The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 24, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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They Will do Into Effect on Next
Monday New Lackawanna Rules
Go Into Effect Sunday Tho Scran
ton Dolt and Nut Works Had n.
Prosperous Year Directors Elect
ed at tho Annual Meeting Lack
awanna Board for Today Inter
esting Notes of Many Kinds.
A number of Important changes will
he made today In tho working torco of
the Lackawanna car repairing depart
ment, to take effect next Monday. They
nio as follows:
H. V. MoKennn, of Dover, N. X, gen
eral foreman of the Morris mid Essex
division, will become general foreman
of the cur department on tho Scrnnton
C. L. Bundy, general car Inspector of
the Hcranton division, will be trans
ferred to the charge of the Dover Bhops.
C. a. Anderson, foreman of tho freight
department of the Seranton shops, will
be transferred to Ituffulo us general
foreman, to succeed George Fnbcr, re
signed. Charles H. Itoekwoll, billing cleric In
Master Car Hulldor li. T. Cunlleld's
ofllcc, will bo transferred to the posi
tion of general car inspector, vice C. L.
JJundy, transferred to Dover.
James Fritz, of the Hoboken freight
department, will become general fore
man of the Hoboken and Secaueus
Experienced a Good Year.
Tho annual meeting of the Seranton
Holt and Nut company was held yes
terday. All except 100 of 2,rj00 shares
of stock were represented. The former
directors were re-elected. They are
W. D. Zehnder, U M. llorton, C. II.
Zehnder, C. C. Rose, O. S. Johnson, J.
A. Lansing and C. H. Welles. Tho di
rectors will meet next week for or
ganization. The annual report of President Zehn
der showed that the company had ex
perienced a very prosperous year. It
was one of the best years the Iron
business has had In a long time and
tho Bolt and Nut Works shared gen
erously in the prosperity. The works
were going day and night to meet or
ders and prices were good and even.
The prospects for the present year are
very bright, the chief Indication of
this being the heavy buying by the
During the year the bolt and nut
works has added to its plant a new
bolt factory, threading room, black
smith shop, machine shop, iron house
and much new machinery in the bolt
and nut .making departments,
New Lackawanna Time-Table.
The Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Itailroad company will have
a new time-table taking effect at 12.01
a. m. January 2G. At the same time tho
new rules of the transportation depart
ment will go into effect.
There is no change of time In any of
the through passenger trains. The local
passenger train from Northumberland
that leaves there at 5.53 and arrives at
Seranton at S.50 p. m., is changed to
leave Northumberland at C.30 p. m. and
arrive at Seranton at S.2." p. m. instead,
making a close connection there with
the Pennsylvania railroad.
D., L . & W. Board for Today.
Following Is the make-up of the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
bontd for today:
WIM Cats, Kast-S p. m., a. W. Ituit; 10 p.
m r. I,. Ilogcrs; 11 p. m., U ). Lattlincr, SI.
J, Ilenntgan's crew.
Wild Cats, i:jst 1.30 a. in., Hoboken, Nugent;
i a. m., I Caanauglij 6 a. iu.,, .1.
Ccrilty; 8 a. in., Hoboken, J. W. Hcilne; 10 a.
m., 0. W. Fitzgerald: 11 a. m., W, A. lljitholo
mew; 1 p. in., V. Hallett; 2 p. in., Hoboken, ,1.
A. Ilibh; 5 p. in., i:. !. Ilallctt; 0 p. in., W. W.
Sunimlls, Utc, a. in., .1. Hciinegan; S a, in.,
KiounfclUer; 0 a. ni., Niihols; 11 a. in., V,. Me
Alllster; 2 p. m., J. J. O'llara; 0 p. in., J, J.
Jlinray, J. Oarrigg's cicw; S p. in.. I. Colilcn.
Puihcro 0 a. in., Wiilmr; T a, in,, S. Flnncrty;
S a. m., William Kliby; 11.15 n. in., Moran; 5
p. in., Hoar; 6 p. in., C. Bartholomew; 7.30 p.
ni., Murphy; 0 p. in., W. II. llartliolomew; 10 p.
m,, Lamping.
Wild Cats, West S a, in.. II. Coslner; 11 a. in.,
11. C'armody; 2 p. in., V. Wall; 4 p. in., O.
ilolplij 0 ji. ni., John Uahagau; 11 p. m,, C.
Passenger Engine", 7 a. ro OafTney: T a. in.,
fiinger; 10 a. m., Xamnan; 10 a. m Secor; 0.13
p. in., Stanton; 8,30 p. m., McGovern.
Conductor J. J. Murray will run fi p. ni, sum
nil, January 23, with Cimgg's iron.
Hrake'inan James Wanclt reports lor O. W. Hurt.
llrakewan Krcrl Andrews reports for J. A. Iliuh.
llrakeman J. Hcam reports for W. I). Warfel.
Conductor W. 1). Warfcl - 111 take M.-i uni, COO
f. in., January 21lh.
M. Finnerty ami ciew will pro (o llohoken en
Nn. 8, January 21, to learn Moirls ami ix
Instructions on train rules at Young Men's Chris
dm association, 1.30 and 7.30 p, m., todav, Jan
mry 23, 1502.
This and That.
X X llall, traveling car agent of tho
Ldckitwanuu railroad, has returned to
Seranton from u week's stay in Uut
fnjo. Tho International Correspondeneo
FChool air-brake Instruction car, No,
101. has been returned to tjcrnnton and
is now located over near thu Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western round-house,
Wheru instructions aro being given to
englnemen and ilremen In the handling
of thu air-brakes. Lectures are given
dally at 2 and 7.30 p, in.
In tho province, of Florence, Italy,
there are 202 stone quarries In actual
work: 4 of these uvo serpentine, 5 cal
careous stone, 2 grind-stone, 5 llreproot
stone, 3 culcureous tuff, 170 oronarlu a
hard, gmy stone for olive presses U
building stone, and 2 majolica earth.
Serpentine and urenarla are used for
Architectural purposes, calcareous stone
for street paving, and- tuff for common
ulldlng purposes.
Coyne Seeking to Nullify Oahalln'e
Malachl L, Cpyne, through O'Brien
& Martin, yesterday secured a rule
from court, returnable January 29, at
9 a. m., to compel Mark V. Cahalln
to show cause why his name should
not be omitted from the official ballot
as the Democratic and Republican
candidates for seleot council.
Coyne wus nominated at a citizens
caucus on an Independent ticket and
later, so he claims, waa endorsed by
the Republican caucus.
Cahalln was nominated at a Demo
cratic caucus, and his nomination as
tho regular Republican enndldalo was
also certified to by parties representing
themselves lo be Republican vigilance
Coyne, the contestant, attacks Caha
lln's Democratic nomination on the
ground thai the primaries were fraud
ulently conducted, Illegal votes of all
descriptions being accepted by the
boartl without question. He attacks
tho certificate that Cahallu Is the regu
lar Republican nominee on tho ground
that he was not nominated by any
Republican caucus and that at nil
events, tho parties certifying to the
nomination had no authority In the
Art and Nature Ceaselessly at Work
in Its Development and Beautifl
catlon. Beautiful Lake Lodoro promises, from
the booking already made, to be the
most popular of all excursion resorts.
Unlike most resorts that, China-like,
remain fixed, stationary and unchanged,
Lake Lodore is constantly Improving.
Last year tho Improvements Uero so
great that few who had been there tho
previous year would scarcely recognize
the place. This year tho Improvements
In the majestic grovo will be scarcely
less revolutionary. Uncqualed anywhere
for natural beaut', Lake Lodoro In Its
evolution promises eventually to be
come a veritable Glen Island. Bookings
are now being rapidly made by Mr. W.
L. Prj'or, District Passenger Agent of
tho Delaware and Hudson company.
Offices at tho new freight depot, Lack
awanna avenue.
Mardi Gras One Fare Round Trip
New Orleans, Mobile and Pen-
The Southern Railway announces
that they will sell round trip tickets
to New Orleans, Mobile and Pensacola
nt one fare round trip on February 4
to 10 inclusive, good to return until
February 15, except by deposit of
ticket with joint agent on or beforp
February 13, will bo extended until
February 28, an additional fee of fifty
cents will be charged. The Southern
Railway Is the only lino operating
through Pullman sleeping nnd dining
curs Philadelphia to New Orleans and
the time consumed in making the trip
Is only thirty-six hours. Those who
desire to visit the South will find no
better opportunity. The rates are ex
ceedingly low.
Charles L. Hopkins, district passen
ger agent, Southern- Railway, 828
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will fur
nish ail Information.
New Jersey Central's "Quaker City"
That's a capital train the Central
Railroad ot New Jersey has placed on
the road between this city and Phila
delphia, and the beauts' of it Is, it runs
on time. As a connection for Washing
ton and the South, Seranton never had
anything like it, and when the summer
days come atong and people think of
going to Atlantic City or other resorts
on the New Jersey coast, the idea of
leaving Seranton at a convenient hour,
and reaching the destination point In
time for luncheon, must appeal to the
intelligent traveler. The "Quaker City"
flyer leaving Seranton at 7.30 and
reaching Philadelphia nt noon is being
largely patronized and as the train
equipment is first-class in every re
spect, the "Jersey's" four-and-a-half-hour
train to and from Philadelphia Is
already established as a winner.
To the South via New Jersey Central.
The New Jersey Central ralhoad Is
the only line offering Pullman service
to winter resorts In the South and tho
Charleston exposition, with but one
change of cars.
Lowest rates and quickest time. Pull
man reservations secured and baggage
checked through. Inquire of J. S.
Swisher, district passenger agent, 602
West Lackawanna avenue, Seranton.
A Trip to California or Florida.
Those contemplating such a trip need
but to call on the local ticket agent of
the Lackawanna railroad and ho will
arrange every detail, Including trans
portation, berths, reservations and
checking of baggage through to desti
nation; also will furnish rates, folders,
descriptive literatuie nnd any other in
formation desired on tho subject.
Through sleepers and day coaches to
Chicago. Only one change of cars to
Marconi Honored.
By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Itome, Jan. 23. Kins Victor Emmanuel his
confenod the order of St. Matiriic and hi.
I..uaru upon William Marconi.
"Joyce Heat" Extra
Friday and Saturday
Per Pound
"One qood turn deserves
At the request of many
patrons, we repeat the great
Special Offering of last week,
A multitude of other
marketing bargains, too.
U Joyce Storesfl
Popular Priced Provisions
718-720 W. Xackawanna Ave.
401 Penn Ave.
432 Lackawanna Ave.
' A generous sweeping away of high prices marks our Hourly Sates as the one in
teresting feature at the Big Store for this day. ' '
In addition to our January
Our Famous Sixty-Minute Sales will come to the front with merchandise at unmatched
prices. A careful perusal of the items mentioned will be evidence enough for the above
assertion. A Friday visit here will convince you of their magnitude.
Sale No. 1
Begins Promptly at
2 O'clock.
Sale of Knives and Forks A good honest value. Regular price 30c. Buv them at
this Hour Sale, Knife and Fork, for JQ
Sale of Plates Very prettily decorated in neat designs. Usual price is 10c. each.
Buy them at this Hour Sale at, each OC
Sale of Butter Crocks These crocks have cover and bail handle, and are usually sold A
for 18c. For this Hour Sale .' 1 2C
Sale of Sugar Fine Granulated Sugar at less than wholesale prices. This is the same . '
kind that you are now paying considerable more for. This Hour Sale you can buy 10 lbs. for 45C
Sale of Shredded Cocoailllt
2uc. to aOc. per pound for the same article you can buy for One Hour at I 1 C
Sale of Macaroni An extra fine quality packed by C. F. Mueller & Co., which is an ex- i
tra guarantee of the quality. Regularly sold at 10c! For this Hour, per package OC
Sale of Rag Carpet Yard wide : 2,400 yards, a carpet that is
Sale No. 2
Begins Promptly at
3 O'clock.
see it. Buy them at this Hour Sale for J5I.!0
Sale of Taffeta Ribbons & inches wide, all Silk, metallic finish, and come in all col
ors. Our simple definition of this Ribbon Sale would be a bargain. Regular value is
25c. a yard. For this Hour buy them at, a yard 1 UC
Sale of Women's Outing Flannel Waists Size 32 to 42, made from good quality outing flan
nel, full front and corded back, light and dark blue, pink, cardinal, old rose and purple.
Usually sold for 50c. Buy them at this Sale for .ZvC
Sale of Shoes Woman's Button and Lace Shoes that could not be purchased after or before
this Hour Sale for less than $1.50. Made from Dongola Kid; a good wearing shoe, our
guarantee with every pair or your money back. Buy them at this Hour Sale today for, pair V"C
Sale of Women's Fleeced Underwear Ribbed Vests and Pants. The vest silk finished and a
generous fleece of cotton; pants have French band. A regular 25c. quality; for this hour
sale buy them at, each 1 C
Sale of Dress Goods A clearing sale of Fancy Dress Goods. Seven pieces of. 45-inch Silk and
Wool Dress Plaids; beautiful colorings and good styles. Three pieces of 40-inch all-wool Zibcline
Plaids; regular price 75c. Fifteen pieces 42-inch all-wool Dress Goods, in plain colors, Whip Cords,
Armurcs, Storm Serges and Cashmeres; regular pqec 5flc. This line will be hard to beat -
for the price. For Friday, buy them at, a yard 5" C
Sale of Fast Black Heavv Cotton Hose This line of Children's
Sale No, 3
Begins Promptly at
4 O'clock.
Sale of Boys' and 'Girls' Skating Caps. In allMic pretty .bright colors and made from all
wool yarns; also plain colors. You may choose from a large assortment for one hour .
today, on the Second Floor, at I OQ
Sale of Boys' Suits Strictly all-wool, in mixed Cheviot and plain blues ; in double-breasted
styles, sizes S to 35 years. Every garment is well lined. Pants have Excelsior waist bands, rivet
ed' buttons; seams arc all taped. Regular price is $2.50; for one hour only, today, on dj -3 e
the Second Floor, buy them for P 1 00
.Sale of 2,000 Yards of U2-inch Percales A fabric that will give you excellent service ; very
firm in weave, and variety of patterns. Kegulanpncc is 10c. a yard;
hour at, yard.
Sale of Pon Pons Do you
used for trimming tailored hats
ouick we offer the entire lot for
Clearinff Sale this week, which
In Basement
Sale of Dinner Pails A good size dinner pail, well made, and
at any other time will cost you L'Dc.; buy them at this hour
for' : 19C
Sale of Dish Pans Every Jiousewife knows the need of a good
size dish pan for kitchen use. The kind we offer todav .
would cost you 29c, but for this hour buy them at '. 1 9C
Sale of Lamps A glass lamp complete, sold regularly .
at 20c. ; buy them for this hour at ". 1 OC
Sale of Table Tumblers An opportunity you ought
not let pass; they arc "Al' and for this hour buy them for, i
each ". 2dQ,
Sale of Knives Regular size Bread and Butcher
Knives. Usual price luc. For this hour buy them at, each 1 (JC
Groceries-" In Basement
fJliarantipr1 in lir nhnliiti1v frr-cli
firmly woven, striped in neat colorings, the -usual price for
this kind is 40c. ; Friday buy it on third floor at 2uC
Sale of Brush Door Mats Made of good cocoa fibre; size
15x25 inches, regular price is OQc. For .Friday Hour Sale
buv them at. ..- , 39C
NOTE Just 100 in this lot Third Floor.
Sale of Blankets A mottled grey mixed Blanket, extra heavy
and large size. You may think it unnecessary to buy any more
Blankets this year. Should you see this great big llcecy one to
be sold at this Hour you won't hesitate to invest.
Regular price, $1.75. For GO minutes p 1 .JJ"
Sale of Woman's Fine Cambric Skirts Trimmed with lace in
sertion and fine tucks. Ruffle of lawn edged with wide lace, also
ruffle on skirt edged with beading. Come in all lengths. This skirt
is a big value ; it will be a surprise to you when you t t ,
Hose wc offer today arc slightly
regular goods and perfect they would
but for this hour's sale buy them for,
Sale of Embroideries At this time of year, when spring sewing
is more or less thought of, and neat edges of embroidery and inser
tion arc in demand, this is an exceptional opportunity. This lot
of embroideries arc 1 to (i inches wide, the insertions come 1 to .'
inches wide; and usual price is 10c. to 25c. a yard. i '5'
Buy (hem this Friday hour at I JL"Q
Sale of Women's Mittens A double knit black Mitten. No
need to freeze your fingers when such values in Mittens
can be bought at this hour sale for 10c. ; regular price J5c. . 1 UC
Sale of Outing Flannels Another opportunity you will be glad
to hear about. Extra heavy Outing Flannel, comes in dark
grounds, neat stripes and checks. Regular price is 10c; y
buy it this hour at. . .' O2C
appreciate a bargain? Of course
and always sold for Dec, to $1.2,
one hour at. each
Advertisers of Facts
has been so well Datronized.
Tlir rooriilnr nrirn is
imperfect in make. If they were
cost you 10c. a pair,
a pair
buy it today, tor one 1
you do, These Pon Pons are ,i
but to close tuem out ,-
.,,,..,......., , ZuC
Present the last chances to participate In Iho small price buying for
which Ihls occasion Is noted. Great Inroads have been made Into Iho
vast array of remnants ihat were hero when tho sale opehed, bul still
there remains enough attractive offerings to lend a keen Interest lo tho
- .
H wA HI H H JrL HH Hv " .
6U1 Annual
( iMrtnir
Made-Up Carpets
Of the numerous "nmlc-im" largln,
that inoculated Iho sale with nn
flbaorlilng Interest there are n few dill
on tho floor. They reiirrnt tho lial
anic of n Mt months' nicmmilatlou.
TAI'KSTIIY OAllI'in'-SIrp ftU ' feet
.1 Indict IS yanh nltosether. Mado
up. ready to lay. Heal worth. C7 II C
$11.25. "Clean Sncep" figure. ''
TAl'llSTIlY OAIlI'irr -Made un.
bItc 0x12 feet. Contiiitu' 10 nidl of
I excellent urailntr veao. Ac II QS
tual aluc SWJ.SO. Sale l'rlcc. '"
Hero Is a dranerv opportunity, ni liberal
a9 it Is raic. Ten patterns of lino por
tieres, none worth less than $1.00,
Iieen gathered together under a price
icAsslflcatlon. Just a few left to add 7Cst
to 1'rlday nnd Saturday buy- 'y QC
ing. Make your selections at.. " '
Nottingham Luce Curtains
GO Ichei wide, fl attiactUe fliurcil
degno from which to nnke a telcc
tlon. Sterling value nt $2. 23. I AQ
Tho line will be closed out at. ,,u:'
MHKmtumlmpmWimLmiimMiimW tnWniMtHttM4i v
sjWgBgulHtMIMMKKaEmMiMSML. llcniJc1 JSEt
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In KfTect Nov. 3, 1001.
Trains leave Seranton for New York At 1.40,
3.15, U.U", 7.C0 and -10.03 a. hi.; 12.45, 3.40, 3.33
p. m. lor Xew York and Philadelphia 7.60,
10.03 a. m., and 12.43 and X.S3 p. in. For Tohj
lianna At 0.10 p. in. For ltuffaio 1.13, 0.22 and
R00 a. ni. i 1.03, 0.60 :md 11.35 p. ni. For Illng
liamton and way btations 10.20 a. m. and 1.10
p. in. For Oswego, &iatuso and Utica 1.13 and
U.2J a. m.; l.G p. in. Oswego, Syracuse and
I'tlca train nt C.22 a. ni. daily, except Sunday.
For Montrose 0.00 a. i,i. ; 1.10 and 0.60 p. m.
Nicholson accommodation 1.00 and 0.13 p. in.
lllooni'.buig UlvUdun For Xoitlumiberhnd, at
0.33 and 10.03 .1. in.; 1.35 and 0.10 p. in. For
Plymouth, at S.10 ,i. in.; 3.10 and 0.00 p. m
SjumIjv Tiaiiu For New Yoik, 1.40, 3.13. U.05
and 10 05 a. in.; 3.40, 3.3.) p. in. For Iluffalo
1.13 and 0.22 a. m. ; 1.53, .W and 11.33" p. m.
For lllngh.imloti and way stations 10.20 a. m.
Illoouislmig l)Iliion Ltac Seranton, 10.05 a.
m. and 0.10 p. m.
Pennsylvania Hatlroad.
Schedule in F.ffect June 2. 1001.
Train leac Si-ianlon: 0.33 a. in., week days
through esllliulp ti.iln fiom Wllkcs-ISarie.' Pull
man bullet pirlor enr and coaches to. Philadel
phia, U.i I'ottsWllo; stops al pilmlpjl Interme
diate stations. AUo connects for .iunbuiy, Ilar
iMiuig, Philadelphia, Ilaliimorc, Washington and
for Piitsburg and the tt.
0.38 a. in., week days, for Sunbuiy, llarrisburg,
Philadelphia, Daltlmorc, Wellington and Pitts
buig and tho west.
1.42 p. m week da)S (Siindajs, 1.5S p. in.),
foi Minbury, Hairibuig, Philadelphia, lialtlmore,
Washington and Pittsbuig and the west.
3.2S p. in., week daj-, through vestibule tiain
from Wilkcs-Harrc. Pullman buffet parlor car
and lou-hes to Philadelphia i.i Pottsillc. Stops
at principal intermediate stations.
1.27 p. in., week days, for IJazleton, Smnbury,
Ijanlslnirg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
3. It. IlinOlllNSON, ticn. Mgr.
J. U. WOOU, Ccn. Pass. Agt.
Xehigh Valley Railroad.
in Fffect, Xuv. 3, 1001.
Tialns leave Seranton.
For Philadelphia and New York via D. k II.
It. I!., at 0.3d and 0.3S a. m and 2.1S, 4.27
(lllack Diamond K.xpress), nnd 11.33 p. m. Sun-
davs, D. &. II. It. It.. 1.5S. 8.27 p. m.
For White Haven, llazlelon and principal poinls
in tho coal regions, via 1. & II. li. It., 0.3S, 2.18
and 4.27 p. in. For Pottsville, 0.33 a. m., 3. IS
For liethlehem, Faston, Heading, HarrWiurir,
and piineipal Intermodule statioiu-, via 1). & 11.
It. It., fi.3b, 0.38 a. m.; 2.18. 1.27 (Illuck Dl i
mond i:prcss), 11.30 p. lit. hundaji), I), .t II.
II. II., P.38 n. in.; 1.5. 8.27 p. in.
For TiinkhaniKxk, Ton audi, Flmlia. Itluia,
fJeneia nnd juitiilpal Intel mediate stations, via
I)., I., and . It. It.. S.10 a. m. and .1.50 p. in.
For (ienevj, ltoihestei. Iluffilo, Magna Falls,
Chiiago and all Kint.s west, via !. A. II. It. It.,
7.1s, 12.01 a. in.; 1.42, 3.28 ( Diamond K
press), 7.18. 10.41. 11.30 p. in. Sundajn, 1). k II.
It. II.. 12.0.!, 8.27 p. ni.
Pullmsn parloi and sleeping or Lehigh Valley
Pallor cars on all trains between Wilkes Ilarre
nnd New York, Philadelphia, Iluffalo and bmpen
slon llridgc.
ItOI.I.IN II. Wll.HI'lt, ticn. Supt., 2d Coitland
street. Now York.
CIIAHI.FS S. Mil:, lien. Pass. Agt., 20 Coitland
street, New York.
A. W, NOMJMUlt:it, DIv. Pass. Agt,, Nmth
llelhleheni, Pa.
For tkkcts and Pullman ri'scivallons apply to
city ofllce, oo Public Square, Wilkcs-ltarrc,
Now Jersey Central.
In l'.ffca Nov. 17, 1W1.
Stations In Nv oik, fuut of l.ibcity sticct
and Nmlli Feiry, N. It.
Trains have (urantou for New Yoik, Philadel
phia, Fulton, Ilethlrhini, Allcntnwu, M.hrIi
Chunk, White Haven, A.hlcy and WilkOs-llauc at
:.:,(! a. ni 1 p. in. and I p. in. Ninda.v, 2,10 p. n i.
Ouaker Citv Fvpieo leaves siciautuif at 7.30
n. m., through solid vostlhiilo liain with Pullman
llunrl Parlor firs, for Philadelphia,
For A mm. ii i I'lltMmi mil Wilkeflliirc, 1 p. in.
and I p. in, Suudu), 2.IU p. m.
For Long llranch, Oioan Oiove; etc., 7.30 a.
in, and 1 li, in.
Fur Heading, I.rbainu and llarrlsburg, via AN
lintovvn, at 7..0 a, m. and 1 p. in. bundiy, 2.10
p. ni.
For Pottsville at 7.30 n. in. nnd 1 p. in,
For latea and tickets uppl.v t agent at slatlon.
(7. M. nUHT, Cm, Pass. Agt.
W. W. WKNTZ, Hen. bujit.
Now York, Ontario and Western.
In Illicit Tuesday. Sept. 17, 1001,
Milt 111 HOI'SD.
Leave I,cjvo Arilve
Tinliis. Siranloii. Fnilumdalc, Cadosla.
jiu l 10.30a. in, 11. 10a, in. 1.00p.m.
u t U.1U . in. Ar. t'arboudale 0,40 p. in.
Iavo Lvavr Arrive
Twins. Cadusia, Cjibondalc. Scianton.
So. a 700a, in, 7.40a, in,
Su. ' 2.1 J p. in. 1.00 p. in. 4,40 p. in,
l,cuio U'ato Anive
No. 0 .
No. S ..
tsiiautou, 1'iiihondalc, Cadocia,
. 8.30(1. 111. 0.10 p, u. 10. JI a, pi,
, 7,00 p. m. Ar. I'aibondjle 7.40 p. in.
hllllTil HUI'N'I).
Leave Leave Arrive
Trains. Cadoaia, Caihondale, Siiuntoii.
1,0, U . 7.00 a, nl, 7.40 a. III.
v,o. 0 . 1.30 p. in. 0 00 p, in, 0.41p.iu.
Trains, Nos. 1 on week davs, and 0 on Sumla.vs,
make main line cuiiueitinns for New York illy,
Mlddletnwii, Walton, Norwlih, Oneida, Oswego
uinl all pointy west,,
For further iiifoimution tcnsult tiikrt agents.
J. 1. ANDIIllhO.V, II. P, A New York.
J, K. WKLSII, T, P, A., Suanton, Pa.
Erie Bailvoad, Wyoming Division.
Trains for New- York, Now bunch and ntrrmr
JUte polnta leave fc'iwntoii aa followa; 7.S0 a.
l.m,; iSJ v. in.
I Arrival 10.35 a. ni, fiom Sltdaieiovin, nones.
! dale, Ilavvley and Inteiniedlato point. O.'iO p. in.
Vfrom New Yoik, Ncvvburgh and InlcriuoJUt
voints. Xo Sunday trains.
n - dWEEP
Roll Top Desk
RPnCtAI-)oublc pcdoktil desk, wven
drawers in base, nno deep for books,
tuo In lops check book nnd pen rancRs,
paper shelves nnd numeroin plfteon
holes, nil sides flnUhed In trolden
onk. Sale prtco Friday nnd IT nc
Saturday l,VO
Office Chairs
Our showing of revolving, lilting chairs,
adjustable to any dcslicd height, is ah
Folutcly complete. A llrst-class chair,
mooting nil ofllco requirements, lioth In
utility and appearance, golden oak finish,
that has always brought $1.00, O QS
reduced during this ealo to...
Arm Rockers t
Finished in golden oak, with comfort
ably modeled wood seat, easy arm rests,
closely spindled back nnd solid undcrsup.
ports. Uhls is a wondciful "1Q
bargain at .U
Wyoming Avenue.
Hanufftctiircrs or
485 to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Tolephons Call. 2333.
moasic powder co,
Coomsian(12,Com'lthBTd'g. ,
flining and Blasting;
Uoda l llooslo nd Itaihdala Works.
Els otrlo Battsrle. Elootrlo Bxploljri,
xplodloz blasts, Safety Fuss aai
Ronauno Ctomioal Co.'s exp"o'iVe
Allis-Chalmers Co
Successors to Machine Business qf
Dickson Jlnnufacturlns Co,, Seranton
and Wllkes-Burre, Pa.
Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining
Machinery, Pumps.
wnutk Tin: kamk.
AturrlfJ (iuartrr t rurt alu by ratll 1'riiAlf
J liar urmb rtwr4 tu 10 dinjEifffilbsfefcl
? UMHnl liui iiri wm 'vtiij .--w -,
L'I ar fnrilH &. h(rlrlUf-f lOfUIIIIIki I nuringnv
iBljbrukfnwrBni,i'aororwrB iiiiiwih.
tliiln(ti(r7 wwl
llCUl BI
J tltt trlcal fru4. Mrallan pipr.
Delaware nnd Hudson.
Ill Iv'fTut uvuuliur 21. Hll.
Tialns fur t'aihondalo lruvi Hranlon at fl.20,
S.W, .W. 10.13 a. in.; 12.00, l.S'J. -.'.31, 3..W,
6.20, U.2J, 7.f7, 0.1.1, 11.20 p. in.; 1,31 a. in.
I'or lvii"ilJlo-0.20, 10.13a. in.; 2.31 and 8,20
it, m.
Tor WIIkevHairc-ll.3, 7.IU. 8.11. 0.33, 10.11
.1. in.; 12.0.1. 1.1.', 2.14, -J.'i, 1.27, U.10, T.I,
10.41, 11.30 p. 111.
I'or I - V. II. It. 1Iiii a."IS, 0.3S a. m.j 2.18,
1.27 and 11,30 p. 111.
1'pr Pennsylvania II. It. Point s-0.33, 0.38 a.
in.: 3.2 and 4.27 p. in.
For Albany and all points north ti.20 a. m.
and 3.53 p. m. .
bl'JCIlW TltMN'S.
For C"aibondale-.W, ll.ill a. m. 2.31, 3.02
b.ii and 10.51 p. m.
For Wilki-Hjrrc0.33 J. in.; 12.03, 1.53, 3.JJ
0.3i and h, 42 p. in.
IVr Albany and iwlnt north 3.82 p. m.
Foi llniesdate b.50 a. in. and 3.61 p. m.
W. U PUYOIl, P, P. A., Scrsutou, Pi.
oils o
f Kllr 11 r r1 1 19
p t . .