The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 06, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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    it ,vf 'v '--' !J5' wnrtTW1'' Ti
6 gcwmfotf $r(Btme
' MVY S. UtOItAIll), i:M6r.
0, V, DYMlBKi Itiulticw Manager-
Kcw York ofnec. WIj7vMiMD
b'oln Agent for 1'orelgn Advertising.
Cnlered at the rostotnea nt Scwnloii, Vt s
Second ChM Mall Matter.
W1.mi snnnn will UPl'llllt.
Tribune is nlwayB elfttl to Prl,u
short loiters from Its frlonda hoar
lnp on current topics, but Us rule is
that these must bo signed, for ttu
Ucntlou, by tho writer's real name,
nnd the condition precedent to uc
coptnnco Is that all contributions
shall bo subject to editorial revision.
""fhTlollowing tabic allows the price per incli
each Insertion. pace to Ire ued vvltliw ono year.
Itun nt
I' per
ISUllnir on
I.i"a than SOU Inches
WO inches
1000 . "
flflOO "
l'or cards of tlianks, resolution-) of condolence,
and similar contributions In the nnturo l nd
vei Using The Tribune makes n charge ot 5 cent-i
u line,
Hates for Classified Advertising furnished m
Controller-WAN' It. MOItniS.
Election February IS,
Just what Is back of the Hurry in
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
stock remains to be disclosed. Un
doubtedly there Is a. "hen on." Tho
fact that the stock la in demand, how
ever, is enough to satlsCv Scranton.
The Lesson.
SOIIcl mill nor oueiiHe uiusu
from symnathy and not
from mission is credible.
Hut it contains a lesson. The access
given bv manv jail administrations to
women aflllcted with mawkish senti
mentality for condemned criminals is
somethlns that can easily bo remedied.
The lesson of the Blddlo case is that it
should be remedied without delay. No
woman should be admitted to see any
notorious criminal unless a relative;
and then there should be a strict es
pionage. The lengths to which airs.
Soffel went are unusual, hut she sim
ply went to the limit of: the journey
which hundreds of women enter upon
when they deluge criminals with flow
ers, write sympathetic letters and oth
erwise let their pity run away with
their common sense. Since a remedy
of this peculiar condition of things is
not to be had from women themselves
It must be applied with firmness by
the men' in charge of our jails in the
form of a dead line against all forms
of' feminine mawkishness.
Eighty-five cent gas is not so much
the need of this, city as gas which
gives a bright, clear light gas with
some body to it. Tho diaphanous arti
cle now supplied under that title is a
good example of what gas ought not
to be, regardless ot price.
Business Failures.
' N THE YEAR 1901, according to
Bradstreet, 10.C4S American trad
ers became embarrassed, with
debts amounting to $130,109,078
and assets of only $61,093,831, a gain, In
numbers, of 7.4 per cent, over the rec
ord for 1900, but yet only S8-100ths of 1
per cent, of the great business army of
tho United States, which, in 1901, num
bered 1,201,803 traders, or 3.4 per cent,
more than in 1900. .The proportion fall
ing was only a fraction larger than in
1SS0 and back of that year no percent
age of number failing so small Is re
corded nearer than the year 18S2. There
are 150,000 more persons in business
now than in 1S92, but the number of
failures In 1901 was less than 4 per cent,
larger. In other words, failures have
Increased only one-fourth as rapidly as
has the number of people In business.
Yet tho failures are numerous enough
to justify the Inquiry which Bradstreet
makes as to their causes. Foremost of
these Is Insufllclent capital; a banking
on expectations rather than assets.
Thus, last year, 89 per cent, of those
traders who became embarrassed In tho
United States and Canada had cither a
very moderate credit rating or were
possessed oC none at all. This is the
largest percentage shown In any year
for a decade past. Never, in fact, since
JS92, when 93 per cent, of those falling
were possessed of only a moderate or
no credit rating, has the percentage
been so high as It was In tho past year.
In 1900 tho percentage was only S4.7 per
cent. This percentage has fallen as low
as 69.7, tho latter being reached in that
year of financial stress, 1893. Ever since
that year tho proportion hus tended to
rise steadily, slowly at first, In such
years as 1S91, ISM and 1890, and more
rapidly as business Improved, oppor
tunities widened and venturers became
more bold.
''i'heso statistics, harmonizing, ns
they do, over a period of yearn, would,"
pays lfradstreot, "seem to absolutely Jlx
and confirm the statement that In nor
mal years, or In years of prosperity,
good credit is tho ono most important
asset, without which all success is vain,
Confirmatory will bo found tho statis
tics as to tho percentage of capital em
ployed. Of tho 12,027 failures reported
in the United States and Cunada, 91.0
per 'cent.. wero those possessed of only
$5,000', capital or less. This percentage
compares with 91,2 per cent, in 1900 and
93.1 per cent. In 1899. In view or the
general belief thai tho great develop
meiit of large corporations In the pant
few years has been unfavorable to
those possessed of Bmnll capital, tho
fact, that tho percentage of those fnll
Jnghas been smallRr than in either of
thoHwo preceding years Is of Interest."
Our contemporary continues; "The
saying that a man Is tho architect of
his own fortune, and that, generally
.speaking', tho Individual trader pos
sesses within himself tho elements of
success or failure In tho business world,
has been very effectively demonstrated,
Experience over tv period of years has
ahown that the causes of commercial
embarrassment may be quite senerally
classed under the following eleven
heads, close study of which In Invited
In order that tho reader may bocomo
familiar with their application to tho
matter In hand!
"A. Due to faults of those falling!
"(I) Incompetent (Irrespective of
other causes),
"(2) Inexperience (without other In
comDfttennol. "(3) Lack of capital.
"(1) Unwise granting ot credits.
"(5) Speculation (outside regular bust
nensj. "If!) N'ogWt or luislncss (duo to
doubtful habits).
"(7) Personal extravagance.
"(8) Fraudulent disposition of prop
erf v,
"B, Not duo to faults ot those fnll
Inu: "(9) Specific conditions (disaster, etc.).
"(10) Failure of others (ot apparently
solvent debtors).
"(11) Special or undue competition.
"Eight ot those eleven causes, It will
bo observed, may properly bo classed as
proceeding from, or attributable to, tho
trader himself, while tho remaining
three may just as clearly bo said to bo
beyond his control. Of tho failures re
ported in the United States during tho
past year 71.1 per cent, wero reported
duo to ono or more of the ilrst eight
mentioned causes In other words, more
than seven-tenths wero due to faults of
those falling, while 2S.0 per cent, were
duo to faults of others."
Tho element of chanco In business is
thus shown to he somewhere between
one-fourth and one-third. That loaves
ample scope for the exercise of Indi
vidual merit. In no other Held of human
endeavor Is It, In our opinion, less.
Any man can afford to be vaccclnated
and will not bo deserves a term In jail.
Even those who do not believe in
vaccination owe something to the gen
eral welfare.
The "Antis" Disappointed.
UNLESS the anti-lmperlalists
can impeach either the vor
acity or the Intelligence of
Judge Tuft their case 'is
gone. The purport of his testimony is
clean cut In Its denial of the premises
upon which tho opponents of the ad
ministration are building.
His story of the aims of the commis
sion and of the methods It has em
ployed leaves not a vestlgo of the
assertion thut a. tyranny has been In
contemplation or that there is any wish
to deny to the Filipinos the utmost
liberty consistent with their own
safety and the fulfillment of the obli
gations of the Paris treaty.
If the criticism wore justifiable It
would be that Governor Taft's policy,
as outlined by him, is dangerous on
the score of its excessive liberality. lie
believes that kindness will win even
among Malays. Ho is going upon tho
supposition that there is no race so
treacherous or deceitful that when it
discovers that the intentions of its
rulers are humane and generous and
designed honestly for the race's benefit
it will not be converted from suspicion
and distrust to appreciation and confi
dence. As a proposition applicable to an Anglo-Saxon
community this is sound
doctrine. Whether 'it applies also to
tho Filipinos is another question, Gen
eral Chaffee, whose honesty ot purpose
is fully as well established as is that
of Governor Taft, takes the exactly
oppostte view. He says that the entire
Filipino race is treacherous by instinct
and not for a moment to be trusted out
of sight. These radically different
views naturally explain life differences
which have arisen between the civil
and military arms of the Philippine ad
ministration. They arise from tho na
ture of things. They are inevitable
wherever a military and civil policy
are competitive.
Since the burden of responsibility
rests on Governor Taft, he is clearly
entitled to have his policy prevail. He
will be judged finally by its results, and
should therefore be unhampered in
striving to produce them. But the mere
statement of tho facts disproves ut
terly the claim of inhumanity in the
Philippines. Those who are trying to
asperse the good name of their own
country and discredit its responsible
agents in the' performance of a task
most dlfllcult at best receive scant en
couragement from the testimony of tho
one Americnn now living whoso testi
mony in such a matter is most entitled
to weight.
Report 1ms It that President Diaz of
Mexico desires to retire. The fact that
he can contemplato retirement without
misgiving as to his country's futuro
Is the best proof that could be offered
of tho thoroughness of his work. Diaz
ranks among the world's greatest
Editor MecU'M attempt to fight o'er,
In the courts of Clearfield, the political
battles of the past will probably not
succceed; but it shows what a Penn
sylvania editor will try to do when
Though it may be true, as jealously
alleged by tho weather bureau, that
tho ground hog has proved a truo
prophet only twice In ten years, may
bo this Is his lucky year.
If 'the Hood of jewels continues In
Admiral Schley' direction much longer
he will be liable to look llko an old
time professional skater when on
According to the New York papers,
Mrs. Patrick Campbell, the actress, Is
very much with us, hut no one seems
to have been nble to locate "Pat,"
There Is good sense In the philoso
phy that street Improvements should
bo permanent, The makeshift -plan Is
generally costliest In the end.
Tom Johnson Is now In a position to
sympathize with the man who went up
against a cyclone. He has collided
with the Ohio Supremo court.
An attempt at lynching near Chester
the other days shows that Mr, Tillman
may have some friends in the north
after all.
In other words, If the Boers want
peace they must personally step up to
the captain's ohlce and say so. '
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Now York, Fob. li. In an open letter
to the Associated Press, former Senator
William M. Chandler of Now Hamp
shire considers, In tho light of what is
now known ns tho diplomatic corres
pondence with Spain prior to April,
1898, tho question, "Would Spain Have
Yielded Independence to Cuba to Avoid
War?" His letter has special roferenco
to tho claim, often since made, In con
gress and elsewhere, that had the war
party not swept the administration Into
a declaration of war, President McKln
loy would have accomplished Cuba's
liberation by peaceful means. This
Senator Chandler refutes by showing
from tho oillclal correspondence In tho
"Red book" that Spain was never asked
by Minister Woodford to grant Inde
pendence to Cuba. Incidentally, tho
senator criticizes severely tho conduct
of negotiations at Madrid by General
Woodford, whom ho virtually charges
with Incompetence, unwarranted pre
sumption and failure to carry out In
structions. Senator Chandler writes:
In all fho corriondcncc between Washington
and Madrid the principal demand of the United
Stalei was only for peace. What else wai Mr.
Woodford Instructed to demand and what did ho
demand? Piotcctlon to American Interest. Hc
vocation of the reconcentratlon order nnd per
mission to the United States to help feed and
clothe the outcasts, Local government "while
remaining within the Integral nationality of
Sp.iin." Peace through the Cuban congrcM, pro
Wiled it shall not "diminish or iutorfcro with the
constitutional power vested by tho Cuban con
stitution in the government." "i'urther
concotflonn to Cuba through the iniilar Cuban
government." An aunlstice.
Two Other Demands.
The foiegolng i, however, not the whole nar
rative. It does appear that our government sug
gested that two demands additional to thoe
above recited should lie made. Mr. Woodford
presented neither cf them to the Spanish go em
inent, ft Is r.cccpary to look at tills part of the
case fully and with cave.
March 0, 1S0S, Mr. Day telegraphed Mr.
Woodford: "The prcident's tlesiie is for peace."
"Peace is the desired end," and closes: "Kor
your own guidance, the president euggests that it
Spain will revoke tho reconccnliatlon order and
maintain the people until they can suppoil them
selves nnd oiler to the Cubain full self-government,
with reasonable indemnity, the president
will gladly assist in its consummation."
This, although a suggestion merely Lhotibl have
been promptly presented to Spain. Hut Mr.
Woodford decided not to present jt.
March 27, Mr. Woodford telegraphs Mr. Pay:
"Do the word 'full self-government' moan actual
recognition of independence or is nominal Spanish
sovereignty over Cuba still permissible? Instinct
mo fully what the words 'with reasonable in
demnity' mean and imply"; and then ho piocceds
to tnfuim Mr. Pay that only tho Cortes can give
Independence and that the Cortes does not meet
until Apill 2.,. He noxt asl;s if it will bo satis
factory if he can secure an armistice, and further
says: "It is possible that I may induce the
Spanish ministry to submit the question of an
eaily and honorable peace to the Cuban congress,
provided such authority shall not diminish or in
terfere with the constitutional nowcr vested by
the Cuban constitution in the ccntial government. -If
I can secure these; two things with absolute)
ami immediate revocation of the reconccntratlon
order, may I negotiate? I believe that an im
mediate aimiitice means present and permanent
peace. Abo I believe that negotiations once open
between Insurgents and the Cuban government,
sonio arranpemi'iit will be reached durins the
summer which the Spanish homo government will
approve, and that Cuba will become practically
independent orpi tiom Spanish control."
Tho above two show that while Mr.
Day ".suggests" a request for Cuban independence
ho docs not instruct Mr. Woodford to ma'cc it;
(hat Mr. Woodfoid docs not want to make it,
does not want such an answer to his inquiry us
will compel lilm to make it and desires to cvrde
making it; that he wishes to obtain authority to
try to obtain fhst an armistice and second peace,
leaving Cuba ur-der Spanish sovereignty; affect
ing, however, to believe that "during the sum
mer" an arrangement will be reached by which
"Cuba will become practically independent or from Spanish control." Later it will appear
that Mr. Woodford did not mean nor desire to
have Cuba independent, and why ho did not.
Mr. Day, it now appears, had concluded io be
careful and specific. Sunday, March 27, 1S0S, Mr.
Day directs Mr. Woodford to see if the following
can be done: "I'irst, Aunlstice until October 1.
Negotiations meantime looking to peace.
Second. Immediate revocation of reconeeiUrado
order nnd the needy In be relieved with
provisions nnd supplies from United Stales, co
operating with authorities so as to afford full re
lief. "Add if possible; Third. If tnnw of peace not
satisfactorily Fettled by October 1, president of
the United States to be final arbiter between
Spain nnd inmrgents. K Spain agrees, president
will u-e friendly ofllces to get insurgents to ac
cept plan. Prompt action desirable. Day."
Having .sent the above despatch, Mr. Day, on
the next day, answers Mr. Woodford's inquiry:
"Full sclf-BOveinment with Indemnity would mean
Cuban Independence."
This, then, was the diplomatic situation at a
critical moment; Mr. Day had suggested a re
quest for Cuban independence. Mr, Woodford had
asserted the futility of such n. request and had
suggested his substitute proposal. Mr. Day had
glU'ii a specific direction to demand (1) Anulstico
until October, (2) Revocation of reconcentrado
order, (3) If terms of peace not satisfactorily Fet
fled by October the president to bo tho final
arbiter. Loo!; and sea what Mr. Woodford did.
Manh 23, 1SQ3. Mr. Woodford tolegrapln the
president that he has had a conference that after
noon with the Spanish minister, and has u fclncero
belief that an arrangement will be reached honor
able to Spain nnd sati-factoiy to tho United
States and just to Cuba,
March 9, 1S0S, Mr. Woodford writes to tho
president tint bo read to Premier Sagasta and
Senor Morct a written ftaWmont. This appears
to be the proposition of Sunday, March 27, down
to tho words "add, if possible," nnd ho does not
add the third proposition which followi these
woidsj and Mr, Woodford asks for an answer to
his "two suggestions.",
March 30, 1KB. Mr. Woodford writes to Mr.
Day a letter in which ho gives an account of Ills
conference on March 29, with Pagasta and Moret,
and says, "I began by reading to them the follow
ing statement." Then follows the statement of
Mr, Day's demand, omitting tho third imposi
tion that followed tho words "add, If possible,"
and then. Mr. Woodford uses the words, "Here I
stopped and walled for President Sagast.i'a reply,"
April 1, 1SD3. Mr, Woodford wrltc3 to Mr, Viy
tho exact language of lit? statement read to
Premier Sagasta, repeating it. It does not con.
lain tho third request after tho threo words,
"add, If possible." Ho rdds; "Statement ends
Spain's Heply,
So Mr. Woodford and tho beerctary of stats
awaited tho final answer of Spain to a demand
which did not suggest an agreement to give free
dom to Cuba, The answer came,
March SI, 1SU3. Mr. Woodfoid telegraphs to
Mr. Day tho Spanish propositions undo to him in
willing; (1) Arbitration 114 to (lie Maine; (2)
revelation ot the rcconcentrado orders with per
inhslon to tho United States to send food to the
necessitous ; (3) preparation for honorable and
6tablo pcaco through tho insular parliament, "It
being understood that tho powers irscrvcd by the
constitution to tiie central government arc not
lessened and diminished;" and (1) no tnico until
after Ilia Cuban cliambeu meet c May 4th, Mr,
Woodfoid tays that tliuso do not mean peace, but
now needless war,"
April I, JS0S, Mr. Woodford telegraphs tho
president that yesterday's conference was u sor
row (0 libit, for ho had worked hard for peace,
Vet ho was not wholly discouraged. April '.', Mr,
Woodford wiites to Mr. Day that, although the
propositions are not catUfactory, "I still believe
that iuuiudiato aimlstk-u will secure permanent
and honorable peace, with Justice to our great
American interests in that island,"
Mr, Day seems to be able to understand exactly
what Mr. Woodford is thinking ot and hoping for,
and to makes an inquiry;
April 3, 1608, Mr. Day write? to Mr, Woodford
concerning an armistice, that "to bo effective it
must be Immediately ptolfcred, and accepted by
the insurgents," and adds: "Would tho peace
jou are so confident of secuvlug 'mean ths ire
dependnw of Cuba?"
Mr, Woodford, who has his own personal plan
about the wtiolc subject, equivocates In lilt re
ply; Apt 11 S, isos. Mr. Woodford fo Mr. Day) "In
answer to your inquiry as Io whether the peace
1 am so confledent nt securing means the Inde
pendence of, Cuba, 1 reply that I believe that it
nrmlstlcc, without any conditions had been de
creed by Spanish government ltstlnff until net
October,, the negotiations between now nnd then
would hate resulted In cither an autonomy which
tho insutgents would hnvc accepted, or In the
recognition by Spain ot the independence of
Cuba, or In (he cession ot the island to the
United States. 1 believe that immediate, armistice
would have been followed by pennanent peace,
but without Immediate nnd unconditional unnU
tlce, lasllng until next October, I have no hopo ot
successful adjustment," '
April 0, 1S03, Mr. Woodford asks the president
If tiio queen will proclaim n suspension of hostil
ities In the language which he gives, before noon
ot April d, "will you sustain tho queen and rati
you prevent hostile action by cougrcs-i?" And
ho adds; "I believe that this meatus peace,
which tho sober Judgment Of our people will ap
prove long before next Xovember and which must
be approved at tho bar of tlnal history."
April 0, ISM, Mr. Day replies to Mr. Woodford,
saying that peace and stable government In Cuba
is required, if Spain will authorlzo uti armistice
the president will communlcato that fact to con
gress; that the president's message will go to con
gress tomorrow. "He will not advise the recog
nition of the Independence of the insurgents, but
will recommend measures looking to pcaco and
stability of government."
Still ifr, Woodford continues to be hopeful and
nourishes his own plan (to be hereafter de
scribed), for which ho will continue to labor.
April f., 1893, Mr. Woodford recites to Mr. Day
Ids telegram of April 3 to the president, in which
ho Fays: "I am suro that before next October I
will get pcaco In Cuba with justice to Cuba and
protection to our great American intcreslc."
To the Spanish minister, however, he talks
Apiil 0, 1S93. Mr. Woodford to Minister Gullon
recites the president's message and expresses his
sorrow that Spain has not proclaimed an. int
mediate nnd effective annlstlee or suspension of
hostilities In Cuba lasting for wlllclcnt length
of time to enable passions to cease and obtain
pettnanent and honorable peace in Cuba.
To Secrctaty Sherman, Mr. Woodford continues
to give encouragement.
April S, 1S9S, Mr. Woodfoid reports to Mr. Sher
man two newspaper interviews which he lias
given out, and closes by saying: "Tho sober
sense ot Spain is slowly but sutcly coming to
the front, and a few days (if these few ilijs still
can be had) villi see a crystallized public Fontl
tnent that will sustain tho present Spanish govern
ment, if that government has the Immediate cour
age to do at once the things that are necessary
for peace."
Mr. Woodfoid continues to hop, because of the
approaching annistlce.
April 0, 150$, Mr. Woodford to Mr. Day reports
that nt the request of the Popo and six great
Luropean powers an armistico is proclaimed
through General Ulanco.
iv'otwitlistnnding this proclamation of annistlce,
war ensues and Mr. Woodford comes homo to find
that Cuba lias been given independence, not
through his negotiations, in which such inde
pendence had never been asked for, but by war
which the United States had declared.
Woodford's Plan.
In order to comprehend tho reasons why Mr.
Wooilfiml never asked Spain to yield independence
to Cuba, it is essential to pursue further inquiry
into tho diplomatic conespor.dence.
March 9, 1S93, Mr. Woodfoid writes to the
president an account of I1I9 interview with a well
known Spanish merchant nbout the transfer of
Cuba to the United States upon a eae. Mr.
Woodfoid urged selling would- be tho best
course, and he reports tliat the Spaniards aro
beginning to talk about the advisability of celling
Cuba if tho,Unltcd Stales is willing to buv.
March 17, 1S9S, No. 13, Mr. Woodfoid 'to tin
president: States that the gentleman with whom
he had previously conversed called again and said
that Spain would never Fell the island, but Mr.
Woodfoid says: "The thought of sale is today in
the air at Madrid. Today I have more fnitli in
possible peace than I have had since I sailed from
New York, it is possible that you can buy Cuba
and (hat such contingency may soon arise as may
nnko it advisable for me to be authorized to at
least discuss tho matter with tile queen or with
Morct, if she or be should broach the subject."
"I have at last come Io believe that the only
certainty of pcaco is under our flag. I am thus
reluctantly, slowly, but entirely a, convett to the
American occupation und ownciship of tho Island.
It we rccognizu independence, wc may turn the
Island over to a pait of its inhabitants against
the Judgment of many of its educated and wealthy
residents. If we advise (lie insurgents to accept
autonomy, we may do injustice to men who have
foiylit hard and well for liberty, and they may
nut get justice from the insular government
should it once obtain control of the island. We
may in cither event only foster conditions that
will lead to continuous disorder. If wc have
war we mut finally occupy and ultimately own
the Inland. If today we could purchase at reason
able price we should avoid tho horrors and the
expense of war, and you, as a soldier know what
war is, even when waged for the holiest cause.
I therefore as): your permission to ticat.
Hero Mr. 'Woodford declaim himself unequivocal.
ly against Cuban independence and in favor of
obtaining Cuba for the United States by purchase.
His last sentence ends in tho Red book with three
stars as it does above. The eecielury of suite
lias not yet thought it wise to make public what
tlie whole sc-ntenco was, lint the American peo
ple now ousht to know. At all events, .Mr.
Woodford frankly (old his plan of purchase to the
Spanl-h government.
Maich IS, IsBS, No. 41, Mr. Woodford to the
president: Itepoits an Interview with Senor Morct.
It appeals that lie F.ild (0 Moid:
"f do not believe that autonomy will give
pence in Cuba under the Spanish tlag. Nor do I
believe that the insuigents can sccmo peace nnd
good order under 11 tree, or independent govern
ment. The Spanish flag cannot give
peace. The u-bel tlag cannot give peace, Theie
is but one tlag that can secure peace and compel
peace. . That power is tho United Stale", nnd
that flag Is our (lag,"
He asked: "Is that jour serious and sellled
I simply answered: "It Is."
it appears (hat Mr. Woodford directly proposed
that Senor Morct should obtain authority from
Spain while lie obtained authoilty to net
for the United States, and (hat (ho United States
should pay a llxed sum in piuchaso of the island.
Ami -Mr. vvoouronl ends this letter by repeating;
"My faith in settlement getsftronger."
Tho language of tills proposition, should be read
in full:
"Possibly, it your government would authorize
you to act for Spain and my government would
authorize mo to act for tho United States, wo
could come to an agreement on come such general
basis as this: The United States to pay a fixed
sum for tho puiehaso of tho island; a part of
such prleo to bo retained as a fund for tho pay
ment of all claims duo from the United States to
Sraln or to Spanish citizens, and from Spain to
tho United Slates, or to citizens of (he United
States; euch claims to be determined by a mixed
commission to bo hereafter oppolntcd; that tho
agreement to sell need not bur expressed in tho
memorandum that should bo published, which
might only provide for adjustment of all differ,
enecs between tlie two nations with the llrltlsh
queen 03 aibltrator in caa of disagreement, but
that a secret memorandum should bo signed at
tho samo tlmo flxlnir tho tcnui of agreement,
and thus avoiding any possible disagreement.
Thus Spanish pride might be satisfied,"
This dispatch of March IS, No, Jt, is plain
and clear. It airays Mr. Woodford in his nego
tiations directly against Cuban independence.
It makes him as the Ameiieaii minister distinctly
notify Spain that she must tell Cuba to tho
United States for a prleo to bo paid in money,
but ha wanted to expedite It by worrj jng Spain,
nnd so ho advises tho piesldcnt to order him to
threaten, tho queen,
Situation Before tho War,
Accurately ond caicfully stated, how did the
case stand between Spain and the United States
when the latter declared war? What had been
the successive demands ot the United States upon
Spain for spcciHo concessions?
(I.) Tho revocation of (lie concentration
orders and food supplies for the sufferers:
(2.) Au aunlstice.
In addition there should have been demanded,
but was not demanded;
The concession of Cuban Independence.
In addition there should not have been de
manded, but was demanded;
(3.) Tho talo of Cuba to the Unltvd States.
It cannot be said that this third demand, for
the sale of Cuba to-tho United State, was not
made upon Spain because It was not set out In
terms as coming by authority ot President Mo
Klnley, Hie object of the Spanish ministers was
to find out exactly what U10 United Stales really
wanted. Its minister wat on official of promin
ence and (rood repute at home ami abroad. When'
the Spanish ministers learned unmistakably what
Mr. Woodford's desire and determination was,
they had n right to feel sure, and did feel
sine, that Mich was the true and ultimate desire
of the American people, president, and congress.
Mr. Woodfod told them plainly what hU position
(1.) Opposition to Increased autonomy under
Spanish sovereignly, That would be doing, lie
said, "Injustice to men who have fought hatd
and well for liberty."
(2.) Opposition to Cuban independence, That
would be, he tald, turning tho Island over to "a
part of its Inhabitants against the Judgment of
many of its most educated and wealthy residents."
(3) A purpose) to negotiate tho purchaso and
"occupation and ownership" of Cuba by the
United State.
Any-one can see tlie Infatuation of Mr, Wood
ford with his personal project. He must have
been almost unbalanced, mentally, to press thcsn
Views upon SpalA without the slightest authority
front home. Yet that Is what he did. Tlie
Spanish queen and ministers had to meet him upon
his own ground. They had no alternative pre
sented to them, and It must be admitted that
they acted Willi dignity and honor1. "Whatever
else we do, wc will not bo mercenary; we will
not sell tor money," the queen ond tlie inlnistcrj
raid. They yielded to every other demand mado
upon them, even to tlie proclamation of nn ar
mistice; too late, it is true, to avert tiie war.
flut the unauthorized icqulrcmcnt of Mr. Wood
ford of tho sale of Cuba to him, which they did
not know was unauthorized, they would not ngrco
to; ond so war camo and they went to their
Spain's Refusal Justified.
It is easy to discriminate between the effect
upon tho Spanish mind ot a demand from us for
tlie independence of Cuba and the feeling aroused
by a demand that the island should be sold to us.
To expect Spain to yield to the latter demand
was absurd, After tho lofty ground which she
had always maintained, it was an utter impos
sibility that dm proud queen should como down
to a vulgar bargain and sale of the island to a
government, however great and powerful, which
was threatening her with war for a purpose so
selfish and mercenary. She had subdued her
pride in n great measure; she recalled (icncral
Wcyler, she yielded to every other demand made
upon her the repeal of the rcconcentrado orders
with permission to the United States to send food
nnd supplies to her avowed enemies and, without
any request from the insurgents, she proclaimed
an armistice and stopped her war against iter
rebel subjects. What other ono thing wa3 de
manded of her? This: that she should sell Cuba
for money to the United States. This she could
not bring herself to do; and rightly refused to
But if a different appeal had been couiteously
and considerably made, the queen might have
yielded to one more request: a declaration of
freedom and Independence to all her subjects in
the IJver I'atthful Isle. Sho could have done
this ns an act graceful and noble; in a proclama
tion such as England might and will send forth
granting independence to Canada and Australia
whenever those great colonics ask for Indepen
dence. Such an act of tho Spanish queen sending
Cuba out into the family of Independent natioiu
would have been greeted with generous apprecia
tion and heavty approval by the great mass of Iter
people at home and by tho world abroad, l'ree
Cuba would have voluntarily assumed a larju
portion of the publlo indebtedness of the mother
country, and Spain wcluld havo stood moro ad
mired than ever beforo by the nations of tlie
earth. But to sell Cuba for money to a hostile
and threatening nation? No! No! Spain could
not do that; nnd we cannot but lespcct the
queen and Senor Moret .for icpcllinqr the dis
honoring proposition of Minister Woodfoid.
More Information Wanted.
It is now the privilege of tho American people,
who went to war to fico Cuba, to demand and
learn why Spain was asked to si-11 Cuba and was
not asked to make Cuba free. The roi respondents
as published in the lied book is far from com
plete. There ale loo many omissions indicated
by asterisks. There are too many letters kept
back. Mr. Woodfoul's repoit to Mr. Day that
ho is seeking to buy the island stands out clear
and plain, as well as his request for authority to
continue to mc.-a lib demand for a sale. What
was Mr. Day's reply? Will the present secretary
of 6tale tell us? Will congress demand the in
formation? No ono in the senate knew that the demand
for a sale of Cuba was being made unless it was
Senator Teller, who seems to have known it
when he insisted upon inserting in the declara
tion of war a clause pledging the United States
in favor of Cuban independence.
President McKinlcy dreaded war and stiovc to
aveit it, but it is clear that he wished to have
Spain told cither (1) that the must as a con
dition cf peace grant independence to Cuba or (2)
that she must grant an armistice till October and
agree that then he should be the final arbiter
between Spain and tlie Cubans. Unfortunately,
as frequently happens in government, the highest
official was balked by the lcfusal of his subordin
ate at a distance to obey his orders, so that war
camo without cither request being made. That
he withheld expression of his indignation to
ward lils ministers is piobablc. That he had cause
for indignation Is evident. Perversely mismanag
ed diplomacy had ended in a war ftom which a
minister in every way competent might possibly
have saved the nations.
Were Senators Deceived?
There is also this passage in Mr,
Chandler's letter;
All through those April days thcie were two
fears among the war senators:
(1). That lhcro would bo so much delay that
a Luropean continental combination would be
formed to say to tlie United States that Spain
must not be compelled wholly to give up Cuba;
(2.) That the administration would como to
nn understanding with Spain that if eha would
be liberal enough in her promises of autonomy
to Cuba the president would consent to the re
tention of sovereignty over tho island by Spain.
This last fear was fteely expressed in private
conferences of senators. Tlie president was per
sonally urging congressmen to give him more
time. Senator Ciishman K. Davis was induced by
(lie picsldont to advise delay, A senator said to
him: "Is the president telling Spain that she
must give independence (o Cuba or war will
tome? If so, however llltlo may bo our faith
that Spain will agree to that condition, tima
should be given to tako tho chances ihat she
will." Mr. Davis said that the negotiations
were being so directed and assured the senator
that ho had seen a telegram which went to
Maditd, directing Minister Woodfoid to exact as
a condition of peace that Spain must rellnqu'sh
sovereignty (0 tho peoplo of Cuba. Another
senator, a frequent caller at the white house, con.
firmed Mr. Davb' statement that '(lie telegram
had been sent, and Mr, Davis made tho state
ment to more than one senator,
More than a year after tho war had ended Mr.
Davis (old two senators that he owed them an
explanation. Ho then referred to the telegram,
which he reasserted he had seen and at the time
believed was cent, but he said that later lie came
to learn that It had not been sent, lie imputed
no bad faith to any one, only a change of pur
pose, but he said he felt bound to inform the two
senators that he had learned that any intention
to send the telegram had not been carried out.
Lager lips oft grow so dumb,
When youth's ardors havo depatted,
And alasl too quickly como
Days when lovo is hungry-hearted.
Then, to sweet old memories turning,
How our tears In eccict flow,
And wo long to whisper, Veaintng,
"If you lovo me, tell me so,"
Though wc doubt not, deep within.
Still that wistful pain besets us,
And wo wonder Is it sin?
If the worshiped one forgets us.
Oh, for ono dear little token,
fragrant of the lensr ago,
Ono tndeannent, acted, spoken!
"If you lovo me, tell 1110 so,"
Why, Oil dearest, put away
All love's tenderness and swcclnots?
Theso should be the same for aye,
As love grows to its completene.s,
Sjuio not, then, tho old caresses;
Sweeter every year they glow,
Ahl the thrill of lips 011 trcsscst
"It you lovo me, tell me so."
'I'd I 1110 so by day and night,
And forever, knowing, surely,
Ne'er the fount of love's delight
Overbrimmed It, welling purely.
Dear, ah, deep the wells of loving I
Out of Ood's qwu heart they How,
Living wells, for ever moving
"If 'ct love mc, tell mc so."
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