When nt Bay. Pi om tin- Moston Herald. To say that n dog can "whip his weight in wildcats" is to pay about the highest tilbuto to his strength, courage and activity, and there are very few dogs that would caro to earn such a tribute If they understood nil it implied. Not that a wildcat Is of a specially nggiesslve disposition; on the contrary, he would sooner mind his own business any time than flshU So anxious is he, as a mle, to keep out of trouble that-he has often been ac cused of cnwaullce; but ho has, on so many occasions, given evidence of the most desperate courage that I doubt if the accusation is a fair one. When wounded or at bay he is perhaps as dangerous ns any creature of his size, Lynx rufus wus originally an Inhabit ant (jf tho tropics, but he gradually worked his way north, and Is now found in mnnv of tho states from Texas to Maine und also In several parts of Canada. In appearance at this thus of year he Is a reddish brown animal about throe feet long, Including n short tail, which is barred on top with rufus and black. Tho under sur face of the body is yellowish white, spotted with black, In the spring tho color of tho upper parts will change to grayish brown. Tho female is much smaller mid moio slender than tho male, and in looks and actions bears a stronger resemblance to the domestic cat. Her ears, like those of tho male, nio surmounted by tufts of coarse hair, less conspicuous, however, thnn those of the Canada, lynx. Tho legs of the wildcat nro long nnd tho feet large nnd armed with strong, sharp claws. Tho hind feet are webbed, At Its best It Ib n savuge-Iooklng creature, and YOUR. FAITH 3!2H ours ii you iry; 'S Consumption f j j itv allJ- ours I SQ 'roug we 1 iljl tj guaronteeucureor refund t4 w money, nud itc tend you free trial bottle if you write for It. SIIIl.OIl'S coita 25 cents ami will cure Con. sumption, Pneumonia, liroiicbitis and all Lung Troubles, will cure u cough or cold iu a day, ami thus prevent serious results. ii iiaa Dcciiuoniff rntse tiling:! lor S. C. Wells & Co.. Lo Roy. N. Y. Karl's Clover Root Tea corrects ths Stomach fl TEST EXPERIMENT Paoullar Power Po8seed by a Now Medicine. Ot new discoveries there is no end, "tout one of tho most recent, most re markable nnd one which will prove In valuable to thousands of people, Is a discovery which It Is believed will tnko the place of all other remedies for tho cure or those common and obstinate dis eases, dyspepsia nnd stomach troubles. This discovery Is not a loudly adver tised, secret patent medicine, but In a scientific combination of wholesome, perfectly harmless vegetable essences, fruit, salts, pure pepsin und bismuth. ii'sy 1 These remedies are combined In loz enge form, pleasant to take, and will preserve their good qualities indefi nitely, whereas all liquid medicines rapidly lose whatever good qualities they may have hud as soon as un eoiked and exposed to the air. This preparation Is called Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and It Is claimed that one of these tablets or lozenges will digest front COO to .1,000 times Its own weightier meat, eggs and other wholesome food. And this claim has been 'proven by ut-tual experiments In the following manner: A hard boiled egg cut Into smiill pieces was placed In a bottle containing warm water heate'd to ninety-eight degrees (or blood heat), one of these Tablets wns then placed In the bottle and the proper temppratuie maintained for three hours and a half, at the end of which time the egg was as completely digested as It would have been In a healthy stomach. This ex periment was undertaken to demon strate that what It would do in the bottle it would also do In the stomach, hence its unquestionable value in the cure of dyspepsia and weak digestion. Very few people are free from some form of Indigestion, but scarcely two will have the same symptoms. Some will suffer most from distress after eating, bloating fiom gas hi the stom ach and bowels, others have acid dys pepsia or heartburn, otheis palpitation or headaches, sleeplessness, pains In chest and under shoulder blades, ex treme nervousness as in nervous dys pepsia, but they all have same cause, failure to properly digest what is eaten. The stomach must have rest and assist ance, and Stuart's jjyspepsla Tablets give It both, by digesting the food for it and in a short time it is restored to its normal action and vigor. At same time the Tablets are so harmless that a child can take them with beneiit. Tills now preparation has already made j many astonishing cures, as for instance, the following: After using only one package of Stu art's Dyspepsia Tablets I have received such great and unexpected benefit that I wish to express my sincere gratitude. In fact, It has been six months Mneo I took the package and I have net had one particle of distress or diltlculty since. And all this In the face of the fact that the best doctors I consulted told me my case was Chronic Dyspepsia and absolutely Incurable as I had suf fered twenty-five years. I distributed half a dozen packages among my friends here, who are very anxious to try this remedy. Mrs. Sarah A. Skeels. Lynnville, Jaspar Co,, Mo, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by druggists everywhere at ."0 cents for full sized packages. A llrile book on Stomach Diseases mailed free hv ad dressing F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. when It is nngry It growls, spits and rolls Its blazing eyes In a manner which faithfully rellects the demon character within. The fdod of the bobcat varies with the seasons. In the warm weatlier, when game is plentiful, he takes his pick, but in the winter he Is often glad to take what he can get. Ho Is fond of fish nnd frogs, and in the summer he follows the dry beds of the brooks and small rivets and fishes In the deep holes. Ho also cats hares, rabbits, squirrels and bats, and even beavers when he Is luck enough to get them. Ho catches a good many birds, too, chiefly grouse, quail and other species which sleep on the ground. If the farmhouses are not too far out of the way ho will visit them and cniry off the poultry. m EUROPE'S FUTURE QUEENS. Richest Is Princess of Denmark, the Prettiest of Roumnnla. I'iuih the Boston Glolic. Tlio future queen of Denmark Is ono ot the richest princesses of Hut-ope. Sho Is the daughter of. the late Kliu Charles XV. of Sweden nnd Norway, and Inherited enormous wealth from her mother, nee Princess Lioulso of the Netherlands. She possesses tho dis Inetlon of being the tallest princess of Kurope, and is a strong-willed woman with nny amount of pluck und deter mination. Tho prettiest of crown princesses is tho wife of I'rlnee Ferdinand of non mania, In whom tho Kngllsh peopl.r feel a special interest, since she Is the eldest daughter of tho late Duke of Saxe.Coburg-Cotha. Trlnce Ferdinand is nephew to the present king of Uouinaula, who has no children. Another granddaughter of Queen Victoria's, who Is n crown princess, Is the Duchess of Sparta, wife of tho crown prince of Greece, Her mother was the late Kmpress Frederick, and frlio herself is, of course, sister to thu Oeriunn emperor, ' Princess Sophia is tall and good-looking nnd of nu amiable disposition. A brilliant!)' at'compllshed woman is the crown princess of Sweden, who un foitunntely suffers from dellcato health. She Is the daughter of thu grund dukt of Hadon and Pilncea Louise of Prussia an only daughter of the Into Emperor William 1 und n sister of tho lato Emperor Frederick and mauled frown Prince Omir Ous tnye of Sweeden iu 1SS1. Their marriage became quite unin tentionally an act of historic restitu tion, for it happens that Princess Vic toria of ISiulen is the great grand daughter of the banished Swedish I; lay, Gustavo IV (Adolf); and thus the great grandson of Beriuulotte led back to Scandlnavlu the relative of the mou- 6.-l4is''E2l AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theatre H. RKI8, Lmjm nnd Mtnigrr. J. DfJFFV, Dm. Mtniftt. FridayNight. "One of the. CoiwplcnotM Surrrtw of ttio Prcstn Kciv York Poanon," Grace George, In Wm. A. Brady's Production of Ily loltle Illulr Tnrkcr, author of "WAY DOWN KAST." llpncflt l'orformatirc for II. I". O. B., of Scrtnlon. 1'rlc.es-oO, 73, 1,00, 1.D0. (Inllcry, 25 ond 60c. Seats on Bale Wednesday. Saturday Matins and Night K. D. Stair picwnl for your pleasure Ward and Vokes In tliclr Xew Mmlcal "Cut-Up," The Head Waiters PrliM MaUncr, 2jc. ami 80s. NIrIi, &';., fiOe., 75c, and $1.00. Heals on eate TIiiiikIiiv, Ona Night, Monday, Feb, 10, rir. James O'Neill In Lleblcr &- Co.'d MiiRiilllccnt Scenic Production of the (JrcJlcr flonte Cristo Star cai.t Include I'ltUDKRIU Dll IHIU.K VIM.K, .lames O'Neill, jr., Waircn Conlon, W. ,1. llkon, Claude (lilberl, Joseph Slojter, Mifi .-dene lolimou, Kate l'letulirr, Vlislnfa Keatlii' and fllty others. Uilnhial yew Yoik Academy of Slit-do produc tion. , I'rkcs 23c. lo tl.30. Si' i Is on bale 1'iiday at I) o'duik. Thursday. February 11. l'iit 'fine Keie of the Tiemendoin Dlstingulihed Tilumpli, W. i:. XANKi:Vlf,I.i;, picsenls Mail Game's Mo-t Powerful Story The Penitent Pirict f i oni Park Thctler, Huston, with all tha sceneiy ai d cfllcicut cast. Pi lies 23c. lo M. 0(1. -v Sale of seals opens Sattuday at ') a. m. Academy of flusic M. HCIS, Lcrice. A. J. PufCj, Manager. hai.axci: or wi:n. The New SawtelleDaamaticCo. .i;.T WfXK, SI'lXIAL fcNflVGUMKXT May Fiske and Company Mondiy, jpccial matinee and night, "The Char ity Rill." Bis .iudeilllc acts headed by tli'i kinillc t people in the world, Mra. (Icucial Tom Thumb, Count and llaion Jlagrl. STAR THEATRE , ALF. O. HEimiNCTO.V, Marager. Tliur.-d.iv, Fridav and Satuiihy, KEUltL'AItY'6, 7 AND S. "Little Egypt Bnrlesqners" Matinee I'.iery Day. HOTELS-ATLANTIC CITY. sea Atlantic City, N. J. 300 Ocean front rooms. 100 pri vate sea water baths. Send for book let. J. 11. THOMPSON & CO. Manufacturers or OLD STOCK 48B to 455 N. Ninth Street, Telephone Call. 2333. THE kic pon co. liooms 1 aud'2, Com'ilh B'l'd'g. 80BANT0N, VA. lining and Blasting POWDER Utt at Moodo ana Huiu lilt Worki. LAFLIIM A RAND POWDBR CO,'3 ORANGE QUN POWDER Elf ctrlo Bitterle. Klsatrlo KxplooUrt, splodln j ultuti. Safety Fuiuol Kepauno Chemical Co.'s mail BXPLOjIVE IBIS W Lager Beer Brewery arch whom his forefather had chased from the throne. The fourth daughter of Duke Charles Theodore ot llavarla Princess Marie Oubrllle Is also the wife of an heir presumptive. , i ' 4 i I T', t -r fc-r.