The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 01, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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I ) II.. . . 111...., I I WlMWlMPIljWWMIWWtMWIW I . II.L.I I --I..-J. .. .1.1.. . I .... , M,n, (
Church and Sunday-School
Pennsylvania, Mlblo nocloty con
tains inuch regai'iUm- tliu woilc
nf How It. O. Hnrnod, tllble
ngent for tho Methodist chiirch
In tills portion nf tlio Htale, linn been
issued. Among the lnteresitlnpr. Items It
Is noted that Mr. llarncd with hotse
niul Hlbte-wafjon Iiiih traveled 1,800
miles In Susquehanna, Bradford, Sulli
van and Lj-eonilnp counties, reaching n
ullage population far from churches,
Sunday schools and book stores. In all
ho distributed 2,600 volumes In these
communities. In concluding his repoit
Mr. Harned soys:
"We might enumerate many dlfllcul
tles, such as hills, lough roads
and Inconvenience often In finding sult
nblo places for entertainment for the
nights; the coolness of people who re
garded us a m'cie peddler; the effort
" sometimes necessary to induce people
to purchase n needed Bible, and Indeed
helping them plan to pay lor it, be
lieving they would got more out of It
If they put something In It.
"I have thought best not to make
much ado about .particular cases, of
destitution, such as janitors of churches
and Sunday school teachers, people liv
ing next door to churches and paison
nges, etc., who had no Bibles In th-lr
houses, lest It might do more liaim
thnn good. And, yet, I have found In
stances of all these."
The following communication sots
forth the needs of the society:
'I lie llllilo coelely Is Mill doing .i gr and
good woilc at home anil alnoail.
All chuiihes anil individuals in Lichawatina
. county who dc-ite to nlil In this woithy bmcto
lenco aie lciiuc.sted to send tholr ollcrlng bt
check, money oidcr oi lcgi'toied letter to Mis.
William II. llichmcnd, tressmci, lllehmcsrid
, Itlll, !!125 .N'oilli Main avenue, Scranton, I'.i., oi
to llcndcisou C, named, solicitor, Lock Hom 4f,
Scranton, Pa.
V new depositor) will soon be established in
the Young Jim's Christian association rooms of
Scranton, wheie the Scilpttucs, in man) lm
linages may lie ccuicd at a teiy low price and
as a gilt to tarioiis klmLi of mission work.
The solicitor, who has distributed ocr tin
thousand tolumcs in Northeastern I'cntisyltauia,
jn four jcars, Mippljiug moic than nvchuiidioil
families who 1ml no llibles in their home? and
oxer thlitj-onc hundied Indivieluils who hid
neither Uible nor Testament, s now pastor of a
(hutch and can only gite a limited time In this
tvoik this j ear. So please fend on jour eontii
buttons and aid this "fotwaid movement." All
funds not needed at homo aie fotwarded by the
local society to the genital woil;
II. O. Ilained,
Superintendent and Solicitor Lackawanna Hiblo
Ilo 48, Scianton, l'a.
.Tan. SI, l'"02.
The following invitation has been
sent to all tlje Young People's societies
of the several churches in tlio city:
Januai), 2-Jtli, 1002.
To the Vniiiif; Peoples' Socletj.
lMlow Clii istlnn Woiheis: Sunday, IVbruniy
2, Is the ttt-cnt) -first annlvcrsaiy of the Young
Peoples' Society of Christian ihidoatoi. In
' America, luciit)-one is the lawful ago of inde
pendent life and service, and a petlod when
. the wotld lias a tight to cpict a foinarj move
ment toward the highest and best of our ma'i
'r hnod Mid womanhood.
s jouug people, members of tliU so
ciety which has become tvoild-wiilc in its menu
bcrshlp and inliuence, and as Christian Ilnd-.i-voters
lojal to Christ and the' chmch, tve tlt
Flre to emphasize our twenty-first anniversary by(
making it an occasion of peional consecration
and specific Christian sen ice.
The Christian Lnde-noi- society of the Penn
Avenue I)iilt chinch coidlally invites jou, to.
gillicr willi nil the Young1 People's societies of
the several chinches of the city, as far as piac, to unite in the anniversary sen ice at the
Venn Avenue chmch, Sunday evening, l'tbruary
2, at 7.."0. A biief service of song will pioccdo
the tcniie, led by the Choral union of tiie
church, under the direction of 1'iof. Ilajdn
liv.ins. Our pastor, Itev. itobert r. Y. Pietec,
1). 1)., vvlll pleach an approptiate sermon. lies.
I.ulher Hc,s Waring, picshlcnt of the City union,
will Rive an addrce-, and other Christian .vuikcrs
will ptiticipate in the sen Ice
n lihpoitant fealute of this service will he
the "Soul W'iuneiV Meeting." Wo icmic-t caih
Kndeavorer to invite .some im-.iud filend to he
piesent, and lo piay and tugc their fikuds
(o .inept Chilit at this time. Come with
a piajer and a testimony and an earnest pm-
io-o to win one for Christ. Should the audi
r toilum be uovvded, an ovcttlovv- meetliiR will bo
1UM in the lower trniplc.
Youia for Christ and the Chinch,
ruyet-Mcetini,' Committee C. i:.,
i, 1'iim Avenue HuplUt chuuh.
Tlio annual meeting of All Souls Unl
versallst church, held the middle of
January, was one o'f the most encourag
ing of recent years. The treasurer re
ported all bills paid, and a surplus of
?..ri on hand.
Since the coming of the new pastor,
they have tissuiedly taken u new lease
of life. Now faces aie seen in the
congiegntion, fiom Sunday to Sunday,
unci u spirit of confident assurance per
vades all departments of tho church.
if IMS Eclipse.
Any man can produce a total eclipse
of the sun, so far as lie himself is con
cerned, by holding a dollar close to liis
eye, i ie total eclipse
of health is often pro
duced in much the
bauie way, by letting
the dollar shut out
frotn( view all other
things ami interests.
A great many people pay for wealth with
health and admit at labt that they have
made a poor bargain. In the chase of
the dc'kir people are too eager to take
time to eat regularly or choose proper
food, the stomach becomes disordered or
diseased, tiie food eat
en ceases to nourish,
arid physical break
down comes.
Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
i cures diseases of the
I stomach' and other or-
trans of digestion and
nutrition and so enables
the streugtheniug of the
body, in the only way by
which strength can be ob
tained, bv food properly
I digested and perfectly as
similated, " I suffered for four j ears with
fiaiu in my stomach go that at
iiiics I couldn't work nor eat,"
rites Mr. Frank Smith, of
(irauitc, Chaffee Co., Colo. J
wrote to you about my tlckuen
und was told to use your iiiedU
cine, vvliicli I did with good
resit'ta I only used four bat
' Ilea of ' Coldeu Medical Ulscov.
cr-' aud must nay that I uni
Htirelv- curt.d. ntul fpl III m
new iiian. mid I can highly recommend your
UVM4W1UU M tiUf 9U11VI"
Tiie People's Common Sense Medtcal
Adviser, 1608 pages, free on receipt of
pmuips 10 pay expense 01 mailing omy.
nciiu ji UJJC--CC1H btauips ior iue paper
povered edition, or 31 stamps for the
sioui-uouiunomnie, 10 ut, k. v, 1'iercc,
w 1
A little more limn a week ago the
pastor issued his first pastoral letter,
u regular bugle-enll, flo all Unlveisal
Ists In the city, far and near, who love
the great nume and faith of Untvor
sallsm, On the evening of February 28, the
Ladlefi' Aid society invaded the homo
of the pastor and his wife, each one
carrying one or more nuarl Jars of
delicious canned fruit, taking tho
dominie and his wife completely by
surprise. By a happy chance, It proved
to bo Mr. Payne's birthday. A delight
ful evening was spent to the accom
paniment of Instrumental and vocal
music, interspersed with enjoyable con
versation and refreshments.
The Christian Advocate says of a
clergyman who began his ministerial
work in tills city: "Professor .Tpseph
A, Faulkner, of Drew Theological Sem
inary, having been grantetL-lcave of ab
sence for the remainder of tho seminary
year, Hailed last Saturday on the
steamer Pennsylvania for Hamburg.
He was accoirvjinled by Mrs. Faulkner
and their chfqrren, and while abroad
will give attention to special studies
connected with his department. He
will reside at Leipzig, and return in
time for the opening of the seminary
next full."
Itev. Dr. Pierce left for Philadelphia
yesterday whore he will participate In
tho services with Ilov, Russell H. Con
well at the Baptist Temple, and give
the' address at the annual rally of the
Junior Christian Kndeavor societies of
Philadelphia Saturday afternoon nt the
Trinity M. E. church. Two hundred
and thlrty-Ilve Junior societies will
participate in this great rally, which
is to celebrate the twenty-first anni
versary of the Christian Endeavor
movement. Dr. Pierce will return Sat
urday evening in time for the services
at the Penn Avenue church on Sunday.
Th men's meeting at the Railroad
Young Men's Christian Association will
be held on Sunday afternoon at 3:45.
The Rev. Charles Henry Newing, of
Dunmore, will give an evangelistic ad
dress. Mr. Newing is a strong speaker
and is acquainted with the needs of
men. A very attractive announcement
of the meeting has been issued, giving
a. half-tone portrait of Mr. Newing. The
line male quartette of the department
will lead the song service and give
special selections. The attendance
committee will be glad to welcome one
hundred men.
On Monday evening, February 3,
James McConaughy, from Moody's
Mount Hermon school, will speak of
"Moody's Life and Work, and How His
Work Goes On." '
His address will be illustrated by
stereoptlcon views under the direction
of A. V. Bower. This will be free to
On Sunday at 3:43 Assistant Secre
tary Main will have charge of the
services at which special music will
be rendered. All' men are welcome.
Rev. D. D. Hopkins, of the First
Welsh Baptist church, of Scrnnton, will
present the paper before the Baptist
Ministerial Conference on Monday
morning next. His subject will be
"The Inliuence of Romanism on Puritanism."
Methodist E?copal.
Kim l'ark Methodist Episcopal chmch Old
fashioned love feist, led by Pusldinp; Kldtr I)r
A. Giifllu, at 0.20. l'tcachliii; at 10.:;0 by the
presidium elder. Class mcetlni; at close of the
morning sendees in hunday school 100m. Sun
day schoul at 2 p. m.; Junior League at SI.ISU;
Senior beaune at HBO. The pastor, C. M. Git
(In, D. 1)., vvlll preach at V.tiO; topic, "Main
for .1 hhoitage."
Providence M. U. chinch ltcv. Ccoige A Cure,
paster. The Iltotherhood of Si. Paul meets for
pr.ijcr at 10 a. in.; preaching at 10.S0; Sunday
school, 2 p. in.;, in place of Kpwortli
League, 0.30; preaching, 7.20 by the ltcv, Austin
Ciiifthi, 1). 1),, whu will also senc the Lord's
Couit felicet Methodist Jlpiscopil Chinch CJ.
C. Ljman, pastor, lias., IU3, O. 1). DeWilt,
leader. 1'ieathlng, lO.iW. Sunday sehoul,. 11.13,
0. It., superintendent. Junior league, 2 20,
Mi.h. Itrant, supcilntendtnt. Kpuoith league,
(l..iO. KvangelUtlc senlces, 7.M. All .110 wel
come. Seats free.
Hampton Street Methodist Lpiscopal Chinch
ltcv. .lames llenuingcr, pastor. Sen ices Sunday
as follows: Love feast at 10. At 10.30, recep
tion of probationers and the Lord'a supper; Suit,
day school at 2 p. m.; Intermediate league at'3
p. in.; Upworth league at C.S0 p. 111.; Mho Amu
Hewlett, leader. Pleaching at 7,30. Subject,
"What Seats lo Occupy." Devil al seniles. A
welcome to all.
A. M. 11, chut ill Howard Place, Pr. I). S.
Ilentley, pistor. Tho ipiartcily inciting tuinoi
row will bo attended with unusual Intmcst and
pioflt. ltcv. benjamin Wheeler will pitach nt
10.E0 a. 111, The sacrament of the l.oid'n nipper,
:i p, in. Itev. S. II. Jloiris will pieach at 7.13
p. in. The icvlwl services will bu continued
uett week. A cordial welcome lo all.
Cedar Aicnuo M. II. Chuiclt 1 P. Doty,
pastor, tjuartcrly meeting In the morning;
Love feast, 0.30 a, 111,; sermon bv the pastor,
10 30, communion following ferinons Sunday
echool, at noon; Junior Dpvvotth League, 3.30 p,
in,; Kpuoith League, O.fii) p, in,; evening
woiship, 7.30 p, in, A coiulal welcome to all.
Asbuty, Ji. I;, rhmcli comer Moiuey avenuo
and Delavvam street, Itev, W. O. fsjmnjnii, D,
I)., pastci. Devotional meeting of the lltutlicr
hood of St, Paul, 0.S0 a, m, ; pleaching, 10,30
a, 111., subject: "Christianity a Luminloiu Life;"
Sunday school, 2.S0 p. 111,; kpwortli League, 0,30
p, 111.; pleaching, 7.20 p, 111., subject; "(lod'n
Provision for tho Soul's Jtccnvery." Piajer
meeting, Wednesday, 7.C0 p, 111, Ssats free and
all am welcome,
I'll t ficiman Methodist Kpincopal liiuuli,
Adams avenue und Vine tticct (I. Itobllln, pi.
lor, Divine mrlto, a. in, and 7,30 p. m.
There vvlll be communion ceiihn b, 11m inrri,,..
and lovo feast in thu ocnlng. Sunday kIiouT
i noon, aim u ociock at uie Taylor Avenue
chape). Upworth League Hireling at 0.13 p. m, ;
prajev meeting on evening.
I'irst Methodist Kpiseopal Chuuh ilia Itev.
Chalks Jlenry Newing, pastor, Senlce at JO.iO
a. ni. and 7,20 p. in. Ilia pator will prec)i
bolli morning and evening, livening subject,
'Warning One' Self." Cli ineitlnga at 11.13.
Sunday school at 2.30 p. in. livening prajtr ser.
ice at 0.30 o'clock. Kpnoith league, Tuesday
evening at 7.13 p'llock. Mid-week thurcli puer
senkc, Wednesday evening at 7.30 p'llock,
Penn Avwiue UuptUt i-liurcli, Penn aienue, be.
tvveen Spium and Linden stieeU Sliaimeu a!
v'ay welcome. 1'ieachln, moinlng ut 10.30 and
cvenincr at 7.30. bv the iijtor. ltm lia..t i.
Y. lierce, 1). D. Slornlng puyew In tho lower
icmpio at v.11. incme oi uio mornliia; ssinion,
"I'iiijlly fccciet, or (Matt Talks with Church
Membcii." ltccentlon of new- wmlin. a,..i
lomuiuiiloi foilovvlug tho neniiou. Sunday
school at 2 o'clock' at tho home church ami at
3.30 at (he Auiennan minion. Young Peopled
meetlne at (1.30. The evening erilccs will be
In coniinembratlon ol the tncnljdlrtt anniver
sary of the founding of the Christian Jilide.ivcr
societies. Iho pastor will preach an nppin.
prlate sermon on the theme, 'Sons and Daugli
tiri of the Chuuh," and Itev. Luther lies)
Waring, president of the City Chtlsllaii Kndoi..
lor union will give an addicw. Alt Young
People's societies of the city churches aie cor
dially Invited to partlclpite In this eivlce.
Ilvangellstle senlces will follow, meet.
lugs will he held in the Penn Avenue uluiiil:
every evening neft week'.
I'itst Ilaptkst thurcli South Main avenue, Itev.
H, 1'. Mathews, pastor, 'the usinl pleaching
services moinlng ami rvening, 10.:) a. in, and
7.30 p. ni., by the pastor. The "Lotd's Supper"
will be setved at the cloe of the evenliu scnlie.
Sunday school, ! p, in., Mr. II, (I. Deddoe, supt.
It. Y. P, l". bin Ice, 0,30 p. in. In avemhly
room. Itegular piajir meeting, Wednesday 7.30
p. m. l'liithcr announcements fiom the pulpit.
All are cordially invited to lhee senlces. Seats
Jackson Street baptist chmch Meu'i) morning
pi.iyor nieetlug nt 0.13, leader, Drothir Isau
Jones. Setinon by the pistor, ltcv. Thomas de
(iritchy, 1). D., at 10.30; topic, "The 1'lrst Pelf.
cutlon." At 2 p. in,, the Sunday sxhool will 1 e
held, John Llojd, superintendent, llveolng Ber
vlcc at 7 fli.up. The pialso service will bo led
by a full oichrstra. Wo will sliig from the new
h.vnm hooks of "Sacred Songs," followed by a
short address on the " Impel Ishablciicss of a
Cood Life," Our chinch is open to alt. Scats
aie all free and all 'tiiiiignrs uie welcome.
Shlloh llaptlst tliiirc h -Ui'V, J It. Itoddi",
pastor. Pleaching, 10 a. In. by the pistor, fub
Jccl: "The (inkers of the llaptbt (liuiih." U
p. ni Sunday school; 3.S0 p. in., communloii,
the hand of fellow-ship and the blessing nt
chlldien; 7 to 8 p. m., 11. Y. P. I". piaycr
meeting; S p. in., pleaching, subject: "The Only
roundatlon." Monday evening the closing of
tho It. Y. P. tT. piaycr mooting topic. Wednes
day evening, pleaching. I'lhhy evening, general
prjvcr meeting. All welcome.
(irceii Itldae baptist chuuh Moinlng piajer
meeting at 9.13. Church services, with rerniona
by tho pastor, at 1ft .'i0 and 7.20. Subject in the
morning, 'Looking 1'iom the Heal tn the Ideal
in the evening, "IXamining the I'oimdation."
The Lord'n supper will follow the morning ser
mon. Sunday school at 11.13; meeting nf Hie
Junior socletv at 3.30; lull i.ill of the Senior
society at O.f.O.
I'irst Picsbytorian chuuh Services at 10.30 a.
in. and 7.30 p. m. Dr. Mcl.eod will pieaeh
"Hiorning and evening. Pastors Uible class af
ter morning senile. .Mid-week service Wednes
day evening, 7.13 o'clock. Stiangeis welcome.
Second P1esl13tc1I.n1 chuuh, JelleisM ave
nue Itev. Joseph II. Odcll. the new pa-tor, vvlll
occupy pulpit itininlnjr and evening.
Piovidencc Picsbv tiilan church The pastor,
ltcv. Dr. I'.ulld, will occupy the pulpit, bundaj
school at noon; Junior Kndc.iv or, ' 3.30 p. 111;
Senior LnJeavor, 0.13 p. 111. 'I he seats of the
ihuuii are fice.
Sumner Avenue Piosbvleii.ui ilnuih -coimr
Sumner aicnuo and Pilct sticet. S.ibbitli school,
at 2 o'clcclc, Mr. lle?aleel Davies, Mipciiiileiul'iit.
r.iening servico at 0 o'clock. Mr. Pcabody, of
tho School of (he Lackiwamu will pieach. Seats
free. All welcome.
Washbuin Street Prc-b,v chuuh ltcv.
John P. Moflat, D. 1)., pj'lm, hen ices at 10 30
a. m. and 7.20 p. m. Ilihle school at 12 in.;
Junior Christian KnuY.noi at 3.20 p. 111.; pia.vcr
meeting Wednesday, 7.30 p. 111. The pastor will
pieach in the moinlng. 111 the evening the
tvventj-first annlveioary of the Christian Ln
dcavor society will be celebrated with a special
piogi.niiinc. The oicheslia svill he piescnl also.
All coidhlly welromed.
Adams Avenue chapel, Xew YuiU sliecl Itev.
James Hughes will pieach at 10 ',0 and 7.20. All
Capou-e chipel (Picb.vtcrian) Pleaching at
10.20 a. m. ami 7.20 p. in., by thu pastor, ltcv.
L. it. I'o-ter. Sunday school, 2 p. m. ; Junior
Christian Dndeaior, I p. m.; Senior Christian
r.ndeavor, 0 30 p. m.; piajcr mectliig, 7. !0
Thin siliy evening. Welcome to all.
St. Luke's Paiish Itev. Itogeis I-iael, D. D
lector, ltcv. IMwnrd J, llaimhton. cuiate.
I'm ion It, Y. M., Siwageslmj. 7.30 a. 111.,
Holy lommuuiou; 0.13 .1. in., morning piajev;
10.20 a. 111., seimou and Holy Cuuimunion; 7.20
p. 111., evening prajer and seimon.
St. Maik's chapel Dunmoic. S a. m Holy
Communion; 10.30 a. in., moinlng prajer and
seimon; 2 p. m., Sunday school; 7,20 p. 111.,
evening piajer and sermon.
St. Ceoige s mission Olj pliant, 2.20 p. m.,
Sunday school; 3.20 p. in., evening piajer ami
PlCsiilt Avenue mission 2.20 p. 111., Sunday
Clnirth of the Cood Shepheid, coiner Mou
se- avenuo and Gieen Itldge sliect Itev. Kiar.
els It. lliteman, icctoi. Scagesimi Sunday.
Moinlng piaycr and holy communion at 10.."0
a. m.; Sunday school and lectin's class at 2.20
p. m.; evening prajer at 7.30 o'clock.
St. Davld'd Parish Itev. L'dwatd J. Mcllemv-,
icctoi. Celeliutlon of Holy Uuclurlst T.'tO and
10.20 a. 111. K cnsongVrfid seiinon, 7.20. Sundsj
scliool, 12.
Reformed Episcopal,
(laic lteformed DpUcopal ihuich, W.vomliig
avenue, below Mulbeiij- street Hev. C'eorgc L.
Ahlch, pastor. Piajcr and piaUc service, 0.20
a. 111.; Divine worship, 10.S0 .1. 111. and 7.20 p.
m.; communion at the morning scivlcc., Prracr
Ing by the pastor; morning, "Itcjoke in Christ."
I Pet. I: S; evening, special evangelistic ser
vice, "'the fiospel 1'east," Lsther 1: 1-S; Sab.
bath school, 12 in.; Young People's Society of kndeavor, 0.20 p. in. Lesson study
rvciy Wednesday evening nt 7.30 o'cloik, fid
lowed by prajei meeting at 8. Seals fue. All
are welcome-.
Evangelical Lutheran.
Scagcsima Sunday; (iospel, Luke vlll, 4-13;
Lplstle, H Cor., 11,11-12:0.
St. Maiks, rimiteenlli and Washbuin sliccts
ltcv. A. L. Hamer, Ph, D,, pastor, Service, 10 20
a, m, and 7.20 p. m.; Simdjy school, 12 m.;
Luther league, 0 p. 111.; mission band, Salurda.v,
2.20 p. in. Moinlng subjecl, "Tho (iospel Pub
llshcd to thu Heathen, livening subject, "Hie
Ilfflcacy of Iho Divine Word."
St. Paul's-, Shoit avemic Hev. W. C. L, Liucr,
pastor, Services, 10,30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m, ;
Sunday sihool, 2.30 p. in,
Christ chuuh, Ccclir aiciiiio and lllrch street -ltcv.
James Witke, pastor. Suvlces, 10.20 11. in,
and 7,30 p. in.; Sunday school, 2.30 p. 111.
St. Peters, Pieseott avenue ltcv. John II in
ilolph, pastor. Services, 10.20 a. 111. ; Sundry
school, 2 p. in,
Dmanuel fiermaii-Pollih Lutheran Church, Hee-o
street ltcv, I'crdlnand Sattclmcltr, patoi,
Preaching Iiv tho (iciiuan language, 10 a, in.;
Sundaj school, 2 p. 111,
Holy Trinity Lutheran Chuich, coiner Adams
avenue and Mulheny street Sesageslina Sunday,
Kpi.tle, II Cor., xl, II), xll, 0; gospel, Luko vlll,
1-13. Hev. IM L. Itllter, of Ilazlcton, will occupy
the pulpit. Sen Ices 10.10 .1, 111, and 7,30 p, m,
Suiuliy school at 15, Luther leaeue at 0,43 p.
m. Mission band nieols Satuiday at 0.13 a, in,
ZIoh'h Lutheian ihuich, 2J0 Mlfllin nvenue--Hev.
S. O. (Jalletikamp, pistor, Ss.agesini.i
Sunday, Morning sendee, 10.30 a, 111,; subject of
sermon, "Tho lloer War, South Ailca and the
Immoital Soul and How the Almighty Takes
Cam of lively lield." Sunday school ut 2 p,
in.; Hblo, tlio pastor; infant loom. Mis,
Christine Oallaiikamp. Send Jur chlllien lo
tho sihool, lllblo ilas and pifant depirtment.
Wis agree to take caic of Ihem. livening- sci
liicj, 7.30 p. in,; uiy interesting leciuiij
on tho beautiful hjinn of the Lutheran
ihuuii, "Jieus Illlf Slejen du I'lici-ste
des Lebeus," and J, II, bihroeder, Its poet,
IhiglUli evuy tlilid Sunday In the month. Wed
rcsday, the 5th of 1'ebtuary, Ladles' VId to.
ckty a( 2 p. pi, Luther Leaguo at 7.10 p. m.
lt all the uiembci bo piesint. Ash Wcilnis
day, the 12 0 I'cbmarj', Lent servico will Le
gin at S. ni.-'i p. in. f ou care for jour tout,
jou must attend Lenten ten lie.
Grace llvaugelical Lutheran church (general
sj nod), corner of MadUon avenuo aud Mulbeny
streitHev. Luther le Watlug, pastpr. 0J0
a, 111., Sunday school; 10,30 a, 111., Divluo wor
ship; subject, "Mudlei In the Life of Jesus
Christ-Ills I'irst Duelpliss and HI r'irt Mlta-
cle"; 7 p. tn Young -People's Society of Chris
thin l.'udeavot; 7,30 p. 111., celebration of tho
IvvrntjMhst birthday of Christian llneUavor. The
(pedal programme Issued bj- Hip t'nltetl society
of Chrl-llan llndi-avor Mill be used, liter) body
Caltarj- Itefoimed cliureh Moiiioo avenue mid
(llhim sticel. Itev. Mirlou L. l'lror, pastor.
Sen Ice, 10.30 and 7.30 n. m,; Sunday school,
11,13 11, m,; Christian Kndeavor, 7 p. ni. ;
t'lilrilil'in, Saluidaj-, 3,30 p. in.
All Soul's t'lilversillst church, Pine street,
near Adams utcn'ue Itev. Thomas II. Pajne,
pistol. Divine service', with sermon, at 10.30 11,
111. Subject, "How to Hear burdens." Sunday
school at 12 m. Seats free. Slr.mgeis cordial-lj-
welcomed. N'o cienlng service.
I'irst Primitive Methodist, Green Hldge-ltov.
(1. Lees, pastor, lteguhir prciclilng senlec ut
10.30 and 7 p. 111. Special icvlval meetings will
be held cull eienlng during the eomlngwec'v,
conducted by Miss M. llastle, evangelist. Wed
nesday and iilbekiy meeting will be hold, com
mencing at 10.30 a, 111, Itev. LcUhmaii vvlll have
eh use, assisted by other mliilsteis, Ml-s llastle
will slug at these services. You aie Invltcel lo
attend thc'eliiccliiigs ami bring a friend.
Zlon t'nlted chmch, H.v Capoii'e
avenue Hev. J. W. Messenger, pastor. Pleach
ing, 10 30 a. m. ami 7.30 p. 111.; ubJccN, "Too
Indwelling God" anil "Dingers on the Yojage
of Life." Sunday school, o 20 a. 111. j Junior
Lndeavor, I p. 111.; Senior Dulcavor, C 30 p.
111. All scat free. Dirrjljudy welcome to ail
seniles. Special vvlll be lendercd at Sun
day services.
1'icc Mcthodit Church, Gieen Hldge, held in
1'inn Chapel Senlets as follows: Piuchlng in
moinlng at 10.30, and in (lie evening at 7.30.
Piajcr meeting, Wednesday evening at 7.30,
cvcijbody coidhilly invited to attend. Yours in
Christian love. S. D. Molter, pastor, 'Iho next
district meeting for the Milkcs-Harre dlttict
will be held In I'leo Methodist chmch at Green
Hielge on Tchi-iuty 27 lo M.110I1 2. llvcrjbody
coidlally Invited to attend. All seats fiec. A.
G. Millei, D. Lldei.
1'lrst Christian (lunch Itev. It. W. Cljmcr,
pastor. Older of enlee for Sundij : Moinlng
subject. "Silvation." In tho evening the Chris
tian Lndeavor vvlll oUseno their twentj-lhst
blithd.ij' of the seclelj-, Using tho programme
piepucd by Hie iiiiileel society.
Tripp Avenue (hilstl.m (huich Pi caching
both morning nnel evening by the pastor, J. T.
Dahnej-. Morning topic, "Preaching and Per
KcVutlon." Evening topic, tlio second sermon in
.1 H'lies, "Hate We a. Hight, as a Hellglous
Dodj-, lo Live in Dunmore t" Sunday sthool at
10 a. 111. llveij- one will be nude welcome.
I'll st Chmch (Christ Scientist), C10 Adams ave
nue Sund ij- set vices, 10.20 a. 111. and 7.30 p. m.
Sunday school, 11.13 a. 111. Subject, "Spirit." meetings Wednesday evenings nt S
o'clock. The chmch is also open eveij- day dur
ing the week. The Dllile and all Christian Sci
ence liteiatuie is kept in its fiee public; leading
loom. "Science and llcilth. Willi the Key to
Scripture," by Maiy Ilakcr Kihly, will be lolncd
to invcstigatois without chaige. Yi-dlois and
leltcis of inquiiy aie welcomed and given cour
teous attention and infoimatlon fiee.
Go-pel Tabernacle, Jcucison avenue, Dunmore
.limes Leishm-in, pastor. Sunday n'lvices:
Pleaching at 10.20 a. 111. and 7.30 p. in. j Sunday
school, 12 in. Mlssionaiy faiewell le Ccoig'e
Allen, who goes to tho Congo, In the Young
People's meeting at 0.311 p. 111. The tegular all
day meeting of the Christian and Mh-sionaij-Alliance
cm Tuesdaj. Sen Ices at 10 20 a. in,,
2.3) and 7.30 p. 111.
Acts iv: 1-22,
11 v iti:v. j. i:. Gif.nnitf, n. d.
Seiietaiy of American Society of Hellglous
CONTi:.T. Last week wo studied tho flr-t
put ot Pc lei's tuition dellveied in Solomoi-.'a
poich after the cum of the cripple, 'iho re
mainder of the chapter, omitted fiom oui le-on,
eouiplctes that discouisc. As picvloiislj lciuiri..
ed it was in logical foitn and in substanto .1
lcpotttlon of that dellveied on the dij- of lVutc.
co-t -to the multitude that was diattn logcthct
bj- the lemaikahle phenomena attendant upon
the outpuuring ot tho Holy Spirit. 'I he first
seimon was received with meat fivor, lCsiiltlng
in the eonveislou of three thousand souls and in
the upbuilding of Iho infmt chmch. It incicascel
tho fame and iiil'.uenco ot the apostles, iinderiiig
them con-pielous in the great cltj- then filled
with tisitors fiom all paits of the woild. Hut
what will bo tho icsult of this sermon? Shall
another iwsy tlctorj- bo achieved for the cau-o
of C'lulst? Is tint the only Hue way of genuine
progicvs? ,
AHItKbTLl). (YcifCS 1, 2, 3) V bile thee
men of God wcie speaking the ofticeis of the
law- laid hands upon them. The temple police,
nppolntiel bj' tho Homaii government and direct
ed by the Jewish priests to piescivc older In
the sacicd place, led tho apostles away and shut
them up In prison to bo confined until tlio net
day. The.v weio instigated to this bj- the Sid.
dutees, then an inluentlal sect, who claimed
that there is no rcurieellon from the dead,
(Acts X.III:h) and who wcie thcrctoio dis
pleased because Peter hail deel.ucel that Christ
had risen. Materialistic plilloaopliy,
ing itself Into n dogma, had joined lsuo with
the doctrine of Christ, a theoiy of men against
u well attested fact of IiUteiij, Peter pleached
iho same In his first seimon, (Acts lll:i:i) but
tho-o in nuthorlty may not hivo heanl It, or
if they did they may Into cuibed their indig
nation unlit tho same tit t names, mnl in tho
templci itself, and in the hearing of all, com.
pellcd their Immediate attention.
COXVKUTr.l). (YcrwTo The allot by tho
officials did not nullify tho teaching, as peilups
was intended. It nuv hate gitcn emphasis to
tho would spoken. 'Iho tiuth cannot be over
thrown by opposition. (2 Cor. MH:8) If somo
lejeelcd, mole iccelved the apostles. Minds that
hive not bien cotruptcd by the tain conceits
of philSsophoid tverc open to bellcto what the
soul meiU for iU comfoit. The lesunectloii
to many a niecious doctrine, it dlsnelled (ho
ilaiknrss that Inngs our the tomb and bghtcin
up the hearts of those who longed lo know whit
lay bcjond death. 'Ibis picachlng had brought
to many what they hail never heaul, what they
Rieally deslicd, what thej- theicforo aicepted
even against the detraction of inlei.'. That day
the chinch had another largo gathering, swelling
the nggicgatc ot male iiicmbei.s to flto thousand.
Tho apostles could alforel tn go to ptlsmi for
their sake. It was a splendid triumph for their
AlIHAiaXLD.-tUtserfS, 0. 7). After a nlaht
spent in prUon Peter and John weio bioiiaht
befoto tho gicat Jewish couit, tho Sanhedrim,
whose business was to cnqtilio larefiilly into nil
nialtcM of conduct and doctilno peitalnlng to
the chuich. It u u highly impasiiig bodj,
composed of men of le.uuiiig ami soda) In
fluence, Us cognisance of tho apostles Indicated
what impression had been made by them, Tim
ptesldent of (ho council was; Ami-is, iho teneiabla
high priest, aud with him sat Cataplns', his toil-in-law
tleputj, John mid Aleaiider, lelatltw of
tho high priest, iil.o ellgnllled the occasion. The
liileu and cldeia and scribes were In their places.
When the prlsoueis weic Inoucjlit Ju the question
was put, "Hj" what power lute j-e ciueil tho
lame man?" Iho leal point ut issue was- Hun
waUed, tho doctrine; of the icsuitcitlnu. It was
deemed wise to enquhu c-ouceiiilug the deed
rather than (he teaching. Thi'io was In this an
appearance' of justice,
TESTirii:i. iVMsM S to 12) llipplly tlu
apoitlcs had been hisliucted for such an po
lasion, (Luko Mlill-13) I'illed with tho Holy
Ghost Peter addueil the count II in respectful
woids. 'Iho suavity of his salutation was a
happj- beginning for his fcarie testlinonj-. Ho
icitcrated what he had said In hU two sermons
that tho euro was through the name or power ut
Jesus. He foiled home upon hit hearers certain
tiutks to aCMUse tljcli- iiiiM.icniss. Cuticeuln
Juus'lic wld, "whom )c ciucltted, whom God
raised from the ilesel," the two great doctrines
fdr which the npostlel ttcro appointed vllncssc.
(Vet l!22) Having charged he Sintiedrlm with
munter he opencet up th6 vay of iiardon. This
tlen Chtlsl had become the chief In ihc iietv dis
pensation, -like cue of the stones which builders
last aside n toithlol lif- hod become the head
of the coiner. Hut It nits not merely a malice
of hnnoi, this .tcins, as his name Implied, Mittl,
lt21) had become ti Saviour, lhns Was prritlusl
the atoning, risen, exalted Hedetmer, .ttatigo
vtoids by biate men.
MAHVi:i.t.l:i).--(Verjer 13 and 11) The Sin
hedrlm, iis-embled lo Judge, was greatly sur
prised. Tiie! man who had been healed, standing
with thejwas proof that notable iniiadh h.iei
been wrmfflt, llie fact coillcl not be denied. It
Would bo utterly useless to Attempt to r.inove
the Impiesslon produced upon the public mind.
It was equally unwise to make an attack upon
the men vvhei had done the deed. Hut, what
M most bewildering, Iho men weio an eulgini.
They were unlearned, the.v did not belong to
that class irom which great things might be e
'pected. 'Ihey Iiitl conducted thcimciics with
pioprletj', unit, what wis most notable, they
dlspln.ved the simc' general clituicterlsllcs which
Jesus had iniiilfcstcd, when, u shoit lime hefor,-,
he stood at the simc bar nf judgment, And 'i
It was felt that these were no niillnary men,
and this was no ordlniry event which the Jewish
council was oillcd to consider.
CONfT.llUllD. (Verses 1.3 to 1) The slttn.
Hon was ccccilliijtly imbarrasslng to tho'e who
had nppieheiuled the npostlt-. It was deemed
liccessniy to hold a sCLrct tonfeirnee lo deler
mine whit should be done-, ' eonfeieiiee le
tolved around one quest Inn, "Whit should be
elenie- with the men" ngalnst whom tm ilnirgo
roitld be sustained. Men who ought to bate been
set at Illicit)' because Innocent must nevcrtheleil
iccelve some treatment that should ptevetit the
lucieae of their Influcnie and the of the
i.iue they lovcel. Such was the piostltutlou of
the couit tint it pioposed to bolster up a ilo
e.i.vliu s.V"tcni b.f peisectttlng those who tteie
ii-heilng in n new eta for which the world hid
been picpailng for rendu Ii", Tliey elctei mined at
lat what to do, to e ill Petri- and John and
command them not to teach any mole In the
mine of Jesus. Tlicv determined lo Use their
authority to suppicss testimonj, to stllle tieo
speech, to deprive the world ol the liuth.
HIIPLIIIH. (Vnses 111 to 21 ). In all this the
Sinhcdrlm hid made one gievlous mistake. They
consldcied the gutdiins und promoteis of le
llglon, vested with authority lo' establish (onus
anil ceremonies and to indue t mlnl-tris ii'to
ofliee, to sauctinii and to silence v horn they
would. 'Ihey hid eli-ielnigcd that office hlthcitu,
no one questioning their right. They now ns
sinned that Peter und John were in like liimuer
amenable lo tliciu, and that without their
aulhoiily they must be silent. Hut theso nifit
had not been licensed by men. 'ihey had not
giadualed fiom the schools. They held no patch.
ments fiom the chuuh. Ihey chimed commis
sions from a higher souice, (Mall. X.'VI1I:10-2'J)
on account of which they felt an iuc-lsliblo im
pulse to pieach. It was mi added element nf
their giciitncs and a sublime pioof of their
courage when they fell back upon their Divine
cilliug and icjected the conunind of the council.
Then It was that ifie luleis showi'd (heir Iin
pcitence, for they could do nothing but Uneaten
and lelease the pri-oneis.
CO.VCLCSION". There Is no more sublime
spectacle than a nun standing amidst enemies
in defease of a cause deal to his hcail. 'J here
is a conviction that lie Ls right, joined to
the coinage of his conviction', 'then- Is the
wIlllngncM to face opposition and to cndiue
pcisonal injur.v. Theie is- the belief that (he
tiuth must triumph and tint God will sustain
those who advocate the tiuth. Such a pun has
conscious ftienglh and oilier men gather about
him andcthclicip in him. Xu one can slleuie
him, and no one cm huit him. It is folly foi
any (o auay themselves against him. Such hive
been the gicat leadeis of the centuries whose
brave wolds have called the people ot their
times lo belter living and picpaied for higher
achievement. This- lli-t penecutioii lint came
upon the chuich in Jciiisalcm was thenfoiu an
iuc.1lc11l.1blc blessing. It exalted the inni who
weio the objects of prlctt.v je.ilomlv, and set
foilh the chiistlan iciigimi as sullel to conifoil
and sticnglhen in tune of tiouble.
iiy iti;v. noin:itT r. v. pikhci:, d. d.
1'iom Aulhoi's Xotes in "The Sund.iv Sihool
Lcs-on Illuslraloi," Published bv 1'. II.
Ilcvel ti Co, Chicago, lib
Golden Tct "'llicre i none either nunc in
tier hcntcii given among men whereby vte niu-t
be sated." Ac. iv: 12.
When Peter and John said to the poor "Crip
ple" at the beautiful gate of the temple, "Loot
On Is," they did not nr.gniry their own name
or power, but said, "In the name ot Jcmis
Chrl-t of Varaicth, ue up ant walk."
When tho discinlcs mi,, hinnr.lif ti.r.srn ei
Sanhedrim council and asked by what name or
power they had wrought the imiielous cure,
they leplled by the name and power nf Jesus
Christ of Xazareth, "for there Is no other name
under heaven, given among men, tthci bj wo
must bo saved." They eould not explain how
the cuie was wiought, but Iho fatt of the cine
could not be denied,
Christianity stands or falls upon what it does.
Kvery argument Jesus gave for the tiuth He
taught Ilo elemonstiated with a fact, The hoc
arguments for Christianity aie 'the icsulls vhidi
It has produced in the woild. Wo thill cmi
tlnce the woild that Jesus is the Christ by litis.
dating whit lie elots, as wedl as bv teaching
What lie is-LOHD-Lini-LIGirr,
"We have hc.nd a jojful sound,
Jesus saves, Jesus saves; the gladness all mound,
Jesus saves, Jcsm saves.
"Hear the news to cv'iy land,
Climb the stress and ciosa-lhe waves,
Onvvaul, 'tU our leoid's command,
Jcsiw saves, Jesus saves."
Suggestions Print In beautiful lettirs the
luiiiu J-ll-S-L'-S. Above Ihv name place a
uovvn, bearing the- woul "Victoij," and em
plulo Iho fait of tho tlclfiy over self, in il
sin, and death, thiougli tho of Jcsin
Christ. Heiiealh the name .1 l.'-s-l'-S plaio a
CIOS.S, inilicatlng iho melhod by tvhlih Jeus
became tktorlous over all, even bj the
One of'tbO'most prevalent, (iiiuoyinp;
nuel IritatlnK troubles Is Itching: Plies.
Suffering ones do not bellevo they ran
bo cured, because they have tried fo
many remedies that failed. It la now
im admitted fact that Dr. A. A
Clinso'H Ointment never fails, and to
Impress upon Scranton people tlio nb
hOluto surety they have, Matthetvs
Brps. am uutboilzed to Ruaranteo pat
Isfuctlon or ic'lund the pi Ice paid.
Mr, P. J. Mauley, of No. utn mm,
htreet, Scranton, Pu ays; "Fo,- ejsi,t
yetua I bud been u BiifVeier fiom Uch.
lug piles. Somo nlKhts I couia not
sleeii at all, and In hot weather I lost
lots of time at work Willi them, the
It nation was so jjieat. I tried every
tliliiK wltli no success until I got a
bos of Dr. A. "V. Chase's Ointment at
Matthews llios', diug stole, B20 I.aelca
wanna uvenue. I used pait of tho box
nnd have seen nothliik- ot" the tiouble
since. This result 1 consider wonder
ful in the'llght of past efforts and fail
ure to cure. It's a great ointment,"
Pr. A. AV, Chase's Ointment Is told
at 60c. a box at dealers, or Br, A.
VI eimoB Mti.uti.iiiu v J., Dlllllliu, iSt 1,1
See that poi trait und sljrimturo of A.
V. Cliaise, M. D., u,e on every paekaue. '
on the trosl. Jesus suffered to save met what
shall I ilo that I hiny setve and obey llimf
Make Iho practical application of the lesson
hy cnforclnpf the truth, that the same Christ
which has heated otheis ran heal us, lie has
power to dlpel the sorrows of life ns Well as
lake away our sln. Ale )ou lu lie-cd ot help
Will j nu let Jesus Clirl't help )oil?
Seranlou, Pa.
Special to the Scrnnton Tribune.
Thompson, Jan, 31, Tliotnus T.nnib, of
tho towtiHhlp, unci Mtpiloy Wrlslitor
nnel Ijiithcr Hubbnrcl, ot -tilt' borougb,
lmvc ench solil a horse tbls week.
Tho Frank Hull T.iiellcn' lUdlef conii,
of Thompson, will be the nucflts ot" the
Moody llollef e'oips, of HuBriiiehttniin,
next Tiiefidny, by invitation.
Jim. Ailu Tilrroll, of Thompson, wuh
mtirrleel to V. O. Turrell, of UpHolivlllc,
Pn Inst week.
If, Jl. fionton, of JnekHon, ttin n biiHl
neiss caller In Seiantcm ycHtcnlay.
V. Jl. (iclntt lias taken the builnoPR
in bis Htoro btiilellnir, tucently etinletl
on by Irvln Van Arolkellbtlrfi.
JIio. F. I). AVrlghter, of tin- township,
after ppenelliiR the week with friends in
Husciuelianna, returned to her home lust
The Fice eburch quarterly
meetliiK besnn its sessions thin after
noon, to continue over the Sabbath.
Several preachers are in attendance.
Directors of tin Poor of tiie
Scranton Poor District
For tho Year Ending Dec. 31, 1901
Showing lecelpts, disbuisinient", aceuunU of
Secretary, Tieasurei, 'las: Cnlleetois, icpjits of
Siipeiliileiiclciil and Itclilciit Plitsielan, puihicts
of Iho faun and an iuventoiv of the led and
pei-onal piopeily'cif the di-triel, as ieiiihe.1 by
the Act of Assembly ininipoi.itlng thu dl-tilet,
nppioved Apul Oth, 1SUJ.
Act oti.vis or Tin: mxhixmiy.
llieie was disbiuscd upon iliims
iigiilnt the ilistiiet duly appioved by
tho lloaid ot Dlieelois, bu whlcli
xouiheis me on file-, the sum of I0I,S20 11
Dislilbulcd as follows:
f-ilaiies of Dliectnis foi 1IHU $ 2,MM 0)
Salaries of Auditors foi 111)0 "00 on
t-daihs of olllecis, attending, etc 17,40 75
Total foi salaries and services f 20,0)0 73
orr-noou iii'.i.irr.
Pmtlslo'is, etc . $ If!, 101 70
Chllehcii 111 homes anil lialnliig'scho ds l.itd HI
l'micial expen-rn ., IM in
Poor in other districts -1 31
Tiansiuitation l"i V)
l'uel f'1' '
Modicines "" 7)
Jllllc ill IV
Total for out-dnor relief 1U,VS li
(Iioceries, piuvlsions, lie
Meat, U-h and eggs
Diy goods and clothing
( oil and llglit
n.'sH it
7.I11") 1 1
7,7iel 31
4.1.U j'i
'.'.SIS 70
2.271, i J
1,171 bi
1,10 U,j
I,,'.-, 21
3J'i 01
::os .J)
!l 27
131 I--,
IIS 30
33 30
I'eqd, meal, bun, etc
Fhoo.s and Icalhci
Dings and uudlcincs
CiocKeiv and haidvv.ue
l'leight and expiess.,
TnuN and utensils
Tobacci) iwnd tdpes...
'-uuK and il.ints ii supplies
Sundi les
I)i-infee tants
Total for supplies ,
xdniinistialion building
In.anc hospital
Male building
Venule building
Kplkptlo building
Stoic hotic
Light, beat and power plant..,
(fate lodge
Machine shop and coal bins...,
I.auudi y
I oiiscitaloi)'
IIjiih and sheds
City olllco i ,
I luce firm ,
Detaining walls and fences,,.,,
l.iv, n and glenoids ,
Jewels, and di.ilus ,
Me. im and water lines.,,
lUictiio light lines
1'lie ocapes ,
Lightning lods , .,
Tools and unchlneiy
Horses, . .it tie and wagons
IlllcUiullhlng and hoiH'shoelut:
Harness ,
Stoves and langcs
(leiiual repalis ,.,,
........' :io,r,70 io
$ est is
tiod :o
207 110
2J7 00
11.1 711
4,120 1.1
031 S3
1.31'! )
2,000 00
23S 1.7
50 1!
l.oss ru
IM 30
17x IM
4, ISO 20
!i"i 43
410 .1
777 S7
307 2S
101 H)
410 f
20? 3')
.107 21
707 b7
fi'eS J 0
170 00
30 17
,'.01 ti)
;ii7 ;is
Tolul fur iinpratrinciits and repalts,$ 2;i,3is to
PuhlUhlug tcpoit of cllicclors
and amlllon , $ 433 00
lluuhs .mil blanks 2)5 12
0111(0 supplies anil tUtuies ,, 01 03
.subscripllotis lu p.ipm for ''Homo'',.. 41 oo
' Total fur printing and stationery...'-!
, i'1'itxnuiu:, ,
7Cil 4
CaipcU mailing
Heels and bedding ,..
f'li.ilu and scttica. ,,,,,,,
( Olll Ill's , ...
tMudiiVV shades
? ft'3 IS
..,.,.,,.,,. ISIOOO
........... RIO 5j
,.....,.,,.. 122 7,5
...,.,,, U.4-)
MMIMItM '10 03
Totals for fnir.Uiiie. .......,,,,.,,.'?
Tiavi'lirg etpciesi'S Joy innqtaj of pa.
liir.t,, etc ,., ii
Tax ilupllcato ,...,.,,,,,,,....
Dues and expense to stale convention,,
Imiuaiu o . , . , , . . . . , , , . . . i
Medical wolks ..,,,.,.,,,,,,,,
TelcphuiK's mid teUgiiijilis,.,,,
Ouleis of lellef, allli.ulw, etc,,,.,
Kent of additlunal p.uluie laul, ..,,,.,
Postage ............,,,,,,
Sui vc) ing .,,.,,.,,,,,,.
Inti'ii'st on waiiants.,.,. ,,.,,.,,,
Superiiitcudeul'ii cs)niin.s ,.,.,,,,.,,,,
(ame4 and tojs ,,,,,,,,,,
1,531 OS
ro? 17
SJ2 (0
ltd 0)
:.2I 01
210 73
los r,.-
ru .it
40 01
H ill
01 71
11 1
11 IVS
Total for iulu.ellaueoiu ,,...,, 2. All 0
Wade M. I'liiu, Colk'clor, lJIAS, jn .inviujl uilli
Si union Por'l)Itilct.
Halaiiev due a iu.r lil ttpuit..,, Hl.s.W 14)
biul'M t to P.xi,'ialUj, uWitvmuil and i;u
iuUlon. IMwaiU rir. C'ujlyiicui 1WU, (u aitwiuij Uii
Seiosituu Puur UUtiiet.
balance due Jan. 1, llKll ,...,.,.., 1.1,510 13
3 n. mWJ r fSsf tis
cit. 4
Hy cisli pahl Aml)hv'viI(irr,''i'ien.!Uier. 1,300 CO
nilafiee ehtd Jan; i;,titJ2.'.".r.','rtr', ij.dib 4t
Subject to exonerations, abatements and cbm-
mtsslotis. j
IMwiild I'jrr, Cgltee'tcr, llW, In account vtlth
Scranton Poor IHsltltt, ' t
Hit, "i 't.nv-j-i-4
balance due Jan, 1, lonl $ ,11,123 11
My r.nti pahl Alnliiose Iter?, TreasurerillJ,.'i) W) due Jail. 1, IHO-.' $ l.S,UT" 1U.
fs'ubjecl to cxoncrulloiLs, abatements and ioiii
mission". II. M. Vernoy, Collector, IWI, In account with
Sciauton I'iioi District.
To .iniount of eluplliate for l'JOI. ,,.,.,? 81,111 01
. Clt.
fly cash paid Anibiuie llnr, Treiliuier,) Oil.UuO 0)
llilauce .lue Jan. 1, 1'nU ,$ !1 1.13:1 ut
fsiibieet to exoneiatloii", abiitinienls and torn
mission". TltllAhltltlllt'S ACCOUXTS.
I!. V. Yeriiuy, 'I'leatiuer, 1WI, In airouut with
f-tinntiu Poor District,
To cih on hand Jin. 1, 11101 $ ra,13." OS
lly warrants cashed and au
dited , 7,112 78
llv cash paid Ambiose Her,
'i'lelsurcr 21,tW! Ill
: $ .ti.n:. n
Whli Ii balance's tin-aiTiiiuit.
Ambinsi' Heir, Tre.tvuier, ItWI, in account Willi
Scianton Poor District. i
To ca-h fiom
11. JI, A'ci noj-, TieiMirer. ! 2",Ti2 .11
Kdwaid I'n i r, Collector, IS'i'l 1,501) tt)
JMw.iid Pair, Colleelar, 11X10 1J,7',0 0)
1!. -M. Vet not. Collector, Itluil Sil.OOO CO
('ommonweiltli of IVim-ylvaula iO.OIS 7D
(troige W. lleemer, siipeilnlindtut
for boaid of Inmates, etc B,8sl,7(1
C, J. lllllcple, hecictll) US .11
Tot el
."rlltV-'I -11
Ilv tvauanls .cashed
Ilal.iuic em Ihildl Jin. 1, l'Kl),.
$ !)7,t')i 01
lb',77.! 27
110.271 ."()
Wanatits outstanding Jin, 1, l'sll $ litt .-,3
Wanaiils Isoiicd In 1001 101, ",.'! 11
Waiiants cmcedle-d .....
W.iir.inls caxhed in 11101.
s.lUI.'.rii c.!l
1 J
lOI.eill 17
101,I,I1 57
? .130 ii
anion Poor
Si.SIO 13
1.1,100 1)1
3.301 71
, 3,870 SS
1,311 S3
733 7i
0,200 0 )
1,727 00
, 4,300 1 1
27,172 SO
i.oat 7.t
, i ,b.r, 20
1.1S-1 S3
1,171 00
7(p0 (H)
071 J3
:i7l S3
102 30
'102 00
Waiiants outshndi'ng Jan. 1, 1')0).,..,
Inventory of prison il pivputt of b'ci
Adniiulsti lllon hulldliig
Tu-.ine hospital 7.,
Jleu's building ,
Women's building
llpUcpic- building .' ,.
( hipel ,
Octagonal ham
Siiuaie bain
Hole hoit-c ,..,
Power hoiieo
Machine shop
I mindly ....,,
llakeiy ,
hloue shed
Ceiii( erv at orv
Cold stoi igo
lglueei's hou.e
lleemer oi Voshurg firm
Piggeiy .j
230 00
S! (J)
711 50
178 0 )
SS 2.5
430 01
170 ( t
ll 00
1,411 5)
f'.upintcr 1 1 o
Illuksinith shop
Tailor shop
Pa hit shop
(HI loom
Dircctois' loom, Scianton value of pcisonal piopeily...? &7.010 71
Old faun, 130 acres
Ilccmci- faun, 111) lines
Iliacc faim, 70 a Lies
'lVo in us hnd and elwclllii;
Ili'emer film
D.vellmg rn ll'ci.ier faim. ...'...
11. ins and lee hou-e on llecmci
.Store boil.,.
Ailminlstialion Iiulhllng
Male building
l'tuiale building .,.
l.'pilcpllo building
Light, heat and power plant....
Machine shop and coil lilns
( lupel
Cold storage building
Constl t atoi v bain
fsqtiaic and shed
(ale hd(,e
Knglueci.s' house
I.auudiy liou-o
('.upciitcr and blaeU-mlth shops.
ilosl.ui well
Seweis and chains. ...u
lletalnlng walls and conduits....
Ilecicatlon )aul
? 22,000 00
11,2(10 00
,...,'.. 4 200 0)
500 0 )
1,'M Ml
(m o )
11,300 01
.11,20) Ol
IM.0'10 (I)
ixi.ouo w
;i7,7uo 0) m 01
2,000 CO
11,000 00
S,0O3 0)
7,000 00
7,000 0)
8,501) U I
1,500 m
1,51)0 0)
1,000 ()
2,500 Ikl
2,500 (V)
4,(i(H) Oil
:i,70o no
1,000 01
1,51)0 0)
8,501) 0 1
7,K) (I)
Total talue of ical estiie JUI,nO(ioo
Total talue of pnoiul piopeily... S7.010 71
Total value of propettv nf Distil. t,.M.ll,') 10 71
c. j. mi.Lii-d'ii:, Send it).
Superintend. ill's icpmt for jcai ending Decem
ber 111, WO:
The average daily number of pitkulH at Hill
side lfeuiu- was 4rtl ami ::i-!Hh, and the pei i-aplt i of iii.iiiit.ilning ii.iupeis and insane poisons
at the Hiinie, Including food, clothing, llghi,
heat, medicine', salaries ot Superintendent, Mi
trcn, Itesldcnt l'hjslclau, alleiulilits, etc., exclu
sive of faim produce was M.DU per steel:.
The- total bo.ud of inmates, sane and Insane, Is
cejuil lu llie boaid ot one pcisou for 170,121 days;
hollies Hit, theio was tal en at the Superintend
ent's and. iiuplojei' table, during tho )oar, a
number of mc lis wpiil to the boatd of ene pernn
for 11.S70 elijs, and bv tvoikmen cuiplnjcd en
Iinpiotuncnls and irpilrs nuaU eijuil lei lha
board of one person for &') da)s, nuking tho lo
til iniinbir ei( elns of boaid at Iho Homo 1?.5,(A!
Number of Imnates in the Homo life. SI, 1)), IC'i ... x.
Achiiltli'il during the jcar: Fane, 12.1; In-lne,
cr ii,,,.,. Toll . ,ii . ' '
7. lloin, 2. Total, ,02. '?.
DUhugcd duriiig the .tear: Sane, 10S,;,
0, Hied, sane, 20; (lisine, 27. Total, 201, , He.
uiiiliig ill the Hmins'llce. ."I, PJOl, 4W,'
ed as follovvit Bunfl'SOIs insane, 251, " ''
" - --I', -r
lied as followi
Valuet of ptpdiiccyi.ilseel pi, aj-m ourlug Ilia
.ten', hT.lSJ.W' ,m ,,!, ,i
Cash 'received for. IkuuI of patients was $3.-
S2LJI!. " ''"f-' ' " i
(Viitus shotvliiBjpopiilJtlonlJt (lie Ifome at.crd
cf each month: '' ;
lanuaiy ,',',.,. 1'. ,'... 4!5!luly ,' ;,,,,v.;431
rihniai)'ji,..,;V,'.t...,b',3,UKUit .,...,',,.,.,,, J5I
Mauh .v,..Mvr,,'....43l!iptemlier ,,.,,.,,. Hit
Aniil .........iiri.lctohtr ,..,,..()
May ,,.,,,,.,.', IHNqtcnibcr ,..,.
Juno ..,,;. ,.'ii.'..,lO!, Dec-ember ,..,,
, 151
.ItlJPOltl' OP blMHIAT PUVtst.V '
14 "W .I'.'itl Male, re,ialB..flitul.
Xlmiber ti iiatlbito In tho 11..-01 -.ej'l
As.vluiil Jan, Jal'JOl,
.... 120 'ittil'H vj.cj2.5l
.... 'II .. Vito;a i7
,..'. 20 ' It l"H ill
Admitted TU
Hlwliaigeil (uroIecll
Huiliurgeel (linprciTc
a 1 i-i ,
Hi.iliaigcil (iiiiliupiiived),.. 1- J 'I
Died .'.... ,.. ".. "IS '" Is o's.ctroy
Mnublr nf pallents In thu 'M't, i'i
As)lum Dec, 31. IMUWaaJW SWt' 231
'Jhe.e uie iiallind, a , ,i)
follnws: , . . , ug
Single jp ill,WMliW
Manieil ,,,, ,,.....,. II , tl , 1 ft
Widowed. .,.. I) 1 ' 3t
I'nknuwii .,,,,,,,,,.,. , 10 17 - 17
I'fePSltmil)- ".iiOiultitd.1 1 ' '
I. it nurwsi.-cj fcJ
... ... J.Ml'W.Vl?, , r
ritiiDiiiiicK rui,L-iii7r
'iioi.s sntmox, ,
tUJl'Kh Wlf,l,IAM,
pit. w. ,v. i'msi:.
r. j, uipKgnr, n
Atlit-0. J. GILI.UiPIK, Sfclttary. '" ' l