THIS SUKAiNTOiN TltipUNE-THCHSDAV, JAiSTAltY UO, 1002, B 5tjs: This young lady is looking into the baking powder ques tion in a practical way. She will find that, using Cleve land's Baking Powder, and a Cleveland receipt bookx she can make cake and rolls finer than the baker's and save half the cost. , Besides, she will be sure that they contain no alum and are absolutely pure and wholesome". THE BEASON THE VICTIM OF A JOKE HAD FAITH. Wages of tho Erie Employes Will Be Increased What Farmer Himrort Struck Ararat Man's Grounds for Divorce Beopening' Services of the Methodist Church Faragraphettes. Special to the Pcr.intcm Trlhtinc. Susquehanna, .Ian. 2S. A young man about twenty-live yearn old was sitting in the waiting room oC the Eric depot tho other day with a year old baby on his knee, and his alarm and helpless ness when the "young n" suddenly began to howl was so marked as to nttarct attention. By and by a wait ing passenger walked over to him with u smile of wily on his face and In quired: "A woman gave you that baby .to bold while she went to see about her baggage, didn't she?" "Yes." "Ha! ha! ha! I tumbled to the Tact as soon as I saw you. You expect her buck. I suppose?" "Of course." "Ila! ha! ha! This Is rich! Look ing for her every blessed minute ain't you? "I think she'll come back." "Well, this makes me laugh ha! lui! ha! I had a woman play that same trick on me in a Chicago depot once, but no one ever will nguln. Young man you're stuck. You've been played on for a hayseed. Better turn that thing over to a policeman and make a skip before some reporter gets onto you." "Oh, she'll come back," replied the young man, as lie looked anxiously around. "She will, eh? Ha! ha! ha! Joke grows richer and richer. What makes you think she'll come buck?" "Because she's my wife and this is our first baby." "Oh um I see," uttered tho fat man. who got over feeling tickled all at once, and in his vexation he eroisctl the room and kicked a dog which a fanner had tied to one of the seats with a piece of clothes line. THE XKWSIUJCOKD, A large number of our townspeople are at Montrose;- doing penaneo at the county court. Among the .Susquehanna cases to be tried Is that of the common wealth vs. Frank and Tony Dunn, father and son, who tiro charged with stabbing and shooting James Laughllu in this borough, last summer. In St, John's Catholic church on Monday morning, anniversary mass was celebrated for the repose of the souls of John Canavan and Koran Moran. In St. John's Cathollo church this morning, John J, Smith and Miss Mar garet Uarr wuro united in marrlago, nuptial mass was celebrated, i Frank Irving was groomsman and Miss Margaret Smith was bridesmaid. ' Jlov. Joshua. Urandle, of Davenport, New York, will assist Pastor IJouton in tlio revivul meetings in the Oakland Methodist church this week. Agreeable to Governor Stone's procla mation there will bo McKInley memo rial cxerclces In the Susquehanna High school on Wednesday morning next, An excellent and appropriate programme has been arranged, THE AltaUEU. A Susquehanna, young man who be lieves In self-Improvement, having re cently married, fuigfjested to his wife that they should argue sumu questions frankly and fully every morning, In order to learn more of each other, Thu first qudestlon happened to be "Whether a woman could bo expected to get along with one hat a year," and ho took the ulllrmatlve, nnd when ho -was last seen ho had climbed up into the hayloft and was pulling the ladder after him. WAGES INCREASED, The Erie employes' grievance com mittee, which has been in conference with the chief ofllclals of the road, in New York city, for several weeks, have (secured an udvanco in pay for en gineers, conductors and trainmen. The conductors asked an advance from 12.70 to $3 pep day. The firemen nBked or an advance several montlm since. This will affect all of tho engineers, conductors und trainmen between New York and Chicago. Tho adyanco will probably take effect February 1. SIDE ISSUES. A vicinity man, In a newspaper Iwd uys "that as many citizens have failed to solicit me us a candidate for umce, I have concluded to offer my services to tho voters for the ofllce of" etc. Some "bachelor girls," evidently, have never embraced anything, tin op portunity not excepted, omc"or tho church societies have commenced holding "chicken suppers." Poultry owners can get n padlock for twenty-flvo ccnlB. An Ararat mall bcoIm a divorce on the ground that Ills wife makes bad coffee. Although he seems to linve grounds enough for his action, nn ef fort ought to made to settle It. IN SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. Hallstead churches and schools have reopened. Hural school examinations In, Susque hanna county begin March lfi. Tho Grangers of Susqttehaana county will moot at llopbottotn, February f.-G, Tho second quarterly meeting of tho Susquehanna County Medical society, announced to bo held tit Hallstead, February !, will not bo held. Judge William H. DoWitt, a former resident of Montrose, recently died at llutte, Montana. Tho reopening services of the Mctlio dl3t church at Rush, were held on Fri day afternoon and evening. Hev. Dr. Peurco, of IJInghamton, preached In tho afternoon, and Bishop E. G. Andrews, of New York city, preached in the evening. No subscriptions or collections were asked for at any of tho services, Tho "North Pcnn OH and Gas com pany" will, February 18, apply to the governor for a charter of Incorporation. It will begin prospecting at Franklin Forks, this county. Hon. C. F. Wright, of tills place, is one of the Incorpora tors. JUST BETWEEN US. On Easter ho went to church With one live dollar bill; And that he had no other change Ho .did not dream until Tho box came round. He seaehed In vain. His girl began to grin. What could ho do? He shed a tear, And dropped that bill right in ' Bard of Stillwater. The young lady who can peel a po tato in thirty seconds Is as useful as the young woman who speaks live lan guages Is successful. How the devil must grind his teeth when ho thinks of Susquehnnna! For est City News. Truly said. He never feels happy and at homo until ho reaches Forest City. A Susquehanna, county minister, who was about to commit matrimony asked tho county clerk to whom he ap plied for a license if lie didn't "make a discount to the trade." A non union band the wedding ring worn by a divorced woman. Some charming women never grow older in years only in looks. Meddlesome people never have medals struck In their honor. FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. Tho Erie will this year expend $7, 000,000 in Improvements. Four or the O'si will bo used in electing a new sta tion at Forest City. A convention for district No. 'l of the Susquehanna county Sunday school association will be held in the Oakland Congregational church, March 12. The Susquehanna band will hold a social hop in Hogan opera house on Friday evening next. Doran's full or chestra will furnish music for the oc casion. Edward F. Leighton, of Binghamton, last evening banqueted Susquehanna's business men at the Lancsford House last evening and treated them with a trip to the opera house, where Culuhun, Chase and Weston's Minstrels held forth. Extra meetings are being held In the Baptist church this week. "The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Curtis, of Herrlek Center, took place on Satur day. Deceased had Susquehanna rela tives. Mrs. Barton, an aged resident, Is seri ously ill at the residence of her son, A M. Bronson, Broad street. The Susquehanna Athletlj club will hold a private anniversary reception this evening in Hogan Opera house. WHAT FARMER RIM RON STRUCK. "They tell me there is copper in that" said Thomas Rlmron, the well known Clifford township sand man as he laid a good slued rock on the editor's desk Monday morning. The specimen Is from Mr. Rlmron's sand bed and looks as though It might contain some Vore. May be one of these days Mr. Rlmron will join the list of copper kings. Wo hope so Forest City News. Whether or not our venerable and joly friend Rlmron has struck copper, he certainly ran up against a good sized nugget of brass when ho entered the News sanctum. HAPS AND MISHAPS. Leslie Lake, an Erie employe, died very suddenly at his homo on East Main street, on Monday afternoon. Heart disease Is the probable cause. Hallstead Great Bend Is yearning for a bank. "I know a bank whereon tho wild thymo grows." will that 1111 tho bill? Prospecting for natural gas will soon begin at Franklin Forks, this county. Should It prove unsuccessful, why not drop a drill into the two Montrose newspaper olltces? Success Is uuro to follow. A Forest City justice of tho peace Is said to have lockjaw, caused by en deavoring to pronounce the names of Andrew Kozlowsklvlz and Kntarzgria .dosjewska, and of Kazlmir Abra hamowlcs und Barbara Bartowskuyto vltz, whom ho united In marriage. PARAGRAPHETTES, Revival meetings aro in progress in tho Oakland Congregational church. Oeorgo T. Sladu will on Saturday next assume tho duties of general superin tendent of tho Erlo railroad system, be tween Salamanca and New York, Mrs. Frank Lynch, an ostliuabJo lady, died at her home, on Elm street, on Sunday morning. Shu Is survived by her husband. Tho funeral will take place from St. John's Catholic church this morning, when requiem high mass will bo celebrated. The county convention of tho Chris, tltin Endeavor Union will be held In tho Oakland Congregational church, at a tlnto to bo announced later, A few divorce cases will be tiled at the present term of county court, Man proposes, but the court disposes. Too many couples wait until after they are married to got acquainted. If some of the "matches" aro "jnadu in heaven," heaven is responsible for botch jobs. Whitney. a Malusivick Acquitted, fly Excliulve Wire from The Auocltttd I'rco. Wilkeit-Bjrre, Jan. 80. Joseph Malusivlck, of West Haiieton, who. hu been on trial la criminal court hero for three days past charged with the murder of Louts Ycscuskle, was acquitted tlili afternoon nfirr th Jiirv li,i '"- INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR INSTALLING COMPLETE TELE PHONE SYSTEM. Lackawanna Railroad Company Pur chases an Additional Four Hundred Miles of Copper Wiro to Connect Up tho Stations on the Main Line. Will Partially Suporsede the Tele graphLast Fire Drawn from the Steel Company's Blast Furnace. J., L. & W. Board for Today. The Lnckawanna Railroad company Is now having Installed all along tho main line n complete system of tele phonic communication, which will eventually supplant tho telegraphic system now In use, although the latter will not be nbandonod, an the Western Union Telegraph company contracts the lines to a cortnln extent. At the present time 75 per cent, of the stations east of Washington, N, J., now have telephones In them, nnd tho Instruments of transmission nro con stantly In use. Workmen aro now en gaged In erecting new arms on the poles, and stringing wires between Washington anil Scranton, and tho new 'phones will bo installed between these points as sonn as possible. When ithe Hues are completed and In operation between Scranton and New York, the communicating circuits will be extended over the Bloomsburg divis ion to Northumberland, and nlso over the northern division to Binghamton. Work has already boon commenced in extending the system from Binghamton to Syracuse on tho Syracuse division, and wires will be strung nfterwards from Binghamton to Elmira, and thence to Buffalo. This will require a vast amount of time, labor and money, but is in keeping with the many Improve ments contemplated by the company. L. H. Foley, superintendent of tele graph on the Lackawanna Railroad, was In the city yesterday, und com pleted arrangements for the purchase of four hundred additional miles of copper wire which will bo used In ad dition to the six hundred miles already purchased by the company some time ago. Tho line from New York will be ex tended to Elmira ns soon as possible, and the telephones Installed In the va rious stations. The work is being done by the company's own employes, un der tho direction of Superintendent Foley. Blast Furnace Closed Down. At 10 o'clock yesterday morning the last lire in the furnaces were drawn from the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company's blast furnaces at the North mill In this city, and the remainder of the plant will now be dismantled and shipped to Buffalo as soon as possible. The llres in furnace's No. 1 and No. 2 were drawn some time ago, but owing to some orders for pig iron having to bo filled, the lire in No. 3 furnace was not drawn until yesterday. This is the last of the old mill, and all the remaining machinery will be taken to Buffalo for future use. The work of dismantling the plant has been going on for some time, and but little now remains but the useless timbers and building material, which will be cleared away to make room for the mammoth electrical plant which will bo installed on the grounds prob ably during tho coining year. D., L. & W. Board for Today. Following is the make-up of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western board for today: "v Vi:i).i:SlUY, JANUARY 211. lllr.u Kust S p. in., M. l'lnerty; JO p, in,, P. YanWomicr; 11 p. in., l.altiiner, W. A. Haitliolu nievv's new. THUltSDAY, JANU.VKY SO. lAlras Kast 1.20 a. in., HoboU'u, Nugent; 4 a, in., J. F. liuikluit; I) a. in., lloholien, J. Utility: S a, in., ilounkcii, J. W. Drvina; 10 a, in., (leoice TIhiiii.ik; 11 a. in., T, Fitipatrkk: 1 p. in., 1. 1.. K"','ii-i; '- p. in., IMioU'i, .1. A. lluhi 5 ii. in., Ilohokcu, .lolin l)atcr; 0 p in., A. II. iti.-vi-. Summit-,, Kit-. II a. in.. Carries; u ' l'loiinfelkcr; JO a. in,, Mihols; 11 ii. in,, Will Ijiii Hoar, K. .McAllMei's crew; 2 p. in., 'Jliomp. i-ou; 8 ji. in., M. Cohlrii. l'lhlicm H a. in., Wldncr; 7 a, in,, I'lnncrly; 8 a, in., X.uunan; 11.43 a. in.. Mourn; ti p. in., (', llaitlioloiucw; .'M p. in,, Murphy; u p. in,, W. II. ll.ii tlioIiiilKW ; 0 p. m., Lamping. I.Mr.H Ww-t 2 p. in., A, Ik Kctchutn; 1 p. in., 'J'. Uoiidicin; Jt p. in., II. Castner. Passenger Kiiglncs 7 a. in., Oaltney; 7 a. ni Mnsi'r; 10 a. in., 1". Ik Sucor; 0.15 p. in., O. Miller; S. ; p. in., Mcl.'ovciu. xotici:. Conductors A. (J. llainmitl ami M. J. Hemic (,'an ami crews will attend 10 a. m. class air-brake car, Jin. 20. Conductors Aco and J, Lamb and ercna will ntti'iiil 3 p. in. daw alr-lirlkc ear, Jan. SO. Conductor V. W. I.abar anil W. J. MosUr and i rows will attend 7,'JO p. in. claw alr-braka car, Jin. SO. llrakeman C. lu'sley upoils for J. 1', Iluik hart. llukeman William Heller repoita for 1', I 110"CU. TIRED OF LIFE. Lane B, Schofleld and Caleb Mitchell Commit Suicide by Shooting: Themselves. Uy Inclusive Wire from The Associated Prr.i. Roslon, Jan. !!!, Ltiuo U. Sehotleld, senior member of tho llrm of Schofleld, Whlcher & Co., bankers nnd brokers, of this city, committed suicide toduy by shooting himself at his homo In New lonvtllc. Mr. Sehotleld was In his of ilco nil day yesterday and performed his usual duties. He did not leavo un til lato In tho day and seemed to be In the best of spirits. Mr. Whlcher, his partner, In an interview toduy admitted that Mr. Sehotleld had experienced fi nancial reverses, due to unfortunate ventures, but said: "The uffalrs of Sehotleld, Whlcher & Co. aro all right at this moment. It will bo impossible to find out our exact condition fop several days." Mr, Whlcher would not discuss the nature of any speculation in which Mr. Sehotleld had engaged. Saratoga, N Y Jun. 29. Caleb W, Mitchell, who had been a prominent llguro hero for moro than thirty years, shot and killed himself at the do6r of tho otllco of State Senator Bracket to day, Mitchell was formerly village president of Saratoga, but was legis lated out of ofllco several years ago, && yymJt&Xai icmoiyitat curcju a colli. ill QiUMl&ft Until within the last year, Mitchell had a saloon and blub house here, which Was recognized as it sporting head quarters, but It Was closed by the vll Ingo authorities, Afterwards, Mitchell tried to bring about the closing of the Saratoga club, but was unsuccessful, At one time ho conducted icstnitrtintn In New York city and Washington. He was the fifth member of his family ta commit suicide, nnd ho Is believed to have been mentally unbalanced for an extended period. MOSES EPPS ARRESTED. Negro hi Charge of Dynamite at the Rapid Transit Tunnel, Arraigned. Uy Inclusive Wire from The Arsoclated frees. Now York, Jan, 2d. Moses Enps, the negro who was-In churgo of tho dyna utile at tho Fortieth street shaft of tho Rapid Transit tunnel on Monday, when the explosion occurred. In which there wus loss of life, was arraigned today, charged with homicide. Epps said there were twelve boxen, each conhilnlng'sovcnty-flvo sticks of dynamite In tho dynamite house the day of the explosion. He said they used CiOO sticks n day and got a fresh supply each day. Theatrical. TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. LYCEUM Klnness. Afternoon and night. ACADIIMY earner Stock company. Afternoon and night. STAlt The Innocent Maids. Afternoon and nljlit. The Carnor Stock Co. The above mentioned company presented "My Uncle from Xcw York," a comedy bordering on the farce, and "llrothcr Against llrothcr," u stronp four-act melodrama, yesterday at the Academy of Music before two Ioiro and enthu-,1-astie audience. A number of clever Fpeclaltlra introduced lietween the acts add to the enter tainment given by tlik excellent icpcitoirc com pany, The play to he presented at tud-iy's matinee is "Tho French Spy" and tonight the bill will be "Wicked London," a very realistic modern melo drama. The Innocent Maids. The attraction at the Slur for the balance .of the week will bo the burlesque and vaudeville organization, "The Innocent Maids," a company that needs no Introduction, for with every per former a flrst-clasi artist and with the lavish expenditure of money in inountlns. the pro ductlon should prove a treat to the patrons -if the nlwve theater. The opening piece, entitled "A Wooden Wo. man," serves to give n full scope to the com edians and introduces twenty handsome women in the Scrub Woman's chorm, a novel chance act, apd a double sextette ot belles and beaux, each selected for her beauty of face and foim. The olio comprises many wed known star acts, such as Madden and ,Je", who keep their audi ences In roars of laughter with their comedy and witticihins; llennett and itich, the popular flux ers of illustrated pongs; the beautiful Anna Yule and Uom; Carlln, duettlsts; Mink and Kitty Ilait, in u comedy sketch; charming and popular Nel lie Sylvester and Joe Morris, llcbiew tomedljii and parodist. The performance terminates with the intense ly funny burlewpie, "A Lottery Ticket," a liav esly lull of mirth, wit and humor and gives full opportunity for the girls to depoit them selves in plantation numbers, and as automobile boys and gills and polhcineu and midshipmen on parade. Matinee cvciy djy. A Trip to BufCalo. ''A Trip to llulfalo," a music;) eitrauiganza whiih gained the distinction ot a fouiteeu weeks' inn In IlulTalo the past summer, will be present ed at the Lyceum Monday night next. The piece is in three acts and seven scenes and is designed to entertain and amuse ami that it is hwec-sful in this i best attested by the reroid It scored ill Ilufi'.Uo and has since maintained in the princi pal cities it has embraced in its tour. It jms sesscs a conitrted plot tliat tells a real stoiy although one that does not obtrude upon the liieiiinieiit of the action nor yet preclude ihe logical introduction of u number of bright vaude ville specialties. Three envoys from the Pan American iit Turkey and urge the sultan to take his household to the exposition. "A faded flower of the harem who has surrounded herself by two inoio or less filthful subjects, conspires to accompany the sultan and prevent Ids ictum. In the second act the sultan nnd his harem are discovcicd on shlpboaid en loute to the exposi tion. The "pil.ite trinity" seel; to scuttle the ship and score an inglorious yet laughable falluie. The third ait. is located on the l'.iii-Aiueiicau giounds and ts the best cuatume review of Hie exposlllon obtainable. The Hist sttno lepro duces the ciovwiliw glory of the pxponliluii the illumination with the elcctiio tower in the luck gioimil. Tlio illuslun is as peifect as Magecutt can make it and ically gives a comprehensive idea of the marvelous br.iuly of the original. The action then shlfls to the Midway wlnre sev eral nt the more familiar attractions of tkj famed "avenue of fun" aie uliowu with every detail of the model supplied. Thtre aro nil niirotu tplcii1lil features Introduced In this act. Including the maieh of the exposition gujrds and the famous megaphone chorus in the latest topical lill, "Have ti hook." Tho music of "A Trip to buffalo" was written by Wllllm I.oraliio, composer of "Salome" and other charaeterlstio compositions which are among the brilliant in strumental succcssi's of the times. Hairy II. Marshall, author of scleral successful comedies, wrote tho book, Ilotli composer and author ac company the production en tour. The company numbers forty people who wcio carefully selected for their icspettlvo parts dining the summer sea son when tn best talent wa available. There Is u laigo chorus of linibonie young women who can both sing and dauee, and the production in review fulfills acceptably the generally accepted Idea of a flrst-clayi cnteitalnnicnt. "Colorado" Next Tuesday. At tlio T.yceiini theater Ttn-sday night theater goers of Scranton may witness the first piodue tlon In this city of "Coloiado," which is to bo presented by Cliarlesi Froliman'n company in tho same manner as seen during Its recent success ful run at Wallaces theater, Xew Yoik, from where it comes direct to this city. The naina suggests that Augustus Thomas is u-.ponJble for th play. Apropos of the nppjient intention of Mr, Thomas to ntilito for playwriijlitliig jmiposes the namc3 of all the states was heard this jot yes teiday; "How unlucky It would have been If Augustus Thomas lived one hundred years ago." "Whyf" "At that time there were but thirteen tate." Under Southern Skies. "Under Southern Skies." which will eerie to present firace Ueorzc at the Lyceum friday, l'ebruary 7, has received a. hearty endorsement from the cntlro press of Jfew Yok city, lloth star and pl.iy have inado an unequlvucal succesi in the mettopolis. Miss tleorge'i grace, beauty and tlurni, have placed lur in n eiy short llinu among the niot popular l joung women stars. She possessci (he power ot nioilng her audiences tu tears as well as laughter unit all by a slmpla and natural method of jcling Hut shows no ar tificial stialning for effect. llt (ieorge'tt gowns ore ahuys i.iatvcl of ap propriateness nnd thu delicate, summery fabrics woin in thu "land wlicio (he suvet piaguolia blooms" arc delightful to look iiiwii und aro vastly becoming to the dainty U'liuly of MUi (JCClire. Tho ktai?o sr-ttbira ur rl.ilim.ilA .1,,,.,.. fng two picturesque southern outdoor eccucs and nw ,mi:,,vi ui a nne plantation mansion. Manager Urady has been lailsh in lib outlay This signature ii on every box ot the genua Laxative BromovOuiiiineTabuts No Argument Needed Etrory Suffer nr from Catarrh Knowa that Salveu, Lotions, Waohot.Spraya nnd Douches Do Not Curo. l'owdortt, lotloitB, nalv-cs, nprays ,nnd Inhalers cannot really cure Catarrh, be cause this disease Is n blood disease, 3s ''ik - and local application!!, If they accom plish anything at all, simply give tran sient relief. Tho catarrhal uolson Is In the blood nnd tho mucuouR membrane of the nose, throat and trachea tries to re lievo the system by secreting large quantities ot muctioy, tho discharge sometimes closing up thu nostrllx, dropping Into tho throat, causing dral noas by closing tho Kustachlan tubes, and after a time causing catarrh of the stomach or serious throat and luug troubles. A remedy to really cure catarrh must be an Internnl remedy which will clea"nso the blood from catarrhal poi son and remove the fever and conges tion from the mucous membrane, The best and most modern remedies for this purpose are antiseptics scien tifically known as Eucalyptol, Guala col, Sangulnarla and Hydrastin, and while each of these have been success fully used separately, yet It has been difficult to get them all combined In one palatable, convenient and . eillclent form. The manufacturers of the new ca tarrh cure, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, have succeeedod admirably In accom plishing this ' result. They are large, pleasant-tasting lozenges, to be dis solved In the mouth, thus reaching every part of the mucous membrane of the throat and finally the stomarh. Unlike many catarrh remedies, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets contain no cocaine, opiate or any Injurious drug whatever, and are equally beneficial for little children und adults. Mr. C. It. Rembrandt, of ltochestor, N. Y says: "I know of few people who have suffered as Much as I from Catarrh of the head, throat and stom ncli. I used sprays, inhalers and pow ders for months at u time with only slight relief, and had no hope of cure. I had not the means to make a change of climate, which seemed my only chance of cure. ".Last spring I read an account of some remarkable cures made by Stuart's Catarrh Tablets and promptly bought a fifty-cent box from my drug gist and obtained such positive benefit from that one packugo thut I continued to use them dally until I now consider myself entirely free-from this disgusting annoyance of catarrh; my head Is clear, my digestion all I could ask and my hearing, which had begun to fail as a result of the catarrh, has greatly Im proved until I feel I can hear as well as ever. They are a household neces sity in my family." Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are sold by druggists at 50 cents for complete treatment and for convenience, safety and prompt results they are undoubted ly the long looked for catarrh cure. 1 of money upon the entire production, and it lias not been sin parsed In beaut j. Sawtelle Company. Theater-goers will have abundant opportunity next week to sec tho New Suwtclle company, which will be at the Academy of Music. The opening bill will be "The Ansel of die Alley," a sceniu production by Sullivan k Hur rls. The specialties tairiedaiu alone worth the price of adiiiRsiou, being headed by Sle Hawaii Hen All's .iabs, belter known as the whlilwiiuU of the Desert, and' include Cliailes II. Samlets, king of nionolngists: .Millie Corbiu, tniiabi hiri tone, and Mac and Mae, with their famous trick house. So that pations will certainly get their money's worth. - To the South via New Jersey Central. The Now Jersey Central railroad Is the only line offering Pullman service to winter resorts in the South and the Charleston exposition, with but one change of cars, Lowest rates and quickest time. Pull man reservations secured and baggage checked through. Inquire ot J. a, Swisher, district passenger agent, C02 West Lackawanna avenue, Scranton. ' A Trip to California or .Florida. Those contemplating such a trip need but to call on the local ticket ugeut of the Lackawanna railroad and ho will arrange every detail, Including trans portation, berths, reservations and checking ot buggugo through to desti nation; also will furnlHh rates, folders, descriptive literature and any other In formation desired on the tubjoct. Through sleepers and day coaches to Chicago. Only one change of cars to California. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, ill Illicit .Nov. ti.' 1001. Tialm leave Scranton for New Voik At 1.10, 3.13, U.U.-I. 7.G0 and IU.UJ a. in.; l'J.43, :i.U, 3.KJ p, in, Tor New Voifc and Philadelphia 7.60, IU.0J a, in., and 12.13 and !U"1 p. m. I'or Toby. hauna At U.10 p, in, h'or Hullal.j 1.10. U.t"J and il.Hd a. m.; 1.53, 0.5U Mill 11,3. p, 111. I'or lliiig hainton and way station 11).1) a. in, and l.JD p. m. I'or Oswego, bitJiuso and U'tlca 1,15 and li.j a. in,; 1,33 p. in, Ojwcgo, i jcil-u and I'ticj train at ti.'J'j a. in, daily, except Suudav, I'or Montrose u.oo a, pi,; 1. 10 and u.CO p, in. Nicholson accommodation I.IJO and (1,13 p. m, Ulooniihurg Dliialon I'or Noilhumberlan.l, at 0.33 and 1U.U3 a. in.; 1.33 and U.tU p. in. Tor Plymouth, at 8.10 n. in.; U.IU and li.UO p. m Sunday Traln.v-1'ur New York', 1,10, 3.13. 11.03 and 10.113 a. m. j a.10, a.nj p. in. I'm- Uofialo 1.13. and OiJ a, in.; ),C3, 0,5UJund II, r, p, in. Tor Jllnghamtuii and way stations 10.J0 a. m, llloomsbuig Dhlilon Leavo Sviantou, 10.03 a. in. and 0.10 p. in, New Jersey Central, hi llllect Nov, 17. J001. Stations in .New York, foot of Liberty ktieet and isiuth 1-Vrry, X, It. Tialiis leave Scranton for Xew Yoik, Phlladel, piila, Jaiitoii, llithleheiu, Allenluwn, Muuili Chiiilk, tthlli- Haven, Ashley and WMkcs-llailc at 7.:0.i. in.. I p. m. and I In. Suuda,i, 2.1) p. m, Quaker Cily Ihptess leau-s Seiauton at t.i.0 a. m through Milid Wittl'iiU t tain with Pullman Uutta Parlor Cars, (or Philadelphia, I'or Avoca, Piltston and Wllkcs-llaiu', 1 p, in. and 1 p. in. Sund.ij-, if. JO p. in. For Long branch, Ou'jn (iroie, etc., .'M u. m. und 1 p. hi. I'or Heading, Lebanon ami Harrltbiirg, vU Al UiiloHii, at 7.:i0 j. in. Mid 1 p. in. Sunday, .10 p. in. For PotUvlllo at 7.S0 n. m. and 1 p. m. I'or ratca and tickets apply tu agent at station. C. M. IIUHT, (Jen. l'an. Agt. W. W. WL'NTZ, au. Supi. ' I II Vottr fiWfflw crust w Winn; I MlNCEflEAT You need not fuss tabic. Without "Noni! Sticii" good old-fashioned utit tnc o ven "None Such" Ton. that NEW YORK HOTELS. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth St. and Ir ',ug Place, NEW YORK. American Plan, 113.00 Per Day and tlpwatds. European Plan, ?1.00 Per Hay and Upwards. Special Italcs to Families. T. THOMPSON, Prop. - -- For Business Men In tho hsart at lbs wholcsaU district- For tiliopneu' s mlnutcu' walk to Wannmnlcersi S minutes to Siccol Cooper's Ble titure. Knsy cf access to the trcuc Dry Goods mores. For Sightseers One block from B'way Cars. civ. Ins easy transportation to aU points of Interest. NEW YOltK. Cor. 11th ST. & UNIVERSITY PI. Only one niock from Broadway. PlifiTIK R1 Tin RESTAURANT KOOIIIj, 'Dl Up. Prices ReaionablJ - Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. ' Lehigh Valley Enilroad. In HITect, Nov. 8, IWH. Trains leavo Suanton. Tor Philadelphia and New York lia 1). i II. 11. It., at li.tfh and H.'M a. in., and 2.1S, t.S" (Illicit Diamond i:xproi), and p. in. Sun days, 1. fc II. It. It., l.SS, S.27 p. ni. l-'or White Haven, Hiulilon and pifncipal points in Ihe coal rc,'ioii. la II. (c II. it. I!., 0.3S, 'J.JS and l.'J7 p. in. l'pr 1'oltsville, 0.3s a. in., --MS p. in. For Bethlehem, Katlun, Heading. IlarrUburir. and piincipal Intermediate sdsitlotw. via H. & II. II. It., .!, .." a. nuj 2.1S, 1.3 (Ul.irli Dia mond i:pres-), ll.SU p. in. Sundays D. & 11. )!. II., '.1.116 .1. ni.: l.oi. 8.37 p. in. I'or Tuiikliaiiuoeh, 'i'uwanda, IMiuiia, ithaia, Onev.i and piincipal intermediate station., via 1)., !,. and W. II. it.', S.10 a. in. and M.50 p. in. I'or (iciicia, liochciter, llaftalo, Magaia Palls, Cldcaua and all points wesl. via I). & II. It. 1!., 7.1S, 12.0.1 a. in.; 1.12, S.ii (Black Diamond i:. press), 7.1S, J0.11, ll.SU p. m. Sundays, J). & II. ii. It., 12.0.), 8.27 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lelilu'li Valley Parlor car.i on all tralm hctwiiu Wilkcs-ll.tne and New Yoik,, Philadelphia, Hnttalo and Sa.pcn-i-ion ilrldcc. ItOM.l.V II. WH.HUIt, Gen. Supt., 20 Co. Hand street, N'ew York. C'HAIII.IM S. I.i:i:, Oil. Pais. Ask, 211 Cortland stiect, N'cw York. A. W. Xd.VKMAClIKIt, DIv. Pa. Ast., South lletlileiieiii. Pi. For tkhcls and Pulliu.iii ii'.rrvatluiK apple lo city ticket oiilci, 0'J Public bipiaie, Ylilkcs-llaue, Pa. Delaware and Hudson. In Effect XoHiuhcr 21, 1001. Tijim for Carbnnd.iii! leave Seiantuii at 0.2U, S.O0, S.M,! a. ni.; 12.mi, 1.20, 2.:ll. y.02, o.ftl, !.2."., 7.57, 0.1.1. 11.20 p. 111.; J.IJ1 a. m. For llmiesdale ti.20, UUSj. in.; 2.3t and 3.20 T. in. For, 7.1?, .Ml. fl.llS, 10.1.1 a. m. j 12.0.!, 1.12, 2.1s, a.25, 1.27, 0.10, 7.l, 10.11, 11..1U p. in. Fur I.. V. It. 11. Points U.JS, IMS a. lit. ; 2.1S, 1.27 and 11.80 p. 111. For Pennsylvania it. II. Point. 0,3$, a. in.; 1,12. U.2S and 1.27 p. Hi. For Albany and all puints noilli ti.20 a. in. and 3.52 p. in. SUNDAY TRAINS. For C'oiliondalc S.50, UM u. m.j 2,01, S.ii, S.52 and 10.52 p. in. For Wilkes-ilJirc 'J.SS a. in,; 12,10, l.SS, M.-Ji, U.Si and &12 p. m. For" Albany and point north 3,52 p, in. For Huni'sdate .50 a. m. and :i.S2 p, in, W, L. PltYOlt, D. P. A., Suanton, Pa. Pennsylvania Railroad. f-'chedulo in Klffct Juno 2, 13fl, Traliu leave SLiantou: C.:iS a. in,, week days tluouiih vrttlbulo tialn from Wilkcd-ilanc, Pull, man I'tilfet pJilor car and loaches to l'liii.uK'l phhi, via I'tillkYillu; no al pilmlpal Iiitciine iliatc utations. Alo coiiuocta fur .-iiinhury, II.u rlMiurir, J'hil.idi'lpld.1, lliilllnioKv Washington and tor 1'iit.ipiiii; nii'i me vusi. SI.3S a. in., week day, fur Sunliury, HatrMiuiir, Philadelphia,. Baltlnioic, Wuthliigtou ami Pitt,. buiK and the we.t. 1.12 p. in., week ilah ISiindayd. l.SS p. in.), fur Simbiiry, HauMiuii;, Philadelphia, Baltimoie, W'aalilnntiui and Pittnburi; and t lie uvt. 3.2S p. m., week dan, lliroush vestibule train fioni Wllkci-llaire, Pullnian bullet parlor and coaclici. to Philadelphia via Potlavllle. Stupi at piincipal intermediate iilatioiH, 1,27 ii. m.. week dav, lor llazleton, Suiihury, liarrisb.irs, Pldladclphla and I'ltbbuitr. .1. ll. llint'IllNSOX. lien, liar. .J. II, WOOD, Oeii. I'j-h. Ast. New York, Ontario and Western. In Utlect 'tiiewiay. Sept. 17, 1'Jfll. SOUTH IIOF.ND. f.tavu Leave Arilvo Train Snanlon. Caiboiidale, C'adoa, o, 1 lO.tfia. in. 11.10a. in. l.OUp, m, vu. 7 il.ll p. in, Ar. t'aihoiidale U.10 p, in, lOlIT'll HOfXI). Irf.ivo Leave Arrive 'fraln. Cailosu. t-'ariioiulale. Sciuiuon, No. Ii TWu. in. 7. ID a. in. No. 2 2.15 p. in, 1.00 p. Hi. 1.10 ii. in, hfSUAVS ONLY, SOUTH JIOCXU. ' I.ravu fK-ave Ariivc Train. Scrautuii. Caihoudale, C'adoil.i. No. U 0.3i)ii. in. 0.1 Op. in. JO. 13 a, id. No. 0 7.00 p. in. Ar. t.'arboiilalu7.10p. i.i. SOUTH HOL'ND. ' Ltavo t.cavo Airiiu Tiulni. l.'adujila. farlioiidale. Sniiiuon. No. II 7.00 a. in. 7.0a.m. No. 10 t..';o p. in. O.OOp.m, 0.15 p. in. Traliu Nos. I on weak dayt, und II on Suudajii, niake inalu line conneclloin fur New Yoik city, Mli'.dletmwi. Walton, .Noiwkli, Oneida, U.iwiao and all polnli wcit. for (uijlier iiifoimallciii iviuult ticket aacut .1. I'. ANDIllisON, li. P. A., New York. i, F., WI.IjII, T. P. A Siranlon. Pa. , Erie Italhoad, Wyoming Division, Tialiiti tor New Yoik, Ntwbuiah and lntciim -diate point leavo bmnton aa fullout; l."Q a. lil.; 2.2.1 p, in. i Arrival 10,3 a. m, (ufcu Jllddlelown, Hones dale, lljwley ami intviuiidlati) polnH. 0.20 p. in. from New York, KvuUurjh and intcriiiediato polnls. Nu KuuOjy trim. WfilliV t w 11 I ik Ik ml Ml nliilill llluhiiitiilN IHIHHnffl WmMlwmmmk IB Bilk WmW wmmm mi UltV AHlt SltJfcjK" only work 19 the fill it with n whole tiny over the IsUchcti work or worry or expense nives vott thc"fillint?" for n initicc pic, which needs to round out its perfection. JSqitally good for Fruit Pudding or Fruit Cake. Condensed Mince Meat Is for anlr hvevery good grocer nt luc npnek nee. Kccincn on every nncknec. Vnl- liable premium list of "1H47 Hogcrii lirciii." Miverwnrc cncioncii. its know your if denier refused to supply we win ecu you one will. MEURELL-SOULB CO. Syracuse, H. Y. f EDUCATIONAL. Free Tuition By a recent act of the legisla ture, free tuition is now granted at tho , . Literary Institute and State Norma! School Bloomsburg, Pa. to all those preparing to teach. This school maintains courses of study for teachers, for those preparing for college, and for those studying music. It will piy to write for particulars. Ko other school olTcrs such superior ad vantages at euch low rates. Addrcsi J. P.Welsh, A. M.f Ph. D.,Pdfl. SCEANT0N COEEESPONDEN0E SOHOOtl, SCRANTON, PA. T. J. Foster. President. Klmer H. Lawill, Itu. It. J. Foster, Stanley P. Allen, Vice President. Secretary. Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. 1 OunsferForsyfh m 2.13'327 l'cntl Avcillll'. Wvmvm!immM.MLmesMnmmittm- iiissii Lager Beer Mmiiir&cturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 430 to 4S5 N. Ninth Btreot, TeJephona Call, 233:1. Everjf Woman 13 Interested a ml should Wnow aliout iho gradrtf ill MARVEL Whirling Spray llmnew W!olb)rlif. tnjtc flen uf.'f niirnoH, nesi nrn csi .mm t oiivenieri, IUfYtttkfilQunlif, i.k vuur Jiutct.1 fur It. irii-i'aiinot8iiiily Iho .11.1111 l-.l,, UClfl'llHl ui her. hat .nil HLimiitorll. lutiriici Iwot fives ri.ll luilltliLitsnuil ilhet'lltiiuiln. il oi"lif. .11 ltVi:i.C'., ltooni mo, Times Ddz., New Ycrk. .Kl,FJHEEL2r8 i AuvrUft. t'umnie In cur kIm hj tull frtilt 1 Mrtiuiy,io.iaiiiJ,lfifi j;Nritturff 1554. B ICnOPrilFA! lliiliiS KM SN:.ii,.w Vv '.T " iAiTV zsr r, " v --r ; k i a f df ALt 9iM&tiiV