THE SCKANTON TJUBTtNE-SATUllDAY, JANUARY 25, 1002. 4l'-Kr-- - a HISTORY OF THE LOUISIANA PVRChiSE IN TEN PAPERS.--PAPER VIII, LOUISIANA DURING WE YEARS 1801-1802, KyyHfJj jjfWtPWnttyiB9WHfWIW3)WffMtPffCiHWi Till: TRANSFERS ROM SPAIN TO FRANCE NAPOLEON, JEFFERSON, MADISON. A IMjACU or honor In our story iniiHt bo found for n hero nnil u patriot, Andrew Jackson, who linil inucli lo do with I ho irrnwlli ami glory of Ten nessee nml who won the grandest victory over tho veterans of Wellington, ut Now Or-ir-ans, over gained In any part of nn t'lent Loulsunn's wide ilomlnloii. Vale, willow and slinking like an aspen loaf with I lu1 Hilllii incident to a malarial fever, Uuiiorul .Tuckson's prodigious exertions and activity during tho anxious weeks presedlng tho memora lilo buttle, L'nn bo likened to nothing but Itobert It. Livingston's sleepless tolls and efforts to gain for his country the Identical territory tho heroic In vulld was then struggling with the defensive-might of u Hector to protect. Jackson huil been promoted from the national house of representatives to the United States senate, Tor his com plete success In getting the brave Tennessee volunteers paid for their perilous services against tin; Indians. In it letter from Philadelphia, written In 17SS when about resigning his sen ntoishlp to accept a state judgeship, Hits Intel esllng side light is I brown upon n "world-renowned character: Trance has iln.illy cmivluth'd a treaty with I ho eiupi'i'or n ud the king of Sar oinla. and Is now turning her force to .tartl Great llritaln. Bonaparte with 3 iOjOO foops (used to conquer) is ordered or. the coast, called tho .ii-iri.v of Kn'gl.uul. Do not then be sur-tir.'.--"il if my next letter should an Mimncf a revuhitlon in Kngluud. Should Rm'iupuno uiult'1 a lnliding on the Kng llsh hlinie, lyianny will bo humbled, n. . throne cruslied and :i republic will liiuing from the wreck and millions of dllrespeil pi-oplo restored to the rights J if man by the conipicrlng arm of l.onaparii'." 'Thomas Jefferson having been chosen chief magistrate by tho house of repre sentatives on February 17, 1S01, through the potent influence, unselfish ly employed, of his chief political ad versary. General Hamilton, was sworn into ofllce by another political oppon ent, the great chief justice, John Mar- j iflflp women flip mmt BHK FlOWm. H I'oets have been fond of likening woman to a flower. Her fairness iu flowerlike. Her sweetness suggests the flower fragrance. Her very fragility finds its type again in the frail flower, which languishes when neglected, and is so easily destroyed. It .is a pretty simile and almost as perfect as pietty. All women love flowers, and every woman who grows them knows that their health depends on daily care. Not alone are . water and sunshine necessary to the health of the plant. Their leaves and roots must be guarded fiom the parasites which soon destroy the flower's beauty and undermine its life. If a woman would care for herself as she does for her plants she would pieserve her beauty and retain her strength far beyond tile period when the average woman looks old and feels older than she looks. THE GREAT SECRET Of woman's preservation of her beauty lies in the intelligent care of the womanly health. So close is the relation between the health of the delicate womanly organs and the health of the whole body, that whenever the feminine functions are de ranged or disturbed the consequences are felt by every nerve in the body. Severe headache, backache, pain in the side, and bearing-down pains are home with by so many thousands of women that one who is in sound health is u rare exception. Most women would give anything to know how to be cured. The way is very plain, l'ol low the path made by more than a half a million women who have been perfectly cured of womanly ills and weakness. 'I believe I owe my life to Dr. Pierce's favor ite Prescription aud Pleasant Pellets,' " eays Sim. Maria G. Hayzel, writing from IlrooUlaiul. H.C. "Six years ago, nftcr the birth of one of my children, I was left it, n weak, run-down con dition. My health seemed utterly gone. I suf feretl from nervousness, female weakness and rheumatism, and I MilTered everything one could fculTer from these complnlnts. J.ife was a burden. I doctored with three different physicians and got no relief, I tried several patent medicines, oil with the same result. I began to get worse, and to add to the complications I suffered 'ter ribly from constipation. I chanced to see one of your advertisements and concluded to try the hove remedies. I commenced lo take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and ' Pleasant Pellets' and began to Improve right away, and continued improving and gaining in strength, I cannot express the relief, it was so great, Seven months later my littlr daughter was born with put much trouble, I feel that I would never lmvebeen able to endure my confinement had it not been for the help I received from Dr. l'ierce'H medicine. My baby was n fine, healthy child, and the only one I have ever been able to fime;. ijiii- is iiuw ivu vcars om nun I nave never had to tnke any medicine siucc. so I feci that your medicine has made a lasting cure with me. I owe so much in thanks. It would be impossible for me to express by word or pen how thankful I ant to Gal and Ur, Pierce," NOTHING IS SURER Than the efTect of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, It makes weak women strong, sick women well. It regulates the periods, stops disagreeable drains, heals inflamma tion and ulceration, and cures female weak ness, It prepares the wife for motherhood, iKivrs her vigor mid physical strength, so that the birth hour Is practically painless. It is the best of tonics because ft contains no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine, nor any other naicotic. I'or working women in the home, store or schoolroom it is an invalu able medicine, It quiets the nerves, in creases the uupetUc, and causes restfjtl and refreshing sleep. Nmsing mothers will hud no tome so beneficial to mother and child us Ur. Picrcels Favorite I'rescrip tion, WHAT SHALL I DO? That question is often on a woman's lips, for of her it is expected that she shallbe ready to do something in any emergency in, the home. When that question refers ta health, bickucss or disease, the answer will be round, in Dr. Pierce's Common heuse Medical Adviser. This great work contains icoS large pages, and Is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing oi(y, Seud i tme-ceiit stamps for the book bound in paper or 31. stamps for the volume in cloth binding. Address Dr. V. V, Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. shall. Neither lu the (list Inaugural of March 4; lit the first annual mes sage of December 8, nor in nny pro clamations) or special messages, of tho year 1S01. does Mr. Jefferson al lude to the Lottlsami business. Hut in a soml-ofllclnl letter of July 13, to William C. Claiborne, whom ho had appointed governor of the Mississippi territory, In preference to "Judge'' Andrew Jackson, who was an ap plicant for the place, the president says: "With respect to Spain out dispositions are sincerely amlabje and even affectionate, Wo consider her possession of tho adjacent country as most favorable to our Interests, and should see with extreme pain any other nation .substituted for them. In all communications therefore with their ofllcers, conciliation and mutual ac comodation arc to bo mainly attend ed to. Everything Irritating to bo avoided, everything friendly to bo dono for them. The most fruitful source of misunderstanding will bo the conduct of their aud our people at New. Orleans Temper and Justice will be the bast guides through those intrlcaclps. Should France get possession of that country. It will bo moro to be lament ed than remedied by us, as it will fur nish ground for profound consideration on our par I. how best to conduct our selves In that case. It would of course be tho subject of rrosh communications to you." As Spain closed against us the navigation of the Mississippi tho next .year, the sequel shows that the executive was diametrically wrong in the line of his lamentations. In nom inating Chancellor Hobert It. Living ston, "an able and honoruble man." to quote the words of the president, as minister plenipotentiary to France, Mr. Jefferson made probably the best ap pointment of bis entire administration. He was except for hit? serious deafness an ideal diplomatic agent. Washing ton selected him far the same post in 1704, but was obliged to fall back on James Monroe, his third choice, Mon roe consorted with the less orlme staincd successors of Danton, Marat, Kobesplerre, and other "citizen assas sins," so cordially, that he had to be recalled for disobeying his instructions. The references of the secretary of state, Madison, to our relations with Spain, England and France, were also lit conflict with the current of actuul subsequent events. On June lii, 1S01. Madison writes to lluftis King, our minister to England: "I cannot but briefly add, however, that we have the mortification to find that, notwith standing all the forbearances and en deavors of tho United States for tho establishment of just and friendly re lations with Great Brltian, accounts continue to arrive from different quarters of accumulating trespasses on our commerce and neutral rights." It is somewhat singular that just ten months later, the administration was favoring, as will appear, an offensive martial alliance with these same British trespassers on our commerce, in a war of expulsion against France. On the nth of June, Madison wrote to Charles Plnckney, the new minister to Spain: "The spoliations committed on our trade, for which Spain is held re sponsible, are known to be already of very great amount, nn'd It Is to be ap prehended that they may not have yet ceased. Hitherto redress has been sought, sometimes In tribunals of justice, sometimes by applications to the government, and spmethnes to both these modes. Experience has suf ficiently shown that neither the one nor the other, nor both, can be relied on for obtaining full justice for our in jured citizens. Some other effort, there fore, is dun to the sufferers, and, let me add, to tho dignity of the United States which must always feel the insults olTeied to the rights of individual citi zens." Hut on July 13, thirty-rout' days later, the president forgets about what Is due "tho sufferers" and "the dignity of the United States" while assuring Governor Claiborne of his "affectionate dispositions" toward Spain. Truly a sad case of unrequited afectiou. During the whole year of 1S01 and until March, IS02, the government at Washington remained Ignorant of tho terms of tho Treaty of San Hdefon3o signed October 1, lfOO, by the piinco of peace and Luclcn Bonaparte, the younger brother of Napoleon. This significant treaty transferred to France all that vast' and vaguely defined ter ritory known as Louisiana which France nail turned over tofSpaln In 1762. Bona parte's Initial policy and earliest am bition was to' restore to France all her lost former po3sessiotni. But It Is tho privilege of great men to bo incon sistent and ulso unsuccesful. It Is a matter of Indisputable historic fact that he restored nothing that remained restored tiud never udded a foot of ter ritory permanently to France; on tho contrary he lost Belgium nnd the left bunk of the Hhlne, A titled son of the iluku of Parma, a brother of tho queen of Charles IV of Spain must bo provided for. To give consequence and dignity to the brother of royally and to honor one ot Spain's illustrious families, u great partly developed em pire was offered by Spain to Franca for tho uncertain sovereignity of the potty kingdom of Tuscany, Its price loss art treasures and hlstotiu mem ories probably did not weigh much 011 either side of the scale. Tho earlier secret treaty took effect Murch 31, 1S01. Nupoleon prepared to displace Mnrclinl Victor, with five btttallons of infantry aud the required complement of cavalry and urtillery. but tho dash ing Victor anil his forces nnd three brigadier-generals never sailed. Not until April 18, ISO-', does I'resI- dent Jefferson wake up to tho largo Hlgnlilcauce of the Laulmiua question. In a letter of that date to Itobert It. Livingston, our minister extraordinary to France, he gives strong expression to some cluatlo views, but elustlo lu the wrong direction; "Tho cession of Louisaiut aud the Floridas by Spain to France works most sorely on tho United States The day that, France takes possession of New Orleans, fixes the sentence which is to restrain her forever within her low water murk, It seals tho union of two nations who In conjunction can, malntuln exclusive possession of the ocean. From that moment we must carry ourselves to the British fleet nnd nation, We must turn all our attention to a maritlmo force, for which our resources place us on very high grounds; und haying formed und cemented together a power which may render veln(aernent of her set tlements hero Impossible to Frttnce, make the first cannon which shall bu fired in Europe tho signal for tearing; up any settlement sho may have made, and for holding tho two continents of America In sequestration for the com mon purposes of tho United British and American nations." By October 10, In a letter to Mr. Livingston, Mr. Jefferson distinctly be comes an ardent friend of peace with Franco; "Wo see all the disadvan tages consequences of taking a side. nnd shall bo forced Into It only by a moro disagreeable alternative; in which event, we must countervail the dis advantages by measures which will give us splendor and power, but not as much happiness us our present system. We wish, therefore, to remulu well with France. But we sec that no con sequences, however ruinous to them, can secure us with ccrtulnty against tho extravagance of her present rulers. I think, therefore, that while wo do nothing which the first nation on earth would deem crouching, wo had better give to nil our communications with them 11 very mild, complaisant, ami even friendly complexion but always Indo'ipndcnt." By November 20, the president's mood changes somewhat, as shown In n let ter to Thomns Cooper: "It delights me to find that there are persons who still think that all is not lost in France. That their restoration from a limited, to an unlimited despotism ia but to give themselves a new Impulse. But T see not how' or when. The press, the only tocsin of a nation, Is completely silenced there, and all means of a general effort taken away." This rough drive at Napoleon Bonaparte Is the farewell stroke of policy for the year before the great treaty. In January, 1S02. the alert Living ston learns positively of the secret treaty between France nnd Spain and forwards a copy of the Madrid treaty to his government. On February 20, he writes from Paris: "On the subject of Loulsana, I have nothing new. The establishment Is disapproved by every statesman here as one that will oc casion 11 great waste of men and money excite enmities with us, and produce no possible advantage to the nation. But it is a scheme to which the first consul hi extremely atttached, and must of course be imported. You will find, by the enclosed note, that I have pressed an explanation on the subject but I have received no answer. I havo It however, through a friend, from tho first consul, that it Is by no means their intention to obstruct the naviga tion of the Mlslsslppl or violate our treaty with Spain." The secretary of state. In a letter to Livingston of Mnyl, 1S02, begins to realize tho large import of Loulsana: "The conduct of tho French govern ment, in paying so little attention to its obligations under the treaty, in neglecting its debts to our citizens, in giving no answers to your complaints and expostulations, which you say is the case with those of other foreign minis ters also, and particularly in its re serve as to Loulsana, which tacitly contradicts the language first held to you by the minister of foreign rela tions, gives tokens as little suspicious to tho true interests of France her self, as to the lights and just objects of the United Stales. The ces sion of Loulsana to France becomes daily moro and more a, source of pain ful apprehensions. You will also pursue, by prudent means, the In quiry into the extent of tho cession, particularly whether it includes the Floridas as well aB New Orleans, and endeavor to ascertain the price at which these, If included in the cession, would be yielded to the United States." It must be observed here that Madison turns his mind to the compar atively unimportant east side of tho river, not the unbound west side. In a. despatch of May 11, to Plnckney, he shows clearly Jefferson's attitude; "Should tho cession actually fall from this, or any other causo, and Spain re tain New Orleans and the Floridas, I repeat to you the wish of the president, that every effort and address be em ployed to obtain the arrangement by which the territory on tho east side of the Missls3lpi, including New Or leans, mny be ceded to tho United States, and the Mississippi made a common boundary, with a common use of Its navigation for them and Spain. The Inducements to be held out to Spain were intimated in your original iimiruoiions on tins point. l am charged by the president now to add, that you may not only receive and transmit a proposition ot guaranty of her territory beyond tho Mlslsslppl, as a condition of her ceding to the United States tho territory, Including New Orleans, on this side, but, In cuse it be necessary, may make tho proposition yourself, lu the forms required by our constitution," This very significant despatch Is found on page 517 of American Stato Papers, vol. II or Foreign Relations; ulso in tho archives of tho department of state. It Is an ofllclal document which the wrltors of our school his tories apear never to havo seen, Tt proves that Mr. Jefferson, Instead of bringing about thu Loulsana acquisi tion Hingle-hunded. was tho ono man vho was ready and willing to prevent forver this acquisition by a constitu tional "guaranty" or prohibition! We refer of course to tho vast territory on tho west side of the Mississippi which Is the only domain worthy of extended discussion. Minister Plnckney tried In vain to carry out these ominous instructions but fortuutttely could not, becauco Spain was In doubt whether she hud any Flotidus to sell or convey. In France, Livingston was told that the Floridas did not belong to the lands transferred. With fill his virtuous patience exhauste;l Livingston wrote home iu September: "There never was a government In which less could be done by negotiation than here. There Is no people, no legislature, no counsel lots. Ono man is everything. Uo never asks advice, and never hears it un asked. Ilia ministers arc moro clerks; and his legislature and counsellors parade ofllcers." Ou October 2S, ISO-', Livingston writes an Important des patch to the president, informing him that tho Mississippi business, though the ofllcers uru anointed, and the urmy under, orders, has met with a check, lie gives Interesting details of a con versation ho had two days before with Joseph Bonaparte, who assured htm ha had read a long memoir on Loulsana placed in his hands by our minister and that his brother, tha first consul, had dono likewise. Joseph Bonaparte "asked niu whether we should prefer tho Florldns to Loulsana? I told him that there was no comparison In their value, but that wn hnd no wish to ex tend ottr boundary across tho Mississip pi, or give color to tho doubts that hnd been entertained of thu extension ot territory." December 23, Secretary Madison sends to Paris this last des patch of tho year; "In tho latter end of last month we received Informa tion from New Orleans of the Inter diction of the deposits for our mer chandise, stipulated by the treaty with Spain, without an equivalent establish ment being assigned, Should It not be rovoked before the time for the descent of the boats In tho spring, both the injury and Irritation proceed ing from It will bo greatly increased." The secretary concludes: "Hint, whilst wo have no clear foundation on which to impute this infraction, to orders from the Spanish government, It would be contrary to the duty, policy and character of our own to resort for redress In the first instance to tho use of force." On the same date, Living ston, stirred to a state of tension over the pregnant events coming on and making a hist appeal to ward oft cnlamlty to his country, writes home: "The armament has not yet sftilod; Florida not ceded; moro hesitation und doubt on the subject than I have yetheard,. Aptivate memoir under the consul's eye, touching a string that has alnrmcd them. I cannot now explain. Tho minister knows nothing ot this. Set on foot a negotiation fixing out bound with Brltian, but by no means conclude until you hear from me that all hope hero Is lost. " Do not absolutely dlspalr, though you may have no great reason to hope should New Orleans be possessed by a small force." It makes one's blood tingle to see this one American patriot contending single-handed for the right, against Talleyrand, Marbois and the hero of Marengo with a nation in arms be hind him! Can It be that the learned jurist, the trained diplomatist, the veteran statesman, Is moro than a match for the young and yet inexperi enced first consul? So it would seem. The Franklins, tho Livingstons and the Websters, in their own Held, were never out-generaldcd or out-fought. James Q. Howard. 4- 4'4' ' 4.4 4. 4.. 4, 4.41 v DOMESTIC SCIENCE. The Language of the Mails. It lias been estimated flint t-vo-thirda of tho letters that pasi through tho puslofdccs of the world are wiittcn in the Kiigltsh language, There arc about 50,000,000 vl o 'peak the leu or twelve lending langingea of the world. Of thes? about l'r..000.000 -peak i:ngllli, 110,000,000 speak Ttu fsijn. 7.",000,000 German. 5.i,O(,000 French, 4,"i. 000,000 Spanish. B3,000,000 Itall-m and 12.000,000 1'oitUKiicsc. Then the other rations, of Kuiops include tho Dutch, Hungarian, Polish, Flemish, lloheini.ui, (iaclic Uoumanlan, Swedes, Finns, Danes and Norwegian. But none of thwe da as much correspondence Jr. proportion as tho'li-sppakiiiR people, nor do they take and lead 60 many publications. Using Up Timber. The leloginph lines of the country require nearly 000,000 new poles every year. The cost of thesc-is moie than ?1,000,000. There are more than (120,000,000 crci-s-ties in use by the railmads ami !X),000,000 are icqulicd every year for renewal?. . .Much In ln ilrploreil In the raptilly IncriM" Injr adoption of flic C0ntlnrnt.1l .u.tbballi iu this country. iVlille the old Puritan or the; riftlil North of Ireland obieiiuitcc nf the diy wai undoubtedly cnttletl to an unnrcesiiiy extreme ol Revere austerity, (lie prc.trnt mintr ut the pendulum, comtrtlnft' tt Into :lu accentuated irala day, is tlll wurro, and pot tcnttoiis of rill tr come. In the smart fit the fad of Infonml rrcrplloM has Rtown ! Ric.1t pioportlons, and many iahlonoblc wo men make a point of Rlvlnjt elaborate din ners Sunday night, There I lo an increns In; fancy for dining at our ot the largo itr, taurants on frnnday, with a gathering ol ro-r-lely In the evening at the dinners dc lue. Numerous hmclteonj and Mlnneis arc Riven at the best known catcrere, and home parllei galore, with avrangeinenls for a day's sport nf slutting, riding, golfing, (tie. nhvajj 011 the tapis. When the Lord's Day is thus sccularlretl by those who have all the oilier days to be used for recreation at their ;lll, It is scarce to be wondered at that the tollers who labor As days lu the week should feel Ihcimclves justified In making n holiday of flic xctpiitli. They cannot afford flip npeu, flip so-called "sacred" concerts, the fashion able restaurants, and they drinand the open Ing ot Hie euloons.i The letting down tho Inrs nf custom in this repect has come largely fiom thp fop, and icfeini hhouhl blait thcic also, ta't the Sabbath he a delight to the Inmates of the home, l.'ncouiiigc rum Irjle 3 of X Unlit tlan character Open the tloor to the young men and women v.ho from force of clrcuiip stances, arc kept from their own homes and exposed lo the dangets ot cliy life. Simplify ' (he meals, if necessary, that the servant may not be deprived of a share in tho clay of lest. (Ibe the children 111010 of yourself, hut let the Mate dinner, Ilio carnival of spoils, the ton ml of social -call', the stress aud nfraln f ailificlal gayety he left for the six data aud not tho seventh. eiderdown is one of the best tcsjlles for children's garments in the winter. A good quality will not fade, aud will sin ml hard and frequent washings if done in the proper way. Hoap should never be rubbed diicc'. ly on it, as that ou.-cs it to shrink In spots. Make a suds of lukewarm water and the best while laundry soap. Put In tho garment and wah thoroughly, then rinse in water of the came temperature. . Dry where it will not freeze, lleing made of animal fibre, it will not blaze when held to the fire, like canton flannel or flannelette, a very desirable point in its favor when one remembers how prone little children arc to set themselves on Arc. Apples are so unprecedentedly scarce aud high this year that many of the bakers arc eliminating "apple pie" from their daily stock of pastry. Fortunately, the citrus: fruits arc plentiful, and cranberries were never bet ter nor more abundant. The acid of the latter Is deemed by many a sure picventive of grip. At all events, they are excellent for all bilious conditions. As with apples, much of the medicinal proper ties of the cranberry lies in the skin, is a health food, cianbcrries .should not he strained and make into a jelly after cooking, as too much of tholr vnluo is thus lost. f cot red closely while cooking, shaking often to prevent sticking, the skin will be soft and tender. Cranbeiry jelly or sauce goes excellently well with plain boiled rico for luncheon or the children's dessert. Never cook cianbeiries in tin or iron, as the add of the berry, like the tomato, will be affected. Always use agate or granite ware. A good khoit cake for winter may lie made ot cranberries. Jtake a Rood baking powder crust, and bake in two pie tins. When dono 4-M-4- -H-M-f- -M-M-r- f 44 f t Menu for Sundau, Jan. 19 f nRiiAKPAST. Warm baked Apples with Cream, I Oil .Flakes, 4. -f ltainbuigcr Slcal:, Creamed Potatoes, i 4- Johnny Cake. A 4- Coffee. 4" X IHSNIiR. 1 T Vegetable Soup. T t"" Pickled Pears. Salted Almonds. T Itoast Chicken, Olblct tlravy, J 4. Currant .telly. T T Sweet Potatoes. Illcc Croquettes. T T Turnips; Cold Slaw. T T iltoquefnit Cheese. Wafers. T T Mince Pie. T T Black Coffee. SUPPRN. f Welsh Haicbit In CbaBnc DIHi. -f- Colerv. Olives. -f- T "ut CJke. Union Jelly. -4- I t -H-4-f4-f4-4-H''f'H- 4-4-f 4t prcad with butter and fltl with a rich, t:n tier cranberry saute made the day before, and stvc ot once. Caterers are extending their Holds of Op eration, nnd now- in most of Hie 111 go .cities are prepared to furnish cntlic couisp dinners with all the necessaiy silver, china, glass and linen to accompany them. Nor are the prlecj so extremely high when ono considers that the hostess Is absolved from all responsibility of prcpaiattou or jcivlcc. The clrculats of one of theec caterers gives the choice ot twenty-eight different soups, liventy.flvc hors d'oeuvres, and a correspond ing number ot roasts, entrees, salads, vege tables, etc. The list of deserls covers five pages, and includes pies, puddings, ices, cieams, sorbets, frozen glasses and cups of punch, jellies, meringues, c-VIatrs, tatts and takes. Salad is sold by the quart, fried ojtor.s and cas.e-. oles of teiraplu by the dozen, and roasts and take by the pound. Pickled oytttcis, those Uwdous morsels that uvd to be accorded the place of honor at high teas and suppeis of "the florlt Gothic slyle" a quarter of a century ago, arc again in favor. II Is but little trouble to make them at home, and tho housekeeper may be assured that the results will be quite as good, infinitely less expensive, and presum ably more wholesome, than those she would buy ready pickled. For a hundred large oyc teis, preferably Saddle Rock, have ready a pint of white wine vinegar, a large led pep per, two dozen whole black peppers, two tlozen whole cloves, one dozen blades of mate and a tiny piece of bay leaf. Put oysters and their liquor in a granite kettle with about a ' teaspoonful ot salt. Heat slowly until the oystera swell and then "cockle," but do not allow them to boil, which shrinks and tough ens them. Itemove with a skimmer antl set one side to cool. Add the vinegar and spices to the liquor remaining in tho kettle, boll up, und when the oysters am almost cool, pour them. Set nwuy in a cool place over night, Tlie next morning put the oysters antl liquor in glass cans, seal tightly and set away in a daikl cool spot, or in the cellar. After a can is opened the contents must be used at once, as tho air turns the oysters daik. The Flench woven tapestries called Gobelin, by courtesy, are very popular for giving a bit of soft coloring to a dark wall space in a 100m. The small ones arc not at all expen sive, and a Flemish scene, with jolly burgo masters and buxom maids grouped about Hie urns of wine makes a pretty corner in a din ing room, lllcli and Due Turkish or Nvio nigs are aUt) largely tiaetl for wall hangings, while quite recently a" large panel ot the ra live Hawaiian homespun In dark colom w utilized most effectively s a background for photographs: An excellent and simple remedy for sprain is the well-beaten whites of six eggs mixed wltli a halt cupful of fine table salt. Spread between thin muslin cloths and bind over the tpraln. Two tibletpoonfuls of washing soda dissolved in a gallon of boiling water inikra ill excell ent disinfectant for the kitchen sink. Pour in while hot. At a recent meeting held in the interests of wotk among tho tenement! some new ideas were advanced. Heretofore It ha been deemed expedient to show the women how to cook with makeshifts for utensils! tomato cans in placo of paila or basins, strainers made from old tin dishes, with nail holes put through the bottom; bottles for rolling phu, and the like. "While it 1) well to know how to atlapt yourself to circumstances If necessary!" saltl one speaker who had had much practical experience, "it seems to mo much wiser, now that all sorls of cooking utensils may bo had so cheaply, to encourjgo the Idea ol good tools lo work with. The name woman that fusses away with her tin tans is quite apt to go out and buy perfectly needless frlppetlcs, where her money is prac tically thiown away. I emphatically advocate the idea that these women bo taught to buy what utensils are needful, and then shown how to care for them and keep them in order." Tills same. Idea may well tie passed along to many beside dwellers in tenements. It is a waste ot time und strength to go on year in and year out wtli leaky pans, broken strainers, dull knives antl dippers when a dollar, more or less, would make the work as Ids best with broken, inadequate tools; yet easy again. No farmer feels that he can go ou fiom season to season with broken, anti quated, womout implements. No mechatilc worthy the name would feel that he could 4a Ills best with broken, inadequate tools; yet the woman whoso work is oft times quoted as "never done" is too oiten expected to use the same hcay iron pots and "iplders" that her grandmother before her used boilers that have to be plugged with matches or rags every week to keep from leaking; chopping bowl with a section gouged out; a bread knife that won't cut, or an oven that Is broken. The good workwoman needs good tools. Get along without (lie new portieres in the parlor if need be, the silk petticoat, and the satin and velvet sofa pillows, but have a double boiler, light frying pans, a good broiler, and fuch other kitchen utensils as shall make tho "dally round" a pleasure, not a tank. A very handy thing to have about the liou.-e. is a (.trip of the rubber tissue such as Is used in hospitals. Not only is this an ex cellent cure for scald or burn, a rheumatic muscle, a sore chest or tiled or aching joints and feet, but it is a valuable adjunct to tho mending basket. If there is a three-cornered tear in Bobby's jacket or Belinda' akirt, draw the edges together, lay on a little square of the tissue, cover this with a. patch and press witli a moderately hot iron until the tissue which is of pure gum is dis solved. If carp is taken of this tissue it will last indefinitely. It must not be kept in a hot room or shut up away from the air in a tight box or drawer. Put it between two khcets of paper and lay where the air can circulate around it. It Is not expensive. Fifty cents will buy a strip over a yard long and a quarter wide an outlay that will pay for itself many times over. It can be bought at almost any druggists. KMMA PADDOCK TRLFOIID. X 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 r4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4i 4 - 4 - s . . . 4. . . . 4. . . 4. 4. . 4.2 4. . sj. 4. 4, . 4. 4. 4. 4, 4. 4, 4. ! , ,! The Younger Miss Daubeny. tinp HAT bruto Oscar Tom kins has accepted!" said Mrs. Daubeny. In a tragic tone, as she threw a note across the table to her hus band. 'I knew ho would!" "It Is always a satisfaction to poor human nature to be correct In its sur mise," ho answered, in what his wife thought an aggravatingly judicial manner, "but In this Instance I am afraid you are not pleased, my dear." "Pleased!1 repeated "my dear," with an Indescribable infliction. "How you talk:" "If It Is desirable that Tompkins should not bo present tonight," Mr. Daubeny remarked, In an absent-minded way, "wns it not a little short sighted -on your part to give him an invitation?" His wlfo looked at him scornfully. "Really, Geoffrey, your memory gets worse and worse! Oscar Tompkins was asked because without him we were thirteen. And now your cousin Adelaide" throwing the onus of re lationship on him with pitiless em phasis "can't or won't come, nnd wo nro still thirteen!" "Wire to the bureau and let them send a gentlemanly fellow!" Mr, Dau beny suggested. "But I don't want a gentlemanly fellow!" said his (spouse angrily, "I can't send two men Intogether! I want another girl from somewhere!" "I suppose It would not do to have Hetty down for once?" "Betty la not out yet," returned his wife severely: "Besides, she bus noth ing to wear'." "Pooh! A- young girl like Betty can wear anything at her own parents' table!" Ho crossed to the door, "Let her come down In hev gymnasium dress!" Ho offered the Insult as a parting suggestion, nnd, foreseeing a storm, ho fled. "Isn't It a spreo?" said Miss Betty Daubeny to her sister GrlKelda, an hour later. "I am to come out at the din ner party this evening, for one night only, and I am to wear one of your dresses!" "You are to wear a soft muslin with frills on the skirt, It will bo absurd, ly long for you!" "I am to go in with Oscar Tomp. kins," observed Betty, "Is that tho poet you said you liked?" Qrlseldn, who was always rather statuesque, made u curt nssent, "Who tnkes you In?" Betty asked Vivaciously. "Dr. Cochrane," sad her sister wearily, "so that I run olt next to Mr, Lordlier, who must take mother down," "You go down with Dr. Cochrane und sit next to the swell," she repeat ed. "I go in with the poet, I am not gone on poetry myself, I alwnyn think a man who writes poetry must be wanting In humor, isn't It a pity wo can't uwop?" "Swop?" echoed Orlselda, with an alarmed look and becoming Hush. "8-W-.0-P," spelt Betty mischievous ly. "Ordinary slang term, in common && This rdgnaturo U oa every box of tlfo (oaama Laxative Iiromnniiin!ne Tablet ' s7Trtfta&,l,bi KmeajritaJ sun a cam lu vu tfty. every day use, meaning to exchange by agreement. But seriously, Grizel, if wo did swop at the last minute wouldn't it be1 fun?" Dr. Cochrane was the last guest to arrive, and was greeted In the hall by a charming apparition. "Let me make my appearance under young wing, doctor," said a soft voice, with a coaxing accent. "I'm late and you are late. If I go in alone mother will glare at me." "Mother!" repeated Dr. Cochrane, with a gasp of bewilderment. "Is it possible? Can It be Betty?" "I knew you would not recognize mo!" said the girl triumphantly. The pair entered, Mrs. Daubeny smiled at the doctor and frowned at her offspring almost simultaneously, which gave her an odd appearance, "Who'ls that pretty girl?" asked Jack Lorlmer, who was a young man of twenty-five. Mr. Daubeny hastened to explain that this was his youngest daughter, and, crossing the room with Lorlmer. "Let me present you to Mr. Lorlmer, my dear," he said In a pompous way, "my youngest duughter, Miss Betty Daub eny," "You should say the younger' of two," said Betty pertly, correcting her father mischievously. Then she looked up with her blue eyes dancing with fun thero was al ways u hid den joke behind Betty's eyes and met Jack Lorlmer's gaze. She looked away with a sense of embarrass ment. "Come along. Betty!" said Dr. Coch rane, presenting his arm in good faith iimi no was oueying nts Hostess' in structions. They passed out quite un- noticed by Mrs. Daubeny, "Sho has aetuully done It!" thought Grlselda, with a thrill of admiration. And Oscar Tomkins gave his arm to his divinity, thankful that "some one hud blundered." Betty dropped Into tho chair that she knew had been meant for Grlselda with an excited feeling that the rublcon wiib passed. Sho turned her shoulder to Lorlmer, for, as she herself would have said, "Sho was not BUfllciently com posed to tackle the 'swell,' " and paid most nattering attention to Dr. Coch rane, "fillzabeth" how sho hated her own mtmo In those rasping tones! "how did you get here?" Then the younger Miss Daubeny turned at bay, and Lorlmer had a mo mentary view of u charming, flushed face with a mutinous expression, "I walked downstairs!" said the cul. prlt, with u wondering accent that sug geated nil sorts of emeries as to her mother's mode of progression, That lady dropped tho subject, while Lorlmer, remembering his hostebs' ample bulk, gave a quiet grn und be gun to think he might enjoy this dinner part;-, Ho mentioned this conviction to Betty at the earliest opportunity, and did Jt in ids best manner. "Did you not enjoy your, last dinner party?" asked that young ludy, Ignor ing the compliment. "What was wrong? Bad cook?" "I was not referrlns to the cook ery!" said Lorlmer, looking unutterable things. 'Perhaps," said Betty ulrlly, "you go in for poetry, like the fellow who is talking to Grizel, and have a soul above cookery?" "By the way, who is the fellow who Is talking to your sister?" asked Lorl mer. "Oscar Tompkins," said Betty laconi cally. "She Is a little more animated than usual," suggested Lorlmer. "Perhaps, like you, Grizel thinks she also may enjoy this dinner party." It was innocently said, but Lorlmer, who, when awake, was fairly sharp, re torted angrily: "I sincerely hope she may!" "It was mean to give Grizel away like that!" thought Betty regretfully. "But he was so jolly sure thnt I changed over on purpose to enjoy his society." Lorlmer turned his attention to his hostess, and when Betty next had a chance of listening ho wns deep in an account of a wonderful blue vase that he had tried to mirchase. "You know those rare old blue vases," he explained regretfully. "The fellow asked a most exorbitant price for It, I waited till the next day, thinking ho would come down, and in the mean time it was snapped up by some one else. Do you like pottery, Miss Daub eny?" "I don't know much about It," con fessed Betty humbly. "I um sure you would havo liked my vase," said Lorlmer sentimentally. But Hetty declined to bo sentimental. "It seems so funny of you to call it your vase just beeuute you admired It," she said bluntly. "Your wanting to buy it does not muKo it yours," "As I did not succeed In buylnsr the vase, I say now that no doubt it would have been too deep a blue for tho room I meant to place it in." Betty looked Innocently contempla tive. "I see," she murmured reflectively. "You buy a thing If you cun get It at your own price, and if some one else steps in and outbids you, you say that the article was not worth much, after all," Sho turned on Lorlmor. "When I used to translate Aesop's Fables Into French," she said severely, "I always thought the fox who said the grapes were sour was beastly mean!" "Well, really, Miss Daubeny," sail tho young man, "what would you have dono?" "O, I should have bought the vase," Bald Betty quickly, "If I were rich like you!" And she tossed her little head, "I should like to tsco the mun that would take tinythlur I wanted.'" "And if, when yon had bought It, you found it too blue fortho rest uf tho room?" "I should have refurnished the whole room!" unsweied Betty loftily, ns she swept past him. The next day there was a battle royal between Mrs. Daubeny und her refrue tory daughter, and the elderly lady came off victorious, "You will so down to c'ucklluld to day" this was tho ultimatum "und stop with your Aunt Prlecllla until your Blister Is married!" "To Mr. Lorlmer?" queried Betty ungrlly. "First cutclx, your hare!" "What did you siiy?" stormed her mother. "I was quoting from a cookery book," said Betty. The result of this audacious behavior was that Mr. Daubony's sister Priscilla. received a telegram heralding Betty's coming. "I am always delighted to see you, qs you- know, my dear child," said Miss Priscilla, "but surely this visit must have been decided on rather suddenly?" "It was a happy thought of mother's," was tho airy reply. "Of course, you know, aunt, I am always glad to come here." "I liked him," she thought miserably, "and he will never marry Grizel, what ever mother may say," A few days after the dinner party Lorlmer called on Mrs. Daubeny. Qris- eldtt appeared in company with her mother, and was more talkative than usual. "And your other daughter," he sug gested sortly, after watching the door vainly, "she Is well?" "Yes, thank you," Mrs. Daubeny an swered rather tartly. "Betty never alls anything." "People are always well in Cuckileld," said Grlselda, with much enthusiasm nnd great distinction of utterance. "Tho placo Is proverbially healthy. That re minds me. My slater has seen a won derful blue vase in a Bhop In the vil lage, exactly like the one you wanted to buy in Venice." "Ah, our dear Venice our flrat love!" Lorlmer said sentimentally, turning to his hostess. "Is there nny place on earth to equal that City of the Sea?" As he wulked homo ho assured him self that a change of air would be bene ficial to his constitution, and as "peo ple are always well at Cuckfleld," and "the placo is proverbially healthy," thut decided the matter. "I had no Idea that statuesque girl had it In her," ho said, ns he was whirling down to Cuckfleld by express. It was the first gleam of admlrutlon ho had ever felt for his future sister-in-law. A few days later Betty wrote to her mother: "Jack Lorlmer has followed me down here, and Is anxious to marry ine. As I seem to bo Btich a trouble to you, per haps It would be well to let him have his own way. I am sorry to Interfere with any plans you may have formed, but of course when I am married It will bo my duty, ns well as my pleas ure, to look after Grlselda," "I like your epistolury style," said her lover, who was looking on. "You put tilings in" such a terse and vigorous manner." Betty vouchsafed 110 reply, but she made a face at him, like the chill sho was. "Of course, Grlselda cannot be al lowed to marry that poet fellow," Lorl mer continued. "Wo must do better for her than that." "Grlselda shall huvo a real good time awuy from mother and fhull choose for herfelf as I have done," said Betty wjth decision, "and If Bhe develops the fam ily obstlnucy and still prefers Oscar Tomkins" Here she paused mischievously. "Well?" suld her lover with uplifted eyebrows. "Then I am ufrald that you will have to accept, that 'poet fellow' as your brother-in-law!" Chicago Tribune. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers