The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 27, 1902, Image 1

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Prince Meets with a Glilllu Re
ception from Gitlzens
of Berlin.
While the Crowds Refrain from
Manifestations of Displeasure, the
Presence of the King Creates No
Enthusiasm Newspapers Refrain
from Editorial Comments Upon His
Visit A Page Devoted to Friend
ship Between United States and
Ut E-xlusisc Wire from The Associated Press.
'IJciiln, Jan. 2G. The Prince of Wales,
who la to represent King Kdwnrd nt
tlio celebration of the birth or Emperor
William tomorrow, visited the Prus
sian princes, Count Von Iluelow, the
Imperial chancellor, the various ambas
sadors, and other distinguished person
ages this morning. Soon after 1 o'clock
Emperor William and the prince drove
in a closed carriage to the barracks of
the First Itoyal dragoons. Queen Vic
toria's own. A triumphal archway of
evergreens had been erected in front of
the barracks and the reslment was
drawn up In parade order. The band
played the Hrltlsh anthem, and after
the regiment had marched past the em
peror and the Prince of AVnles, the lat
ter proceeded to the regimental mess
room, where luncheon was served, The
party included the British ambassador
to. Germany, Sir F. C. Laseelles. and
his staff, Princes Albrecht and Wll
helni Eltel-Frlederlck and Prince Henry
of Prussia. The luncheon terminated
at 3 o'clock, when Emperor William re
turned to the castle, and the Prince of
Wales took a train for Potsdam, there
to visit the Duchess of Albany and to
lay a wreath upon the tomb of the late
Empress Frederick. ,
In the evening Emperor William and
the empress gave a dinner party to the
Prince of Wales In the Elizabeth hall or
the castle, at which the British min
ister, Count Von Puelow, and Count
Von Waldersee were present.
No Disrespect Shown.
Emperor William in his speech toast
ing King Edward at the military
luncheon in the barracks of. the First
Itoyal dragoons, touchingly referred to
the death of Queen Victoria and ad
verted to the wonderful colonial tour
of the Prince of Wales as exemplifying
the greatness and the extent of the
British empire. He Invited the com
pany to drink to the health of the
Prince of Wales as the representative
of the British army, to which toasts
the Prince of Wales suitably responded.
Berlin, Jan. 26. Today passed with
out any disrespect being shown to the
Prince of Wnles. who arrived yester
day evening to represent King Edward
at the celebration of the anniversary of
the birth of Emperor AVllllani next
Monday, (iernian crowds have a loo
deeply abiding icspect for royal per
sonages and are too thoroughly policed
to eer jeer them. Hut, in a city where
the lifting of one's hut is as universal
.as ordinary civility, It was singular to
see the passing crowds with never a
hat rais-ed and to hear no murium. s of
The last experience abroad of the
Prince Of Wales was his departure.
amid thunderous cheers, from the'
snores or New Foundland, while the
f-treets through which the prince was
obliged to bo driven today on his way
to visit the British ambassador here
were without one single Biltlsh Hag.
While receiving the most elaborate
mention from the family of Emperor
William and from German officials, the
Prince of Wales must Sel 'the chilling
attitude of the German public. Almost
nil the newspapers refrain from edl
torlul comment on his visit.
Friendship for United States.
The National Zeltung concludes a
page editorial on the friendship between
the United Stales and Germany In these
"The only object of the visit of Pi luce
Henry to the United States Is the culti
vation of this sentiment. The German
emperor could give the United states
no better pi oof of the feelings and sen
timents nnlmatlng him and the Ger
man people, in regard to the greatness
and development or the Union as a
civilizing power, than In sending ills
brother there. Prince Henry goes, as It
were, as the Interpreter of Germany's
friendship for the United States. Ho Is
the llrst German prince from the old
reigning house who treads the holl of
the great republic, and undoubtedly his
ac(imlutunceshlp with the most promi
nent men of the Union will exercise a
beneficial effect upon national relations.
"The visit of Prince Henry must dls"
plputo all the foolish and malicious as
sertions of political antagonism between
Germany and the United States and ot
German plans of conquest In the Ameri
can sphere of influence, and Instead
thereof, strengthen and establish feel
Inga of mutual recognition und equal
ity or standing. No treaty or alliance
between Germany and the United
States Is needed, Ever since the exist
ence of the United States, peace, friend
ship and trade Intercourse have pre
vailed between us. Prince IJenry's trip
shows that wo wish to remain In the
same relations In the future, und the
reception which the people, (he govern
merit and public opinion are preparing
for him on American soil, will give
splendid proof that the Americans
cherish similar sentiments and hopes."
American Chamber of Commerce
Appeals to Congress for Aid to
Develop the Country.
lly Pscliudte Wire from The Associated Prom.
Manila, Jan. 20. The American
chamber of commerce hero has formu
lated an appeal to congress, In which
it earnestly appeals for the enactment
of laws allowing Chinamen to enter I he
Philippine Islands, under such restric
tions as the United States Philippine
commission may enact. The present
restrictive law concerning Immigra
tion, continues thin appeal, Is of no
benefit to the Philippine. Chinamen, If
admitted, would not tmter Into compe
tition with local labor, and their entry
Into the Islands is Imperatively needed,
as the tobacco,' hemp and sugar lands
of the nrchlpelago are only partially
developed. Building in Manila has
been badly retarded because of this
lack of labor and for these reasons the
American chamber of commerce, com
posed entirely of American citizens,
representing commercial Interests, re
spectfully prays for immediate action
in this matter.
Rear Admiral Sets at Rest His
Friends' Talk of Political
By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Pros'.
Chicago, 111., Jan. 26. Rear Admiral
Schley declared yesterday that he had
no intention of entering politics. His
remarks were calculated to set at vet
the political ambitions which some of
his admirers have entertained for him.
He said no ofilce, however high, would
tempt him to jeopardize the love which
the people of this country have ex
pressed for him.
Rear Admiral Schley arrived In Chi
cago at half-past nine o'clock in the
morning and was greeted with cheers
by thousands of citizens, who crowded
the Baltimore and Ohio station and
thronged nearby streets for blocks. A
delegation or school children, waving
flags, welcomed the visitor at the fur
ther end of the station. He bowed to
them and waved his hand. Then the
renr admiral and Mrs. Schley were
driven through demonstrative throngs
to their apartments, in the Auditorium
After the breakfast, the rear admiral
was escorted to the Hamilton club,
where he shook hands with members
and guests of that organization. At
the Press club, the performance was
repeated, except that of the two hun
dred or three hundred persons present,
fifty per cent, were women. Several
men who were correspondents In Cuba
during the fighting about Santiago
were present and to them the rear ad
miral referred in pleasant words In his
short speech.
At the Booster club, of which ho is
nn honorary member, the rear admiral
addressed a few happy remarks to his
"fellow members," In which he said:
"I have been deeply touched by the
tributes which I have received. They
have been tributes of love, and in my
future years I shall never accept any
ofilce, however high, which might
jeopardize that love."
"It Is the dearest thing I have. It Is
the greatest crown a man can have on
this earth, and when I ani gone I want
It left with my children and their chil
dren, as their dearest possession."
Visitors were not permitted to see
Admiral Schley today and he was giv
en ample time to rest after yesterday's
arduous piogramme. After breakfast
In their apartments In the auditorium
the Admiral and Mrs. Schley, with Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Munger, attended ser
vices nt the Trinity Episcopal church
at 11 o'clock. As their place of wor
ship had not been made public, only
the usual congregation was present.
The sermon was preached by the Rev.
W. A. Guerry, chaplain of the Univer
sity of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., but
the only reference that he mado to
Admiral Schley was when he notified
the congregation of the admiral's
presence. When the service ended the
congregation stood In line ut the door,
and as Admiral Schley passed out he
shook hands with them right and left.
The admiral will be kept busy to
morrow from early morning until late
at night, Commencing at 9.30 a, m,
he -will visit the Wlntleld Scott Schley
K'hool, where he will deliver a short
address, At II a, in, he will be pre
sented with resolutions from the Ger
man societies of Chicago, The presen
tation will tuko place in Memorial hall.
At noon he will lunch with E. A. Mun
ger. president of the Hamilton club,
and a few others. The rest of the day's
piogramme follows:
2 p. in, Ueceptlon to Admiral and
Mrs, Schley by the Maryland society
of Chlcngp af the Palmer house,
3 p. pi, Great public reception at the
Auditorium, to which all t.'lilcagolans
are Invited,
r p. m. Termination of reception.
0 p. in. Dinner with the officers of
the Illinois naval militia.
8 i. in. Review of ilea t ship crews of
the Illinois naval mllltla at the armory
in Michigan uvenue.
Trouble on Island of Negios.
By Exclushe Wire from The Assoclstrd Pres
Manila. Jan. 20. L'oUntl Cr-ar'ks W, Miner,
of .(lie .Sixth infantry, report! the londlttjm, on
the Island of Kcgios. to be unsatisfactory and that
4(x) liolonun und forty men armed with rifles,
under the command ot the. fanatical bandit lcadtr,
Papa lslu, arc tcrrorUlmr the people.
Representatives nt Chicago Question
Alleged Cruelties In Prussia,
ny Exclushe Wire from The Associated Press.
Chicago, Jan. 20. nopresentntlves of
the 200,000 Poles living In Chicago met
In mass meetings In different parls ot
this city tonight to protest against tho
alleged cruelties of Prussia In her Pol
ish provinces. Nearly nil of tho speak
ers maintained that the llnnl effort of
the Prussian officials was to crush out
even the language of Poland, mid that
this culminating effort of the German
ofllelals In Poland was Imbued solely
with haired nud contempt for the pco
pic they rule. It was told how children,
flogged by their German teachers for
saying their prayers In their native lan
guage, had been arrested and thrown
Into prison, together with their par
ents, who voiced their protests. These
and other Indignities recited caused the
deepest feeling and strontr words
against Prussia were voiced on every
Resolutions of protest were adopted
nt each meeting and will bo forwarded
to the Prussian government.
Twenty Boers Are Also Made
Prisoners by Colonel
By Exclusiie Wire from Tho Associated Presi.
London, Jan. 26. A report sent by
Lord Kitchener from Johannesburg
tells of tho Important capture ot Gen
eral B. Vlljoen, In the neighborhood of
Lydenburg, Transvaal colony, as well
as the captures of small parties of
Boers elsewhere.
Pretoria, Jan. 2G. Colonel Wilson
captured twenty Boers near Frankfort
In Orange River colony last Saturday.
He was preparing at dawn the next
day to move away with his captives
when a superior force of Boers made
a desperate effort to recapture the pris
oners. A hot light ensued in which all
but three of the prisoners escaped, and
in which a few men were killed or
wounded on both sides.
London, Jan. 26. The capture of Gen
eral Villoen. who was General Botha's
most able lieutenant and who has given
the British a deal of trouble, has cre
ated lively satisfaction In London.
The Famous Welsh Bicycle Rider
Backs Out of a Race. "
By Inclusive Wire from The Associated l'ress.
Philadelphia, Jan. 26. "Jimmy" Mich
ael, the famous Welsh bicycle rider,
who agreed last night to enter a flf
teen mile motor-paced race against
Archie McEachern, the Canadian, on
the indoor track at the Second Regi
ment armory, on Tuesday night, re
ceded from his agreement today and
left town. McEachern, who broke the
world'.s five-mile Indoor record last
night, offered Michael extra Induce
ments, win or lose, to keep his agree
ment, but he refused, admitting that
he did not care to risk defeat in an
other race in this country. He pleaded
that he was not in condition, owing
to his recent illness. Michael will sail
for Europe shortly and take up the
vocation of a jockey.
As a substitute for Michael, Mc
Eachern will ride a fifteen-mile motor
paced race with Bennie Monroe, of
Memphis, Tenn., and Otto Maya, of
Erie, Pa.
W. T. Still well Killed and Burned;
J. C. Adkins Injured.
By l'.xulusiie Wire from The Associated Press.
Houston, Tex., Jan. 26. In a rear-end
collision between two live stock trains
near Keller, fifteen miles north of Fort
Worth, early today, W. T. Stlltwell was
instantly killed and his body burned In
the wreck, and J. C. Adkins was fatally
Injured, The first section crashed into
the caboose of the second section; Tho
engine plowed Its way half through the
cab and pinned Stlllwell under the
wreck. The car next to the cab also
was wrecked, and many of the cattle
killed and maimed,
Stlllwell anil Adkins were the owners
of the cattle, which they were taking
to the St, Louis market.
Chinese Officials Find 100,000,000
Taeis in Gold and Silver at Pekin.
Py ll-rclushe Wire from 'I he Associated Press.
Pektn, Jan. 20. Chinese ofllelals have
found treasure to the value of over
100,000,000 taelK In gold and silver,
which was buried In the women's quar
ters of the palace before the court lied
f loin Pekln,
The court has granted fl.000,000 tuels
annually to Yuan Shi Kal, viceroy of
Chl-Ll, for the maintenance of an army
of 100,000 men In Chl-Ll province.
Yuan Shi Ki has been given practi
cal control of tho urmy and navy of
China and proposes engaging Jopanse
instructors for the army and British
instructors for the navy.
Governor of Hawaii Is Given a Hint
to Retire,
lly lluliudie Wlic from The Associated I'll).
Washington, Jan, 26. The Post today
says Kecietury Hitchcock has forwaid
ed a letter to Sanford B. Dole, gover
nor of Hawaii, Intimating- that the gov
ernor's resignation was desired.
Governor Hole's term of four years
will not cxplie until May, 1001. but his
continued poor health has given rise to
niany rumors that he was about to re
sign. Negro Shoots Foreman.
By fiiclwdve Wire from The Associated Pre
Cumberland, Sid., Jan. 2(1.-0. II. Johnson, of
Cincinnati, foreman of a gang digging a railroad
tunnel near KIMus, W. , wa fatally shot today
by Hud Knight, a negro. Johnson ordered Knight
to work and the Utter without any warning thot
hlui in the head. A mob threaten to itorui tho
Jill lud buck Knight.
Temnerature and Terrific
Snow Storms in
the West.
Street Car Traffic Blocked in Ne
braska Mercury from Eight to
Sixteen Degrees Below Zero Very
Heavy Snow Fall in Michigan
and Wisconsin.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Presf.
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 26. Nebraska
suffered from below -zero weathor to
day, a brisk north wind blew across
the state and the cold was intense.
The sky was generally clear .and the
sun shone. None of the railway lines
was entirely blocked, nlthough on
many of the branch lines snow plows
were found necessary. Trains from
the west were from one to six hour3
late. Reports from the ranges report
considerable suffering to stock. In
Lincoln the street car lines were tied
up. It Is clear and cold tonight, re
ports from the state Indicating a tem
perature of from 8 to 10 degrees below
Topeka, Kan., Jan. 26. Clear, calm
and cold Is the weather report from
all over the state. Cattle on the west
ern runges are suffering and much loss
Is likely to ensue unless the situation
shall improve. Very little wind ac
companies the cold and this makes the
conditions more favorable.
The coldest portion of the state to
night is the northern tier of counties.
Phllllpsburg reports the mercury as
reading 10 below, but It has clear skies
and little wind. In the western part
of the state the cold Is moderating,
the mercury being from S to. 14 degrees
above zero. In the eastern portion of
the state, the weather is very near the
zero mark.
The snow which fell yesterday is
packed tight and the wheat will be
well protected.
La Crosse, Wls.Jun. z$. The heav
iest snow of the"season fell here today.
The thermometer Is falling rapidly.
The mercury now registers 10 degrees
below zero.
Niles, Mich., Jan. 26. A terrific snow
storm set In here at 7 o'clock tonight.
The temperature fell 20 degrees In
three hours.
But They Will Do Nothing Regard
ing the Coming Contest Until
After February Eelections.
Oy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Philadelphia, Jan. 20. A special dis
patch to the Philadelphia Times from
Washington, D. C, says:
"The Democrats of Pennsylvania will
do nothing regarding tho coming con
test In the state until after the Feb
ruary elections. They will wait until
these have been held and see what the
result muy be. Shortly after these
elections, a conference will be held In
Philadelphia, participated in by the
leading Democrats of the state, when a
plan of action to be pursued and also
the selection of a candidate for gov
ernor will undoubtedly be agreed upon.
This last Is the most important mutter
to bo decided at the conference. Many
names have been mentioned ns the
Democratic gubernatorial candldute,
among them being Representative J. P.
K, Hull, of Elk county, ex-Governor
Pattlson, ex-Attorney General K. IT,
Ilensel, and ex-Judge James Gay Gor
don, of Philadelphia. The former Is
willing to enter the race should the
Philadelphia conference decide upon his
"National Committeeman James M.
Guffey has been In the city during the
past few days. He has consulted lead
ing Democrats from Pennsylvania on
the situation In that state. He has nlto
discussed the condition of affairs in the
Keystone state with national Derno
cruts. and they have become greatly In
terested because of the chance for win
ning next fall."
Tho Ransom for Her Release May
Have Been Paid Yesterday,
By llxchuhii Wire from The Associated I'rci,s,
DJumala, European Turkey, Jan. 26.
Miss Stone, the captive American mis
sionary, and her companion, Mine,
Tsilka, have been located near Yapyak,
in the vicinity of the frontier. The
American delegates conducting tho ne
gotiations for the release of ihe can
tlves have arrived at lianlsko (about
thirty miles southeast of Djumalu) and
will probably pay over the ransom
money today.
The Infant daughter of Mine. Tsilka
has been christened Elelka,
Py Extluslte Wire from The Associated Pnss.
Philadelphia, Jan. 20. The U-dger In IU coal
aitlclu tomonow uill ayi
"'Ihe anthiaclle coal trade i without inter,
cstlng feature, The londltloin heretofore con.
trolling it continue piattlcally unaltered car
shortage, firm pikes and the guod demand for all
the voal (hat can lc moied by the companies.
Were them equipment more aniplo tho market
would tale nioie coal and consequently i) cot.
llerica are not being emywhcie worked to full
capacity. The winter weather presents only slight
obstacles, though flood lute interfered sonic
what both with mining uud transportation. Ihe
outlook Is cood and the trade throughout it
cheerful. Tho aggregate output of anthracite
coal for 1041 Is Mated at S3,IWS,(.01 tons, beluf
an Inciease of 8,101,113 torn oer VM.
Says Reports That Ho Seeks tho
Presidency Aro False.
Py Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pre,
Boston, Jan. 2ti. Lieutenant General
Nelson A. Miles denies tho report that
he Is a candidate for the presidency of
the United States. In answer to n let
ter ot inquiry written to him by Georgo
V. Washburn, president of the Com
monwealth club, of Massachusetts, tho
general, under dnto ot Jan. 23, re
sponds! "Your favor of the 18th Inst, reached
mo today. You desire Information as
to the truth or falsity of tho news
paper reports from Washington, mak
ing mc an active candidate for tho
"I deeply regret these reports. Like
many others In the past, they uro ab
solutely unauthorized. They do not
emanate from myself nor from my
friends, and I trust that tho public
will not bo misled by them. I have not
been and am not now a seeker for
presidential lonors. My ambition has
pver been to faithfully serve my coun
try in whatever sphere duty may have
dictated, and this will be my sole pur
pose In the future."
Bishop Coppin Believes That
It Will Not Soon Be
Hy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Now York, Jan. 26. The Right Rev.
L. J. Coppin, who sailed from this city
about a year ago on the Umbrla, to
take charge of the Fourteenth Episco
pal diocese of the Methodist Episcopal
church in South Africa, returned by the
same ship, arriving here today. Ho Is
from Philadelphia, and was the first
bishop sent out by the African Metho
dist Episcopal church to take charge of
this diocese, which lies' south of tho
Gambesl river and comprises two con
ferences, the South African and the
"I found plenty of work awaiting
me when 1 got out there," he said to
day. "The two conferences were
mapped out but were not organized,
and only a start had been made In their
development. We now have between
forty and fifty churches established,
with over 100 traveling ministers. We
have recently bought a large building In
Cape Town, where In .February next we
will open a school to prepure students
for a collegiate course. We are also
hoping soon to start an industrial and
literary schol near Bloemfontelu,
modeled on the same general plan us
the school at Tuskegee.
"We are seriously handicupepd In this
project by the unsettled condition of
the country on account of the war.
There seems little hope of the terrible
war cloud lifting. You cannot con
ceive the condition of affairs over
there. The Boers are gradually being
wiped off the earth. It Is not longer
war, but a process of slow extermina
tion. England will never listen to any
arbitration proposition which means
restoration of the republic, and the
Boers will accept no other settlement.
Just as long as they are able to keep
up the guerilla method of warfare,
they can, notwithstanding the small
ness of chelr numbers, keep thousands
of soldiers in the field busy watching
them and trying to head them off."
Bishop Coppin goes from here to
Philadelphia, where he will remain for
some two months.
Organization That Believes in Aban
donment of Sunday Observance.
By i:clushe Wire from The Associated Press.
Cincinnati. Jan. 2(1. The National Liberal parly
organized heic today by representatives from
nil parts of the country. Tho preamble to tho
lien constitution, which was adopted, declaiea for
(lie separation of the ilmuh and the tlate to tho
client ot aliulUhlni; chaplains In the army and
navy, leglilathc bodies und all public institu
tion, the taxation of church pioperty and the
abandonment of 8ubbath observance.
The party Is the .imnlgoniatlou for political
purpose of Tree TlilnLen and It la more dis
tinctly In politics than the American Secular
union. The temporary organization wan formed
nt Iluffiilo loit October, with T. J. Bowles, of
Jluneie, Ind,, as president, and W, F, Jamison,
of Cincinnati, as beeretary, vtho were In charge
of tho national rnmenlion today, but new offlcera
lll be elected tomorrow. The 1'ree I.ove cle
ment was not admitted into the new oritanUa
thm but the Woman J-utiiaslsts wne admitted.
At the Thomas Value memorial tonlirht, .uldrcmis
Ytcro made by V. S. Pat raw, of Chlcasoj J, T.
Wlnscaner ai.d ethers.
Secretary Long Confers with Presi
dent Regarding the Matter,
Py Kxcliuhe Wire from The Aboclated I'ren.
Washington, Jan. 20. Secretary Long was In
conferenie with Ihe president for our an hour
tonight, presumably In rrgaid to the appeal ot
Hear Admiral Schley from the flndlugH ot the
court of Inquiry, which was referred lir the -
rent he to the navy department for "comment."
The tfiitqury wan accompanied by .bulge ,do
rale ftencul .emly and Solicitor IIjiiiu, who
conducted the ca.e before the court. The meet.
Ing with the piesldent followed a gathetlni of
tho three gentlemen at Secretary l.ontr'a apart
merits and when they dcpailcd for Ihe white
Iigum! they hail nlth them bundlea of pap-ia
which had the appeaiamo of leiral document.
Seen tare iicing declined to cay anithlm: for pub.
llcatlon retrardlny the conereme.
Steamship Story Denied,
By :cuhe Wlie from The Aociaied 'iei.
Philadelphia, Jan, ZO.W. II, lliown. chief
engineer of the I'ermsyhaula railroad, today em.
phallcally denied tho publMied loiy that the
I'ennsyhanU ullroad was about to rttablUh a
line of bteauicM from Montauk point, l. I,, to
Mllfgrd , llaen. Knglaml. Tho story said that
the lompany Intended limning IU Irabu tluoiiKii
tho pioposcd- tunnel at New York and acro-j
Long Island to MontauL Point.
Killed by a Prelg'ht Train.
By llaclusite Wire from The Associated Press.
I,aucaier, Jan. 20. Henry Lclti, of (ilea ItocL-,
York county, wo4 Lilted bat night on the I'emi.
a.Utanla, railroad at Mill Check. 'A ficleht train
on which I.eltg was riding slopped at that place
for water, when I.eltz cot off and in walking
across the track an, ripr&u train struck him.
lie was Instantly killed.
Dorothy Daffron, as Sho Was Known
on Stage, Sues Judgo Keiloy's
Son for Separation.
Dy Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
New York, Jan. 2G. Dorothy DafTroti
Kelley, who Is known on the stage as
Dorothy DuiTron, has brought an ac
tion in the Supreme court for a separa
tion from Charles Russell Kelley, son
of, A. M, Kelley, judge of the Interna
tional court at Alexandria, Egypt, who
married her less than ten months ago,
charging him with abandonment and
Her application for nllmony and coun
sel fees pending the trial of the case
has been denied by Judge Dugro, who
holds that Mr. Kelley has been paying
her all that his means will allow. They
wore married on March ,11, 1901.
Mr. Keiley denies his wife's charges,
and declares that she has n jealous ills
position. Is extravagant and vain and
fond of show, and, within a fcwmonths
after their marriage, she told him that
life was too dull living With him.
He says he has denrlved himself ot
the necessaries of lire to provide for
her, and that he Is now broken down
In health and suffering from nervous
prostration as a result of the existence
that he led while they were living to
Mr, Rea States an Effort Has Been
Made to Hold Terminal Real
Estate at Fabulous Prices.
Dy Kxclushe Wire from The Associated Preju.
Philadelphia, Jan. 26. Samuel Rea,
fourth vice president of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad company, who will
have direct executive charge of the
construction of the extensive New
York tunnel for that company under
the two rivers and Manhattan Island,
today. In discussing the reports that
the company will be forced to pay ex
orbitant prices for property In .New
York for terminal purposes, because
speculators have obtained possession
of much of the property needed, said:
"When the Pennsylvania railroad
first began to purchase property In
New York for terminal purposes, and
before It was known what the purpose
of these purchases was or who the real
purchaser was, certain real estate
speculators observing the activity In
real estate In the vicinity of the pro
posed terminal bought up certain prop
erties and secured options on others In
advance of the company's representa
tives. When It was finally announced
that the Pennsylvania- rnllroad pro
posed to tunnel under the two rivers
and Manhattan Island, together with
the location of the terminal station
these speculators at once placed a pro
hibitive value upon the property se
cured by them. Being unable to come
to terms with them as to price there
Is nothing left to do but to secure It
under condemnation proceedlngs.whlch
will be Instituted at the proper time.
In the purchase ot the property by the
speculators the prices paid by them
were generally In excess of that paid
for surrounding and adjoining proper
ty secured by the company and which,
under such proceedings, will form
largely the basis of value for the prop
erty yet to be obtained, some of which
Is held by the speculators. On that
basis, these speculators are likely to
be awarded less for the properties held
by them than they paid for them,"
The company, Mr. Rea continued,
would not In any way be handicapped
or delayed In the proposed work; that
even were It necessary to resort to con
demnation proceedings to secure all the
property necessary for terminal pur
poses, there was plenty of work In
connection with the Immense project
which could and woujd be curried In
dependent of the terminal to glyo am
ple time to clear up such proceedings
should they become necessary.
Shot Son for a Burglar.
Ily Kiclushe Wire fiom The Associated Press.
MlddletoWTi, X. V.. dan, 2d. Prank I'li-mlnir,
sou of Wilber lTemlnir, of Vema fi liter, wax idiot
last night by his father, Prank, who recently
letiirned from tlm we-i.!, thought to irhe lit pa
rent a surprUe on his airhal home and waa en
tering a window when his father, mistaking lilin
for a burular fired, wounding lilm In the Ug. He
will roeoier,
. ' 'i m -
Steamship Arrivals.
lly llxilushe tt'he from The Associated I'ress.
.New Yoik, .Ian. 2il. Anhril: l.a t'himpai,'iie,
I bare; tiubrii, Liverpool und (JuccmUm n.
tlibraltar Sailed! Alter, from tienoa and .Naples,
.New York,
Secretary of State of Florida,
lly Kuliuhe Wire from The Aswclitirt l'fs.
Tallahi-ei'. I'll., dan, 2U. (fcitrrnor .lennlnus
late last nlnht apuuliilcd II. Cla I'rawfoiil mc
lUary of otute to kuiceed his father, e l.o died
rice lilt).
Uy Hxilushc Whe fioin The Assoc fated Pre".
Milwaukee, Wis., .Ian. 20, lliliUou II,
llobart, the hut sun Ivor of the WUcousIn consti
tutional lomeutiou and one of, It not the Iat
eurvhor of the oihjlual flic who planned and
made tho famous lions tunnel and by it escaped
fium l.lbby piUou, died of old sue at Ihe hospital
at the Soldleix' home early this morultur. Ha
was about fcO seari of age, (jcneia! llobart was
born at .ishhuruliam, Mats,, and was giaduatcd
from Dartmouth collese In 1813. In Hid ha came
to Wisconsin and began tho practice ot law,
I.oa Aii;c!c, fan., Jan. 20. W. (1. Keiin, cen
tral manager of tho Southern California, San
Joaquin Valley and the Santa Fa Pacific tallroad
sj stems, died suddenly tealgat.
Considerable Time to Snare
Promised in the House
and Senate.
Oleomargarine nnd Hill B1113 Will
Occupy the Attontion of the' House,
While the Senate Will Consider
the Philippines Tariff Measure A
Majority of Senators Will No
Doubt Be Hoard on- tho Bill Be--fore
It Is Passed Senator Nelson
Will Push the Bill Creating a De
partment of Commerce.
By Kiclushe Wire from Ihe Associated Tress.
Washington, Jan. 20. The house lead
ers have made no programme for the
work of the present week, as there
are no measures of Importance press
ing for action, although tho nntl
oleomargnrlne bill and the Hill bill for
the exchangeability of gold and silver
are both on the calendar and may bo
taken up before long. Thus far no ex
act time has been fixed for either of
these measures and the lesser bills wll
take their chances as opportunity pre
sents itself. There promises to be
considerable time to spare during the
week, as there are no appropriation
bills ready to fill the gap when bills
of n general nature are lacking. The
chief Interest of the week centres In
the opening ot hearings by the ways
and means committee on the reduction
of war revenue taxes. The committee
gives tomorrow to this subject, hearing
the beer interests in the morning and
the tea Interests In the afternoon.
On Tuesday the committee returns to
the subject of Cuban reciprocity, hear
ing more of the representatives of beet ,
sugar, and also several Cuban planters
who liave come tu the United States
to" present their view of the case. One
of the members of the committee, Rep
resentative Long, of Kansas, left for
home yesterday to be gone a week, and
this led to an understanding among
the Republican members of the com
mittee that no action on Cuban recip
rocity would be taken for a week.
Philippine Tariff Bill.
The senate will devote Its principal
time . to tho Philippine tariff bill.
It Is the purpose of Senator Lodge,
who Is In charge of the bill, to keep
it before the senate persistently until
.t Is disposed of. lie does not count
on Until action for some time. It Is not
the present purpose of the friends oE
the bill to debate It, but th nttacks
which will be mado on It and upon the
entire administration of Philippine af
fairs Inevitably will bring replies from
many of the Republican senators. It
Is understood that a majority of the
senators on the Democratic! side of the
chamber will be heard before the bill li
passed. Among those who will speak
early are Senators Curium-, Monc'
Teller, Culberson, Turner, Patterson,
Jones, of Arkansas, and Hacon. Sen
ator Lodge will seek the earliest op
portunlty to have the amendments
recommended by his committee for
mally adopted, but probably will not
press these when senators are prepared
to proceed with set speeches.
Senator Nelson will take advantage
of every chance to have the bill cre
ating a department of commerce con
sldered, with the view to having fa
vorable action upon it.
Representatives of German Societiea
Confer in New York.
Dy llxclustic Wire from The Associated I'rcas.
Xew Vorl, Jan. id. IteprCM-nlatlies of the i.i
rloas (ieinun ocletlcs ot N'ew lorl; city met Ihll
aftcninou to Juithei consider plans for the re
ception of l'rlm.i lb 111 v. It was decided that
thcic rIiiiiiM be .1 Inn lillnlit pioce'slon on the
eicnliur of Felminy l, the i-auie esc-nintr cm
whlih the nc-iupapci men of Ihe coiinny will
iiiiet the piliuci ut dinner. It vas unnounc-eii
that Pi'. Von llulleben hail kiuii his siiictlon K
the pioi exslnu.
It is iMimatcd that luoie 1 11.111 UO.II0O iiurcl.i'i
will be 111 line and I'llni-e Henry will relic-"' the
parade fiom the bulldim,' of the Arlon society,
ITflj-idntli street and I'alk iiienue,
Memheis of 05 Sunday Schools a)
Cainegie Hall.
Hy lliilushe Wire from The Associated Pres.
Sew Yolk, Jan. 20 Clilldieu fiom sixty-Ill I
Sundiv Khools of lhl.s city luwinlilcil III Cimcgli
hall loda), completely tllllnir the ureat audito
limn. The meetinir was In the Inleresta of tin
Twcntlclh Century Thaulc otleriiiK fund. IIWiop
Andicwa made an address. Addressed were ulw
made by Methodist Pidscopal cleigjiiii-n.
Of tlie l,ll,0iii fund, which is to be ral.s-c
tiUu,timi lku been taken in or pledged. At todaj '1
medio:,' a laisre kum was raised, the largest sub
nrlptloii, W'. lowing 'r0"i Tremont Sunday
school, while there was one Individual subscrip
tion of tl,0.
Irfiral data fur January 20, lOOli
Highest leiiiHratiiie .,,,..,,.. 30 degreei
l.ouct tiluperatine , ,.. 20 degni'i
ltelatiie huiuldlti :
b u. m , 71 per leut,
8 p. 11 ,,,,, &! percent,
Piecipitatlon, 21 hours ended 8 p. 111., trace,
-f 4- .
Washington, Jan. 20. I'orecast for Mon-
4- day and Tuesday: Kastcrn Pcuusylianla, -4--i-
rain Monday; Tuesday much colder and 4
-- gem-tally fair; fresli to brisk southerly to 1
4- westerly wind. s)
-J- 1 4-4- .. t . -r. f t .t -t
I! 4