The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 30, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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In a Sharp-shooting Contest tit Chi
cago Slio Received Elrst Trlze nnd
3old Medal Among a Score of
Clover Marksmen Eound a Mid
night Prowler In Her Room Mar
rlngo and Farewell Reception Two
Fires In Bellevuo Other News
Notes and Personals of Interest.
Miss Cresoy RUssotl, of Jackson
street, who Is now traveling throiiKh
tho West with Uoono nnd Yunke's
j'hoatrlcal company, and who Is re-
Queen of the American CowgiiR
frarded as one of tho cleverest lady
rifle shots living, has again distin
guished herself in handling1 the riilo.
Some time ago, while in Chicago, Miss
itussell entered a. sharp-shooting con
test in M. Bolan's galleries at 2SS
State street, against several crack
phots, and she has just received the
first prize, a handsome gold medal,
suitably engraved as a reward.
Miss Itussell Is familiarly known as
"The Queen of (he American Cow
Girls," and it will be recalled that
while traveling with Buckskin Hill's
"Wild West Show in Muocle, Indiana,
last season, her foot caught in the
DaioQp's French Tar
Will promptly relieve and speedily euro
roufjlis, colds and all lung trouble. For
file by G. W. JENKINS, 101 South Main
m enui?.
3t A happy week it will be for the
S crowd in our store, for again the oppor-
tunity for money-saving will exceed the
S expectations of our visitors. ii
I The Newly Imported
I tmoroiaenes
2 A special assortment of all the new- g
j est edges, insertions, headings and
galloons of nainsooks and cambrics,
picked out and now displayed on 3 j
g tables in the center aisles of the store.
Table No, 1 Embroideries at 5c and 8c
1 Table No, 2 Embroideries at 10c and 1214c I
g Table No, 3 Embroideries at 15c and 25c I
These goods are a part of our own gj
j importation recently received and fj
now offered at one-third under the
if regular prices. &
9 '
1 Opening- Sale I
Investigate, compare; there's no g
larger stock or better assortment any- gj
where hereabouts. Sensible people i
realize that their best merchandising
chances are what we offer them. H
obe Warehouse I
stirrup of her saddle, while jumping
from one horse to another, and she was
drngged headlong around tho ring at a
frightful pace, before tho eyes of tho
When tho horse was stopped at tho
point of a pitchfork, und Miss Russell
was released, she was found to ho un
conscious, and her limb was frightfully
wrenched. I'r two months she lay
helpless In u hospital, and was later
brought homo by her mother, Mrs. Tit
man, who carefully nursed her back
to health und strength again,
As soon as she was able, Miss Itus
sell rejoined tho show at Pittsburg,
but has done little riding since, and
devoted most of her tltno to shooting.
While tho oom'paiiy was playing In
Chicago, she entered the contest for
the championship of Illinois and won
Singularly enough this clever marks
woman does not know that she was
awarded tho medal, as It was forward
ed to her homo address, and received
by her mother, who proudly displays It
to her friends. It will be forwarded to
Miss Kusscll as soon as the company's
route can bo ascertained.
The accompanying cut Is an excellent
picture of Miss Itussell, wild Is but S3
years of age, and single.
Parsonage Wedding.
Miss Catherine Howell, the accom
plished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Howell, of 122 North Oarlleld avenue,
was united in marriage to Ollbert H.
Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Thomas, of 1H0S Lafayette street, on
Tuesday evening at the parsonage of
tho First Welsh Baptist church, the
pastor, llev. D. D. Hopkins, oillclatlng.
The happy couple were unattended.
The bride was attired in a. beautiful
suit of navy blue broadcloth, trimmed
with lace. At the conclusion oC the
earcinony they repaired to the homo of
the bride's parents where a reception
and wedding supper wore held.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Thomas are well
known nnd vfcry popular. After a brief
wedding trip to Now York city, Phila
delphia and Washington they will re
side In a newly furnished home on this
side, where they will receive their nu
merous friends.
Martha Washington Tea.
The Ladies' Aid society of the First
Uaptist church has Issued tickets for a
Martha Washington tea and entertain
ment which will be held In the church
parlors on February.
-The past success of tho various af
fairs held by this society ensure a most
enjoyable time for all who attend. The
ladles have secured some of the finest
talent in our city and many who have
delightfully entertained in the past
will bo there to entertain on this oc
casion. Of Social Note.
Roy Madden, of South Bromley ave
nue, was tendered a farewell reception
on Tuesday evening at his home by the
members of Miss Anna Hugh's Sun
day school class of the Simpson Metho
dist Kplscopal church.
Mr. Madden left last evening for
Chicago and the event was a farewell
reception In his honor. The ulmnl
festivities were Indulged In and at the
conclusion of tho evening's enjoyment
several of his follow class-mates made
short speeches, expressing their sorrow
nt his departure and wishing hint fu
ture success. A dainty repast wus
served at it late hour.
'Archbald Moses, of ISynon street,
was tendered it surprlsu party lust
evening at his home. Several of tho
guests ably rendered mUBle both vocal
und instrumental,
Yesterday's Fires.
An nlurni of lire turned In from box
12, nt tho corner of Third avenue nnd
Follows street, called out tho Colttm
blas and Eagles nt G o'clock yesterday
morning. Upon reaching the scene of
tho fire, they found Hint the explosion
of an oil lamp In a bed room on tho
first floor at tho homo of Patrick Casey
on Fourth street had set lire to tho
furniture of tho room.
The chemicals were applied and the
lire extinguished nfter doing damage to
the extent of $7". The building hi
which the lira look place Is rather
large and several families reside there
and as a result quite un exciting time
was had by tho frightened people.
At -1.30 yesterday afternoon tho Col
umbia anil ICagle companies responded
to an alarm from the same hox, the
lire this time being In the hall over tho
saloon of Patrick Golden on Kallroad
Tho fire started from an overheated
stove In tho hall and before discovered
had burned over a largo area. The
chemicals were applied and after a
short but exciting fight the lire was put
out. The damage will probably
amount to about $100.
Midnight Visitor.
Yesterday morning about 1 o'clock,
the daughter of Select Councilman
Thomas Cosgrove, the well-known
N.orth Main avenue hotel proprietor,
awolto to 11 nd that a man was stand
ing In tho doorway of her room.
She immediately called her brother,
Eugene, who promptly ejected the in
truder. The supposition is that tho fel
low, who was intoxicated, was leaning
against tho side door, which was un
locked, and finding tho door open, he
walked in and up-stairs, where he was
Ho was later arrested in front of
Jenkins' drug store and In police court
yesterday morning was sentenced to
pay a lino of .$3 or spend ton day In the
county jail for being drunk. Ho was
sent up later in the day, In default of
the fine. t
Revival Meetings.
An unusually good meeting was held
last evening at the Simpson Methodist
Kplscopal church. The pastor deliv
ered a fine address on "Perseverance in
Well-doing." The male quartnlte never
sang bettor. This evening, Rev. C. H.
Nowlng will preach.
The mooting at tho First Baptist
church was well attended and interest
ing, the pastor, Itev. S. F. Mathevs de
livering a strong address.
Kev. A. II. Smith, pastor of the
North Main avenue Baptist church,
will preach at the Jackson Street
church tonight.
Events of This Evening.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Wash
burn Street Presbyterian church will
hold an all-day session today.
The Women's guild of St. Mark's
church will serve one of their usual
good suppers tonight.
Tho Ladles' Aid society of the Simp
son Methodist Episcopal church will
also serve a supper in the church par
lors this evening.
This evening will occur the wedding
of Louis Davles, of Twelfth street, to
Miss May Samuels, of Landls street.
A special meeting of Local No. 1072,
United Mine Workers of America, will
bo held this evening in D. D. Evans'
hall. South Main avenue. Business of
importance requires the attendance of
every member.
Mrs. Martha Lamed and Miss Anna
Williams, of Watorbury-, Conn., are vis
iting Mrs. L. Pratt, or Lincoln avenue.
Itev. Frunk Mihnaii, of Pottsville,
formerly pastor of, the Sumner avenue
Presbyterian church is visiting his
numerous West Side friends. Ho had
charge of the service at his former
church last evening.
The Temperance Alliance choir met
for rehearsal last evening in the First
Welsh Congregational church.
The Colonial club of the P. O. S. of A.
will take a trip over the mountain to
Newton Center, on Friday evening.
The Catholic Ilelief and Beneficiary
association, council No. 15!, will hold a
very Important meeting In Y. M. I.
hull on Monday ovfiilng.
Tills evening will take place the
match game between the first and
second teams of the Electric City
Wheelmen bowlers in the club house.
.Mrs. T. T. Howells, of Washburn
street, fell yesterday and fractured her
West Side assembly, No. 391, Xloyal
Society of flood Fellows, will hold an
Important meeting In Kod Men's hall
The funeral of the late Mrs. Julia
Malla of 1023 Price street, will tako
place at 0 o'clock this morning from St.
Patrick's church, Interment In tho
Cathedral cemetery.
A rumor that received a wide circula
tion yesterday stated that Mrs. Van
Why, who lives at 222 Spencer street,
was a sufferer from smallpox, The ru
mor was that she had been at Price
burg nursing relatives of the same
name and had been allowed to return
homo and was stricken on Saturday
last. A member of the family stated
last night that Mrs. Van Why had not
been tit Prlceburg since last summer
and while she has been confined to her
bed during the past two weeks, there
has been no sign of smallpox as yet.
Thu entertainment given In St. Mark's
parish house last night, under the aus
pices of the Sunday school class of
Marvin Tuthlll, was largely attended
and much enjoyed by all present,
Thomas Heinvood announces himself
as a candidate for the olllco of auditor,
subject to the decision of the Itepubll
can borough convention which will bo
held In Odd Fellows hall tonight,
Miss Addle Herring, of Inoonislnirg,
Is the guest of Mrs, John Nichols of
Drinker street.
The Knights of Malta will hold a reg
ular meeting In Odd Fellows hall to
In in Uote lur-M ul'io use Kemp's lljluin for the
Tliruat unil tunas, I lie pent giuranU'eU icmeily.
Would you fcllcvo Unit it U mjM un its nienU un I
any diujajht U cutlttilxd by tlio proprietor of
thl wi.mli.rful umcily to ho )ou u Minplo liottle
jieo? It iicm'i- (Jib to euro tnulo or ilironlv
coujlij. All ciiu;;Utg tell Kuiu' UjUjih. I'liiv,
23c. and COc.
Ckirod of Pitas,
Saved Fpobh ECreSfo..
Mr?. Aaron Medron, of Savnnnnh,
Ga., writes! "Ever since tho birth of
my first child, six yours ago, I have
suffered greatly from piles. I could
not bring myself to bear the thoughts
of a surgical operation. Pyramid Pile
Cure entirely cured mo." For sale by
all druggists. "Piles, Causes and Cure,"
mailed free. Pyramid Drug Co., Mar
shall, Mich.
Funeral of the Late Charles Henwood.
Entortahvmont in Tabernacle To
nightOther Notes.
The funeral of the late Charles Hen
wood, the welliknown druggist, was
conducted from his late residence, 2UC
North Main avenue, yesterduy after
noon nt 2 o'clock. Long before the time
for tho services, large throngs of his
friends gathered at tho home to nay
their last respects.
Tho services were conducted at tho
homo by Itev. Robert F. Y. Pierce, pas
tor of the Penn Avenue Uaptist church,
assisted by Rev. A. H. Smith, of the
North Main Avenue Baptist church,
and Rev. George E. Guild, of the Provi
dence Presbyterian church. During the
services several selections were sung by
the Penn Avenue liaptlst church quar
tette. Interment was made In the fam
ily plot at tho Forest Hill cemetery.
The pall-bearers were Luther Keller,
J. L. Stelle, L. M. Horton, William
Chappel, Giles S. Clark and M. J. Stone.
Entertainment Tonight.
This evening the boys connected with
the basket ball team of the Tabernacle
will hold an interesting literary and
musical entertainment In tho taber
nacle of the North Main Avenue Bap
tist church. The following programme
will be rendered by some of the best
talent in this section:
Pano solo, Mrs. Anderson; vocal solo,
William Evans; vocal solo, Miss Hunts
man; recitation. Miss E. Jones: vocal
solo, Mrs. B. Thomas; violin solo, Miss
Maude 13. Biel; piano solo, Miss E.
Lewis; recitation, Miss L. Simms; vocal
solo, Master Tommio Morris, tho boy
soprano; recitation, Fred Phillips;
piano solo, Miss M. Thomas; vocal
solo, May Richards; closing selection,
Prof. McMurray.
Surprise Party.
Last evening a number of young peo
ple of this part of the city tendered a
surprise party to Ivor Danvers, of War
ren street. The usual party diversions
were indulged in up to a late' hour.
Several recitations and solos were given
by Carrie Evans and Bessie Evans,
after which refreshments wore served.
Tho following were present: Misses
Lillian Ross, Kiah Davis, Bessie Davis,
Carrie Evans, Jessie Ross, Etta Dan
vers, Margaret Danvers, Sarah Henry,
Bessie Edwards, Mrs. Joseph Danvers,
and David Games, Daniel Davis, Evan
Thomas, J5. Williams, David Thomas,
William Danvers, Theodore Evans,
Daniel Danvers and Tvor Danvers.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Carrie
Halderman took place from the late
residence of her mother, Mrs. Eppling,
29 West Market street, yesterday at 2
o'clock. Services were hold at the
Providence Methodist Episcopal church
by Rev. George Cure, tho pastor. In
terment was made in tho Dunmorc
Mrs. Joseph Wigley and daughter, of
Clark's Summit, who have been visiting
at the home of Thomas Gwyn'ue, on
Cayuga street, have returned home.
William Henley, of Rochester, N. Y
is visiting at the homo of his parents,
on West Market street.
Mr. Kaiser, of Bloomsburg, is the
guest of Dr. John J. Sullivan, jr., at
Wayne avenue.
Miss Teresa Burns, who has been vis
iting friends In Pottsvlfie, returned
home yesterday,
Michael O'Boyle, of St. Mary's semi
nary, Baltimore, is visiting Mrs. Hart,
of William street.
William Burns, of Von Storch ave
nue, Is confined to his home with a
severe attack of the grip,
George Bonnn, of Wayne avenue, Is
seriously ill at his home.
Mrs. William Williams has removed
back to her old homestead, on Warren
John Danvers Is confined to his home,
on AVarren street, with the grip.
Mr, and Mrs, Davis, of Warren street,
are rejoicing over tho arrival of a
George Williams, of Warren street,
has been removed to tho Philadelphia
hospital for treatment.
When Evans Met the Prince.
In "A hjloi'4 Lot,'," willti'ii liy Ailiiiluil Kv
ons, u rliuUT U ilfutvil to lli Kiel ii'liliutlnn,
tin: uiillinr bollii,' tluie ill iiiliiiii.niil nt tllo .iriil
oied iiiiImt Xow York, of a ii'U'I'Uimi, chcu '
liomil ouu of Hi? (liriiuu lj.ililelili,' Ad
mlral Ilium wrote!
"I lud nil liitelftlii(f LApriiini'P. Wliin I went
over tlio fclile I found i laiue iniiipatiy, moot ol
lliem ilumiinr. As' I .u not djueinx nun, I
Mood on one eide to lie mil of the w.iy, and en
tered into lOiiveriHition Willi .1 jounir, eleam
looking (iuin.ui captain, who tpoku KimlMi pvr
feelly, It was nkiii evident li) mo li ii
liillliant In his profession, nnd tve endued In u
lather blurp professional talk, I did mil ugieu
Willi tliu optaln, wlio.e name 1 lud not (aiulit,
and I did not liciitutc to tpeak my mind nor
lid he.
"Alter n time he atd lie would be (did to pre.
bent me to bin wife, and I found her a wi.v
I'li.irmlni," and attractive wotu.ui. Of lourje I lud
not eauln her name, either: but after talking
with her for halt an hour I notUed that a koo1
many people seemed to be wullln;; to speak ID
her, so I took myself to the iinoklng eoniparlnitnt
to eujoy a cigar. When I enteied, Admiral Knorr
greeted inc and Mid:
" 'living, the prince tayj you are a good fel.
low and he wants tho emperor to know you.
"I leplled: 'My dear admiral, I have not teen
the prince and don't know him.
" 'Well, lie mM, 'you ought to know him;
you have been talking hpi to him fvr half an
hour, and I don't know what J on have boon i-ay-lug
to the princess during your convmalloii with
"I had been talking with two ol the nut do
Ughtful people 1 ever met, I'lluce llcnrv and
I'lluttM Irene,"
Roaring Brook Conclave Has a Gala
' Night In Honor of Its Tenth An
niversary and Its Newly-Elected
Officers .Prizes for Riflemen Held
In $1,000 Ball for a Murderous As
sault Another Snonkcasy Keeper
Fined Funeral of Irene Btomlller.
News Notes and Personals.
Athletic hall, on Alder street, was
ablaso with lights and charmingly fes
tooned with bunting of various colors
last evening on the occasion of tho
tenth anniversary of llourlng Urouk
conclave. No. 2M, Improved Order of
It was n pretty and Inspiring scene
ns tho members nnd their ladles assem
bled nt S o'clock and took their places
nt tho three large tallies, which ran
the length of the hall, while a shott
programme of music was cleverly ren
dered by Campbell's orchestra.
Tho Installation of tho recently
elected otllcers was tho first number
on the programme, nnd the following
were duly Installed In the places for
which they were chosen, and will oc
cupy for the ensuing twelve months:
Archon, John V. Kelly; provost, John
O. Imlcdoph; secretnry, M. J. Utglln;
financier, A. J. Mulderlg; treasurer,
a. J. -Mt;i,i)i:iiic.
George Frnble; prelate, John Hart
man; Inspector, Philip McGuire; war
der, Thomas C. Jordan; sentinel, W. P.
Lynch; trustees, P. J. Hlckey, Dr. M.
II. Quinn and T. H. Spruks; medical
examiners, Drs. Walsh, Qutnn and
Supper was then announced, and
about ISO' couples partook of a dainty
and elegant menu, provided by Caterer
P. F. Durkin, as follows:
Tuikc.v lleef (h.,tcr l'attlw.
Cold Ham Musln'd Potatoes
Chicken i-alad Cold ."law
Celery ltdilfslies Olir
Oranges llanunas Cake
ColVeo CIvum
During the progress of the supper
several selections were rendered by the
orchestra. Numerous short addresses
were made by tho members and visi
tors. Delegates were present from
Plttston, Forest City, Carbondale, Oly
phant, Peckville, Providence and cen
tral city conclaves.
The conclave is in a most prosperous
condition and has in the general fund
at the present time over $700. Claims
to the amount of $10,000 were prompt
ly paid during the past year which
closed with 141 members in good stand
ing. M. J. Piglin, thu secretary, who was
again re-elected, has served ton suc
cessive terms, and, in fact is the only
secretary the organization lias ever
A. J. Mulderlg, the efficient and cap
able financier, has occupied that office
three terms to which he was chosen
after having served three terms as pre
siding officer. His books are models
of correctness and are always open for
thf; inspection of members at his Lack
awanna avenue store. Mr. Kelly, the
newly chosen archon, is serving his
first term in olllee, but the members
have every confidence In his judgment
and executive ability.
The following prominent memhors
composed the team of District Deputy
C. C. Donovan, and assisted him In the
ceremonies: Supreme provost, C. G.
Boland; supreme secretary, C. A. Kel
lar; supreme treasurer, William Cor-
lcss; supreme prelate, W. L. Allen; su
preme inspector, W. V. Hendrick; su
preme warder, Thomas Giifiltlis.
Anions' the Sharpshooters.
Much .interest is manifested among
the members of Klectrlc City Itille club
over tho outcome of this season's
ni.ttch, because of the many valuable
prizes offered, There are six prizes in
the regular competition, one gold medal
und five silver badges, which go In
rotation to the six best shots.
Tho contestants must shoot at least
ten scores of ten shots each to quality,
and thu member having the highest
average takes first prize, the other
prizes being awarded according to
averages In rotation, Four prizes are
offered In addition to the regulur match
find all are well worth contesting for.
The Spencer medal, a gold badge, will
be awarded to the member making the
most points during the season, Tno
Davis medal will he awarded to the
member making the best first "shot on
any regular practice night, tho Idea
being to show the nerve and precision
of members oit'hand.
Tho John mutter prize, a picture of
himself, will bo' awarded to the best
eentro shot who has complied with tho.
rules and is a member of the club. The
J. A. (irenlng prize, a lii-inch, ii-povor
achroiuatli) lillo telescope, is offered to
the member making the best centre
shot after having completed the 100
shot score as required by tho rules.
Tlio season does not closo until tlio
last Friday In April, and there Is much
rivalry, owing to tho numerous and
costly prizes. Thu matches take place
on Blutter's raniio ovory Friday even
ing. Before Alderman Lentes.
John Trust was arrested on rharjjes
preferred by John Zndvurnltzky, of
Taylor, of aggravated assault and bat
tery, and felonious wounding with In
tent to commit murder.
U appears by the evidence as .offered
before Alderman hemes last evening
that Trust is a neighbor of tho prose
cutor in Taylor and had taken a ills
like to him ,for some unknown reason.
On Tuesday ho followed SCndvarnltzky
from a saloon to u lonely spot and
their made a vicious, iiuudeious assault
on him with a. knife or other sharp In
strument. Tho prosecutor was a muss of blood
MPl '
as Lods's Sods
Are you interested ?
A customer said yesterday in our hearing: "I have
been looking at the new Foulard Silks displayed in the
Silk Department, and to say I am pleased is' mildly ex
pressing myself I am thoroughly delighted."
It certainly shows elegant taste on the part of this
Big Store to make such a fine display this time of the
year. This line of Foulards are this spring's favor
ite patterns Polka-Dots, Failles, Dresdensarid All-Over
Effects, on ground colors of pink, light blue, cream and
Only Three lore Days
Of January Clearing; Sals
The values we have
offer until the last hour.
buying your Domestics,
Goods and other items at
The Carpet Department
Stands out plainly with some carpet prices that is
hard to beat for the values offered. If you are contem
plating a Carpet or a Rug purchase this will be just your
time. Remember, the sale closes Saturday night.
ooas Loo
An exquisitely blended mixed
tea ideal for family use,
s pound
This combination of choice
leaves, which nffords a delicate
flavor peculiar to Itself, chal
lenges comparison with any
GOo tea on the market and is
really a 40c value.
Try a pound and you will
drink no other.
Joyce Storesi
Popular Priced Provisions
and cuts and presented ti nlththh ap
pearance at tho heariiiB last evenintr.
Tlio alderman held the prisoner for
court in $1,000 in default of which he
was coinniltled to tlio county Jail.
.Michael HurUchausa, of I'altn street,
was arrested at tho instance of Mar
uaret Uunleuvy for ulitainiiiK: ttoods un
der false pretence. Ho trot provisions
by suyliifr that he was employed ly
tilbbuns & Co,, who had sent him to
Jlrs, Dimleavy. Fho let him have
jroods to the amount of $15.83 on these
representations and on his promise to
settle on tho next pay day. He did not
appear, however, and It was then as
cortalned that .Mr. tllhbonw had no
Uuowledire of tho transaction, hence Un
arrest. Alderman J.eiUes held tlu de
fendant for court in WW hall, which
was furnished,
111 of Apoplexy,
Henry KIkIIii, of 1W01 mttsion avenue,
was taken with apoplexy yesterday and
at a luto hour last (veiling h was re
ported as beliif? very low, and pliysl
elans wero in constant attendance.
.Mr. Hlsdlu has been u resilient of tills
place many years, and Is well-known
and popular.
Another Speakeasy Closed.
Joseph l.atora, who resides nt IUU2
Prospect avenue, was arrtstud bv Hie
police yesterday on the cIiiuko or con
diictlutr an unlicensed saloon.
Uo was given u liearlnir at the Alder
Ptrcet station house by I'ollco JlitBln
trnto Storr last evenlnu and lined ?50
and costs, which wero paid.
Funeral of a Child.
Th funeral of Irene, the Infant daugh
ter of Mr, und Mrs. John U. lllemillcr,
took place from tho family residence,
SM Alder street, yesterday afternoon.
Services were held at the house, and
given we shall continue to
You will make no mistake in
Linens, Underwear, Dress
the Clearing Sale Prices.
Lyceum Theatre
M. ItClS, Lcjsto and Manager.
A. J. PUFFY, Bus. Manager.
Jan. 29, 30, Tl ani Feb. 1.
Kirmess and
Matinee Performances, January
30, 51 and February i.
livening. $1.00, 75, 50, 25 cents.
Afternoon, 50 and 25 cents.
Monday Night, Fab. 3.
W. H. Xankeivllle Presents the Ills Musical Ux
Miifie li.v William Lunilw, composer of "8i
louse" and "Z.imuni," etc. r..vri(.s lij- Harry B.
1'rlcfs tioi'. In $l.iw.
tkiila on .ile Trilby at !) a. in.
Academy of flusic
H. lli:iS, Lessee. A. J. Dully, Minajsr.
am. ni:xt WIXK.
The New Sawtelle Company
"The Angel of the Alley"
(i -Whirlwinds ul tint Dceiil-d
Kwtiliii; Pliers 10, -0 and 110 cent.
Matinee l'ik( 10 and ill et'liU.
AM'. CI. IIKItlllNOTO.V, Manacer.
TlmiMlay. 1'rld.i.v nnd Saturday.
.MNTUIY 3). ill and FKIIlllAltV 1.
The Innocent Maids
Mallme Kury Day.
Interment was made In the riUston
avenue cemetery.
A hnhy dauKhter has arrived at tho
homo of Mr, and Mrs. Kroycr, on (,'eilur
diaries Warlike, of lllrch street, who
lias been nulte III ill winter, returned
home yesteulay from a trip, whlih ho
took for his health, to Philadelphia and
other cities.
William lleimc, of poutli Washington
avenue, fell Tuesday and broko his left
Tho Ladies' Aid society of the Church
of l'eaco will meet this afternoon hi tlio
church basement.
Much Interest Is beings shown In tho
Ilrewery Workers' coiulnt; ball, which
will bo held In Muslo hall, February 3.
A picked team from the Backus alleya
was defeated lust niKht by tho South
Side Howling; club on tho hitler's alleys,
The latter team won two out of three
Kumcs, inukliiff n total of 'iM'i to tho
other team's L',333. The South Sldcra
also won a fourth Bume'by 133 plus.
Silks !
gs Sods I
A Trip to loffalo"
' - t f-