The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 23, 1902, Page 8, Image 8
fcHS-Fj-S5f? a . iiffvwi i - fV"" f O M H w TBDB SCR ANTON TRIBUNE- THURSDkv, JANUART 23, 1902. B - X 5.-J m$mn Mil EnH Makes delicious hot biscuit, griddle cakes, rolls, and muffins. JIOYAL DAKINQ POWOCR CO., 100 WILLIAM 8T. NEW YORK. FOR HEARING DOWN FOR. COMING TEEM OF CRIMINAL COURT. It Will Open on Monday, Feb. 3, and Continue for Two Weeks Case Against John Argentis, Who Is Charged with Murder, Heads the List The Second Week's List Is Headed by the Cases Growing Out of the Killing of Daniel McAuliffe, in West Soranton. Announcement was made in yester rlay's Tribune of the fact that the ciiniinjil trial list for the coming term had been prep.ued by District Attor ney V. R. Lewis. Following- are the cases set down for tiial: First Week Monday, Feb. 3. 1. John Argenti", murder; . W. Filmer, pros. 2. Frank Silllinin, jr., bnljcr, ; William H.'pp, rro. 3 Anthony Dunleavy, pcijur; ; Hobert WlK-on, 1'lfW. I. James Calhlian, malicious mi'-chicf; Ilattic W.'. 0. John Schocn, lpiccny and rceciunn; r. Hcb- Iing, jr., iucj. C. Martin Allin, j-siult ami batter;; Mary Al Irn, pio. 7. Willi im McDowell, larceny and receiving; i.cnevicvc Jackfrou, pros S. Arthur Morris, aggravated a-ault and bat ten; II in; Newman, pios. Iticlianl Lidngbton larccn; and receiving; .iiarun lonnoi, pica. 10 William Hill, burglar;; James W. O'llr.'en, rros. 11. John MeConmch, burRhry, .lame1) W. O'Brien, pio. 12. Peter Mtllugh, burglary, James W. o'llricn, pre,. 3."!. James Finnrjran, aggravated assault and biltii;; Patrick S Mannion, pro' 31. Thomas Colrman, aRiriavated js-.uilt and batter;; Willhm Corcoran, pro. 30. Martin L;neh, assault and batter) ; Mirlt Ilarte, pios. 10. John Punlciv;, a.iult and batter;; Thomas (!. Fmicis, pro. 17. Mary Thomas, felling liquor without license; Itobert Wilson, pros. J', Mary Iliusell, hrceny and leeching; T. ltobllng Jr., proa. 20. Mary Itu'soll, larceny and leceivlus; T. ltobllng jr., pros. SI, Mary llussell, hrceny and receiving; 1". llobllnrf jr., pros. 22. JIarv Ittissell, larceny and receiving; r. Hobllng jr., pros. 2.!. TcdiMino Martino, assault and battery; Catharine Custelenic, pio. 21. Icdiscauo Martino, breaking prison; An. thony llineaidi, pros. 25. Tiziano Martino, bigoin; ; Maiia Castellini, prox. Tuesday, Feb. 4. 20. S. 11. Wa;Iand, obstiiictin,r justice; Kob'rt Wilson, pros, 27, James Mack and Daniel Lcniliaii, roluViy; F. ltobllng, jr., pros. 20. John O'llricn and John Haskuville, aggia. ated assault and battn.v; Luna Div, pros. SO. Moirls L. ncnovtlr, false preten.e; Willhni Craig, pros, 31. Ja:ns W. flueinscy, M. T, Keller and Charles , Dennett, dUuadlmr witness; M. W. Guernscv, pros. 32. Kdgar Wilson, libel; W. F. Sniythe, pro. ."J. W, II, Kcrwln, libel; W. F. km; the, pros. 31. Alexander Grass and 1). IV, Smith; neghct- ing to Keep books; Stephen l);er, pios, 3.i. A. Urass, receiving stolen goods; Step ten l;ci, pro. 10. Alexander Crass, receiving stolen goods; Stephen l);er, pros. SS. Max Hcning, laiccny and receiving; Hauy Harris, pros. 33. Lizzie Graham, aault and batter; ; Kmnia Ash, pros. 0. Ijonney Cobb, .illas Alontu Cobb, Uricny i'.v uaiiee, i.iiuries i-ouer, pros. 1, Annlo Davis, laiteny by ballet; May llmi. d;, jio. 12. Maria Jennings, J, II, Jennings unci M, J". Kearney, aiding pilsonci to escape, etc. j Daniel 11, Hertlickcr, pros. JJ. l'clis Guieky, lleinacc Lanipchank, Joseph oiuina, jonn caiiina; larceny and leceiv ing; John I'eel, pro.. l. William Connelly, rape; Michael 1'alaskl, pioa, ii, Wlliriiin Connelly, rape; Mkliacl 1'olaski, pro. x IB, John Ward, larceny by bailee;, II. S.,WA( nun, pros. 47, William lloban, assault and bateV; fivven- nle Morgan, pro. ' 4S. William Gaul, selling llqnpi without llecinc, W. Iv. I'hilllps, pjo,. 4!). May Lutty, assault und bitter; ; Jam&s Toss, pros, ' 60, W, w. Abbott, embeJlinicnt by partner; I', M, Staff, proa. Wednesday, Feb 5. 61. Simon Thomas, bribery; Itobert Wilson, pros, C2. Udvvard Oordner and John; I'luigheity, lit. icny and receiving; Michael Moran, pn, 63. Geoij,e Cordner, lartcnyjund receiving; Mich- uel Moran, pros.' 61. Rlvvairi Cordner, malicious mischief; Mlih- ad Moran, proa. 65. Geoiga Cordner, malicious mischief, Midi. ail Moran, pros. 66. George (lordnerc, Edward 'Cordner and John riaughcny, conspiracy) Michael Moran, pr, 67. 1'iank Horn, rape; lira. W. B. Duggtn, piod. 6s. (leorgc Oowvll, luiceny and receiving; Er nest Vogelbloihn, pros. 60. Deny liett;; nuliiloui mUclilefj lljillio ilartcchl, pros. CO. Anthony O'Malle;, selllnj liquor witliout licenfo; Dudley Gordan, proa. CI. Ellen (,'umbrta, assault and battery: ChrU- tlmv Ulooincr, prox. 02, Uadolina ltfga, larceny iud receiving; H. II. 1'ierce, prpj. tW. Jlanile Gogali, larceny anil rtcelving; JJ. II. fierce, proa, M. Mary Gaulticre, larceny and receiving: H. )i. 1'ierce, proa. . Aiiaelia Osltlere, larceny tod recelrlnj; Jl. H rie(ce pro Makes Hot Breads PO. l'rnnk Ijnady, assault and battery; James T. McAndrcw, pros. C7. Thomas Scover, assault and battery; Louis llovalatb, pros. ea. James O'Hnra and Ritrick Hellrou, nssault and bittery; M, Cohen, pros. C). Adam Hnbrowltz, telling liquor without H ceiuo; Thomas Le.vshon, pros. 70. C. M. Storm, embezzlement ; 12. J. L;nott, pros. 71. M. W. Loftus, keeping oHlce in tavern; Wil liam A. Phillip, pros. 72. John Iluanc, assault and battery; Theodore Trcnowltz, pro'. 7.1. John Miller, assault and battery; I'.rnest Daly, pros. 7t. Charles B. Williams, larceny by bailee; L. Little, rros. 75 Charles B. Williams, embezzlement; L. Little, rros. Thursday, Feb. G. 70. James Murray, assault and battery upon pub lic officer; r. Hobllng, jr., pros. 77. Michael bharak, embezzlement; William Craig, pros. 78. C. L. Iilgcrt, larceny by bailee; Hleen Mc- Hale, prox. 79. Trcd Miller, jr,. celling liquor without li- cnese; Hobeit Wilson, pios. E0. Annie Lee, maliclouj mischief; John Tro;, pros. 81. liveritt Tosso and Willhni Tosso; millcious miMiiicf, Joseph Ifitey, pros. Si. John Kubina, oggravatedp assault and i bat tery; Julia Kubina, prox. S.S. Andrew Kafinski, assault and batter; ; l'rank l'awclkl, pros. St. John 'White, burglarv; Thomas Lavin, pros. 85. hldlat. obstructing legal process; Joseph Gardner, pros. SO. Isaac Scidman, embezzlement; S. Cohen, pi os. S7. David n. Stephens and Jane Stephens, frau dulent a.kovledgemellt; Ambrose D. lleese, pros. SS Patrick McNully, aggravated assault and hat ter; ; Taine3 T. McAndrcw, pros. 81 Louis Hupprecht, embezzlement; George M. Okell, pros. 00 Stephen Kiiirell, larceny and receiving; Stephen Musniana, pros. 01. Patrh k. McAndrcw, aiult and latter; ; Mary McAndrcw, pro. 0'. Harry Arnovltz, embezzlement; ,1, A. Curtis, liroG. 03. John Mullarky, assault and batter; ; Loul Iteiter, pro. 91. Teter Yellen, aggravated assault and bat ter; ; Joscpeh Cooper, pros. 93. A ilo Rlleo, nssault and battery; It.iff.iel I.a Moit, pros. 90 Lllcn SVhell. Jennie James and Margaret Jones, riot; Stephen D;cr, pro? 97. Willnm McGraw, assault and batteiy; Ste phen Dyer, pros. 93. Hugh McGraw, jr., aggravated assault and bnttci; ; Stephen D;er, pro'. 99. DiAld Jones and Joseph lle;nolds, assault and bittery; Stephen D.ver, pros. 100. Thomas Cannon and Andrew Heffion, jr., aggravated aault und batter; ; Stephen liver, pros. Friday, Feb. 7. 101. Charles 11. .Major, keeping a gaming house; Lona Day, pros, 102. Michael Size, lirceeny and receiving; I Tiobllng, jr,, pros. 103. Frederick Bonnach, aggravated assault and battery; A. W. Palmer, pros. 101. Joseph Scott, larceny and receMng; J. A. De Losky, pros. lOi. Joseph Scott, assault and batteiy; J. A. Do Losky, ptos. 10(1. Patilck Scott, abault and bitteiy; Bridget 0'Malle;e, pros. 107. 1.'. C. Patterson, assault and batter; ; 1M- ward Walters, pios. 103. Stanlslavv Ovetlkl, larceny and receicvlni; 1'ridnlt Phillip, pros. vyt. Matthew Paff, e!ling liquor without li- cense; Joseph Gardner, pios. 110. James Heroin, Alexander Wall, Mike Nor ton, John Sock, negligence by bailei; GLorge 11. Albert on, pros, 111. Albert Smith, embezzlement; J, A. Cuitki, pios. 112. Jacob 1', Sohiis, assault and batter;-; Joseph Carden, pros 113. Samuel McClirin, canying concealed wea pon; John J, McAndrevr. pias. 114, Thomas Uonus, ass.iult and battvry; Maiy .icrzursui, piox. 113. Dinlcl J, MU'ague, false prelensjs; W, F, finythe, pios. 110. John McAndrcw, assault and bittery; Han- foul J, Davenport, pros, 117. John Kcine and James Cunmilngs. lar ceny and receiving; Kugene H. Deming, pros. US, John Keane end lames W. Cuinnilngi, cruel ty to animal; Kugeno ).', Deming, pro, 119. lltmark Lanuhek, laiceny and reieiving; Mary Airman, prox. 120. Mai tin ltsdcky, asiult und baiter;-; William Goodman, pros, 121. Matthew Staiutus, lartt-ny and receiving; i.ouu KOicmierg, pio,, Saturday, Feb. 8, 122, Tliomas Dougheily, suiety; T.llubetli Dougherty, prox 123, Kasfclmierc SlilzlevtKz, aurel); Wladyelaw Wolru, pros, 124, Frank bzczesn;, aaretyj Joseph Cholewa, pios. 123. Kllzoheth l'lillllps, uret,v, Samuel I Dean, pro. 120, Thomas Morgan, turety; Margaret .'. '1 nom as, prox, 127, L. I'cttltrrcw, suiety; 1', J, L;nntt, pun, 128. Ellen Francis, suutyj tlurloltlo Hazzard, prox. 12 k Adajii Klddlat, Mircly; Joe Girdner, pras, l.). Ignatit OUzevv.kl, Mint;; Jaiub b;iowc, pros. 131, Frank 'Mnlrooney, surety; Annie Mulrooney, pi ox, W. l'rank blanihlfskl, muety ; btanUlaw Man. rhovvdilk, pros. 183. George Wainer, kurctyi Ihonus Calne, pios. lit, ltudolpli Warneka, surely; Louia Waineka, pro-x, , 130, John J. Hennlgan, surety; ltodgcr Cjiup- lieell, prott. 130. Joseph MeXaraara, surety; Patrick Caddtn, pros. 137, Carral Eudgcr, surety; Mrs. Joseph Marks, proa. 138, Martin Jordan, wiret; ; Kate- MeXulty, pros. 139, Simon MechalLon, suiety; Cnarllo. SupolafVy, pros. HO. Thomw Kane, surety; George Warner, pros. HI. Joseph llichardi, turety; lUttie Gething, prox. 142. Willlua Kattn, turtty; Sarah Navin, prox. 143, Andrew Campbell, turety; Mary Campbell, prox. lit. Louise BUnzhorn, surety; P. A. Caransujb, proa, 145. George Kennedy, surety; Mary Sulllran, prox, 14S. John KanStld, surety; Sarah Kinfleid, prox, 147. John Kaalleld, dtsertlcn; Sarah Kasnctd, lis. John Casey, desertion ( Maria Casey, pror. HO. Patrick Connor, dtscillon, Ilrldgct Conner, pro):. 1J0. lltclurrf Unddy, dcscrllon) Hose Buddy, prox. 181, Fred Gross, desertion ( Delia Grow, prox. 152, Edward Wcllncr, desertion J Carrlo Wellner, prox. 161. .t. It. White, dcscttlont Helen While, prnx. 151. OrtlBlh lllchauls, descrllont Jnc lliclmtds, prox. 163. Henry Kenntdy, desertion; Michael Mct'.ld- den, pros. 158. James B, Callahan, decrllon Mary Calla- lian, prox. 15", illchaet T. Lavellc, desertion! Hllcn La- clle. prox. 158, Michael T. Lavellc, 'desertion; Men, La- clp, prov. 159, Frank Mnlrooney, desertion; Ann Mulrooney, prox. 160, Carl If. Nlcodcmus, desertion! Christina Kl- codemns, prox, 161, Martin Allen, desertion! Mary Allen, piox. 162, David l',van, desertion: Jane llvam, prox, 103, Commonwealth, . Mlchiet T. Lavellc, ap peal; nilcn Lavellc, piox. 181. Commonwealth vs. George Bitter, appeal! Joseph 1". Woelkcrs, pros. 165, ConimnnweiUli t. Cliarlolle Hazzard, afp- pealj i:ila Gctr, prox. y HiO. Commonwealth vs. Henry Burger, appeilj fleorg Behrncr, pros. 10". Commonvvealtli vs. Patrick Oonlln, appeal; natc Muiheiln, prox, 163. Commonwealth s. George Buckncr, appeal; Henry Burger, pros. Second Week Monday, Feb. 10. 161. Sylvester F. Cosgrovc, murder; William A. Phillips, pros. 170. Frank Kofczunlskl, murder; Wlllhm A, Phillips, pros. 171. Frank Kinsley, murdrr; William A. Phil lips, pros. 172. John Diibrcy, larceny and receiving; F. ltobllng, Jr., pros. 173. John A. Kccth, embezzlement; 1). S. btone, pros. 17t. Michael Kehoe, fornication and bastard; ; .Mrs. W. B. Duggan, pros. 173. Lottie Smith, keeping biwdy house; Roy Welch, pros. 170. William Decker, fornication and bastardy; John Dexter, pros. 17". Joseph Stern, rape; Spfinca Jurnak, prox. 178. Joseph Stem adultery; Sprinca Yurnack, prox. 179. Kdmund Moon, embezzlement; Kdvvard .1. Ncary, pros. ISO. John Iluanc, assault and battery; Andicvv Wargo, pros. 181 John Bil'ki, defrauding hoarding house; George Bilsjtl, pros. 182. Thomas Morgan, assault and Iwttcr; ; Mar- girct 12, Thomas, prox. 183. Anthony Xeary, aggravated assault and bit tery; Henry Watklns, pros. 184. Frank Biennan, larceny and receiving; Hannah Young, prox. 1S3 John Newcomb, atteiript at rape; Hllzabclh Mel in, prox. ISO. Costancy Jczuba, larceny and receiving; S. J. Feldman, pros. 167. Louis ltenard, malicious mischief; Soplde Schmidt, prox. 188. Matthew Stroke and Anthony Stroko, assault and battery; Joseph Keotlc, pros. 1S9. John Cluistnock and Andrew Comshock, lar ceny and receiving; John Peel, pros. 190. Morgan Sweeney, aggravated assault and bat tery; Anthony McGuni, pros. 191. Michael Koakivich ami Kate Kosakavich, aggravated assault and batter; ; bimon Pe tiitus, pros. 192. Hood Herring, aggravated assault and bat ter;; llichird Johnson, pros. 193. Z. P. Trivis, attempt at sodomy; Kdvrnrd C. Andcrcon, pros. Tuesday, Feb. 11. 191. Bridget Lavellc, arson; A. W. Palmer, pro. 195. Carrie Britton, Larceny and receiving; F, Itobling, jr., pros. 193. Cirric Biitton, larceny and receiving; F. Holding, jr., pros. 197. James C'onboy, burglar; ; r. Bobling, jr., pros. 193. Joseph Abeam, (.elling liquor without li cense; Bobcrt Wilson, pros. 191. John O. lones, embezzlement by ta collec tor; Henry W. Watkms, pros. 201. Chailes Whitney, William Grconslade and William McGovein, larceny and receiving; M. Crippcn, pro. 201. Joseph Pen-in, malicious mischief; Margirct Mainwaring, prox. 202. M. J. Norton, false piettnscs; P. C. Can non, pros. 20.J. Si, .1. Xorton, larceny and receiving; Peter Cannon, pros. 201. William Gordan selling liquor without li cense; Bridget Brady, piox. 203. William Gordan, selling liquor on Sundiy; Bridget Biad;, piox. 200. William Gordan, belling liquor to minora; Bildgct Brady, prox. 207. C. P. Williams and 11. F. Ciawford, ns-ault and battery; Mary Johnson, prox. 20.S. Toni Ilydcr, assault and batter;; Mary Mm- ley, prox. 201. Michael McXultv, liiceny and receiving; Charles Pilger, pios. 210. John Hall, npc; William Hawkins, pi. 211. John Casey, assault and battei; ; Maria Ca sey, prox, 212. Mumford reVatil, larceny and receiving; Patiick McN'amara, pros. 213. Mary Jane Willis, common ncold; Biehlrd, pros, 214. Dennis McCool, discharging firearms; Eliza beth Barrett, pio. 215. Dallls Huff, cruelty to animals; A. P. Mc- Donough, pros, 210. Alfred Long, larceny and receiving; Joseph Dilley, pros, 217, Simon Ilanerkk, felonious wounding; George Chechura, pros. 218. Harry Wilko, Fcko Fedachak and llany Be- dowitz, felonious wounding, George Che china, pios, Wednesday, Feb. 12. 210. James Kirk, larceny and lecclvlng; F, U'ib. ling, jr., pros, 220. Dominlk llilcy, felonious wounding; F. ltob llng, jr., pros. 221. James Collins, larceny and receiving; 1!. W. Squires, pros. 222. Samuel Miller, &r selling liquor wilhout 1. cense; J. W, Clark, pros. 221. bamucl Miller, Jr,, selling liquor without li cense; J, W, Clark, pros. 221. George Chichura, canying concealed wea pons; bunon Hmcrriak, pros, 223. .lull i Christine, uuult and battery; Julian Strauls, pros 220. Joseph blieimski, felonious wounding; Stc phen Vlllakl, pros. 227, biuey Faucet, assault and batter; ; Annie Mellalc, prox. 223. Siizey Faucit, assault and batteiy; Patiick Murray, pros. 22J. Joepli Cholewa, assault and balteiy; Nellie Sczesny, prox, 2..0. Joseph Cholewa, aggravated assault and battery; Mary Scesny, pios, 231, Joseph Cholena, agguvatcd uault and bat tery; Frank Sczesny, pios f. Frank Lp.lmok and Panliiii. l.eshnon. as. sault and battery; John Petiufskv, pios. 23.1, Bernard J. Kelt;, embezzlement; Stiphen D;- er, pios, 231. Ami! btainncr, assault and battel; ; Adolph Doadofsky, pros. 235. Roland llfllis, false pretense; Itobert Sloff, pros, 236. "Cllen Schevlln, astault and battery; Annie bhfne, piox, 237, Barnard Kabatchiek, leeching stolen goods; keeping no record; C, l black, pros, 238, Peter Man;ko, cnibezzlemt nt ; Mike Madzlu, pros 23', Howell Thomas, assault and bittery; Joseph Davis, pros. 210. Kdvvanl Moran and William Moian, aggra vated assault and batter; ; Charles State tun, pros, 211, Arthur Young, assault and battei;; William llkk, pros. 212. Arthur Youngs, larceny and receiving; Will- ism Hick, prot. 213, Henry Kennedy, cruelty to anlmili; 1'ugene H. Deinlugs, pros. Thursday, Feb. 13, 314, W. W, Bcranton, libel; Wado M, Finn, pro-s. 211. Monroe Mjcrs and Henry llullnuii, nuls- .nice; C, II. Tniesdale, pras. 210. Joseph Bitter, felonious wounding; 1 bonus Ford, pros. 248. Casslinere Cliiklcwlcz, aggravated assault and baiter; ; Wlad;lavv Wojua, pros, 24S, Charlotte Hazzard, common scold; F.llen Gelz, prox, 249. Charlotte Hazzard, assault and battery; Kllen Gctz, prox, 250. Ellen Francis, assault and battery; Char lotte Hazzard, prox. 51. Ellen Francis, common scold; Charlotte Has zaid, prox. ' &&J. VTrifttjielSUiiiiyuaJjrJi jj4 t.calitJujBBuym 252, Peter Caslfltlano, attempt at rape; Vlncenzlo Dlbiaso, pros. 253. John CcgJns, defrauding boarding liome; T. 3, Lnngan, pros, 231. George Clilclmra, nsMult and battery! Simon ttlmcriiak, iron. , 255. Nicholas Masshclla, assault and battery; John Bullniuikey, pros. 230. Jsinea Bell, embezzlement! Tctcr Kientikl, pros. 257. Michael Kosti, mallcloui mischief to nllnjJtl; Jamea M, Casey, pr6, 253. lgtioz Knnocko, aisault and ballcryj Walter Shemlnlskl, pros. 259. John Flaiighcrly, malicious mUihtcl) Ml- ehael Moran, pros, 200, Michael Farence and John Farcncci aggra , xntnl assault and batter;; Anthony Brown, pros. 281, Stanislaus Farzomkcy, larceny and receiving; Frldnilt Philip, pros. 262. Tliomaa C. William", pointing pistol! 'mM T. McAndrcw, pros. 263. Thomas C. Williams, pointing pistol! James T. McAndrcw, proa. 204, Tliomas C. Williams, carr; Ing concealed weapons! James T. McAndrcw, pros. 265. Tliomas C. Williams, felonious wounding! Jamea T. McAndrcw, pros. 200, Tliomas O. Williams, tclonioua wounding; Jamea T, McAndrcw, pros. 267. II. Gnunfine, receiving stolen goods; John Peel, pros, Friday, Feb. 14. 268, William Kennedy, embezzlement; Benjamin Lewis, pros. 200. Willhm Kennedy, affray; Bcnjimln Lewis, pros, 270. Michael Valshlko, Ijrceny and receiving! John .7, Pecle, pras, 271. Charles Idukl, negligence by bailee! George 12. Athcrlon, pros. 272. Joseph Brown, negligence by bailee; George 12. Atherton, pros. 273. Kllen Wahlen, forcible entry and detainer; Michael Golden, pros. 274. Maria Jcnnlmrs, assault and batteiy; Daniel II. Herfllcker, pros. 273. James Jennings, assault and battery; Harry McLaughlin, pros. 270. James Brock, larceny and receiving; Mary Brier, prox. 277. James Brock, defrauding boarding house; Mary Brier, prox, 278. Tcter Gaverlck, receiving stolen goods; Ml- clncl McDonough, pios, 279. John Gallagher, forcible entry and detainer; Michael Golden, pros. 280. Thomas' Gllboy, selling liquor wilhout li cense; Joseph Gardner, pros. 281. John Hughes, fafso pretense; Joseph J. Drunc, pros. 282. Joseph llotchklns, malicious mischief; D. W. Hichards, pros, 283. Joseph llotchklns, assault and battery; D. W. Hichards, pros. 284. William Terriskavage, hrceny and receiving; Joseph McDonough, pros. 2S5. W. Jesse Travis, larceny and receiving; A, L. Stanton, pros. 286. F. H. Upton, embezzlement; George D. Brown, pros. 2S7. James Butler, felonious woundlug; John Smith, pros. 2S8 Pati Ick Connor, assault and bitter; ; Charles Jordan, pros. Saturday, Feb. 15. 289. John McGlone, desertion; Mary McGlonc, prox. 290. William Ilcnnemuth, dcscitlon; Miry Hen- nemuth, prox. 291. Krnest A. Tiffany, desertion; Cdia 12. Tif fany, prox. 292. Rudolph Warneka, desertion; Louisa War neka, prox. 293. George Kdvvards, dcscitlon; Mary Jane 12d- wards, prox. 291. Richard L Jones, desertion; Owen L. Jonc3, prox, 295. David Jenkins, desertion; Maigarct Jen kins, prox, 290. John Smith, desertion; Miggie Smith, prox, 2SJ7. Sebastion Itozcllc, desertion; Thankful Ito cllc, prox. 298. John McGlonc, desertion; Miry McGlonc, prox. 299. David J. Thomas, desertion; Catlnrine Thonns, prow 300. Michael Gallagher, suretj ; Michael Golden, pi 03. SOt. James Butler, surety; John Smith, pro. 302. Itcko "spcnelli, surety; Steve Bosse;, pro. 303. Iteko Spcuclla, surety; Angela Fcsta, prox. 304. Telka btanko, Mircly; Chailes .Ionian, pios. : 05. John Bcndokcs, surer; ; Stanley CTcslock, pros. COG. Trank Munley, surct; ; Patiick Mullarkey, pros. 307. Maiy Murphy, suiety; Mis. Patrick Mullen, prox. 305. Mrs James McGnff, Finely ; Hannah Jane While, prox. 309. John Thornton, surety; Anthony Thornton, pros. .'110. Andrew McMahon, surety; Mar; O'Hern, prox. 311. PXrick Banett, surety; Man- Banett, piox. 312. George llanscijtb, suiety; llmma Hanscrath, prox. 313. Mrs. John Pahncki, surely; Jake Danko, pros 314. Arthur J. Tuttle, surety; Lizzie Tuttle, prox. 315. Michael Palko, surety; John Socko, pios. 316. Charles Krammcr, surety; Flank Jones, pros 317. Patrick Hume, surety; Martin Tcrguson, pros, SIS. Diillp Boos, surety; Anna Boos, prox. 319, Arthur Youngs, surety; William Hick, pros. 320, Albert Hanko, surety; FJdwaid Weiss, pros. 321, John Slnchak, surety; William Hazel, pro. 322, Andro Itlshki, surety; Joseph Klnowakl, pros, 323, Cicero Willlims, surety, L;man Melvin, pros. 324, Benjamin Kilmer, surety; Martha Decker, prox, 323. Michael Golden, lohn Golden, Fatrick Gol den, jr., and Geoige Heiion, airet) ; F.d ward Gallagher, pros. 320 Warren Tappan, Mirct; ; Joseph Task, pros. 127. Trank Pastercliok, surety; Joseph Koll.von, pios. 325, Stanislaus Manehowckik, surety; Michlliana btanchfski, pros, ."29. Samuel Tempeo, surety: James Afoffit, pras. 310, Joseph Scott, suret; ; J, A. Dolosky, pros. 321. Patrick Scott, surety; Mis. l'atriek O'Mal- ley, prox. 332. Paul Caparula, suiety; Joseph Pask, pios, 353. John Stebei, suielv ; Amanda Smith, piox, 3J4. John bteber, surct; ; Kato Harding, piox. m. 1 FLEETV1LLE. Messrs, George and Edward Rink, of Scranton, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Rink. Mr. W. E. Green Is visiting In Scran ton. Mr, Steven Carpenter has recently told his farm to Ren Smith. Until the present time thoie has been scarcely any sickness since cold weather began, Ray Stoddard Is pe rlously sick with pneumonia. Dr. Decker Is attending him. The Grange havo uriangert a free entettalninent to ha given In the town hall Friday evening. Mrs, Charles Freeman from Etibt Lemon will give tin address and Mr. Stanton, of Fac toryvllle, will be present with his grap hophone, An oyster supper will bo served at the close of the entertain ment. Rev, Dlhanah Ilulley, of Factoryvlllo will pi each In the Baptist chinch next Sunday both morning and evening, Mr, Ilulley will probably continue to pieaeh hero every other Sunday for some time, Mr, Harry Seamuns Is (lulto HI, caused by vaccination, MONTROSE. Speeial to the Scranton Tribune, Montrose, Jan, 22. The Itepubllcan caucu-cs held in Montrose last evening icsulted in the nomination of the following thket; llorough-Jpstice ol the peace, John H, Court right; poor diieetor, 11, Thatcher; high con stable, Warren C. Tingley; auditor, . (1, Faneher, First ward Judge of election, Gcorgo II. Wat rous; inspector of election, Harry I). Titnun; constable, I)r, 12. H. Tower; town council, W, 11. Doran; teliool director, It. W, Beach, Second vvaid Judge of election, Dr, II, V. Frlnkj insjiector o election, riuirles L, Van Scoten; constable, James I. Chapman; town council, Samuel It, Spiout, Third ward Joseph K, Barney; inspector ol election, Oils O. Cook; constable, Albert I'erigo; This itfuttaVe i en Vy hotol flf goimisa Lfltatlve RromnoOuiniiieTabuu Starts With a Cold Catarrh Is a lingering cold which refuses (o yield to or dinnry treat incut. Catatuh usually starts with a cold In the head and left unchecked in this climate, rurely gets well of Itself. As fresh cold Is taken the disease spreads, getting deeper and deeper, creeping along the mucous membranes from nose to throat, ftom throat to windpipe, from windpipe to bronchial tubes and from bronchial tubes to lung cells. The mucous membranes nil connect one with another. Hence It Is easy to spread fiom one part to another lined with this same membrane. This Is why catarrh In the head soon affects the tnroat ana finally the stomach Itself, bringing on chronic catarrh of the stomach, which Is a most obstinate form of dyspepsia. Everybody is now well agreed that catarrh Is a blood disease and not a local one, and the attempt to cure by local applications simply gives tem porary relief from the purely local symptoms without the remotest effect In staying the progress of the disease. There Is a new preparation recently offered to the public that is apparently destined to do away with every other form of catarrh treatment. ' This new remedy Is not a secret patent medicine, but it Is a large, pleasant tasting tablet composed of Bloodroot, Red gum from the Eucalyp tus tree, and other valuable and harm less specifics, which are taken internal ly and seem to have a remarkably beneficial effect upon the blood and mucous membranes, apparently elimi nating the catarrhal poison from the whole system. These tablets, while being pleasant, convenient and absolutely safe to use have made cures In long standing cases of catairh that are little short of marvelous. They are sold by drug gists under name of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, and any catarrh sufferer who has tried Inhalers, lotions, ointments, salves, etc., and realized their incon venience and uselessness will fully ap preciate the difference between a mere pallatlve and a premanent cure after giving Stuart's Catarrh Tablets an impartial trial. All druggists sell them at CO cents for full sized package and no matter where the catarrh Is located, in the head, tin oat, lungs or stomach, Stuart's Catanh Tablets will surprise you with the effective result of even a few days use. town council, E. Gil; ; school director, D, T, Hrevvstcr. Dr. K, H, Gardner and bis nicees, the MKses Miller, who have been ill with diphtheria, arc all recovering rapidl;, ami will soon be well again. No new- cases are leportcd, and any spiead of the disease is unlikely, A load of Montrose ;ouiik people took a sleigh ride to Law ton last evening and partook of a turkey supper at the popular hosteliy of Com missioner I'aiah Haire, after which dincing and other diversions wcio indulged in. The llai association has airnngcd for a public meeting at the couit house on Monday evening next, at which memoiial addresses, in honor ot the late Judge W. II. Jessup, will be nude. A Trip to California or Florida. Those contemplating such a trip need but to call on the local ticket agent of the Lackawanna railroad and ho will arrange every detail, including trans portation, berths, reservations and checking of baggage through to desti nation; also will furnish rates, folders, descriptive literature and any other in formation desired on the subject. Through sleepers and day coaches to Chicago. Only one change of cais to California. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In F.ffect Nov. 3, 1001. Trains leave Soranton for New Yoik At 1.40, S.15, 0.U3, 7.50 and 10 05 a. in.: 12.45, 3.40, 3.JJ p. m. For New York and Philadelphia 7.50, 10.03 a. in., and 12.45 and 3 33 p. in. l'oi 'lob; hunna At il.lO p. m. For llullalo 1.15, 0.22 and ,00 a. in.; 1.55, b.50 and 11,35 p. m. l'oi Him; liamton and way nations 10.20 a. m. and 1,10 p. m. For Oswego, S;iaeuse and Utiea 1.13 and U.22 a. in.; 1.53 p. in. Oswego, Syracuse and Utiea train at l.22 a, in, dailv, except Sunday. For Montrose 9.00 a. ni.; 1.10 and 0 50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 4.00 und 0 13 p. in, lllooiiisburg Division For Northumberland, at 0.33 and 10.05 a. in.; 1.65 and 0.10 p. m. For FJvmouth, at 8.10 a. in,; B.JO and D.OO p. m Sunda; Tialiu For New York, 1,40, 3.15, 1105 and 10 03 a. in.; 3,40, 3.3J p. m, For llullalo 1.15 and 0.22 a. m.; 1,55, G.50 and 11.31 p. m. For Dliighamtoii and way btJtlons 10.20 a. in, Uloonnburg Division Leave fcerantun, 10 05 a, m. and 0.10 p, m. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule in Ktleet June 2, 1001, Trains leave Scranton: lUS a. in,, week da;s, through vestibule train fiom Wilkesdlane. Pull man buffet pallor in and coaihcs to Philadel phia, via Poltsville; stops at pilncipal inteime cllate stations. Also lonuccts for .siriluuj, Hal ifsbuig, Philadelphia, llaltlmuie, ashlnglon and tor Pittsbuig ml the wist. 0.38 o. m., week da;s, for Sunhuiy, Hairltburs-, Philadelphia, llallimoie, Washington and Pitts buig and tho west, 1.42 p. in., week dajs (Sundavs, 1.5s p m ), for biiubuiy, llarrisbui-, Philadelphia, lUllimore, Washington and Pittsburg and tlio west, 3.2S p. in., week davs, through veetlhule tiain from WllliPS-llirrv. Pullman buffet parloi car ami eon lies to Philadslphia vh Pottsvillc, Stops at pilncipal iutirmcdiato stations, 4,27 p. in., week da;, for llazlelou, Sunbui;, HarrUbmg, Philadelphia and Pittabutg. .1, II, IIUlCIIt.NSO.V, Gen. Mgr, J. U. WOOD, (leu. I'a, A-l. Lehigh Valley Itallroad. In lIlTeit, Nov. 3, 1001. Trains Icivo Scranton. For Philadelphia and New Yoik via I), & 11. 11. II., at lUS and U3S a, in., and 2.1S, 4,27 ( Diamond HMirivO, ami 11.30 p. m, bun davs, D. tc II. II, It., 1.5S, S.27 p. in. For White llawn, llazlctuu and inindp.ll points ill the coal regloiu, via U. k II, It. It., U Js, 2.13 and 1.27 P- ui. I'm I'otUvllIc, 0.3b a, m 2.1S p. m. For Bethlehem, llj.lon, Heading, llairUburg, and priiulpal inti rmediatv nations), via 1). & 11. 11. II., ii.u, 0 38 a. in,; '2.1b. 1.27 ( Dia mond i:prc), 11. ul p, in. i-midajs, D, k (I. II. II., V,M a. in.; LSs, 3,27 p. in. l'oi Ttiiikhannock, lowanda, Klmira, Itluca, Geneva and principal intermediate stations, via D.. L. and W, It. It., 8.1U u. ni. and 3 50 p, in. For Geneva, Itochrstei, llaualu, .Niagara Fall. Chitaco and all poinU west, vlu D, i 11, II. It, 7,4b, 12 0.1 a. in.; 1.42, 3.28 (lllack liiamond Uv prus), 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p. in. bund J) i, 1), A. II. 11. 1(., 12.0.1, S.27 p. III. Pulluicn pallor and tleepmg or Liilgh Valley Parlor ears on all tialnt between l llkts Itarie and New York, l'lilladjlphla, lluifalo and Suspen sion llrldgc. KOLLIN II. WILDUit, Gen. Supt., L'O Cortland street. New ork, CHAIILUS b. LKt". Gen. Pass. Agt 2J Cortland street, New York. A. W. NOMIMACHKH, Dlv. Pass. Agt., South Iltthlehein, Pa. For tteketa and Pullnuu reservations apply to city ticket office, C9 Public Square, Wilkea Darn, fa- P8H Will r& WW I Mw mi MlnccTIel Tlieklndtliattmiclcf of the country borne ot yean ago. It makes the mouth water to think of" It most cooks won't bother tiow-a-da as they did then to get things ';jujtrlght,"and so wemake mm such IMlrSCEjMEAT to save the labor and expense and give the husbands and the bo;s pies "like mother Used to make." No housewife has a cleaner kitchen than ours, or can buy an carefully or cheaply as we can. That's why None Such Mince Meat Is only -ffii Ten cents a package fjSrn rpSZ" ' fm) Mikes twn Una id thru tmltll pl-t. ff1?Wvv'WK. X. P ,Si(ml riutltynxl ftr Fruit Clk or l-mltl'ml. Mg i2S f;"P ,l?AsSi tllng. Vtluible premium Hit cf " Hi; H Cfv Ji'u.. )V,'tB KeaerlBron." iHferwrneloled. My w, tfwk ir (ir be obtained from all food deilen. 5y" X v 'at' iH Mtrrell-Soule Co., Syracuse, N.Y. Vf' '".full f'? m IttV . ill I "SI .'Kl '' mil RgJ lfy, ..,!,? J lis T$m&am&i fsmmmm-L W& :our OFFERS' Wonderful Shoe -Bargain sMM in i 126 Wyoming Ave. The keynote of the coming season's trlmminss was struck when our crisp new stock of sheer white embroideries arilved at the store. They will be util ized during: the coming weeks on H Gingham Shirt "Waist Suits, af ternoon gowns and the now Shirt Waists; in fact, everything will be made up with a lavish display of insertions and embioideries. The "all over" embroideries have never been so popular nor the de signs so beautiful. i A new inseition comes to us this season, with a strong beaded edge, making it especially adapt able to outside trimming. Pi Ices, 23c. to C5c. a yard. Swiss Edgings, one inch em broidering to three inch embiold erlng; on two-inch cambric to five and one-quaiter inches cam bric. Pi Ices, 15c. a yard up. Najrow Edgings from 5c. a yiud on, Iusci tlons to match all pat terns. Many of the most popular pat terns in the tvlndows this week. A hint of the June "lnlde to be." Several designs of luce btldal tlrehses shown near the linen de pal Uncut. 5BJ5KSB RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware and Hudson. In Krfcct Noiember'21, I'JOl Traiiii for C'aiboiidale- leave Scianton at 0.20, 8.00, M.5J, 10 13 a. Ill i 12,00, 1 , 2.JI, J.52, 5 20, U.25, 7.57, 0 13, II 20 p. in , 1..I1 a ill. i'or llouesdalc 0.20, 10,13a m , 2.31 und 3.2'J P. m. For Wilkcs-Dane-tiaS, 7.1", 8 11. 0.18, 10.41 a. m,; 12.0.1, 1.12, 2.1b, 3.2b, 4,27, 0.10, 7,ib, 10 41, 11.1,0 p. in. For L. ' II, II. Points 0.33, U.33 a. in.; 2,IS, 4 27 and 11.30 p. in. For Pennsylvania It, It, Points i),3b, 0,3b a, m.; 1.42, 3.23 and 4,27 p. in. For Albany and all pulnta north 0 20 a in, and 3.52 p. in, hUNDAY TII.M.NS. Fur Caihondale b,60, 11,3.1 a. m,; 2.31, 3.2, C 52 and 10 52 p, in. lor Wilkes llarie 'J3S a in.; 12.0.1, 1 6b, 3.2b, 0."2 and b, 12 p 111. l'oi Alhin; and points iiorlh-3,52 p. m. For llonesdale 8 50 a. in. and .'1.52 p. 111. W. I l'll(lll. l. P. A Kiaiiton, Pa. New Jersey Central. Ill Fffect Nov, 17, 1001. StutioiH In New Yoik, foot of Libert) stieet and Souili Fen;, N. It. 'Iialns leave herdntoii for New Yoik, Phlladel. plda, Mxslou, Ileihlehini, AlUnlown, Mauth Chunk, White Haven, Aside; and Wilkvsdlaiie ut 7.30 a. in., 1 p. in. und 4 p. in. buuda;, 2,10 p. in. 'tjuakii Cjlv llvprcsH leaves heiantuii ut 7,30 a, in., thiough solid voitibulp train with Pullman Jlulfet Parlor Cars, lor Philadelphia, For Avoea, Pltutou and Wilkes llarie, 1 p. m, and 1 p. in, Sunday, 2.10 p. in. For Long llranch, Ocean Givve, etc, 7.-'.0 a, m. and 1 p. in. For Heading, lebauoa and Hirrisbuig, via Al lentovvn, at 7,30 a. in. and 1 p. in. Sundj;, 2.10 p, ni, For I'ottsvllle at 7.30 a, in, and 1 p. m. For ratea and tickets upplv to agent at station. C. M. UUHT, Gen.tP.ns, Agt. W, W, WESTZ, Gen. bupt. Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division. Trains for New icrk, New burgh and Interme diate points leavo beranton as follous: 7,20 a. in.; 2.25 p. in. Arrivals 10.35 a. m. from Mlddletown. Hones dale, llsvvley and intermediate points. 0.20 p. in. from New York, Ncivburgu and intermediate points. No Sunday trains. ill MM i i Pie H LOSING OUT SALE wRs IS i Lager Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 48B to 455 H. Ninth Stroofc, Telephone Call. 2333. NEW YORK HOTELS. Cor. Sixtecntli St. and Ir tog Place, NEW YOBK. American Plan, $3 B0 Per. Day and Upwards. European Plan, jl 00 Per Day and Upwards. Special Hates to Families. T. THOMPSON, Prop. ----- -- - j ,..! ir.. - 4- rur misiiit'ss iiicu 4- in the heart ot the wholesale t district. For Shoppers o- t mlnutco' walk to Wnnamokers; o minutes co oiuirei cooper s uiz Store. Easy of access to the meat Dry Goods Stores. For Sightseers One block from B'way Cars, el Inc easy transportation to all points of Interest. I HOTEL ALBERT AJSW YOIUL. ror. nth st. UNivrertsiTY vu Only one Block from Broadway. Rnnmj R1 Hn restaurant ---f-f-T-iV-f-f-------f-t--f- -f-T--r'-- i. . i lik jour drug-jUt far It. If h eitnitot siividy llie M llt CiI,. detent no uiuer stilt senu ainiiip lor ii. iisliateit iMMksedliJ It alvea Dirlliulars and till ee lions In. llaat)Uiti)Jadie9M 1U KhCO., HfiftlM m'i ptiiH, u sl ' I r's r.G.F.fHEEL.Bhail fffi ZSZA rbllaJtlskU, l'. U.I I.erMl. DwilUl ! VH ". 1h,,Im. I.D,r..lM.trur. .hobr Mall Irllltl T Y ftS.1 in....... i ..... IbuM. lllauU fblion. tfviwa Vrbllll,l u.1 )liihooJ,rl'"l. AHtltliir(s' tVXfj3liullUl. IndMtlopniHiU bkrume UrfUt,1 ifTxSTT. curt 4 l l ! 1 J'n f"''l ,.?."r,1 IbtiplUI ilorlrn' la Crru.a. Ku't I" buok Triilk".J Ipnf.l :i"'r illl .lrclrirl frd. ... Itl.r'P.r-l RjJLADjnjMjrjBLE New York, Ontaiio and Western, In i;ilcct 'luesda;, 1-pt. 17, 100), NOItlli IIOI'M). I.eaio Leave riive 'Iralm. StiaiiWn, Oailmndale Cadosia, Vo. t 10.SU a. in, 11,10a. in. 1,00 p. in. Vu 7 ........ O.lOp. in, Ar. Carbondale 0.40 p. m. -.OUl II HOUND. L.'uve L(ave Arrive Trains. CMtlirtU. failwiidale. Sciunton. No. H 7 0) a, in. 7,10 a. in. No, 2 -Ml l. ''. I "0 !' '" .t0 p. in, blMAihOM,, NOIilil IIOI'M). Leave l.i-ave Arrive Trains. Seiantoii. ('ailmndale'. Cudosli. No. 0 S 30 a. in. U.tOp.m. 10,43a. in. No. 5 7.00 p. in. Ar. t'arboiidalo 7.40 p. m. HH'Til HOUND. Leave l.eave Arrive Trains. Cadosia. Carlwndale. Scranton, No. u 7.00 a, m. 7 14 a, in. No. 10 ,. . .4.30 p. in 0 0(1 p. in. 6. tip. m, Tialiu Nos. 1 on week da;t. und I) on bunda;, make main line connections for New York elly, Mlddletiivvn, Walton, Noiwleli, Uiwlda, Otwcgii ami all points vvr.t. For further information ccpult ticket agent. J ('. ANDK11SON, 0, I' A., Nivv ork, J. i:. WELSH, T, V, 4-i Scranton, Pa. .. livery womaia fvTOttra, Is Interytulnnd should know CIWvVMtX about the wonderful lvVwSA l MARVEL Whirling Sproy WNWJ Tliencwlwlnilrijrlue. !) XVVSSVcSLv!L lion und bullion. lleit-Mf. XVrVsbVVSS-fc&w eat J ot Conveu ent. NiW. V-Ss---.04tiTr,-Ts II I !.-. InslaBllr. fuller, nut sena ainiiip lor ii, je ''n s usliatcit iMMksedliJ It alvea . l t m e.v ft "V-'taJy 'i