The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 28, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    . r "'iv." .r
-H. -. - T'-'
t I
Special Committee Looks Into the
JDnw nnd Finds That tho Plant Cnn
Do Condemned Contrnl City Influ
ences to Be Asked to Collaborate In
a Movomont to Secure More Reason
able Rates West Side Dancers In
tho Klrme3s School Deposits.
A special meeting of the West Hide
board of trade was hold last nlj,'ht In
tho rooms of tho Electric City Wheel
men, on Juckson Htroct. Tho meotlnn
was called to order with President C.
15. Daniels in tho chair, and In the ab
sence of Secretary W. a. Moscr, T. Fel
iowB Jlason tilled that position.
Tlio manufactures committee report
ed that u company, which exuectod to
lmrolmso about one hundred acres of
land in Koyscr Valley and oreot a plant
worth about $HiO.O(W thereon, had de
cided, after a careful InvestlBiitlon of
(xlstliiK conditions In our city, to locale
Tlic report of Hie railway frnuclilHC
conunlttee wax received and the com
mittee continued with full power to act
in conjunction with any other commit
tee which hud tho same end in view.
The committee appointed at the last
meeting to make u report on the mat
ter of increased water rates, submitted
tho following:
To tho West Side Hoard ot Trade.
We. tlio uinli'rlKiii.'il. a oonimiltoo appointed by
tlic West Side hoard ot trade to examine the facU
iiml law relating to tlio proposed increase fn
water rales by Ihn Scranton fijs and Water i.oin.
pany, mill to make report tlieicon, do bertby ic
tpectfully Mibinlt, at follows:
1. That tlieio neillicr baa been recently, nor
it now, any Midi rli-iugc in tlio eondllions .nfTcot
in? tlic supply ot ater by the. afores.iiil water
company 113 would warrant tlio increase in cost to
the eoiiMiinow.
2. Tl1.1t the prices tint lime prevailed pre
vious to the fcsiiil increase wen; excessive, and
opprcs!-ln and lint warranted by the outlay and
expenditure ot Ibc .villi company.
:i. That Hip committee find that the mid in
crease originated in the desire to retaliate upon
(he people because of the proposition to tax the
wld company, by the councils.
As applicable to the Mid condition nnd as .1
lemedy therefor this committee would respectful
ly refer this honorable board to the provision
of the act of the Icgbliiture, approved the Sftlli
day of April. A. 1). 1571, Cl.ui-e 7 of See. "t of
raid act, which provides as follows:
"11 shall bo lawful at any time niter twenty
jears from the introduction of water or ttas, an
the case may be, into any place as aforesaid, for
the town, borough, city or district into which
Diifottr's French Tar
Will promptly relievo and speedily cure
coughs, colds and nil lung trouble. Kor
silo by 0. W. JXNUINS, 101 South Main
First Importation of
Laces and Embroideries
Last year youcxclnimed: "What Dainty Laces and
Embroideries for such reasonable prices!" This is a world
of advancement. To make the beautiful more beautiful
and the selling price more reasonable, is the principal ever
foremost in the manufacturer's mind and in ours.
An Immense Assortment
Of New Embroideries. .
It is impossible to ignore the fact that there are latent
qualities about Embroideries and at the same time hidden
detects not known to the average buyer. But here are the
perfect goods, selected bv our experienced buyers, and
bought in such lavish quantities as to give you some choice
Swiss, Nainsooks and Hamburgs
And Including Blind Embroidery,
All-Overs, Tucking and Insertings
These are mostly from St. Gall, the home of this industry,
and there are some things here that should make you
twice glad. You will show your appreciation of the ex
clusive designs and original ideas represented in this line
? II
Season Your
Admiration for a While"
It is better to have Ipoked than to wish you had.
How many people are struck by the force of this thought
when some friend, who is at least curious enough to look
before buying, shows them something they bought from
us. They see things here "prettier" than they ever saw
before. What the best markets can afford can be seen
1 Globe Warehouse I
the Mid iflty (lull be located, to become the.
owners of Mid wotln, and the property 01 nam
company, by paying tlitrejor the net cost of
erecting and inalntalnlns the nine, and the In
terest thereon, at the late of ten per cent, per
annum, deducting from Mid Interest all dividends
theretofore,' declared, etc., etc, And provided,
further, that tho eourt of common plea ot the
proper county shall havo Jurisdiction and power
upon the petition or bill of any citizen vising the
ens or water ot any ol raid companies to hear,
enquire and determine as to the charges' thereof
for gas or water so furnished, and to deuce that
the said bill shall be dlimlwil, or that the
cliargc shall be decreased, a to the wild court
may seem just and equitable, and to enforce olicd
lencc to their decree by the usual process."
Wo would lecommcnd that n bill In equity be
framed in the iiamo of certain relators for them
selves' nnd all olhcr cUImim who arc consumers
of water supplied I, the sold company, praying
the court to reduce said water rate,
ltcpcctfillly submitted.
li. l.,
Win, Panel I,
Tlic report was received and tho com
mittee continued, with directions to
confer with and seek the co-operation
of tho central city board ot trade, city
olllclula nnd Individual citizens, with
the view -of carrying out the recom
mendations of the committee. It. G.
Morgan and C. K. Daniels were elected
additional members of the committee.
The president was Instructed to sec
Recorder Council about the sidewalk at
tho corner or Linden and Ninth streets.
Home time amo, tho city removed the
fence, but the property owner put It
back In place where it now stands,
in tlio middle of the sidewalk.
The board adjourned to meet two
weeks front tonight.
The Ladles' Choir.
A well attended and interesting
meeting of Mrs. D. It. Thomas' ladles'
choir was held hist evening In tho
Plymouth church. Tho number of sin
gers was raised to sixty-live.
The following olilcers will servo Hie
society: President, TO. II. Ripple; first
vice preslr'mt and secretary, Hon. Kd
ward James; second vice president and
treasurer, John T. Watklns; executive
board , Prof. David Owens, D. P..
Evans, James Heckel, William Price,
John Davis, Lewis Howell, Ezra. Evans
and Hon. T. J. Reynolds.
Tho party is practicing tho following
selection, on which is a prize of $300:
"Tlio Spanish CSIpsy Girl," by E. Las
sen, and "New Years' Eve," by P.
School Deposits.
A total of $2U.!U was deposited yes
terday In the West. Side hank by the
teachers of schools Nos. IS and l. Fol
lowing arc the Itemized deposits:
No. 13 Pror. David Owens, $U0:
Miss Mattio Watklns, .50; Miss Edna.
Lewis, .r,r; Miss Alice Evans, $ Miss
Bertha Kelly, $1; Miss Edna l. Evans,
.'j:: Miss Nellie Richards, $1.71; Miss
Catherine Phillips, $1.07; Miss Edna
Lewis, $2.r,7; Miss Sarah Nichols, .1!",;
Miss Eliza Price, $1.35; Miss Florence
Freeman, .71; total, $12.51.
No. 10 Prof. D. W. Phillips, .'20; Miss
Murray. $1.::0; Miss Nichols, .70; Miss
Beamish. .82; Miss Morgan, $2.20; Miss
Hutton, $1.55; Miss Evans, .S; Miss Da
vis, $1.11; Miss Kellow. $2.20; Miss
Wnde, .50; Miss Flynn, .55; Miss Mur
phy, $1.23; Mrs. Ferber, $3.24; Mis3
and France.
Peck, 1.32j Miss BUrrajI, ,0; total,
Officers for 1002.
A well-attended and very ItUeresllnB
meeting was held by the Father
Mnthcw society, lit St, I,eo's roomo,
Sunday afternoon. After the usual
routine business had been transacted,
(ho election of otllcers was held, with
the result that tho following gentlemen
will serve tho society for 1002!
President, J. J, Sweeney! vice-president,
J, II, Drown; recording secretary,
M, J, Jennings; financial secretary,
John Donahoc! treasurer, M, T. Walsh;
trusteed, J, W. Carroll, Thomun Dace',
John Hhatighnessy; tellers, John Mc
Nlchols, Thomas McCluIre and William
King; messenger, John Murphy.
Charming Dancers.
The Misses Allda Fellows, Josephine
Slebeclter, Clara Guernsey, Harriet
Williams, Olwcn Jones, Hessle Mayo
Sloat, Geraldlno Phillips, Jennie Eynon,
Kthel JJcvnn, and Messrs. Allen It.
Thtiycr, Charles Manners, Arch Saxe,
Carroll Mnloncy, Howard Eynon, Arch
Williams, Allen ISaucr, Frank Monroe,
Stephen W. IJawcs and Fred Connolly,
chaperoned by Mrs. Sloat, Mrs. George
Howell and Miss Sarah A. Jones, will
ho prominent actors In the coming
teachers' klrmcss, which will ho held at
the Lyceum this week.
These well-known and popular West
Scranton young people will take part In
tho "Dance of tho Pages," which Is
said, by those who have sqen it, to bo
one of the prettiest and most unique
parts of tho whole performance.
Funeral of Thomas McAndrew.
Yesterday morning at ft o'clock, the
funeral of tho lute Thomas McAndrew
was held from Holy Cross church. A
Ailemn high mass of requiem was
celebrated, after which tho friends ot
the departed took a last long fare
well. Tho following acted as pall bearers:
Patrick Moffatl, John Sherman, Pat
rick Sheridan, Anthony Moffatt, Pat
rick Kowlauds and Patrick Cushion.
Interment was made In tho Cathedral
Columbia Hose company will meet
this evening at 7.30 o'clock. nt the cor
ner of Main avenue and Jackson street.
Special revival services will bo held
at the Jackson Street Uantlst church
again tills evening, when licv. David
Spencer, D. D., pastor of the Illakcly
B.aptlst church, will be tho speaker.
Hold Mount camp, No. SI'S, Patriotic
Order Sons of America, entertnined
about twenty members of the Colonial
club, of Camp 178. Patriotic Order Sons
of America, last Friday evening.
Miss Lena Giles, of Heddoe court, en
tertained a number of her friends, in
honor ot her twelfth birthday, Satur
day evening.
Itlchurd Colon, ot Eynon street, is re
covering from injuries lie received while
at work In the Dodge mine recently.
The "Women's guild of St. Mark's
church will servo n supper on Thursday
evening in life church parlors.
The Ladies' Aid society of tho First
Uuptist church is making elaborate
preparations for a Martha. Washington
entertainment and social, which will he
held In the church parlors on tho even
ing ot February 21.
V. J. A. Baldwin, who has been em
ployed for some time us superintend
ent of machinery for the Carlucci Stone
company, lias resigned to accept a more
lucrative position in the same capacity
at TImmes & Hecht's new spike mill,
on Jackson street.
The quarantine on tho Brace home,
on Bromley avenue, will bo removed
about the first of next week.
A. B. Eynon and son, Benjamin, of
North Hyde Park avenue, are ill at
their home.
Roy Madden, of South Bromley ave
nue, will leave for Cldcago this week.
Tho wedding of Louis Davis, of
Twelfth street, and Miss May Samuels,
of Bellevue, will take place on the even
ing of January CO,
Miss Nellie Kay, of Bromley avenue,
is ill.
While returning from Providence
square on Saturday night between 7
and S o'clock, Tony Dymbiskle, a driv
er for the Bartels' bottling works, met
with a mishap which might have been
more serious but as it was, injured one
of the horses and broke the whlflletree
to which the off horse was attached.
There were two cars In transit towards
the central city nnd when one had
passed Tony attempted to cross over,
when' the second car was upon him and
a serious mlxup wus the result. It
seemed almost miraculous that loss of
life did not result.
Tho funeral of Jessde F. Thompson
took place from the residence of Otto
Eshelman, 1721 Penn avenue, yester
day afternoon. Bev. L. It. Foster, as
sistant pastor ot the Green Illdge
Presbyterian church, conducted the
services. Tlio casket was covered with
beautiful llowers. The pall bearers
were Itobert Williams, George 11.
Thompson, J. A, Marvin, Minor O,
Carr, Otto S. Eshelman and J. D. Wil
liams. Interment was made In the
family plot at Forest 11111 cemetery.
Dr. and Mrs. Pursell, of Delaware
s.treet, are confined to their homo by
Illness, caused by vaccination.
Miss Edna Harper, of Sanderson
avenue, is ill,
Miss Anna Kohtuson, of Capouse
avenue, entertained at tea yesterday
afternoon, In honor of Miss Evelyn
Jones, prior to her departure for tho
East, where she will enter a fnshlon
ablo boarding school. Among tho,
guests were Misses Evelyn and Marion
Jones, Evelyn und Marlon Matthews,
Jean Hosle, Helen Parke, Clara Brew
ster, Helen Jones, Jessie Calendar, Eu
nlco Lathrope and Louise Connolly.
Miss Helen Vull, of North Park, Is
suffering from iv sprained wrist.
Boulevard avenue, near Columbia, Is
In u wretched condition from Ice nnd
water. Tho sewer openings on lower
Columbia avenue are frozen over and
tho surface water, which should bo
curried awuy by them, Hoods Columbia
avenue from tho rear of No, 27 school
to the Boulevard and extends over that
avenue for somo dlstnnce, ico aiul
water alternating, according as tho
weather happens to be thawing or
freezing, making It an unpleasant nnd,
at times, unsafe place for travel.
Mrs. J. K. Johler, of Sanderson ave
nue, had u narrow escape from severe
Injury last Saturday ovenlngf whllu
driving homo from tho central city,
Mrs. Johler, who was accompanied by
her mother und daughter, was driving
In in stoic for all uho use Kemp's lUlsam far tlie
Tlitoat und Lunt, the great ifturuntccl remedy.
Would j on believe Unit It U wld en iti mcrlU "n I
any diuxglit is uutlnrlicd by tlio proprietor of
this wonderful itinedy to ;lva you a kurnplc bottle
licelf It never faiU to euro acute or chronic
couglu. All lirujulsti cell Keni' DjI.jih, I'rke,
!5c. und 00.
A.I mi
Mrs. Mamie Herbert, 56 Elmwood Ave.,
Buffalo, N. Y., Treasurer Empire State
Fortnightly, Buffalo, N. Y., After Eight
Years' Suffering Cured by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound.
"Dear Mks. Pinkham: Inflammation and ulceration of the
uterus laid me low and robbed life of its joys for me. l?or eight years
I was in frequent pain and misery, and then Lydia E. Piiikhnm's
Vegotablo Compound came to mc, the greatest boon I have
known, for it brought new life and health to mc. I used several
bottles of Compound and your Sanative Wash. My improvement
was slow, but from the first bottle I felt that I was better, and so I
kept up courage and continued the treatment. None of my friends
ever dreamed that I would be well again, but I have now enjoyed life
to its fullest extent for three years." Mrs. Mamie Heriiert.
When women uro troubled with
menstruation, weakness, leucorrliOea, displacement or ulceration 01 mo
womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache,
blnatiiirr for flattilmicnV sreneral debilitv. indieestion. and nervous pros
tration, or are besot with such symptoms as dizziness, faintnoss, lassitude,
excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all
gone" and " want-to-be-left-alono " feelings, blues and hopelessness,
they should remembor there is one tried and true remedy. Lydla E.
Pinkltam's Vcpretablo Compound at once removes such troubles.
Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best
Mrs. Pinltham Invites all sick women t write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to health. Address, hyiui, Mass.
out Wyoming avenue and hud reached
a point near tlio now Colliery Engineer
building, when Hhc turned out of tlio
road to allow someone ooiuIhb in tlio
opposite direction to pass, and drove
in a. sand pile, whleh In tho darkness
could not be dlstiiiKUlshed from the
HiirroundlnfT ground. The carriage was
overturned and all three ladies thrown
out and severely bruised. Jliss Johler
was quite badly eut about the face.
The horse broke away from the car
riage and ran away and was not found
until the following evening.
Funeral of Edward Keppel Last
Night's Social Events Law
Breakers Punished Brevities.
One of tlie largest funerals ever seen
on this side took place yesterday when
the remains of tlie late Kdward C.
Keppel were laid at rest with appro
priate services in tho Plttston avenue
Long before the hour set for inter
ment hundreds passed by the side ot
tlie casket which lay surrounded by
flowers in the parlor of the house at 52S
Alder street, to take a last look at the
face of one who had been cut off in
the prime and vigor ot manhood, and
who had earned the esteem and re
spect of all who knew him In life.
A feeling tribute was paid to his
memory by Rev. E. J. Schmidt, Ph. D.,
pastor of tho Church of Pence. Tlie
remains were afterwards borne to their
last resting place.
Engine company No. 4, of Allentown,
to which deceased formerly belonged,
was represented by the following dele
gates: Messrs. Henry Mussenun, M.
A. Abbett, and William Kelly. The
pall-bearers were: John Reif, John
Brown, John P. Elden, Charles Trego,
John Brier, and Peter Unas.
last Night's Events.
The Primitive Social club held a
largely attended ball In Athletic hall, on
Alder street, last night, which was ren
dered attractive by reason of the fact
that It was announced in the after
noon that the company appearing In
the "Knickerbockers" at tlie Star the
atre would attend nfter the perfor
mance. This was given out from the
stage at the close of the matinee per
formance and naturally drew a large
crowd to Athletic hall.
The actors and actresses actually
put In an appearance just before mid
night and their presence was a bonan
za to the promoters of tho ball.
The Pleasure club, of Moltko castle
No. 2CS, Knights of the Golden Eagle,
held their nnmuil ball in Worklngnien's
hall on Alder street, last evening and
it was liberally patronized. The merry
makers were masked until after the
grand march when all uncovered and
a jolly evening was spent.
Before the Magistrate,
Patrick Langnn, of Fig street, who
was arrested on Saturday by the po
lice for conducting an unlicensed sa
loon, was given a hearing last evening
at the station house. Tho evidence of
his guilt proved satisfactory to Jtagls
trute storr, and ho was lined $".0 und
Stanley and Melunky Poscosky, ot
Klrst court, who were arrested Sunday
night for being drunk and disorderly,
and also for lighting, were brought be
fore the magistrate yesterday morning
at the Alder Btreet station house. They
woro each lined $10, $3 on each clmrgo,
falling to pay which they woro to spend
sixty days In the county jail. Tlio linos
nnd costs wero paid later in the day by
Bowling Teams Hatched.
An interesting session of the South
Side Bowling club was held last evening
when arrangements were ilnully inadu
for the forthcoming match. It wus
agreed to piny tho brewery club a re
turn match with tho centra,! city team.
The bowlers are working hard In prac
tice and will render a good account ot
themselves in tho series ot games
scheduled for the buluucu ot tho season.
After several close games were rolled
last evening a short business meeting
wus held which wus followed by u so
cial session, when refreshments wero
The club Is rapidly becoming popular
and new members are joining ut overy
Comet Lodge, Knights of Pythias,
lku i 'U.t IPTlft tlO
irregular, suppressed or painful
will meet tonight in regular session at
llartm.'in's hall on Plttston avenue.
Albert Ziesnier, of Prospect avenue,
hud his hand caught by a cylinder at
tho Cliff Works yesterday morning.
One of his lingers was so badly mang
led that seven stitches were required to
close tho wound. Dr. lilt, dressed tho
injured member.
The auditors of St. Joseph's society
enjoyed tho hospitality of Sir. and Mrs.
August Hehner, on Prospect avenue,
while going over tlie accounts last eve
ning nnd were entertained in royal
The Woman's Aid society of tlio
Church of Peace, will hold Its monthly
meeting Thursday afternoon.
Tlic full under tlio auspices of the
Sacred Heart church of the South Side,
will commence this evening at Music
hall for one week.
Sunday morning at fi o'clock, Mrs. Car
rie M. Ilnldcrman, widow of XV. O. Hal
derman, died at the homo of her
mother, Mrs. V. E. Deppling, 2!) West
Market strpet. The deceased had been
sick but a short time. She was well
known and highly respected, being
one of the most active workers in her
church. Funeral services will bo con
ducted at. the Providence Methodist
Episcopal church at 2 o'clock Wednes
day afternoon. Interment in tho Dun
more cemetery.
street, died last night after a brief ill
ness. She Is survived by four chil
dren: Michael Kane, John Kane, Mrs.
Mrs. Flauncry and Mrs. Loretta
The funeral of tho late Hon. W. J.
Lewis will bo held this afternoon at 2
o'clock from the Lewis residence on
Edna avenue. Rev. CJeorge K. Guild
will conduct the services. Members of
Hiram lodge, Free and Accepted
Musons, will meet nt the lodge room
ut 1 o'clock to attend tlio funeral.
Tlio funeral of Mrs. Surah U. Free
man will take place this morning at
10.S0 o'clock from the home of William
H. Freeman, 200 South Main avenue.
The services will be conducted by Rev.
Webster II. Penrce, of Bingliamton, for
merly pastor of the Elm Park church,
of tills city. Rev. Dr. Moffat and Rev.
II. C. McDermott will assist at tlio ser
vices. In tho afternoon tlio remains
will be taken Jo Lisle, Broome county,
X. Y., on the 1.33 o'clock Lackawanna
train. Short services will be held at
This morning tlie funeral of Mrs.
Elizabeth Kelly will take place from
the residence, 1C33 Capouse avenue. A
requiem mass will bo celebrated In St,
Paul's church, and Interment will be
made In the Cathedral cemetery.
' Tlio illioituirf nf Iliilimiimm Iici,ptiil uVslrc (o
nli-ml lliolr thanks for tlio fullowlntr iloiuitioii'.
duriiiK Drrriulivr; Mrs. II. M. Moles, rddlnsr nut
ter, (ilcct; ot muslin, mill; dally ilnrlm; NuvemUT
und iteccinlier, caw of oniikcks 111, (leoiije Kan
tlcibon, iiMKJzines, 5; -Mrx. J. II. Ditnnilclt, iio
(ream, ot oriingcs; Hun. I.. A. Wutiei,
leadlnj; nutter; Mis. .lolin S, (Iwlif, leading
matter; J. A. Ser.uiton .. ffou, Kcruntan ltepuli-llt-au
and Sjii Jdveillslus for bentllt; Mrs. Simon
lllce, MiioliliiB jacket ; Mm. Spcneer, nisei; Kirst rlnirrli, TliatililvliiB oillci'tloiii
ladlei of Flrnt I'rcsli.vtciljii ilimili, n.wtcr., bread,
oatU'iii, iIutm', down, und i-ewlni;; The
bemu Mnniifaeturini; company, .V. V., U d".'.
cans imtlplitotiLtiiie; .Mi-.., uudlir,"
nutter; .Mrs. Kcar, leading matter; Mls Vir
ginia Dlimiiicli, old linen, tnuntalii yyiliiKu and
un atomizer: triend, leading matter; .Mis. J,
I'rlpeiH1!!, Jelly uml canned liull; .Mia. '.. .lev.
liijn, tin lay, linen und nuKUzlne.-i; MUi Ten.
nee, 12 c.m-i of pca; Mis. (', V, Kirkpalrick,
old linen; Mis, .lolin Slicrwln, ll.nvcix, U kWci
of jelly; Mm. Ilanit.ilt. II nnuu of canned f i til t j
Home ilrclo ot Kind's Paii'.'liU-ro, I'.lm 1'aik, cards for utlrnl; Mr.-, 1'. A. Hone,
leadlnif nutter; Mi. W. T. !-iiiilli, turkey and
crunbenles; .1. A. I'rUe, ounces; MIm Kll.i
I'latt, barrel Hour und liilkey; Mrf. Y. U. Hull
ktead, turkey; Mrs. Ifs.ui v' llclln, jr., I in key und
apple; -Mis. (icorgu Pickum, ilil!dicii booka;
Mis. 1'iank Jeiniyn, cabbuue, turnip,, onkmi,
Hveet potatoes; 11m. Mda Ye.i'cr, Motion, cools
book; Mil, A, M. Pecker, bam, 0 look, 0 liiuid.
ke rrlitefa ; Mr.-, t'. ), Miuuson, Krapes; Mrs
Samuel Steven., 4 cairn corn, 4 cans peas, i tans
tomatoes; Ml Mary (lillerple, cake; Mis. .Itimea
S. Mult, lea, Ufac, euiibcnlo, ike, 2 package
lionilny, 4 can? tumatoci,, ri cans peas; J. I).
Williams & llio., cukes; Mi. A. II, Kcldai;er, 2
dozen oruiiRcs; Mr. 1'. II. t'iniey, I0; Mm. T.
II, Wutkiiu, oianget, tuikey un.l rranbeirie,
p.imilp, ccleiy, & pulr lied sllppcra; Mrs, ('.
II. Welles, 1 i-luwl, 1 tomtoi table, t! books; ML
iVnney and Mm. I.iiuUay, books foiMioys; 1uk'i.
wanna Dairy company, Ice ucam; Mis. ('luilcs
burr, reuJIntf mutter; J. II. IMwcll, fliiuvn.;
Mis. V, S. (iodfiey. ice cicjiii; Mrs. (Jeorse II.
hnltli. tuikey, ciuubeirlos, :t doen nuiiifes; Iter.
Mr. Alrlcli, ullslous ecu lees every Wclnefday
eienluy during October, N'gvembyr and December.
Successful Entertainment for the
Benefit of tho Striking Street Car
Men Notos from tho Memorial
Church Mrs. Daniel Thomas, of
Putnam Stroet, Meets with n Pain
ful Accident Baskot Ball Tonight
Dotweon Dloomsburg Whoelmon
nnd North End Stars Notes.
Lnst evening, thrt Electric City lodge,
No. "10, Shield of Honor, Installed tho
olilcers who were recently elected.
During tho ovenlng, District Deputy
Ornnd Master John Cllbbs, ot Carbon
dale, gave a very Interesting address,
after which a smoker was enjoyed.
The following olilcers were Installed:
Worthy master, Edwin Lewis; senior
master, James Fi'loste; past master,
Samuel Kdmlston; conductor, "W. II.
Honna; chaplain, John Frieze; Inside
guard, John Weeks; outside guard,
James McCluskle; lluanclal secretary,
John Itnrland; recording secretary,
"William 1'ughj treasurer, George
Succc'ssful Entertainment.
A large audience was present In tho
Auditorium last night at tho enter
tainment and social given for tho bene
fit of tho striking street car men's
union. A varied and Interesting pro
gramme was rendered by some of our
best local talent.
Tlie following programme was ren
dered: Cornet solo, John Nolan; piano
solo. Miss Iilbbic Neary; Irish come
dians, Murry and Mnrnn; vocal sol,
Margaret Armsbury; violin solo, Ma
ter Edward Barrett; buck and wing
dancing, John Cox: slack wire walk
ing, Harrington brothers: vocal solo,
Tliomus Coyne: solo, Eva Iloran:
comedluns, Burns und Liynott: singing
and talking, Mr. and Mrs. Tnfe; song
and dance, Frnync and Davis; Irish
comedian, John J. Salmon; duet,
Hughes brothers; vocal solo,. John
Sherman; buck and wing dance,
Frank nnyinoud, jr.
After the entertainment a social was
Memorial Church Notes.
Special meetings were commenced
last evening and will continue through
the week, except Saturday evening.
Song service, prayer and short ad
dresses by tlie pastor and members will
be tho features each evening.
The AVonien's Bible class, which lias
become so popular among the female
portion of tlic church, will not meet
this week, on account of tlio special
service every es'enlng.
The lecture which was to be deliver
ed next Monday evening by tlio pastor,
Kov. XV. T. Davis, on "The Mission
ary Heroes of the Lust Century," will
bo postponed for two weeks, on account
of Mr. Davis being away from home.
Yesterday, Mrs. Daniel Thomas, wife
of Daniel Thomas, of Putnam street,
met with a painful accident. While
standing on a table, papering tho ceil
ing of her dining room, tlie tnblo upset,
throwing her to the lioor with great
force, bruising her head severely.
Messrs. Gllgallon, O'Donncll, Coggins,
Connors and Grogan, of Taylor, were
attending tlie fair Saturday evening.
This afternoon the ladies of St.
John's Mission will conduct a cake sale
for the benefit of the mission, in tho
Osterliout building, on Marget street
David James and Daniel Davis wero
callers at Jermyn Sunday.
This evening an Interesting game of
basket ball will take place in the Au
ditorium, between tlie Bioomsburg
Wheelmen and the champion North
End Stars.
Thomas Grudy, of Oak street, has ac
cepted a position as salesman in Dick
erson's Ready Pay store.
Prof. M..T. Costello, of Market street,
is recovering from an attack of tho
Tlie grand council of Heptasophs will
install olilcers this evening In their
rooms In the Auditorium. After the
Installation, a banquet will be served.
Miss Knte Henry, of Brick avenue,
has gone to Nuw York to work in
a millinery store.
Miss Lulu Dolun, of North Main ave
nue, left yesterday to visit friends in
Elinirn, N. Y.
Misses Maine and Tessie Flanagan,
of Jermyn, were among callers In town
during the last week.
Messrs. Kearney. Mornn, Duly and
Murphy, of Archbaid, wero among
those attending tlie fair Saturday even
ing. Tlie North Scrnnton Republican club
will meet Friday evening nevt at Al
derman Meyers' oillce.
There will be a special meeting of
the Liberty Hose company In tho hoe
house Friday evening.
The New Armory
Jan, 28 Matirm and Eveiing,
And his baud aud compauy
of soloists.
Sousa's first appearance at pop
ular prices, Seats for the Matinee
25 and 50 cents for the evening;,
00 and $1,00 according' to location,
All seats rosorved and now on sale
at Powells Music store.
The first one thousand ladles' ar
riving at tho Armory will bo pre
sented with a handsome Sousa
Souvenir with the compliments of the
Matinee at 3.15. Evening at 8.15,
Caircdl of PiUesp
- Sovod Fiodib Knif
Mrs. Aaron Modron, of Savannah,
Ga., writes: "Ever since tho birth of
my first child, six years ugp, I have
suffered greatly from piles.' I could i
not bring myself to bear tho thoughts
ot a surgical operation, Pyramid Plla ,
Cure entirely cured inc." For sale by
all druggists. "Piles, Causes and Cure,"
mulled free. Pyramid Drug Co., Mar
shnll, Mich.
Tho Muslin Undergarment
selling keeps tho. entire store so
busy that ono is reminded of
the "busy hen with ono
In Cambric and Muslin, trim
med with tucks, lace and in
sertion, extra long lengths.
Nightgown of muslin, yoke
of cluster tucks and embroidery
neck and sleeves trimmed witU
embroidery, $1.35.
Nightgown of nainsook trim
med with embroidery, lace and
ribbon, $1.75.
Lace trimmed ruffles, and
trimmed with insertion, oxtra
wide with double ruffle, S1.S25
Drawers of muslin or cambric
trimmed with embroidery, 50c.
From Plain hemstitched and
tucked kind nt 25c a pah to
Fine Cambric trimmed with
laco and insertion, $1.75 a
126 Wyoming Ave.
Choice Lamb Chops,
3 lbs for 25c,
for stewing,
per pound,
A pair of peerless Meat fil
Specials to arouse the interest
of every prudent house keeper.
Joyce Storesj
Popular Priced Provisions
Lyceum Theatre
U, ItUlS, Lessee and JUnaccr,
A. J. UUl'FV, Dui. Slanasr.
Jan, 29, 30, l and Feb, 1,
Kir mess and
Matinee Performances, January
30, 31 and February i.
Evening, $1.00, 75, 50. 25 cents.
Afternoon, $0 and 25 cents.
Academy of fltisic
M. I1KIS, I.enee. A. J. Uutty, ilinaeir.
Ono Solid Wofrl-.tuiiiiwiiclng Momliy, Jan. 27,
Jlr. It.iriy J.. W'II iu-iit Uio Aiknowletlscl
'tuilvifc ot lli'iuTlnlre.
In llul JlolU'.i UrautKul Soutlicni NUiiy
In 1'our Aru.
The Knobs O' Tennessee.
runtiil lili Jll tin1 ii'uil Sinili', JlY'dian
IimI and i:inlrltjl I'lUct. Twi-nly-four People,
huiwili Kink' I'loiliulluii. Tin Sioi'l.ilty rco'ile.
Carload of tyicrta! ft-rneiy. (Ilulicl I'liTlrlcil 11"
ti'iti. iKTl.illiia Hot wren Act.
Jl.illv Mjlhii'i'k at 1' 13, roinninirliii; Tueulay,
Mala I1, Ire Hi. !! and SO itnU
Matlnf" I'l'liv' W and 20 ci-nl.i.
ScjU on ule ut Uoa Oflk'v.
A1.K, O. IimtlllNaiO.S. Manager.
Monday, Twwljy and Wodntwljy,
JA.St AltV '.'T, to AM) iO.
'Robie's Knickerbockers"
llatince Etcry Day,
Dainty I
m drum
V - s