. TT?(Vt - ' L- W V ributi I 11 j J?SS ' r '-t.jsn"'!.' .-v a ,- M'ONLY'SCRANTON PAPER RE 2CEIV ING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS, i ;" SCRANTON, PA., tflUAVr MORNING, JANUARY 21, 1902. TWO CENTS. I J- I rPffiiiiiiii " ' ir:!5)fBifffsSHMiTP" I . MR. MITCHELL IS Committee Finds That Gharaes of Miss Meredith Are Entlrclu Without Foundation MANY RESOLUTIONS PASSED YESTERDAY "Report of the Investigating Commit tee Entirely Exonerates President Mitchell of All Charges Confidence Is Expressed in His Honor and In tegrity Mr. Mitchell Thanks the Convention for Expressions of Good Will Criticism of Guards Who Protect Non-Union Miners from Violent Assault. By i:clitaic Wire hum The A-iooI.ilcd I'M"";. Indianapolis-, Jim. 23, The United Mine Workers' convention today con sidered, Item by Item, u partial report of the committee on resolutions. The resolutions Were presented by the committee as It had received them, to gether with the recommendations. The llrst was that the United Mine ."Work ers' Journal be printed In the Slavonic, ns well as In the English language. The committee recommendation was ad verse. A second resolution was to the effect that two pages of the journal be printed In the Polish language. This led to a prolonged discussion, President Mitchell explained that the experiment of printing two pages of the Journal In the Slavonic language had been tried without good results, it costing the organization 31,040 to em-' ploy a man to set those two pases, when the foreign circulation was only 1,000. All le'solutlons asking for the print ing of documents In any language but the English langunge were voted down, although the Polish delegations made a strong plea to have the paper printed in their tongue.- A resolution that every local union of mine workers' organization bo fui nlshcd with i copy of the verbatim ic ports of till the proceedings, of the na tional convention brought up tho dis cussion. The committee recommended against the resolution, which failed of adoption. The committee refused to concur In the resolution' providing that all men doing guard duty "taking part in a private army," in the service of any coal corporation should be eternally de barred from becoming members of the United Mine Workers' organization. In the discussion following the resolution, antagonism to all guards who protect men employed by coal corporations, cropped out. There was a difference of opinion as whether this resolution would debar militia men from member ship, in the miners' organization, but President Mitchell said it would not do so. The discussion gave opportunity for the most burning criticism of guards who protect non-union miners. Another resolution for the "establish ment of a fund for the purpose of help ing all miners over fifty years of age and disabled miners, and that each and every member of the United Mine Workers of America be assessed for that purpose," was tabled. A resolution of sympathy with wo men labor organizations and offering to extend its aid whenever possible was adopted. A resolution to incit'ase the mine workers.' olllcials' salaries by the same per cent, as the mine workers obtnlned, an Increase in wages, failed of adop tion. Having finished the partial report of the resolutions committee, the commit tee took tip tnn report of the Investi gating committee. Report on Miss Meredith's Charges, The following .report was then sub mitted und adopted by a rising vote today: f To the Officers and Members of the Thirteenth Annual Convention of United Mine Workers ut America. Cc lit Irmcii : We, jour committee appointed to Imcsllg.iln the ilurges and counter ihargcs that 1 i.i o btcn u.vcil between MI.ns Molllo Mcicdltli ami offiuT.s of our organization, beer Idle to makes the following report: We llnlld then; was no foundation in fart for the ilurgeu prefemd by Mini Meredith, and bet; lenc to submit the follow luff resolution: Whereas, Where one, Miss Molllo Meiedllli, li,u Issued circular U'ttus containing fctatcincuts and making allegations derogatory lo the personal and uftiolal honor of the president, tlie secretary and other oflleers of the United Mlna Workers, of Amcrlui and. Whereat), Wo believe that such statements coin. Ing from any source whatever aie liable Irre. parably to damage our organization and tlioutJ lie and aro hereby condemned; if any peiaou or jirrjoru feel or know that officers or members of the United Mino Workers of America aro derellit in their duty, charges tliQiild ami must bo i in ferred In tho proper manner and hao tho guilty parlies properly punished, and Whereas, Said statements wero intended and calculated to Injure the president, the secretary ml other officers of the United Mine Workers of America, and Whereas, Wo believe and know that the nit tloii.il offlccrs and our organization did all that lionoiable inert should do to piotect our organ, izatlon, ami its funds at the time Mr, I'earce una rcmoed from office, and Wlureaa, We have every confidence in the bono Integrity aud faithfulness ot our officers, thciefore, be it Itcohvd, That this contention by a rising vote. Indorse in cveiy particular the action of t of. fern u the Pcarco matter. nicrtfulljr Mimbltted, James VU llecnen, pres ident! W, 1). Itjan, secretary! W, 11. llaskins, 8. S. Lynch, T. Gilbert, J. I). Wood, William Uodds, Lawtcnco I.oie, T, D. Nichols. Mr, Mitchell's Speech. After tho report hud been miaul mously adopted, there were loud cries for Mchell. The president stepped to the fiont of the platform und suld: lucre ! my little that tny feelings will per.: VINDICATED mlt me lo iwy. A great wrong lux been done Mr. Wilton and lnjclf. It Inn been repaired a far in you can repair it, but It linn not been wholly repaired. 1'rnin one end of tlicv loiinhy to tho other your fellow (iiiflMiini hmo heanl the re. poll lint charges b.iie been prefened iiitallitt your national offl-em. M.inv who Ii.ino heird the iuii'oll&ii4 belleM' them to be tine. I thank jou fi I the ull.iiilinoiH ule shotting o;n eonll Ipni'j end tni"t. At the close of his speech the cheer ing wuh utmost deafening, Then there wero wills for Secretary Wilson. Ho JOHN MITC'Iir.T.I., Picsldont o"f the I'nlted Mill" Wolkers ofrmcrlc.i. responded briefly, after which the convention took a recess until after noon. The statement was made today by members of the scale committee that the miners outside of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois will make no attempt at this convention to break into the inter-state agreement wh'ch is binding between the operators and miners of these four states. Iowa tried to get In last year, but President Reese of that state, who is also chair man of the scale committee, said to day that Iowa and other states will wait until next year., when "the 'miners hope to be in a position to 'get recogni tion from iiioreioperntors. By tlie action of the lust national convention, Virginia and West "Vir ginia -were to have been Included in this year's Joint conference, but Ileese unci others say now that they do not expect any opeiators from those states to attend. it is also conceded by the miners' of ficials that the movement to got the operators of Virginia and West Vir ginia to meet them in this city Is al most a failure, although it Is contended that the work of thf organization is advancing satisfactorily In both states. The scale committee had another meet ing this afternoon, but will not be reads to renort bsfore Saturday and j possibly until tho middle of next ! week. President Van Horn of Indiana indicated this afternoon that the min ers of this state will demand an in crease of more than 10 cents a ton, but no agreement had been reached as to whether or not an absolute run of ' mine basis Will be nsked for thii state. However, tho Pennsylvania nnd Ohio men are no less determined than they were at the opening of tlie convention to obtain, If possible, a general adop tion of run of mine. Socialism Disapproved. The convention emphatically disap proved of a Socialistic resolution, to the effect that a political party should be organized, having for its purpose tho welfare of the laboring people of the country "In fighting for government ownership." Almost the entire time of the after noon session was taken up with con sidering the work of the credentials committee. In the course of tho afternoon pio cecdlng Hubert Noren, representative of tho National Custom Tailors' associa tion, addressed the convention by per mission and asked tho endorsement by thi! mino workers of a strlko that had been declared by the Chicago locul of his organization against a tailoring company of that city. The company, Mr, Nmen said, wanted Its employes to work for from llflccn to thirty-live per cent, less than the union wages On motion of Secretary-Treasurer "Wilson, the boycott against the Chicago company was unanimously endorsed by tho convention, The election of oll'cers amis made si special order of business for tomorrow morning. BRIDGE GIVES AWAY. ' Narrow Escape of Engineer Bailey of the N. Y., S. & W. R. R. Special In the Rcranton Tribune-. Stroudsbiirg, Jim, 23. High water, of Monday last, undermined the "bent'-' under tho trestle at the eastern end of the New York, Susquehanna und West ern railroad trestle bridge, over tho McMichaels creek, causing It to sink down about two feet, last night, while Engineer Bailey was bringing his loco motive and three cars across, Ualley felt the structure giving away and quickly opened wide tho throttle, causing tho engine to tear loose from Its tank, which had alrcudy sunk with tho bridge, und move on In safety, All tho train crew except ono wer? on the engine, and hud It gone down a heavy loss of life would have resulted, THREE DEATHS BY ACCIDENTS. My i:cluslc WJrp from The Associated l'reiis. WUkct-llarrc, Jan. El. Thieo deullw by acci dent oct imcd near here today, Willi jm ('amp bell, a farmer whoso leg wan bioKcn a wecU ago, died of blood imUonlug after amputation, Thomas Kartell, wlioc ankle wai crushed in the Atwa mine, died after the amputation, Andrew Xev;alli waa crushed to death under a runaway car in the Kingston mino HPK V mLpsiiiiiiiisS ENFORCEMENT OF TUBE FOOD LAWS. Work Done by tho Department of Agriculture of Ponnsylvnnla. By Exclusive Wire from Tlie Asoelalcd PrcM. iHarrisbui'R, Pn., Jan, 23. The work being done by the department of agri culture In' tho enforcement, or tho pure food laws In Pennsylvania was ex plained In detail by Dairy and Food Commissioner Cope aud other ofllelnls ot the department nt today's session ot the state board of usrlo.illture. AVhen they had finished these statements a resolution expressing confidence In tho Integrity and faithfulness of the oflleers. of tlie department und pledging them the board's hearty support In the en forcement of the laws, was unanimous ly adopted: A committee composed of II. V.Whlte, of Hloomsburg! W. F. McSparron, of Lancaster, aid S. F, .Inrber, of Hurrls burg, appointed by Secretary of Agri culture Hamilton, reported that It had made a careful examination Into the accounts and workings of the dairy and pure food division and found that ac tive efforts wero being nijide by Com missioner Cone and his assistants to enforce the laws. Mr. Cope submitted a statement showing that during last year 1,913 samples were taken and ana lyzed by the bureau, of which 78!) were found to bo adulterated. Reports were also presented showing that over $10,000 was collected In fines by the bureau during the year, and that of fifty-eight oleo suspects brought under the oleo law, enacted by the last legislature, twenty-five were termin ated, AN AUDIENCE WITH EMPEROR Foreign Representatives Are Received in the For bidden City. By i:vlutitc Wire from The Associated Press. Pekin, Jan. 23. The ministers of the foreign powers here have attained the goal which has been their aim since intercourse between China nnd the powers began. They have been re ceived as representatives of sovereigns equal in rank to the Chinese emperor. The audience yesterday between the empeior and the ministers were held in the Innermost large hall of the For bidden City. The emperor sat on a dais behind a table. There wore four princes at -the back of his chair and a dozen of.lcials' at "each side. Tlie dowager empress was concealed by a screen, according to the stories of the attendants, and remained In- ' visible. The audience chamber was furnished ornately, in contrast to the dingy rooms which served for these audiences under the old regime. ' The secretaries translated the ad dresses of the ministers, copies of which were handed to the emperor. ' The replies were delivered by Prince I Chins. ' The emperor was t silent throughout the audiences and remained stolid and , Impassive. j Formerly the emperor replied to the ministers in Manchu, and the Prince interpreted what he said. Today he appeared as an automaton, and the secretaries of the foreign ministers who were present report that he looked weaker, less intellectual and more childish than prior to the siege of the legations. The ministers of tlie foreign powers entered the Forbidden City at the main gate, leaving their military escorts out side. At the second gate they entered yellow chairs, like those furnished for the princes and secretaries. They walked through the Inner courts of the Forbidden City and their cortege re tired from the city by the east gate. SCHEEPERS' CRIMES. The Boor Commandant Had Been Convicted of Seven Cold-Bloodcd Murders. Bj' Kxelusbc W'Ire fioin The Ansoclatcd l're. London, Jan, 23. The wnr secretary, Mr, Broderlek, was asked- by William Redmond (Irish Nationalist), in tlie house of commons today, why Com mandant Scheepers was executed lust Saturday at Clraaff-Uelnet, Capo Col ony. Tho secretary replied that Scheep ers was shot because ho had been con victed of various offences against the usages of war, Including seven cold blooded murders of natives, nnd the Hogging of a white man, Mr. Brodrlck added that the fact that Commandant Scheepers wns a prisoner of war car ried no exemption from trial for mur der or other violations of the rules of Wnr. Mr. Balfour, tho government lender In the house, partially parried an In teresting question, put by Mr. McLaren (Liberal) us to whether any proposals In behalf of the leaders of the Boers, with the view of bringing obout u set tlement of tho wur, had been received by tho government since the negotia tions between Generul Kitchener and General Botha, "No proposal of that kind," said Mr, Bnlfour, "has reached us on tho pnrt ot uny one uble to speak for tho leaders of the Boer forces," The evasive reply of tho government leader wuh tuken to be u coiillrmntlon of the reports Unit proposals had been received from tho Boer delegates In Europe, but had been rejected. Steamship Arrivals. Dy Excluihe Wire from The Associated Prru. New .Vmk Jan. 'ii. Aubed: Celtic, l.h,er pool am! (ueciMown, Sailed; I.a Sawle, Havre, l.iierpool Airbed; Teutonic, New York. (dt'eutow u Sailed Oceania (from Liverpool), New York. Pensions Granted. By Kieliuhe Wire from The Associated I'rcw. Washington, Jan. 23. I'eiwioru granted: Kinina O. JIudion (widow), of Kingston, to; Henry I)U, Wtwly, f8. ARGUMENTS ON EXCLUSION Gtilnnmcii Are Brourjlit Before the Seiljite Committee on lm--' mioration. POWDBRLY'S EXAMPLES The Prisoners Admit That They En tered the United States in 1897 on Forged Certificates Mr. Campbell Believes,lThnt Nearly 100,000 Chi nese Wore Smuggled Into This Country.' Dy GtoIuiIic Vire from Tlie Associated Piew. Washington, .Tnn. 23. While the sen ate committee on Immigration was to duy engaged In hearing arguments relative to 'the Chinese -exclusion bills now pendliig In congress, Mr. T. V. Po.wderly, the commissioner of immi gration, orougnt to tne committee room, In custody of a United States marshal, t(o alleged Chinese mer chants, who! he said, were fair samples of the "merchnnts" Minister Wu had referred to at a former meeting of the committee. A Mr. Wu, It? was said, had spoken of Indignities and humiliations alleged to have been suffered by Chinese mer chants at the hands of our immigra tion officers. Through an Interpreter, the prison ers, Lee Sang? nnd Chan Ling, admitted that they had entered the United States in 1S97 on fo'rged certificates, alleging that they were merchants, and that they know 6f the deception. Asked what disposition was to be made of them, Mr. Powderly said they would be given a fair hearing, but that they would ultimately be deported. The interpreter, Charles Kee, a treas ury official, described methods pursued by a Chinese. company, of Chicago, in manufacturing fraudulent certificates. Mr. Richard K. Campbell, a Chinese inspector, said that in his opinion there were 100,000 Chinese in the. United States who were admitted on false cer tificates. Mr. Foster contended that there were j only f)3,000 Chinese In the United States, but Mr. Campbell stated that the de partment's' rfifomintion..VHS that the ' Chinese in this country numbered at I least 300,000. The committee will further consider the subject next Monday. Later in the day the two Chinamen were arraigned before a United States commissioner and held for a hearing on Tuesday next. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION COMPLETES ITS REPORT The Document, It Is Expected, Will Be Sent to Congress in a Eew Days. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Jan. 23. Tho Industrial commission, after several years spent In investigating the Industrial condi tion of the country with the view of making recommendations calculated to assist in the solution of the problems of tho times, has completed and sent to the printer its final report. It is expected that this report will be sent to congress, as required by law, within the next few clays. Tne final document makes a volume of about 1,000 pages, and will bo a review of the evidence contained In the previously published volumes. In this last volume tlie Vari ous questions which have been con sidered In the course of the inquiry are discussed under separate headings, and recommendations aro mnde. On the subject of trusts, the commission fol lows closely tho lines of recommenda tions laid down by the president In his annual message. Supervision by tho national government Is recommended. The most radical specific step suggested In that direction by the report Is that the books of all corporations should be subject at all times to Inspection, as aro the books 'of national banks, Tli)s, It is claimed, would go fur toward pro tecting the public against impositions In tho way of over capitalization and other devices. The commission discusses government ownership of railroads and telegraphs, but does not recommend such a depart ure from present methods. There aro some recommendations concerning tax ation that will attract attention, One of these looks to the Imposition of cer tain taxes on prlvute property by the states direct, Tho report has been signed by all the members except some of tlie congressional members, who withhold their signatures because they have not had un opportunity to exam Ino tho report carefully. MINISTER WU RECEIVES CASH. Has Been' Paid the S370.GO0 Due China from tho United States, Dy Exelushf Wire from The Associaled Press, Washington, Jan. 23. Secretary Hay today handed to Minister Wu a draft on the Uplted States treasury for $376, 600, being tlie value of the silver bullion captured by tho American marines at Tlen-Tsln. Inasmuch ns Minister Wu Is charged with tho payment of salaries of tho Chinese consuls in tho United States nnd with defraying tho expenses of the Chinese legations In WuBhlngton, in Limn and In Madrid, It Is believed this money will bo upplled to such purposes. Murder of Mrs, Allen. Ily l.'sibwho Wire from The Associated l'rt'43. .few York, Jan. U. Tho body of Jim. luuella Allen, of Whto 1'Ialnj, uo found in a ilump of bushed near her home today. She had evidently bien murdered, for her head waa battered in aud badly mutilated. She u last tcca alive yesterday. BOWDERS GET TOGETHER. Now Set of Officials Elected nt the Buffalo Congress, Dy Kitlmlve Wire from The Auoclittd Pre. Buffalo, Jan. 23. Tho warring fac tions In tlie American Bowling congress got together tonight nnd settled their differences. The election of oflleers held yesterday was reconsidered, and u new set of ofllelnls elected, Mayor Charles A. Bookwalter, of Indianapolis, Is the president of the congress for the ensil ing year. The convention and tourna ment of 1P03 ulso goes to Indianapolis. The clause in the constitution regard ing the admission of proxy votes at the annual convention, which caused all tho friction, was eliminated. A substitute offered by Bernard J. Yorke, of New York, providing that no delegate shall have more than one vote, wuh adopted unanimously. Other oflleers elected are as follows: First vice-president, W. B. Thompson, of Chicago; second vice-president, F, W. Pryor, of Xcw York; secretary, Sumuel Knrpf, of Dayton, O.i treas urer, George M. Stearns, of lown, McLean and Steets, of Chicago! won first prlzu in the two-men class. Their score of 1237 Is u new record. The other prize-winners were: Second, Kruge nnd Dylngcr, Los An geles, Ciil., 1220; third, Klhvert and Funcho, Belleville, 111., 3169. DRYDEN P0R U. S. SENATOR Selected by New Jersey Leg islature at Trenton i Yesterday. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Vresa. Trenton, N, J Jan. 23. The Republi can caucus to select a candidate for United States senator to be supported during the present session of the leg islature to succeed the late General Sewell. selected on the nineteenth bal lot John F. Dryden, of Newark, presi dent of the Prudqntlal Insurance com pany. Mr. Dryden, on the nineteenth ballot, received exactly the necessary 32 votes. Ills principal rivals in the contest were State Senator Stokes, of Cumberland county, and former United States Attorney General John W. Griggs. Congressman Gardner, ex Sheriff David BalrcJ, of Camden, and Barker GUmmere, of Mercer, were also in the field, and while they received a fair amount of support In -the early balloting It -wait' at no time doubted that the contest, was "between Messrs. Dryden, Stokes anM Griggs. On the first ballot. Mr. Dryden re ceived 19 votes,; Mr. Griggs, 15; Mr. Stokes, 31; Mr. Gardner, 5; Mr. Gum mere, V. During the first dozen ballots the votes of Messrs. Gardner, Balrd and Gummere fluctuated a great deal, while the vote f Mr. Griggs remained sta tionery, and that of Mr, Dryden in creased to 24, and the vote of Mr. Stokes went up and down as the sup porters of the other three South Jersey candidates voted either for him or their own particular favorite. The balloting continued In this way until the close of the seventeenth ballot, when the South Jersey members held a conference and all decided to go to Stokes. The eighteenth ballot resulted In Mr, Dryden getting 24 votes; Mr. Stokes, 24, and Mr. Griggs, 15. As the roll call for the nineteenth ballot was concluded the total stood: Dryden, 31; Stokes, 29, and Griggs. 3. Senator Cross, of Union, one of the three Griggs men, changed his vote and gave Mr; Dryden the necessary thirty second vote. ' The voto was at once made unanimous. The P.epubllciuis have a majority on joint ballot of 43, which assures the election of Mr. Dry den, ns the caucus action Is binding. REV. PARRY AGAINST M'KINLEY MEMORIAL Pittshu'rp; Minister Refuses to Open His Church for Services of the Above Nature. Fly tardus!) r Wiri" from The Associated Press. Pittsburg, Jan. 24. Rev. Thomas R. Parry, sustained by the trustees of the Plrst Presbyterian church of Wllklns burg, has refused the citizens the use of his church for McKlnley memorial services on Wednesday night next. When asked tho reason for his action, Ilev, Parry said; "Our church has been used too fre quently for demonstrations of n pub lic rather than n religious nuture, livery time a public meeting was call ed my church was mude the meeting place. That Is not what It was built for; It wns built for tho worship of God, This thine of turning over tho church to uny one at any time linn be come "like Mark Twain's mule too monotonous, To ullow the citizens the use of tho church would be to deprive the members of the church of their regular Wednesday evening prayer meeting. That Ib all 1 have to suy," Danish West Indies Deal. Ily tailtuhr Wile from Tho Asoelatcd Viem. L'c'i'iiiliagin, ,lai.. S.I. Autliuilty t tdipi tho D.mbli Went Indies treaty wu. rallied to the Din. M minister nt 'Wavhliiutoii, (', llnm, this niter, noun. It U cxiiecled that the' Irruty will lu sinned at micu and Hut ft "111 l at niifo trans, milted to tho Miute. Its prompt ratification is cupelled. CONDENSED STATE NEWS. Ily l.'M'ltusIic Wlie fro'm The Associated I'irs, hhamoMn, Jjii. SJ. Andrew l'uehcit was killed by a fall ot coal, while Anthony KowUly 'vai fatally Injured and I'lilllp Amu.' left c)e blown out by an f.splooloti ot (hiiamltc thU,inoitiliig at .N'atallo colliery, llkes-llarre, Jan. Si. The iron moulder, Alio have. been lefiucd their demand for u minimum wage of ?J.7a a day, have akrd their national of. Ilcer.s to taku duuso of (ho question and tot what they can do. Lancaster, Jaiu 23. Danger of any serloui icj bulla from the gorged condition of the Smque iiaima U thought to have pau,ed, the water fill lug thU evening. The gorge at Wellington bo rough, wlicie the Ice U plied to a height of fiom Bcventy-ftvo to a bundled feet, Is (he woist eier Inortu at that place. ENEMIES OF ANTI-ANARCHY BILL. -1 The Measure Will Provide a Death Penalty for nn Attempt on tho Life of a President. Ily tachulve Wire from The Amodatcd l'rem. Washington, Jan. 23. The details ot u bill restricting anarchy nnd annrch lsts was practically determined upon today by the special committee of mem bers of the house judiciary committee, appointed to consider this subject. The language of some of the provisions is yet to be settled, but all of the essen tial featuies for the coming measure aro determined upon, The measure will provide the death penalty for an attempt to kill or as sault the president of any one in line of succession for the presidency. An accessory before the fact Is to be treat ed as u principal, and an accessory after the fact Is punished h u less degree than a principal. Any" person who counsels, advises! or advocates the assaulting or killing of any ofllcer of the United States shall be fined or Im prisoned. No alien who advocates an overthrow of organized government or who Is a f llllii ted with an organization holding such views, Is to bo admitted to this country. Provision also Is made for the punishment of those conspiring in this country against a foreign ruler. The special committee probably will re port to the Judiciary committee within the next few days nnd a report to the house Is expected soon thereafter. SITUATION ON THE ISTHMUS Quiet Prevails at Colon and at Pan ama American and British Warships Are Expected. Dy Kxilusiie Wire fiom The Associated Pre. Colon, Colombia, Jan. 23, The sit uation on' the Isthmus remains un changed. Although quiet prev.ills both here and at Pnnapm, these wo po ts nro uptn tho tip. toe of e.vpf-c1-tancy and the resumption of hostilities between tho government forces and' the Colombian Liberals Is awaited at tiny moment. Afnerican aud British warships are expected to reach Colon shortly. A slight skirmish occurred on the railroad line between here and Pan ama yesterday In which there were ten casualties among the Liberals. This skirmish resulted from tlie vigilance of the government troops who are closely watching all outlets along the railroad line to the interior of the country. PRINCE HENRY-WILL ARRIVE SATURDAY Emperor William Has Approved of the Plans for the Reception of the Royal Visitor. fly tacbiMir Wire from 'Hie Asoclaled I'rpM. Washington, Jan, ,23. Emperor Wil liam has approved the plans of the committee of arrangements for the re ception of Prince Henry as far as they go. He has left to the committee the arrangement of the details of the gen--ernl plan nnd today the members were at work on these, particularly on the contracts to be made with the railroad agents for the hauling of the special tialn which will bo engaged by the government for the Journey of the pilnce. This train will be made up of six cars of the llnest description, and one 'will bo set apart for tho exclusive accommodation of tho prince. The press will be cared for as fur as tho limited space will permit. In Its pres ent shape tho plan looks to as fair a division of the time ns conditions allow between sections of the country, nnd to that end It Is now proposed to take the distinguished visitor as far Into the south as Chattunoogn, as for west as St. Louis and as far north as Milwaukee on one side, and Boston on the other. The prince will arrive In New York on Saturday, and will spend his llrst Sun day In America quietly In that city, paying a visit to Grant's tomb In Illv ersldc park. Ho will leave after mid night, arriving In Washington about 10.30 o'clock nn Monday morning, lie will be met at the station by a military guard made up of a squadron of cav alry and a battery of artillery, both from Fort Myer. With this escort ho will proceed to tho German embassy, nnd (i detail of engineers from tlie Washington barracks will bo nanied iih ii special guard of honor to watch the embassy day and night as long us the prlnco remains here, The second Sun day probably will bo spent at Chatta nooga nnd ii visit will bo paid to the gieat National park at Clilckamausu. The third and last Sunday of tho prince's slay In America will bo spent In New York, where lie will rest nnd perhaps visit some of tho German so cial organizations. In this way tho committee hus avoided the necessity of traveling on Sunday, Pfitol Duel in Virginia, by i:cltaiu1 Who from The Aociatid 'ics. Huntington, . Va., Jan. 3.1,-Colonel (iilhert llentley, a wealthy tlinbemiaii ot lllg bandy al ley, and lliley Itanuy, fought a duel with, pi tols lat night and llentley was killed. Harney tuilendered. '1 :c duel n the culmination of a tmaricl of Ion;: ttjudlu;. Oklahoma Considered. My taihuhe Wire fiom Tho Associated Trcsa. Washington, Jan. 2J. The bearings on admit mining Uulahonu to statehood began today be fore the house committee on territories and will continue tomorrow, OLEO WIN A VICTORY More Restrictions to Be Placed Upon tlie Manufacture ol Imitation Butter. MASON AND TELLER OFFER RESOLUTIONS A Fruitless Effort to Extend Thanka of Contjreos to Hear Admiral Schley for Bravery at Santiago Mr. Tel ler Asserts That the Punishment of General Scheepers Was "Vilo Assassination" Mr. Champ Clark Expresses Sympathy for South' African Republics. fly r.xclu-bo Wire from The Associated Trw. Washington, Jan. 23. Tho friends of the measure for rigid restrictions on oleomargarine and kindred products curried their point before the house committee on agriculture today and by a vote of 12 to 3 ordered tho report of a bill which is even more restrictive than the original "Grout bill," re-Introduced by Ilepresentutlve McCleary, of Minnesota. The subject has been under consideration for the past ten days, nil of the various Interests having been granted hearings. Before the meeting today, the friends of rigid restriction held a conference and decided on sev eral amendments. The original bill placed a tax of ten cents per pound on oleomargarine and buttorine colored to Imitate yellow butter. The word "yel low" was struck out, thus making the restriction apply to Imitations of white qr any other kind of butter. Another change makes those who take uncol ored butter and color It subject to ull the tuxes and uennltles of manufac turers. When the committee met, these amendments were agreed to by the foregoing vote. Tlie opposition to the bill 'proposed numerous amendments. all yf which were rejected. ( One of" all yt wl lht'e per cream or mltted the use ot pfli.e milk, butter, as an ingreolent of oleomargarine; another applied tho oleomargarine'' restrictions to "reno vated butter." Representative Henry, of Connecticut, was authorized to report the measure as amended. Mason Opens Schley Case. An effort wns made in the senate to day by Mr. Mason (Illinois) to obtain consideration for a joint resolution, which ho introduced, extending tho thanks of congress to Rear Admiral Winfleld Scott Schley "for his brave and able conduct while in command ot tho American fleet at the victorious battle of Santiago." The effort, how ever, was not successful. Mr. Mason's resolution, In addition to the thanks of congress, provided that Admiral Schley should be presented a sword, that bronze'medals commemora tive of the battle of Santiago should be distributed among tho oflleers and men "under the command of Schley during said battle," and that $10,000 bo appropriated to meet the expenses oC the resolution. On motion of Mr, Hale, the resolution was referred to tho com mittee of naval affairs. Tlie resolution introduced yesterday by Mr. Teller, providing for Interven tion on the pnrt of this government in behalf of the Boer commandant, Schee pers, sentenced to death by the British South African authorities, was post poned indefinitely, ns Selicejiors already has been executed. Mr, Teller niudo brief but caustic speech on tho actions of Great Britain in tho Boer war and declared that if the facts of this rune wero as he understood them, "Great Britain in putting Scheepers to death is guilty of a vile assassination." Deficiency Bill in House. Tlie consideration of tho urgent de ficiency bill, which has been under de bate In the houso slnco Monday wns completed today, but owing to thn late ness of tho hour passage of the bill was postponed until tomorrow, A successful effort was made to incrcaso the pay of rural frco delivery carriers from $500 to WOO per milium. Mr. Hill (Connecticut) made tho motion to in crease the appropriation for this pur pose. It was resisted by Mr. Cannon and Mr. .Loud, chairman of tho post olllce committee, on the ground that the method was Irregular, but tho members with rural constituencies sup ported It and It was adopted 109-78. Mr. Clark's Resolution. Ueprcsentatlve Clark, of Missouri, today Introduced a joint resolution ex pressing sympathy for tho two South African republics and regret over the sufferings caused by the wur. Tho resolution expresses tho hope that this declaration by congress will influence Great Britain to consider favorubly a settlement of tho troubles. Provision i mnde for forwarding the resolution tc tho llrltlsli government and to Presl dents Ktugor und Steyn. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. bocal data for January 23, lOftJi lllgluot tiiiipciatinii .,,.,.,.,,,,, S3 degree bonol UiupeutiiU' ,..,.,,,....., SO defied Itclatho liuuildil): a, ii ,,,,,,,,, 74 per cent, s p, in .,...., fit per rent, I'iciipitatioii, 21 houru ended 8 p. m., trace. 4' t WEATHER "FORECAST, -f Washington, Jan. 23. l'orccast for Kfb 4- Hiy and Satuiday; Eoitcrn lVnn--jUjnl.i, 4- 4- Cloudy Friday, probably rain or miow by 4- 4- night; Satuiday rain or snowj treah nortU' 4- 4- erly winds becoming- va liable, , 4- ,4- &. & k, ifASw 3idi