1 THE SCRANTON TBlBUNE-FlllDAY, JANUAlU' 2i 1002. 2 lt m m t i , The News of :railroad time tables Dolnwave and Hudson Railroad. NoveimVr 21. 1Mb Train 1mo uiliondalo nt city utallon ai fop Kof Rcmnlon ntil,WUk-lUifc n.no, 7.W, .. 8.01, 10.01, 11.21 a. in. I l.W, l.3i "5'), -W, 6.00, 7.00, 10.01, 11.00 p. in. .... . , , Sunday tuliu le.ue at 8..V), 11.21 a, m.J l.W, -2.10, B.W, 8.00 n. in. .. , , ' Tor Alhanv, Sunburn, Montreal, lt.-lii. Jtw lltndand point?, etc!,. 7.00 n. to. t M !' ' PorWaymatt ami llonwdale, 7.2-', 11.03 a. lit,; 3 SI, 0.13 p. 111. ... , , Sunday (tains leave Waymart and lloiicul.tlo at 0.30 a. m.l 4,13 p. in. Trains aultc at Cirlxmil.ilc frwn u " i",nArl!; and Scranton an follow! n.M, S.:i,, two. ltUO . in.; 12.37, 2.00. n. i.t. i.ss, o.os, 7.01, .si, !.i, 11,57 Sun 11. m.l 2.03 a. ill. . ml.iy tmlti4 airlvc nl 0.27 a. in. i 12.10, .1.1.1, i 'Q. I! 7ri 1 1 nil t til .S11nd.1v train nrrlie at C.ulioml.iU" (mm Way mart and llonc.id.ilo at 12.1" and 7."m p. in. Now York, Ontario find Western. Hoplemlier 17, 1001. Tialn leave C.irbond.ilo fur .Scranlnn at ,.00 a. n.i I.1.1) p. 111. rtmd.iv 11.11111 at 7.00 a. in.; O.Oi! p. in. Tialin leave Cirhond.ilo (or point 1101II1 at 11.10 .1. 111. On Sunday at fl.ln n. 111. Tintm Ihivlmr nl 11.10 11. 111, week il.iyn ami (MO n. 111. Mitiday lnal;c coiincetioiii (or New Vmk, Corn wall, etc. Traliw arrhe (10m Pcranto'i at 11.10 a. 111,; JIM p. m.; (rem point norlli, -l.rti p. in. Mimtijvi (mm Srrntilon nt 0.10 a. tit. and 7.13 p. m.i I10111 t'dihnhi at 11.O11 p. in. Erie Railroad. .lime ai. 1001. Tralm axe rlfv al.-illnn, c.iihiiiidaK dally f extent Sunday) nit 7.IM a. in. and 4.WI p. in. for Ili.iii'Jt and Nineveh i ill W.KI .1. in., dally (v. icpllnjf Mindiy), tor lllnsliimiiin. inaklnir ow nrdlom f'r New Viil; city and lluXilo, and at ti.lO p. m. for Susinii-Jiaiiiia, maklns inniiccllcmi lor v. i't 01 ti points Sunday train at i..-, n. 111. for KiMiue'inniu, villi western (iinncctloiis ami 0.27 p. m., with mnif connett!oii. Tialni arrlic nt S.':l a. m. and 3.13 p. in. Sundaj-i at C..VI 11. 111. STORIES OF THE STREET. Some Amusing Happenings That Bring Laughter with Their Tell ing. The members of the Columbia Hose company lmvo u good story to laugh over this week. It Is sit the expense of one of the younger members, Thomas Coleman. AL the recent benellL for Charles Hull, a brother member, a number of palms were procured to add to the decorations of the dance In "Watt's hall. On Sunday, air. Coleman, in walking down Church street, noticed that a window in the hall was opened, permitting a cold breeze to blow on the palms. "Egad," thought Mr. Coleman, "this is a shame; those palms will be fro.en and will look like a lot of wilted sun flower stalks by tomorrow night. I must do my duly ere they perish." Coleman hastened about town and, locating a key for the hall, hurried (to shut the mlschlevlous-looking window. At the same time he observed the palms didn't appear as fresh as they might. "A drop, more or less, of water won't hurt them," ho commented mentally; and, procuring a vessel, ho poured about a quart of water nrouail- the roots of each palm. Returning "Vi the hose house, he incidentally spoke fff his work.1 Before ho had finished; there was a titter, which grew into laughter' that tilled the company's quarters. Poor faithful Coleman had been pro tecting and watering nrtlllcial palms which had been loaned from a furniture store of the town. lie bought the cigars, and now when you speak of his "palmy" days, Coleman runs and hides. The masquerade of the Oermaula Singing society, held AVeduesdny night, recalls a story that Is told of the ex perience of one of Its prominent mem bers on the night of his Initiation. This member, who will bo recognized by the others when they read this story was somewhat anxious about how he would conduct himself when called upon to bo presented. "Say." he whispered to one of the members, "I don't want lo make any breaks, and I wish you would 'put mo next' to what I'm to do." Unfortunately for him, he was turn ing for help to the most confirmed cap ital joker of the society. . "Now, what you want to be sure to do." said the joker, as he realized that the new member was at his mercy, "Is to call for refreshments for every one .when you nre called on. And beforo their glasses nre empty, you want to fill them up again. Do this three times . and you'll stand pat with the crowd." "Drink to the health of the now mem ber," said the victim when he was pre sented. "Fill them up again," ho ex claimed when the glasses were lowered. The members looked at one another, their eyes saying "this fellow Is all right." "Once more," came from tho new brother, when the second round wont under tho members' shirt-waists, lly this time, the gathering had become aware that tho "Joker" hud been nt work and the merry laugh foil on tho new man. He was game, however, and he showed it by ordering another round, which was topped off by the hearty luughter of everybody. This man was from llotiesdale, which excuses his vanity for thinking himself "lt.r3Io attended the recent perform ncaSCMIIOrAd Holland In "Tho Power c'2frj?1SS2?j)' Ho didn't seem -Hatlfiiied with Tho siiow and a friend, observing this, said: "Well, Honesdule. miow did you llko that?" 2 ,"' well," he replied, as hq jwlsted his faco, just, like. 4V .Honesdnllan can, v;"It was pretty good, but, ' thunder, j thpro weren't any specialties." Tho ;Illll Upard and Trunk company had ' Just Mulshed born.stovmlnir tho ri,..a nut borough, J . Their Fourth Anniversary. I Mr.- and Mrs. AV. J, IlobortB happily jobsprved their fourth wedding miniver wsary on Wednesday evening, by enter taining n number of friends nt their yilcasant home on South Washington wwwsss?? Breatt'fast Dish GRAPE-NUTS Clroccrs sell them Catftxmdale, street. The evening was given princi pally to cimlXt progressiva cuehre en gaging thu wits of the guests and nlso offering opportunity for social converse unci pleasant exchange of sallies. There wits, of course, tt good deal (if Interest In the prizes, airs. Iltirry llnrrlson won the chief prize', and Cluy Chamber lain hntl to content, himself with tho "do 'Way Hank nml Sit Down" prize. There wim ulso music and refreshment, The occasion was highly enjoyable tind u happy celebration of tho event. ' -- HORSE RACES ON ICE. An Afternoon of Exciting Sport at Crystal Lake, on Thursday, Janu ary 00, at 2 O'clock. A committee, consisting of George F. Mills, Prank K. Ilurr nnd John J. Simp son, have issued invitations to the lov ers of fast horses In this vicinity, to a ntatlncc to be held on the Ice at Crys tal lako, 'I'hursituy, .Ian. 30, 1902. Tho races are to bo called at 2 o'clock In tho Afternoon, This announcement will be well re ceived about the town, and will be the means of attracting a big crowd, It Is safe to say, as those who witnessed the races hist year keenly enjoyed tho sport. The personnel of the committee In charge of the enterprise Is an assurance that the races will bo well conducted and that It will be a worthy offering to persons whoso preferences lead to this enjoyable and exciting sport. This means a good portion of the commun ity. THE LAST NIGHT. Columbia Hose Company Fair Closes Last Night Large Crowd Present. Winners of the Prizes. One of the largest crow.ds In attend ance at the fair of the Columbia Hose company was present last night to bid farewell to 'the valiant fheliiddles, who have given Carbondale people and out-of-town persons a chance to enjoy themselves for the past nine days. Tho affair last night was the banner night of all. Everybody was there with the Intention of having it good time, and they certainly had It. The doing away of the usual pro gramme and In Its place having an hour's round dancing, struck a popular chord with the lovers of thu dancing art. The dancers were In their element and the Mozart orchestra, which has furnished music for the fair each even ing, played as they never played be fore. The music was entrancing, and but few could resist, and the floor was always crowded by the merry dancers. The various games at the fair did not suffer from lack of attention, and the plum tree was again the cause of much merriment. The fair canvassctr, were most conspicuous by their absence. Their work was over early, as all the books had been turned over to it com mittee early in the evening. 'During the progress of the fair the Columbia boys have entertained nearly five thousand persons, ami not one of those was' dissatisfied with the treat ment that Avas accorded them. It -was a grand success socially and financially, and the flrelndilies are deserving of commendation for the manner In which they conducted the affair. At 10 o'clock the committee started the drawing for the many prizes, for which a number of chances had been taken since the opening of the fair. Ticket No. 233 won the handsome rocker and It was held by Miss Mary Con nolly. Ticket Xo. L'lS, held by Mrs. B. Durfee, won the picture, which has found a place on the platform during the fair and which was greatly ad mired. Ticket X, 739 won thp $10 worth of laundry at the Carbondale steam laundry, and Itlehard Dunn, of Dun daff street, was the claimant. The door prize for the past three evenings has been u chance on a " karat diamond ring, Which was won by Miss Mary Muldowney, of Simpson. The lucky ticket was Xo. U.SOi. The young lady cnnife in for congratulations from her many friends on her good for tune. Ticket Xo. 025 won the $23 iu gold. It was held by James Downey, of tho "Eleventh Hour" theatrical company, which played hero two months ago. It will be sent to tho New York Clipper. CUPF-TIERNEY NUPTIALS. Wedding of Two Popular Young Peo ple in St. Hose Church. In St.. Itoso church, Wednesday morn lug at 10 o'clock, Miss .lla Cult, of C'hllds, beeamu the wife of Thomas Tlerney, of this city. Tho bridal party marched up tho aisle of the church to the strains of the wedding inarch, which was played, by Trof, S, V. Stockman. Tho party was met at tho altar by Very Rev. T. 1 Coffey, V. O., who suid tho Avoids which milted the happy young couple. TIiq bride v. as attired In a steel-colored gown. tr!:r.mpdy with white silk and applique hit-.. She wore a handsome picture hat. Her maid, Miss Anna Mellugh, wore 11 pretty gown of blue broadcloth, with hat to match. Tho groom was attended by Patrick Joyce. Tho bridal party was driven to the homo of tho bride's parents, on III11 street, where u wedding breakfast was served. Tho young eouplo left in tho afternoon for New York city and Wash ington, D, V. They will bo gono two weeks, and on their return will start housekeeping In u newly furnished homo In Muyflcld, Tho groom is a conductor on the On tario and Western road and ono of tho most trusted and efllclent employes of that company. Emergency Hospital. Pnsset Merrlno was taken to Emer gency hospital yesterduy In an unibu liuice. He was at work In tho Udgerton mines when a fall of coal ennto down .011 him, almost completely burying him. A bono in the leg was fractured tind ho suffered minor Injuries on the body. The condition of Martin Jordan ut tho hospital was soniewhut Improved last night. Patrick Morrison was admitted to the hospital suffering from u crushed foot, Ho had been at "work storing away lee, when u,large cake fell on his foot, bud. ly crushing the member. Crowds Being Vaccinated. As a matter of precaution against any possible breaking out of small-pox III this section many persons me being vaccinated dally. When the scare wus here oneo before, upwards of several months ago, a large number went un der tho operation and It was thought then that but few In the city were like-. ly to need the application, but UiCoVer llmo the doctors nre putting In nowa days destroys Hie Illusion. There are still many In this city who have failed to become vaccinated. HONESDALE "PIPE" STORY, Excitement Over Cost of Hull Trial Lends to Pitiful Exaggeration. Hnrkcn to litis Honesdnlo "pipe" story In the latest lsstie of the Wayno Independent: "Tho cost of thd Hull trial to Wnyno county so far amounts to $1,001.29, be sides indirect costs of which there Is no basis for tin estimate. In addition to this, H. J, Ncary, a Cnrbondale con stable, has presented a bill of nearly $1,000 for detective services Ho asks M.CO per day from the dale of the find ing of Snhoonover'H body till thu trial, nnd nt tho same time ho received pay for serving subpoenas, covering n por tion of the same time. For this alleged service no benefit was derived, as he furnished no material evidence for tho trial, Lackawanna county Individuals tiro well schooled In the art of making bills of costs for taxpayers to liquid ate." There Is so much falsity In these characteristic Honesdnlo newspaper rumblings, Hint the easiest way lo dis pose of It Is to say that tho man re sponsible for them was either "kidded" by tho persons who gave him tho Infor mation, or ho has made such a willful exaggeration of facts that he owes tin apology as long as his arm to Constable Kdward Xeary. The fact is that Constable Xeary has sent In no bill ror a thousand dollars. Ho has sent In a bill for $470, which Is but meagre compensation for his ser vices, as- compared with the foes which are usually paid In such cases, nml such ns were paid by tho county of Wayne, Itself, when It had Phikerton detectives doing nothing but shadowing everybody against whom there was suspicion In connection with the escape of McCabe, who was executed for mur der. Constable Xeary was engaged by the district attorney to collect evidence In the Hull case, tind has papers in his possession to this effect. His suit to secure what his labors in the Hulf case earned will be only one of a half-dozen or more that will be Instituted by Cur bohdallans who were denied the full share of fees that, ns witnesses, they were entitled lo under the law. E. J. NEARY EETURNS. Arrived Last Night from New York State with n. Prisoner. Kdward J. Neary returned last night from Blnghnniton with his prisoner, Stephen Carrol, who Is wanted, here on the charge of stealing ?430 from Mike Machohiek, of Maylleld, with whom he boarded for a few days. He then skipped to Biughnmtoh, and was found by Neary in the hospital there, suffer ing from injuries he received in some mysterious manner. To bring him to this city extradition papers were need ed, and Xenry was sent to Governor Stone of this state, and Governor Odell of New York state. He secured the papers and the prisoner is now In the city Jail. He will be taken to Scranlon today 011 a commitment made out by Alder man S. S. Jones. "Hiawatha" Tonight. The production of "Hiawatha" at the Grand opera house, for the benefit of the Trinity church, will be given to night with all the splendor of Its many parts. The affair promises to be a grand success, as the sale of tickets has been unusually large. The children who are to take imrt have been well drilled and will give it good account of themselves. In Keal Estate Circles. The handsome house and lot of Will lam It. Johnson, on Washington place, has been purchased by Attorney Will iam 10. Watt. The consideration was $1,000, it is sold. This Is ono of the llnest residence properties In the city, Us heating and sanitary systems being unsurpassed. At present the building is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. lfyron Gucriii, Meetings Tonight. Junior Order United American Me chanics. Companions of the Forest. American Legion of Honor. The Koyal Circle. Crystal camp, Woodmen of the Win !d. Lamoreaux's Condition. Charles Lamoreaux, of Archbald street, who was injured several days ago, while coasting on Park street, was a little Improved yesterduy and Dr. Andrew Niles, the attending physician, hopes to have hint around again In a short time. The Birth Record. Horn, to Mr. nnd Mrs, James Mollltt, of South Church street, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. John Polko, of White's cross lug, a daughter: to Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Ilelchard, a daughter. Mrs. Salsbury Here. Mrs. Salsbury, who has charge of tho staging of Hiawatha at tho Grand Opera house tonight, Is tho guest of Dr. H. (.'. Wheeler and wife. In tho Hospital. Charles linker was admitted to Dr. It. C. Wheeler's hospital yesterday. Tho young man Is from Jorniyn. THE PASSINCl THRONG. Common Councilman Alex. Kennedy Is In Now York city. Ex-School Director W. It. Moon, who is now with tho New York Surgical EASY TO FIND When you find a medicine that makes your regular food taste good, when you find a medicine that strengthens a weak stomach then you know you're going to put some flesh on. ' Scott's Emulsion does these things. We recommend it whenever the system needs more 'flesh. If you are thin and able to eat begin regular doses. That's your part, Scott's Emulsion will do the rest. Not flabby but solid flesh. We'll woJ you i Utile lo liy.lf you J'kf. SCOTT S HUWNIi, w IVtflttrvcl, Ne Veik. tk'.ti'.Jl'.'V JV !'. te m m. US 5 13 WW This is a, very big announcement, but it is what we are going to do-, give you Cloaks at one-half the manufacturer's prices. $25 to $40 Newmarkets and Raglans at $15.00 1 8 to 25 Newmarkets and Raglans at 1 0.50 12 to 18 Newmarkets and Raglans at 7.00 Come early, there is only sixty-seven garments in the lot. 50 Children's Coats, 4 to 12 years, wholesale price $4.00, are offered at $1.98. Just one-half their wholesale value. 120 42-Inch Jackets, all wool, cream of the season, wholesale value is from $14 to $30, are offered at $8 to $15. They won't last long, so come quick. 15. Evening Capes for Theater and Party Wear at 50c on the dollar. 50 Fine Capes for the matrons at 25 per cent, less than wholesale value. In our store fifty garments will last about one week, so come early. 1 Paddock Tan Kersey, imported from Paris. Cost $75.00 to land in New York City. Will close at $25.00. It has $20 worth of mink on collar and revers 324 Lackawanna Ave. Appllance company,. is in the city for a few days. Mr. Moan Is meeting with deserving success in his new-field. I'. J. Martin, of Scrunton, was in the city yesterday. D. .1. McKeon, of Olyphant, was at the Harrison house yesterday. JERMYN AND MAYF1ELD. The directors of the First National bank on Wednesday purchased a plot of land for the new bank. The site chosen is that where the dwelling house now occuoied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steele stands. The lot Is 25x175 feet and quite centrally located. A committee was appointed to procure estimates for the erection or the building. A ten-ton llrcproof vault has been mtrchased. The funeral of the late Mrs. George Buckingham took place yesterday af ternoon. Services were held iu the Primitive Methodist church, and Inter ment was made in the borough ceme tery. The nail-bearers were: Martin Stephens, Thomas Parry, James Din ner, Ace Kirby, Hurry Reeve and Sam uel Cooper. The entertainment given last night by the children In Enterprise hull was largely patronized, and the programme as published was very creditably car ried out and enjoyed. Mrs. William Ctiley, of West Maylleld, was entertained by a number of her friends Thursday evening lust. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Chris Whitney, Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. Henry Langmun, Mrs. James Tucker, Mrs, Mellow, Mrs. Hurry Reeves, Mrs. Sim mons, Mrs, Charles lilythe, Mrs. John Martin, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. It. Wheeler, Mrs. R. Reynolds, Mrs. Samuel Penny, Mrs, Stephen Mor com, Mrs. Henry Muynurd, Mrs. Chnrles MeGlnley, Miss 15. C'uley, Misses Hay nurd, Ilono, and Mr. Nichols, Peter Dltmore, of Hradt'ord, Pa., Is visiting here at his home, Don't forget the Republican caucus tonight In -Knterpriso hull at 8 o'clock. Mrs. J. J. Place Is oonllned to her homo, at Muyflcld, by illness. .The Democrats of tho Third ward will hold thejr caucus on Saturday evening. It was ut first supposed that Councilman Cubauney would hnvo no opposition for a ro-nomlnatlon, but Harry J. Kennedy Is an aspirant for tho nomination. OLYPHANT Miss Mary Jane Davis, daughter of Mrs. William V. Davis, and Grant White, of lilnkelv. wern nnlttvl fn mm. rlage by Rev. Peter Roberts, nt Moha- noy city, yesterday. Mr, and Mrs. White havo many friends, who extend to tiiem tneir sincere wishes for a happy and prosperous wedded life. They will resldo In lilakely. Tho school board has ordered all chil dren attending the publlo school to bo vaccinated beforo Monday, Dr. Crnns, Dr. Van Sickle and Dr, Price have been engaged to do the vaccinating, Culhane, Ohnso & Weston's minstrels Will hold the boards , tho Father Mathew opera house this! evenlnsr. Tho Democratic caucus of the Fourth ward will bo held this evening at 7 o'clock, nt the regular place, Tho Jnvenls dancing class will hold their weekly social In Million's hall to lileht. Mrs. Mnry Probert, who has been vis iting relatives ut Kingston, returned home yesterday, U S. Pllger, accused of robbing tho safe of his employer, George Spitz, ns noted in yesterday's Issue, was given ti further hearing before Justice of tho Peace Cummliigs yesterday and held in the sum of $1,200 for his appearance nt (ourt. The Republican primaries held In the GiveAway Sale 1 AT CRANE'S m0 TLrm 1 Em wj3 Second, ward yesterday resulted as fol lows: Council, Wlllliim S. Davis; school director, Thomas Weaver: constable, Joseph Ij. Davis; auditor, William Scrlven; Judge of election, Morgan Evans; inspector, John Brooks. PECKV1LLE. The report circulated in the town yesterday to the effect that Mrs. Wil liam Pollard, of Brook street, had vis ited a relative In Prlcoburg where a. case of smallpox Is said to exist and that one of the family from that place had called on tho Pollard family here on Sunday lust. This report, which flew like wild (Ire, caused a decided sensation. Health Ofllcer J. B. Grover and President H. L. Thompson, of the local board of health, were appealed to. These gentlemen at once proceeded at once to mnko a thorough Investiga tion of the mutter. They found that tho report was a highly colored ono and greatly exaggerated, providing and story told by Mrs. Pollard Is true. She claimed no relation to the family and stated that she had not visited Prlcoburg for some time and that the relatives who did call on her on Sun day last were In no way connected with the family who have contracted the disease. The local board of health are Investigating the affair more fully and are prepared to act if the case warrants further procedure. Health Olllcer J. B. Grover and President II. L. Thompson, of the lo cal board of health, paid an ofllclal visit to all the school buildings iu tho borough yesterday on a sanitary In spection, The political pot Is boiling merrily and the numerous candidates for the several ofllces ore as busy as bees. No doubt a large voto will bo cast at tho coming primaries. TAYLOR. At the Methodist Episcopal church parsonage on Wednesday the pastor, Row C. 11. Henry, united In marriage Miss Elsie Carey and Mr. John Grif fiths, two popular young peoplo of this town. Tho brldo and groom left on a wedding tour to New York and other places In Interest. Tho Women's Christian Temperance Union will meet at the homo of Mrs. Alfred Hntton on Main street this af ternoon nt 3 o'clock. In tho engagement of Prof, Charles Hartley, vcntriloquest, and Miss Bea trice Morris, elocutionist, of Scrnnton, the members of Century Hose company No. 2 have secured two excellent num bers for their concert to be held at Weber's link on Fob. 12. Tho Buffalo Social club will not con duct their weekly boclal tomorrow evening at Weber's rink. The Taylor Oratorio society are milk ing rapid progress In their work. Tho chorus selected for this week's study Is "Fall'n Is tho Foe," tie best chorus In the book. Much good nmy be ob tained by attending (he Friday even ing relieursal und all uro Invited to bo present. Mrs. Kdwnrd K. Davis, of Rallrpud street, is slowly recovering from her recent nceldent, Extensive preparations nro being made by the congregation of tho Pype and Archbald primitive Methodist church for the entertainment to bo held iu the church auditorium on Jan uary 20, CLARKUMiHIT. Hlrum Ash Is very much linproved front his recent Illness. Rev. C. If. Heynolds und fumlly via-' Ited friends here this week. Died. Mrs. Elvlru arlllln, uged S3 A Jackets years. Funeral at tho home on Satur day, January 23, at 2 p. m. Interment in Clark's Green cemetery. Professor Guy and family moved on Monday last to Cook's Falls, N. V. DURYEA. The Republicans of our borough have a right to feel proud of tho candidates they nominated at the primaries Tues day. It is one of the strongest tickets ever placed before tho citizens of this borough. Following Is the result of the primaries: Councllmen, Thomas Winn, 111; A. J. Cooper, 02; Cetor Kln plnskl, 122; H. L. Edsall, 143; J. H. Brynmler, 130; John Pesotlnl, 73; Alex. Allen, 103; George Pradel, 54; Dr. H. J. Baker, 20; school directors William Suarts, Charles Butler; assessor, Wil liam Bummerfleld; constable, Ike Evans; high constable, William Char ters; auditors, James Donnelly, John B. Miller, Joseph Koynoek; judge of election, A. C. Watson; Inspector of election, Thomas L. Williams. Mrs. H. I,. Edsell Is 111. Churches will be reopened Sunday. Albert Barnes, brother of the late Raiph Barnes, returned home to Ohio. BRADFORD COUNTY. Spccltl to the Scranton Tribune. Townnda, Jan. 23. A week's fair was opened yesterday by tho members of Sts. Peter nnd Paul's church, in the school hall. B. B. Stone, mall agent on the Bow man's Creek branch train, which runs from Towanda to Wllkes-Barre dally, had his collar bone broken In a wreck of his train, Mrs. Mnry Warden died at the home of her daughter, Airs. O. G. Frlsblo, on Friday, after a short illness uf apop lexy, aged 73 years. Uncle Sam's able representative In tho postal service, D, M. Turner, who has faithfully served tho Towanda patrons for nearly four years, has an nounced himself a candidate for re appointment as postmaster. His term expires next May, and the opinion seems to bo much In favor of his re turn for another term, Mr. Turner Is a careful business man, being associated on the Reporter-Journal business staff. He has ulso added greatly to tho im provement during his term, and has al ways been ready to lend a helping hand to Ids patrons. Thomas Grace, a young man of Standing Stone, employed by the Le high Valley as a brakeman, was killed by the cars near Burdett. "Ho was burled on Saturday, Over forty men nre now employed by the Bradford County Growers' associa tion in their sorting and shipping build ing In Tuwandu, J, H, Beeiunu, of Wysox, has u wed ding vest, which was worn by his great grandfather, James Lent, who was murrled to Chloe Parks, June U, 1S0U It being the llrst wedding recorded from Rome, The garment Is mntlo of linen with homespun back, the front being niado' of manufactured cloth, striped, and of tine fabric; It is double breast ed, high cut with turn-down collar, nnd lias two large pockets, The vest Is well preserved, and the colors appear bright as when new. Mr, Parks was the llrst man to take a wife from Romt , und served his country. In the war of 1812. He was born In 1782, nnd died In 1881. Ills, wife wus born In 1784 and died In 1SG3. Nine children blessed their union. Mrs. Catherine Glllis died ut her resi dence, after a two weeks' Illness of paralysis, uged U4 years, She is sur vived by u faiplly. Nelson Rosa, who has been held for u hearing on the charge of killing M. V. Mills, wus tried before justice yes of .2;: i v. ST. 6 c - Wi i 6 f 0. P. Take Elevator 1 itinfnnmsr. 1. .1. .1. 5. t, 12' terday.- ,After many witnesses wejjt heard the 'prisoner was held to courts The temporary bridge on the Bow man's Creek branch of the Lehigh. Val ley went down at Monroeton yesterday, afternoon, whlchdelayed trafTlc for" "a short time. The main structure was washed out by the flood on Jan. 14. U. M. Fell has been chosen presldonti of the First National bank, vice C. L, Tracy. The annual ball of the old folks was) held at Canton on Friday evening. Tho styles of a century ago wore an at tractive feature of the event. The Odeo Creamery company of Le- Roy, this county, was awarded a diplo ma of honorary mention for thelx- but ter exhibit at tho Pan-American exposi tion. Sixty-seven liquor - licenses word granted by the court, on Monday, only, five being held over. A meeting of tho Republican county committee was held on Tuesday. Thursday, March 13, was the day fixed for holding the convention. The cnnttE dates for congress are W. J. Young am! M. E. Lilley, both of Towanda. "t ACCIDENT NEAR. ALTOONA. Pullman Car Turned Over Twelvo Occupants Injured. Uy i:xclalc Wire from Tlie Ai.-ociutctl Press. , Altoona, Pa., Jan., 23. Tho secoptl section of the Pennsylvania rallroail Atlantic express, east-bound, tho Pull man section duo hero at. 6.15 this morn ing, mot with an accident at McGar vey's station, three miles west of Al toona. An east-bound freight train having broken In two descending tho mountain, the first section was brought to this city, and tho rear section, con sisting of twenty-eight cars, wnh brought to a stundstill on the main, track near McGarvey's. Tho llrst sec tion of tho Atlantic express ran arouirtl tho obstruction safely, but when tti"ri second section was crossing back to tfto muln track the rear Pullman "'as 'sldlf swiped by the freight, which, not belns tightly held by the brakes, had movd down tho switch. Tho Pullman wiJh turned over on Itssldo and Its tweiyo occupants were thrown from thejt berths. ; Four persons were slightly Injured, ono being Mayor Frltchey, of Ilurr!j burg. Tho Injuries consisted of cuts and bruises. All continued on their Journey. - .iwti ITALIANS BARRED OUT. They Must Have, Certificate of Good Health, lly i:iliishe Who fiom The .UaOt-lulril Piei. Bethlehem, Pa., Jan. 23,-Owing to tho smallpox scare In the Northampton slate regions, the Lehigh Valley Trac tion company today Issued orders to ItH ono hundred news to bar nil Rallunn frqm tho trolley cars on all of Its eleven lines, unless they bo provided with n certificate of good health by the board of health. The fact that un Italian escaped from quarantine several duys ago and vfl. from Bangor on a trolley car Is believed to be the Incentive that prompted the orders barring them from traveling on trolley cars hereabouts. , War Veterans Want Recognition lly Kxcliuhe Wire from The AoclaUJ l'ie. ? Wellington, Jan. ). A delegation c( .uul-li war veteran culled at the uhlte house today urn; urged on llio piroUltnt thu wUdom ami Ju.ticc t gliint; Spanish war etcraiu inccu-ncc over Uvlllaiw In aioliitiiH'iiU to wllloas In the goo eminent rlvil service. The piehleut wld ho rvr ognltcd there wit ineiit In tho request and mjl ho would take up tho matter with th citilit aud do what ho i-culd to carry their view luj pi ail a al operalivu. : afe. , .. J