THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY,' JANUARY 30, 1002. & ixxxxxxxxxxx; .THE UODEIia HAnDWAnR STOJU, We have most too many Drop LlKhts on bund for tlilM Ken son of. the your. Notice tlie pileei on those In nur window and you'll umlciHtuntl wo don't Intend to Keep thnn long. .8 Foote & Shear Co JI9N. "Washington Ave bOOOOOOOOOOO! issssxmamsimassBssK2 Aprons la ficalicu tlic Utile Kiilft' wool ilrcisoj, worn "11 winter, undo ol Lawn ond India I.lncn; ein width in skltl; now fctylMj dilnl.v luo and cmbroliltiy trliniiiiticpi THE BABY BAZAAll 510 Spiuco Street. Different Laundry Our supeilor domestic Mulsh is the piopcr Requites no filctlon to lion It, ao linen wears longer. Vunt It? LACKAWANNA THE AUNDRY S03 310 Pcnu Acnue. ESTffiTSHSHS PERSONAL. Diputj Titj Controller Cliailc . lljrllcv 11 in llarrisbtits 11. bamlT andjjinily lue lift on an extended Jilcituro trip tluough I'loiida unci Cuba, they Will bo gone till 1. Hon, J. A. Scnnton received a culilefium Dnnouncini; the safe in M mill ol his Ihugliler, Mis. 1). h. Tate. Ml-a Coia U. Snyo, a foniicr iuumj at the J.ackuH.iiini liospiljl, will Icuc (or Sm l'ur cl co on Tuesdiy tiom whence Mie will Fill foi China. Upon her arrival eIic will ho maiiied to Dr. l.cvvi-, a lonnci suigcon at the Lickiwnnm tio.itil. Di. Lewi-. U a medical mi-dloniiy under the 1'rcs.h terlan bond ot foicln mis Pioiw. JINs SiMgo will aUo servo with hei in tuie husband unciei the Mine bond THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND. taxpayers Have to Get Explanations of the Increased Valuation. As was anticipated, the city assessors me having troubles of their own this wool? in explaining to pioperty owners Just what the new assessment means nnd why the valuation has been lalsed fioin a one-thiid value to a full. "Despite all that has appeared in the Iiapeis for over a back," said one of the nssessois yesterday, "the ma jority of the taxpujeis don't seem to uncle l. stand the situation yet. "We had ii well-known attorney In heie the other tiny appealing: fiom the 'valuation put on ceitain piopeities, and we hud to ialily pound It Into his head that prop el ty has been assessed ut only one thiid alue in past yeais and that the aluatIon has been raised to full value this venr. "He couldn't undeistand It that way nt all, and wo neatly exhausted our selves getting him to undeistand. Thou w o had to show that the Inci eased valu ation doesn't mean an Inn ease In taxes, because the millagc will be i educed. This ptocess has to be lepeated with neaily eveiy propeily owner. The min ute ho learns that the valuation of hh ptopeity lias been inci eased from $1,000 to $3,000, lie gets wildly excited and we have to calm him down with expla nations," NEW TROLLEY COMPANIES. lAnnual Meeting of the Tour Undor derlying Companies. I'lomliieitt lttvestois from many places abroad weie heio yesteiday to attend tho annual meeting of the four underlying companies of the Lacka wanna and Wyoming Valley Itapld Tiunsit company. These companies mo tho Scianton and Noitlieustem company, Central Valley Itull company, Council I'aik unit Fpeedway Street Hallway company and tho Noithein I.mltawanua, Ralhouil company. Tho old dltectois weio to-elected and tho dlietitomtcs nfteiwaids io-elected pnictlcally the samo oillceis who had been serving. STRUCK WITH A HAMMER. Dolm Qeigle Faied Badly at Hands of Abe Posner, John Oelgle, the West Lackawanna incline muiket man, became engaged In nn nlteicutlon on lower Lackawanna uveuue yesteiday nfteinoon. with the telobwited Abo Uosner. The latter be came qniaged und stuick Gelglu on the head with u hammer Indicting u seilous w ound. Uelglo swoie out a w nu nut for Pos nei's urteat liefoie MuijlBtrutQ Howe. Posner will bo ai tested and given a hearing today, Prepailng for Incieased Busiuess. The C'entiul ItatUouU of New Jcisey lias placed oi dei s with the Ameilcan Car and Foundi y cornpuny for 1,000 box? cms, 20 passenger toadies, 7C0 hopper cars and COO gondolas. The Hai Ian & Holllngswoith company is building 30 coaches for tho Central and 60 locomo tives uio being built by the Ameilcan Locomotive company, n om Jlnlltond DlC'st. Januaiy, 1002, Prices Scatp$ AN EFFECTIVE METHOD. rrnctlcnl Knowledge of French in Five Weeks. t'lofessor J, B. Salter gate his flint lecture on French jostottlny In St. Luke's parish halt, At both afternoon and evening lee tuicft Interested lutdlcncoa were In ut tendance. Tho piofcssor gave a puic tleul (leumnsttatloti of his method atul while ho Bpoko entirely In French every ltetetior untlei stood him. lly means of u blackboard and by gcstuics he con eyed every slmde of meaning and In this one leotuio gave a rcat knowledge of more Ftench than homo study would afford In u month. Ills method Is unique and effective. It will be lometiibeied that he gave a coutso of lessons pievlotm to Christ mas whlch-wus so satlsfnctoiy to his pupils that they urged him to give tin other course lu advanced study. The picscut lessons are for students In ontly lessons. No homo work Is requited by his method, one hour ench day being consumed In the lesMoni. The aveiago Amot lean's Ft ench leaves much to be dcslicd. He may bo able to lead It nnd to understand It to some degieo, but he Is aflllclcd with much timidity when It comes to his own speech. He It not altogether confident about his own ac cent. It Is theiefore a ptlvllcge to hear perfect Fionch spoken oveiy day. The cultivation of the ear Is what in most needed. Professor Salter Is ptollclent In Eng lish as lie Is a native of America and theiefore coinptehentls nioie complete ly tho difficulties which confiont tho Ihigllsh-Hpeak'lng student In the Ficnch language. Consequently In these classes at the first lesson Professor Sui te! 's pupils begin to speak French with compiehcnslon. He makes the lessons extremely Inlet estlng. All sorts of top ics come up In the class and all the subjects which are likely to be dis cussed in every day life. In live weeks he gunnintees a practical knowledge of Fiench which will enable his pupils to tiavel abroad without an lntcrpiotcr. The ill st lessons will be given on Filday at 4 o'clock and will be ftec to all Interested. Theie will also bo a lesson at 8 p. in. at which nil are wel come. There will be fiee demonstra tions today at 4 and S p. m. In St. Luke's palish hall. THIRTEENTH'S INSEPCTIONS. Dates on Which the Vailous Com panies Will Bo Inspected. The following order was yesteiday published from the Thltteentli legiment headquarteis: Headquarter) Thirteenth ltegiinent, Tiiiid llilj- ado, X. C. 1'. Scronlon, Pa, Jin. IS, 100i. Regimental Orders No. J. In lecorduncc with jdjutant general's older 31, scries 11)00 and adjutant general's order ,o. 1 C. S , the companies of tho Thirteenth regiment, National Guard ot Pcnnj 1 mla, will bo Inspected as follows: Company A Mjiidav, lb. 10 Company C Tuesday, rdi. 11 Company B Wednesday, Feb 12. Company D Friday, Feb. .'1. toinpauy F Fridav. Feb. 'it Company K Monday, Feb. 21. Camp in) I. Tuesday, Feb 20 Company II Wcdnesdjy, Feb. Jrt. Compiri) II Thuisdi), Fib 27. Compiny G lrfdiy, Feb. Company 1 Satmday, JIaich 1. 'J lie companies will assemble at their sual armoiics at S o'clock on the cunings designated abo c. Companies will be piiadcd in blue unlfoi tn, light nuichliig older without leggings Stato property of ever? description will be ir rangid for inspeetion by the- Inspecting oflicn. ln-pecllons will Include school ot soldier, teliool of tho company and guard uutv, aUo dUclplIne, ami'', clothing, books and papers. 1 ield unci EtnlT offiee ond lion-conimi-iioncd slid oldccrs and bind, lCsiding in Scianton will he inspected on Mondiy cienin?, Feb. 10, at S o'clock. Other field and (.tiff officer and non-cxjininist-oncd ttatr officers will report for impic tlon at tiio tonipmy inspeetion wheie the) re side. It) order of I. U'alu. Cohmel Altc.-.ted: 1) II Mhcitou, Ciptain ami Ad jutant. NO NEW CASES REPORTED. Smallpox Scale Confined to West Scrnnton Victims. The health nuthotlties have decided to close No. 18 school on Swetland street today for the puipose of fumi gating it, but the building will not bo peimanently closed, It is In closo proximity to the home of William J. Morgans, who Is suffeilng from suiullpox and It wus at first thought that the building would be closed. Dr. Allen, superintendent of the bureau of health and Dr. John O'Malley, chairman of the school board's sanltaiy committee, Inspected the piemlses yesterday morning and decided that It was not necessary to poimanentlv close the hchool under existing chcumstances. The teacheis wei'e ordeicd to send homo the seventy-two pupils who had not been vaccinated and weie Instiuct ed to lefuso them admission until such time ns they could show certificates of vaccination signed by lesponslble phy sicians. Dlicctor of Public Safety F. L. Wcrm ser, Dr. Allen and Building Inspector 111 own will inspect tiio newly elected emergency hospital this afternoon. No new cases were leported yester day, and Dr. Paine says that Moignim, and tho Pairy nnd Biacc chlldteii aio getting along as well as could bo ex uected. DEATH OF W. J. BATTIN. Occuned Unexpectedly Eaily Yestei day Meaning-. William J. Uattln, aged 4.". yeais, died at 1 o'clock yesteiday morning at his home, 1314 Vino street. Deceased had been a patient at the Lackawanna hospltul, mid he had sufficiently io ecrvered ftom his Illness to be lemoved to his homo on Tuesday. Ho htcamo suddenly ill, however, duiing tho night, and Dr. 131y, who icsldes near by, was summoned. When the doctor ni lived, Mr. Dnttlu wus dead. Ho was a boit of the late Heniy Uattln, und Is sur vived by his wife and seven children. Mrs, llattln's futher, Cotnellus Smith, died jecently. For a number of yeais, Mr. Uattln wus engaged In tho hauiware business with his father on Penn avenue, but for some time had been In business for hlmstlf. The funeial announcement wU bo made later, Auction Sale of Frames, Pictures, Etc., at the Cut Rate Ait Shop, 300 Lackawanna Avenue. For four days only, commencing 10,30 a, jn. Wednesday, Januaiy 20. Everything muBt go as we nio obliged to vucttto the Btoie Satuiday evening Feb. 1. Sales fiom 10.30 n. m, to 5 p. m. A Stands for Appetite, B stunds for Boston Btown Bread, that satisfies it-lf it's Hnnley's. 420 Spruce btreet. KIRMESS IS A GREAT SUCCESS PERFORMANCE AT THE LYCEUM WAS WELL RECEIVED. The Dances Were Delightfully Ex ecuted nnd the Costuming Was a Revelation of Aitistlc Beauty nnd Color Miss Stownrt Demonstrates Her Ability in Producing Wondei f ul Effects All of the Dances Were Given with Much Ticedoin of Ac tion nnd Oincefulness. There have been Klrmesses and Klr messf's, but just its predicted, nothing has ever uppi (inched tho spectacular event which opened Inst night on tho Lyceum stage and w 111 t ontlnuo during the lemaliider of the week. The (onl -denco felt In these happy piospcctri was evident In the laigcst (list night audience which have ever gteotcd u similar affair. Everything went off Bmootlily. Miss Stewni t has great ex ecutive ability and sho was Just tti much ready last night to manipulate the evolutions of the 300 pcuplo on the stage us she would be next month. There nio no hitches In her manage ment. Sho Is always picpaicd for any emeigency, nnd nothing dlstutbs her cqunnlmlty. Sho knows everything, down to tho last detail of shoe-lace, and leaves no chance for mishaps. How on enith she can tialn such a multi tude to do the most complicated dances with little similarity In the character, is a leal pioblem. If the dear public wants to get a good, comfoi table seat, In older to see the Klimees, It must step lively, please, after tho ndveitisement which lust night's perfoimance will give. Theie Is a gi eat advance sale for all tho other ptescntatlons and the question Is likely to icsolve Itself Into a scramble for the remaining loges nnd boxes. Last night the following piogramme was given, Bauer's oichestia playing the music: Otertme Gland Tableau and 1'iorr-ston. llungjiian U)psv Dance. Dutch Wooden bhoe Dance. The Hornpipe. Dance of All Nations. Dince of l'agcf. Clog Dince. Spintnh la M J noli. A Hose Dmce. Oilental Dmce. Dance of I'ienols and l'icnelltei. Frmeh Military Dilll Tho Follies. The Seatons t. 10. U. 12. it u. 15 The curtain was lung up on the most biilliantly splendid kuleldoscoiie of color, when all the neiformeis weie gioupcd in picturesque attitudes on tho stage. Mr. Milton O'Connell, as Jester, led the piocesslon which followed and which evoked a continuous tumult ot applause. Notwithstanding how en thusiastic this might be, the edict had gone forth fiom Miss Stewait that theie weie to be no encoies, and theie weie no encoies as fur as lenelltion went. This was a tiuly wise piecautlon, for last night's mogiamme was the longest of the week. ATTHAC'TIVE MUSIC. The mu&ic selected was of tho most atti active older and set eveijbodv's toes a-tingle. The first dance was the Gipsy, with Its gay colotlng and its lovely poses, The peisonnel Is vqiy nt ti active, and the costumes weie hand some. This is the dance in which Miss Helen M. Coibett does a wondeiful solo, full of little, beautiful attitudes and poetic movement. Mrs. It. M. Scranton, Mrs. F. L Piatt, Mis. F. J. Piatt and Mis. J. II. Toirey nie the chapeiones. The Wooden Shoo dance followed. Quaint and lhythmlc, the young peo ple made a most atti active appeal unco and danced chaimingly, In spite of their Impediments. Mis, Sydney Henwood, Mrs. Howaid Grinin, Mis. William Sad ler and Miss Claudia Williams are chapeiones. Tho Hornpipe Is alwajs veiy popu lar. Six little maids, Misses Helen Klesel, Saia Kann, Nana Pi Ice, Katli eilne Wood, Ruth Machette and Jessie day, niiaved In white suits, tilmmed In blue, gave the liveliest possible dance and came In for much anulause. Mis. W. D. Klots, Miss Alice Matthews and Miss Dale aie the chapeiones. Tho Dance of All Nations was 'among tho most amusing, as the little people, fiom Uncle Sam and Miss Columbia down to a bobbing Japanese couple, went tluough with their piettv move ments. Miss Romaine Smiths, and Master Haity Ilumpluey, in the most correct of Highland costumes, danred a Highland Fling In a maimer that waimed tho henrts of the Scotch con tingent present. The costumes weie nil exceedingly pleasing. Mis.. Thomas Spiuks and Mts. B. F. Moote aio the chanei ones. Tho daneo of the Puges was ono ot the very prettiest. Their costumes weio elaboiato and beautiful to a degiee. It wus followed by a solo clog dance by little Miss LouIbq Armbt ust. Tho chap eiones nro Mrs. Jones, Mis. Howell and Mts. Sloat, Two small maids, In spangled black not, with led loses In their clailt hair, gave one of the most fascinating dances of the evening. It was puielySpanlt,h, and tho petfoimeis weie Misses Jean Samter and lluth Machette. KXQUISITD COSTUMES. Tho Robe dance will clojely contest first plate. Tho costumes nie exquis ite. Tho gills wear lose leaf diesses, with a tunlo of gieen fitting the slight, Bostou Head lycttuce. Mushrooms, Water Cress, Parsley and Cucumbers, Rochester Celery, Florida Tomatoes, DIRECT SHIPMENTS E. Q. Coursen Wholesale and Retail, toimdcd figures Ilka tho shining calyx of the flower, Roses In the hair nnd loses In hands complete the general effect, which Is bewUdciliigly piotty. Tho men wear foresters' costumes. Moto than $30 woith of ioso leaves ftom it Now Voik coslumer compose the gits' nt t lie for this dimming dnitce. A Inking fealuie Is "Tho Owl nittl the Moon" song by Miss Fieda Kann, with her "chorus" of four little colored chaps In Hottavc costume. They nto tho funnlcMt things linnglnnblc, with tho pretoi nntuial giavity of their small countenances and the nnxlotis rate about eatli gestuic. Miss Kann was n lovely "Owl nnd Moon Lady," with her attruetlve personality and that big, ileh volco so adaptable to coon songu. It is a satisfaction to hav'o her de claie that sho Intends never to "black up" any moie. While sho Is wontlci fttlly successful In the chniuctcr sketches nsstimcd lccently, the ninko up plainly detracts fiom tho chaim of her woik, which last night was twice ns effective In her pietty rose-trimmed whlto fiock. Her Httpport consisted of MiushuII Tinker, Willie Mycin and Douglas und Glenwood Croniplon. Mih. C. L. Ftey Is tiio chnpeiouo of the Rose dance. 11 was followvd by one of the most exquisite of plctuto ef fects In the Oriental tlnnco by Miss. Elizabeth Bunnell. The stage wns darkened ami In the oltcle of the gol den glow Mom the calcium lights, slu fioatcd about, at Intel vnls clashing eymbnls and assuming tho most ni llstlc poses. Her beauty Is of a slnguluily nti Ik ing type for this role, and in her white satin robea gleaming, with jewels, sho made one of the most atti active poi tlons of tho piogramme. She ' wne ehupctonod by Mts. Oeoige B. Smith. The Plenots and Pieirettes had beau tiful satin costumes and mado a most elfectlvc pint of the ensemble. Miss Maty Clieely and I. E. Welscntluh danced a chaimlng duet. The chapor oues me Mis. J. BenJ. Dlmmlck, Mrs. R.-W. Aichbald and Mis. W. W. Scran ton. Tho Fiench mllltaiy dilll has the most beautiful costumes ever staged hero for a military dance. They nre light blue combined with white and the dance itself Is so piotty that It is sure to be a pi lino favorite. Mis. Spruks and Mis. Mooie nio the cliap erones. THE FOLLY DANCE. Much Intei est centies lu the Folly dance. Lavish cxpendltuie has been made in the costumes, and the result is magnificent. The combination Is pink satin and black, the design being unique and stl Iking. It is in this dance that Mr. O'Connell does his fa mous solo which bilngs down the hotibe. The chapeiones aie: Mis. Eveiett Wan en, Mts. F. II. .Teimyn, Mis. C. B. Jeimjn, Mis. L. S. Onkfoid and Mis. A. C. Twltchell. The Dance of the Seasons is consid eied by many to be the most effective of all thut weie seen last night. The costumes nie the last touch of beauty. Four Spilng maidens uppear in theii soft gieen satin gowns, the full foot luchlngs edged with violets, coibage and hut deeoialions of violets, and car ried palo gieen chlfton scaifs. "Summer wab pink as a lose and as feweet lcpie.sented bv four beautiful gills In pink satin with yellow chiffon parasols and lose gai landed hats. "Autumn" was all gold and poppies billllant and beautiful with her foui lrnidens. "Wintci" wab in white batin with while fluffy inulfs and boat, and white hats. An oiiglnal climax to their dance was the flinging of snowballs at the au dience. Mis. John T. Rlchaids and Mis. E. E. Chase aio tho chapeiones. The solo was an exquisitely gracetul dance by Miss Anne Edwaidb. The "Spiel Kartenfest" was a gient featine. Messis. C. R, rulier, Orant Pel ton, F. P. Pi ice and Geoigo Scott weio the playeis. Mebbis.Pilce and Scott won by a bcoie of .! point!,. The game with living caids was watched with the ut most intei est, H. C. Shafer on behalf of the Teach eis' Mutual Benefit association made an excellent speech, thanking the many f i lends of the teacheis and asking the support of the public. A featuie of each evening is the vot ing on popular dances fiom the stage wheie last night Messrs. J. H, Biooks and A. II. Stons maiked the scoies on blaekboaids. Tonight lefreshments will bo seived on the stage and danc ing will be enjoyed after tho pio gramme. This aftei noon's matinee will begin at 3 30. It will bo a delightful pio gramme with Cindeicllo. n.s the chief leatuie. An additional atti action tonight will be solo dances by Miss Boles and Mibs Fenuypacker. OFFICERS WERE INSTALLED. Gatheiing of Locomotive Engineers Held Last Night. Past Chief Engineer John Ttoeli hist night Installed tho following nowiy elected olllccts of Sam Slo-in Division. No. 27C, Biotherhood of Locomotive! Englneeis, In tho Knights of Malta hull: Chief Engineer, D. T. Swart-.; lht assistant engineer, Charles Guragan; second assistant engineer, II. Aldiich; tieasuier, E. T. Swartz; secretaiy, Roger Coo; lnsido guatd, Chailes De pew; chaplain, Ciamer TewUsbuiy, The installation oxeiclbes weto con ducted in public and weio witnessed by n huge gathering of tho fi lends of the inembeis, Following tho Installation bilef addresbes were mado by Secie taiy W. AV. Adair, of tiio Ralhoud Young Men's Clulstlau association; Muster Mfchnnlo A. G, Elvin, or the Deluwaio, Lackawanna and AVostetn Rath ond company, and Clinton AVes ton. Mis. Charles Gaiagan, piesldent of tho Ladles' Auxlllaiy, also bpoke, nftor which icfieshments weio seived. BEAUTEOUS LAKE LODORE. Ait nnd Natute Ceaselessly nt Work in Its Development nnd Benutifl cation. Beautiful Lake Lodoie piomlses, fiom the booking alieady made, to be the most popular of all exclusion icsorts. Unlike most le&oits that, China-like, reiuuln fixed, stiitlonaiy and unchiinged, Lake Lodoio Is constuntlv linpioving. Lust year tho liiimoveiuentH weie so gieat that few who had been thero the pievious year would bcaicely iceognlzo tho place, This yeur the Imptovements in the majestic g(ovo will bo scarcely less i evolutionary. Uneiiualed any wheie for natuia beauty, Lake Lodoio In Its evolution piomlses eventually to be como a veiltable Glen iBland. Bookings are now being inpldly made by Mr, A', L. Piyor, Distilct Passenger Agent of tho Delawaie und Hudson company. Offices nt the new fielght depot, Lack nwannu avenue. Coui sen's Olhe Oil; pme. IS NOW FOURTH IN THE STATE RELATIVE POSITION OF THE THIRTEENTH, Ratings tho Rogitnonts Gained at the Cnmp Inspections Mndc Known by the Ropoit of Adjutant Qenoinl T. J. Stownit Says That tho Military Bearing of the Men Evidenced Somo Impiovcmout Couitesy of Some Ofllceis Fnr from Soldierly. Too Client Freedom with the Men. Tho lesttlt of tho Inspection of the National atiaid of the slate lu the cunips last summer litis Just been Is sued In pamphlet fotnt bv Adltttitnt General T. J, Slowntt. The Tlilitccuth has tho distinction of being louith nmoiig the fouiteen legltnentH ul ln fantiy In the state, In his touott to tho adjutttut goncial the Inspector gen eiul, Finnic O. Sweeney, savs: The military bearing of tho mm, In the i.inM, evidenced some Impiotomcnt, pirtleuliil) lu way of lcs raising; of liunds and turning ut hcniU. Uuilng the drills however, theie was tall, und confusion in the rank", to a degice, tluit conn tu.ieled in a incimuc the inipimniient lioteil, and woikcd injuiy to the noldiuy conduct of the commmd'. In ccrliln pirllciibis the ilNclplinc of the in tire guild fhows clnngu for the heltpi, the ilc. poitmcnt of men after lain, and the rlcanllnem and funltar) eondlllon ot the cjiiiih. htlu.- nai. tic ul ul) noticeable, fcomc oigani.itloiH aie iv cellently lu lnnd, the conduct of the mm, both In camp and in lnnlt, eildencin,' un admirable stile of diclpllne, while ntheis hliow a gieit lick of that wrious conception of militaiy chit) that ittcnds thorough training In the school uf the tolJIc l. The belling and conrtrix of miny men, whin off dut), ond I am sorr) to report of some ofhceis also, was far from toldlerly. To i largo degree such deficiencies are due cither to negllginic or ineincieiicy on the part of company olllecr. licn in mllltaiy relations with his men, uhclhei in Hie aunory or at cunp, the otllccr must in variably cvcreUe tuopei rcscive in social Inler coniEe, in order to comiiiiml the lepcet due his otflenl position. Too gient freedom Is subversive ot discipline, and ofllceis habitually given to f until ir and undignified contict with thcii men thould be required either to change their method) or foifiit llieli conmilstloiis. Following me the goncinl avcuises of the vnrious otgnnlrations which com prise the National Guaid ot the slate: AlillU.r.l'V. Ilattci) A 'ii Hitter) I! ye) tj Halterv U si GO CAVALUV. 1 irt Jiooji '13 7,5 hecoud 'froop 07.75 Governoi's Troop 07 50 bhcudan 'lioop 0725 lVFAMUV. Fliet ltcgiiuint 01 fcecond Itegimtnt 83 'Jliiul Itegimcnt so Fourth ltegiinent SO Filth ItegiiniinV SO Sivtli ltegiinent S5 Figlitb lligimcnt 00 Mnlh Itegimcnt yo 'lentil Iteghnrnt so Twelfth ltegiinint 'id 'ihiilcenlli Itegimcnt yo tomlcenlh ltegiinent 87. feKtccnth Itegimcnt u l.ightienlh ltegiinent uu Below aie given tho ratings of tin vailous companies of the Tliliteenth: 333-313353.-. " ti i ; t,. t - fc'iis: p f I B 7 3.; 3 I? a 2 - - j; i! 2 ? iS Si ?'' s'S'S, 3 i3S383S35e' . . ? ? The legimental ititlngs follow; Gen eral appeal ance, SO.Ofl; evolutions of the legiment, 93; extended oider, 00; nd vanco and tear guaid and outpobt duty, SO; coiemonlcs, 97; guaid duly, SO; dis cipline, 93;, books and papets, 9S.C0, gcneinl nveiage, 90 37, fiend Us Your Clothing for Renovation Our steam cleaning Is sute death for the of smallpox. Davis' Steam Dye AVotks, 310 Penn Avenue. Hanley's Entile Wheat Biend. Almost n mull lu Itself. Older at 420 Suiuco fatieet. m DilukCOFo. It tastes like coffee. SPRING II A TS The man who wears a last year's hat almost advertises the f.ict so many radical changes in style. The man who appreciates style is the man that enthuses about our Koelofs Siii'lir,' Derbies. Higher crowns, more style, unexcelled quality, $3.00 All our 50c Neckwenr duced to 35c, le- V J DEATH Or MRS. MITCHELL. A Brief Illness Ends n Woithy Lifo, Woll Livod. Mis. Margin et Mitchell, widow of the late Jiitnes J, Mllrholli tiled vpslcttlay moinlng nt 8 30 o'clock at the 'fntully home, U25 l'enn tivcuuo. Sho hnd been 111 less thiill it Wdk of an Inlestlnnl tiouble. LnRt Monday the tin co itttpiidliUT physicians decided that on an tipcintloii hung the only hope of saving her lite. The operation was ruc ccBiiful und she wus inllylng In u vvuy that mused confidence of her ultimate locovery. Euily ypstotdny tnoiulng, liocer, there ciimo il midden rhnnuo for the w'nmo nnd sho sank continually until dentil. Mm, Mitchell liiul lived In Hcinntim since gitlhood. She cnine to this cottn tiy fiom liar native place, Roscommon, Ireland, when n citllil nnd lived for a number of veins In rntbondnle. Wn moved to lliln city when a joung gltl, und It was heie she wan man led. Tho cei oniony wns not fanned In the old Cuthollc church, nt the corner of Frank lin avenue und f-'piuee titiccl. Her hus band, who died eight jenrs ago, will long bo lemetiiliered us one ot the pin ned h In the Father Mntliew movement In this vullev, nnd a ptomlnmit mem ber of vntlous Itlsh-Amciic'un oigan l::atluiiH. Mis, Mitchell wns it woman who not only could not bo unkind, even by wind, but who wuu never content unlets per forming some Kindness. AVheievor she cjino to be known she wns leveled us a inro tvtic of- tiue wonmnliood. The homo life of the household of which she wns tho head was one of the most pio nounced nttestntlons of her woith Surviving her uio two sons und tluee dnughteis. Edwaid 1'. Mitchell, mali nger In T. F. Lcoiuud's stoic, Jameti F. Mitchell, citv editor of The Tilbune; MIbscs Maiy, Maigaiot and Kntlieiliic Mitchell, tho latter two instiuctois, ip spectlvely, In public i-chool No. 9 und the Intel natlonnl Coiiespondenoc bchools. Tluee biothei.s, Thomas, Darby tind AVIlllam Glhoy, of Roscommon, li eland, also survive her. Sister Hlldeguide, ot Gieen RIdgo, and Sister Cyprian, of Olyphant, membeis of the Older of the Immaculate Hemt of Msuv, nie her nieces. The luiienil will lake place Satuiday mui iilng ut 0 o'clock. solemn high mass of icqulem will be celobintnl at St. Petei's ( Inlciment will be made In C'nthedial cemetery. ifliidllElli I f liiclerwear Tlie Muslin Undergainient selling keeps tho entile stoio so busy that one if, leniindcd of the "busy hen with one chicken." IS In Cambiic and Muslin, tiim m ed with tucks, lace nnd in seition, extra long lonirths, Niglitgovvn of muslin, yoke of cluster tucks and embioidery neck and sleeves tiimmed with embroidery, S1.S5. Nightgown of nainsook tiim med with ombroideiy, lncs and libbon, 81.75. Skirts Lace tiimmed niffles, and trimmed with inseition, extia wide with double ruffle, $1.25 each. Drawers Diawers of muslin or cambiic trimmed with embioideiy, 50c. From Plain hemstitched and tucked kind at 25c a pair to Fine Cambric trimmed with laco and insertion, SI. 75 u i I pair. 126 Wyoming Ave. rAtn-mrintwmwwz&teKv-mrtsiKrvvrM' Underwear Sale Now On A complete line of Me dium and fine Underwear, consisting of Corset Covers, Gowns, Drawers, Long Skirts, Short Skirts, Chil dren's and Hisses' Gowns at prices that will astonish you, Would advise early buying as they are selling rapidly. Price & Jenkins, 130 Wyoming Ave. r (' Is Scott & So 0$20&0$L8$00 $o&003 Oils, Paints and-Varnish HWiMMiMMMIIHMHHMUMM MaIon?y Oil & Manafacttiring Company, 141-149 Meridian Strest. TELEPHONE 26-2. .J. $ j. j 4, .( 4 , .J. ,j, ,j, , .J. 4 'J1 $ ! We cau atlpply your ' wants in Enameled Robber Carriage - Storm I' 1 rons, :on 5 Umbrellas i Bittenbender&E. i 126-128 Franklin Ave. ' ' .j. ,i''I'V"I"J'd'.v'I-I.'P I Last I Chance to secure bargains in Bat tenberg Patterns. Pillow Tops and Stamped Linen Goods. Our special sale of the above lines has been a great success and will List only six days more. It will pay to visit our a store before sale closes. 1' I Cramer-Wells Co., & 130 Wyoming Avenue. 'Phone 353-3. f 4'l..I4":"S-I,'5'l'!ei THE WHtMIt ONLY PLAoE in SCRANTON WHCRE THK CDI-ON MOULDED RECORD ANDTHE POISON BALL BUT TON SPEAKER ARE NOW ON EXHIBI TION. ison Records FOR YOUR OLD RECORD AND 25c each CHARLES B. SCOTT, 110 Eranklin Avenue. A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of eciis, Etc. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereaii & Coiinell, 132 Wyoming Aveune, iiinbrellas Made Umbrellas Repaired' Umbiellas and parasols 10 coveied in different colors. A fine assoitment of handlec Latest designs. All gooda guai anteed for one year. The Scranton Umbrella Manufacturing: Co., 313 Spiuco Street. FRED R. SMITH, ELECTRIC AND OAS FIXTURES, GAS STOVES, 507 Linden Stieet. Boaid of Tindo Building. a ' v Duf 01ess Sterling Silverware ouauuazu f