gsfftts j"s 'TVJ r t Vt ,. THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETNEWS SERVICE OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE" WORLD. SCRANTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 25, 1902. TWELVE RAGES TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. TWELVE PAGES Wi J,4 ?.T'i)-ii5jai(tji'0ttAlm . WtW1sT & TWENTYONE MINERS KILLED Terrible Disaster Results from Ex plosion at the Lost Greek Mine at Oskaloosa. TROUBLE DUE TO A DUST EXPLOSION The Tend and Injured Terribly Burned and Mutilated Smoke and Debris Blown 300 Feet Into the Air Fire Follows the Explosion nnd for a Time Threatens the Mine Flames Finally Controlled. fiy Inclusive Wire from The Associated I' Osknloosa, Iowa, Jan. 24. An the re sult of a teniblo mine disaster at Lost I'reek today, twenty-one dead are in an improvised morgue and eight are In a temporary hospital. The Dead. joi: G.VSIT.ItS. DUNK OASl'lIIIS. .1151 STOMA!.. mi,viti:k cuciCiinoN'. .mi: nr.innr:. ANDY PASU. I'llANK &KCRi:aS. JOHN- MA11TJN. .ions ninos. MIKE MIIIAIIA. .TACK JIANLIA. -MIKE l'O.Y, JR. M1KIJ VOX. hi!. 1100NT 1TMI. HUPS 1TMI. a. n. crews, jack i;i.di:r. HAVB MALTI'.It. SAM HUMI'IIRI'.V. JIM HUMPHREY. AI.IIX (!RAY. The Injured. i:i hi:rnu5s. Kl) bWANSON". JONAS MADin. OMVU MADlt). JOHN JURKIX. WILLIAM HAUVKY. nconnu oogo. JIAHRY DURIIOCK. 'j;iic explosion occurred at the noon hvur and was wife',!- is known as a "dust" explosion. Tlie miners had just lircd their usual noon shots, one of which proved to be a fizzle. The burn ing powder ignited the gas and the explosion followed. Smoke and debris were blown out of the shaft 200 feet high. 1'ail of the top works were torn away and the fans and cages were par tially wrecked. This made the work of rescue very slow and it was 3 o'clock before volunteer parlies dared to ven ture into the cast shaft, where the ex plosion occurred. 'When they fought their way in, a horrible sight greeted them. The dead and injured were ter libly burned and mutilated, some of them almost beyond recognition. Fire, which at llrst was feared would prove destructive to the entire mine, had broken out and this added terror to Hie spectacle. The (lames were fi nally controlled and after several of the rescue party had succumbed to the fumes, all the dead were carried to the top of the shaft. At the time of the "explosion more than 100 men were in the mines, hut all of those, except those in the east entry, escaped with only slight Injury, The total property dam age will he about $10,000. It was nearly dark tonight when the last of the dead was taken nut, and the scenes of an guish among the families of the men were most pitiful. Nearly all of the men weie married and leave families In poor circumstances. The mine is ciw ned by the Lost Creek Fuel com pany, of this city, and has been in opeiatlou about one year, LEGACY TO ABT. Prlscilla Crcsson Leaves $500,000 for Benefit of Students, ll.v lluliiciM1 Who from The Associated Press. Philadelphia, Jan, 21. Tlio will of Mrs. Prlscilla I. Cresson, ptobated to day, creates a trust fund of $500,000, ( the Interest upon which Is to bo paid ' tn the Philadelphia academy of flue arts, for the expenses of students of great proficiency in pursuing their studies in lCurope, The bequest also includes a legacy left lor the same pttrposo by Kmlln Cresson, who died in 1SM, which be comes operative through the deatli of IhlBCilla, his widow. The Interest will amount to about $20,000 annually. Allowing $2,000 a year expenses, for each student, tho academy will he enabled to send ten students abroad each year. Townsend Pleads Guilty. By Eichuhe Wire from 'flic Associated I'rerf. Iloston, Jan, 21. The United Mates Brand Jury returned un Indictment Hit afternoon against lljrry II, Towncnd, former cashier of the llrls tul County National t 1 1 1 K , cluiglng the em. heulcnient of 3,1X10 and Toniuend pleaded guilty. Townsend was kcntcnccd to the icais ' imprisonment, He had been connected with tlm bank for twenly.flNC je.ii'n. lie admits that lie lost the money In speculation. Towuseiul w under $20,000 bonds and till amount has lioea paid iner so Hut the actual loss lu the bank is tut SIS.OOO. Murdered by Footpads. By bsclushe Wire from 1 be Associated Press. S.i n J'rancisco, Jan. 21. Another murder, mpi posedly Iho woik of footiach, was committed In the mission dUlrlct early today, the lctlm be ing Joseph Pedro, foreman , for a large llrm of cuntraitor. Pedro's body nw dbcoveicd on tlm sidewalk on Seventeenth tlMet by two policemen ubout i o'clock with a bullet bole in tho left Side, 'J here b no clue, Will Buy French Gunboats. Hy i:.cluho Wire from The Associated Prcs. ' Paris, Jan. 21. 'I lie eoNcrnment of Colombia Uo ottered lo purchatu number of obsoltte French ifuubojl. 'J lie negotiation has Dun (.it had rig '4 ' COL. WATRES IS HOPEFUL Has Faith That His Candidacy Will Be Successful Grateful to his Friends Throughout State. Hy Uulnshp Wire from The Associated l'rc. Philadelphia, Jan. 24. In the course of an Interview tonight former Lieu tenant CSovernor YVatres expressed himself as being hopeful of success In his candidacy for the Republican nom ination for governor of Pennsylvania. "Every ninll," he said, "brings in creased assurances of popular support. Although the names of several other gentlemen have been suggested there nre In reality hut two candidates be for the people. It Is even more appar ent now than when I announced my candidacy In September last that no factional candidate can be elected gov ernor this year. I have been at llar rlbburg for a number of years and the people know where I stand on pub lic questions and whether they want me for governor." "This is the time," he said, "for the Republicans of Pennsylvania lo speak and say who they want nnd not wait until till the delegates to the slate con vention have been elected. 1 am greatly gratified by the generous and continued support of my friends throughout the state." (MNTONiANS WASHINGTON Mr. Brooks Calls on Repre sentative Connell and Sen ator Quay Personals. Special to the Siranton Tribune. "Washington, D. C.. Jan. 21. A num ber of Scrantonians were in Washing ton this week. Among them were J. A. Lansing, Captain D. B. Atherton, president and secretary, respectively, of tho Serautoiii board of trade, .am Col onel F. Li. Hitchcock. They were dele gates to the convention of the national board of trade, Iteese CI. Brooks was also here, J!r. Brooks called on Con gressman Connell and Senator Quay, ostensibly on business, but seemed con siderably Interested In tho guberna torial candidacy of Colonel L. A. "Wat res. Sir. Brooks, it is rumored, is a pros pective candidate for congress, but it is said has assured Congressman Connell that It the hitter was a candidate to succeed himself, lie would not be a can didate, but would do his best to bring about the nomination and election of the present incumbent. Tho probabil ities are that Congressman Connell will be a candidate for. another term. Jlrs. Council and her granddaughter. Miss Dlmmick, left Washington this morning to pay a visit to friends in Montgomery, Ala. Mrs. McAnulty, who has been paying an extended visit to Prof, and Mrs. "Willis L. Moore, will leave heie tomor row morning for Philadelphia. DANGER IN SCHURMAN'S BOSTON SPEECH Military Authorities nt Manila Dep recate Its Publication in the Philippines. By Kxcliithe Wire from The Associated Press. Munlla, Jan. 24. Both tho civil and military authorities hero deprecate the publication in the Philippines of Prot. Sehurmun's Boston speech and the min ority report in the se.natu on the Phil ippine tariff bill, which, they say, are liable to have a bad effect on the Flll nlnos. General Wheaton, commander of tho department of the north Philippines, says men have been sent to prison hem for remarks such as those of Prof, Hclmrman, and that If what ho advo cates wiiH accomplished it would mean the expenditure of much treasure and the shedding of blood llko witter. Now, as before, he adds, 50,000 soldiers are needed here and will bo required in these Islands for nt least live years. It will then bo possible to form a govern ment based on that of the colonies of Holland and Great Britain, they having proved tho most successful managers of Orientnl races. General Chaffee is expected hack from the island of Samar, January 30, URGENT DEFICIENCY BILL PASSED IN THE HOUSE. By Kxclushc Wire from The Associated !'ies4( Washington, .Ian, SI. TJio lioiiae today pawed the urgent deficiency appiopiiatlon bill and do ot fd he icnialnder of tho mmIoii to prhato pension hgUlatlon, It then adjourned until Mon day. Tho Republican forced .1 iccoul Note on the amendment to the dellcicncy hill to appro pilato i.Vxi.OOO for tho "protection and shelter" cf American toldlcr In the Philippine and sixteen Democrat Noted for it. Anions the pension bills passed nnos one uniiting a pension of ifoO a month to the widow of the late Hear Admiral Philip. Dixon Knocked Out, lly Kclushe Wire from The Associated Pifks. Ilaltlmore, Jan. 21. (leorgc Dixon, the veteran colored pugilUt, went down and out tonight un der u rain of body blows delivered by Jlddle, J.cimy. It wjj an excellent eiliibltiou of spar ring, l.enny had the better of the -rumen t tlirvucliout. KUou 'W ery urogsy. , f STOLE FROM PAYMASTER. Messenger In Office of Major Stevens Is Arrested. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'icss. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 24, J. II. Alexan der, n colored messenger In tho of fice of Major P. C. Stevens, paymaster of tho United States army, was ar rested today for the second time by a secret service agent on tho charge of stealing government funds nmounh lng to $4,VCa, which mysteriously dis appeared from the satchel of Major Stevens November 9 last, us he win leaving the city for Pensacola, Fla., to pay off the garrison there. Tho negro was committed to jail for trial. A statement which Alexander Is said to have made on the 11th of the month to Colonel James S. Scully untl Lieuten ant Colonel J. II. Calef, in regard to the discovery of $2,75.i of the missing money hid away In Alexander's room In the paymaster's department on the morning of thut date, led to the arrest, SALE OF DANISH INDIES. Treaty of Cession Is Signed Price Believed to Be 5,000,000. To Go to tho Senate. By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Jan. 24. The treaty of cession of the Danish West Indies Isl and from Denmark lo the United States was signed at the state department today by Secretary Hay and Constan tino Brim, the Danish minister. The treaty will be submitted to the senate lor ratllication immediately. Following the Invariable rule in such cases, the state department ofllclals decline to make public, any of the de tails of the treaty, so that it Is not possible to state positively tho price to be paid, though this Is believed to be In the neighborhood of $5,000,000. It is known that Denmark has aban doned the position she 'was Inclined to occupy toward the conservation of the political rights of tho Inhabitants of the Island, and leaves the United States a free hand to deal with them, without pledge of American citizen ship or of free trade privileges. It Is assumed that the status of the Danish West Indian islands, politically and commercially, should the treaty bo ratified, will be similar to that of Porto Rico. Having gained these points In the negotiations, the state department ofllclals believe that the treaty is cer tain to receive the approval of the United States senate. The new treaty is peculiar in that it will require action not only by the sen ate and .the Danish rigsdag, but the United States house of representatives, since it will be necessary for the house to supply the needed appropriation to defray the expense of purchase. 11 is regarded as a strong point by tho fruin ers of the treaty that the people of tho Danish West Indian islands are to have a voice in this question of cession. The treaty Itself does not contain any refer ence to a plebiscite, but the Danish government has given notice that be fore it ratifies the treaty it will submit tho question of cession to the people of the islands. Not much objection is re ceived here from these people, as the treaty is so framed that they arc not called on to surrender their Danish al legiance and they may remain Danes In fact and In name, while enjoying whatever advantages, in a commercial way, that may result from a transfer of the islands to the United States. Tho plebiscite will not be controlled in any sense by the United States. It is stated distinctly that the Danish government itself will take steps to ascertain tho Inclinations of the people of the islands before the final steps in the transfer are taken. St. Thomas, tho largest of tho islands, is formed by a chain of high hills run ning east and west. It is thirteen miles long, measures three miles at Its great est width, and contains an area of sev enteen square miles. The sea surround ing this island is filled with small islets, called keys, which belong to It. About two miles to tho northeast lies tho Isl and of St. John, and some forty miles to the south is tho third island, St, Croix, or, as it Is perhaps more gener ally known, Santa Cruz. The port of St. Thomas is a good one, nnd It Is stated that 200 vessels can nnchor there wth safety. The islands are considered of great strategic im portance. The Initial efforts to secure them were begun by tho United States during President Grant's first admin istration. Mrs. Dale Sued for L.vorce. fly Elushe Wiro from The Associated Preas. Chicago, Jin. 21, Mis. Clinibtlli llnno Pale, who last November was chanted by the nulhorl tics of Ilolmken, N. J., with the murder of iit G-)car-old tliuirlilcr, hint been bued for dlvotce, Haney S, Dile, tho huslunil, lumen as one of the coiespondents Robert Waller, who was, ar. listed at lloboken at Iho timo Mrs, Ualu waj taken in (lis tod;-. An Irish Kingdom, By Inclusive Wire from The Awoclatecl Press. Belfast, Jan. Si. According to tlm Irish Kelts an cffoit will bo inadn lo clear Tory Maud ((iff tho iioithwct coast a! belaud, county of Donegal), Wholesale ejectment papem have been fen eil upon the Inhabitants of the Uland, who an: chletly IWhcimiu ami kelp p;atherci, .mil number ubout son. They elect their own klni; and Male not paid rent or tacs for many ieai.s. Karngeorgewitch at Petersburg, By K.seliiihe Wbe fiom The Associated 1'iet.s, Heme, Switzerland, Jan. 21, I'rlncci Peter Kaiaueorijcttinli left Rcnewi today to join his ton, Cieorge, at ht, Petersburg, Prime, Petei'n entourage openly bjy that Ills ,islt Is In uiniiec. Hon with the Prime tlcoigc's succession to tho throne of PerWa, in placo of Kim; Alexander, who Is said to be willing to abdicate, Mr, Quay at Philadelphia, By Kxelushe Wire from The Associated Pum. Philadelphia, Jan. 21. Senator Quay came hero from Wuslilngton today and was visited at tha Hotel Walton bv Insurance Commjsi.loijer Dur ham, Senator Penrose, Ktato Senator Grady and oilier political frieiuU. Senator quay declined to be Intel viewed.. He letumed to Washington (his afternoon, ' No Attempt Upon Life of George. By Exclusive Wire, from The Associated Press. Athens, Jan. 21. Investigation of the report that an attempt had been nude upon the life ol King (Joi go of 'Greece, in the park at Phaleron, proves the story to bo without foundatlou. MITCHELL IS RE-ELECTED Other Ollfcers Selected bu the Aline Workers' With out Contest. PROTEST AGAINST LEWIS NOT READ The Communication Regarded as Not Worthy of Notice Delegates Are Also Selected to Attend the Meeting of the American Federa tion of Labor. By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Prejs. Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 24. The dele gates were apparently ready to get light to work from tho start at the opening session of the United Mine Workers' convention today. The cre dentials committee was first called and the question of seating delegates from district No. r was taken up. The eligi bility of five delegntes from district No. C, Pittsburg, was questioned by tho committee, which recommended that as the local unions sending these delegates were In arrears on dues, the delegates be not seated. Patrick Dolan. of district No. 5, made a motion to sent them, but the motion was tabled. Thereupon the report of the committee on credentials was re ceived. Patrick Dolan contended that the committee on credentials had not favoied district No. 5, and that the dis trict had acted honestly and deserved recognition. He said that district No. r was the only district whoso delegates were thrown out. Hut the. convention maintained that local unions that have not paid their dues promptly ought not to be allowed representation in the convention, and refused to act In his favor. The following officers were re-elected without a contest: President. John Mitchell; vice-president, T. L. Lewis; secretary-treasurer. W. B. Wilson. There were no other candidates for these three offices and the entire bal lot of the convention was cast for them by the secretary. Tho only op position wnflMn the form of a commu nication sent up to the secretary after the ballot bad been cast, protesting against the unanimous election of T. L. Lewis as vice president. Tho protest came from the delegate from Local union No. 319, in Ohio, the state the Vice President Lewis comes from, and was not read to tho convention. The protest was regarded by the of ficers to Whose notice it came, as not worthy of olllclal or formal recognition. Delegates to Ameiican Federation. After the three principal offices had been chosen, voting began on the elec tion of delegates to tho national meet ing of the American Federation of Labor, and on the choice of members of llje auditing and credentials com mittee. Under a rule of tho conven tion, the polls must be kept open three houis, nt tho end of which time the ballot boxes are removed from the con vention hall and the votes counted. While the voting went on, no attempt was made to do any other business. John P. Reese, of Iowa, presided dur ing the voting. For delejrates to the American Fed eration of Labor meeting, the follow ing candidates were voted for: John Mitchell, W. IS. Wilson, John P. Reese, Patrick Dolan, W. Haskins. W. D. Ryan, T. L. Lewis, John Fahey, W. R. Falrley, George W. Purcell, T, D, Nichols, W. J. Campbell, K. C. MeCul lougli, II. Stevenson, G. W. Savngn, J. Unddow, W. K. Williams, Anthony Schlosser, R. Rice, Kawurd Flynn, James Beattie, Daniel Young, Edward McKay, William Dodds, Thomas P. Duffy, John F. Roam, William Rlukely, John Dempsey, Joo Vnsey, "William Wilson, J. A. Springer, D. H. Sullivan, J. W. Howe, Adam Rescavage. George Manuel nnd Thomas J. Llewellyn. Seven were to be chosen, The seven candidates receiving the next highest number of votes were to be named as alternate delegates. For membership on tho auditing nnd credentials committee the following candidates were proposed; John J. Mossop, M, McTaggart, John Oakley. S. F. Ih-ackney, Uriah Relllng ham, W. R. AVIUiams, II. Stevenson, A. Thorpe, O. K. Stock, K. II. Reedy, Pat rick Fltssslmtnons, Joseph Ilolller nnd John F. Bow-den, Threo were to bo chosen. Tho result of the election of delegates to tho American Federation of Labor convention will not be known until the ballots shall bo counted. Money for McKlnley Memorial. The convention adopted u resolution appropriating $500 to the national Mc Klnley memorial fund, after a pro longed discussion. Delegate W. D, Ryan, of Illinois, was one of those who opposed the approprl iitlou of the funds for any other pur pose "than for which the money was mipionrlated," Delegate Dolnn, of Pittsburg, moved that $1,500 be uppropi luted, Finally, President Mitchell said; "In order to bring this matter to a settlement, I move the secretary ho In structed to draw his cheek for $300." ' President Mitchell's motion was car ried with cheers. The committee on olllcers reports re commended all suggestions made by President Mitchell In his annua) ad dress and the convention considered them. The re)cc.minendatlon that locals throughout the country petition their representatives Jn congress to fuvpr the limitation of tho power of federal Judges lu the Issuance of blanket in junctions In times of lubo'r troubles, was adopted, ' That the puramount questions to the miners in tho anthracite llleds are an eight-hour day, recognition of tho union and n minimum wage scale. Con sideration postponed until next Mon day. That u national department of sta tistics be created. Adopted. That the mine hoisting engineers bo organized under the supervision of the United Mine Workers, with separate districts, In keeping with the action of the American Federation of Labor. This was not concurred In by tho con vention and u motion that the "uncon ditional surrender" of the engineers be demnnded was passed with a vim. In connection with tho consideration of this recommendation of the president, It was urged by delegates from the Illinois field thut the organization of tho hoisting engineers In separate dis tricts would cause no end of trouble to the miners by the precipitation of strikes here and there by a handful of engineers, who would bo nble to cause the closing down of mines, and the throwing out of employment of hun Oreds of miners. THE BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL SITUATION Review of the Field by B. G. Dun & Co. Wages Voluntarily Ad vanced by Manufactors. By i:clihic Wire fiom The Asoci.ttcd Pn. New York, Jan. 24. It. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade tomor row will suy: Little of a noNel natmc has developed in the business or ( situation ilurliia the past week. Wages were Noluutarily lub.meed nt a number of mamifacturing plant1., hums leduied at otlieis. Tiieic were few l.ibnr contiuNeiMcs, wlille skilled workmen are in greater demand than the supply. Conditions In the Iron and steel industry are shown by lecord breaking pioduction at mmy plants and rapid Increase of facilities at other). When orders for rails cannot be taken because de lbeiy Is desired before tin last quarter of tha Near, it would f-ec:n that new figures of output were assured (or 190i. Structural mills am co,iij1 ! well occupied, h.iNing contracts for offleo building.!, factories, bridge", bock elevation anl othe iconstructlNc work. Plates and sheets are available more promptly, owing to enlarged ca pacity of mills. liailwnys .handle coke with lesi delay, which accelerates blast furnace operation. Despite tho prcs-suie for nearly all steel pioducts and pig iron, their- is no tendency to foice no tations, but lather a stubborn rcjUtiilue to .1 Ncry upward muNcmcnt. Tills feature of (ho market is watched most iiitcuth', as tlio abuoi mil actiNity NNOiild lose its njUic as an indi cation of prosperity if business nvcic stimulated by evessiNO pikc.s. liuiilcntiilli foieign 10111 pctiliun would also be iiiNitcd, and mills ahio'id nre in position In take full atbantigi' of .niv such opporl unity. Titilo' lu.nkits an- quiet; ab though icpoits of the Jiibhiinr. trade are mot faNomblc. Cotton milk me Inuy ,-h a inle, but uncertainty a to the (uttue of the inv tends' tp unsettle x,r'Cc. -, rontwoar holds (Irmly lo (ho suInmikp lepoiled last week witli only a modciatc Nglunie of husi. nest. Hesitation ksg'-neriil in the unrkeU for stap'c products. There is no binger the letkless bnnj imey so conspicuous a slim t time ago. Disisler to one prominent opeiator lias a c.ilining itithi ence, and in the case of nun the iujgtuhr.iut exports cannot will be enlliely explained. l'lom Atlantic- ports for the v eel. the iihinc ment was but .'1.12, 131) liu-licLs, against ::,I7J.I.1 1 . je.u ago. I'oieign hilling of wlieat, llmii in i luded, is nni'-h more fiiNor.ihle, better prices piCNailing than a yc.iv ago. r,iilinr for the week numbered 1101 in the Culled Stales, acun-t WW last ycir, and 25 in Canada agaiuct -Hi last jcar. BIG RAID0N THE BOWERY Large Number of Notorious Resorts Closed and Thirty-two Pris oners Locked Up. By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Now York, Jan, 24. A raid of un usual proportions was made by nearly one bundled policemen on the Bowery tonight. Several notorious resorts wero tVised and thirty-two prisoners locked up. The large number of policemen on the ccene prevented nny outbreak of violence and there was little difilculty In getting the prisoners to the police station. The raids foreshadows tho doom of the Bowery, for they marked the pre liminary step in tho wholesale clean ing of that somewhat famous thorough fare. In nearly every raid, tho pro prietor of the resort was arrested. PENNSYLVANIA NEWS. Dy EjcIusInc Wire from The Associated Press. llarrlsburg, Jan. 24, The following charters were Issued at the state, department today: l'ood Publishing company, Wlliiaimport-, cap. Ital, $5,000. Ulefler k Sons, incorporated, Tan. ner'a rails; capital, $10,000. Ilarilsburt;, Jan, 21. (iorernor Stouo today reappointed W", (i, Taylor, of Lancaster, and lib waul C'lJluli. of llrie, to be members of tho llomeopithlo State Mcdtcu! examining board, Philadelphia, Jan. 21. Klro of enknnwn origin today destroyed the icidemo of William liauett, manager of Adams I'.vpiess company, sit (015 Pino htrcet, The udjolnlrg dwellliijr, occupied by Mr, and Mrs. (leoigo I!, Inslce, was M-iloiudy damaged. The lom on the houses I, eatimaled at i.'.OOO, Wllkca-haire, Jan. 21, The C'enlial bibor union of this city will tomoriow open a chop for the employment of llioso Join ne) men hoielioci who are honn- on strike because their cmplojera lefused them an increase In wages. llai rlnburg, Jan, 21. CloNcitior titoiin h,us been notified by the war department that Pcnnsjl. Minla's claim for money ,ependid in imitiiu; troopH In the field ilurinir Wo nbelllon liai been allowed lo the extent of WiJ.l IU.29, and that Ilia claim has been certified to emigre for an ap. piopilation. Altoona, Jan. 21, The Wolf liulldini; on Kleientli aicnue, occupied by l'u fi I'm, noielty dealers, ami tho llcpublliau league. u.i dam. aged by II ro tonight, bos on Imlldiuir, stink and furniture about ir,,IM), incuicd. ()ile;iii of (lru unknown, i i i Steamship Arrivals, Dy i:xclusie Wlie boiuThe As.oclaled Picas. New Yoik, Jan. 21, (Tcaicds Itoueidam, but teidam nIj Boulogne j balm, Xjplcs any (ieuua Boulogne Sailed Malendaui (fiom IfotlcidJiu), New York, I.lJid Pamcds 1'iliViiinl, New yoik for Antwup, Germany's Coal Production, lly Uiclusltc Wire from The Associated Prest- Ilerlln, Jan, 21. Tho coal production of dtp many during the year 1001 amounted to 107, biJ.OoO tons, against 100,290,247 ton pioiluced in mo. Tho-iJatUllc do not Include lignite. Pensions Granted. By Exclusive Wire from The Anocistcd Press. Washington, Jan. 21. James 1'allon, of Dun. more, ha) been grunted a pension of k-L CHINES TO BE REORGANIZED -. BOWLING CONGRESS ENDED. Scrnnton Men Prominent Among tho Pin Knockers. Hy Ilx-ilushc Wire from The Associated Press. Duffalo, N. Y Jan. ,24. Tho annual tournament of the American Bowling Congress ended tonight. It wns one of the most successful meets by tho organization, both In tho number of entries nnd management. The newly elected olllcors wore'lustnlled tonight. The Individual bowlers who wero Inst on the programme finished tonight. 11. II. Strong won first money with a score of 019 pins. In tho Individuals, Hop kins scored C72 and Illchl 509, both from Scrnnton, Pa. BOSTON TEAMSTERS' STRIKE. Mob Makes a Demonstration- -Eour- teen Arrests Are Made. lly i:-clu3he Wire from The Associated Press. Boston, Jan. 24. One of the most ser ious demonstrations since the strike of the teamsters began, took place on At lantic avenue this afternoon. A drny got pocketed nnd tv" tremendous crowd, including many boys, collected. The patrolmen and mounted men charged the throng, but were met and checked hy a volley of muddy snow, ice stones and brick. The police rallied In a moment and charged again. This time the' crowd gave away. Fourteen arrests were made, thirteen of them being lads from 1C to 17 years of ago. DEM0CRATS0UTLINE THEIR PLAN OF ACTION The House Caucus Are Without the Power to Piomulgnte a Plat form of Principles. lly KxchiMvc Wire Iioitl The Atsocialed Pros. Washington, Jan. 21. The Demo cratic members of the house of repre sentatives met I u caucus in the hall of the house this evening, and after a short but spirited contest, ndopted re solutions, presented by tho majority of the caurjus committee, declaring that they w er? without power to promul gate a platlorm of principles for the party, owing to the binding cbaracte' of the party platform he-etofore '-"0ii-larly made at a uutioui. mv .don. The resolution recited the VNork of the committee and closed witli thee fol loNving recommendation: W'r .lie of tlie opinion that a Hie rcpicsonu tlNCh of our Naiious constituencies and as mem bers of (he cnucus, made up of such lepregenta. IIncs, we liiNc no power or .iiithotity tolion stiuct or piomulgitc a pl.itfoiin of piiniples for our party; that nno cannot Increase or mi.-ii nife the bludlm; eireet of platforms of tho puty heretofore icgulaily made, and adopted by the people in coiiNeiUlou as-cmbled for (hat That in (lie houso of which wc aie nionibeis, wo should xigoiously and aggiessliely battle for Democratic piinciples and with equal xigor and apgrctsivencss we khnuld oppose CNcrythlng con ttsiry, in substance or 'method, lo (hose pilnci ples, and should meet each queslion as it urbes, witli a full confidence and a solid and undiNided front. The caucus also adopted the follow ing: Resolved, That (he territories of Arizona, Okla homa and Ncnn- Mexico aie entitled to t-t.itchoud, and should bo admitted to the Union on equal footing willi the balance of the Mites, and nno pledge tho wipport of the Pcnioeiati in the house of lepiesenlatiNcs to such a bill, VERDICT OF JURY IN N. Y. CENTRAL WRECK John M. Wisker and E. C. Tyler Are Completely Exonerated Blame Plnced on the Officials. Hy HxcluslNe Wire from The Associated Press. New York, Jan, 24. The coroner's In vestigation Into the causes of the re cent disaster in the New York Central railroad tunnel was brought to a close tonight, when the Jury, nfter being out three hours and Jive minutes, returned a verdict completely exonerating John 51, Wisker and K. C. Fyler, the crew of the engine that crashed into the rear end of the train, causing the death of seventeen peoplp, Tho verdict places tho blame for the conditions lending to the accident on the ofllclals of tho rail road. Both Wisker and Fyler wero 1m medlutely discharged from custody. After reciting tho details of tho acci dent, 'the verdict continues: Wo find tint the iiislnecr, John 5f, Wisker, owlnir to the heaNj- atmcplierc, duo to weather conditions, together w'llh tho prcnence of laue bodies of steam and niioko o.i,iln.r from tr.iiin pasninc; the various tracks In bald tuimrll, oh f curing Raid fclguiK nmis unable lo locate Mid dangei signal. Wo fmtliei llnd faiiliv miu.iKcmeiit on the put of the ofllclals of tlio Neiv Yoik Central and llud. .sou Illtcr railroad, and wo hold isild oHIolals ie lumslblo for tho leasou Hut during tlio past ten jcais tald ofticiaU Iunc been leputedly warned by their Jotoinrrlwi englneeia and oilier nil plo.Ncs of tlio ilaugcious conditions existing In ald lulmuel, Imptiillliig tho litc of tliousimU of piS'Cngeit, and they line failed lo limedv aid loiiditlou-., and .ibo for the leasou Hut i '!' lain impiuNcuifiiU in the wa.N of both Nlsihle and audible .sbjli.iU (ould liaie bull bclalled ajhl the dbititr theichy haic hecu molded, .and fur the fmthri leasou thai no u'yjilatlon of cpeed i.t wliii li liabis lioubl inn lu Mid i untie 1 1 bat been enfoucd, thereby allowing tuginu'M to cxeicbo (heir own dilution. Deputy Shoots Horse Thief., lly i:.iiulo Wbe fioiu The Aiocjicd Pieu, Helm I, Mont,, Jan. it. Deputy Mielllf IMwaul Martin, o! 1'ergus county, today khot ami in. Mantly killed Hud Tiler, who it H claimed, tolc it team belonging to a rancher named Adam Kusili. 'the deputy attempted to arreat Tlcr who l.m and refusing to halt, was i-liol dead. Prize Eight Postponed. an I'ranclvc-o, Jan, 21. The Yoieinlte club to. night decided to iotpouo iudellnitely the pro posed Jetliks-Miarkcy tight. The chief reason gben la the uiujtWactory ending o tha recent Shurkcy-Malici tight at Philadelphia. E GOVERNMENT Dowaoer Empress and Councillors Desire tlic Assistance of Foreign Advisers. FOREIGN METHODS TO BE.AD0PTED Yuan-Shi-Kai Recommends the Em ployment of Eight Foreigners of Eminence in Various Branches of Government Science Ho Takes Japan as a Model and Hopes for Practical Results. By J'.vcIusInc Wire from The Associated Press. Pekln, Jan. 21. Tho dowager-cmpresi and her councillors are seriously dls cussing the engagement of foreign ad visers to re-organize tho government. Yuan-Shi-Kai, viceroy of Fc-Chi-TJ, Is the inspiration of the movement. Ho will return to Pao-Tlng-Fu tomorrow, having devoted several days to im pressing upon the court the Importance of real reforms and urging the adop tion of foreign methods as being the only practical measures. He memorial ized the throne, recommending the em ployment of eight foreigners of emin ence In vurlous branches of govern mental science, attaching them lo dif ferent boards. N The scheme In Its present foi in, af ter having been discussed by the mem bers of the council, Is to engage six foreigners as authorities respectively in international law and finance, and one in military, naval, parliamentary, and governmental affairs. Yuan Shi Kill and his followers aio hopeful of practical results, They aie taking Japan is their model. Any at tempt. .institute a piiillami'nt of any sU'-V would, however, meet Willi trem endous opposition. While the employment of lorclgu nil--visors is no new idea with the Chinese, in only exceptional instances has it produced lasting results, because in ferior men were often engage'd lo ad vise and were usually only half hcarl edly followed. Yuan Sbl Kill piopoM-s to secure men of unquestioned abili ties and clothe them with some real authority. If tho court adopts the plan, Its outcome will bo watched with Interested skepticism and lobbying by tho powers for representation among the councillors will probably begin. Prince Clilng, president of tho new Chinese foreign olllce, desires that his eldest son should represent China at the coronation of King Edwaid, and his appointment as the Chinese special envoy is expected. KENTUCKY LEGISLATURE IS HEARD FROM. Resolution Condemning tho Action of President Roosevelt. Dy Inclusive Wire from The Associated I'rc5. Frankfort, Ky., Jan. IM. In tho house today Itepresentntlvo Averdick (Deiu.), of Covington, introduced a joint reso lution condemning tho action of Presi dent Roosevelt in sending a special en voy as tho representative of this coun try to the coronation of King Kdward, and expressed tho shame felt by tho legislature because of this action, Representative Rlgdon. of Urackon, Introduced a joint resolution to prohibit the use of any hooks In the schools of this state which do not give Admiral Schley full credit for tho victory at tho battle of Santiago. REFERRED FOR COMMENT. President Roosevelt's Disposition of Admiral Schley's Appeal. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Jim. 21. The meuldent has referred Admiral Schley's appeal to the navy department for "comment." This Is tho technical term employed In naval law to cleMgnuto it reply, In tho naturo of a criticism, to any presen tation. If charges are lodged ugnliist an olllcer, they are referred to him in order that ho may "comment" unon them, and his reply is known legally by that name. It Is understood that the preparation of this comment will consume about two weeks' time. Died in a Dentist's Chair. Ilv I'wluihe Wbe fiom The AssocUted Press, Wllkis-llllic, Jan. 2b Thomas Gondrou died In the office of Dr. A. A. barton this afternoon while under the Inliuenco ot ether, lie waa hiv ing ihrcu teeth pulled and ono was put Nvheii ho died. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. I.wal data for Januaiy 21, 10021 llUlict leiupeialme ,..,,,.,.,,,,,..,, 83 dcgra'i Lowest tempcraluic ,.,,,,,,,,.,. 27 degrees Itelatiie humidlt) ; b a. in. ,. ,,,.,,,,.,,. 07 per cent, S p. I ....,,,...,. ....,; bS per cent. Precipitation, 21 hours ended 8 p. m., none, m -r -i -f- WEATHER FORECAST. f- -- Washington, Jan. 2b Forecast for Sat, -s- -s- unlay and Sunday: I'-astcm Pcno-!- -f- 4- vanla, fair Siturday and Sunday; light W 4- -- frok westerly to northerly winds. - 4-1 -f 1 -h : A 5 HI n
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