The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 25, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    svw rTFSei"'-'S
Sd(t'1"' """ 1'SI "TW
iw'w HflW'M;y,u 'srr yi?rf4rw -
J -
tiic uoDfint itAnDtrAns stoiu.
Fixtures 8
Tlio Uliul wo boII are nuide of
brnsa, nlckel-plntod, Iho kind
that wilt not runt.
Towel Hticks, Soup Ctipi",
Spongfe Holders, Brush Hold
ers, etc. Everything neces
sary to jimko your bath room
P-irt fir. Sliar C.n.
119 N. Washington Ave 6
To Utuhfn the llllle itlrlV wool
dieses, worn nil winter, made of
J.nun and India Linen; cti.a wtiltli
In Kkii t ; new iilylej; dainty lace
ond cinliioidrry UlnimliiKi.
510 Spruce Street.
Tlic lenglli of time jour linen upais de
pends on tliu way 11 U finblial. Our
flnWi is plhlile linen wens longer.
S05-310 I'ciin Acuui'.
tVoik Done at That Hospital During
tho Year Patients Treated in
and Out of Institution.
.The ninth annual jeport of the Moses
""aylor Hospital, for the year ending
)ct. 31, 1901, has just been Issued from
I'lie Tribune press, and shows the vast
mount of work that has been done in
this institution. Among other infor
mation It contains the following:
'Iliere lue liecn 5P.2 patients tieated dmii'.if
ho jcar; 01 of thoc licins pibate, Tliu aei
ago lia been 10 pitlcnls dally.
The total cxpemci durim," the Jic.l jiur for tlw
lui.pihil in all ju depaitnifitts amounted to .-",-S31.74.
The ImproMUiriiU added to the hopitai equip
ment din lnjf the past year been the fititnt;
p of the laboratory (or inoiu mbanicd luc
leriololeal and patholo(;ica wo,.
Additional uppaialus for X-ray oil.
'llto vaids bne been pioIded with senium
voms, which, bolus ftunMiod wtlh fleam tables
nd git tloei enable llio in chaige to Imc
ho mcaU bened hot and moic piomptly thu
Tlia interior of the adinliiMulIoii building
tis been newly painted.
'Ihc new home for the nuns started in July
s progress laphlly and piomUes to be en
Itely EatUfactoiy.
'Ihe le.Msnatlon of Hi. X. V. Uit. who fl'lcil
he petition ot MUBeon-in-chlef, for eight civ,
le.'orded. Dr. .lonulun M. Waiimright, of
sew York, w.n appointed to succeed lilm.
llawM and litti'iei line gone on as tisuil
liirlne the pat year, with the addition ot pric
Ileal Instruction in maase and scientific took,
ppllcalioM for admivMon to the tiainiiis
tchool ieehed iluilnc; tlie, A
'I lu class of 1001 munbeied four O) at giad
nation. 'Ihn Senior class iminUercd tnche (12), ot this
ninnlicr, one his been (hopped. Ms (ii) pio.
batloners liae been letciwd on tilil, of the-e,
tliiee- (I!) h.oe bun tuicpted, one (1) ileclinsd,
iitul tvio (2) Mill on piobation,
"t lie piesent mimiiia; ionK.s of: One
Kiadnate miri'i'; 1J senior nuiacsj :! Junior nurcos;
piolutlonus, a total of 17.
The afltcers and staff of the Moses
Taylor hosnltnl aru as follows:
Olflceis Hoars 'lajloi, pildenti II. I!. I.ooinls,
n-tretary and ticasurer.
Director W. II. TiiuxIjIp, f.'olonil Walt. r
Bcianton, Henry WVhiiuu, II. II. Luoiiik.
Medical lloaid Jonathan MjIic Walnwiljiht,
SI. I),, buiBeon-in-fiiitfi coiiMtltini; surgeons, X.
V. I.eijt, M. D A. .1. Conuell, M. 1)., Hm
Hums, M. J)., Cillbeit J). Jluriay, Jr. I),, Oph
thalmologist. House OfOcei. Janet Coidoii firant, mperlu.
llou?e Slnir-Kiantls . Miles. SI. )., enlur
milgeon: IMuaid Carlton Taj lor, Jl, )., junior
The following were treated In the
Indoor department: Lackawanna Iron
& Steel company, 103: Delaware.
Lackawanna & Western. 42S; others,
(11; totul, 592 Following Is it summary
of tho work dtnm for tho yean
i'atlcnta iciiialnlng Xo. 1, 11H K7
J'oticnts adinlttcd during the jear 5'j-j
Diwliargcd lined , j7
JlUilurged inipioveil 71
Discharged iiulmprou'il , jq
'Died, waul cai'8 3
Died, (tliii 21 liouis , ja
fndiT trralmriit, Nov, 1, UiOl .".. -,
No. ol daj of npltal caio ll,5Jl
Ijrge6t number of patient, April i cj
Fiiullc.t iiiiinber of patients, ,"g. 2
Aeragc dally number of patients u
Aurage number of daja caill patient .pent
III the hospital ,,., ,,,,, ,, ;
Ambiilanic calls iCoponded to Jaj
In tho medical department out.idn tho lios
pltal C0l peitoiis weio tieated dining the scar:
total number of I,IU made, a.Olu.
Believed to Be the Unknown Killed
at Cavbondale, Jan. 4. '
T(b police of UlitglutnUon have con
cluded that the unknown man killed ut
Curbondale on January 4 was John
Myers, a IJIushamton crook und wire
cutter. It will bo i emenibered that John
Ilavencump. also of Ulnghamton, idea
tilled the remains of the victim us those
of himself. JJc Is now serving time in
the county Jail for vugraucy.
Finnic Morafy at Little England,
Seat His Sick Wife,
Jlif. Vf. B. Duggnn, rtRcnt ot the nn
soolnted tharllles, ycfllordny caused tl"!
itrrcnt of Frank Mornti, of I'lke street,
Little Knglniul on tho clinrgo of cruel
ly abusing nnd neglecMnir his wife,
The eVIdetiro adduced at a hearing
conducted before Alderman Ruddy re
vealed Mornn In a most unpleasant
light. Neighbors testified that Mrs.
Jlorun Was dangerously 111 In bed with
her eight months' old Infant for the
past two weeks, and that Jtoran him
self bus been coming nomo In an In
toxicated condition every night. It
was staled that he Iiuh beaten his un
fortunate wife while she lay In bed and
that he has left tho house bare of food,
leaving tho neighbors to provide tho ne
cessities of lire.
The alderman considered the cvldcnco
to be strongly against Moral) and bo
committed lilm to the county Jail In
default ot $300 ball. Mrs. Moran will
be taken to tho Hahnemann hospital
He Was a Member o a Gang That
Tried to Break Into Evans'
Place at Duryea.
Burglars attempted to enter the hotel
of Isaac Kvuns, at Duryea, early yes
terday morning. Ho shot at them and
ono of the gang was struck and now
lies In the Plttston hospital In a very
dangerous condition.
Uvnns' saloon is located on the back
road at Duryea, near Kdsall & Clausen's
store, and It was at an early hour yes
terday morning Mr. Evans was aroused
by sonio one endeavoring to raise a
window of ii rear portion of the house
on the first lloor. Mr. Evans and fumily
occupy rooms above the saloon, and ut
first hearing tho operations of tho
burglars, Mr. Evans arose and, seizing
his revolver, lulsed the bedroom win
dow just In time to see the forms of
two men dodging around the corner ot
the house, they having been alarmed at
tho noise when Evans raised the win
dow. Evans fired two shots, and a
piercing yell followed, and one of the
men throw up his arms and fell to the
Evans then grabbed his repeating
rille and hurried out the front, door,
thinking ho might be able to drop an
other of the gang, but they disappeared
too quickly. The Injured man lay on
tho ground, calling for assistance, and
Evans carried him into the hotel. It
was qvldent the man was badly wound
ed, as be was entirely helpless. Dr.
Baker was hastily summoned, and
made an examination of the wound. It
was found that Evans' aim bad been a
very true one, the bullet, which was of
38-callbrc, striking the man Just off the
right shoulder blade and taking a
course to the spine, which was affected,
paralyzing the entire body from the
wound down.
The Injured man was taken to the
Plttston hospital, where it is stated his
condition is considered quite serious.
The man told several stories ns to bis
Identity, but it Is generally believed
his name is Michael Melvln, and his
home Newark,-N. X At the latter place,
Melvln says, be has a sister living, and
he has made that nlacc bis headquar
ters. Although badly Injured, the man
took the affair very coolly and joked
nnd chatted merrily on his way to the
hospital. At first he said bo was a
pack peddler, but later said he had been
in the burglary business a long time,
and this was the worst scrape he ever
got into.
it is thought there were four men In
the party, but Melvln refused to divulge
the identity of his pals. It is thought,
however, they are members of a gang
of crooks who visit this locality an
nually, making their headquarters at
Duryea, Evans has not yet given him
self up to the police, but expresses a
willingness to do whatever the author
ities desire.
Certificate of Nomination as Demo
cratic Candidate for School Con
troller Contested in Court.
The nomination of B, T. Jnyne as the
Democratic candidate for school con
troller from the Thirteenth Is contested
on tho ground, among others, that Mr.
Jayno Is a Republican.
The contest was instituted yesterday
before Judge John P. Kelly, by Attor
neys Frank T. Okell and I. H. Burns,
representing James Pace and J. J. Mc
Tngue, president and secretary, re
spectively, of the caucus which nomi
nated Maurice Brown as tho Demo
cratic candidate,
January 10, a caucus of the Demo
crats was called ut. the hull of the
Young Men's Institute. Some wanted
to endorse Mr. Jayne's candidacy and
others were for nutting up a Demo
cratic candidate. A split was tho re
sult. The Jayno men, who were vastly In
the majority, withdrew to one side of
tho hall and nominated Mr. Jayno for
controller: Martin Lniigan, for con
stable, nnd T. J, Early, for assessor.
Tho faction headed by Chairman
Pace and Secretary McTaguo ptoeeedetl
with the caucus Mr, Paco had con
vened, nnd nominated Muurlro D,
Brown, for controller; Martin Laugun,
for constable, und T. J. Madden, for
James Uoche, as chairman, and E,
J, McNally, as secretary, certified to
the Juyno-Langan-Early nominations,
James Paco, as chairman, nnd J, J, Mc
Tugue, as secretary, certified to the
Brown-Langan-5Iadden nominations.
Tho Joyne-Langan-Early nominations
are now attacked by Messrs, Paco and
McTngue, on tho grounds that Mr.
Juyne Is not a Democrat, but a Repub
lican, und tho acting chulrmun of tho
Republican city committee; that the
caucus wiiB regularly constituted; that
the olllcers weio pot duly selected, und
that the nominees ure not eligible to ac
cept t lie, nominations.
Judge Kelly fixed Jauuury 29, at a a.
in., us the time for the hearing.
Special to tliu Stmntou Tilbunc.
SlrouiLburtr, Jan. 'Jl. While enjagnd In dean
iiiB thaltlnsr in Iho local lair ihop Hariy Wyck
off lid a nai row wap fiom death Hits morn
Inif. IIU hand caught between tho wheel and
belt as It loohed, diawlmr tho member in as
far a the wiUt, III ureanu ot rain directed
fellow woiknieu to stop tl.' power, however, not
until WyckofT land lud been ground for tinea,
minute. Tlie Injured man tame dowu the lad
der alone when the member waj loosened.
There Will Do More Than Three
Hundred and Fifty 3?orformors
Gorgeously Costumed One of the
Features o the Kit-mess Will Be
the Real Game of Whist Thirteen
Different Dances Will Be Given
by tho Young People of the City
at the Lyceum,
Tho event tit Importance next week
will, be tho klrmess for the Teacbets"
Mutual Benefit association. It Is prob
able that our people do not reul
Ize what a really wonderful affair It
Is to be. Tho fuel Is that in tho his
tory of klnncsses and wo have had a
few In our time, no such an entertain
ment as this has over been projected.
In tho first place, more than 050 per
sons will participate. This In itself
gives Homo Idea ot the magnitude of
the plans. Tho costumes, instead ot
being merely showy and cheap, nre
more elaborate than anything ever
staged In this city. Homo idea ot the
truth of this statement may be gained
when It Is understood that most of tho
costumes are made of satin, are fresh
and new und that rose leaves to tho
value, of $30 will be used In one
dunce alone. There will be twenty
dances and this number Is far larger
than Miss Stewart has ever before
conducted in ono klrmess. The "Splol
kartenfesl" will probably be the
unique attraction of the entertainment
and a brief description at this point
will be of Interest.
A real game of whist Is played- each
night with different players. Among
these will be the most' prominent and
expert whist players In the city. Tho
list will bo chosen from the following:
Messis. C. It. Fuller, Eugene Henley,
II. C. Wallace. J. F. Broadbent, T. H.
Dale, J. H. Torrey, II. A. Knapp.
Everett Warren. A. II. Christy, W. D.
Boyer, C. B. Penman, F. P. Price,
Grant Pelton, II. R. Van Deusen, F.
Smith, Scott, Tunstull and others.
The fifty-two cards are represented
bs- fifty-two persons, each of whom
wears tho badge of tho name on cape
or apron. They are all richly dressed.
Each one also carries the card corre
sponding with his name, in his hand.
Tho four gentlemen who play the
game nre stationed at the corners of
the stage. The Joker, who by the way
is Mr. Milton O'Connell, shuffles the
pack nnd deals the living cards. The
pages then gather tho duplicate cards
from the fifty-two and present them
to the players In whose "hands" they
belong. The players give orders to the
pages, who select the curds according
to these directions. As fast as "tricks"
are taken they are ranged aside in
groups of fours Just as "books" aie
made up. At the conclusion of each
hand the result Is placed on a large
blackboard so that there can bo no
mistaking the progress of the game. It
consumes twenty minutes and Is per
fectly fascinating to an audience.
There is .it beautiful dnncc of the
pages at the close of the game.
The matinee performance will be the
most attractive affair ever presented
by children on a Scranton stage. Tho
entrancing story of Cinderella is given
in a little play entirely by tho small
people. The scene opens at the hearth
side where poor Cinderella sits alone,
and upon whom later descend her cruel
step-sisters to taunt her. Then enters
the fairy god-mother, and Cinderella
vanishes In a golden chariot drawn by
Katherlne Coursen Is Cinderella,
Emma Taylor and Elizabeth Storrs
are tho proud step-sisters. Theodore
Vundllng Is the step-futher and
Romayne Spencer Is the fairy god
mother. Following Is a list of the chap
erones"and dancers: -
Cli ipn culpa His. 11. M. Scranton, Mm. Kiank
K. Piatt. Mis. I'rcd J. Plait, Mrs. Jainc II.
Miss V. Lillian Peny,
Mis3 Dorothy I'etry,
Miss Corn Sciiotte,
Ml-s Mae V. Keiter,
Mi's Iletoie Jonei,
Miixs Helen O. Covhett,
ll .tuna S, Coibctt,
William M. PoindeMer,
llugeno Tiopp,
Lewis T. Parnaid,
.lonli 3. Corny,
Michael CzaJoUU,
Thomas l'uliy,
James Coibett,
Mi's Maty Smith Jajne, Samuel II. l'luberir.
Solo Dance MUs Helen M. Corbelf,
rii:mtoTS axd picurk-itis.
Chaperoneh Jlr, ,T, lien, Dinunlek, Mis. W,
W. Seianton, Mrs. Wodrnw Aiclibald.
MIm Lama JL 1), Mel-Mh-s Lthel Tlatl Shoe-
drum, maker.
Ml.-s Kranecs KllsabcthJ, Kdnanl U'cKcntluh,
Palmer, fieorso V. Lenin,
Miss Doiothy .Inllen Ver-WIlllam 11. I"oiier,
ry, llenjamiii (I, Kjnon,
Mi )Iary fliceley, llobert T. Ual,
Miss Helen M. (iiuiiler, Louis Syhestel,
.Mi-s I'onnlo II. Mean, Ceorge l". i:ans,
Miss U'lello Mailo Tropp.Kusene Ambioie Tiopp.
Duct Miis Ureclcy, Mr. Wclsenlliih.
Chapeione-Mo. T. II. Walklm.
Mls Jlay I'enii) packer.
nillXCIl MILlTAHY Dltll.I,.
Cliapeiones Mr, Thomas Spiuks, Mis. II, 1
MUi Margaret Shea, Chailes A, Simler,
MUs Amu Hickey, lliailes T, Jlillrr,
Miss Katie Mlilz, llcuiy Scliwcuker,
Mis Minnie, Krcd IV. 0. Lenle,
lUs Jrole Ksuli'.lou, Heimaii Hclmeiikcr,
MIm Mlnlue Iliiteubacli, Chrbtlc Sdieuer,
Silas Lena LeiiteJ. John Iluber, "
Mlvi Xellio Heap, Joseph ll.nrlly,
Miss Anna llagan, Haiiy'WIialeii,
6oc Fruit , 40c dz
oc Fruit 30c dz
40c Fruit 25c dz
All Faucy Bright Fruit,
or $3.00 per box, Good for
thi3 week.
New York Wholesale price
on fine bright Floridas, is
$3,50 to $4.50.
E Q. Coursen
on Floridas
William Dulliclnz,
Clarence Kclrlcl;,
(leorffc Heir.
danc'i: op tiii: roixtns.
f'liiperoiie .Mr. Kvcrclt Warren, Mr. 1'iniik
It, .termjn, Jtw, tleorce II, Jermjii, Mm, Lalon
H. OaUniil, Mm, Arthur Twllclitll.
MIm Motile, Milton O'Connell,
Mlu Harriet U'nde, ,1, Vlpoml, dr.,
Jllu Kmnia Seldinplf, llobert W. Klple,
Mlrf (ll.ntoa .tone, Ahln Annntrnmt,
MIm M.UR.ircl Palmer, Milieu II. Mooie, '
MIm Dorothy Keek, ,toepli 1'. Clear)-,
Mli .Teanelte ttnllncl;, lliomai ItiiMoll,
MIm Ia IIMop, Italph U Wnrlmr,
MIm Alice Olldorl, Ihomaf P. Unties
Minn Amu Malthlai, .Mm I', Stanton,
MIm .May llnshet, l'ranl. P. flaike,
MIm Mlnle II. nation. 1'ranlc It. Coffin.
Solo Dance Mr. O'Connell,
DAN't'l! 111' Till: SIIASONS.
Cliaperonei-Mr. John T, llldiirik, Mii. II.
i:. Chae.
Mlw l'lorenee Maitelllir-Mta Leila An1ey Per-
Oilit)', Irr,
MIm I.oN, Mli draco lliajer.
MIm Mary IMuimK Mlw Jean JenlJin,
MIm Klhel l'rothlm;hani, Mint Jane Alleo V.ant.
MIm Ilhnda i:ila, Mlw llerlha f'aiwm,
MIm (hilUIno fellow", MUi Kupliemla (llbh.
MIm Anne lMard, Ml lMllli I'llnk ltlcli
Mki Helen, mJs.
MIm Mirffuret rilUx.
Solo Dinec 511m Anne lMiraiili.
nrrcn iu:i:i,.
CliaiiciniiM Mr. 1'. S. (Jodfiey, MIm Torry.
MIm l'ettlRiru-
Maritattt Dimldw,
llelelie Itilddi,
Belli JodfiC,
M.iiR.irrt ItlchanK
Helen Liniire,
Janet Piiiriiiiner,
( hrlsllne (ieswtndt,
Helen Homer,
Doiolhy P.n?e,
(lielthen Homer,
Ik U no Phillip", Mae.Mulrle.
Howard Major,
Vlelor Keyc,
SiOlt MaoMurtile,
Doiithi9 MeVIUIun,
llsou ltlftnxer,
Stanley MaeMuttle,
llobert Okell,
llobrit Illy-iiijtd,
Milton William.,
Stanley Slmiell,
ltiiell Itlehauli,
ltobeit Mini. ly.
Jean Sautter, liutli M.ichette.
Chapeione Ml'. C. L. Trey.
Miss lrU DuriH, Italph .Mini.
Mis Ilealrlre II. Morrl,W. T. ShinUeH,
Miss Hilda Hunter, .lad; llurn,
Ml-s Harle lleislcr. Auh Dean.
Sonfe Miss 1'icda Kami.
ouii:.tal ijaxci:.
Chapeione Mr. (leoiuc It. Smith. x
Ml-. KliAibeth Iliinnell.
MAY rof.i: daxci:.
Cli.iiei ones Mrs. 1'ian'K SI, Spemer, Mr'. T. It.
JIKs Jennie Cnniiir,
?liss Laura Kiirt,
MIm Doia Kelfei,
MKs I!ele 1)0) le.
ftlniii Seel,
William Klelne,
Aitlmr Xol,
ltobeit Hdilegel,
MIm Mary rink.
Henry Kat,
Miss (feilrude de fiiuns, James lhihipr.
MiM lleriiuile Knnls, Thomas Kennedy,
Mks Ctiliiide Kli-t, llouuul Msislciton,
Mi-s Lulu Ilrcnnemin, William Duller,
MNs Poia Crane, Tied lliciliniller,
Mls Maiion H.iRgeily, t'luiles .Sunday.
Miss Mary Malta. Leo Wcln-dienk.
DAVCi: OK 1'MtrS.
f'l.apeiones Mi-s Jones, Mn. Sloat, Mrs. How
ell. JIIm AIM i IVllous, Allan 1!. 'lliayer,
Mks Joiephlnc Siebeekcr, Charles Manneis,
Miss Chi.i CJuernsey, Arcli Save,
Jliss Oluen Jone, Carroll Mnloney,
MI'S llaniet William', Howard l!)uon,
Miss liesslo Mayo Slote, Aidi Willi mi',
MIm Oeialdlne Phillips, Allen llauci,
Mhs Stella Shaw, l'lanl; Momoe,
Miss Jenine llynon, Stephen VT. D.iwes,
Mi-s Kthel lle.iu. Xed Connolly.
( 1.0(1 daxci:.
Louise Aiinhuiit.
Chipeiones Mrs. 'Ihouias SpruUs, )lis. II. I
(ioddess of Liberty Mi-s Ihnni.i Sdirueh
(,'ermauy Mi's Com Youn:-.
Spain Miss Katie Keili
Stotland MUi ltomain Spiul.s
rrame Mhs Joephlne Hickiy
(Ireece Miss Helen Donnelly
ltusnia Mn?, Julia Zulcjjir
American Sailor Miss Amelia Wiitli
Swiss Mis, Maude (
Ireland Ml-s Mai (ha Koiuadier
Japanese Miss Canic Pell
IliitUl Mivs Anna Robinson
Highland I'ling Koinaln Spiuks, llauy Hum
phi ey.
Uncle Sam Cluhdiin Manniek:
(Jeiiuany William Hickey
Spiln runic Miller
Seolih Ihrry Iliiinphiey
Fiance John llotldier
Creece Udwaul He-slnsei-
KibiJa Philip Dippic-
Aineiican Sailor Maurice Aaughan
Swi.-s William Scheucr
belaud Aitlmr Jo.wit
Japan .' ll.inv Hickcv
IliitMl Wlllliin Koen
Till: HOUXl'll'i:.
Chapeione, MIm Allie Matthew,, .Mi-s Dale,
.Mis. II. W. Klot?.
Helen Kel-el, Kathiiine Wood,
Sara Kami, ISulli Madiette,
Xana l ice, Jessie (tray.
woodiix snoi: daxci:.
Chaperones Mis. S.ulncy Kenwood, Mis, Huw
aid Ciilflln, Mn. William Sadler, .Mi-s CI nidi i
Miss Helen Sadler.
Mi.-.s Maude SliHeis,
Miss Minion Hill,
MIfs Valcdla firlfdn,
Miss Helen ltodeilck,
Mi's I'loienco Oiuy,
Il.uohl Xoiton,
Ilurlon O-teihout,
Iln.ide Peny,
Percy Slide,
Itinee Sholtcn,
Aillo Cro-iii.iii,
cixi)i:iti:i.L. n.vvorm.
Cliapeiones Mis. 0, S. Wcton, Mrs, Henry
II. Iliad), Mis. llauy W. Klugshuiy, Mis. A. II.
Storm, Mn, Joseph S, L.uidc,
Miss Alice lllair, 'iheodoro Vamlllng,
Miss Maigueilto llaker, Kenneth Potter,
Mom Maigaiet Council, John Duikwoith,
Mi.-s Kmnia Taj lor, Italph Paris,
Miss Marlon Jones, lluruld Did',
MUs Mlldicd Jlaiple, John IIo.-Ic,
MUs Florence Smith, Lirl Dice,
Mi Kllzabeth Stoir?, D'Audclot Ilelln,
MUs Helen Molt, Ituvcll Poller,
Miss Katheiluc C'ouiseu, Philip Piatt,
Mlrs Helen Hawoith, Dudley Sandeuon,
MUs JIaigarct llroou, Donald Ho,le.
Cliapeiones Mis, (,. S, Weston, Mi). Henry
II. Ilrady, Mrs. llauy W, Kingshiiiy, Mis. A. II,
Stuns, Mis. Joicpli S. L)iule.
Miss Dorothy T.i)lr, (leorge Molt.
MIri Maigaiet dcimyn, Thomas Phillips,
Miss Itoinajuo Spencer, John Weill.
Ml.-s Katheiluo DtoaiMtohcit IIimIhi.
ft bent. Luthion Details.
Miss Marjorie Vandllng, John hlnfer.
MUs Oladys Council.
Cliapeiones Katherlne I'Ijiiii, Itulli Hungeifoid,
Mhs Augusta Ardibald, Mrs. Ileuj, Watson,
Until I'. mi, i:lla Welchel,
Julia Lane, Helen Hamilton,
Mary Louisa Kelly, Margaret Liuriadi,
Kdlth Hess, Lisle Martin.
Paiiy Queen Kvehn Saintcr,
1'i.owku ii.vxci:.
Chaperonc Mrs,
Stewart Simpson.
LoU lleldiu,
(ieraldluo Water,
Helen Evans,
Margaiet Wjlit,
Lulu Itowc,
lilcda llaiuie,
Helen lloiild,
Nellie LjiiUi,
Pauline Koneniy,
LouUa ItllUtoiie,
llorteuto canlon,
Horteiitc Campbell,
Anna Wahl,
Vlorcnee D. Wahl,
Ilciu M. Wahl,
Margaict llaa;.
Charlea WlUon Hurlbut, Ml
1'iautU Heard,
1'ied llenucr,
John Campbell,
llaiold Hallelt,
Waller Swait,
Tuwmcnd llo)ir,
John Wahl,
Le.Ho WIIIIjiih,
Chaile SpetUier,
llalpli (iilliltlH,
(lu.taM) Ilieehcl,
I'rank HejuohN,
Albeit lie).,
Arthur Kc)a,
Deilraui Saiuter.
Clurlej HeiMe,
SendUsYouv Clothing tor Renovation
Our steum cleaning Is sure death for
the germs of smallpox. '
Davis' Steam Dyo Works,
ll Minnie rtoblnon,
Mls Lucy lloettclier,
Mlra Stella ftoir.
r 319 Penn Avenue. J
Dr. Allen Says the Pooplo In the
Brace House Have Deou Piomptly
Supplied with Everythhig Thoy
Have Made Requisition for Mr.
Brace Says Ho Han No Complaint
to Make About the Manner In
Which Ho Has Been Cared for by
the Health Authorities.
Dr. V. E. Allen, superintendent of
tho bureau of health, was seen yester
day by a Tribune man with reference
to thu charges made In common coun
cil Thursday night to the effect that
people quarantined In the Bruce house
on North Bromley avenue bad not
been properly cared for, that the beds
had been removed from the bouse and
thnt they were compelled to sleep on
tho baro floor.
"There is nothing whatever In tho
statements made by Councllmcn L,ew
ls and Evans," replied tho doctor.
"The people In the Britee house have
baen promptly supplied with every
thing they have made a request for.
Patrolman James Hart was specially
detailed by the police department to
ascertain the wants of the people
quarantined In tho Draco house and .the
Mpars' hall building and supply them
at once. I know bo has done his duty.
"Jrr. Brace asked for n couch and
It was sent to him. Later ho asked for
a bed and that, too, was furnished.
Obe morning about !U0 he expressed a
desire for more bed clothing and be
had them at noon. It has been our
constant effort to do everything we
could for the comfort of the unfortun
ate people we are compelled to quar
antine for the safety of the commun
ity and wo have had no complaints
from them nbout lack of consideration
for them.
"In onlv one Instance have we re
fused to comply with a request of Mr.
Brnce's. lie wanted tho house fumi
gated with formaldehyde gits, but wo
could not do that without either driv
ing them out of tho house or allow
them to remain and kill them by the
fumigation process. Naturally wo
could not do either. We did, however,
send Officer Lewis to the house with
sulphur candles and had the house
fumigated In that manner."
Dr. V. A. Paine, who is In charge of
the people In the Brace and Mears'
hall buildings, said last night that he
visited Mr. Brace yesterday morning
and asked him If ho had any com
plaints to make about his treatment
nnd h" said ho hud not, that he has
been well cared for In every way and
that the only criticism he has to offer
Is that the health authorities refuse to
fumigate the house.
WORM is finished:
The Sub-committee on Estimates
Chopped Off S7,245 More Than
Was Necessary Yesterday.
The sub-committee appointed by the
estimates committee to pare down the
estimates of the several heads of de
partments finished up its work yester
day afternoon and not onlj- knocked
off all that was necessary but some
$7,243 more. n-
The item of $8,000 asked by Controller
Howell for "sundry Incidental bills
and claims for 1002 not otherwise pro
vided for," was eliminated. The mem
bers of tho committee decided that as
these claims have not yet been pre
sented there Is no good reason why any
money should be uppioprlnted to pay
The item of $12,000 for the payment
of deficiency bills on file in tho city
controller's office and other estimated
demands payable for, 1901, was cut
down to $S,300, that being the total
amount of tho bills sent to tho com
mittee by tho controller.
It Is understood that the additional
$7,243 which was cut out will be ap
plied to the electric light appropria
tion at tho meeting of tho full com
mittee which Is to be held on next
Tuesday night. Director of Public
Works Roche bus filed with tho sub
committee a list of ninety lights, tho
ordinances for which have either been
passed or are now pending.
Tho number ot lights provided for
In his 'estimate is CO.", which number
Is the same ns that provided for dur
ing tho present fiscal year. The appro
priation asked for this number of
lights at $73 each Is $1S,C13. Ninety
new lights at $73 each would amount
to $0,570.
In discussing the Item of $3,000 asked
for a general city printing and sta
tionary account, which Is $2,500 more
than tho appropriation for tho present
fiscal year It was brought out that
only a very few of tho ordinances
passed this your have been printed In
the newspapers despite the fact that
the Upper bill makes such printing
mandatory. It Is not known whether
the legality of tho ordinances Is affect
ed by this fact.
Wanted to Rent.
Furnished house. Everything must
bo tho best. Will pay a good rental If
suited, For particulars, references,
etc,, see W. T, Hnckott, rooms 0-10
Price Building.
This is the time of the year
when your winter
begins to look seedy. We pre
pared for this emergency by
having our KOHIOPS spring
derbies shipped early. The
crowns are higher and tapering,
the brims in different, widths to
suit the wearer.the quality tlie best
$3.00 hat made or it wouldn't
be here,
"ON TuAf(r
Talks on Catholic EducatlonaKMovc
mont Monday Night.
At the Lyceum, Monday night, lit.
Rev. T, J. County, lecently consecrated
DIsltoD of HnmoH by Cardinal Gibbons,
will lecture on "The Catholic Kduca
tlonttl Movement In the United States,"
under the auspices of the Catholic His
torical society, Mishap County being
rector of the Catholic university at
Washington, 1). C Is well fitted to deal
with his subject,
lit. Rev. M. .1. Hoban will Introduce
Tllshop County. The cathedral choir,
augmented b- some line voices, under
the direction of Prof. Schilling, .will give
two operatic selections, Tho programme
will commence precisely at 8.30 p, in,
Started In Wasto Paper In One of
the Corridors.
A quantity of waste paper In one of
thu corridors of the High school build
ing was set on lite yesletday morning
In sonic way not yet explained.
The blaze was extlnsrulshed without
tho necessity of summoning tho llro
inen. Only a few dollars' damngo was
done. When tho smoke from the fire
filled the school roonui there was some
little excitement among the pupils.
Growing Rapidly.
The Traders National bunk has .lust
Issued a neat folder Inviting the atten
tion of Its stockholders and hosts ot
depusllois and nations to a compara
tive statement showing Its continued
steady growth and progress.
At the close of business January 2,
1902, the deposits weto $2,022,033.30, and
loans and Investments $1,6S4,37.02,
showing nn Increase of over half a. mill
ion in the deposits during tho year.
Tho official figures taken from tho De
cember reports made to tho comptroller
of the currency, each year since the
opening ot the bank, follow:
Date. Deposits. Loans nnd
ISOO Dec. 1!)...,$ 237.348.G7 $ 43(1,413.17
1801 Dec. 2.... 3i4.S9S.CS r,19,937.37
1S92 Dec. I).... 393.930.0S 1513,070.03
1893 Dec. 19.... 403,370.G1 r70,4CS.S0
1SU4 Dec. 19.... 407.0S3.7S fiSl,3S7.7S
1893 Dec. 33.... -I3S.101.77 r,S9,592.3Y
1896 Dec. 17.... G34,21ii,03 fiOS,7S3.07
1S97 Dec. IB.... 023,843.09 0S2,33S,01
189S Dec. 1.... 710,4j2.S: 723,794.93
1S99 Dec. 2.... 9(51,021.91 992,408.24
1900 Dec. 13.... 1,838,333.38 l,2tS,7G4.42
1901 Dec. 10.... 1,747,599.29 l,G4C,4S9.r,3
At their annual meeting, on the 14th
Inst., the stockholders elected the fol
lowing boaid of directors: John T. Por
ter, president, wholesale produce; W.
W. Watson, vice-president, Watson,
Dlehl & Kemmerer, attorneys; Hon. W.
L. Connell, city recoider: Thomas IT.
Dale, coal operator; I. A. Finch, presi
dent Finch Manufacturing company; T.
J. Foster, president International Text
Rook company; .Joseph J. .Jcrmyn, capi
talist; Edward S. Jones, coal operator,
Olyphant, Pa.; JL S. Kemmerer, coal
operator. Mauch Chunk, Pa.: Charles
P. Matthews, president Clark & Snover
company: 13. J. Robinson, cltv treas
urer; Charles Schluger, president
Traders Real Kstate company.
The Traders stock Is eagerly sought
for, nnd in financial circles a bright
future is predicted for the growing in
stitution. IF YOU HAVE
Property for sale.
Property for rent.
Property to exchange.
Property to insure.
A business for sale.
Rooms 9-10 Price Building.
Sale Now On
A complete Hue of Me
dium and flue Underwear
consisting of Corset Covers,
Gowns, Drawers, Long
Skirts, Short Skirts, Chil
dren's and Hisses' Gowns
at prices that will astouish
you. Would advise early
buyiug as they are selling
Price & Jenkins,
130 Wyoming Ave.
t t t t t t t vi y n b t? t
in 111 on
10 days only at the
Old Reliable Pawn
Joseph Green,
107 Lncka, Avenue,
Opposite D,, L. & W. Depot.
U "A U ' 'A "A "A '4 ' 'A U M '4 'A U U m
$$$&$&&$& &&&&t4fy& &$&$$$$
I Oils, Faints mi ernish f
MaIon?y Oil 5 ManiifacWring Company,
141-149 Meridian Street,
- 1 J - ii ii i ', ' i i i
ij ! $ t t '! j j ij ,j. i
t r - l .' t.....
' vc cau auuuiv vour v
"wrirt . l ". "'" a
Sail Duck,
x Wagon
! Sittenbender&EL
: 126-128 Franklin Ave. 4
! v -l. .J. .
to secure bargains in Bat
tenberg Patterns, Pillow
Tops and Stamped Linen
Our special sale of the
above lines has been a
great success and will
Inst only six days more.
It will pay to visit our
store before sale closes.
1 -
Cramer- Wells Co.,
130 Wyoming Avenue. j
'Phone 353-3.
... J
,, ,2 , t3.3M3S"".,ii.t..,$,i,(g.,fj
EMI 11
will be sold until Feb.
15th, 1902, for your old
record and
- ' 3
A Second-Class ,
City with a -
First-Class Stock of
ot falass,
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Mercereaii & Connell,
132 Wyoming Aveune.
ambrellas- Wade
Ombrellas Repaired
Umbrellas nnd parasols re
covered in differont colors.' ,'A
' line nsaortment of lmudlcs,
Xatest designs. All goodr
guaranteed for one year.
The Scranton
Umbrella Manufacturing: Co,,
313 Spruce Street.
GAS STOVES, , ,, ,
507 linden Street.
Board of Trade Building.-
Sic nil!
g Silverware
cks, Etc,