The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 06, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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fecial to llic Scranton Tribune.
Tuntthnnnoclc, Feb. 5. A niiirrtiigo
license was Issued on Tuesday to Ar
Ihur Brown, of Justus, Lnckawnnna
totinty, and Miss Anglo II. Pecker, of
jivest Nicholson.
Mrs. 55. Wells Koynolds Is entertain
ing her sister from Loa Angeles. Oala.
Dorn, to Mr. mul Mrs. John Lotttis,
fc Birl.
The mmill-pox patients have till re
covered and cone about their own af
fairs, and quarantine restrictions nro
XI an end here. There were nine casus
In all hero, one at the Cnrrlnston resi
dence on West Putnam street, and
tight at the Wyoming' house, a hotel on
Urldce street.
No death occurred here, fortunately,
but the effect and business was de
moralized, and widely felt, while the
rxpense of the borough will run up
Very high, when figured out. Probably
$2,G00 nnd upwards.
' Much sympathy Is felt for Louis
Comstoclt, the landlord ut the Wyoming
house, whose business was ruined by
the epidemic, and also for Mrs. Thomas
Harding, the owner of the premises.
Kveryone is glad that the scourge Is
ht un end, and wo hope It may "come
Again no more."
Frank Allen, of Carney, was doing
business In town on Wednesday.
Peter It. Borden, who hus conduct
ed a clothing establishment Here for
1,01110 time past on Tioga street, has
nccepted nn offer to go on the road
as traveling salesman for a large
wholesale house In Philadelphia, and
will close his business at this place,
i Louis Comstoek and family have
pone to Lovcltou to spend the balance
of the winter with his father, and the
Wyoming house Is closed for the pres
ent. Patrick Coyle, a well-known resident
of Nicholson, was calling on fi lends In
town on Wednesday.
Mrs. Wilmont K. Carpenter is visit
ing relatives at Philadelphia.
George B. Patterson and Lincoln Cor
nell, of Lemon, were doing business in
town on Wednesday.
Wesley Gall, a young man formerly
living at this place, is' dead of typhoid
fever at Nonl&town. The funeral took
place on Monday at Norrlstown.
William Uoesky and Theodore Iloy
csky, of this place, attended the Polish
ball at Wllkcs-Barre Tuesday night.
fpcciul to the Ecrantcn Tribune.
Honesflale, Feb. 5. The Young Peo
ple's society of the Baptist church will
meet this CThuisdaj) etnIiiK at tho
home of Mrs. .1. S. Lowden. 'the sub
ject will be "Longfellow." An inter
esting piogramine of mush' has been
Mrs. X. 11. Snenicr is putwtnlnlng
her sdsler, Mies May Guernsey, or
The borough council has grained a
permit to the Wayne Dpclcplng com
pany to drill for oil in tlio borouuh of
llonesdale. Operations are soon tv
commence on tho property of Kulley
and Stcinman, where the indications
of oil were found while excavating for
tho foundation of their building, which
was recently erected.
The Texas No. 4 Firo coi'inanv ivill
have a masquerade ball Feb. 0, and the
Alert Hook and Ladder cotmiinv will
conduct a masquerade on Tuesday
evening, Feb. 31.
Uev. II. J. Whnlen. of Oibondnle,
will deliver his popular lecture. "The
Sunny Side of Life," In the Honesdah'
Baptist church, Tuesday evening, Feb.
23. Mr. Whalon's popularity In Hones
dale will Insure him u full house. Pro
ceeds for the benefit of the llonesdale
Hon. and Mrs. George S Pmdy are
In New York clty.-
Bev. Thomas Hanlev Is In viiiladpl
phla, called there by the death of his
brother's wife.
Tho clothing flrm of Baden .fc
KrantH, doing business on postollL-e
corner, has been dissolved.
Isaac Ball will a'-uln bo In charge
of the coal dunii) or
and lluds-on, when the
h( Uelawar-;
now damn Is
Tho drifted condition of the roads
has lntertcrred with thi country mail
carriers. Tho Pleasant Mount stage
failed to reach llonesdale Monday and
Tuesday. Of tho sever. leading from
Honesdalo out through the country,
none made regular trips until Wednes
Fpccial to the Scranton Tribune,
Sprlngville, Feb. C K. It. Thomas
was in attendance at court at Montrose
last week, serving as Juror.
Postmaster Tuttlo hus posted a no
tice In the otllce which prohibits smok-
O. C. Itlsley has rented the farm on
which ho nov lives and will inovo over
to the A. D. Woodhouso farm in tho
A. i:, ltodney and Thco. Wllllaina
wero at Montrose last Tuesday Using
papers for tho transfer of the Sprlng
vlllo hotel to Mr. Williams.
' The highest wind that has visited
this section In n long tlmo blow all
of Sunday night, Many houses rocked
as though experiencing an earthquake.
No damage, however, has been re
ported, 'T, S. Kellogg came over from Dal
ton on Monday. This Is tho first visit
he haa made this town since he moved
away in December, T, B, has many
friends hero who are always glad to
wclcomo him.
Although the wind blew with such
great force Sunday night, there nro
no snow drifts worth mentioning. The
little snow was carried by each suc
cessive gust until It must have gone
inl,o tho Atlantic ocean.
Harry Hosengrnut cut a finger of his
left hand very badly two weeks ugo,
and powdio has t'ot to havo it ampu
tated, Hon. c, A. Ilmmerford, of Tunkhan
nock, was un Saturday on business.
Leigh and Coral Culver, children of
S. O, Culver and wife, are confined
to the houso by an attack of Inflam
matory rheumatism. Both are recov
ering slowly.
Fred Smales and wlfo mu icjolelns
over the advent of a young daughter
in tho family,. Fred is a great lover
of children,
Treadaway Kellogg is at present dn.
Ins duty with Stuart Illley in the
store. After April 1, he will be a fann
er, havinc announced his intention of
going over to hU farm In Auburn.
Dan Shaw owns a farm tlueo miles
north from hero In Dlmock, but lives
on another farm of his, near Hast
Lemon. During tho alclghlne ho has
been drawing lumber from his Lemon
farm On hern to build a house on his
Dlmock proocrtv.
Down on the farm, Mrs. Daniel
Thomas In quite poorly, we arc sorry
to say.
The Republicans of Sprlngvlllo have
placed In nomination tho following
persons for toivnshlp ofllclnla: Justice
of tho peace, J. O. Lyman: supervis
or, Dalls Welch; treasurer, H. C, Ely;
constable, A. IJ. Tuttlo: town clerk,
S. O. Culver: judge of election, W. D.
Smith; Inspector, C. W. Jennings;
auditor, Jess Strickland. ""
Those; persons Interested have peti
tioned court for n. roud to bo laid from
near Tlicron Strickland's up along tho
stone quarries, coming out In the hol
low near John O. Lvmari's residence.
Viewers have gone over the proposed
route, and tho road will probably be
laid tho coming slimmer.
Special to tlse Sainton Tribune.
Lake Ariel, Feb. C Tho A. L.
society gave a free entertainment
the school house Tuesday evening, and
Hoblnsoa Crusoe. Find his man Fri
day, his parrot and goat. t
it was attended by a large crowd. Miss
Phillips read the prophecy and all the
bovs were Itlndly remembered, also
the members of the A. L. U. Mies
Smith Is the editor of the paper, and
kept the house In an uproar, with her
humorous writing. The society will
have another entertainment, Friday
evening, Feb. 21. Tho A. L. U. is in a
nourishing condition, and is gaining
members every meeting night.
The sleighing continues to afford
plenty of recreation for tho farmers,
who are very busy hauling loijij, etc.
Tho mod busv man in this si-ction
is Agent McFarland, who is handling
a large amount of coal this winter and
Is kept continually on the move from
early morning until late at night.
' '
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Susquehanna, Feb. 5. The funeral of
the late Ralph Comfort, of State Line,
took place and was largely attended
this afternoon from the Lanesboro
Methodist Episcopal church, the pas
tor, Hev. D. C. Meeker, officiating. In
terment was made In the Lanesboro
The common council Held a meeting
last evening, transacting routine busi
ness. The vested chorus choir of Christ
Episcopal church will render "Gaul's
Passion," on Good Friday evening and
will be specially supplemented for tho
Mrs. Besslu Bostwick, of Montrose, Is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Clarence
Mrs. Clarence Tltsworth entertained
the Pedro club on Tuesday evening.
The Century club will hold a" hop
in Hogan Opera House on Wednesday
Fred Benson, tho well-known bari
tone, of this place, at Ithaca on Mon
day, won an $85 scholarship in the
Ithaca conservatory of music.
Tho Jefferson branch of tho Frio was
kept open during the recent blizzmd.
The Rochester division of tho Erie Is
still blorked.
Little freight and live stock nro com
ing east over the Erie, on account of
the western snow blockades.
The Grangers of Susqueluumn coun
ty will merit at Hopbottom today and
It Is reported that the Chnpot Cham
ois Manufacturing company, of Great
Bend, is In straightened circumstances
and that creditors arc endeavoring to
throw it into bankruptcy.
The Dora Itebekah lodge, Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows, will tender
tho Odd FellGwa a reception on Fri
day evening, k.
Some of the suburban turnpikes nie
still impassable.
Miss Mary Stonier, of the Oakland
sldo, Is a guest of friends at Wash
ington, D. C,
Messrs. Zimmerman, of BInghamlon,
and Blasted, of Salamapca, have taken
clerical position in the ofllco of tho
Erie superintendent of stores, In this
11, J, Moigan, of Gibson, wk teen on our
streets Tuesday.
Mr, Lake died uiy Huddeply on Monday last.
Mm. lllgby was in llinghaniton Thuiulay,
l". W, I!arrctt,,tilbson'4 popular meriliant, vrsj
calling on Susquehanna friends Wednesday,
Don't iuU th Tan-American exposition at thi
Hogan Opeu Homo Monday and Tuesday,
The baud held a nodal hop at th opera house
t'riday etcnlng.
Hon. 0. l Wright is on of the directors of
tho Northeastern I'enruyhanla Oil and Gas com
pany, which recently organltetl at Franklin
Tho Krle lUllruad company lave recently re
fitted llnir department pfficej In this place.
About forty of our people enjoyed a delgh-rlde
to JacUon i'ltday euiilng.
John Valentine' family have returned home.
U. M. Wtocott I. on the sick lUt.
The ground 1 once mora covered with the beau-
X.CjVSEsstf" th-j
tllul, and the tlclgli bells' merry Jingle U again
Bo far, our town Is frr-o from the terrible ill
se.uc, small-pox, and It doc hot ecm to be get
ting any closer to ue. Hope It won't.
bVCr.UM-Joscpti Murphy In "Miami Hliue."
ACADEMY OP MUSlC-Savvtclle Dramatic com
pany. Alternoon nnd night.
UTAH little Tgipt Hurle-micr. Afternoon
and night.
"Miss Simplicity.
Frank Daniels has alwajs been a prime favor
ite In Scranton, but lio will be even tnoie of n
favorite otter lait night's performance of lilt new
comic opera, "Miss Simplicity." Tlio L.vceuni
contained ono of the finest houM of tho year
and one of the belt pleased houtcs, nUo. "Mln
Simplicity" Is all could be desired a.s to Its
book, Its inuslo Is my rood, Daniels Is ns fun
ny us can be, and the kinging la of a high older
of merit.
Tlio ilory Ittelt Is a very cleverly constructed
comedy. Sauterclle a two by four Kingdom
some place or another find ltclf kliiglcM and
according to tho docket') Ihe nct in lino -for
Die throno Is Philip Monlfort, a dashing, hand
some joung Ungllsbmau. The curtain (rocs up
on the people of Bauterclla awaiting the nirhal
of the new king. A beggar girl, ltosalle, whose
aunt, a fortune teller, prophecled that fIio would
maiiv the klnr. conic.? on and makes Known her
destiny. The people laugh nt her beiauso It is
ill cut and dried uni tlio new King must marry
MadcnioU-cllc Clair do I.olnvllle. The latter with
tier EnglMi maid appeaid and declares she will
never mairy the kins no matter who ho is or
how nice he may be. hlie and the beggar gill
meet, she lctrn3 of tho bcirgar girl's ambition
and destiny, and changes plates with her.
Montfoit and :i pally of fricmb an he at the
noon hour when the people are taklnjr their
mid-day siesta. Montford encounters the dis
guised Lady Clair, falLs in lou with her and to
win hep-resolve, to assume the disguise of a
A king must be produced immediately, how
ever, and when none of the patty will agree to
accommodate Montford by becoming1 Icing, he is
at ids wits end. Just then his aututun.I; con
taining tlio baggage and ids man DloiSonis (Dan
icld) comc3 up, explodes and lands Ulossoms In a
dilapidated condition on tlio stage. The dilem
ma is at an end. Blossom must pose as king.
Blossom has been .1 conductor on .1 Loudon
street car and his beat girl is Polly tho KnglUU
maid to Lady Ciair, who now accompanies the
masquerading lady as a fellow beggar. The fun
that Daniels cm make as a king who was once a
street car conductor is easy to imagine. Tho
Irook h funny enough of itself. With Daniels
to augment the fun there is entertainment rare
and imIoiv.
Helen Loid, a Uingiuinton gill, who in four has come to the iciv foitfront of coinio
opera artistes is tho Lady Clair. H10 is n hand
some joung woman, rings beautifully, and in the
matter of comedy work is a fitting partner for
Daniels. She came in for a Ehare of applause
last night that is raicly accoided any 0110 cast
with a star, especially a star of the magnitude
of the inimitable Prank Daniels.
Allenu Crater, as the real beggar gills Will
iam Danfoith, tlio tccond comedian, whoso stjle
is something on the Daniels' orcjer, and Da-ld
Lythgoe, as the King, do excellent woik.
The setting of tho firtt act is exceedingly pret
ty. The costuming is, as is usual with a Dan
iels' opera, laWl! and artistic.
"The Golden West." -
At the Academy last night tho Sjnttlio iwii
pany piestntcd "The fioldcn wt" hemic a lirgo
audience. It is a play well suited to the talents
of the company and was rcceiuil with meat ap
plause last night.
Hits alternoon the company will present
"Country Courtship" ami tonight "Queen of
"Shaun Hhue."
Let any bloto patron of the theater who re
members 6ccing Joseph Murphy In Ids I1UI1 pliy,
"Shaun Hhue," ten or a dozen years ago, tec the
rjiiic actor tVlay In the fame play and ho will
piobably leavo the theater when the curtain
comes down on the last act, and not bcloie,
Moie Hun that, ho will find ids way homeward,
meditating and wondering how It is that Mr.
Murphy has retained Ids youthful good looks,
his graceful legs and nimble feet, and his swict,
sdoug, manly singing oice, It is a conundrum
that can only bo answcicd by piolng that it is
true as stated, jn-t as Mr, Murphy presents tlio
proof t-ai.Ii time liu appears as Lany Donovan
and "BImuii Hhue."
The reudltiui of the song, "A Handful of
Earth," by Larry while l.ntellng at his niothei's
gic, after lulng been dilun away Horn his
home, is u benediction. "Shauii Hhue" will be
pieseuted at the Lccum tonight.
Grace- George.
The 1 nd of Grace (leorge's New Yo,l; lun was
reached on Jan, 11, and Manager llridy booked
her for a tour of tlio principal cities. Miss
Oeoige's performance in "Under Southern Skies"
has been ono of New York's theatrical treats
inco the eaily fall. It is seldom that a Mar or
play has the adiautago of so caicfully selected 1
cast or to complete and lavish u pioductlon. It
is Manager Hrad's aim that Miss Ckorgc shall
bo as ably supported and the play as completely
ttaged "011 tlio road" us in tho inetiopolls.
Miss Ocorgc and "Under Southern bklu" will
bo In tills city on Friday night at tlio Lyceum.
"The Head Waiters."
Cicorga Sidney, the funny llttlo comedian,
whose characterizations of iSsy Maik, the Jew, In
Ward and Yokes' new uhlcle, "The Head Wait
ex." lias gained him a national reputation, Is
stiU with the Waid and Yokes company ami will
bo fcen at the Ljccuiu Saturday matlneo and
night. There are but thrco men 011 (he Ameii
can stage who havo gained cut labia names by
Hebrew impeisonatlou. Ihcic.lhrec are Dave
Waifleld, George Sidney and Joe Welch, Wat
field Is starring this frasou, tlducy for thiee
jests now has been a shtnglng light In the Waul
ana vou8 company, ana wcicn uetotrs Ins en
gagements to hlgh-clds vaudeville.
Sidneys Issy Mail; Is a character on whom
cveryouo pre;. He rever gets the best of any-
Tbisslgnaturoli oa every bos of the geuuio?
Laxative BroinoOi)inine Tablets
remedy that tarts a cola lu one ttuy,
tiling. Alt Ids misfortune are good-naturedly
passed over for the nest sharper.
"Monte Crlsto."
James O'Neill Is booked to appear at the Ly
ceum Monday night In Llcbler & Company' tu
pendotis scenic production of "Monte Crlsto,"
which is now cnjojlng a run of rcmarkalile pros
perity at the Walnut Street Theater, Philadel
phia. Mr. O'Neill' company Is a notable one. It
Includes l'rcdcilc De llellcvllle, the great charac
ter actor; Warren Conlan, V, ,t. Dixon, .lames
O'Neill, Jr., L'dvvaitl tally, Joseph Slavjcr,
Claude (lllbcrt, lldgnr 1'orrn-t, Mail! Hllsvvortl',
Mlis Salone lolnuon, Halo I'letchcr, Virginia
Keating nnd ltebecc.1 Hock. A suh'tdlary com
pany of llfly people Is employed.
Llttlo Egypt Buvlesquois.
Openlriff with matlnco this alternoon the "Lit
tle Hgjpt llurlcsquern" will occupy the Mage
at the Star fcr tho balance of the vvecck. In
connection with the regular burlcmjuo peitorin
ance, tlie management of the company In conjunc
tion with Manager llcrrington, of the Star, have
epcclally engaged Mat Lultsbcnr, champion 13.I
pound wrestler of tho World, who during the
course of lids rompany'a engagement will meet
all comers, ami agrees to fotfelt $25 to the op
ponent ho docs not succoecd in throwing In lif
ted! mliiutci.
John l'.irl, of Hyde Park, a wrestler of con
siderable local i enow n will endeavor to remain
the necessary tlmo limit with I.utMierg tonight,
and on Slturday night Abo Corcoran, of l'rovl
Hence, probably the bwt wrestler in this local
ity, will cndcAlor to wrest the linnoia as well .is
tho money from tho company's champion.
f.utubeig Iniitoi m.i.tihen from wiestlei.t of all
weight, lie has lately been 01'gngcd In several
contests In New York city Ihcalris, under (linl
lar condllloiis, ntid up to the prc-sent time lias
never been nhllgcd to pail with nny poitlon of
his foifelt money.
Wall Street Review.
New Yoik, Poll. 5. Today's stock market waa
a dull affair again, in spllo of spasmodic efforts
by piofessional tiadcis nnd speculative pools to
awaken 11 gcneial moiement in the market, lly
the time they tucceeded in moving priced at one
point, depression would develop in another, and
in consequent 0 the dull movement was Irregular
all day. Striking movement in iloily held
priced investment stocks continued a flguie. Tae
significance uJ these movements was not disclosed,
although Indus sought to make the most of
them for their sympathetic eflcct on the gcncr.'l
list. These apparently sensational movements on
a very small vulunie of trading aie a natural
consequence vvheie the stock or a company is
closely held for tiie puiposes of coatiol and
centralized in the hands of a few -conservative
and powerful riplt.illsts for investment, who aie
quite unlnlluenced by the couise of prices In tl.u
open markett. Among the stocks o moving to
day wcio the Chicago and Xorliiwestcim, Ameri
can L'xpiess, United States Hxpres aril Lacka
wanna. Nashville, Chattanooga, and St. Louis,
which advanced 10'A .vesterday, leaded 3', to
day, but cloe with a net lots of only 2. Tho
recent sensational upward movement in Lacka
wanna is associated with the minors 0! control
of tint load in tho interest of an outlet for
the Wabash system. The Walm-h stocks wero
vciy Hi 111 today in the same connection. Another
center of speculation was in tho locil traction
stocks, under the Influence of published icpoits
from Philadelphia, of the formation of a securi
ties company to hold Metropolitan Street Hall
way 6tock and po-ibly other local traction com
piuirj. Manhattan was the most active of this
group and Mctiopolitau Street ll.1ilw.1y, after an
upward spurt of Hi, declined on profit-taking,
falling lvi Ulu'.v night dining the day and
pulling the other local tractions down with It.
The speculation in Amalgamated Copper was very
foverMi, the price running olt ls during the
morning on the further break in the London
copper maiket and tho slump in HIo Tmtos. The
steadying of tho London copper market and re
ports of a panic amongst the bcais in HIo Tin
tos, tallied Amalgamated Copper to l'u 01 ei last
night, and it was an (uVttive factor in the late
ally in tlio evv York stock maiket. The specu.
hitlvo pool operating in Southern Pacific htoe's
took that stock v igoroiuly in hand and pushed It
up l?i on veiy huge bujing. Tho general mar
ket i.illied with scmo vigor in vjup.itliy, St.
Paul lislng 2 points over last night and a num
ber of other trans-continentals about a point.
United States Steel also developed some stiength
jii't nt the clo-e. biker fintures of strength were
tho Toledo, St. Ivouls and Western stocks and the
Juulon Vandeibilts, on tumoy of absoiptiou of
the former by Vanderbllt interests. Minneapolis,
St. Paul and S.iult Sto Mario piefcncd advanced
J'-i more point". The recent bujing of sugar
continued, hut its net gain was only a fraction.
There was 110 general influence clfectivo In the
market at any time be.voud .1 disposition to dull
neo, caused by the cxpoit movement of gold
and the unscttlid question of the Noithcni Se
em itles company case. Total sales today, 0S3,
Tho bond maiket was only modoiatcly active,
but was inclined to be Hun. Total sales, par
value, $1,710,000. United States refunding 2s
advanced ',4 pir cent, on the last calf.
The following quotations arc furnished The Trib
une by M. H. Jordan & Company, rooms 705-TOil
Meals building, Scranton, I'J. Telephone, 5003:
10 2.1
23 V,
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Dosed
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Hid. Asked.
Lackawanna Dairy Co.. IT. CO ,,
County Savings Hank It 'Oust Co.. U00 ,.'
First National Dank (Carboudale) C25
Standard Dillllng Co s!)
Third National Hank MO
Dime Deposit and Discount Dank., 275 ...
Feonomy Light. II. Si P. Co , ... 49
First National Hank S0O ...
Lacka. Tiust & Safe Deposit Co..,, 105 ...
Clirk Sc Snoier Co., IT 12J
Scranton Iron Fence & Mfg. Co 100
Scranton AIe Works pj ,
Eciantoii Savings Dank ,,., 500 ...
'fuilcrs' National Hank ,,,.,, -220 ...
Sciantou Holt & Nut 0 0, 111 ...
People's Hank ,,,,,., IKS ...
New Mexico lly, & L'. Co 7J
Scranton passenger Railway, first
Mortgage, due 1020 us ...
People's fctieet Railway, llwt mort
gage, duo 1013 , 115 ,,,
Peopled btiect Hallway, General
mortgage, due ItHl Hi
Dickson Manufacturing Co. , ,, 100
Lacks, Township Sihool 6 per cent. ... 102
City of Scranton St. imp. 0 per
cent 103
Scranton Tuition 0 per tent. .,., 113 .,,
Economy Light, Heat k Power Co., Ui .,,
Scranton Wholesale Maiket.
(Collected by II, 0, Dale, 27 Laekavvanna
Flour l.oo.
Deans 2.50.
Hutter Freli citamtry, 2ie. 1 June creamery,
23iic,; dally. 22c.
Cheiso llljalie.
L'gg Neaiby. 32e.: faucy tiorag. Sis.
I'csn-Per hu.Hcl, il.50.
l'vtaloe Per buli), Ute.
Onlonv-lTr bujhjL. SI CO.
Op;n- High- Low-
i!ur. est. est.
American Sugar 127',i lidW 1J7
Atchison 7l!'S 77 7U',li
Atchison. I'r 0714 07-"i 07
Ilrook. Tiaction (.U',1 Ui (B'.S
Halt, fc Ohio 102?i ltwl-i 102',j
Clics. & Ohio 45VS 40 IV,i
Chic. & 0. W 214 2.!;4 2J
st. i'ui nit lu-.ij iwt;
Itock Island lat ia! 1021a
Lackaivaiuu !i!M 201 2!i2
Kan. &' Tex., I'r K'l 5.1 52
Loui. ,t Nash 101 JUI4 10114
Man. Llevatcd l.'JJTi 1"7 11I3U
Met. Tuctlcii 17:;?i 174 171
Missouri l'acilie Wi 103W l(
Soutliern Pacific W'4 1111 GJjj
Norfolk & Western .... 5J M III
Hrie ::ST4 Kill y-4
lliie. 1st IT (j0 tliVi I"
N. Y. Central lntli lull! ot'-4
Hilt. & West H.1!j :.')! ;t,a4
lVnna. It. It noli no?; u
I'acitlc Mall 1.114 4'i 45H
Hi ailing fiOl 57 &!
Heading, I'r SJ',4 S211 2
Soutliern It. It :i.l tcili Z2.
Koutliem It. It., I'r .... Olli (its; ni-
Tcnn. Coal k Hon Ul (.1 0.1J'.
IT. S. Leather 1114 li.l 311,4
I'. S. Lcatlier, I'r S0?i hi to?!
V. S. lliihhcr II u
Union 1'acillu 101T4 Itiili 101
Union I'aclfio, IT wiii mj &014
Wiilnsli, I'r 4J11 4llj 42H
Western Union imlj (11 poti
(Jul, l'ui'l k Iron. ....... 87 fi7 WH
Aiiul. Copper 7.111 7514 7214
I'i'oplu's (las 100 loo?; jdi
col. is?; nr, is-".;
Texas I'aclfio Bi-T, frVi r.s
Am, Car 1'oundiy 2'i!4 2U'4 2ij
Am. Car nl'iuidry, I'r... Sull sot; Hi'I
I'. S. Steel Co 41'1 4:1 11
U. S. Steel Co., IT .... 1014 0.1, UJ
4 Lines 10 Cents Svantbd3 3 Insertions 25 Cents
A'ore Tliait Pour Lines, 3 Cents for Uacli Dxtra Lin:. PKEE. .Mora Tim Pour LlneJ, 6 Cents (or tlacli tlxlti Lln,
3?or Rent.
STOIIi: llUILIIINd tor lent In Diekton City, IM.
Ilulhllng to feet by 21 feet cellar under nil,
and second Rtory can be arranged for n family.
All In good rcptlr ready for uc. Two coal
brcakeis nnd mines dosp by cmploilng cr a
thomund people. An enterprising merchant inn
get a large trade. Apply to William II. lllch
mond, llUhmoud hill, UI2j N. Main nieuue,
Scranton, l'a,
IlOL'Si: fOlt HHXT-ISia Waslibum utieet. All
modem Improvements. Apply 1520, net door,
l'AItM l'OIl Itl'.NT fix or seven tnllea Hem
Scranton, 220 acres, well adapted inllk ir
truck, Inquire 133 I'enn avenue. 1
HOTIli, roil HUNT wllli fixtures! next door to
Star theater, 311 Linden street. Mrs, J. C.
l'OIl Itl'A'T 1'IIOM AVltir, l Tho stoic room No.
'Jl.l Lnckiwnniia avenue, now occupied by -1.
M. Williams us it shoe stoic. Metal relllng will
be put In and front lepalnted. tleorgo Sander
eon, 100.' Means building-.
1'Olt HUNT Prom Anil 1, building now occu
pied by Hie Dickson Milling Co., So. li
Lackawanna avenue. W. V. Ilojlc, Council Hldg.
IfALI' DOl'llLi: house, C33 Harrison avenue, SIS,
Also half double house, 1(W) Pine street, 17,
Poseslon now, Apply lino Harrison avenue.
Wanted To Rent.
WANTLD-Apill M, for man, wife nnd two dill
drcn, thst'ckiss lio.ud In pilvato l.unlly with
two or tlueo couuecthig rooms, furnished or un
furnished. Addicts, giving location, Surdon, cue
of Tilbune.
WANTHD To rent, an 8 to 10 loom house; good
location, willi modern Improvements. Ad
dress, Businessman, care Tilbune.
WANTED lly a gentleman, one or two well fur
iilhed rooms with use of bath, without boatd,
in good neighborhood. Address, 11., 1'ustoftlce
Box 512.
Tor Sale.
..WW -yxsvxwx
l'OIl SALK New double sterropticou lantern in
cluding high pi3suie dUs key und fcieen.
Compie.s5ed gas uil for light. Cost ?125. -Will
sell cheap. Jtay be examined in office our D.v
cnpoit's Hook Sloie, Main htieet, Plymouth, Pa.
roil SALE Laige load of pine kindling, stove
length, delivcicd anywhere for jutw. Ilird
wood, !j2.j0. Jlall orders .lennings, C'cntial mine
switch, riftcctiih Elicit, or lulu; om w.igou
and get a load.
rOIICUD SALi: Two good lione-t males lor
woik, weight 1,100 and 1,400; have no woik
for them. William H. Kkhmond, ittchmord Hill,
Scranton, 312,', North Main Avenue.
HOnsi: J-"On SALi: A batgaln. Aiqily Kranloii
Laundry, SU Waslifntuii avenue.
roil SAL12 Ono nice driver or light woik liorse.
Apply at the Casey A: Kelly brcweiy.
l'OIl SALK A large cotteo
117 Olive street,
mill at a b 11 gain.
IOn SALK CHIIA!' Kin-wood, iion roofing, lim
bers, boards, scantlin, etc., fiom oM tars:
rultnble for r.ll puipo3s., Central
Mines switch, foot of Hampton slieet, olt Soutii
Main avenue.
I'On SALK Two light spring wagons and some
liainis,-, cheap. Hvans,' rear lVSi Luzerne
rOIl SALIl Cheap; horse, Fprin wagon
hinc5s, at No. H2C, Cedar avenue.
For Sala or Hent.
roil SALK OH HUNT Store and harness shop
.iltacheJ, laige p.itioiui,e; no oppoiittsn
in town; coiner of Drinker nnd Chestnut street.
Inquiie of O. W. 1'iost, 401 Hast Dunker stieet,
Dunmoie, l'a.
roR SALIl Oil HUNT Single houc, iOI V.-cb,tr
avenue. Ten rooms; ity steam heat; pos
session Apiil 1. O. 1 Itcynolds, Connell Uldg.
Furnished Rooms.
rOH HUNT Large furnished front room for gent
only; steam heat, gas, bath, luqulic 510
Washington avenue.
TWO VHIIY nicely furnished rooms to lent; a
veiy largo fiont 100m or a side fiont loom,
with lioat, bath and gas; private family. 2"0
Mulbeny strcetv
l'OIl HUNT One furnished loom, with improve
ments; also one on Hit t d tloor, cheap. 027
Adams avenue.
FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, modem improve
ments; private family; gmtlcmcn picfcircd,
at 537 Adams avenue.
FOR RENT Two comfortably furnished rooms
for gentlemen; modem inipiovcnients; pit
vate family. 330 Washington avenue.
FOR ltr.ST Fmnlshed front room, with heat,
bath and gas; near court house; gentleman
preferred. Addrc-3 Room, llox 200.
FOR KIlXT-runilshcd
C2j Linden strict.
loom; heat and b-itli.
FUHNISIILD ROOMS FOR RflNT. with heat, fas
and bath, gentlemen prcfencd, at 5"0 Adams
New York Grain and Produce Market
New York, Feb. 0. Flour Quiet but steadily
held in face ot the wheat bleak. Wheat Spot
cuslir; No. 2, 67'.4c f. 0. b. alloat; No, 2 led,
MHsC elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth, C5V'.
f, o. b. alloat; wheat mirket cxpeiienccd con
eldcrablc decline all diy; tho close was utlitr; nt l-ic net decline; Mauh closed 3J(,c. ;
May, 6J?ie.; July, 6314c. Corn Spot easy; No.
2, tbK-c, elevator and W,c. f. 0. h. alloat; corn
opened easy, ullled only to bicak a seoend time
aril closed lasy nt lie. net los; May closed l!7-c;
July. C71ae. Oats fcpot steady; No. 2, Wo.; No.
, Itc,; .No. 2 white, 5U-.t No. ;; wlillo, 5iJ',.c.;
tucls mixed western, 40a50c.; liack white, SJa
ftje. ; options ilull all day and irciicully easier,
Huttci Strong; creameiy, 10i27!-jc; do. factoiv,
llalbc; Juno cieamer), 10.i22c; rcnovateil, lia
21c-.; Imitation creameiy, 5a?0c.; state diiiy, 15
a25e, Chiese Finn; stale full cic.1111, small caily
nudo lancy coluied, UlialHlc. ; state full cie.iin,
mull caily fancy white, llllullH-e.; luge raily
mido coloicd, 10ic-.; Lugo caily made white,
10-l'ic Lggs Sliong; stitu and l'tuuylv.inia,
2'Jc. ; we.tern, 20c; soutlieiu, 2Sa20'.2c,
Ohient'o Grain and Produce Market.
thli.igo, Feb. 0. Tiado lu tho grain plti was
of .1 dull anil luiinteicstiug uatuio today. Tho
trend was bixnlsh, as a icault of the, rtlect of
llio iiiuUeutlnK weather on coin, Oilier news
Y.iA uuliiipoituiit and nt tlie closa May wheat
and May coin were both a4il3c. lower, und M.iv
uals, ',jac. low ci. Provisions closed unchanged
to 5c. down. (Aish (tiotalloiis wcie as follows:
Flour Steady; No. 3 spring wheat, 71a75c. ; No.
2 led. M'iaMo.; No. 3 whtlo oats, iVailljc;
.No. S ive, uoiji-.j fair to iholio iiultln;, SO.i
Wlac. ; No. 1 liax seed, 'M.'O; No. 1 noithwcit
crii. $1.73; pi lino timotliy teed, ).55al.UI; mcsi
pork, ?15.uj U5.70; lard, iJlliaO.Sl; shoit lltm,
5o.23aS.40; dry salted shoulders, 7l7!lc. ; short
near siucs, o.uj)as,ij;, fl.3l.
Ohicajjo Xlve Stock Market.
Chicago, Feb. 5. Cattle Receipts, 15,000, In
cluding COO Te.vaiis; opening strong; rulul
steady; good tu piimo steels, ?0.50a7i loor to
medium, lil); stockeis and leedeis, 2.50a4,5'H
cows, iSI.i3.70; '1'c.xas ted steels, iflal.W, Hogs
Receipts today, 35,000; touioirovv, 3J.O0O; left
over, 2,250; active, strong to Cc, higher; mixed butchers, f3.00aH.ut; good to thoico lieuvv,
U.SOaD.M; lotijhs, heavy, f(uU.23; light. W.73a
(1.10; hulk of sales, ?3,0Ja.33. Sheep Reiciiits,
IJ.WX); strong to Co. higher; goal to ihoke
wethers, ift.UOaS.SOi vvrstrni sheep and vcaillngs,
SI.25al.Mj native lambs, J.30aJ.50; native
lamlM, ?.1.50iU,3O; wrsteiu laiulis, If3.i0.30.
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
i:al lluftjlo, Feb. 5. Cattle Nu iciclpts
owui? lu snow; veals, stiong ut is7a0. Hogs Re
ceipts. 3,uoO head; active- and higlur; he ivy,
If0.10a0.15i mlMd, til.B0a0.33; pigs, Sf3.03all;
lomilM, 5.50a3.t'Oi stus, Sheep and
UmUs HecelpU , 1,W active; sheep tlrm;
laiubj, hlgheu sheep, mixed tops, lil.'lal.OO;
culU to good, f3.ll. TO; wethers, 1.I0.i'.oO: vear
llngif, Wa3.70; lop lambs, i?o.3.Tai.W; culls to
goood, $l,23a0.30.
East Liberty Live Stock Market.
Kj.t I.lbeity. Feb. 5. Cattls Steady; choice,
0.50; prime, if3.C0aU.23; roooJ, $3.C0a5.75. Hogs
lllghci! prlnio hcavlo., ?0.20a0.i)3; medlunis,
sb.30a8.CO; hwvy Yorkcu. W.lOaCtSo; light
Yorkers, O.20a0.3O; pis, W.UQaO.10. hhecp
lllglwi; lt vyttlwrs, t.SQuJ; culls and coat
mon. iW, jimiIIiiji, fl.5sU3.5iJ; veal calve, 7.3J
&t ta3.
Want Adveitiaoments Will lio
Hecctved nt Any of the Follow
ing Diug Stores Until 10 F. M.
Central City
ALIICRT SCIH'LIZ, corner Mulberry
street and Webster avenue.
OUSTAV I'ICllIlL, C50 Adams avenue.
West Sldo
or.oitai: w.
JIINKINS, 101 Soutii Mala
South Scrantou
ntL'D L. TUIiri'i:, 720 Cedar, avenue.
North Scranton
Oi:0. W. DAVIS, comer
avenue and Market stieet.
Noith Mala
Green Kidfjc
CUAllLUS 1'. JONI'.S, 1357 Dickson
I'. 3. JOHNS, 020 firecn llldge stieet.
C. LOIHINK, corner Washington ave
nue and Mailon street.
V. II. KNIH'niL, 1017
Irving avenue.
J. a.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTLD Two line-men and superintendent for
clectliu light woiks. Aptdy to ( l.lik 1).
Hatou, 1'iesldent, Horn irk, l'a. ,
U'ANTI'.D Kxperienced, nccuintc stenographer
witli good Kiikllsh education. One who un
derstands law work preferred. Addicfe in wilt
ing, 11. C, care Tilbune..
WANTHD Kxperieuced colored or white eoaih
mill. Muu have guod lefiicnce. Slate wages
expected. New "phone 51)00. 4" William sued,
I'iltston, l'a.
WANTKD A hustling agent at Scranton for lirgo
coip'ii.ition. tlood commission. No opposi
tion. Addie lloom 7", Simon Long buildiiig,
Wllkes-liaire, I'.i.
SUB-CItll'TION Solltltiiu wauled for a to
house canvass for The Tilbune; good commis
sion, with a fair guirantce for tlr-t-cla-s woikers.
Apply peicoiially at lluslness Manngei's uiilce,
Seiuntoii Tiibune.
WANTIID Caiivasicis fur this vicinity, 1-2 to 9i
per illy, ir'2 guaiaiiteed; good chance for
pioiiiution. Call ar once, room II Dun- building.
WANTI'.I) An excellent boy to le.nn wood cut
ting and modeling; must be mutually gifted
fin- the Mime; none otheis need apply. Apjily
C2J Washington avenue.
MAN WITH MNCiLi: TIIAM to deliver and col
lect; no i.iua-.slu: 521 .1 week end ex
penses; 150 cash deposit lequlied; permanent.
ManuMcttiuis, (!') llox :)J0, I'liiladelphi.i, l'a.
WANTHD-tly leading I'ldlartolphla hoivie. first
clasi salesman, to sell general line ot paper
to the ictall tiailc, one who has M acquaiiitante
prefcired; must haw best refeicnee and be able
to furnish bond. Address 1". O. llox 205. Phila
delphia. Help Wanted Female.
LADY CANVAssKH- wanted to solicit sub-crip-lions
for The Tiibuii; good ooininission of
fered witli a fair guai.intee for'tnst-class woiktr.
Apply piironally at lliuiness Manigei's office,
Scranton Tilburo.
WANTIin dill for muse and second woik.
ply SCO (juiney avenue.
1'ANT1:d A good experienced bindery girl. Trlb
vino Hindery.
WANTF.I) Dy a good gill to do housewoik in
private famll ; only small family pajliu
good wages need 11 ply. Addiess H. S., Tilbune
WANTLD Gil! for general housework at Dalton.
Address II. T., care Tribune.
Agents Wanted.
AQHXTS for pitentcd ilevite which is easy lo
Uentoiistiate, and new catalogue sent witli
full description for 2c. stump, llellmar Mfg.,
IIS Wood uve., Sjiacuse, N. Y.
Salesmen Wanted.
SALKSHKN Two of good education and ad-tlii-s,
to learn our business. Hist as sales
men, then managers; leieionie. !ll Mtar.s
liulldiug, Scianlon.
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION VANUID lly n middle aged lady as
housekeeper or -it gmeial hoiisevvoik in small
family. Ca.i give letcience. Additss H. '., 'Irib
una office.
HliriNIlD, ediualcd joung woman wants cm
plojmciit; any ono dcsiiing her seivlcvs in
any way addrcs C. H-, Tilbune office,
SITUATION WANTIID An c.xptit laundrcvs
would like to get ladles' mid geiitlciiieu's
laundry ttopplnj at hotel,; 1.111 1 Hinder colo.ecl
sliiits without lading them; best of dly leni
ence, 711 Llojd street, top lloor.
SITUATION WANTLD A joiing wom.n with
child, three veais old, m housekeeper prc
fencd. Addiess Mis. M , Scranton P. I),
WAViTI) lly middle age man, u place as cok
in hotel or icstauiaut. Addiess Cook, Tilbune,
A MAN who understands all l.luds of hotel work
would like lo win!; evenings in hotel or ics
tauiant. Addresd Cliarlle, Tribune cllhc.
Sl'IUA'HON WANTLD lly .1 widow to do wash
ing, Honing or cleaning of any kind. Ad.
dicsi Mis. J. Millie, 712 r-cluicll coiut.
Wanted To Buy.
vwxy js tr v aa v r v
.WANTI'D To buy fur caili, a bliieta liouttf, wit It
llllHIl'IU JKHMUlLIIIfllUt IIIIU U UUUll Birt'U im,
Addictt A. It., caie Tiibune,
Booms for Hent.
ROOMS FOR RENT A good ticut 100111 and back rooms witli all coiivinlcnccs, usu
of balh; teuns inodeiatc; can bo seen any time.
r.3 Lackawanna, avenue.
ITooms and' Hoard,
FOR RENT One iiucly fuinUhcd flout loom;
uHo two sldo loonio, with or without hoaid,
CI7 Adams avenue.
FOR REST With bnaid, front room, sultablo
foi two gentlemen. Addrexs 515 Adauu ave
nue, city.
RENT, with bjaid. tM Mulberry
Boarders Wanted.
PRIVA'IH FAMILY wUics to havo two nl-.o nun
(a boaid. (leiman or Fna'liali. Call any tiui'
after Ihursday. Ali luuvciiIciicvj, t07 llarrl 011
Money to Loan.
LARGi: OR SMALL amouilu, Piouiptly made
lnleicsi 5 per (.cut. Okcll, Atloilu-), C1.1l
nxclunge building.
ktraizht loans or Dulldlng aivl L0411. At
from 1 (11 U ir cent. Cull yu N, Y. iValkei,
311515 Connvll building.
" l.SSsl-SJWaS)rVJsrw--VSssyKJrVlJ-UJ-j-sj-tJ
Ccrtlflod Public Accountant.
nulldtng, and St. Paul Ilullding, New York.
Architects. ,
Davis, AitcHiFnorT co.nnkll
r.DWAiin it.
fhi:di:iuck l. hiiown. arch. 11., hcaIi
Lstalc Ljclnnjo Hldg., 120 Washington ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
Spruce street, Ecranton.
Hoo ma 12, u, ki and 13 Hurr ilullding.
tlaled on real estate security. Mears Uulldlng,
coiner vVashiiigton avenue and Spruce sttcct.
and counsellors-at-law. Ilepuldican Dulldlng,
Mashlngton avenue.
Coinmonweallh Dulldlng, Rooms
10, 20 ami 21.
P0--10'. Ptli floor, Mears building.
Ij ,'V TATnns- attorni:y-at-law, doard
otlinde Dullillng, Scranton, Pa,
Rank Uulldlne
211 Wyoming avenue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
dr. w. D.
Jngton avenue. Resldenec, 1313 Mulberry.
Cluor.Io olsea-cs, lu.igs, heart, kidneys and
Kcnlto-urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1
lo 4 p. m.
Hotels and Restaurants.
nue. Rates leasonable.
P. ZIFGLKR, Proprietor.
senger depot. Conducted on tlio European
Plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprleto.
cebs pools; nt sjoi; only Improved pumps used.
A. II. nrlggs, proprietor. Leave oiders 1100
North Main avenue, or Eicke'a drug store, cor
ner Adams and Mulberry. Doth telephones.
erjmen, stoic 201 Washington avenue; green
houses, 1050 Noitli Main avenue; atoro tele
phone, 7S2.
Wire Screens.
' anion, Pa., manufictuier of Who Screens.
also ladies waists. Louisa Shoemaker, 212
Adams avenue.
velopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 120
Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa.
in Scranton at tho news stands of RcLman
Uros.. 400 iprucc and 60) Linden; M. Norton.
322 Lackawanna avenue; X. S. Schutzcr, 211
Spruce street.
WANTED Evciy housekeeper to say a kind word
for our povvdeis after vising .1 can. No
Hatches, Moths or Poultiy Vermin can live after
our powders aie used. One application docs tho
woik. If ,our giocer, druggist or liardvvaie inci
dent should not havo ir, tend us jour addrevt.
Two llttlo bears cm evciy can. ITieo 23 cents.
F.ictoiy, Dalton, Pa. Office, 410 Paull building,
bcranton, l'a.
A FIRST CLASS second-hand wagon elevator
wanted at M. T. Kellei's Lackawanna Carrlogo
w oiks,
Heal Estate.
FOR SALE Four choice Webster avenue lots,
between Pine nnd Gibson sheets. (J, F. Key.
nolds, Council building.
FOR SALE New 1 ouse on Cornell street. Round
Woods; modern inipiovcnients; ca,y
tcinu. Apply lu Spilng Diook Lumber Co,, or
E. S. WoodlioiiiC.
FOR HALE At Chuk's Summit; a place oJ llv.
acies, house and barn, good fiuit; cheap for
i.isli. Inquire of Mr L. Lindsay, 1111 Nouli
Main avenue, ciiy.
FOR SALE Ono acre of laud, improved with
nine-room house; ph-nty anil vaiicty of fruit;
good location in village ot Fleetville. Mrs. Ollvo
Fish, Fleetville, Pa.
Business Opportunity.
Wnte for nur cptrial maiket letter. Free nn
application, s. M. llllibaid k Co., members N.
, Cciisolulatid and Mod. Sxcluugc. II and Pi
llro.1dsv.1y. New uik. F.,iablislud iWl. Lung
Distance" Plione 2.133 Broad,
WEDNESDAY, Jan. 2'. nt 10.30 a. m 50S Lai k
avvaiiui uviiuie, next to Finht's Dry Uoudi
Store, oi cailoadi 1'an-Amerlc.iii cxposlUon fur
liltuie, u-rd about thrco inonlhs. Iron aiultru-i
bcil,, lompHlo live thoutand theejs, Ji thnusaii-1
pillow ia-e-, ten thousand tuweli,- one thailsiiiil
pairs blankets und ioiiifuilhls, two .thnikaii
pillows, uno t.ii good mailings, cupels ami Hu
oleiiuij, six pioil Nutlmul Cash legUters- liki
new), dicwcis, coiiimodcs, tublis, foIdhiff'JJiciN,
live hundred li-ilet s is, mwcii iIioumiuiI napkins,
lot cots, combes, Finn lot l.tip iprtnjns.'Jnanv
other goods ton mimcioiis to mention. Sale will
continue ail week until fold out, This U Hi
Lirgobt lot of goods ever ollcrid at public unc
tion in Scuntuu at jour, own pi lee. Haidwitk,
Auctlcnur. '
THE ANNUAL stocklinldeis meeting at Dickson
Mill and Grain lompauv will bo hold in Room
021, Council building, Mondav, Fibiuaiy 17,
1002, at 1 o'lloik p. 111,
EDWARD L. HU K, Secretary.
1. F. Megargcl. Roy Chester Mejarg)!.
Spencer Trask Sc Co,
27 & 29 Pine St., New York
M'e mall upon request care fully
prcjiurctl dcscriiitiva list of
Members N. Y. Stock Exchange,
branch Office? Albany, ISJ.Y.