The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 06, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Madfces Gleaov Brea4
With Royal !Baking Powder there is. ino
'mixing with the, .hands, ;no .sweat of the
brow, Perfect cleanliness, greatest' facility:,
sweet, clean,, healthful, food
The" Roal B.ekcr any Tastry
Cook" toiitaliiing ener Soo
most practical and aluab'.c
cookitif; receipt free to every
patron Scud postal caul
With jour lull adelrcts.
Part That Scranton Capital Is Play
ing in Giving the Metropolis of
the West the New Automatic Tele
phoneCompany Has Been Formed
to Manufacture the Harloe Insu
ulator, the Invention of Morton
Harloe Malic Up of the D., 1. &
W. Board for Today.
The Chicago Inter-Ooeiin of last Sun
day contained nearly a pajre devoted
to si description of the telephone plant
that Scranton capitalists arc installing
in that city. In tlu financial col
umn of the s-ame issue of the paper
the following appealed:
On another pise at this isfcue will he found an
cxlnustiee account of the plans of the UHiiais
Telephone and Tclegiapli tompwy, which will
btait its (.Imago telephone Ml Ice in the business
K-dion of tlio city next July. The Stumper ail
tonutiu telephone U1 be the instrument m
ktallcd, its points of merit bun? elc&ciilied as ail
lonntic and rapid sciu'ce. combimd with all
folulc secrecy, and lower utcs to the ucr. The
'central" exchange of the new f-js-tcin in Chi
ui;n will be in one of the down-town liiiililln;s
at first, but the company purposes a little lat.-r
to erect a building of its own for tint purpose.
The instruments and all the ncccsiiry median
Imu for the opeution of the Ostein luve been
made by the Automatic Klcctile company, a con
cern with !-.2,000,ooi capital, which bought fiom
the StiowRir compiny the cNchiihe manufacture
ins rights lor the I'mted States. This company
has to pry a loyalty to the Htiowgcr company. It
is also Hie owner of a big bloc'.; of the btrow
Ki'r company's ttock, The Automatic Telephone
company In turn is practically owned by the
Mine people "lio uwn the Illinois Telephone and
Telegraph company. The latter company has a
capital of .',u0(),ono in bonds and an ciniil
imiount in btuiK. Thus far it Iia.s epcndoel Sl,
OUO,O0O on its Ostein, and lias rocruM iO.OW.OOO
for the extension into the tc-Idenies seitlons.
The money has all come from out of town.
Moat of it ins come from wealthy mining men in
the coal regions of Piiris.hnnla. The company's
iiflki'iH aie: Albert (). heeler, piesidint; ('.
). Slmp-oii, xicc president; II. W, (iearliart, sec
le'l.iry ; II. II. Ilrady, Jr., of Scranton, Pa,, Ileus
uiir. 1 lio dircctois are ('. 1). Simpson, Seianton;
J. II. ItiL-sell, Wjlkes.lljne; C. It. laldy. Alamo.
Kordo, X. M.; A. (i. AMierlcr, 1'., V. (learliait,
ricr.mtnn, and J, HirrN, of Chliugo,
Mr. rthnpsnn is the head of the firm of Simp,
fon .V Wathins, one of the largest miner-, of an
lluaclto coal in lVnni)van!ii:; Mr. llusselll is
the hcnl of the binkiiig liou.o of ,1.11, ltu-mell it
Co., which hai a IilimlIi in (lucago and ill
three or four eastern cities, besides Xew York",
while Mr. I.ddy is a wealthy ininc-ouner of
Xew Mexico. Xearly all the sains mcu figure
In the Autoiuatio Kin trie company.
All the iustiunients and other apparatus of
the Automatic lllcctrlc company ore nude in
Chicago, not only, for the r.cli,iiigo that is to
bo opened here, but for all tha exchanges that
nie opened in the United State?, The factory of
tho company, which Is located on West Wash
ington ulrect, is now wcuking on an order for -'.V
o0 instruments, which has been placed with It by
tho Illinois Telephone and Telegraph company,
these Instiiiments being designated for its Chi.
cago business. The company Is now negotiating
for a block of land on which It can cicct n woro
commodious building, in which it expects ulti
mately to employ upward of a thousand hands.
Its orders from the Illinois concern alone rep
resents eighteen months' oil.
The Harloe Insulator.
Attorney D. B, Heploglo has applied
for a charter for the Harloe Insulation
company, which will havo Us head
quarters at Hawley, where a factory
1o manufacture the Harloe Insulator is
to bo constructed at once. The com
pany Is composed of John f, Welsh,
president, Hawley; Mark Tattle, sec
retary, Hawley; Myron T. Snyder,
Hawley; W. S, Bloes, Peckvlllo;
George K. Shay, Peckvllle. The capi
tal stock of the company will bo $i;o,
000, Tho Insulator It is proposed to manu
facture was invented by Morton Har
loe, of Hawley, and has tho advantage
of thinly holding tho wire without the
assistance of the usual fastners. It
con bo manufactured either from,
glass or porcelain.
Mr, Harloe hus had tho devices pat.
enled In this country, Great Britain
,'and France,
D., L. & W. Board for Today.
Following s tho make-up of the
Delaware, Lackawanna ' and Western
board for today:
Kiitras Ua.t 8 p. m., . U. Bogcr.
Et-1.50 , a., Hoboksn, J, U,
, Extru
Alum Is used in some baking powders and
in most of the so-called phosphate pow
ders, because it Is cheap, and makes a
cheaper powder. Hut alum is a corrosive
poison which, taken in food, acta injur
iously upon the stomach, liver and kidneys.
"; tl a. m., Hobokcn, lliady; 10 a, in., C.
W. Dunn; 11 a. in!, W. W. Labur; l p. in., Ho
bokcn, A. 1". Mullen; .1 p. m., A. II. Howe; ti p.
m.,, M. rinncrty.
Summits, S a. in., .1. lleimcgan; 10 a.
m., Xlchcls; U a. in., JI. Caimedy; o p. in.,
'Jhompsou; S p. in., M. (lolden.
Pushers 7 a. in., rinncrty; b a. in., Xaumiii;
11.45 a. m., Moun; p. in., C. ll.n lliolomen ;
T.IIO . m., Murphy; ! p. in., W. II. llaitholo
niew; 9 . in., Lamping.
IMra-s West 10 a. in., T. Doudlcati; It p. m.,
William Kirby, r. Wall's new.
l'.istengcr I.nglucs 7 a. m., (JalTney; 7 a. in.,
A. .1. McDonnell; 10 a. rn., Secoi; 0.13 p. in.,
Stanton; S.S0 p. in., Mcfioein.
Conductors W. D. Waifcl, J. J. Kearney and
crews will attend 10 a. in. class, air biake car,
l'ob. (i, 1P02.
T. ,). Thompson and clew, V. Singer, James fl.i
hagan and crew, A. Ifopkln and crew will attend
2 p. in. class, air brake car, 1'tb. l.
I,. D. Littiiner, .T. fialfiici, T. Xaiiman and
1". 1', Slcxrns and ciew will attend 7.M p. in.
class, air bjiiUe ear, 1'e.b. 0.
Itrakeman William J. .lotdan and ,. II lie will
go out xiith J. II. Kwarl, I.. Hale as flagman.
C'oiniiuTiliiir IVbiuaiy 5, Uitighaniton extra
will Ieae at 7 p. in., instead of ii.'M p. in.
This and That.
The Lulcenu lion and Steel company,
of Coatesvllle, Pa., has purchased the
Reynolds IrtJn works in New Orlpant,
La.. In order to add to its facilities for
marketing . heavy material. J. .
Porch is manager of the branch.
As soon na District Presidents Duffy,
Fahy and Nicholls, of the United Mine
Workers, return from Indianapolis-,
they will announce Ihe date of the
joint meeting of the district executive
hoards, which will he for tho
of arranging for the- big joint conven
tion of Districts 1, 7 and 0. The con
vention will probably he set for the
last week of February. Wilkes-Barro
It is announced that a consolidation
of various pneumatic tool concerns in
this country and England is to bo
known as the Consolidated Pneumatic
Tool company, limited. Its headquar
ters will bo in Chicago, and Its presi
dent will be K. N. Hurley, now presi
dent of the Standard Pneumatic Tool
company. J. W. Tierney, of Philadel
phia, will be vice president. Tho capi
tal will be about $5,000,000, of which.
?uno,000 will be preferred and tho re
mainder common slock.
A New York dispatch says: "The
iron trade continues extremely active
and buying of pig iron Is still on a
large scale. Some German billets are
again reported sold here, and there has
also been a contract placed with tho
Dominion Iron and Steel company for
some 12,000 tons of billets, the first to
be produced from the now steel works.
The I,akc Superior Iron ore people
have agreed upon $4.25 a ton at Lake
Erie ports as a basis for prices of bes
semer ores for next season. No agree
ment has been made on non-bessemer
ores, but It is thought the range will
not bo far from $3."
Census Bulletin Shows That It Is
Rapidly on tho Increase.
Cy Kicluslre Wire from The Associated Vtta.
Washington, Feb. C The census
bureau has Issued an advance bulletin
on tho manufacture of olemargarlno In
tho rnlted States. It shows that the
number of establishments Increased
from 12 to 21 between 1500 and 1900,
with a total capital invested of $n,0!3,.
GIG, an Increase of 370 per cent Other
Items Blvon are as follows:
Wage earners, 1.0S3; Incrense Ml per
cent,; total wages, $331,614; Increase
210 per cent.; miscellaneous expenses,
$2, 189,78 1, Increase SIS per cent.; cost
of materials used, 57,630,501, increase
251 per cent.; value of tJiQ products,
J12,9SS,li23i Increase 318 per cent.
Oleomargarine manufactured as a by
product by slaughtering and meat
packing establishments Is not Included
In these statistics.
It Will Be Cautiously Introduced at
Albany "by Request."
y Excliudu- Wire finm 'Ihe As-hicIjilJ 1'ievi.
Albany, N. Y Feb. D. District At
torney Jerome, of New York, today
submitted to the Democratlo leaders of
both the senate and assembly an ex
cise amendment permitting tho open
ing of saloons between 1 p. in. and U
p. m. on Sunday,
It was decided that the bill would be
introduced "by request."
j L t At' This ilgrnature U on eVery box ot thi
&J2fS7 Laxative. Brorao-Qulnine
w .r &47rV33L0&X)it Kawto-Umi sun coid.iu j
Tho Most Wonderful Discovery Yet
Made by Whitnoy Tannine: Con
cern of Groat Bond Financially
Embarrassed Rnlph 'Comfort Dead.
A Miraculous Escape Nows Told
in a Lino or So Local Grist.
Specltl (o tht Sainton Trlbutu.
Susquehanna, Feb. 4. Samuel Craw
ford, of Sherman, has developed most
pi'cullur traits its the result of a sur
gical operation. While operating n
patent hay-llftlng fork last fall Craw
ford had a htrrto part of his scalp torn
off. Local surgeons fixed him up tetn
pcfitrlly, and he was then taken lo a
post-graduate college In Philadelphia,
where the physicians decided to graft
lltsli on his skull, A cat was killed,
pi id some of Its ilesh was sewed to
the remnant or lleah upon tho patient's
head. In it few weeks tho llesh of tho
n nn and that of the unlimit began to
glow together, and Crawford gradually
letovered and returned to his home.
Iiccently Crawford has been giving
his relatives a great deal of trouble by
showing all the characteristics of a
cat. He pi-owls around back alleys
and barns at nights, lights with stray
dog;, and even stalks rats and mice.
Crawford hlmt'cU does not seein to real
ize his changed condition, so far as
these particular things go, hut there Is
another that gives him a great deal of
worry and trouble.
Trie eat from which the llesh to graft
on Crawfoid's skull was taken was of
the tiger variety. Its fur was of a rich
dark yellow, and handsomely barred
with black, in place of hair there
grows on the replaced portions of
Crawford's scalp a coating of fur iden
tical in texture and coloring with that
of the tiger cat. It is this that gives
him his gieatcst worry. He has to
have his skull shaven clean once a
week or become a dime museum freak,
as tho peculiar marking makes him an
object of curiosity wherever ho goes.
Sovctal Blnghamton wholesale firms
aw stockholders In tho Chapot Chamois
"J mining company of Great Bend, which
is in financial diuiculty. The First Na
tional bank of Susquehanna holds over
due paper amounting to $11,000, and at
Montrose, this week, legal steps will
be taken to make the Tanning com
pany settle or else judgment will be
taken and the concern's property sold
at sheriff's sale. Several stockholders
threaten to throw tho tanning concern
into involuntary bankruptcy.
Ralph Comfort, a highly respected
resident of State Line and a valued
employe of the Standard Oil company,
died on Saturday evening, after a pro
tracted illnes-s. of typhoid fever. He is
survived by the wlelov, and three chil
dren. The funeral will take place from
tho Lanesboro Methodist Episcopal
church on Wednesday afternoon.
Moody Relief corps, No. 12, Grand
Army of tho Republic, are today enter
taining Frank Hall corps, of Thomas.
Tho funeral of the late W. H. Mont
gomery took place on Sunday after
noon from the Oakland Congregational
church, the pastor, Rev. C. C. MucKey,
oillcittting, assisted by Rev. J. L. Will
iams, pastor of the Susquehanna Bap
tist church. Interment was made in
McKune cemetery. Deeea&ed, who was
the only son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
Montgomery, died in New York city on
Friday. He formerly lived in this place,
and was killed, while working1 as rt
locomotive fireman, near New York
Ernest Crabill. the well-known Blng
hatnton base ball player, will soon as
sist Pastor Mackay in the revival ser
vices in the Oakland Congregational
A little Hungarian child had a mir
aculous escape from death, near For
est City, last Thursday evening.
The child was playing on tho Erie
track, when a pushing engine backed
down. Thn child did not see the loco
motive, nor was the youngster seen by
the engineer until ho was upon it.
Ho stopped the engine, and both ho
and tho fireman jumped off, expecting
to see the mangled remains of the little
one lying on the track.
They weio astonished to find tho
child lying just behind tho drivers, un
injured. When tho tender knocked It
down, It fell between the rails and the
engineer stopped in time to save Its
Night railroad callers now
themselves with a railroad tie, and
after they arrive nt the domicile of the
man whom they are to call, they bat
ter down the door and knock off a few
sidings and tho door-casings. Incident
ally they awaken the entire neighbor
hood, Tho gioundhog carried a snow
shovel on Hunclav.
Some days everything seems to go
wrong; but it is compensated by other
days when everything seems to go
Somo- people, If they ennnot lie'
about anything else, will lie about the
Tho same 1okes nro got pff on the
weather every time tho weather
Old men pet haps truthful men say
that the weather used to be colder,
Last summer a Susquehunna girl was
swinging In a hammock, when u man
passed her on horseback, with a gun
across tho pummel of his saddle. The
horse stumbled and jarred the gun. It
went off and hit the girl In the hnhi
mock, Her mother, who was In the
kitchen doing tho week's washing was
nut hurt.
Tho Susquehanna County Historical
society met at Montrose on Saturday.
The arangers of Susquehanna coun
ty will meet at Hopbottoin on Wednes
day and Thursday next.
It Is reported that Oeorge Com ad, of
Qlenwood, a veteran of the Civil war,
has become insane and will bo taken
to a state hospital.
Congressman C. Fred Wilght has re
turned to Washington.
Colonel Charles C, Pratt, of New Mil
ford, is n Republican candidate for
state senator for this district. The
colonel Is a gentleman uud a scholar,
and a man of alfuirs, and he would
make a splendid legislator. Ho would
the geaamt
Tsblots '
honor tho district. Ho will surely bo
Susquehanna county's candidate.
Just after this cold '"spell" comes
tho ground hog, Something Is nhvays
happening In this rugged climate.
Somebody says there Is a vast dif
ference between a dyspeptic and being
religious, but somo people never loam
Queer, but a man who minds strictly
his own business Is frequently un
popular. Most of the tiuic when you can't
sleep because of something on your
mind, it turns out to be coffee.
When It gets much below zero, then
a man doesn't so much mind tho doc
trine of future fiery punishment.
None but tho bravo attend tho
church fair.
If it mule wore to have frost-bltton
ears it would be a greul sufferer.
When you need a friend don't pick,
out tho man whoso dog never wants to
follow him.
Congressman C. Fred Wright will
probably bo a candidate tov succeed
hlmseir. And there are two Republi
can candidates In Wayne, two or three
In Bradford, and In Wyoming how
many'.' There ino certainly enough
candidates to make an exciting race.
The Crescent club held it social hon
nt tho Starrttcca house last evening.
Music was by tho Fadette orchestra, of
David Michael, of South Gibson, a
prominent veteran of the Civil war. is
said to ho a Republican candidate for
tho county trensureshlii. And the
genial David Is till right.
It is an "off season," but the Erie is
enjoying a big freight tralllc.
A man may go through Niagara
whirlpool without a "bar'l," but let
him try tho pool of politics, and as ho
goes under you can hear him yell
louder than rt saw In a stavu mill.
Humanity is not easily discouraged.
Tito mnn with tho cracked voice al
ways Insists upon loading the singing.
To bo religious at all 11 Is necessary
to be so with all your might.
"A man Is as old as he feels:" but
not always as big, not by a heap.
The man who has no business of his
own to attend to always goes to bed
The phrase, "An accomplished young
lady," regularly appears In the mar
riage notices. When a bride Is not
hnndsomo she Is Invariably acqom
pllshed. A church audience is not so solemn
that it will not look for amusement.
One section of the proposed anti
anarchist legislation reads:
"No alien who advocates the over
throw of organized government Is to
bo admitted to this country, and If
found therein may be deported." Why
does Uncle Sam lay tho penalty of os
tracism against the "alien who advo
cates the overthrow of organized gov
ernment," and totally neglect the
American citizen who, born, bred and
raised under less extenuating circum
stances, advocates the same doctrine?
With four revivals in progress, Susquehanna-Oakland
will soon be ready
for tho millenium.
Tho "North Pennsylvania Oil and
Gas company" will soon begin nros'
pecting for natural gas on theWhcaton
farm, near Franklin Forks. The indi
cations are said to be excellent.
Colonel Coe Durland, of Ho'nesdale,
is a Republican candidate for con
gressman from this district.
The Institution of n. hive of tho
Ladies of Maccabees was completed In
this place on Saturday evening.
Susquehanna has about all of tho
fraternal associations, except tho Sub
lime Order of Hunchbacked Hindoos
and tho Improved Association for the
Amelioration of the Condition of Spav
ined Goats.
The Century club will hold a hop in
Hogan opera house on Wednesday
Tho only man contented with his lot
occupies it in tho cemetery.
A Susquehanna county paper prints
these two items rather near each other:
"Our mother-in-law Is visiting us this
week." "We are going to Now York
tomorrow to see the sights."
Don't talk about yourself in com
pany. It can bo done much more sat
isfactorily after you have left.
It Is little trouble for ti mnn to make
his mark In politics. The trouble is In
removing it.
As long as a man brags of his pas
tor he Is not so bad, oven if he doesn't
help pay him, Whitney.
Special Presbyterian. Committee Be
gins Work in Philadelphia.
By Eiilusivc Wire from The Associated Pred,
Philadelphia, Feb. 5, Tho Presbyter
ian committee oa creed revision ap
pointed by tho last general assembly
in this city, met hero today to con
tinue the work of preparing their re
port to be presented to the general as
sembly In New York next May. The
committee will meet daily during tho
remainder of this week and a pnrt of
next week and the members expect
these soHsioiiH to be the last tho com
mittee will hold.
One of the important questions to be
decided at this meeting Is that of tex
tual revision. At the meeting of the
committee in "Washington, this subject
was referred to n sub-committee com
posed of Judge Edward Humphrey,
Rev. S, J. XU'cols, Rev. O. W. Fisher,
P. D Rev. William MoKlbben and
Rev. Dr. O, "W. Muffott, with Instruc
tions to submit a report at the pres
ent meeting. Final action, It Is ex
pected, will also be taken on tho (men
tions of a brief statement of tho Pres
byterian doctrine and a declaratory
stutenient concerning' debatable points
In tho confession of faith,
XiIdehtadou yet floats.
Insurgent Venezuelan Warship Doing-
Business at Old Stand,
Uy Uxclustic Wire frcm The Associated I'ren.
W'lllemstati, Island of C'tiracoa, Fob,
5. According to trustworthy informa
tion received here today, the Vonezua
Ian revolutionists' steamer, Ubertatior,
was at Sabunllla, January 31, and was
to have left there February 1, In order
to renew her operations against tlie
force of the Venezuelan government,
Thin seems to contradict the report
received at Union that the Llbertador
was sunk at Porto Colombia recently,
while undergoing repair, by a Vene
zuelan gunboat,
. -
Iinmp Overturned; Three Dead.
0 lliclusho Wirt from 'Die Aiioclittd l'reu.
Wjterloo, I., lb. 5.--lIrs. l.'d Ktuhnor and
two children were,- tyurned to dcjtli in tbsir
Iwnus early today in u fir: caused by tho over,
turnlnf of a lamp. One other child was fatal
ly burned and three other scriotbly injured.
The Highest Degree
of Excellence
in the manufacture of
tea has been attained by
the Ceylon tea planters.
Absolutely free from
adulterants, rolled by
machinery, and possess
ing greater strength
Ceylon Tea is the PUR
EST and most ECO
NOMICAL tea before
cons msrs.
Ceylon Tea
Sulci only la lccl 1'ackotl.
60c, 60c and 70c Per Pound,
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In ntiect, Xov. 3, 1001.
Trains k'.io Suanton.
Tor PliiUilclplilj and New York la O. Jfc II.
It. K., at 0.3S ami y.33 a. in., and 2.1S, 4.27
(Iliad; LHuniuml iie), ami ll.S'J . in. Sun
elms, P. & II. It. I! , 1.0:, S.27 p. in.
l'or Wliltc llnu'ii, lljzietun ami points
In the coal lesions, h H..& II, It. It., (J.S&, 2.18
and 1.27 p. m. Tor lotullle, CMS a. in., 2.18
p. in.
Tor Bethlehem, Kaslon, Heading, Iljrrislmrct,
and principal IntcVnicilUto stations. ia 1). k II.
It. It., (US, 0.33 a. m.; 2.1S, 1.27 (Black Dia
mond llxprcw), 11.50 p. m. i-iinilajs, 1). & 111
IS. It., P.SS a. in.; J.5.S, S.27 p. in.
l'or TunMiannock, Ton.inda, r.liniu, Ithaca,
Geneva and principal intermediate stations, ia
P., U ami V. It. It., S.ltl a. m. and 0.50 p. in.
l'or Geneva, ltuclieiter. lliiflalo, Niagara Palis,
Cliic.iRei and all points wot, ia D. & II. It. It.,
7.4S, 12.0J a. m. ; 1.42, 2.23 (lllack Diamond V.
pics). 7.4S. 10.41, 11.50 p. m. Sundays, D. & II.
It. 11., 12.0.!, 8.27 p. in.
Pullman parlor mid alcopin? or Lehigh Valley
Parlor cars on all tulm between Wllkoltarro
and New York, Philadelphia, IlufTalo and Suspcn
hion II ridge.
ItOLLIN II. WILIiim, Gen. Supt., 2G Cortland
stieet, New ork.
CHARLES S. IXi:. Gen. Pass. Apr., 2C Cortland
ttictt, New York.
A. W. NONi:MAUIli:it, Div. Pass. Agt., South
Bethlehem, Pa.
For tickets and Pullman le'cualtnni applv to
city ticket olllcc, C'J Public Square, Wilkcs-Barre,
Hew Jersey Central.
In Effect Nov. 17, 1001.
Staliom in New York, foot of Libeity street
and Houth l'cny, N. ft.
Trains iicrnntoii for New Y'oik, Philadel
phia, Kaaton, Bethlehem, AllcntoHii, Jfauch
Ulvutik. White ll.uen, Ashley and WIlkes-Bairo at
7.30 a. in., 1 p. in. and 4 p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
(Juaker City Impress leaves Scranton at 7.30
a. m., through solid vestibule train with Pullman
Bullet Pallor Car", for Philadelphia.
Tor Avoea, Pitiston and Wllkea-Bauc, 1 p. m.
and 1 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
l'or Long Branch, Ocean (iiuu-, etc., 7.00 a.
in. and 1 p. in.
l'or Readme;, Lebanon and Ilarrisburj,', via Al
lentoun, at 7.30 a. in. and 1 p. in. Sunday, 2.10
p. in.
l'ov Pottbv ille at 7.30 a, m. and 1 p. in.
For utca and tickets apply to asent at station.
C. JI. IlUIVr. Cen. Pass. Agt.
W. W. WKXTZ, Gen. bupt.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Kflect November 24, 1001.
Trains for Carbondale leac Seianton at C.20,
S.0O, S.53, 10.13 a. in.; 12.00, 1.29, 2.31, S.02,
0.20, 0.23, T.57, 0.1 3, 11.20 p. in.; 1.81 a. in.
l'or llonesdale 0.20, 10.Ua. in.; 2.31 and 5.20
p. m.
l'or Wllkcs-Caru C.3S, 7.43, S.41, 0.:!9, 10.43
a. in.; 12.0J, 1.4J, 2.1S, 3.2S, 4.27, 0.10, 7. IS,
10.41, 11.30 p. m.
l'or L. V. It. It. Points COS, 0.3S a. m.; 2.1S,
4.27 and 11.30 p. m.
l'or Pennsylvania II. It. Points 0.3S, 9.33 a,
m.; 1.12. 3.23 and 4.27 p. in.
for Albany and all points noitli 0.20 a. ni.
and 3.D2 p. ni.
Tor Caibonda!c-S.50, 11..13 a. m.; 2.31, 3.32,
5.52 and 11.17 p. m. '
Kor Wilkri-Hurc 0.33 a. in.; 12.03, 1.03, 3.23,
0.82 and 0.17 v. m.
l'or AlbJnv and points north 5.02 p. m.
Tor llonesdale 8.50 a. in. and 3.52 p. in.
V. I,. PI! yoit, l. P. A., Scranton, Pa.
Delaware, Iittckawnnna nnd Western.
In KITcct Nov. 3. 1001.
Train? leaio Scranton for New YorL At 1.40,
3.15, O.U". 7.50 and 10.0.1 a. in.; 12.I5,:.40, 3.3J
Ii. ni. l'or New Yurlt and Philadelphia 7.50,
10.03 a. in., and 12.13 and 3.S3 n, in. for Toby.
hauna At 0.10 p. in. l'or Dulfaio 1.13, 0.22 and
0.00 a. in.; l.M, U50 uud 11.3.1 p. in, l'or llins
liaiuton one! nay station 10.20 a. m, and 1 10
p. in. l'oi Oswego, Syracuse and Ulica 1,15 and
ti.22 a. in.; 1.53 p. in. Oswego, hyracme and
Utica train' at 0.22 a. in. diilv, osce-pt tjunday.
Kor Montrose 0.C0 n. ni.; 1.10 and 0.50 p. in.
Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and C.13 p. in.
lllooiibbun; Division l'or Northumbeiland, at
0.35 and 10.03 a. in.; 1.53 and 0.10 p. m, l'or
1'lvmouth, at 8.10 a. in.; 3.10 and 0.00 p. m
Sunday Trains l'or New YorK, 1.40, 3,15, u.05
and 10.03 ,i m,; 3,10, 3.33 p. in, l'or lluiralo
J. 13 and fi.21 a, in.; 1.53, 0.50 and 11,33 p. in.
l'or IlliiKliaiiiloii and "' station.', 10.20 a. in.
llloonisbui'i,' I)iilon I.euc Sciunton, 10.03 a.
in. and 0.10 p. in.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schedule In llffcct June 2, 1001.
Tialia le- bcionton: 0.33 a. in., week tUys,
tliiouh estlbulo train fiom Wilkesdlarrc. Pull
man bullet pallor car and roaches to Phlladcl.
phia, la PottsUlle; "tops nt principal Inleinie.
iliatc stations. Al-'O connects lot .simhuij, Uir
lishuig, Philadelphia, llultlmoie, Uiishluijlun and
tor Plltsburi; and the wet.
0.SS a in,, week "!as, for Funhury, IlanUbma;,
Philadelphia, lljlllmuie, Washington and Pitts
burs the ct.
1.42 p. in., oeli days (Sundaes, 1.5S p. in.),
for Suiibuiy, Ilairi-huiir, Plillaelelphla. Ilaitiinoic,
Washington and Pltiebuie and tho veit.
:i.2d p. in., wee!, daw, through ctbulo triin
from WIIU's-Daire. Pullman butfet parloi tar
and roaches tu Philadelphia la Puttavlllc. Stops
at principal inteiineillate matlous.
4.27 p. in., ucck elajs, for Ifjrletuii, Simbury,
liinUb.irs, Plillaelelphla mid Pittsburg-.
J. 1!. UlI'inilNSON, (.'en. Hut.
J. U. WOOD, lien. Pi,, Ant.
New York, Ontario and Western,
In Occt Tuesday, Supt. 17, !(U,
NUUlll 110UM).
U'Jo Leave Anne
Tumi. Scrinton- Cjibondale, CaeloU.
Xo. l ,10.30a. pi, 11, 10a. in. l.OOp. ni.
Ko 7 0.10 p. m. Ar, Catbondalc O.lDp, in,
jOIJTtl UUU.N1).
tauri! Leave Arrbe
Trail.!. L'adosla. Carbondale, Scranton.
Ko ii , 7 00 a. in. 7.40 a. in,
- ' 2.13.P. in, 4.00 ii. in. 4.40p. ni.
Lmic LeaK- Arrlu
Trains. Scr.intoii. Caibondale. (.'.idusia.
So U ....... AW), in. D.lOp. in. 10.43a. ni.
o. 3 7,1)0 p. in. Ar. Carbondale ".40 ii. in.
hOUTJI liOf.Ml
Leaw Lene Airlve
Train. Cadojla. Cat boniUlo, Keranloii.
No. tl . .... . 7.01) a, in. 7.40a. in.
No. 10 ....... I.30p. in. 0.00 p. in. 0.11 p. in.
Trains Nos. 1 on weel: ela), anil U on Siindjyii,
make main line connections for New York city,
Mlddletoveu, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Oucgo
gnd all points west.
Pur further information ccnsult ticket agents.
J. C. ANDKltSON, O. I'. A., New Yolk.
J, L WELSH, Y. A,, Scnnton, Pa.
One department (the Wall Paper Department) has
has already been removed to our new store. That only
leaves us two departments from which to offer Re
moval Sale Bargains, and these are for the balance
of this week only :
for the
Tlvs department oilers the best
inducements in the store. The
present prices Will only hist un
til we move to the new store.
Kalen Uugs, 0x12 lect, assort
ed durlc colors,
or dining room.
Regular price $16. a
Sale price .plZ.UO
75c Ingrains, 60c
ijsi.oo Brussels 75c
Curtain Bargains
Bobbinct Ruftli, lace edge
and insertion, per -t j-y-v
P-'ir Ipl.i5J'
Swiss Curtains, plain,
unusual values at ODC
Only a Few Days flore at
126 Washington Avenue.
"OTT "1 b "
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253-327 Pen n Avenue.
412 Spruce St.
. iisis 1
Miiuiilncliu'evj if
Telephone Cull, 2H.J3.
Eile KaUronTwyonviiiTDiviolon.
'Ituliu for XvW Ywk, X.-ubuiiili and munii
ellatc point leave Scunlun as follow; 1 -0. a.
in.; m.a p. in,
Arilials 10.33 a. tu. from Middle-town. Hcne.
dale, Hawley and intcrnudiate polul. p. in,
and 'intMimdlitt
iroin ;ew ion;, twwurgu
points. Ko Sunday tuluj.
Spring Style
for the
. with the
White Front
129 Wyo-
suitable for office S
By a recent act of the legisla
ture, free tuition is now granted
c the
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburg, Pa.
to nil those preparing to tpach.
This school maintains courses
of study for teachers, for thoso
preparing for college?, and for
those studying music.
It will pay to write for particulsrs.
No other school offers s'ich sunerior ad
vantages at tuQh low rates. Address
J. P. Welsh, A.H., Ph.D.,PIn.
T. J. roster, President. Elmer II. Lawall, lwas.
It. J. Foster, Stanley P. Allen,
Vice President. Secretsry.
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Ir Ins Place,
American Plan, S3.30 Per Day and Upwards.
IJuropciin PI in, bl.00 Per Day and Upwards.
Special Kates to families.
---f-f--t- -- -t- 't--t---
For Business Men
In tlio heart ot tlia wholesali
For fcJIiopiicrs
minutes' walk to Wnnanmlterit
S minutes to Slcgel Cooper's Ulc
Rture. Cnsy of access to the crcac
Dry Goods Stores.
For Sightseers
One block from B'way Cars. glv.
Ing easy transportation to all
points of Jntcrost.
Only one Block from Broadway.
hOOlU), .Tl Up. Prices Rcosonibb
Hotel Chelsea
Atlantic City, N. J.
300 Otenn front rooms. 100 prl
vato cea water baths. Send for book
lot. "
Everf Woman
TIlO liCW tsyloalfr) rle. JtUtC
tl,, 11 .IK.I ,MIII,)JI. llPStwtll
"" H"' ''"..v.": v. ""..!, ..i-
ll. 1..1.U.J
Ahlt luir a,LCillt fjr it
if li,.iiiiutvtMiiplr ino
iii tut i:i.. ii, i..i e iio
n'1'i.r. biie .viiil hi i mi, lor 11
iljllillni luu.l. .rnlril.ll.mcl
II ikirlli-lllarrtatlil tlllei'lums In
nil u,
Itoom f0. Times pels., New Vcrfc.
Si P7of.aKf HEEUS2T & jfi
SgA rill.uMfMa 1'iu Oalj Iscrtuav irUM (o
jjl Autfrlra iuartirtioiuriift(t7 i nin
iA tbeac. tier, AbuN llluod l'olvti Nrriiu
;7A DrbliUjr,lol lUbJ, rk,rt U A btr!cturv(,i '
sn ruULuir). latltftrlounitaU & Sbreakan Ursut.
!T7h tuitj 4 to 10 djt. U jMrt vrarllr. t 0 str
ii u I .iilanM lnCiruiar. bustl far book "Troth &
' L'"?.".'!"?.
m &ZL.
t--- Jr