Y4. B.il A . f I THE SCItAOTOtf TRIBUNJ&-WEDNESDAY, tfEJLUlUARi 5, 1902. -T , japr-" WEST SCRANTON FUNERAL OF JAMES MULROY SERVICES AT ST. PATRICK'S CHUlvCH YESTERDAY. Obsequies Wore Largely Attended. Remains of the Into John L. Sul .llvan Wero Also Interred in tho Cathedral Cometory Entertain ment In St. David's Episcopal Church William Simpson Struck by a Train Other Shorter Para graphs of Interest. The funeral of the lute James Mul joy, who died at his homo on Six teenth street, occurred yesterday morn ing, and was attended by many rela tives, friends and neighbors. A re quiem mass was celebrated In St. Pat rick's Catliollo church, and interment viih made In the Cathedral cemetery. The pallbearers were: Maurice T. "Wiilsh, Michael Ilcaley, John Reap, Jllchael J. Jennings, Thomas J. Flem ing and Michael llaher. The funeral of the late John I,. Sulli van occurred ycstuiday afternoon from the family residence lit Clark court, where many friends gathered to sym pathize with the bereaved family. Short services wero held In St. Pat ilck's Catholic church, and Interment was made In tho Cathedral cemetery. Entertainment Last Evening. A large and well pleased audience attended the entertainment ut St. David's Episcopul church last evening, which was a social and llnanclal sue 'oss. Refreshments were served at the close. The various numbers included vocal and instrumental selections, recitations, etc., by Mrs. llnudolph Jones, Misses Jtose Smith, May Dorsoy. Mrs. Mc Ilenry, T. and J. Lewis, Leyshon Hvans, Miss Esther Hughes, Mrs. John Morgan, William Brain, Miss Helen Markwlck, Mrs. Seibeit, Misses Mauri and Dolly Thomas, Job AVhltehouso, Miss Millie Hoffman, David Dnvis.Miss Margaret Powell, Mr. Phelps, Benjamin Hughes and the Robinson brothers. Simpson Church Notes. The Gleaners' society of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church held a meeting last evening and arranged to hold another of their popular entcrtain mnnts and socials in the near future. The Missionary Study class also mot last evening and enjoyed an interest ing programme of readings and music. Dafoiir's French Tar Will promptly relive am speedily euro coughs, colds and all lunff trouble. For bale by G. W. JENKINS, 101 South Main uv cnue. ! Ms i Charm i i in l fi Ms i i li late lb lii I uS We have just what you're looking for, perhaps. Our J strong argument is that here you tjet them just a "little better" than elsewhere. Astonishing what a little money g money win cio in this Wash Distinctive Display We were fned with enthusiastic admiration for them when we bought, and we want to convev this enthusi asm o you. Nothing shoit of a visit to this Wash Goods Exhibit will do it, however. I Here Are Some & Grenadine llippique, Avalon Batiste, Swiss Silks, Mercerized Cham bray, Cltnmbray Madras, Exposition Batiste, finalo Batiste, Pineapple Tiss lie, Dotted Swiss, Gauze do Soie, Si These can hardly be desciibeil. They are novelties and we only give yoi: such an idea of their beauty and worth as will tempt you here to see them, -rp Roll Call Is Enough for These 1 USE Columns couldnt tel their story, Our hobbv is qunl- c ity and we ride it to its fullest extent. This doesn't - cost you any more than if you bought some poor quali- & ities, but then you can't buy poor qualities here we ft haven't got them. No woman of taste was eyer misled ' by purchasing from us. J-T' 3 xx -st It 1 Globe w m (OWMJWMWWWOWWW?!)??!) The regular weekly prayer meeting will bo held this evening, when nil members and friends are urged to at tend, All members of the Probationers' class are requested to meet the pastor at tho church next Friday evening. Mrs. J. 13. Snyder, of Washburn Btrcet, will entertain tho Woman's Foreign Missionary soclpty on Friday evening. Clean Your Sidewalks. OfTlclala from the department of pub lic safely were engaged In notifying people yesterday to clean the Bldewalks In front of their residences and places of business. Unless tho laws governing this are strictly observed, arrests and prosecu tion will follow. A strict compliance with the ordinances will save trouble and lessen accidents. Recent Accidents. Samuel Phelps, n 15-year-old lad, was Injuied lecently In tho Continental mine, when a prop fell on him and rendered him unconscious. A child named Annie Phillips, resid ing at tho corner of Washburn street and Sumner avenue, was injured yes terday by being run over by a sleigh. Washburn Street Church. Miss Jessie Long, of Mullein street, entertained tho Gamma Nil society of the Washburn Street Presbyterian church, ut her home, last evening. The prayer meeting this evening will be conducted by Rev. J, P. Moffat, the pastor. All members of the church who desire to subscribe for the Assembly Herald will give their names to Dr. Moffat. Ribs Fractured. David Evans, of 801 Eynon street, an outside employe at the Hampton mine, had one of his ribs fractuted by a fall yesterday afternoon. Ho was removed to his home, where Dr. W. Rowland Dnvies, of South Main avenue, attended him. EVENTS OF THIS EVENING. A merlins of Hie Am. lent Order of Hibernians will be bold In Morgans' hall thin cvenim. l'lcdilc cninp, No. S3, I'aliiotlo I Inter of Aniei leans, will meet in Washington lull Una evcuintr. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Patrick Oljin, of .Taction fitrcct, who w.3 thiown from a cutter while deign-riding in Nort'i Seianton Mond i night, was iemocd to bis hom" it .in early hour jotculiy morning. The extent of IiU lnjmir. will incapacitate him for some lime. 1'itiick Casey, who was with Oljiin at 'he lime, c-cipcd uninjured. The cutter ollided wilb a sheet cai. v 1 he dog lliat bit Mrs. Ttobeit Owens recently was ordoied i-hot, and a pilrolnian was delo giied to despitcli the? canine, lint the owner. Ml-. Kivlllo, of Ninth and Kjnon street, objected. A law suit is likely to follow. Coasters on Jackson fcticcl baic been wntned cgainst running tluir flcds acioii Miin avenue, owing to Ihc danci attending it. Thomas McCrossIn, of Washburn stieel, an em ploye at the spike mill, had bis hand e aught in a shears on Monday, and four of Ills lingers wcia amputated. Miss Cathcilne Smith, of Jackson .street, has been adjudged insane by Doctors Ilrcmuii ami Goods matter. s 5?: of the Names EJ ss-. Organzine, ITaiitasio Suisse, Tourguny Novelties, English Madras, English Cheviots, -Lono Organzine Colored Gauze dc Soie, Leno Gauze do Soie, Silk and Linen Tissue, l?lemish Lace Stripes. as Sir. arebotise I Carroll, and she has been taken te the tlllUlilo ttome. She was previously an Inmate ol Ilia home. A woll-Unown teamster, who rfrhcj regularly between l'itl'ton nntl Carbonelale, altl yoidcielay that tho sleighing is better now than he has sein It In many years, The rholr of the l'lyinoulh Congregational church will begin uhearsuls on JJislcr inus'e next 1'rldny evening. A nieetlng of the St. Peler's Tolit Abstinence iml ticnevoicnt toclcty, of llellcvue, has been called for nest Sutuhy. A slight llm was dlravricil In the shoe shop at tho corner of Hyde Parle avenue nnd Lalayotte street Monday atlctnoon, earned by .1 discon nected stove-pipe. A stilt alum to I'nglnp com' pany N'o. 3 lirouglit a quick rcspoiw, and the llnnicH.wtrc- put out without much trouble, TI10 Woman's guild nl 81. Mark's Lutheran church will serve a clam chowder supper u;i Dmr-ulay eionlnq; in the church parlor. A large number of breaker bojj Ironi local collieries wcrs treated to a nlelgli-rldo leslcrclaj' afteinoon l.y their employers. IMwnnl O'tlrlen, of North rteliecca avenue, the T.atkavyanii.i rallroul cnetlneer who win Injured some time inro, li now nblc to resume I1I1 diillw. T)io Italtmad Att'elll.iry of the Simpson Metho dlst l.'plseopal church will meet tomorrow eiii n at the home uf Mi;. J, J. Decker, on Divis ion street. A son hat brightened the homo of Mr. nnd Mr", .fowph Buckley, of Ninth street. Master Jowph Crosier, of Couth lliciett nvv mte, wna Injured while coaillng on Monday even Ini'. William Simpson, who conducts a me-nt iniike-t at OOt 1 11011 street, was slruck by tin nulnu at fl o'clock yesterday afternoon, while he was clos ing the Dolavvnrc, Lackawanna nnd Western i.ill roail Iracki near tha lleltevue bronker. lie vvat picked up in tin unconscious condition and taken to the l.aekawiiniM hc-pltiil, where it was ascer tained tint both of lib wrist? wcie fracturcel. IIU condition is not serious. PERSONAL MENTION". GeoiRc Hill, of North Sutrncr avenue, Is lecov crltijr from 1111 illness. John 0. lllghlleld, of Jackson sticct, who has been 111 for u Ions time, is convalescing;. I). It. Ihoinas and son-in-law, William Ludwiir, of N'of'tli Uromley avenue, nic In Uo3ton. Miss Itattic Kynon, of btark court, lias ac cepted a position with the International Tct liook compiny. Ocoiro Dickson, of Xiwtli Hide l'.uk avenue, Is lecoverlns from an !1Iik'.-.s. Mrs. Iicnjamln IIiiRlie", of Noitli Kvcielt ave nue, 13 sullerlns fioni .1 severe cold. Miss Jlartraiet Holland, of Sujjar Notch, is vis iting her brother, John Holland, of ltallroad ave nue. ' Miss Florence, daughter of Mrs. Maria Urn worth, of South llebccea avenue, is sulTcring wl'h a severe attack of pneumonia. Mrs. John (Jritllths, of Deckel's court, is re potted to be ncilously 111. Miss Mae Divli, of Kjnnn stiect, hai leturned homo from a Uslt with friendi In Wllkes-lianc. Denj.imiu Smith, of Uvans court, is confined to his home by Illness. Dr. Iienjunln Kvans, of Clark's fcuimnir, lslted his mother, Mrj. '. II. Kvans, of North II de Park avenue, on Mondiy. Mis. Hugh McUcimott, of Lafajcttc sltcct, ia ill at her home. M13. Thomas Hecse, of Noilh Lincoln avenue, Is lecovcrlng from the effects of an operation. Kli.ii Anthony, of Everett avenue, is on the lck list. 1'iank Madden, of PI mouth, is visiting I1.3 brother, William Madden, of South Uromley ave nue. Miss Cariie Cioss, of Washbuin stiect, is in dispaeil. Jlrs. licrl Imgeoie, of Noith Lincoln avenue, is suffering fiom an attack of pleurisy. A. J. 'lhomas, of Oould-hoto, ha3 returiud home fiom a vbit to his family here-. Cieorge Jacob, of North Lincoln avenue, is buf fering from a sprained tuck. Ulys'cs CVofiit, 01 Noilh Uiiroln avenue, is convalescing aftci a severe illne. Clarence M. Hiveilv, clerk in Miwj-ravo; drug store, has leturucd fiom a trip to New Albany, Bradford count. Mis. L. II. Jones and daughter, Lois, of North Bromley avenue, are both ill at their home. Mi.s. Itnbcit J. Williams, of I.afaette stiect, ia indi-poHct. SOOTH SCRANTOPJ NOTES. Surprise Party Tendered to Mrs. Her- forth, Wife of Pastor Herf orth, of the German M. E. Church. A pleasant affair was ciuletly ar ranged some time ago and was suc cessfully carried out Monday night, much to the surprise of a. most esti mable lady. The ladles of the German Methodist Episcopal church, on Pros pect avenue, learned that their pastor's wife would celebrate her birthday Monday, and they auieed to take part i'n the celebration. The arrangements were quietly com pleted anel shortly niter 7 o'clock the ladles assembled and in 11 body marched to the lesldence of How and Mrs. llorfoith, on Ulich stieet, In lear of the church, They tool: possession, and only when the guests wished Mrs. Hcrforth long yeuin of happiness and many more birthdays was she aware of the cause or the visit. The visitors hud taken with them an abundance of good things to eat and soon a bountiful lunch was served. After Mrs. Herforth had been presented with n suitable memento of the occasion, the gathoilng dlsuersed. NUBi OF NEWS. ' 'Ihc- uiiialns of the Iatn Bernard Miwn, were taken fiom the fainil.i residence on South Ining avenue cstcidjy morning and laid to lest 111 1I10 dihedral cemetery afler imprceic ccmrca for Ihe dead lad been held in St, Peter's 1athedr.1l. 'lhcie was an unu-aull' lago attindaiiic at the (uncial imlwIlliMaiuling tl u intcu-e- cold. 'Iho Paliiptk Order &on of Ametlca Dnmi corps, will meet In legular es,lon at their head qiurtris in rreuhiu'a hill tomonow idgla when Ihc following ollleeis will be' m.lalled: Pie'si dent, Pied Jones; vl'o president, William runui icvcidin? pceutiiy, Chirlc-t Sni!er; a-si-taut h'cictai-', 1'icd C. Dlejing; llnitici.il nei ictaiy, t'red C. Miller; inanuci, Willi itn Kirch oir; lieasuier, l'red Jones; chief musician, duties S-amcii; asalsuut clilrf muslcl..ii, Charlts tndei; drum -fergemt, A. .1. Hainiiien. 'the fctiuntou Athletic iluli will hold their eighteenth annual inuc-uc-ratlo ball in Athletlo hull tonight. The gland march, foi which .1 prize is olleied, will commune at a o'clock sharp. , 'U13 iiunlhly inciting of the Iliekoiy htieet Presliteilan chvreh I. idles' Aid Miclety which was to hlii! been held at the residence of Mis. S. S. Spiiiks tomonow afternoon, has been prst. l-oneil one week owing to tho death of Ml hinder, who was a nicmbcr. 'ihe tuneral takei place at U o'clock tomonow. Joseph hleiii, of Alder stieel, iclmrul last night frcm a very nieccseful lUhlng tilp. 'Ihe Sehvvelei Maenueichor will hold ilieli an nual inasqueiado ball I'liday evening, Feb. 7, at Athletic hall, Alder street. Michael Burke, of 7-'i IrWiu avenue, was kicked in tho mouth by 11 mule at the Pine lliool; colliery eoterday mid sustained the loss of iev cral teeth. Mis. Toi cyagc')-, an aged lady, rf 7i5 Phis ton avenue, met with a sjuu- fall on the ici .vcjtciday unit was canled home In an unconscious condition. The Ladles' Catholic Mutual Benefit Ofwoc-Ja. Hon gave n piogr.utivo cuilnr- last evening in the basement of St, John's new chuuli for the bun-tit of the c-huidi. It was largely uttcml.'d. Keeley Institute Laboratory Burned, By nxrlusivo Wire ftoin The Assoc latcd Prest, Dvvlght, III., Frli. 1. The laboratory of the Kcelc Institute, the Ltv Ing.toii hotel, coiitiollej by the Keeley company, and several other builei iugs in the heait of the city ivcie deitroycet .y Hie today. Lom JOrt.eXiO. The (Itu ttarted in tl ei boiler loom of tho steam heating plant in the lahoiatory building. THE HOimiEST MAN IN SCRANTON As well as the handsomest, and olhiia ore invited to call On any druggist and get fiee a trial bottle of Kemp' Ilaltam for the Tlhoat and Lun. a remedy tint is ijuaiantfcd to cure and rellew all Chronic anJ Acute Cynics, Athnu, Dicmchltii iinj CuMumptlou, P1U0 i3c, and &;. NORTEiSGRANTON LECTURE OF ItEV. DB. WIIALEN, OF OARDONDALE. His Subject Was tho "Wit and Humor of the Irish People." Tlfjuo's Gymnnsluin Baskot Dall Tonra Dofented by tho Stars Birth day P.arty Held at the Homo of Miss Mary Nichols, of Dickson Avenuo Largo Crowd Present at tho Fair Last Night. A large uudlenco wns present nt the tubernaclo last night to hear Kev. Dr. Wlinlcn, of Cnrbondnle, fjlvo his lec ture, "Tho Wit nntl Humor of the Irlt-h People." Dr. Whaleii traced the his tory of the Irish race back two hun dred years and dwelt upon the terrible manner In which the English govern ment treated them. He also told of tho system by which England kept them In Ignorance, denying them the privi leges of education, and compelling them to be as slaves to tho English landlords. Ho then turned to tho lighter vein of his lecture and dwelt udoii tho Hashing wit and Infectious humor of the Irish people. The proceeds of the lecture went to the building fund of the Baptist church. Stars Again Won. Again tho Invincible North End Stars have added' a victory to their long list, by defeating John Tlgue's gymnasium team, at the Auditorium, last night, by 11 score of 11 to C. The playing of McClusklo and Skiff, of tho Stars, nnd Murphy and O'Drlen, of Tlgue's team, were among the feutures of the game. The line-up was ns fol lows: Stars J, M. McClusklo, right forward; Skiff, left forward; l"ans, center; T. MeCluskle, right guaid; Jones, left guard. Tigucs Uatchfonl, right foiwaid; Moiughan, left foiwaid; O'Brien, center; Hurdy, light guard; Muiphy, left guard. Ooals wore thrown from the Held by J. McClusklo, Jones and Skiff, of the Stars, and Monaghnn, Murphy and O'Brien, of the Gymnasium. Birthday Party. A very pleasant birthday party was given at the home of Miss Mary Nich ols, of Dickson avenue. Games and singing were indulged In up to a late hour, when refreshments were served. Solos were rendeied by Mr. Louis Pcorn and Miss Anna Davis. Those present were: Misses Anna Davis, Margaret Willis, Nellie Tllson, Bessie Evans, Jennie Jenkins, Maine Jones, Mary Nichols, Ruth Hopkins, Margaret Nichols, Marion Louis, Mary Currant, Kate Nichols; Messrs Claude Peorn, B. Bowen, John liichards, Da vid Richards, Thomas Morgan, Thom.13 Breck, Eugene Mamca, Max Feldman, Oliver Nichols. Out of town guests were Esther Smith and Harry Davis. Surprise Party. Mr. Robert White was recently ten dered a surprise party at his home on Diamond avenue, by a number of his friends. The evening was spent in the usual party diversion, up to a late hour, when refreshments were served. Those present were; Mioses Lulu Sherman, Evelyn Latcnam, Lizzie Johnson, Bell Robinson, Dinah Wat kins, Mabel Bisblng, Azuba Swartz, Anna Welsllng, Edna Mumford, and Messrs. Bert Thomas, John Jones, Mor gan Thomas, Roy White, George Whee ler, Alfred Finn, Raymond Robinson and Joseph Watkins. At the Pair. Last evening a large crowd of peo ple were present at the fair being con ducted nt St. Mary's hall by the dif ferent societies connected with the Holy Rosary church, to hear the fol lowing programme rendered; Vocal fcolo John lluglnx Vocal Solo MNs l'va Hoiau Vocil Solo 'Ihoma.s (Allien Vocal Sole, James Jones After the piognimme several valu able articles were chanced olf. TOLD IN A FEW LIWVES. The Scwntoii Men's wiciclj of this end will hold their monthly meting .Monday n.t 111 the Providence Piesli.vtcrlan church toelil room'. Miss Doia Smith, who has been -.Mling; at tho homo of Pied Phillips, of North Main jcnu was called home on aceuuut of the (.widen ill-iie-vs of hei in'ithei. The chlldien of the Welch Cougiegationtl chinch of West Market sheet, arc practicing for their cantata entitled "I'uecn lather," which li to bo glvrn in the near fcituie. Mrs. Hod Phillips, of Noilh M1I11 avenue, h calling 'on friends in Dalton. The tcicheis of the Provident o Picslileiliiu Funday tchool will have an important iiirctln.; at the cl"fo of the pra.ver meeting this evening. Piank W. Simpson, ot 01 pliant, was among ealleis in town Sunday. The Ladles' circle of Ihe fiuml Auny of the ltopublle, No, J 11, will meet at the lhtial place Tliviisel.iy afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Marquette council, Young Men's Institute, Iwlil a well ut tendril meeting In their looms in bt. Marv'h ball List c-venlug'. Patikk 1 earner, nt lludton strict, is icjoldug over the arrival of u baby boy, The home of Mr. ami Mm. Patiick ISIIgallon, of Chirk, bus been gladdened by flic arrival of a baby boy. Next I'liday evening the people of this end will ho able to witness tho clumplon basket lull team of the state, which is St. CI.1I1, battle- with the Ciackerjacks, Mis. .Mm Jones, of fiiecu Mieet, who hid been vUltlng ielatle in Nanlleoke, hai ictmued home. Manager James His-vcll, of tho Noilh )'ud Stais, has been called to Itaiiishuig on hmlucss. GREEN RIDGE. Gieun Ridge conclave, lmproetl Or der of Heptusophs, No, 103, installed its recently elected officers Monduy night, After tho exeiclses, luncheon was served to th meinlaers. Considerable damage was donu by the heavy storm hero Sunday night In the way ot broken window lights and displaced cornices. The flag-polo tit No, 27 school wns broken ot near the base nnd In tailing ciushed down av part of the lion fence niurouiullng tho school vnnl. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Home and Foreign Mission ary society ot tho Oieen Ridge Pres byterian church will bo held u the lecture 100m this, afternoon at ii.SO o'clock, DrugglHt 11, m. Cole, of Capouse live nue, Is tho possessor of a beautiful new uutoiuobilc, Mrs. Minnie Foster, of Adams ave nue, has gone to Forest City for u visit with friends. Mrs. Fritz, of Delaware street, Is confined to her homo by Illness. Street cars on the Green Ridge Sub urban line have not been able to run out farther than Grand View avenue Blnce the severe storm of Sunday, the trucks having been covered by gnow nnd Ice. Mr. Finn, of Park Place; has accept ed a position with W. II. Jnyno, of Dickson nventte. Four candidates were Initialed nt tho regular meeting of tho Green ltldgo camp, Patriotic Order Sons of Amerl Ica, held In Masonic hull; on Dickson avenue, last evening. A church meeting for the purpose of electing thiee nddltlonul ciders will be held nt tho Green Ridge I'lcshytcrlun church this evening. , Meetings of the Christian and Mis sionary alliance wero held at the tab ernacle on Jefferson avenue yesterdny at 10.30 In the forenoon, '1 o'clock In the afternoon und 7,30 o'clock in the even ing. .T. E. Eavo was tho speaker of the day. Many othets took part. Mrs. lit H. Andrews, of Onpouso ave nue, spent Sunday In Harford. Mis. Nelson Garrett Is conllncd to her home by Illness, caused by vaccin ation, Miss Smith, lif Luke Wlnoln, Is the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Horace Smith. The Green Ridge Women's Christian Temperance union will meet this nftot noon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. li, Stevens, 1101 Capouse avenue-. Meeting In charge of Mrs. E, J. Camp bell, superintendent of the department. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all interested, ENJOYED A SMOKER. Yale Alumni Entortalnod by Honry Belln, Jr., nt His Hosldencc. The members of the Yale Alumni as sociation were entertained last night with a smoker at the beautiful homo of tho president, Henry Uelln, Jr., on Joffeison avenue, the occasion being the annunl meeting of tho organiza tion. Prof. Phelps, professor of English literature, nnd II. C. Emory, professor of political economy at Yale university, were present and addressed the mem bers, as did also Judge V. W. Wheaton, of Wllkes-Barre, and Alnjor Everett Warren, of this city. A quartette from the Yale Glee club, consisting of Messrs Tyler, Johnson, Chittenden and Roberts, rendered sev eral selections and several of the guests entertained In an Impromptu manner. A delicious luncheon was served by Holland, of Philadelphia. Tho affnlr was a great success and it is likely that the annual gatherings of the so ciety will be conducted In a similar manner hereafter. v The ofllcers elected at the brief busi ness meeting were as follows: Presi dent, W. W. Scrnnton; vice president. J. W. Oakford; secretary and treas urer, W. J. Torrey; executive commit tee, S. B. Thorne and C. H. Welles. Present at last nlgiu's gathering were the following: Colonel II. M. Boies, J. Ben. Dimmlck, J. W. Oak ford, Major Everett Warren, S. Brink Thorne, Judge R. W. Archbuld, ex-Justice Alfred Hand, AV. J. Hand, A. G. Hunt, jr., F. E. Donnelly. Worthington Scrnnton, C. II. Welles, jr., W. J. Tor rey, Prentice Strong, N. G. Robertson, C. A. Belln, P. B. Belin, IT. L. Belln, T. M. Lynch, Frederick Connoll, David Hull, C. S. Woodruff, C. G. Wallis and Augustus Thompson, of Honesdale. SUNDAY SCHOOL EECEPTION. Held in the Y. W. C. A. Rooms Last Evening. Tho first leception of the Sunday school of Grace Reformed Episcopal church 1o the members and friends was held In the rooms of the Young Women's Christian association last evening and was attended by a large number of young people, as well ns older auests. An informal piogramme of music was given by the Misses Joy and May Doster, Alfred Kuschwa, Miss Bates, Mr. Welsenlluh, and Mrs. W. W. La thrope. Charles Hartley, the ventrilo quist and mimic, also gave a pleasing entertainment with his subiects. The object of the reception was to enable the members of the school to become better acquainted with one an other, and to foster a spirit of true Chrlstiun fellowship and sociability in the church and Sunday school. Light refreshments were served during the evnnlnsr. The committees in charge of the event were: Executive Charles F. Hess, William W. MrCulloch. Miss Anna lluber. Invitation Miss Mary McCulloch, chairman. Reception Mrs. W. T. Hnekett, chairman. Music Mrs. W. AV. Lathrope. Refreshments Mrs. E. H. Ripple, chairman. Serving Miss Joy Doster, chahman. INCREASE OF BUSINESS. Result of the Free Delivery System in Dunmore. Since the fiee delivery system was extended to Dunmore there has been a notable Increase In tho amount of mall sent to that postoiflce and lecelvtd from It This is accounted for by the fact that a huge number of persons who have been letclvlng their mall at their busi ness address In this city now hai it sent to their home address and Instead nf mailing matter in this city, place It In tho boxes convenient to their homes. OBITUARY. MYLKS UIUBONS, one of the oldest residents of North Seianton, died yes terday at his home on Summit ave nue, after a short Illness, Ue Is sur vived by tho following children: Susan nnd Catherine, of this city; Belinda, of Now York; Patrick, of this city, nnd Myles, a student at the Jelfeison col lege, in Philadelphia. MII.TON GILMORE LUTZ, son of Mr. and Mis. O. S. Lutz, of tilts Vun Storch avenue, died -Monday evening of bronchitis, aged months. Fuiu-ral services at the house this afternoon ut i.tlO o'clock. FUNERALS. The fuiicial of Mis. Mjltill l'llole, cf 'Hun. iiioie, wilt taku pi ue from the lite home, at the corner of Apple and Drinker htiiets, this moinlii', at U o'clock. Services will be held in St. Mn.v's chinch, and ii. lament will bo made in the Dun mule Catholic umctci. THOMPSON, Special to the Scruntou Tribune, Thompson, I'cb. I. The Pica Hapti-t cpnitnlj meeting in thai chinch hero 1'ildi, Saturday unci Sunela was well alllnded and the tcTilcc weio licieioiting from Hist to last. The Iti'v. 0. 0. WH1011, of Lenowille, vva the ihalniiui; William I). Cole, u .vouiig nun who hidbccu preaching for some mouths, was uidalucd on Sabbath pioining, after a my good trillion by cur townsman, llcv, J, " bkclkll. All fllie oidalned iiiinlstcM prcacnt took part In the or dination services. Her father, the itcv, ltuiisuiu Dunn, ll. 'l)., ivui a prominent factor hi thU denomination for cai.i uud wa.i greatly esteemed by the older numbers of thli chuah who were- acquainted with him. Mia. (iatrs has picpared uud pub llshecl ti faithful memoir pf her fatlui which she had on tale Saturday at the church. Itcv. W. i:.' Cole, wlo ui in attendance! at the nuaitfily incttlag wui unable to get out of IJooas toog's Sods Women's j ! Fine Box 1 I Calf Shoes I li : UMIi w will UvuWJl IjMli W 1 Heavy soles, dongola vamps, kid tops, button and lace, vici kid, military heels. Every pair backeo with the Big Store's guarantee. Don't overlook this shoe question ; protect your feet from dampness, it will oftentimes protect your pocketbook from doctor bills. m 's S Our regular 85c value just to Shoe Department we will sell them Women's Coats and We merchandise in the modern way carry noth ing over end the stock with the season. A!! Our $10, $12,50 and $15 27-lnch Jackets Box front and back, with yoke, tan, castor, blue, ox ford and black. To close out All Our $15, $18 and $20 Women's Eton and Coat Suits Made of serge and cheviot, Venetian and broadcloth, single and double-breasted. To close out go at iliJPTM ..CTJWtfttT'f. AMUSEMENTS, imp-iva AHWIQRY. MONDAY, REB 2 - Under Direction Fred. O. Hand Store, Monday, Feb. 17, at O a. m. Academy of ilusic M. tiKIS, Lewcc. j A. J. Duffy. ifana--or. i.i. vi:i:k iTfimvuiv s. Hi: New awlel e Dru natic Co npnnv I'le.-entln,; a new .111J up-lo date ii-'-vHulri-Mtmd.iv nlijlit, 'The- Angi-l "t tlic Alle-v"; 'lue, ell matinee, "Tlie Ansel ot the- AUc.v"; 'lei"s el.iv nlitlit, "In fcill": Wulnewl.iv matinee, "A Woman's Honor"; Vcilin.--vl.iy ulitlit. "Ilunth luck of flu l).imc-"; 'llmi-iliy iimIIuc-c, "A Toiiiiliv t'ouiltlilp"; '1IiiiimI.i.v nlKlit, "111" Queen 'of CliiiMlmin"; 1'iiil.iy matinee-, "lliu VIlliiKc! lllack-niilli"; l'llcliy ntelit, "Tin- Anisil of the- Allcv"; haliinliv luitinee, "In l'eiM' , fcafiiulav -lii-lil. "Tlu Queen ef Clilmtown." . Ills Specialties, headed liv the h Mlihlwli eli of the- Ik-M-it, the U-ituri- of tin.' Iliill.ilu Hill Wild He-l the in-t two rr.i-.ein-,. 11 lets- 10, .!. -iml M eellU STAR THEATRE AM. (I IlKUltlXaiOV. Iji.i,'v remit u ,i. i, -.. "Dainty Paree Biirlesquer -.)) 4 MA'I'I.NTi: l'VUHY DAY. liivvn until lliU afternoon li-eamj of Miimiliifls and tints It was with li. O, .Seimell. ol I'p-on-vllle, vim wan In town, Mn, I.. M. (iale-i, of Seianton, nave an enjoy aide talk and lMiuctinti cei iiiiuliiw ut thei halirday cionltii: o-.iloii. Ml--, A (.'. hulUbmy ictvined fiom union la-,t evuilnif, luvlnif been at llm lu'cUldo of lur kMn, Mi-,. Ilundovv. for the. pist tlilic woeLs. Aliucit lltteen of the ladlc-i of I'luiilt II ill La-die-,' ll-lief (.oiji-i !iu it l3ii-iiiiolijiiiu Im tho day mid uviulnu luaklne; It icudy for the) oaty lie. lief eoiW. 'll'cy will letuin on the fi.15 DiU aQ and llml-m tl ail) lhl.- even In;;. Jstephen Jrnkiu-., one of 'lliomii-on'i, muit ro tpecti'd cillicin, having Krioin lioiibln witli ids ln-nit aid acciu-i lu be IcoinR mem- and inoic each day. Itev. ,. II. IliviJ H.i-, called to allc-nd a fu nci.il ut Aiaiat today, Hut of Mi. I'un'v I'otlcr, of l.elalt, Mie n u aSlei ot jIk. (jcoikg Av ar, of Aiar.it. 'Ihe laic blUnd did nut Inteifcu in.itnl.illy vvltli tiolii-i en the .Ic-llc'l-on branvli of the Hi It! r.illrcid. U M. ClilUtt ha iiiovid lil fuel ioie Heir tho milk -.titiou Into V. Tillnian'-i luiilcllui; tmiler tho (irasid Auny lull. Iivjn Vim all.enl'iiif Is In .Moiitt-i till ivrck jooklni; after IiU iiit with C'lllloiil town, tlilp. T. M. (ielatt l Ihtie aUti .1,1 a willies for tilm. Rhodes nt Cape Town. 'y lUilmlvi! Wire fiviii Hit .Undated Vans. Capu Tuvvn, I'tb. -I. fiell ItlimUd ba-. .nilicd here. It 1 imlei-tood that he will appear in trie biiprnnc touil I'd'. 1), In voiiiicalun with the. nitlon In (lie oasu of tin- i)uuiiwj iwti, uvrciv Katlii,' i:il,uJ. 1I14U11 In favor of the Trlnce. I'jlhcrinc! Ilad.lvll and puiporiin," to luve been sinned by Jli. ltlioil-.il, but vvliieli the latttr ia pudhitrt. Corpointions Oharteied. Oy lUdiisive Wiie from The AmqcU'n1 I'rw. II in I.I.Mr.. IVI, J 'rhiun ,-hjrli-id WI'IO ikaliei! at lilt? -Plato depaUjiicitt tgdayi The IVn Arsil cjj i-unipauy, ivn Amr, raiuwii iwmv. job make It interesting In our for, a pair D)C Jackets $6.50 $10.00 AMUSEMENTS. SCRANTON. FA.. , 1902, AT S.30 R. M. Diagram Opens at Powell's Musio Tickets - $1.00, $l,DO, $2 and $2.50. Lyceum Theatre 11. HUIS, Losseo and Manager. A. J. BCrPY, Bus. llinastt Wjdnislay NI?M, F'b 5, Kinun USIIi:t,I,i: l'rescnts. Frank Daniels, And IiU compiny lu the opeiatlu comedy. ! "I rrlces-Orchi'ftiJ .iml nidieatia eirele, .il';i); elieM eirele, l,tM, ll.ilcony I'irst two row, M.WI; tilde, 10 and 75 teiiUj galleir, -j and JcJ centc .-eild bo on Mle Mondiy at i) a in. Thursday. 'Ihlitii'tli nmiual tour of tho legllinutc fil-.li Lonicdiiu, Suppoited by a company of suipawlnj; ovcellenn in Ills cvci popnlir pi j), Shaun Rhue. I'l lee ;.'.'. to 51.(J. beats on sale Tuejday, Friday Night. 'One of Ihe ( on-plcuniii Siiccch-, of the Pir.-,enl New Yolk ie.i-.on." Grace George, 111 Win, A llutlj I'liicliiellon of leEilSOUIlltKuKIES lit Ioltie lllalr l'liikei, author of "l IIOH X I'ASl'." Ibnctll IMfciriiunic fur It I. O, I:., of hvraiiton, I'lliM 30, li, t. Kl iO. Gallery, UJ ciiil 60v, ,Vat oh tile iiliuila Saturday Matiina and Night ) 1) hull pii'.enu for join plea, me Ward and Yokes In lliWr Miuleal "i ut Lp," Waiter l'lkeii-Malliiec, 35 . and S'H.. Meli. 23e., We,., 73c, and $l.W. teati, on bale Thuitclay. Macaitiifj-Heelvvtio,! company, I'lttdiurij ; eapli ul, -fW.OOil. Ilfuf!h) (iji uud t'ltvtric Ir'Utm toninaii' , llwillng! (apltal, W,mw. Union bo lumpaiiy, 1'Uttjeuifi eapllal, ?li(XW, oog s Sods nitl (W a mm -mm lr Josepi mm l. 1