The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 04, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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For This Week Only
Large Three Panel
Horse Picture
framed in Iltilclt Ojk .mil ornamented wltli four
real liorjcslioen, bit ami Mp; rcirular prlco ?0.
' Our price this week only $2,50
Sec Window Display.
Jacobs & Fasold,
Interior Decorator, 200 Washington incline.
Wall Paper, Shailei, Paint, Moulilliii;",
l'Ulurc) iimi i ruiut'ji.
liMsqucr.idu I. ill ol tlii.' Young Mm' lli.bnw
Ilenellclitl ilnt t.iki'i plan1 it t Miuic lull (liW
Dl&CIIAHOKS (lUANTlM). - DUiIiiirvs were
jcdtirday rniiIiiI lntlif lMiikrnpti w of Ju
kepli Orr, of WIlkyvHaiic, nml (lurhs I,, .in
Hansen, of Wiillnnitpuit.
SOCIAL AMI HANQUirr. The imiiiiIoji, f tliu
ftranton link ard Nut iunMnv will lavi- a so
cial and banquet at the N Mtilim HU'jilc clu'j
lioiLc Sjtiml.ij evening ut 7 n'cloik.
Till: (.'AS niA.SX'IIISi:. Tliu jwatd
lnt a tunchi-c to the dubiinm-.' (', roniu:iy
will he i omul led nt a iiicutiiur of the IliJit iinil
water inmiiiuMlltv ul -elut to he held
SI.AMIi:i ACKOVi (.IIIIIIK. lamcH ll..ali.,e,
of South Scr.mtnn, n.ii nt upon iiily S.m lav
mmning at I.aihiw 11111.1 aril Admn iiicnuiM hy
unknown men, rm, i,f vhom ..,lieil him in the
iluek with a 1.1or InlliLtlne; a loww wmiril.
.fAPANIIhi: WniiniXIf.-lhe jwiua im.plc of
Ciilwny Heloimed iliuieh, Muiuw- .iii'iinc anJ
(ilbson ftirct, will sle a lepiev.itatliiii of u
Jnpane'e wedding; In the ihuiili pailois (Iih ovn
inp. C'jke and cotfee will he miwiI flee ailei
the crleit.iii.nunt.
riKEMAN KIMIS.Nn Iloueil Aiiii.tiuin:, who
lus !enrd (or fronie month" past n I'lhu- m
and Ladder tiuek No. 1, 1m, tcndeied hi re-ij-nation
and the Mine lu-. heeu am pteil hy stjii'.
in.endcnt l'eiher and Diiei toi of Pulillr- .safety
Wvnnwi. Xo miihhaii' lu-. h.en ap'i.Knted .is
ITNUKAL Ol" I) Will A. WILLI MS.-l'ii.i
Ills late home on Sixth Mieet .xe.t.nday liniire
in? occurred tho tur.eial of l)aid A. Wiliuim
who cominittid Mikido l.i't I'liiUj. ;i'rlue
wie uiudurtcd liy Hu. H. l V. I'lc'ic", I). 1).,
unci the 1 t'lin 111-, weie tiken In Slum Hmr,' fur
ALL DAY .MKLIIXi!. An all daj met tiny if
the niiUtlan and MNleniry Alli.mie will he held
-todty in the (jaspol 'lalieinailc chuuh, .leliu-oii
avtnue, Duumoie. John II. Ljie, under appu n.
ment a miioriaiy tu Alum, bv the (hiKtiiu
and Mi-sionary Allianee bi id, will .k-iL. Se
elons will bcKin at 10.:at a. m , and 7.u p. m.
fiOS-I'LL 01' Till; 'IIML'S-The Millwdia M.11
btera' association met 111 Kim Park chuuh Jla:i.
day morning; at 10.30. W. W. Adiii, secieta-y
of the Rallroul Yiiung: Men's Chnj.ti.ui iivOLlatioiI,
plCeJlted a papei on the theme, "I lie Uibpnl for
the Times." 'Ihe piper wii well wiitten and
the s-ihject matter well (.elected. An inlere.tiii-;
dl.'tustlon followed.
Annual Meeting of Lackawanna
Trust and Safe Deposit Company.
At the annual meeting of the Lacka
wanna Tiust and Safe DenosIL com
pany held yesterday the old officers and I
iili.vitiK? vtro IP-elected. They ate is
follows:: J. Benj. Dimmick, president;
John AV. Fowler,, vlre-presldent; Frank
Ilummlor, trenhuier; dlrcetois, J. Benj.
Dlnmilok, William Connell, lienrv
Hclln, Jr., Oeorge Sanderson, P. J.
Hnran. Charles II. Welles, C. S. Ves
ton, Conrad Schropdcr, Alfred Uarvev,
John W. Fowler. F. M, Vandling.
The year was it highly prosperous ono
and the earnings were the largest in
the hlhtmy of the company, During
the year tho deposit!, woro Increased
$;oo,00() and tho trust funds $000,000,
I City FJte$ J
rwv.,ww?y: rvy svsvjyjyyK
'Ihnii.inih uf pcnpli .ilimil )!.i.
"Snow White Flour"
'llif.v blow it I, ,c l',ii((. ,,f ,,U it, u,, lt ,u UJllt
,. ,, "v '"1: J"""- help l tliu following m.inmi :
I "r cillu.r pro.-cnr poetry .loscilptiiocf. n imro.wln "Snmi Unu.." Hin. , !u
, nTfl'l l'',CJli j"311 "S ''UJlll-U PUllIU Mr,Sti;-.lla l,lum-n. i I :
iinlfnnnily of pmd, etc, etc, iti
Wc oCrr the following priics:
For iliu best
po?tic or
For thesecond best poetic or
For the third best poetic or
For the fourth best poetic or
For the fifth best poetic or
For the sixth best poetjc or
For the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th,
14th, 15th, 16th and 171I1, each
All aclwtifemsntu to bo nnd tenulo with ut
over one liumiitil uml fitly wonls a I.Cbg nuiiibw
inc cunict win ticatf on 3lant 1st, J5W,
Men- litfiary llnljli not ua UeMralik- a luly'it
WHIP llarll' f.I, nnlv nn ..Ma ..P 1 lm ,
'' ti. . "--' -- ", " - " " "" i'..
y authors mine uml adJru in a ti.ull cntulupu
The JuJc- il thus ue nu way ot kiiQwinir.
Tho following gentlemen lino Mmlly eomvnicd
w .....w.i.isvm u, awvil U4 llliiuc til lllv1 11411 (J Vl.
son mm a
No. 12, Lackawanna
Ofllcors Who Woro Elected for tho
At a apodal meeting of the Scranton
Rescue Mission, Saturday afternoon,
at the ofllco of J, Lawrence Stcllo, the
followliinr olllcbra were elected for tlia
present year: President, Louis T, Mat
tes; vice president, Charles II. Chan
dler; treasurer, 13. L. llevnn; secre
tary, A. It Hryilon, The nbovo named
olllcers and the following Bonlletncn,
J. Lawrence EHellc, Madison P. Lar
Uln, L. M. Horlnti, Cyrus D.Jonen, V.
T. Huckott, Charles F. Hess and H, S.
KlrUpatrlek, constitute the board of di
rectors for tho year 1902.
The mission In open the year round,
holding liCC ovonlniTHervlcrs and Is ilo-
Injf a Brand i;ood work In "rescuing tho
perishing" and bringing many Into the
fold of tho Clood Shepherd. The friends
of the mission and tho public arc cor
dially Invited to visit and attend tho
meetings held every evening at 3
o'clock and witness the work that Is
being done.
The next regular meeting of tho
board of directors will be held Monday
evening, Feb. 10, at 8 o'clock, In the
Mission looms.
Arrangements ,for Iusta'llatlon of
Itov. J. H. Odell, ao Pastor of
Second Presbyterian Church.
At a special meeting of the Lacka
wanna Presbyterian he-Id yesterday in
the lecture toum of the First I'roaby
terlan church, ISev. J. II. Odell, the new
pastor of I ho Second Pronhyterlun
church was received as a member and
the date Of h!s Installation was llxert
for Wednesday night, March 4.
The Installation sermon will be
preached by I lev .Mr. Odell's brother.
I lev. Owen D. Odell, of Dubuque, Iowa,
Uev, Dr. Chillies K. lUiblusou, tho for
mer paitor of the church, will dellvi r
the clmrgf to the congregation, while
Uev. Dr. James McLcod, pastor of I lie
First Presbj tcriau church, will deliver
the charge to the pastor, Kev. Dr. I. J,
Lansing, pastor 6f the (J recti nidge
Presbyterian 1 lunch, will olfer praer.
The nieetlng of the Presbytery was
presided over by the moderator, Hev.
Charles Lee, ol Carbondalv, and much
uusincs.i or a routine character was I
tianc.'icted. Itev. M. It. Custer, who,
has been pastor of the Presbyterian
church at Ashley for thirteen years,
was granted pet mission to take a much
Itev. .1 J. Zelgler, of Forty Fort, was
granted a letter of dismission to the
Northumberland Piesbytery, he having
roeolvtil a call fiom a Lock Hven
Itev. .1. V. MeComb was dismissed
to the Chester Presbytery and the pas relations between Uev. V.. Flock
and the Plymouth Presbyterian chinch
iv det'Iaied fevered, he having iv
ceivid a call to UlaiisvlUc.
Rev. J. A. O'Reilly, of the Cathedral,
Will Be the Pastor.
Some time ago lit. Itev. Pishop lloban
(It elded to ehtabllrli another parish In
South Hcranton and have the chinch
on Stone avenue, between Orchaid and
Hemlock street?.
He has iinnoumeil that work on the
chinch will begin in the nulvciy dis
tant future and that Rev. J. A. O'lteilly.
the rector of the cathedral, will be the
pastor of the new parish.
Mr. and Mi. I'eter (Paul and clilld.'tii. of
Ashley, spent bund.ij with Mr. and .Mh. lieiir.
of Main tii'i.t.
Mia, Wail! .Stcaiiw letinneil in hei home in
tkniiton, after rpeiidini; .1 fnv dij, in lon.
.MIm llcs.-ie Linn .inter, of ciantou, Mill
day wlih lier patiuts
.Mi. ami Mi,. John Dean-, enteil lined .1 mil
hei nf tliolr flic uds 011 (Viturday eieni'iir. ,
ll'eir houie on Minoi.ka ..ii-niie.
Wiiiil ha-, hem teeticd Hem Mr. U1.11 1 s
Nijder that he ha-, niiie,l s ifely .11 his dit.m.-
Mm l)' li 1-, aa-pled a na-!tion with
I tin1 Cmra po,.demu .cln)nii of
j Sli. niton.
Aii Avalanche in Austria.
Ily ru-hfhi" Wire from The Associated I'rets.
(ir.w, AiMila, lVli. ;i. -An iMlandir fun
Mniiiit llohr-.teh Inn pnt'.iMy om i. helmed the
illlasi- nl llh II lie, nrir Ihe limn of Vil!
A numhei ol peMJie, liaie been Iwll'd,
ItVA.V- In "huiiIiiii, lMi. a, pi.).', m li. ,m 1
Jlti. 1). . lijjii, cf HI I'laukllii .iiu.ii', a ,oi.
Can , 6ef Pap? o? Ir
prose ativeitise-
prose advertise-
proje advertise
prose advcitUe-
prose adveitise-
prose advertise-
nth, lath, 13th,
at uur piopcrly,
Tlicy mil, 1 cun-Jjt of 1105
iilca-i put in un orlitiiul wji.
l,.t ,1 n ..
..... niv ww i,uu ;i iiuiiuivr. I'lJlu tilt
ji.U it tli ll,o miiic iiuiiiUt uml tcrnl
tho uutlioi' lumi. mun (,e iliol ti
to uU u.-i 4wdi ami tlidr ilicMon will
iui. .. v. lnititimT,
J.IVV ri. ItlCIIAItU, i:so.
J. li. KKHN, KHi.
V, J, LVNI51T, Us'.
Ave, Scranton, Pa.
mmm a
all put mm
On PresentliiE: Good and Sufficient
Reasons for the Unroadineas, Court
Permits of Contlnuancos Bribery
Casea Against Frank SllHmaii) Jr.,
to Do Tried Wednesday Throo
Burglars Sent to the Penitentiary.
Female Thief Pleads Guilty.
Brother Against Brother.
Continuances were granted, yester
day, at the opening of the February
tiuarter hcbhIoiih, In tho four murder
cases on the two weeks' list. Unreadi
ness on the part of the defendnntM was
the cause of tho continuances.
In the case of John Argentls charged
the killing of Harry Frederick at
the house of Anne Hewitt, on Piovl-
T1l.1l fu Mulder of llinj 1'udti.i.k Put
poned I'litil April.
dence roiul, December 27, 1301. Attor
neys Cornelius Comegys ami Herbert L.
Taylor' stated to the court that they
had been only recently letained on the
cues, and had not the time to prepare
the defense. As the murder was cf
recent date. Dlstilct Attorney Lewis
did not oppose the continuance.
The other tlnee cases are thohe In
which Sylvester F. Cosgiove, Frank
Kofczuuislil and Frank Kinsley me
chained with the killing of Daniel Dim
leavy, on Luzeiuu street, Deeembi-r
Hi, llidl, when they wec engaged In an
attempt to make tn tests for an assault
made on a trolley ciew the night be
I'oie. Major Kveiett Warien and
O'liilen and Martin in support of their
motion to have the cases continued
state that they have been ho husy, en
gaged in'court .since retained that they
were not able to give to the case the
attention it demand'?, and that at all
events pome of the most Important
witnesses who now Uve-at u distance
had not yet been found by the otllcets
serving the subpoetiaes. t'outt deemed
this sulliclent giound Tor continuance.
The continued cases will go on the at
for the lei 111 beginning April T.
The second case on yesterday's list
was Unit In which General Manager
Fumk Sllllman, jr., of tho Scranton
Railway company is charged with brib
ing Old Forge councllmon. Mr. SU1I's attorneys, Major Wairen and
O'Brien and Martin, declared that
their client was anxious to go to trial
and after a conference with tho dis
trict attorney the case was set down
for tomorrow. Both sides aie ready
and in all piobaballty the case will b
beau! tomorrow It is likely to bo tried
bifore Judge O. L. Halsey, of Luzerne,
who is specially presiding, this week-, In
court room No. !!
"We must piotcct society from ni'-n
uf your stamp," said Judge Kdwards,
yesterday ufttrnoun, as he s?;U three
miserable looking specimens of human
ity to the penitential y for burglary and
receiving stolen goods
The tio weto Peter McTlugh, Jhn
McCerinnck and Hall.
Last election night thieves broke in.
to the biun of J, V, O'Brien's hotel sit
Olyphant, and made off with two sam
ple grips which were left there in a
wagon by z. T. ICdwarcin, a drummer
from Huston. The three defendants
were round to have disposed of the
goods to parties In Old Koige. When
a-rahmed. yesterday. Mclluih 'took an- i
on himse'f all the blame In an effort
to clear his pals. The jury, however,
believed testimony udduced tending to
show that all three were concerned In I
the dls'iofal of the goods, and accoid
Ingly brought In a verdict llnding Jle
Hugh guilty of larceny and the other
two guilty of receiving stolen goods,
Mel lurch got three and one-half years
and the lother two two and one-half
years each. Attorney Joseph Jeffries
was unsigned to defend them.
Mary Russell, a middle-aged woman,
who went about working at house
cleaning and who was arrested by ex
Superintendent of 1'olleo Holding for i
pilfering from the pluces at which she I
was employed, plead guilty when ur-
rulgned, yesterday, on tho charge of
stealing a table doth from Mrs. Jul'u ,
Gibbons, and was sent to tho county
jail for three months. District Attor-
ney Lewis consented to verdicts of not
guilty in the other caws ugalnst her,
anil they were entered accordingly.
Judge Edwards was engaged at ad
journing time In trying the case of
Thomas Coleman, cluirtred with u&Brn
vated ussault and battery on his broth
er, James Coleman. They live In the
Twelfth ward und had an encounter
which resulted In the breaking- of
Jnmes' leg:,
District Attorney Lewis represented
the commonwealth and O'Bilen and
-Martin the defendant. The cuss was
In court nt adjournment,
A verdict of not Kuilty wns returned
In the case in which John Schoeu wus
charged by ex-Superintendent Jtobllng
with the larceny of one hundred
pounds of uugar. Schoeu was ono of
three charged with the crime. The
other two weio acquitted ut tho last
term of court. The dlstilct attorney
was satlslled from the evldeneu ad
duced ut the former trial that Sehoan
could not be convicted and agieed to
u veullet of not guilty.
A capias was Issued for Arthur Mor
ris charged by Hurry Newman with
uggrayuted iibsuult nnd battery.
Tho larceny and receiving case
against Klchard Livingston was taken
from the list. Although Indicted ho was
never apprehended.
The cuse in which Martin Lynch Is
charged by Mark Harte with assault
and battery wna continued on account
of the Illness of the prosecutor's wife,
After disposing of the naturalization
applications,, Judge E. C. Newcomb
took mi tho trial of etlmlnnl cases In
court room No. 2. It was tho first time
for him to preside In quarter sepslotiB
Tho flrsf case culled befoio hint wan
that of Martin Allen, of Mooslc, charged
with assault and battery Upon his wife.
He hud no counsel, his titioincy having
disappointed him, und refused to have
tho assistance of an hsslgned attorney,
preferring to try his own vase.
The prosecution seemed more desir
ous of establishing that Allen wns
mentally deranged than to convict him
of crime, but despite tho old saw that
the counsel who tries his own enso has
a fool for it client, Allen succeeded In
convincing the Jury of his sanity, while
the common wealth was proving him
guilty of tho assault, nnd ns u conse
quence ho was returned guilty. In con
cluding his address to the Jury, Allen
remnrked; "I'm no lawyer, but I gitecs
I did pretty well for it crazy man, chV"
In the ense agnlnst William Mc
Dowell, charged with the larceny of
two rings from Genevieve Jackson, ti
verdict of not guilty was taken, the
commonwealth falling to make out a
case. The parties are colored, und live
In Raymond court.
James Callahan was tiled Tor break
ing it carriage, which he had hired from
Mrs. Ilattle Snyder, in Cnibondale, In
the summer of 1900. Defendant and a
iriend hired the ilg for the purpose of
going fishing, und the evidence dls
elcred that they drove a distance ot
eighteen miles In two hours, over a
M.ry rough toad, It also appeared that
they hud not only failed to pay for the
repairs, but had not paid for the hlte.
Assistant District Attorney W. GnylorU
Thomas represented the commonwealth.
Attorney John J. Manning reptesented
the defendant.
The case or Tedaseano Martino, of
Old Forge, charged with assault and
battery on Catherine Castelenlc, was
Hilled before Judge Newcomb jiiFt be
fore rdlonrinnent.
Lake Aiiel Correspondent Tells About
a Bit of Weather.
According to our Lake Ariel corie
spondent, the wind blew some, ui that
way, during the caily boms of yester
day morning.
At Georgetown, a filled milk can was
blown from a platform to the track, at
5 a. m., while Conductor Butler Kizer's
freight train was passing, causing the
derailment of a enr, which in turn
ditched lour moie cars, blocking the
road lor several limits'.
During this delay tho wind kept piling
snow in the cuts and when the train
got under way again it had to plow
thiough drifts twelve feet deep In some
places. Near Gravel branch It ran Into
it dilft that threw four more cars from
the track and caused another lonjr de
lay. It was 11 o'clock-befoio the road
was cleat cd.
We Will Continue
Red Border
Sale Price
Pure Linen
Pure Linen Dice Pattern Silver Bleached
Damask, 45c Sale Price
Silver Bleached German Damask. Ten
all new patterns, mostly open borders, very
SS firm, 63c goods. Sale Price.
i n
i ui
I lVl
: "us1
We commence the Snow White
! a? with 69c goods ior.
A better and finer line of Snow White
Damask, B9c Special J5C
P.erds, Austrian, Irish and German Linens, piece
goods, napkins to match, dainty cpon borderc' All
choice selected designs
Snow White Linens valued at
Sale Price
Snow White Linens valued at
Sale Price '
Snow White Linens valued at
Sale Price
j $
to. Snow White Linens valued at
Q Sale Price
(H On-vl &r Muslin
mp, -. . ...
57 'u ' "', ,lu;""'
ffH 42-inch Lockwood Pillow Casing
" 7c Fine Muslin
5S 45-inch Lockwood Pillow Casing
yd 48-Inch Lockwood Pillow Casing
6-4-inch Lockwood Pillow Caslne
8-4 inch Lockwood Sheeting
tj$ 9-4lnch Lockwood Sheeting
m 1 0-4-incli Lockwood Sheotlng
S 42-inch Utlca Pillow Casing
45-lnch Utlca Pillow Casing ,
kh 50-Inch Utlca Pillow Casing
O 6-4-inch Utlca Pillow Casing
g tJ-4-mcri utlca btieeting
gH 9-4-Inch Utlca Sheeting
IK; 10-4-inch Utlca Sheeting
J' 6c Shaker Flannel ,
ag 9c Shaker Flannel ' . ,
f fl Chrtlri,- rrinnMAl
(w wiiarvwi 1 ictfiiivii ifitftttf
tfU , . , .
I 415 and 417 leokawnnnii kmw.
a ,.
Had Reference to the Disputes In
tho Eighteenth, Thirteenth nnd
Twelfth Wards Old Eorgo Case
Will Probably Bo Heard This
ioiniiifj Court Asked to Quash
the Indictment Against Anthony
Dunleavy Jury In McGovorn Cnso
Could Not Agree.
The three remaining contests over
ward nominations were yesterday dis
posed of.
Judge Halsey, of Luzerne county,
after hearing tt mass of evidence In tlo
contests between tho Kellyltes and
Flanneryltes for the Republican nom
ination In the Eighteenth ward, made
nn order ruling out both sets of pa
pers on the'ground that no Republican
caucus had been conducted.
Enchytict of candidates Is listed as
nominees of two or more other pnrtles
of varied appellations, so the decision
will not have a very serious effect on
the chances of election of either.
The objections made to the Demo
cratic nomination of D. T. Jnyne for
school controller from the Thirteenth
ward were overrukd by Judge Kelly
because of the failure of the objectors,
it second time to comply with the pro
vision of the law requiring that the
candidates objected to shall be person
ally served with notice of the contest.
There were a number of candidates for
minor olllces on the paper to which
objection was made. Some of these
had not been served with tho required
Alderman C. C. Donovan's objections
to the nomination papers of P. F.
Itynu who seeks to succeed him as al
derman of the Twelfth Ward, were
Hyim presumes to be the candidate
of the Independent, the Union and the
Labor parties. All three nomination
papers are alleged by Donovan to be
defective, but he agreed to withdraw
the objection If Hyun would consent to
the substitution of the name of Dono
van for that of Ryan as the candidate
of the Labor party, llyan agreed and
peace again prevails.
The Old Forge case will probably
be heard this morning by Judge Hal
sev. To Qufl3h Dunleavy Indictment.
When the perjury case against An
thony Dunleavy, of South Scranton,
was called for lilal, yesleiday, his
counsel, O'Prien Ut Martin, moved to
quash the Indictment ,on the ground
(hat it failed to set forth the alleged
false oath. Judge Kdwards granted a
rule to show cause why the indictment
This Sale for Ten Days.
Few of the Good Things
Heavy Silver
width, 85c. Sale Price
Extra weight, all new beautiful work Sil
ver Bleached, $ 1 .00 grade
Annfrtni (Inof ntr! Ktlcn nv-tna ,ireY
xitiuuii ihiu,
Bleached, $1.25
Finest and Best
ever shown hy us,
Sbiow White Lieens
Heavy Soft Finish German Silver
Bleached Napkins
DJce Patterns, 79c value. Special
Dice Patterns. $ 1 .00 value. Special
Dice Patterns, 31.25 value. Special
Heavy Soft Finish Napkins, 31.25, for. ..
HeaAy Soft Finish Napkins, $1.75, for...
Heavy Soft Finish Napkins. S2.04. for ... .
Irish, Scotch and Reeds finer Satin Finish Nap
kins, Scroll, Coral Leaf, Floral and Spot designs,
$ I '.40
just received.
$2.00 Snow White
$2.25 Snow White
$2.50 Snow White
$3.00 Snow White
$4.00 Snow White
$6,00 Snow White Napkins for. $5.35
Stevens, Barnsley and Heavy German Crash Tow
eling, Hud; and Damask Towels, Bleached and
Brown Bath Tcwcls. at cut prices at this special sale.
Good 6c Muslin
7c Fine Muslin
Best Hill Muslin
Lonesdale Muslin
Fruit of Loom
42-Inch Lockwood
1 7c
, . , , .
45-inch Lbckwocd
50-Inch Lockwood
6-4-Inch Lockwood
o-4-Inch Lockwood Sheeting , , 17c
9-4-inch Lockwood Sheeting . , , 19c
10-4-Inch Lockwood Sheeting, . aic
42-Inch Utlca Pillow Casing oc
45-Inch Utlca Pillow Casing , ioc
50-Inch Utica Pillow Casing , 13c
6-4-inch Utlca Pillow Casing 14c
8-4-lnch Utlca Pillow Casing yie
9-4-inch Utlca Pillow Casing 313
10-4-Inch Utlca Pillow Casing 33c
,,,. 17c
, . igc
,,..,,,., 21c
Sale of Carving Sets - - jf
3j At llic Cutlery Salo you can get prices never dreamed of for tho '
g quality. Walrus, Pearl, Stag and. Ivory handles, tvlade by the
ig Merlden Cutlery Co,, atyl there Is none better made In this ccun- aj
" try. Tho largest assortment In the city to select from, J
35 Carving Sets, Stag Handles, for. .$2.00 ' JS
55 Carving Sets, Ivory
eg Fruit Knives, 12dvt
5S Do not miss this sale.
Geo V Miliar &
5 UtU. V. 1TJLUAU.1 tX
Have you in your attic a favorite chair with the upholstering in
bad simp?, an aim or a rocker broken, or perhaps having the springs
lout of order, waiting an indefinite
menu it, repolish it, put a now cover
good as new.
Lackawanna and Adams Avenues.
CQ S9 43 CD S3 SS 9 2 CZS
should not be quashed and the case
accordingly went over The rule will be
heard at the next session of argument
1 ourt.
C'uiitlmiPil on Pace S.l
Bleached, very soft,
anu ""v,i 6,au .,,w. -
goods VOC ?
Silver Bleached Goods . tr "
$1.59. Sale Price.. . ip 1 .2,5 5-
85c 3
$1.08 5i
$1.00 V
$1.48 V
S1.69 S3
Napkins for
Napkins for
Napkins for
Napkins 'for
$1.75 x
$2.0O M
$2.19 5
S2.60 ?
Napkins for $3.50
Pillow Casing.
...... IOC
Pillow Casing.
Pillow Casing.
Pillow Casing 13c
S . Wonderful Shoe Bargains J
' -n ? 8
We flention but a
Co m Wjoiulncr, Arcnna g
AJ. WaiKl.miiLojk Around, jg
sometime to be repaired? Let us
on it and send it back to you as
Both Prione3
GE S E 5
4E& E
38 35 33 G3 C3S 315 C3
412 Spruce St.
F. l. CRANE,
324 Lackawanna Avenue.
100S Persi-in and Marten Storm
.iJIj.OO now $0.00
lOiJ lYinUu anil MouOlonu Storm
1007 Mini: htonn collar
"Ui Millie Collaretlo ..
102S Uicbo Collaicttc ..
10J5 lllaclv Marten beait
liii'J lllack Marten Seaif
1001 Klectrlo Seal Seart .
1005 Hleetric Seal Scarf
11 JS Sable l'cc Scarf ....
15.00 now 8.00
23.00 now 13.00
10.00 now 20 00
15.00 now
fi.OOnow 4.0O
7,00 now 4.00
1.50 now 1.0 1
2.50 now 1.511
13.00 now 10.00
1150 Sable Tox Searf
8.50 now n.Oii
1113 Illuo I,)nx Scarr 15.00 now 10.00
2(W Mluo I.n- Searf 1,00 now 8.01
ltKtO Itecl l'ox Scarf 7,00 now 4.01
SCO Mink Scarf, long tabs 35.00 now 23.0 1
COllJMInk Scarf 23.00 now 17.00
1)72 Cinnamon Hear lloa, 3 yds
long .13.00 now 23,0.)
527 niack Hear lloa, J yiU Ions. 20.00 now 15.00
071 Ilronn Dear lloa, 3 jilj lonp. 15.00 now 10.00
600 Natural Opposum lloa, 'J yili
lontr , O.Mnow 4.00
709 Oray fo lloa, 3 ydi lone, .'10,00 now 7.00
203 Illuo I.jnx lloa, 3 ycU long. 1S.O0 now 1J.00
rura ltepaired.
fur. Manufactured,
Ilaw Fura
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent;,
Gas Lamp,
MS'iT Penii Avenue,
A lilt tit t. tiUrnUrtutirw nliulir null 1'rtikta
ltUrutc. LxCfMM. Abui. llluotl l't,LuB. St-rtoui
yrtHux,i-uiHauMKi,urifw-ih!rlciurfv '
nb fv ryrl i i l ij,ti jt vriuUtlii a 7fm
boitlUl tlperUnff la ilrrutaj, 84 for bowk "Tmtb '
Voting f ?iry uedlul t IectrlcI hauJi. Ucnilau ttU r
ruiiuc). LUJfiriutiufDl iM bbruaxra umu.
Handles, for.. 3.50
set for 2.7s
spring MyiG
K fi - Jew
Ull V m&JMAlMU ' UvSPMW&W'qMi
oyc xS-'
its ivi