,;Fs'i!.',,isi'jfB!i F-fr j 'V?f &&? Hv TMJ3 SCJRANTON TRlBUNJiJ-HIDAr, JANUARY 24., 1902. 3 w HPrVL Pharaoh's Horses Wr arc otTrrlng this populii- unit lrlMnu pic turn at (lie following icdiiccd prices during till ErMt picture ilcarlnir mIp! 76c. flr.r, linn' IKK', fl slrr, now .f1..A Wall ivipcr, Paints, Hliiflc, Pictim-v frames. Jacobs & Fasold, 209 Washington Ave. City Notesa TIII1II) ANXIWI. MAMv llAf.T.. Tlif tlilul an niMl iniwpirrmtc lull of Die Yoims Men's He brew llfiM-flcl.il dub lakes plate on Tiwilay evening, l'curuary 1, nt Mulc ball. lwK.vriov Aru.sovi.i:i)(ir.i). Tim s-Mcr St. .bwepli'i I'liuiKHInc Home lh to .nknowl tiIrc with grateful tbanU Ibe ceiicnmi iloniition -of dry courts tthleh Ibe firm of tin- Globe War.--home lias m kindly cnl tu tho above institution. A MiKilir rilti:. An ntriliratrd lmo i-aiitnl a 1IbIi( bl,i7e shortly befoie It o'clock lat iiIkM in (he home of John N'eat on Willi street. The file was easily evtlmruMied by the firemen who arrltril in irpune to an a'arm turned in from box 73. HAD AS" llPII.lll'i'lO TIT. .lamb Kiigle. a younp man finin Smlh Pef.mlon, was seized with an ipleplle fit In ltailro.nl alley jrafciiluy mom Inir and was iemoed to the l.ai.kauann hos pit.il. Kntrle wandeied fiom home about a joar aitu and rtra.ied to Lake Seiantun, wheic he frore his feet cry badly. t.irrruiir. nv iiisiiap ro.VATY. nt. ltrv. Thmiias .1. Conaty, lector of the Catholic uni versity at Washington, 1). ('., wilt delher n lec ture In the I..UCU1U theater nest Momljv night under the aa-plees of the C'alholle IIUtoiie.il to ilety on "The Catholic IMubational MnMiiirnt. in the t'nited htatps." He will be introduced liv Itt. Itcv. Mr J. Iloban. I)., L. k W. PAY DAYS. n Ida j, Jan. 24, Awuidilc, uihlncloss, llk, llallslead, Pclte bom, WooiIh ink .Sjturikiy, Jan. 2.'i, Archluld, Hellenic, Hellenic w.isheiy, Itrisblu, tijujr.i, Con liniiil.il, Dodfre, llainploii, Haiupton washei, Iloldrn, IT.idc I'.nk. ()foid, I'ljie, Sloan. Tailor, Monday, Jan. 27, Diamond, Diamond uaalirry and Slorrs sh.ifl. CXDY SAI.i:. The "Sans-Souii" fSIrl., Jean ItiK-ell, Charlotte lliandow, Louise Slioheckcr, I'uunie Jlcar.-, Marjorj and Helen Ijis, Clara Silnion, Kllsabelh Hose, (lurlotle Znrllieh, Helen V.iil, Cell i Itlne and Mil Ian Smith will gie a candy sale thi aflcinoon and cuiilng from j till 'I .it .'(11 fjuincj aenue. The proceeds will In fer ,omc ihariiable in-tltutiui. l'lcac come and bring join- poiUtbool;. "IIOIIHII:" IIIT.NV IlIItTIIDAY.-Tho mcinbjra of the Caledonian club will conduct a Majr parly tomorrow night in Illitlei'a hall in commemo ration of the hiilhdiy of ltubeit Ilium, the Scotch poet. Iliks ii the fti-t lime in many jcal'3 that the club has conducted a celebration with out asking the presence of the lulled 'Iheie will be no ictrular toan li.t but a iiiiiiiIki of iin piomptu addresses will be made. A "M.IXD" AUCIIOX.-V "Wind" auction silc will be conducted ne.st Tuc-day night hi Oueniscy hall by the avoiiation compiUlnK the einplojes of the International Coiicpomleneo i-chools. A number of ailicles donated by the Held force will be packed in such a manner as to completely hide them from lcy and will be auctioned on one by one to the highe-t hidden. Dancing will be cnjo.ed aftei tho sale. D, & H. PAY DAYS. Places Where Money Will Be Dis bursed During- Week. The following schedule of pays has been prepared by the Delaware and Hudson company: January 23 Mamllle, Minlne, I.egetl'a deck, Von btorth, Dickauu. January 24 Olyplunt, Kddy Ciec-k, (Jia-v U land. White Oak, Jcunsn. Januaiy 25 Uroenvuiud o, , Clieenwood o. 2. bpiing lhook, I..in,'cllff, I.alllu. Januaiy 27 Delaware, llaltlinoit- Slope, Haiti inoic No. 2, Baltimore 'lunncll, Iljlliiuoie No. 5, Conj nghaui. Januaiy 2S-Cllnton, foal lliook, Cnbomkile No. 1, Powdeilj, Januaiy -J'i-lto-,ton, Plymouth o. 2, 1'lv. nioiilh No. ;i, l'ljiuuutli Xo. 1, I'hniiiiitli, N'o. 5. COLGATE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Hamilton, X, Y Jun. 3. Tlie basket nun suns-cm is wen tinner way, Janu ary 13, Colgate played Syracuse mil. verslty nt Syracuse, resuluas in u de feat for the homo team. The next 'var sity game Is, Hamilton college tit Ham ilton, January id. Much interest Is inunliVhtcd hi intfr class basket ball. A trophy cup Is to be awarded to the class scorlnjr ttiu Ktentest number of points. Rich class Is to play each other class two games. At present the sophomores lead. Cjeorge "W, Douglas, 'SS, for some tlmo connected with the Urooklyn Rigle, lias ecclvcd nit editorial position on tho Vouth's Companion, L.uHt Frlduy evening an exceedingly enjoyable vnudovlllo entertnlumoiit was -tven by college and local talent in tho opera house, for tho benefit of tho atli lollu fissoclatlon, A large house greeted ho successful production, Ju tho neui future Prof, I.osey and wife, of Syra cuse, will give readings for the benefit )f Colgate Academy Athletic associa tion, Cnii W. Zelgler, 'Oa, has been eoni pelled to return to his homo In Scran ton, owing to Ill-health, Prof, Anderson, of the seminary, pre sented n thesis In New York, Monday Inst, nt a coiifeience, Dr. Hurnhnm preached at tho Fifth Avenuu Haptlst church, In Troy, last Sunday, The college entrance examination board bus appointed Prof. Urigliam chief examiner in physical geography for 1902, Dining the recent vacation Prof, Hiighiun attended tho meetlpg of tho Slate Science Teachers' association nt Syracuse, and tho meeting of the Geological Society of America nt Itochester. He also spent a week in New York and Washington. Tho speaker on the day of prayer for colleges will bo Jtev. J, t Rdor, U. I)., of Albany. Sits, R A. Taylor, of Troy, Juts left by her will W.QOO to tho unlveisity, to be used as scholarships. The advisory bourd of tho Intercol legiate Athletic union meets at Vtlc-n-t-aturdny of this week, KIRMESS FOR WORTHY OBJECT. Miss Stewart Is Putting the Finish ing Touches on It. The Ulnness which will bcfcln next Thursday night will be the equal ot any oC these benullful affairs which have been RlVen at various times In thin clly. Miss Stewart 1b most expert In tllreftliiB Bitch entertainments. Hhc hiiH Planned elaborate cIiimirch from those with which wo are familiar. The costumes are to bo utitistitilly effective, and tho dances are nqw anil pretty. There will also be more participants than have appeared In former Ulr inesses. Tho object Is one which appeals to nil. The teachers me hard-working and patient public servants. The ptoeeeds of this Itlrmcss will form tho Ix'kIii iiImk or a fund which will bo n ureat aid nud comfort to many who will become Incapacitated as the years ro by. ' The tin nee of the season will be one of the prettiest of the klrmess. It will bo chapel oned iiy .Mrs. John T. ltleh a ills and Mrs. R R tiiasc. The dancers will be iim follows: 'prlnif 'I lie Mimes I'lnrrnrp Muli'llne (llbks, Jails lleikrr, la-ll.l nley Purler, Omit Thayer. innnirr Jlljwes Mary lldwards, i:thel Troth Itik'li.tiu, -lean .Iriikins, Jane Vli.sa llian. Aiittinin -The Mls.es llluuhi i;as, I hrlllne IVIIiiuh, llerlha C.i !.-, lluplicinli Ulblu. Ulnler Tin' Mls-.es Annie IMnarcN, Helen Tliaier, .Mimaret (!lbb, IMIIh Frank Ulihards. There will be a full rehearsal tonlfiltt with Bauer's orchestra at which no spectators will be admitted except the chaperones. Tomorrow night the whist game will be played. Messrs. C. It. IUillcr, Grant Polton, KiiReno Ileol ey and others will be players. CLERK IS NECESSARY. Assessor Seamans Shows That the Amount Asked for This Year Is Lower Than Previous Years. City Assessor Jay G. Seamans in a slulement made to a Tribune man yes terday afternoon declared that the services of a clerk are absolutely In dispensable In the city assessor's oillco nncl sought to show that instead of making an exorbitant demand this year the assessors are actually asking for less than they have In past years. He produced the following statement showing the expenses of the depart ment for the fiscal year, IDOO.-'Ol. Salary of three as.se--ors $ 3,000 llonil of ieislon 2,000 Tttenty-one assistants 4,,'ij'i Making ta- duplicates ,100 Assesntncnt books- 12.5 Slatloneiy, pi luting and stamps 200 Sheds for la-c duplicates 75 Total "J0.-I2U Amount n-ked for PW2-0.! '),S)C5 !ccica-e ,..? 301 The amount of $l,r29, included In tVie above statement, was appropriated this present year as a detlcicncy for the fiscal year 1000-01 and can properly be Included as part of tho actual running expenses for the year 1900-01, "We can't do without a clerk," said Air. Seamans, "some of tho members of the estimates committee to tho con trary notwithstanding. The salaries of the clerks in every other city depart ment except the treasurer's is paid by the city, and there can be no good rea son advanced why the salary or our clerk should not also bo paid by the city. "It is idle to say that we do not need a clerk. We are away from our office for four or five months every year, and IL is absolutely essentlul that some one be left in charge to receive visitors and answer inquiries. A vast amount of de tail work remains for the clerk to do during the lest of tho ycai, and until the counellmen asecitain for them selves just what this Is they cannot act intelligently in this matter." NICHOLSON. Special to the Scrantan Tribune. ' Nicholson, Jan. 23, Miss Jl. K. Moody, of Jersey City, is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. 13, F. Johnson, of Stale street. Miss Kvelyn Edwards, of Laceyvilie, is visiting her sister, Mrs. U. M. Niles. Mr. and Mrs. D. AV. Titus, of State street, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. James Osterhout, of Punxsutawny, and Mr. A. L. Titus, of Binghamton. One of the most brilliant functions of the season was a banquet held at the Opera house last evening, It being the thlrty-thlrd anniversary of Nicholson lodge, No, 43S, of Free and Accepted Masons. It was a most delightful af fair from beginning to end, At half past nine the following programme was opened, which occupied the enllte evening and was u success in eveiy particular: Part I Call to older: 'id dress of welcome, D. W. Titus; piano holo, selected, Mrs. F. A. Baker; vocal solo (a) "The Dally Question" (b) "l.a Seronnta," Susan Ulack; vocal solo, "The Uaudalleis," Dr. F. Kills Bond! duet, "Tho Night," Mrs. II. S. .Steph ens, Mrs. W. S. Decker: recitation, Uny A, Decker: mandolin duet, Kthel Stark and Charles Hi own; vocal trio, Mr. II. S. Stephens, Mta, V. S. Decker and Mrs, 1.. N. Shields. Part II Invltaiiou to banquet table; Invocation of Divine blessing, ltev, L. R Sanford; feasting and nuihlc, Part III Ton.stmiihter, Charles S, Seamans; ".Masonry," Iiu J. Phillips: "The Ladles," Bradley V. Lewis; "Human Naluie," ltev, L. L. Lewis; "Masonry," Miss Susan Ulack; "A Jolly Time," Jtoy A. Decker. ANOTHER NEW law. sss- mzmsm Tho above- tut represents the front vlow of the big bunk building that will hoon ornament the space between tho Mcars building and Dlx court, on tho Kpiuco street shlo of cuurt house square, Part nf the structure Is already existing, the part un tho light -the new County Savings bank build lag, Tio portion tu be constructed H a building on tho left similar to the County bank building, which Is to be the home of the Title ijiiuranty and Trust company, and n central building tu bo used Jolntlj- for vaults by (lie two banking Institutions. The plans arc by Holdein of New York. Tho loutiact has not nn yet been awarded. NEARLY READY FOR THE JURY EVIDENCE IN THE DUFFIN CASE ALMOST ENDED. Defense Produces a Raft of Wit nesses to Show That tho Plaintiff Suffered from Extremely Dofectivo Vision Before tho Time of tho Ac cident Dr. Longstreet and MIbs Duffln Flatly Contradict Dr. Boos Four Judges Engaged in the Trinl of Common Picas Cases. Nearly ull the testimony In the Duf fln case Is in una it will go to the jury today. The city occupied nearly all of yes terday In the presentation of testi mony tending to show that tho phy sical disorders Miss Duflln alleges aro tho result of the nccldent of Nov. 4, 1893, nre due to other causes, and exist ed prior to the nccldent. One of tho prlnclpnl aliments that Miss Duilln nllcges In consequent of tlie accident is blindness of one eyo and partial blindness In tho other. A raft of witnesses were produced by tho defense to show that her eyes were In tills condition long before the accident took place. One of these witnesses, Mrs. W. K. Dolnn, could not bo brought into court, nnd her testimony as given at the prior trial was read from the stenog rapher's notes. It was In effect that three years before tho accident tho plaintiff was a frequent visitor at the homo of Mrs. Dolan's parents nnd that it was then readily apparent she was very defective In vision. Sho would enter a room without recognizing tho presence of another party until the second party spoke or made a noise to attract her attention, and nt table, instead of directly grasping anything passed to her, she would have to feel about for it until her band would come in contact with It. SIGHT WAS IMPAIRED. Dr. L. M, Gates, whose testimony was largely responsible for the grant ing of a new trial after the first ver dict of $7,000, was the next to testify. He told that on April 1, 1894, nnd less than a year after the accident. Miss Duflln came to his office for treatment. Sho stated then that her sight hud been Impaired for a number of years and that she was fearful of becoming totally blind. She made lio mention whatever ot the accident. The defense a'ttempted to show by Dr. Gates what caused the impair ment of vision, but objection was made by the plaintiff's counsel and under the net of 1S93 it was ruled out. Dr. Joseph F. Grant nnd Dr. Gilbert Mur ray were also called for this purpose but on the same ground their evidence was declared to be inadmlssable. M. W. Kelly, of Madison avenue, who claimed he knew Miss DttlTin in 1590, when sho taught a private school on Gibson street, testified that ho played euchre with her as a partner tit the Cummlngs' home In that year, nnd that he readily observed she was near-sighted. She read the cards with great effort and invariably had to hold her band within a few inches of her face. The witness created considerable merriment by some of his answers and set the whole court in roars when he referred to City Solicitor AVatson as "General Watson" and explained that there were so many colonels nnd ma jors on the other side he thought the defense ought to have a good military title for at least one of Its two repie senlatives. COLONEL PROTESTED. Colonel Fitstslnnnons protested against whnt he was pleased to char acterize as invidious comparisons by Implication and an effort to rob Major Wan en, Colonel Martin, Dragoon O'Malley and himself of their military honors. Miss Ella Shaw, a dressmaker, testi fied to having met Miss Duflln at Mitchell's dining robin, on Linden street, In 1S93, a year before the acci dent, nnd that Mis Duflln besought her to go Into partnership, as she, Miss Duflln, was no longer able to do all kinds of dressmaking, because of her failing eyesight. Samuel Newman, Superintendent or Police Lonn B. Day, Vemn Long, Mis. Frances Mitchell. M. J. Mitchell, May Leonard, all testliled that Miss Duilln took her meals at Mitchell's dining looms In 1S92, and that It was notice able to everybody her eyesight was ex tremely poor. When she counted change she woyld have to hold it close to her eyes; In cutting meat on her plate she would bend close to the table; on en teilng or leaving she would have to feel around for the handle of the door, and In passing along through the dining loom she would have to feel her way. Dr, W. E. Allen, superintendent of the bureau of health, testified that ho examined Aliss Duflln a year nyo and found no conditions existing thai would cause the Incontinence she complains of, or tho neurt'Hthenio disorders she aveis sho suffers from, Dr, C, H. Fisher was tho last witness for the defense. Ho told of having ex amined Miss Duflhi's eyes in 1S9S, and gavo it as his opinion that their con BANK BUILDING. to 71 dition was not duo lo the accident of which sho complains against the city. Dit. UOOS BECAME ANQItY. Tho plaintiff called Dr. S. P. Long slrcet as tho first witness In rebuttnl. He stated positively that nt tho time Miss Duflln was at his omcc to bo ex amined by tho defendant's physicians, Dr, Hi O, lloos nnd Dr. J, 13. O'llrlen, Dr. Hoob becntnn nngry when Miss Dttnin refused to let him participate In tho examination, because lie was "an nvowed enemy nnd personally ob noxious," nnd that ho turned upon her nnd .declared, "You have no case, and 1 will knock you out in court." Miss Duflln was then called and cor roborated Dr. Longstreet as to Dr. lloos' alleged utterance, Sho then pro ceeded to-deny explicitly various ot the allegations, made by the defendant's witnesses, which tended to show that she was nearly blind long before the accident took place. Sho never suggested partnership to Miss Shaw, for her friend, Judge Hund ley, had advised her against ever goliieT Into partnership, Sho never bent over her plate when cutting meat in tho Mitchell dining room, unless It wns when necessary to put weight on tho knife to dissect the Mitchell dining room tenderloin. Tho Mitchells nnd their friends were unfriendly to her, Miss Duflln tried to show, by reason of u dispute resulting from her charges for making a dress for Mrs. Mitchell. Sho llatly denied that sho told Dr. Gates that sho had had trouble with her eyes for many years, What she did tell him was that she had had an operation performed in Phila delphia, when she wns a girl, to euro a "squint" In one eye. She never played cards at the Cummlngs' home, Bhe suld, and positively repudiated the distinc tion of the humorous Mr. Kelly's com pany as a partner In euchre. She did not go to Dr. Roos' ofllce on November 22, but did go there early in December, nnd had the experience of being rudely ejected, so sho says, when she offered only $G on her bill of $25. Mrs. Mitchell was recalled for further cross-examination, but did not respond. AVhen City Solicitor Wtason and As slstunt Solicitor Davis were Informed that the only testimony the plaintiff wanted from Mrs. Mitchell wns that the Mitchells had the contract for fur nishing meals to the city for prisoners nt the station house, they agreed to ad mit It of record. There may be some further rebuttal and sur-rebuttal testimony this morn ing, but at tho most It will not take up more than an hour. City Solicitor AVatson will argue the chso for the defense, and Major AA'ar ren for tho plnlnttff. The speeches and Judge Gordon's charge will likely con sume the whole day. Four Judges Presiding. Four judges were presiding yesterday in common pleas. Judge Kelly, in the main court room, spent the day in the yet-unfinished case of Depuy against Brink; Judge Gordon is sitting in the Duilln case, in No. 2, and in No. 3, Judge Edwards, first, and then Judge Newcomb, took a band in helping to dispose of the list. Before Judge Edwards, In the case of H. AVehrum against F. G. Itarrlck, a verdict was found for the plaintiff in the sum of $36. Douglas & Aran Dusen represented the plaintiff, and Clarence Balcntine, the dofeudnnt. Before Judge Newcomb, a verdict of $407.70 In favor of the plaintiff was re turned in the case of AA'illiam H. Flies against S. N. Blake, of Ehnlra. It was a suit on a balance on a sub-contract for wiring the A'alley House. O'Brien & Martin represented the plaintiff. There was no. appearance for the de fendant. Judge Newcomb was engaged at ad journing time in the trial of the case of Joseph Gray, of Mayfleld, against the Scranton Railway company. Gray claims $123 for services in settling, to the satisfaction of the company, at the company's behest, a damage suit insti tuted by Airs. Anna Propenyok, of Ed gerton, who was Injured In a trolley wreck at Jermyn. The company denies that Gray was employed by it or any of its agents. II. D. Carey is the plaintiff's attor ney. The company is represented by Hon. t:. P. O'Malley. In the case of II. C. Mott against John Beuore, administrator of the es tate of George Denote, deceased, judg ment by ngreement was entered for tho plaintiff in the sum of $6,flr.0. It is an amicable action on a mortgage. The plaintiff, was repiesented by O'Brien it Martin, and the defendant by John F. Scragg. A non-suit on account nf the non appearance of the plaintiff, was entered In the case of Ellen L. AVnlsh against the Metropolitan Life Insurance com pany. AVlllard, AVarren it Knupp rep resented the defendant. A non-suit was also gi anted, for the same i en Mn, in the case of Cramer & Strauss against the '., AA'eiugart estate, Ralph L. Ley appeared for the defend ant. The case of John J, Mnhar against N. D. Monsky, garnishee, and tho case of M. Blefeld & Co. against M. D. Breschel were continued. Not considering the cases on tilal, all except four of the fifty on this week's list have already been disposed of, twenty of them finally, nnd twenty three by continuances. In Orphans' Court. In the Orphans' couit, yesterday, arguments were heard by Judge A. A. A'osburg In the estate of Letty Ann Ruland, deceased, Tho principal con test was, with respect to u large clulm presented by Abel Tonkin. This was opposed by Attorneys Horn nnd Mnr t In. representing the estate and somo of the heirs, on the ground that it was barred by the statute of limitations. Attorney II, D. Carey, who appeared for the claimant, contended that tho stntute was tolled by the bringing of a suit before a justlco of the peace, and by tho dentil of tho decedent. Decision was reserved. In the Mary Dockerty estate, the arguments in tho will contest were postponed on account of engagements of counsel, , Today has been fixed for tho adjudi cation of tho nccounts of executors, ad ministrators and guardians, which will come up for examination and final con firmation, IF YOU WISH To buy a property, To rent a property, To sell a proper! t. To insure property Tu exchange property, To buy a business, Tu sell a business. Seo W. T, HACKETT, Rooms !M0 Price Building, Wanted to Rent. Furnished lious-e, Everything must bn tho best. Will pay a good rental If suited. For particulars, references, etc, sen W. T. Hackettv rooms 9-10 I'llvc Building. SUITS BEGUN BY STRIKERS TWO OASES INSTITUTED BY THEIR ATTORNEY. One Is to Recover 910 Given na Re lief to One of Their Number, Who Returned to Work Suit Is Based on a Cut-throat Jdginent Note Tho Other Suit Is One in Slander Directed Against Dr. H. E. Imts: by tho Executive Board Damages in the Sum of $5,000 Asked. Two suits weroi instituted yesterday by tho street car strikers, through their attorney, Clarence Halcntlne, One ot them Is on a Judgment note for $10 nnd has as defendant Charles II. Keller, a member who quit the union and returned to work. Tho other has ns defendant Dr, II, E. Lutz, .who is nlleged to have slandered the executive board of Division 1GS, Amalgamated Association of Street Railway Em ployes. Tho first suit discloses the fact that tho relief fund which the strikers dis tributed wns given out only ns n lonn. Each man receiving relief was required to sign n thirty-day cut-throat judg ment note, on which nn execution can bo Issued against anything the signer possesses, not excluding wearing ap parel other than that on his person, and not even excluding this, If tho man happened to bo taking a bath, or was undressed in bed. The note on which the suit was brought was signed by Keller October 19, 1901. He returned to work shortly afterwards. Similar suits aro to be brought against nil tho ex-strikers who received relief. Tho case against Lutz Is based on al leged statements he mnde at the time he supposed he was settling the strike. On January l!i, it Is nverred In the statement, ho declared in the presence of divers persons, that "the executive board of Division 108, Street Car Men's union, have failed and nre unable to account to Division 1GS for $1,100, and they are x ." The next day, so the declaration says, Lutz declared: "A certain social club Is having a ban quet at the rooms of the executive board or Division 1GS, Street Car Men's union, and the executive board of Division 1GS, Street Car Men's union, are furnishing ithe money out of the division's money." The divers persons referred to are the commmittee from the union who waited on Lutz, representing them selves as being In the movement to take the control of the strike out ot the hands of the executive committee. the purpose of their visit being to find' out what Lutz and tho genuine insur gent committee of Ave were up to. Damages in the sum of $5,000 are asked. Attorney Balentlne entered a rule in Prolbonotary Copeland's office giving notice of tho puipose of tho plaintiffs to choose arbitrators Febru ary 8, at 9 o'clock a. m. The plaintiffs are enumerated as follows: P. J. Shea, George Kagler, Thomas Edwards, Fred Surlne, Patrick Messltt, M. J. Barrett, Andrew Lavelle, P. J. Keegan anil AA J. Marlatt. Special Session of Court. President Judge Edwards yester day handed down an order providing for a special session of criminal court during the week beginning February 21 which Is Lackawanna week in the supreme court. The purpose of the special session Is to clear up .the cases that will be left over fiom the regular February term. There are two murder trials and a number of other big cases on tho regu lar list, and this, it is almost a surety, will make It impossible to reach all of the 334 cases in the two weeks of the regular term. Cases left over will be placed on the list for the special week and two outside judges called In to try them. It may be that the list for the spe cial term will not be as large as antici pated as It Is understood that verdicts of no pros are to be taken in the bribery cases against C. W. McKinney, Simon Thomas and possibly some oth ers in which the Municipal League is the prosecutor. Rule to Bring Suit. Michael Horan, of South Ablngton, by Attorney It, H, Holgnte, secured a rule yesterday to compel Mollis AT, Morris, of Scranton, to shpw cause why he should not, within ninety days, bring an action In ejectment to test the title of a one acre lot in South Ab lngton which Horan claims by squat ter sovereignty nnd for which Mortis holds a sheriff's deed, Nov. S, 1901, Morris bought at sher iff's sale the property of AVilllam Jen kins, which the lot In dispute adjoins Tho deed for the Jenkins property pre sumes to Include tho lot Horan cIrIiiis, Ho questions Morris' title on tho ground that lie has occupied it openly, notoriously and adversely for more than thirty-five years. Marriage Licenses. William II. A, WYber 'rjtiton Mjiv K. Iloii li.nu Snutitoi! .lolm 1', Kpii.ioii , (irri'iifWcl Aiuiiu Wotuhwril '.,.,. Diiiimoic COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. The case of dip city of ScrJliton g.iiut , D. f-tiiiui", .i ji'iUrnljy !!iiiulril tu tin- hiinittiio louit by tlio cily. Tliunnlay, .liuiiui.i to, 1IA3, w.i eti-nlay flvi'il by court us tlm time fur iuitiiir .iiMwv.l cclinnenl "' (licrifT's ilot'iln. iilicalIoii for dliorco m lllcil In I'lutlimio buy .lolm '('o;iclainl'ii office jiMculjy by I'lill-jjii-n i (lul't .iz.iliist her alli'Kdl wruway Iiu luml, .lolm Clulsl, They vvro iiuuioil .lum- i, IStm. Tip alli'gi-d ileiriltnn tool; ilnn- May iU, lo'JS l II, llojlo U (ittoiuoy fm Mn, I'liiM. COL. LONG'S GREAT RUN. How a Lehigh Man Once Won a Victory Over Pennsylvania, In the Philadelphia Press of last Sun day, tho following appeared; Itctlilclirm, .Inn, 18. -One of tin; most rom.nl able iillilt-tie ocnts tlut over mcmicd on tho l.rlilli unlM-mlty atliU-tlu flehl took jiUcd mi TlmieilJ', Xoipiuber '18, lbSd, during the return rjiiir botncin tlio University ot I'cnnt.ihanU nnd I.clilfli uulrcrtlty foot ball temu. Aftrr Arthur Louie, cUkh of 'R, of Wllkos-lljrrc, I.cIiIrIi'h fa mous half-back, run tho rutfro length ot the tldi) am) pljc'dl the ball In the back of IVmi' go ioit, the ball "as tnouglit out by W, II, 1'lcrrc-, lapUln, of 1'raiiWllu Furnace, X. J,, Lehigh, '37, lio klikiil a Kiy difni'iilt Kiul in tho faro of a ftrniiK wind. It. P. llradford, I'rinrctoii, '87, prrsltlrnt of tho l'rliucloii I'oot Pall association, rc-feired tlm gamo most wlUfac-lorlly. The c-oro ton, I 'J3 to O ill fJUir of Lehigh, Till gamo treated intense rxciteiiteiit and its celibiation lasted mi-ial dais. The Ilcthlehcnu on the night of the game wers painted a bright wrmlllluii. Ilaudi of mu-.li.' and fireworks attended the torchlight proceaIon of Lehlgli ktudcntJ. Long, I'lertc and llradford wrro the I erow of the day and were (.anted off the Held an! WiViWtfW It t nn miiaH Jul) to fake Inventory with fturli it Stock as we ramr, !rMNiiu im Sp ike, HO, Hull, keipihg nil linmK hustling until ,ln, );, wti. Is ll aiij wonder tall JS pieces, number Ies than u doen uCrtinuilatc, and parti nf Ml get broken St Goods bought at this Annual Inventory Salo Is a better Invest- r mont than money in a Saving1 Bank. You will ho surprised to see what 10c, 2Gc, and 50c. will buy. 10c. will buy: Hair 5 Receivers, Bono Dishes, Mustard Pots, Tea Pot Stands, Plates, Kg Citpa nnd Saucers, Candle Sticks, Cream Jugs, Jnrdiniore3, etc, S 1 , CuuaT 3 Gen. V. Millar & s. FURNITURE REPAIRED Have you in your attic a favorite chair with the upholstering in bad shape, an arm or a rocker broken, or perhaps having the springs out of order, waiting an indefinite sometime to be repaired? Let us mend it, repolish it, put a new cover on it and send it back to you aj good as new. Scranton Bedding Co F. A. KAISER, Lackawanna and Adams Avenues. Particular Dressers Wear Union Suits (underwear) DO YOU ? No Shirt to work up your back when stooping, or drawers to hold up with pins or otherwise they are in one piece, and trie price is no higher than other underwear of the same quality Winter From $2.00 a And if you mention this "ad." will allow you 1 5 per cent, discount during January. Trading Stamps, too, for cash sales. . . . . ron f"ir1 WOiirdU, Are You a Lover Of the Beautiful? Do jou wl-li to haio uietly ling-,? We will be pleaded to show jou Solltalli- Diamond Itlnas Diamund and Dneiald Iting-'. Pla uioi.d and Ituhy 11 Ins, Diamond and Opal Itins;- Diamond and Sapphire Kins-1. Dia mond and TurmioH Itlng-. Wu will moult any de-lied combination lo cidci. E. Schirapff, 317 Lackawanna ave. least !0UR CLOSING OUT SALE; OFFERS ! Wonderful Shoe Bargains ! 9 " , I (yjl Iff Ff J faff iMtlftf vf !S S2 40 y SSfe P &P 4P 4& & 4ft 4ft 4ft sSb 4ft 4ft 4ft 4B) Making Both It's a Problem. So far as wearing apparel is concerned we have solved it, We Invite any worthy to come and pick out stylish and dependable Clothing, Hats and Shoss, and pay for them in small sums paid wcsldy, We provide Clothing for Women, Men and Children and sell at pi ices as low as any store. We own and operate 28 stores. Credit to All. 31T Lacka. Aye, second Floor, Open Evenings, PEOPLE': throUKliQUt tho paiade in triumph on tho should ns ot Ulilgli men, l"le thousand people- wit lirtdiril thU i-xcltinsr same, Whcnem l.chlisli'b mm of 't9 and 'Si meet thU niymgraule (,'ainc U (iilliualattivally uhcancd. Co. 1'40,nl..Avonno wane in o.i j uook Around, t m MANAGER. Both 'Phones Weights Suit to $6.00 HAT1E.R 305 Lacka. Aye. : h A Difference There is as much difference in Diamonds as there is in human faces, nnd not infrequently as much hidden deception. When you wish to buy a diamond come to us. You can rely upon our judgment and representation. E. Schimp 317 Lackawanna ave. i & Ends Mee Credit Clothing Company p Tlio Arthur I.onjr referred to la iluw Colonel Arthur Loner of this city, niaiiiiKcr of tin? ureal department atQro owned by himself and lilw bt'otl'crs. 4 fl '!! I f JriL ! j i- ?