The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 24, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    ' &wvifW'.'?rto
fJe$ pJB,j?Tf'- 'r
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The Hind we bcII are niudo of
brass, nickel-plated, the kind
that will not rust.
Towel Itnclcs, Soap Cupp,
Bpongc Holders, Brush Hold
ers, etc. Everything neces
sary to moke your bath room
Foote & Shear Co.
119 N. Waahlnpton Ave
Stocks and Bonds
Bought, Sold and Exchanged
Claik & Snocr Tobacco To. Slock, Ticf.
Clark & Snoier Tobacco Co. Stock, Com.
Dime l)cp. nnd Discount Hank stock.
Spring llrook W.iter Co. bond..
Kortli Krranton s.toc.1;.
Ittevrlf. Club House bond".
lfronomr I.lnlit. II. ami I'. Co.
l.'conuiny Light. II. und I'. Co.
Hands Con. .MUK co. siock.
llctsof Mining Co. bonds,
llclsof Mlnlnir I'o. slock.
Siianlon llcddlnp Co. slock.
I'cniu. On. Hi cubic Co. bonds
I'cnna. Ccn. Dinning Co. stock.
Consinneis' Ice and Coal Co. stock.
Scranton Ale Woiks .stock.
Scranton Iron and rrncc Co. Mock.
Colliery Engineer Co. stock.
I'ocono Ice Co. bonds
Lackawanna Dairy Co. stock.
l R. E. Comegys & Co.
0 Dime Bank Building, Scranton
Y 'Phones, 109, 18SI and 2111-2.
To freshen the little nirls wool
drcaseis, vonv all winter, made of
Lawn and India Linen; elia width
in skirt; new stjles; dainly lace
and enibroideiy tiimiiiings.
510 Spruce Street.
Idle Money
put at work by deposit
ing It In
at the rate of 3 per cent,
on time deposits.
In Epiphany Episcopal church, Phila
delphia, Wednesday evening:, .Miss
Blanche C. Andrews, daughter of Mrs.
Eeujuinln M. Andrews, of Sptlngleld,
O,, was married to Attorney A. J. Col
born, of this city.
Just at S o'clock the bridal pah
walked up the alale to the sweet strains
of the Lohengrin wedding march, the
music of the organ breathing a har
monious undertone throughout the cere
mony. The party was met at the chan
cel by Rev. T)r, Hardcaslle, rector of the
church, who performed the marriage
cqreinony. Bride and groom were un
attended, the bride being given away
by Mrs. Miller, of Philadelphia, a friend
of Miss Andrews, In the absence of her
mother, who was detained by Illness,
The church was very prettily decor
ated, and the wedding, though quiet
and simple, was beautiful.
The bride's gown was a very pretty
creation of pale tnn crepe do chine,
with panne velvet and lace trimmings.
Tim groom wore ovenlm? dress. Im
mediately following the ceremony a
short reception waa held at the rectory,
nfter which Mr, nnd Mrs. Colborn took
the train for "Washington, D. C and
other points south,
No wedding Invitations were Issued,
only the Immediate families of both and
a very few intimate friends being In
formaly bidden to be present. Mr, and
Mrs. Colborn will return to Scranton
about February 1, and reside at 1317
Capouse avenue,
The home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred
Warner, of Wyoming avenue, fjreen
nidge, was tho scone of a pleasant
gathering Wednesday evening In lion.
,or of their wedding anniversary, About
thirty entered In a body and took pos
session of their beautiful home,
Musto selections were given by Miss
Emma Walter on tho violin accompan
ied by Mrs. K, L. Waller, Vocal solos
by Miss Jessie flrlstley und piano selec
tions by aertrudo Loomls were also
given, after which In a few well chos
en words by Mrs. Enos T. Hall, Mr,
und Mis. Warner were presented wjth
a cm gmss ueny nisi).
Mr, and Mrs. Warner, responded,
thanking the guests for .the same. Re
freshments were then served. Those
present were:
Green Ridge Mr, und Mrs. E. w,
X'earce, Mr. und Mrs. Qscar Colvhi, Mr,
and Mrs. D. T. Swartst, Mrs. Uuth
Darner, Miss Utley.
Central Clly I'rof. and Mrs. Whit
more, Mr. und Mrs. E. L. Walter. Mrs.
William Keinmcrar, Mrs. Olive Qlbbs,
Mrs. Enos Hall, Mrs. M, J, Mitchell,
Mrs. Chnrlcs Seeley, Miss Nellie Tripe,
Miss Emma Walter.
West Scranton Mr. and Mis. E, 8.
Hand, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hetterley,
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Tfolic, Mr. nnd
Mrs, J. S. Loomls, Mrs. T. II. Allen,
Mrs. Annie Evans, Miss Margaret
Brlstley, Miss Jessie Urlstley, Miss
Gertrude Loomls.
Mr. JI, A, Filed! indcr lu returned from a
two week.' trip fo New York nnd .lersey Clly.
.fames. t HajM, Adel Jlooie, John a.,Mc
Connell atul 1'. I Cimie. weie leglslerod al the
St. Dennis In New York this week. ,
MlM Oerlrnde Tucker, of Carbondalc, hm re
turned home from week's with Miss Alice
Mow ley, of Ml1) Wyoming- avenue. The Utter
Jccoinpanled Ml" Tucker for a. week'i In
Select Councilman Vaughan Ob
jects to Way in' Which Bureau
of Health Is Run.
Select Councilman D. W. Vaughan
made n sensational attack upon Super
intendent Allen, of ''the bureau of
health at yesterday afternoon's meet
ing of tho sub-committee appointed by
tho estimates committee to cut down
the estimates submitted by the several
heads of departments.
In the estimate prepared by Director
of Public Safety F. L. Wormsor he
omitted the Item of $200 usually appro
priated for a police surgeon nnd added
It together with another $100 to the
salary of the superintendent of the
bureau of health Intending to have that
ofliclal act ns police surgeon and also
as a department physician to exam
ine policemen nnd firemen reporting
themselves sick for the purpose of pre
venting any feigning of sickness,
Councilman Vaughan objected to In
creasing the salary of the superinten
dent nnd declared that tha bureau of
health Is not up to the standard of the
other city departments.
He declared that burial permits are
frequently Issued from the bureau sev
eral days after bodies have been act
ually interred and that complaints
go unheeded for weeks until the mat
ters are finally brought to the atten
tion of the director of public safety.
Director Wormser, who was present,
arose to defend Superintendent Allen,
and declared that he always attends
faithfully to his duties and that he, as
his superior, has no fault whatever to
find with him. The $300 was finally cut
out by the committee, leaving the
salary of the superintendent $1,200, the
same figure as last year.
The committee carefully considered
the Items of $80,G2t and $68,433 asked for
the bureaus of fire and police respect
ively and decided that not a single re
duction could be made In them. Mr.
Vaughan took occasion to compliment
Director Wormser upon the manage
ment of the department.
"It is a pleasure," said he, "to ap
propriate funds for this department
because we know that only what Is ap
propriated and no more will be spent.
Director Wormser has no deficiencies
of any consequence to meet nnd for
this reason he Is deserving . of great
praise. This Is the first time in my
memory that there have been no police
and fire deficiencies to' be provided for
and the man who has brought about
this reform is to be highly compli
mented." Mr. Keller also congratulated Direc
tor Wormser, who blushed and stated
that he didn't think he should be com
plimented for simply doing his duty.
The Item of $1,260 asked by the trus
tees ot the Scranton Public Library for
the laying of asphalt sidewalks about
the library premises was cut out with
out opposition. The item of $600 for
the assistant clerk In the department
of public works was Increased to $780.
An item of $1,600 asked by Director
Roche for the fitting up of offices on
the fourth tloor and the Installation of
an elevator was cut out at the sugges
tion of Mr. demons who said that this
should properly be provided for In the
bond Issue which Is to be made. Items
of $400 for tho tiling of the corridor
on the fourth floor nnd of $480 for the
salary of an elevator operator were
also cut out.
The Item of $4,000 asked by Director
Roche for street indicating signs was
cut down to $2,000 and the item of $.'5,
000 for the cleaning- of paved streets
was reduced to $20,000.
Some objection was manifested to
the Items of $2,300 for the installation
of a stone crusher plant and of $3,400
for a new toad roller but Director
Roche argued so earnestly and con
vincingly In favor of them both that
they were not disturbed. Tho mem
bers of tho committee will meet this
afternoon to complete their work.
Committee of Ladies That Was in
Charge of It.
One of the best suppeis ever given
In Elm Purl; church was served last
night, a very large number of patrons
being present. Mrs. Samuel T. Jones
and Mrs. Arja Williams were in charge
of the committee.
Tho other members were: Mrs. J.
N. Rice, Mrs. Clernon, Mrs. D. B, Hand,
Mrs. C. D. Simpson, Mrs. John Scragg,
Mrs. A. Tappan, Miss Horn, Mrs. H,
Prendergast, Mrs. J. L. Crawford, Mr.
Warren, Mrs. Evans, Miss Mary Pen
man, Mrs. McGnrrah, Mrs. Wont. Mrs.
S. W. Edgar. Mrs. F. P. Christian,
Mrs. n. 15. Hicks, Miss Carrie Hughes,
Mrs. T. II. Dale, Mrs. A. R. Ruub, Mrs.
Swartii, Mrs, Downing, Mrs. R. L.
Richards, Dr. Anna Clarke, Mrs. David
- .. '
Green Ridge Lads Left for New York
on Wednesday,
Superintendent of Police Duy was
notified yesterday morning that John
Woodworth, tho Jo-year-old boy of
Richard Woodworth, of Fairfield ave
nue, and John Morel, a 14-year-old
youngster, residing on Bleaker street,
had gathered together enough money to
pay their fares to New York und had
left for the metropolis on AVednesday
Shortly after receiving this notifica
tion the superintendent received a tele
gram from tho Jersey City police an
nouncing that the Woodworth boy had
been picked up on the street, and would
be sent on to this city In charge of a
railway cotidugtor. Nothing has been
heard of tho Morel boy.
SendUa Your Clothing for Renovation
Our steam cleaning Is sure death for
the germs of smallpox.
Davis' Steam Dye Works,
319 Penn Avenue.
Business Dono During 1001 Was tho
Largest In tho History of tho
Ofllco Tho Total Receipts Wore
$210,500 and tho Gross Amount
of Money Ordor Funds, $1,240,543.
Statistics Show tho Marvelous
Growth of Business of Scranton
Ofllco Sinco the Year 1804.
The business of the local postofllce
continues to grow at a phonomcnnl
rate, tho hicrease In the total receipts
for the year 1001 according to a state
ment Just compiled, having been
$31,427.09 over the year 1000. The office
now ranks third highest In the state
and forty-fifth in the United States.
The business done in 1901 in all de
partments was tho largest In tho his
tory ot the office, tlje total receipts
having been $210,500 and the .gross
amount of money order funds, $1,210,
C43, mnklng a total of $1,498,000 handled.
In the following statistical tnbles,
compiled with much care by Assistant
Postmaster D. W. Powell, comparisons
are made with the figures for tho year
1894 because It was in this year that
business was first transacted In the
new federal building and for tha pur
pose of showing the enormous growth
In the business of tho office from that
period to the present time:
Amount received from ciles of postage slump.,
postal card", stamped en elopes and newspaper
Main office HM.141 11
West .Scranton station 8,141) .19
Sub-station Xo. 1 S37 10
Kub-slatlon So. 2 ,'1,,'MIO 72
Sub-station No. a 2,111 f I
MulMMtlon So. 4 1,103 DO
Stib-stallon No. & 44.J
Sub-station Xo. (1 7,jk fd
Sub-sl.itlon Xo. 7 402 Crt
Miieo 52
. 1,787 04
Uox rentals
Total JJKI.JB 00
This station established .Inly 1, lffll. year 1001 over liotl, fil,'-".0J; 17
per cent.
Increase jean 1IW1 over 1S0I, ,122,881.71;
131 2-10 per cent.
MOXIIY oupi:
Money lecchel
domestic olden
orders lsstiul.
?IM),1M 12
34,11:! 31
lo.iaa 21
7,424 70
3,90.5 PI
2 252 27
2,211 05
Total number
01 dels handled,
Main office , 01,1Sf
West hcrauton station 4,301
Sub-station Xo. 1.... 110
Substation Xo. 3.... 2,'sll
Sub-station Xo. .... SOI
Sub-station Xo. I.... (.50
Sub-station Xo. .",.... 272
Sub-station Xo. 0.... 201
Sub-station Xo. 7.... all sl(l'),047 Wl,.Vf
'Iliis station e-t.iblMied July 1, 1101.
lncicac in total number of money oidei-t
handled, jcar 1001 oer ItHMJ, Ml, (.")'); 12 per tent,
Inciea'c in tottal number of money oulei.
handled, jrai 1001 out lb'U, 1.73,02s; 2211 pel cenl.
Jnciease in total amount of. money oidei funds
handled, jcar 1001 oer 1900, .1SI,07H; 27 3-10 per
cent. in total amount of money older fundi
handled, jear 1001 oer 1S!I, -."HyVKO; 3u3 1 er
lti:(iISTHY 1IL'.SIN'IS.
Xo. lelleis and parcel icgMeicd 2701
Xo. lelteis und panels leeched and de-
llwied S 1.730
Xo. lctteis and p.ucds in tian-it 30,fti7
Total number of pieces lniidled 12.!, !. (1 je.u 1101 mer 1000, 22.0HO, 21 7-10 pel
Incieii'o jeai 1001 mer 1M1I, 30,377, !I2-H pel
simx 1 u, i)i:i.ivi:itv ncsixuss.
Xo. letlei.s icceived and delitcicd 13...20
"Xo. lctlns foiuaidcd l'!,13l
Total Xo. tppcliil delivery letteis handled. 20 l?S
bictea-r jem- 1001 our l"UO, 4,211, V) pji , cut.
lnueasc jfar'llioi out ISOi, 17,011, lo 1-10 pei
cent. ' '
MONTY ll.M)l.i:i) tM.I. S)L'nCI.)
Amount inched and paid on 1110110,1
oideis S S1WK17 11
Deposit-) fioin other utility (money or
der fund-.) :i0 !,37fi (It
Depo'lts fiom other ottluvi
fund,) UMWl a
l'ostal lccelpt', including box rents.. 210,31s 00
ToUl amount of money handled.... jl,4'iS,03.1 CO
Inciease jear lout ovei 100J, 13",!1I, 81 .l-Hi per
lnuca-i jear 1001 mej i'il, $1,002,1.11, 2oO.'MO
per lciiI.
Xo. 1-cent nl.mips i'.d 1,183,000
Xo. 2-cent stamps old 3,lS0,0i0
Xo. other denomination, mid l,ltO,300
Total ! ..-. r... 7,773,300
Xo. pd.tal cuds .Old Ii77,0!i
Xo, kUmpcd envelopes sold l,22'.l,S30
Xo. newspaper wiappeis sold 0S,30O
Xo. Idler canieis eniplojcd at main ottlce... 33
Xo, letter canieis employed at Wct
ton nation ,, , S
Substitute' letter canieis 10
Cleiks cmplojed at main olHco 23
Cleik. emnlojcU at Wot Scranton station.... 3
Clciks In Uiaige of sub-stations , 7
Pally mails dispatched 17
Pally nulls leeched 40
Xo. btreet letter boxes in use 214
Xo. p.u kage boxes 21
Xo. letter chulcs ., 3
Hanley's Entire Wheat Bread.
Have you tried It? If not, that you
do so Is all wo ask. Those who have
used It Know its abundant nutritive
quality those who haven't, have a
tieat In store, Leave or phone your
orders to 430 Spruce Btreot.
on Floridas
60c Fruit 40c dz
50c Fruit 30c dz
40c Fruit 25c dz
All Fancy Bright Fruit,
or $3.00 per box, Good for'
this week,
New York Wholesale price
ou fine bripht Floridas, is
$3.50 to $4.50.
E Q. Coursen
They Will Have- a Hearing Next
Tuesday Night. .
Thomas J. Richards and Martin F.
Miller, the two men who hnvc been
arrested on a charge of conspiracy to
Injure tho business of John U. Hope
well, editor of the Providence Regis
ter, will bo given a hearing next Tues
day night at 3 o'clock before Alder
man Myron Kassoti, The Clllnens' Al
liance Ib tho force behind the prosecu
tion. Mr, Hopewell rode on the street cars
since tho strike began nnd as a result
a boycott was placed on him and his
business by tho North Scranton locals
of tho United Mine Workers. The de
fendants, It Is alleged, went among the
ndvcrtlscrs of the Register and de
manded that they take their patronage
uwny from that paper under pain of
having a boycott placed upon them.
Because of their action It is charged
that Mr. Hopewell's business was
greatly Injured,
Open Letter from tho Contral Labor
Union Officials Desire a Public
Discussion on Certain Points.
Tho following was last night fur
nished The Tribune by the executive
committee of tho Central Labor union:
To the Secielary of tlie Citizens' Alllanee:v
The executive committee of the Central La
bor union, bclleUna: that the Citizens' Alliance
lias enrolled upon Hi list of membership many
person? who aie not familiar with (lie true prin
ciples of trades unionism and, thcrcfoic, ara
thoughtlessly IcndliiR their assistance In dlcred
Itlnjr this gi nnd sjstem.
Ilelicvinir that the declaration of principle!
which the Citizens' Alliance has placed befoic
the public does not voice tho true sentiment nf
the inner circle of Its seciet sessions, but Is
f Imply shield a fender, behind which links
the real Insidious puiposo of destruction to tlie
wclfaic of tlie tolleis of this community, as ien
ieented In oirjanlred labor.
llclieliiir that tlie battle of trades unionism
rmil be waged upon clucaHonal llncj, wc feel
Hut no gieater woik can be accomplished than
by one supieine clfoit to wipe out tlie pro
found iguotaucc which prcuills thiougliout the
Links of tlie Cltlrens' Alliance, so far m per
tains to any real knowledge' of tlie subjects,
and motives of tiudes tuiionUm,
IlclIeWiic that the declaration of the Cltlrem'
Alliance that It desiies only to appose tint wliii'i
cannot be cllher inoially or legally defended, air
made with tlie puipo'c of inkleading tlie pcop'o
who mi! unfamiliar with the true spirit of triJcs
To', il amount
Money iecelcd ihouey handled
on fhclgn l'ces on money on outers N-
oidtis issued. ouleis issued, sued and paid.
ifrt.Ori II
fl,S."7 S0 ?770,raii -
272 01 P.'.,0!2 23
13 12 M.710 71
1S1 21 20,070 33
30 Hi 7.4'iS 30
4-1 87 :i,050 73
HI 32 2.27.1 70
111 IC, 3,100 73
IS 33 2,203 10
2,I7S 71 'rSliJ.Ou; 11
i,0-3 II
We lcitby challenge the Citizens' Alliance ti
An open, p'ddio dlcit-.ion of
l'hnt The otigln. Intent and puipo-c-, of tudei
Second The lCMilts iicomnlMicd in U10 ir-tcre-ts
of, a-. .1 le-ult of (his wm.i
deiftil diu'lopmrnt of the- nineteenth cenlniy.
'Ihhil 'li.e pic-cnl sliusifilc belli waxed be
tween oigauicd ctpil.ll and labm 111
(1,1, citj.
l'oiulli The bojiotl whit it h.i arcn ipli-hid
In the Intcie-U of the tulleis and tlie JiiiHfu.ilio 1
for Its continuance.
Last and lcal of all Tha C I'lbvns' AW 111c,
lis oiigin, Its aims nnd objects and lu moo-abb-
lelcgation to oblivion iicnii whence It wi,
biougiit forth by tli" crlrit, of lliu-e who .11
willing opponents of the tuileis of thK lo:ii.'.i,.
We ak Mat tho ('illens' Ili.H"'e appoint a
(onmiiiilttc" of tlie fiom lis uiciuhnMilp to un
fer within (be 1l.1v- with .1 like cninuiiltee fi.ii.i
tlie Luboi union, with the ptupo.c of
ii-i.iiiiriim: within urn wcH.s the ilel.itK foi .1 pin
lie ill.M.U"lc,n of lb" piints rtihmittcd iii this
Il nuclei -tond thai the c-.pon-e incident
to tha hcli'im. l uch public meeting be cctialli
Uhldcd between the Ceutial Laboi union an 1
the (-illens Alliance.
Fifth Annual Event in tho Board
of Trade Assembly Room.
Officers Elected.
The Scranton Engineers' club enjoyed
Its fifth annual banquet lust night at
the board of trade assembly room. It
was a thoroughly Informal but very
dellglitful affair as the live and fifty
who sat. about the board will attest.
Those who attended were:
S. II. Kiipp, ,A. 11. Punning-, 1). lluge-ic
Wcntcl, 1, II. Wlbon, Moigan Puis, Jr,, Iiobeit
It, hicktel, A. II. Lee, II. JI, Line, 1.'. JI, Zehn
der, T. .1. I'lalt. 1' O. Wolfe, A. ('. Twitch
ell, S, JI. Thome, John II. Lulice, 1. JI, l He.111,
II. K. Ycwens, II, L, Hauling, Alexander Kethel,
J. II. Sajler, A. I). Iliac klntoii, ,. 1". Doner,
Ilenjaurin l Li Hue, II. W. Hon ley, II. II.
Mick, .1. II. 1'l.licr, 1. C, Itcue, 'lliomas j:. Jone.,
1". K. Tiaey, Geoige T. (Iwlllaui, Wllllani (lilf.
mil. II, K. Webb. It. U. Willlannon, C. II. .joicy,
V. JI, Kinsley, A. V. Lninr, II, P. Cox, J, lieu,
luff, 1". W. (leiccke, .1, J. Union, Cluilcs W.
Thomson, William A. Jllnlzcr, Samuel Conoier,
A. Ik bister, William Jlaiple, V. 11, Hamilton,
William W. Jnglls, )J, II. I'ettebone, AIm 111,
den, W, II. fii.ucs, .1, T, lUlnl, T. Jliluer Jlor
lis f. II, MniKes, W, t!. I'aike, James II.,
W. J. II million.
Tho dinner was an elaborato affair,
Tho card wasa scroll prepared by blue
print froeess,' tastefully embellished by
baud and containing photographic
scones of the Spring Brook region,
where tho dub was entertained last
summer by Colonel L. A. Watres.
J, H, Fisher was toastmuster. Among
those who made addresses were Messrs.
llowlej', Stoek, Lallue, Bower, Ulack
Ington and Dunning,
Tho banquet was arranged by the
social committee, consisting of Messrs,
Marple, AVIlllamson, Lane, Hamilton,
Gwllllnm and Griffith.
Prior to the banquet a business meet
ing was held, at which ofllcers were
elected us follows; President, II, H,
Stoek; vice-president, n, F. LuRue; re
cording secretary, A. E. Lister; corre
sponding secretary. A, n. Dunning;
treasurer, F. J, Piatt; librarian, II. M.
Lane; directors, W, M, Marple, C. C.
Rose, II, W. Rowley.
President Stoek appointed the follow
ing committees for the year;
Social Committee iVIIliam Oiifllth, b. A.
Wjtics, A, p. Iilack'lnton, W, JI, Jlaiple, P. 1'.
Pjhnedo, S. JI. Thome, O. T. Owllllam.
I.ibraiy Committee Benjamin J', 1,4 Hue, Jamei
Aichbald, J, O. -Sauder.oii, A. U. Punnlntf, Alex
Krtliel, A, 1!. LUter, iMortpm Vh.
Housu Committee J, K. I'arrUh, W, JJennooJ,
"Boston" Brown Bread.
A delicious change from tho bread
ordinarily eaten, is Hunley's "Uoston"
IJrown Bread. Properly made and
perfectly baited, It is very grateful to
tho bread-tired palate. Order at 420
Spjuce street.
Councllmon Evan Evans and A. L.
Lewis Ghargod tho Health Au
thorities with Carelessness, Claim
ing' That Bedding in Brace Homo
Was Burned and That None Was
Furnished in Place of It Until Di
rector Wormser Was Appealed to.
Emergoncy Fund Approved.
Common Couifclhnen Evan Evans, of
tho Fourth ward, and A. L. Lewis, of
tho Fifth ward, charged the bureau of
health with negligence at last night's
meeting of tho common council, lu
connection with the treatment accord
ed William J. Brnco and Mrs. Lewis,
who nro quarantined In tho former's
homo on Bromley avenue.
Tho councllmcn -were discussing a
resolution offered by Joseph F. Evans,
at the request of nocordcr Connell, au
thorizing the latter official to borrow
$10,000 from one of the local banks, tho
said amount to be used In case tho
spread of the small-pox should necessi
tate Its expenditure. Mr. Lewis took
tho floor and said:
"If this money Is appropriated It
should be distinctly understood that It
Is to be expended by the director of
public safety and not by the head of tho
bureau of health. The health authori
ties have not done their duty since tho
small-pox has broken out here and they
know It. I think that councils should
know nbout some of the things that
have been done.
"The health authorities burned all the
beds and bedding In the Brace house
on Bromley avenue, In which deaths
from small-pox-have occurred, and In
which Mr. Brace and Mrs. Lewis have
been quarantined since a week ago
last Mondaj-. There was no thought of
replacing this bedding with any other,
and for three nights that man and
woman had to sleep on bare boards,
with nothing to cover them but an old
coat and a shawl. The health authori
ties made-bo effort to procure bedding
and these people would probably be
sleeping that way yet If Director
Wormser had not been appealed to di
rect. As soon ns he learned of the con
dition of affairs he saw that beds and
bedding were sent over there. That's
only an instance, gentlemen, of tho
way In which affairs are being con
ducted." "Thai's right," said Evan Evans, "but
there's more that should be told. It Is
an actual fact that while some of the
bedding used by the smull-pox patients
were burned there Is still a large quan
tl ti' of It lying on the porch exposed
to all the winds that blow."
The resolution authorizing the bor
rowing of $10,000 was passed after it
hud been explained that the money
would not be expended unless it wits
absolutely necessiirj.
Air. Xagell offered a resolution Im
posing a penalty of 330 fine upon every
physician who shall fail to report to
the bureau of health a case of smallpox
within twelve hours after its discov
crj Tills was passed. Mr. Chitten
den's resolution providing for free vac
cination, adopted a week ago by select
council, was also passed.
Joseph F. Evans Introduced an ordi
nance providing for the erection of
two electric lights In the Second ward.
ont at the corner of Beaumont nnd
Wan en streets and thti other on North
Main 11 venue between 'Theodote and
Ferdinand streets. It was refeucd
to the proper committee.
Ordinances establishing grade of ite
hu.'L'u avenue and providing for the
Micution rf :t portion of Gorge street
were passed on third and final read
ing. In the absence of President P. F.
Calpln, who Is on his honeymoon. K. E.
Robathan nreslded at tlie meeting.
Mrs. Georg-o Briggs, of Priceburg, Is
III with Smallpox.
Dr. Kenncdj, health officer of the
borough of Priceburg, denied last night
the statement that three of tho persons
In the borough reported to be suffering
from fctnnllpox are merely suffering
from chicken-pox.
lie said that all four persons reported
to bo suffering from smallpox are af
flicted with that "disease and that one
new case broke out j-esterdny, tho af
flicted person being Mrs. George Btiggs,
Her house has been quarantined, and
guards are also being kept on duty at
the other houses in which tho disease
There were no new developments In
the local Munition j-esterdaj-, no new
cases of the disease having been le
purtcd to the bureau of health,
Pioperty for sale.
Property for rent.
Property to exchange.
Property to Insure.
A business for snlc.
Rooms 9-10 Price Building.
F. A. GUroy
bus bought the It. R. V, M. C. A. cafe
on Lackawanna ave formerly owned
by Jacob Horowitz.
This is the time of the year
when your winter
begins to look seedy, We pre
pared for this emergency by
having our KOKI.OFS spring
derbies shipped early, The
crowns tiro higher and tapering,
the brims in different widths to
suit the wearer.the quality tlie best
53.00 hat made or it wouldn't
be here.
Whit I.' Session Is Being Hold in
The winter meeting of llio Episcopal
clergymen, embraced In the Scranton
archdeaconry, opened lust night In the
Calvary Episcopal church, Wilkes
Harre, with a large attendance, Includ
ing Bishop Tulbot and Archdeacon
Coxe. v
The chancel was beautifully decorat
ed nnd St, Stephen's choir furnished uli
elaborate inimical programme.
Addresses were delivered on tho
"Obligations of Church McmbciRhlp,"
by three of the clergy, each taking it
sub-dhislon of tho topic, llev. ling
ers Israel, D. D of this city, spoke on
"After Worship," Ucv. It. A. Sawyer,
of Carbondnlo, on "As to Work In tho
Twentieth Century," and- llev. .Tallies
'. Ware, otMluncsdnlc, oil, "Obligations
of Christians as to Giving."
Today there -will be tlnee sessions.
At 9.30 there will be a business meet
ing ot tho archdeaconry. At 10.20
there wilt bo holy communion, and a
sermon by llev. Charles P. Fossenden.
Luncheon will bo served tho delegates
nt 1 o'clock by tho Women's Auxil
iary. Tho Women's Auxiliary will have 11
meeting at 2 o'clock, nnd nt Its con
elusion will be heard the annual report
of Aichdeacon C0X0.
At the evening sesston addresses will
bo delivered by Bishop Talbot and
Archdeucon Coxc.
Entertaining Programme to Bo Pre
sented at Grace Lutheran Church.
A concert will be given Ibis evening,
Jan. SI, at Grace Lutheran Church,
corner of Mndlson avonuo and Mulber
ry stieot. The programme follows:
l'Uno Solo, "All .Matin" Hoddurd
.Miss Ilaltie Kline.
Sopiano Solo, 'Tlie Pally (Juei-tlon,"
J!ccr llebnud
Mks Susan lilac k.
Ua'.s Solo, "llandeleic," Stunt
JI. 1). L'useno Wen?cl.
Puet, Venetian Hoat Song Ulumenthal
Jibs black and Jli?s Salmon.
Contralto Solo, "Tho Swallows"
Ml.-s Amu L. Hahnoii.
iiatiione Solo, "'llilne"
.Mr. IUlph Williams
Hiss Polo, "Hie Two flrcnadlota" ..
JI 1). Ihipcne Weiracl.
....T. Cow en
Puet, Pclcclcd Jli-s and Mr. Williams
HELD IN '81,500 BAIL.
Mazereno Fascolini Given a Hear
ing Before Magistrate Howe.
Mazeiono Puscollril, who Is charged
with the felonious wounding of Massl
mlno Ceconl, In South Scranton, on
Sunday night last, was held under $1,500
ball yesterday by Magistrate Howe.
A statement signed by Ceconl declar
ing Pascollnl to have been his assail
ant was offered In evidence. Joseph
Luclani, an cyo witness of the affair,
testified that Pascollnl had stabbed
Ceconl in the back as the latter was
enteilng tlie house of a mutual friend.
Richard Reese, of Meridian street, be
came Puscollnl's bondsman.
Uh.iched. Ill own.
42 in. wide. . 9 l-2c 8c
45 in. wide. .lie 10c
50 in. wide. .13c 10c
6-4 wide 14c 12 l-2c
8-4 wide 17c 15c
0-4 wide 10c 17c
10-4 wide . . .21c 10c
LIN. Lonsdale Bleached ....7 1-2c
Fruit of the Loom 7 l-2c
Hills 7c
Dvight Anchor 7 l-2c
2 to 25 yard lengths, at yd. 5c
Atlantic A 6c
Atlantic II 5 l-2c
Atlantic P 5c
Lockwood B 6c
Enterprise E. E 4c
Hadley 6c
, , K ". l V. K V. &! t H K &t V. t? K
10 days only at the
Old Reliable P a w a
Joseph Green,
107 Laclca. Avenue,
Opposite l(., L. & W. Depot,
"A 'A 'A 'A A "A A U 'A "A i 'A mA 'A 'A 'A
! Oils, Feints and Harnisli !
MaIon?y Oil & Manufacturing Company,
141-149 Meridian Streat.
! ! ! h 4 $ $& $ ,j!,jj4''sJ,H 4
We can supply your
wants 111
Umbrellas j
Bittenbender&. J
126-128 Franklin Ave. I
. .j. .j. .J. ;, .j. ,.;, .j. .j. .j, .3. ,j. .j, .j, ,j4 .j, .j, tj,
I Last
to secure bargains in Bat
tenberg Patterns. Pillow
Tops and Stamped Linen
Our special sale of the
above lines has been a
great success and will
last only six days more.
It will pay to visit our
store before sale closes.
I Cramer-WeIIsv Co.,
130 Wyoming Avenue.
'Phone 353-3.
with all
A Second-Class
'City with a
First-Class Stock of
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
MercereaD & Connell,
132 Wyoming Aveune.
And oaiu-cs Injiny la (lie body. .ThiiMfi
iht aid clieJict. jy U to die It.inv
inedLito attention, IT IS 1 OUR 'I'M.
llliKI.I.A wo 1110 i-po.lMlitf about. 'We
(inn tho .ihiiM-inuitlonrct ailment, a 1 1 l
ulo curry tho lsrsest lino of Umbrellu
anJ I'atasols In Hie city,
The Scranton
Umbrella Manufacturing Co.,
313 Spruce Street.
007 Linden Street. '
Boaid of Trade Building.
Got iiass,
Sterling Silverware
OiOGliS, EtC;
Broken Ribs
Are Painfull
.. J