The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 25, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Special to ili Scranton Tribune,
Montrose, Jan. 24. Slolghrltle parlies
aro a popular fniihlon In this place at
present. AmoiiR those who treated their
friends to n ride this week were Mlaa
Myrtle l'orlgo ntul Miss Mary McCol
luiii. Mrs. George Kessonden, formerly ot
this place, died on January 14, at the
home of her daughter, In Brooklyn, N.
Y nged G yeais,
CommcnclHg on Sunday, February 2,
3002, a week of prayer will bo observed
at the Presbyterian and Baptist
'churches. Owing to the churches being
quarantined the week of prayer could
not be observed the first of the year, as
is customarily done.
Postmaster George G. Burns received
n telegram from Congressman "Wright
on Wednesday, that his appointment
had been confirmed by the United
States senate.
Owing to the recent smallpox scare,
the annual meeting of the County His
torical society was postponed, but It
will be held at the High school building
on Saturday, February J, when an in
teresting and attractive programme
will be presented.
The annual meeting and rental of
pews of the Presbyterian congregation
will take place at the church on next
Tuesday, January 2S. Meeting at 10.30
a. in., and the rental of pews and sheds
at 11.30 p. in, of the same day.
Word was received this week of the
deaths of two former well-known na
tives and for many years residents of
Montrose. They weie Judge William
II. DeWitt. of Butte, Montana, and
Samuel Rilev, of Ashland, Pa.
Fine ice from tvvplvo to fourteen
Inches thick is being harvested from
Jones lake.
The tin op cases of diphtheria In the
family of Dr. E. It. Gardner, one of
them being the doctor himself, aro all
convalescent. The house is now being
thoroughly fumigated, under direction
of Dr. J. G. Wilson, the attending physi
cian. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney J. Jenckes, of
Perry, N. Y., were called to this place
to attend the funeral of the late Judge
Jessup, an uncle of Mr. Jenckes, and
they remained a day or so as the guests
of relatives.
Mrs. W. II. Turrell and MI&s Mamo
Courtright entertained a number of
friends at progressive euchre one af
ternoon this week, at the Turrell resi
dence on Lake avenue. The prize-winners
were Mrs. W. AV. Smith and Mrs.
H. A. Lyons.
Mr. and Mrs. X. Warner have, re
turned from their wedding trip and aro
leceiving the congratulations of many
Mr. nnd Mrs. tleniy A. Fordham are
visiting lrlends in Scranton.
Bruce D. Titman, a student at Wyo
ming seminary, Kingston, is at the
home of his parents, Hon. and Mrs. D.
C. Titman, In this place, ill from the
effects of vaccination.
Miss Emily C. Blackmail has arrived
at Starke, Florida, where she 'expects to
spend the balance of the winter.
W. II. Mawhoney, the clothier, has
been spending the week in New York.
T. C. Allen has purchased the Jane
Williams property on West Church
Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
1'ooley. celebrated his ninth birthday
on Tuesday, by giving an enjoyable
party to a number of his little friends.
Stevens shaft, at West Pittston. was
idle yesterday, owing to a slight mis
hap. Two empty cars became released
and ran into the shaftway and down,
smashing the carriage. No one was in
jured. Marshall Evans has resigned Ills posi
tion at Howell's furniture and under
taking store, and is looking over the
state for a suitable town In which to
open up a furniture and undertaking
Alvin Lynn, for several years em
ployed as clerk in Weeks & Co.'s shoe
store, has resigned his position, the
resignation to take effect Saturday
Jlfrs. James Coulter, for many years
a resident of Tompkins street, this
city, died last night from the effects of
a shock received by falling down a
flight of stairs about six weeks ago.
Thr "uneral will take place Sunday af-
tei noon.
Three new cates of small-pox were
reported In this city today. Two of
them are at houses already quaran
tine. The new patients are Geoige
Morgan, whose daughter was among
la often the name given by careless and
thoughtless people to those who are care
ful and thoughtful. "What a lucky
woman," is said of one whose health and
beauty proclaim her free from womanly
.diseases. The luck often consists in her
having thoughtfully considered the mer
its of Dr, 1'ierce's Favorite Prescription
and proved its ability to cure the dis
eases peculiar to her sex.
"Favorite Prescription" is a reliable
medicine for the cure of womanly dis
eases, It establishes regularity, dries
weakening drains, heals inflammation
and ulceration, and curea female weak
ness. "1 had poor health for nine yean," writes Mrs.
Armintlc Wntklus, of Acme, Kauawha Co., W,
Va. "Had female wcakucs. was very irregular
and would suffer uutold misery, Our family
doctor did uot do mc any good aud I concluded
to write to you. When I wrote I had uo Idea
that I would ever get well, but when your letter
reached nie I began to have hope. I commenced
taking Dr. Tierce's medicines as directed and
begau to improve in strength. I wan noon able
to do the work for my family of mi, I took
eight bottles, three of 'Favorite Prescription !
ami fit c of ' (ioldeu Medical Discovery ' aud two
vials of Pellets, u '
The People's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, JooS pages, in paper covers, is
scnt- on receipt of ai one-cent 6tatps
to pay expense of tnciling only. Address
Dr, R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y,
Hf Ism
the first victims; Miss Klin. Day, ot
South Main street, whose brother has
been 111 with the disease, nnd Mrs.
Charles Davidson, who lives opposite
the Morgan homestead.
A mad dog, coming from the direc
tion inf Duryen, created much excite
ment about the streets of Upper Pitts
ton last night. It Is reported a man
was bit at Duryen.
Prof. Gwllym Davis, of Dorrnnceton,
has been secured ns adjudicator of the
eisteddfod to be held In the Welsh Con
gregational church, Feb. 2S.
At the meeting of Itepubllcan return
judges at West Pittston this evening.
The flection was held last Tuesday,
and only a light vote polled. In all 120
votes were case. The Republican majority-In
the town Is 000. The candi
dates chosen were: Councllmen, Geo.
Stroh, F. II. Brenton and George Lang
ford; auditor, A. D. Hicks; poor di
rectors, Jos. Klotz and Edgar Cooper;
Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater,
Had a wife and couldn't keep her
He put her in ti pumpkin shell.
And there he kept her very well.
Find his wife and the farme r who raised the pumpkin.
constable, A. J. Howell; high consta
borough Republican officers were chos
en: Chairman, W. B. Richards; sec
retary, L. K. Drake; tieasurer, Edgar
Tho Misses Weeks entertained at
their pleasant home on Wyoming ave
nue, last evening. About twenty-live
guests were present, including a num
ber from Wilkes-Barre.
Miss Bridget Burke, aged 20 years,
died at 10 o'clock this morning at the
homo of her mother on Drake street,
Hamtown, She bad been ill several
The Good Roads league of West
Pittston is hard at work ptepailng for
an active spring campaign. Although
only recently organized 107 names have
been enrolled and subscriptions to the
amount of nearly $3,000 have been re
ceived. Ellas AVeaver, of Johnstown, for
merly of the job department of the
Pittston Gazette, has leased the job
printing establishment of Tallle
Evans, on Broad street, this city, and
will assume control Feb. 1.
The Citizens' party of West Pittston
met at the town hall this evening, and
placed a ticket in the Held for borough
officers, to be voted on at the spring
At an interesting meeting of the
common council last evening the Can
non Ball Trolley company was given
permission to lay tracks on tho streets
of this city.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Honesdale, Jan, 24, A meeting of the
Republican county committee will be
held at the Allen house this Saturday
Rev, and Mrs. Jnmes P. Ware at
tended the winter session of the Scran
ton nrch-deaconry nnd Woman's Aux
iliary in Wilkes-Barre this week.
"Pickett's Gap" is the title of a new
storj by Homer Grpeu. which has
commenced In the Youth's Companion.
The Calhon, Chase and Wilson min
strels hold the boards for the Hones
dale opera house Thursday evening,
January 30. They promise a fine at
traction. Hoop roller, acrobats, band
orchestra and fun,
A quartette of Honesdale gentlemen,
Messrs. O, T Chambers, DuBols D.
Weston, Thomas M. Fuller and Dr, C.
R. Brady will sail from Now York for
Savannah, Ga Febniniy 4. They will
visit tho Charleston exposition before
returning home, Mrs. Brady will join
her husbnnd at Savannah, from them
they will continue their trip farther
south, to be absent d urine February.
Hon, F, P. Klinblo will bo the Houes
dule tepresontatlvo to tho dltector'B
department of tho State Educational
association nt Hiirrisburg, Fob. 12,
Through tho efforts of Postmaster
M. U, Allen and his deputy, John
Hluirpsteen, a decided improvement
has been made In tho arrangement of
the boxes in the Honesdale postolllce.
During the year 1001 thlrty-slx inter
ments weto made In Glen Dyberry
cemetery, twenty of which wore resi
dents, and sixteen non-residents of
Honesdale at time of death.
Erie Agent H, Nnuls Is making dates
for excursions to Lake Ariel, which Is
to bu opened to the public the coming
The amount paid for sheep Injured
by dogs In Wayne county Is quite an
Item of expense, Tho records show
that n yearly average of ?l,05fi.22 has
been paid for the past ten years.
Wayno county Is well adapted for
sheep raisin?. While there are fine
beards throughout the county now,
there would bo many more could they
bo secured from dogs.
The rain on Wednesday caused a rise
In the Lackawaxen iver, which
brought down a quantity of Ice that
formed n gorge under the Main street
bridge, threatening tho destruction of
the bridge. Several churges of dyna
mite weto exploded In tho mass of Ice,
which finally passed from under the
bridge and moved down on tho unbrok
en Ice In Park Lake where unother
gorge was formed nnd the Ice now re
malna. Dynamite was used on Thurs
day to move this Jam, but without
success. A sudden llse In the Lacka
waxen may cause serious damage,
Carbondalc, the one spot on the
beautiful earth where everything Is
done Just right, but woo be unto their
neighbors, who nro always wrong, In
baseball, football, court matters, news
papers and what not,
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Fnctoryville, Jan. 24, Arthur Wrlg
ley has accepted a position In a grocery
store In Scranton, and entered upon his
duties last Monday.
A large number from this place nnd
vicinity went over and sumrlsed Mr.
and Mrs, Emery Avery, one night last
week. A very good time Is reported to
have boon had by those present.
Tomorrow tho Republicans ot this
borough will hold their caucus at the
town hall, between the hours of 2 nnd 4
o'clock. Tho time set in not Just ns
convenient as It might have been, for
theie are several of our townsmen who
nro In business In Scrnnton and do not
arrive hero until Cot p. in. The usual
time set heretofore has been from 4 to
6. which gives those doing business In
the city a chance to come up on the
4.3C p. m. train and vote according to
their choice for borough officers.
Union temperance services will bo
held next Sunday evening In the Bap
tist church. The Rev. J. N. Lue will
occupy the pulpit.
Lindsey Bros, have disposed of their
Main street property, now occupied by
Louis Rifenbury, to Mrs. Sarah AVood.
Mrs. George Snyder, of Nicholson,
spent the day here witli relatives last
Miss Bertha Knapp has recovered
from an attack of diphtheria, and the
quarantine has been removed from the
house by the board of health.
The councllmen and the Keystone
Lumber and Supply company were
going over our streets Thursday, locat
ing where the electric lights aie to be
Dr. John Wilson, of Monti ose, has
very kindly offered to donate a plot of
ground in this borough suitable for any
manufacturing plant, the site to be
agreed upon by the manufacturers and
the board of trade.
The borough councils met in special
session last Tuesday night and passed
the new borough ordinances, Nos. 16
and 17, in regard to lighting the bor
ough by electricity, on third and final
reading. They are now ready for pub
lication. The Methodist Episcopal church has
planned for a course of lectures In the
near future for tho benefit of the
church. Among the lecturers who will
be welcomed will be one of our former
pastors. Dr. O. L. Sevcison, of West
Special to (lie Scranton Tribune.
Factoryville, Jnn. 24, The second
quarter of school closed Friday with
final examinations in all the branches
taught. The third quarter will begin
Monday, the 27th, with no intermission
between sessions.
O. F. Byxbee, of The Tribune, was a
business caller here on Thursday,
Mrs, II, Loren Fassott, who has boon
spending n few weeks at Syracuse, N.
Y is expected homo today.
Piofessor Hulley will preach at Fleet
vlllo on Sunday next and every alter
nato Sunday for some time, until other
arrangements are made by the Baptist
church of that place for a settled pas
tor. Tho special iPllgious meetings held In
tho school and church aie largely at
tended aud an Increasing Interest is
fell, with tho result of many unxlous
souls seeking salvation,
Prof, II, Loren Fassett preached Ills
first sermon In tho Factoryville Baptist
church on Sunday evening. Prof. Fas
sett Is u clear and eonelso thinker, ns
well as an eloquent speaker, and he d,id
not fall to mnko n deep nnd lasting Im
pression upon his large audience.
Tho students who have been Indis
posed, as the result of vaccination,
havo again resumed their duties, not
much the worse for their suffering and
tho dread of lockjaw.
Special to the Scnnton Tribune.
Hallstead, Jan. 21, Our constable,
Elmer Decker was busy yesterday Is
suing bubpoenns in cases of J, W,
Whelan and Geoige Yun Fleet, charged
with having slot machines on their
premises. Cases to be tried at January
term of court at Montrose.
Mr. T, A. Eldrldge the popular
station agent Is spending a few days at
Rotterdam, N. Y, During his absence
Air. J, li. I.udgntc, of Scruutou Is act
ing us agent here,
Mr. William C'ail, of Dayton avenue,
when coming out of his wood shed, un
expectedly btruck u piece of Ico and fell
striking on his head but at lust ac
count Is getting along nicely.
Dr. A. F, Inervlll, who has had an at
tack of vurllold Is able to up and
Mr. Frank Harold and Miss Annie
Brown of this place, were married at
the home of the bride's grand parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Brown, at Klrkwood,
X. J.MIbs Brown Is the dnUghter o
It. J, Brown tho popular rcstailrfthter.
Mr. Harold Is In tho employ of the D.
L. & AV, raltrdad ns a ilrcnmn.
Mr. Charles H. Jtldd, tho popular
clerk nt tho Mitchell House, who lint
been confined nt his home at Gteat
Bend, Pa by a slight Illness Is again
on duty today. '
Mr. J, M. Cronnn, a former resident
of this place, now of Kansas City, was
calling on his numerous friends today.
Ho Is stopping at tho Mitchell House,
The board ot health havo ordered n
new formaldehyde rogpnator for disin
fecting, with a capacity of 15,000 cubic
- s ..
Speelil to (tie Scranton Tribune.
Dundnff, Jan. 24. The rain of the
early part of tho week has taken near
ly all of our snow and sleighing Is
gone, and those that neglected getting
their Ice In Ice weather have long
faces todny.
It Is rumored about town that wc
are to soon have a show In our rink,
In the way of a soap and medicine
company. AVo presume Uncle AVIlllam
will be on the lookout for them.
AVp would advise the hunters to
take warning for Henry Is after them
with something more than a sharp
stick. It was only a few ifhyfl.ago that
our stalwart constable, Henry Race,
swooped down on four llght-liearted
chappies from Forest City as they
were walking through our streets,
boldly taking with them pine rabbits
nnd onp pheasant, but Henry was mas
ter of ceremonies and enough for them
for he had A, J. Perry and Robert
Fnncher, two other officers with him,
who helped In the fracas. The prison
ers resisted and begged, but of no use.
In they went, nnd in the absence from
town of 'Squlie "Wells, they were tak
en before 'Squire Fike and was treat
ed with a lecture on game laws, and
properly fined, the total of which was
$115, besides the cost.
We are very thankful to say that
there are no signs of small-pox near
us yet. The school board has ordered
all the school children vaccinated, and
the citizens arc nearly all getting
vaccinated. Dr. Edwards, of Clifford,
Is doing a good share of the vaccinat
ing, in a very successful manner.
The oyster supper held last week at
the home of Mrs. O. T. Hull proved a
success in every way. The night was
perfect, beautiful sleighing, and conse
quently they came from all directions,
and the house was filled with joyous
people, both old and young, A fine
entertainment was given under the
auspices of the Baptist Ladies' Aid.
They also gave a fine supper, and all
were well pleased with the night's
pleasure. The liberal response to the
little basket that was passed netted a
neat sum. The next oyster supper will
be at the homo of AV. L. Millard, on
Feb. 6, and we expect another good
time. Come and help the Ladles' Aid
In their good work.
Special to tht Scranton Trlbun.
Thompson, Jan. 21. The recent rain
and freeze has left Thompson in a
slippery condition.
John Clapper, of the township, re
ceived word this morning of the death
of his sister, Mrs. Catherine Curtis, at
Herrick Centre. Funeral tomorrow.
Miss Nellie Clancey and Miss tStella
Howard attended the Odd Fellows' re
ception at Susquehanna AVednesday
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Matthews, of Sus
quehanna, returned home this morn
ing after a visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. Ar. AVhitney.
Thompson's usual quiet has been
disturbed this week. Yesterday morn
ing it was proclaimed with a loud
voice that three of our citizens had
sworn false in making the returns of
the primary held Tuesday evening.
And yesterday afternoon the sheriff's
deputy served papers on the borough
authorities making them defendant in
a suit for $15,000 damage sustained by
a woman of the borough by falling on
a slippery sidewalk a year or more ago.
Evidently there is some excitement
Rev. AV. II. French of tho F. B.
church Is the orator at the bean bake
at Jackson tonight given by Myron
French post, G. A. R. Thompson will
have other representatives there.
Tho W. C. T. IJ. will hold its regu
lar monthly meeting In the Methodist
Episcopal church next Sabbath even
ing. ! Theatrical 1
I.Vl ENM ("icston Clarke and company, .ftcr.
noon and night.
ACADEMY Frankic Carpenter company. Af
ternoon and night.
STAR-"Miss New Ycrk, jr." Afternoon and
Oreston Clarke Today.
Cirton Clarke, who will appear at a matinee
today us l)aid (larrlck and tonight as Richelieu,
opened his current season in Philadelphia, and
otter his first performance the Ilecord had this to
fay o him: ".V Creslon Clarke engagement is
always a genuine event for tho host of local ad'
mlrers of this sterling joung Interpreter of classic
and romantic drama and of the notable roles of
both comedy ,ind tragedy. Ills gamut has a vvlds
range, us tWlts thit on of comedy (John Sleeper
Clarke), nnd this nephew of tragedy (Edwin
"Credit Is certainly due to his achievements,
for every role that ho depicts is Interpreted in a
scholarly, solidly traditional anil highly effective
stjlc, which shovis that inspiration In not Jack,
tug. Ills Richelieu, Harriet,, llimlct, Mathlas and
Don Caesar dt Iliran are all flue portrajals, each
being bejond the art of the average popular
actor, who gets bo much newspaper notice and
who gives so little genuine acting in leturn. Mr.
Clarke stands In the front lank, and Is well wor
thy of the piay-goei's attention und applause In
every lole he has undertaken. His biipporllng
rompanles have at times been a uak feature of
his popular appeal, and It Is a pleasure to noto
that he has clhcitut support this J car,"
"The New South,"
.leio (irady lias careefully selected the playi In
which to star MUs Carpenter und the company to
support her, for every new production of tho
week has been better than the preceding one,
"The New South" was the play last evening, and
was well done throughout. Miss Vtillord as Oeoi.
gla, gao a splendid characteritatlon; II. E. Al
len, in Captain Foul, was up to his usual ex
celltnt st) lei Cordon Kldrld, as Dr, Lincoln, was
good, ami Mlaa Carpenter, who has made many
MemU in this lity, appeared as llesslc, and de
lighted tho audience with her clever acting,
'(he company brings their engagement to a
i lose tonight by presenting "The American I'riu.
less," with Miss Carpenter In the ihuracler of the
PrlncfR. There will undoubtedly be a large au.
dience, as the company has pleased the theater.
Carner Stock Company.
The Carner Stock company will begin a weeVs
engagement at the Academy of Jludc net Mon
day utght, Jan. 7, presenting for tho opening
play Hal Heed's beautiful southern story, in four
acts, "The Knobs o' Tennessee." Speaking of the
Carner Stock company, the Maiietta, Ohio, pally
leader of December 21, sjs: "A full house
greeted tho performance of 'Kuobs o' Tcuue;sec'
4 Lines 10 Cents
A'ore Than Four Lines, 3 Cents for Bach Hxtr Llns.
For Kent.
HAM' Dormi.K home. KM Harrison atcnue, IS.
AIo half double house, NXM Pine street, ill.
Possession now. Apply MO Morrison avenue.
HOtrsr. NO. Kll Forent court, between WjnmllW
aciiuc nnd Krle depot, Kent, $12. Monroe
urown, una a ueaii.
STAIt CAfi:, with fixtures, lor rent. Apply J.
V, Welchcl, 830 Wclmlcr tuenue.
roil KKXT $18, one-halt of double home, In
upper Orecn Illdgc! large yard, hath, hot
and cold water, range, electric lights. It. P.
Hamilton, Paull building, .Spruce street.
Wanted To Hent.
liAKll AlUEL COTTAOn, wanted to rent, June
to October, t months or :i months, lutmsiicu;
nothing fancy; Just plain and comfortable, at
leasonablc price. Address Cottage, Tribune.
WANTlin TO IlKST Three or four furnished or
Unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. Address
vzj .icnerson avenue, city.
For Sale.
Pftl n mnil tr. each our fish live.
I III II LlVtl Hl,.,lo T.n ,, Vl,rl,l alntf.
UUIjU I lull ing canaries. 1'ull line of
aquaria, all rize. nil prices. Parrots that talk.
Suntlower nnd other seeds, purest, best. llras
cages, fiOc. up. Pox Is reliable. 215 Spruce st.
FOIl SALE A good horse. Apply to Cleorge
llrlegel, 414 Olhc street.
BLACK MAlti: ron SALHi guaranteed sound and
kind. i:. a. Courser!, 42'J Lackawanna ae.
JUST AltHIVED with a carload of horses; good
woikcis nnd several closely matched teams.
Weight from 1,100 to 1,500. Can bo seen at 331
Itajmond court. V. JI. Cobb.
Toil SALi: Shavings, sawdust and kindling wood.
At Amley's Lumber Yard, 801 Scranton St.
Ton SAM: Stock nf the Internationa'. Text Hook
Company of Strarton (formerly the Colliery
i.ngineer uo.), cjhas. U. Sanderson, 13 Wyoming
aienue, scranton, I'n.
roil SALK CHEAP Firewood, iron roofing, tim
bers, boards, scantling, etc., fiom old cars;
suitable for all purposes. Jennings, Central
Mines switch, foot of Harrpton street, off Souili
Main avenue.
FOU SALE Two light spring wagons and somo
harncis, cheap. Evans, rear 1132 Luzerne
FOR SALE Cheap; horse, spring wagon and
harness, at No. 1828 Cedar avenue.
Furnished Booms.
FUUXIMIED IIOO.MS for lent, modem Improve
ments; private family; gentlemen preferred,
at 5J7 Adams avenue.
FOU KENT Two comfortably furnished rooms
for sentlemen; modern improvements; pri
vate lamny. sjo Washington avenue.
FOIl nEXT Furnished front room, with heal,
bath and ga.-,; near court house; gentleman
preferred. Address Ilooin, Box 209.
FOU HEXT Furnished room; heat and bath.
C25 Linden street.
and bath, gentlemen preferred, at 630 Adams
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WAX! ED Aurll 1. bv a ladv. two unfurnished
rooms in a family of two, residing above
Adama avenue. AdchcsS, "Permanent, 1 limine
Wanted Boom and Board.
WANTED Boom and board in reflncd private
family for three ladies; not to exceed 12 per
wcck. unc located vvitnin live minutes w-aiK irom
city hall preferred. Address, K. 11, Tribune Of
fice. Booms and Board.
TWO CONXIX1IXCI looms and board for family
o turce; cenirai location. Auuiess uox ij,
Tribune office.
ROOMS TO RENT, with board. 809 Mulberry
Boarders Wanted.
WANTED Two boarders in small private family,
Address Q., Tribune ofilce.
PRIVATE FAMILY wishes to have two nice men
to board, German or English. Call any time
after Thursday. All conveniences, 807 Hairhon
av enue.
LOST Jewel necklace, between I). & II. depot
and .lonas Longs' stole. Reward n leturued
to Eva Hctzel, 330 Lackawanna avenue.
Money to Loan.
straight loans or Building and Loan. At
from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V, Walker,
314-315 Conned building.
Superfluous Hair Bemoved.
lessly, permanently, fccientifleally removed by
electric needle; exclusive method; no scars. Trial
treatment free. Call and be convinced. Helen
S, Buchanan, Dermatologist, 312 Washington ave.
piesented by tho Carner Stock company last
night. The cast Is a strong one and the play wa.s
well put on. 'Die specially work wa3 good, es
pecially tlm club swinging performance of the
gieat Koppe. The ijBlano Sistcra also gave
great natlsfaction, as did also the singing of Fred
Russell. Will Hnmsteger's moving pictures fur
nlihed plenty of amusement."
Marie Cahlll, the clever comedienne recently
seen heie in "The Clnperoncs," was one of the
original sklit dancers in this country and gradu
ated froi.i that line of effort Into Iter present
Minstrelsy is the one form of stage amusement
that America can cliini credit for originating,
and vet today Philadelphh is the only city that
Ins a burnt cork organization as a permanent
J. II, (illmour, who has been plajlug the lead
ing role in "The Prince of Peace," whiih ihwcd
in Chicago last Saturday night, will probably bj
given tho principal role In the forthcoming pro
duction of "Notre Dame" in New York,
Elizabeth Tjree has made several substantial
hits of late, but the lioj's part ohe is playing in
the curtain raiser, "Thu Romanesques," at the
Madison tiqiwc theater, New York, is said to be
the bent woik of her career.
During the KendaU' English provincial tour,
which begin about tli first of next month, they
will produce two new plajs. One Is by Miss Clo
Craves and Lady Colin Campbell and the other
is an adaptation from a Uerman piece.
J, E. Dodson, the well known character actor,
who has been with Mrs. Fisko'a company until
recently, has been signed by KUw & Erlanger for
the l,ondon production of "Ben Hur." Mr, Dod
son will have the part of Sii'ionides.
(lus 1'l.vley, the comedian with one of Murray
li Mack's companies, is suftcring with a bad cats
of smallpox at a hospital at Sand Creek, Col, It
is believed that Plsiey cauaht the diseass while
plaing In Kansas City.
Charley Evans goes back to "A Parlor Match"
next season, lilaw Si Krlanger having already
bcoked a loule, Mr, Evans Is looking tor a
comedian to play "Old Hoss" Hocy's part, and
he may decide to engage a prominent vaudeville
Eugene Powers, a nephew of fiovernor Powers,
of Maine, is plajlug the title role in "The Vil
lage Postmaster," Mr. Powers made his debut in
this play fix cars ago, receiving a salary of (20
a week, and has worked his way up to the head
of the company.
The seating rapacity of the countrj'i six larg
rst theaters is: Auditorium, Chicago. 4,700;
Metropolitan Opera house. New York, 3,500; Bos
ton theater, 3,l72i the New btar, New York. 3,040;
Grand Opera House, New York, 2,037; Acadcnijr
of Music, Philadelphia, 3,000.
Want Advertisements Will Be
Becoivcd at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 F. M.
Central City
ALBERT SCHULTZ, eotner Uulbtfrj
strut snd WebtUr avenue.
CUSTAV riCHEL. CM Aditnt iTesue.
Woat Side
OEOROE ,v. JENKINS, 101 South Vtln
South Scranton
FRED L. TERPPE, 729 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
OEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main
avenue and Market street.
Groen Bldgo
CHARLES P. JONES, 1557 Dickson
I J. JOHNS, P20 Green Ridge street.
C. LORENZ. corner Washington ave
nue and Marion street.
W. H. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue.
J. a. BONE li SON.
Help Wanted.
HELP WANTED $12 weekly for copying letters
home; either tex. Send two stamps for par
ticulars., Eaglo Mfg. Co., CO Dearborn street,
Help Wanted Male. wanted, state age, .experience and
falary desired for first jear; will pay good
salary alter first jear If services aro satisfactory.
Address, John's Advertisement, care ot Tribune
RELIABLE MAN wanted for permanent salaried
office position in Scranton. Experience un
necessary. Rcfcicncos and $50 cash deposit re
quired. Address, Sunt. Schneider, 1330 Cherry,
YOUNG MEN Learn rapid lettering for signs,
show cards, tickets, etc. Home study; book
let free. W. A. Thompson, Pontiac, Mich.
YOUNG MEN wanted any distance, conv let
ters, home evenings nnd return to us. Wc pay
$S per thousand, bend addressed envelope, parti
culars and copy. F. M. C. Dept. 133, Box 1411,
AXY PERSON" who will distribute circulars tut
?3 dally should address Standard Co., 4 Wells,
WANTED Responsible Manager to take charge
of vvarerooms and office to be opened in
Scranton to further business interests of old es
tablished manufacturing concern. Salary $12r per
month and extra profits. Applicant must havo
good references and $800 eisli. Address Manager,
P. O. Box 1421, Philadelphia, Pa.
CIVIL SERVICE government positions. n.SS'l ap
poiutments made last jear. Probably 10,000
this jear. Only common school education re
quired for examinition. Catalogue for infonua
tin free. Columbian Correspondence College,
Washington, D. C.
ACTICE, RELIABLE MAN to represent laige
manufacturing company locally. Absolutely
no canvassing. Advenccment to right pn ij Sal
arv, $18 00 weekly. Address W. J. Uhl, 72J Chest
nut stiect, Philadelphia, Pa.
WANTED Canvassers to canvass in New- York
stite. Epeasc3 advanced. Call toda.v and
Friday on F. ', Challen, Lackawanna Vallej
House. WANTED By leading Philadelphia house, first
class salesman, to sell general' line ot paper
to the retail trade, one who has an acquaintance
preferred; must have best reference and be able
to furnish bond. Address P. O. Box 203, Phila
delphia. Help Wanted Female.
YOl'ND LADIES wanted any distance, copy let
ters, home evenings and return to us. te piv
?S per thousand. Send addressed envelope, paiti
culars and copj F. M. C. Dept. 135, Box 1111,
WANTED Girl for general housework in small
family. Apply to 1410 Adams avenue.
WANTED Olrl for general housework at Dalton.
Address II. T., care Tribune.
Agents Wanted.
bj- Ceo. E. Graham. Autograph introduction
nnd personal account of battle by Rear-Admiral
FOR FIRST TIME, by the only eye-witnesses ot
the fight. Sells faster than "Life of McKlnley."
Liberal commissions. FREE OUTFIT READY.
Send seven 2-cent stamps for postage. Books now
ready. Beware of imitations. Can be had only
from sole publishers. W, B. CONKEY COM
PANY, Chicago, III.
WANTED Ten men to canvass in New- York
state; expenses advanced. Call ot once on
F. N. Challen, Lackawanna Valley House.
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION WANTED By u widow to do wash
ing. Ironing or cleaning of any kind. Ad
dress .Mrs. J. Millie, 712 Schnell court.
SITUATION WANTED By a younff boy 15 jears
l.i nllllnff In rin anvthincr. Addreaa K. E..
603 Washington avenue.
SITUATION WANTED Bv girl 1o do house
work or nursing. Address 444 New street.
WANTED By a good girl a place to do house
woik in private family; only small family
paying BOeJ wages need reply, M. C, Trlbuno
A POSITION wanted by n young man to work
uneruouus or cvt mufc;,., wh wi,, . sten
ography and tvpewrltlng, Address, II, E, S., 1030
North Washington avenue.
YOUNG MAN of 20, with business education,
wants bookkeeping portion or office vvoil;
of anv kind, live jean." experience as clerk; can
furnish excellent references. Address, Position,
Box 103, Moosic, Pa,
WANTED By a young lady with good education,
a position in an office or as assistant book,
keeper; highest references. Address Box 161,
llawley, Pa.
WANTED Position as barkeeper in first-class
saloon or club house by party who thorughly
understands bis business, large experience, ca
pable cf taking full charge; reference as to char
acter, etc; have been owner and manager for
number jears. Address Box 20, Tribune office,
WANTED Small family washing done at home
Mondavi. Mrs. Ed Salmon, 020 Dlx court,
WANTED A position as bookkeeper by gentle,
man with sixteen jears' experience; best of
refeiences. (I. Tribune oltlce.
SITUATION WANTED, by married nun, as prl
vate coachman; best city refeiciice. Apply
A. '.., Tribune office,
SITUATION WANTED By woman to go out
working or to tako washing and ironing
home, or ko out warning and ironing. Addresi
615 Orchard street.
SITUATION' WANTED A youmj woman with
child S jears old; housekeeping picferred;
best references. Mrs, Brown, Scranton postofflce.
SITUATION WANTED As clerk or workman in
jewelry store; tiurty years experience; goon
references. Address A. C. B., 22S Spriug street,
West Pittston, Pa.
WANTED Every family bothered with loackes to
send us their address. We manufacture the
greatest Roach, Moth and Poultry Vermin cxter,
iniiutois of the age. Beats Powder Co., Box WO,
sera nion, ra.
3 Insertions 25 Cents.
MorsThs.1 Pour LlntJ, 6 Cents for tloch Hutta l.M,
fc'--fc --siJrvn--r---rvrLrLrLjirvrxr
Certified Public, Accountant.
Building, and St. Paul Building, New York.
Estate Exchange Bldg., 12(1 Washington are.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
Spruce street, Ecranton.
Rooms 12, 14, io and 13 Burr Building.
tiated on real estate security. Mears Building,
.nrnn.. lv.l.l.. -. .i o , .
-v. ..i. .auiiiKiuii mt'iiuu aim opruco sirccb.
?,, . founscHo''s-at-law. Republican Building,
Washington avenue.
! lo-rs at1w. Commonwealth Building, lloomj
10, 20 and 21.
POJ-POl. 0th floor, Mears building.
of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa.
Bank Building
211 Wyoming avenue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
Jngton avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry.
Chronic diseas, lungs, heart, kidneys and
gcnlto-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and Bestaurants.
nue. Bates reasonable.
P. ZIEGLER, Proprietor.
senger depot. Conducted on the European
plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor.
cess pools; no sdor; only improved pumps used.
A. li. Briggs, proprietor. Leave oidcrs 1100
North Main avenue, or Eickc's drug stoie, cor
ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones.
erjmcn, store 201 Washington avenue; green
houses, 1050 Noith Main avenue; sloro tele
phone, 782.
Wire Screens.
Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Who Screens.
also ladies waists. Louise Shoemaker, 21J
Adams avenue.
v elopes, paper bags, twine. Waiehousc, 130
Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa.
in Scianton at the news stands of Rcbsmau
Bros., 400 Spruce and 503 Linden; M. Noiton.
322 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Scbutzer, 211
Spruce street.
Business Opportunity,
A PARTY understanding double entiy bookkecpr
ins can secure for himself a fine position in
a well established dividend pajing company by
investing six or seven thousand dollars. Addess
X. Y. Z., Tribune office.
Write for our special market letter. Tree on
application. S. M. Hlbbaid & Co., members N.
Y. Consolidated and Stock Sxchange, 44 and 10
Broadway, New York. Established 1S04. Long
Distance' Phone 23S3 Broad.
Bonl Estate.
SMALT, TARM near Scranton, improved. Well
watered; also desirable sununuii resilience,
three acres land. Terms to suit. Ilanj'en, attor
ney, 2.10',j Washington avenue.
FOR SALE New house on Cornell stiect, Rounil
Woods Park; modern improvements: easy
terms. Apply to Spring Brook Lumber Co,, or
li S. Woodhouse.
FOR SALE At Clark's Summit; a placo of llru
acies, house nnd barn, good fruit; cheap foe
cash. Inquire ot Mrs. U Lindsay, 1111 Nortli
Main avenue, city.
FOR SALE One acre of land. Improved with
nine-room house; plenty and vaucty of fruit;
good location In village ot Flcctville. Mrs. Ollvu
Fish, Flcetville. Pa.
Dlstilct Court of tho United Slates for tlx
Mlddh- District of Pennsylvania, Geoige 1). Bauer,
Scranton, Pa., of Lackawanna County, Penn-jl
vanla, u bankrupt under the Act of ('onsriss nt
July 1, 1838, having applied for .1 full dUcliargu
from nil debts provabla against his ctatu undent
said .ct, notice is hereby given to all known
eredltaru and other persons in interest, tb' appeal
before the said Court at Scranton,m haid'Dj'j
trlct, on the I3tli day of February, at 10 fiVfoclj.
in the forenoon," to show cause, it any tliiy liavi,
why the prayei ot tho said petitioner, sUauld.rjog
be granted, " '
EDWARD It. W. SEAltLEi Clerks i,
THE ANNUAL MEIVIINH 6f the Stockholder's i
The Lackawanna Trust and fiftfc- lj'pHt-f.ViH-pany
for the election of directois to tmu for'ili'i
ensuing jear. will be held it Hie ofhce'aof -Hid
company, 40! Lackawaiipa avenue, feirauton, Pa.-,
on Monday, February a, 1D0. between the houii
of three and four o clock p. in. , , j
that an application will he made In tho fiov
ernor of Pemisjlvanla, on the 11th diy ol'Fclx
runry, isfii, by E. J. Robinson, Max Itlcr, N.Os
Goodman, John Lohmanii. 1). L, Fickes, f., -Vf
Snook, Otto It. Conrad, llmum I'. &tenier,(Mx
Uadoro (ioiduun, under the Ac( of thu (fill,
eral Assembly of Pennsylvania cntlllixK)Mx,rV
Act to provide for the ineoipoulloii aud uguJ,!
tinn of certain c-ornoutloiu," approval tli""2ltli
day of Apill, Wl, and tho several mpiilimnili
thereto, for tho ehsitei' of an Intended (r
poratimi to be called "German Building Aweli
tlon Number Ten, of bciaiilnn. Pa.," the ilurs
actcr and object thereof being frr the PJirpovfH
accumulating a fund by",lhe periodical ii3ifi1Wi
(Ions of the members thereof, and of safely in"
vesting the same, and for these puiposei to lmn,
possess and enjoy all the rights, lx-m-IUs ;nu
privileges of tatd Act of AHembly and the suit
idements thereto,
D. L. FICKES, Sulleitor.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received' 'foPlSr--iiUhlng
and erecting complete, 2is, incal fjjjrt
of Iron Unee on New York meet tide ai l.aeKK
wanna county prison, jiito to be iicr liue-a) iayt
erecteel and painted complete, ftjli- ot feuee')!
be burnetii that aLa'Jdj ju flout of said prlsoii
Mils la be uddiessed,'tu ujulnslgue-d and In baud
on or liiloie l'ebfury' Lltiej" All bids muli
accompanied by a fortified clfeck for'10 per out
us evidence: of good tilth. The light to rejegt
any or all .bids. U reined-.. E. -A. JUNKS.
as" Sji5-?SuaVeoln
S'.rantou, Pa., Jan. 13, 1002."' "