The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 25, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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1902. , JJ
Novel Way to Procure a Red Lan
tern Experiences of a Woman
"Who Jtade a Pet of a Pig Tho
Husband Who Repented What a
Bad Boy Got.
Iptclat to the Sc union TrlDune.
Susquehanna, Jan. 23. "Talking
about presence of mind, said a well
known Jefferson branch brnkcinan,
"let me tell you a little incident tlint
I know something; nbntit Valine I wan
there. Wo were out one night when
we got stuck In a snowdrift near Ilor
rlck Centre. I was head bvalteman,
mid had nothing to do with Hugging
our rear. That was the business of the
other brakcinan, but, us ho hail been
drinking a good deal, I felt a llttlu
alarmed for fear he would go to sleep.
So pretty soon I slipped back to see if
he was attending: to business, and I
found htm lying- Hut on the track,
asleep. He had fallen on his lantern
the red one and broke It all In pieces.
"Just then I heard a passenger com
ing, and she was coming fast, too.
How to stop the train I didn't know. I
had my wjilte lantern, but a white
light isn't Just the tiling for a danger
signal In a snow storm. The only red
lantern within reach was broken Into a
hundred pieces at my feet. I suppose
I might have stopped the train with
my own lantern, but it would have
been risky, and the drunken fellow
hadn't gone back more thun half as fur
as he should and a white light doesn't
Show far In a storm. But I was mad
and that dained Idiot got up and r
suddenly concluded I would make sure
of my work."
"What did you do?"
"I hit him In the nose and held my
lantern to catch the blood. In thirty
seconds I hnd the daislest red lantern
that an engineer ever sat eyes on and
T prevented a wreck by ten feet." And
Dugan lighted a fresh cigar.
Pietro Cardoc was brought before
Justice Williams on Wednesday,
charged with stabbing, with Intent to
kill, Antonio Valentine, a fellow-countryman,
at the Erie station, on Sat
urday afternoon.
Valentine was leaving town without
paying Cardpc a bill amounting to fif
teen cents. As A'alentlno was about to
enter a car Cardoc suddenly drew a
new, large pair of shears and stabbed
Valentine in the region of the heart.
Inflicting a wound which may prove
fatal. Cardoc lied, but Chlef-of-Police
McMahon soon captured htm at West
Susquehanna. The hearing In the case
was adjourned for one week, to await
the result of the victim's Injuries.
The Baptist church held a reunion
and roll-call on Wednesday afternoon
and evening. Rev. Mr. Wntklns, of
Halistead, preached in the afternoon,
and Rev. Dr. Whalen, of Carbondalc,
In the evening. The attendance was
large, and the occasion was a very
pleasant one.
There are again rumors that the
offices of several departments of the
Erie railroad will, March 1, be removed
from Susquehanna to Meadvllle, Pa.
The Erie is gathering a great crop of
Ice at Narrowsburg, where it has a big
Jlai'Felous Elixir of Lire Discover
ed I))' Famous Doctor-Scientist
That CiiresEvcrj Known
Wonderful Cures Are Effected
That Seem Like Miracles Per
formed The Secret of Long
Life or Olden Times
Che Remedy Is Free to All Who
Send Name and Address..
After J cars of patient ttmly, and ili'lnitX.o
tho iluily record ot the past, u well a follow
inu modern experiments in the rcalmi of medl
il 6eenee. Dr. .lumen W, Kidd, lufj l'irt Xa
llonal Hank bnlldlnir, Fort Wajne, lnd., make,
the startling announcement tliat he has euicly
dlcorrLl the elhlr of lite, thai he is able
with llio aid ot a in.6terom compound, Known
only to himself, pioduced .h a t emit of the
till ne lias spent in seaicning: lur una pu'ilous
Ife-ahlne boon. In cure any and eteiv ill.,,.,.
that is known to the human hod v. Them U m.
doubt of the Uoitui'H In making hlj
ilaini and the icmarkablf rmea that he is daily
tfftctitiK beinu to hear him out my atioiigii.
Ilia tlieory which lio advances h one or leaion
lid bated on kouiiit cii'rleiuc In a medkal pruc.
lice of many jean, It icuU nutliliig to tiy liU
remarkable "ClixIr of Life," as ho eaiu it, for
he tend) it fren to an) one who I. u aultrrtr, in
nilllcUnt nuaiitilie to coin line of it ability to
iure, eo ilieio U idolutely no lUk to inn.
Koine of tint cures cited me ery leiuuLablo, un
but (or reliable witnesses would baldly be unlit,
ei. The lame haio thrown away tnitclics and
walked aucut alter two or three lilali of the
temedy, "llio tick, ijirii up by home docloia,
)iae Ucn lettered to tluir famlllea ami friendj
In .perfect lieulth. ltheuniatlsm, uniuljia, atom.
acli heart, liver, Lldury. blood and klu dbciM-i
and bladder trouble ilUappear i by wat,-ic.
Headaches, backachea, nerouiuees, feer, con.
uinptlon. touglij, 0ldi, asthma, c-atarrh, Ihoii
ctltU and all affections of tbo throat. luuin or
toy vital organ are easily meuome In a kpace
ot 1 1 mo that is tliuply nunelom.
Partial luulytU, lHoniQtar ataxia, dropsy,
gout, KiofuU and piled are quickly and ueiiiu'
nently remined. It inirlfiea the entile stcui,
blood and t limit, re.toies normal time power!
circu Ution arid a taU of pfrfev.t health i, pro!
dated at once. To tlio doctor all ateiiM aie
alike and equally affected by till great "i:ilxlr
of Utt." Send fur the remedy twlav. It la free
to every Mftcrer. State what you want to be
urcd ot and the Hire lemedy for it will be tent
ou free by return mall.
The Krle will this year expend J",OO0,
000 In Improving Its roadbed, station,
yards, etc.
The Crescent eltib Will hold a social
hop at the Htarrueca house on Friday
evening. Music will ho furnished by ttte
Padcltc choir, of Hlnghninlon,
too fresh ronic.
A woman at tJnltindttlo niade a pet
of a pig and was sorry for It. The pig
Insisted on following her, not only
around the village, lint all over town.
At first It was funny, then It got to be
annoying. She tried shuUlng It In a
pen, but It squealed so pitifully that
she relented, and It could always got
out In the garden some way.
The climax rame one August day
when the pig followed the woman to
church and ran grunting Into her pew.
She could not endure such publicity,
and the pretty, pet .pig was sold to the
There Is a husband at Great Bend
who lias never gotten along well with
his wife, Recently ho took the bull by
the horns mid Hied suit for divorce.
After filling out the papers he went
home, feeling he had done what was
AVhen he got into the house, how
ever, and found his wife laboring pa
tlcntly in the ltltcheii, his heart failed
him and he beat a hasty retreat for
the court house. That suit was called
oft for the lime being, but he will keep
the application hundy.
A teacher in a Buruwood school lias
received the following letter: "Sir
AVIll you In the future give my son
easier somes to do nltes? This Is what
ho brought hoatn two or three nltes
back: 'If fore gulllns of here will fill
thirty to pint bottles how many pints
and half bottles will nine gallins ot
here fill-."
"Well, we tilfd ami could make
nothing of It, at rill, mid my boy cried
and laughed and sed he didn't dare to
go bill in the niornln' without doln' it.
So I had to go to Forest City and buy
a nine gallln keg of bore, which I could
111 afford to do, and then he wont and
borrowed a lot of, wine and brandy
bottles. "We filled them, and my boy
put tin' number down for the answer.
I don't know whether It is right or not,
as wo spilt some while doing it.
"P. S. Please let the next some be in
water, as I am not abel to buy more
Kdltor Bircliard, of the Transcript, It
Is reported, lias been offered the United
States consulship to Bankolc, Slam, the
land of white elephants.
Quite a number of our townspeople
awaken In the middle of the night from
a dream that they possess qualifica
tions of statesmanship. 'TIs a terrible
The remains of an Infant child of llr.
and Mrs. E. D. Bradley, of Corning, N.
T., but former residents of Susque
hauna, were interred in this place on
The Century club will hold a hop in
llogan opera house on Thursday even
in .
"Once upon a time," began the Sus
quehanna Sunday school teacher, "two
brothers started to Sunday school on
Sabbath morning. Their way led
through a fine peach orchard where
the trees were hanging over with ripe
luscious peaches. One of the brothers
proposed going into the orchard and
getting some of the fruit but the other
refused and sped away leaving his
companion greedily devouring the
"Now it happened that the owner of
the orchard saw them and the next
day rewarded the good boy who re
fused to steal his peaches by giving
him a nice book. He got a prize for his
honesty and what do you suppose the
other boy got for his dishonesty?"
"He got the peaches!" yelled every
member of the class and another peni
tentiary story was ended.
"It's an 111 wind," etc. Montrose doc
tors are reaping a golden harvest, vac
cinating. "Yes," said ii Halistead lady, while
In Susquehanna yesterday, "we have
nearly all of the diseases down our
way. We have small-pox, varioloid,
scarlet fever, mumps and slot ma
chines." A Uniondale friend writes that there
are no dally papers In that pretty little
village; but there is a ladles' sewing
society or two, which answers the same
"Why don't people who ure trying to
lead men upward try the kite-shaped
It is a sad world, and most folks In
it would rather have the man who will
donate them a ton of coal than the
minister who would tell them what
wicked sinners they are.
Sweet Bprlnc; will .soon cripple the pens
Of poets in her pul-e;
And this in common with the liens
Will give llio world their Iaja.
Congressman Wright has returned to
New Mllford has established an un
official quarantine against the people
of Halistead, where they have a few
cases of small-pox.
Edward J. Matthews, a prominent
Susquehanna business man, Is a Repub
lican candidate for representative at
HarrlsUirg. He Is in every way well
qualified for the position.
The board of health urgently urges
our townspeople to lie vaccinated. An
ounce of vaccination Is better than a
ton of small-pox.
During the recent smujUpox scare at
Montrose, a number of prisoners In the
county jail wroto to the board of health,
stating that they would like to have
small-pox, If It would cause them to
"break out."
The Juckson Corner graded school,
recently closed on account of scarlet
fever, has been re-opened. Whitney,
Special to the Fcmnton Tribune,
Elkdale, Jan, 23. dairies Gilford
was quite badly out with an uxo last
Saturday while chopping logs for Eli
Miss Martliu MoAlla has leturiied
home after a few days' visit with Car
bomlale friends.
A number front this place attended
the funeral of Elder William Miller
Misses Clara Coleman ami Ruth
Wells were callers In Clifford Saturday
C'aipenters are at work putting new
seats in the church.
Miss Emma ItounUi and Miss Agues
Glfford were visitors at Mrs. LeGraud
Wells one day last week.
I.e Grand Coleman, of Peckvllle, was
the guest of his sister, aMrs, G, a.
Wells Tnesduy.
Mrs. J, M. Peck, who has been visit
ing In New York for the past month,
has returned home.
Graphic Description of Ohlckamauga
National Park It Surpasses All
Others In the Magnificence of Its
Monuments Tho Sears of Mlnnlo
Ball, Grape and Canister.
Written for The
In traversing the city we can say,
the entire city and vicinity Is historical,
judging from the bronze tablets erected
In every part, marking the location of
batteries, hospitals, headquarters, etc.,
occupied by both armies. The city re
tains some of tho old buildings which
stood dining the war and while some
are In a slate of decay, yet they are
very highly prized. I will mention but
one locality that of "College Hill."
which was at one time the site of
thirteen hospitals and, was used by
both armies. At one time there woie
more than one thousand sick and
wounded soldiers In these hospitals.
Within the limits of the city rises
"Cameron Hill," nearly 300 feet above
the river from the top of which we get
a blrdseye view of the city and sur
loundlng valley. East, and about one
mile from the top of. Cameron Hill
me the ruins of old Fort Wood, near
which General Grant stood when he
.directed his forces during the battle
of Missionary Ridge. We were pointed
to the very spot on which he stood
and smoked his cigar, while the spite
ful lnlnnle balls from the sharpshooters
made others, perhups tioL less brave,
but more careful, seek the shelter of
some friendly covei. "Bald Knob" a
mile east from Fort Wood marks the
the line of the (inal charge ot the
Union forces to victory on the last day
of battle. It is now, called "Orchard
Knob" anil lenialns unchanged by
human hands and is easily recognized
by the characteristic appearance io
which II doubtless owes Its name. H
Is about six miles from the city ,-ind
the nearest point on the C'lilckamauga
battlefield. The line or battle how
ever, was ten miles long and was
fought over such an extent of territory
that to see the most important points
one must need travel thirty miles at
least and should spend days.
Indeed, to study this battle field with
any degree of satisfaction one must
have a guide who lias a good knowledge
of the different corps and brigades,
both of the Union and Confederate
armies. Through the courtesy of S. W.
Divine, president of the Rapid Transit
company wo were assigned a com
petent guide, an aid of General Boyn
ton, with instructions to give us every
possible attention and assistance in se
curing the memoranda that we now
present to our readers.
The story of the siege of Chattanooga,
of the "battle of the clouds," of the
bloody field of Chlckamauga, meaning
in the Indian tongue "the river of
death," or the desperate and terrific
struggle on Missionary Ridge need not
be recounted to any great extent by
the writer, for they are recorded by
the chisel of history on the granite
pages of time, and will endure to tho
I will however attempt u description
of "Chlckamauga. National Military
park" as we see it and our thrilling
expetience In traversing it. which was
a "red-letter" day In "our travels. Thii
is the greatest military park in the
world, surpassing all others in Us scope
of conception and the cost and number
of its magnlfieient monuments. The
national government has spent over a
million dollars in restoring the battle
field to its original condition, during the
great battles fought in 18G3. Its area
is ten square miles or 5700 acres. It
has SO miles of pike road. The orlgnal
purchase price was $125,000.
Clilckamagua. probably the most
famous of all battlefields in the United
Etates, lies nine miles south of Chat
tanooga. Here is where the heroes of
both the North and the South met and
held the bloody conflict which together
with Missionary Ridge and Lookout
Mountain, virtually ended the civil
war. Almost every state in the Union
except those of the Rocky Mountain
and Pacific coast had troops engaged
on these fields. All of the great armies
were represented by some of the most
distinguished men ever in .America.
Some 120,000 troops were enguged with
over 33,000 casualties.
The park consists chiefly of the
Chlckamauga und Chattanooga divis
ions, the former lying in tho stato of
Georgia and the latter In the stale of
Tennessee. The battlefield of Look
out mountain is a portion of the Chat
tanooga division. Practically the city
Itself is also a portion of tills division.
Chlckamauga is not a park In the
ordinary term, used as a pleasure
ground, with fountains, flower beds,
grass plots, and water falls, but Is
merely a maintenance of the battle
fields. In the restoration of the fields
tho old roads of the battle have been
reopened and Improved and the new
ones closed. All the underbrush und
the new growth of trees have been cut
out of the lighting grounds and such
fields as have been cleared since the
battle are being replanted and thus
restore tho original battlefield. All
this la being done by the best methods
of road making known to modern en
gineering, of the li.OOO acres of wood
land, all lias been cleared and through
every part of which a team cun drive
without dllllculty, Theie is about fif-
The city Is full of Colds and Grip,
every one is coughing and sneezing.
To avoid taking Cold, keep the feet
dry und weur waun clothing.
A lighter shoe at night, a hlgh-neck
llannel sot aside just for once to wear
an evening gown are fraught with
A change from a thick business suit
to' evening dress makes many a soie
doing,, out of a superlieuted house,
hull, church or theatre, Is u frequent
Use cam in your dress, avoid expos
ure, carry und take "Seveuty-soven"
("77"), Dr. Humphrey's Famous Spe
clllc. It stops a Cold at the start and
"breaks up" Colds that hang on,
I Giveaway Sale of !
i sj
i. i
This is a very big announcement, but it is what we are going to do give you
Cloaks at one-half the manufacturer's prices,
$25 to $40 Newmarkets and Raglans at $15.00
18 to 25 Newmarkets and Raglans at 1-0.50 ,
1 2 to 18 Newmarkets and Raglans at 7.00
Come early, there is only sixty-seven garments in the lot.
50 Children's Coats, 4 to 12 years, wholesale price $4.00, are offered at
$1.98. Just one-half their wholesale value.
120 42-Inch Jackets, all wool, cream of the season, wholesale value is from
$14 to $30, are offered at $8 to $15. They won't last long, so come quick.
15 Evening Capes for Theater and Party Wear at 50c on the dollar.
50 Fine Capes for the matrons at 25 per cent, less than wholesale value. ' In
our store fifty garments will last about one week, so come early.
1 Paddock Tan Kersey, imported from Paris. Cost $75.00 to land in New
York City. Will close at $25.00. It has $20 worth of mink on collar and revers
5 324 Lackawanna Ave.
teen hundred acres of open field. Some
of the old buildings stands yet, but are
in an advanced stage of decay. All
the lines of bottle have been ascertain
ed and marked by each state commis
sion and tl'ie national commission.
Some twenty-six state commissions in
terested and a large number of par
ticipants in the battles have been able
accurately to' identify the regimental
lines of battle and a majority of tho
battery positions.
The brigade lines of battle cover
seven distinct fields. The Southern
states which had troops engaged, have
been also actively at work in ascertain
ing tho regimental lines of buttle of
their troops and marking them by
monuments. The underlying motive of
tho park commission, is the resloiatlon
of the battlefield as It was at the time
of the buttle, by both Unionist and
Confederntps alike. Most of the Hues
are already marked by inunuments
and historical tablets. About one
thousand of tlio.-'c tablets have already
been erected, as well iih a large num
ber of locality and distunee tablets, and
other guides to movements upon tho
All lighting positions of batteries for
both sides have been indicated by the
erection of guns of the same pattern
as those used by the battey in the en
gagement upon Iron carriages which
are an exact reproduction of those used
In the battle. Some thirty-live battery
positions on the Union side and thirty
three on the t'onl'edernte have ben
thus marked by the mounting of over
two-hundred cannon. I might say
that a majority of the battery positions
in the Chattanooga section have been
marked In tho sumo way. The several
states in most instances have erected
large and handsome grunite monu
ments which adorn the battlefield and
will stand for ages. To the present
time there are I hi shell and granite
markers on the Hold and 28S cannon of
similar pattern to those used In battle.
Tho government roads comprising a
bundled miles are all maeudaniUod
and marked by historical tablets,
showing tho position or batteries and
distances In such u manner that one
can almost trace the armle.s through,
These tablets which are erected by
the national commission are strictly
historical, showing the organisation of
armies, corps, divisions and brigades,
with their respective commanders,
even to regiments una butteries. Tho
historical text upon each tablet vary
ing from 2."0 to (0i) words is carefully
prepared and passes through the hands
of euch member of the national com
mission' und their historians und finally
must receive the approval of tho secre
tary of war before being erected upon
the Held, The same method Is observed
In regaul to all Inscriptions uputi
monuments, markers and tablets mint
also receive Hrst the approval of tho
commission of which Oouernl II, V.
Hoynton Is secretury und finally that
of tho secretury of war before they
cun bo erected.
Tin-: aioNi'iu:fNTS,
Tho expense of purchasing tho
grounds and erecting the monuments
markers is already moio than a mil
lion dollais. The twenty-three stato
commissions, the veterans on both
sides tiro taking uctlve interest In the
project. vOliio has appropriated for her
llfty-ilve monuments, ?9.",000; New
York, $81,000 and other states propor
tionate amounts.
There are also Meel observation
towers built by the government, seven
ty feet high. So placed on the llelds as
to enable the visitor to ascend above
the tree tops and see all over the bat
tle grounds. ' Three of these ure on
Chlckuniaugu battlelleld and two uto
on Missionary ltldge. The one on
Orchard" Knob, was Grant's head
quarters, while tho other stands be
side "the lone pine tree,' that marks
General Braggs' headquarters. These
towers we visited with much Interest
and obtained a line view of Lookout
mountain, the entire Chattanooga
valley, including the city and the bat
tlelleld and n distant glimpse of C'lilck
amauga park.
It is worthy of remark that the
battle of Missionary Jildge was the only
great battle of the Civil ivur In which
the commanding generals of both sides
could see the whole battlefield and all
the movements of the troops. Bragg,
from the top of the ridge, and Grant
from the height of Orchard Knob,
could each sweep the entire valley and
side of the ridge with their field
glasses. Among the more noted gen
erals whose names are associated with
the operations around Chattanooga
ait: Grant, Sherman, Thomas, Hooker,
Rosecrans, Garfield, Logan, Sheridan,
and among the Confederates were:
Johnson, Bragg, Wheeler and Long
The government lias built a lieaijt I
ful boulevard all along the crest of
Missionary Rldge from McFarlaud's
Gap to Sheimaii Heights and erected
monuments and markers similar to
those In Cliickamauga park. Latterly
the park was used as a mnholluing
point and extensive barracks
erected to accommodate the volunteer
army for the Spanish-American war,
and a great many of the old veterans
who once wore the blue and the grey,
and fought face to face, now stand to
gether and wear one color, bear one
Hag and fight a common light.
No visitor to Belgium's capital falls to
see AVaterloo, so no visitor to Chrt
tauooga, should fall to see Chlcku
manga, where the percentage of killed
and wounded Is said to exceed that of
all battles of modern times, and whore
It Is said, the fate of the Union was
decided. Chatanooga will of necessity
lemnln the headquarters for the tblo
of visitors, which from this time for
ward must be a continuing und In
creasing current.
Tho scarH of the nilnnle ball, of
grape, caunlster, cannon ball and shell
may occasionally be seen In the trees
und embedded among the locks. Sonio
times In good preservation enough in
gratify the euroslty seekeis, who like
ourselves had the good luck to secure
them u? i-ouvenlrs.
Spnlal to t lie Soaiitou Tribune.
Tunkhaiinock, Jan. SI. Tho stock
holdeis of tho Wyoming County Agri
cultural society met and elected tho
following olllcers: President, D. W.
Stark; vice-president, C'liurles Wliee
lock; secretary, V. N. Reynolds; tieas
uter, ('. O, ttersblmer; directors, I J. r
Ney, R. i;. Billings, Arrou Bnnvn, C.
M. Harlow, L, K, Meade und 15, H. Urn
dreck. Rev AV. M. Illller, of I'aroons, who
tuiuu up tu attend the Hawke-McKown
wedding will visit among his old
friends hero the rest of the week.
The ludle'i of the IVesbyterluu church
gave a New Kngland supper lust even
ing at th church parlors from 1.30
o'clock until all were served. Tho
menu consisted of mush and milk, cold
ham, veal loaf, cabage sulud, baked
beuns, scalloped potutoes, brown bread,
white bread, pickles, fruit doughnuts,
molasses cake, pumpkin pie und toffee.
Daniel Melvlu was tukeu to the
Packer hospital at Sayre, on Thursdny
for treatment.
An Interesting feutuie of the concert
given at the M. B. church lust evening
sMy' ""- ' ""lK" "
Winter time was Pie time
ITomc-madc mince
"None Seen" Mince
good in Summer as in
"keep" and does not
Pie Time is ALL the Time. You make the crust we will
fill it perfectly. Ten cents a package makes two large pies.
For s.ile by c cry Rood grocer, toe. a package. Recipes on every pack
age. Valuable premium list of ' ' 1847 Rogers Bros. ' " silverware enclosed.
MBRRELL-SOULE CO., Syracuse, N. Y.
e:w seaside house:
America's All the Year Resort.
7 s?j?Mr4Maj-)
' .-,; 'Yli, !'
'IliN niiMti flout lioiol N I'pen tlirnualivm
Wjlil l.lll:i in llio linn,!' (ciuli'il w.ilU 10
(lull iiili'ijt, mi Wilio fir ljuuMd
was Hnndel's "Largo," sung by a
Lchorus of eight male voices
Miss laytllu Jayue, a student at
Wyoming Seminary, at Kingston, Is
visiting her mother, Mrs. tfublna Juyne,
on Slociim street.
The grand jury, im Thursday, report
ed in favor of a i utility bridge at Mill
city acrobs the outlet of Lake Wlnula,
and reported adversely to the petition
for a county hrldgo at the outlet of
Lake Carey.
Jttdson Lutes vs. Churles Peterson,
rule granted to show cause leu of ex
ecution in above case shall not be re
leased. In re; e.itute of tleorge Van Uiuer,
deceased, order grunted to sell real
estate for payment of debts.
B. P. Johnson vs. M, IC. Walker, rule
granted to show cause why Judgement
shall not be opened and defendant lot
Into a defeube.
K. H. Htevens vaj. Chester Lepper,
rule to open Judgment granted.
Take Elevator fe
meat will not "keep" in Summer.
Meat is a year 'round delicacy as
Winter, because it is packed to
spoil. By using the delicious
- .r-S
irar. Illo.itt.r, .iiu I'ailora, Hut ami Cold act
Oicjn, and all iiicilriu ruinfoiti, Uiaclty 300.
P. Billings vs. K. S, Hnndrlck and
Frank W. Pe Witt, rule for subrogu
tlon discharged.
Martha Shook vs. Jeremiuli shook,
divorce, Issue awarded. ,:
Flora Billings vs. Joseph 'Billings,
divorce, W. S. Kut', esq., appointed
lomnilssloner to tuko testimony, '
In matter of eslato of Jhinna J,
Stark, deceased, order gritu'ted lu'sell
real estate. ' '" ' '
Roland McNab vs. Carle MeN'ab, sub,
poenu in divorce awarded.
Mabel Harding vs. Charles M, Lee,
amendment to statement allowed.
Auditors report in estato of William
I.angley, deceased, tiled and continued
Frailk Majors vs. Adam Rejlas,
separate sale of real estate, and read,
vertlsljig ordered.
Augusta Keyes s. Frank Keyes, de
eree In divorce granted. ,
In re: public Moad In Nicholson
township, report sot aside for want ot
notice to commlfcsluuers, supervisors
and others.