u THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY FEBRUARY 3, 1002. 8 fc. INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR SECOND MEETING OF THE LOCAL CAB FOREMEN. Hold Saturday Evening In the Lec ture Room of tho It. R. Y. M. C. A. Subjects Discussed and Visitors In Attendance Wage Scale at tho AlllB-Chalmors Company's Works. Mouldors Wanted In Buffalo at aood Wages and Stoady Vork Re moving Machinery. The second meeting of the Car Fore men's AHBOclatlon of Scrnnton was held Saturday evening In the lecture room of the Railroad Youiiff Men's Christian association, on Lackawanna nvenue, where sisty-thrco members nssombled and expressed thcmselven as bring very onthusluttlc! regarding the future pros pruts of the organization. L. T. Cnnneld, master car builder of the Lackawanna railroad, presided over the meeting, which was In session sev eral hours, A new constitution and by laws was adopted, and discussions woio entered Into on several lmuoitnut sub jects, among them being: "How to Im prove Our Interchange In Car inspec tion," and "What Aio the Causes or Slid Flat Wheels on Alr-Hrnhed Cars?" The subject of "Hot Uoxes," which was to have been taken up at tho meet ing, was deferred until the next meet ing on the second Saturday evening In March. Problem questions were substi tuted on the subject of Interchange in spection, and some very good sugges tions wore brought out. A majority of the leaders present participated In the discussion. It. X. Ituthbrltlgo, of Philadelphia, vice-president of the association, pre sented seventeen applications for mem bership from employes of the Phila delphia and Heading railroad. This as sociation lias accomplished more In two meetings In the way of organization than a similar one In Chicago did In six months. A discussion arose relative to the naming or tho body. Some wanted It called "The Car Foremen's Association of Northeastern Pennsylvania," but It was finally decided to fix tho name with Scranton on the end. In addition to the large number present nt the meet ing from this city, the following from out of town were In attendance: Philadelphia and Reading Railroad ?. N. llathbridge, Philadelphia. Central Railroad of New Jersey W. H. Hall. Jersey City; Mr. Stuuker and I!. AV. Harnett, of Ashley. Krle Railroad W. II, Harris, Hlng Itnmton; Mr. Muiiroe, Elmlrn. Delaware, Lai'ltawnnnii and Western Railroad George Anderson, P.ulfalo; A. !. Miller, Htlca: William Meagher, Kl mira: C. D, Koyce, Ringhiimtnn; K. J. Stucklc, Kingston: c. I.. Hundy, Louis Kries and A. J. Tnlmnge. Dover, X. J.: .1. C. Fritz, Hohoken: John S-'chnieder, Secuucus; George Milieu, Philllpsburg, N. J.: A. Ryion, Port Morris; John Fraley, Oouldsbnro: D. D. Rush, Ktroudsburg; J. J. Decker, Ilallstenil: .1. L. Robhibon, Clark's Summit, and others. Increase long Since in Force. The reported increase In wagfs grant ed by the Allis-Chalmors company to their iron moulders In this city has long since been In force, having been inaugurated at the time the plant was purchased from the Dickson Manufac turing company. In conversation with a Tribune man yehtenlay, Manager Rower stated that the request made by the oillcials of the International Association of Iron Moulders had been conceded, but the recent demand only applied to four men, who are now receiving the union scale of wages. The company is paying n minimum wage scale of $2,r0 per day, and this scale is also in force in ,a majority of the shops in this city, In many In stances tho men who work under a. piece scale average much more each day. Since tho uniform piece scale was adopted by the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company tho men have laid their wages materially increased, and are apparently more contented to work that way than by tho day or hour. New Hawley Corporation, The Hnrloo Insulator company was U'ganlzed last week at Hawley with a capitalization of Sir.0,000. Tho Incorpor ators are: J, S. Welsh, president, Will lam Gregg, vice-president; Myron T, .Snyder, treasurer; Marcus Tuttle, sec retary; Morton Hnrloo, the inventor, general manager. Other stockholders nro: P. J. Rower, George S. Thompson, Hawley; Wilton S. Dloes and George K, Shay, two influential and wealthy busi ness men of Peekvllle. The now company propose to manu facture Harloe's self-tying insulators and other glassware. A practical and satisfactory test was .wide last Tuesday' of tho insulator on one of the telephouo lines. After the wire had been drawn to nearly u break ing strain, It was cut and tho lino did not slip over one-sixteenth of an inch. This Is considered by all who witnessed It n remarkable test. This Insulator Is patented In Ger many, Franco, Canada and Great Ilrlt nln, Tho corporation Intend to erect a $25,000 plant just as soon as a building site Is decided upon, Bond Issue, Messrs. Flint, Jones & Co., bond deal ers, Mills building, New York, are offer ing the total Issue of S2V5.00.0 of first mortgage, G per cent, thirty-year gold bonds, upon tho Port .Tervls F.leetrlc Light, Power, Gns and Itallroad com pany, of Port Jervls, N, Y at 102 and Interest, These bonds are considered an attractive Investment due to the fact that the Issue Is small In comparison to tho amount of senurlty and tho net earning capacity of the properties cov ered by the mortgage, these Include the entire transportation, gas, electric light iTZ VOI7JS1 F A TTH will he at strong as ours If you try -. Shiloh's Consumption g d w 9jcl n"d oum l 80 strong we lvllJ fcj guarantee a cure or refund ,, ,T .u.10n,e.y uud we wi you .T.e.?vlal botlle if you write for It. bllll.OU'S costs a cents aud will cure Con. btllUDtlOll. PlieUUlOub. IlrnnrlillU o.i.l nil I.uiig Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold in a day, and thus prevent serious results. I1 i"!..6"" d?In tnese things for W year 6. C. Wblls fie Co., I,c Roy. N. Y. Karl's Clover Print Ten cnrrerla ,. Stan.,.!, iiwrrtMnMiiiiiiimnmiMimimiinMinniBuMaium Lj and power plants of Port Jervls, N, Y. Tho small nmount of bonds of like character available, place this Issue In the gllt-edgo-class. Farmers rinding Things. A prospecting company, known na Ihe North Pennsylvania Oil and Gas com pany, Is about to bore for oil and gas, near Franklin Forks, Susquehanna county, on the Wheaton farm, near what Is known as tho Salt Springs. A five-foot vein of anthracite coal has been unearthed nt South Cnnnan, Wayne county. It Is stated that a stock company will be formed to operate same. Ore and copper are also said to have been located In pnylng quantity In the region of South Canaan. L, L. & W. Board for Today. Following is tho make-up of tho the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western board for today; SUNDAY, l'KllllUAItY 2, IMriis ftitt 1.30 u, ni llobokcn, lliitily; 11 ii. in., W. W. Lilian-; 2 p. in., O. W. I'll?.. Rcr.tld! 5 p. III., Holiokcli, 1. H.lRStiTtJJ " l'. In,, Iloliokcn, 11. Itiiegg. MONDAY, miltl'AHY :l. Summits, lite 3 .1. in., rinunfflkvr; 11 u, in., Mi-liuls; 2 p. in., Tlioitipsaiij (I p. in,, ,1. (.'iiiIkk; 8 p. in., M. lioWcii. I'lilicra 7 n. in., S. l'liincilyi 8 a. III., T, Xiiutii.iii ; 11,1. n, in,, Mor.iu; 11 u. in., 1.'. Jtc-Alllstri; I) p. in., C. lllillmloiiiuu; 7..1I) p. in., A. J. McDonnell! ! p. in., V. II. lUr llinloiiii'U ; t) p. in., Limping. I'.i-iiimr KiirIiioo 7 it. m., (laflnoy; 7 n. in., SIiikvi; 11) ii. in,. Sceori 0.1" p. its-, btiiillon; S30 i. in., MtCmrrn. Kmi.ih Wtwt 1 p. in., A. V.. Kflrluin; t p. in., William Klily, Willi T. DuiiiIU.iu'h clew; II p. in,, I!. C'atiur, v NOTICE. (.'miiliiclnr .1. 11. McCain will take- liln mil on 2nd, No. .'it, IVIi. I. Ccmliu-tor (icorgc l Hurt will uport nt hit pcrintendoid's ofllii-, 10 .1. in., I'll). :t. W. A. Ilirtlinloiiii'w, II. Doticrty inn P. Ollll g.m .mil Licwt will attend 10 a. in. class air tprake institution car, l"ili. 8. M. (iolilni, L'. XI. Ilallctt and 1". llallott anil irons will atti'iid 2 i. in. cl.iv, air buiko In struction car, lVb. .'!. J. IlrnnlK.ni, II- 1. f ..i l K III ami XI. W. Lankan and am will nttcml 7.30 p. in. ilnss, air brake instuictlun tar, lb. :i. This and That. An agent of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel rotiipnny has been In the city for some time engaging moulders to go to Buffalo at wages of $3 and $3.25 per day and steady work. The Reading has still eight collieries Idle. These were disabled by the flood of December 1 1 and are filled with water to such an extent that It Is Im possible to start them. It Is verj evi dent that there can not be started more than thirty of the company's thirty eight collieries for at least several weeks. Tho machinery mod by the Scranton Hallway company at its Linden street barn is being moved to the new car barns on Diamond avenue. Tho new plant will include the power bouse, en gine loom, boiler room, paint, carpen ter, pattern, machine and blacksmith sliopi, electrical department, brass foundry, and general repair shop. The hot-air process will be used In heating, and cold air in ventilating. PHOTOGSWHCAUSES ARREST OF H0RNE All en town Man Said to Have De manded $25 for It from Woman Who Was the Subject. I3y KuHnitp WIrr from The Associated Picsi. Heading. Feb. 2. Augustus F. Home, of Allentown, was ai rested at that place and brought to this city yesterday on a warrant issued by United States Mar shal John 13, Hoblnsou, charging Horno with mailing letters to a married wo man offering to sell her a photograph of herself for $23. He had n hearing before Commis sioner Younp; and was held under SSOO ball for trial in the United States Dis trict court. The photograph, It Is said, was taken by the woman herself by pointing the camera at a mirror. It is said time Home in some way secured a copy and wrote a letter to the woman, saying that unless the money was sent him he would dispose of tho photograph other wise. The woman reported the matter to the postal authorities, and United States Marshal Helms, of Philadelphia, yesterday placed Home under arrest. During the night Horno was guarded by a policeman in his own home. This morning he was brought here. Home Is a member of one of the most prominent families in Allentown. His lather Is an aged and respected Luth eran clergyman, CHINA'S RULER WEEPS FOR MRS. CONGER Dowager in Tears at ft Reception At tended by Our Minister's Wife, Who Suffered in Pekin. By Hxclnsite Wire from The Associated 1'iesi. Pekin, Feb, 2. Tho dowager empress, the emperor nnd tho empress received the ladles and children of tho members of the diplomatic corps this afternoon In tho private apartments of the palace, Mrs, Conger, wife of United States Minister Conger, as doyeness of the diplomatic corps, and tho dowager em press exchanged speeches. The visitors were afterward enter tained at a banquet, during which tho dowager emprcbs and the emperor mingled Informally with their guests. Tito dowager empress grasped Mrs, Conger's hand, wept copiously, uud, in bioken words, expressed tho sorrow which sho felt on account of tho occur rences during the slego of the legations. Magnificent jeweled bracelets, rings uud other souvenirs were presented to tho vlsltois, CASTRO SEEKS A BATTLE, Trying to Get Into Touch With the Colombian Insurgents. Uy Uxclushc Wire fiuin The Auaclatcil Press, Panama, Colombia, Feb, 2. The Co lombian government fleet returned hero last night, Tho commander reports thut the government forces held Agua Dulce, but thut General Custro Is en deavoring to get in touch with General Herrera, tho revolutionary commander. Three messengers were landed and communicated orders from Civil Gover nor Arjona to General Custro, General Herrera has sent notices to the agents of the steamship companies saying that, having dominion over the Pacific coast of tho Isthmus, He will not allow the transportation of arms or soldiers for the government and will prevent t by force, If necessary, Ser ious complications are possible, but the governor says tho action of Gen, eral Herrera has no Importance, REACHING IHE SPOT. It Can Be Done, So Scores of Scranton Citi zens Say. To cure an aching back, The pains of rheumatism, The tired out feelings l'ou must reach the spot get at the cause In most eases 'tis the kidneys; , Donn's Kidney Pills are for tho Icld- nej's. Mrs. Evan Jenkins, of 143 South Fll moro avenue, Hyde Park, says: "I had steady pain In my hips and through my sides, ho distressing at times thut I could not do my work about the house. I have often been obliged to call In tho doctor. There was also an annoying kidney weakness which was at times very painful and attended with frequent action of the secretions. My limbs were numb and I had dropsy at times and my feet swelled so that I could not wear my shoes. The doctor said my trouble must be checked or It would end In Drlght's Disease, but I did not receive much benefit from the medicine I took. I heatd about Doan's Kidney Pills and used live or six boxes. They helped me wondei fully In every way. 1 have recommended them to many of my friends and some of them received marked benefit from the use of this remedy." For sale by all dealers. Pripe 50 cents. Foster-MIIburn Co., Buffalo, Is. Y., sole agents for the United States. Hemember the name Doan's and lake no substitute. TWENTY-FIRST Ifoiii'lutlcd fioni l'ajfe :. taint a height of more th.in 1,700 leet. It Ii wureil "itli Iimv, shrubs niul llowcis in greatest aruty and tiroimion. (i.tine abound ctery- Wlll'IP. Near I lie end of the promontory, looking out oer the i.e.1, tlimU n inntrnt, trftabllMied ten tnries ,ig-o by the C.iiinellto friar--tor It ii Ml. Camel, which means "garden land," of which I rpi'.ik. The Carmelite filar thiim to trace li.uk their ruler lluougli the I'.s-wlira, through .John the Ilantlst, Ihtouih the pons pf the ptopheK through IllMia to I'.IIJili, one of the most rtrikliig peisunalllie.i in .ill the Old TiMamuit liMoiy. He appears on the nene, uithoiit a trace of bis patents, of hi-, ct-iicalogr or his liiith; and be ctriittnlly Uaieo us in a most Ftartlin;,- and striking in inner in a i harlot of lite drawn by llcry tteiib. Ilh lir.-t utterance .H a stern warning to a Mug. who was more faithful to a wiiKcd wife than he was to his Ootl. One of bis last JP-' peaianees before this fame King was to nnnoiinrc the penalty attached to liirt high iriuics hi.s lioti-c bhotiiil fall, lib, io'(erlty should be ml olT and their bodies sirn to the dozs ill the .city or the fowls of the air in the country, and tint dog-, thoulil eat the encass of his queen, Jc7ibel. Ills own sin has found him out. This heroic figure, who announced to the widow of Zarephitb tint her handful of meal Khoiild not fall and h(r trow of oil should not gite out until there should bo rain in the land, and who aftcrwaid lestoied her sou to life; this athlete, who went in Ihe sliengtli of on.; meal, sen id by an angel of (iod, for forty dat.s; this prophet who again was fed by the l.iM-ns morn ing and owning and drank of the biook until it lined mi, a man of fleet foot and iron frame, who lodged in the io of llorib and haunted the slopes of Cdinicl, sleeping under the desert lironin or the juniper tice, with his umbom locls and bis rough iimitlc of lamel's lnir; this striking and extraordinary eh trailer mine to bear nllucM to the truth, from tho king on tho tin one to tho pensiut in the (nimblest home, that If they lhcd without (!od Ibey would surely, pcrkb. wr.m: pit to ihiath. The idolatious queen bad sought to destiny the prophets of the great .MiovjIi; and niiny of them weic put to death, with the consent, if not by the actuil Older of Ahali. Ahab had temples creeled for the woiship of Ili.il. It senned as If tlod was foigottcn. It seemed as if Elijah alone was left faithful to bis Cod. Three jcars befoie, Illijah, by l)iinc direction, warned Ahab that no rain should fall for these jears. A great drought eiisiud, Theie was a famine in Ihe land, great and grieious. A seati.li was instituted all over the country, on the one hand, to find pasture for the king's hordes, and on the other to find Klijjh, against whom the king was storing tip ids wrath. Ho apptaied agiln as suddenly as bo had disap. peared, and ordered the king to summon to Jit. Carmel I'iO priests of llaal, that It might be learned wboo Rod was the Lord. I need not detail the story. The jiriests of Ha.il erected their altar and placed theicon their sacrifice; and then called from moi nlng until noon on their god Baal to iiiiswei by fire. As the hours passed and there was no response, cut to the quick by tho keen saicasm of Klijjh, they slashed themselves with knives and shouted to their god, who, perchance, was asleep, away on the bunt, or a journey, nnd so. did not heir them, They called upon a god who toubl not bear, and one who could not help, and their ciitfe was inctltably lost, , Klljili now comes upon the scene, tcpalrs tho old altar of the Lord that had fallen into ruins, I mis n tiench mound the altar, puts tho wood in order, cuts the bullock in pleres and places it on the altar, and lias four bairels of water inured on thu sicrifice and on tho wood, and tlulte ie pealed. At his request nil the people tamo neir unto lilm, so that theie could be no collusion, no deception. At tho hour of the ccnlng sacillUc ho prayed to the Ood whom lie sened to let it be known that He was the Ciod of Israel, that lllllili was Ills tenant, and that Klljtli bad done all thej things tit His word. In risponie to that appeal, and in answer to that prajtr, flic fell from heiten; nut! It con sumed not only tl.c sacrifice, hut the wood, the stones, the dust ami the dentins full of water. When the peoplo saw it, tbev fell on their faces, nnd (lied out: "Ihe Lord, Ho is Rod, the Lord, He is God." This was tho icull of the bold ihalloiisi" Klljah bad thrown out in the language of our lest: "How long "halt it) between ttt'i opinion? If the Lord be find, follow lilm; but if lia.il, then follow him," is Tiiui: on not tiu:i:. CluWIanlty is Hue, or It is not Hue. II It Is true, then wo aie playing Willi life, we are play ing witli our icipuiislbllltles; wo .ire pliying with our oppnitiiiilties. What shall it piulU J man If lie gain tho world and losu Ids own soul' or, What shall it man giro In cubango for his toiilr If that is true, I nniiitiiiu that we am tillllng with the gic.itot issues of life. If this Mipicmo question U settled, and settled right, all tlu'.'.e othir Bciomury ones of lubluess, of politics, of goteinuunt, of tmliMiy, and uf Unint'c will udjiist theinseltcs. It tho life is mole tlun meat, and thu body is uioie than lalnicnt, the first business uf ouis and mlno is to lite I'luUt; and our nevt bus!, new l to pieacli ChrUt, Aie ou nuking uiiy bone.-t, systematic and earnest cfloit to win souls for CluUtr llcmciu her that he who sates a soul fioiu dcslli tlull hide u multitude of sins. Wo axe muting to.) slow, Win one for Clubt this mouth. Nest mouth, let each one of jou win another. 1 lis following month, ltt each of the four win yet another, and keep that plan up for it tweltu month, without a, lne.il: on the part of any one, and it would mean .',0.rl souU woi) for Christ. That is tho wjy systematic wrtleu for 1'hrUt counts, That is the way it has been with Ihe Christian i:iule.ttor niotiintut, Twenty-one .icars ago, the first society was oigdnUcd by Dr. 1'ian tis.l!. lla,ik, in lils church In Poitland. K A year later, time were nwily 600 Member That means twenty jcars ago. Ten jears ago, the iiiovi nient lud MOO.Ono followers. Today tlui number is rapidly pushing on lo 4,0OO,uiX). He boid, what Cod luth wiouglrjf It Is youis tu sow the seed. Ood will take care of the liar ut. Mjko this jour chief end and aim lit life. t I worth somethiug to wh- a man for cter. FINANCIAL. WE OFFER TO YIELD ABOUT 5 $400,000 BUTTE ELECTRIC fli POWER COMPANY Of Butte, Mont. (Dutte U the greatest copper producing city In the world.) 5 First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bdnds Denomination $1,000, maturing 1 to 30 ypan. Amply provided for by rcsmo ind linking fund. Net csrnings three and three-quarters times interest ilmrgcs. Write tor report of Mi. Samuel Insult, President of the Chicago Hdlson Co,, and upecUl circular. RUDOLPH KLBYBOLTE & CO. B 1 NASSAU ST., V $275,00 FIRST MORTGAGE S PER GENT. 30-YEAR GOLD BDND3 or thu Port Jervls Electric Light, Power, Gns and Railroad Company, Port Jervis, N. Y, Dated January 1, 1002. Sue January 1, 1932. Inteio-it inyablc .lanitaiy 1 and July 1 at the KnlckcibocKer 'lmt 't'nltipany, New York, 'liii'tcc Viidcr tho MnrtgMiri. Denomination. $1,000 Each. Bonds can be Registered as to Principal. CAPITAL STOCK ?45O,O00 Bonds 275,000 Total ls-.no of bonds Is limited to $110,000, of which $l"o,00O U hold In thf TiChMiiy and cm only bo l.ssucd for iwieiiRloiii and IiiiprouinciilA at $j iier tint, of tho cmt of such eteti loiu nnd linpioM'iiuntH as nnIilril for in the mortK.ifn The lnoiti;ar0 will ili.iwn by Wilson & Pellctli-r, of N'cw York, nnd aiiprovcl for tho Knickerbocker Tuist 'oniuiiy hy I hu linn of Julcs, atone and Aucibach, of Kctv York, Its coum.c'1. PBOPERTY. TliU rnmpiny Is a roniolld itlon of three properties the Klcitiic Ulit Co., U.is I'o. and bticct Itailuay Co., sertinR I'oit Jervlfl, New York. ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY. 11ns a large, substantial bilck power station with all tho neiot-mit- iii.u-liiuny for fm niahliiB llitbts and power ued In the town, also fumblm liowrr for Stieet li.illny. The t'oinp.iny has 'a (II) year contiact wllhh Tort .Trrtl for lit Ale- I.lchts aL jTl.C.D per light annually, also doct a largo and extensile commercial bmincm tint U steadily Imieiu'ina;. CAS COMPANY. 1'iopcrty tonslsU of Oas Hoine, Land, Tanks, Store lfou-, ie. The .ipnu.itiH consists of one (0) sl'i-foot and one (4) four-foot gas let, both in good condition. ti.u holders bavo a capacity of JS.OOO feet; has also tank rapacity for two cais of k.is oil. , The business of the (las t'ompiny is bleadily Increasing by reason of Mippljlnpr rh slotoi fo consiimrrs: they liatc plated In Use in the last few months li", totes mid hate con tiaeted for 250 additional to be delltcVed in March; al,o tho Coinpiny has enleted into contrarts ttlth large roiisumrln of fuel (jus, amoucr tlieni heintr the Krle Itallwav. Ultrly the ('oinpany has laid 11,(100 feet of new iras mains uud b.tto contiaeted for i.'i,000 feet additional, which will be laid ill Apiil and JIav. STREET RAILWAY. Has about W2 miles of tiark. to lb T. Hail, (I) four cars, Ci-ucr.il Klectilc Motois, llilll k Stpphen-on Cais. i The Stieet Hallway has been operated of late fiom its own power plant, but under the consolidation potti r will bo funiMied ficm electric Held station, theiebt niakhuc a laiRC MtliiR In operating cienses. It is intended to build additional milciKO to points ncaihy; whlclt will gi rally increase the mrnlniM of the Stiept llailwaj. GENERAL REMARKS. The properties until recently bao all been operated under wpautte nian.ureiiient, and liy this consolidation the ccv,t of operation will be largely decreased. The fninchl-es urn for 50 3 ears on all three properties. EARNINGS. The ncL tamiiisrs of the combinod nronertles are nnw nt f ho i.iti of nter s,Jl.f)0O tier annum :md Incrrasinj; steadily. Ai tiiis rate tno intciesc cii.irirci en howled Hoot. t The net earnings for December, 2,00!).fii. Detailed earnings are on file at our offlte. PORT JERVIS. Is located P0 miles from New York ("tty ami bad n population in 1000 of ii.ini), lias now ' about 12,0)0 with population immediately adjacent of 2,300 more !j. It is the end of the fir.-,t division of the Krle It. H which has Its shops (heir. " The business of the town is of u tarlod nature, including glass works, av t.ictoiy, silk mill, foundries, kc, , , There are also numerous pchoo's. rhurrhes and business blocks. Ilrpoit of W. V. I'raison, consultlm; engineer of Jietioiiolitau St. !. 1!. of Xcw York City, ami other infoimation i-rni on application. PRICE: 102 AND INTEREST. FLINT, JONES & CO., I HALL & XALBFLEISCH, 35 Wall street, New York. Broad Exch'ge B'ld'g., New York. nlty. It is worlh toll and l'rayer nnd patience. Hay (!od help j oil, to go out on the sea of life and sno perishing fouis. Rev. Jcnlcin Tteeso, of North Scran ton, made the cloalnfr adtlross, speak Iiik on the tl:ousht of "Looking Unto Jesus," as. a means of strengthenlne Christian life. "Ho is tlie liRht of tho world," he said, "well (juallfled to meet your every thought, ir in darkness, He Is the light; if in hunger, He is the bread of life. "He can make us good, great, noblo and happy, as there is no power to up compaipcl with the power of Jesus." Iter. Robert F. Y. Piprce, pastor ot the Penn Avenue Baptist church, re turned home Saturday night from Philadelphia, where on Saturday after noon he addressed the members of 200 junior societies in tho Trinity Methodist church, Fifteenth and Mount Vernon streets. He will conduct special ser vices every evening this week In the Penn Avenue Baptist church. THE MARKETS SATURDAY STOCK QUOTATIONS. The following quotations are furnlshcS Tho Til!) line by l. s. Jordan !c Company, rooms 703-700 litars building, Scranton, I'a. Telephone, G003: Open- High- Low- Clon ing, at. est. ins. Amcilo.ui sugar 12oVi 12G?4 123J4 12U Atthlhon "fl-ii TO?; 7fl'.B Tc.sj Atchison. '! 07',4 117 t7& 07?s Ilrook. Tiattlon K i)i lio?i (I314 It ilt. Ic Ohio 10.IV3 Wi'.i lfttli IftHi I'hes, & Ohio 4(1 IB'J I0ia !' riiio. k CI. W 2.1?i 2.1 23V, 2.1U St. I'aul mm KitVj ireii Villi Hock Island IfCJV-j IW.ij WJ lftl l.nckawanna 2SI 2sl SW'i !!0Vi Kan. k Te., I'r 5:! 5J 0.1 " SI Uuils. k y. .., latTi WITi 10.! I0i?i Manhattan i:ic 130 130 13V4 ISoU. Met. Traction 171 172 171H 171I MKsouii Pacific 10J?4 I0i 101 102 .Southern Pacific 111 u CW tll-14 Norfolk i- Western .... 00 M fill CO Kile .vli ai;i :i8'i wivi X. V, Central 102 fi IW ln- Out. k We-,1 3.1 Mi ::.l .?i I'cnn.i, Ii, 11 H')i 11') HDV, H0Ja I'aelllc Mall 4Vj Jjij 15'i aji,3 llcadlns 5(111 Gcl flij flllif, lteadiiiL,-, IT Si WV4 SJ 82!4 Routbern It. 11 .1.1 :uii 33 ;ii Sjiithtrn 11. It,, I'r .... Ml! i.Hi (ii?! uil 'linn. Coal k Iron .,., uiij (HI', aiU itili I'. S. leather, IT Sii4 ,s0?i soli S0i r. s. liiihbcr .'. ni i,iii u?4 1314 I'nlou I'.ttlflo 101 llK 101 10Ui I nlon I'aelllc, IT ...... WAU S'Hi Hi'i BIH Wabash, I'r 42 J2a 12 4.214 Col. Fuel k Iron si?; So Wi sm. Am il. Copper 7Sli 70 77 7ft 1'iople'n (la.i ,..,, Cl?i l(Xi inn (cii .:''. si','1 :; IS!! 15 Til, 151! 'li'Mis I'.tcilic Jlsli MSI! "Mi .'tsil Am. Car roundly 201! 29'i 201J Am. Car i'uiindiy, IT., Alii M &,!! Hili V. S. Steel C naj 41 41U 41H U. S. Steel Co,, IT .... (Ulj 01 Wi-; W'j Scranton Board of Trade Exchanpo Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Lackawanm Dairy Co., IT County Satimjs. Hank k TnM Co.,. First X'tional Dank (Carbomlalc) ,, Standard Drlllinc Co. .,,,..,, Third Notional Hank llluie Deposit and Discount Hank,. Economy l.lcht. II. k 1', Co. ,.,,. 1 'it tit National Dank I.uikl. Trtbt k Safe Deposit Co,,.. (.'Ink k Snoycr Co., IT Scranton Iron Fence k Mfij. Co. ... rcrtnton Axle Works ,, Sciuntou Satlngs Iljnl; ,,..,.. 'liailert.' National Hank ....,,,,,,,, Scianloii Holt k Xut Co ,,,,,,,,, People's Bmilc ,,...,,, New Mexico Hy, i O, Co I10SDS, Scranton lTaseniter Hallway, flrt lloitiuge, due 1020 ,,,, , People's street ltiilwuy, tlrsi niort- SW, due 1018 , ,,... People's btreet Hallway, (leneral niorlL'SRe, due u21 ,.,. DicUon Mauufaettirlng Co ,,., l.aeki. Town, hip School 5 per cent. City of Scranton St. Imp. 6 per cent. ., , ,. Scranton Tiactluii 0 per cent. .... Economy Light, Ileal is Power Co.. Uld. Asked. 00 ... SOU SO M0 ,,, 273 ... 10 1.100 ,., 195 125 ... 100 05 W0 ,,, "3 . ibi ... U5 ,.. ..., 75 115 , 115 .,. 115 ... ... 100 .,, 102- ... KB 115 ... VS ... Scranton Wholesale Market. (Coircctn) by 11, U. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ate.) Flour-!. W. Heans-Ji.CO. llultvr I'rikh creumiiy, 'ijcj Juno (rmincry, 23Hc.j daltj, 22c. CheeiellVjalic. 1'SU Xtaiby, 32e,j fancyterjgc, Sic, FINANCIAL, NEW YOUK. 1 am iriwn h wrw.if tho earnings are sufficient to piy nearly twice . F. MEGARGSL & CO. STOCKS. BONDS, SECURITIES CONNBLL BUILDING, 1. F. llcgargel. Hoy Chester Megargol. AJLAJDTJJETABJS.r Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In KITcet Nov. 3, 1901. Trains lento Scranton fot New Yoik At 1.40, 3,15, 0 0.1, 7.00 and 10.05 a. in.; 12.15, .'1.10, 3..13 p. in. For New Yoil: and Philadelphia 7.50, 10.05 a. m and 12,45 and 3.W p. in. For Tohj haniu At II. 10 p. m. For UufTalo 1.15, 0.22 and 11.00 a. in.; 1.55, 0.50 rnd 11.35 p. m. For HiiiK bamton and v.ay stations 10.20 a. in, and 1.10 p. in. Foi Oswciro, Siacui.e and Lltlca 1.15 and U.22 a. in.; 1.55 p. m. Oswego, Siacu.-e and I'tica tiain at u.22 a. in. dilly, cxcejit Sunday, For Montrose 9.00 a. m.; 1,10 and ii.50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 0.15 p. in. Hloomhurg Ditislon For .Voithiiiubcrlaud, at (1.35 and 10.0,", a. in. ; 1.55 and (1.10 p. m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 n, in.; 3.10 and 9.00 p. in Sunday Trains For New York, 1.10, 3.15, 0.05 and 10.05 a. in,; 3.10, 3.33 p. m. I'or Hntlalo 1.15 and 0.22 a. m.; 1.55, 0.50 and 11.35 p. m. For Uingbamton and way btatlom, 10.20 a. m, Hloomsburg Division Leave S'uanton, 10.05 a. m. und 0.10 p. in. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule in Effect Juno 2, 1001, Trains leave Scranton: 0,38 a. m week days, through estlbulc train front Wilkes-Barre. Pull man buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadel phia, i.i PotUville; stops al principal Interme diate stations. Also connects tor .Sunhuij, Ilar tlsbtirg, Philadelphia, Uultlmorc, Washington and for Pittsburg and the west, 0.3S a. m., week dajs, for Stinbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the west. 1.42 p. m., week tlij-d (Sundays, l.M p. m.), for Sunbiiry, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Ilaltlmoie, Washington and I'ittfcburK nnd the wct. 3.2S n. in., weik davs, through uutihulc train from WIlkes-Haire. Piiltmun butfet pirlor car and coaches to Philadelphia la, I'ottBtllle. Stops at principal intemiciinio stations. 1.27 p. in. week days, for Ifanleton, Sunbury, liartlsb'trg, Philadelphia and Pittsbuig. .1. II. lim'CIIIVs.ON, den. Jlgr. J. 1). WOOD, Cen. Pass. Agt. Hew Jersey Central. In Kftect Nov. 17, 1001. Stations in New Yo.k, foot of Libeity stieet and South Feiry, X. 11, Trains Irttc Kenintou for Xrtv Yoik, I'blladel. phla. F.b.ton, Iletldebi m, Allentown, Maurh clninl:. White Haven. Ashley and Wilkes-Hana at 7.30 a. m., 1 p. in. and 4 p. in. Sunday, 2,10 p. m. (Juaker 1,1 ty l!iii' lettcs Scranton at 7.:0 a. in,, ininugii soiui vi'atiouic- tiain witn ruunun llurlet Parlor Cars, for Philadelphia. i'or Aoea, 1'ittston ami Will.cs-Ilane, 1 p. m. and 4 p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. nt, For Long Hrancli, Ocean (liote, etc, ,W a. m. and 1 p. ni. I'or Heading, Lebanon and llarrlsbmg, ia AI lenlowu, at 7,.i0 a, m, and 1 p. in. Sunday, 2,10 I', m. For PotUilllo at 7.30 a. in. and 1 p. in, Foi Mini uud iltkcts apply to ugtitt at etatlon. ft 51, I1UHT. aen. Pa.s. Agt. W. W. Wi:VrZ, (len. Stipt. Delaware and Hudson. In Ftlcd November 21, 1001. Tiulus fur Ctitbomlalo IciM' beraiiton at 0.20, 8,00, S.63, 10.13 a. lit. : 12.00, l.2', 2..1I, 3,52, 5 20, 0.25, 7.57, 0,15, 11,20 p. in.; 1.31 a. in. Fur llunewlale U.20, 10,13a, in.; 2.31 and 3.20 p. in. I'or WilU3-H.iire-n.3S 7. is, 6.11. :.., 10 4.1 a. m.; 12.U.I, 1,42, 2.1s, 3.2s, 4.27, u.lii, ",l, 10.41, 11,30 p. III. For h. V, It. It. PoinU-o.as, 0.S.S a. in.; 2,13, 4.27 ami 11.30 p. in. For I'eiuih) IvanU n. It. Points U.3S, 0.3S a. ill.; 1.12. 3.2S and 1.27 p. III. I'or Albany and alt iwinu iioith 0.20 a. in, and 3.52 p, in, SUNDAY TIUI.NS. For Caibon.lalo S.50, 11.3.1 a, in.; 2.31, 3.C2. 5.52 and 11.17 p. in. For Wllktb-llant 0.3S a. in.; 12.0J, J.SS, IS.li, li.32 uud 0.17 p. in. For Albany upd point's north 3.52 p. in. Fur llimodaie S.60 a, in. and .'1.52 p. ni. W, L. PHVOH, D, 1". A., Scuiiton, Pa. Erie Ballroad, Wyoming1 Division. Tialns for Xcw York, Xvwbiuijh and intenue. dlate points bate Svrantuii a., follow; 7.20 a, in,; 2.21 D. m. ArrltuU 10.35 a. in, fiom Mbldlutonn, llcuei dale, Hawley and iiiteiiuodiate point, u.20 p. in, tioiu New York, Newbtirgh ami iutciiucdiaU point. No Sunday traiin, ITa.-Per bushel, (1.50. 1'otatoe.s l'ci biuiicl, Isjc, Onions I'll bushel, frl.Ml. Tobacco Stemrnery Destroyed, By Kxcliulte Wire fiom Tha Associated Prrsa. ColLUboro, X. ft, Fib. -'. ITItcluid and Win. ttcad'a big tobacco lcii)iuciy, together with u large nuautlty of leaf tobaico, wa'i totally de ktrojed by llio lat night. The los is between ?10,000 und f50,000, with $S0,O00 InsuiaiKv. " The Day Starts off Right When You 1-ave a Cup of WHITE HOUSE Mocha. COFFEE J,ava' with your breakfast. It has a flavor that's all Its own you don't get It in any other brand. It Is sold by nil grocers In I and 2-pound cans only. Packed nncl sealed by us and guaranteed full weight. DWINELL, WRIGHT CO., Boston. For Sale by the SOBANTON. J. T. Boyer. Wm. G. Conrad. Koystono Store Co Penn Store Co. Harry A. Pierce. Seaman s Bros. John P. Stansbury. H, F. Stansbury. Philip Waltlspurger I. H. Stevens. William Perry. Charles Graf. M. Dinner. A. Turnbull. P. McNally. AECHBALD. Dickson Store Co. AVOCA. E. Laird & Bro. CABBONDALE. Alvord & Male. Miss M. E. Arnold. W. G. Bowers. B. S. Clark. Edwards & Bcese. D. W. Humphrey. A. E. Myers. N. P. Stevens. DICKSON Dickson Store Co. EDUCATIONAL. Swarthmor College SWARTHMORE. PA, UNDER MANAGEMENT OF FRIENDS f j Offers Pour Courses of Study" Leading to Decrees: I PRCPARINQ FOR BUSINESS LIFE, OR FOR THE STUDY OF THE LZARNED PROFESSIONS Character Always the Primary Consideration Extensivo Campus; Beautiful Situation nnd Surroundings; Sanitary Conditions the Boat; Thorough Instruction ; Intelligent Physical Culture. CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION WILLIAH W. B1RDSALL, President THE K2C POWDER Rooms 1 nml2, C'oia'lla BTd's. SOBANTON, PA. lining and Blasting Ut'ia IX Mooila nnd Ruiti lata Worlu. LAPLIN ft RAND POWDBR CO.'3 ORANQE GUN POWDER Eh'otrlo Dattorlea, Eleotrlo ICinloJtrc, exploding ulasti, safety Fuss u.i 1 Repauno Choraical Co.'s man P.XPLO; 1VCB RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In ntTect, Nov. 3, 1U01, Trains lc.no Scranton, I'or Hillmlclpliiu ami New York vii I). It II, It. It., at U.KS -mil 9.3S j. in., .mil 2.18, 4.27 (lllack DiJinoml Cxprj-H), Jiul 11.3'J p. in, bun cl.ijs. 1). & II. It.- U..M.3S, b,ll i. in. I'or VMilto Ilaun, ll.i.lcloi, .mil pilnclpjl points In the co.il resloin, ij ll. ,t II. It. It.. ".'IS, '-'.IS anil 1.27 p. in, I'or I'otuullv. U.JS .t. in., '.'.IS p. in. Tor Itothli'litm, Kanun, Ilejtliii;, ll.iirWniii;, ami principal intcinicilijtu ktatlon... tla II. k II, It, It., 11,3, !l.3S a. in,; '.'.IS, l.'J7 lllluck 1)U ii'onil Kipifb), 11.J0 p. in. 5-iuuIJii, l. ,!: II. It. It., t'.JS ii. in. i l.f.", S.27 p. in, I'or 'Iniiklkiuiiocl., 'iowumU, Kliiiiiu, Itliaia, flcncva ami prliiclii.il liitciiiuill.itu lalloii4, U 11., I,, .uul . II. It., S.in a, in. unci J.W p. in. I'or (Inula., IturlieiWl, ItotTalo, XlJifJU 1'aIU, Chlcasn ami ull polnt.H Mt, li.t I). & II. It II., T.lSi, t.'.Ul a. in. 1.12. i!.2, (IIUiU IHjiiioiiU ll pnMn). ".43, JiMI, ll.-'JU p. in. MimlJjo, D. k II. It. it., 12.0J, S.27 p. iii. I'ullmuii parlor ami tlrqilns or l,f!ilirli Vullr) I'arlor care on all UmIih bcturui ivilkc-llairu ami New Yoik, I'lillaJ.'Iphlj, llurialo ami bupen iion IliUt'o. ltOU.IX II. Wli.liril, ('in. Supt., SO forlland street, Xcw Yurk. C'llAlII.i:s S, I.KII, Cv'ii. I'1. ,sx 2c OnllanJ stu-c-t, Nc York. A. V. N0NI:M.M.'1II:II, Ul,-. 1'a.i. Aut bouth llctlilciidii, 1'J. Tor ticket ami I'lillniaii ic-ciiatlons jpply to city ticket otllct, U I'uUic bijuaic, Vlkia.llaiie, I'J, New York, Ontario and Western. Jn LBrtt 'i'ucwlay, Sept. 17, luol. xoitiii iioi:u, I,?avs I.e.tio nite Tiulni. Xo. 1 . No. 7 - i-itjiiton. Cailwmljle. ' Catloiiu. .10.30a. in. II. 10. i. hi. l.tWji. in, , I,. to p. in. Ar. (JailMiulale 0. t) p. ni. -.Ollfil IIUtM). I,iio l.cato nl Cailola. I'ailioi'ilale. bcianton. 7 Oil a. in. 7.10 a. in. Traiin, No. U , No. 2 2.1 p. m. l.txip. in. 1.10 ii. in. iiL'MI.Wr. ll.M.Y, XOIllll IIOUM). Lcatc I.eaiu Airlve Tralm. Xo. ii No. ! bt'ianton. CjiI'OihIjIo. C'adoolu, , u.30a. ill. U.lOp, in. 10.13 a. in, . 7.00 p. in. At. Culion'Iali! 7.(0 p. 1,1, Mll'Til 1101. XII. iA-aii; I.,'.nc Arrive C'jUo.ilJ. CailniiiOalr, Stiaiiton. 7.U0 a, in. 7.l0a.in. J Jil ,. , O Oil ,. ,. I", i, , Tiulni. Xo, II Xo. 10 J. " ,..... T . ' ,.. V.V. ,'. .... ... t , ,' .... ''. !... V.. 1 .... ..not. ill). tittil O r.. Siiml,,. make main line conucilloiu for New oik cliy, Ml.lilkloMi, Walton, oiuidi, Oiu'IJj, O.tnt't'O uml all fioinU ui't. I'or ftirllier infonualioit ucnvilt ticket asenU J. C. AXDIilttlOX. (J. I A., ,Vew Yoik. J. E, WtLSIl, T. I". A Scuutoii, l'j. vJmJtVw i jMfxfiKiBFMmml rfazftMwK3?9ffi&4K!UKiEL Following Concerns: DUNMOBB. Albert Naegoli. HYDE PABK. G. F. Eynon & Co. P. J. McCann. Penn Store Co. JEBMYN. P. Cain & Son. PEOKVILIiB Koystono Store Co. F. A. Peck. PITTSTON. ,T. D. Delahunty. PITTSTON JUNCTION. Thomas Maloney. PBOVIDENCE. J. K. Smith. Gilroy & McAnulty. C. F. Crossman. BICHMONDAXE. Keystono Storo Co. TAYLOB. John Thomas. THBOOP. Dickson Storo Co. WEST PITTSTON. C. G. Lewis. WYOMING. Hugh Cheswortli. WINTON. Mt. Jessup Coal Co. EDUCATIONAL.. The Course in Arts The Course in Science, The Course in Letters The Course in Engineering C ree By a recent act of tho legisla ture, free tuition is now granted at the Literary Institute and State Normal School Bloomsburg, Pa. to all those preparing to teach. TW3 school maintains courses of study for teachers, for those preparing for college, and for those studying music. It will piy to nrlto for particular No other ftliool oders tucli superior ad vantifca ct such low rates. Addren J. P. Welsii, A. H.t Ph. D., Pria. Tuition S0KANT0N COIIRE3PONDEN0E S0HO0L3, SCRANTON, lA. T. J, Foster, President. Timer II. Lawall, Xress. '" It, J. foster. Stanley I. AUn, Vice President. Secretary. is i I Lager Beer Miuiiir&ctiiror3 or OLD STOCK 48B to 455 N. Ninth Btreot, . PA Telephone Cull, '233 J. Brewery wvimmaMm'