The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 25, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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    i ift $ " " "Wirwr x'&&mf'&FtTsw"'?"
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"" jSlftBff?egxT1(wfcp jS-jm- -nTier" ";
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Church and Sunday-Schoo
"7"f YOUN'n MAN. now tiroinlticnt
f,f In Younir Men's Christian iib
i""'l Foclnllon work, recently suit!
of a , In our ofllee," says the North
ern Chrlstlnn Advocate, "that
he nan uonfldclit that the cIiibh inoetlnp
enabled him to hold to a life of prayer,
effoit and faith. The statement was
made In such an earnest manner that
, it led ua to relied and wo found that
, there wan u time In our experience
when the cIubs meeting was to us the
coiiio Btay. The news report from ouo
of pur lending Northern Now York
churches to the effect that there Is "new
strength and vlcor In the cIiibb nieet
lnB" therein, Ik cheerliiK. While It
, may he shown that the class lneetltiK
la generally being neglected ivo rejoice
that In some quarters it Is still n power
to hold men to n life ot prayer, elTort,
" faith and testimony, In the very nnr
ture of the service one can see Its help
fulness, with Its experienced lea'dor, di
rect l espouses adapted to eurh Indi
vidual and the opportunity given" to all
to participate.
"We should cling to this service, not
because It Is old but because It is ef
fective. Many times new methods are
better than the old, but wn doubt If vv
have yet found the canal of the class
meeting. Iot us raise It out of the ruts,
dispense with cant phrases and stereo
typed testimonies and then its highly
privileged members In the imtitiitliion
of the Spit It can contribute and ipcelve
much which will make for sttength and
vigor In the twentieth ceutuiv Chris
tian." The following letter from the Itev.
Dr. J. II. Hare, olllcinlly accepts the
call to the pastorate of the Centenaiy
SI. I, church, of Ulnghamton:
Chttliinooga, Trim., life. CO, Villi,
A. W. All siudci,, lttiigh union, N Y.
Pp.ii Mi: uiii IpIIoi infoimlng uic otllciilly
if llic unanimous Imitation of the bn nil of On
tin in' Methodist church, extended to lui' to he
conn; tho pastor (ho fliurili with thp beginning
of Hip npt loiifuinte, lus louihcd iiip, ami
in icplilng let me say Hi -t ot .ill tlul this ex
pression from those who know nip so well is .1
1 source of giatilicutlon to both Mis. lticp ami
m)(.If; (lilt 1 appreciate the lospousibiilly of
lhat pistoralc especially (0 midtil iKc il for 1h
soconel time; that I am ion.ii. Ions of nn in-uf-flciciie),
but believe In Ilf-t all sultKrncv; .nul
tint 1 imy depend upon the Mippnit of the
church iiioiii1ipiIiI. Hence, 1 accept the in'. na
tion, the pioslrilng elder and Hip bi-hop lomnr.
ring, rjltlifiillj,
lohn II. 11 ic p.
Next Sunday will be "family day" at
the ruihoad depaitment of the Voting
Men's Cinistlnn association. Railroad
men, their tamllles nnd all friends of
1 the association are invited to the meet
' ing. J. M. Dudley, secietary of the new
- stieet ralhoad woik of New Yoik, will
'be the speaker. The department male
quaitette will lead the song service and
.sing two spscial selections. W. II.
Ftanton will assist in the choius selec
tions, with the cornet. The tenor solo,
"I Ileai d the Voice of Jesus," will be
sunrirby "Will Jones. jvfliearty welcome
Us extended to all fi lends of the rail
road work.
The new William Davles, nastor of
the Bellevue Welsh Calvlnistie Metho
dist church, will pi each an English ser
mon for children tomoirow morning at
10 o'clock. The evening service, at C
o'clock, will be in the Welsh language.
All are heartily welcomed.
tfl u
Itev. C. A. Spalding will piese-nt the
paper before the Baptist minlsteiiul
confeience on Monday morning next In
the Penn avenue church,
Methodist Episcopal.
Elm church VinjPi meeting, H.:.0 p ni.;
'the pastor Dr. C. . Gllii'i will pieach at 10 JO;
class meeting In Supnday school 100m at close
'of tenia Suneloy school, 2 p. m.; .Imiioi
League, J.JO.; Senior League, 0 :.(), Woi-lilp at
7.S0, the pislor will piciih.
Sjmiison Methods KpNu.pj) thmch-i!e. H.
C.tllcleimuU, pa.slor. I.ovc fpa-t .it 0.10 a. in
The Lords supper nml uceplion of members at
10.00 a. m. At 7.30 p. in., llev. A. flrlffm, 1).
D., will pipich. fcuudui school at 12 m. Junior
league at ,'i p. in. 1'pwcitli leuguo .it V.M) 11. 111.
All invited.
(Asbury M. II. thuiih Comer Moiwv avnue
mil Deluwuio slicjt, lie v. W. (I. Sluiivon, 1). 1).
pastor. Love feast, led by )i, (,in, preshllna;
ildor, OiO a. m.j the llolj t'.immiinloii ad
mlnlslpreil bj the pusldii.x ildr, 10.:;0 a. m.;
Sundj sihool, u.;:u p. m.; Kpwmth IxMRue. iiiti
p. 111.; preaching, 7.J0 by the pa.tnr; Mibiect;
'Die Qiistluii," i'rajei meeting, Wcilum
day oeiiliig .it 7.) p. m. Scat fiee and nil ate
welcome. '
Cedar Aenue M, II. eliuii.h-l 1', Jioly, paj.
tor, Jleeting of Hrothcihood, 10 a, m.j'mu.n
in woislilp and tcunoii. Hi a) a. 111,; Smith
fenool nt noon; Junior Kpworlli I,".igne, .'iao p.
m.; l.'pwortli beague. Op, 111.; evening wouhip,
7.i"0 p, 111. Mr.uigcH anil all olhen welcome.
Court Sheet MclhodUt Kplbcopal linucli (,'. (.'.
Iijmnij, pastor. Cla, Mi u. 111., 0. 1). Pe.
Witt, leader. Preaching, 10:t0; Sunday Mlinol,
11.13 a. 111., fi, 11, ClarK, uperliitcndcnt; Junloi
League, 2.i0 p, in., Jlr. Ilr.cant, MiperlnlciiiUnl ;
rpwforth League, li.SD p. 111. ; pleaching, T.sil ji,
m. SatH fiee. All ulc welco.ue. KvangelUtln
mretliis ihiiiiij the week. Come mid injoy the
I'loildeticp JUtliodUt Viilriiipil diurili IId,
flcorgo A, tiiif, pator. 'I he Jliolheihood of (.
I'atil meet foi piajc'i ut 10 a. 111 ; preaching nt
I0.S0 a. 111 ; bubject, "1'iujei." .Mindav sclnol at
2 p. m.; Dimoitli I.tagua at il.U p. 111.; l,iiii',
"A Awakening," rrank II. U., leader.
Bong senile, "..',0 S, followed by pleaching, lie mectliiK'i continue eeij eienln till S-aiur.
dy, Oichestra and iliouu choir aslt in ong.
First (iiniMii JlethoilM KiImoih cliuti li-
Adams, at cnuo and Miiebtnet, (!, Ilubillu, p.ui r,
PUInc scnle Pi, lO.oi) u. 111. ami 7. SO p. 111.; Sun.
iliy ieliool 'at noon ami at 2 n'clnik p. m, nt
the Tujlor avtnue clupel. Kpnoilh Limijuc
meeting at 0. 1.1 p. m.
A, M. I', c I1u1c.l1 Hon a cl place, Pr. 1) s,
Hrntley, pastor, 'Hie 1llu.1l meeting U oiiu of
great cpiritual point.. The inimlnulil U being
won cheerfully ami a piofouml iuteicit li runl
feted lightly, tlielr taxing Hie kcatlng upjclly
of the cliuuli building, Kenitcx tomonow an
follousi ('reaching, 1 U. no a, 111.; huinliy hIiooI,
HA) p, in., A. renter, tupcilutendtut; lomexva.
tlon mcetin;, U.U0 p. 111,; ChrUIUil Kudcuor
long and prajer cert Ice, 7,11 p. 111. 8 p. in.
Ret, ilr, M011U will pleach ami loiuluil altar
frviei, lift'tlngi wl be contlnueil liet week.
Ft 1111 Avenue llaptUt chuicli, IVuii au'ime, le
tween Fpiuce and Mndeii treels Stungeu ul
aju wele-ome. I'lrjcliina;, iiioriiing at 1W.W) an I
evening ut 7.30, by tho pa.tcr, Itev. Jtolwrt I'. V,
Tierce, Ik 1). Moniluic piajem in the luwei teiu
pic at 0.13. Theme of moniiin; termon, 'ilcilie
l' Again; or (Setting Heady for (,'ort.M SuuJjyj
ichool at the home sJiool ut i o'clock and at I lie
Aiiiermau )iiiIim at ij.KO p. 111. ouug People's
Society of t liri.tlaii Kndeavor iiiccilu at il.0,
Tople of evening wiiiiou, 'ijliuleiliig Lives, or
yWlsssstb remedy that cures m cola In one Uy,
tlic Oopcl of Hrlp ami Hope." Ilvuiigellstlc nf-Icr-mcetlng.
Mlil-vvcek pniier ineellng on Wed
iiculay evening nt ",t Covenant meet Ing, nt
which nil number, of Hie t lunch nic uigcd to be
pre went,
l'lut llaplUt church, S'outh JIMn nvrnuc llev.
S. P. MallicvT, putoi. 'J do usu! prcnchlng er
Ue on the Sabtmth 10.K0 .1, in. ml 7.IW p. in.
Siimltv wlinol, 2 p. ni Dr. it. . lledeloc, mpst
Intemiciili llnptNt Vouug Peuple't union, 0.1O p.
in., In miunblv room The weekly prajer meet
ing, "0 i. m, Weitneil.iy. 1'iirtticr nnnouncc
inenl from Ilie pulpit on the Siblnlh, All ill e
loullnllv Invited tn Ihcse irrvlces.
Jackson S'lrret lliplht tliurcll 5Ien't nieetluc
0.S0, ipiidrr, limllici William I'rotheioe. At 10.S0,
pctmon by the pislor, llev. TIioiiim c)e (liucliy,
1). ., to'plo: The Lime Mm Healed." Sunday
kdiool ut '-', John Llojd, fiiperlnlendent. Xew'
ilngltig booki will bj Introduced, l'nll oitlicitia
lendn the ilnglng. livening service, 7 "ihnrp;
l!v angel ltlc service, gooil ulnglng, checrlul anil
blight rno'ii nnd a rojal welcome nw.ilti everj
body. (Ireen Itldgp Ihiptlst rinircb Motning pr.ajer
meeting, CIS; clmtiU sci vices with feinion by the
paMor, 10.10 11111I 7."0. Subject In the morning:
".Ministerial IMiieitlon," In the evening: "Ho
gcnpi.itlnn a .1 Pact." Sumliy nctionl, ll.tSi
meeting of Hie Junior society, .1.30; prayer me t
tug of tlie Senior pocletj, U.iiO.
Milloli llaptlst church Sunday eiviee, Jin. SO,
10J. Itev. J. 11. Iloddie. paftor. 11 11. in.,
preiiehlng by the pHlor, rubject: "The Christian
Light." Sunday School. a.:.0,'(llad to See Our
School on the Increae." 7.10 p. 111., preaching,
subject: The Memoilal Stone." Wceklv; notice:
II. V. P. U. meeting, Monday and Tuesday even
Iiiri; chureli meeting, Wednesday; pleaching,
liidi.v. Ml Invited.
Memoilal Baptist cliuich llev. W. 1'. PivU,
pistor. Seinion In the inoiulnpr by the pi'tor In
Welsh uiul III the evening in English. Sundny
tchool nt 2 p. in., Simud Howell, supeilnteiident.
Flint Welsh llaplUt church, West Market i-treet
itev. J. V. Davis will occupy the pulpit both
morning and cuiiini,. Older of mvlcci: 10 11,
111., scunon; fhcuip, "Who Slinll lliiug ( htlst
Down from Above?" or "Who Sli ill Bring I'll
(hrl't Again fiom the Dc.idi" 2 p. 111., S1uui.1v
school; () p. in . sermon; theme, "The Philosophy
of Ilapti-uu," to be followed by communion ser
vice. The evening mrni'cii will be eonduclcd In
Kngllsh, iiid nil aie "earnestly invited to attend
Xoith Villi Avenue Baptist cliuich l'.cv. A. If.
Smith will occupy the pnlpll both inuriiliiB and
evening. Subject for tlic niointiig. "Person it
s'alvatlon." Suielay kcIiooI at i o'clock. Kvenina;,
"1 Mu-t lncieasc but .Vot Deirejs,i." The speciil
mcetinc,.! which have been taking pliec alnee this
ni't of the yen flnllieel list Vcdiieel-iv.
l'iist rhurili Seivices, 10.10 a,
m,, 7.:W p. m, Di. McLend will ino.nlii;
and evening. Subject: "flic Apcwtlc lVtcr'n
l'irrt Miracle." 'the bible daM of the late Judge
Jes-Tup will be taught by Hie pislor. Strangers
welcome ut all service. Mid-week service
Wcdne-da.v evening at 7.13 o'clock.
Second Presbj church Jefleinon avenue.
Morning and evening eiice a-i usuil. Ilpv. I)i.
Willi im 11. Tenett, of Hamilton College, X. Y.,
will occupy the pulpit at both services.
(,'reeu llldgc 1'rchj tcrclau church Itev. I.
J. Lansing, pator; Itev. L. It. VuJiter, alstint.
10.10 be nice ot won ship with sermon by the
jnstor; 12.0I), Bible school) e .10, Chilalliil K11
dp.iviu; 7..10, evening woisulp with Mrmon by
the pKtor, fcurlh in series on "The sabbath."
subject: "'llu- Holy Sibbith to Jloinl
lie." All .ue (oiillally invited.
l'luviilence Piesh.vteiian church Pev. CeoVge
K. t.iiilel, 1). I)., pastor, will occupy the pulpit.
Moming (heme, 'Toieign Missions' nf Home."
Sundi.v sihool at nopn; Junior Uudeavoi, 3,::0
o'clock: Senior K11de.1v or, OJO. livening servle-i
with fennon li) the pastor, 7..10 o'clock. ORci
ings ot the day will be for Oonpel woik among
people of loicigu spcceli ill our rresh) tery.
Wabbum Street Presbj teilan cliuich Rev.
John P. M0fT.1t, D. D., pastor. Service at 10.S0
J. in. and 7.30 p. m.j Bible school. 12.00 m.j
(J. 1.'. Juiinr, el.Si) p. 111.; (.'. Ik Young People,
(1.20 p. 111.; prajer meeting Wpclnpsiby, 7.0 p. in.
The theme of the nioinlng t.ermou will be, "Our
JtcsponollillPy foi the Silvatlon of our Children."
Tho Bible school session will follow up the
thought of the 'ennoii. The lime luuallv given to
tie le-hoti will bo rsed by the leachern in
poioonil pU'M illation of fhri-t. A decision for
( hii-1 and His service will bu urged. Parents
tc.uhcH ot the bible and adult members of the
bible school me urged to attend the morning
eliiinlt service 'I he pa-lor, J. P. Moffat will
pleach in the evening. All welcome.
Adams Ui'iuie chapel Xew York stieet. ltv,
.lames Hughes will pi each at 10Jfl n, ri., juhject:
"fiod'u Iiving Kindness." Sunday school, 3
o'clock; Mi. (handler, superintendent. Mr.
Hughes wilt teach the Men's Bible ilm. Keening
eivici' at 7,;i0, when the Hcv Jimn HugiieA
will deliver n addiess on "Hie Spirit of lal-.nj-,
Tiansllti'd Into life aid Obedience." The
Lord's supper ut the close of the service to which
all chii'tiam are invited. The ChrWhn l.n
deavoi society at C.ia. Men's Mutual Improve
inenl socletj- on Mondaj' evening, at 7.43. All
me welcome to those service".
Capju-e chapel (Piesh.vterlan) Preaching, 10.10
a, 111. anil 7.S0 p. m. by the pastor, Itev. L. it,
Postei; Sundi.v tclionl, 3 p. m.; Junior Christian
Kneleavor, I p. 111.; Senior fhrlstian r.ndeavor,
(1.30 p. 111. Via.ver meeting, 7.30 Tliursdiy even
ing. Weicoino to all.
St. ' Luke's I'aiUli Itev. ltoger Israel, 1). 1).,
rector, Hcv. Kdvvaid .1. Ilaughton, curnlf.
Septiugesiin 1,7.30 a. m., holy coniiimnion; 10.30
a. m., morning prajer nnd sciniou; 7.30 p. 111,,
evening pi aver and seimon. l.'ast Knii Mission,
Picseotl avenue, 2.30 p. 111., Sunday fchool. St.
(fenrge'i, Ol.v pliant, 2.30 p, 111., Sunday tchool,
3.30 p. m., eveuln; prajci mid seimon. South
Side Mis-don, Klg slro;(, 2.30 p. in,, Sunday
Church of (,'ood Shepberd Comer Momey live
mic! and (ire'cn Illdge street, HcV. lYincii II,
Batemiii, in tor, Sepluagniiua Sundj)', Holy
('oinmuiiloii, 7..XI; morning piajcr, 10 30 .1, 111.;
Sunday school and lectin's ilav, 2.1,0 p. in.;
evening pnvei, 7..10 o'clock
Reformed Episcopal.
(iraee llofoiinei! Kplscopal ihurcli, Wjoinlng
avenue below Mulberry Miner Itev. Ceoiae L. Al
lich, p.utui. Piaycr and piaua scivlee, ().:!() a.
Ill, Diviur worship, 10 30 a, in, mid 7, SO p, 111,
Puulilng by the p.ivtoi, Morning, "Conditions
of Soul Winning," IVi. Hi 12d.l; evening,
speejlul evangelistic! seivlee, "Balaani'it Wish,"
Num. slill 10. Sabbath school, 12 m,; Young
I'eop'e's Sonlety of Chl'Utluii Kndeavoi, O.SO p, m,
Lewsoii slud.c every Weiliieday evening at 7.30,
followed by iIip prajci mcellng at S. Seats tree,
All aie welcome,
Evangelical Lutheran.
Sepliiageslnu Suiul.ij J tiospel, Matt. , 1-10;
epistle, I Cor. i. 1015.
S'l. Maik's, I'ourteeutli and Washburn streets -Itev.
A, L. Itanier, Ph. II., pastpr, Seivlees, 10 3)
a, 111, and 7"0 !' n.! Sunday school, 12 111.; Lu
ther league, 11 p, in,; mlvilon ImiuI, Kjtmdjy, 2...0
p. 111. Moinlng subject, "The I.aboiera In the
Vluejuid," (
llolj 'trinity, AdJiut avenue unci Mulbeny
ttieet Hcv, J, M, Snieltixi, of Meyer.tmvn, l'.i
will occupy the pulpit, Service, 10.J0 a, to.
and 7,30 p, 111.; Luther league, 0.30 p. in,; Sunday
school, 12 111,
St. Paul's, felioil avcnun Ifev. W. P, L. I.auer,
pastor, S'nv lee's, 10,30 a, 111. and 7,30 p, in.;
Sunday sihool, 2.30 p. 111.
( lulit linucli, Cedar avenue unci stieet
Itev, Jjiue's Witkc, pjstoi, Seivices, 10,1,0 a, in,
and 7,30 p, 111,; Sunday sclioo, 2.30 p. in.
St. i'clvr's, Prescott avenue Hcv, John Han.
dolph, pastor. Services, 10.30 a. iu,j Sumliy
fchool, 2 p. m.
I'liiauuel Gi'iiiuin.PolU'i Lutheran chinch, Itece
ticet Hcv. IVrdliuiid bilteluieler, paslo,-.
Pieuclibig In the, Polls 1 laugiugp, 10 a, m.j Sun
day school, 2 p. 111.
(iiace Lutheran cliuich (general sy
nod), corner ot Madison itveuuo and Mulberry
stieet llev, Luther lies flefilng, pastor, 0.30 1.
111., Simdaj kcIiqoIj 10. (.0 u, m,, Divine vvoi-shlp,
subject, "ijtudlen hi the Life of Jesus Christ His
This signature Is on every box of tho genuine.
Laxative BromoOuInineTobietf
llaptlsiu nml Temptation") mtmlnlslriitloti of the
holy communion; 7 p. 111,, Young People's! So
ciety of Christian Kndeavor, leader, Mlsi Lvnola
Ixihinaiiii) 7,."0 p. m,, evening worlilp, with ser
mon, liver) body welcome.
Calvaij- Hiforincd ctiutch Monroe avenue and
(libsou sheet, llev, Mai Ion L. l'iior, pastor,
rervlce, 10.30 n, in. ami 7.S0 p. 111.! Sumliy
school, 11, J; Christian Kntle.iv or, 7 p. in. ;
pujer meeting, Wednesday 8 p. til.! catccliUm,
3.30. Morning subject! 'The Tine Athletics,"
evening: "The Klein il Majority.
All Souls' Unlversalist church, Pine street, near
Admits nvniic llev. Tlimim ll, Pa.vne, p.i'loi.
Divine scivlee, wltli scunon, nt 10.30 n, m,;
subject, "Man's Kleinal Need ot Wotsl.ilp," Sun
diy school nt 12 in. Scato frte. Stiangcts poi
dlalty wcleoiucd. Xo evening service.
SCIon United Kvangelleat chinch. 1120 CupotKO
nvenue Hcv. J. Mesenger, pastor. Preichlng,
10 30 a. in. nnd 7.30 p. m.; Eiibjcct, "The (
Commission" and "Judgment Not Kctulcd."
Siindiv- school, U.SO 11. 111.; Junior Kmlc.ivoi, 4
p. in.; Senior Kndeavor, (130 p. 111, All seats
fiee. liver) body welcome at all services. Her
vices eveiy evening next week ut 7.30.
l'iist Piliiiltlv'p MetbodUt church, (.'iccu Illelgo
Hcv. (1. Lcc, pastor. Moinlng subject, "Whoe
I Am and Whom I Scive;" evening, "liekhl's
Vision of Dry Bones," Claw meeting nt tho close
of morning sermon, All are welcome
(lO'ipel Tabi'iniclc Icffcisnii avenue, Duninore,
James Lcl'limau, pnitor. Pleaching, 12.10 .1, 111,
and 7.30 p. 111.; Bible school, 12.00 ill.:
People's meeting, 0 30 p. m. 'Hip Sundae- even
ing scivlee will cIoe the. two week scries of
special meeting and Hie legular ClnUtlin and
Mission iry Alliance meeting will be held on
Tuwliy al 2,.',0 anil 7.30 p. 111.
Acts. Hi, 1-16.
BY P.liV. J. li. (ilLBIillT, 1). D.
Secretary of Ameiican Society of lieliglous
'lllli niiVII'.U". The book now studied, as its
name implies, contains a icroid of the deeds of
the apostles. In the first chapter and the first
four veisci of the second chapter, they uio lep
lesenteel at they were hefoie and utter the bip
tivni of the Holy Spirit. 'Iho lemalnelcr of the
second chapter exhibits their wonili'ifiil tlkicncy
after the emblement from oil high, icsiilting in
he conversion ot three I'iou-.iihI souls in a Mncle
day. Aflci this lrmarkable inciea-e in Hie chinch
the ipostlcs giuduallj' widened tlic sphete of their
activity until the) assumed a iiilsioniry atti
tude to cany the gopol into .ell the world. In
this c(cnded ministry they manifested tho ?eil
of their Illustrious Master and exceeded the labor
which made bis career glorious1. It has been to
some .i cause of meisurcil surpiiso that they
should line leccived power to woik lnir.icjes
but this was doubtless gi.inted as a Divine at
testation to their coiiiiiii-loiw (.Mark vl:
T1IK Dt.COAK (Verses 1, 2, 3). 'ihe niiuMiy
lieic to lie described was purel) incidental, like
moot of that lendeied by the Savior it was
called out not by staled appointment bpt bj" a
ea-iial ciicumstnnie. It was 3 o'clock in the af
ternoon, the ninth hour of Jewish time, Jist
.ip lit by eeclesl isticil law- for dally prajer, when
the people of Jerusalem repilied to the tcmpM
(1'i.alm lv: 17). Petir .end John, tho olde-t .mil
the joungest of the apostles vv ended their wiy
to tho functmrj-. As they weie about to enter,
:i ciipplr, lame fiom birth, vv.n c itried by
f I lend', their clallv custom, to be laid at t re
gale, lint be might leceivo alms, lmmedl.itelj
n the two men weie seui, pleiding began. This
was na uncommon iiectacle. Many unfortunates,
there weie fur whom medical science of cud
nothing, to whiin the cold band of charity ex
tended but a few iwnnies that piolonged a i ib
erable existence. And tiiose gifts weie only be
stowed becaiwe tho Ivv reepilied (Duel. .v7),
and Hi" keeplnp of its litter was ugarded a vir
tue by a hard-henrteel people (Matt. Mx: 20),
THIi APO-sTLIN (Veises t and 5). The inci
dent raised nn Important question how will the
ministers ol Clulst treat ,e beggar? Will they
sitisf.v (heir tor science, b.v tossing a few' smill
coins? VVill the) pm b.v, lcfiHlng all avslst
ante? The answer to these questions is in tlurc
put. l'irst, Hierc w.n a mutual recognition.
they who- earned the lame man puiscd. Peter
and John pmsed. The clippie by elliectioii turned
bli ejes upon the apostles, who stood and g.u'd
upon him. The fust ilTccl was tu awaken an
expectation in the mind of the needy, but tint
soon jMSocd avva.v (fi. .xlv:22). There fol
lowed it what was of pilceles value. The im
fortunile sivv two men, follovveis of JeMi, com
missioned to preach, whose faces must hive ills,
dosed something of the Jov and love of their
bents, unit that look would do him gaud. Hut
reter nml John saw the face of a mm, foity
jeais old, In which ippeuied the sonnw and
liopeleiie- of a llfi'llmec1, and tint sight would
awaken their pity (Matt. i: 30).
THE COMMAND (Ver-e fi). In this wuv a new
relation wis etublUhed, 'lho ejes of want and
soriow had met the e)cs ol strengtli and com-pu-inn.
A Jeiiisalem pauper und two (iilileiu
fishermen hud lOme together, to be trimfotmed
by their svmputhetle spiritual tone li. It was tho
same change that lus been eltected in multitudes
of cases through the powci of the tiospel c(
(lirlot that semis benefactors into a woild of
tioublc. And Petiu, still exeiclslng pilmaev,
(whether bv Divine appolntinent or ti,lf.iiseetlon
inatteis not), addrosed the beggii. Theie was,
flist, a disclaimer he bad neither silver ncr
gold, which had been asked. One thing lie
had a power icceiitly Imputed, better thin sil
ver or gold; and )et not u povvev imleleiit In
lit in. but u power widen he might Invoke. 'Pirn
came the command, "lilse up unci walk," dc
liveied In the name of Clulst. To many that
might have seemed blasphemous, or at JeiH
presumptuous. Who gave him such authority
civir diseased bodies? Ah, Peter ii-incmbered Ids
Mi.tei'j wouls (John xlr; 12-11),
Till', CI Itli (Yeues 7 and S). It vv.h necei.
sary that a still clos;r lelitlou should etUt be.
tvveen Pctrr and Hie beggar, 'lluie had been the
arrestee! altcnllou, the responsive look, tin) re
fuscil alms, the podtlvo Injinietion, '1 lie utifor
liliute man Is not )l leailr to be the leilpleut
of ,i piotroie'd hlennlng. It Is too liituli to expect
Hut In such Inlet uu his f.ilth uu be iivvakeneu
to seUe lh possibilities. Petei'i baud wa ex.
tended to giap Hie hand of the hclpleis.
Slieuglh, impirtcd flist by Hie liiimuu to'ich,
canto nftervvuul by the Divine touch, tho vidble
luecedlig the InvMblc, (luidually (bo life eur.
lint pui.ucd il eouise, (aii)liigj vigor to eveiy
putt, 'the feet nml ankle bones, long limited,
tame Into senile. The man stood up, leaped
(lu, ,xxv:U), walked, llev pulsed (lod leullz.
lug Hut he had been under Divine power, and
with the two apostles be ruleied tliu temple.
The first steps of his life were into the sane,
tuaiy tl'saliii exxil; 1),
lllli WO.NDKH (Verses 1), 10, 11). The cripple)
can walk, 'ihe man who lias daily been Ivjd t
the gato of the' temple for jears past, indeed, for
a generation, whom till have seen as an object of
(harlty, whose familiar and prcvtiato form has
been looked for by all who eaiuu that Wiy tu
pertain their devoHon'-tliU man can walk. An
liour ago, borne by his fricmH; now leaping fcr
Joy, This . remarkable event Ml toon made
known, and all who heard of it weie niuaicd. It
was an ociuiieiiee something like Hut in the life,
time ot Jens (John js: e), a lepiiiductlcni, lime
foic, cf tho-u strange deeds that bad agititc-d
Jcnisalciu but a aboil lima ugo. To lu:iejse th'i
wonder, alter enteilng the temple the cured man
Willi pa.sionute gratitude held Peter and John In
Ids firm and affectionate gu.p, theieby Indicat
ing Hut they vvcie in some; sense benefaeluis,
Many gatheieJ. ubout the tluee, witnessed of this
dcmoiiitiation, but unable tu explain what they
lllli D1SCLAIMKH (Verse 12). There were two
dingcis to which the people were rsposcei both
ol which vvoulii lead to seilous reult-they
might regard I Ik erne ol Hi" cripple- m ui)stii-
lou, Incxplliahle; and they might nslgn It lo
purely human cnuscs nml turn heio wonhlppers.
One or Hi" other of these (oures was adoptrd
b.v Iguninnt men In ancient times whenever (Jod
elbplujcel Ids power In nny unusuil way. Heme
mine, superstition or servile subjcclloii to lliexo
supposed to be aveseil of supeliialuriil powers,
1'cter souglit to save the people from both tpii
cluslotH. "Why imrvcl )o nt Ihtsf" he nktd.
It was not n solltniy event In Ihe history of Hi's
pcode. Mliiides been pcrfumied liom the
iki)i of Hie exoelii'. The initials of the liiitlcn
were full of such things. Tuither, they ought not
to regal d the Ivvo men before them as tlic nil
thois of the chip. 'I here vus no povvei, ot boll
n cm, In the in to make n man to walk, The
people must look bad; higher to some higher
being to Ibid tlic cnil'C.
THIi l'lIVPfCIvN (Verses 11, 11, is, lfl),--iheie
vvoids of denial piepansl for asicrltons, Peter
had iinexcellcnt oppoitunlly which lie promptly
Impioved to tctlf) conccrnlitg Jesus .is the one
who hail wrought the cure. This lie did In his
torical i e ft relict', not unlike those mod In Ids
sermon nt Pentecost (Vets II: .IPSO), so an uigcd
as to foini u convincing argument, Jesus, denied
by the Jews In the pre-enee of Pilate, and then
put to death, had ben label In life, ns tie
nposllo knew, und had been gloillled, nnd thiotigli
faith In Ids name the cilpple had hem icidoicd
lo soundness. Tint fully in-counted for the deed,
ns not a mjsicry, neither the net of n 111.111. but
113 11 fmtlicr display of the might of Ihe il'fii
Clulst, it was intended lo (11111 the thoughts of
the people fiom the le.lbu of h.irj doubt und im
plantable suspense lo Hie tstulo of liilelligrn
faith and ceitltiidc and to comcqiient text, 'Ihe
uliiuate design of the apostle wa, without iloubt,
tn accomplish whit he hid in Ids tint net man
and senile convcils (Acts II: II). But of tint
he failed.
'1IIK IKVCIH.N'ii. The pi-sage plainly teaches;
1. ' the gospel has respect to the bodies 01
well as the souls of men, to the intlie untitle,
both and plilluik 2. That (hole tiny
bo good nets of chaiily other thin the gifts cf
mone.v whatever one has Hut another needs nny
be emplojed. 3, 'lhat the servant of (!od who
ministers to phjaleul necessities may often flint
way (or .1 lniger seiviee In Ihe good of men and
the honot of ( luisl. I. 'lhat no one need .ven
der at .1 dei'd done when behind It is adeqinte
power, the exilltd ChrPt being nble (0 do what
otherwise would be impassible. .". That lie win
accomplished .my good thing in the name of
Cfnlst should be quick to a-cribe to Je-us iry
gloi.v vvhklj men might be disposed to bestow.
(I. 'Hint If one soul Is sued bv our s) input belli'
touch or kindly word, we ought to lcjoiee, even
though m my foi whom we labor aie unmoved.
7. lhat the minUtci an 1 bis eouveit. milted 111
common pialse, standing togethei ill the Loul's
house, pieMiit .1 spectacle over whleh men and
angels ought to lejolce.
1'ioni Vulhor's Notes in 'The Siindiv Rcbool
Lc-boii Ilhietiatoi," l'uhllshid bv I'. II.
ltcvel k Co. Chicago, Ilk
Topic The Lame Min Healed, Acts ill: 1-10
f.oldcn text 'iho Loid is my strengtli and song,
and He is become nij- silvatlon," !'.. .v : 2.
Iiilioductor tcs The poor moil at the "Beau
Htul" gale of the Temple Is 11 tjpe of the sin
diseased oiis who me siking help fiom the disci
ples of o'lr Loid todiy. l'cter and John weie
fileuib ot Jc-us In the liuest fciicnc; the) weie
one with Hint and weie so lllleil with Ills fepliit
that when tbu lime man looked upon theui, in
obedience to their woid, bo saw also the Loid
Joins, ill whoso name they taught and wioiighl.
r.illh's look is 11 look bej ond the disciples to
the Clulst with whom the leil disciple is in
vital union. Peter and John went up together to
the hoj-e of piaver. Ilcie was an inipoitant ele
ment of Chiistian I'OWIill, I MTV. and KKLLOM -SHIP,
'llieso di-i iples picpaicd their.Mlves for
the sweetest woish'p by the tmest seivice. They
sivv the poor lame beggir whom othcis bid
paised by; they pitied hlni; spd.c klndlv to him;
gave blni ciicour.igeincut und hope; ami seemed
for him the help of the (I1e.1t Phvslclan; and tak
ing him by the liJinl, lifted him up.
A10 we ready to ny lo the bioleu ones In life.
"Look On t'si" If the world shall "look On
I s" will the) 110 .Item also thiough us'
Suggc-iOtlons l'llnL in laie Iiltcis the woid
"L'S"; be; oud this pilot Ihe nunc JKSlJs;
now diavv an with the la.vs of light leidlng
to the word "l" IndleutVns: Out the lea) xi
ion ot the eve of faith tics be) ond the Chilstlau
to the Clirbt with whom ihe Chilslkiu U In vital
The best argument for Jcsiis (Inht Is ,1 1 oly
life. 'Iho becst evidence of Christianity Is the
good It doei In the vviiild. Tlie lirst Illusti it Ion
of Chrl't's power is .1 life Too oiler,
Clillstiau woikcts foiget Hut the liitellloji'ucc, Hie
eloqucnic, ths red, the ph)sie il povvcis of Iho
lilsuei, aie the agencies foi the Woikln,' cf Me
Splilt of the Loid.
'ihe di-iiplet. wiouglit the mliatlc 01 heullig
Ihe "cripple" in the name or the Iird Jesus
AlL Supplied
Clulst In Ills alne, Ihe) bad been pir tilling
nml CiMitno. .mil imev Ihev kit, ni o 11m sLpnllr
...., ..4. n, - - ,. -.
and seoffeis b) shovvli.g the power of Clulst over
liuelll) lulumillcs, as wen as iiciug a pii)ici.iu 10
the soul,
II minimi gieat faith III (tod (or the pieaihei
lo publiil) rull upon a man who had never bad
the use of Ids limbs to stand upon his fret, ami
It rrquiiul gieat faith In the preaiher und b's
(Sod tor the impotent mail to uil.-e and walk,
'11... mlr.irln (lift IllJnncr III ceblrb k.d.
vallcni Is upplleil ti the heails of mem faith in
UOil l.ionn v, ;. in mis icsou we no
KLl'Ll'sS MAN;
I'tlH Kit.
Pmctlcul Application Tlie saiuei power which
healed the poor nipplid beggar tit the Beautiful
(late pf the Temple, is able to help and nc lu.
'through ( luist vve may have all Ihn blesulugs nf
life and loe ami peace, am! in Him nuj all ot.r
wants be supplied.
bciantuu, Pa.
Her Langucige Wholly Inadequate,
A lev elation ot the utter iiudciuai) of the
feminine vocubulary to rxpiCM deep emotion vva
given to u iiowd waiting for ejis ut the bridge
end the other night. As u I'uUou street car cams
uiouud the tunc and halted the usual mad null
foi seats followed. Aflei the car was crowded
lo Hie railing uu elderly woman, l4i'o of per
son and heavll) laden wih bundle-, iiii.crgfd fiom
lug waning c low u. sue was leu in lite ucv uu'i
ptifllng with her emtloni s rtie hastened inward
the car, waving her bundles vigorously n ut.
tract Ihe attention ot the conductor nnd emitting
short, sharp shrieks hitendcvt to slgnlly Hint she
fleshed Hie ear lo wait for her.
Hut the lonductor stolidly pulled the cord,
and Jtil ns Iho vveury woman reached Hie stipi
Iho car moved avvny. On the plilfcrm tho con
ductor stood with fotiled nrms nnd si'illed calmly
hack nt her.
I'm- 11 moment she stood giipln with rage.
Then she waved nil her bundles viciously In the
direction of the ruplellv letieatlng ear, and shout
eel nt the offending emiduclort
"Oh, j 011 1 joiil )0iil man, )oui" Xew Vutk
Mb Allele Hildmit, .111 esteemed pupil of the denbirgli &J1110I of Music, appeared In ton
tcrl V'eiliiesila,v evening nt the Bronil Sheet ( on
scrvnloiv, Phlluilcliilila. Hie .iillstlenll.v leu
lined Hie following piiiginiume, In which she had
the' honor to be assl.ted by Mi, lvllrcinaiiti, the
violinist. Miss llnilnut has been 11 special student
of Me, (llllieil Coombs the past jear, and he
rp11il.1i highly cf her nblllt) !
Prelude ami l'ugue, (I mliiui' , ll.uli
Soiiila, Op. ill, No, 2 Ilceltiovru
(Allegio. Ailiglo).
Kttiuc, Oji. 10, So. ." Chcpln
Ktudi', Op. 2o, No ') t hnp'ii
Ktiiele, Op, 2.j, No. 2 Chopin
Schciro, Op. 3P , .(Iiojiln
Vnctlirne, Op, 37, No. 1 Chop'n
"Vogel Als Prophet" Schumann
"Des AbemU" Schumann
"Anise hvv ung" ue liunnnii
" arum" Schumaiin
"Clrlllen" 'climmimi
ld.tlle Mac Howell
"Music Box" Anton Lladovv
"Kiimmccnoi Oelow" ltiibluslelii
Soiiitn (01 Piano und Violin, Op. li tlileg
(Vllegio molln eil ,iip'". Alle
gictto nlhi ltouiana),
Atfiul lVun'ir his been engaged to tike elurge
of the vocal nunihpi' for th3 inliisliel entertain
ment tu bo given h) the I'.lectlli' lit) W heelnu 11,
call) lu Much. Piof, Unbelt llutin has elmge
of Ih" oichesli.i woik. 'Iho) me piepailng u lun't
('.ilmrite mil Interestliu proginmme and intend
lo make this one of the very Lest enteitalmiients
of its kind ever given bv liom talent,
'Ihe following musical selections will be n-ed
at toinonoiv's services in the Sec nml Pie-hjteiiin
Org in Piclude Ciippocci
Anthem -"O (live 'thanks 1 nto the bold,"
(juiilclte nnd Choir,
OiTeiton Sopiano Solo, Selected,
Miss Black.
Oig.111 l'osllude Bach
Orgnii Pielude Lirgo Handel
Anthem "1'rals-e the Lord, O M) Soul"..Brackett
Ouird'tto nnd Chnii.
O.'futci)-tjuaitctte, "Itejoke, ltejoice, lie-
Ileveis" Biacl.ctt
Misses 111 11k and Haiagin, Messrs.
(llppel and Jloigan.
Orgin Posllude Splnucy
Mi. J, M. Chance, oigunist and dlieeleu.
.Mi. Ilom.v P. Die)ir, bailloue, founeilj of this
illy, now of Bo-ton, Mm, his icionll.v bad tlie
I101101 of inning .1 fire scholarship in the open
dt pirl mini of the New Lugland Coiwrialoiy of
Miwi. 'ihe ccmpctllion was opn, and the leul
ing soloists of Bo-ton nnd other pi ices pittiel
pitei. Before leaving Scianlon, Jlr. Die.vcr bud
studied cultiiie and singing foi two jewts
under Ml. Allied W'oolei, voe.ll 1c.1ch1r.1i1d tinoi
soloist, of tills cltv.
The following selections will be rcndeied at tie
moinlng and evening seivlees tomonow at libu
Park clniic'h, under the elliectioii of J, Allied
Pennington, oig.mM anil choir m.itit:
Oigan 11d.1nte con Moto in 1' (
( boh 11the1n, "I'lieie Is llestin? and" Havens
Oi g.111 Pastorale 111 I' Bach
'linor Solo "In the Shadow ol the Cros"..Liue
Allied .Voolei.
Oigan Postlude in 1) ,...Meike'l
Organ Vllegio Modeiato Saloun
("boil Anthem, Biuediclits ill D Duck
Oigan Pat orale Monk
Duet "0 Morning I anil" Phelps
O1g.u1 Postlude in D liladstonc
In his si me fur "Mild Marhu," .1 seqael to
"Itobm Hood," ltcginald de Koion bas letiunel
In legitimate nuislial founs nnd has ivolved
compositions wldch me tjuos of tine open
eoinlepie. The character or Mt. de KovcnV, npeia
is wielelv divergent from the lilvial inu-' com
edies which have attained such vogue in the
lost few )c.iis, and while Ids iniisiu Is giarcful
ami melodious, lux tiealiuent of if is in full
keeping with the best e-inns of the uit. As in
"Icnbiu Hood," their aie many melodies) in the
slnpe ot n'mple bilk'ds and concerted nunibeis
following the old I'nglMi glee, nnd the wall
rbjtbm is also I epl well lu the foiegiound. A
vciy dramatic and ellgullied fin lie is att illicit in
Hie cllinix- of Hie sciond act, vvheiu the war
song of the CiiLac!irs is countiiponited agalliit
the liitlle h.vinn of the Siraeeiis,
The conipiinltloi's of Ivan Car.vll and Lionel
Aloncktoii, iend"ieel dining the perfruiuaiiie of
"the Ton nihil" .it the Knickeiboekei theatci,
New Veiik, have attricti'd wide nttentlou and uu
mm! nijjpe from ciltics of niusie', 'Ihe com
ponllions .lie comniendeil foi their llgiit and veiv
agieealde character, as "populai without being
vulgui," us "full of colou of u lively tempo,
cli-11 loteilstiV" and as "ilslng to distinct dig
nity in the tonsillar song."
Mine. Blauvelt, the widely known Amoiiian
conceit singei, who aniicd fiom Kurope the Sin
litst., liegan liei animal Ameilc.111 toui at Cuineglc
lull, N'cnv Voik, Smifliy alteinonn, the lOlh inst.
Her American engigeiiieiils will take her fiom
Maine to Kunsis, liaily in Apul she will re.
tumn to I'liglaiiel, vvliere .she will open the gieat
Loudon May festival the week beginning April
L's. During the ccioiialion season she wilt slug In
u sciles of iccitiR While abroad she lecelvcd
the deeoiatlou of the Oidei of St, Cecelia,
coifeiud on fter bj the Itojal Acadeniv of St.
( eolllu of Home', the oldest singing society lu
Hie woild. In tlie (111 .vcais ot its existence, lids
sotietj has extendi d this honoi to but 1 Ight
lenovvneil musicians. Mine, lllauielt is the Hi -t
woman on v. bum this mihiuo ilhtliictlnu Ins
bojti confi'iied.
Special tn Hie Scr.liiton Tribi.iic.
SuR(iiehuiiiitt, .Tun, -I. The .TuckKon
Drnnuitlc society will In February pto
Hiice the dt mint, "FlHheinien'H laticlc"
Mi p. Hector eodilitiyton, recently ot
SiiiiqiK'liaiiiui, Ih HI with unpemUi'ltlH,
(it her liomu In Sayie.
A prominent Krlo oillelal .states Unit
lie iloen not believe tliat any of the ile
ixtl'tment ofllceB of the Erie will be re
moved from BtiBciuehanuii to Meiiilvlllc
or clhcvvhere. On the contrary, he la of
tltu opinion that. In Am 11, additional
oIllceB will be located here. And tliete
j on ni el
Itev. Chill Its W. Boot is at 'U'lllvPs
liuii'p, attending: a meetliijr of tho
Scr.inton arfl'iipitooniv.
lUilph Comfort, of State I,lne, Is io
covctlng: from a soveie attack ot
tywltold fever.
On account of thp ptesenco of small
pox in the cotintv, the Siuumolutium
County Teai'licfs' nsdoclatlon lias ad
journed its session, to bo held at Hop.
bottom, until February 2S,
Jtov. M. J. Watlvlns, of Hallsteail,
preached in the Biisqiielmimu BautiHt
church on Tuesday and Friday even-
The Centuiy dub held a hop In
Hogan opein house last ovonhiff,
Fifty Susquehanna business men will
attend, in it body, a uiliistiel perfuini.
auco In llogan opera house on Tuesday
Mrs. Duncan McDonald, of West Mala
stieet, has suifeicd a stioke of paraly
sis. As east-bound freight train No, SQ
was ontorliiK tho Idle yard tills inoiii
Ine, an air-brake hose burst and tluee
loaded cats' were mixed uu und con
siderably damaged. One of them turned
over upon Its side, Tho wreckers
cleared iho tracks lu a toy,- hours,
lOrie. Engineer Duncan MuDouuld.who
recently sustained it severe injury to an
arm, In the tlornellsvlllo yard, Is able
to bo out.
Edward F. Lelfjliloii, of DtiiRlminton,
will banauet the. Susquehanna btulnoss
men, at the LniiRfonl house, on Tues
day evening Host,
Speilal (0 the SYr.nilon Irlhutie.
TTnlQtidaJe, Jan, 21, Quarterly nieet
iiiKn were hold In tho Methodist chinch
Satin day cvenlntr and Otitulay morn
Inir. I'roHldlnir Elder Warner ofllclated
nnd tho meetings, were of more than
ordinary Interest.
A Jlcptibllcnu pilmary was hold In
tho town halt Tuemlay night. A num
ber of candidates received the nom
ination for botoiiKh olllccs. Jt was a
session peaceful In chai actor.
There was a respite In tlie Ico hnr
Vfst Thursday. ,
Mis. It. U. McKown ontei tallied a
lai'BO number of the young lieople ot
tho town Tuesday night.
Mrs. Llnwood Spow Is greatly Im
proved In health.
Mrs. It. I.,. Jones lately celebrnted
her seventeenth birthday. A number
of old friends fiom Welsh Hill paid her
a uleasnnt visit on the occasion.
Mrs. Fiank Davis visited friends In
IJrant recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Carpenter en
tertained a number of their fi lends one
day lust week.
The announcement of Elder Miller's
deatlivuls received with gieat sorrow
by many friends here.
Cannon's Defiance Answered.
"I'liclc Joe" Cannon, vvlio fell heir to the tltlo
of "Watch Dog of the 'lieasui.v" nfter the demise
of the venerable llohn.111, nf Indian 1, was in the
mlilst of 11 heated discussion on the Mcarigiu
iiinul bill when suddciil), after making a pollive
as-eillon, he rhoiitid ut the top of his voice:
"if I .1111 wrong, who will coirecl me?"
"Ah, 1 would not undertake stub 1111 arduous
ttish," leplled the xcisjllla Mr. Hepburn, us he
aio-e in Ills place und Sank back ngulii befoie Jlr.
Cumuli could iituin the flic.
'ihe house loured.
Directors of th3 Poor of the
Scranton Poor District
For the Year Ending Dec. 31, 1901
.Showing iccoipls, disbursement, accounts of
f-ccietaiv, 'fi cusurcr, T.i Collci'tops, upoits of
hupeilnliiideiit unit Ilesidcnt Ph.isiciun, pioducls
of the faun and an Invcutoiv of the leul aid
pniional piopeity of the dlstiict, ns ieciihed by
the Act of Assembly incoiporiitlng the dlstiict,
nppioveil April Dili, 1SUJ.
AuoL-vi-, or 'j in: slchhpauv.
'Iheie was ilisbuised upon claims
iigaiii't the eli-tilct duly appioved b.v
the Iloaul of Dnectois, foi which
voi-chcis 1111' on (de, the sum of 10I,3J') 11
Distributee! as follows:
fsr,Auu:s am) knvici:s.
.Silaiiis of Dnectois for lOOU $ 2,MK) OJ
t-.ilirios of Vuditois fui JlilD ::00 00
t-al tries of utllceis, attending, etc IT, l-tl To
Total for sakuies and seivlees '2l,olQ V3
our-DOoit m:ui:r.
Piovisiotu, ele- 11,101 TO
Cbildirn in boines and (raining si buols ,Mlb 111
l'uneial expenses soil b.)
Poor in otbei districts '11 .V)
'Iiunspoitallon li"V)
l'licl .-. S'' ji
Jlcclicines ""' T",
Mill at IT
Totll for out-door relief
(iroceries, provisions, etc
Me it, fish anil eggs
Div goods and clothing
( and light ,
l'eed, meal, bun, etc
Shoes and leatbei
Drugs and medicines I
f'lockei) and haidvvjie
rrcitfht and espreis
Tools and utensils
'lobucco und pipes
t-cccis und plants
Hsi u supplies
Suiidi les
Total for supplies
Adiiiiiilstration building
insane liospitnl
Main building
female building
I'plleptle building
htore house
Light, and power plant
Cite lodge
Midline shop cud coal bins
I. .Hindi )
( 'onset v a tot y , .
( bipel
II li ns and sheds
( il) oflue
ill ice '.
Ili'tainiug walls and fences
l..iv,u and ginuiiils
Sewers und drains
hiiaui iiuel water lines
l.lettilc light linos i,
I'll.' escapes
l.lgbtnli.g tods
Tools and nuihlniiy
llotsei, cattle ami wagons
Illuktiiilthiiig und hoise-hoelng
.. ld.lDs 12
.. 0,'sH 11
. . T.Osj 1 1
.. 7,72(1 .".I
.. 4,,-Uafi
.. 2,S.",s 70
.. L'.JTH (.2
.. 1.471 fci
.. l.lSOUi
l.ilj 21
.-,-, 01
:.i,S .12
Mil 21
Lit h."i
.... Ilhjil
53 .",0
..s .in,:i70 it)
I la ruesi
Sluvi's and l.ingcs .,,.
Com i, 1 1 repairs for iiuproveminls ami icpalrs.'r '2J.5IS 10
Publishing uiiuiul lepoit of dltcUnrs
ami .uielltois i 131 OH
Hooks anil blanks , 217 I!
Ofliie supplies and ihttui u'l 01
bubs, riplic ns tu pipcis for "Home"... I! 00
Tidal foi pi luting and stalioneiy,..'? 7M1 17
Caipctj and muttlug ,.,i M. IS
Hods and bedding ,. ,,, till! M
('lull., and settled , ,,,, lllli JI
(ouches , 122 73
IV liidnvv shades Ill 20
Clocks ;:') OJ
Totals for fiiiiiltuie,, ? I.ol Us
MhCI.I.I, IM.1,1"),
Tiavcllua; evpeiin's for Hiiuiva of pa
tients, etc. 3 : 1)7 17
Ta diipllcitii ....,,,,,,..,.., SUJ V)
Dues Jii'J evpe-UH's to statu coiiveiitioii,, 170 0)
liismance :;.'.l ill winks -'Ill TV
'i'elephoiii's uiul telegiaphs, ,.,, 1 ,'1
uiu.'u ol iciici, aiuuiviif, etc., ,, ul ut
lleiil of aildilioiul pastille Und JO OJ
Postage .11 JO
h'mujliuf ..., '-7 1
lute riot on vvaiiaut .,.,.., Ul 77
Smpeiiiili ink lit' cpcii-cu ,,,.,.., IHO 2'i
lijme uuii ..,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, n ej
Total fur niinllaiH'olS,. ,,,.,,,., ..$ 22.11 SO
AKOl'.N'IS 01' ( 01,1.1 (JI (Ills.
IV ute )l, I'liin. Collistoi, lljjy, lu aecouut vvlth
berjlitoii I'oor Dijtllet,
balance due us pel Iitt ieHirt...,, lO.sJli W
Subji'it to c.wueiatiuiiSi ubaliinwits and cuiu
mltsiou,. lMwutd Parr, I'olletur, law, in aimuiil vvlti
Ssiaulou i'ovr l)l?tilvt,
Djliiicc duo dn.-.l, JW)t. ,... i. ...113110 II
1 V'
lly rnMi'puld AiilbriweV'j'lerJt, 'li-S.surcr. 1,300 M
iMauce due .Inn. 'I,' iTkrjr.t.rfTvmo'jS
Subject io exoneration', iibalemcnts nrid torn-
missions. if 1 ' '
ralvvavrd 1'iiir, .ChllMorllWO, In account vvlth
Scranton Poor District, ii
Hit. ' I
balance due .tun, 1, loot, ,,,, ,,,,,..., .? P.1,123 10
Clt' 4
lly rush iiild Ainbios.0 Heir, Treisiucr. 12,T3t) 00
Ilutaiiii' due .filti, I, 1002 ,.,,$ 11,li73 1C
Subject to cxoiienitloiis, ubitcmcuts nnd coin'
I!. M. Vernoy, t'olleclor, tliol, In uceoiink with
Scrunloii I'oor Dlstiict,
To niiiount of duplicate for 11H)1 $ 81,133 01
II)- tush paid Ambrose Heir, Tie.isuier.'? 30,0(10 OJ
llibinii. due .Ian. 1, 1002 ? .'11,131 01
Snbjiil lo eNoiiemtlons, abulcirtenls und com-
TntiAsrnnn's Acronxis,
l!. M, Viruoy, Trensiiier, 1001, In account with
biiuiiloii Poor District,
To cash on hind .tin 1, 1001 ? 33,133 0!
Pr vvarraiilii cashed nud nu-
dlled , 7,112 73
lly cash pilil Ambrose Heir,
Tieasurer ...; 23,P! 12 III
$ .13,1 13 n
Which balanced the account.
Ambrose Heir, Tieasurer, 1WH, In account wilt
Scrunloii Poor District.
To cash fiom
II. M. Veinoy, Tieasurer f S'l.tru ill
Hdwuiel l'un, (Nillcclor, 1$OT 1,300 0.)
Hdvinul Pari, Collector, 1000 2,T,".0 0l
H. M. Vernoy, Colleetor, 1000 30,00.) CO
('onimonwealtli of PennsjlvanU 20,018 70
fleoige W, Ilecmcr, superintendent
for board of Innnles, etc 3,831,7(1
C. .1. (lillesple, bectctuiy ,. 1 50
Tot il.
.$110,271 iS(l
Py warrants cashed $07,103 01
llilance on hind dim. 1, 1002 18,77.1 27
$110,271 Kfl
Wariants oulstuiiding Jan. 1, 1001 $ -10.1 ,"i3
Valiants Issued in 1001 s... 101,320 11
Total $101,002 (')
Win Hints cancelled 1 OJ cashed in 1D01 101,011 S7
4101,011 fc7
....$ 330 M
Scranton Poor
WdruuU outstanding Jan. 1, 1!K)2.
Inventory of personal piopeity of
Administration building
Mill's building
Women's building
Fpilcpic building
Octagonal bun
Squaic bain
Store house
Power house
Machine shop ,.,
l.auuih.v ..,,,
Mono shed
C oitsei v a toi v
Culd sioiagc
l'ngmocr'x liou-e
Pccmei' or Vosburg firm
Piggery , . . . .
Ch ickeiy
C'aipcutcr shop
lllacksmllh shop
T.iiloi shop .'
P.iiut shop ,j.. .....
Oil mom ...7 .'...'.
Dliecton' mom, .Scranton.....
i 0.&30 13
1.1,100 M
3,301 71
3,870 8-S
1,311 S3
733 7",
0,29) 5 )
1,727 ()
4,500 1 1
27,172 31
1,00.1 7.1
l.Stfl 20
1,183 f.'i
1,471 0)
700 00
071 tr
:i7l 6 s
102 r.o
102 (i I
230 Wl
. (ill
71 1 50
178 in
.08 20
, 131) 0 )
170 lit
, 1", 01
1,11.1 33
Totll v line of personal propel ty...? 87,010 71
Old faint, 130 .itics 22,000 00
lleemcr farm, 110 acres 11,20) 00
Place fiinn, 70 ucics 4 20O 0)
Two aties land und dwelling net
Ilienur film 300 0)
Duelling 0.1 lleemer faini 1,J(M 00
Huns and Ice bouse on llecniei' faun.. COO 01
Store hou-e 0,500 0)
Admlnlsti-itiein building Xl,2l 0)
bi-une liuspllil ',OjO 0)
Mile buildiiig ai.OOKV)
l'cmile buihling 17,7iH)0)
Kplleirtlo building 1,0)) 00
Light, lint and power plant Is.OJO (I)
Machine shop and coal bins 2,000 OH
Clupel 11,010 0)
fold sloiuge building 8,00)0)
Cnn-eivatoiv 7,000 0)
Oitiigouil bun 7,00001
Sqime b.un and shiel h.300 01
C.'ito lodge 1.300 1V)
rnginecis' heuiso 1,300 0)
Uiiiiuli.r 1 1,000 01
Hake hoiie ,300(1)
( irieiitcr an I blacksmith shops 2.500 01
Artesian well 4,110001
itiseivoii 3.700 fl
Sevveis and dialiis , 1,00)0'
ltd lining walls and conduits 1,3d) rr
Ponces V'OOO
lSeeieutluii )unl 7,000 0"
Total value of led estate .I.0)J tif
Total value of pi'isnnil piopeity... 87,010 71
Total value of piopeity of l)itiiit. .$111.0 ifl 71
C. ,1. OII.MISI'H.', Secict.ii).
Siipeilnteniliiit's iei.nt foi )eai ending Dee em
ber 31, 1001:
'Hie tiuiugo daily nuiiibir of pit'ienls it Hill
side Home was toil and ,!.,;n3, nml the m nipiti.
cost of iiiiliit.ilning piupeis nud insine ieisoui
at the Home, im hiding food, ilolhing, light,
beat, medicine, s.ilnles ot Siipeiintcnih'iit, Ma
lion, Itcs'dei't Phi .itlali, nlteiidants, etc , delu
sive of farm pmduie was $l.!)il pee week
The total lioanl of Inmates, sine and insine, li
equal (o (be bouid of one pircon fm 170.121 ih.vsi
besides this, theie was taken ut me supiriiiienu
cut's and ri!ipln)cs' table, ilurlug the .vear, 1
niuubir nf meals equil to the bo.ui! of one person
for 14,870 d.ivs, and bv vvuikincn emploicd en
inipioveiiicnts and lepilis meals equil lo Ilia
boird of one pi'ron for s'l di.vs, nuking the tu
t il uuiiilier of'divs of boird ut tho Home INiib!!
.Number of ininitis il the Hoiue Jlie.'H!, ;vi,
was 1(17, , ' '. ' ' 1 , ,
Admitted riming Hw )e.u: eanf, UU IlK'aui,',
C7. Iloin, 2. ', 102. ' .''"
Dlsihaigeil dining the')iar: Kane.'lJKpimlitiK
40, Died, sine, 2l insine, 27 'Vit.ll. 1." Ije
iiialnliig in the llnuiif, lkc, HI, ,Vfi, i3S,.,i'Uvi.
fled ns follows: S Cue, 2iJI I fis3i)B,-3U ,, ,
Value of piodueo lalse'd. nn faun elunng tin
)ear, V.-'!i- , ' j" .
Cash Ic'cfiviel for boaiel of patients vvua $3,-
Ceii-iis sliw'iug impulatioii ut the Heme at erd
of each inontli:
laimaiy ,, 40uli' 15)
IMuuaiy l(vliigil ;.,.-,.. ..13)
Much ni?e)timbei Ill
Apill H7iDotobcr '. tot
May ., mlViiciiihir -..13!
June ,(l December Ui..y.JS
niii'our oi' itrMin:.NT I'UY&is-liVN-
Slate. Keniale'Iiilal,
Number of pilleuti In Hie 1 '' '-1
Asjluui Jan. 1, 1001 120 131 tn
Admitted It 21 ' l?
DUchuigcd (lestoicd) , 20 IP ' SI
ni-eluiL'id ( lnmioveil) ...... 2 2' " i
llisiliaiged (iiiilmpicivcili,,, 1
Died ,.,'...... 1S
Nwulifl cf pitliuU In tins
1" If
As.vliuit Dec. .'Il, liml...,, ISO J 11,', ' SJI
'lliese nil ilasvitleil as ; ,
follow Si '
Single l'l VI3
Mairled ,..,,,, II ,Jt 1 1
Vldowcd ,,., ,,...,.,. 0 25 "I
I'nknovMi .,, 10 7 17
. 11.1 1 ItvtjpYi ttlilly nubmiltcd,
i.i ... It. li. lllimiKb,
1IIOMAS feiionov,
lilt. IV. A. PA1.NH,
'IDinillY IHIRKK.1'
w '.i,ijicKimr,,v"
Alnt.-tt j. giuph;, &leUr,