WJ&W f" "Jsnf -v,wi'rfr -r ')? V v -vni-lf J -.p? ji-jp-S, Rta) V " " '"1 a. wr J 5 I & THE SCUANTON TtUBUNE-WJUDNESDAr, JANUARY 29, 1902. .iVi4Mr r -s n -rft l&t $$&V$??W $&& ? -J 1 V 6c Sewmfon 3JrtBuwe PuMMieJ Dally, Ewtpl Fund.-, y "IJifjj" atic Publishing Coropanj, at 1'IIty Unli it Jlonllt. MVV S. mCHAIU), I'dilor. O. -'. DYMlKi:, BuslneM Jlamgcr. Solo Agent for I'orclijn AilvertMng. SntcroJ at the I'O'todki nt cttilon, V as Second CUm Mall Mutter. When spaco will permit, The Tribune- Is nlwnys glad to punt short lotters from Its frlondo beat ing on curient topics, but its mlo is Hint theso must bo signed, lor pub ileation, by tho wi iter's recti name; uul the condition precedent to ito soptnnco is tlint all contiibutions shall bo subject to editorial lcvislott. Tim 1 ''ATJIATB1 OtljVin WTIISO. , jTic"f5lloInK tal)Ie-TTos tfio mlTo per Iniii racli liunllon, fnicc to lia ii'cel within one eit. Pull Petition .CD .21 V) Mi .IS Tor cirdu of tlunlw. resolutions of tonilol Mice-, and (.Imllir cnntrllmtloiw In tho nitnro of ml icrllslns The 'Irlbunc makes a charge of o cent? line. Hiitc- for CIissKIliI Adicitlitnr fmntalicit fn nppllr itloit. ' SCUANTON, JANUARY M, 1902. REPUBLICAN CITY TICKET. rontroller-i:V VN 1! MOltU 1 lection IVbritiiv l" The founnl amiouiiu'inent that Lonu (!. Day is no Ioiirci "acting," but now mid herenftor rull-lledgeil superintend ent of police, lollont lutuinlly tho good woik done by him In his piobuttotmiy t st. It was Known that he was honest, Earnest and trustw oithv, but It vjs not .ct demonatiatcd that ho had that ex ecutive command oor men and details lequlsite in a successful police chief. J'sporlencc showed tliat tills, too, was In his favor. Consequently tho place is lili We tall thl mill civil bervice ic foim. Tlieio ought to fop mme of it in public ofllce . If Not, Why Not? (rrHU RESOLUTIONS of the I west sine Doaiu or tiaue in fiuoi of the puichuso by the city of the plant ot the Scianton Gas and 'Water company lep le&ent a conclusion as to policy leached b easily a nvijotlty of those who luuc gheii caicful study to the subject. Difficulties aio in the way, and there is some leason to miestlon the expedl ency of municipal owiuislilp een ot water plant in n city conditioned like Scr.inton. But on the other hand is the gi owing unrest aiising fiom the aibitrnry meth ods of tho existing company, and the lacl: of public security against addi tional advances In lates whenever tho company takes the notion to give them another lift. If there weie no economic advantages in behalf of city ownership, if the cost to the citizen should become een higher under city ownership than at picsent, theie would be one advant age in the piopoted plan that would iccoinmend it to many. The citizens would hae some voice in the contiol of this ital public necessity. They would not test under the eonbciousnes-s of utter powcilcsMiess in one of the most importaul of their concerns. It has jet to be shown, howeei, that citj owneiship would be lollowed by an increase in lates. Just what pi ofit the lucent company is making, if any, has not appealed and piobably will not until it la In ought out in legal proceed ings But it Is reasonable to suppose that it Is in business for bomethlng inoi a substantial than tho gloiy in ohed; ni.d that It alms to make much moi e m ofit in the lutuie than it has made in the past. It can oulv make this by collecting it lioin its pations. Why should they not buy the plant and inn it as n cubllo institution, tinning the profit, if any, into the geneial city lund? This piotlt would be lib welcome to the taspajers of the city of Scian ton as to tho pockets of the stockhold us of Hie Scianton Oas and Water companj. If not, why not? Although they bt ought $3,000,000, It Is alleged (hat our unwilling citizens of the Danish West Indies feel like HO cent 3 oer the tiansactlon. "The Next Great Issue." SHAPING of the Issues to conio befoto the countiy in the tall election of o. new congiess, as well as In the ptesldontlal campaign two yeais hence, is lepotled to be in rapid pi ogress at Washington. One of the most cat etui of the ousei ers ot political cm tents at Washing ton, Wnlter Wellmnn, in u letter to the Chicago Record-Herald, sajs "What is' to be the futiue of the Philippine Islands',' lb the United States to hold them Indefinitely, or is It to glvo them n promise of ultimate Independence? Tlioro Is no disguising the fact that this Is now tho burning question lu American politics. As fur as now can be toreseen, It Is to bo an Issue between the two gieat parties. As the pioblem Is viewed from the Washington standpoint, which is to say the political standpoint, two principal features at onco appear: "1 Tho Democrats ato piepailng to go to the peop)e on tho cleun-cut issue; The people of the Philippines ate of light entitled to Independence; It need not bo fclven them now, but they should hayo the promise of It as soon as they are prepared for It; such u pioniUe would stop tho Jnsuwectlon and bring Immediate and permanent peace; with out such a piomiso the conflict will con tinue Interminably and will lead to independence In tho end. "S. The Republicans are not piepated to make a posltlvo declaiatlon of fu ture policy, They are not willing to declare that it Is the natlonul policy to hold the Philippines forever, nor are they willing to pledge Independence, They maintain that we must go on ab we ate now going, quelling the Insur rection, betting up civil government, but making no promtbcs of any soit and leaving all problems to bo settled as they urlse." In bitch a drawing of lines it Is evi dent that the Demociats will hae the Ittin of SlJInif on PlSPfAY. Paper Heading I cm llun (X) Inches .'i" ,1'i BOO Inches 50 .i" ono in .175 II POD " IV, ,17 S0C0 " 13 .105 I initial advantage, llavjng no respon slblllty they nro fieo to make declaia tlons which would seriously cmbanass the tuliiilnUU atlon In power. That, however, it not a fact peculiar to iho Philippine issue; it applies to all ques tions nml ropieconts tlie eontlnual dif ference between un adinlnlslmtlva party and the ptuty of opposition. In mooting it the Republicans will simply bo repeating history; and In the cud we hne no doubt that llicy will meet It finnkly. The Republican parly stands behind Piesldent Roosevelt, who, in ills le'cent message, said: "Our nltn is high. Wo do not deslie to do for the islniuleis meiely what 1ms alsowheie been done for tioplc peoples by oven tho bostfor elgn governments. We hope to do for them what has never bofoio been done for any people of the tropics to make them fit for self-government after the fashion of the really freo nations. Tlie chaiacter of (Joveinor Tnft and of his associates and ouboidlnates Is proof, If such bo needed, ot the sin cerity of our effort to glvo tho lslandeis a constantly increasing moasute of sclf-go eminent, exactly as fast as they show themselves fit to exercise It. ' Wo are extiemely nn.lous that the natives shall show the power of governing themselves. We nio anxious, Hi st for their sakes, and, next, because It i (Oleics us of n gieat burden. Theie need not be the slightest fear of our not continuing to ghe them all the lib el ty for which they aie fit." This leaves for determination only the question: How tit aie the Filipinos for Hbei t? oi, lather, how much lib el tj aie they now lit for7 Upon this issue the public is quite as likely to ac cept the lcws of men like Judge Tuft, who have placed by this government In charge of Philippine uffalt, ns it Is to be led into indoisement of Demo cratic rhetoric. Judge Taft says: "The only answer I have to make to the ideas of individual observers who declaio that the tiue condition in the Philippines is being concealed, or that we aie hugging delusions of peace that can never be brought about, Is that the government Is concealing nothing and that Its conclusions are not based on wild theoilcs, but substantial facts. As a matter of fact the embeis of dis trust aie being kept alive by sensation alists who sei?e on eeiy petty point arid seek to twist it into some hofilble bai bat it v of our government in tho islands. Take, foi instance, the tall: about concontt atlon camps As a mat ter ot fact theie has never been any thought of establishing concontt atlon camps in the ordinal y acceptation of the teim. All that lias been proposed lb an insuigent cordon, the establish ment of a dead line into which will giadually be drawn all the lemnants of insuirection that exist. The noncom batants on the islands have never, even ut the haidest peiiod of the war, leceived anything but the utmost kind ness and consideration at our hands, and it is baldly probable that this policy v.lll be roveised now that the opposition is fast di awing to a close." The governor believes that tho on.y existing opposition to the authoilty of the United States is being fomented by the men who foim the Hongkong junta, most of whom were fotmeily lestdents of tlie llch coffee glowing piovinco of Ba'tangns. "It lb in this province," he sas, "that we aie now meeting with ouv orrly difficulty, and the da I ar rived at San FiancUco I teceived a telegram lrom the war depaitment an nouncing that beveial hundred rifles lrad been surrendered from tonus in tills depaitment. My statements con cerning tho close ot the lebelllon aie not 'optimistic' in the .sense that tliey are overdrawn. They aie based on nothing but plain lacts. Tlie natives are rapidly developing an aficction for our Institutions, and a lai ge number of foimer insui gents have become valu able membeis of the community, fully worthy of any trust that may bo le posed in them. The coming elections will develop the leal progress in this direction, and I am cenaln thai the le sult will be giatitylng. I have lound that the rillplno Is much like any oth er man In one lespect lair treatment will have its eftect on him, and we aie seeking to show him that the only qualification ltqulied Horn him In oi dei that he may lecelve tlie most llb eial usage is lojalty and good cltlun-' ship." In a lecerrt speech, made In Boston, Prebident Schuiinan, head of tlie hist Philippine commission, was icported to have said that congiess hhould now de claie the nation's puiposo to give event ual independence to tho Filipinos, Tills has been taken up and made much of by the Demociats, A dispatch from Ithaca, N. Y , now says; I'Kililfnt hchuiuian todaj inidu a hi turnout cplnutor of liU recent flotou speech, '11 niltarn.e of his late speech u.sS that If lb': ChrUtlms of Luzon unci rhu Usiuu wanted hide puidenic nnd showed thrmseliea cipiUlu t Ji sinning It this (.ountrj would cuntmlb five it to them. Preildint bchuiinin snld wdij tint ho Ullutd the polli) he adwcuid would more limit any thlnj tlo promote tho wclluo cf tho 1411 pltios, 1'ivtlduit lioun.Nolt, he Mid, declined In UU luckiage to congitvi tint Amcik.l wji lo do for tho 1 UfpliHM far molu than an, other mtion hul cu'i doiui for a tropical people, and Hut this louutrt was lu tit tlitin foi tlf goieinmuit nftei tho fithlon of really fits races lie atd ho atood with President Hoosciclt in liU policy and was aijilnst tho policy ndtocatcd h.c lieu, cnl Wheuton, which would mean colonial Mr. iludo lll.c that of Java and India; und that it was Jut us pioper lot one to idvoeilo T policy of cuntual independence! at the pieacnt lliiu ui it would bo to urm tho adoption of lie in-rn I Nhcaton'a plan, since- thet Anieilcau people lnw not jet pused upon tho iiufition of a final Phil ippine polii. Whether tlie wotds of President Roosevelt, which Piesldent Schurmun endoises, convey a piomise of Inde pendence to bo conferred at some ie mote future time, or not, Is a matter of Interpretation, it is too small a matter to become a great Issue at this time, "There Is," says the Washington Star, "but ono thing certain In tho piemlses, and that Is that If bcuttlo Is to be the lending issue hi 1904 our dim cuRIes u the Philippines will mean while be lnei eased a thousandfold, Evoiy bolomun now unfriendly to us Will send his weapon to the grindstone, and every American soldier killed will be a Filipino contribution to the ram palgn for Filipino independence." We doubt that the country has any more desire today for a nag-lowering policy In the Phlllnines based on the aban donment of that aichlpelago to native unfitness for stable Independence than It had In 1900, when It nut nsldo Mr. lit yah nnd sustained William McKiii toy, ... . A lighted lump on u shelf over a pile of waste paper located In the hnmo room with an Immense lot of nltio gelatine, oil" of the most nowerlul ex plosives known! then u blast under neath the luini) sufllclcnt to jar It off tho shelf and scatter binning oil over the paper, and then the blowing up ot evoiy thing within touch this Booms to have been tho ntoiy of Now York's latest honor. Theie Ih little to be said about It. Such caielossncss Is giossly criminal, of com so, and after It leads to a wholesale destruction ot llfo nnd piopoity eveiyboily denounces It. Rut It exlt.ts eveiy where and at all tlmt, and we pav no nttcntlon to It so long ns It dooj no haim, Yet the stoilng of powerful explosives In laigo quantity In the heait of a grout city ought, ono would think, to be. a fit subject for ef fective legiilatloiC The kind of govern ment which dors not look after such n matter la crrtnlnly deficient In Its de partment of public rafoty. It has Just been decided by a Con necticut couit that the substtince of n lecluio Is tlie propel ty of the lecturer; and that u lcpoitor may not take notes and sell them without tlie lectuicr's consent. Luckily, tho question of con sent will not often pi event tiro enllght crmipnt of mankind, and, incidentally, the advei Using of tho lecturer. Rear Admliul Sampson will iech tho ago of roth ement on Fcbi uary i). That will give tho critics who have dilven him into mpiitfl collapse another op portunity for completing the sacrifice of a biave faithful and successful ofll cer. It is tepoited that Emyeioi William is in doubt as to tho piopiiety of send ing a token of good will to Piesldent Roosevelt. It seems to us that he has aheadv betokened his good will sufll ciently for all necessary purposes. Mr. Br j an has been notified that he w ill have to pay the regular postal rate for pilnted matter on the free list of liis Commoner. This, will give him a fine ttcuse to blue pencil that freo list. Mr. DuBols, of Idaho, evidently be lieves that an tinny officer should al ways keep M3 face to the foe, no mat ter how many ciitics may be tluowing bricks at h'.m fiom the lear. Pi luce Hemy will alfco probably, learn to appreciate the significance of tho l.nnous i email of the governor of Not th Cniolina to the governor of South Carolina. . rive million dollars for the Danish West Indies! And yet some peoplp con tend that none but Ametlcans know how lo engineer a real estate deal. If "Mother" Jones can move that certain postmasters have been tamper ing wiiu UniOe Sam's mails, she can get a. jib doing it light away. 2Co matter as to the opinions legaid lng Santiago, Admit nl Sehley can claim to have been the hero of Chicago. Some of the Men Who Rale the World I iom the Cluea.o Inbune, S1Y1V n sccntj- nun it moit bit in ths uiU ct iulci4, incl in un jcir the woild will hai,e foieotten more thin 1 llf of them. Of halt of them, indeed, u woid is never heard, 'icrencio Siciu, Joe .S.mtca '. luja, linllio Accvil, Thoima Itegalado, Jeimau Kiesco, Ieenldn I'lazi who has eur heaul of them let thei aie ehiets of nations nil of them, ind thiii acti coiiLern the Hej of mil lions of human being I'oi eight jeais and mole Joe Sintos Jelaia hx-j been head of i state which has been mined in import int Intel mtioiul documents, but the fierie liht which belts upon a- throne khnus 1 irdl at all upon tho chair of a piesldent, and the fhat man ot u nitlon, if the bclonss to the lay Kings, nnd not to the Kingj of lojal blood, ln-vy be as lai fiom fime as tlio postmaitci at Timbuctoo. et, in thilr own little world, thej are pow eiful enough, mid tome of them, indeed, wield iron iod. "Ills majeatj" of Urail, wheie the mitv come fiom, is ruler In much moio tlun meie name. I)i, Campevs "dln is luidly lcM autocntie as i president tlnn Dom Pedio was ns an ent-iciui, nnd 1J jens nfler tho sweeping aw iy ot the mouiuhy lliaU ttill give-, one mini powei, within bioiel limits, to nuke wn and tie-clue- iKice. f.eueial Tircshs fclmin Sam uilcs ll-i tl, with only four ministers to help him, an 1 his a salit of neailj J.5,000 i jc ic for look iiU iltei the only country in the woild whcie tho blaik man lulcs the white In Aigcntiua Julio liocn nils ns roinmander in chief of the aim, appoint gcneinU, euites Judges fills all civ II olllees, and presents all bishopries b"nor Itomana, in Pciu, must fmj him his power. vot a 6lnjlo act of his Ins any force imleas backed by a minister, 11, e piesldent of ( uloinbh mutt caw him, too Wlieie he is nobody ipilte Inons, The uf. en nee books lenc i bhnk whero Ids inine should be, nnd hU chili is llllcd bv the second mm in the stitc. 'lwo or ihue cii ago 'lenuel An tonio b inclement') was elictcd, 1 j a sjnton of tlictoril colleges mueli tho sime n.-, In the I lilted Mute-,, to utli- over u.OOO.UO" Colombians He w.H elected foi si jenrs, hut being an old mm, he piobnbl; did not look font aid to a full term llieie is no cecurltj ot tenure In tho pre&idrnc) of a Sjuth Anicriciu republic, nml in Colombii, whiro uolution is tho eubstltuto for cilckit, lhero is a lebelllon onco a weel. ' Otu joung mm mu.t Into thelt eamii," a Colom blm Mill to Sir Jlaitin Coiumv. H was a joimg linn's game, no doubt, which led to the imping olf of the pieiidcnt lut SmUmber, whin, ' bj oidvr of tho political leadeie," Seiior banilrmeuto was locked up in u bov and kid uiped. It was tho ono event which gave the pualdent a tisto of ncwspiper fame, but .t pusi. dent lucked in a bos and cairild off to Luaca (..in hudly he funous lorg, and for three nmiths nobcilj has heatd ot Hcnoi Sincleiiienlo. "J, 11, Maioeniln," the vleo piesldent, iclt,ns in his steid, It ma) not be tmlntnestlng, and will possibly be helpful, to Jot down tho names of tho chief prisldenla of republics, lino mo tho llrst nen in the principal icpublieau couutiles) Aigentina Julio A, JIoco, Itollvia .Jose Manuel I'.iudo. Ilrull Pr. Y, do Campus balUs. I Idle Jermon llicaco, t'oloiiibia J, 31, llaroquin (actln.-). Co.ta lliea-Ilafad Igle.las. I'tuailm (leu. I.conldas i'laza. liiutrmah Manuel liitradi r.ibura. Hajti Gen. 1iielas Simon feim. Jlonduias I'eienclo felcna. Libel U (I. W. Olbson. ile-eieo Porflilo 1)1 1, Mcaragua Jose bantos Zela)4. Peru henor Itomana. Sahudor Tomas Ilcgalado. San Domingo Geu. Jimlnii, Utuguaj Juan I,. Cuotai V enczuela Cj prlano CoJtio, What would happen, one wonders, if the presi dents organized thcuuehos Into a truit to light tho luonarchsV 'Ihey would have a great task before them, liven if I'rckident liooscult and ''resident I.oubt, the miglitieit lay rulers in the woild, canto to its aid, the octodecimo alliance would Had itself overwhelmed by the powers ot the moiuichlea. 'lltero are unci1 en lUn, feven emperors, three sullans nnd ono tween to gimrtl the thrones against a prcslelcnlltl invas ion, nm! if their forcrj failed they could mil tipon n tlmli, n bey, nn nniccr, ft miliaraliti, ii khan nml n Icliedlve to lielp them. Thcj're nil of rojal blood and lojni power, nml may bo re Heel upon to eland tip for the thionci when Uncle Ham, having no more trades to buy up, sets hlnuelf fo ostflbtMi a eotner In klngilotns. OUH, INTERNATIONAL WAY. Tdltor of The Tribune Sir) While our exports of lion and riHI ore increase, those of Uugland arc decreasing, Iho l'liglUU falling off in tlie list Ihieo Jenrs is $1V CW,0(i0, wlille her Imports of tho mme lines, roo fiom si,!, In 1S0S, to SSO.GOO.OOO lu 1001, nearly flltyyior ceht. Inercnse. An Ahterlctn ajnellente ofTcrs lo build the Bag el id nllvvay for the Turkish government, "The United Stales haj by Its excellent ellplo nncy and flrmncs) established the open door pollcj In Clilnn, and China will be, for )cnrs, the most important market for tho products of the United States." Senator lodge. Tho following Interesting evtract shes some liha of tho way we nro overcoming cpanslon difficulties nnd doing our duty by our depen dencies! "lhero nre at present nonio EOO American teichers In tho Philippine Islands, of the neces sary 1,000 desired, nnd inoro tlnn 1,000 schools htvc been opened. Mnnv appointments mean IJiacticil Isolation, .Suitable accommodations for women mo hud to find, Oui chief diffi culty In instructing Is tlie licit of n common language, l'ew- l'Ulplnos understand frpinlsh, ro the work of education much proceed slowly. Tho native Filipino teieher is most viluable to us ns n meiiis of communication with tho pupils. 'Iho school j car is ten months. Work among these people is constantly Inlciestlng und fas. cinatlng. I Unci them cipible lu many respects, anxious to learn I.ngllsh, nml very bright and quick in comprehension of 1 ngllvh sprcch nnd idiom We hive in Superintendent Atkinson nn cnthuslitlo nnd energctle leider. 'Iho, Ameri can tcnchoi opens to hlnuelf a field of useful ness, barely conceived of, before anlvnl " (Charles K. DILss, of San TIllpo Iverl, Illzal Prov ince, 1. I in Da Soto, Mo , Wceklj ltipubllcan ) The London Dally Mall Year Book 6.13s, "Hie United States has for tho lest two veais out stripped us ns a coal producing country, nnd is clearly in the lead In the world's coil produc tion." "Among news items the Bailing from Tacomn of a stcamci with a $700,000 cargo for the Orient is one of tho indications of the trade develop ment between the Pacific coast nnd the cast." Dally 1'nanclal News. An American svndlcalc his now- cither bought or leased, all of London's underground nllvvajs, nnd will electrical') equip them with American made nppamtus, and run them on Ameilcan plans. Tho Xovv York Tribune sa.vs, "Possessing in comparably the better half of the North Ameil can coast of tho Pacific, owning Hawaii nnd the Philippines, and having as it soon will an isth mian canal, and a trans Pacific cable under its control, tills country's commercial expansion on nnd around tho 'ocean of the future' should have ro bounds expressible in terms." Very truly )ours, V iltci .T Billar.1. Fchenectnd), X. Y., Jan. 2S COLDS ABE CONTAGIOUS. Prom Leslie's Weekl). Accoidlng to an Edinburgh doctoi, tho peuon suUerlng fiom a cold, who attends a public or private indoor gathering, perhaps with children and people troubled with delicate diets, thioaU, etc, is an immediate rource of peillous Infec tion, to bo guaidcd against as ledulounly as though It were a cae of diphtheria or scarlet fever. The minute creatures whoso special busi ness it is to disseminate misery in the shape of colds nnd catarrh", rejoice in the title of anaero bic saproph) tes, a name sufficiently dicadful in It self, one might think, to give n delicate poison nenons prostration Our rdmburgh authority sa.vs that whenever ho calls nt house and finds a patient suffering fiom cold, he nlm)s wains the membeis of the household of Its uifcctivencss and ndvi'es the avoiehrce a much as possible of all Immediate pergonal contact. Kissing must be a common source of contagion, he sa)s, and chll ehen and bibles juc often maityu to this injuri ous custom Good ve'litilation is deelued to be the bcit picventive of infection fiom this source. TO A CEETAIN TYPE OF ALDER MAN. I'oi the Tribune. A magistrate, whose income is dciived from those On wl om ho can a fine 01 costs impose, Is apt to get quite all the laws allow, With small icgaiel fiom whom it coine, or how. The coU are piett) suie to find their w i) Upon tho one ho ileeins most like to pa) , Though justice ma) bo stictched 1 point or two He'll take good care to get nil that's his due. Tho law permits some very cuiious thing-, But tho most moustious l, tint which biings A horde of iaciiow, cauion beasts to pre) On nil unforlunito enough to come theli way, .vs wolf would guaid a flock of timid sheep, Or as a fov the poultiy )atd would keep, Or ns .1 cit be a guardian of the cream, So lie upholds ltw's majesty fcupiimc. Di-pule, so trivial the) shuuld bo cut shoit, A10 magnified, enlaiged and sent to couit, And suit and couiitei suit go on his docket, In order tint tho costs may lcich his pocket. The iuorint foieigner is an env pie), And for his ignoianco is mado to piv. Tho least transgression of a strange 1 mil's laws, And lie falls into legal robbers' clavvr, And co-Is, more costs, and coots nre piled on so He's well nigh skinned before they let him go, The fillen woman is a favorite game, To wrest fiom her the piocceds of lur shame K liangci on putus some seilons charge, 'lo settle which, she'll willinglv disgoite; Stripped of her money she's it once set lice Justice has 1 re uhed to sin a homily, rwo quairellng neighbors me a somee of jny lhat nil his legal talent cloth rmplu) ; And suits und counter suits spring up like weeds, And bill of costs to bill of costs succeeds Anothci joy Is bickering man and wife He fairl) levels in domestic stilfe. He piles on cost9, well knowing the) 'II upent And pa) most nn) thing when they leknt. Tho petty rogue, who's caught in ills pursuit, vhose victim does not caio to pioiecute, Is nude to piy a price foi his ulcise, And is wrung dry before piocecdings eei-e And an) person caught in little scrapo Is made to piy 1 lound piiee to escape lie's slmpl) in the business for the boodle. And nn) one who doubts it is a iioodk'. Oh, Justice! well nny .vou rto pictured blind, Sometimes wo doubt tho soundness of jour mind; Tho things that are done dally in )oui name, To nnrble cheeks should bring a blu.li of sfnme. When human vamplie is nnthoiitcd by law To fill, out of tho public, his capacious niaiv; To levy tribute on tho igimuiil cU-d, To fostel tho woist pas-Ion-, of tho mas, To rob the wanton of her ill got gains, To sluie the pluudei of tho sharpei'o brains, When right becomes a question uf his fee It's time wo Ind a Justice tint could see. -W, 1' P, Scianton, Jan. 23 Always Busy A shoe that fits the eye should fit the "foot or you don't waut it. There is style effect of smartness in our shoes which appeals to good dressers but more impor tant every pair of our gen tlemen's $5 shoes are at this time $4, which is important to the economist, i Lewis&Reslly 1 14-1 16 Wyoming Ave, FNLEY'S n EliK ond li ta Flies The New Spring White Wash Fab rics and Embroider ies are here in pro fusion, they have just been opened, and are ready for your inspection. When -you have seen them you will certainly pronounce them the prettiest collection you have ever seen. It is unnecessary for us to go into a detail description of these lines, suf ficent to say, they are up to our usual high standard of excellences-containing all that is new and desirable. 510-512 Lackawanna Ave. New and Complete Assortment Being the LARGEST EURNITURE DEALERS IN SCRANTON We carry the gteatest nssoitment of up-to-date Ofllco Eurnituie. You aie invited to examine our new line befoto purchasing. 121 Washington Avenue. izsm Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. Gunster&Forsyfh 253-327 renn Avemio. Allis-Chalmers Co Successois to llachlno Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Bcrauton and WJlkcs-Barro, Pa. Stationary, Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. r 1 Office Oesks end I Offies Fornifure ill&Ooiiiie nrM-H--MMMr--MrisiWMBMi SCRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES. -" 1 THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY OHARAOTBR PRDMPrUr AM 3 SATISFACTORILY. 1 i...i...,i 11 BUILOINQ CONTRACTOR, Storm Mth and doom, store fronts, office and store furniture, in hud or (soft wuod, nnd job- Hanlevs FOR SALE -5 tlttCOirS and WAGONS of all kinds: nisi ""5 ALT F? F&V Houses and Building T,ot at bargains HOnsUS " rr A lf I 0 CMI'l'UU and allOOMCI) nt M. T. KELLER zo spruce ST. rackawamn Carriage- Works. faucccsaor to "7 "J7r HUNTINGTON U. B. WOOLSEY X LsO w make laveclalty ot One bread stuffs. CONTRACTORS Orders tor Salads, Oysters, Croquettes, tc., promptly filled. AND BUILDERS. tU" "n ol Lc Cr"m ,nd Uct- 0 Dealers In Plate Glass and Lumber OPALUKtNDS. pETER ST,pp EOURITY BUILOina t SMIVas UVIOV General Contractor, Builder and Dealer in Home office. SOS 209 Meara Building, transacts a Build ng Stone. Cementing of cellars a pe- general lulldlng and loan business throughout """V- Telephone 2S02. iho Mote of Pennsylvania. Office, S27 Washington avenue. F ...II, I I E. JOSEPH KUHTTEL. THE SCIJANTON VimiPICO BRICK rear 611 Lackawanna avenue, manufacturer ot AND TILE MANUFAOTURINa COMPANY Wlro Screens ot all kinds; fully prcpaicd for Makers of 1'avlng Bilok, etc. tt. II. Dale, tho spring season. We mako all kinds ot porch Ocicral Sates Agent, (Hike 320 Washington av. rcrccm. etc Works at tvay Aug. Pa , II. t W. V. It II tLwms,iri'mrszmvwsKsaiKiEixmTiW!3igrmm Ut D Days Remain In which to take advantage of our Great Removal Sale. We have decided to make sale the best, by ottering special bar gains in all departments. li Wall Papers A large line of Gilt and j nc Embossed Papeis at less than D - is usually chaiged for white Paper blanks, Beautiful stripe, 5c. floral, tapestry and fabric effects. 3 Curtain Specials $6.00 Irish Point Curtains.$5,oo 5.50 Tapestry Curtains, 4.5o Bobbinet Ruffle, per pair, 1.50 These are but a few offered by this sale. WILLIAMS & M'ANULTY 126 Washington Avenue. $5gr--In Our New Store in a Few Days. N --gyr-a----i. H V. v. P. V. . -J ft " ft ft ft ft ft ft ft A Bargain tost for Shoe Buyers We are in the midst of old-time Sacrifice Sales of Winter Footwear. The shoes we shall oiler during this sale are not old or shopworn; among them will be the well known makes of Johnson & Murphy and The Stetson. Don't let this opportunity slip away, Here are some of the values : Lot 1 J. & M. and the Stetson. Men's Patent Leather, Patent Ideal Kid, Enamel and Box Calf, (Tjj mA &A CA regular 85 and $6 values, all suss, for. P-t a Mill P. OU Lot 2 Men's Enameled and Box Calf, winter weight.regular $5.00, $3.50 (ft--) Crt n4 (Cq; and $4.00 value, for .OU dHU -PO Lot 3 Ladies' Box Calf, lace, winter weight, -regular $2. 5.0 and $300 values for p !? Lot 4 Misses and Children's Lace and Button, sn regular 75c and 1. 00 value, for DJC It will be cheaper to buy now than it will be to wait LEVBJDIDT.UIIESil 14 1A 'A H 'A "A ' 'A Ul U " " A il ', 'A l U B5XS2X5?tiaXS55 Every garment in our store is sold regardess of cost. Come and took when gou want one. V- 24 JLackawamm Ave Take Elevator, iBg&zgggrgimmtwaaBaaBa O the last days of this' 1 75c 25c Carpet Offers I lot of All Wool Smvrna Rugs, 30x63, plain centers, fancy borders, were $4,00 2.75 75c Ingrains 60c $1.00 Brussels... 75c examples of Real Bargains ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ,v ft ie s x ,? . ,t 330 Lnokawannii j Avenue. Hfc "5 ' i 'A 'A H 'A U "A CA 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 4j J e's M,ti