( 'I THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, FEBltUAny 3, 1902. .,s ;xxxxxkxoxx; S3 mc uodeiin itAnnwAnK stoiu. The Gem Safety Razor Hub become po popular with nicn who sdiavu themselves thnt It Ih lint illy iicoeisaiy to nay unjihlnR moio about It bow over, wo wish you to keen it In mind that wo carry a full lino of these poinihir ra?ots nt the same iioiiilhu pi lec, $1.50 Foote & Shear Co. 119 N. Washington Ave To freshen tlio Utile fclilV wool dresses, Voin till wlulci. undo vl lViwn and India Linen; cili t width In tklrt; new fctjlcs; diinlj lite and ernbroldcn trimming. THE BABY BAZAAlt 010 Spruce Street. THE PEOPLE'S rrciilonl-C Kl'S 1). 10M.S Uccl'-O. 1". 11LMM)S, Cashler-II. M IV LS. IJIIirClOUS Onm 1) Tones O 1". Hcjnolil-, 'llios Spnrcue, W. 0. lnltnti, M 1 Ilnlcj. V C. lice. M. P. Caitei, A. I). VVuimin, Hliliiul 0 111 leu ('. L Woolwoilli. T. C Vnn Sloicli. Simuil tJjintci. PERSONAL, Dr. md Mio C h lie sue cnteilaluln' their mere. Miss Yost, of lork. Mtoinn Ceorce lloin, who Ins lieen cm fined to Ins home with .in ittick of the srip, ii Mill unable to leie ha loom, ilthoiH;h Iih condition U fomcwhit iiupioud llobeit Aleandei will lodij le-iime lm foimer edition li treasurer or the Andunj of Mu-di, nftir havlne: t-ericd in a sllnlh. capuilj at w icuic foi bome time. He will Iil (succeeded nt Suiui-p hj Clniles It fetcun, ot the Ai lib imj, who will act a tieia'iiei and pie's, .tsuit. WILL OPEN TOMORROW. State Convention of the Knights of Columbus. The htate convention of the Knights of Columbus vlll open fit the club house of the local council tomoiiovv. Theie will be heveiul hundred delegates and lsltois piesont fiom all p.uts of the ilty, including many of the most repie hentathe Cntholks oC the common wealth. Tonight, pieliinlmuv to the conven tion, the local council will confer the thlid ileRico. A lunch nnd social ses sion will follow the cetemonles A banauet will be tendeied the dele Kates at the club loom tomonow night, ltt. Rev. 51. J. Iloban will he pie&cnl tit the banquet and lespond to the toast "The Chinch and the Republic." Among otheis who will icspond to toasts ate Hon. Fi anils J. O'Connoi, Johnstown, Pa.; Hon. James J. O'Nell, of Caibon dale, Daniel L Halt" esa , Willseb 13.il ic; M. J. Donahoo, esq., Rev. J. V. aioylnn, Hon. T. J. Diiggun, Richaul .T. Bouike, ebf , and P. A. Banett, of this city, and a number of lelegates and Usltlng KnlRhtB Horn other paits of the state who will attend the convention. OMONTHLY METEOROLOGICAL SUMMARY. Stillun, Hruitrn, l'i , month, l iiuiu., 1902. 'temper ituie, ( li-lr l'recipb aiter t ition ot djj T. l. ( lonily Pite. 1 .., Mi. Mjn j li U 10 I) 11 27 27 27 ,10 1 1 1.' li li 13 u 7 Mi in. 11 tl 1 21 li 2H 20 3.' .0 .11 1 1 11 1') Hi 4 20 2S 10 SU 2'1 20 IJ HI ;o :o .is 8t 12 12 10 111 0 T T. .("Ml .oo T. .21 .112 ,00 r. .n .01 .00 ,ini T .(III .Oil T, ,) .21 ,ss T. ,) ,110 T. .2) (Ml .10 .10 W ( loud P. ( loudy l'. Cluudy :: 4 fi 0 7 s 0 ID 11 12 11 11 1". lfl 17 IS II) .'') 21 ii 21 31 "1 r, "7 "3 "1 VO SI .. 17 . 15 ....M ...J7 , ...oil ...32 ...A ...III ....Ul ...'Jll ...II) .. 11 ...'17 ... a ..n ..in ...is I Kir londy loudv Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy V. Cloudy londy C loudy 1'. Cloudy t luudy t loudy I lur ! ( loudy 1 Cloudy Cleir Cloudy ( loudy 1'. ( loudy 1'. Cloud P. Cloudy Cloud V. Cloudy ( le.ir C loudy I' loudy loudy . .13 ...vt . . . . . M 17 ....til ...IJ ...JO ...VI 27 20 20 5 I) 10 10 Mean , . J-2 17 21 CITXIAIAlM- Mian itmospherlQ iniiuir, A) 10 ihiei, lilh. ct fireure, JO "h, date 2-th, Jowent )iieiurc, 2'21i datu 22d, Mean tiinpcntuic, 25 iln,iic4; Melirit teiiiuiaturc, 4S doitriu, djte 22d, low. tit tfinpeiatuH, .'i diKreis, date let; ticilit dall uiifco t niiier4tiiri, 3 dunces, ilalu ttli, liiun titupcNtuiD fc tiil mouth in IWi, 2S degrees; 1()02, 2J desrua; moan tinijurature for (liU moiilli in to jiuu, 20 ih!'ice; iir. age defliliuiy ol dally 1111.111 tiiiiiiintnro iIuWiik month, 1 deciecs, aciuniulatcd dilklei ( ol daily" mean limptraluie alme Jin, l, si digreeaj acrJRo dally deltilcni hlma Jan. 1, 1 degree. I'rcinilimj dkictlon ot wind, touthweit, 22 per "t ; total movement ot wind, n,7 nillu, inaxlimiin eloUty ot wind (to. bo taKm from unj 6 minute utord), illaitlon ami dati, 31 mile iom Tiortheast on si. lolal iroe(pitntion, 2.U Imlitw, numbir ot daj4 with ,01 jncli ol inoio Pf pucipltation, 10; total meciltatlen for tliH month (" lUOt, 1 171 in 1U02, 2.11; uerJgo Piiilpltation for tlib montli for two jeare, J Od InHies; total eee3 in ircclpItatJoii durlns the month, 0 IS lnclie; accumulated cen in pie. rlpitatloii iinie Jan. 1, 0 13 Inclic. Xumber ot ilear da, i; partly cloud Ua, 12; cloudy dais,, atM of fiovt, none rctoided. Mean rclathe humlult, OS per cent. Tolll enoutall, ?S Jollies. l'rvderlc 11 Clarke, Local forecast orililjl. XXXXXXXXXXXXM Aprons I FIRST PLAYER IB SIGNED. Fnst Westerner Secured for Scrnnton by Manager Lawson. The oliMlme biipe ball fans of Sciun toti havo lecelvcd A. W. Law son, the new mnlioRcr of the Hctnnton club, with gieat eoidlnllty since his nrilvnl In thlx cltv, mid It begins to look ns If the old time Intel est In the national trnmo Is about to icvlve. "Wo don't cure what lenRtie wo arc connected with," said one enthusiast yestculay, ,"ns Ions as we nie lepte Rented by a good llvelytenm of play ets, who will win a imtjotlty of their gunies and gU'r- us clean, honest sport." And thut Is JiiBt what Mnnoger Lawson Intends dohifr securing u team ot young, hustling, ambitious playeis, who have their lepntatlons yet to mtilte and capable of limiting them right hero In Hcianion. A team of gentlcmanlv ball players, who will bo a ciedlt, as well as an advertisement, to the city. As Air, Lnwson has had ten veins' oxpeilenco ns a minor league manager and semal jctus as a player, It Is safe to sav that he knows n ball nlavur when ho sees one, nnd wheio to go to secuio them. Over iirty star playeis of the National. Aineilcan nnd Hnstein leagues hae gi minuted fiom teams which Mr. Luwson has mnnnged dm lug thp past. The 1'tnnsylvanla league, us now composed, takes In sis cities Scrnnton, YVIlkes-TCarie, Reading, Lancaster, Leb anon and Ilus'telon, but nt the next meeting, which Is to be held nt Read ing, Febiuaiy 20, It mny be decided to inn ease tne inemboislilp to eight cities, as them am soveial other good ball towns of the state which aie anxious to get Into the ill cult. Theie seems no good reason why Pennsylvania should not suppoit a good stiong state lmc ball league peimnnently, as well as New Yoik and other states, which witness championship stiuggles eveiy year. Manager Lawson lias ahead v begun the wo.'I; of selecting and signing his plnyeis for the coming bouson. The Hi f-t man to send In his signed conttact Is Roger Goiton. of Bancioft, Mich. Got ten is an outfieldei and a good one, if his lecoid goes for an thing. Ho be gan his piofot.slonal career in 1S95 with the champion Knl.imnoo club of the Michigan State league, and jumped right into piomlnence by leading his team in batting and base-tunning and the league in fielding. In 1S9C he was :i member of the Birmingham, Ala., club of the Southern league, again lead ing the league In fielding and base-running and standing sixth in batting, In 1897 he plajed with the Mansfield, Ohio, club of the Interstate league, standing second In fielding and fouith in batting In 1899 lie played with Al. Law son's Andeison, Ind, club of the Cential league. He stood first in fielding and base-running and third In batting. In 1900 he again plajed under Al. Law son's management at Peoiia, 111, Cen tral league. Last season he plajed with the Toledo, Ohio, club of the Western association. "Goi ton is one of the fastest outfield eis and base-iunneis in the (ountiy," said Manager Lawson, "and I expect hiin to do good woik for the Scranton team this season Fuitheimoie, ho Js a gentlemanly fellow and peifectlj le llable at all times." The old Athletic giounds, which will be used this season for the league games, weie Inspected by Manager Lawson Satin day. A gieat many le palts to the fence and ginudstand aie needed, also new blcacheis will hae to be constructed. Ho s lys that about 00 will put the park in good shape again. DISAGREEABLE WEATHER. Slushy Snow Stoim and Then a Cold Wind. About as disagieeable "weathei as was cier dished out by the weather buieau for this pirt of PennsyKnnl.i was sened lesterdav and last night. It began in the eaily moining with a slight dilzzle, which continued until about 11 o'clock, when a tenlflc down pour of snow of the aiiely Known as "wet," set in. This continued almost without inteimlsslon until about I o'clock in the afternoon, leaving tlueo inches of slush on the stieet and ren detlng walking almost impossible. The theimometer began to diop just befoio sundown and ubout S o'clock n. heavy wind sot In and blew neaily all night, freezing the slushy stieets and rendering them exceedingly dangeious for walking. The snowfall In Caibondnlo and noith of that city was particulaily heavy, and Ontario and Western and Delawnie and Hudson tiahib weie delajed as a consequence. ' FEAST OF PURIFICATION. Blessing of Candles Took Place In Catholic Churches. Yestculay was the Feast of the Puil flcatlon, according to the ecclesiastical calendar. Tt is commonly called Can dlemas, from the fact thnt on this day in the Catholic chuicli, the caudle- used during the ear aio blessed. The day has also come to be called "Giound Hog Day," from the old su peistltlon that if Candlemas Is lali penmttlng the giound hog to smi hN shadow, the lenialnder of the winter will be seieie, and lice veisa, If this holds tt ue, In thosr parts thpio is likelihood of a iciy catly Hpiing, with the most delightful weather Intel veiling, for jesteiday was one of the most inlseuiblo in the mut tci of weather thut has been supplied so far this winter. It mined, sleeted, snowed, blew and fiwi. Only thoso who could not avoid it vontuiPd out. Notice. The Deluw.-uo and Hudhiir company will make some slight changes In the times of their passenger titiliis, begin, nlng Sunday, Februaiy 2 Tho chances on the main line eoiur Sunday tinlns only, Ti.iln No. -10 will leaie Sciauton (it 9,17 p, in. foi Wilkes llaue, Instead of S.!.' p, in. Tialu No. S3 will leavo Sciaiitou for Oaibondnle. iioitlubouud, at 11.17 p, in, Instead or 10 52 p, in us at piebent, On the Honesdalo launch, week-day tuilns will leaio Honesdale for Caibon dnlo nt tho follow lug times' 7.37 nnd 11,37 a, in,, 2 SO and 5 35 p, m. And will len.e Cntbondale for Hones dale; 7 22 and 11.01 a, in.i 3 51 and .22 p, in. No change In Sunday tuilns. Supper at St. Luke's Faiish Housft, " There will be a supper served nt St. Luke's Pat lull Houso on Thutsday evening next, rebruury 0, from G 30 to 8. MENU, Cold Sliced Ham, Sliced Roust Beef, Hscalloped Oysteis, Creamed Potatoes, Cabbage Salad, Baked Beans, Mixed PJckles, Biead and Butter, Canned Fuit, Cake, Coffee, Tea. Supper, 25c,'.; c cteam, 10c, extra. NINTH VICTIM OF SMALLPOX COUNCILMAN E. W. EVANS HAS DREADED DISEASE. Vlsitotl the Bioca Home to Iiuiuhe Into the Accommodations Piovltled by tho Bureau of Health Another Case Repented Satuiday Columbia Hose House Not'Quarnntinocl Re Coidcr Connell Approves the Tiee Vaccination Resolution Confei ence Todny. Smull pox continues to spiend In West Scrnnton. Two moio cases hnve been teported since Friday making four to be lepoitcd In the last seven rttijs nnd nine thnt hnve been lepoiled since tho disease Hist bioke out. The latest victim is Common Coun cilman Evan W. Hvnns, of D,7 Robeits couit, West Scinnton, who ilsltcd the JJuice liotiso on Noith Biomley avenue, and subsequently repotted to councils that the board of health had been neg lecting the occupants of tho house. He is tho ninth victim, whose case can be directly tinced to the Uiace house, whcio the first two icllmn died. Tin co deaths have already ociunod us a lesult of tho disease. The disease Is getting a fast hold In West Seianton, wheer the four new cases woio last week dlscoveied. Following Is a complete list of the vlc tlpis: MRS. W. J. BRACK, dead. GEORGE LEWIS, dead. BRACE CHILD, dead. BRACE CHILD, leeoieilng. PARRY CHILD, leeoieilng. W. J. MORGAN, lecoveiing. MRS. JAMES BRACE, seiiously ill. MRS. WILLIAM ALLSPAUGH. slight attack. EVAN W. EVANS, slight attack". Mis. James Biace lisited tho Pairy home in Menis' hall, when the chlldien theie woio tepoited to be sulfeiing from measles. She is now veiy ill and her tecoieiy is pioblomatle. William .1. Biace, whose wife died, and Mrs. Geotge Lewis, whoe husband died in the sime house, have escaped tho dis ease. They weie inccinnted piior to the outbieak. HAVE BEEN QUARANTINED. They hao "been quarantined, how ever, in the Biace house on Noith Bromley aienue, and weie leleased fot the flist time jesteiday, the quatantine having been lalsed Both changed their clothing and weie fumigated and ate now among ielaties and friends. Rumors weie cut rent jesteiday to the effect that a woman named Wil liams, leslding on Lafayette stieet, had fallen a lctlm to the disease, but the case has not been tepoited. A child of Geoige Rendlo, G19 Pleasant stieet, and sickness in the home of Chnilcs E. Fish, iear of 20S Bleaker street, weie lepoitcd to Di. Paine on Satin da ' as likely small pox cases, but he states that theie is no evidence of the disease in cither case. The attack of Mis. William Alls paugh, of Noith Biomlej avenue, is iciy light, Di. Paine sajs, and theie is no need of seiious appiehension le gal ding the consequences, excepting that tho uecessaiy piecautlons against the spiead of the disease must be llg idly enfoiced The story pilnted in one of the Sun day papeis to the effect that the Col umbia Hose companj's house on Divis ion stieet had been placed under quai nntlne, is denied by Captain Geoige Mejeis, who is in charge. He also denies that Peimanenl Man Moigan has lslted his biothei, W. J. Moigan, of Svvetland stieet, who is a sinall-pos victim. The only time the brothei s talked togethei, Mejeis says, was one daj- befoie the disease btol.o out, and that was on the stieet, when W. J. Morgan was going home from w oi k. Supeiintendent Feiber, when inteuo gated bj' The Tilbune man j'esteidaj, also denied the published sttttement le gal ding the alleged quuinnUne of Chemical No. S house. He said theie was absolutely no tiuth whatever In the stoij-, nnd binnded It Is a fake puie and simple. FREE VACCINATION. The icsolutlon, passed by councils, piovldlng for fiee acclnutlon, has been appioved bj- Recoider Connnell, nnd it is expected that the woik will be done in the public schools wheio all who have not been vaccinated can bo accommodated. Dr. Allen has also ap pioved of the lesolutlon, which pro vides foi fiee examinations aftei vac cinations, Di. John O'Mnliej-, cluilunun of the speciul committee of tho boawl of con ti ol, appointed to attend to the vaccin ations of bchool chlldien, stated yes teiday that he Is of the opinion that n laige majoiity of the cliildieu aie now vaccinated, and Instead of opening the dlffeient schools to the public for free vaccination, tuiois the selection of t-omo cential plnco wheio tho woik can bo done. Di. Allen, ot tho buieau ot health, will confei with Dt. O'Malley on this matter todaj, and a decision will bo ion died legatdlng the time, plnce and other details of free vaccination. No IS school, which was closed last week to peimlt ot fumigation, will con tlnuo close Indefinitely, by ouloi of Di, Allen. Blink COFo, It tastes like coffee. Boston Head Lettuce, Mushrooms, Water Cress, Parsley and Cucumbers, . Rochester Celery. Florida Tomatoes, E. Q. Cou r sen' Wholesale and Retail, CLOSE OF THE KIRMESS. Dance of the Seasons Wins In tho Vothiff Contest. 'J ho Khmess closed Satttiday Willi two crowded houses and the best poi foi malices of any that weie given, Tho Voting conlest us to the most pott tur Rot ot dances Was won by tha joting ladles pat tlclpatlng In the damp of the seasons, with Follies, second. The final vote w'aBt ?eaotif i.iitn ,..,, , ,,,,. 1702 I'olllei 1100 Gtuoltc ...it .,.,, ,,.... 07? Dolli ................ ..,..,,, Kt tlft'O Paiirc , 20s fairies i2 Mny 1'ulc . ., .. 1(15 Dutch Kiel 1.V, Honors , , ,,, Ill All .VltlotH I.a Vtnlioh , ,.,,,.,,,,,, 1,2 Hornpipe .... Al 0iv .... 40 Plcrctti ::l Wooden Mioe . "J I'lKll , in Military IT Those composing this dance weie: Clnperones Mid. Mm T. Itlrhilih and Vim. 1!. I!, Ohiw Spring Jllssei 1 loienee M id ilrtv lllbli-t, Lois Hctker, I illy Vmlev l'oitei, Ordie Tluui. Piimiiur Mltc Vlnri l'dward- l'lhel Piotli" Initliini, Jem .lenkln.", June Alice Li mo. ' Aiituinis Mlsicii lthoili l.liiH, ClirWInc I'd low.", ilertlit Caisou, KiiplicuLi (lihlu. Winter Vllsi Anno JMwnul'. Helen 'llmer, Mine net (llbbs, IMIlh Trliik ltltlurdj Solo Dinrc Vllsr, Anne lMuml The Cindniella gavotte danccis won the pilzo for populutlty at the matinee v otlng. The featuio of the evening peifoim nncc was the cake-walk by Will Dlm mlck and the two Doisoy ehlldton. Miss Fieda Kami's coon songs, as usual, won thp most enthusiastic applause. The whist game was played by Eu gene Henley and C. B. Penman against I. II. Allabaugh and Mr. NlrholR Tho latter won bj two points. Miss Stewart lecelved Insistent cui talu calls, to which she flnallj' re sponded, when she was ovet whelmed with floinl piesentatlons. Mis..C. L Tiej', pntioness of the lose dance, was piesented with a huge bou quet of ices from the young Indies In the tose dance. The Klimess will likelj net $2,7,00 for tho Teacheis' association. CITY BOWLING LEAGUE. W. J. Meister Elected Piesident at a Meeting Held Yestei day Sched ule foi Gaines Was Piepared. At a meeting of the lepiesentatives from the six bowling teams compilslng the newly foimed City Bowling league concluded jesterdaj- afternoon at Hampo's bowling nllejs a peimauent oignnization was effected by the elec tion ot W. J. Meister as piesident, and of W. II. Blicher as secietaiy ond tiensuiei. It was decided to bowl on Wednesday nights nnd with this idea in mind a schedule of games was prepated. The Hi st games will be tolled on Wednes day night of this week and play will be continued weekly until the middle of Ami The name of the South Side club, which is a member of the league, hay been changed to the Atllngton Bowling club and the Scinnton Bowling club's name has been changed to the South Side club. The make-up of the latter two teams will be ns follows: Ai litigious W. J. Meister, John Klef ei, Henrj' Klefer, Chailes Kelfei and James Hawks. South Side Jacob Sanspubach, Peter Rosar, Adam Leigh, Joseph blocum and John Zeisman. A tiophj for the team coming out in the lead will be selected later on bj the executive committee, and theie will, also, be pilzes for the plajeis making the highest aieiage and the highest In dividual scoie. A boobj- pilze will also be aw aided. The schedule ananged jesterdny is as follows. At Home. 1 lsitlng Teh 5 Ailinstoiis v south "Ide llampii v- Cent i all l'l.mkluH h blU3 Ib 12- south Side C'entiali . Stars lb ia AllliiBtoiH llampes .. IVankllns V AlllllU'IOlH vs llimpca is lianMln.? v Centrila s stuj u Soulh bide Tib. 20 Soulh side is 1'raiikllin initials is Vrliiigtoua Stain v Uimpe3 Maub J AilliiKtons vs rianUllua llampci Vs .South Side "tar. Centiala Jluuh 32 South Side lUmpcs CentnK St in l'liiililiiu v, Vilingtoiu Much :a Ailliutons s SI in ( intra U ., ...i-' South side I'lanklliii ...,, v- Himpei Maich 20 .South Side ...,u CentiiU llunpc? . li 1 taiikliiii Stais l All lutein Apill 2- South sjdo t stii, AiliiiBtuiH . ImtiiU llaiupca . . l'i inklh . . piil !- Arllni,loin , ("enli ill .., Slais .. . . Vi. llinipes . 1 uiiUhlt boutli side .Vd NEW ALLEYS OPENED. Diamonds Won fiom Gieen Ridge Wheelmen. The tlueo now bowling nlleis which have boon installed in the basement o tho Atidltoiluin, in Noith Scrnnton, weie opened on Satuiday with two ex hibition games betvvten the old Black Diamonds and tho Gieen Rldgo Wheel men's team, Tho nllejs nie of the latest, linpioved pattern and aie equal to the best in tho cltj. Tho Black Dia monds won out on the total number of pins, eacli team winning a game. The scoip: oitlius iiiiigi; rowkr 17(1 in i'oud 110 1,1 How Hon 150 iwi Wedtnian ,,,,, 102 I'M J'ujlui , ,,, ,,,.V,3 172 Total ! , 7M 611-1011 lliatK DIAMONDS, W'uidill ,,,. ,.,.113 111 Foley ,17tj lsS l'l0l , '20.1 1M Heaven ,,., .,, 110 im (loriiuu ,.,,,.,, 201 1H Total ,,,,,, , S7J D2l)-17W SODALITY RECEPTION. The Blessed Vligln sodality of Holy Ctoss chinch, Bellevue, conducted a ie ceptlon last night, when eighty-seven new membeis weie admitted. An eloquent seuuon on tho Blessed Vligln was pleached by Rev. Father Boland. M'GOVERN JURY HAD NOT REACHED A VERDICT AT MIDNIGHT. Repoit Had It They Stood Seven for the Plaintiff nnd Tlve for the De fendant Likely They Will Ask tho Court This Moining to Discharge Them Febiunry Session of Cilnil nnl Couit, Which Opens Today, Hae Tour Mulder Cases Lilted Other Couit Mntteis. At 12 o'clock Inst night the jury In the case of Ovv'eti Me Govern against the Lackawanna irtm nnd Steel company, letlied to their cots, hopelersly divided on what the veidlct should be. Repoit bud It Hint seven funned u veidlct for the plaintiff and five a ver dict for the defendant. They stood this way from the lit st, nnd yestqulay bul lotted fipquentlj-.wlthout changing their standing. Suturdnj' afternoon at I. SO o'clock they wont Into coutt and asked to have lead to them the chiuge of Judge New comb on vailous of the questions in volved. The judge concluded not to have tho chatge lead, but lepeatcd sub stantially what he had said to them on tho mattois on which llicv wanted en lightenment. ' It Is expected they will go Into couit this morning nnd ask to be dlschniged. They have been on the case since last Monday. Tito taking of testimony and closing addi esses of the uttoinejs con sumed live davs. Judge Newcomb do llvcied his charge at the "opening of court Satuidaj- moining, and at 10 30 they ictlted. By the time couit opoiu this moining thej' will have been out dellbeintlng foity-elght bonis. The men compilslng the jmy aie: Mlcl ncl Milkens, trint, Seranton CJeorRe Make, mill Innd, Jimi.wi. llnld Clirke, liborei, Hmntoii. C f. lllllesple, tecietur, sLiuitni Chailes Ilotlniaii, farmer, .Icll'ci.-on limes Herheit, bubir, t'cekvllle .lolin I) Jones, tinihlnlst, s.nuton Isuel T. Keene, cinientei, uanloii. M D. Manlci, clerk, Diuiiiiiiie. Tames liuiii.ll, faunei, 1 ell 1". C. Swirt, cirpenter, cuiitun John Wright, duvtr, Scinnton C. J. Gillespie, secietarj- of the Seian ton poor boaid, is foreman of the jutj The case was vciy carefully and ably tried. The lavvj'eis weie of the best at tho bai. For the plaintiff weie O'Biien & Martin nnd I. II. Bums The defense was lepiesented by Major Eveiett w'nr i en and W. H. Jessup, jr. Majoi AVar len went into the case only a week ago, succeeding the late ex-Judge Jessup as leading counsel It was thp first big negligence case in which Judge New comb pieslded. Twentieth Ward Contest. A healing was had, Satuiday, before Judges Edvvaids and Kelly In the con test over the Republican nomination foi select councilman In tho Twentieth waid, which was claimed by Maik Cahalln, the Demociatlc nominee, and Malachl Cojne, who wasnlefeated In the Democratic caucus and nfteiwaids seemed an independent nomination Each attacked the othei's nomination as a Republican on the giound that the caucus was not regular!- called or conducted. Coj ne also attacked Cah nlln's Demociatlc nomination on the same giound. Aftei healing consldeiable testimony the judges decided that the Republi can nominatici belonged to Coyne. Tho objections to Cnhalin's Demociatlc nomination weie wlthdiawn O'Biien and Martin appealed for Coj ne, and M. J. Donahoe and C C. Donovan tor Cahalln. The hearings in the Twelfth, Thlt teenth and Eighteenh wnids contests and the contest from Old Toige boi ough will take place todaj Session of Ciimlnnl Couit. The Febiuaiv session of cilininal couit opens this moining, to continue two weeks. Duiing the lltst week, Piesident Judge II. M. Edvvaids will be In couit loom No. 1; Judge E. C. New comb, in No. 2, and Judge G. L. liai se', of Lucerne, in No. 3. Judge John P. Kelly will pieside In the main couit loom during the second week; Judge Edvvaids will be in No. 2, and Judgo II. K. Weand, of Montgomery eouiitj', In No. 3. Distilct Attorney W. R. Lewis has placed 1GS cases on the list for the flist week, and 1GG on the second week's list. Such cases as aie not leached will be placed on a list for a speciul term fixed for the week beginning Febi u ary 21. rour minder cases aie listed for this session, The case of John AifContiJ, chatged with shooting Iluiiy Fiedeilck at the home of Anno Ilewlltt, on 1'iovi denco load, Dec. 2", 1901, heads this week's list, The bilbery cases against Fiank Sll llmnn, Jr., is tho second case cm to day's list, and the case of S. E, W.o land, chniged with ohsti acting Justic , In lpfuslng to answer ciuestlon.s In a healing be foi o Alderman Fuller In the telephone bilbeiy cases, is at the head of tomoi low's list. The ciimlnnl libel case lu which S -lect Councilman AVado M. Finn is tho piosecutoi, and W. W. Seianton, picsl. dent of tho Seianton Gns and Water compnny, defendant, Is at the he id of the list for Thuisdoj' of next week A number of assault and buteiy cases growing out of tho stieot car SPRING HA TS The man who wears ;i List years lint almost ndveittses the f.ict so many radical changes in style. The man who appreciates style is the man that enthuses about our HoelolS ' p 'liu Derbies, ' -Higher crowns, moie style, unexcelled quality, All our 50c Neckwear duced to 35c. ie- strike ate sot down fot ttial Thuisdity of this week. In OrphaiiB Couit. In oi plums' coutt, Judge A. A, Vos buig, Stttuidny, lienttl cvldpiict' on the petition of Ihldgct Loffrts, udnilnlstiu ttlx of the estate of Michael Lotttlrt, for dlsehargo Without ult audit for ills ttlbullon put poses. U appents by the evidence thut tho heirs have been fully paid as vvll ns the ticdtlois, and the older for discharge was theiefole inadp. The petltloneis wns lopreseutpd by M. P. Caw ley, nnd J. B. .Tin dun appealed for the holts. In the estate of Nout Golden, de ceased, F. G. Hid ilrk by his attorney, Claiencc Balleiitlno, picenled u peti tion for a eltuttou to tho adntlnlsiui tilx td flic an nciotint, tind u citation was uwaided, icttiiniible I'ebitiaiy 13 at 10 a, in. Judge Voahuiff also hraid evldenie 111 the audit upon the exceptions to the accounts of L. Tjler Connonllv, execu tor under the will of Ann A. Connolly, deceased. United States Couit. Daniel D. Helm, of Shamokln, was on Stttuidny adjudged n bankrupt bv .Titilirn Ainlilitilil. His llnlilltllps v el i f .1, Ibl) OS. The case was lcfeired to Re- ' feioe lu Bankuiptoy Tnggert, of Sttu bury, for a hcai lug, Fob. 0, at 10 . in. Geotgo O. fjltlnner and Cbatlcs Peter, of Tunkhannock, doing business under the film 11111110 of Skinner A: Petet, filed u petition in bankiuptey on Saturday. A voliintiny petition in bankiuptey was field on Satuiday by Alareltn Bit tenbender, of Bloomslnng. Aniinon L. Newcomer, of Iliikcn, Yoik count', and Chailes L. Aan ILut seii.'of AVIlllnmspoi t, who weio 10 cently adjudged bankiupts, weie gi anted dlschaigcs on Saturday. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. T lie Jmy 111 the nv ot l'itu 1)111 iuint the Ontiriu Accidenl il fund, li turned t verdict for the phinllll in the sum ol Mi, sattu hj Xine of the leu liotilkiepus whoe Incuses wile icvoketl, lit vvid, hue Inkm iiieals ti tlic supcilor court, 'the ippcils ire In net a3 a. Mipersedeirf, which mniis tint tin licences will coiitliniL in foice until the nppeil is dceldid. The one who did not ippcil is I'. 1". funic, o Vlinool i CITY COMMITTEE MEETS. Addressed by a Number of Piominent Republicans. Theie was a largely attended meet ing ot the Republican city committee. Satuiday night, nt which the subject of organization was thoioughly discussed and plans for the campaign sot afoot. Addi esses weie made by Chairman C. E. Chittenden, T. II. Dale, e-Re-corder James Moir and ex-Repiesenta-tlve John R. Fair. The geneial opinion was that it was possible to conduct the campaign with out using money. By eneigetic woik the committeemen can, It Is believed, se em e enough volunteer assistance to get out the full lote. f LOCKWOOD SHEETING. Illeiclied Hi own. 42 in. wide.. 9 l-2c 8c 45 in. wide., lie 10c 50 in. wide. .13c 10c G-4 wide .... 14c 12 l-2c 8-4 wide .... 17c 15c 9-4 wide .... 19c 17c 10-4 wide . . .21c 19c 4-4 WIDE BLEACHED MUS LIN. ' Lonsdale Bleached ... .7 l-2c Fiuit of the Loom 7 1-Sc Hills 7c Dwight Anchor 7 l-2c GOOD FINE 8c QUALITY IN REMNANTS. 2 to 25 yaid lengths, at yd. 5c 4-4 WIDE BROWN MUSLINS. Atlantic A 6c Atlantic H 5 l-2o Atlantic P 5c Lockwood B Gc Enteipilse E. E 4c Hndley Cc JUJaJWl c j j a j t 2 v l 2 I I l l4 Tlin UniitrAvfl 'Ptrnnumirnn A 111U UUltiUlU lJjJCHUluI .J. I- This nncliliiK Is lecosnUed cunwher' lis Hie lnt uml litit in liiewillu urn Miuition 'llw lliirtfoul ( ompanv mv tiim nu hro unit itpeuslii) nln d. pailmcnu lil,i Its ioinitiluix, but ullj tluuiiuh iclliblo .i!.iiil ilius en In-; to iuilIucU this Meat Hem of ipune. PpIbo of Oilier MaUe3...yi()i) l'rlfo or llnriroril's Your IM-ofil 10 Reynolds Bros., butwiau jihI lnn)ijuij J l $ ! J HE J Z i sV I ! ! 'J 1 Rebuilding I Sale 3 b rf&rors$in& 1 . .it'jrAwi v'-fo'"iUhn Sjk ! Oils, Faints and Varnish ! & A MaIon?y Oil & Waniifacfiiring Company, j 141-149 Aleritlian Strest. X TELEPHONE 26-2, Y We Would Like to Interest You in tSie Celebrated is! Braces AESIP Auger Bits IlIIBOin i CO,, 126-128 Franklin Avenue. tjtj5ijij.jtfji5tijjA5j3fJ'S,ifl f Art and Fancy Goods. es and Collars Stamped ou Lineu in both White and Colors. i 1 Cramer-Wells Co., 3. f J; 130 Wyoming Ave. i 'Phone 353-3. Jit'J FOR sale: . - 0 A large Cedarwood Wardrobe thoroughly moth proof. A large handsome Oak with looking glass attached Also, a glass fiout Boole Ease Containing two drawers. Stuffed Eagle handsomely mounted, suit able for National Decorative Purple, all in good condition Apply al 603 Clay Avenua A Second-Class- City with, a First-Class Stock of Out Glass, Sferiinf Silverware Slocte Etc, Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereaii & Connell, 132 Wyoming Aveune. timbrellas Made Umbrellas Repaired UmluellRs and piiasols ie coveied in dlffeient colors. A flno assoitment of handles, Latest designs. All goods guainntced for one year, The Scranton Umbrella Manufacturing: Go,, 313 Sjuuqe Stieet, ' miraiy