The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 06, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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quested to nttond Divine services with
Camp No, 178 on February 23, at tho
First Hnptlst church, and will meet nt
the halt at G.30 p. in.
Overheated Furnnco Apparently tho
Causo of tho Disaster Family
Rendered Homeless Hon. John H.
Follows nnd His Family Were Enjoying-
a Slclgh-rldo nt tho Tlmo
the Flro Occurred P. 0. S. of A.
Notes Events That Are Scheduled
for Tonight Personal Notes.
Tho home of ex-Mayor John U. Fel
lows, near the corner of Luzerne and
'J'enth streets, was almost completely
ruined by Ilro nnd water yesterday af
ternoon, and tho contents nearly all
Tho family left home about 1 o'cloel:
for it slclgh-rlde Into the country, und
while they were away the furnace evi
dently became over heated nnd set Ilro
to tho woodwork. From tho condition
of the premises, It would appear that
tho Mimics spread nil over the house
by means of the lurnnrc pipes.
The Hours and partitions through
which the pipes passed were badly
burned, and the ilrcmcn experienced
much dllllcully in reaching the Hames.
Volumes of smoke tilled tho build-
in,' and made the work of tho firemen
dllllcult. All the carpets wore des
troyed, but pome of the furniture was
icinoved In time to be Mixed. A tele
phone message was sent to .Ir. Fel
lows, and when tho.v returned they
found themselves homeless.
The damage to the interior will reach
n considerable amount, although Sir.
Fellows could not make any cstima.o
last night. lie cairies some Insur
ance, but xvas unable to glvo any de
tails at present.
The family Is temporarily quartet ed
among friends and relatives, as their
home will have to undergo general re
pairs before it can be occupied.
The firemen worked heroically, un
der the most exasperating dilllcultie?,
nnd deserve much praise for the wo,k
accomplished under the circumstances.
In addition to the "West Scranton com
panies, i lu Crystal steamer
called into service.
Events of This Evening.
The Electric Cltv AVhcolmon'fl min
strels will meet for rehearsal this
evening. ,
Tho Itnllrond nuxlllnr.v of tho Simp
son Methodist Episcopal church will
meet this evening at tho homo of Mrs.
J, ,T, Decker, on Division street.
A clam chowder supper xvlll bo
served nt the St. Mmk's Lutheran
church this evening.
St. Leo's battalion drill team and
campaign club xvlll moot this excelling.
The I'utngonla and Lafayette teams
xvlll roll this evening on the Electric
City 'Wheelmcn'H alleys. They xvlll be
made up as folloxvs: Pntagonlns
Will Lewis, captain; Fred Evuns, Her
bert Chatfleld, Ely Harris, John 1'.
Williams. Lafayettes Arthur Stover,
captain; Samuel Jones, Luther Thom
as, Henry Morgans, Thomas Skerrett.
Tho Oxford alee club "Will meet for
rehearsal and roll call In Co-operative
hall at 8 o'clock this ccnlng.
stocking social on AVodnosday evening,
Feb. 12.
Thomas Phllllpa, Del. Trunx and Dr.
Suttoh enjoyed a Blelgh-rlde to Dalton
last night,
Rev. Jnincs Dennlngor, pnstor of the
Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal
church, xvlll nsslst nt the revival ser
vices In tho Jcrmyn Methodist Episco
pal church next week. On February
10 ho xvlll officiate at tho wedding ot
W. May "Walters and MIsh Jessie Col
born, In Wllkes-Warrc.
P. O. S. of A. Notes.
Tho entertainment of "Washington
Camp, No. S3::. Patriotic Order Sons of
America, announced for February 21,
lias been postponed indefinitely.
Members of Camp No. 33A are le-
Dlifolir's French Tar
Will promptly rclice nnd speedily cure
coughs, colds and nil lung tumble. Tor
Ktlc by G. XV. JXNKIXS, 101 South ilaln
A young man, named Otis "Wood,
from Bald Mount, was fined t'i In po
lice court recently for being Intoxi
cated. The lecture of John O. "Woolcv. an
nounced for Feb. 11, nt tho Jackson
Street Baptist church has been trans
ferred to tho North Main Avenue Dnp
tlst church, North Scranton, on ac
count of the smull-pox epidemic In
"West Scranton.
The proposed Old Folks' concert, at
tho Cellevuo Welsh Calvlnlstlc Metho
dist church, xvlll be held on Wednes
day evening, Fob. 2(5.
The pilze-xvinners at the St. David's
chuich social Tuesday evening xvere as
folloxxs: Pastel portrait and frame,
Mrs. David Williams: rocking chair,
Miss Myrtle Dorsey; jaidlniere, Miss
Esther Davis: statuary. Miss Jessie
dray; cutlery, Miss Sarah James. Tho
totul amount realized xvas S101.10.
John A. Drynut, of Washburn street,
an engineer on the Lackawanna rail
toad, for a number of years, has ac
cepted a position on the Ontario and
Western railroad.
The members of Kleclrlc City camp.
No. 33. Patriotic Order of Americans,
held a business meeting and social
besslon in Washington hall last even
ing. Fred Softlev, Ilarrv I. Davis and
W. O. DePue have been ok elect to
membership in the Electric: City
Wheelmen's club.
St. Patrick's Parochial school or--chestra
furnished the programme at
the Wlson Fire company's fair in
Peckville on Tuesday evenng.
David Collins, one of ihe uerinnu
ent men at Engine company. No. 3,
sprained his ankle recently.
The members or St. Paul's Pioneer
corps are requested to meet tomorrow
evening for drill.
Dorn To Mr. und Mrs. David Iloese,
of Evans court, a daughter.
The members of tho Plymouth church
xvhoso names begin with the letters F,
G, II, I, J, K and L, xvlll conduct a
Miss Jane G. Thomas, of North Gar
Held avenue, nnd Mrs. Carollnu Cover
ing, of North Main avenue, nttended u
party nt Mooslc Tuesday evening.
Mrs. William Penrv, of Hnvdcr ave
nuc, xvas tendered n, birthday party
uy a number of hor friends recently.
Miss Rose Bechtold, i teacher at No.
10 school, Is seriously 111 xvlth uleuro
pneumonia, at her homo on North
Ninth street.
Orimth Davis nnd William Thomas,
of Swetland street, nro recovering from
their Indisposition.
Miss Alice Weston, of North dnrllold
avenue, Is able. to be out again alter
an Illness.
Mrs. Jane Allgood, of Nortli. Garfield
avenue, Is Incapacitated from work
by a felon on her hand.
Thomas Allgood. of North Lincoln
avenue, Is recovering from an Illness.
Alius Clara Keene, of Jackson street,
xvho has beon dangerously 111, Is re
ported to bo somexvhut Improved.
Mrsi Albert, Mrs. Morris nnd Mrs.
Druning, of North Hyde Park avenue.
chaperoned a party of young people
on n slcighrlde to Olyphant on Tuca
dax Hnrry Spronts, of North Bromley
avenue, has recovered from an Illness.
Clinton Morse, ot North Hyde Park
avenue, is convalescent after an ill
ncsu. Thomas Heck and family, of North
Hyde Park avenue, has returned home
from a visit In Philadelphia.
Mrs. Mary Gardner, of North Main
avenue, has returned home fiom n
visit at Ml. Cobb.
Miss Annie Suinmerhlll, of North
Everett avenue, Is seriously ill at the
unnncmiinn !io?nital.
William H. Iloborts. of North Gar
field avenue, has recovered fiom an
Miss Grossman, of Pleasant street,
i reported to no seriously ill.
David Thomas, of Lafiivctto street,
Is able to bo around again after an
John Decker, of lOvans' court, has
resumed his xvotl: after .in Illness.
Mr. and Mm. Thompson, of Schlnger
boulevard, have a now son at their
Gmirodi A-F&or Years
. jsf Pile Torture.
Jumes Kenton, Memphis, Tenn., says:
"I suffered tho tortures of Itching piles
for years, and not even mercurial oint
ment would relievo mo. One CO cent box
of Pyramid Pile Cure cured mo entire
ly." All druggists sell It. Cook, "Plies,
Causes and Cure," mailed free, Pyra
mid Drug Co., Murshull, Mich.
mere's i ki
llflwii MfilfP? Tfiom ifowinio
If 11)11 milllbo Illbli! fib 1)11! b
Clarence Cole Injured by the Upset
ting; of a Sleigh Coming Lec
ture of Hon. John G. "Woolloy.
A very peculiar accident occurred
yesterday morning on Nortli Main ave
nue, near Onk street, xvhen Clarence
Cole, un employe of Wolff's livery,
came driving doxvn North Main avenue
xvlth Dr. Hollister's horse and sleigh.
Tho sleigh caught in the street cur
track, overturning it and throwing
Colu to the pavement xvlth great
force, cutting several deep' msli. in
his head.
He managed to slop the horse from
running away, but the sleigh xvas bad
ly damaged.
The large increase in the mall re
ceived In town has already made It
necessary to add two additional car
riers to tho original force of four which
It xvas thought xvould bo able to cover
the territory. All parts of tho borough
are noxy receiving txvo deliveries and
txvo collections daily. Hereufter all
drop letters Intended for local delivery
must bear a txvo cent stamp Instead of
one as heretofore.
Letters remaining unclaimed during
the period ending February 1st, 1902.
Persons calling for these letters please
say "advertised:" Michael Carden,
Warren street, (F); Mrs. Bridget Doh
erty, Franklin street, (F); Miss Cnth
erlnu McGrath, 142 Mndlsou avenue,
(F); Mrs. John Seheneer, Mrs. Mae
Williams, Gardner street, F.tsll Pallch,
Stnjka Ivan, (P); rtaffnela Calomiindl
fu, Quotum, (F); piltu Costanzofu
Giovanni, (F); Andonio Santausltirio,
The Odd Fellows held a largely at
tended meeting last night when several
candidates xvere initiated Into tho or
der. During tho past several months
there has been a very large Increase
of membership in this order and the
prospects are that it xvlll continue for
some time.
St. Agnes Guild of St. Mark's church
will hold a cruller social at the home of
Carl Neuffer, of Dudley street, on
Tuesday, February 11. A musical pro
gramme xvlll bo rendered.
The funeral of the late Mrs. M. J.
O'Boyle took place from her late home
on East Drinker street yesterday morn
ing and xvas largely attended. A
requiem mass xvas celebrated in St.
Mary's church, after xvhlcli interment
was made In Mt. Carmcl cemetery.
MarHetnian II. E. Spencer has pur
chased a nexv horse which he delights
in shoxving to every one xvho xvlll look.
E. D. Arnes is confined to his home
on Green Ridge street suffering' from a
severe case of rheumatism.
Man Who Obtained Thorn Says Ho
Dooa Not Know tho Nnmcs of tho
Persons' for Whom Ho Is Acting.
Enjoyablo Masquerade Ball of tho
Scranton Athletic Club Tlmo for
Holding Mothers' Meetings Has
Boon Changed Mlos Meredith Ap
pointed Secretary of Y. W. C. A.
Considerable speculation bus 'been
caused on this side the past week by
the actions of an Individual xvho has
been taking options on properties along
Cedar avenue In the vlclnltv ot No. 8
school and near Mnple and Elm streets.
All efforts to discover xvhat the
properties xvere xvantcd for failed, and
all that could be learned xvna that Mr.
Fisher, as the agent culled himself,
xvas acting for parties not known to
himself and that ho was as much in
the dark as the property owners.
After getting the prices on various
pioportics he called again a fexv days
later xvlth papers druxvn for sixty-day
options on which hn made a deposit
of one dollar. He was anxious to get
an option on the Philip Klrst lots at
uil- curiicr oi i emir avenue anil Elm
street, but refund an offer of several
cheap lots xvhlcli ode located .lust be
low the cemetery.
1 ' ,
J Jonas Loog's Sods
How the Coats
And Suits Go
Coming Lecture.
Next Tuesday evening, Hon. John G.
Woolley xx ill lecture in the tabernacle
of the North Main Avenue Baptist
church on the topic, "My Oxvn Country."
This lecture is for the benefit of the
temperance xyork throughout Laeku
xvanna county, und it promise. to be a
treat worth hearing. It xvas first In
tended to hold this lecture on tho
Wpst Side, but on account of the small
pox in that section, the place has been
ennngeu lo this end.
Wc have just what you're looking for, perhaps. Our H
stronp argument is that here you et them just a "little 3?
better' than elsewhere. Astonishing what a little money
njoney will do in this Wash Goods matter. $
Distinctive Display
rune Wash Cioods s
Wc were fired with enthusiastic admiration for them &
when we bctiRlu, and we want to convey this enthusi- Si
asm o you. Nothing short of a visit to this Wash Goods
bxhibit will do it, however.
I Here Are Some of the Names
of MarUi-t
j$ Grenadine llinpiqiie
j Avalon Batiste,
iS '"-"" J"o,
Fantasia Suisse,
rourguny Novelties,
5 Mercenzctl (Jlmmbray, English Madras,
ja uiiaiuuray Madras, JBiigll
lish Cheviots,
iiono Organzino
Colored Gauze do Soie,
Lpho Gauze de Soie,
Silk and Linen Tissue,
Flomish Lace Stripes.
These can hardly be described. They are novelties and -'
we only give you such an idea of their beauty and worth &
as will tempt you here to see them. :
l2 TVv linei i ifiii lltiticttt
55 Finale Batiste,
Pineapple Tissue,
Dotted Swiss,
Gauze do Soie,
, if Roll Call Is Enough for These
Columns couldn't tell their story. Our hobby is quul- ei
ity and we ride it to its fullest extent, This doesn't S
mc ifMi ir n n-AA K.. Ir - !.. i . V' .' .
cost you any more than if you bought some poor quali- St
ties, but then you can't buy poor qualities here we
naverit got them. No woman of taste was ever misled '
by purchasing Irom us. ar.
lobe Warehouse!
This e onlng the North End Stars
will Journey to South Scranton to plt.y
the Defenders, of that place, for the
championship of tho state.
The Clerks' union held a well at
tended meeting last evening In Leon
ard'a hall.
Miss Kathryji Lynott,
street, Is ill.
The funeral of Milton Filniore, ino
nine months' old child of Mr. ond Mrs
O. S. LutK, who died Monday evening
from bronchitis, look place trom his
la-to residence, Wi Von Storch avenue,
The Providence "Woman's Christian
icmperancp union will meet nt tha
homo of Mrs. Von Storch, 012 East
Market street, this afternoon nt 3
o'clock, The county president, Mrs.
Vaughn, Ik expected to bo present to
deliver an address.
Toinoitow evening the people of thla
section will bo able to sec tho cracl:
St, Clulr basket ball team battle with
tho Crackerjacks of this end, nt tho
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Leonard, of
West Market street, havo returned
homo after visiting friends for the
past few days In "Wllkes-nnrro.
Tho ladles or St. John's Protestant
Episcopal mission will conduct a caIo
sale In the Ostcrhout building, on Mar
ket street, Saturday.
The Providence "Woman's Christian
Temperance union will meet at the
homo of Mrs. Von Storch, 012 East
Market ulrcet, this afternoon at 3
o'clock, Every member Is requested to
be present.
A special meeting of the North
Scranton Republican club is called for
Friday evening, W. G. Mosor and C,
E. Daniels will be among tho speak
ers. Every member la requested to bo
Tuesday evening the members of
Itescuo lodge, Knights of Pythias, will
conduct a smoker.
Mrs. Daniel Thomas, of Putnam
street, who was InJiirediSoine time ago,
is somewhat Improved!
Tho fair being conducted In St,
Mary's hall waa well attended last
One of tho horses belonging to John
Nenry, a liveryman of this end, hnd
to bo shot last evening.
'iha North Scranton Republican
club, No, 2, will meet this evening,
over Chapelt's hotel, on North Main
Class No. 22 will give the following
programme at the Asbury Methodist
Episcopal church tonight: '
Piano Solo, Selected Mis. ll.iliih Waid
Violin Sol-fa)
.Medlc.v Miss Ildna Cinl
(li) Cavatln.1.
00 Mollle'a i:es Mi. Mitlon Calkim
(b) Itcmllinocr Sticnui.
Hocltatlon Ml, Mlldicd Gicen
Pluto Solo
(a) Sanas I'atoles.
(li) C.inzoiictt.1 Mr. Kugcno Ham
Solo, .'rloctcil Mm. I.i.tu Hushes llitimhige
l'iniio Solo, "J liu Two l.oi cU.
MU tliulotto Zuilllah
IlJlitoiic S'olo
(a) Tlii Illiquid.
(li) 't'liu .Mlijlily llfi'i Mr. Julm .lom-s
lircitaticn Jl iu Mililroil (iiicn
Violin Kolo, iulwti'd MK Uilin C'ar. 1
C'onlrJltn SmIo, t-idikil Mr.-. Mi"C
liiiet, Soloi lul Mh. IIiiiiiiIjl-p and Mr. .luncj
AiiAiiip.miU Mi. Waul und Mls MaM Jjjne.
After the programme refreshment
will bo served by the young ladles of
the class.
The funeral of Milton fllliuorc I.uu,
the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. O. S.
Lutz, of 154J Von Storch avenue, took
place from tho homo yesterday after
noon nt 2.20 o'clock. IJov. W. O. Simp
son, pastor of Asbury Methodist Epis
copal church, conducted tho services.
Interment was made in Forest Hill
Howard Leniley, of Norwich, N. V.,
Is a guest at the hopio of Mr. and Mis.
J. F. Hnngl, of Dickson avenue.
The teacher und members of Class
No. 22 of Asbury Methodist Episcopal
Sunday cohool have arranged a splen
did entertainment to take placo In the
lecture room of the church this even
ing, sonic of tho best niuMcnl talent in
the city having been secured. Many
tickets havo been sold and a largo
attendance is expected.
Quarter barrel sack of Ilornbaker's
Eest Flour, $1.03.
William Losau, of Dlckt-on avenue,
who Is employed nt tho Richmond
breaker, was nulte seriously Injured
whlo on his way to work yesterday
morning. Young Logan, who is about
IS years old, boarded the C.30 Delaware
and Hudson train nt tho Green RIdgo
station and rodo to Providence. On
leaving the train at Providence ho
sllDDed and fell between the station
platform and tho train and wiih badly
squeezed. Dr. Hesulo was called, nnd
tho young man was removed lo his
homo In a carriage It Is feared ho is
injured lnternullv.
Maple Syrup, 75c. gallon at Horn
baker's. Mrs. E, Huntsman, of Dickson ave
nue, will occupy tho Jackson residence,
corner of New York and Mousey ave
nues, after Feb. 10.
The church meeting held by tho con
gregation of the Green Ridge Presby
terian church last evening for the pur
pose of electing additional church eld
ers, adjourned without taking a vote,
owing to the fact that not enough of
tho church members were present' to
cast u representative vote,
Qreen Ridge street nnd Electric ave
nue aie crowded every evening with a
noisy, happy ciowd of coasters, who
go Hying down the hills nnd cheerfully
walk back to the top to start again.
Masquerade Ball.
Last night's masquerade ball and
festival, given under the auspices of
tho Scranton Athletic club at their
hall on Alder street was n financial
and artistic success. The hall, which
nad iieen prettily draped for the occa
sion, was tin own open nt 7.-13 p. m
and from that time unit! 0 o'clock a
steady stream of merry maskers passed
through the portal, so that at the hour
last named the management could
have followed the example of theater
people and hung up a sign rending
"slnndlns room nnl v."
It was a brilliant scene, and the con
trast or coloring shown in tile various
costumes, and offset bv tlte bunting
and drapery, produced an effect that
was delightful to the artistic mind,
una cnarniing to tue eye.
All the nations of the earth weir
represented, and also some Hint arc
not on this earth. The hobo was In
evidence and played tag with a dude.
Uncle Sam ami John Hull, also were
In attemlance.and became quite friend
ly to the evident annoyance of Rus
sia, France and Germany. Some of
the characters represented were amus
ing and great care una evident In
some of the marte mis, as vailous
prizes were offered for the best dressed
couple, the poorest dressed couple, and
me most comical make up.
Taken altogether, it was a gicat so
cial event, and the arrangements u
Ileet much ciedlt on the following
committee, who had charge of tho
atfolr: Fred "U'einig. Adolnb ir:mi-
men, Charles Dieting, Henry Meyers
and Adoluh JleuMier.
There are a couple of reasons for the success of this
sale of Coats, Jackets and Suits this week. First, th
quality offered; second, the price asked for them; third.
mt: Kiunuub wintei weauier inai lemmas you or needed
wraps to keep away the chilly winds. There is ample
time to get some hard wear out of them before the
balmy spring days are here.
Women's Suits, Jackets and Coats, the $10.00 kind,
the 12.50 kind and the $15.00 kind; 27-inch Jackets.
"Stylish? We should say so." Made with box front
and back; yoke; tan, castor, blue, Oxford and black.
To close out
All our 15.00, $1800 and $20.00 Women's Eton
and Coat Suits, made of serge and cheviot, Venetian and
broadcloth, single and double-breasted. To close, out
buy them as-long as they will last at
Choice Pears pound can 2 for 25c
Apple Butter 3 pound cans 10c
Oyster Crackers Crisp, per pound 5c
Clark & Snover Tobacco, per pound 35c
Ralston Hominy Grits, per package 9c
Ralston Oats, per package 9c
Fancy Corned Bacon, per pound 10Jc
Salt for Table use 8c sack for 5c
ll Rol.-lnrr PmuHor Hnr "Moil Rrnnrl " llnno Vior
i.UIM..ft 1 V.VUl.1 uui iuwi UlllllU. IWIIS. UI.I-
I ter at any price, per pound 25c
I Baking Soda Our "Ideal Brand." Satisfaction
guaranteed. 1 pound package 7c II
Half pound package 4c
Choice Peaches 2 cans for 25c
The recently elected ofllceis of the
patriotic Order Sons of Ameilca liugie,
Fife and Drum corns will be installed
tins evening.
Owing to the fact that tlm Ladleo"
Aid societies of tlm various churches
hold their montblv sessions on tlio
nrst Thursday In each month, the
management of the kindergarten
mothers' meeting has leelrio,i tn
change their date from thp first to
me second Thursday in each month,
on which day they will meet hereaf
ter. The meeting that should take
place today is therefore put off until
next Thur-dny.
An account of the bowling matih
between the Aillngtous and the -'outh
Side teams will be found on another
Miss Meredith, of AVIlkes-Hane. has
been appointed secretary of the (Vdar
Avenue loung Woman's Chrlstl.ui as
sociation, nnd will uKMinii" rhiirgn cm
Monday next. The new .secretary
takes tho place of Miss Van Nort, who
recent!:' if signed.
There will bo u meeting of .St. John's
Literary society tonight.
The Pchweltzer Muennerchor will
hold their annual masnue hull tomor
row evening ut Athletic hall on Alder
street. Elaborate and careful arrange
ments have been made bv the com
mittee In charge and nrst class music
will bo one of the feiituica of the affair.
El g!
Jonas Lods's Sods
Academy of flusic
II. HEIS, Lecste. A. J. Dully, Msnijer.
Ai.i, wra: ixnnu.vKV s. '
llul'iew uwtcl e Urn iiatlc Cj npany
Picsentln:: a new nnd up-to-date rcpcitolrc.
M0ml.1v nlRlit, "The AiiroI ot tlie Alley"; Tues
day matinee, "Tlie Ansel ot the Alley"; Tiiec-il-iy
tilcht, "In I'eiil": Wodne&d.i, maline", ".
WoliiatiS IIoiiui"; Wedni'-d.ty nislit. "Ilunrli
luil (if tli Piuie"; Thuril.iy iiiitlnee, "A
Country Cciiu-tliip": rl)iuii!.iv iiihlil, '"Hi
jm-tn of CliliLitimn"; I'rld.iv inatiiier, "Hie
illii'.'0 HlacViiilUi": l'lldjy uUlit, "'Hip Anffi-1
if tin" AlU'V"; Mtmd.i) 111.11 inei'. "In 1'oiil";
Slllllll.IV niKlit. "Hi? tjiiwii of ( IlllMloun."
j ISIj; SpciialtiiA, liiMiii'd In- tin- (1 tVliiiliMiul-i
i.I till- lliseit, tl.i- fiatllll- nf tlie l!llfl.l!i Hill
Uilil Wiwt tin- sm-t tn M'.i-on-..
l'iiiCi-10, -M and 3il nut'.
Lyceum Theatre
ItLIS, Lessee and JIanasrr.
A. J. DUFFV, Bus. itanasef.
MltS. JOHN LINDLEIt. formerly
MIsa Schumacher, died Monday night
at her homo In Plttston avenue, South
oeramon. hno wtis well known and
highly respected In that part of tho
city. The funeral will bo held at 2
o'cleck this afternoon. Nov, A, O.
Clnllenkamp, pastor of the JCIon Luthern
chuich of Mlillln avenue, of which she
was it life long member, will conduct
tho funeral services and wench tho
sermon. The Ladles' society of tho
church, of which she was a member,
will attend tho funeral In a body.
l'ATIUCK IlATCHFOltD,' son of Mr.
and Mrs. Anthony Itatehford, of Mlu-
It's the Evidonco of Scranton l'eoplo
Published in Scrnnton Papers That
Has Maclo Such a Boputation for
Dr, A. W. Chase's Norvo Pills.
AI.P. O. IIUHItlXr.lO.V, Mam-ttr.
'lliiiiiilai. I'riilnv and Situida.l,
I'KIlltl AUY U, 7 AXI) .
"Little i-gypt Burlesqaers"
Jlnllneo Kvory Diy.
Tliiitlith annual tour of tlie le,-llinutc Iiisli
lr. Joseph lyrpli
Mipporti-il hy a company of sui-p.ialns oMcllcncq
In Ills cier popular play,
Shaun Rhue.
Pi Ices 23c. lo 5-1.00.
Scati on sale Tuenliu
Friday' Night.
'One of the Conspiiuom Suce-a-s ot tho I'reacnl
New York fcejson."
eral street, died nt his home Wednes
day. Funeral will take place Thurs
day at -'loO p. in.
Ai well a tin; liandiomeut, and others are ImlteJ
to call on any druggUt and tet free a trial bottle
o KimpV Halmrnfor tlio linoat and J.nash a
remedy tint I euaiaptud lo cuic and relieve all
Chronic and Acute Coujlu, Avtlmu, Urouchitii
and Comuuijitloa. Price Soc, and Mc.
Negro Murderer Is Safe.
Philadelphia, lb. 5. Albeit Vest, the negro
nho late Satuiday night shot nnd killed Mark
W. Allen, Jr., a policeman, at Chester, l'a,, four,
teen miles from here, liaj been brought to tlila
tlty ami plated in tho Kastnn p;jiltcntljry to
protect him fiom ljucbers.
1 m I.
Wrote Poem, Thou Drank Acid.
It.'tlilehem, Pub. 6. Suffering from melancholia,
Mua Slay Fuller, 0f Chicago, trained nuisc, oyod
41, imployed here, committed suicide at noon
after writing a poem mi "Uldding Oood Night
t the World," by drlnhliif to quucm of tar
belie acid.
Standing clear and distinct, mat kins
tho difference, tho superior merit, tho
adaptability lo present-day ailments la
tho volume of local testimony for d
A. AV. Chase'u Nerve Pills. It's 0 dif
ferent to tho ordinary remedies refer
ring to cures made at distant points
which It Is hard to verify. There Is a
reason fot Dr. A. AV. Chase's Nerve
Pills commanding home evidence wher
ever tioy uro known, It Is their won.
de.-ful Inlluenco in bringing up tj)0
standard of nerve force.
Mr. Henry Alberts, of No. tilfi nireli
street, Scranton, Pa says; "for about
two years my back nnd kidneys had
been sore, lame and the secretions in
bad shape. Nothing seemed to help nje
until I got Dr. A, AY. Chase'u Ncrvo
Pills at Matthews Pros.' drug store,
No. 320 Lackawanna avenue. They
did the work, curing the soreness
und lameness, making the secietlous
healthy, and generally giving mo
health und strength,"
Pr. A. A Chase's Nerve Pills aie
sold at 60c. u box ut dealers, or Dr. A.
AV. Chasol Medicine Co., Uuffalo, N. v.
(3 Al tn f nslMtl If rl nil Llirmiiin a 4 a
"vv y. tv vimi, mum nttuuiitiu Ul 4f
AV. Chase, M. D. are on every package.
The fiinuul uf the late Mile- . (iiUlwin, of
Sumner iiiinnc, illl t.iki- plan- I'lld.n i,viii,li:g.
A Boleinu high n.a-s will li. iolclii.ild In Holy
loaiy ihuuli.
Mij, Alice lllne llraniloiv, wife of V. W. Ilran.
ilow, of lOli Ollie blietl, Sciaiilon. illetl Jan.
S'.i, IWi. Mr. Ilrandoiv leaiei a husband, tuo
ilaughters, Charlotte II. and l'r.mies V, 1),, four
biolhem, X. 1". Illnc, 1 II.. M. 1. and J. M.,
nil of Scranton; two i-Uters, Mis. . O. ?all-buiy,
of 'llioniteiiii; Mrs. II, II. Vaughn, nf Xcw iu'1.
i Ity., and .1 lio-t of frlcndi hue uml in tho btate
m California, to mourn the lor of one poci,.
ing many noble Clulstinii giacc.
bomc jcur bcfoic hir health failed, she lias a
member or the iwmun'a unibtiaii icinpeiance
union of Ijiliaivanna county and held the otli' s
of county iti-aiurif. Mii. ilrandoiv iv.ij hoin In
licnuv, .Sii'nui'li.iiini count, I'.i., ,iiu iaa tl.c
lauglitir of the lite Mr. and Mrs. Ira lllnc.
Neun jeais ago die left her loiln, homo and
went to I,jj Angeltvi, Cjl.; fiom there to tho
Autelopo ullcy; Ihciiic to Xurlh t arollna and back" to the Antelope alley ugalu, In linpes
ot icgalnliig tier health, llieo thing was done
that )oiln;t li.imU lould do, hut all In lain, fo
Know the loie und ic-pecl in ulilili Mrs. llran
iloiv lias held by her frlendi In Scranton nas only
lo look upon her catUet, wlikli na lomplctcly
Imilul In bciutiful, frjgrant llouiu, loiitributed
by hleuji tar and iisar. She win uiiiiuteil at
(he age of JU, Joined ihc MctliodUt HpUiopal
chuich, ami Hied an cuiit ( lulilaii life.
Grace George,
In Win. . Dradj's Production of
By I.oltlc lllalr l', author of
Iltncllt I'cifonnaiice for II. V. I). 1.'., of ikranton.
I'riits-SO, 73, M.CiO, j.l.f.0, i.'alleiy, 2a and fiUc.
Seats on tale Wcdnctday.
Saturday ft'latin33 and Nigiit
11, I). Stair piccnU for jour iitcajiirc
Ward and Vokes
In their Viv "Cut I'p,"
ie Head Waiters
t'riici Matinee, 2Jc. and We,
Xlgh, Wc., Mc, 73c i
Seats on alo Thursday,
and 'tl.C).
Oni Night, Monjay, Fab, 10,
rir. James O'Neill
In f.kblir i; Co.'j Mj.-uineent Scenic Production
uf the (heater
Iethodlst Missionary Official Op
poses Special Chinese Exclusion,
Uy Uxcliulve Wire (torn The Associated I'rcsi.
Washington, D. C, Peb. n. TXw. S.
r Ualdwin, ot New Yoik, secretary of
tlie Missionary society of the Metho
dist Episcopal chinch, wnn heard by
the house committee on foreign affairs
today In opposition to the Mltchell
Kahn bill for Chinese exclusion, lie
took tlte position that general restric
tions on immigrants should govern all
nationalities ulikn nnd that discrimin
ation against tho Chinese alone was
not to the mibliu interest.
President Oompers of tho Ameiican
Federation of Labor, continued his
statement In support of the bill.
Stranded Steamer Floated Safely.
Oy Excliulie Wire fiom 'ilm Associated I'lcu.
Atlautie tlty, K. J., I'cb. 0.-Tbe Uritl.U by Insurance,
Star ca,t incluilci rill'.nKllIC Pll HIXLi:.
Vll.l.i:, .lames O'Neill, Jr., Waiien C'onlon, W. J,
Phon, llande lillbert. ,lnepli blojtcr, Mhi
Selene .loliitecn, Kale I'lctiher, Virginia Kcatinj
and lift) oiher,
Original Nil', Vol I. Aiadcinj ot Miblc produu
tion. I'liu'.-'Jac. to fl.ju.
Seatu on ealo I'lidJ) jt U o'cluik.
iteaimhlp ClVirda)e, from China and J j pan for
New York, whkli went a-hoie on Hrlnantlue hoal
ilurun; Kituiday niglu'd utoini, iv.i.s iloatcd with
the aid of MAcral tiiga ihl, iiioiuIiiu, 'Ihc (aur-
dale wa uppjiciilly uiiiiijiinU and fclic proceeded
to Xiv Veil; utidi r her own ileum. Xon of tin
7.MW tou ot the ( iJU'ldjIc'a luluable uitjo worv
Dig Plro Near Albany,
UyTxclushe Wire from 'the Auociitcd l'reu.
Albany, N. V., fcb. 5. -A lira nil Vault 'iui.r
lair itlaud, jut outtlde of Albany today, dt
Uroyed tlW.OOO worth of property and nitrou);
eweapcu dKtroJlnit tbo big tluiajrc plant of th
t-laudmt OH comivmy. I. -I. McArdje, ot Net
U'ih, in liu; licailutt lexer. The lorn U coicrc