The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 24, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    TiF-' i l-fjT"
$& e?-, j
1-I-MMVN !
Includes tho Pick of Singing Talent
In West Scrnnton, Taylor and
Duryea Four-year-old Youngster
Vncclnntetl HIb Baby Brother.
Careless Handling of Street" Cars.
Special Services In tho Churches.
Funerals, Weddings, Accidents,
News Notes and Personals.
Tho Oxford Oleo club 1ms been or
Bimlfcrd under tho direction of David
Stephens, tlic well Known tenor, and Is
now actively enlaced In rcbeiii-slni; for
tho competition on tho "PHri-Iiu's
Chorus" nt tho Allentown eisteddfod on
St. Patrick's day, Mureh 17.
A splendid rehearsal of all tho parts
was held at (.'o-operntlvo hall hiHt
cvcnliur, and another will be held at
the winie place; next Sunday afternoon,
roinniencliiB at 3 o'clock. The ollleors
and members of the club are as fol
lows: I'rralilnit. 1). II. Kvans vlic prralilciil. lleitla
lulu (iilrilllio; Irr.iMiirr, (iuit)m .limes; bccrcliry,
.Mm T. I.nji"i; iivl.tant icerct.iry, Hwllyin
Lewi; i oikIih rr, llaiitl Slcpliviis; lUsWuiil con
ilmlnr, l iv iil .lenMni.
I'lrd ll.isH-Mlll.ini K. Davie, Kv.m TIioiilm,
Owilvin IchIn llklnnl itnvvlimk Pivlil .1.
Dalles', llniry .Icukliw, David Jcnklnj., .lolm Will
iams Jiilm T. Dm Ips Kdwunl Kolirits, .lolm
.lone', II. W. MoiK.mi, William Lewis 1Mb aril
WIIIUuh. Divid Thorium, (luster Williams
IIiphuj" 'Ihonui, David. . I. Murjtnii, Morgan Kd
vY,ml, Tlmiiin S. .lone., Kvim .Minilinms Arthur
Jcmc", JciiMii, Thomas O. Davits, I'red
S-ccoml llaM IMuard ltkliaiilj, Arthur Mor
puis Thomas Mellaril, It. (!. llee.c. Comer
Lewis llciijainin CJrlfntlvs, William-Kccsc, Kvan,
I,, r.vims, 1). It. Davlcs D. W. Davies, W. A. Da
vies " U. SIomt, Thomas 0. Kvans, HiirIi Will
lams Keen T. Hoes I'rank Heel;, David Owens
Ailluir .1. Jones, William J. Jones, Moses Jlor
iMti, i:. II. Hollli-ter. 1'lilllp Wanen.
l'ii-t Triiom David Anthony, i;bene2er Jones,
Henjiinlu it. Arthur Thomas, Howell Phil
lip?, Ileniamin Utiuhes, William 0. Jenkins,
'J nomas Klias, Thomas Abrahams, P.van living,
.To?eih Phelps, Kdward Powell, Thomas P. Jones
Alfred Drowning, Thomas Kvans, Daniel Lewis,
William J. Davies, David II. Kvans, William
.Tones, 1 hennas. Jones. Harry Kvans, Henry Kvans,
James Matthews, John Williams, William Will
iams, ('-deb Kvans. William Powell.
Second Tenors William J. Thomas, John Kvans,
llees lirifliths Daniel Davies, Tiiumas J. Thorn is,
'I bonus M. Wat kins. Hush William.'. W. J. Da
vies, John Jeiikin.-, Thomas J. Matthews, Owen
Thomas, William 11. Williams, Jeremiah Samuel,
David J. Davies, David Stephens, Thomas Thimas,
Fanmel J. Davies, (Jomrr Lewis, Albert Will
lams,, William Davies, David Williams, John T.
Dtifotir's French Tar
Will promptly relievo and speedily cure
roughs, colds and all lung trouble. For
rale by a. W. JENKINS, 10X South Main
.Tones, WlllUm Thonw, Chester tewl, Thomii
S$ and Mtans Committee (Iwlljm Lewis,
Dav-ld Jenkins, Thomas Abrahams, Thomas I'.
,tone, William S. Divlcs, William J. Thoin.J,
Samuel ,1. Paries.
Investigating Commlllee Thomas, illchard',
William 8, Davies, Owen Thomas, John T. Pules.
Musical tJommltlcc-Uavlil Stephens David
Jenkins, Thomas Abrahams, William lteese,
Thomas T, Jones, Thomas 8, Jones, David II.
Etnmlnir Commmlltec Tliomas M, Walklns,
Dai Id Stephens, L'beneicr Jones.
The Olcc club Is composed of tho se
lected voices of West Hernuton, Taylor,
Diiryeu and vicinity, and Is undoubt
edly the strongest niid'niost formid
able mule voice party over organized
In the city.
Recent Weddings.
Waller W. Stevens and Miss Frunklc
Phillips, of 1615 Jackson street, were
united In marriage nt noon on Wed
nesday at the parsonage of the Wash
burn street Presbyterian church by the
lle. John P. Moffat, D. D. They
woro attended by Misses Myrtle Stev
ens and Augusta C. Phillips.
Peter Snyder, of Hampton street,
and Miss Catherine Jordan, of Strat
ford avenue, were married at St.
John's German Catholic church, South
Muln avenue, recently, by the Hew V.
A. Frlckcr. They were attended by
M. C. Jordan, brother of the bride,
and Miss Muigaret Snyder, sister of
the groom. They will reside In Lin
coln Heights.
Chapter of Accidents.
Thomas Hart, aged 2G years, an em
ploye of the Arc-hbuld mine, sustained
severe bodily Injuries recently while
at work about the mines.
David J. Williams, of 125 South
Sumner avenue, employed In tho D.,
L. & W. machine shops, was struck In
the eye by a piece of steel while nt
work Wednesday, seriously effecting
his sight. Dr. Prey Is attending him.
William Walsh, of 417 South Ninth
street, a driver In the Bellevuo mine,
was kicked by a mule on Wednesday
and three of his ribs were fractured.
Vaccinated the Baby.
The 4-year-old son of a local physi
cian has been watching his father vac
cinate a number of people of late, and
hit upon the idea of vaccinating his
baby brother. 3-months-old.
Unawares to the parents. little Wil
lie secured a pin, and scratched a few
marks on the baby's arm. When asked
by bis mother what he had done, he
"I vaccinated the baby and he didn't
cry a bit, but I didn't have any shield
to put on it."
Among the Churches.
Decision day services will bo held at
the Washburn street PresbyteVlan
church next Sunday, and the Christian
Endeavor society will celebrate its
twenty-first anniversary.
An Interesting Bible study session
was conducted yesterday afternoon by
Hev. Mr. Alrlch, nt the home of Mrs.
Tyler, on South Hyde Park avenue.
The class is growing in numbers and
much interest is manifested.
Rev. David Spencer, D. D., of Blake
Exceptional Values
Excellent Qualities. . . .
We always make modest statements, which will be amply borne
out by the facts, in reference to the values and attractions we
Saturday Specials
You cannot afford to miss these if you need anything of the kind.
The following prices should tempt you :
Cashmere Sox Men's Cashmere
Mixed Wool Half Hose, black, fine
natural, lancy stripes, brown and
heather mixed. These are 4o-cent
goods. Saturday's price
makes them j&OC
Hen's Undershirts Extra line,
ceasoriable weight, silk trimmed
Undershirts, celebrated make and
handsomely finished. These are
$1.75 goods. Satur- e
day's price makesthem p 1 tJiD
Onelta Union Suits Ladies'
Oneita Combination Suits, in small
sizes only. These were $1.25, $1.50,
$2 and $2.50. Saturday's Q
, price makes them 9oC
Velvet Belts Ladies' Velvet
Belts, salin trimmed and dainty
buckles of black, oxydized and gilt,
whichever you prefer; 50 cents the
usual price. Saturday's
price makes hem JLoC
Buttermilk Soap Few soaps
are better known than Buttermilk
Soap. It is superior to many and
ns good as any for toilet and bath
purposes; three cakes in
each box, For Saturday.. 1 yC
Rexoleum Excellent for skin
diseases, soothing for coughs and
colds; it's a good thing to -have
handy. The price for a bot-
tie on Saturday OC
t Art Department The choice
hings are here and now it is Pil
lows, each one filled with down
and handsomely covered. Silk
Pillows that were $1.75, t
Saturday ) 1 . 1 9
Silk Pillows that were .
$2.00, Saturday 1 .49
Tapestry Pillows that
were $1.75, Saturday. ... 1.19
Tapestry Pillows that .
were 92. 00, Saturday ... 1 ,49
Tapestry Pillows that 0
were $3.00, Saturday. ... 1 ,QO
Burnt Leather Pillows, fancifully
gotten up and college colors, U. of
P., Yale and Princeton. The for
mer price was $7.50.
Saturday $5.00
Cloak Department Flannel
Waists in red. blue, green, castor
and old rose, embroidered fronts,
button backs, usual ,,,
price is $4. Saturday at $2.98
Eiderdown Dressing Sacques, in
red. pink, blue and grey. Usual
price is $1.25. Saturday .-.
Ladies' Black Skirts, .
Saturday at $4.9o
Ladies' Black and
Castor Capes. Saturday
Here Are Great Figures for Buyers
Great because small, and small because the values are large.
Figures are eloquent when used to illustrate such values as we are
Globe Warehouse
' w--i
ly. prcnclicd at tho Jackson street Bap
tist church last evening. A large au
dience was In attendance. He will
preach there again this evening. De
lightful meetings, nrc In progress.
Hev. II. C. MoDennott delivered nn
effective talk on "Kxeuses" nt the
(Simpson Methodist Episcopal church
Inst evening to a Inrgo assemblage.
This even'ng's meeting will be for the
Sunday school teachers, scholars and
parents, and tho respective classes are
requested to occupy their regutor
seats hi tho lecture room. Parents are
especially Invited to attend.
Two Funerals Yesterday.
Services over the remains of the latn
Thomas Lewis, who died suddenly at
Colon's hotel on 8011th Muln avenue,
wero conducted yesterday afternoon nt
the deceased's home on Eynon street,
Hev. Tliomas do Oruchy, D. D., oul
clnted, assisted by Hev. D. D. Hopkins,
and the palUbcurcrs were selected from
nmong the members of the cigar mak
ers' union In attendance. Hurlal was
made In tho Washburn street cemetery.
Tho funeral of the lato Benjamin
Kd wards will take place this afternoon
from tho house on North Urdmlcy ave
nue. Interment will bo made In tho
AVashburn street cemetery.
Tho remains of Itulh, the young child
of air, nnd Mrs. Aaron Jury, of ltock
street, wore taken to Gouldsboro yes
terduy for Interment. Short services
were conducted at the house by Uev.
J. P. Moffat, I. D of the Washburn
street Presbyterian church.
Announcement has tern nude of tlic engage
ment of Louis Davies anil JII.1 May Samuel, of
Hellciue. The urduing Mill taUo nl-iic on
1 liurstlay, January 30.
The linino of Mr. and Mrs. .lolm Ucltirl, of 120
South l'llniorc aienue, hai been gladdened hy
tlic arrbal of'n daughler therein.
Patrick llarrctt, of South Seventh street, who
nysaulled Constable Timothy Joucs, uas com
mitted to the county jail jesterday liy 1'ollcc
MafiMrati! 1) ivies In default of lull. Constable
tones was able to appear against him for the
first time ycstenliy since ho vas Injured, The
total amount of llarrett's ball has been llxed at
$1,700 on four different chargcx.
Tho i:.ccWor (Jlee club held n slap parly at
their rooms on youth Main avenue recently, wliteii
proicd to be one of the most cnjojable events
in the history of the club.
Charles Carpenter, assistant manager of the
Times' West Kcranton department, has accepted
a position in Vintondale.
A mixed choir, to compete at the national eis
teddfod in May, will be organized next Sunday
eicning at the Jackson Street baptist church by
Professor Lewis Dai is,
Tho illustrated lecture, representing the Pas
sion Play of Oberammcrgau, by the Itcv. Itobert
F, Y. Pierce, D. II., pastor of tlic L'enn Avenue
Baptist church, which will bo given at the First
Welsh Congregational church. South Main avenue,
on Tuesday evening, January 28, will be welt
worth attending, as these arc the only views ever
taken of the play and players.
The Llectric Cily Wheelmen's Minstrel company
began rehearsals last evening, under the diiec
tion of Alfred Wooler. The selections decidea
upon arc icry appropriate and catchy, anil the
performance prnmNcs to be up to the standard
established heretofore by the company.
All public lisltations to the West Ride hos
pital have been suspended until after the small
pov: siege is declared off.
Tho two children in the home of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Charles Parry, suffering from small-pox are im
proving rapidly, and their recovery is assured
by the attending ph.vslcian.
The Leek Social club met list night and de.
elded to hold their annual banquet on St. Da
Aid's Day.
An in-bound car was run across the West Lack
awanna avenue ciosilng .vcstcrdiy afternoon with
out making the usual stops at Ninth street end
in front of the meat house, and if tho engineer
of tho switch engine on the cros&ing had i,ot
stoppeil the train, which was being backed into
the freight hourf, just in time, .i serious acci
dent would undoubtedly have occcurrrcd.
Mis. A. A, I.iudabur,v, of South Main avenue,
is spending a few- days with her daughter, Mae,
at the Stroudsburg State Normal school.
Patrick Delmoic. of Hampton street, is laid
up at his home with a felon on his foot.
Justin Smith, pioprlelor of the Lincoln Heights
pharmacy, is able to be aiound aain after a
scicro illness.
Miss Manic liurschcll, of Hampton sheet, is
convalescent after a long illnes-,.
Miss Margaret l.ovviy, of Tenth street, enter,
tained a party of friends recently at her home.
Walter and Aithur Shoemaker, of North Iljde
Paik avenue, arc recovering from the effects of
scarlet fever.
Miss Maigaiet Hughes, of North Hjdo Paik
avenue, Is confined to her home as a result of
William Tliomas, of Xoilh Hyde Paik avenue.
is confined to his home by illncis.
Tliomas Mullen, of Noith Lincoln avenue, has
returned home from a visit in Philadelphia.
Misses Kthcl Pease, of North Hrotnley ave
nue, and Claia Walter, of Palrvicvv avenue, aie
John Hopkins, of Hampton street, has relumed
home from a vUll vvitli fi lends in Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. John II. Thomas, of Chicago, who
have been vIMtlng friends and relatives here for
iome time, will return homo this week.
John Davis, of Jackson street, has letuined
home from a visit in New- Ycnfc nnd New Jersey,
Misses Olvven and Moifa Griffiths, of Olyplun't,
have returned home fronra vMt with Mis. fienige
Marke;, of North Diomley avenue.
City Superintendent Howell visited
the Green Ridge public behools yester
day forenoon.
Former District Attorney J. R. Jones
nnd family are occupying their beauti
ful new home on Columbia avenue.
Miss Maine Charleswortli, of Marlon
street, has returned from a visit with
Carbondale friends,
A delegation from the Green Ridge
V. M. I, will go to Providence tonight
to tuke part In a euchre contest which
will take place In the rooms of the
Y. M. I, society of that place,
Mrs. Andrew Nlcol will entertain the
Ladles' Aid society of tho All Souls
lTnlversallst church nt her home, cor
ner of Delaware street and Sanderson
avenue this afternoon.
Mrs. A. Conrad, of Cherry street,
has recovered from a serious Illness.
Mrs. C. 11. Haslem, of Dulton, visit
ed Oreen Ridge friends yesterday.
Mrs. VIlllnm Peck, of West Pitts
ton, was' a visitor nt "Roselawn," the
homo of Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Peck
Mrs. P. A. Kalsor gavo tho fourth of
her Thursday afternoon receptions
Tho ladles of Anbury Methodist Kpls
copal church, whose nnmes begin with
h, M. N, O and P will serve a New
Kngluud supper Friday evening from
6 to 8 o'clock,
The Republican voters of Lackawan
na township will hold a caucus nt
William la. Jones' hotel, of Miners' hill,
Minookn, Saturday, for1 tho purpose of
nominating ollleors for tho different
ofllces to bo lllled In the coming elec
tion, Representatives from tho other
districts of the township nro urgently
requested to bo present.
Would ue Kemp's Ilabam for the Throat anf!
Luu,'. It Is curing more Coughs, Colds, Aalhnx,
Bronchitis, Cioup and all Throat and Lung
Troubles than any (Other medicine, llic proprle
(or has authorized any Urugght to give ou a
Sample Uoltlo (ice to convince vou of the mcilt
of tills great ;cmedy. price. He. and 50c.
v .
It Was Presided Over by Judgo A.
Ai Vosburp, and Addresses Wero
Made by Rev. A. H. Smith and
Judge H. M. Edwards Crystals, of
Prlceburg, Defeated tho Mlnooka
Team at Basket Ball John Dough
erty Killed In tho Brlsbtn Mine.
A mass mooting was held In tho Tab
ernacle, on North Main avenue, last
night In the Interests of the Institution
of Human Development. U was pre
sided over by Judge A. A. Vosburg, nnd
addresses woro made by Rev. A. IT.
Smith, the pastor of the North Main
Avonuo Raptlst church, and the origin
ator or tho Institution Idea.
Pastor Smith made a short address,
In which he outlined tho work tho In
stitution proposes to do and tho man
ner In which this work will bo accom
plished. At present the Institution has
150 members, nnd arrangements nro
being mudo to secure a chnrtcr. Judge
Kdwards, during his address, spoke or
the necessity of such an Institution ns
that planned by Rev. Mr. Smith and the
great good it can accomplish In saving
young men nnd making them worthy
During the meeting several selections
wero rendered by the North Scrnnton
Glee club. Prof. McMurray sang a solo.
The outlook for tho Institution Is very
favorable. It Is firmly organized, and
u committee has been appointed to ar
range for having tho necessary changes
made In the Tabernacle to suit It to tho
needs of the Institution.
The Crystals Won.
Tho Crystals, of Prlceburg, defeated
the Twentieth Century team, of Mln
ooka, by a score of 2 to 0 at basket ball,
In the Auditorium, last night. The fea
ture of the game was the playing of
Elegy, of the Crystals. The game from
start to finish was interesting. The line
up was ns follows:
Crj si als Coleman, left forward; Piltchiid,
right forward; illegj-, center; Owens, left guard;
Jehu, right guard.
Twentieth Century Delaey, left forward; Pro
Ban, right forward; Healy, center; Heap, left
guard; Fahey, right guird.
Killed In the Mines.
John Dougherty, the 14-year-old son
of Michael Dougherty, of Thompson
street, was instnntly killed In the Bris
bln mine yesterday morning. Dough
erty was employed as a driver boy and
his death is believed to have been
caused by being caught' between the
rib and a car.
His lifeless body was found by min
ers who wero on their way to the foot
from their chambers and wero removed
to his home. The funeral will be held
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter
ment in the cemetery.
Surprise Party.
A very pleasant surprise party was
given in honor of Miss Jennet Slmms,
at the home of her sister on Warren
street Wednesday night. Tho guests
were entertained with games and dnnc
ing up to a late hour, when refresh
ments were served.
Those present were: Margaret
Thomas, Louise Morgan, Jennet
Slinms, Margaret Davis, Alma, Rich
ards, Jennet Lepnard, Maud Davis,
Blodwyn Richards, Fannie Watson,
Fannie Collins, Agnes Collins, Frank
Coleman, Thomas Howells, Edward
Howells, Frank Davidson, Richard
Cox, Sidney Chappel, William Wil
liams, Frank Elder, John Richards,
John Slmms and George Mnckle.
Told in a Tew Lines.
J. T. Watkins will assist Prof. Wal
klnshaw's orchestra In a concert to be
given In tho auditorium the first week
in March.
Thomas Ruane, of Keyser avenue,
sustained a painful fracture of the
right leg recently. Mr. Ruane was re
turning to his homo when he stepped
and fell on the icy walks.
J. K. Smith and O. P. Miller returned
after a successful Ashing to Promise
Land pond,
Class No. 14, of the Memorial Bap
tist Sunday school. Is getting ready for
their entertainment to be given next
month in the church parlors. An ex
cellent programme is being prepared.
ii lilniwii
Bloomsburg Team Did Not Appear to
Piny Final Game of Series with
the Defenders,
Several hundred enthuslusts who hud
gathered In St. John's hall, on Stone
avenue, last evening, to witness the de
ciding game between the homo Defend
ers and tho Bloomsburg champions,
were sadly disappointed when, Instead
of the players appearing In the arena,
at the moment set to "play ball," Mr,
Mcarnth, manager of the Defenders,
stepped forward with n telegram In ills
band and announced its contents,
It was to the effect that tho Blooms
burg team could not bo present, nnd
there was a good deal of annoyance
and disgust manifested at their failure
to keep the agreement.
Tho abovo teams have phul'd two
games, nnd ench tenm won on their
own ground. Last night's match was
to decide tho championship of this sec
tion. For that reason thero was an un
usually lunre attendance and conse
quently all the nioro disappointment.
A game has been arranged for next
Thursday night, between the Defenders
nnd the Allentown players.
Cars Run to City Line. .
For tho first time since tho com
mencement of tho street car strike cars
wero run to and from the Minookn city
lino on schedule time yesterday, Only
onco before did the car men attempt
the Journey to Mlnooka, nnd they en
countered such opposition that tho cars
were ordered to go only as far as tho
Conned hose house,
Yesterday thn attempt was again
made to open the line uml It wob en
tirely successful. A guard of tho com
pany's employes were on the car, but
they had nothing to do, There was no
disturbance of any kind,
At Dr. Kolb's olllco 8 to 9 a, m.; 1 to
2.30 p. in. and 7 to S.30 p. m., dully,
' """'''3Mg?Biliriiiii"iii' in iiiinnno
A Mother
TUB CROWN of womanhood in motherhood.
But uncnay lien tho head that wears tho crown or
nnticipatcn this coronation, when thoro is a tack of
womanly strength to hear tho burdens of maternal
dignity and duty. And how few women cbmo to
this critical timo with adequato strength. Tho
reason why so many women sink under tho strain
of' motherhood in becauso thoy aro unprepared.
Is preparation then required for motherhood?
asks tho young woman. " And overy experienced
moiher answers 'Yes." "I unhesitatingly ad
vise expectant mothers to uso Dr. Pierce's Favor
ito Prescription," writes Mrs. Stephens. Tho
reason for this advico is that Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription is the best preparative for tho mater
nal function. No matter how healthy and strong
a woman may be, sho cannot uso " Favorite Pro
scription " as a preparativo for maternity without
gain of health and comfort. But it is the women
who aro not strong who best appreciate tho great
benefits received from tho use of " Favorito Pre
scription." For one thing its use makes the baby's
advent practically painless. It has in many cases
reduced days of suffering to a fow brief hours.
It has "changed tho period of anxiety and strugglo
into a time of easo and comfort.
"I take pleasure in informing you of the birth of a boy in
perfect health, on May i8th, 1899," writes Mrs. I,. K. Corti,
of Waltonvillc, Penna., Box 25. "I cannot find words suffi
ciently strong to express to you tny thanks, for baby's com
ing was almost without pain, and when my husband arrived
with the doctor the child was already born. The neighbors
who were with me and my husband and the doctor could not
believe their eyes. Having suffered so much before I never
believed myself able to bear a living child. I tell every
body this happy event was due by the help of God to your
medicines. I shall never be without your medicines hence
forth, and shall never fail in recommending your ' Favorite
Prescription.' I have used the medicines which you pre
scribed with the best results. Our hearts are full of grati
tude to you for your medicines, which have given us the
happiness of having a living child of our own, after so much
suffering and disappointment.
"I recommend Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to all
young women who are in the same condition that I was in
as one of the best remedies in existence. I have used. eight
.bottles and find myself in perfect health. Accept my best
wishes for your welfare to the end of your days."
"I gladly recommend Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription,"
writes Mrs. J. W. G. Stephens, of Mila, Northumberland
Co., Va. "Before my third little boy was born I took six
bottles. He is the finest child and has been from birth, and
I suffered very much less than I ever did before at mater
nity. I unhesitatingly advise expectant mothers to use the
' Favorite Prescription.' "
The benefits of Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription
do not begin with the baby's coming, nor do they end
there. It cures or prevents tho nausea from which
so many expectant mothers suffer. It nourishes the
nerves and strengthens them, so curing nervousness
and the sleeplessness almost inseparable from a nerv
ous condition. It promotes a healthy appetite, and
keeps the mother physically strong and mentally
cheerful. After the baby's coming the use of " Fa
vorite Prescription" will contribute to a quick convalescence. It' is tho best of
tonics and nervines, giving real strength which no mere stimulant can give. Tho
mistake of using alcoholic beverages to build up the mother's strength and to
increase the baby's nutrition is constantly being pointed out by physicians. Dr.
Pierce's Favorito Prescription contains no alcohol and is free from all narcotics.
It gives strength to the mother and increases the flow of "tho nutritive secretions
on which the baby is fed, and on the healthfulness of which his growth depends. t
"Having used your 'Favorite Prescription,' I thought I would let you know the result,"
writes Mrs. Katie Auliker, of 754 Pat Street, Alliance, Ohio. "Two years ago I used two
bottles of it and in April the baby was born before the doctor came, I was not very sick.
Baby is now fourteen months old and weighs thirty pounds. Several neighbors are using
Dr. Pierce's medicine through my telling them about it. One lady says, ' Before commenc
ing Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription I had to vomit every day, but after I got the medi
cine from the first spoonful that I took I stopped vomiting.' It has done the same thing
for me. It is a God-send for women."
Remember, that tho claims made for "Favorito Prescription" are all based
upon the words of tho women who have tried the medicine and proved its value.
Thousands of women join with Mrs. Stephens in saying, "I unhesitatingly advise
expectant mothers to use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription," or like Mrs. Corti,
" recommend it to all young women as one of the best remedies in existence."
and Information which is practically priceless, in Dr. PJorco's
Common Sense Medical Adviser TMs groat, modern medical
work contains moro than a thousand large pages and over 700
Illustrations It Is sent FREE on receipt of stamps to pay expense
of mailing ONLY Send 31 one-cent stamps for the cloth-hound
volume, or only 21 stamps for tho book in paper covers
Address i Or R V PIEROE, Buffalo, N Y
I unhesitating
advise expec
tant mothers to
use Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription.
NorthnmbtrUod C,,
The funeral of the Into Mrs. Thomas
nilnioro will take place tit a o'clock to
morrow morning from tio family resi
dence. POS River street.
The eighth annual mutaucj bull of tho 1
Knights of the Golden Eagle, which
was postponed on Januury 111. owing to
the smallpox scare, will take pluco
January 27 at Workmen's hall, on Alder
The Athletic club's musnuernde ball
will take place on February 0, when
Lawrence's full orchestra will furnish
the music.
The Firemen's Relief association held
their nunuul meeting at tho borough
building last evening. Tho reports of
officers showed tho association to be In
a thriving financial condition. Olllcers
for tho ensuing year wero elected as
follows: President, Thomas I.. Sansen
baugli: vlce-nresldent, U P. Wert;
treasuiur, Victor Uurschel; secretary,
Victor K, Wenzel; trustees, Frank 13,
Nlckerson, Emory J, Hlnck, Elmer K,
Setzer and James P. Mnckey.
The funeral of tho late John Allan
will take place from the home of his
parents, on Dudley street, this after
noon ut 2.30 o'clock.
The Republican primaries will bo held
on Wednesday uvenlng next, not on
Monday, as has been erroneously an
nounced, Postmaster Ulshop has had a force of
men at work for several days placing
the new mall boxes throughout tho
borough. Thero nro about twenty-llvo
to be placed to begin with, and moro
will be added as needed,
John T. O'NIel, of the John Ii. Smith
Firo company, will bo a candidate for
tho position of chief of tho lire depart
ment at the coming election.
JOHN W, HORN, u wpII known
young muu residing at 311 First street,
died yestcrduy morning after u llvo
days' Illness. Ho was employed In the
moulding department ut tho Allls
Cmliiicrti' works and was looked upon
us a skilled workman. Ho was u
member of .Slliii'lun lodge, No. 763, In
dependent Order of Odd Fellows, and
The New Armory
Jan. 28 Matlin) and Evening,
A ?
Q real
Aud his baud and company
of soloists.
Sousa's first appearance at pop
ular prices. Seats for the Matinee
25 and 50 cents for the evening,
00 nnd $1.00 nccordinff to location.
All seats reserved and now on sale
at Powells Music store,
The first one thousand ladies' ar
riving at the Armory will be pre
sented with a handsome Sousa
Souvenir with the compliments of the
Matinee nt 3,15, -Evening at 8.15.
of Scr'anton encampment, No. 81, of the
same order, The funeral will bo held
from the homo on Sunday afternoon ut
2 o'clock,
The funeral of tho late Mrs. Mullen,
who died at the home of her daughter,
Mrs, John Kenny, of Theodore street,
Tuesday evening, wII take place this
morning from Holy Iosi ry church.
Lyceum Theatre
M. KUIS, Lessee and Manager,
A. J. DUITV, Bus. Manaser.
.Mgt. Saturday, Jan. 20
Creston Clarke,
Supported by n capable company
So' David Garrick,
K.5n Richelieu.
,, , f Mutiuee, 'Jjo and COe,
l TILLS Nlj.Mi 250i 0OC( 750) ?,tfK)i JIO
Academy of flusic
II. IIE1S, Leuec.
A. J, UutTf, Manajir.
The earner Stock Co.,
HeKlmiliw JlomUy oveninjr, ,lun. '27, presenting
IIjI Iti'iU'd litMullfiit tuulluin drama,
"The Knobs O' Tennessee."
Prices Xlglit, V. SOoiid !) rinU Matinee, 14
ami -0 c'l-nts. beats mm' on bale,
JjlHIUI !, HI J II' I '-'j.
Miss New York, Jr.
Matinee limy luy, J