The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 06, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    -,f. .-, - t,f;i
SpTfffSTB W'.',T-f&
Wtf , ',, - "," ? ryiyr, -v Vrjg
An Excellent Combinution.
The plonsnnt method nml beneficial
sltcutH of the well known remedy,
riYitUi' or l''iofl( nmuufiictured by tho
Camfoiikia Fio Smut' Co,, illustrate
tho value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally lrtxutivu and nreseutinp:
them In the form most re freshing to the
ttiKto and acceptable to tho system. It
isthcono pnrleet titrentrtheninfr laxa
tive, cleansing the system ojrostunlly,
dispelling colds, headaches and fcvern
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and Us acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowftls, without weakening
or irritating thorn, make it. the ideal
In tho.procecs of luuuufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to tho
tasto, but tho medicinal qualities of tho
remedy are obtained from senna duil
other "aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho Camfoiixta I'io Syrup
Co. only. In order to got its beneficial
effects "and to avoid imitations, wicaso
rcnipinbcrtho full nniiHJuf the Company
printed on the front of nvcry package.
8AJ 1'JlANOiacO, CM..
louibville. s:v. ht.w Tonn. h. t.
Itersalo bynll iJrucylsts. PrlccSOc. pcrbotilo.
For a few clays only, we will
sell the large Three Panel Horse
Pictures, now displayed in our
show window, for $2.5", regular
price is $6.00.
These pictures are handsomely
framed in Dutch Oak and artistic
ally ornamented with real horse
shoes, bit and whip.
lacofos & . Fas
Aximr.w c'Aitxi:cii"s audumss. .1. r.
S. will iiddiiii .Mr. C'aiiiesic at S( l'mk the
letter will leach lilm.
MAXAUKHS' JIi:in'lXO. The hmiuuwh of the
Home tor the 1'iicndlc's will hold a lesular incut
m;r tomorrow iiwiniiiir. .it the Yiiuii? Women's
I'llI'MIim llfe'jrfallull.
cuMMirna: mi-:t.--'iiici-o v.i- h tncctiiur "f
lie High inul Tr.ilnintc Sclioi.! rimiuil'loc n tlie
ii'liunl board I.1-.L night nml .1 number uf matter)
ul loutinc Inisinc- wcic tuin-.n ti'il.
smai.Ij run:. a luimttf .n a on niv 1.1, t
nlghl in tlio iipai tiiieiit- of Stephen Yob, fvnilh
Wjsliinsloii iivciiiR'. An iiiai lit was hoimiii-tl lint
the lire was cxtimrtiMicil wlilwut the niil of :ho
.VNT.l, l-IIAlsi: MIUllXti.-TJie annual
jiralM- im-cting of the Woman's l-'orrtKii Mi
Mmiary MX-U'ty of tin- l'Irt I'lcliytcrijn lunch
Mill be liflcl at tliu home of .Mi.., WMnii Pilday
afternoon ul I oVIoil;.
1)., I-. & W. l'AY DAYS.-Tlu' of the
Diamond nml htoiis mini", weie julil ye.-tcrd.ic.
Today the i.iy will vWL thf Avondulo,
Aiuliiiiclosi, ItlUo. UalKli.ul, Hunt, l'cttilku)
nml Wuodw.iid. Tomotro.v ilie of tho
machine tliofu., ear chop-, and tore tmitl
Thoii'-.inds ot people
'they know it if the 1'riiu-c
We unit your help in lliu
for either io or poetry ilcwilniho of, or
won-lcrful Incail niaklns .uilltc.v-lt pu Ity -
uniformily of (fiJiIe, rlc, etc., ele.
We ofter the following prlzcii
For the best poetic or
Vot the second best poelic or
For the third best noetic nr
A G real
I City Notes j
I $S0o5
i " Snow
merit gt
For the fourth best poelic or prose advertise
ment A
r-or the htth best poetic or prose advertise-
ment 3.00
For the sixth best poetic or prose advertise-
mnt 2.00
For the 7th, sth, 9th, loth, nth, iath, 13th, .
14th, l Sth. 16U1 and 171I1, each 1 ,()()
All ailicrtUeincnts to ho and lenialu with tu'ai eur pioperly. They imi.t const,, of not
over 0110 hundred and filly words a I.USS mimoc-r IS IliJlTliat,
TIip contest will rcQ on Mart Ut, ia-'.
Me'io literal y llnUlmot in cldsirjjilii a1, tiiijlit idea. put In 1111 urlglnnl way,
Write elearly on only 0110 ldj of tho pajier. '; i'he copy illi a riuinucr. I'lai-c tlio
autlior'j iMino and adtlrcn) in n email rnvvloiHi and mail; it with tlto wmi imiuher and end
all In a Jaitq envelope tu our addict Hi MAlt
Tho JudKCS will thiLi have no uy of knowing the author iiime until tlio iholie l
Tlio following gcntloincn have kindly ronsentcd lo act as .liulii(- and their ilvcUioii will
lie aimouncetl aj soon as mado In tlio dally pajitH.
1I11N. .1 i:. 11 UiliKl'T,
Jud-o.: llVV s- HK-'HAW), i:sij.
'uu'"0' J. K. KKU.V, mi.
V.. J. I.YXirtT, I.SQ.
, . (
'ickson Mill
No. 12, Lackawanna
will I12 paid, on Saturday tlie employe ot tlio
fotlotvlnR coltlorlo will he tuMl Archtinltl,
tlelltutp, Ilrljbln, Cnyiiait Ootitlnf ntnt. D-xlac,
Hampton, Itpldcn, Hyde t'.iri;, tltlohl, I'jnc,
Sloan nml Taylor,
AX IXVOItMAti DASt.'l!.-.ti Informal il.itiM?
conducted but tilulit liy tlie (atliotlc llldorleiit
.tlely In the Knlglih nt l.'olumlnu dub boiuo
win ill It mlcil hy a nondly ninnl throng uwl n i!c
t!lllflll lllghl WM fpi'lll,
Sfl'l'tat TOXlIIT.-riMr will lie oivd
IJ1I4 rrlihi(r nt St. I.uko'-i I'nllsli ItoiKC flilil
i".,ffli tn .1. 'tlir menu I1.14 Iiopii itlteaily imlilWifil
In Tlie Titliune. Ticket tor viplior nle trtrlity
live ccntii lie tiejiii, ten einti cXIr.i,
11)111) l)l.St,IIAIt(li:t).-1liom.i4 I'.inl, the one.
l.Wil "Mil .iiiviIihI mi Tnel.iy, on Muplelon of
lieimt itiinlliMuit In llm tnkU'iy f nit iMllan,
mmi itlili.irKeil triim yeiteiitiy hy Mait'
Islnile lo'"e liriMU.f of 11 ot e I'lenw
nit.tliiM him.
Michael Koble Soiiously Injured In
tho Eddy Creek.,
Michael Itnlilo. otr.nloyi'd In tlie ted
dy frock mine of the Di'lawait! nml
Hudson Coal company nt Olyiiluuit,
wiiH ulnncd to the Krt)ittid yoalerduy
tuornitit; by 11 heavy nutss of coal
which fell from the roof of the elmni
ber In which he wan worklntr.
When resfued by some ot Ida fellow
workmen lie was found to Imvu a ftac
tuicd rlfilit leg tiiul arm and 11 badly
brulwil back. lie wnn icmiiVcd to
tlie Lituka wanna hosultal.
Sergeant Edwnrds Relieved from
Duty in Centre Street Station.
l'ollee Sergcnnt Ttielmrd Kdwind
Iilim been astiiKtied by HuperintenUeni
Ij. D. Day to do duty at police liL'tul
ounrtto'M In the biilldliiK.
Ills lilueo In the C'entiv street Htutlon
house will bo tilled bv D'atrolnjen le
eoverlnjr from lllnesH or lointiorarlly
Incapacitated from dolnj? resular pa
trol dtstv.
Patrolman I.uuls Onurllt;: Is net Ins
nt the Centre street mutton this week,
- .. . - .
Railway Committee of Select Council
Did Not Meet.
The lallwny committee of select
council wan to have met last night to
consider the ordinances uf the West
Knit and South Side Street Krillwuy
companies but P. Tl. Clemens was the
only tme who attended.
Other niembeiH of the committee not
present were Flnlay Itoss, .lolin J. Cos
lello, W. C. O'-Mulloy and D. V.. 'Kvnns.
Mike Honiski Injured in the Belle
vue Mine.
Mike Kontekl, n labortr employed In
the Hellevue mine, was enuht by 11
fall ot loot" yesterday while at work,
and sustained n liioken uncle and se
vere internal Iniurlcs.
At the Moses Tavlor liosultal, to
which Institution he was taken, It was
raid last nliiht that he would nroli
aljlv die.
Knocked Down by n Switeli Engine
in the Yard Here.
Allen Smith, a Lackawanna engineer,
was knocked down by a switch engine
yesterday afternoon, in the yard ard
had his foot badly crushed.
tie was taken to the Moses Taylor
Crown "Prince of Japan Expected to
Visit the United States.
By Exclusive Wire from Tlio Associated l'rc5.
Tokio, Jan. 24, via Victoria, B. C,
Feb. .1. There is a possibility that
the Crown I'rince of Japan soon may
visit tho ITnited States.
He lun ujjo expressed a wish to
travel In America and Europe, and has
now taken the necessary Piellmhuiiy
steps of his desires to
the emperor.
A Trip to California or Florida.
Those contemplating such a trip need
but to call on tho local ticket asjont of
the Lackawanna railroad and ho will
arrange) every detail, including trans
portation, berths, reservations and
checking of baggage through to desti
nation; also will furnish rates, folders,
descriptive literature and any other in
formation desired on tho subject.
Through sleepers and day coaches to
Chicago. Only one change of cars to
FW'fv vvvvvsvvA''vvvvvv'v.S
Can Get Part o? If I
knuw about tin
tf .ill Hour, hut wo want
following manner:
Intioducinj; "Mmw Wjilti-" (lour, n, to It,
lls utrcn-jlh-lu Hhltene,- it, wr-i'fii'Sv--:n
prose mivertiso- - .
prose advertise ., ,v
tirot advertise.
and Grain Co.
Ave, Scrantoii, Pa.
vn v vwwvwN v wwvsvv! vv3vvV
imum case
If Blackberries Are Not to Be Found
Itlpo on the Bu&h hi Sentcmbor
Gaul's Olintices of Acquittal Ate
Slim Attorneys Sworn as Blnck
berry Exports John Ward Acquit
ted of the Larceny by Bailee of B.
S. Wakemait's Dinmond X-Itnys
Cause n Damage Suit.
When bliiekberrU'H rluon and how
lotifj they stay tine in the ntiestlon on
wlilehhliiKes the fate of William ijitul,
of the Weal mountain, churned by
County Detective I'lillllns with keej)
ltift n tlDullnic hotiHc.
The defense ifl that the beer which
the commonwealth's wltnesHc.M saw at
the Uuul home In Seotetnbtr was beer
which n narty of yotuiR men fioin
AVest Huranton sent tliere to be stored
until Sunday, when they were to have
a clam bake In the wooda near Gaul's
home. Tito tuinelnat witness for the
defense, William .lames, when railed
to corroborate this storv would not
say uosltlvclv that It. was In Septem
ber he and bis friends had the rluni
bake, but ho thought It must have been
In Setitembet' hpeittti( lie remembered
they nicked blackberries nloiu; the
road as they Were soInK out to the
scene of the clam bake,
.Tust ns soon as the ileruiise ulosoil,
District Attornev T.ewist called to the
stand Attorney r:. II. Iloluate. of l.a
Plume, and had him tesliry that black
berries ripen about July If. and that
before the end of August they are all
Attorney Herbert L,. Taylor, etiunsel
for the defense, was Jn a dilemma, but
he was not in It loop;. Taltlufv the
stand, himself, he testified that ho
knew nil 11 bout blackberries and their
habits and that with all due resDset
to Ills brother I Tolerate' knowledge of
country thlnsts, he would have to say
that he was all wronn concerning; the
time that line blackbenles nourish. It
was not until well alcmir in August
that blackberries ripen, Mr. Taylor
avowed, and the.v were lo be found
In Plenty until the close of September.
The ease was on trial at ad.iournliiff
time. The prosecution cinlms that
Oaul established n hole-in-the-wall
just across the eitv llne In Itansom
township, on mind Man's road, leading-
up to Bald Mount. In the locality
recently come to be known by the so
brinuet of Ml. Dewer.
Ks-Cottnty Detective T.eyf.hon and
John Griffiths testified to limine; pur
chased three bottles of beer from Oaul
In September or last year. James
Spencer, a utilglibor, told of having
seiit his 7-year-old elaiiKhtei- there for
beer and that she secured It. The
little girl was nut on the stand to tes
tify to having purchased the beer, but
Judge Kdwards would not let her tes
tify on account ol" her years.
Gaul admitted that there was beer
on his premise's when ex-C'ountv De
tective I.evshon and the others were
there, but ho denied having sold any
to them. Tlie beer was what wan loft
over from a elam bake. Tt was Riven
to him by the party eonducitlnK tho
clam bnko and be In turn treated the
parties who claimed they bought It.
Adam Hobrowltz, of 713 Moosle
street, plead guilty ot selling bottled
beer without a license. He stated to
the court that he was clven to under
stand hv the wholesaler from whom
he purchased the beer, that he was
entitled to sell as an agent of the
wholesaler, under the wholesaler's li
cense. Ills attorney, ex-Distiict At
torney John It. .Ipucs, plead for a
suspension uf sentence on the ground
that Hobrowltz was honestly mistaken.
Judge Edwards took the- olea under
Two eases of awful denntvltv were
among those heard yesterday. In tho
one, Vrank Horn, of North Main ave
nue. Is accused by Mrs, n, Duggan,
agent of the associated charities, with
criminally nrsaulllng his own two
pretty little daughters, aged respect
ively eleven and nine years. Tlie
jury was out at ailjouinlnsr time. In
the other case, the defendant, William
Connolly, was charged with criminal
assault on Annie Pstlaskie, aired nine,
and Lizzie Dtirke, aged eleven. Tho
crime was committed In his own house,
where he enticed the children bv giv
ing them pennies. The story of the
little girls acquitted him of the charge
of the first count of the indictment, but
left no doubt in the mind of the jury
as to his being guilty of the lesser
counts. He was returned guilty of at
tempted criminal assault and simple
assault and battery.
The jurv In the case of John Ward,
charged with larceny by bailee of a
diamond, by D. S. Wkeman, reported
to court, yesterday morning-, that they
found the defendant not guilty.
In the case of Morris I., Henowltz,
ehnrjred by (he Central Pennsylvania
Hiewlng company with obtaining goods
by false pretenses, Judge Newcomb di
rected" tlie jurv to find a verdict of
not guilty, the prosecution having
failed to prove that the defendant vnn
not the owner of tho real estate ho
claimed to own, The matter of costs
was left to the jury and they wero
promptly placed on Uemowltz.
George and Kdwnrd Cordiier and
John Fltuigherty plead guilty to the
charge of stealing "bond" who from
the tracks of tlm Serantoti Hallway
company near Simpson. In December
last. Verdicts of not guilty were
thereupon taken in the cases In which
the ('ordiiers wero charged with ma
licious mischief, and the trio with con
spiracy. The Cordpers cut tho wires
from the rails and loaded the; ip n
wagon, Together with Klauuherty
they started for .Jermyn early in the
morning to soil their Plunder tn n
junk dealer. Constable .Michael Mor
on, liowover. Intercepted them, and
took them Into custody.
A verdict of pot .vulltv was taken
In tho case tn wlilch Clem-go Coweli
was charged with tlio hucenv of i
harness from iCinest Voselboehen, of
Dunniore, the. parties having effected it
settlement nut of court,
Thomas Scoven, footman at the ijlv
ersldo colliery, is on trial before Judge
rNewconib, on the charge of ussnultimj
i.ouia jsovfimin, a miner, seover ad
mits that ho had a tussle with Jloval
nth, ns u result of tho latter Jiislstlin;
on getting on the em-ilage when there
were ten mop already aboard,
Macauley Case to Be Bottled.
Tho conspiracy ensa brought ugalnst
Charles P. tt. Macauley by the Inter
national Correspondence schools is In
process of ttctttcment.
The defendant was, yesterday, hy
ngrelnent, surrendered hy ills bonds
limn, David K. Johnson, mid with the
consent of the pioseetitor, his hall Was
reduced from $1,500 lo $5i), C. b. San
derson becomhiff his surety,
Divorce Heaiinga.
Judge John V. Kelly, pitting In
chambers, yesterday heard testimony
In 11 number of divorce cages.
In the case of Sarah J, HVuuh agaliiht
Joint J. KVitnu, evidence was adduced
to show that the couple were married
in Old Forgo on June 22, 1S90, and later
moved to Providence, where they littvo
since lived. Mrs. Evans testified that
her husband got drunk every pay day
and beat her brutally on nearly every
occasion. She stood this treatment as
long ns monthly pays were In fotce,
but when tho semi-monthly pay came
Into effect she decided she could stand
It no longer and left her husband,
John Itny and David D. Evans, both
neighbors, corroborated her testi
mony. Airs. Evans is represented by
Attorney J. E. Watklns.
In the ease of Catherine Watklns
against Gomer Watklns, It Was shown
that the couple were married on April
1. I'JOii, In this city, whore they have
since resided. Mrs. Watklns testified
that her husband frequently abused
her and that she was unable to stand
his Insults. She left him a year ago.
Louis Wassel, who Is suing for a. di
vorce from his wife, Mary Jane, Was
sel, tesltllcd that he was married to
her In tho court house eleven years
ago and that after living with him for
one month she deserted him. She
entne back later, but kept deserting
him at frequent Intervals until he
finally decided to stay deserted. Two
witnesses testified to having seen Mra.
Wn'iset in n disorderly house in this
city. Attorney John K. Homier repre
sents Mr. Wassel.
-Mary E, Martyn, who Is seeking :
divorce from her husband, Henry Mar
tyn. testified that she married him on
July 0, ,1S'JI. and that he deserted her
four years ago and loft for California.
The couple lived In Maylleld. -Mis.
Martyn Is represented by Attorney
IJ. Gardner.
Ilnchel Harvey, of 814 Madison ave
nue, who Is suing for a divorce from
Joseph K.i Harvey, testified that they
were married In Washington, X. J., In
September, 1804, and that they lived In
Forest City Immediately following the
marriage. On May (!. 1900, she claims
that her husband blacked both her eyes
and swore at her. A year ago they
moved lo Scranton, and she alleges
that since that time her husband has
continued to abuse her. He took "the
children away from her, she says, and
sent them to Ohio. Site was finally
forced to leave him a few weeks ago.
Writ of Habeas Corpus Asked.
Attorney John P. Qulimnn, repre
senting Mrs. Margaret Danner, yester
day petitioned court for a writ of ha
beas cot pus to secure possession for
Mrs. Danner of her step-son, Joseph
Danner, now living with his grand
mother, l'lielget Powell.
Mrs. Danner Ik the widow of Adam
Danner, who died In 1S9S, leaving three
children by 11 former wife, namely,
George, Joseph and Paul. By a co
dicil dated Nov. 1.1, 1S07, Mrs. Danner
was appointed guardian of these three
children. It is claimed that Josenh
Danner Is still :i minor child' and that
lie was induced by his grandmother
to leave the home of his legal guard
Ian, who seeks to have him again re
stored to her cave.
X-Eays Cause a. Trespass Suit.
Attorneys C. S. Woodruff and Lewis
13. Carter brought a trespass suit, yes
terday, for O. E. Pickett and his wife,
Lucy E. Pickett, of Laccyville, against
the Hahnemann hospital and several of
Its suraical staff.
It is alleged that Mrs. Pickett was
permanently disabled by being bttrned
by X-rays which wore used on her at
the .hospital while she was being treat
ed for 1111 Injured hip.
In United States Court.
George Hamilton Cobb, of Lewisvllle,
yesterday filed a voluntary petition In
bankruptcy with Clerk Seurlos of the
United States distrlnt court. Ho has
liabilities of SlO.nwj.ON, and assets of
203, The case was referred to Referee
in Bankruptcy A. 1!. Moon-.
Peter Drindle, or llarrisburg, yes
terday llled ii voluntary petition In
bankruptcy , showing his liabilities 10
be $3,lSb'.3S and his assets nothing.
The case was referred 10 llefi-ree in
Bankruptcy M. AY. Jacobs.
.Indue Kelly ye-leidaj diMiiU.-cd tlio exceptlon-i
to the IteiiuWleaii ceililliatc of nomination from
Did Toi-tfe.
The Supeilvr euuit yeitenl.i.v nol-pm-icd tho
(a-e ot I.eiiora V. (Iiu-wiuir .uiiii-t Seplieii J.
nlid William Took.
It Cost Andrew Carnegie S5,000 for
a Single Word of Legal Advice.
I'lom the Hilton Journal,
Ueforo Mr. Cornegle turned over
the great stool business tn the trust
he hud frequently to consult with the
Xuw York corporation lawyer, Jamts
D, Dill! One evonlne Mr. Carnegie, In
Pittsburg-, called up Mr. Dill, at his
club In Xew York-, on the long-distance
teltiihone. ' '
"1 want your opinion on nn Import
ant question," said Mr. Carnegie, as
the Saturday Evening Post tells the
story. "Can you como over tonight
and seo ice at breakfast In the inoin
ing?" It was nearly !) o'clock, and
Pittsburg and Xew York urn lilii miles
"The last train for Pittsburg has
Just left Jersey City," answered Mr.
"Then come over op tho morning
train," -Mr. Carnegie suggested.
"I can't well do that." said Mr. Dill,
because 1 have an tipuolntiueut to
morrow night wllh Mr. X heie."
Mr. Carnegie iniswered at nine; "Got
a t'Peclal train toplsht."
Half nn hour later Mr. Dill, In his
special train, was on his way to Pitts
burg. Elewn hours later ho raid
"Good morning" to Mr. Carnegie.
"Mr. Dill," said thu steel maker, "I
wouldn't have asked von to travel
nearly a thotirand miles lor nothing,"
Then he naked the corporation law
yer a question, on the answer to which
hung the disposition of millions ot
property. Mr, Dill gave his opinion In
a single word,
"Thank you. that's all," said Mr.
Carnegie. "I hope you will keep your
engagement in Xew York tonight.
Mr. Dill was wllh Mr. Cnrneslo less
than five minutes. The special train
reached New York that night without
mishap, nnd n few duys later Mr. Dill
received for ids emu-word decision a
check for J5.000.
General Manager of the Scranton
Rntlwny Company Charged with
Bribing Old Forge Cotincllmen.
Outline of What Each Sido Will
' Endeavor to Prove, Prosecution
Relies Solely on the Testimony of
a Former Special Agent, P. W.
The cose ot Frank Sllllman, Jr., gen
eral manager or tlie Scranton Hall
way company, chorged with bribing
the Old Forge coiinclhuoiV lo pass a
franchise ordinance in 1899, was called
for trial, yesterday, In court room Xo.
li, before Judge Frank W. Wheaton, of
The announcement that the case was
to be called resulted In the court room
being crowded. A number of promln-
'.'' v
fill:" ,.
1? ("'''.
H4,..i',' '1
w,n,. :
i I'l-'ny
ihhi t, i':t.;it
4 'i ','.
.11 Ptill I' W WIIUATON,
Of J.uA'ino, Wlui Is I'lt'Milhur nt tin- illinuii
out men, pergonal friends of the de
fendant, nml not. n few of tho street
car strikers were amonjr. the onlookers.
William llepp, a loading citizen of
Old Foi-ko, Is the prosecutor. lie Is
represented by Assistant District At
torney Louis Cramer. II. If. Hannah
and Cornelius Comeys. Tho defend
ant's attorneys are Major Everett
Wan-en and Hon. ('. P. O'Mallev, ot
Wlllard.Warrcn ,vt Knapp, and O'Kiie'ii
& Martin,
Ir. Sllllman Is accused of having
bribed four cotincllmen with passbooks
and inonev tovote for the ordinance.
It Is admitted that nitfs books' wore
slven the councilmen, but not as a
bribe, ft Is denied that any money
was slvon.
The prosccutlou relies solely for the
proof of tho latter charge on P. W.
Gallagher, a former special audit of
the company. He Is expected to tes
tify that Mr. Sllllman gave' him $1,0C0
to Klve to the- four councilmen and
that he gave it to them. Mr. Sllllman
denies this, nnd the four councilmen
tleny havlnjf received the money.
Mr. Sllllman admits that he save
$1,000 to Mr. Gallagher lo give to tho
two principal churches of the Jjoraugh
as a sort of thank offering to the com
munity for allowing the company to
run through the borough. The com
pany was desirous of doing hoinethlng
In the way of giving a bonus for the
privilege", and calleel in 11 niimoe-r or
the prominent men of those Parts to
make suggestions as to how it should
be done. The gift to the churches
was suggested as a graceful way of
distributing the bonus and Mr. Gal
lagher was entrusted with the delivery
of the money. One of the pastors will
testify to the receipt of the money.
The other declares he refused it. The
company did not know of bis refusal
until ltmg afterwards.
The story was told In detail In the
equity case brought by Mr. Itopp to
annul the franchise 011 the ground ot
fraud. Judge (lunster annulled the
franchise because of the uncontradicted
testimony that pass books were given
the couiiLilmen, The pass books were
taken up and an ordinance similar to
the original one was passed. Pro
ceedings to nntiul this second franchise
are now pending,
All of yesterday morning was taken
up with an unsuccesfful effort to de
feat the indictment on a demurrer
based on the same ground taken In the
motion to tjunsh the Indictment made
at a previous term before Judge Ed
wards, iind refused,
The afternoon was devoted to the
selection of a Jury and the opening ad
dress of Mr, Hannah. The jurors select
ed are;
John Cleiaud, merchant, Scranton.
Matthew Cawliy, superintendent,
AVIlllam M. Fowler, clerk, Scranton,
John D, Hughes, bookkeeper, .Seran
tou. Jacob S. Kirkpatiiek, clerk, Scran
ton. Harry Palmer, cleric, Scranton.
William T. Peel, engineer, Carbon
dale, Aaron P. Huberts, timekeeper, Scran
ton, Itev. A. D. Hauler, clegynuiu, .Scran
ton. Daniel Uegun, miner, Vandllng.
John A. Hiveiiberg, farmer, Green
field. William J. AVIIIIains, mason, Scran
ton. '
One of tlio principal contentions of
the defense will be that the Jury can
not convict, under the law, on the
uncorroborated evidence of one claim
ing to bo an accomplice. Tlie law does
not say they can pot convict on tills
testimony, but tho supnuu' court has
declared that it Is the duty of the judge
to cuutlon tho Jury to be slow in con
victing on such testimony.
Profited by a Joke,
JiMiK! "Hill" Hall iVjiIj- luvi-i u JAo. Iltw
It ona liu h icionlli!u lur, which fcliuik llut,
In cpltr tf Up.' I111111.jil.1l William, tlicu. U eit.ii
wiia-tliiiii; in .1 ium.
Il v.-as I lie- it'Kiil-O' in lining mini at iliu'lljiti'
iWl .vtl'u'l liolkv luiut ;l ttlcam of tl',nnJ,
"plain iluinW 'Wnuik ami iltsoidtrlU-i'," ami
tlitr petty uffi'mK'u, t.iili "HO ir ! iUy" 01
"H3 vr W iUjs" ili.tllcnl iii agjtmt tlie-in a
fjt u, tlie elotk cuuli vrt. It .u a gtii.ilil,
inonutonoiw ifilnO, widi iiutlilnf tu rclli-;u tiic U'Vii pt MxUleii jiiJ tlnful liuuunily,
J'rKscntly, lays tlw Ctiiuia 'iiilimu1, aiuur:d
11 till Iiol'o of tjiical apiiwiaiicc. The iharijc
aualnst lilii; on tlu kliect v.i.lcli lay on the u
Ole'lal ilutk was "plain Uiuuk."
"Wliat'i your names" aUfd Justice Halt in
hli tlniLH'jt iuJiclal iiuuucr.
f it 1,1. ..jffTwwtF7 t-Jr&yWthfh''
1 ,:,m. !WP . "T ,'
i.t'i ,i!snCi-, ' 1 1' MM,
.-.hiA'iv. BhbmjMP-i !1.:'v,v i! m
, wlii'lv tfSsHi" & V: W2F3
'' JlfiwKlc' 'A ri W. ' iW '"S
HSMSSBBSC&WJKd'Wv; Bit itwW.i",',
.. , wtlt.i.';i
5?cBrBXi.aGww7ft3Wji SwrW'.y't.'"
riWr1'1'n,;tfffi..cTTiTrTi;f -'n
Wlien the nights are dark and dreary a good LAMP will cheer
and brighten your home. They are perfect and the most durable
made, producing a strong, steady, mellow light, easy on the eye.
They are what wo call an eye saver. H you buy one now It will make
your homo more attractive during these long winter evenings.
B. & H. Nickel, .Central Draft, With 10-lnch nrw
Dome) Shades. Complete Jpx.UU
jOaXxvaTVCfeW -.
Geo. V. Millar &
V. 1
Have you in your attic a favorite chair with the upholstering in
bad sliapt. an arm or a rocker broken, or pjrhups having tlie spiings
out of order, waiting :m indefinite sometime to be repined? Lotus
mend it, repolish it, put a new cover on it and srinl it back to you as
KOOel as new.
F. .4." KM3ER,
Lackawanna and Adams Avenues.
& S "fJS1 GS cSs C3 J d
I w
onderful Shoe Bargains 5
& 9E& G89 B 8 S!6 flJS C?a
End of the
Season Sale
F. l. CRANE,
324 Lackawanna Avenue.
lOOS and Maitcn Sionn
i-vllar '
I'vistali and .Moiilllunt; Siuiiu
1.1.01) lliiw if'L'W
J.'i.liO iiuw
L'-l.!) IHllV
4D.0.I now
1J. nim-
h.t'l IHAV
7,i now
l.'o now
J.ji) now
.").ir.l iiuw
s.CU new
l.'i.tM nn
I i.o. i now
',)') IHIW
,-."i.ti iiiiw
L'.I.UO u-m
.VI 10
Jil 1)1
I. ul
.vo )
Mink Stouii
Mink follaictlc
liitbi i.'ullantti'
l!l.ul; Marten Semi
lll.iek M.nti'ii Scaif
i:icttrii' real .'-can
Illcttlle Se-Jl Scarf
Sable Vox. Scaif
abli lux Scarf
llluc wi
Illuc Ion's S.'.uf
Ife'il I'ox Si.uf
Mink .Sent, lon lalii
Mini. Si.itf
Lliiiiaiuun Ucur boa. ' i'h
lllack Hear lloa, U jil luiii;.
Iliiiwn Heir lia, :i yiU lonsr.
Natural Opiiouin lion, :l ,ds
wj , . .
fliay l'o Ilia, :i jiU Iviik.,
IIIuii l.'iiv lli'.l, .'I )'U lull','.
ilj.OO Ili.W -'.'..HO
'.'HAM ll jtt l.i.O )
13.00 Iiuw 1D.0J
ll.(H) Uuw UK
lo.wj now r.oi
1-.0.I uuw V.' U)
I'urs It.'paiicd, I'nrs Manilla! tilled. It.iw I or
Tannon's my name, niUler Jinlsc, ymn luuiur,"
said tho tramp.
Tlio judli'Ial fimvn n-laxi'd Into tin- iuiii'i.m
of u smili'. Mil tli. If not mercy, va abum to
ti'iupcr Jutkp.
"Cannon," t.iid the jihtivo tjUWlt. "ih' "III
icr s.ijy yuii mc Ivailcd. 'Ilitip K'cnu in lw ntli
inif foi nu to hut to'i' imi."
.i opcr.i founded upon "u tl"' I'a'i'i' "' the'
hllui" will plulijlily ho iui'wile'l In I.'iid m
William lllaladcll, wi'll knin in comedy un.l
eondc optr.i iu!c., will IipjiI a compile)- .rf i.U
own next u'jsuii,
l)ei,f Scott, a shier of Mr., Willi im Cu'liir.
Iia.j signed to play a pan in ilia nnv produ. ti. n
of "Jmvj .luiiust,"
Hum Wlijtal It rlllujf a nw Aineiican i
fily for Stuait Uoblon. v.hlili ulll pn.halil.i b
pivkciitcil mrt si .non.
A play eallcd "A (llbion Widow" wilt he r
Iflltl-ll llt'M H'SlkQII, flltf IllCldelltt hclll' bjl'd Ll
lliu (illi-un ili.uvlui in I.lfc.
Uat lil 'fnr.'inv v.l'.o now jilay a pait In "JIji--rou
Pouml," now luUo-.ton, waj omc a I'uite.l
.Stall' toiisiil to ilut country.
Wllllaiu (iilK'llc'a first iuccftil pan, llul if
the f.ucnian uf the Jury in ''(.'olsnel Scllti.,"
eoniaiued Jut four wsdt,
Dan Daly U toon lo li.uc 4 new iimslcalniom
cdy, eoiucmIuI similar to tee Holland r.tntai
tics." Tho i-liiiniitrr Utieli he wllj pljy i ilia:
of a iiiiilic.l tragedian lio hat tuinwl lu bo a
profcs!oiul bandit on account gf trcnuoai or-
II A ten-cent package makes wV
III 9 l"," OR Vn llill
M &a Pi" UK- &? V' ' j I
Mill J ' With a cood crust and n. quiet ovi your tile J (l
j3jjj wlllbe "like mother used toinalte," for J. , III
I IWlM(f "F WIf AT ! III
lUil "eed3 no skill to prepare, ft is rill ready. It Is better 1 1 l'll U
fl than most "home made "because we nwer foruet tins ;i ' i il (
! jp,1 ortlmt, cruietoomucU ortooUUlc. It a clean and , Jill
VllJIl! Le:til.row lfyourdealorrjfuMtaupiJy yoi. We will tf'l T. !
ljji you one that lll. Uewaje of liultat.ou i.kie inlnce m:ai. Fillilill I'
LJffiJ MERRELL-SOULS CO., Syr&cuso. N. Y. vLjSE
Co. "JKffEE
eD SS .CSS C (St G) itS (S3 C2S
EB ? -ifffn n fi Z3t ffTft tfg1 ffr
ivJQ u f a vi fl H.f I M n m m -
" --y rr.
126 Wyoming Ave.
Despite the tinuw nnd weather,
11 snniiiii'i- inlliu m-i' ini-vniles our
kIiii-o its InlliU'iiic e'vtt'llillna: to
tlio fnrtlicbt ntiol; of tlm cilv's J
limit. Why Ih tills? Ui-ciiuco the
wuiminly mlnil iil.inninK for Idiir
niontlis tiln'.ul. when it v. Ill be
too warm to think.
As a Result
wo Iwvc lnoiiKltt the' pivltlt'St
imiuins. out of the ordlnury in
the-lr ni:iltt'-ui, from Fiislilon's
slmiililiiii ccniciv.u'iid ijluttd tliein
ut her dlsjjiistil.
llcitltlfnl Hlllc rjwlstcs, cnUlcly
ti"w, which imvu tiiUen till IN'irls
b. storui, 11U1I uo!iKRlio of tlig
naiiuj XiiiiiitioHtiud Shed I.i'iwns.
IJvury out', you will observe,
wlllite'Vel- the lUalGll, US II stflpo
of srimc lilml rtinnlns- tluonuli it.
mm easily In- iinivldvd. for piol-tU-r.
nioiv iKLimuuK Uiuglmins
1'. ic nut shown. All the ht.iiulunl
ColOtS, HOlllV Ollll, nOW !-lltlele'B Unl
Iloiiitm Sttipt's will It-mi during
tho cnnilUo season. The stills ns
tlio wliolo will bo fashioned
simply, thai tlio wutrer may
securu the si'Viitest servleo untl
comfort, Sitinphs cheerfully fur
nished. Tiilto ours with you, and
note If they suffer by comparison.
slm&sff j,
Colli 'Hionel
IM i