"! '"w 2,. THE SOnANTON TiUBUNE-THUllSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1902. tU Tlhe News of RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delnwnro and Hudson Kallrond. November 21, IDOL , Trains leave CaibotiJalo at city station as lot Tor Seranton and Wllkoi-Darrc-C.OO, 7.00, 8.00, .01, 10 01, 11.21 a. m.S 1.00, 1.41, 2.W, 8.w, i.OG, 7.00, 10.01, 11.00 p m. .... . . , irt Sunday tralm leave at 8.M, 11.21 a. m.S l.W. C.40, 6.IA 8.35 t. in, ... , v.w Tor Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos'?"' '";' l:iiBlnnd bofittj, itc, 7.00 a. in. I 1-3-J !' m' ror'Lymart and Honeadale, 7.22, H.M '! 'feiimlay trains leave Woj mart and Iloncsdale t 0.B0 a, in. s 4.11 P- in. . . ,,.,.. , n... Train? arrive at cirlwndate from Nil "" mid Beranton a? follows O.M,S.3T.Q.M, 10.ro . m.; 12.!!7, 2.00, 3.1J, I.2S, 0.03, 7.01, S.31, IU1, 11.57 p. in.; 2.03 a. in. ,, ,, Sunday train arrive at 0.27 a. in.; 1-.10. " 4.23, 0.2!, 11.C3 Ji. til. , , , , ...... .Sunday train arrive at Ciiibomlitr fiom Man and HoiiMdalc at 12.17 and 7.m i. ' New York, Ontario rind -Western. September 17, 1001. Trains leave Carbondulo for Scullion at ,.00 a. in.; l.oo p. in. Sunday train,) nt 7.00 a. in.; O.M p. in. Tialns leave Ciiboiuhle lor polnti norm at 11.10 a. m. On Sunday at 0.10 a. m. Iralm lenvlnc at 11.10 a. In. week iIjjm and I'.V) n. ni. Snnihys nuke connections for New Yoik, torn, vi all, etc. . 'tnliu oirhe from Scranton at 11.10 a. in.; t. in.; from poind lioitli. 4 00 p. m. fcmuUjrf from riciantnn at 0.10 a. in. and 7.IJ l. m., fiom Cidosla at 0.00 ji. in. Erie Railroad. .lime 2J, l'jfll. , , , 1 tain? leave llv station, CailumJile, daily fe:.copt SuimIiv) at 7.00 .1. in. and 4.S.S p. in. for Ilrniidt ami Mncvcli; al U.3i a. in., dilly (e ceptliiif frnidiv), for llliiRliiintnii. miKlnjf ion JieUlons i,r Jveiv York lly and Iluii.ilu. and at ( 10 p. m. for Sibiiucuanii i, inalcitii: connections for western point". Sunday tialns at 'U.-, n. in. for Sihqurlianna, vllli urstcm cnniicctiin, and 0.27 p. ni., with 6.MUC connections. Tialns arrive at S.yj a. m anl u.43 p. m. blind.)- at &.5J u. in. CLUB HOUSE FOR KN5GHTS Carbondale Council, Knights of Co lumbus, Negotiating for the Old Moflltt Homestend, on South Main Street. Tlu Carbondide council, Knights of Columbus, will likely have u club house, and soon. Negotiations are in Iirogross for the old Moftllt homestead, on South Main street. A committee from the Columkustles has conferred with James Coughlln, si' who recent ly purchaspd the properly, and had a satisfactory interview with him. It ia understood that the new owner Is willing to make the necessary repairs and changes about the homestead, and to receive n rental that meets with the favor of the council. The probabili ties, therefore, are that u home for the Knights is in sight, a possibility which It has long been hoped to real ize. A cltb house for the Knights would be one of the greatest factors in the life of the council. It would give the organization an Impetus that would manifest itself In many directions. Not only would it show itself in the council's development, but it would mean a good deal to the social life of the town. This is true of the Cai bondale Bicycle club and It would bo equally true of the Knights o Colum bus in the event of their coining into possession of a club house. It ha.3 long been locognlzed, as it must be in every like organization, that without a home, a club house, with ample ac comodations for members and facili ties for entertaining, that the council has been retarded In its development and that this could not be overcome until the club was a certainty. After lasting about for some time for an acceptable place, there is now a hope ful prospect of the Knights being pleasantly located before long in their own homo. SGCAL HAPPENINGS. Miss Jessie Matthews entertained the follow ing young friends at her home on Dunduff street on Tuesday evening: Misses Annie Lowcry, Lil lian Brunner, Minnie Moylo. Tllll" (lerhardt, Cora AVedeman, Rose East lake, Gertrude and Bessie llcrtzog, Pansy Steele, Mary Burko and Hose Chubb, nnd Messrs. George Kase, Gui Brunner, Edward Maze, Harry Glea bon, Edward Lowcry, Benjamin Sump fon, "Willis Wilson, Ernest Yarrlngton, Richard Hunter, James Steele, Rich ard Burke and llarlie Klnback. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Glonnon, of East Side park, entet tallied young folks on Tuesday afternoon on the occasion of the eishth birthday anniversary of MAKES CHILDREN BKAINY. Proof About Feeding. It bus been proved times without number that properly selected food will build up the bruin. Tho testimony of a school teacher on this subject Is good. The letter is long and only the important facts will bo given, "While I was teaching school In IS'jS, tt little girl In tho household whore I lived was very fond of Grape-Nuts and would eat all she was allowed. I no ticed that sho was a lemaikably bright rjiupllc 'There were- Ave other children, jill of ono family, that were so marked ..In their work.- They were loally the brightest family I ever know, so I 'jmestlpned to find what they were uu jug, They replied, 'Only Grape-Nuts.' J learned upon further Inquiry that .this was their chief diet for breakfast ' rind discovered that their luncheon "consisted generally of Grape-Nuts with ' cream and u little fruit, i I hud Buffered from dyspepsia, head .aches and general debility gieatly and, ns I knew, my diet was not well se lected, I took up Grupe-Nuts Break- fast Food and curried it to school for luncheon, I soon discovered a chango ln my condition and found that drupe jlNuts afforded more nouilshment than "-bread, meat, egga or anything that I jeould take In my basket, After lun cheon i would feel strong uud bright or"Jhe afternoon's wprlc, while before J had frequently been half ill. , In the spring of 1900 I went to col Siege, rented a room and bourded my. Sflelf, subsisting largely on Grape-Nuts, Rand I cannot speak too highly of the "food as a brain nourlsher, At tho and of a year's schooling I obtained a po sition In one of the ward schools in X4hls( a college town, and nm well and ..happy, The wife of the college principal tells luo that there Is no food that agrees -with her as well as Giape-Nuta and that testimony was repeated by' a ' lady friend tn my 'own home." is'aine ' slven by To'stum Co., Battle Creek, WJch, ', CabiicJale their daughter, Charlotte. Present wore! Jennie Brennan, Lillian Blo bold, Salome Brcnnaii, Lcona Morgan, May Lover, Mary Iloach, Clare Gilhool, Nellie Keating, Itosnllo Vaughcy, Lulu Miller, Paulino Ponwnrdon, Kuth Clail; and Glenn Morgan. STORIES OF THE STREET. A Man From Horrlck Comes to Town and Meets Cnrbondnlo Jokers A Municipal Water Story. He was from Ilcrrlck Centre. "Hor rlck Centre," said he, In a "Lafe" Smith whisper, "Is my home, but Unlondalo Is my town." This Herrlck Centre man came Into one of the Carbondalo hotels the other clay and fell Into the hands of several of the town's jokers. Ho had a "Lafe" Smith beard, u pair of buckskin glows unci u rod handkei chief was his muf ller. "Say," came the "Lafe" Smith whisper, "there hain't ;t man here by the name of Michael; he's from South Cllbson, and I wouldn't inlnd seen' hlni." "Michael, did you suyV" asked the "klddcr" of the crowd. "1 know hlin; he's a broker from South Gibson, Isn't he? You'll find him at the Peddler's Ilest, 'round the corner." "Broker," asked the Herrlck Centie man with a thoughtful look. "Broker: now I don't know, but I know he's got a lame leg." "Say," said tho "klddcr," when the laugh subsided, "do you believe Mars Is inhabited';" "Now, I, can't just say as to that, but I did read In the weekly that some man was tijing to talk to the foll.s up there." "Sure," continued the "klddor," "they signal to Mars every day now. You see they have"a flag as big as the state of Pennsylvania nnd a pole about two thousand miles high; they built the pole like they do ice machines, right up in the air." By this time the Herrlck Centre Unlondulc man was what "Chuck" Connors would call "all in." He got up from his scat and looked around for a place to put his packages. "Put them In tho stove," said the "kider," "nobody will touch them there." He left then and the last heard of him was In inquiring for the "Fiddler's Rest." This Is u "municipal" water story. Besides being a fertile topic of discus sion and the cause of divers opinions, the municipal water project lias fur nished many a good story. One of the best of these stoiies Is told of a West Side resident, a witty son of Erin, who is heart and soul in tho movement. So much so is he in earnest that everybody who is not shouting free water is according to his opinion is "agin" the movement. Ho was one of the witnesses called by the city to piovc that the water furnished West Side residents was not up to the stand ard. "Tell the court, please, your opinion as to tho, water you have to drink?" "Your honor," said tho West Sider, his rich brogue filling the court room. "Your honor, sure there's bait enough comes through my tap to keep Vint Kearney nshln' up at the mud pond all winter." Vint is one of the winter fishermen of the town. THE SILVER JUBILEE. Celebrated Last Night by Knights of Father Mathew. Latit night was an eventful one In the history of the Knights of Father Mathew, the oldest organization of tho younger members in the total absti nence movement in Carbondale. It was the twenty-fifth anniversary of the society its silver jubilee. There was a double celebration, as it were, of the happy event. There was a dance, in the early evening, In the Burko building, and at midnight, after several hours of music and pleas ure in tho ball room, the guests re paired to St. Rose hall, where the ban quet table awaited the gathering. The dance was a happy' forerunner of the evening's pleasure, as the young people who made up the assemblage seemed to keenly enjoy the time spent in following this diversion. Tho Mo zart orchestra provided Its best music. At tho banquet, which was served by Mulholland, Mark Campbell was toastmaster. The toasts and responses were as follows: "Our Society," M. J. Horan; "Our Ladles." Thomas Cou ncil; "Our Country," David L. Walsh; "Total Abstinence," P. F. Carroll. Tho report of this part of tho exer cises will appear in tomorrow's Tribune. THE HULL TUND. The List of Contributors and How the Money was Disbursed. Now that Fireman Charles Hull la able to bo a about nfnln, a statement of tho fund which was subscribed for his benefit Is quite timely, Tho btatement, as submitted by John Brown, of the Columbia Hoso company, who received the funds, shows tho contributions and the disbursement of tho monoy, which was all used, to bo as follows. The contributions were: J. II. Paul, ?2; George II. Paul, 2; C, E. Spencer, ?-'; M. G, Watt, ?2; Even ing Leader, ?2; It, Stanley Rottow, $lj II. F, Clark, $2; R. A. Jadwin, $2; J, Russell Jones, $1; W. II. Branson, f.' a. A. Singer, $2; F. II. Beale, SI; G, C. 'Chamberlain, $1; E. Howard Corbetr, 91; C. . Hunter, $1; Oeorgo W. Cross, ?1; W. Burr & Son, $2; cash, EOc; G, M, Laubshlro, ?1; AV. M. Thomas, JI; Frank Orchard, $1; cash, $1; L. M. Kmitn, 5i; J, w. Klefer, ?l; J. R. Van deford, JI; W. J. Hamilton, JI; II, J, Warren, JI; M. II, Tuppan, $1; J, 'M, Morgan, JI; S, P., JI; cash, 51; H, H. Jadwin, $1; Harry Wright, JI; W. T. Colvllle, SI; E. E, Hendrlck, J3; W. If, Fltzpatrlck, JI; the Israel Crane com pany, J3; a friend, JI; M. J. Murphy, JI; A. L. Patterson, J2; William Collin, JI; Federal union, 7201, $10; Thomas It, Durfee, ?2; Grand Opera House, ?3j Thomas Levlson, JI; Mrs. II, E. Ray nor, J2; Mlas Hattle Puscoe, Ji; B. A. Kelly, J2; a friend, JI; Mrs, W, G. Scurry, SI; C, O. Mellon, J3; W, W. Watt, J2; Mrs. J. E. Burr. J2; F, U. Pennls, J2; G. S. Kimball, J2; O, Frank Couch, 51; A. W. Reynolds, J3; Bell & Brown, J2; Robert Tralles, JI; James Thompson, Belmont street, 50c; Purple Undertaking company, Jl; Jumea Stott, J3; AY, J. Opte, Jl; Mrs. Charles Per kins. J3; Reese Bros., J2; F; i.'. Munn, Jl; Q. AY. Fulkerson, J2; A. P. Traut weln, J3.00; friend, J3; Mills Bros,, J3: rM!SS BOH DELANO A Chicago Society lady, in n letter to Mrs. riiiMiaiu soys : 'BKA.n Mns. PisitiiAMi Of all tho irrateful daughters to whom you havo ylven health and life, nono tiro moro glad than. I. ... , "My homo and my life was happy JVCEETOS?f!35??3aSSrS5 glSSfl JIIS3 BOJfNIE DELANO, until illness came upon me three years ero. I first noticed it by being irreg ular and having- very painful and scanty menstruation; gradually my general health failed ; 1 could not en joy my meals ; I became languid and nervous, with griping pains frequently in tho groins. "I advibed with our family phys ician who prescribed without any im provement. Ono day he said. 'Try iiydla Plitlcluim's Remedies.' I did, thank God ; the next month I was better, and it gradually built me up until in four months I was cured. This is nearly a year ago and I have not had a pain or ache since." Bosnie Delano, SIMS Iudiana Ave., Chicago, 111. $5000 forfeit If above testimonial Is not gsnuliw, Trustworthy proof is abundant that LydUv 13. riiiklmm's A'egetable Compound saves thousands of young women from dangers resulting 'from organic irregularity, suppression or retention of tho mouses, ovarian or womb troubles. Kefdbo substitutes. Abe Snlnn, ?2; Edward Healey, ?2; AV. J. McDonough, ?1; Joseph O'Neill, $Z, Arthur J. Thomas, $1; P. J. Mauulon, $2; .1. J. Brennan, Jl; J. T. Loftus, $2; Marcus Frieder, J2; cash, J2; total, J152. The money was disbursed as follows: A. AV. Reynolds, $3; Helen M. Swingle, $1S; Charles Hull, J20; Alice Chumard, JO; M. E. Malaun, JGt; W. AA'. Fletcher, $; total, $lr,3. OBITUARY. MRS. MARAT COLLINS, widow of the lato Mark Collins, passed away yesterday morning at her home on Brooklyn street. She had an attack of grip several months ago and owing to her advanced ago, a condition of drop sy developed, which ended in her death. Mrs. Collins, who was formerly Miss Mary Gillen, was born in Ireland near ly three-quarters of a century ago. She came to America in her girlhood and has slnco lived in Caibondale. She spent n good life, faithful to all her duties, and well deserved the eternal reward In store for those who die in the Lord. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Hugh Murphy, Mu. Patiiuk Clark nnd Miss Julia Collins, of this city; two sons, Patrick, of Car bondale, and Thomas, of Maylleld; two sisters, Mrs. Martin Gerrlty and Mrs. Margaret Markey, and one brother, Fatrlck Gillen, all of Carbondale. AFTERNOON NUPTALS. Wedding of Hiss Kate Caviston and Thomas Martin nt St. Rose Church. At St. Rose church yesterday, the nuptials of Miss Kate Caviston, of Hos pital street, and Thomas Martin, of Powderly road, attracted a large gath ering of f i lends. The ceremony, which took place at 4.30 o'clock, was solemn ized by A'ery Rev. T. F. Coffey. Miss Mnmo Cogglns was tho maid, and the groom's best mnji was AVil 11am Haggerty, of Scranton. The bride and her maid were most becomingly gowned for the happy event. The bride's gown was a steel color, with a hat that matched, and Miss Cogglns wore garnet, with a hat In keeping with tho gown. There was a reception after tho cere mony at tho . home of the bride, on Hospital street, which was followed by n wedding supper. Tho couple will commence housekeeping nt once. The well wishes of many sincere friends will accompany them to married life. LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY. Will Bo Observed in People's Lec ture Course nt Baptist Church. Tho trustees of the Berenn Baptist church invito nil persons of our city to honor tho memory of tho immortal Lincoln by supporting the next lec ture In the Peoulo's Lecture course, which will be on next AA'ednesdny evonlns. A musical programme of an attract ive and patttotic character will be ren dered, After the programme Rev, A, J, A'nn Cleft, Ph. P.. tho well known Methodist divine, will deliver his lec ture uuon Lincoln, Rev. Mr. A'nn Cleft Is too widely known In this vicinity to rectulre any extended introduction. It Is onoimh for his friends to know that ho will bo the orator on this auspicious occa sion, Emergency Hospital. Hdvvard Burke, of Pike htreet, was discharged from Emergency hospital as cured, Ho hnd sustained a fracture of tho lower limb by falling on the. ice. Tho condition of Martin Jordan still remains iinchnneed. Witnessed the Show. The stasa hands of tho Grand Opera houFe here witnessed the performance of "My Friend from India," by the Franklo company in Olyphunt, Tues day evonimr. Liquor Case Postponed, The case of Dudley Gordon ugaluut A. P. O'Malloy, for selling without a license, has been postponed until the next term of court. Position as Draughtsman. Joseph Flannery, of Powderly road, has been outraged as drauchtsman at the new foundry of tho Caibon'dale Metal AVoiklnu coinpany, Mr, Flannery's engagement deserves some recognition, as he is a young man who has advanced hlpigelf fo this position by dint of honest application -""- 'i UBMte4'ff w ST5-,fii!(:A'f.'i'SaSSJS5?N5'i'jev. nnd iiard work. A short time ago ho was working about tho mines In this vicinity. Ho took a course at tho In ternational Correspondence schools and was given a certificate, which won for him the uosltlon which he has just entered. Ho deserves tho well wishes of his friends for continued success along his career. A Chango In tho Cast. ""Our New Minister," which returns to tho Grand on Monday night, Is n splendid pastoral play. It has not tho dairy farm scenes, tho threshing ma chine nnd other Clap-trap, such ns In loo common In pastoral plays: but It Is a good play, a piny filled with merit. It presents types that nro true to life mid which tiro portrayed in a man ner that makes you believe they nro moving nbout In real life In the hard hearted town of Hurdscrabble, Vt. There has boon n change In the cast since tho company's appearance hero on New Year's night. Miss Estello Loo mis Is not with the company now. Sho has been succeeded by Miss Isabel Brooke Ferguson, nn emotional actress of standing. Boys iu Alderman's Court. Three lads, Patrick Connors, James Jordan and Charles Jordan, wore bo fore Alderman Jones last night, charg ed with malicious mischief, stoning tho house of Charles Jordan, grandfather of the Jordan boys. Tho prosecutor hnd a long story of the boys annoy ances, claiming, among other things, that In their mischief thev broke win dows In his home. The trio was held In ball to answer at court. "My Friend from India," Tonight. The Frankie company will bo at tho Grand tonight to play a return date. "My Friend from India," regarded by many to hp the funniest farce ever written, will be the bill. There will bo the usual specialties, which in cludes songs by Miss Gennell, the en gaging soubrotte. Tho company will no doubt repeat the success which it achieved last week. Meetings of Tonight. George Randolph camp, Sons of A'et erans. Division No. C, A. O. II. United Mine AVorkers, Local 877. Branch 77, L. C. B. A. Ladles' Auxiliary Railroad Trainmen (afternoon). Retail Clerks' association. Carbondale council, Royal Arcanum. A New Daughter. There was a baby girl born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Payne, on Summit avenue recently. Both Mrs. Payne and the new daughter are im piovlng. THE PASSING THRONG. Mrs. Alonzo AA'hltley, of Jermyn, was In the city. U. S. AA'onnacott was a AAraymart vis itor yesteiday. County Controller Edward Jones was in tho city yesterday. Miss Annie Grady, of Mayilcld, is the guest of Carbondalo friends. Mrs. Edward Roche, of New York city, is visiting in Carbondale, her for mer home. Clarence R. Sliryer, the well-known druggist of AVost Scranton, was at the American house yesterday. Peter A. Coleman, of Scranton, was In the city last night, a guest at the banquet of tho Father Mathew so ciety. F. A. Hintenneister, F. AV. Guard, Herman Levy and M. H. Duggan, of Scranton, were leglstered at the Har rison house yesterday. Mrs. Margaret Lcnnon returned to her home in Philadelphia yesterday, after spending several days as the guest of relatives at the Harrison house. Miss Maine AA'alsh and Miss Mame Graham, of Mahanoy City, returned homo yesterday, after a four weeks visit with the Misses Little, on Plko street. JERMYN AMD MAYFIELD. Rev. and Mrs. Clark Wlllson, the well-known Gospel singers and workers who are holding a series of meetings this week in tho First Baptist church, arc attracting large congregations, Mrs, AVillaon who possesses an excellent voice, sings her solos with much ten dernes and delights her audiences. Besides her trip abroad In tho great Murphy movement when she sang in many of the principal cities of Great Britain, she was associated with Rev. A. C. Dixon a few years ago In his great revival campaign in New York. Mr. AVillBon has considerable gift as a sneaker and the meetings are well worth attending. Owing to a defect in the heating ap paratus the series of services being held In the M, E. church were Inter rupted last evening and could not be held. They will be continued again tonight, however, when the meeting Scranton People Receiv ing the Full Benefit. There have been many cases like the following In Scranton. Everyone re lates the experience of people we know. These plain, straight-forward state ments will do much towatd relieving the suffering of thousands. Such testi mony will bo read with Interest by many people. Mr. A. W. Klotz, of 1514 Lafayetto street, painter by trade, says: "Five years ago I took a severe cold which settled In my bladdor. Ever after my kidneys troubled mo a great deal. I used many different remedies and took medicine fiom a doctor who pronounced my trouble catarrh of the bladder, but I got little of any relief. My condition was continually growing worso and there was n constant dull puln across my back when sitting down or on get ting up and turning about the pain became very sharp, I had to work often for hours In a stooped position ami If I straightened up ny back felt as though It would snap In two, The kidney secretions were Irregular, of a high color and a disagreeable odor and accompanied by too frequent action. I was dually laid up, unablo to do any work. At this tlmo a friend recom mended Doan's Kidney Pills to me. I hud not much faith In them, but I went to Matthews Bros. drug store and got a, box. I received so much benefit fiom this that I continued the treat ment until well," For sale by all dealers. Pi Ice 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buifalo, N. y., bole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's nnd take no substitute, leiJil II LIGHT. I I mr W In YOU TRIED DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S BBTE i: All Dnifrglsts sell It AtU.OOallottlc. will bo led by Attorney Battenborg. To morrow, Sunday school night, the meeting will bo held by Mr. C. D. Win ter. Tho meetings are being largely attended. The condition of Mr. James Timlin, 111 of Brlght's disease, is most critical. He lias grown gradually weaker tho past two days and the attending physi cians have little hope of his recovery. Mrs, Frank Altemus, of Third street, was a Scranton visitor Tuesday. Mrs. George Pondered, jr., expects next week to Join her husband who some tlmo ago left for Johnstown to accept a position. Their household fur niture was shipped to their new home yesterday. The regular monthly meeting of the borough council will take place tomor row evening. Mr. Patrick Collins, of South Main street, who was Injured by falling sev eral weeks ago, does not Improve and It will bo some lime before he is able to resume his work. Borough Secretary Jones was at Scranton transacting business yester day. OLYPHANT The menu for the supper of the Ladies' Initial society of the Blakely Baptist church, which will bo served tomorrow evening from 5.S0 until 8.30 in the church parlors, by the B's, C's and D's, will consist of broiled fish, roast turkey with dressing, glblet gravy, cranberry sauce, mashed tur nips and potatoes, white bread, plum pudding with lard sauce, tea and cof fee. Everybody welcome. Como and have a good supper for the small sum of 25 cents. AAMlllo Gill, of upper Dunmore street, was knocked down by a coaster on Second street yesterday afternoon and had his arm broken. Miss Mary Doud, of Ul.'ca, N. Y., was tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Doud, of Lackawanna street, yesterday The funeral of Mrs. Thomas P. Jones will take place from her Into homo on Susquehanna street, at 2.30 o'clock this afternoon. The different committees In charge of St. Patrick's chuich supper are re quested to meet this evening at 7.30 o'clock in the convent hall. Mrs. James Peters, of Wi!Kes-Barr., spent yesterday at this ulace. Tho Frankie Dramatic company closed a throe nights' engagement at the opera house last evening, when they presented "Pawn Ticket No. 210." The parts were all rendered In a most capable manner and many hlh class specialties were Intioflueed during the action of the drarra. Francis Jones and William James, of Providence, were visitors tn town yes terday. The evangelistic services In the Pres byterian church are continued -vt;rv evening this week. TJa-y are conduct ed bv Rev. f. II. I! viand, of pjnv,. burg, who Is a pleas ng sneaker and a singer of note. The services are large ly attended. James Jordan and B. J. Lvnch at tended the Knights of Columbus ban quet at Scranton, Tuesday evening. John Price, of Culm street, had his hand badly lacerated by a fall of lire clay, while at work In Grassy Island colliery yesterday morning. A Hungarian resident of the flats, employed In Eddy Creek mines, was pulnfully Injured about the back and head by a fall of top coal about noon yesterday. Miss Lizzie McGlnty has resigned her position In Atherton & Sutton's cash store to accept a position as bookkeep er in Mandel's market on Lackawanna street. Jacob Ginsburg, who has resided at this place for tho past two years, lelt yesterday for New York to reside per manently. Mrs. David Lewl3 is vlslilng friends at Carbondale. Miss Lucy Gardner, oe Dunmore street, Is ill with an attack of the grip, Mrs. S. Carpenter and Miss Kate Rounds, of Untondale, who havo been visiting relatives at this place, re turned home yesterday. PECKVILLE. A largo crowd attended the fair of tho Wilson Flro company Tuesday evening. The programme was given by the St. Patrick's orchestra, of Scran ton, and was highly appreciated by those piesent. Mrs. J. B. G rover was tho winner of the door prize, a locker. Tho high grade entertainments given each evening are proving to bo great drawing cards. Tho programme to bo given this evening as follows: Piano solo, selected, Miss Norma AVilllams; readings, (a) "Jim," Gertrude Norton; (b) "Christina. Night In the Quarters," Russel; (c) "A Similar Case," Burdette, Cora Morris Grlflln; vocal solo, select ed, Mrs. Lizzie IIughes-Brundnge; readings, (a) "Michael Strogotf," (re quested), Arerne; (b) "Dllllcult Love Making," Burdetto, Cora Morris Grlf lln; vocal solo, selected, Mrs Llzzlo IIughes-Bruudage; readings, (n) "A Spanish Mother," (requested), Elttob Retaw; (b) "Foreign A'lews of Statute," Brooks, Cora Morris Grlflln. Mr, William A'anderwort has filed nomination papers to enter Into the race for councilman of the First waid of Blakely, Excellent sleighing prevails In this vicinity and Is being tlaken advantage of by u multitude of young people, Tho Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold a special meeting at the homo of Mrs. Beck on Friday even ing. All members are lequested to be present. The ladles of the Wilson Fhe com pany fair committee will give a social ut Odd Fellows' hall Thursday aftur uoouvieglnulng at 2 o'clock, Cake and FAVO EHf cream will bo served nnd the booths will bo open for Inspection. Tho Indies of Peckvlllo and vicinity are given cordial Invitation to be present on this afternoon nnd enjoy ci Boelal time. List of letters remaining unclaimed In tho postoHlco at Peckvllle, week ending February 4, 1902: Ladles Mrs. Jennie Jones, Mlsa Emma C, Rools, Gentlemen Patrick Jennings, James AVelsh, Andrew Drlskol Foreign Jtlan Onofrez, Pit Brcckr, Mrs Mnry Korzs Persons claiming the above will please Bay "advertised" and give date of this llBt U V. Mnce, P. M. TAYLOfl. This evening the much talked of masquerade ball of tho Taylor Hoso company No, 1, will bo hold at AVcber's rink. All details havo been carefully attended to and tho event promises to bo the most claborato over attempt ed hero. Tho committee In charge havo worked dllllgcntly for tho past month to make tho ball a success. Th6y have engaged J. T. Fahrenheit, of Scranton, tho widely known theatrical costumor. He will bo at Weber's hall this after noon and evening with about 200 cos tumes of all kinds which will be fur nished those who have no costumes and prices will bo within tho reach of all. A very handsome souvenir pro gramme will bo given to every person who attends the ball. A first class or chestra has been engaged and a good .time Is assured to every one. Tickets 25 cents. Tho chief of police and nil mcmbois of the police force are requested to meet at tho council chambers tomor iow evening at 7:30 o'clock. List of unclaimed letters remaining at tho Taylor postofllco for the peilod of February G; persons calling for tho same will please say advertised and give date of list: Domestic Miss Olive Anderson, M. Chllds, John P. Davis, Thomns Keene, Reese D. Reese, Mrs. George Thompson, P. B. AA'lIss, Mls's Emma AA'ebcr. Foreign George Rival:, Andro Radrlerskl, Frank Rapsak, Jueo Mleneza, Joseph Slefaryck, Marya Frlonclk, Faflraleo Antonio. Miss Edith Richards, of Royersford, Pa., Is tho guest of her cousin, Miss Susie Harris, of Main street. Lackawanna Valley council, No. 81, JrT Order United American Mechanics, will meet In regular session this even ing. A large number of our townspeople attended the funeral of the lato David Plckroll, of Lackawanna, yesterday. AVOCA. Avoca Hose company will leave the station at 7.31 this evening to attend the llremen's fair at Peckvllle. James Clark, of Giovo street, Is crit ically 111 of kidney trouble. The committee of ladles on the quilt; of the Homo Mission society of tho Primitive Methodist church will meet In the lecture room this morning. All persons having quilt blocks please send them to Mrs. E. S. Torr and Mrs. S. Dceble. The energetic young men of the Sixth ward are talking the advisability of or ganizing a fire company. At a recent meeting of tho Independ ent Order of Heptasophs on Monday evening the following ofllcers were elected: President, AV. J. Samn'ion; secretary, II, M. Steever; treasurer, G. AV. Lower; Inspector, James McFar lano; warden, Patrick Brennan. A horse stolen from Charles Mitchell, of Scranton, was recovered In this town yesterday by Constable Healey. Mrs. A. J. AA'elsley, of Tyrone, is tho guest of her mother In the North End, Thomas Smith has returned fcom Easton, after several weeks' visit at the home of his parents. The Star social club will meet in their rooms on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. James McLaughlin and son have returned to Chicago after- sev eral days' visit hero. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25c. AiOOSIC. Special to the Scranton Tilbune. Mooslc, Feb. 5. A number of young people from Greenwood enjoyed a slelghrlde last evening to the home of Mr. Roland Davis, of Laflln. Mr, James Monle was tendered a sur prise at his- home on Tuesday evening on Brook street, by a number of young people. Flashlights were taken of tho crowd and games indulged in until an early hour when refreshments were served by Miss Belle Monle, assisted by Miss Mattle Brown. Those present wore the Misses Maude Smith, Stella Le A'un, Lllu Osterander, Nina Dlx, Nellie McCormaek, Mame Dorau, Ethyl Tregellas, Hattio Knapp, Carrie Brunges, Mabel Slnser, Maggie Bax ter and Miss Loveiing and Miss Thomas, of Hyde Park. Messrs. James If the teacher could wipe away the blotches fmm 1,," ct-in nu pncitv as she does the caricature with its pimply face, fahe would be a happy woman, Pimnles and eruptions are more than n disfigure ment to u womau. they make her sensitive and unhappy. The. way to cleanse the skin is to purify the blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery purifies the blood, and re moves the clogging accumulations and poisous which corrupt it. When these ore removed, pimples, boils, emptions, sores, and other consequences of impure blood are entirely cured. "For nbout one year nnd a liatf mv face was ry badly brot-eii out," writes Miss Carrie Adams, of n6 West Main St.. luttle creek, Mich. I spent a creat deal of money with doctor and for different kind-, of medicine, but received tio benefit. At last I obtnined u bottle of lit, 1'iercc'a Golden Medical l)lcoviry. lU-foru I bad taken one bottle of thij medicine I noticed n change, and alter taVlui; three bottles I was entirely cured. I cnu well recommend Doctor l'ierce'9 (jtildcn Medical Phcovcry to auy one imltarly afflicted Accept no substitute for the " Discov ery." There is nothing "just as good" for impure blood and skiu diseases. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1098 pages, is given away. Send 31 one-cent bt.unpa expense of mulling 0y, for the boqk iu paper covers, or 31 stamps for the volume bound in cloth. Address Dr. R, Y, Pierce, lluflalo, N. Y. illfwIP M?-3t&i vus RLlME-i Kill! An Ideal fledicine A New Discovery Which Cures nil Forms of Catarrh, The tablet Is tho ideal form In which to administer medicine, but until re cently no successful catarrh tablet had over been attempted. Thero Is now, however, an excellent and palatable remedy for catarrh In tablet form, known as Stuart's Catarrh Tablets and sold by druggists, composed ot tho most recent discoveries In medicine for cure of catarrh and results from their use have been highly gratifying. The old time treatment of catarrh was In the form of inhalers, washes, douches, sprays, etc. Later on Internal remedies were used with greater bug cogs, but being In liquid or powder form were Inconvenient to use and like all medicines In liquid or powder form, lose their medicinal properties when opened or exposed to the air. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets contain highly concentrated antiseptics, Red Gum, Blood Root, etc., which kill the catarrh germs in the blood and mucous membrane, and In this respect nro strictly scientific and modern, becauso all authorities are now agreed that catarrh Is a constitutional blood dis ease, and local applications can have only a transitory effect. Tho use of Inhalers, douches and sprays Is a nuisance and Inconvenience and can in no wise compare favorably with tho same antiseptics given in tab let form internally, where they can reach tho stomach and blood and kill catarrh germs right where they are produced. A prominent lawyer and public speaker of Pittsburg says: "I have been troubled with catarrh of the head nnd throat for twelve years. In this cli mate it seems Impossible to get rid of It. The continual dropping of mucus from the 11030 Into the throat caused Irritation and hoarseness, seriously In terfering with my public speaking. ItT took me an hour or more of coughlngr gagging, expectorating and sneezing every morning before I could settle down to work and this condition grad ually brought on catarrh of stomach, causing loss of appetite, poor digestion and a foul breath, which annoyed me exceedingly. My physician advised tho to try Stuart's Catarrh Tablets and I took them for two months and wa3 astonished to llnd how quickly they cleared my head, throat and stomach and I have no hesitation in' recommend ing them. They are not only pleasant to take, but they seem to get at tho very root of the trouble, because since using them I have had no trace of catarrh. Druggists sell Stuart's Catarrh Tab lets at 50 cents for full size package. They can be carried in the pocket and used any time as often as de-' sired since they contain no cocaine, mercury or any other injurious drug. and Elwoith Robllng, John Brown, AVUl Younger, Ralph Knapp, Clyde AVater 111,111, Edward Miller, Dave Monle. Miss Maud Smith was a caller In Scranton yesterday. Mrs. Ed. Doran and Mrs. AVilliam Stevenson attended tho theatre at Scranton last evening. Heavy Travel to Florida and tho South. The tide of travel which sets In every winter lioin the northern stutes to the milder climates of tho south and southwestern portions of the country has begun this year at a very much Increased rate over that of any pre vious season. Transportation compan ies leport that their facilities aro com pletely utilized, and that early appli cation Is often necessary in order to secure choice accoinmodatlons. Tho Southern railway's new and palatial train, the "Southern's Palm Limited," which began .its seivlco in the mlddlo of January, between New ATork and the more prominent resorts of tho South, has proved a welcome and In view of tho Increased travel a neces sary addition to the means of Inter communication between these two sec tions. This train Is running heavily loaded every day, every compartment and stateroom being taken, and It bus frequently been necessary to put on additional sleeping cars In order to accommodate the demand. Tho popu larity of this train Is mainly duo to tho prominence of the points which it touches and tho quick tlino which It makes between New York and Florida. Another train operated by tho Southern Railway system Is the AVnshlngton and Southwestern Limited. Its close con nection with tho "Sunset Limited" ol the Southern Paclllo coinpany at New Orleans to Mexico and the Paclllc coast makes it a popular southern route for winter travel. This system otfers quick service to tho beautiful "Land of the Sky," tho mountain reg. Ion of North Carolina, within which are located such famous resorts aa Plnehurst, Ashevllle and Hot Springs, also to Columbia, Summervllle, Aiken and Augusta. These places nra easily leached, and is one of the main iea sons for the present gieat' inercaso ol Southern travel. Tho travel to lu still milder and more squthernly h cated resorts In Floildti, St. Augiibtlne, Palm Beach, Ormond, Tampa and oth er places 011 both the Atluntlo and Gulf coasts of the state seems to hi equally heavy, The Southern Rullwaj loute is also most popular anion travelers to Cuba, since the quick thai made between Kew York and Tunipa and Miami, materially shortens the trlj to Havana, Travel westward througl the Gulf states to New Orleans an the west is unusually heavy, and tin npptouchtng Mnrdi Gras festivities it Nw .Orleans are also attracting a con slderable number of northern visiton to that city. Complete information It rtgajd to reaching all of tho abovt resoils can be piocured of Chan, L Hopkins, District Passenger Agent Southern Railway, S2S Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa., us his ofllce Is 1 bureau of information for souther' tiuvul. j