THE SCHANTON TUIBUNE-THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1002. ijf J NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA BRADFORD COUNTY. Uiccll to tho Fcrattion Tribune. Townndn, Jan. 29. Tho lloyul Arca num liavo Just clioson tho following offi cers for 1902: Hcscnt, L. C. Gillette! vIcc-rcRont, C. Mi AVooduiirn; orator, II. B. Mcarsi past regent, W. II. Smith; secretary, W. U. Kelly; collector, Kd ward Frost; trensurer, W, O, Gordon; chaplain, A. D. Dyo; guide, J. M. Oll lan; warden, O. D. Wickhain; sentinel, L. Marks; trustees, VI. W. Ulvvell, M. J. Long, A. D. Dyo. Tho unnunl nicollnir of the Northeast in Pennsylvania Press association was Ijold hi Towanda, and utter nn Inter esting hesslon tho following were chosen to act on the otllrlal board for the ensu ing year: President, George Streby, of JOushore: vIce-piesldentH, G. U. M. Ward, of Laceyvllle; J. H. Murrelle, of Towanda; secretary and treasurer, K. U. McKcc, of Towanda; executive coin iplttce, V. II. Lyman, of TunUliannock; B. V. Ilalncs, of Honcsdalo; Fred New oil, of Dushore. Tho nest meeting was fixed for Anrll 20, at AVllUcs-ISurre. Henry Heeman, a desperate charac ter, who Is wanted In Chemung county, Now York, for burglary, wua unested In Towanda on Saturday, and Is now In ;Jntl awaiting requisition papers. Ho has, It Is said, served several years In the penitentiary, and was a deseitcr during the Spunlsh-Amoilcan war from a transport in Cuba. Mrs. Georco StPKtnnler, of 'Wllkes Barre, bus been a guest of her parents (n Towanda for u, few days, Arthur "White, of New Albany, while working In a hay barn, had a fork tine strike htm on the cheek, urotrudlnc through his mouth and coming out near his nose. Tho auditors, who have been exam ining tho accounts of the commission ers and overseers of the poor and treas urer, completed their duties on Satur day, and the statement will be pub lished next week. In the report It will be shown that $1G,C00.47 were In Iho hands of the treasurer, January 1, 1002, and of the court house fund, $5,433.21. The county has no floating- Indebted ness, the only debt being $100,000 of court house bonds still outstanding. The lloatlng debt of tho poor district Is found to be $2,12J.10, and there still re mains In the county treasurer's hands $59.13, collected by tho bicycle tax be foio being declared unconstitutional. By the payment of court house bonds of $30,000 recently, the Interest to be paid this year will only be $4,000. and the state tax to be paid on tho bonds will be cut down to $100. In 1901 the nmounts were, respectively, $6,000 and $coo. The free mall delivery system will be put in operation at Sayre next June. The ofllce has been doing a $12,000 busi ness the past year. Mrs. G. M. Roberts, of Sayre, who has been on a sick bed for thirteen vears. has just become able to use her limbs. Hev. J. J. Coroner was a visitor at Scranton this week. Mrs. Daniel Donovan, an estimable woman of AVyalusIng township, died at lier home, , Monday, ngeel 38 years, of pneumonia. A husband and six chil dren survive her. AVOCA. There will bo a sale of eatables at the homo of Mrs. William Brown, of Main street, tomorrow afternoon under tho auspices of tho ladies of Langcllffe church. It. J. Bees, grand organizer of the Fraternal Mystic Chain, Is In town per fecting a new order. The organization will bo effected in two weeks. D. C. Morton has returned from New York city. Mrs. Mary Burns Is able to be about ngaln after several days' illness caused by vaccination. Mrs. J. J. McCarthy, of Forty Fort, was In town yesterday. The marriage of Miss Belinda Dough erty and John Walen was solemnized yesterday afternoon In St. Mary's church by Bev. M. F. Crane. Just as the Angelus waa ringing; the bridal party entered the church to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march played by Miss Bllzabeth Murphy. Tho bride and her attendant wore handsome blue cloth tnllov-inndc gowns and beaver hats. Tho groom was waited upon by Frank O'Donnell of Parsons. After the ceremony supper was served at the home of tho bride. They will begin housekeeping on Main stieet. The niairlage of Miss Agnes, daugh ter of Patilck Murphy, of the West Side and Patrick Kearney, of York avenue, was solemnized in St. Mary's church yesterday afternoon by Bev. M. F. Crane. Miss Murphy and hor attend ant, Miss Bose O'-Mnllcy, wore brown cloth gowns with white satin and braid. trimmings. Both carried carnations. After the ceremony they drove to Scranton, whcie they had supper. Mr, and Mrs. Kearney will reside on the West Side. , Tho Anthracite Blackwatuh Football team of this place composed of players between Nantlcoko and Forest City, have mudo a match with the Alblons of Philadelphia for Match 1. So far tho Alblons have been tho strongest and have won many games, Beabou uble rales have been secured, Thoy will leave on the fast Central train, leaving here nt S,10 o'clock. Those wishing to Join tho party muy do so by leaving their names with Bobert Perry, captain; T. J, Deeble, malinger, Boy, J. J. McCuhe, of Auburn, was a visitor In town this week. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Tunkliaunock, Jan, 28. Miss l.eona Garvoy, a trained nurse, of Philadel phia Is visiting her mother Mrs. Sybol Garvoy, on Slocum street. Charles Jenkins, of Meshoppen, Is visiting Ills father, Samuel Jenkins at this place. Miss Molllo Weston, wlm lias beep tho guest of Dr. and Mrs, 13. F, Avery tho past week, returned to her homo at Brooklyn on Monday. There uro only two pilsoners remain ing In tho county pall. Harry Welch and family, of Sayre, who huyo been visiting relatives at this place returned home on Monday. The cush of Jones Brothers vs. tl, W. Btahton, Issue to ascertain whether or not anything was duo on u bond given by the defendant to plaintiff, resulted In a verdict for the defendant. W. B. Aruts, Is at Nicholson this wet-It, where he Is engaged in wiring buildings for electric lights. Tho case of J, C. Menger vs. J. S. Brink et ul., equitable ejectment, was on trial when court adjourned on Tues day. Almon Cassldy died at his homo oh Foundry street, on Monday evening. Ills dentil wua duo to consumption. NEW MILFORD Special to the Scranton Tribune. New Mllford, Jan. 20. The Young People's Christian Endeavor society will conduct a business meeting and social at the Presbyterian church on Friday evening. ' Mrs. D. C. Alncy entertained tho Magazine club at her home, Wednesday evening. Miss Clara Indorlied Is visiting Blng linniton friends. ' Miss Helen Hutching, one of our popular primary touchers, was unable to attend to her school duties Wednes day, on account of Illness. L. Everett, who has been suffering PICTURE Hero Is the lighthouse keeper and his as sistant. Find their wives. with heart trouble for the past week, is slowly recovering. Tho trustees of the Presbyterian church held u business meeting on Monday evening at the church. Mis. Harry Burtlctt, of Biughumton, was a pleasant caller in town Wednes day. BROOKLYN. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Brooklyn, Jan. 29. News friends here last night that reached Sumner Deans -had been- killed byti-traln at Alford. No particulars have been re ceived. Tho Young People's Christian union will hold a slipper social at A. S. Wal dle's next Friday evening. Mr. Ansel Tewksbury Is very Ul with pneumonia. Ills son and daughter have been sent for. At present, Brooklyn has neither, a harness shop, butcher shop nor milli nery store. Mrs. Amanda DeWitt Is keeping house for Amml Ely. Bev. B. L. Boberts has returned from his visit In New York state. W. A. Stephens lost a good horse last w eek. Mr. and Mis. Willis A. Squler, of BInghamton, spent Sunday with his father, who Is in poor health. Tho Misses Doloway are spending a short time at their home here. -Mr. Dolaway is much better. Mr. and Mrs. Hine have moved Into their new house In town. An entertainment will be given In the Unlversallst church next Wednesday evening, Feb. 5, by David V. Bush, B. E. It will consist of monologue, im personations and music. Mr. Bush has been very successful in his work be fore audiences in large cities, and at summer resorts. This will be a treat for Brooklyn people who enjoy such entertainments. Fred B. Mlllor, who Is taking a course In telegraphy at Lebanon, Is homo for a vacation, DURYEA. Some of the citizens of the Fast dis trict are complaining of having to help puy for electric light furnished the bor ough, and they not receiving any of It. The report Uint three of the Barnes family are 111 with smallpox Is false. William and Joseph Barnes are only 111 from varllold, Duano Dills was a caller in Scranton, Wednesday, Hubert Brown attended tho exercises of the osteopaths, at Wilkes-Bane, Tuesday evening. HALLSTEAD. Special to the Scranton Tribune. llallte.iil, Jan. 2i, Tho candidate, fur cvunly MilKilntcudcnt, as (ar an amiouuccu, tuc ji fol lows:; Charles i:. Moxtcy, ol JIallstcud, late tu pulntciident; Principal n. W. IVase, uf the bihool at this place, and Mr, ntcluiU.-, piliicipal of the (treat Demi bdiou). At tho second annul) ball held by the hv.lUh, lik'n'a union by llroomo Mgo, Nu. Hi, at Odd I'cllowa hall, Illinjlumtoii, tlieia was a laigc uttiudaucc fioiii this place, Gieat IJcud and bin (juchaniu, ftccrctaiy Ilclden, of tliU plate, was In 8ci.ui ton Monday attending a meeting of the tcictailes of the Pel.iwai c, Lackawanna, and Western Young Men'a Christian association. Mi, and Mit-. Michael Walters wcie called to Scianton Hat unlay on account of tlckiics. 1'red Hell U uQ"eing with blood poUou, riuutd by a silver In Ids band. The new Ilmo tablu went Into elTect at 12.01 Jan. -a. MUa Katliiiuc- Suiiiitiv'iton l rccovcilug fiom an IllneAi. V. Con, tho popular Montoe lhcrjiuan, was in town Monday, He reports that bulnctfo, which lua been at neatly 4 standstill, has bevn lesuiued. The l)iulncs men there aro much en couraged, W. U. MvUod, tho popular lauiidrjman, was In lllujhointon Monday pu butlnesd. Miti draco Harding, who has been visiting Iter parents at (Urford, returned Saturday, Tho Connolly lOuw, after being thoroughly dis infected, wail released Iron) ijuaraotlnc today, .Ml bidding and weaijug apparel was buiuvd ut sw& Ytt OttefVa t night, Georges, limber, wild liM been quarantined, U visiting liU ftlemH, and nt prc-cnt will Iho Vvllh hU Mtr, Mr, Lcahcy. SUSQUEHANNA. Special to the Scranton Titbune. Suxjueliiinnai Jan. 20. The Utiles ol the Great Unstcm Star returned Thurmlay nd report a lino lime. Tho l'rr.lijtotliin church held con.'ocratlou meet Ins Sunday evening. Mr. Ifenry Slraton entertained MIm I,ou ltogtis, of Harford, Friday. Charles Curtlw liai'bocn In Monlroc the past week. Hon. C. I'. W'llghl hai been elected vice piosldcnt ot the American Clmrcoat company ot Illnghamtou. Char lea Curtis, Jr., Ins ticiti woihlng In liU falhcr't place In tho bank thU week. V. Jl. Wcscott ami wlfo vlvltcd In Gibson Sit unlay, Tho l'rcxbytcrlan ilmicli held n social Friday evening1 which was largely attended. We arc glad to note our former towns man, lluiry Manrcr, has been appointed vice president of the l'lwt National bank at Montrose. Mien Nellie Clancy and Ml) Stella Howard, nt Thompson, attended the Odd Fellow' leecptlon Wednesday evening. Mrs. Hcniy Strattou xlsllcd In lllughamton Saturday. MIm Lou Itogcr and Mrs. It. I. Wcscott Wi lted lit Windsor, N. Yt, Thursday. If J on want to injoy n good laugh go to tho play nt Hogau opera house Monday night. Mr. and Mis. John Valentino an- visiting lu Jackson. The funeral ot the late JIis. Henry 3pcrl, of PUZZLE. Carbondalc, founeily and for many sears a re-i-pectcd ledldent of Suspjchuun.i, will occur m this )loco on Thuisday. It. JL Tingley, of Allison, s calling on Sus quehanna Mends recently. Mr, and Mis. V.. J. Matthews lune been visiting in Thompson the past week. The current icport that the L'llo has ulsid the wages of the englnceis, conductou and train men, is said to be premature, The Susquehanna case, commonwealth s. the Damis, attempt to kill, lia.s been put over until the April teini of county couit. The Susquehanna Athletic club held its private nnnlveisary reception In Ilogan Opeia IIouo laH evening. Music- by Doian'n orchestra and sup per at the Central Ilou-e. McKlnlty memorial e.eiclscs veie lulil In tho High ulnjol this mmnlng. Addicves wcie de livered by Captain II. II. Hall, Kcv. W. M. Doi: ton and others. There was tm intere-tin musi cal and Iltciary piogramme. Miss Joyephlne I'oley, an esteemed joung lady, died at the residence of James Condon, Pros pect stieet, on Tuesday, after a bilef illneis o! pneumonia. The funeral will take place fiom St. Johu'i Catholic chinch on Thursday morning. Albert II. I'ull.enbiirg will this evening enter tain the Men's club, ot Cluist Episcopal cliuich, at his home on Wellington street. Dibble's IMison moving pictuics will hi- seen in Hogan Opeia House on Monday and Tuesday :ict. afternoon and evening. William J. Jfuiphy, a native of Susquehanna, who began Ids railroad caieer as telegiaph me ecngcr boy In this place, has been appointed general manager of the Alabama Great houthcin lallro.ul, with headquarters at Cintinnitl. Tiamps aic becoming jiumcrous again. ltev, I', F. Pwjer, of Jackson, picuhed in tlic Susquchanni Papllst church Ja"t evening.' Itallioad matters on the l'.ric's Jedeison blanch are cMr.i quiet. Mrs. ltlchard Lown, an aged rc.-lilcnt of tic Oakland i-lde, is gradually recovering !iom a severe illnes. KNIGHTS OF MALTA. Iianhoe couimandcry, Ko, 310, will be insti tuted on 1'cbruaiy tl, at Hastings, Camilla coun ty. Ciand Itecudcr .Sir fieoige II. l'leice ad dressed tle final organlr.ition meeting on Jan uary 17. Martin Luther commaudciy, No. 317, will be Instituted on Fclmiai.v It, at Lancaster. It will be a lion-bencflclal hod), and its members will be fully unlfoimnl and drilled. Tjione commandery, No. 2J9, nt Tjianc,'' gave a Malta (social mi January It), with Iticoider Harry A. Thompson, editor of the Tyrone Times, as master of ccicnionlcs. Itecitatlons, bongs ami grupliaphouc selcctloics, followed by a. most pal atable lepast, cntritalned the large body of com panions ami theii lady friends until midnight, Mclita couunandeiy, No, H.', at Media, Ueh watu county, held a icceptlou on Januaiy 21, with Sir William H, I'ord as clialiniau. drawl ltccoidei Sir Ueorgo II. l'leice dcllveied an ad dress on Malta fo the large number of invited guests of tlic commandery, who aic forming a class for early admission. Tho ery novel and attrattlvc steelplato design for tip monthly notices is a mastti piece. Scotia lomiiiandeiy, Xo, HO, nt MeKee-poir, will hold a very cduboi.ite lounuil of the Ited Cios.s and Sepulclno on l.'aster Moudav ulglit, March Ul, when u laigc nuiibei of novitiates will bo leeched accoidlug tu micje' He and custom, Holy Cioss inmuiandeiy, No. 1, at l'hlladel .pbla, at its last convocation appointed an en tertainment committee of tevcii fur I'KU, and a progieosive cuiliie parly will follow tho lcjuur couvocalion on 1'ibiuaiy S, Tho Monthly Malta ot tho naiiuunderles In and neai Hairlsburg will be held on 1' 11, in tho council ihumber of Star of America coinmandeiy, No. 113, with Sir II, K. Fills, 1'. C, of No, 111, in the occidental chair, Delega tions f i oui fW coiiiniaudcrlcs will fill the laigt apartment, and a good time is assured, Iti'd Cross coinmandeiy. No, 27, at Milton, held a gala night on Januaiy 2t, when (fraud Com mander Sir S. Fotnwald paid a fraternal visit, The command presented tho whlto degice In full foim, and delegations wcie pic.ent from Nos. tl!, Oj, 1)2 uiul '.Ml, Among those piesent vvero past Orand Coinmiiidets Sir John II. Illbby, Hr J. A. Farley and Sir, II. S. Jlelsir. A ban ipict closed tho evening's ceiciuoules, after a number ol Inteie.tlug addresses, Chosen Knights toiuiiiandcry, No. 174, at Voile, will hold memorial services In their council chamber on Fcbiuaiy 7, commenioiatlng eleven companions who have passed a nay, 'I hey will also dedicate tho ncty giavc inaikcrs that will bo used upon their deceased companion' graves, Anthiaclto commandery, No. ill, of lhl city, Is uniforming Its pilgrims club, which will be fully equipped in tho near future, Palestine coinmandeiy, No, 153, at llrookljn, gave a public intertaliimeiit to Its companions and their gentleiiien tilemls on January -.'7, when Sir John K. Mundnrf, '. V., presented libs illus trated lecture on Malta, which was received vvtili much 3ppUuc. 'fill elgnaturo ia on every box of tho genuine Laxative BromoOiiinine Tawett remedy that enrca a cold In niiii Im THE MARKETS Wall Btreot Kovlow. New York, Jan. 29,Tlicro were a revulsion ol fpctulatlie Kpiillnicnt In the stock market today anil the movement to sell gathered force tin to tho close which WM active mid weak, (lencrally (peaking )ceteiday'a gains wcru wiped out, ihi movement had ltd oilier obvious cause than the dudru to lake piodt on the part of the profcl slniut traders, who had bought ve.Herihiy or earlier. It took only about half an hour ot trading after the opening to ilcmomtralo that the (tightly lucrcasecl demand attracted by vestry da) 'a sharp advances was being n fully red by profit taking nates ns to repress anv tendeticv to advance bcjotid malt fractions. Tho contingent uf bear tuidcrs was quick to take advantage of this situation and to ofTcr down prices, taking the market v.iy from tho Fellers, The charac ter of the whole market thcicupon relapsed Into the rut of dullness and professionalism. The speculation felt acutely the lack ot tho stimu lating effect of tho recent strcngli In Amalgamned Copper That stock continued easily the leader ot tho market In point of activity and made un initial advance of n, fraction. Later, however, the slockbegun In decline and It lost 2j on tho day, closing within a ftliade of tho lowest. Kur.u showed the elTect of disappointment over the fail ure to advance rellned sugar mid lost l?ii on the day. Tho huge volume of trailing In thete two specialties gave them large Influence on tho market, iho action nt the United Mine Workers' convention In pinvldlng for a utrlkc fund had n somewhat ulnistcr effect on the trading. Total Falcs today, MC'.EOI) shaics, Tho bond market heiamo luegular in vmpathy wild the Welle uess of stocks. Total Mies, par value, Rl.aoo.OlM. United States ,Vm leglstered nilvamcd 'A per ent, on the last mil. The following quotations are furnished The Trib une by M. H. Jordan tc Company, rooms 703-70il .vicars iiiiiiciiug, .-cr.tntou, t-a. rcicpiione, wus upen Inc. High- Low Clos- est. 12S 7014 074 oOli ltBJi slil'4 '2 I'll IBlife ltV fi'l niiii IJOVi 172 102T4 m . GU 39 717s 02',4 31 150 HI r.o4 ?2 J3H oiW 114 low 102's ssn I234 01 SOU 77 1U2 lli 3854 2ll!(i UVi 0114 est. 12)1 73H 0 03 ' lu-'.U 404 21 10.1 137 6271 103 13M.J 170 30194 o'J M 3S74 7054 lOl'.d 337s 119 40U 0314 Slti. 32!i D194 03 11s, S074 13 loo! ssu 12 01 7IJ, 101 U 11Vi JlS'i 2'iU 42', 03 Ing. 120 7591 r;a4 03 102U tc;8 2.1 llll 167,t S2 ion. 13l',2 170 10194 COT's :a il!) 7074 101U 3374 lln9s 1014 5394 8194 at 0194 G3 H9i so 54 li :ot SSVi j 01 S3ta 7414 101U 1194 334 20U 4! 03 American Atchison .Sugar ..V2791 .. 70! .. t7 .. MJ8 ..103U Atchison, l'r Diookljn Traction Halt, (c Ohio Chos. it: Ohio riilc. k O. W St. Paul Hock Island Kan. & Tev., l'r I.oul.s. fi Nash Manhattan Klc Met. Tiactlou MLssourl Paclllo ... Southern Paclllo ... Norfolk Si Western L'ric l.'rle, t l'r X. V. C'cntial Out. ct West l'cnna. II. R l'acltlc Mall Heading Heading, l'r Southern It. K Southern H. It., IT Tcnn. Coal & lion . U. S. leather U. H. leather, IT .. U. S. ltubber Union Pacific Union Pacific, IT . Wabash, l'r Western Union .... Colo. Fuel & lion . Auial. Copper People's lias Co l.So Texas Pacific Am. Car Foundry . U. S. Steel Co U. S. Steel Co., l'r ,... 40!i .... 23 '.4 ,...101 i...lfl7l3 ... :,. ...l1Ts ...130 171-?i ...wvu ... & ... MVs ... 30T4 ... 7l& ,...lt2Vt ... 33 ...lWTs ... 4')',4 ... fioyj ... S2 ... 3314 ... 01Bs ... 03?, ... 11 ... 80H ... 13 ...10194 ... ss ... I2W ... l-) ... b5Vj ... 1TA ...102 ... UK ... .'I8Vi ... '); ... -m ... OJJi Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Bar of 100. STOCKS. Illd. Lackawanna Dairy Co.. Tr. 00 County Savings flank & T,ust Co.. 300 First National Dank (Carbondale) Asked. 325 CO Standard Drilling uo Third National Bank 550 Dime Deposit and Discount Dank.. 275 Economy Light. II. & P. Co first National Hank 1300 Lacka. Tiutt & Safe Deposit Co.... 103 Clark & Suover Co., IT. 123 Scianton Iron 1'encc & Mfg. Co Fcranton A -de Works Scranton Savings Hank 500 Traders' National Hank 175 Fcranton Holt & Nut Co 107V4 People's Dank 135 New Mexico Hy. k V,. Co 1IONDS. Scranton Passenger Hallway, first Mortgage, due 1020 115 People's .Street Hallway, first mort gage, due 1013 115 People's Stieet Hallway, General mortcacc. due 1921 115 40 100 05 75 Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacka. Township School 5 pee cent. ... City ot Scranton St. Imp. 0 per 100 102 cenr. 102 Scranton Traction 0 per cent Economy Light, Heat k Power Co.. 115 OS Scranton Wholesale Market. (Coi reeled by II. U. Dale, 27 riom 1.00. lleans 2.50. Hutter l'rcsh cicameiy, 21c, 2314e. ; dairy cicameiy, 22c. Lackawanna Ave.) June cicameiy. t hceso lltial2c. Eggs Nearby, 32e. ; fancy stoiage, Pea Pel bushel, 'jl.SO. Potatoes Per bushel, 83o. Onions Per bushel, $1.00. 21c. New York Grain and Produce Morket New Yoik, Jan. 29. l'lour Steadier and a shade higher on some grades with wheat; winter patents, S1.75al.l0; Minnesota patent, fJ.S5n 1.13. Wheat Spot llrnici; No, a led, hie. f. o. b. ntloat; No. 2 red, 'jOVic. elevator; No. 1 not Ill cm Diiluth, EOUc t. o. 1. alio it; No. 1 haid Manitoba, bSUc f. o. b.; bulls had their turn in wheat today. Catching the crowd shoit they tun prices np.i cent per bushel, being aided by foreign buying,. Rtionger cables, small north w extern receipts und good deinlud in coin and oats. The clove was Htronir at lr. net advance; Maicli closed 83c; May, S494c; July, WVic. Com Snot maikct tinner; No. 2, U7'74c. elevator and tS9ic f. o. b. afloat. Under the Impetus of strung cables, light country and fiieeuUtlve offer ings, a seaio of fhoits and vlgoiou bupport nt Chicago, com was much higher today; closing ttiong ut ITic. net advance; Januaiy closed 7,ic; May, U7Uc; July, WJie. O its Spot ery ttrong; No. 2, liKilbc; No. 3, 17c; No. 2 white, lOHc; No, 3 white, lSc; track mixed vve.leru, -IdalOc. : Hack white, ISa35c; bhailng tho corn sticngth, oats weic active and stionger nil day, closing at top pi lees. Huttei riim; ueamery, 0a25c; do, factoiy, 13al7c. ; June trennciy, 13a21c; Imitation cieaineiy, llalSlic; ttate d.Urj', llaiJc. Cheese Firm; ktatc lull rrrani early made fancy closed llliull9ir.; state full cream small caily made fancy white, ll'.ia n'.iiC ; laigu early made closed li)91e.; do. do, do. white, 109ic,v L'ggs I'lrm; state- und I'enn fjhanla, 20a3Uc; western, 2Uc; southern, 23c. Bhiladelphln. Drain and Produce. rhtladelphla, Jan. 29, Wheat I'll in, V.o. higher, coiitiuct guide, Januaiy, bHjiiSoe. Com Ulc higher; No. 2 mixed January. U3aO."!5C. Oats Quiet but steady; No. 2 white clipped, til:', nutter l'lrm; good ilenund; extia western trcamery, 231-jC.; do, nearby piints, 2. Hggs hteady; flesh neailiy, 2So.i do. western, S.c; ilo, Eouthwestcrn, 2?f. j do. southeiii, 20e. Cheese l'lrm. but quiet. Heflned Suguis l'lrm, good demand. Cotton 1-Ule, lower; nilddlliig uplands, 815c. Tallow Dull and weak; elty prime In tleiees, 9c ; tuuntry do, do., liar ids, O'ia09ac; do. do, dirk. Static ; cakes. U7ic Live 1'oultrj Film and lilghei; fowls, llalllc. ; old iooters, 71ac,; chicken.', lu.ille. ; ducks and Recso, 12alJc ; winter elilckim., t2al.1e. Dieted l'oullrj I'iini mid higher; fowls choice, lU&i 12c; do. fair to good, lill-jiIU. ; ohl loosteis, 711.C.; chickens nearby, l-'aHc.; western do,, 10a 13c; turkeys, neaiby, choice to fatuy, 15al7c ; vvcilcm do. do,, llalSc, ; fair to good, liable; ducks, nearby, Ualje, ; wistcin do., 12allc; geese, Palle. Heccipts Kloiu, l.iiOt) binels uud 2,100,000 pounili In sacks; wheat, HJ,0i hu.hels; loin, 0,000 bushels; oats, 23,001 bu.hels. Slllli menta AMiojI. 40,000 bushels; corn, lP.mH; oaU, 11,000 buslicK Olilcngo Qmln and Produce Market. Chicago, Jan. 20. 'I here v.a a letuiu of bull conditions and bull feeling to I lie. gmln markets today, Nrrviusnn.s resultant upon tho recent laid in oats bceiued to bo dissipated uud all luai kets clcuc-d near top prices. May wheat gained lltallic; Jlay coin, l?a2c, and May oat, 2'it S9o. Provisions i lced IS1Sj374c higher. Cavli quotations were us followa l'lour htradi ; No. 3 fpring wheat, 7.1a7J94o. ; No. '2 led, M'labllic-, J No, 2 oats, 4aUatllici N'o. it white, 4 1 14a 13 lie; No, 2 rje, lilaOtlSv.i fair tu choice nulling bar ley, tVJaUfc; No. 1 flax teed, $1.(M: Nn. 1 noith westeiu, l."i: prime timothy Med, ijfi.50; mess pork, 15.75 HS.bu; lard. .20a.32!5 ; shoit libs, f.i20aS..'il; diy baited shoulderj, 7 a71ie.; short l leaf sides, .0Oa8.70; whiskey, 1.32. Chicago Live Stock Market. tfliluiifo, Jan. 29,-Cattlc Itecolpts, 17,000; heavy tte.ul.v, light dull and weak; good tu prima eteei., 0.2ta7.iii); poor to nudlum, ijnatl; stock eis and feedei.s, f2.23at.73i cows, isla5.23; heifers, i-J.60aa.25; (aimers, lu2.30; bull, 2.21al.(L5; calves, !j'..V)a'I.W; Texas fed blceu, Vta5.20. Hoga Itcielpts todaj, 30,i(l; toinouow, 24.0W: left over, 7,Oi; opened steady to btrong, closed weak; mixed uud butchers, $3.E0aU33; good tu choice heavy, fd-15aO.U; roiuh hcavv, .",.UU 0.10; light, t5.50a5.U5; bulk of talcs, ifVbJaO.20. Buffalo Live Stock Market. Kast Ilulfalo, Jan. 2().-Hecept.s, light; full strong to iilguer; veal coiniuoq to good, ifdab.25; cboleo to riiuv. .soati. Hogs ltcvelpts, 4,7u) hcud; pigs, higher; others blow; heavy, $cUUi 0.50; mixed pJikir., 5.3040. 43; pl.-n, tp.SOaa; THE TRIBUNE'S " WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents A'oreTlun Pour Lines, j Centv tor Uacli lixtral.lns. For Bont. KOH HUNT Modem flat, 0 roonw, Meani, balhj rent 23.w; ftom l'ebruary 1st. inquire lit) 1'enu avenue. l'AHM l'OIt HUNT of nver two hunched uries lu Newton township, five tulles from court liuuo on f-cratiton and Newton road. Iliu Cosnrr botiit olead, Apply to S. H. Coiipi, 1', 0. Ilahl Mount, Lackavranuii Co., l'a. lull It Mc.ira building. HOL'SH NO. 032 roilKhT COUHT. Iiclvveen Wy oming uve. and Krlo depot; lent $12. Mon roe Ilrown, Hull's Head. HOAIIDINH IIOHSr. l'OH HUNT, )2 lcioins. laun diy, vegetable kitchen;; Adams ave nue! only $.15; money maker. Comeg.vs, DIhid Hank building. H' VOU W.W'T a tenant for Jour liono coiiio and tee Cnmrgyp, 2nd floor Dime flank build ing; no charge unless wc lent tho boit'e. l'OK HUNT Stoic loom, fecund lloor; plate glav fionl; nt 319 Lack ivtanna avenue. Juqulic of Kiotosky Ilros., Clothleis. HALP DOL'HLl! houe, (118 Harrison avenue, HA AIo half double house, KI0S Pine street, H7. losselon now. Apply 050 Harrison avenue. FOIl HKNT-S18, nno-half of double houe, lu upper (.recti Itldgc; higc jard. bath, hot and cold water, lange. electric- light. H, I'. Hamilton, Paull building. Spruce aticct. Wanted To Hent. WANTKIl A nice- fuinldicd fiont seconebptory loom, with use of bath, for Invilnnd and wife. Central location desltcd. Addtess "1000," Trlb lino office. WANTED Hy a gentleman, one or two well, fur nished rooms with use of hath, witlwut bouid, in good nelghboihood. Address, II., l'ostoffitc Hoi: 512. WANTl'.U TO RENT Thiee or four furnished or unfurnMied looms for housekeeping. Address 325 Jcflcison avenue, city. Tor Sale. COLD FISH Ce. each our fish live. Plants 5c. up. Night blng- inrr l'llll linn llf .inuaila. nil tp. n titl,2 lAlli.ta Ihnt tall.. Sunflower and other teeil. purest, best, ltrass cages, 60e. tip. To-c Is tollable. 215 Fpruce st. FOB SALC CIIIlAP-rlrcwood. lion looflng, tim bers, boards, scantling, etc., fiom old cars; suitable for all purposes. Jennings, Central Mines switch, foot of llan.pton stieet, otT Soeuli Main avenue. FOH SALE Two light spiing wagons and somo harness, cheap. Evans, rear 11J2 Luzerne street. FOH SALH Cheap; horse, pprlng wagon and harness, at No. 1S20 Cedar avenue. Furnished Booms. FUltNISHLD ROOMS for lent, modern impiovc incuts; private family; gentlemen piefeired, at 5J7 Adains avenue. FOlt nn.N'T Two comfortably furnished ioom3 for gentlemen; modern imptoveinents; pri vate family. 3.'i0 Washington avenue. FOR nCNT Fnmblied front loom, with heat, bath and gas; near court house; gentleman prefeired, Address Room, Hot 200. FOH KENT furnished loom; heat and bath. 025 Linden street. FURNISHED ROOSIS FOH RENT-, with heat, pas and bath, gentlemen prcteried, at 3J9 Adams avenue. Wanted Eoom and Board. WANTED Room and boaid with Email pilvatu family for man and wlte. Muit bo good lo cation and within 15 minutes walk from city ball; can give best of lefcience. Address C. D. S., room SOI Comtell building. WANTED Willi private family, board and two rooms, with privilege of bath, for family of tlueo; walking distance from court house; lefer ences if desired. Address K., Tribune ofllce. WANTEI lloaul and two furnished looms in a good location for a family of fom ; or would lent rooms whcie good bojul (an be had in neighborhood. Address N., Tilbunc. WANTED Room and boaid in leflnccl ptlvate family foi tluee ladles; not lo exceed til per week. One located within five minutes walk from city hall prefeired. Address, K. II, Tiibune Of fice. roughs, If5.l0a5.70; Mags, Hal.50. Miecp and Iimbs Receipts, 8,000; fairly active and Mrong cr; bheeep linn; top mixed, $l,15al,10; culls lo good, $2al.lO; vvesteiu, I.75a4.85; j callings, ?I.U a5.25; top hmibs, S5.70aU; culls to good, ifj.73a C.S5, East Liberty Live Stock Market. East Liberty, Jan. 2'!. Cattle Steady; choice, fd,50aU.70; pilule, 53.OOaO.25; good, V3.30a5.75. Hogs Higher; prime heavies, O.I3a0..iO; beU luedlums, Kl.30a0.4O; heavy Yorkeis, Jttl.13.iil.23; light ilo., i3.00i0.10; pigs, i.70ai.Wi; loughs, i-3a 5.00. fcheep hteady; best wcthets. RI.5Ual.tu; cttlli. nil (oniinou, t1.50a2.25; jcaillngs, la; veal calve, 7a7.50. Oil Market. Oil llty, Jan. 20. Ciedlt balances, $1.15; cer tificates, no bid; shipments, 123,11.1; average, P2,. 831 bairels; runs, 1(2,510 bairels; nveuigo, 7l,0yJ bands, FUNSTON AT KANSAS CITY. The Philippines Campaigner Suiters from Sinus of tho Appendix. By Exclusive YWie fiom The Aborlatril I'ress. Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 29. Ouncral Frederick Funaton. who arilvod hero yesterday from San Frauolsco, to undergo medical treatment, was In the hands of his physician for an hour to day. Lnteu tho physician stated: "Cleneral Fuiiston is Hitifeilnij from a sinus In the appendix, an after lesult of an operation performed In tho Phil ippines for appendicitis, "I have Riven the wound somo treat ment, and It mny ho that a formal oper ation will not be necessary," "My Ii'itvo of absence exulrrs about March 10," said General Funaton to day, "anil unless I receive further or ders I will sail for the Philippines about that date, I am in hopes my three years' service In the Philippines will lesult In an order permlttlnsr mo to 10 maln in the United States for n time, perhaps In command of one of the de partments here," Before roturniiiR to .Sim Franrlhco, General Funaton states he will likely visit AViiHhliiBton tind Now York, Corporations Chattered, Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'rest Haulsbuig, Jan. 20. t'harti'is were Issued by the ttate department today to tho following icu. poiatlonsi Crotvu Limestone and Diirk ioiii pau.v, .New- Castlo; capital, WOOO. llalijun Eleciilo Light and Power company, South lleth lelieni; capital. 1)1,000. 'tho (.'mlavvaller Tin Plato and Metal '(ompjiiy, Pltt.ljurrf; capital, 30,000. Ontwood Hotel company, Muiiut I'ocoiio; capltal, I3,0u). Dunbar Water, Dun bar; capital, IJI.OOO, . Anested for Smuggling Chinamen. Ogdensbuig, N, V Jan. 23. Isaao 1'utuey, a fainter of Lisbon, was uneited today while dilv in? into tho city with a. number of t'hhumen dressed In vvonieu'd clotlic. 'fhc Chluauieii, ac cording tu the aulhpiltlougpjfic brought from Canada during the night. l'OH IttlNT Store; all new; corner of Mulberry and I'rosiicctt steam hell, with Improvctnents, M0; ulso nlore, Spruce street, i-VI! also dwell ing, No. e?32 Monroe, 12 rooms, ljC!5 ni'o dwell ing, No. kOtl JclTerson nve., lent lu! alo Nets. WO and 828 Madison inc., WO each: ulo dwell ing, coiner of Mulberry and Prospect, 12 looms, Atoain heat, 'fli; alo Nos. o2(l and KM Jcllcrsou avc., 12 looms, all Impruveiiienls, I? 10 each; ids J dwelling. 12 rooms. ITosnect nve,, steam heat, 1...... ... ....( , II .In, It, lit innlil .".IX SITUATIONS WANTED PUUG. niUNOII WANT Ol'PIOKS. Want Advortlsoments Will Do Itecelved at Any of tho FolloWf ing Ding Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBUM- SCIHILTZ. corner Mulbcrr- street and Websler avenue. OUSl'AV 1'ICIIEL, M0 Adams avenus. Went Side geoiigi: w. Jenkins, 101 south Main avenue, Soutli Scranton FUED L. TEHPPE, 729 Cedar avenue. irorth Scranton GEO, W. DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Matkct street. Green Rldgo CI1AIILES 1 JONES, 1537 Dickson menue. ' I' J. JOHNS, P20 Oieen llldge street. C. L01IENZ, corner Washington ave nue and Marlon street. Petersburg W.NII, KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. Q. DONE k SON. Help Wanted Male. WANTED Voting man to leiun the Jewelry bud ness; cme wllh iconic experience puferied. the ItcNfuttl Co., 107 Wjotnlng avenue. MOLEH'S 11ARI1EH hCHOOL, NEW YORK CITY. Mule students wanted. Eight weeks com pletes. Wages Sltinda.vv. Diplomas :i wauled. Position gtiaiantecd when thiutigh. Willo for flee catalogue. WANTED By leading Philadelphia home, first clas,t salesman, to sell geneiul line- ot paper to the lotall trade, one who his an acquaintance prefeired; nimt have best refeience and be nblo to furnish bond. Address 1. O. liox 20$. Phila delphia. Help Wanted Female. WANTED A joung glil as cashier and book keeper; must h tvo t-omu cNpeilenee and lefer ence, Addicss Jlvcr Davidovv, C07 Lackawanna atenuc. WANTED (Hr! for general housework at Ualton. Address II. T., care Tribune. Wanted. WANTED .Sulphur stone for tho manufacturing of novelties in jewehy; gold price pild. Ad dress, wltii stamp, tho Novelty Jewelry Stoic, 10i North Main bticet, I'lttston, l'a. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANiHD-Ily jounjf man, has hid e'.xpeiiencc ns bookkeiper .uul tjpewritet. (!ood icferenecs. Adchess M. I'., caio of Scranton Tribune. lOUNO MAX desires position as Mcnogiaplier, bookkeeper or bill clerk; cm furnish good references. Address I). E. 1'., Tribune ofllce. BOY would like icison title work for delivety wagon or ofllce. Addiess 201 Mulbeiry stieet, city. WANTED Hy middle ago man, u place .is cook in hotel or icstaurant. Addles. Cook, Titbune, A MAN" who understands all kinds of hotel work would like to work evenings in hotel or jc lauupit. Addiess Chailic, Tiibune office. SITUATION WV.NTED-H.V u widow to do wash ing, itoiilng or cleaning nt tiny kind. Ad chess Mrs, J. Millie, 712 Hchuell couit. SITUATION WAXTED-Hy a .voiing boy 15 jeir, edd, willing to do anjthlug. Addiess E. i: COS Washington avenue. WANTED Hy n good gill .1 place to do hou-e-wotk in ptlvate family; only ir.all fuuily pajing good wages need lcpl. if. C, TiRune olllec. A POSITION wanted by a joung man to work afternoons or evenings, can assist in steu ogiaphy and tipewiiting. Adchess, II. E. .., 1QJ0 North Washington avenue. AVAN'TED I'osltton as baikecper in first-class faloon or clidi house by party who thai uglily iindeistnnds his business, laigu experience, ca pable of taking full ch.itge; tcfeieneo as to chai aeter, etc.; havo been ovvner and manager for number jcars. Addies-s Bex- 20, 'Jiibuuc oificc. Booms and Board. l'OH RENT One or two pleasant looms for gen tleman; also tablo board. Inqulte 407 Wjo tiling avenue. 1'OK RENT Laige fiont room, suitable for two gentlemen; Kith or without board. Oil Washington avenue. ROOMS TO RENT, with board. S09 Mulberry etrcct. Boarders Wanted. PHIVA'lE FAMILY wishes to have two nice men to board, Gentian or English, Call ony tima after Thursday. All conveniences, W)7 Ilaulson avenue. Auction. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 20, at 10.30 a. lit,., 50S Lack tiwaima avenue', next to l'lnley's Dry Goods Store, dx- carloads Pan-American exposition fin nitiue. Used about threo months, lion and br.iss bedj, complete live- thousand sheets, 5 thousand pillow- cases, "icu thousand towels, emu thousand pili.s blankets and comfortbles, two thousand pillows, one ton good nuttings, cupels and lin oleums, six good National Cash leglsteis (liku new), diesscis, c nnnnode.s, tables, loldlug bed., live hunched toilet wis, i.evni thousand napkins, lot cotv, couches. I'lno lot laco curtains, ininy other goods too iiuineiotis to mention, bile will coutlnuo nil wick until sold out. Tin? is tho Ingest lot of goods cur ulTcied at public mic tion in Scianton at jour own pike, lludwlek, Auctioned, Business Opportunity. WAN'IED-I'arlner with WW capital for is tibllshtcl knitting business at llavvley, Wilto pioniptl). S. J. L, llavvley, l'a. STOCK. AND WHEAT TltADEIIS without delay. Wrlto for our special market letter. Frco on application. S. Jl. milliard k Co., members N, Y. CMi.olidatcd and Stock Sxchauge, 41 and 10 Hioadway, New York. Established 1S. Long Dlslinco' Phone 2.1f8 Hroad. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUM' OF llOSV. 10 LOAN-Qulck. strarght loans or Btilhlliig and Loan. At from -1 to 0 per cent. Call on N, V. Walker, ifU-Jli Lunnell building, Storage, FIHST .('LAS-S SIOllAGi; for furniture, house hold goods, etc-. Fitly sepatato looms. Uriel; building. Individual kejs. For terms, etc., Kiantou Storage tympany, HI riankllu avenue. Lost. 1,OjT -Jan. 21, a fox terrier, l iiiuullw old, llndii will please notify or letuiu to C'luilcc II. bpittel, 1M0 WjOlllIllg UVMIUC. Superfluous Hair Removed. SII'I.IU'LIMH IIAIII, Waits. aiidMuTeirpali!. I. b, pc'iiiianiiitly, scientifically ivmovid by electric needle; exclusive method; no scan. Trial licilnnut five, (all and be- coin lured. Iltkit b, Buchanan, Dermatologist, 312 Wathiiigtou JVC. Medical. NEW HEMEHY foiCatanh, 8are Throat, Avtlini unci uroiiiiuiis; uukOi me tireurn iniin aim fewest; u montli'ii iih- will ciuo Iho mot obsti nate cafe. Scud 25c. to II. S. Co., Uo-x 1ST, Utft. UvindalJ. l'a. rr DIRECTORY. 3 lnsertions'25 Cents MoriTftit P.vur t.titel, Cents tor HaeliBxtr.i Un i, PROFESSONA L. Cortlflod Public Accountant. EDnAltt) O. SPAIJLIILN'a. ill TltADEIIS HANK ntilldlng, and St. Haul Building. New York. Architects. IIDWAIII) It. DAVIS, AHCIIITEOT, CONNKLti Building. fnEDEHICK L. HIlOttN. AHCII. H ItEAu Eitato Exchange nida:., 120 Washington avc. Civil and Mining Engincora. It. L. HAllDINO. 000 CONNELL HUILDINO. Dontlsta. Bit. C. E. EtLENHEIKIEIt, l'AULI HUILDINO. fc'pruco utroet, Scranton. Dlt. C. C. LAUI1ACII, 115 WYOMINQ AVEN01X Lawyers. I'ltANK E. nOYLE, ATrOhNEY-AT-LAW. Hou'ns 12, 11, 10 and 18 Burr Building. f. K. lit AC?, ATT'Y, COMMONWEALTH BLDO. U. H. HEPLOGLE, A1TOHNEY-LOANS NEGO tlated on real estate security. Mcars Building, corner Washington avenue and Spruco street. WILLA1ID, WAItltr.N & KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and connsollors-at-law. Republican Building, Washington avenue. JESSUP k JESSUP, ATTOltNEYS AND COUN-;ollor-atdw. Commonwealth Building, Rooms 10, 20 ond 21, ;m!?.U ,V- THAYEIt, ATrOnNEY. ltOOM4 9O3-0OI, oih lloor, .Mears building. Ij' ,AA. WAT"nS, ATTOHNHY-AT-LAVV, DOAHD offrado Building, Scranton, Pa. 'AlTpilSOS k WILCOX, TRADER'S NATIOXAta Hin: Building C CO.Mi;oys, Dl.-l RFPUHLIOAN BUILDINO. ' A'..U,,.,.niJnT'I0LI'. OITICB MOVED TO NO 211 vvyomlng avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. BR. W. E. ALLEN, 613 NORTH WASHINQTOM avenue. Dll. B. W. LWMOREAUX, OFriOE 330 WASII ington avenue. Residence, 1313 Mulberry. Chronic dhcojes, lungs, heart, kldnojs and genlto-urinary organs a fpecially. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Hotels and Eestaurants. THE ELK OWE, 125 AND 127 fltANKLIN AVE nue. Rates icasouablc. V. ZIEGLErt, Proprietor. SCItANTON HOUSE, NEAR D L. & W. PAS fenger depot. Conducted on tho European Jdan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. T Scavenger. A. II. IIIIUIGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no )doi ; only improved pumps used. A. ll. Brtggs, proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Mali, avenue, or Eicke'.s drug store, cor rer Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Seeds. G. It. CLARKE k CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NUltS erjmen, btorc 201 Washington avenue; gicen houses, 1050 Notth Main avenue; store tele phone. 782. Wire Screens. JOSEPH HUETTEL, HEAR 611 LACKA. AVE.', Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DnESSMAKlNa FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER; a lo ladies waists. Louuc Shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue. MEGAHGEf: IlltOS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, lJS elopcs, ptpcrv bags, twine. Warehouse, ljt) Washlngtcn avenue. Scranton, 'l'a. THE WILKESI1ARR1! RECOUD CAN BE HAD lu Scianton at the news stands of Reinnau Bios.. -100 spruce und 603 Linden: M. Norton. 322 Lackiwanna avenue; I. S. Schutzcr, 211 Spruce 6trect. Eeal Estate. FOlt SLE At Clark's Green, nine-room house, with bath, furnace, spring vv.ctcr, six acres ot land; all small fruit. Miltable for summer home. Call or adchess 1). T Potter, Box 4, Claik'a buuiinit, l'a. SMALL FARM near Scranton, improved, well watered; also desirable suburban resldene., three .tties land. Terms to suit. Hanyen, attor ney, 2J'J!: Washington avenue. FOlt SALE Now house on Cornell street. Round Woods Vaik; modern improvements: cay tonus. Apply to Spring Brook Lumber Co., er E. S. Woodhoue. l'OH SALE At Clark's Summit; a place ot fto actes, Jtoiiio and bam, good fruit; cheap for ra-li. luqulic of Mrs. L. Lindsay, 1111 North Main avenue, city. FOR SLE One aero of land. Improved with nine-room house; plenty and variety ot fruit; good location In village of fleetville. Mrs. Olive Fitlt, Fleetville, l'a, LEGAL. THE ANNUAL MEET INC. o! tho stockholders of The Laekavvanui Tuist and Safo Deposit Com pany for the election of directors to seivo for tin ensuing a ear, will bo held at the offico of tho company, 101 1-ackawaiini avenue, Scranton, Pa., on Monday, February 3, 1902, between tho hour! of threo and four o'clock p. tit. HENHY BELIN, JH., Secrelaiy. SEALED PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be tecvived for fur nishing and electing complete, 2'li lineal feet nf lion fetteo on New Yolk street i-ldo of Lacki- Lwaima county prison, jnlco to bo per lineal fool i erected and painted complete, stjio of fence to bo tame as mat already in iront ui fa let prison. Bids to be uddiesscd to undrislgiied and in hands on or before Fcbiuary 1, 1102, All bids must bu accompanied by a certified check for 10 per cent, ns evidence of good faith. Tim light to reject any or all bids Is resolved. 1'. A. JO.S'Efe.. County Controller, Scranton, l'a., Jan 13, I'M! -? FINANCIAL. I. F. MEGflRQSL CO, STOCKS. BONDS, SECURITIES CONNELL BUILDING. I, F, Mcgargel, Hoy Chester Mcgargil. b' Spencer Trask & C). BANKERS 27 & U!l PINE STIII3KT, NKW YORK it Now ready for gratul- tous distribution, 1003 Edition (Pocket Size) . Statistical Tables AEAI)UUS (N, Y, SfOCJK UXCIIANGU -.a'' i.