SwiFfl3wfiP niPfSf7W! T'SSs, t ' ''?wr4rf a B THE SCRANTON TRIBUTE-.SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1902. wwfrWsFw l t 5 h i ft ywjif An Excellent Coinbiiiiiiion. Tho pleasant method unit benclleial cJTucts of thi! well known lcmedy, 8vnup or Piob, nuimifnctuicri by tho CAl.troiiNiA Via Svntn Co., illustrate thovaluopf obtaining the liquid luxa tivo principles of plants known to bo medicinally laxative and presenting them in tho form most rt'fie.sliliip to tho taslo unil acceptable to tho system. It is tho ono purfeot htrongthenlng laxa tive, cleansing the syhtein effectually, dispelling colds, headaches find fovora gently yet piomptly mi A enabling ono to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality nnd sub stance, and itn acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, withoufcw'oakeuing or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In tho process of manufacturing tigs nic used, as they are pleasant, to tho taste, but tho medicinal qualities of tho remedy aro obtained fiom senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to tho Gamfoiinia Fio Sviiup Co. only. In older to got its beneficial effects nnd to avoid imitations, nlca&o remember tho full namo of the Company printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP GO. BAIT FHANOIBCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KT. NEW TORE, N. V. Foraalo by all Druggists PrlcoSOs. per bottle. Pharaoh's Horses No alp offrruiff iliN populir and striKtn pie tine lit tlie follow In; icducoil pikes dm In; tlm uu.it iilituic elearlnir Jle. 7jc rfye, now (Oe. 2 s 70, now $1 GO Wall 1'ipir, 1'jitiN, lnile, 1'ieturi", I'l.inica Jacobs & Fasold, 209 Washington Ave. City Notes lOMl'm 1' WON-Compuiy T, of the Ihir ticnth lcijimpiit, (Ufettiel Cttnipjnj 1) m i j;mm' f indoor lii-i lull il the lie n union Ij-t mjit fecou, 17 ') 10S1I If MJIMirUir.D lohn llmwll re-fn-4.il to lie llio Drnioci itio tindiilile foi poor iliicctoi in Ihilo 1'jiU lioiough and Ausu-t I'm tor, of 1 jiiuii stieel, lio-, boon siib-tllutid foi him. AITOl.N.Mri) Al'l'H VILLUS -11 M. (.leen, W. N. I.ruli and h l Wcdcinau wine jcsteidjj np pointrd a ) pincers to place a -aluition on the iiionrrtr of .lohn 1". imhuiit, who licontl; filed a oluutij petition in liinl.niptcj. 1), I, AM) W. PY DWS Hie emplon of nil Hie colhoion in nid mound Kingston weie piiil ycsicreiaj. iouij mo pij i u win i-,it .ill the eolllories in 'iijloi, Kijsn A'.ille,,, Vct and ,uilh Scianton, with tlic cucption of ihc lln mond nnd Stons, which will be piid on Moiulii. 'lIti:MJHt;it nilMl.Mlll.ltl.n -A number if ii lends and idmlun of I". . Slulkr. tieaiiiur of the Star fheatei, snip iscil him llimmliy eicn iiiK after the petfoimance b. pie-enliii'u him with a lonn; eup. lie was taUe i by surprint, but ieroeied and tlianki.il bis flit nils in -i tleier i-pcecli. ANNUA!, MVSKl.I) BUT, 'the iiinuil mis. pierade ball of the Suaiitim LieilerKiinr will be eomlucleil on lue-day nlfclit, IUmmy 11, In Slusic hill, llanci's eiicltetri will furnMi imii'o for tl inclnsr and an epetially elibotate hiiles of continues for the grand march will be bioutht here fiom Xew Yolk tity, 11ICCM: ri.Ull SMOKl'lt. llic imnilen of the Seiaiilon llicjdo tlub will eonduct a mioKei in tlic iluli liou.0 tm Noitli Aahln't0n aunue mt Wednesday uiifht. Simp i.uiprl'i'. are prom ised bv tlm coinmlttio width comprises W, T llej nolelj, 1 Mils Waltei, II. It. Slvclly, Ur. (i. U. Illll, nnd W. II, Igm. av .i.i.i'Cir.n cor,Mi:nn:ni.ii. Deputy I'nlted btates Martini bmdci lod(ed William llecdci, of Diblioip, in the county jail litu Tliuitday iil;hl. bo haling been hild foi rouit in Ton mil i on the chaise of toimtofiltinjf, Iteeder "ill bo tilul it the net tcim of tho United Sates touit wlileh lll be conducted in this lit) ill -Mllili. REDUCED TO A MINIMUM. Dr. Paine Believes Small-pox Will Not Spiead Fuithev. Dr. W. A. l7nlno. who has ehaigo of the tfvoT 'wnall-pox ntlents In "West FcranTon, saltl laat night that tho din ner of a Bineail of tho disease lias been a educed to a minimum. IIo aid that tip avetatfo petloil of Incubation la about ten or twelvo days, but that In some instances it takes as lout? as twenty days after contact be fore tho dlseiifco developes, so that It w III be impossible to make uiy dollnlto Huuuinciu until tne end of next week, The jo thlldicn In tho Meats' build ing nio locoveiing, he said, and aie piactlcally out of danger. IIcaltlL.J0fllccr Kennedy, of the bor ough of Pilcebtug, said last night that no nnwu'fnse? bad bioken out theio yestejday. csIijh i' WORKING A CON GAME. Impostor, in Avoca Collecting Money . Under FaUe Pretences. 'WJj'Vfcsed young man puipoit iusfiawolne fiom Jonas Uong's Sons' stojjj, called on u number of Jadleb in Avoca this week asking them to enter theTthm's-service by doing woik at honje in the way of making aitlllclal floors. He exacted $1.50 for tho - n quisjtes for the business and Btated thaj.u lady -would b aioimd In n'taxr rtuyiTto teach them the art.1 The gull! ble 'ones are yet awaiting the teacher or tfie man who signed himself John ?.ong. HE QOX WHAT HE WANTED. Charlie Thiol's Bequest Was Com plied with by Police. Clinillp Thiol, who turn been for some time tho nroniletor of n illsoi doily houo at 318 Vino stieet, got u little dttink the other night, anil meeting Siipcilntenilent of 1'ollce Limn II. Day on tho nti-cot, he said! "Why don't you fellows do jour duly mid close me up. I'm still In business, and I'd ought to he tteateil like the lost." Siipeilntcmleiit l)av did do his duty lust night about 11 o'clock, when he swooped down on t'lmi lie's tilut-e with a squad of policemen and ai letted him hoIC and his wife and two women. A hotHe nl nit. Vino stiect, kept by Annie Wilson, jocularly known as "lied An nie," was also i aided nnd eight women and two men m tested, The whole nnitv wpio taken to the cpiitinl police station in two till)", and will be given a hem lug- this morning befoie Magistrate Howe. ARCHDEACONRY SESSION Busy Day at Calvaiy Chinch in Wllkes-Baue Annual Repoit of tho Aichdeacon. The winter session of the Scinnlun iiicliilenconi v or the Ihilscon tl chinch was concluded vesterdnv nt Cahmy chinch, WllkcH-liuiic. Thieo Intel ett Ing -iesslons weio held, and In tho after noon tho women's auvlllniy held a meeting at the lectoij. The morning tension oneiied with a builness meeting itl inn o'clock, llev. Fi.mkllii Smlcl.iu. mlfmlonaiv iiinong the deaf mute;, m.nle an Intetetlng ic poit of tho woik done in hli decit t mont since last Julv. Jllsstons hao been established at Scianton. Wllkes H.u le and Nicholson, wlileh aie attend ed by one bandied deaf mules, Ho con ducted US feel vices In twenty-eight dlf feient plates. The woik, ho s.iltl, was voiy entoui aging. -Aichdeacon D. AV. Cove, D. D , of Al lien, gave his annual lepott of the woik In the patlshes. Iiev. T. P. C'oiy, of Sayie, was appointed pieachei for the next session, and Hev. P. It. B.itemnn eegete. It was decided to hnu the ne.t session at llonphdale, on the last Monday and Tuesday In Apill. The business meetincr was, followed by communion admlnisteicd by IJIsliop lthelbett Talbot, and a opinion by Rev. C. Ij Fesseiulen, of Jeimyn. At '2 SO ti "quiet hoiu" In the chinch was conducted by llev. P. It. Jiatem.in, and at 1 o'clock theie was an addiess by Rev. C. AV. Hoot, of Susquehanna. At 7.20 o'clock tlieie ins a pi aver set vice, led by Rev. II. L. Jones, D D , of AVilkes-Bime, assisted bv Rev. C. AV. Boot, and Rev. AV. D. Johnson, of AA'ilkes-Batie. The full estod choir led In the singing. Aichdeacon Coe and Bishop Talbot delheied nddi esses. 51is, Rogeis Isi.iel, of this city, pie slded over the session of the AAromen's Auxlliaiy. Mis. Hoiace Black, of Leb anon, dcllieied an addiess on tho woik of the auxlll.uy, nnd Mlbs Elizabeth Men ur, of AA'est PIttston, gao a ic poit of the tii-cnnlal meeting of tho national nu-s.lll.ny at San Fianclsco. Mis. C'hailes R. AVood, of AVIIkes Baup, made an addiess on mlssionaiy w ot k. The AA'omen's Auill.uy of Calvaiv chinch, sencd luncheon and supper to tho delegates. The membeis of the aicluloaconty piescnt besides Bishop Talbot -were: Kev. M. II. Abbott, Scianton; Rev. P. S. Ballentlne, Scranton; Rev. P. R. Bateman, Scianton; Rev, tt. R. Bishop, New MUfaid; Rev. C. AA Boot, Sus quehmna; Rev. J. R Biodhead, Pot est City; Rev. C. B. Caipenter, Mll foid; Rev. D A'. Coxe, D. D, Alden; Rev. T. 1. Cady, Sajie; Rev. II. II. Caswell, 13 st Stiottdslmig; llev. AV. R. Daw, Athens; Rev. C. K. Fessenden, JoiniMi; Rev. P. A. Gin mint, Townndn; Rev. John II. Ciifiith, Plymouth; Rev. I P. Hnnlngton, AA'est Pittston; Rev. II. B. Ilajden, A'ilkes-Bane; Rev. R J. Ilaughton, Bunmote; Rev. Rogeis Isi.iel, D. D, Scianton; Rev. AAr. , D, Johnson, AVllkes-Batie; Rev, J. M. Johnson, PIttston; Rev. 31. L Jones, D. D, AVllkes-Baue; Rev. K. J. Mc Heniy, Scianton; Rev. R. AV. Sawjei, Caibondalp; Rev. AV. II. Stone, AVilkes Banp; Rev. James P. Aue, Hones dale; Rev. R. A. AA'aulnrr, Monti ose. MAJOR TO BE ELECTED. Line Officers of Fiist Battalion to Ballot Today. The line ofllceis of the four com panies compilslng the Tlist battalion of tho Thhteenth leglment will meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock In the new aimoty for tho puipose of electing the new major which a lecent older al lows to the legiment. The only two candidates In the Held ate Captain Aithur R. Roote, of Com pany D, and Pli.st Lieutenant Geoige II. Whitney, of Ilonesdale, leglineutnl commissary. Captain John W. Kuin beck, of Company 11, who was at flist a candidate, has letlrsd It was said yesteiday that the chances favor Whitney's election, though theie Is a possibility that Pnote may win out. THE BOND ORDINANCE. Recouler Connell Is Consideilng Items to Be Incorpoiated. Recouler Connell Is engaged In for mulating a number of Items to bo pio Ided for In a bond oidluance which ho will lequest coumlla to p.ifes befoio the beginning of the next fKal yeat. This bond oidluance will lucludo pio- Jnloiis tor tho paying off of all tho judgments and other adjudicated claims outstanding against the city, as well as an amount (piobably $2.,00U) for ini piovenwnts at Nay Aug paik, Theio will also be piovlslon niado for ceitoln needful and necessary ImptoMments which It has been found lumosslblo to lucoiporate In tho nencinl uppiopilu tlon oidluume. IF YOU WISH To buy a piopeity. To lent a piopeity, To sell a pi opei ly. To Insuio piopeity. To exchange piopoity. To buy u bubluess. To sell it business. See W, T, HACKETT, Rooms 3-10 li Ice Building, SUITS UNDER "MOB LAW." B Kulusiir W Ire from The Aisoiiatcd I'rfw Uelljlic, Jluli, Jan. 21 laioli Stlnuun aid Mary fcliuLo liavo liesui, ,int asalut Anttini tounty foi W,0do eaili under tho "inub Ian" act of J6W, liodiu(( touutlci HjMo foi daiiuijej viluu ludliidiuU aie qMiilttil ty jnolu. 'Un allofo Hut in Jul Ut the mcic a,aulUd by a h.inl ol ina.kcU men 'unil after bjinj ikuudul of clothes, viie daubed ultli 1ar and cihcilo in jured. 'Ihc couple weie Ulii'S tpj:etlcr pear Central I.aUc when (he unviiuU occiured IhU H tlic second milt of IliU klud in Micjifcaii. DUFPIN JURY ISDIVIDED STILE DEBATING: AT AN EARLY MORNING HOUR. That They Did Not Go to Bed Is Taken to Be Indicative of a Piob ability That Their Dlffeionces Weie Not of an Itreconcllnblo Natttie Veullct Is Rendcied in Favor of tho Scianton Railway Company on Testimony Given by General Manager Slllinnn. The i nio of Mniy Duilhi against the city of Scianton was given to the Juiy ut ,120 yesteiday afteinoon. At 12;;io this inoinlng tlm Juiy wan still debating. Nothing leaked fiom tho juiy loom as to how the twelve won- divided, but the fact that they did not go to bed eatly gave an' Indica tion that the division was not such us could be leconclled. At 1 o'clock the Jin v lothed, after leaving woid with Tlpstnlf Keller to call tliem at C o'clock. No testimony was given yesteidav, neither side having anything furtliPi to offer at the lesumptlon of com t In the inoinlng. Tho (list half hour was giv en to the uiguiiielits of law points Then City Solicitor Wntson closed for the delenso In a speech occupying an hour and a hair. Major AVauen began tho closing nddtess for the plaintiff nt 11 o'clock and concluded a few min utes befoie 1 o'clock. A lecess ol tin hour was taken and then Judge Goi don dellveiod bis chaice which con sumed an bout and twenty minutes. A veullct for tho defendant was 10 tmned In tho ease ot James Giay. of Maylleld. against the Scianton Rall vwtiy company. The plaintiff sued lor $123 for set vices lendeied In the set tlement of a damage cose. lie claimed he was engaged by the company to settle the c'use and thnt ho was to le celve a liberal compensation If be stic- ceeaeu. jie eitected a settlement on teims satisfactoiy to the company, he avened, and lendeied a bill for $12";. The company lefuscd to pay it and ho bi ought suit. r The defense was that Guy came to the company's ofllce and offeied to ef fect a settlement of tho case if he was given a job The company did not want to bind itself to any such ngi ce ment, but told Giay that If he w.is successful they -would do something foi him. Giay did something tow.iuls btlnging about ti settlement of the case and the company gave him a job on the lepalr gang. Ills sen Ices weie not satisfactoiy to the foreman and he was dlschaiged Shortly after being dls Unuged he bi ought suit. Genet al Manager Sllliman was the piinUpal witness for the defense. The juiy was out but a shoit time befoie It ngieed to a vetdlct in favor of the coinnanv. The case was tiled befoio Judge Nevv comb. II. D. Caiey lepiesenled tho plaintiff, and Hon. C. P. O'Mallev, the company. The case of Hany Depuy against Mis. Jennie R. Blink, was given to the 1uiy jesteulay afteinoon by Judge Kelly. No eidlet had been leached at adjourning time. In the case of C M. Bulls against- S. M. Giecn, agent, Judge Kelly diiected a non-suit because of the non-anpeai-nnce of the plaintiff. John P. Seingg lepiesented the defendant. Judge Rdwatils, In No 3, Is engaged in tiylng the case of C. M. Lancaster, against John A. Veith. It Is a suit for the lental ol a mill at Moolc, lenfced to the defendant by tho plain tiff. Rise i Donnelly lepicsent the plalntilt. Colonel P. L. Hitchcock and Hany L. Aran Deusen aie counsel loi the defense. All except four of the flttv cases on this week's list have been disposed of, or -will ha-e been disposed of when ei diets ate i cached in the tluee cases still pending. Twelve cases weie tiled: tluee, non suited; two, lefeued; seven, settled; and twenty-tlu ee continued. This One Not Suspected. Application was made to eouit es teulay for a chatter lor the Scianton Institute of Human Development, which will occupy the Noith Main avenue Tabernacle. The subseilbeis to the petition weie: William Chappell, Rev. A. II. Smith, Geoige A. Dlckeison, Geoise M. Mulley and Oswald Jones, The tiustees of the Institute aie: Hon. A. A. A'o.sbuig, Aicb Johnson, William Chappell, Ttev. A. II. Smith, Oswald Jones, Giles L, Cl.uk, Geoige A, Dlcketj-ou, Geoige M, Mulley. The pin pose ot the Institute is the intellectual, motal and physical de velopment of Its membeis. It Is to bo a llteiaty and athletic club, In other woids, composed of piomlnent men ot Piovldence. Cotut Is not likely to hold up this application under a suspicion that the "club" Is not Just what it pui potts to be. In Judge Vosbuig's Couit. In the Oiphuus' couit, yesteiday, Judge A. A. Vosbuig he.ud tho audit In the estato of Ann A. Connolly, deceased. Consldeinblo testimony Inning been taken In suppott of the exceptions filed to tho accounts of I,. Tyler Connolly, the executor, tho hem lug wan continued until Satin day, Fcbittaiy 1, tit 10 a. ni. The lesnectho paitles In interest weie lepiesented by Attoinevs Al. P Caw ley, C. AV Dawson and J. AV. lit owning. In the matter of adliidlcatlou nnd Until continuation of accounts of all the eecutois, adinlulsttatois and gunidlans, whose iteeount.s weio con llrmetl nisi ut the beginning of tho term, hem lug will ho had In tho Oi phans' couit loom on Monday, Janu aiy 1, at 10 a m. At this time all ac counts mo expected to attend with tunned pi ep.it ed to modllte voiuheis If called upon to do so Juiois for Special Session, Sheilff C. H. Schndt and Juiy Com mlsaloneiK U. u. Stuiges nnd D. J, Campbell jestotday dtevv tho follow ing sl.ty Juiois to setvo nt the bpcclal session of cilmlnal couit whlph Is to tuko platu dining the week, commenc ing Felnuury SI: K II Mull, man 11,(1, Kraiilmi, tharlcM II llumn. luilier, JIihioh. llobtit lanliijtvii, t,eut., Su.inlun. .N, (I, eal, unit., Jlalield W, . elMll, lainifi, l.thl'h Stev.ait llliicclei, liookkeijiei, hii.mtun. l.ian (1 llecfcc, cluk, iiantun. Jauic A Weldnian, bamboo, &tianton, John J, I'vaii, tueuiaii, hcianton John L. Hull, iiiculiiut, .Suntoii. John Kenii, iiucliinl.t, Scianton. JaniM ( uau, luluei, Scianton. Aiug4 W'ather, cvfonu an, Du'iniore Cioiuer Davhi, b!aikiiiitli, la.ilyi, II. J. 'laulteM. fannti, JUkillU.. William Kail, inlnci, .u hb.jhl. James .Mdlljnn, clcil,, UH I'oitje. You Are Invited To Join OUR CIRCLE OF PLEASED PATRONS S. H. Twining, Optician, ;a; penn avenue. IvIIIIjiii Sleliccker, uncut, ciiiiilun. t Inn iiiil Hone, ilniKght, Duinnoie. I.. A. Ilinelt, seiictnry, ( iilmiiilnle. II. Ii. (IiIbc, iiierchint, .Mohow. S. ,1, siif, liooKkeeper, Siiiinton, (Jeoijtc W, lllcrckr, fanner, Newton. Odioiiie Mittlit, f inner tlouldlioro. Divlil .MorRin, miner, l)ihint, tlcoige 1', Vliliei, faiinei. fc'iolt. .lohn Moir!, lilioicr, Scrinloii 1!. M, llodiron, I inner, Moiow. l.nwieiico Illln, hooKKceper, Kiitnton. ('. I J. llnidhui.i, n(coiiitillit, Stmntoii. .lohn 1'itlirv, ev-vhcrlir, Hiinton. .Unie WllllniiKon, ilcrk, Kianlou. 1,. II. .Siffiml, fu mcr, Xorlh Aliitigtuii. Stephen It It li-li tl-, miner, Ptumiorc. Willi nit Hound'', brikcniin, Cailiondite. Mklnol VleDoinld, Imldier, Sruntun, A. 1' lliinnrij, litem in, .scilntoii. l'etei T. llollinnn, ltlioier, Hcmuton. ttci, (iconic I.', nulld, clercjium, Sirilnlon. (ieoiuo II. lliool., clll eiiglmcr, Miniilnn. Wlllliiu II, ( (unblock, cur)enlir, Seiuntou. William D. Kennub, (tint , Sirantoii. .1. 11. I'uihuontiln, intnei, l'cll. .Inlni ,T, lltakln, iiillllianil, Reunion, I. l Milder, fittner, biott, It. 11. Villi lull, f inner, .lelTei-on. Tohn 1. l.oltiH, iniiiei, Dumiioip. 1), Wlloi linker, Kiiirdlin, Duiuiiore. 1 lediiick otnn, fainui, Stolt. 1! .1. McNnlh, ancnt, Sirnnlon. W. S Itutcliinss, biipiilntinduit, Atoodlo. Hoi il Til II, tleik, Duninnip MtilinI ill, faiinei, Srott. (Iioiltc 1', Allllei, fiiimi, Scott. Mutlii Cihnlln, Ihemiii, 'citnlon. lllihud I'. Ihoiuis teinti uloi, Snnnton. 1". I) I itlnoi, pnlilMici, Ciihondile. I) f Little, ekik, S union. Inlni I Mci.m, dilici, hii niton Mnriingo Licenses. sttie llonlnMl Vjjflilil Lottie Koliintc Mijlleld .lohn Hi ij J7J0 Noith Miln UMiiue Mil Coidcn 171 VMlliur slieet Dennis 1. Lingui llunnioic ViiiiIl Mlueioiti Ptimuoio Tidiu (,'ijolos lliliRluiiitoii Annie Vi-ic7 niiirfliimtun lohn lll-tioli iesup Viinle Pollock .....lesup WILL FIGHT THE JUDGMENT. Ex-Stiiker Keller to Apply for Stny of Execution. Under the execution issued by tho stieet ear stilkeis' union against ex Stiiker Chuilcs Keller, a, levy was yes teidav made on KellPi's household goods at bis home on Washburn stieet, by DepuO Sheilff John L Gaffney. The sale was IKed lor Jnnuaiy 31. Mr. Keller will apply to cotut to stay the execution, on the gtound that the fund fiom which he dtevv the $10 was his as much as anybody's else, and tbeipfoie the judgment cannot be en loiced. BEICKLAYERS'. CONVENTION. Office: s Elected at Meeting of the Union, in Pittsbuig. Bi rxclusnc Wite hum Ihc Awochtcd I'rci Plttsbutg, Jan, 21 The annual con vention of the Bi ickltivet s and Masons Intci national union which has been in session hoie lor two weeks, piactlcally closed its business today, leaving only routine ni.itteis for tonight. Last ye.u'b olficeis weie unanimous ly elected. They aie: Piesident, Geoige P. Gubbins, Chicago; flist Ico ptesident, AV. J. Dow en; second vlce- ptesldont, M. II. Canty. Washington, D. C ; seuttaij, William Dobson; tieasuiei, Palile'c Muuay; olTlelal editoi, i:. A. Mofntt, Xevv Yotk. It was decided to hold the net con vention at Tienton, X. ,T. LIVE ON HAW FOOD. Chicago Society Says Only in That Way Can Man Be Well. liom the (hlcigo .loiuuil Clilcago has a society lor men and women who subsist enthely upon un cooked lood. They consider cooked diet exticmcly Injuiious to health and mot nls, and ate pledged to dlscaid it fiom their tables lor all time. Cooking, they contend, is a fad which otlglnated somevvheio in the early ages of man, nnd since then humanity, mentally, moially njul physically, has been steadily on the decline. File, they say, destioys all th.it Is health giving and life giving in food. Those who ate 111 maintain In that that the law food diet will ip.stoie them to health; the healthy nsseit that they ate pi oof against disease. Fur theunoie, they aver that they enjoy their meals moie than other people, and that they ate able to live on the veiy best of the laud for leas than 20 cents a day. Occasionally the membeis of the so ciety meet at a public dinner, when they have speech-making testimonials of health, singing nnd other amuse ments. Heie Is a sample of the law food menus: l.lttli) Nuk C lain-, on the Halt Shell, Koch-ma) t))ten Itiw 'limilpi lla t moll. Hum Fiotih Oats and UmoiuU Mm-il. Haw V.'iii ltitt fehiliiip-, villli Haw Mibtaul hilid Milois IMiiiaiplei, f,mpe OianueH. Iliuiiii.. Piled I'U-s tilu lumiirivril Wheat Lakn. The society has nearly 300 membeis, and .ioveial times that many ndvo- tates, In Chicago nlone. Its object Is "to savu humanity fiom tho dlsastious effetts of taking dentl food into the system," Not onl do these "nntuinllsts" claim that law tood has unveiled tho seciet of longevity and peifect health and solved tho pioblem of economical liv ing, but they say It Is tho gieutest souice of beauty to women. The ofllceis stiy thnt any one who will glvo law tood ii til.il for 00 days will bo convincetl that tho Ulblo ac count of Methuselah not only la pos sible, but piobnble. Adjutnnt Geneial Stewait's Latest. Adjutant (.omul '1 In nun J, hlewuit lu-i a lia. tlotiit iiputatiou ai a wit and utoi) lellei llcie H Ids l.iti.t. Ail lilahmiii who torn red ,i tliualluii iu ton iluclor on the Mirkct fcticct tiollev lino in I'litladclphla fill under (he MJplilou of "knock. lu- donii" faiib. A fcpottu va mt on Ills hall The latter paid hli fare, vihltlt va prompt. Ij iimif up, A n)uaro fiulhet on llmo moio painu ot on and (heir fans cro uUo did) le.'btcied. At (he luU eoiner nlno nun lioaul. cd the cai, and llio conductor uni' up cUht fait'.. "Jluw i thUS" jkul the potUr, after viam Inliigr tho dial in fiont of the ear, "Jlow'j MhatV upllid the JrMmuti. "Muo men got on and jou cnil) ruiii; up elt.li t faititr" "U (dot io!' tald tho conductor. 'Iheu he walked forwaid and sttutlnind the icgUUi, "Vo'io loiilit," lie said, "lia lihiiu vn av Ihlin 1m tjot tu jilt pir."-l'iiljiliriliU Piw. NEWS PROM THE BOWLING WORLD SCOBES OF HOPKINS AND ItlEHIi AT BUFFALO. They Didn't Cnptuic Any Pilzo In the Two-men Contest but Mado a Good Showing Talk of Sending Them to Rosovllle, N. J. Bicycle Club lenguo Has VDlsbnnded but Will Bo Iteorganlzed Bowling rt Fad Among tho ladies in Qrcon ItldgeA Piize Offmed. The scores made by Dllly Hopkins and Charles Klehl, bowling ns a two men tPttm tit the national bowling tour nament In Utiffnlo, were only fairly high, as compaied with the other scores mado. Their total score was 1.01S, tho pi cues for the tluee games being as fol lows: IlnpUim 171, 1TD, 'Jillj lolil, mi lllehl 15", 107, 11(1; total, ti'l. Tho winners of the $90 flist piUo wore McLaln and Sleeis, of Chicago, who lolled up a total of 1237 or an aveiago of 028 each for the thieo games. The tenth or lowest pilxe went to A'ooihees and Stnlr, of New Votk city, who made a score of flL'3. Some icmaikably big semes weto made by seveial of the live-men teams. The scoto mado by the Fidelias, of New York city, was a notable ono. This club made a grand total of 2792, the avetages of the live playeis for tho tluee games being as follows: Sphult?-. ln2 1-3; Kostor, 214; ltotheimel, 170 1-3; Hoezo, 1771-3; Amann, 10SJ-3. Eveiybody who has watched the bowling In the Northeastern Pennsyl vania Bowling league this season pie dlcts that the second seiles of games, begun last Monday night, gives every promise of being moic sharply contest ed than were the games in the flist series. Uvery team in tne league has been stiengtuened by the addition of plajcis who did good woik on the second teams, and the playeis who didn't show up well in the first series have been dioped. Uveiy team In tho league Is very neatly evenly matched, and this Includes the Hlectilc City AVhcelmen's five, which made a sin pilslng snowing for a gteen team on Monday night. The membeis of the committee to which was refeired the matter of pui chasing a trophy have not agteed upon the style of the cup to be put up, but will piobably meet dm ins the coming week. It is. believed that a picked team will be mado up within the next month for tho puipose of playing a leturn match with the Rosevllle Athletic club team, which camo heie last winter and which was defeated on the Dlks alley by a local picked team. A team comprising such players ns Hopkins, Taylor, Battl, Gold and Allan would make a piotty haid combination for the Itosevllles or any other team to bump up against. Tho Bicycle Clubs' league has dis banded because of the fact that though it comptlsed four teams, only two clubs, the AVest End AVheelmen and tho Gteen Ttidge AVheelmen, weie icp resented. This caused a lack of intei est and the league disbanded. It Is pioposed now to oiganlze another league with second teams leptesent ing the Scianton Bicycle club, the Gieen Ridge AVheelmen and tho Elec- ttlc City AVheelmen. Ilowaid Davis, of the Green Ridge AA'heelmen, and Ed. Piyor, of the Bicycle club, have taken the matter in hand, and expect to ar llve nt something definite within a few days. Bobby AVharton, the old-time popular bowler, who has charge of Geoige Hampe's new alleys, Is otganlzlng a team to be known as the AA'lde-Awakes and the following bowleis aio i oiling for places on it. Geoige Koch, Mil ton O'Connell, Robert Mai shall, Oscar Jones, Fiank Roll, Frank Coffin, Billy Swaitz and Bobby AVharton. All of these men aio star peiformeis In the bowling line and will be ready to take up the place of any team In the North eastern Pennsylvania league which may diop out before the season Is over. A game will be i oiled next Thursday night with tho South Side Bowling club's team. To encouinge bowling among the Green Ridge young ladles, C, S. Sea mans, of the Gieen Ridge AVheelmen, has offeied a first-class howling ball as a pilno to the lady making tho high est number of plus for twenty games on tho club's alleys. The ladles are taking a lively Intel est In tho con- DON'T BUY A. Uf f Without Seeing jj Our Garments S? And L.oeirnri&; Q Our Rrices. sIMears & s 415-417 Lacka, Ave. ;OOSKJ!S!KJ!KJOS!KSXJX5!!!K mfflvmMvmwtMimi&wtttmwvwmj- ,B lid I I j) n liafivn III . tl (a tistt ft nit a plnp of tlic IjMt Atc for 1cm nro? Ihrtt U utiiU jou rU nt our I.lMl CHINA for Imh tlnn tlm mice of (IEIIMAM t'lIINA-POItll.LAIN- for leM than the price ol t. U WAIIII, Theie l in inucli ellfferenip between these qualp tte4 an there U between Silk nml f'lilltri. Cl.l.l uterra llidl niriitiutlati.. rt.ninni.ta a! i pen etoek pitteitw which wo wish Cup nnd Saucers 5fj Plates 40 Fiults ..... UO Individual Butteis ... 18 Qeo. V. Millar wwwmmmmmmmmmmmf.rm' FURNITURE REPAIRED Have you in your attic a favorite chair with the upholstering in bad sliap?, an aim or a rocker broken, or perhaps having the spring's out of order, wailing an indefinite sometime to be repaired? Let uj mend it, rcpolish it, put a new cover on it and send it back to you aj good as new. SBs&wi&n F. fi. KAISER, MANAG: Lackawanna and Adams Avenues. Particular Dressers Wear Union Suits (underwear) DO YOU ? No Shirt to work up your back when stooping, or drawers to hold up with pins or otherwise they are in one piece, and the price is no higher than other underwear of the same quality Winter From $2.00 a And if you mention -this "ad." will allow you 1 5 per cent, discount during January. Trading Stamps, too, for cash sales Conrad 9 test, and the games so far rolled hae pfoved that theio me 'seveial sood bowleis anions them. Miss Jlyitle Bayley, of Gieen KUlge street, heads tho list nt pie&ent. She rolls a game n erasing Aery close to 150. A The highest bcoies made on Hampe's alleys Mnce they weie opened, about lle weeks nso, us made by Billy Hopkins, who made 238, nnd his namo is emblazoned on the blackboaul in Iaige letteis. It is questionable if this scoio will be sui passed for toino time, at least. Mil rf Haen. 09 32 fl fe SS 4& 0B &8 6E9 & G 4& 33 9 R ft 49 4 OFFERS ! Wonderful Shoe Bargains I tttunH r lulivrintt hum a I ,a1iIiiI.i t.. ..-.(.. thtii I lie reinlnnly low tirltr of tho Itiferior 1N i:TOUV HVU. (M.l plrM of 1IAVI to clofo out .1 Minplei cents each.1 woro 0,00 doz. cents each wcro 7,00 clo7 cents each were 4,00 doz. cemts each woro 2.75 doz. & Co. "U.SEM52 BmMmg Gt "f R. Both 'Phones Weights Suit to $6.00 HATTER 305 Lacka. Ave. Undoubtedly the reatesf Fur Values in 'fill Scranfon Are' at sT Lt s Peislan X,amb Coats, Baumaiten collar nnd leveis, ?175; now ?150. Peislan I.nmb Conts, Oliiiichillft collar and reveis, $150; now $185. PejBian Xnmb Mink, tiiramed, S150: now 3125. Peisiiui Lamb Black Lynx, tiimmed, S150; now 8100. Plain Persian Lamb Jackets, 350 to SHO. Moiie Coats, Astinchan, Chinchilla trimmed, $100; now 875, Electilo Seal Jackets, fiom S20 to $30. Elect! 1c Seal Jackets, Beaver tiimmed, $30. . Plain new Seal Jackets, fiom 835 to 84.0. Seal Skin Coats, in stock, from $150 to $225. Seal Skin Coats, made to older, from $150 to 8300. All Scaifs and Muffs at i educed pi ices. FUF.S REPAIRED. f KAW PURS BOUGHT, a ---.L J