TUB SCRANTON rjflUBUN13-SATURDAY, FEBRUARY X, 1902. 6 0 ."v- iz$k 4NMHf aK'&tn An Excellent Combination. Tho pleasant method nuil beneficial dltcets of the well known remedy, tivutli op Fiob, manufactured by tho California Via Svnut Co., illustrate thavaluaof obtaining tho lliutd laxa tivo principles of plants known to bo medicinally laxative and presenting tnem m tno lorm most re i resiling to tno t.isto and acceptable to tho systcui. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing tho syHtcm ciTectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly nnd enabling ono to ovcrcomu habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionaolo quality and sub stance, nnd its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, inako it tho ideal laxative. In tho process of manufacturing figs nro used, as they are pleasant to tho taste, but the medicinal qualities of tho remedy nro obtained from senna and other 'aromatic plants, by :i method known to tho Oai.ifoiuUA Fio Svnup Co. only. In ordor to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember tho full name of tho Company printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN TKANCISCO, CAIi. x.ouxsvii.ii:, xy. itow york, n. y. Foraalo by all Druggists. PricoSOs. pertoottla. For This Week Only Large Three Panel Horse Picture VrnmcJ in Dutch Ojk anil ornamented with four ial iioisesliors, bit and whip; regular piloe $D. Our price this week only $2.50 See Mlntlow Display. Jacobs & Fasold, Interior Decorator, 209 Washington avenue. 'jll Taper, Sliadci, Tainl, Moulding', riotuie and I'ijiucs. City Notes. J TlJAC!li:i!' CUINIVAL.-Clioice cAm will le )n tale this afternoon nnd rvciihi;: at the Tc.uV era" Camit.il. DO.VA'UOXS ACK.0VIXDC;i:i. The Home for the l'iiendle-3 aiknonktlgnt uth lualltlida Rifts fiom tlio followlntr ilonoii: .lohu Jcnu.in, frlOO; C. C. Hose, !:; X. M. HiiKc, TJ. IIKADQUAIITCRS Ol'lIX. 1'iom now on the Kqiublic.m headquaitcis will be open far hua!-ne-w. (.'. 11. Chittenden is tliaiinnii; Tliniii.ii If. Dale, 1 1 cum vr, nnd CJeoige W. Jl.ii-.lull, teem laly. Tonight an iinpmt.iut inretliijf of tlic e.v iiuthe eoiiiinitteo will he held. (,'AXllLr.MAS. Tonioiiov Mill he CimlUmjo, and bhoulil the day he fiir and tin; giuuiiil.liii; m'C his shadow, look out fur n reason of fix wrohs of had neither hefoie Killing i here. If (lie day U cloudy, of come tho flindov will not ho caot, and the weather will he good tlieic-after. l'II.i:n TIIUIIl 5.Clli:i)fl.i:S Tlio Suaiiton Mno and Liquor coniiuny lllrol their sihedules ' in haiiKiuplcy jesterdjy ullli llefcieo Van Wot iier. 'liielr lndehledne amount to fj.lT.OOO.uj, and their estimated assets .lie placed at ijlO.OJl, 'llin lht meeting of ciedltou will he hidd in llrfeiec Van oiniu'.s ollhe on relini.uy 11. I'lTXIJiATi 01' J1IK Slll'CHIXL. The funeral of tlio late Jim. .MaiRaict Mitchell will ho he'd doiii the family Residence, U2."i 1'enn avenue, tlri inoililnR-. Tho 'fnnci.il cortege will le.iie tl.o lioiiio .it !i o'tlocl., A fiolemn hlt'li nuss of i.' qiiieni will bu telehiatcd ut St. Telcr's uliio dial. Inlciinuit will he nude In Citlicili.il nine, tery. SKiiioi's rim: avi:hti:u, a slight fiie w.n illicoicicd III tha luK'inciit of tlio (iueuiwy lull liniMliig on AVosliInslon nuime at !l o'clock e. terday morning, Tlio tl.iinc. uie near tho clu. i.itor f-1 1 a 1 1 nnd weio cvt niurii i-liil with n pilv.iie (hemiial. Tho flic wai midci lien (It a huso pi.uu Vol tilled Willi uato iupei4 tuid w.n caused hy inko cairylns iin.ill pieces of paper under the llooor and ttoring them hi the Ucinlly of thx Mciiii pipes. 'J ho pipes United the paper and Hie Homing ciuglil. hoon the lio of paper w.is nldaze and tha MiioKo brgjn penning up (ha lie nor shaft, fortuiutily Hie itihunu ol the flames was aircstcd In time to pieicnt u wiioiu lila.;e, GREAT OUTRAGE THREE POLITICAL PARTIES DIS rilANCHISED. Probably Tfttnl Defects Pound In tho Nomination Pnpors Piled by tho Union, tho Labor and the Inde pendent Parties In tho Twelfth Ward Objections from the Eigh teenth, Too McQovcrn Case Ready for the Jury Exceptions to Dun more Sewer View Dismissed. BOLD THIEF, THIS ONE. Drunken Man Tried to Steal Miner's Clothes. A inlikllQ-iiRed mull, whose Swine could not bo learned, strayed Into tlio wash uhanty at tho Pluebiool; mino j;estorduy afternoon and helped lilm Hclt' to the miners' clothing hung; there, JIo put on ono pair of pants and was putting on ti second when ho was Uis. .Tlio putm! wit go 1 1 was sent tor ana when if iirrh'Pd, tho prisoner, who was slightly Intoxicated, made such a light that It took three olllcers to lund hliu. He was taken to tho central po- iic'o muiion unci vfi oe given a near- l)('tljipmornlng, CLARK'S GRFEN. . SUPPUbJIetins of the ownshlp held vn ctrucusi'ln'tho election room ut Clark's tureen on Tuesday evening last, and jjow uunounce tho following candidates; jJor supervisors, O, B, Jones and A. I. ckerly," school directors, AV. I. Lltts jgnd D, K. Uell; auditor, A. A, Davis; poor director, M. H. Coon; constable, B. J. Chapman; township treasurer, jlJdward Lutsey; Judge of election, Silas Whlte; Inspector of election, Eugeno A. IVhlte; register of voters, N. S, Davis. j Tho vlllago people nre recovering "front tho effects of vaccination, of t which nearly all have beep sufferers. iSUSll,! MninUlnsvUle, Is tho guesf of her brother. C. C. Cook. if the allegations of Alderman Dono van arc true, n gieat outrage will bo accidentally perpetrated. The Union, Independent nnd Labor piu'lioM will bo deprived oC a place on the official ballot in tho Twelfth ward. At tho Democratic primaries. Alder man Donovan wits opposed for n rc nomlnntion by P. F, llyuu, the Intrepid, veteran politician oC the Twelfth mid erstwhile deputy constable, on duty at Alderman Kelly's court. Alilornum Donovan won out, but till undaunted, Air. Kynn continued n candidate and sought and E-ecurcd tlio nomination for alderman from three illffcient political parlies, the independent, the Labor and the Union. Thursday, each of tliese parties llled papers nominating air. Ilyun for alder man. ' Yesterday, Alderman Donovan llled exceptions to tho papers, alleging them to be defective in that they did not contain tho slciuiturcs of the re quisite two per cent, of the total vole of the ward, and that the signatures and qualifications of tho signers wore not vouched for by at least live elec tors. 'The allegations of Alderman Dono van seem to be well grounded, and the probabilities are Jlr.ltyan will not have u. place on tho ticket and his three par ties will be completely disfranchised. Objections were also filed yesterday to tho Ilenublft-an party certificates of nomination of John P. Kelly, as candi date for alderman: Thomas O'Doyle, for select council: 'William Rush, for common council: John C. Jones, for constable, and J. K. McDcrmott, for as sessor, In the Eighteenth ward. Alderman Kelly was defeated for re nomlnutlon by P. J. Moore at the Demo cratic caucus. Jones and McDcrmott were also defeated for constable and assessor, respectively. They later in splied u caucus of the Republicans to nominate them and endorse O'Dovlo and Hush. John Ueuumont, one of the very few Republicans In tho ward, and John Flannery, who ivns also defeated for alderman in the Democratic caucus, ob ject to these candidates being listed on the ballot as the candidates of tho Re publican party, on the ground that there was no Republican caucus hold. The caucus was, It Is alleged, conducted by Democrats and participated in by Democrats only. Attorneys Clarence Dalontlne and Cornelius Coinegys represent the ob jectors. Thursday, court dismissed tlio objec tions filed to the Republican certificates of nomination from Old Forge, because they weio It regularly filed. Yesterday, new objections were presented In tlio regular manner. In Common Pleas Court. The case of Owen McGoveru against the Lackawanna Iron and Steel com pany will be given to tho jury by Judge Xewcomb today. The closing argu ments were made yesterday afternoon by Major Kverett "Warren for tlio de fense, and Attorney M. J. Martin, for the plaintiff. A verdict of $1,G8." in favor of the plaintiff was reported In the case of John Denore & i-on against Jt. 1":. Leonard. The jury in the ease of Peter Dill against the Ontario Accidental fund was out at adjourning time. In the case or Michael Ratchford and others against the Scranton Railway company, a. non-suit was granted by Judge Kelly on account of tho non-appearance of the plaintiff. Settlements were reported In tho cases of Vllllani Uright again&t J. n. Poore and A. Dlckmnn against X. Frit zer. Continuances were granted in tho fol lowing cases: M. Touhlll estate against the City of Scranton: Grace Connolly, administratrix, against C. C. Johnson and others: Mary "Walsh and others against the Dorough of "Wlnton, Flem ing & O'llara. against tho City of Scranton, Joseph Karolson against tho Johnson Coal company, Spring Drook Lumber company against James R. Watklus, A. Ferdlnaudo, administrator, ngainsl the City of Scranton, D, P. Kane against the Scranton Railway company, Mary Gavin aaalnst tho Scranton Railway company, Calvin Freeman against Norton "Wagner, John Drown anil others against tho Scranton Railway company. Of tho fifty cuscs on this week's list, all have been disposed of excepting tho twotjtill on trial, as follows: Continued, 23; tried, 11; settled, (i; on trial, 2; re ferred, 2: continued for settlement, 3; non-suit, 1. Exceptions Dismissed. President .ludgo II. M. Kdwurds. yes terday, handed down an opinion dis missing tho exceptions to tho report of tho vlewern of tho Second district sow er in Duumoie. Ah originally contemplated there was to bo a main sewer with laterals, a raft of exceptions were filed to the re port of tho viewers and after a con ferenco tho councils ngieed to strike Jd JBmf A jfiAltaijK of salt and witter strengthens tho throat, takes away tho scrappy feeling nt tho beginning of a Cold "77" does the rest. WOOLEN worn next tho skin "keeps In" tho hent; "77" strengthens and re vlves Ipw vitality and prevents Colds. DRY FDF.T nro essential to good health. Keep tho feet warm unci dry, und "77" will keep you well, DATHU frequently; bo sure to rub dry and got up the circulation after tho bath; u dose of "77'' will assist na ture, KBICP tlio mouth closed, breathe through tho nose, If It Is difficult, you have Catarrh und need "77." LET the beard grow If your throat la sensitive, and take "77" It cures hoarseness und restores the voice. "SEVENTY-SKVKN' ("77"), Dr. Humphrey's Famous Specific, slops a Cold at tho start and "breaks up" Colds that hang on. At all druggists. Hard Bumps Are In senpon. Know from di rect contact. Improperly ad justed glasses aro also aggra vating. INTERESTED? S. II. Twining:, Optician, 131 PENN AVENUE. out tho lateral sowers providing tlio exceptants would sign an' agreement not to object to tho rc-vlew of tlio main seWer, Two of the signers, however, lit viola tion of thin agreement, excepted to tho second view, alleging that they signed an agreement under u misapprehension of Its effect. Testimony on this point was taken at tho direction of tho court, anil It proved to bo of a very conflicting nature. Judge Edwards, In his opinion, says that In view of the fact that tho con tention of tho exceptants was not In dubitably established, and tliutlt would be, at till events, an unfairness to the borough to put It to tho expense of nnothor view, ho would have to hold that the written agreement was bind ing, dismiss the exceptions und con firm the viewers report finally. Howell Granted Extension. In tho orphans' court, Judge A. A. Vosburg, yesterday heard argument of counsel In tho citation proceedings against Franklin Howell to compel him to file an account as executor under the will of Daniel Howell. Tho executor filed an answer alleging that by con sent of his sister, now Mrs. Dean, ho had not filed formal accounts, but hnd kept her Informed as to the estate matters. He asked for time in which to file ti final account, by reason of the largo number of Items Involved, as well as tho engagements of his coun sel In court work. Attorney M. J. Martin represented Mr. Howell, and At torney L. M. Schouli appeared for Mrs. Dean. Judge Vosburg handed down an order extending the time' for filing an account for thirty days. In the estate of Matilda Swingle, de ceased, Judge Vosburg fixed February 8, at !) a. 111., for tho argument of tho exceptions to the auditor's report. Judge A. M. Freas, of tho Luzerne orphans' court, heard the audit upon the exceptions to the account of W. J. Shifter, guardian of Clara Boyer, a minor. Judge Vosburg having been consulted about this matter before his appointment, could not hear It. At torneys C. "W. Dawson and C. S. "Wood ruff appeared for the parlies in interest. Marriage Licenses. John ll.ii an .M:ny (iildea Michael i:.uly Mi. Ann Motley .Si 1 anion . 1ehhal1l Seianton ..Mlliuokl COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Court ji-itinlay ufiwd a mle for a new (ml in the ca-e of .lohu Zaleski snalml Mat Jud kaiie. and Altlc.iin.in .TrJin W. Millelt. In the ease of JloriU W. Menu aain-l Michael Itoran, tlio nilc on the plainlill to lulns an ac tion of ejectment uilhiu ninety dij a nude alwilute jMcrday. C. i). Snjdcr was jiMculay appointed judge or election in the 'third waul of Pick-on. Mis. i:il7.iheth Locker, by her attorney, Ik W. Thajer, becan an action in dhorce. jbtciiUy inclining nuain-t Iter hu-Innd, (iconic Locker, nl lesiii; de-eition. They weio inanicd oil 1'eli. St., J'-ti, and on Apill 1.1, 1M1, lie left her, as i-lie allcgp-c, without any jut cau e or nioioca Hon. AVOCA. There will be a special meeting of the Hose company on Monday ovnlnsf for the purpose of making arrange ments to attend the Peckville fair. The school board will meet on Mon day evening. M. F. O'Biien and John Moore, treas urer and tax collector for Avoca bor ough, have furnished bonds to tho amount of $21,000 to collect the $10,000 marshal, for which la mills have been levied. Dr. Dorse will be at his olllce every day, from 1 to 2 and from G to S p. m. Misses Mary Kearney, Nettle DrufL' ner, Mary and Bea Reap, Agnes Morn hnn and Elizabeth Scahill attended tho Klrmess at Scranton on Thursday evening. Mathew, the three months' old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Loftus, of Moo slc, was Interred yesterday afternoon In Si. Mary's chutch. Tli" death of Mrs. Mary Powers, mother of David Powers, proprietor of the Valley hotel, occurred yesterday morning, after sufforeing from In juries received nbout a month ago by falling down stairs. Deceased was a truo Christian lady and although nf filcled with blindness for many years, her spirits seldom varied nnd all who knew her found pleasure In her so ciety. Resides her son, she hns ono daughter In Halifax. Tho funeral will take place on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment will no In Pltlston. Mrs. James Walker, of tho North End, lost 11 pockethook containing a considerable sum of money. Finder vtlll be liberally rewarded. m 1 H WAVERLY. The attendance at our schools has been very much less than usual,, tho past few days, as the pupils have been obliged to remain at home In conse quence of Illness from vacclnntlon. Watson Htonu has rented tho store building on Main street, belonging to Myron Kasson, whoro ho Intends to run a tinning and plumbing shop.whlch is something that Is needed la tho town and will undoubtedly bo well pat ronized. At a well attended citizens' caucus, last Saturday evening, tho following ticket wus iiomtiiutciU Judge of elec tion, Hairy Miller; town council, E. Q, Carpenter, It. U. Shormun, J. M. Tru man: school directors, John W. Miller, Charles Watson: inspectors of election, Leslie Tyler, W. C. Hall: constable, William Lotson: high constable, Sam uel Hall: auditor, N. D, Smith, Henry White and wife cntei talned tho following persons at tea last Wed nesday evening. Ilev. M. dodsdiall and wife, J, K, Weldman and wife, Joseph Qillllth and wife, Miss Mury Clreeno and Sterling Bedford. aeorge Steeg, E. S. Calkin, Ralph Hauly and others, of this place, at tended the Sousa band concert last Tuesday ovonlng, Mrs. Llndley, of Fnctoryvllle, Is vis iting Mrs, Mllo Stone. Mrs. Ruth Perry bus returned homo after several weeks' visit to friends in Eastou. 1 in Men's 3.00 nnd 4.00 Goods. At a uniform mica of $2.9$ a pair, to day at Million's Shoe Sale. Trading stamps. MIRM DELIOIITED AUDIENCES THE DANCES. SEE Programme of Last Night Was tho Same as tho Preceding Night, Ex cept Tlmt tho Ponutlful May-polo Danco "Was Added Miss Stowart Recolvos Many Floral Tokons of Appreciation Afternoon Dances Went Off Most Pleasantly OfIlcer3 nnd Standing Committees. Tho performances of yesterday at tho klrnnjss were crowded with delighted nudlences. People who went tho first night went ngaln and took their friends and still again, nnd they will be there tonight and this afternoon. The dances last night wore much the same ns those of tho previous nights, Tho Muy-polp dance was included in the programme, and there were sov cnif Interesting little details which added to tlio beauty of the affair. The entire house was sold and the overllow was rather evident wherever n foothold could be obtained. Miss Stewart received quantities of flowers and continual evidences of tin: appreciation hi which she is held In this city. It is hoped that today 'the voting on favorite dances will be more enthusi astic. This pleasant diversion assists materially in swelling the fund. The afternoon dances went oft most pleasingly. The leading roles in the Cinderella pantomime were delightfully taken by little Katharine Coursen, Philip Piatt, Emma Taylor, Elizabeth Storrs and Ronuiyne Spencer, with Theodore Vnndllng a. handsome and good naturcd looking, cruel stepfather. The following constitute the members of the Cinderella 'Court dance: Misses Alice Blair, Marguerite Barker, Mar garet Council, Emma Taylor, Marlon Jones, Mildred Mnrple, Florence Smith, Elizabeth Storrs, Helen Mott, Kath uiino Coursen, Helen Haworth, Mar garet Brooks, nnd Theodore Vandllng, Kenneth Porter, John Duekworth.Ralpli Davis, Harold Davis, John Hosie, Earl Rice, D'Andelot Belln, Russell Porter, Philip Piatt, Dudley Sanderson, Don ald Hosle. Many teachers were In attendance last rjght for their first glimpse of their own lilrmess. The following constitute tho officers and standing' committees of tlio asso ciation:' 1'ie-idcnt l'lofc-Aor .1. It. ll.r.ikcr. Vice l'lcsidcntMh-s LoH Sanelrn. f-eticluiy MImi Anna C. Malia. Tre.iMiui I'rofiSaor 1). A. Mime. Trustee Piofessor John II. O'Maliey, l'lofcs tor II. L.'iluulicl., MUs .1. Ik McUfiicy, Miii L. Ik Penman, Mits Annie On, MUs Mary Kelle. BTANDINq COMMITTKKS. rinance l'roiewor M, J'. Ketrlck-, MIm Mary Linn, .Mtit. M. Mi .Toum. llcncfl! MIm i. 11. t'mnuin, ProfeMor 1). A. Blond, JII51 JInry Doyle, JIIm Fjrnh I,, llevlne. llntcrlolninenl Professor II. ",. IhiriHck, MU) Anna C, Malia, Mm. M, W. Totry, Professor J, V.. O'Maliey. Membership I'rotcw P. A, Flout, Professor Ihild Owrtu), MIm I", ,T, Chase, MM Aiinlo Iltin kin, MIs llllcn Webb, MIm Mary Kelly. VIsillns-l'rofMEor ,T. Ik 0'M.iltcy, Ml Ann C. Malta, Mlis .bill a t'ctllgiew, Jfl-s Mary (tren dy, Jllss Mary Kelly. In tho whist contest, C. It. Fuller and J. It. Torrey played ugalnst Clcorge Scott nnd J. F. Droadbcnt, tho former winning by ono point. Tonight tho players will bo Messrs. Allabnch, Nichols, C. B. Penman and Eugene Heeley. Cholco cakes Willi bo on sale nil day nnd evening at the Lyceum for the benefit of the teachers' carnival. BUSINESS SITUATION IS SATISFACTORY Manufacturers Havo Resisted Infla tion l" Prices In Steol, but De mand Attracts Importations. By L'xcluslve Wire from llic Associated Prejs. New York, Jan. 31. R. CI. Dun & Co.'s review of trade tomorrow will say: Peptic foine di.mlueks the Imsluca. situation continue cttlsfaclory Willi especially good news fiom manufacturing centcM. Labor dlsputca are Romewhat nunc liunieious and low water stopped mills in p.iiH of the northwest. Special lines wero (.tlintilatcd hy Ko.inoiiibtc weather, hut the same influence ndectcd others athcrsely. Althounli manufacturers of Etccl have stub. hornly resisted inflation of prices, tlio urgency ol consumers has attracted 11101c importation). Dis tant dclii erics are undertaken by domestic pro ducer, but, wlicio immediate, shipment Is le quired, it is often impcsible to pievcnt foreign makers securing the business. Last year's official statement (.howed ti considerable loss in exports of some finlihcd pioducts of iion and steel, and this was doubtless due to the same picssurc by home consumers Hint is now bringing a move ment info the country, not in competition with producers here, but because early deliveries can 1 ot be made. As, anticipated, the ore companies fixed Ilei-semcr at tiie old late of 1.23. The ic markablo leport of the steel corporation gives some idea of the olunie of business liansacted last year while conttacts already placed prac tically assure still greater actlWty for 10OM. All lines have a share in tho vigoious demand witli railway and structural supplies leading, nnd piep aration for spring work has removed the dullness from pipe and tube departments. Minor metals finally readied a point where consumers were attracted nnd recoicry was general. Liabilities of commercial failures dining four weeks of January nggiegate ?12,no2,O07, Men's Arctics for 98c. At Malion's Mid-Winter Shoo Sale to day. 32S Lackawanna nvenue. Trad lug stamps. A Trip to California or Florldd. Those contemplating such a trip need but to call on the local ticket agent of the Lackawanna railroad and ho will arrange every detail. Including trans portation, berths, reservations and checking of baggage through- to desti- VsW Lamp I Chimneys It is annoying. to have them break the moment'you turn up the light, Al. & P. Top stands more heat than any other Chimney made. g Ask your dealer for them. Price 10 cents. Each one packed in a square carton, 1 it mmmmm FURNITURE'. REPAIRED Have you in your attic a favorite chair with the upholstering in bad shape, nn arm or a rocker broken, or perhaps having the springs out of order, waiting an indefinite sometime to be repaired? Let us mend it, repoiish it, put a new cover on it and send it back to you as good as new. , F. fi. KAISER, MANAGER. Lackawanna and Adams Avenues. vmtp Both 'Phone3 E O S Qfr Q2 2& o S5 (E X g 0g $& Q9 o 9 OFFERS A 1 Shoe Bargains J 1 9 c A 9$ 625 a fo 9 CS S3 4B S tS C2 S (St) A Wonderfu nation; also will furnish rates, folders, descriptive literature aud any other in formation desired on tho subject. Through sleepers and day coaches to Chicago. Only ono change of cars to California. fcfUtl nup'a.fnfi TUP flir0tiarfxrtiurnteBiitfntfXiiriirfti(r9itf pujiunn.HnupBj'UtfsuiuKi'nvijmimu White il Snow White Sale of Snow H Ft "S u Commencing This Saturday We Continue This Sale for Ten Days. We flention but a Few of the Good Things : Red Border Pure Linen Damask. Sale Price 29C Pure Linen Dice Pattern Silver Bleached Damask, 45c. Sale Price 3C Silver Bleached German Damask. Ten all new patterns, mostly open borders, very firm, 63c goods, Heavy width, 85c, Extra weight, all new beautiful work Sll ver Bleached, $1.00 grade Another finer and better grade Silver Bleached, $ 1 .25 goods Finest and Best Silver Bleached Goods ever shown by us, $1.59. Sale Price.. . uu S3 s- Cllifn QlArtl.nrl ta.il pnff full .JIlVCl LJICdllCU, VCIY BVU, 1UU y . Sale Price OVC 3? tfU Sale Price 49C SnoW White Linens We commence the Snow White Damask with 69c goods ior A better and Damask, 89c finer line Special. . of Snow White 58c 75c 'Reeds, Austrian, Irish and German Linens, piece goods, napkins to match, dainty open borders. All choice selected up-to-date designs Snow 'White Linens valued at $1.50. Sale Price Snow White Linens valued at Sale Price. ,.. , $1.75. $1.19 $1.40 Snow White Linens valued at $2,00, , Sale Price $ 1 .65 Snow White Linens valued at $2.50. Sale Price ; $1.95 85c H 98c si $1.25 g Is Heavy Soft Finish German Silver Bleached Napkins Dice Patterns, 79c value. Speciat 63c Dice Patterns, $1.00 value. Special 85c Dice Patterns, $1.25 value. Special $1.08 Heavy Soft Finish Napkins, $1.25, for. . .. $1.00 HeaAy Soft Finish Napkins, $ 1 .75, for ... . $1.48 Heavy Soft Finish Napkins, $2.04, for ... . $1.60 Irish, Scotch and Reeds finer Satin Finish Nap kins, Scroll, Coral Leaf, Floral and Spot designs, just received. $2.00 Snow White Napkins for $1 .75 $2.25 Snow White Napkins for $2.00 $2.50 Snow White Napkins for $2.19 $3.00 Snow White Napkins for $2.69 $4.00 Snow White Napkins for $3.50 $6,00 Snow White Napkins for $5.35 Stevens, Barnsley and Heavy German Crash Tow eling, Huck and Damask Towels, Bleached and Brown Bath Towels, at cut prices at this special sale. suns Unbleached Good 6c Muslin 4c 7c Fine Muslin 5c 42-Inch Lockwood Pillow Casing 8c 45-Inch Lockwood Pillow Casing 9c 48-Inch Lockwood Pillow Casing 10c 6-4-inch Lockwood Pillow Casing , wc 8-4-inch Lockwood Sheeting 15c 9-4-inch Lockwood Sheeting i7c 10-4-inch Lockwood Sheeting 19c 42-Inch Utlca Pillow Casing 10c 45-Inch Utlca Pillow Casing 11c 50-nch Utlca Pillow Casing 12c 6-4-Inch Utlca Pillow Casing 13c 8-4-lnch Utlca Sheeting 17c 9-4-Inch Utlca Sheeting 19c 10-4-Inch Utlca Sheeting sic 6c Shaker Flannel , 4u 9c Shaker Flannel , , ' 7c 10c Shaker Flannel 9c ngs. Bleached 412 5pruce St. End of the Season Sale F. L. CRArsJE, 324 Lackawanna Avenue. 100S I'eraiJn unci Mai ten Storm collar $10, 1025 Feniijn ami Mouftlont: Storm collar 1007 Mink Storm collar "221 Mink (,'oll.iretto 40, 1023 fircbo Collaretto 15, I0SS Ulark Mjrlcn Hear! 6. 122! ltlack Marten Scarf ' 1001 Klcctilu f-Val Scarf ' W lllrctrlo Sell Surf 113S Sablo IV Scarf 1 1K Sable l'ox Scarf 8, 1115 Illuo 1.3'n-c Scarf 1 S2c.il IUhq I..in Scarf 1'2, 301X Itotl Fo- Kcaif 7, W0 Mink Scarf, long talis 33, S010 Mini; Scarf 25, 072 Cinnamon Hear lloa, 3 ds lonir S.'. MT-niacl; Hear lloi, !! jcH loner, in, 1171 HroiMi Hear lloa, 8 d lonpr. 15, 6CO Natural Onposum Hon, 3 jcU lonp n. 700 Gray l'ox lloa, a yd low:.. 10, 29J HIuo Ljiis lloa, ti iU Ions. IS. I'urs ltepalrcd. l'nri Miuiufactmctl, llought. ,00 now $0.00 .00 now S.00 .00 now 15.00 ,00 now 20.00 .0(1 now 0.00 00 now 4.0) 00 now 4.00 ,60 now 1.01 ,50 now 1.51 ,00 now 10.00 .50 now fi.00 .00 now 10.00 ,00 now 8.01 ,00 now t.00 00 now 25.01 .00 now 17.00 00 now 25.00 ,00 now l.'i.Oi) 00 now 10.00 00 now 4.00 00 now 7.00 00 now 12.00 Haw 1'iiTl Good 6c Muslin 7c Fine Muslin N Best Hill Muslin , Lonesdale Muslin r. ' Fruit of Loom 42-Inch Loqkwood Pillow Casing 45-inch Lockwood Pillow Casing , . . 50-inch Lockwood Pillow Casing 6-4-Inch Lockwood Pillow Casing 8-4-Inch Lockwood Sheeting , 9-4-inch Lockwood Sheeting 10-4-Inch Lockwood Sheeting , . 42-inch Utlca Pillow Casing 45-nch Utlca Pillow Casing i oc 50-Inch Utlca Pillow Casing 13c 6-4-Inch Utlca Pillow Casing 14c 8-4-inch Utlca Pillow Casing 19c 9-4-lnch Utlca Pillow Casing , , . 21c 10-4-inch Utlca Pillow Casing.. , . . , 2,3c 5C 6c 7c 8c 8c 9c IOC lie 13c 17c 19c 21c QC 1 IfiL3I CLII 415 and 417 Lackawanna Avenue, Wk NfSL OP181 B8 4P" tfi BVIeARS ol III WmmH & a &s&0 u HifXrfVjrivtautrirtftarikrfuniriifiirirtiinkirwteiri.irf Mj!WMilMliMjiMjVXvrn,vjlXttMjM)u0MMtf rfhxtaX0jnttXjfrfUtf TKnumjs. FOR SALE A large Cedarwood Wardrobe " thoroughly moth proof. A large handsome Oak with looking glass attnehed; also a glass front. Book Case Containing two drawers. Stuffed Eagle haudsomely mounted, suit able for National Decorative Piirpose,aU iu good condition. Apply at 605 Clay Avenue. Prof,Q.F.THEEL,B2TsUrl: fhll&tlrlvliU, I'a. Ualj tenuis biflalU Uf iurrlra.( uu-tltMl turvaUab; udl I'rtiI i Ilkrurst tinwes Abuict, UI(K4 t'olMti. KcriftMt tulLluc). L'udfitlaDiutnU A Shrunken OraiuLt kotplUl tiBf rleatt la Ui-rn&7. fW4 for book TmtV'fi.l uag itryutsieu itu-ruiruv u ibuikpt,i