The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 03, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    np$ -
" 4 ;t-iv,i;.
Attendance Far Exceeded the Expec
tations of tho Promoters Christian
Endcnvor Day In the Churches.
Spenkcasy Kcepors Arrested nnd
Fined News of tho Churches Tire
at the Qas House Coming Events.
Busy Days for Police Other Mat
ters of General Intel est.
XotwItliRtiinillnK tho ill.suKri'uiihle
wwitlicr of lust uvcnlng, tlu-re wiih an
excellent 1 olicMi-Hitl of the cluilr organ
ized nt thi .IiicUmhi Htrtot Huntlm
uliurcli, hint Sunday evening, for the
imtlonnl eisteddfod. .Thu iittcndnncc
wiih beyond the hlghi'iit nntlclpiitlon of
the lender, and all rulicenied feel most
gratified al I hi' line xliowliur.
Thu competitive selection. "Tin- Night
Is Dcnurtlmr," win lelioniKed. mill
I'l-of, Unvlt Davle.s. the ennductor.
handled thin illllieiilt selection with
perfect ease and proved himself to he
a most capable leader. Mrs. D. IS.
ThomiiH presided at the organ, domer
Jlccso wan elected vice-president.
The next rehearsal will ho huh? next
Sunday evening lit the .liiukHon Street
liaiitlst chuich. and thu iiresence of
cVer.v memher Is ilcslf-ed. A full list of
all simmers will ho published in the near
Christian Endeavor Day.
At the Jiollovue Welsh Cnlvinlslle
Methodist church yesterday, thu Voting
People's society of Christian Emlt'iiviv
held exercises in observance of Chi is
tian Endeavor Day.
The morning services were opened by
n congregational hymn, followed by
leading of tho Scripture and prayer by
llov. William Davis. Miss Ktllth Da
vis then rendeied a solo with her usual
grace, after -which Miss Owen James
gave a short address.
A quartette- rendered "Nmrer My
God to Thee," followed by a short ad
dress by loan James. The services
were closed by the Christian Endeavor
benediction. .
The services were continued nt 2
o'clock, nnd were opened by singing
and with prayer by the pastor. Thoma.4
AV. Jones rendered a solo. The pas
tor's wife then delivered an address to
the children.
The Misses Isabel Davis and Elsie
"Williams sans a duet, which was fol-
DtifoQr's French Tar
Will promptly relievo and speedily cure
roughs, colds and nil lung trouble. For
fale by 0. W. JUXKIXS, 101 Soutli Slain
a enuc.
v y vt) f i$i (d i 6 i S i t d Vd 0) vi) id d) ; -
1 Visit the Textile Art Gallery 1
We have just received, fresh from tho looms, $
some of the most dainty creations of the gf;
weaver's art. st-
Charming designs, and you have a consider- ?
able collection to choose from in every re- &
spect tbe most interesting offering of the kind g;
we ever had. We tell you here the simple
story in the plainest language we can com- g
lnand, This stock is unusually large and the
styles are very effective. g:
I Here Is a Synopsis
Grenadine Hlppiquc Black, white and
works, with dainty sprays and figures.
ATftloil Batiste White and colored grounds with dots and
Swiss Silks Charming Fabiic with silk shoots throughout and
prettv flower designs.
Mercerized CIminliray Plain colors, fancy stripes, polka-dots
and other designs. All the regulation shades.
Cliambray Madras 32 inches and linen color. There's plain,
polka-dots and lappet effects,
Exposition Batiste Foulard patterns in fancies, figures and
polka-dots. Plain goods as well.
Finale Batiste Sprays and fancy stripes.
rineapplc Tissue A woven fabric and the colors are not
printed, There's stripes and checks in this.
Dotted SWISS Pink, green, grey, yellow, blue, brown, laven
der, Persian, black and white and white and black in fig
ures and designs.
Giuizo Do Sole, Organelle,
Funtasio Suisse, Tourguuy Novelty,
Rnglish Madras, English Chevisos, in Skirting Stripes.
Corded Gauze de Soie, Leno Gauze de Soie, Leno Orguti
zine, Striped Gauze de Paris, Silk and Linen Tissue, Flem
ish Lace Stripes, and lots ol others
TjcSrThese new goods are opened up aud we
are satisfied with them. But will you be? That is
a the question, We don't see how you cau help it,
a with such a choice lot of weaves and colors. At auy
a rate, the goods are here, opeu for your inspection
a and praise.
1 Globe Warehouse 1
lowed by nn address by Prof. D. A.
Btone. After a congregational hymn,
the meeting waB closed.
Of a Social Nature.
Mrs. Florence Lewis, of 1514 Lafay
ette street, was tendered a surprise
party on Saturday evening, when her
numerous friends gathered nt her homo
and made merry. Games of the usual
order wcio Indulged in, and tit n lute
hour dainty refreshments were served.
In uttendnnco were the following!
MIhsoh Ueatrlco Thomas, Klolse Thom
as, Mnrjery Keller, Margaret Ciarey,
Kathcrlne Early, Lizzie Morris, Mar
garet Hughes, Violet, Huble und llattlc
Humphreys, Haltle Hnldwln, Eleanor
"vVooltmeh, Mntnle Fleming, Hubert Hel
ler, Willie Heller, nnd Messrs. Charles
Bryant, Elmer Thonms, Demart AVIil
nrr. Itov Davis and Wltlleld Williams.
The Misses Annie Jordan, Lydla Mc
Donald, I.aura l.nvolle. 'Katie Johnson,
Margnrot Fleming, Sadie Arthurs, Kate
limine. Mary Lawless, Mnbel Mullen,
Martini Urcnnan, Margaret (lllroy, Hose
Johnson, Mary McOrnw, Katie Moran,
Annie Hurst. Mary Cannon. and Messrs.
Frank Moran, Justin McCarty, Frank
McIIale, Leo McAloon, James Olbney,
Jaines McHugh, Martin Lawless, John
C.llroy, Joseph Gibbons, Will lllddlc and
Hugh O'Uoyle, pupils of St. Patrick's
school enjoyed a slelghrlde to Olyphant
on Friday, where they had lunch, und,
afterwuid returned to their homes.'
Lithuanians Meet.
On Friday evening tho West Side
Lithuanian club held their annual busi
ness meeting and elected the following
ofllcers to servo for 11)02:
President, Andrew Kruuchoim: vice
president, Senior Cuslck: treasurer,
Charles Sllchlas; secretary, Charles
Cuslck: board of directors
Popal, Joseph AVanagus and
Fire in Gas House.
What might have been a serious fire
was narrowly averted on Friday after
noon at i.43 o'clock, when Humes shot
out of the gas house on Scrnnton stieet.
The lire was near one of tho largo
furnaces, which had ignited the wood
work. A garden hose was secured and
the blaze extinguished.
In Police Court. .
The past two days have been busy
ones for the policemen. The speak
easies of James Dlack. of Frlnk street,
and Hugh Sheridan, of Sixteenth street,
were raided, and these, old offenders
arrested and taken to tho police station,
where the magistrate lined them $50, In
default of which they will spend the
next two months in the county jail.
At Sheiidan's place the police found
that he was using the space beneath
the back porch for a wine cellar.
Washburn Street Church.
Dr. Moffat delivered a sermon yes
terday morning that very few of our
church people could afford to miss
hearing. The text was from Malhew,
At the evening service the Christian
Endeavor society conducted the twenty-first
anniversary of the birth of the
movement. Several addresses were
colored ground Si
mndo. The Bible school orchestra ns
stated In tho music.
Tho new volunteer choir rendered a
very pretty selection at tho morning
service. The orchestra gave two de
lightful selections at the Ulble school
An effort Is to bo mndo to hnvo all
tho members of (ho school nrovldod
with a Ulble of their own. Beginning
with next Sabbath, a part of the open
ing exercises, will be tnken from the
Bible In place of using the quarterlies
all through the service. '
A special committee will soon be an
nounced for tho purposo of raising
funds to repair tho parsonage. It Is
badly In need of It. It Is also unfor
tunate thnt the trustees have no funds
to have urgent repairs made on the
Plrst Baptist Church.
Tho pastor, Itov. S. F. Mathews, oc
cupied the pulpit ut both services yes
terday nt tho First Baptist church. In
the morning ho preached from thu text,
"Therefore, my son, bo strong In the
grace which Is In Christ Jesus."
In the evening he delivered an ex
cellent discourse from the theme, "The
Baptist Doctilnc of the World to
Thlr evening the monthly business
meeting of the church will be held and
us business of Importance will bo
brought before tho meeting, tho at
tendance of nil members Is desired.
Tho Ladles' Aid society Is making
extensive olYorts to succeed with their
Martha Washington entertainment and
social, which will be held Friday even
ing, February 21.
Among the Churches.
The services at the Jackson Street
Baptist church were very well at tend
ed yesterday. In the morning, the pas
tor preached from the Xxt, "The First
Persecution." The evening service was
opened by a song service, led by an
orchestra, which was followed by a
short address by the pastor on the
"Imporlshnbleness of a Good Life."
Hev. James Bennlnger delivered a
forceful sermon on "What Seats to Oc
cupy," at the evening service of tile
Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal
church. At 10.30 o'clock was held the
reception of probationers nnd the
Lord's supper.
"Tho Gospel Published to the Hea
then," and "The Efilcacy of the Divine
Word," respectively, were the themes
upon which Itev. A. L. Burner, Ph. D.,
pastor of St. Mark's church, preached
two sermons of great merit yesterday.
Fourth Ward Mission.
The Fourth ward mission of the First
Welsh Baptist church Is gaining rap
idly in strength and members, under
the able leadership of Prof. James It.
Since assuming charge of the mission
work hu has labored very faithfully,
und the result Is now noticeable.
The school has placed a new furnace
in tho building.
Funeral of Mrs. Joseph.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Atah
Joseph, who died at her home, 123 Hen
ncssy court, wns held Saturday after
noon. The remains were taken to St. Pat
rick's church, and after the celebration
of tho mass were laid ut rest in the
Cathedral cemetery.
Coming Events.
February will have tho usual number
of social events, entertainments, etc.,
among' which are the following:
The Woman's guild of St. Murk's
church will conduct a clam chowdci
supper on Thursday evening, Febru
ary 6.
Tho twenty-ninth anniversary of
Washington camp, No. ITS, Patriotic
Order Sons of America, will be ob
served on February 12, when an enter
tainment and social will be held.
Miss Mary Ileeeham and Kdward
Webber, both of Lincoln Heights, will
be united In marriage on Wednesday
evening, In the Hampton Street Metho
dist Episcopal church, by the pastor,
Rev. James Henninger.
On Washington's birthday the Sun
day school of the First Welsh Congre
gational church will hold a Columbian
supper In the church parlors.
Tho members of tho South Main Ave
nue Welsh Culvlnistlc Methodist church
will conduct an entertainment in tho
church on February 11. A programme
of merit will be rendered.
Tomorrow evening, in St. David's
church parlors, will bo held an enter
tainment and social. A fine programme
lias been prepared.
The Ladles' Aid society of the First
llaptlst church will hold a Martha
Washington entertainment and social
on February 21 in tho church narlors.
Tho ladles nre preparing n programme
of unusual merit.
Mrs. D. n. Thomas' ladles' choir will
not meet this evening, ns announced.
There will be no rehearsals for the next
two weeks.
On Saturday 11. G. Morgan was re
appointed u notary public by Governor
The Sntvntlnn Army barracks' on
Price street lias been closed indefinitely,
on account of the smallpox.
Local No, 203, Team Drivers' Inter
national Union, will meet in regular
essslon Monday, February 3, at Leon
ard's hall.
BEKNAIID MAWN, n well-known
resident of the Twelfth ward, passed
away on Saturday morning at tho fam
ily residence, on South Irving avenue,
aged 02 years, deuth being due to pneu
monia. Ho is survived by his aged wuenta
nnd the following brothers and sisters:
Mrs. M, J. Duffy, Mrs. Bridget Foley,
MIbb Casslo Mawn, Messrs. Patrick,
Charles, Francis and John Mawn,
The funeral will tnko place tomorrow
morning. Services will bo held (u Rt,
Peter's cutheijrul ut 9 u, in., and inlf.r
ment will bo mndo in the Cathedral
cemetery. ,
JAMES MULltOV, of Sixteenth
street, died nt his homo on Saturday
night nt 10 o'clock from heart failure,
Ho is survived by three daughters,
Mary. Bridget und Kate; also one son,
James, Tho funeral will bo held from
St. Patrick's church Tuesday morning
at 0 o'clock, Interment in tho Cathe
dral cemetery.
The funeral of tho late David A. Will
iams Will tltko Place thin mnriilno- fi-nm
pie home, on Sixth street, Hev. llobert
li-, x. i-ierco, or mo l'enn Avenue Bap-
usi cuurcn, will t'onuuet tiu service,
and the remains will bo, taken to
S'tfoudsburg for Interment,
John Schroedol wns Surprised by His
Frionds on Saturday Night nnd
wns Tendered a Reception In Zul
ngor's Hall Presented with e. Mor
ris Chair Now Members Inltlnted
by tho Fourteen Frionds Other
Interesting News Notes nnd Por
sonel Mention.
John Sehroedel, the well known mer
chant baker, of 712 Ccdnr nvenue, was
forty years old on Saturday and In
honor of the event n genuine old-fashioned
surprise party was planned nnd
successfully carried out by a few Inti
mate and ndmliing friends.
Tho arrangements were Intrusted to
three matrons: Mrs. Tlorlck, Mrs. Hess,
and Mrs. Welde, who ably performed
tho work assigned them. Zulngor'H spa
cious hull nnd residence was kindly
placed at tho disposal of the committee
and early in the day It was well stocked
with solid and liquid refreshments.
At S o'clock the Invited guests be
gan to assemble, and shortly after
wards Mr. Schroedol was notified to at
tend n meeting of the Scrnnton Snen
gerrunde or which he Is vice-president.
On his nrrival lie was ushered
quietly Into the presence of the Jovial
conspirators, about forty, couples being
grouped In the dunce hall. He was
completely demoralized nnd before he
could recover his speech he wus lit
erally showered with congratulations
nnd good wishes. After a short recep
tion the guests formed themselves Into
various groups and proceeded to enjoy
the occasion In a very happy manner.
At 11 o'clock a delicious supper was
served. after which danclnpg was re
sumed and kept up until after mid
night. Mr. Schroedol was presented
with a magnificent Moiris chair dur
ing the evening as a memento of tho
occasion, while singing by the Saeu
gerrundo was one of the features of
the evening.
Those present were: Itov. 10. J.
Schmidt and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John
Sehroedel, Mr. nnd Mrs. Adam Neuls,
Mr. and Mrs. Itorlck, Mr. and Mrs.
John Mais, Mi, and Mrs. Jacob Engle,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Piel. Mr. and
Mrs, Jacob Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Schribor, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Graf,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herman, Mr. and
Mrs. John Zlesmer, Mr. and Mrs. Au
gust Hngen, Mr. nnd Mrs. William
Baumgartner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank'
Lehmkuhl. Mr. und Mrs. Berthold
Schadt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schwenker,
Mr. and Mrs. John U. Schwenker, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Max Ludwig, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Welde, Mr. and Mrs. George
Welde. Mr. and Mrs. Gustnv Schultz,
Mr. and .Mrs. William Kuhner, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Michael Fultz, Mr. and Mr3.
Loronz Huberstroh, Mr. nd Mrs. Peter
Post, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bleu, Mr.
and Mrs. John Krans, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Hoberstroh, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Richard Zulager, Messrs. John Schnei
der, Adam Frantz, Sebastian Herbes
ter, William Puhl, Professor Theo.
Hemherger, Fred Otto, Charles
Scheuch, Adam Lelhllng. Edward Con
ley, Adam Mazel, William Kulke, John
Schroedol, jr., William Carman.
Tho Misses M. Kuhn, Lena Michellt,
Carrie Kelb, Barbara Gebhardt.
Mrs. Jacob Hartman, airs. Jacob
Sohns. Mrs. Schroeder, Mrs. Forkol,
Mrs. Hoffman, Mrs. AVelsmnn, Mrs.
Julia Gebhardt, Mrs. Henry HelntK.
Notes of the Kirmess.
For the success of the recent Kir
mess the Teachers' Benefit society arc
largely indebted to the South Scran
ton contingent which took part, and
especially to Mrs. Thomas H. Spruks,
of Prospect avenue, who worked night
and day to render the affair a suc
cess financially.
Mrs. Spruks is one of those amiable
ladies who are always ready to assist
others, and she Is at all times ready to
respond to tho call of charity or a
worthy cause.
She delights in well doing nnd tn
lighten the burden of the poor Is with
Sirs. Spruks a labor of love. Her
kindly Christian disposition has be
come generally known and there Is no
one wo know of who possesses more
completely the respect and esteem of
the community than the lady In 'ques
tion. The little HelntK children also added
to the success of the affair, but every
one from this side did well and there
fore It is hnrdly fair to particularize.
Fourteen Frionds in Session. ,
A regular business meeting of the
Fourteen Friends was held in nest's
hotel Saturday night and there wnn
a large attendance. Important matters
were discussed for n time and two new
members were duly received In the
society after riding the goat and com
plying with the rules and regulations
as set forth by Sergeant-at-Arms Al.
Holer. Tho new members nre Fred
Kirchoff and Peter Hang, Jr.
A social session followed the meeting
and a merry evening was brought to n
close sharp at 12 o'clock,
News Notes.
St, Mary's Glee and Dramatic as
sociation which has headquarters at
St. Mary's hall rear of Hickory street,
will hold the regular monthly meeting
this evening nt S o'clock sharp nnd all
members nre specially urged to at
tend, llusiness of Importanco will bo
brought up and tho election of officers
for the coining twelvo months will bo
In order.
The Chornl Union will meet in regu
lar session and continue tho rehearsal
of "Under the Palms," which will be
rendered at tho opening of the new
parish house, Tho severe weather Is
Interfering with tho builders and the
work may not bo completed before
Tlie regular monthly meeting of the
Jun'ger Muennerchor will tnko place
next Friday evening at 8 o'clock sharp.
Lore n z Huberstroh, of Cedar nvenqe,
mndo n Hying business trip to New
York city Saturday night.
Camp 130, P. O, S. of A., will meet
in regular session this evening.
A slight lire, caused by un over
heated stove, In a houso on Schlmpff's
court, near Hickory street, culled out
the Century Hose company lust night.
The Ular.o wns easily extinguished.
As well o) t!it lumhomest, anil other arc Invlteil
to call on any druggist aiul Kft tree J trUl liottlo
of Junni'n balsam (or tho Throat ana I.ungi, a
remedy tint l guaranteed to cuiu and relieve all
Chronic and Acute Couglis, .tliu, Droiu-tiltli
aud Ooiwumi'Uon. I'jice ;.. and Vk.
The prices mentioned today will be good all week.
$10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 27-Inch Jackets, box front and back, with
oxblood and black. To close out, priced at
$12.50, $15.00 and $18.00 42-Inch Auto Coats, yoke front and back,
and satin lined, tan, castor, blue, oxblood and black. To close out, priced
All "Raglans" at Half Price.
$30.00 and $45.00 Near Seal
Buy any of the 5 at close-cut price
$15.00 $18.00 and $20.00
broadcloth, black, blue, castor and
this week
A splendid opportunity to buy a
in April you will find it necessary to
The " Marion Harland " Coffee Pot
Insures to every home perfection in the art of making a delicious, healthful and Invigorating cup of coffee.
It is a scientifically constructed coffee pot, and is recommended by the highest medical authorities as the
world's greatest and best coffee maker.
Why the "Harton Harland " Coffee Pot Is the Best
BECAUSE It saves 40 per cent, of coffee.
BECAUSE It Is so simple a child can use it.
BECAUSE It will condense all vapor and keep the coffee hot.
BECAUSE It thoroughly filters the coffee infusion, making it bright and clear.
BECAUSE A cup of "Marion Harland" coffee will make you forget that you are tired.
BECAUSE You can buy them this week at the Big Store at special prices.
1-Quart Size. Special 89c
2-Quart Size. Special $1.20
3Quart Size. Special 1.45
The nations of the fair during the
last week heard some of the finest con
certs given since the opening. Friday
evening the North Scrnnton Glee club,
which Is eo widely known throughout
the val'cy, gave an excellent pro
gramme, wl.ich wus greatly appreciated
by thosi present.
Saturday evening tho Providence Sil
ver Cornet band rendered tho following
programme: March, "Fargo Opera
House" (E. It. "Wright): overture, "Cri
terion" (H. C. Miller); cornet solo,
"Three Star Polka" (E. M. Bagley),
John Nolan; medley, "Sweet, Old Song"
(Dolly); mnrch (Franz Blam); conduc
tor, Prof. M. J. Kane.
The funeral of the late Fred O. Fron
bcrry will take place from his late resi
dence. 2.')12 Amelia avenue, this after
noon ut 2 o'clock.
Mrs. Helen J. Rockwell, of New York,
Is among visitors in town.
Mr. Vosburg, of Parker street, Is seri
ously 111 nt his homo.
Miss Helena Clnrk conducted a large
ly attended gospel meeting at the
Young Women's Christian association
rooms, on North Main avenue, yester
day. Mrs. Vlzzard, of Spring street, has re
turned home, after visiting fi lends In
Forest City.
Miss Dora McDonough, a trained
nurse, of New York, returned home yes
terday, after spending two weeks with
her parents on "West Market street.
Messrs. Schwartz and Forbes, of Ciir
bondnle, were among tho out-of-town
people at the fair lust week.
Miss Daisy Ryan is visiting friends In
this section.
P.ert Emery, secretnry for J. Russel
Conwell. of Philadelphia, Fpeut u few
days with his parents, on Church ave
nue, last week.
The Keystone Dramatic club Is re
hearsing for a brief drama, to bo given
at the fair.
A still alarm was sent In to the Lib
erty hose house, Saturday, by a gentle
man who saw smoke pouring fiom the
rear of Leonard's 'hotel, on Mnrket
street. "When tho hoso company arrived
they found that tho smoke was coming
through a holo In a terra cottn chim
ney, and that there was no work for
tho firemen,
There will bo a guessing social held
this ovenlng in tho Young Women's
Christian nssoelntlon rooms, on North
Mnln avenue. All young women nro in
vited to attend.
Tho CrnckcrJackH basket ball team
will lenvo this afternoon for niooins
burg, where they will play tho Normal
school team of that place this evening.
Mrs. James McClusUlo, a resident of
keggett's street, is milreilng from a se
vere Illness.
On Tuesday evening Dr. Whalen will
lecture in the North Mnln Avenue Bap
tist church on tho "Wit und Humor of
tho Irish People,"
Ralph Snowden, of Cornell unlei
sity, spent the Sabbath with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Snowden, of
Sunset avenue,
Mrs. M. R. Kays, of Sanderson ave
nue, haH returned from n two week's
stay In Washington, D. t.
James Atherton, manager of tlw
Poyntello Ice company, spent Sabbath
at tlie home of his father at Uleu
burn. Constable T. S, HulUIng was u busi
ness visitor ut Wilkes-Hurre Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Sturges nnd
daughter expect to sail In nbout two
weeks for an extended trip abioad, In
the course of their truvels they will
visit China and Japan.
Viinnn TY T.l.latnlin nt &,UlriprSim
avenue, is able to be about again after
Long's Sons
The Last Call
"The Price-Cuttiiig Knife" cuts deep.
Fur Coats, just 5 In lot sizes 34, 36
this week at
Woman's Eton and Coat Suits,
brown, single and double-breasted,
coat or suit at money-saving prices,
wear Coats, Jackets or Raglans.
MONDAY, REB. 2, 1902, AT S.30 P. M.
TJndor Direction Fred. C. Hand
Store, Monday, Feb. 17, at 0 a. m.
Academy of flissic
m. m:is, lcjscc.
A. J. Dufljr, Managar.
all vr.i:iv riaiiii'AuY 3.
Ill: New nwletc Dra riatlc Co npunv
Prefi'iitlug .1 new anil up-to-date irirrluuc
Jlomi.iv nisht, "The AiircI f tin- Alley"; Tuev
d.iv mitim-p, "Thi) AnRel of tin- Alley"; Tin.
il.iy nlKht. "In Peril"; WciIiicm1.ij mitliiee, "V
W'onuri'.s Honor"; Wcilnevljy night, "lluiiih
luck of tho Dime"; Thiirl.iy ni.illmv, "V
Country Courtship"; Thursil.i.v niuht, "'Hip
IJucpii of ( liiiMtnnn": I'rhlny ln.itliiec, 'Tho
Village niu-k'iiilth"; Triilay night, 'Tho nirel
of the A1Ip"; Satunlay nulliue, "111 1'i-rll";
f-'.itunl.iy nijrlil. "'Ihe Omen of (.'liinitimu."
- llht f-pct'i.iltles. Iiruilcil liy tin- l WlililnliuN
of the Di'-Pit. tl.o feature of tho Ilufi.ilo 11111
Willi Wct the puit to n'.ioiib.
Prices 10, -0 mill 3D cent-..
mgjvtim MmV1 HMKWtiH 1'? ffiECTttrma
An exquisitely blended mixed
tea iijeal for family use,
a pound
This combination of choice
leaves, which affords n delicate
flavor peculiar to itself, chal
lenges comparison with any
60c tea on the market nnd la
really a 40c value.
Try a pound nnd you will
drink no other.
iJJoyce Stores
Popular Priced Provisions
Her Gentle Hetort.
Judge Taft, of Ohio, iluirnun of the Philip.
plue ii.mimhi.loii, Iclla IhU moij of ho.v hu wlfj
omu turntil the Utile on hlui when ho aluiiiplcl
u lift of (juaoin at lur iipni.e:
The JuJtfe uml .Mr. T J 1 1 utleuiUil ilimili one
Sunday iiioiiiln, ami attic wiilcc Mit, Taft nat
tho ivMlvv of u k'iu: ol wontui uhu blood in
the ai.Ie uml livid a loir,; and nnini ih'il illsaiiiKni
OIL tOIIIC tOpIl' lf flllllllillC illtl'lMt, J U0I1L1I
'the Jud,;c trieu Impjiknt at the uV.J ami ua
ciy tiliim on the nay home.
At Ut lie tald, "Do jou Know 0 diatiiiii'
women lemlndi'd me ol I!jIjjm' iwi blotkliij.'
tha wyr"
"Hh, no," ifiilM Mr. Tjft, mveub. "You
mUULen. It a th Ji'i'vl tM LUUd (hewy
of the jvi!"-Muii'liU tUinlUr.
yoke, tan, castor, blue, .
large pearl butjons, silk
$8.50 i
and 38. dj'jrj onfi )- -,
M" P3 CdUl
made of serge, cheviot,
Go at clear-out prices
Venetian and
February and March and many days
Diagram Opens at Powell's Music
Ticlsots - $1.00, $1.50, $3 nnd $2.50.
Lyceum Theatre
M. KUIS, Leasee and Manager.
A. J. DLTI'V, Dm. Minaeer.
Monday Night. Fab. 3,
W. i;. N'ankmillo Prutnli the Dig Musical Kt
BfiPI T5-
Minie by William Loraiue, composer of 4,Si
lbme" and "..unon.i," etc. I. rim by Harry ll,
Prhrs-'JoV. to ijl.W.
heats on mIc Fnilay at U a. m.
Timctoy Night, February 4,
Clurles l'rolunan urcfenU tho ew Augustus
Thomas Play,
Illrcit fiom Wall.itk'd Theater, New York City,
A fasl.
I'iIms ."k to 81.50.
Scald on tale Kittuday at 0 n. m.
Wj dim lay Night, Pb 5,
KIIIKi: LiSULLLi; Present.
Frank DaraieJs,
And Ms company In the operatic comedy,
Priies Orchestra and ouhestia linle, (I,.V);
dm rircle, $1 00. Ilalcony-Ktrt tuo ln,
li-I.OO; mile, CO and 72 icnH; gallery, 1 and M
Seats (;o on ale Monday at 0 a, in,
Thlitieth annual totu' of the legitimate Irbb
lr, Joseph Murphy
Suppuiled by a toinpany of Mirpasslns excellenct
in his cut popular phy,
Shaun Rhue.
Prlei 23e. to ifl.00. Seals on aale Tuesday.
I'Kllia'AKY , I, B.
"Dainty Paree Burlesquers"
m mpio mum