The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 24, 1902, Page 4, Image 4
r-fe ? ' it ty9Me&T$4r' fr'if& N&jrf WM1 -yflwn-? rmfy'&fpii!pw -&., , j" TqpQ?p9timJn -" v "y " "tv ImTPW -t" -- i -ffjFff,fFfi,'!mi" t"i i -T ' n0"5.? - THE SCRANTON TRItfUNE-MIIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1002. J2 &6e Scwttten HZtlbmt lna Publishing Comiuny! at I'lfty Cents Month. MVV St lllCltAlU), iMltnr. O. I'. IlV.l)i:i:, Bmlncss JlanfljMr. New Wrk offlcoi iM !jVJ7.f1V;,:t,AS1)( Sale Ajcnt for'tViclgii A-lvcitlslna-. Knlfrcrt nt the t'oitodlco at Rcrntilon, I'a., (second ;laj Mult Matter. When space will permit, The Tribune Is always glncl to print short lottors from Ittt frlontla bom lug on current topics, but It's rule Is that theso must bo signed, for pub" llcatlon, by the writer's real name; nnd the condition precedent to nc coptnnco Is that nil contributions shall bo subject to editorial revision. TIIK n.AT IIATJM-()ltADyEltTISIXtJ. .... " ItTTn.. J" , .l.fl !....... it... ..T., lirti I, ml. nip loiiowinjr uiim- Mtun tut- i'ny i"-. escli Insertion, Rucc In lie used vvltliln unc )ri Pull Pinlilon ,::o .21 .in .1st .IS iitKnl.iV. tlinli i'llX) luetic :m tnciios 1000 " sooo " pooo " Tor card of tlmtikfl. icsolutlom of comloten.'o, mid similar contilliiitioiu In the lutiire of ml crtWnff Tho Trillium 1n.1l.c9 a charge of 6 cciil a Hue. , , , Hate for C'laslficcl Advertising fiunlsucd en application. SCIIANTON", JANUAUY 24, 1S02. BEPTJBLIOAN CITY TICKET. Contioller-KVAJ? It. MORRIS. Election rcbuiary IS. It begins to look an thoush the rc ense of MIbs Stone and tho sale of .he Danish West Indies would be ef 'ccted about the same time, Where Uncle Sam Is Derelict. w 'IBERALi provision should be I made at this session of con- 1 gress for the retirement on disability and maximum ser vice pension of railway mall clerks. Measures to this end have been be fore congress heretofore; tills time something: 3hould certainly be done. Last year, of the total force of 9.1S2 men employed in this branch of the postal service 7 were killed, C3 seriously and 229 slightly Injured, making the percentage of disability 3 1-n. Since 1877 no less than 124 railway mall clerks have been killed, 1,110 seriously and 1,916 slightly injured, or two full regiments. Notwithstanding the in crease of improvements looking to the better protection of travelers by rail, the number of accidents sustained in this branch last year was the largest on record; and under tho laws as they stand at present all that the depart ment can do for a gallant fellow In jured in the line of duty is to continue his pay for a maximum period of one year. "Where he dies, leaving his family destitute, no relief whatever is authorized. The United States government has tried to be and always should, be a model ('employer. It should set o.n ex ample in liberal and humane treat ment of faithful and efllcient employes who wear out or are disabled In its .service. Yet in the matter of the rail way mail clerks the government is behind the standard prevalent among tho more progressive private employ ers of labor. Legislation to correct this backwardness is before congress and it should pass. It is pleasing to note that Hon. Amos Cummings occasionally realizes that he is in bad company. It Must Be Paced. IT IS sincerely to be hoped that Representative Crumpacker will be successful in bringing to a vote his resolution requesting the census committee to report a bill amending the apportionment act passed last congress so as to provide for a reduction of representation in cqngresa from states whore voters are disfranchised by state constitutions tind laws. The policy aimed at in this resolution Is In strict conformity with the constitution of the United States; In fact, it is a policy specifically en joined by the constitution in these words t "When tho right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for president and vice-president of tho United States, representatives in con gress, the executive and judicial of ficers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being 21 years of age and citi zens of the United Stntes, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other cHmo, tho basis of representation therein shall bo re duced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of malo citizens 21 years of age in such stute," It will be noted that there Is no option to congress In this language. The mandate of tho constitution is un qualified. It 'can be disregarded only by flagrant perfidy to the oath which jriombers of congress take when ad mitted to participate In its delibera tions. Tho attempt to ignore it and to try -to work by moral suasion on the southern brother, In the chaotic hope that, some day, In the fulness of human enlightenment, he will bo moved to re linquish the preponderant power now exercised by him in nn arrangement that makes one vote )n Mlssltsippl as effective as seven in Pennsylvania, has had eminent endorsement, but It has never Impressed us us offering much promise of success. The-simple truth Is thut If the white people of the Soutli wish to dlspenso with the negro at the polls a pro ceeding to which objection will de crease In proportion to tho effort made by Iho South to enable the bluck man toflt4rmself for the suffrage In the course of time they must be made to solve this problem without expense to the remaining portions of our country, Very few Americans of candor- will now hold that the expeilment of un restricted negro suffrage has worked out so well that 1t would prove a national misfortune to havo educa tional restrictions made general. The point of dispute is not over the ques. tlon of sifting the suffrage. It Is over thie unfair and Indefensible effort of Itirti of Slillwr on liicr ltciiiliiijr .'A? .'2V .3) .22 .in .i:: .1", .17 .IS .105 sovernl of tho Southern states to urc nil the negroes of voting ngd for tho purpose of gaining large representa tion In congress and then by squint eyed legislation denying the partlclpn "tlon of this negro clement In' tlio selec tion of the representation. Knlr play Is all tho North nslts for In-this matter; nnd we frankly con fess that wo cannot sec how tho Re publican party can afford to be con tent wllh loss. Interstate Commorcc. OMK interesting nnd eiicour ar.lng Information la con tained In the fifteenth annual report of the Interstate Com merce commission, which Iiuh Just been transmitted to congress covering the fiscal year IfOl. Returns of railways operating 192,1m mllea of lino, or nearly Dt per cent, of tho whole, show passenger earnings amounting to $42(5,903,210 and freight earnings of $1,1 14,740,770, making total earnings of $1,57S,1GI,203 or $S,2U per mile of line. The gross earnings for 1900 were $l,iS7,0i 1,814. The operating expenses for 1901 amounted to $1,02.1, 150,281, or $3,323 per mile of line, the net earnings being $35i",007,92l, or $33,-' 577,218 in excess of their earnings dur Ings during the fiscal year 1900. The total income of these roads, including $03,271,211 received fiom Investments and other sources, was $020,279,1S. The amount of dividends declared during the year wua $121,10S,C37. As it Is shown that the dividends of corresponding roads for I960 were $10S,210,C32, it ap pears that the pecuniary returns to their stockholders in 1901 were about $13,000,000 greater than in the year be fore. A peculiarly gratifying feature of the report Is the decrease shown in the lia bility of railway employes to accident since the enforcement of the .safety appliance law. This law became fully effective August 1, 1900.' Says the re port: "The" greatly increased (security to life and limb by which tho men on freight trains and in freight yards now perform their work is apparent on every hand. Evidence of the improved conditions resulting from the practi cally universal use of automatic coup lers on freight cars appears in the rec ords of accidents and in the testimony of railroad officials and employes. Fur ther proof from a financial standpoint is also found in the records of the railway claim departments, as well as in those of the several trainmen's as sociations." For example: For the year ending June 30, 1901, the number of employes killed in coupling acci dents was less than In the preceding year by about 35 per cent., and the liumbor injured was less by about 52 per cent. There is also shown a grat ifying Increase In the efficiency of rail way labor. In 1S93 the number of ton miles to each trainman was G3S,C33, while in 1900 it was 913,425. This effi ciency is steadily growing. Taken in connection with the exceptionally low average rates for both freight and pas senger hauling in this country, rates not approached for cheapness by the rates in any other country, the showing here made as to the development of American interstate commerce is truly pleasing. John Philip Sousa is certainly a busy man. Since he left the government service he has given 4100 concerts in CC3 cities in this country and Europe; involving travel equal to ten times the circumference of the globe. He has also composed four comic operas, ten marches, three orchestra suites, one libretto and a number of fugitive lyrics. And now, to crown all, it is announced that he is about to publish his first novel. Success won by such industry entitles its winner to all the credit he can get; and there can be no doubt that Sousa Is getting his share of it. As an illustration of how voting is limited in the South to those whom the party managers want to vote, the case of the Fifth Mississippi district Is note worthy. At the last election the sit ting member of congress, Mr. Williams, was returned in a total poll of 9102. Yet at the primary election at which he was nominated tho total vote polled was over 22,000. This is explained by the fact that at the primaries down South It Is customary to let everybody vote. Restriction Is deferred until the regular election. We are importing annually nearly 4,000,000,000 pounds of sugar a year, In J aplto of tho home beet and cane sugar product; and the quantity imported in creases steadily. To maintain this homo industry wo aro paying nearly $60,000,000 a year In duty on sugar im ports. If we took all of Cuba's sugar in free we should yet have to import a lot more. Tho home sugar industry might better be bought out nnd burled than to be coddled at such a cost. The efforts In certulu cities on this side of tho Atlantic to save the life of Cominanduut Scheepers, who has just been executed In South Africa for the most atrocious cihues over charged against a lighter In civilized warfare, show that tho maudlin element Is never so active ns when their sym pathy is interested in behalf ot a cut throat. As It wo did not already have enough anxiety over tho proper adjustment of the Cuban and I'hlllplncs tailff; the locution of the Isthmian canal and other perplexing questions, wo aro con fronted with tho announcement that there has been u split In tho bowling congress at Ruffalo thut threatens to disrupt tlio organization. Tho money order department busl ness conducted by tho postolllce de p.utmeut now averages about $1,000, 000 per day, yet ,tho looses during the past year were only $174. Match this record of efficiency if you can. Hon. Chuuncey f. Black evidently believes that Democrutlo harmony and success can best be secured by the preparation of a plentiful supply of fatted veal for the prodigals. Dr, Hoyt, a Detroit Investigator, says that during the past half century the number of insane persons and fools has Increased 300 per cent. "We had susplcioned as much. s OUTLINE STUDIES OF HUMAN NATURE How Langtry Foolod "Aunt Louisa" ".lnit houlia" KMreilse, who li reporter to lie tblni; fiom pneumonia at tier home In New York, li probably better known to men. nnd women in her profrndon than any other nctrcrt In the country. She neer cut much of a flsnio on Hie Mane, but her efforts with the Profev lonal Woman's League and ltli the annual en tertainments for acton out of luck and for stago children Imc alien her a national reputation, When Mrs. Lanntry (lift came to this country "Aunt lAiulsa" was engaged fov one of the witches in "Macbeth." l'or tome reason or oth er the win delayed threa Week.", while the company was called to rehearse rciy day. .W theie Is imully no pay for rc bewali all tho intuitu r of the company were sole. One morning "Aunt Loiiha" went to tho footllghtH mid r.Mhlliucd! "WIipip ! tlit Jersey Illy? Who ii the, that (ho nhould treat .meilcau acton In tbli way? Ililng her fouunl." To "Aunt Louisa's" ujitonUbmcnt a voice from the wIiiki replied: "Here I am, Mr. r.ulrectge. N'ol mote than Unco minute 1.1 le, I am Hire. Aren't J ou feeling welt till morning t" "Aunt Loulu" stink to her gum and spoke of the Injustice of icliciitMlt that were not paid foi." "Hut," cild Mi. Lunatiy, "If jmi will Hep In the inniiirri, oldec jou will Hud that they aie paid foi." 'llil piocd In ho liue. The number of the company did not net their h.ilaiy blinply liccnma they had not called for Ir. "Aunt Loutm" made a spccccli iilmut such iniimut Kcueiosily nt the lc.iauc, Iml Amcilcan m iu.igcr.4 Iije not followed I.'ingtlj's esamplc. Philadelphia I'ie. Was Not Hired as a Valet. The follow Ins i-toiy is told by the I.oulille l'o.t on Colonel Henry Watlersoii. of the Louis lllo CoiiiU'i-Jouinal, hut It Isn't like UUcr sou and tbeiefoie isn't tine, tint as n ttory it Is woith lie.ulng. It Is supposed to hap pen! d as be was ou bis vjy fiom Louisville to his icsidcmc at .Iclleisoutown. When tlio South ern tiain leached JcflviMintown the Colonel got off, and, walking ti Hie baggage car, pointed to n market liu.'Uet, and said to one ot the brake men: "llcie, pick up that li.i'kct and In ing It ocr to me." The hrnkerian ul the lime was liully engiged and paid no attention to Mr. Wattcrsou. That gentleman Again pomniandcd the brake man to pick up I be b.iseket and lemaiked: "If jou don't blinir that basket oer here im mediately 1 will see Hut jou are removed fiom this urn." The biakenian looked at .Mr. W..tlei-on a mo ment nuil replied: "Mr. Wattcisoii, 1 not hired bj- the load to be j'our lalet." Pomebody elc mmul the basket for the Col onel. Opulence in Sight. It was In the moiniui bonis uf "bake day" In tho little otit-of-tlie-wjy village. 'I ho mingled odois of fieh, pies and cookies lloated out of the open kitchen window?. 1'ioin one of 'he smaller cottascs at the end of the stieet (anie a luiefootcd child in it coloi-le-s cilito diesi and blat sunbonnct. With the iinpoitanl air of a henj buyer (.he enleied the illjgc f-toie, and handed ano-. the counter a blue teacup. The piopiielor took the tup, and said, in biUk tone: "Well, I'ninij, what does join ma want to diy?" "Please, .sir, ma wants an egg's woith of mo lasses," and she cu'efullj' placed a luge white egg on the counter. i'loni ii stone jug a little inoki--es was poir.ed, and the cup set hcfoic the customer. "Mr. Pinif," she sild, as she look her puitliasc, "I'll be back in. a little while fov some singer. Ma said to tell jou the black hen was on." And the Inner walked with dignity out the stoic door anl up the Ullage stieet to her home. llaipei's M.'gaine. y Took Time to Place Him. Penitor Qu.ij', ot l'ei.ii-jli.ini.i, U not a Limb ing man, s.ijs a w liter in the New Voik Times. lie i.nelj- lets anj thing' nc him bejond the twinkle ill bis eje, but n 1 loiid.i f.mnei's impies sicm legaidinpr him made him, "let looe." 'the senator l dunlins' fiom a fishing tilp to bis bung alow, at St. Lucie, l'ia., lode in an accoinnioda lion train, and the f inner sat beside him ami questioned him. (Juaj's knowledge of countij side gnMp pi oied limited and discouraging. "Don't belong to thee parts, do je?" slid the fainici. "Don't know much about Cloud-, do ye?" "I hao been bcre secial times in my wan deiings," said Quay. "And what might be the reason je air wan derin'i" "1 am trjint; to mnelioiatc the condition of man the inner mm," leplled Quay, solemnly. Tlio fanner moved to another seat aikl le niaiked to tlio m in beside whom be tat: "Talked to tliet feller back tlier a good bit 'foic 1 fouu ! out he was onco' them clem faith healers. Looked Worse Than She Felt. She was lichly but Inconspicuously dics-ed anil would have attiactod no paitlcular attention as she stood on tho comer of Tieinont and Winter sheets had nut her face, under a white ".cil, been writhing in a suies of contoi lions. Scleral pcions paused to watch Iter "nuke faces," and then came a feminine acquaintance, "Why," c.cla!nied the newcomer, "what upon eaitb is the matter';" 'the facial conloitions ceased and weie re pi iced by a binlle. "Willi mo? Xotliin." "lint you looked as if jou weie suffering tcr rllilj." "Xever felt better." "Hut our face jou weie twlitin,; It Into all sorts of shapes." 'Hie lady standing at the coiner laughed and held out her bauds, in each of which va- a panel, , "I was only tiliw," she said, "to well: the edge of my e down under my cliln." lloston Herald. A Modern Mrs. Malaprop. A new ciop of Mro. MalopropUms was gathered by the passengcis who letuu'ed to thl country not long ago on the suite boat with u ceitain ( hlcago woniiu whose icputatiou for this kind of unioiiscioua I'liinor was llimly etabltlie.l j eats ago, E-lic- lamented leailng London so soon "because theie was an cK-snut sculptor (hero who wanted lo nuke a bust of my arms," In re telling in tlio delights tit bcr .Ult sho spoke enthusiastically about a fancy dress ball which the attended and to which "one of my ucqiulnt unco went In tho gaibaso of a monk." Ono of the p-cngeis consialulalcd her on her daugli lei's littler health. "She Is nol ueaily as dtllcalc as iho was the last time I saw bcr," she said, ".No," was the leply. ".My daughter is In much better health. You know that natuially tho Is a icvy indelicate sill." Sew Yolk Sun. Cullom Learned n Lesson. Senator Liillom nude a tall, on l'lrsident ltocueclt the other diy and when be tame out of the chief e.etutlve' room be was iwkccli "Did j-ou suggest to the piesldent any candidate for cabinet positions?" "I newer offer advice to Hie piesldent," leplied Mr, Culluni, "regaid Inif cabinet portions. I did that once and will neier do It again. When (Irani was in the white bouso 1 thought I saw a clianeu to get an Illinois man In the cabinet, so I suggested bU tutao to tjiant and pointed out some ot his good tiiudltles. (Jiant aiosu from his table and, step pipy up to me, placed bit bands on my ahouldeis and looked me sqtuic'ly In tho face. Then he said korloiblyi 'Cullom, a piesldent wants to be Just us fieo fiom (nteifcienco or adcu whin bo selects .i member of his cabinet, as be does when he picks out Ids wife.' f would llko to see aii Illinois man in I'loldtnt Ituoseudt's tabl. net, but If ho wants ony jutoiiiutlon or adiieo fiom nie ho must ask for It, and be )us failed to do so up to dale." An. Irishman on the Stand. Lawyer with on appioclathe serve, of humor enjoy nothing so much as to get a quick-witted, ceady-tongued sou of the Lineiald llo on flie stand (o iclicie the monotony of the legal techni calities of a case. A genllenun who baa Leon collcctlu; samples of IiUb'wlt and repartee for soma time relates tho following anecdotes, boiuc of tbeni aio doubtless mellow wjtli oge, but In any case they will bear repetition:, "Aic .vi guilty or not guilty!" asked the c6urt clerk of a prisoner charged with some tr. vial offense. "Phwal arc oei theie for but to foln.1 out?" wai the quick rejoinder. A henpecked husband had bis better half ar rested for assaulting him, The plaintiff was on the eland. "And now, Mr. O'Toole," said bli counset, "will jou kindly tell the Jmy whether jour wlfs was In (he habit of utrlklng you with Impunity?" "Wlil what, sor?" "With Impunity." "She win, sor, now an' then! but she glncrally used tb' potaty nushcr." A witness, testifying in a murder rose, was nsked tu describe to the. jury the exact location of n flight of stair. "Cxplaln to the Jury," said the prosecuting at. torney, "exactly how the steiw tun." "frhunc, sor, It )o slitiltiil at tin bottom they lun up, nn' II ye sbtancl at tb' lop they run down." In a suit brought by an Instalment homo to obtain paincnt for a suit of furniture, ,1 wittier was asked if lie knew what "quuteied oak" meant. Hero Is bis definition: "It in'an thot It's tbra-quartci polne." Ualthuoic Sun. THE AMERICAN INVASION. lidltor of The Tribune Sir: "Tho great Industrial problem of Lurope at this time Ls not how lo sell In our markets, but bow to protect their own from our commer cial invasion." Senator Coraker. Since the fall of Pekln over 300,000 bales of our cotton goods have been sold for shipment to China, chiefly from the Southern mills. December export returns show that we fell $0,000,000 behind December of last Tint Is accounted for by the lessened purchasing power of Great lliltaln and (lennany, owing to the severe induslilal depression In both countilec. At the same time, our home demand largely In creased and keeps on increasing. Not a single American merchant vessel In the pott of ltlo do .lanclto for nine yeais. What have W( not lost? What cannot we gain if con gress helps us get an American mcicanlllc ocean Italy? When bear stock speculators and pessimists pleach and predict a general tailff retaliation by foreign rountiie, against the "Amcilcan Inva sion," they lo-c sight of two most important fac tois: 1'list, wc aie the main food sup pllets of tho woild; second, that our ptogicss and piospcrlty so increase our wants that in spite of our ptotectlei; tariff, our imports for W)1 weie leeord, I. oier $380,000,000. If lelaliation is inaugurated (which will nut ina letially happen) we can easily meet It, by in uctsiug our tariff on the products peculiar to the retaliating countries, and thus bilng them face lo face witli the lo-s of their be-t cu-tonicr. In the calendar ear of 1001, wo cxpoited il,J(i.-,HOti,000, and we imported SW,WW,000, so tlio balance is S$j,000,000, in our f.uor. In 1SH3 it was only .i.nuo.OOO, after tlilec jeai.s of low taillt and fiee hade Demon. ltio nile. Tho in ference is obvious, and the lcsult is gain. As "Auieiican Ima-ion" of another kind, wc may note that we aio lctuining to China $18,000,. (KX) of tlio .y.l.OOO.OOO war indemnity, and is.1711,000 as the xalue of tho silver bullion captined by the Amcilcan in.iiiriets at Tien-tsln. The ptoinoteis of the Amcilcan Indutilal Kx hlbition, at the Crjtal Palace, London, ate all Lugll'hnieii, and their published statement, "handsome shows will come fiom .tcio-s the At lantic" shows their confidence in American ability and entciptl-e. Very tuilj j'oiu-., Waltei J. llsll.nd. Schenectady, X. Y., Jan. 21. DOWN IN A COAL MINE. I am a jovial collici lad, as blithe as blithe can be l'or let lie times be good or bid, tliov'te all the same to me; "fls little of tho woild I know, and (.no less fcr its wajt. Cor wlteie the ilog-sar never glows, I weat aw.ij my CIIOIICS: Down in a cud mine, underneath the giound, Whole a gleam of Mm-lilna never ci.u be found, Digging dusky diamond! all the season lounil, Down in a coal mine, underneath tho gi'uuud. My bands mo horny, bald and black, wtili work ing in the ictu, And, like tho tlothes upon mj luck, m.v speech is inugh and plain; Well, If I .stumble with mj' tongue, I've one ex cuse to s.ij-, "fis not the colliei's heart that's wrong, 'tis the head that goes astray. At every blft, be't soon or bite, I ha-te my b.cad to on in, And anxiously my kindred wait and vvalth for nn i etui it; Cor Death, tint levels all alike, whal'er their lank may be. Amid tlio Hie and diuip may slilke, and fling his daits at me. , How little do tho great ones care, who sit at homes stcuie, What hidden danceis colliers d.iie, whit bird ships they cnduie; The veiy Attn tlieir,niansioiii buist, to cheer themselves and wives, JLnhap weie kindled at the cost of jovial culllcis' lives, Then (beer up, lads, and wake jc much of cv'iy Joy je can, tint let jour mirth lie alvvajs such as be.-t bo. comes a imn; However Coiliine luins about, we'll be still bo jovial souls, What would our counliy be without the lads who look for coils? ways Busy A slioe that fits the eye should fit the foot or you don't want it. There is style effect, of smartuess iu our shoes which appeals to good dressers but more- impor tant every pair of our geu tlemeu's $5 shoe3 are at this time $4, which is important to the economist. Lewis&Reilly 1 14-116 Wyoming Ave. HENRY BELIN, JR.,. General Agent for the Wyoming District for Dupont's Powder Uinlng, Blasting, Sporting, Smokeless nd thi tlcpsuno Chemical Company's HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Ealety Fuse, Caps and Exploders. Room 101 Cou ncil Uulldtng .Scrantcn. ACIUNCIES. T1103. KOItl) .t'iltston JOHN P. SMITH 4: SOX ,, Plymouth W. C. MULUOAN ,., .......WlikesUarra FINLEY'S ii i hi ii II m im Areofuuusunl merit guar anteed to give satisfactory s'ilkwear, will not break, crock or slip. Our Silks have established a splended reputation for ex cellence of'quality, finish and wear, we can recommend them to your consideration with great confidence. Black Dress Silks are shown here in all the new and popular weaves: PeaudeCygne, . Arnnures, Bengali nes Gros Grains, Peau de Soie, Habqtais, Taffetas Surahs, Satin Duchess, Satin Liberty, Moire Antique, noire Velour Foulard Silks of new designs and colorings in light aud dark shades, a good quality of -ilIc at the at tractive price of 75c per yard. Oar Window Display of Chafe in new spring designs is creating many iavorable com ments, see them at 510-512 Lackawanna Ave. m mm an ice Furnitur Assortment Being the LARGEST FURNITURE DEALERS IN SCRANTON We cany tho greatest assortment of up-to-date Office Furnituie. You are invited to osamine our new lino before put chasing-. HIS 121 Washinglon Avenue. EDUCATIONAL.. ion By a recent act of the legisla ture, tree tuition is now Granted at the Literary Institute nnd State Normal School Dloomsbttrg, Pa. to all those iuoparlne to toapli, This school maintains courses of study tor tcacliets, for those preparing for college, and for those studying music. It will pay to writs for particular!. JJu other school offer kucli mr.cilor ad. Tsnttgcs at such low rates. Address J.P.Wolslj, A. M, Pli.D.,PfIa. S0EANTON CORKESPONDEN0E S0H00M. SCRANTON, lA. T. J. Foster, resident. Elmer II. lanall, 1ms. RJ. Foster, 5 Stanley P. Allen. "Vice President.' 'Secretary, Off! Off iiriiiiis--wiiii"'' iijf!,si)-rt.t is raiiiaihss'JIlSsK?! mi js-jujijvv-1- New and Complete WUUill o 1 Tu SCRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES. TfiESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OP EVERY OHARAOTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY BUILDING CONTRAOtOR, Slorm sash and doors, store front, olflea and toro furniture, in hard or soft wood, nd Job blnff. 820 .V. Waslin. avc. f,. HOMMAIt. FOR SALE and WAGONS of ll kinds: atta and flultdlnir Lots at bargalm. llOItSiy CLIl'1'l'.U and OUOOMUD at M. T. KELLER Lackawanna Carriage Works. J. B. WOOLSEY & Co covr?icror7S AND BUILDERS. Dealers In Plate Glass and Lumber OP ALU KINDS, Eaunnr duildihq a savhob uvov Home office. SOS-Cot) Meant Bulldta?. transacts a general bulidlng and Joan business throughout the stste of Pennsylvania, E. JOSEPH KUETTEL, resr 611 Lackawanna avenue, manufacturer of Wirt Eorcens of all kinds; fully prepared for the Fprlnc season, We make all kinds ot porch screens, etc. REMOVAL We have determined to reduce our stock prior to our removal to our new building at our former location, 129 Wyoming avenue. Special Clearance Prices on Entire Stock. LL IS STORED WA Blip, Williams & McAnnlty, Temporary Store, 1 126 Washington Avenue. &' t v. n ts. t t v, tf. v. . t at at at at at & mm & fa y i .- We are in the midst of old-time Sacrifice Sales of WInterJ! Footwear. The shoes we shall offer during this sale are not o!d or shopworn; among them will be the well known makes of ?. Johnson & Murphy and The Stetson. Don't let this opportunity x slip away, Here are some of the Lot i J. & M. and the Stetson. Men's Patent Leather, -V Patent Ideal Kid, Enamsl and Bo.v Calf, j regu'ar -, and $0 values, al sizes, for. a- Lot 3 Men's linameled and Box - Calf, winter weight.regular 5.00, $3.50 t and S.1.00 value, for a Lot 3 Ladies' Box Calf, lace, winter weight, - regular $2.50 and $3.00 values lor Lot 4 Misses' and Children's Lace and Button, regular 75c and $1.00 value, for It will be cheaper to buy now JLEVISJMlY.DIIIESilOINT, l"A U 'A Vt V" VI 4 i" "4 H 'A 'A 5 'A 'A 'A 'A THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $550,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings I from 7,30 to 8.30. ) Hanlevs Bakery. AZO SPRUCE ST. Successor to HUNTINGTON W' make a specialty ol One bread stuffs. .' Orders for Balads, Oysters, Croquette, ate., promptly filled. A full line ot Lee Cieim and Ices. PETER STIPP. General Contractor, Dutldci and Dealer In Building Stone. Cementing of cellars a spe cialty. Telephon 2JB2. Office, S27 Washington avenue. THE SCRANTON VITMPIED BRICK AND TILE MANUFACTURING COMPANY tlakrrs ol Caving Dilek, etc. M. It. Dale, Gereral Sales Agent, Office 32t Washington av. Works at Nay Aug, Pa.. II. & W. V. It. II., Draperies, PAPER SALE V mmw. Shades, etc. FREE, OF CHARGE. at at at at at at at a t at at at at at at at at at a at it values: 8 H X $4 and $4.50 $2.50 and $3 i $1.75 50c - than it will be to wait 330 Lackawanna Avenue. 'A'A 'A 'A 'A U 'A "A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A fc HI Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. GunM Forsyth L 253-327 Penu Ayenuo, Harvest for Shoe Buyers!