The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 30, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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f- Tli-
s1 V " f "
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method ntul bcnullolal
effects of the well known remedy,
Syrup or Viaa, nianufiiotuioil by the
Camfoiinia. Km Mvittip Co., llltistrato
thov.iluoof obtulninif the liquid liixa-
tlvo pilllclpk'S of pltltlts ItllOtt'll to bo
medicinally lti.atiVo nnd V'escntinp
thorn in tho form most lefieshiuff to thu
tasla and acceptable to the system. It
Is the oho perfect HtretiLf theniiiir laxa
tive, cletinsinp 1 he sy.stem oiTcctunlly,
dispelling uoUIk, headaches utid fuvcrs
gently yet pi omptly uml enabling onu
to ovoroomu luibituat constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom fioin
every objectionable quality mid sub
stance, ami us nouny-on mo moneys,
liver and bowels, without ivenkcniiifj
or irritnthifr them, maito it tho ideul
In the process of mituiifacturiiier fiif
me used, ns they aio pleasant to tlio
taste, b ut tlio medicinal qualities of tho
xcmedy arc obtained fioiu eennu and
other 'niotuatiu plants, by 11 method
known to the Camfokkia. Fio Sviiup
Co. only. Iu order to pot Its beneficial
effects und to avoid imitations, please
remember the full namoof thoCompany
printed on the front of every package.
Forwlo by all DruggUts 1'riccMa. per bottlo.
For This Week Only
Large Three Panel
Horse Picture
I'lJinod in Dutch Oik and oitnn eM-Hl mill frur
icjI hnr-cilioK, lilt anil nlnp, nvilar pure "ju.
Oui price this week only SJ2.50
See Window J)ip1a.
Jacobs & Fasold,
Interior Pciouti i, i(T) ttuiliingtaii juniii.
Will Tnpei, 'liadc-s I'lint-, Mot Willi,-,
I'ictuitvi and 1 lame-.
BW1U.10N Iilllir.-Mijoi ItoWlins',
on comprKins Coinpnitu II, , 1, .mil r will
iiill tonight Jt the new .iriuun.
ItLVlVAI, -IIltMCtS miuii, ue
iiiiij (ondmtcd pwm nfiiiiiuon mil nWii in tlu
Afrit in Mithndi-1 1 pl-iiopil cliurili in How i 1
pine i li'! an puiviti.; vvuiiileifulb iiiiiv.fnl
The 'rnue-, tic conilmtul In (lie pi-toi, lliv.
Dr. lliutlct, j-Wul li ltet. I! Muni-, '
New llini Him in laid iwn ifkirioon jl .
u'tlml. iml ncn nlsht hi s uMock ml mini
contusions hue .i1k.m1i lieu. undo.
Diovc Off City Woilimen Who Would
Tear Down His Fence.
.l the boaid ol Undo meeting on
Monday evening the lucbidenf iui, in
stiueted to sCe Jiecmdcr Conncll In ic
IMiel to the lence vvhlcli Dominic k
He.iley, the ovvnoi of the mopeit.v ,u
the tot noi til Linden and Ninth bluet",
had elected in the middle ol the Mele
vvalU. This tence, It will he lememheied, has
been nlneed in the middle of the hide
wall; hi the owner, who claims he owns
the giound toeied. The iltv olllcials
have loin down the fence soveiul times,
but It haw been nut hack In place and
the hint time elected was allowed to
Ycsteiduv, howtnei, two men fioin
the depailnient ol public woiks stalled
to teui down tho much-disputed lemc.
Tlicj only Htnited, howevej, us the man
who owns the teiuc appealed on the
scene with Iwo bit? stones tuid lumcil
the men up to the police .station, wheie
they j-ought piotection.
Later, lelnforced by IViliolmcn Tlioin
ns and .Mm Iter, they again slaited lei
the scene ot action. The old man met
them again, but upon the p.uiolmui
leading tho i lot ael to him lie nu
niltted the men to tear down the hike.
Enjoyable Event Wnb Conducted J
Lust NlBht at Club House. I
The membeis of the Hi i anion Hirjilo i
elnb enofil a smoker last nUjltt at
the flub Iwiifo. Munle was fuinlHlud '
b an oiihefalra and a (uinitette of
roloied nunidolln pliyciH and sliiKei .
ncii-iui ctciiiH niiuuKCU ny mo eutei
lalnemcnt coiiuulilee weie al-o i an led
Uetietduiieuts muio Mred at mid
nldht by Hniiley.
No Dietun, a Real Wondeilnnd.
Uet-oit life, especially that of tho
winter lesoitb, lb Milled to the esiieine,
They all have ihelr dUadvaiitiueK,
pilntloal of which Is the omotums
fiom the Kieut uoilhcin Lltles, but
T.ahewood, than which the-ie Jh no ie.
f-oi t inoiu ltnowneil, Is Die-eminently
Hupieme. It Is less than two houih dls.
taut Horn 'ew VoikLaml tho tempera.
tutu tlicio Is muili tullder ihan In -uw
Yoilc, Phlladelnhla, oi even WiibhltiK.
ton. Tho hotels uie jpaivels of ioiut
foit and convenience, wheio eeiy want
of the pulton la saijsHud The lbltoi
laiks not for uniiiseinejitf lor theio aio
golf, dilvliiB, polo, lycllnu, huntiiif,',
and. In fuel, tnery Mud ot oul-oi-Uoor
wpott, tan be outvied Into. The Ccntiul
Jtnllioad pf New JetM- b. the only toad
to Lahewooil, and ileiniiUIe of this
famous jeboit Is a booKlot, No. 1, whhh
lontalns illustiutluiih ami liifoniuitlon
Of Millie (O tho ONLUISlOIllHt. Jt'H (tfL;
Synd tor H to C. .M. Hint, ueneiul pas
tteiiKfi ngmt. Cential bulldliiif, Llhw ly
stieit, New YoiK.
I City Notes J
John Hnydcu and Miss Knthetlno
Gnllnjrher Married.
Tlmtnun Huydeii ulul iMIss Kiitheilne
ClnlliiHher wete tiuurlud In St. Paul's
church, (Jieon ItldKe, Jkeslerduy moin
tufr at T o'clock, 111 (he presence of a
liiiuo RiilhcirliiK of filetuli. The mur
liiiBe cm onion v, which wns peifotmud
bv Jle, I'. .1. .MeMnmiP, was followed
bv n nuptial ilinss.
The bride was ultltrd In a handsome
sown of blown Veiietlnn, tilinmeil with
eel u sllh, nnd was attended by her
cousin, Miss Alice lialliitthcr. The
Qiooiusmmi wns ,lohn Itiu'deti, biothei
of the Ri ooni.
After the cicmouy a mciIiIIuk bipuk
fasl wn" s'M'Ved at the home of (ho
btlde'ft pfiieiiti', on Alhiisht avenue.
The iouple left on uu i-nly tialn for a
weddlnp; tour to Nt w Voik and oilier
eastern eltle
Mi Itaydeii Is the piopiletor of the
fulled Htntes hotel on f'ciin nVelltie.
and his brldu Is a iun'l elmmilm; and
uicotiiplMicd voiiuk woiimn.
No Mole Dumping of Ashes Into It
Will Be Allowed.
Olic-c'lof of Public WoiKs John 12,
lloihe Is deleimllU'd that the Iuibo or
pointlons whose il.ints abut on the
I.jekiiwanna rh"r shall not use It as
a iluiupliitf place fur allies la lite fu
ttue. Home weeks agu he uolllled b letter
the olllclals of these companies that
theie must be no tmtber dumpiiiK of
ietu?e In the river and he has so far
received icplles I torn the following
companies unnouniliitf that they will
l 'fialn fioin eneionchlnfj upon the liv
er bed lu the futuie: Seuintoii Oas tind
Wntir company, i:ik Iiill Coal and
lion company and tho 12iotiom I.lfiht, and I'owei comp.inv.
If some such action had not been
taken bv the dhectoi It would not be
veiy lontr befoie the liver would be
nai lowed to a width of only a few feet
In ome places.
Liverman Qbbtiucted Supeilntendent
Feibei's Passage.
Geoise Alheitun, the Noitli Seiunton
lltiinan. was arinigned before JI.ik
istiate Tlowe jesterdaj mornlns
cbaiRed with obsti acting Pi evidence
loul and lefuslns to allow Superlu-
tp'idnit Teibei, of the buieau ot lire,
the iIrIh of wa
Suiieilnteiident Feibei testified tint
he was lospondlng to an alatm of file
lu Noi ih Seranton on Tuesday morn
Ins when he was obstructed by Ather
ton who was diiviiiK on the wioug side
of the slieel and who lufused to fret
out of the way foi seveial minutes.
.Maijlstiale lllllai lined Athciton $!
Pntiick Walsh "wili7 in All Piobn
bility, Recover.
The condition of Patikk W.tMi, who
was lashed with a i.ioi by his biolher
Mai tin. on Tuesday, was repotted t be
much impioved last night at the Lack
awanna hospital. The wound was
opened jevteulay inoining: and it was.
lound that no laifve aiteiy had been
seveied, thouBh it was at Hist supposed
that one had been.
Theie is a siowlns belief that Mai tin
WiiIhIi is mentally deiangtd. and an
effott may be made to have him ex
amined .is lo his sanity.
Sister of James Toughill Wants to
Know His Whereabouts.
Supeilntendent of Police Day leieived
n letter estenlay finm Mi. A. J.
Tilley, ot Ogilen, Utah, asking him to
locate her bi other, James ToukIiIU,
who lived at sni Jmk-on stieel in this
city when last heaid of.
Mis, Tilley wiltes that she has just
lo.u lied this countiy fiom Austialia
and b c-pec iallv deslious ot loiatliiK
liei biothei .
United Mine Woikers Talk of Conducting-
The inembeis of local union No 11JS,
l"nited Mine Woikois. ot Ameilca, me
consldeiitif,' the advls.ibillt of otivanl
Ihk: and conducting a co-opeiathe
t.loie s.vstem.
A t-peclal (oiimilttee has been ap
pointed to considei and piesent a plan
wheuby this may be aci oinpllshed.
DAVID JONKS, aged 20 jeais, dhd
at !) o'clock Tuesday nisht, after a
week's Illness liom pneumonia, al the
home ot Mi. Oiandou, 5.1.! Noith JJtoin
ley avtnue. He was bom In ""Ji hovvy,
Moninoiithlilie, .South Wales and ciupo
to ihls ' countiy live jeais ago. lie
lea vis a mother and two slstei.s In
Wales and two biotliei.s In South
Atiii.l. He was a lilembei of Pata
yotil.i Jodge, No. a.'o, Knlfrhts of P.
thins, and the Aieldental Fund ot the
niamouil mines, wheie bo was eni
plojid up to tho time ot his illness.
The laueial will be hi Id fiom his late
itsldeme, ,":)J Noith Uiomley avenue,
Fildu aitunooii. Sei vices will cotti
nienie at the house at l',:;ii o'eloc!;.
Huilnl In Washburn neet lemeteiy,
itev. U. P. Jones, of Hie Tabeiuiicle
(hut eh, ollh lalliiK.
Joseph, the 1.1-iiionths.old ihlld of Mr,
and .Mis. James Collins, of l.t! Noith
Ninth stieet, died at (i J. oMoil, la.4
iiinht, attei a tliuo weeks' Illness, fioiii
eataiih of thu atomaih. Thiee weeks
iiko, Althm, auotlKl' sou, .lueil tluec
and a half .veins, died Horn iippeudl
eltls. The luueial will ouui toumuow
alteiiioou at 2 3n o'lloclc. luteiment
will be made In the Cathedial lemetery.
MUS. W. C URA.NDOW died ) ester
day altemoon at the famll lesldtuce,
lur.' Olive stieet, aged It jeais. Hhe Is
Hiuvlveil by a husband and two daugh
ter. The funeial will be louduoted
on r'atuiday uioinlng at It) o'eloik with
Inteiinent In Potest Hill eemeteiy,
stitet, died ycsteiday. Puueial Kilday,
at o'clock p m. Inleuueiu lu Dun
moie (umoteiy,
Funeials. ,
The funeial of thu late Mis, Hannuh
Thomas, ol mi Uyiion stieet, will take
place this alteiiioou. Imeuuent will
be iniiilo In Washbmn slieet lemeteiy.
The funeial of Hie late John Duuy,
of 2020 Wushburn stieet, will take
place today fiom St. Patiick's thuieh
liiloinieiit in Cathedial lemeteiy.
The funeial or tho late Mia. Muij
Kane, of Iiellevue, vvjll.tako place this
moinlng at 9 o'clock fiom Holy Cross
ebuich. Jiiteiuieiit In Cnthedrat cemo-ttiy.
t -
Emil Colnssl's Life Ciunhed Out by n
Fall of Fiozeu Eaith Guq Vanblt?
kl Nairovvly Escaped tile Same
Fnte, Joseph McAntlrow Had His
Back Bioken, Attorney Mulhol
laild's Rijlit Femur Fiactuied, and
Pnttlck Binzclle Wns Rendeied
Knill i't)lnsl, nged .'!0 yeats, em
ploed by I'onliaeior John Aswell, In
excavating on Noi Hi Main aveiuit,
was Instantly killed while at wotk
yesterday morning, and tins Vntibttski,
another laborei, ot Sivotland street, ie
eelved seveie Injuries tibout the heed
and shotlldeis.
The men vveie engaged In digging n
cellin for Thomas Savllle's new bulld
ItiK. on the lot adjoining the new P. O.
S. of A. building, and hud taken out
u huge quantity of dill liom bmealli
an oveihanglng portion of the surfat v.
Owing to the fiuzen eondlllon ol tho
dirt, blasting was resorted to, nnd alter
n hole was made, and u charge of dy
namite plated lu it. the earth gave
way, onHiIng Colossi beneath It. As
itulek as possible the victim was un
cut Hied, but his life had alrcadv gone
out. Vanbuskl was caught iilo, but
luckllv escaped with n lew biules.
The HMoss bod of ColusM ie
moved Into the vacant stoie-iooiu ud
lolniug, and Vanbuskl was taken to
the West Side hospital, wheie It wan
learned that he was not seiiollsly In
jun d. Coronet Saltiy was notified,
and soon appeal ed on the scene.
A Jm j was empanelled. Including
John Hughes, Thomas Cogiovc, M. J
Pahev, .Michael L.ukln, John Cawlev
and Llnroln Williams. The body was
then iemovid to Wymbs' morgue,
where an autopsy was held, and It was
learned that the man's neck was
bioken and his chest ciushed In. An
incpiest iu the cae will be held this
evening at Cogiove's hotel, Ninth
Main avenue.
Struck by an Engine.
Joseph McAndrew, aged 1!) jeuis, s0n
of Select Councilman J. J. Mc.Vndrev ,
of Noith Main avenue, met with a
seilous and peiliaps latel accident jes
terday, and Is now lIng at the Lacka
wanna hospital, hoveling between lit o
and death, with his back broken.
McAudieW was employed at til
power house of the Seranton Illuminat
ing, Heat and Powei company, and
was on his way to weak when tin
accident oceuired. He had staited to
cioss the Delawaie and Hudson tiaeks,
neai the power house, when a south
bound fielght came along, and while
he was waiting for It to pass, a noith
boiuid switch engine stiuck him.
The noi-e of tho fi eight tialn pi in
vented him fiom healing the eiirfiuc,
anil befcu c he could get out ot the way, caught and pushed along the
tiack some distance. "When leleased,
the j,oung man was conscious, but
filghtfully injuied.
He war lomovcd to the Lackawanna
hospital, where it was learned that the
crtebiae was ftactuted. His condi
tion is eilticiil, and but little hope of
his tecoveiy is entei tallied.
Another Seiious Accident,
llanj W. Mulliolland, the well known
A practical knowledge, sufficient to communicate,
carry on a conversation, and read and enjoy many
charming stories, and with subsequent study WITH
OUT AN INSTRUCTOR to read and appreciate the
exquisite beauties of French literature, A rare edu
cational opportunity. '
Last Course
in Seranton
Satisfaction guaranteed, Terms payable end of
each week,
No preparation of lessons. Learning of a language
made a pleasure and a pastime. Instruction and en
tertainment combined. Following Is from a letter
from the last Seranton class, "You have kept all
.promises; and now at the end of five weeks we find
ourselves possessed of such a practical knowledge of
French as to enable us to converse quite freely on or
dinary subjects of conversation,"
Interesting demonstration by Prof. J. S, Salter
(University Paris) late Instructor Columbia University,
New York.
Enlivened by a remarkable series of novel and striking
illustrations, this afternoon at 4 and evening at 8 at
St, Luke's Hall, Wyoming avenue, below Linden
Do you suffer from Kidney, Itvcr,
BlaUUCr or illOOU XllBeaBO or any unci'
bo, semi your ituctrcsH to ir. juaviu
Kennedy Corporntion, llondoiit, N.Y.,
nnd thoy will send you ubsolntoly freo
a trial bottle of
tho Rroatcit sperlllo known to modlcnt sclonco
for tho euro ot tliosa dlaeaces or nny uric acid
I rouble. It Ims been iliecl by physlolnlis In
liopltnl.s anil anltiiriums for nearly, thirty
yonra with unrulllncj nueiass. Ita.sido 1b bo
large to-day It enn be found at any clriitf tttote.
$i.OOa Oottlo or a for $0.00.
attorney, was inn over by a bucgy ear
ly lust evening nud sustained seilous
Injiiiles which will Incapacitate htm
fm vvieks.
Mi. Miilholhind was crossing frank
lin avenue near Lackawanna tibout 0
o'clock nnd was struck by a horse at
tached to a buggy dilven by Hartholo
inevv Conneis. Ho wa" knocked down
and vvus tun over by the wheels befoie
the dihet could bring the hoise to a
slop. Mr. Mulliolland was picked up
and vvus taken Into the Lackawanna
Vnllev house, where he was attended bv
Dr. P. C. Manley.
He was lJtcr lenioved to the Laeka
wannu hospital where It was found
that his light femur had been frac
tured. It was stated that It will be
manv weeks before he will be able to
leave the hospital
Aged Man Injuied.
Patilok Dinsselle, an aged lesldent of
living avenue, South Seranton, was
i mi down by a coach on Lackawanna
avenue Tuesday evening, and sus
tained a seveie sculp wound.
He wis eiosslng the stieet at the In
tel section of Washington avenue,
when the accident oceuired. A num
ber of men who witnessed the accident,
assisted Ml. Hrazelle into A. J. Mul
derlg's clothing stole.
The Lackawanna hopltul ambulance
was summoned, and Ml. B1.17.clle was
taken theie to have his lnjurle:s
di essed.
He was stiuel: on the head by the
pole of the coteh and knocked down,
and tendered unconscious, and the
hoises and two wheels passed over him.
Appointments Made Yesteiday by
Postmaster Ripple Substitutes
Aie Piomoted.
Postmaster K II. Ttlpple esteul.ij
appointed the following substitute let
ter e.tiiieis as legulat eauieis: Michael
Spellmon, Oilando C. Jones, W.illei A.
Noi thiol) and Ezwi F. Cliav.
These men have been annotated bv
lo.ison of tho Ineiease in the number
ol legular can lei s occasioned bv the
uppioaehlng installation of the free de
llveiv sv -dem In Dunmote botough.
This goes into eflect tomorrow, and It
Is exoeeted that the Diiiiinuic c.ciileis
w 111 bo named todnj
The membeis of Ttobei t Hums lodge,
Sin, I. O O. F.. will meet at their hall.
Thin cil.i. evenlni .T.mii.n v SO. at R
o'clock, at a faiewell lecentlon to
Mi other George F. Millet, who has been
secretary for twentj-sK jeuis lie
leaves for Buffalo to live. All membeis
aie requested to be pies-ent
By Older of Committee.
nry ttotibic, jjyspopsia, iliieumatisra.
Constipation, or If a woman any ot
f he nlektieases noellllnr to VOItr BOX ? If
Bank Is Sued in Tiespass by Its Pot
mer Cn8hlerNon-Sult Is Asked
for In the Case of McOovein
Against Lackawanna lion and
Steel Compnny Judge Lynch
Causes n Jmy to Be Agreeable.
Busy Day in Judge Vosbmg's
Colli t.
Ten liquor licenses weie i evoked by
couit ycsteiday, as follows:
Ocooto, of Mir sc,0 u,u,, nit pliant.
Stephen Kiwilnl., of Siicnd wntil, Oljiilnnl
.lixepli Kruplljiil,, f aotid .inl. Ohpliiiil
VI. ,t. .Judge mil Kilumil (I llmko, ut Mfilith
n.!id, Strintcn.
I'liltlcl; Mo.Vmnitii ami lolm 'I niTv , Klgiiiu
Wiinl, sujnlun
I'mnk XoniiM, of Mnctrchtli vuiil, "-cianlnl.
Tlwtii94 Xmry, ot sconil vvuij, 01 pliant,
I'jlrick I', (ovin. f Uukan intu tvMi'hli
Hint; I iiiK'clic-r, of l'ltlli rtjril, llunmore.
1 1 .1 1 r.v niilfuli, ut tooml uutil, i)!.iphint.
The revocations wete due to com
plaints of Sunday selling enteied by
Auent Robot t Wilson of the Municipal
league. The evidence was veiy con
vlnelnfr and defences offered weie, for
the most pait, veiy lllrnsy.
The uilo to i evoke the license of John
J. Coyne, ot Mluooka, was dismissed.
Ml. Cojne proved to the satisfaction of
the couit that the league's witnesses
were mistaken lu the claim they made
that they bought llciuor at his place on
a certain Sunday. Ills defence was a
eiy "tronj? one, and In the opinion of
the court would win him a verdict be
fore any fall -minded Jury.
Several other applications foi revo
cations aie pending.
Ex-Cashier Brings Suit.
Suit In tiepass was Instituted estei
dny against the Tmdeis' National bank
by its foimer cashier, Prank T Phil
lips, now cashier of the Title Guaranty
and Tiust company.
Tho case grows out of the ttouble! 6t
the foimer cashier, A. B. Williams. Mr.
Phillips, who wns then' assistant cashier,
was Induced to take up for Mi. Will
lams a $3 000 ovei -issue of stock placed
with the Seranton Savings bank. Mr.
Phillips endorsed Mr. Wllllums' $J,0OO
note and received ns collateral secmlty
$10,000 vvoith of stock In the South End
I-and company, of Blnghnmton. Ml.
Phillips had to pay the note, and when
he fell back on the collateral he found
It was not good. Mr. Rhlllips demands
that the bank shall relinbuise him The
bank l of uses to do so, alleging that It
had nothing whatever to do In the mat
tei of Inducing Mi. Phillips to go on
Mr. Williams' note.
Wlllaid, Wan en & Ku.ipp uptesent
the plaintiff. ;
Non-Suit Is Asked For.
The testimony on behalf of the plain
tiff In the McGovein ease was dosed
shortly befoie noon yesteiday. Immedi
ately thereaftei Major Wai ren, of coun
sel for the defendant, moved for a com
pulsory non-suit for the ieuon!: I'iist,
that the evidence failed to disclose any
negligence on tho pait of the eompan.v ;
second, the evidence d!clocd that
both the plaintiff and his father were
guilty of negligence in attempting to
ctoss between the cupolas when the
mill wns in total darkness: thiid, that
the evidence d'rt not distlose tint the
defendant failed In the ueifoimance of
any duiv which It owed to the plain
tiff; fourth, that the accident was
either unavoidable oi one that the de
fendant could not have guai ded against.
Counsel for both sides argued at gieat
length, occupying, piaclieallv, the bal
ance of the duy. Numerous authorities
weie cited in .suppoit of the motion to
suppoit the proposition that a company
is only bound to iuinih leasonably safe
appliances in connection with the chai
actei of the bu.sine.", and plaintiffs'
counsel autued that the evidence
showed that such appliance weie fur
nished by the company while the miJl
wa in oneiutioii, and that the action
of the plaintiff and his father in mov Ing
between the cupolas was the pioxlmnte
cause ol the lujuij and was outside the
line of their duty.
Attorney Riun, lor plaintiff, con
tended that the falluie ot the light and
the lack of guaids or shields niouud
the cupolas was proper giound on
which to charge the company with neg
ligence; and that the falluie of tin.
light wos the proximate cause of the
accident. lie nlo aijiutd that the
plaintiff was within the line of his duty
and had the light to move to and fiom
any place upon the iloor whuie lie was
employed. The motion will be disposed
of at the beginning of the sesoiofi this
moi nlnsr.
The ease Is uttiaitlm; much atten
tion, tho couit loom behur oiowded
eveiy duv. Most of the onlookeis me
liom anions the ranks of the Idle mill
Other Common Pleas Cases.
Iu the case in which Owen Flnn, of
Wlntou, who sought to lecovci acildeut
benefits liom the Ontiuln Accidental
I nnd, the jmy accepted the stoiy of
the defense that Fljiui was nlteinpilug
an Imposition, and relumed n cidlct
against him. U P. Wcdeiuau was ai
toiuey lor the plalutlft, and James J.
O'Malley for the defendant.
Judge Kelly Is lijlng the case or
Oscar D. Elugood against J., klbeia
toie and wife. It Is a suit loi wage
Itleo & Donnelly icpresent the plain
lift, and David J. Ueetly, the deteiidaut
The ease of John Ueiioio A- Hon H. E Leonard is being tiled
befoie Judge lentil. It Is b.ihed on a
disputed hill tor eaipentet vvoil; and uu
offset lor plumbing woik, John f
Suagg and IMwaul Met i llleld upie
scnt the plalntlifs. The defendant's at
torney are T R Wells, ('. It Pitcher
and Claude Plielur,
Jury Finally Agieed.
Tim damage ease ot Ellen Tavloi
ugaliiht the illy of Heiauton was given
to thu jmy iu Judge I.yneh's conn yes
tuidu inoining ut It o'clock, Foiu
boms later they aent u rneBrage bj
Tlpstatf llolaiid that they weio unable
to ngieo and wanted to b dlsehaiged.
Judge I.vnch dlieeted they be
bi ought down and when ihe.v luul ai
tanged theniselves betme tlui beneh the
judge said: "Clentlemen: I have re
cehed u comimiulcalloii liom you
which Is substantially that you have
agreed not to agree. The iase in jour
hands wnb well tiled; the nutstlon to
be otlled Is a sliuplu one. It Is now
Wednesday I will give jou until bat
in day night to agree."
Eveiybody Including the Judgu and
jut ois joined In tho laugh piovoUed bj
the court's lather hunmiaty disposition
of l lie July's icaueut.
The jmy ayuln lothod and at S
eS ltctiinlii tor bur SI'KIVt, ItUMVW'T lt.l'. 111 ulilcli time we liilt nnke i- c!
TH cini i noil hi move ntc mniinui- or
lluir iiUich iitc- liol IthpilKil In
I ll'lS'.l I'lll'll' l'bIKS, IIIIl'AK ntul IIITTI'.U I'l.VllW, llltllMI 1M. VI IIS.
livnt iti (i ivntx, Mitii.d r.ic iiei wim: oi, sm:s, noiii.hi-', in.. 5c
t Kll ItlHintlllllMIIMIMtllHI lltllllKIIIIIIIIIII llhllllllllllltllll
hum nrrrnt iumiis fin ii pi.miw, misikiii. ties m tc.
SMlHts, W.ll HI Pirt'", i mi v
st'l.l IAI, ilrlir ill OVS'POHTVIHI.x, lltli.l wltli Mlit.xilMK 1 )B
lU'llVlllM, VflSTI.I.s ilnd Tl'.VdNnt simile, riniiiloli , , A"Ji
I fiu Siiriliil r.itlol SoK. lulnnlilo .,.,. Si 80 MC
Mckle Iti.ullnj or Mttlwr I.iiiik,
Minlc, cmcIi
.ivimiMi'.itrs mil i iit of oiiiir
ISriilllllll l'llic"
Qeo. V. Millar &
I Live you in your attic a favorite cliuir with the upholstering in
bail siupe. an .urn or a rocker broken, or perhaps having the springs
out ofoule-r. waiting an indefinite sometime to be repaired? Let us
mend it, repolish it, put a new cover on it and send it back to you as
good as new.
Stcranton Bedding Go,
Lackawanna and Adams Avenues. Both 'Phones
! Wonderful Shoe Bargains
Are You a Lover
Of the Beautiful?
IJo von vvili to line luctlj iiiij.? W'c will
be iilea-fd lo how jou '-olll tli e Hi nmml
ltlncj, Diamoiul jwl 1 miriilil Hmg'. J)iJ
imiinl anil lliibv Ttiiia-. Uininoml jnd Opal
Hint,-,, Diamuml mil iiiililic RiiieJ. 1) J
mini jiiJ luriiiues Hint!-. Wl- ttill moult
am 1IC-.111-1I cDiiililcutluii to crdu.
E. Schimpff,
317 Lackawanna avt;.
o'clock agieed, Thcli eidlrt was
sealed and will be dellveied to eouit
this morning.
In Oiphans' Couit.
Judge Vosbuiff, In chambei, je&U-i-day
he nd evidence In the matter of
the fliuil dischmge of Oeoie D. David
son a muidlan of TKinruih L. Klik
wood, minor child of Klchaid Klik
wood, The mlnoi having m rived at full
ae and settled with her gu.iidian, this
applle.Ulon was made for dlt,chuiije
without the 101 mallt V of filing an ue
eount. Mr. Davidson appeared for him
self as KiiJidian. and the minor was
tejncentcd bv David J. Reedv. Altei
the hearing. Judge VosbuiK Issued a
decree 01111101171111? the dlsehaiKO as
m. l ved for.
In 1 he mallei 01 eltillon to
lin ilowell to tile .1 final aecoiint ns
executor ntulei Hie will or Daniel
Howell, dee eaued, no answer was filed,
but the lespondenl linked for time in
which lo nrepaie an acrount. because
of the lon so.ic of time coveted by
the tiansaetlons. Judse Vosbms will
hand down nn order later.
In th" matter of the e-tnte ot Noi ma
Jones, a minor, petition was inesented
bv H. Jones, her auutdlan, lor
leave to join In .1 sale ot leal estate In
which iht- minor has a small Intel est.
II. II. Ilanis annealed lor the oeti
tlonei. Altei the Ins an ordei was
made 10 allow the jjuauUau to Join In
the conveyance,
.Indue Vosbuig also handed down an
older fixing; the time tor the heiiilnrj of
audits loi the week of next teun, he
Blnnlni; Maieh IT, and dliectlmr that
they be advritlscd uicoidinif lo the
Appealed to Superior Couit.
Wlllaid, Waiieii and Knapp estei
diiy appealed to the suipeilor couit fiom
the dicMon ot the Jlldfft'H letus
Inj; .1 uile to open to judgment ill Uu1
eai-e in Which the stieet ear hiiIKcis'
union Is trylnrr 10 eiifoico the eolleeiion
ol $10 011 .1 "cut tin oat" Judgment uotn
Klven by Moioiiuaii Keller when lie ie
culvud lollef to thai aiiiount li tun tlio
mll;e rand, pi loi to his leturn to woik
on Hie c.s,
The allld.ivlt made In happm t of Hie
motion set foi th Unit Keller slimed the
note with the undeistaudlmr that It was
btmply 11 itcelpt to bo use el b Hie
tltlvo botlld to blieiw Wheie llio lllone.V
went. The eouit ruled that thu avei
miit of fi.unl was not tipei Hln iioiiuh
to waruiiU tho openinir oi the JitdK
iiieut. Haulage Licenses,
tilth 1 I011N luitu il- Imlfili slitct
vio siimifl . ''I VnliiuM unit
lo-ipli ItjfuJi s.iJittmi
1'ilmi.i Mujll.lettli' Mlimilcj
Viiluiiln hhvJl ...VM1I11II
t',.i Kriiliill Viflilall
Jo.m I. Iljnitt UuninuR
Vine ilusil . -! s-ojitH Welui norm.
-4 ami I oliiiun inn NJllU Miln UMiui
SIin,JM Iclin Ill "-'Jfni'ifi uHiiuc
TuiiU D1l.1tl.uuU I'uilj mil.! If.iUa . , ' nliumlili
luiieiii'iil I') ijicciiulil nut vkUiUj niliU'l
(or till' IlUllllIlt ill llll' 'J'l' tit llOr.JTl l,ji!t
Uu. llKU-iil I ll.v ivimill
'Hit.' lit nliu ill tin Jliiiluiilli mill lu nl'illi
;jhU l.iiiilu.iiuii luiititis iic luiimuul 11
ludji, iinlll Mtuiilii muiniii,
libuut.v 0, Jt I1) 11. in,, nji .eilcuLi.i llvcil
m llio tlinu tol IjMiu ili'lMtolUvii' I" ll". 'IhfUi'
ijis el LuiiUa Walter-i jkjIii1 MUlui'l W.ituii,
jijiI VU hilci,vl miiiit KcbIiu hpltgil
A)lUjlion 1.1 iliwitie J1 mull' .vritliilji hi
I.Cvuml llaml, jr., J,Mhi)t Annie lUul. 'IIkj
our ennit ,mi i;mi
tlio lent wlille lnlcv 111 luoit lmm are cut S3
('(tifrtl Dull llitrtipi, lOlnili R 1 755 !
Pl "JC,
srvi't i: Aiirui.r.s whUii juu mcJ, at 2fE
A Difference
Theie is as much dlffeience in
Diamonds as theie is iu human
laces, and not infrequently as
much hidden deception. When
you wish to buy a diamond come
to us. You can lely upon our
judgment and lepresentatlon.
E. Schimpff,
317 Lackawanna ave.
4 12 Spruce St.
End of the
Season Sale
324 Lackawanna Avenue.
11HJ5 1'tijijn JiiJ Muton 'turiu
lull II .. . . sl1' lHI 'l,rt '" ll'1
ID "j-l'titliii ami Muiltluiie moiiii
ioll,ir ' ' J"' '"' """ " "'
I'M"-Mini. liiui! mll.11 j iki notv lj oi)
iiU Mint, (ullittlt 111 in iiim Jd W)
10j-e,ub) eolljitiu r.imnow i.uo
j'Hs-llluK Vl.irltn "cini floflimv I "i
lJi.--M.iiL Murlui Hut 7lMiow '!
1UII-I leititt 'mlMil l.'iiliitm I'M
1W5- lliculi "-til '"If J'Vlliim I VI
Jll' NibU lot .-out 15.0.I now !')")
115t -.llltv l'0 s.lllf s, VI HUH a.OI
ntJ-iiiuo Imi J'f ni)ium i'V
'mi- Mm ln bt.ut Uiiliiim sin
Jiwi-llul suit "iriniw id)
Cm. MlnU sui, Iuhb Hln fiimnw .'iiii
fiul'j Mint. ViU WlWiitm I'))
HTJ-1 Iniuiiiwii HtJr llui, I mN
lui,,. !"i (m now .'1 no
1J, -Mill. Hi ji II" 1, t Jil- Ion,. SO mi 11 jw li "I
v:i-Hr.H llui On. !' mIIuii. IViJJinm IO11)
m) miial llpnutiiiu Hoi, I )tU
lunp , ili)nmv t mi
7'ii)-l,iii l'.i II 'J, .1 tU Jtiu . liiliOui'W 7UI
"1,-lllut' LtiiV Hi i, I il l"ii,'. loi iiim iW
1 HI n UrlullLiI llll. Vljllllfjtllllf,!, II IW 1 UU
wui! nuiiltil VLiult .'I w, mil llinl tt'.'itlicr
imlll Mil K', l'l"). Hniltion is alltklil lnth
.Itlliti-. i-, ilii' lllitllinl'- jtit nij.
Auction Sale of JJiames, Pictuies
Etc., at the Cut Rate Ait SUoji'fiOO
Lackawanna Avenue,
Pui loin luH oiil, connuv)"-!)"?
llloO 11 m A nine ijduj .Ituiuaiy i'J
r.veiMhlnn imisi B'J III wu iHH iilillned
lo i.ii'uio the stoio SituiiUiy eiuiliif,
P biuaij 1. Hlles Horn 10 JO to il l. m.
Hnnley's "Boston" Biowu Bioad.
.V dellHhlful bii.ul ehunuo. At" l.'C
Hpiilee Htiec I. "
Stole Will He Closed.
Huuiilow iV .MIIIui'h mioio will be
ilos-ed till day Pilday, and Satuiduy
till :' o'clock p. m, 011 account of tho
death of .Mis. V, Y. Biundow.
Spring Style
Now Ready
( ')