The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 28, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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    'Hr Ji IV
in J-.
Made of Pure Grape Cream of Tartar.
lal eguar ds the food
against alum
ioym. ttMM rostn co.,
Extensive Addition to the "Works Is
Ncaring Completion Federal la
bor Union No. 8,875 was Reorgan
ized Sunday Afternoon Lacka
wanna Iron and Steel Company
Places Orders for Steel Hopper
Cars C. D. Simpson President of
New Mexico Kailroad Company.
The annual meeting of the Finch
Manufacturing company was held at
30 o'clock yesterday morning at the
company's office, corner of North
Klghth and West Linden street, when
the old board of directors were re
elected. The members of the board are I. A.
Finch, L. W. Moras, J. S. Morss. W. I.
Finch and W. M. Gardner. The board
elected the following officers: Presi
dent and treasurer, 1. A. Finch; vice
president, L,. AV. Morss; secretary, V.
M. Gardner.
The extensive addition which the
company is having built to its found
ry is rapidly nearing completion and
will be ready for occupancy In a few
Shipments of Anthracite Coal.
During the month of December the
shipments of anthracite coal amount
ed to more than 3,620,400 tons, making
the total for the year, in round num
bers,, 53,658,000 tons. The output last
month was not as great as was believ
ed it would be, and the reason for the
fulling off was the scarcity of cars, the
holidays and the Inability to work
some of the mines, owing to the heavy
The following table shows the num
ber of tons of coal carried by each one
of the companies, and the excess of de
ficit, according to the percentage al
lowed: Company. I. Cent. Cmiril. Kcccs3.
I'lilla. & Heading .... 7U,S0S 00,700 j2,10S
Lehigh Valley (507,070 f&l.lJO 4,J,030
Jersey Central 123,941 SG'.SOO 0l,l!3
Hoi., Lack. & Wat... 4S3.731 CS3,STS !)fl,S17
Del. fr Hudson 317.W1 370,01:: SS.irt-J
FcumjlvanU ltailioad. 413,074 U02,W ;0,-llJ
Frie 403,827 41S.040 12,2:2
N. Y O. fc W. 112,327 201,05.1 02.S00
Bel., S. k S 120,821 TO.SCl 40,W0
Total S.Gil.tiS ,G3,IJ3
The shipments of anthracite coal
during the year 1901 were more than
S.500,000 tons greater than they were
in the previous year. The following
table gives the shipments of coal by
months to market for the past three
1819. I'iOO, 1(101.
January 5,701,768 4,1S2,41 6,18.'i,39-
February 2,810,450 ;i,HB,150 4,093,01:8
March 3,410,711 3,132,890 4,004,330
April 3,078,0sS ,1,304,4S2 ::,bS5,0M
i"y s,r57,(io.: a.s.n.o'iT 4,074,707
June 4,073,304 4,fi70,fs) 4,733,718
July 4,1S,230 S.SOO) S.U&S.SII
Ausust 4,310,011 4,931,100 4,710,317
September 4,5O2,SS0 2,072,913 4,379,137
October 4,S09,30.! SJ4.7SO 4,93S,'lD2
November ... .... 4,083,839 4,991,790 4,097,441
December 4,502,822 ,073,160 3,021,423
Total 17,003,203 43.107.1S4 M.iWicOl
A local Purchaser.
The new steel hopper coal cms, de
signed by Cornelius Vanderbllt, aio
meeting with considerable favor in the
trade and will undoubtedly piovo a
source of considerable revenue for the
inventor. Orders, we understand, have
recently been placed for them at an ag
gregate cost of $1,200,000.
Tho West Virginia Central and Pitts
burg railroad has ordered GOO cars
costing $600,000, while tho Lackawan
na Iron and Steel company has placed
nn equally largo order. These cars have
novel nnd Interesting features which
makes them particularly applicable to
tho coal trade, Each car weighs about
116,000 pounds, and has a coal capacity
of 111,000 pounds. The car has prac
tically no underfrnme. There are no
side sills, center sills Instead providing
for the weight of the car body nnd load.
Federal Labor Union,
At a meeting of Federal Labor Tnlon,
No, 8,873, held In q. A. R. hall Sunday
afternoon, the union was reoignnlzed
and the following officers vera elected:
President, John F. Shauglmessyj
financial secretary, J, L. Martin; re
cording secretary, Anthony Fell; treas
urer, John Gardner.
The meeting was addressed by Hugh
FrayiiP, organizer of the American Fed
eration of Labor, Another meeting
will be held iiext Sunday afternoon at
8 o'clock In Q. A. . hall.
D,, L, & V, Board for Today,
Following is the makeup of the
Dp law are, Lackawanna and Western
board for today:
,;tu i:Jkt-8 ,,, ,., j. y. Uurkhart; U p. m.,
Kxirus Kasl-l.KO a. pi., Hoboken, W. J. Mo.
!rr; 4 a. m., T. Fitipalrlckj S a. m., V h.
llojersj 0 a. m., llc.bol.eii, J. j. Larkin; Si'm
IloboWn, . II. Ullllganj jo a. m,, A. a. mm!
milt', It a, lit., (leorge Thomas; 2 p. m.. Ho
boken, Urady; B p. m., Iioboleo, P. Jhffgerty;
I p. m., 31. J. llcnncgan. '
.Summit, Etc. 9 a. in., J. Carrlig: 9 a. m.,
Freunfelkirj II a, m., Nichols; 2 p. ia., Thump.
ico wiuiam it., u ohk
ron; (1 p. in., t McDonnell, J. Hennegan's
irrw; 8 p. in,, M, (loldcn.
Pmlicrs 0 n. in., Widner; 7 a. m., 1". l'lnncrly;
S a. in., Xnuinan; 11.45 a. m., Moron; (' p. in.,
O. llartliolomow; 7.30 p. m., Murphy; 9 p. m.,
w. II, Dartholomew; 10 p. in., Lamping.
Ftraa West 0.30 a. in., work train. K. Wall;
10 a. in., 11. Castner; 2 p. m., 51. Oannody; 4
p. m., J. J. O'llara; 11 p. m., O. Randolph.
1'ais.engcr Unplnes 7 a tn iafTney; 7 a. m.,
J. J. .Murray; 10 a. in., Secor; 6,43 p. m., Stan
ton; 3.30 p. in., McOocni.
L. I). Lattlmcr will nm 0 p. in. extra cast,
W. A. llirtholoniew'a crew, Jan. Q
F. T. bteiens and f!. W. Hurt ami crews will
BO to Iloliokcn No. 12, Jan. 28, to learn 31. and
V.. dhlslon.
31. L'annody and 1'. Cavanangli and crewt will
attend 10 a. m. clasj car. Jan. 28.
3f. Deraney and O. W. Filr-geralcl and crews
will attend 2 p. m. cla, Jan. 2S.
C. Klngslcy and A. F. Ketclmm and crews will
attend 7.30 p. ill. claw, Jan. 28.
C. K. 3IcCarthy reports lor W. 3lcAHIster.
This and Tliat.
At South Canaan, Wayne counlj', a
fi'e-foot vein of coal has been struck,
it is said, and a stock company will be
formed to work it.
J. B. Talbott was yesterday appoint
ed general yardmaster of the Lacka
wanna Railroad at Kingston, vice J.
H. Smith, promoted to assistant train
master. It is expected the Pittsburg and
Western will lose its name and be
made a division of the Baltimore and
Ohio when the directors of the latter
road meet January 22.
A new organization recently perfect
ed is tho New Mexico Railroad and
Coal company. Most of the officers of
the company are Scrantonians. C. D.
Simpson, is president; H. P. Simpson,
treasurer; B. S. Harmon, secretary.
The reports of the eight mine in
spectors of the anthracite coal regions
show that only about one-fifth of the
miners and laborers are American born.
In the sixth district the number of
Americans is 4,292; Poles, 6,289; Hun
garians, 1,742; English, 900; Welsh, D72;
Irish, 2,310; Italians, 617; Austrians,
2S9. Other nationalities bring the to
tal to 20.40S men.
In the suit of the Probst heirs against
the Lehigh Valley Coal company, in
volving $50,000,000, Judge Savage last
week took the case out of the jury's
hands, contending that the plaintiffs
had no case. The case grew out of a
sheriff's sale of 122 acres of coal land
at Mt. Carmel in 1S40, title to which
was acquired by the defendant. This
was part of a large estate, the most
valuable of which were large tracts of
coal land left by Mr. Probst, one of
the wealthiest men of his day, who died
in 183S.
(Under this heading ihort letters of Interest
n ill be published when aecompmlcd, (or publica
tion, by the writer's name. The Tribune does not
usume responsibility (or opinions hire eipremcd.J
Not Consistent.
Editor of The Tribune.
bir: People become suddenly alarmed and tal:c
cery iwsslble precaution to pre cut the spiead
of contagious or infectious disease in a com
munity when menaced by the tame. I f-liall not
say one word against tliii I do sy, liowour,
that we arc not ionlstent. In this respect, both
the people and the nep.ipei5 aie equally at
fault. Kery community in menaced by an eiil
that pioduccd gieatcr sufteiing and ia moie to be
dreadeJ than the sinall-pov, yellow fetcr or lep-ro-ij.
The dramshop business destroja more an
nually, j ear in and jear out, decudo after do
cade, than famine, pestilence and war combiaad.
Yet jioople aie sapient and look on the dium
shop as "necessary," Why necessary? Is any
busmen neceary that ha nothing good In it
and is evil and only tontlnuously fioiu one end
to the other, Hut we hear some one exclaim,
wo cannot nuke people moral by law and we
hare i.o right to enact or nfoue sumptuary
laws. They tay that we must not attempt to
"regulate" or "prescribe" what people fhall Kit,
or drink or wear. That is not anv argument in
(aor of the duni'diop business1. Wo do luo an
inalleablc right to piotett the home. Wo aie
lequlicd to protect tlioje aiound w,
1 h.ito said tlut the dramshop business de
stroys more than famine, war and pestilence com
bined, Do you look tncitdulously at muV 'ion
hac not made any imestigatlon or study of the
subject If ,ou do, It Is a well Micmii fait, es
tablished beyond thu potdhllity of dispute by
any one thut In tills gieat rountry of ours, ron
before the atquUltlon of the "new .ess.:is"
that e'.fiy time the hands' on the dial marks I've
minutes, a soul passes to etcinlty as the icniill
of the nefarious diamshop business. Is I hue anv.
thlmr else tlut would be tolerated whiih has
ft m 1 1 a black riToulf This U not all. It Is the
fruitful i.ouicc of ciimr, misery and sudeiliiRa of
cu-iy iuiJKlualilo character. 3Iore than nine
tenths of tho criminals that appear beforo our
courts of justice uic hiouctht there either directly
or Indheetl.v because of the dramshop. Ilecently
and solely because of increase of (rime, by tea
ton of llie iluuiishop business, the criminal court
Msious of this county have been increased fioiu
two weeks at a i-lltlns to tlueq weeks. Mliat
other oil would any community tolerate, law or
no law, with such a blaik record? Aie ou be
Biimlni; to cay 'ciauh"? Very well, let mo re
mind J on that that appellation cirri rn not one
feather's weight In aririinuiit, and It is very
much like the tchool boj'.s maklmr up a fice
to show his tupeiiority to his fellow nchoclnutc
and iltsiixaiil of what he Is pajliisr,
The (ham-hop nunaccj ho home; it men
aces wclet j it liienaiea liuiircM honctt busl.
nc3i It menaces the church; It menaces tho na
tion. All lue felt Us potent poner. All haie
sutfereil more or lr fioiu Its destructhe In
lluences, lleiocs, prophets, priests and Una
liaiu fallen by Us potent power, One drauishap
In a community will do more baiiu to the people
than a hundred small-pox cases.
-G. H. Wheeler.
Bouillon, Jan. i".
Marriage Licenses.
Stanislaus NovAoskl ....,,,.,, .....Tujlor
Victoria Noak , , Taylor
Julliu Nothacker,,,,., 10 Ntw York street
Mr Ida J.Cobb ,,,,.,,,10 New York stieet
Peter Brjlito ,,.,,.,,,,,,,,, ,,,1'iiccliuin
Anna Winlowi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,.,,,1'rlicburi;
Thomas O'Malley... 2139 Uockucll street
llri,dit Hasting ,., ,137 Ooak street
Thomas J. lUjdeo ,.,, ,Scriuon
Catherine Gallagher ,...,,...,,., ...Scrmton
y yyt 01 THU signature
to CvdZL-, - Laxative
(Concluded Item P.ipo S,l
ri venue. Jnntinry 1, 1889 she left him
because of his cruelty.
One of the most serious n negations
ngntust him was contained In a teller
sent her from Philadelphia urging her
to come there and earn money for him
by Immoral means.
Suit for Valuable Proporty.
Attorney C. Conicgj's, ropresentlUK
the dime brink, yesterday began a suit
In ejectment to compel J, N. nice to
deliver possession of tho property next
the Dime bank, on Wyoming nvenue,
which the plaintiff alleges he contract
ed to sell.
Tho property In dispute Is valued In
round numbers at $50,000.
Allowance Is Made.
President Judge A. A, Vosburg of tlie
orphans' court, yesterday handed down
tho following opinion In the matter of
the petition for an allowance for Eu
gene S. LaPar, from tho estate of
George S. LaPar:
(leortre S. Ijltar died In (ho city of Scranton,
county of Lackawanna, on the 21th day nf N'o-
ember, tool, lcailnsr to survitc him a wlibw,
.luatilta lillar, and an Infant son, Kuirene Sli.c
maker 1-iISar.
Upon proper petition, the Tllle fluaranty and
Trust company, of i-iranlon, Pa., was duly ap
pointed Riiardlan of this minor, and on Januny
4, 1002, this iruirdhn presented a petition asking
for an older of court authorizing an allowanre
for the 'Vupport and niilntenmcc" of Its ward.
Ilaacd upon thin petition a citation was awarded,
returnable January 11, 1002; and an answer Inl
ine; been tiled by the widow, testimony was taken
for the information of the court, nil parties In
terested, so far as known, being represented at
the heaiinp. The ndministiatnr of the cstati of
George H., deceased, was represented by T.
V, Hoban, who also appeared for the widow,
while La ton 31. Schoch appealed foi the guar
dian. The preliminary question of whether or not
an allowance can leg illy be made must be an
swered In tho nfllrniati.c. See 1 lth. Or. Court
Pr., pasi! 31, and cases cited. L',e:i where there
Is a direction In a will to accumulate Income, the
courts arc authorized to order an adequate al
lowance for the minor from such accumulation,
for maintenance and education, where there ore
no other tallablc moans. Act 2', 3Iarch 13)2,
sec. 13, 1'. L. 102. Klnlke's Estate, 2'i W. N.
(!., 1UJ. The court is also asked to ratify and
approi e the pij incuts already made by the
ginrdian, on behalf of the ward, amounting to
$030.02, and as it appears from the evidence that
these expenditures weic legitimate and proper,
allowance is made as prajed for, with the Eanio
force and effect as if made before said sum was
paid. Seibert's Ap., 19 Pa., 140.
A recpiest was also made for the allowance of
a fee for the '.en ices of counsel in lonncttion
with this application and other necessary mat
ters. It appears that considerable time lias been
spent by Mr. Schoch and other attorneys who
lmc assisted liim, in the examination of the
records relating; to this estatit, so that the guar
dian, as well as the court, could 1 fully in
formed as to the mtuie and extent of the prop
erty of this minor, and the income which the
guardian will be called upon to collect. That
this work was laborious, and that it has been
thoroughly and satisfactorily done, is shown by
the large number of copies which bae been
procured by counsel and offered in evidence, nf
the arioua records, deed, lcae.s, and other
matters relating to the estate. I'nder these cir
cumstances, it seems proiier to make an allow
ance for Lajton 3L Schoch, T. 1'. Hob in and
other counsel who may hac agisted in this
work, of $300, and such an allowance is accoid
ingly made.
It appeals fiom the evidence that the one
thinucrb whosi hands the allowance authorized in
this proceeding must pass, is the mother of the
ward; and it has been held that an allowance
will not be made to a father for the maintenance
of his minor children, unless it appears that he
is unable to support them. Ilarlord'a Accounts,
0 Riwle. 32J.
Dut in the case under consideration, it ap
pears that the mother has no means whatcci;
and it is well settled that when a mother is not
able to maintain her minor ihild, an allowance
will lie made for its past and future suppirt.
Pennoik's i:st., 32 Leg. Int., 169. Strawbiid?e's
Ap., 5 tliartoii, EOS.
'I he net question which naturally arises, is,
what allowance would'be a reasonable and pioper
one, under all the circumstances of this case?
An instructive authority upon this point, is
the case of the Kst.itc of Dora Aslimead Jones, a
minor, reported in 10 I'lilla., Hep., 22S.
It waa thero held that 'Tood, laiment and
shelter arc not all that the court should provide
(or; but that it looks to the establishment nf a
social emlronment in keeping with tho circum
stances and position in life of the family, and
mth as the court has leason to believe, from all
the cWdence within its reach, the father ldmsolf
would hate provided."
The facts in evidence to which this rule should
apply are as follows: The annual income, which
is being paid and will be paid to the guardim,
is about hI-c thousand five hundred dollats; per
haps a little more. The father of the minor, dur
ing his lifetime, occupied a position in life which
called for large expenditures, and It is in evi
dence that ho lit cd up to his income, as stated
aboic, although it does not appear that he was a
man of any bad habits, or tlut he wasted his
money in any way. At the time of his dcith be
was liyng with his wife and child in a well-kept
and icsppctable family hotel In the city of Scran
ton, and W. II. White, the lropiictor of tills
hotel, testlllcd that the mode of life of Mr, I.a
liar icqulred the expendituic of a luge sum of
It appears that the decedent was of ,ery good
family, and that he :n well educated and intel
ligent. Ills widow is also of good social stand
ing, and ob.Iously cultured and letini'd. All
these matters must properly be cousldeicd In
deUimluiiig the amount of the allowance; and I
cannot Oicrlool; the evidence as to the necessity
of providing a homo for the child, where he can
be kept nuit from the surroundings incident to
a hotel life, which arc certainly not conducive
to the proper rearing of a child.
Tlie petition of the guardian, as originally filed,
did not include a specific mqucst for an allow,
anee lor furnishing a house for u home, but all
patties at the hearing agreed that it might be
loiisldeied as a pjit of the application, I do
not piopuse to dlsciwi the evidence in detail, but
have simply lefened to It In u general way,
without quoting fiom the testimony of the dif
ferent witnesses called, Sse Not lis ?. fisher &
Ash, 111.
The case of Dora Jones, a inliioi, (supra),
seems very like thu one under consideration, and
1 feel inclined to adopt the older theic uuda so
far as an annual allowance Is ronccnitd, heailng
in mind the lelathc income of tho two ostites.
In Hi it taso an allowance of 2,000 per annum
was nude, the estate jleldlng $1,000 n jear; one
half of this being appropriated for present needs
and the balance allowed to accumulate.
Vdoptlug this rule, piaetlcallv an allowance ot
$.1,000 ier j ear Is nude, to begin January 4,
IWrj, am) to continue until the Iiuthev older of
this court.
n allowance ofn full one-half of (he income
would bo made, except far the fact that pait of
tho income is deilved from toal rnialtlcs, which,
cd course, Is really a withdrawal fiom the loipua
of the istate.
I lute alluded In tho evidence upon the ques
tion of the necessity nf making an allowance (o
IK up u home In which the minor ran be i cm red;
but the advantage of a homo life for a child arc
too obvious to icqulro ntended dlsciiision. See
bmlth vs. (Summeie, 30 N, J, Kip, 127,
I allow the mm of ?2,5oO at this lime for llie
puiposo of furnishing a home In which this minor
ran be reaied by bU inothei; and should this
allowance prove inadequate for this purpose, an
increase can be asked for u a subsequent time,
A. A, VmbuiB, I', J,
In Orphans' Court,
In the orphans' court j-esterday
Judge A. A. Vosburg heard tho adjud
cation of all accounts of executors,
guardians and others which were con
firmed nisi at the beginning of the
term, for llnal confirmation of s.ame.
Judge A. M, Picas of the orphuns'
court of Lutserne county took up the
hearing lu the audit of the exceptions
ia on eVery box hi Of gennitl
The "Blighting Whit i Wlw&, Mm Saiai-B-h Does
. lis Deadly Wsc
Cooling Off Taking Cold.
It Is lust tho aamoold story of exposuro to
cold. The neglected cold bocomlng chronic
catarrh. Catarrh cxtondlng nlong the dell
cato mucous membrane to tho bronchial tubes
nnd developing chronic bronchitis, canning
roughing and expectoration. Btlll neglected,
further extension, the lungs arn readied,
catnrrlinl consumption Is established. Tho
"White l'lagua" scoros another victory nnd
the crave couceali the record of neglected
catarrh. A well-worn road to n withering
blight and untimely death. Tliousamlsupon
thousands hitvo traveled It, and thousands
upon thousands nioro Kill travel It. Every
year develops a multitude of new victims.
Consumption tho foil destroyer Is most
alarmliiz in Its frequency ami dire In Us
results for It annually summons to ttiolr Ions
rest oror 000,000 victims In tho United States
alone. It Is a dlseaso which spares nolthcr
Bge, norhcx", rank orfortuno. It Is Illto tho
vnmrlro that drinks up the vital stream and
still fans with Its wings the hopes xvhlch per
petually flutter In tho beetle broast. It Is a
terrible and insatiable tyrant, marching down
tho alslos of time, blasting, devastating, des
troying, establishing a gloomy empire, of
misery and death.
Catarrh Is a fororunner of most cases of
filed by Clara Boyer, a minor, to the
account of her guardian, W. J. Shlffer,
which Judge Vosburg could not hear
on account of having been consulted In
the case before his appointment. The
exceptant is represented by C. H.
Woodruff, and C. V. Dawson appears
for the guardian. As all the witnesses
xvero not on hand the audit was ad
journed until Friday of this week.
Lehigh Valley Bailroad.
In Effect, Nov. 3, 1001.
Trains leave bcranton.
for Philadelphia and New York via 1). k 11.
It. 1!., at 6.3S and 9.3S a. 111., and 2.1S, I 27
(Ulack Diamond Express), and 11.89 p. m. Sun
days, I). & II. II. It., 1.5S, S.27 p. m.
Tor White Haven, Hazleton and principal poinls
ill the coal regions, via 1). ,t II. It. It., 6.MS,, 2.18
and 4.27 p. 111. Tor I'ottsvillc, U.SS a. m., 2.18
p. m.
Tor Bethlehem, Kaston, Resiling, Harrisburg,
and piincipal intermediate stations, xia I). & II.
11. R., 0 SS, 0.38 u. m.; 2.1S, 4.27 (Ulack Dia
mond Express), 11.30 p. in. Sundays, D. & 11.
R. Ii., 0.38 a. in.; l.Se, S.27 p. m.
Tor TunUianuock, Tovvanda, Kliniia, Ithaca,
Geneva and principal inteiiuediatc stations, via
D., h. and . R. H.. S.10 a. in. and 3.50 p. m.
Kor Geneva, Rochester, liuftalo, Niagara Talis,
Chicago and all jvoinls west, via D. 4: II. It. 11 ,
7.4b, 12.0.J a. m. ; 1.42, 3.28 (I'.laek Diamond Ex
press), 7.43, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. bundays, D. & II.
11. It., 12.0J, 8.27 p. in.
Pullman pallor and flecpin or I.:hlirh Valley
Parlor cars on all trains betwem Wilkes-flairc
and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspen
sion llrldse.
ROM.IN II. WILBUR, Gen. faupt., 20 C'oitland
street. New Yoilt.
CHARLES b. I,i:E, Gcu. Pass. Agt 20 Cortland
btreel, New York.
A. W. NOXEMACHER, Div. Pass. Agt South
nethlehem, I'a.
Tor tickets and Pullman 1 nervations apply to
city ticket office', 00 Public bipiare, N'ilkcs-ISarrc,
New Jersey Central.
In Effect Nov. 17, 1001.
Stations in New York, foot of I.ibeity street
and f-outli l'euv, X. R.
Trains leave bcrantoii for New York, Philadel
phia, Easton, Betlilehini, Allmtonn, Mauch
Chuiik, White Haven, Ashley and Wilkes-Banc nt
7.30 a. m., 3 p. in. and 4 p. 111, .Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
(Quaker Citv E.xpress leaves Pcranton at 7.a0
a. in., through solid vestibule train with Pullman
Buffet l'ailor Caif, for I'hlladelphia.
Tor Avoca, Pittstou and ilkes-Uaiie, 1 p. in.
and 4 p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. in.
Tor I.0111; Branch, Ocean Glove, etc, 7.30 a.
111. and 1 p. in.
Kor IteadinK, Lebamn and Il.11 risljiuir, via AN
Icntown, at 7.30 a. 111. and 1 p. in. .Sunday, 2.10
p. m.
I'or l'ottsvillf at 7.30 a. in. and 1 p. m,
1'or lateji and tickets apply to uRent at station.
C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt,
W. W. WENTZ, Gen. fnpt.
Selawaro and Hudson. '
In Effect November 21, 1901.
Trains tor Carbondale have sSeianlim at 0.20,
8.00, S.r, 10.13 a. in.; 12.00, 1.20, 2.31, 3.S2,
5.2'), 0.23, 7,.17, 0.13, 11.20 p. 111.; 1.31 .1. 111.
1'or lloui'-lale-0,20, lO.HJa. 111.; 2.31 and 3.29
p. m.
I'or Wilkes B.11 re U.3S, 7.18. S.ll, 9.3, 10 4J
a. 111.; 12.0J, 1.42, 2.1S, S.ii, 4.27, 0.10, 7,15,
10.11, 11.30 p. 111.
I'or I.. V. It. R. Polnts-tX83, 9.38 a. in.; 2.13,
4.27 and 11.30 p. in.
Tor Pcmisilvanta II. It. Points 0.3S, 9.33 a.
in.; 1.42, 3.2S and 4.27 p. ill.
Kor Albany and all jiolnls north 0.20 a, 111.
and 3.32 p. 111,
1'or Caihoiidah. (i.50, U.."U a. in.; 2.34, 3.32,
C.S2 and 10.32 p. in.
1'or Wilkes-Burie 9.38 a. 111.; 12.02, 1.5S, 3.23,
0.32 and fc.42 p. m.
Kor Albany and points north '1.32 p. m.
Tor Honesdale S.50 a. u. and 3.32 p. 111,
W. I,. I'RVOR, II. 1'. A bcranton, Pa.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schedule in Effect Juno 2, 1901,
'trains leave 1-ciaiilnii; ii.33 .1. 111,, week days
throuKh vestihule tiain from Wllkes-Biric. Pull
man buffet parlcii car and com ties to Philadel
phia, via I'uttsville; stops at piimlpal iidiinie
iliate Ktatlons. Al-o connects foi .simbur.v, lljf
ilsburi:, Philadelphia, lldtlinore, Washington uud
tor 1'itubiiig; ami the wot.
0.38 a. in., week clajn, for Sunbiuy, UaiiUhiiri;,
I'hilidi'lpbla, Baltimore, Washiiigtou and Pitts
buirr and the west.
1.42 p. m week iU)S (Sundsvs, 1,38 p. in,),
for Minbuiy, Ilarrlsbuu, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Waihlnn'toii and l'lttsbm? and the west.
3.28 p. in,, week das, throunh vestibule trein
from Wllkcs'llaue. Pullman buffet parlor ear
and eoiclii's to PhlUdelphla via Pottsvllle. Stojui
Hi pruiupai iniinueciuic hinciuiis.
4.27 p. m., vveek dajf, for Hizleton, bunbury,
liairlsbirt;, 1'lilludclphla and I'lttsbuiir.
.1. II, llintilllNSOX. Gen. Mgr.
, J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pairs, Agt.
New York, Ontario nnd Western.
In Effect Tuowliy. Sept. 17, 1W11,
I.eivo Leave Arrlie
Tialus, ii anion, Carbondale, Cadooia.
No, 1 ,..10.30 a. in.- 11.10a. 111, 1,00 p. m,
No. 7 O.lUp. m, Ar L'aibondale 0,10 p. in.
I4VB Uuve Anlve
Tialns Oadosla, Carbondale. Scrantun,
No. 11 00u, m. 7.40a. in.
No. 2 2.15 p. in. 4.01) p. in. 4.40 p. 111,
Leave Leave Arrive
'lialns. Sciautou. Caibondale, CmlcviU,
No, I) 8.30 a. in. 9.10 p. in. 10.43 a, 111,
No. a 7.0) p. 111. Ar. I'arbviidale 7.10 p. 111,
I cave Leave Auive
Trains. Cadosla, CarlMndale. Scrantun,
No, 0 7.00 a. 111, 7.40 a, 111,
No. 10 1. 30 p. 111. 0.00 p. in, U.4 3 p. 111.
'Ira I in N'os. 1 on week days, and 0 on Hundjvs,
make main line oiiiiicellom, for New York eitj,
Middletovvu, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Ojvvcko
and all points vvett,
Kor further information ccnsult ticket agents.
Erie Bailroad, Wyoming: Division.
Traina for New York, Newburah ami Intermo
dlate points leave Scranton u tullvws: 7.20 a,
m.: 2.23 n. m.
Arrivals 1Q.33 a. in. from Mlddlfloun, lionet,
dale, llawley and intermediate points. 0.20 p. ui,
from New York, Nevvburgh and intermediate
point!. No Sunday trains.
Doctor Says It 13 Catarrh.
consumption. Tho prssenco of catarrh Is
orldenco of n predisposition to tns "Wither
ing Whlto riaguc." Do not let It progress,
stop it, euro it. lWoro It has reached tho
lungs )0ii can do this with very llttlo effort
and oxpense. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are
a soverlgn remedy for tho peculiar constitu
tional condition or systemm djrscrasla that
permits of chronlo catarrh. They drlvo
catarrh out of the system acd beal the evi
dences of its ravages so lone as tho destine
tlvo procosses Invo not been allowed to pro
gross to a point boyond possibility of repair.
They will euro catarrh of tho head, nose,, bronchial tubes, and tho numm
ary tract, but If unco lung substance. Is des
troyed and In the cheeks tho hectic spots
hum brightly like signal lamps of death, then
they nro powerless to Bare. Thoro In a point
in tho destructive processes of progressive
catarrh beyond whfoh no medicine can cure,
where no uccticy yet discovered will nrrest
or save.
Bo timely wlso, euro your catarrh while yet
It may be cured. Talto no chancci of sonio
exposuro fnnulnrr tho smouldering 11 ro of
chronlo catarrh Into a dnv.istatincr ronn.irrn-
tlon of consumption. You can buy Ktuart's
Catarrh Tablets at any drug store for w cents
But a
uays k.
In which to take advantage of our
Great Removal Sale. We have
decided to make
sale the best, by offering special bar
gains in all departments.
A large line of Gilt and
I nc Embossed Papers at less than
sq is usually charged for white
Paper blanks, Beautiful stripe,
5c. floral, tapestry and fabric effects.
$6.00 Irish Point Curtains,$5.oo
5.50 Tapestry Curtains, 4. So
Bobbinet Ruffle, per pair, 1.50
These are but a few
offered by this sale.
126 Washington Avenue.
cSSIn Our New Store in a Few Days.
Capital, $200,000
Surplus, $550,000
Pays 395 interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 7.30 to S.30.
Dolawnre, Lackawanna and Western,
In i:iU"tt Nov. 8, 1D0I.
liMins lcae Kruntoii lor New Vol k At J.40,
S.n. 0.03, 7,00 iiikI 10,05 u. in. i l.'.lj, H.W, S.8J
p. 111. 1'or hcvv Voik ami I'lilUclelpliia .7.50,
10.0J j, in., ami 12,(3 jml :s.:'1 ii, in I'vr 'I'olij.
luimi At U.1U li. in. I'cr UiilTalu 1.15, tl.'JJ and
H.Oil u. in ; l.M, U.S0 iiiid U.S.'i p in. 1'or lllui;
lumluii ami vvjj .talloni 10.20 u. in, uml 1.10
p. in. l'oi Ofgo, bjiaciinc umt I'llca 1.10 und
U.21 a. in,; 1.3V p. in. 0,viiici t,vwc'uii) uml
lllica train ut ti.ii a in. iIjIIj, I'Aa'pt l-uiiclj'.
For Moiilroi 11.00 J. vi.i 1.10 and 0.50 p. m.
Nic holion airoininoilalMi 1,00 ami 0.15 p. in.
lllooiiibliuiv llhUioii-Jl'iir Nurtliuiuliciluuil, at
i!..'tf and 10.O". a. in.; l.M ami 0.10 i, m, For
I'lvnuiulli, at B.I0 a. in.; li.10 and 0.lj p. m
Sunday Trains For Xi York, 1,10, J.13. U.05
and 10.0) a. in.; ,'1.10, U.:M p. m. For HcilTalo
1.15 and 0.-- a. in.; l.U, t.cV) and 11. SO p. m.
For Ulnghaiiitoii and way tiloiu.iQ.' .i. m.
IllooiiijJjini; JlMfclou ).oac Canton, 10 0j t.
m. unj 0. 10 l, in.
t.. Mv
Has Dovclopcd Bror.chltl:
a bo;. Try thorn nnd you rrlll ucsomo their
advocate, and friend.
Mr. V. N. Benton, whoso nddroRi Is caro of
Clarlclloiue.Troy.N. Y..says: "When I run
up zgalnst anything that Is good I llko to
tell peoplo of It. I havn been tronblod with
catarrh moro or lest for some tlmo. Last
winter moro than over. Tried sovoral so
called cures, but did not get any boncnt
from them. About six weeks ago I liouRht
a so cent bor of Stuart's Catarrh I ablots and
I am s'ad to say that they have done won
dcra for mo and I do not hesltato to let all
my friends l:nnw that fituart'a Catarrh 'lab
lets aro tho rlcht thing."
Mr. Geo. J. Casanova, of hotel Griffon.
WestSth street. New York City, writes: "I
have commenced mlrin Stuart'R Catarrh Tab
lets and already they have Riven mo better
results than any catarrh euro I bavo over
Mr. A. 11. Fombank of Columbus. Ohio,
says: "I suffered so mniiy winters from
Catarrh that I took It as a matter of course,
and that nothlnc would euro It oxcent a
change of climate, which my business affairs
would not permit mo to take,
My nostrils were aimosi niwnys cioggca
the last days of this
Carpet Offers
1 lot of All Wool Smyrna
Rugs, 30x63, plain centers,
fancy borders, were -
$4,00 &2.J&
75c Ingrains 60c
$1.00 Brussels. . . 75c
examples of Real Bargains
Behind a Mask.
Some grocers will try to sell you
a package made to imitate
:i flf
!i C
claiming it is "just us good
it is
Look at the
box carefully
see that it reads
"None Such"
and has the
picture of the
"None Such"
mince meat girl.
Write us if
your grocer re
fuses to immcdU
atcly supply you.
Merrell'Soule Co.
Syracuse, N. Y.
innwirmniiWMif imwiti
3 Inlerctli J nd should know
u bout (be wonilerful
MARVEL Whirling Spray
The new Uf lull tt;rl.f. tni'c
turn und Auction. Rot- mcf
eai-.viosc c.oiitei.itui
li ,...-.
Atk i.ur d, unlit for It
If It. iMnnoi fimiiily the
MAIll i:i.. ao. enlli,.
other, hut iftntlsljinin for II
lllltlutetl frlva
MluablelQU.liei; Ml i:i.0,,
Doom 660, Time Ud.'., ew YerK.
I h ulllliilll
5v E
v.N.N's.n Wl
.".,- - " . -L-nt. s
f N S
In tho Grasp of Consumption. ,,,
up, nnd I had to breatho through tho mouth
causing an Inflamed, irritated throat. Tho
thought of eating breakfast of ton nauseated
me and tho catarrh gradually getting Into
my stomach tool: away my appetlto and
"My dniKglst advised mo to try a fifty cent
box of Btuait's Catarrh Tablets, because ho
said ho had so many customers who had
been cured of Catarrh by tho uso of thoso
tablets, that lio felt ho could honestly recom
mend them. I tool: his ailvlco nnd used sev
eral boxes with results that surprised and
delighted me.
"I always keep a bos of Stuart's Catarrh
Tablets In the houso and tho whole family
uso thom freely on tho first appcaranco of a
ca;igh or cold In tho head.
"With our children wo thinlc thoro Is noth
ing bo tafo and reliable as Stuart's Catarrh
Tablets to ward o(T rrouu and colds, nnd with
older people I liavo Itnowu of cases vvhero BH
the hearing had been seriously Impaired by IB
Send a postal card to F. A. Stuart Co.,
lUnrshall. Mich, renucstlnir their frosbook od
catarrh. Wrltofor It to-day. )t
By a recent act of the legisla
ture, free tuition is now granted
at the
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburg, Pa.
to all those preparing to teach.
This school maintains courses
of study for teachers, for those
preparing for college, and for
those studying music.
It will pir to write tor particulrs.
No other school offers such superior ad
vanUgcs at such low rates. Addresi
J. P. Welsh, IE, Ph. D., Prla.
T. J. Taster, I'resident. Elmer II. Lawall, iTess.
It. J. Foster, btanlcy I'. Allen,
Vice Frcsidcnt. 8ecretrr.
Cor. Sixteenth bt. and Ir ng l'lace,
American Flan, $3.50 Fcr Day and Upwind.
European Plan, $1.00 For Day and Upnardt.
Special Itates to Families.
-4--- -- -t----t- -t--t-
For Business Men
In the h:art ot tho wholesale
1 For Shopper.!
T. mlnutetV walk to Wanamakers;
S minutes to Sleeel Cooper' Bis
Store. Easy ot access to the great
Dry Good!) Stores.
For Sighlseer.5
One block from B'way Cars. clv
Ins easy transportation to all
points ot interest.
cor. nth st. & umvrcnsiTy pi t"
Only ono tllock from Broadway
ItOOUli, 4JI Up. rice3 Reaionabb
-f-f-- -f -T--f--f---f-i
MniiuracturoM of
485 to 4B5
N, Ninth Street,
Telcphons Call, 2333.
l'ktUdclyblA, l. On I j Ltrmi bpfrUlUl U
inrrl. (uanlfH la nr ! br HkJI Frh&l
)UrMi l.ickiM, Aba, UIoo4 cUu Kfnou
bIIIb). IndrtfloDmtnti A Bhruka Urxani.