The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 04, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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, i
win and Ernest. Tiffany against Ada E. TIL
An order wis made by court yeiterdiy allow
In th tlctrcra of the new road In Newton until
tlir next term ot court to make their report.
Jurors Moused from duly wre ex-Jury Commlj.
(loner Prank Doherty, ot Moscow) Thomas M.
Mmlsay, el Carliondaloi t'. P. Carter. Itoger Kv
an, Her. F. A. Frlcker, Jacoli PicllTor and
II. Roe, ot Seranton.
Another ?5,000 trcpisa autl aralmt ttia city
ol Scranton and Delaware, Ltrkawanna. and
Western Itallroad company, was instituted )e.
teiday by Attorney K. W. Thajer. Clirhtormer
Stevens l the plaintiff, and the blocked euhcrt
near the Diamond crossing on rroldenco roij
Is apaln' the cause of the suit. Mr. Htotciu al
lege? the defendant ate iepnmlhlc tor IM
blockade and that It danueed hi property on
the Diamond tract vto the extent of the amount
tl, 1902.
r - l
' I Jooas Long's Sods
r Ja , Everybody
Made from purest,
siost healthful ingredients;
Hugh Frayne Is Sending Out Circu
lars Calling Attention to tho Ne
cessity of Such an Organization.
New Coal Breaker the Pennsyl
vania. Company Is Erecting at Fort
Blanchard The D., L. & W. Board
for Today 0. H. Reynolds Trans
ferred to Schenectady.
IIiiRh Frayne, of this city, temporary
(irohident ot the committee bavins: In
hargc the organization of a State Feil
:ration of "Labor for Pennsylvania, is
.tending out chculars to every local
union In the state, calling attention to
the meeting to be held In "Wilkcs-Iiatrc
an March 10, to perfect a permanent
Every local union nfllllntcd nationally
or Internationally, every federal labor
union and every certral labor union is
entitled to one delegate at this meet
ing, when a constitution and by-laws
will be adopted and a basis of perma
nent representation fixed.
In calling attention to the necessity
of organizing a state federation, the
circular says:
"It is especially necessary to have tho
child labor law enforced, and to abolish
the sweat shop system. There are many
other abuses from which the mining,
textile and other industries sulfor. They
are too numerous to mention here, but
will be fully discussed at the coming
New Coal Breaker.
The Pennsylvania Coal company's
mammoth new breaker, No. 11, at Port
Itlanchard, Is nearlng completion and
prumlses to be one of the leading
breakers of the "Wyoming valley. Tho
breaker will be fed by the largest car
rier line ever built for coal handling.
This carrier Is something new in its
line, being nn improvement over tho
scraper lines frequently used for con
veying coal from the ground to tho lop
of the breaker. The coal will discharge
from the carrier on two sets of Cox
oscillating bars, which will remove all
the dirt and flno coal, allowing none
but tho lumps to pass over.
Directly In front of each set of burs
Is u traveling table live feet wide and
thirty feet long, over which tho coal
passes on Its way to tho crushers.
Along either side of tho tables men villi
be stationed to remove all tho slate and
other impurities before It is broken,
thus making that portion of tho coal
which .is prepaied In tho front of tho
breaker absolutely clean. Tho coal which
falls through tho openings between the
bars Is screened In tho back or the
breaker and Is taken caro of by eighteen
Thomas four stone slnteplckeis, which
will make little hand picking necessary.
The breaker Is equipped with seven sets
of rollers, eighteen shaking screens (no
round screens being used), conveyors,
elevators, etc., and will have il dally
capacity of 3,000 tons. The small sized
coal will be prepared In n wnsherv,
which Is built Independent of the main
Btructuie, Wllkes-Barro Iteeonl,
D , L, & W. Board for Today.
Following is the make-up of tho tho
Delaware, "Lackawanna and Wehteni
'board for today;
Kxtruj Kajt 8 p, in., Iloboken, II. polio ly,
11 p. m., M. J, llennecrati.
tii:sday, raillUAUY i.
KxtUi I'ast 1.S0 a. )ii., Iloboken, Y, Y, btev.
riui o a. in., IliiboUn, I). Ilagecrty; 10 u. m.,
Vl C'anauslij II a, ra., V, Yn Wonntrj X
p. in., I. 1). Lalllincr, W, A. Idrtholomeiv's
crew; 2 ii. in., Iloboken, W. J. Hosier; 5 p.
in., II. llltblng; 0 p. in., Iloboken, B. M.
Ictt, II. II. Ollllu-uii'. crew,
Summit, lite, l a. m., ,1, HvniiCBaiii 10 j.
in., Nlchol; 11 a. m,, M. Cjnnodyj 3 p. in.,
Tliqinpton; 0 p. in., J, Carrltftfi 8 p. m., M.
Pusher ? a. in., S. rinutity; 0 a. in., IVId.
ncr; 8 a. m., Nauinan; 1U5 a. in., Mouu;
7.SO p. ni., A. J, McDonnell) fl p. m., O.
Bartholomew; 0 p, in., W, II. Bartholomew! 0
p. in., Lamping.
Pitrai West 10 a. m., F. Wall; 4 p. m., J,
J. O'Haraj 11 p. m., O. Randolph.
, Mjenjct Kuyinca-7 a. to., 0. Miller; 1 t. m.,
produces cake and biscuit .that are
rare, sweet, light, delicious and in
the highest degree healthful.
The Cleveland name and trade
mark are a safeguard against im
purity and imposition in baking
Alum h used as a cheap substitute for cream of
tartar in making manv baking; powders. It is a
corrosive acid, condemned by physicians as
dangerous to health w hen taken w it'll the iood,
Slnjror; 10 n. in., Sccor; C.lj p. in., Stanton; S.50
p. m., JlcO'ocin.
If. I.arkin ami crew will rim S a. in. c.tra,
Feb. I, in place of Fellows and crew one tilp.
Ilrakernan James Blanch will go out villi
I-arkin until further notke.
Ilrakrmiu M. O'Mallcy will pro out with It.
Dulierty in place of C. Haggcity, until further
llrakcman 1!. Phillips icporls for V. A. l!ai
tho'oincu's crew.
llrakcmon L. Bidnell icporls for O. Randolph's
(i. W. Dunn, II. T. rollout, M. Finncrty ami
news will attend 10 a. m. class, air brake cai,
Feb. 1.
John Mc-Cuc, .McCarthy and J. 11. McCinn and
crew will attend 2 p. m. tlass, air biakc cu',
Feb. J.
F. .McDonnell, II. JIcAllirtcr. A. F. Mullen
and clew, .1. II. Masters, O. Miller, F. '!. Itoccrs,
v ill attend T. HO p. m. ila.'s, air brake iar, Feb. 1.
This and That.
Tho Heading company's experiments
with compressed air are entirely satis
factory and the company expects soon
to dispense with the 10,000 mules It em
ploys in its mines.
"Work was resumed yesterday at the
Mo. a colliery of the Lehigh and Wllkes
Barro Coal company at Sugar Notch,
which has been idle since last Decem
ber, on account of flooding.
O. II. Reynolds, mechanical engineer
of the American Locomotive company,
has been transferred to the Schenectady
shops from tho Dickson works in this
city. The change was made yesterday.
Weatherman Says Weather Will
Continue to Be Fair and Cold.
"Weathermen F. II Clark? said yes
terday afternoon that thi3 city has had
all the snow Its going to have for
many days and predicted a season cf
continued cold and fair weather.
"There may bo slight Hurries of
snow," said he, "but there will, be no
general snow storm of any conse
quence for several days. The storm
which passed over this city on Sunday
was the edge of a big storm wave
created by the union of two storms,
one coming from the south and the
other from tho northwest. Had as was
the weather wo experienced hero It was
as nothing compared to the weather
in those places directly In tho track
of the storm wave.
The weather yesterday was clear and
crisp and walking was exceedingly
dangerous because of the slippery con
dition of the sidewalks. Tho depart
ment of public works is trying to en
force its "clean sidewalks" order but
finds it extremely rtlfTleult because of
the great dltllculty e.p?!lenced In
cleaning off the ico which bus formed,
Michael Boliskl Had Troubles with
Hi3 Old Forge Boarding Boss.
Michael Boliskl. of Old Forge, yes
terday earned the arrest of George
YVargonls, his former boarding boss,
whom he charged with assault and lar
ceny. liollskl remained away from his
boarding Iuiubo for some days and
upon his return he claims that Wnr
gonls threw him out and retained pos
session of his wearing apparel. An
drew Zaulrtus, who was In tho house
at tho time, was arrested at tho In
stance of Sylvester Lotracofskl, who
went with nollskl and who1 claims
that he was thrown out also. Zaulrtus
Is the man who threw him out, ho
Alderman Ruddy, after, a hearing,
held "Wargonls and Zantrtus in ?300
ball each for their appearance at
Two of the dances that attracted
much attention during the Klrmebs
were tint dance of All Nations and
thu French Military, which were chap
eroned by Mrs. 1), F, Mooru and Mrs.
T. II, Spruks, of South Scranton. The
participants of thobo dunces were
largely from that portion of tho city,
Their chaperones took a deep Interest
In the young people nnd It was largely
through their advice and Inspiration
that ho dances were so entirely suu.
Tho costumes for the French Mili
tary dance wero designed by Mrs.
Moore and Miss Stewart.
jpt ijj ff This denature is on every box of tho gennma
tfo 'jfhiy Laxative UromoQuinine tum.u '
S Jgv S9WIrtiUijtua8ajrihftj:u;
Concluded fiom I'ngc 3.1
Dunleavy was convicted before Judge
John O. Love of selling liquor on Sun
day, by the Municipal League, nnd
sentenced to three months in the coun
ty jail. On the witness stand he testi
fied he did not sell on Sunday. On the
strength of this alleged false testimony
the perjury suit was brought.
Cafferty Was Too Previous.
A. 13. Hcrrington and Harvey Long
two years ago leased a theatre in Uing
hnmton from Lee M. Cafferty. Sheriff
C. If. Schadt became their surety. They
failed to make the theatre pay and
defaulted in the rent. "Without further
ado, tho landlord proceeded to get
judgment against Mr. Schadt.
Yesterday Judge Kelly discharged
the rule for judgment. Tho judge said
in his opinion that tho contract Schadt
entered into as surety was one of guar
anty only and his liability was con
tingent upon the inability of Cafferty
to collect from Hcrrington and Long.
Not having exercised due diligence in
collecting tho rent from the lessees, he
is estopped from following the surety.
Two Alleged Defaulters.
Court, yesterday, mado an order di
recting George R. Stanton, ex-tax col
lector of Throop, to surrender to his
sueccessor, George II. Haverly, within
11 vu days, all the tax duplicates and
oilier papers and books belonging to
the office,
Recently a similar order was made
directed to ex-Tax Collector John D.
Jones, of Taylor. Yesterday, he asked
that the order bo modified so as to ex
clude till papers other than tho tax
duplicates, which , as his attorney,
John R. Jones, pointed out were tho
only ones to deliver to him. Attorney
R. J. Murray, attorney for tho pros
ecutlng bondsmen, argued that as Mr.
Jones had appealed his case to the
superior court, ho had no standing in
this court. Tho judges took the matter
under advisement.
McGovern Jury Disagrees.
As foreshadowed in Tito Tribune, the
Jury In the damage case of Owen Mc
Govern against the Lackawanna Iron
and Steel company, could not agree,
and upon reporting this tact to Judge
Newcomb. yesterday morning, wero
It Is said they stood seven for the
plaintiff, nnd five for the defendant, nil
through the balloting
In the Register's Office.
The will of the late Charles Henwood,
of North Scranton, was admitted to
probate by Iteglster Koch yesterday.
Ills widow is made sole heir and execu
tor. The will of Jesse F. Thompson, lute
of Scranton, was admitted to probate.
Letters testamentry wero granted to
tho Title Guaranty and Trust company.
Letters testamentary wore granted to
Theodora Sperl In tho estate of Cath
erine Sperl, late of Carbondale,
The will of Charles Hoven, late of
Spring Brook, was admitted to pro
bato and letters were grantoti to Henry
Marriage Licenses.
John J. Iloche , 373 Caihon btieet
llrit!'ct Ioui;hiicy , Mhright uum,c
Martin (fcarlty 309 Aswell'a court
Sadie Pauley ,.,,,,..,,0 Walnut aienno
John E. Joiid , 221 lllll itrcct
Ellen Joins ,...,.,,,..., lHckkon City
Adam Poyiuhcy ,,,, ?tranti..'i
Sur-y 1'itrunU , bcranton
KoManty Tncl.0 ,., Ihroop
Mary Ann Varconai , ,, Throop
Johiiltumciitkl ,.,.,11-t Stono acnui
(VUva ftdcuk.1 , 23 lli'ik btrcct
Thonui Martin Carhomlalo
Kullu t'avltton Carliondalo
William t'latlt 1021 South Wyoming JH'.
!mwii tiav In 321 Mono au'imo
'the polllnt; place for the 'llilnl u.ild of Dak
ran Oily uj yaittrday iluntd to the J. H.
DilkfcCii hose !iouo,
Itcajona for n new trial wens Hied jctonljy by
tho defendant in the iasu ot John Jlenoie & bon
against 1), I.'. Leopard.
Wednesday uftuiioon nest, lit a o'clock, nm
ilcd an the time for taking tt'ttiinony in the d.
yurce case of Mary Cunriii mrainjt George Cor.
Electric City Wheelmen's Bawling
Team Took Thrco Gnntcs from
Backus Team Xnst Night.
The Electric City "Wheelmen's bowl
ing team, tho baby of tho Northeastern
Pennsylvania. Bowling league, took
three straight games from the strong
Uackus team last night and la now at
the top of tho heap, leading the Ureen
IJIilrrn WlinnltYinn nn.l tii,.nntm. l?lit'.,lrt
club teams by one game.
Tho West Sldcrs put up a splendid
front last night, but tho Backus play
ers died hard and finished gamely each
time. The score:
Pcckluni 150 11(1 117 419
Fahrenheit 1UI 172 173 tt")
Mooro 159 1511 l.iJ 102
Itoll 117 1S2 711 17
Hopklm 1(,3 1W 170 tOS
701 810 7S7 2J01
lxixrrniu city viif.ixmf..v.
McCracken ' 131 202 191 52.1
Wllllanu 131 )V1 103152
1'epew his ..-I 151411
Davis loo 1,0 H3 471
Wcttllnjf 17.1 207 151 Kl
700 821 SO 2123
IHirli scoic Wettlinir, 207.
High niPiaRc Wvttllng, 177 2-3.
, The bebt games of the night were
those rolled on the Green Ridge alleys,
between the Green Rldgeltes und the
Bicycle club bowlers. The former team
took two games, but didn't have things
all their own way. The "Wheelmen's
third game, SCS, was one of the prettiest
ever rolled on the alleys. The score:
oitixx iimai: vhi:i:lmi:n
Scamans 150 171 . 1W 52.1
Fowler 170 135 171 4S3
Mason i)l 102 107310
Wcdrman 17:1 110 177 4 DO
Tajloi 153 130 107401
S27 777 SOS 2472
sut.vxTox nicYCi.i: ci.un.
Odd 117 150 1S1 41)3
Foley 127 1 1! 141411
Mitchell 171 107 152520
Warclell 107 12 134 4S.1
(.'Jiinon 170 150 174012
7ol 521 S13 2117
IIIkIi K'orc 5-ojiuam, 1U!.
High ntriaKC Scamans, 174 1-3.
The Elks team, crippled by the ab
sence df two of tho tegular plnycrs,
won two earnes from tho "West Und
Wheelmen last night on the latter's
alleys. Both teams lolled poor games,
und the Elks only won the last by one
pin. The score: '
Phillips ik; loi 140505
Dimler UK ll'i 110 150
liwlvnindt 2 125 l?fi 3Si
Holding ni 120 1?0 SV1
Klehl 110 lt 101401
O'i'i 70S 720 2102
Wckkctocr 147 I'll 1574.15
Vo-it IT) 111 103-451
Can- 120 130 1.IOH02
Hunter 202 120 114472
Diis 127 110 120402
711 l3.f T2S 2132
The teams in the league now stand as
Won. Lost. P. C.
Electric City Wheelmen 0 3 .fitjil
(liecn Itldire Wheelmen 5 .053
Str.inlon bicycle cluti fi 4 ..lis
Elks :: :: .wo
Wist End Wheelmen 4 5 .141
Uackiia ....". 1 a ,K.O
The postponed games between tho
Backus and Elks team will bo rolled
tonight on the Backus alloys.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Townndi, Fell. 8. Scleral memhci.s from this
county ncio conferred the tlilrty-necoml Masonic
degree at Williamsport last week. On Satur.
'day .itteruoon an informal reception was ten
dried Jainrn I. Hifhanan, deputy for this state,
at the Masonic hill in Tnuanda.
C I.. Oasa, of Homo township, has received
jnraljtic shock from he has been do
lried of his t.pecih.
The ptoj-ct of cndeivorinir to net the Voting
Men's Christian association in a fluurinhinj: con
dition has been abindoncd, mtlng to laik of
support. It uj.1 decided to dispose of all thu
furnlsli'nci nnd establish a reading room if tuf
llcient aid is secured.
A loigc bom belonging to John Oahan, In
Towand.1 township, wis destroyed by (Ire la-t
week, together with hay, grain, farming tool,
three horses, (lltcen head of cattle and hogi.
Tho origin is unknown. The property was in
surrd. The iminty commissioners bac fhod the tux
rntn for 1002 ot six and one-halt mills, tho ban o
as last j ear.
E. A. Wllllanu, of Canton, has designed ond
put In operation a novel and practical method
for blowing tho lire whittle at the electric plant,
of which be Is engineer. Ily hlniply pushing a
button, the electric current la made to operate
u powerful electro-magnet which 0m Into a
veitlcal cylinder directly under the valvo of tho
main whistle. A movable piston In the cylindir
U tonnectcd by a lod to the whistle altc, and
the btcam prrssure forcing the piston up opens
tho uhUtlit v.iltc and blows tho whistle, A
push button will be used at the lire department
building, to tho alann can be glten by any
New changes have been made ot Allien bv
the American liridge company, to taka effect to.
day. H, T. Lewis, the former manager, has
been transferred to a Blmllir position at Elmnn
plant, to succeed E. E. Iluchanan. F, J. Che
ney, formerly assistant division auditor, suacecU
Sir. Lewis.
A ullroad correspondent sajs that "the Illaik
Iiliiuoml ciiem now rims from New Voik lu
tluiralo dally at an average of 40.8 miles per
hour, excluding ttop. The run fiom Mauch
Chunk to WilUs-llarte, a distance of M.S iiiIIm,
Li mado at tho rate of 30 miles an hnui ; Wilkes.
Ilairo to Tunkhannock, 31 miles, at 40 miles an
hour; Tunkhaimotk to Sajre, ill inih.', at 02
inlltti an hour,"
'llw following will give The Tribune' rcadeis
an Idea of the co.t of Uradford count) 's public
cipptijea, as. Jiown by (lie auditor.' icport, whifli
will appear in full, In thre-j papers lmbllsbed
In this county during the month of 1'ilmuryi
Altviidamo and mileage for Juroi.', S,62i,71 ;
couitahhV ivtunn and uttending elections,
fl,22S.U2i dl.trlct atlomey'ii fees in ivmrnon
wealth iaes, tffill; court reporters, court ci.
eis and tlpstau-i, t-'I.fW.tO; inturamo on wooil
cu btidgca in Athens and TowanJj, 250. 03 J
public prliitiug, fJlS.tU; court house jaidtor,
?5)0 county detective, $100; appropriated to
tficheis' in.tltutc, 1i2W); Agiicultural locietj'i
iipproprlallon, H200j flip detccllvef. $.Wj for
bridge construction, 7,002.77; bridge itpalw,
13.811-33: iiibccllaneou? Items, including com
inUdonrrs' couiucl, juty copimlssloiiers, phv.
ciau, shcriO's account of $2,S20.62, and other
expenses pcitaluluz to the cltlclals and com
pionwcalth costs, $0,121. W; costs of prisoners at
penitentiary, industrial rchool, house of refuge,
vayetue f ihcrltt, incluJIug other Items, 1,012.-
-mm nMMMm
CMBMidl M-2:qb foass
JntncB Kenton, jremplils, Tenn,, snys:
"I suffered the tortures ot Itching piles
for years, and not oven mercurial oint
ment would relieve mo. One CO cent box
ot Pyramid Pile Cure cured mo entire
ly." All druggists sell It. Hook, "Piles,
Causes nnd Cure," mnlled free, Pyra
mid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich.
W; bheep damages, $),S(n.33; salaiies of county
commissioners' clerks, ?2,2'J3.50; coutt home
epcnsos, Including olllccs, l,0f,.3t; cipciues
otJill, $070.01; Tioy court house expense ,
?3i3.1Sj election expenses, including printing,
?J,124.57; toor district expenses, ?.!0,0S0.52. On
Jan. 1, 1002, theie were 121 Inmates at the
county almshouse. The llrst of January, the
couuly tiensuier had a halaiicu of county funds
of $10,0'K.U7, and court home funds, which
amounted to $3,l.!.t.2t. The- poor district Is In
debted to the amount of $2,122.10 to the county
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Lake Ariel, Feb. 3. Leon Kdwards Is
again able to attend to his duties at
tho station, after a few days' absence,
owing to ti very painful left arm. '
Jacob Olossenger Is suffering from a
very painful vaccination on the left leg
nnd Is using a cune, but still able to
attend to the wants of the nubile at.
Hotel Columbia.
The Sunday morning services at the
Methodist church wete largely attend
ed. Tho pastor, Rev. O. M. Bell, dellvj
ered a fine sermon from I Corlnthluns,
10:4, "And did all drink the same sph
Itual drink: for they drank of that
spiritual Hock that followed them, and
that Itock was Christ." After the ser
mon, four joined the church by letter
and seven on probation. The latter
were the fruits of the recent mvlval
meetings. Communion services wero
also held during the morning services.
A blizzard stiuck this section Sunday
about 1 o'clock and the wind blew a
slxty-mile-an-hour rate. Snow was fall
ing the greater part of the day, which
piled up along the cross-roads, cover
ing the fences and making trafilc al
most impossible. The wind still con
tinues to howl, but the snow has abated
and prospects are good for ttavel to re
sume by Tuesday. The ground hog
failed to sec his shadow yesterday, and
If the old story proves true, the back
bone of winter is broken and an cntly
spring is assured. This morning looks
like anything but a break-up.
Delaware, Lackawanna and "Western.
In Effect Nov. 3, 1001.
Trains leave Fcranton for New York At 1.40,
3.15. 0 US- 7.50 and 10.0j a. in. : 12.15. 3.40, 3 :ii
p. in. l'or New Voile and riiiladclphla 7.50,
10.05 a. m and 12.45 and 3.C3 p. m. Tor Tobj
hanni At 0.10 p. m. Tor lluffnlo 1.13, 0.22 and
0.00 a. in.; 1.65. 0.50 i.nd 11.35 p. m. Tor Ding
hainton nnd way stitlon 10.20 a. .in. and 1.10
p. in. Tor Oswego, Syiacuse and Utica 1.15 ond
0.22 a. in.; 1.55 p. m. CMncao, Syracuse and
Utica train at C.22 a. m. dilly, except Sunday.
I'or Montroie tl.CO a. rn.; 1.10 and 0.50 p. m.
Nicholson accommodation I 00 and 0.15 p. m.
Uloomsburg Division l'or Northumberland, nt
0.35 and 10.0." a. in.; 1.53 anil 0 10 p. in. Tor
Plymouth, at S.I0 a. m.; S.10 and 0.00 p. in
bundiy Trains For New York, 1.40, 3.13, 0.O3
and 10.05 a. in.; 3.40, 3.3.1 p. m. For Ituilalo
1.13 and 0.2! a. in.; 1.55, 0.50 ond 11.35 p. m.
For llinghamton and wjy stations 10.20 a. in.
lllboiiisburg DivUioji Leave Scranton, 10.03 a.
ni. an! 0.10 p. in.
Pennsylvania Eailroad.
Schedule in Effect June 2, 1001.
Trains leave Scranton: 0.38 a. in., week daj,
through vestibule train fiom Wilkcs-Ilarrc. Pull,
man buffet parlor tar and coaches to Philadel
phia, via I'ottsvillc; stops ol principal intcune
diate Blatlois. Also connects for .-imbiir, liar
rlsburg, PhlladelplUa, llultlinorc, Washington and
for Pittsburg and the wet.
0.33 a. ni week dajs, for Siinhury, Ilarrlsburg,
Philadelphia, llaltimore, Washington and Pitts
burg ai.d the west.
1.42 p. ni., week days (t-'iindavs, l.fiS p. in.),
foi Suiibury, llairNlmrg, I'lilludelphi.1, Itiltimorc,
Washington and Pittsbuig and the west.
3.28 p. in., week dajs, through vestibule train
from WilkeS'llane. Pullman buffet parlor car
and coaches to Philadelphia via I'ottsvillc, Stopa
at principal intermediate stations.
4.27 p. m., week dajs for Ifarlclon, Sunbury,
liirrisbirg, Philadelphia ond Pittsburg.
.1. II. III'TCIIINSON. (Jen. Mgr.
J. U. UOOl), (Jen. Pa'ss. Agt.
New Jersey Central.
In Effect Nov. 17, 1D01.
Slations In New Yoilc, foot ot Liberty street
and South Feiry, N. It.
Trains leave Scrnnto'i for New Yoilc, Phlladol.
p'lia, E.eton, lltthlelnni, Allentnwn, Mauch
( iiiiqk, Whito Haven, A'lilcy and at
7,M)a m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. in.
(Juaker City Express icavrs, Scranton at 7.30
a. in., through solid wslihulc train with Pullman
iiuffct Parlor Cars, for Philadelphia,
For Avoca, Plttstou and Wilkes-llairc, 1 p. m.
and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.1U p. in.
l'or Long Uiancb, Ocean Orove, etc., 7.30 a,
m. and 1 p in. I
For Hcailing, Lebanon and llairlsbuig, via Al
lentovvn, at 7.-J0 a, ni. and 1 p. ni. Sunday, 2.10
p. in.
for I'ocisviuo ai i...u a, in. uuu i p, in.
I'or ratca and tickets applv to agent at station,
C. M, llUltT, Gen. Pass, Agt.
W. W. WnSTZ, Cen. bupt.
Delnwaro and Hudson.
In Effect November 21, 1001,
Trains tur Carbondale leave bcranton at 0,20,
a. 00, 8.5.1, 10.13 a. in,; 12.00, 1.211, 2.31, 3.52,
fi.20. 0.25. 7.57, 0.15, 11.20 p. in.; 1.31 a. m.
For lluucsdale 0.20, 10.1J.I. in,; 2.31 and 5,20
p. in.
l'or Wllkcs-llanc OiS, 7.4s. S.41, 0.38, 10.13
a. in.; 12.02, 1.12, 2.1!, J.2S, 4,27, 0.10, 7. IS,
10.41, ll.SU p. in.
Foi L. V. It. It. Polnw-0.33, 0.33 a, m.; 2.1?,
4.27 and 11.30 p. m.
For Pennsylvania It. It. I'ulnti 0.33, 0.33 a,
in.; 1.42. 3.23 und 1.27 p. 111.
For Albany and all points north 0.20 a. in.
and 3.52 p. in.
For Carbondale 8.50, 11,33 a, m.; 2.31, 3.52,
3.52 and 11,17 p. in.
For WIlkM-ltarrc 0.33 a, in.; 12.0J, 1.5S, 3.23,
0.32 and 0.17 :. m.
For Albany and points north 1.52 p. m.
For lloncadale S.30 a. III. and 3 32 p. in,
W. Ii. Pit OH, I). 1'. A Scranton, Pa.
New York, Ontario and Western.
In Effect Tiuwlay. Sept. 1", 1001.
MJIi'lll liOt'.M).
Leave Leave Anne
lialni. Sajntun, (arbondale, Cadosla,
No, 1 10.30a. in. 11.10a, in. t.Wp
No. T 0.10 p. m. Ar. p. in,
Leave Leave Arrive
Trains, Cadosia. Carbondale. Sciantuu.
No. l ,, 7 00 u. in. 7.40 a. in.
No. 2 2.15p.m. 1.00 p. in. 4.40p.iu.
bliriDAYS (l.NUV. NOIIl'll HOUND. ,
Leave Leave Arrive
Tralm. Seiautou. Cirbondale. Caeloaia.
No. 0 B.?0a. in. U.1UII. in. 10.15 a, in.
No. C 7.00 p. in. Ar. Caibondalel. 10 p. m.
bOUTil llOUN'D.
Lvtave Leave Arrive
Trains. Cadosla. CailKmdili-. -riantoii.
No. (1 ...... . 7.00a. m. 7 41a, m.
No. 10 1.30p.m. 0 00 p.m. 015p.m.
Trains Not. 1 on wel days, ami 0 on buiidajn,
make main line iwineitlous for Now York ilty,
Mlddtetiiun, Wall on, Norwich. Oneida, Oovvego
and all point! wet.
For further Itifoimatlon cciisult ticket agent.
J. C. ANDEltSON, O. P. A., New York.
J, E. WELSH, T, 1. A., Scranton, Pa.
i IUi tOtO H TTliiV isW-d 9 U
Many people do not know that oft
entimes the food they buy is adul
( terated by some scheming manu
' facturer. We buy no goods from
such concerns. Our goods are fresh
and first-class and our prices are as
low as good groceries are sold for.
Potatoes New York State Fancy Potatoes, dry
and mealy, per peck 23c
Salt for Table use Our 8c sack of salt...: 5c
Choice Peaches 2 cans for 25c
Apple Butter Large 3 pound cans 10c
Clark & Snover Tobacco, per pound 35c
Lemon or Vanilla Extract, the 10c bottles 8c
Choice Pears 3 pound cans 2 for 25c
Oyster Crackeis, fresh and crisp, per pound 5c
Baking Powder Our "Ideal Brand." None bet
ter at any price, per pound ., 25c
Baking Soda Our "Ideal Brand." Satisfaction
guaranteed. 1 pound package 7c
Half pound package 4c
Ralston Hominy Grits, per package 9c
Ralston Oats, per package v 9c
Fancy Corned Bacon, per pound lOJc
Mail and Telephone
Attended To,
Poulard Silks Are
Cor. bKtcrntl' fit. and Ir Vis rlace,
Amciican Man, ?3 50 Per Day and Upward
European Plan, $1.00 l'er Day and Upwards.
Epcclal Rate to Families.
-- -f-- 't----- -t--t- --
1 For Business
In the hsarL of
I ForShoppejrs
X mlnutctV walk to Wnrmmaker;
! mlnuti-3 to Steeel Cooper's Big
fiturc. Knsy of access to tho ureal
Dry Goods Stores.
For Sightseers
One block from E'way Cari. civ.
lr.R easy transportation to all
points of lnteroat.
Cor. lltll ST. & UNIVERSITY PI
unly one niock from Urundv.'ay
Room), $1 Up.
Prlces Itsamnablj
----- -
ei uiieisea
Atlantic, City, N. J.
300 Ocettn front rooms. 100 pri
vate sea wntor baths. Sond for book
lot. J. II. THOMPSON & U0.
Lohlgli Vulley Railroad.
In KITect, Nov. , loot.
Trains bcranton.
For Philadelphia and .New York via II. k II.
It. It., at 0.& lint 9.3S a. m., and i.U, 1.27
(lllack Diamuiid llvprcts), and ll.tto p. in. Sun
dajs, II. It II. It. II., 1.3S, 8.27 p. m.
for Whllo llaun, llxsli'lon and principal points
in the coal li'Klom, U II. & II, II. It., 0.36, 2.18
and 1.27 p. in. l'or I'uttsullc, 0.3S a, m., 2.IS
p. in,
l'or llftlilehcm, lla.ton, Iteadlns', llarrUburu,
and principal Inteiincdiato ttatioiui, via l. k II,
it. II., IW, 0.3S a. in. i 2.1b, 1.27 (tllack Ilia.
mond I'ApreM), 11,30 p. in. sund.ii, 1). k II,
II. II,, U.JS a. in.; I 3S, S.27 p. in.
l'or Tunklunnoe'k, Tonumli. IHnilra Ithau,
(ic'iieva and principal intciriicdlatu staiioiu, vi
I).. I,, and U. It. II., S.10 a. in. and 0.50 p. in
l'or ilcncwi, liucht'ster, lliiltalo, Niagara t'alli,
ChicaRo and all jKjInts west, ill 1). II. It, It ,
7.1b, 12.0J a. in. i 1,1.'. ').-' i (lllack lllamond 11.
prii.,), T.1S, 10.11, 11.00 p. m. Smida, D. & II,
It. II , l.'.OJ, d.27 p. in.
I'ullman pailoi and deeping or Li'lilirli allrj
l'jrlor caw on all tralm tietwe'cn Wllkva-llarie
and .Ni'U orl., riillaiUdpliia, llnllalo and Suopen
tlou lliid;v.
110M.IN II. WIMIL'lt, Gen. Supt., 20 t'oittand
tie'e't. Ni'W orlt.
(li.Mil.KH S. I.i:i:, (,Vn. I'a. .st., 20 Cortland
trt, N'ci York.
A. W. MINPIACIIUK, Hn. l'oi. AbI., JsoutU
lle'tlik'iiriii, 1'J.
I or ticki'U and I'ullman recitation applj to
city ticket ulltc, ny 1'ublie Snuarc, Wllliew-llatie,
Erie Haihoad, Wyoming Division,
Tuliu (or New oiU, Nculnnyli and iiuernie
ilia I u iKiiuts leatc ixiaiiton J lollout: 7 JO a.
ni.; 2.U i. in.
ArrttaU 10.J3 a. in. toni iliddlcloun. llom.
dale, llawlev und intermediatg points. 0.20 p. in.
iroin New Yrk, Ntiuliurli auJ inlermedlatt
imlutl. Xo Sunday train.
Jooas Long s Sods
Orders Promptly
of Attraction
By a recent act of tho leelsta.
ture, free tuition Is now granted
at the
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburff, Pa.
to nil those propailns? to teach.
This school maintains courses
of study for teachers, for those v
preparing rot- conetre, anu tor
thoio studying music.
It will pif to wrlto for reticulars.
Ko otlier Fchool odcrs mcii superior ad
antLgc9 at buch low rates. Addresi
J.P.VBlsl, A. M.,Ph. D,,Pt'li
T. J. Poster, President, Hliner II. Lawall, Iteai.
It. J, lostcr, Stanley 1". Allen,
Vice President. Secretary.
405 to 405
N. Nluth Btroat,
Telcplitujs Call. OSii.
Every Woman
MARVf L Whirling Spray
V. CSS , Cs.VJ u new l '
1 - I ft
'I lid new y wmi j rmi1. rate
H cu C'oiuciitfiit,
!.i jourilri.nfUUurll. Xt
U'.-.I'i";1,1.01 vl'1"1? " 8 iS uc.eiii:o y
eim-i, put .trim niuuip lorn
lUtll.Uftl lxH)ll-'J.U iMUS
1LI I it'll l.r A n in I llt 1 1114 In
lua01elu ladies M lt III. CO.,
Kooin ooo, Turns ulg., ew rcrk
lilll'S IS
V. ZuKy
Kl ,., IU
J ijW