The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 23, 1902, Image 1

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The Mine Workers' Election Has
Been Postponed Until
National Officers Will Not Be Elect
ed Until Chnrgcs Preferred Have
Been Fully Investigated Miss
Meredith Denies That Any One
Is Back of Her and Declares That
She Has Acted Upon Her Own Re
sponsibility Scale Committee Or
ganized. By tlulte Wire from The Associated Prcis.
Indianapolis, Jan. 22. National ofll
cers 'of the United Mine Workers of
America will not be elected until the
committee appointed to investigate
charges preferred against President
Mitchell and Secretary-Treasurer Wil
son has made Its report to the conven
tion, probably Friday.
Tho feeling in the convention was
that the report of the Investigating
committee will exonerate Mitchell and
Wilson and that they will be re-elected.
The miners cheered President Mit
chell when he appeared on the stage at
Tomllnsoii hall today.
A minute after taking up the gavel
he said he felt it would bo more satis
factory to the convention at large If a
delegate from each of the two addi
tional districts to which Miss Mere
dith's charges had been sent be ap
pointed on the committee named to in
vestigate, so W. D. Van Home, who
uesldcd yesterday, took tho chair nnd
vpolntod Delegate Lawrence Love, of
istrlct 13. of Iowa, and Patrick Do
an. of district No. ii, of Pennsylvania.
Thereupon President Mitchell re
umed charge of the convention.
The tlrst order of the routine busi
ness was the appointment of the com
mittee on constitution as follows:
J. W. Howe, district No. 10; Chris,
vans, No. 0; Peter Hanrnty, No. 21:
fohn T. Dcmpsoy, No. 3; W. T. Morris.
No. 12; a. W. rurcell. No. 11 and Paul
P. Pulaski, No. 19.
The convention at 10.30 o'clock ad
journed to 1.S0 p. in. because little or
nothing could be done until the com
mittees had time to get to work.
J. C. Heeimn, of Linton, a member of
the commission, appointed by Gov.
Durbln to codify the Indiana mining
laws, will serve as chairman of the
special committee appointed to Inves
tigate the charges against Picsident
Mitchell and Secretary-Treasuier Wil
son. The investigating committee elected
W. D. Ryan, of Illinois, secretary.
Kyan Is the delegate who offered the
resolution condemning Miss Meredith
for having preferred the charges.
Miss Meredith Alone.
Miss Meredith denies that anyone is
back of her and declares she has acted
on her own responsibility in making
the charges.
Tho minutes In the olllclal Journal of
proceedings of the Ohio state miners'
convention show that the Ohio miners
voted to invite Miss Meredith to the
national convention and agreed to pay
her expenses while here. President
Hasklns, of the Ohio district, says the
reason the Ohio convention did this
was that the charge had been cli cil
iated In Ohio and that tho state con
vention wished to have the natlona'
convention hear them.
The scale committee which has tho
most Important work of the miners'
convention, organised at noon, making
John P. Heese, piesldeut of the Iowa
miners, chairman, nnd President Has
klns, of the Ohio miners, secretary. It
will not be ready to report until the
first of next week. Its work Is secret,
even from delegates of tho convention.
The committee on lesolullons and
minor committees met today and or
ganized for work.
The charge against the national of
ficers of the I'nltcd Mine Worke'-s
ciime up again when the convention
met this afternoon.
Foster Criticises Payors.
Delegate Foster, of Ohio, look excep
tion to a statement apearlng in 'i
morning paper, concerning Miss Mere
dith's charge, and also to a bulletin
displayed hi another newspaper ofllco
window, saying there was an "uproar"
in the convention esterday afternoon.
Ho moved that the representative ol
each of the pnpeivt ho excluded fioni
the convention hail,
President Mitchell explained that
Foster was mistaken in some of his
statements, and ho advised him not
to try to push through such a radical
measure, saying the newspapers would
"print what they pleased,"
The miners, he suld, could not expct
the newspapers to print anything hut
what they wanted to print, Ho said
Delegate Foster had u right to object
to tho published statement, "notwith
standing tho fact that Miss Meredith
gave tho Interview herself,"
At tho suggestion of u delegate, the
matter wus dropped and tho conven
tion resumed its Jovial mood, mid culled
for songs, Delegate Mates, of Wilkes.
Harre, Pa., sung the "John Mitchell
Song,' u strike song dedicated to Mit
chell. It was heard with prolonged
cheering, Ben Tlllett, was next culled
out and sang English and Amerlcun
gongs, and the minors Joined in a labor
bong, including the chorus, "Glory,
glory, hallelujah 'tis the people
marching on."
Lit tilt or no business will bo trans
acted until tho committees, which are
not ready, can bo heard.
Tho investigation committee Is In
session tonight and probably will bo
ready with Its report tomorrow. Then
will follow the election of officers. The
gencrul feellhg Is that President Mit
chell and Sccrctnry-Treiisurcra Wilson
will be exonerated and that they will
be elected again. No opposition has
developed to Vlco President Lewis' re
election and It Is conceded. Few mat
ters have been scut to the committee
for consideration, and It Is likely, there
fore, that much Important business
will como up tomorrow. A member of
tho Investigation committee said they
had decided to Investigate only the
charges made on tho floor of the con
vention, with the evidence adduced In
the convention, and would make no
examination of the books of the order
to ascertain what they showed as to
tho shortage of ex-Secretary-Treasurer
Emphatic Opinions Are Ex
pressed on the Tariff
By Inclusive Wirt from The Associated Pre.u,
York, Pa., Jan. 22. A. B. Farquhar,
of this city, the head of the Farquhar
Agricultural Works and prominent In
national Democratic affairs, has re
ceived the following letter from ex
President Cleveland In reply to one sent
him by Mr. Farquhar relative to the
relations of the United States with
Westlnnd, Princeton, X. .7., .Ian. SI, 1902.
M.v Dear Mr. Farquliar:
1 limp only sufficiently rceovcicd from my Ill
ness to be about a little ami ride out in ii limited
way. Tomorrow 1 hope to start on a trip to the
south in the expectation that my health will be
largely reinstated by the outing.
I received your letter jesterday and was mueli
impressed by the manner in which jou dlctm out
relations and our duty to Cuba.
The aiguments used in opposition to the tnittt
concessions she imploies, lu-ed upon our material
inlercMs, are ions, mistaken and misleading,
while t lie tr hotitce and the agencies of their pin
pogation and Fpioad, cannot fail to be iccosuicd
by evciy honest, paltiotiu cltlcn, with hlrame
and humiliation.
It scents to me, howewr, that thitc subject in
volves considerations of morality and conscii'iiee,
higher uml more tnitiiii.indini; than nil other.
The obligations mising; fioni thtx- (otisideia
tions cannot be better or mure forcibly detlned
than was clone by Ptcidcnt Itoo-cvelt in 1U
tiiM-asre to tongiess, nor better emphasized than
his In en clone bj Sec.iet.iry Hoot and .vet ionj;ios-t
wait, vvbllc we Dica-doiiillv be.n of concessions
which lich Mi''ir inletest. might apntnvc in be.
half of trembling Cuba.
I do not believe tint nilious, any mote than
individuals, can sjfel.v violate the lilies of Imn
t sty and fair dealing.
I'ntll thcte is no t-iape, tbcicfure, I will i.ol
believe, that, with nil our hue words and lofty
professions our embrace of Cuba means the con
tagion of deadly disease.
louts very truly,
(! i over Cleveland.
To A, 11, I'arquhar, esq., Yolk, Pa.
Officers Elected Other Business Be
fore the Sessions at Harris
burg, Uy Inclusive Wire from Th Ansoclated Prem.
Harrlsburg. Pa Jan. 22. The Penn
sylvania state board of agriculture
convened today In this city nnd will
continue In session until tomorrow ev
ening. The morning session was de
voted to the election of olllceis and
other routine business. The following
officers were elected: President. Gov.
Stone; vice-presidents, II. A'. White,
Hloomsburg; William F, Reck, Easton;
Joel A. 11 err. Peters Mills, Executive
committee, M. N. Clark, Clarldge; A.
J. Kahler. Hughesvllle, H, a. Me
Govvan, Gelger Mills: W. H. Stout,
Pine Grove; II, C. Suavely, Lebanon
and Jason Sexton, North Wales.
A resolution was offered by State
Forestry Commissioner J, T.Brothrock,
which was adopted that the legislature
be requested to furnish funds requlslto
for the establishment of n training
school of elementary forestry at Ciruf
fonsburg, Adams county, where on
state reservation the pupils may by
work done on state forests, earn what
It costs the commonwealth to board,
clothe and educate them, provided
these pupils furnish bond to repay the
state what It costs to educate them If
they fall on examination or aie dls
chaiged for misconduct.
At the nfteinoon session papers wero
read by H. G, McGownn, of Gelgers
Mills, on "That Which Pays the Aver
ago Fanner;" Dr. M. E. Conrad, West
Grove, "Tile Importance of Dairy Hy
giene;" and II, V. White, Hloonisburg,
"Tho Art of Living."
Tho following paimis were present
ed at tonight's session; "The Question
of Farm Labor," W. F. McSparrau,
Furnlss; "The Necessity for Hetler
Preparation for Farm Work," Piof,
George U, Watson, Stato college; "The
Pollution of Poniestlo Wells," Prof.
Cochran, Westchester; "The Itelatlon
of Hlrds to Agriculture," Prof, II. A,
Surface, State college.
Match Factory Burned,
Hy Inclusive Wire from 'lite Associated Press,
Heading, Jan. 23. The plant of the Aiiieikati
Match company, 1', ", l.eldel, president, waj
burned here Ihii afternoon. Origin of the lire
via duo lo fpaiU. ,o iflij.OOO, toveird liy In.
stir j nee.
Strike Against Non-uuionMeu.'
fly L'lclutlie ire bum 'Die AiiocUted 'tm.
Wllkca-llane, Jjn. 21. The miners at the Wett
Knd Coal company' colliery at Mocanaejtu), went
on strike today becauia non-union workmen were
employed. The itriker number fire hundred.
An Invitation Will Bo Seifl to tho
Boer Prosident to Visit the City.
Dy Kxclimve Wire from The Agnoclitrd l'rm
Chlrngo, Jnn. 22. At a mass meeting
of Boer sympathizers hold hero to
night, It was resolved to send Presi
dent Krtignr an Invitation, signed hy
GOO.OOO people, to visit Chicago on June
2(5, the date of tho coronation of Ed
ward VII.
Tho meeting was called originally to
take action to secure the aid of Presi
dent Roosevelt to ask clemency for
Commandant Schcopers. When It was
learned that Scheepcrs already had
been executed, It was decided to Invito
Mr. Krnger and have a pro-Boor dem
onstration. The lnvltntlon to President
Kruger will be forwarded ns soon as
the signatures shall bo secured.
Three Cars Overturned Near Allen-'
town No One Killed, but Many
Are Injured.
By Exclusive Wire from The Aswelted Pfeas.
Allentown, Pa., Jan. 22. The "Scran
ton flyer" on the Bethlehem branch of
the Philadelphia nnd Heading railroad,
which left Philadelphia at 6 p. ni., was
wrecked tonight at Coonersburg, nine
miles south of here. A spread of tho
rails caused the front coach to jump
the tracks and tear Into the depot plat
form and demolish the station shed.
Three cars were overturned and
wrenched from their trucks.
No one was killed, but till the passen
gers were roughly shaken up and some
cut by flying glass. George O. Albright,
George Wantllng and William Weher,
of Allentown, were slightly Injured;
George Walter Tyson, of Philadelphia,
had his knee Injured, and Rev. J. M.
Hayinan, Episcopal rector at Mauch
Chunk, hud a leg hurt and n tendon of
the right hand cut.
Dr. John Went, C. W. Fulton and C.
B. MacQulvey, of this city, were on
board the wrecked train and escaped
without Injury. The wreck occurred In
a cut, and when the Pullman In which
they were seated left the track It top
pled over against the side of the cut.
A train was made urt at Bethlehem
soon after the wreck occurred and the
Scranton passengers arrived In this city
soon after 1 o'clock this morning.
Three Killed and Several Wounded
in. a General Fusilade at Belle
ville, Texas.
I3y Inclusive Wire fiom The As-oclalcd Ptess,
Belleville, Tex., Jan. 22. Early this
evening an affray occurred which re
sulted In three deaths, the fatal wound
ing of one and the slight wounding of
three otheis.
HAYMOXl) WHin:, constable at Wallls.
MILAM OIlOM, IiIr half-brother.
HENRY IPPJ:itT. a byctiintUi.
Fatally Wounded.
Walter Pennington, shot through the bowels, the
bullet going entirely through the body.
Slightly Wounded.
I'llliu Pennington.
Anton Dippett, a bystander.
John Hajhvath, of Solly, a bystander.
The circumstances which caused, the
battle with its disastrous results was
the meeting of the Pennington nnd
Odom factions here today.
Walter Pennington, under Indictment
for the murder of J. Odom, a brother
of William Odom and a half-brother of
Raymond White, was being tried in the
district court, and a large number of
people came here from Wallls as wit
nesses, among them the relatives of the
deceased. There was no outbreak until
the parties met at the depot, where a
large crowd of people were assembled
awaiting the trial. Just how the ulftilr
started, no one seems to know, but It is
claimed that the first hostile act was
committed by the Odom faction. The
llrst person wounded wus Walter Pen
nington. Tho bullet entered his stom
ach and ranged upward, passing through
him. He then opened fire, nnd in an
Instant the shooting became general.
The two Dlpperts were standing to
gether and had no chance to get under
cover. Henry was struck by a bullet
nnd dropped deatl where ho stood. An
ton's wound Is In the side and It Is be
lieved will not prove fatal.
Havkvath was shot while trying to
get out of range, When the shooting
ceased, It was found that White anil
Odom had been instantly killed, AVhlto
dying with his pistol cocked ami ready
lo (Ire. He and Odom were lying closo
Walter Pennington wns carried to the
hotel, where he now lies In a dying con
dition. Ills father, Ellhu Pennington,
was struck only once, the bull plough
ing through his hair tinder tho scalp of
the lett side of his head,
Maclay's History Cut Out.
Hy Kicluilvr Wire from The AMOilitcd Pteu
Annapolis, Mil., -lap. 2J. The senate today
unanlmouvlv paved an older dliecllng the stale
llbiarlau oj Maryland In remove) fiom tho slate
llbraiy the tliinl volume of Jlaola'. hUtory of
tin- I'nlted States navy. Tho senate also on mi.
inoudy passed a icvolutlem urging Ihc adoption
of it Hsolmlon eMiiidlnir a vote of
thanks lit Admiral Schley for fall miry in
tliu b.itlu of Santiago.
Scheepers Has Been Executed,
Uy Dtcluuhe Wire from The Associated Press.
Xew YotU, Jan, 2i, It lias ust been dUcov
eicd that through a cable crior an Associated
tcM dl.-pjlch iinucmiKid, that the death tvn
tune upon (Xmnuiiiljut richec-pem, of the lloer
army had been continued by (Jrnertil Kitchener
mid that he would be executed next Saturday,
Tho fact U lint lie was executed on lavt Satur
day, '.Ian. Id,
An Actor Falls Dead,
Hy delusive Wire from The Associated Prey.
London, Jan. 21. During the performance IbU
evening by a German company at St. (leorgc's
hall here, an actor named George Worlltzscli, fell
desd of apoplexy upon the stage. 1 ho pelfouu
aucc was at once stopped. The deceased enjojed
considerable reputation In Germany.
Democrats Oifcr Obiectlons to
PlilllPDlnes Pollcu oT fld-
Shakes His Fist at Associates nnd
Hopes He May Be Paralyzed If He
Refuses to Protect nn American
Soldior Tribute to President Mc
Kinlcy Senate Does Not Continues
Debate on Philippines Tariff.
By RxclJilve Wire from The Associated Preu.
Washington, Jan. 22. Some of the old
partisan lire was injected Into the pro
ceedings of the house today, when the
item In tho urgent deficiency bill ap
propriating $500,000 for a military post
at Manila, which the Democrats have
been using as a text for speeches In
opposition to the Philippine policy of
the administration for the last three
days, was reached. Mr. Cannon, In
charge of the bill, confessed that the
appropriation was subject to a point of
order and It went out. In lieu thereof,
he offered an amendment to appropri
ate the same sum for the "shelter and
protection" of the officers and enlisted
men of the army In the Philippines.
This the chair held to be In order and
It at once became tho subject of a very
spirited debate, In which Mr. ltichard
son, the minority leader; Mr. Williams,
of Mississippi, and Mr. DeArmond, of
Missouri, were pitted against the chair
man of the appropriation committee.
Partisan applause rang out on each
side to cheer on the respective cham
pions and there seemed to be a solid
line upon each side of the political aisle.
Hut when the vote came to be taken,
Mr. Cummlngs, a New York Democrat,
voted with the Republicans, turning
angrily on his political brethren as he
did so, and -frith clenched fists In their
faces, crying out he hoped ho might bo
paralyzed when he refused to vote to
protect an American soldier. The vote
on the amendment stood: Ayes, 127;
nays, 100. Before the general debate
closed, Mr. Watson paid a beautiful
tribute to the late President McKinley.
In the Senate.
Debate on the Philippine tariff bill
was not continued In the senate today,
no member of the body being prepared
to pioeeed with the bill. The bill pro
viding for the establishment of a de
partment of commerce was under dis
cussion nearly two bonis, little pro
gress was made with It, as while the
debate disclosed no objections to the
main features of the bill, there was a
disposition on the part of the senate to
give it careful consideration and to per
fect the details of the measure.
Did Not Take Part in the Movement
Against United States at Begin
ning of Spnnish War.
By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
St. Petersburg, Jan. 22. The corres
pondent of the Associated Press "here
lias obtained the following statement
from the Russian foreign office re
garding the announcement made In the
Drltlsli house of commons Monday
concerning negotiations between the
powers before and after the outbreak
of the Spanish-American war and the
assertions made by a Hritish foreign
olllclal to a representative of the As
sociated Press on tho same subject:
'Itusslu has always been and now Is
extremely desirous of maintaining
amicable relations with the United
States. Russia never had any atten
tion In participating hi any collective
step In the Spanish-America dispute
which did not directly concern her.
Is'or did Russia receive any proposition
from any power with such a view.
"Indeed we received no Information
regarding Austria's alleged Initiative
or about an attempt op the part of any
of the powers to Interfere In tho Inter
ests of Spain.
Schwab Meets Francis Joseph.
Uy Cichuhc Wire from The Awoclated Preii.
Vienna, .Ian, 2i llio major of Vienna pie.
heided t'liatlei M, Schwab, president of tho Uni
ted Stales Steel corporation, to llinpeior I'micUi
Ju-cpbtit tho CHUenV hall tonight. 'Ihc cmpeior
mid Mr. Schwab cumcTsel ut tome leuRth upon
ccimiueiclal nutters. The emperor cprcscd Ml
u-Biet at the early tlepaituiu of Mr. Schwab
fiom Vienna, as it would lUevc-nt his majesty
fiom iccelvlliii him attain. Mr. Schwab will
Irawi for lloilln tomorrow and will thence proceed
to 1'aiU uud Loudon.
Bank Bobbers Captured.
By i:xclulvo Wire bom 'lite Akuic-iatcd I'resi.
IlJilfoitl, Ky., Jan, !!. Tlie lunk of llarlfjrd
wus lobbed of between s-,.Vk) uimI if-tfiM at D
it, in, today by four men who blew- open the nfo
and escaped alter a futile et h.ui;e of t-liots with
lint depttly therltt and kuiiip citizens, 'I hey re
captured, however, by Deputy Sherllf Kenwit sail
a pad. of bloodhoiiniU alltr a nhntt tluic. All
of Ihc tlolcii money wan ictourcd.
Inspector Saxton Dismissed,
Py Kxcliudve Wltc fiom The Amoclitcd Preit.
W.iliInaton, Jun, Si, -Upon tho reconmteiida,
I lull of liipiilvratloii L'oniinUsloiter 1'ilchie, of
Xc-w Yolk, hiiporvl.ini; Inspector I'r.tuk Rutou,
on duly at .New Yoik city, hat been dhuiUcd
from the hcrviec. He lu been on duty aj m
pervUluu Inspector at New Ymk for llm put
teven or eight montlu. 'Ihc ground for dl.iul
t,al la lilvcit ui neglect of duty, ,
Steamship Arrivals.
fly Exclutlre Wire from The Associated PrcM.
New York, Jan. Si, Arrived: Itotteidam, Hot.
tcrdjin. Sailed: Philadelphia, rxiuthaiupio'i;
(Jeimanic, Liverpool; SoulhwaiL, Antwerp.
(Juceiutow n Arrived: Teutonic, New York for
Liverpool (and proceeded). Southampton Ar
rived: St, Louis, New York,
Western Men Accused of Stuffing
tho Proxy Box at Buffalo,
lly Ktcla'lve Wire from The Associated Pres.
Buffalo, N. Y Jan. '22. The split In
tho American Bowling congress, which
had been threatening since tho body
convened hero In annual session, emtio
this afternoon, when the Kastcrn dele
gates left tho hall In a body nnd de
clined to take any part In tho consid
eration of matters before Hie conven
tion. Tho Western delegates then
elected the following officers.
President, Frank Ij. Pasdelotip, of
Chicago; llrst vlco "president, W. V.
Thompson, Chicago; second vice presi
dent, M. A. Phillips, St. Louis; secre
tary, Samuel ICnrpf, Dayton, Ohio;
treasurer, George M. Sterns, Dos
Moines, Iowa.
The split was the outcome 'of the
Western men voting a greater num
ber of proxies than the Eastern men
would) admit they were entitled to.
Gen. Modesto Onrces States His Par
ty Is Anxious That the United
States Shall Own the Canal.
Uy KvUnsivc Wlte from The Associated l'rc.v.
New York, Jan. 22. General Modesto
Gurces, second in command of the
Colombian Insurgent forces, said to
day with reference to the attitude of
his party on the canal question:
"The Liberal party In Colombia Is
anxious that the United States shall
own, nianngo and control the Panama
canal and. If In power, will enact a
new constitution granting the United
States land requisite for the canal, In
perpetuity. It shall concede better
terms than exist as to annual pay
ments to the Colombian government
on account of its previous contract
with the French Canal company. If
successful In establishing a govern
ment the Liberal party will be in a
position to treat officially with the
United States regarding all canal mat
ters. "The situation In Colombia," be
continued, "Is this: The Liberal ar
mies located at different points
throughout the Interior of ' Colombia
numbers more than 20,000 men under
efficient generals.. All are t volunteers,
serving 'without pay and have met with
most encouraging success In captur
ing strategic points. When these ar
mies are Increased In strength by the
receipt nC arms " nnd ammunition al
ready shipped to them, we believe the
Colombian government will be forced
to capitulate or amend Its constitu
tion to conform with the clear cut
modern Ideas which the Liberal party
is lighting for and particularly relating
to the matter of the Panama canal."
Considerable Damage and Incon
venience Results from Recent
By llvxlusive Wire fiom The Associated Press.
Pottsvllle, Pa Jan. 22. The rain of
the past twenty-four hours has swollen
the Schuylkill and Its tributaries, some
of which have overflowed their banks.
Cressona was the scene of a deluge
early this morning and much damage
was caused by the flooding of cellars.
The water Is gaining in many of the
inner workings of the mines, and it Is
feared that the damages of December
will be repeated.
Ilazleton, Pa Jan. 22. Right of the
collieries In the Ilazleton district, which
had recently resumed operations after
being Idle since the Hood in December,
were closed down again today because
of the high water In the workings, us a
result of last night's heavy rain.
Wilmington, Del,, Jan. 22, Great
floods along the Brandywlne attended
last night's heavy rain.
At Thompson's bridge, near Birming
ham, ii team owned by William Forbes
was washed Into the stream and both
horses -and the colored driver, Fred
erick Douglass Brown, were drowned
and their bodies carried down the
Shamokln, Pa Jnn, 22. A severe
rnln storm setting In yesterday morn
ing and ending this afternoon, flooded
a large number of collieries In this
region. A section of the Lehigh Valley
railroad, near Green Uldge, was washed
away bv Coal Run creek overflowing
Its banks. Lowlands between hero and
Sunbury are completely Inundated,
acres of farming land being swept by
culm from tho mines.
Lancaster, Pa., Jan, 22. An Ice gorge
has formed In the Susquehanna Just
below Washington boiough. Ice has
Jammed between the shore nnd an Isl
and n half mile off shore to a height
of fifty feet. No serious damage has
yet been done, but danger Is feared
from tho Ice and flood waters now com
ing down the stream from points far
ther up the river. At Washington
borough the tracks of tho Port Deposit
and Columbia Railroad are covered
by water to a depth of three feet and
traffic lias been stopped.
Beaver Cases Transferred.
Uy Ciclirvlve Wire from The Aociatcd Prejci.
Philadelphia, Jan, :!. Iho Supremo lourt, for
want of Jurisdiction, today refiu-cd to hear two
Jle.twr county cascj and transferred them in the
Superior court for aiijiiineut at tho '".t of Ilia
appellants. 'The cacn transfer led wete: Ite-pctU
lion SIiuiiioih et ol o township of Hoi hosier,
and ttoie et al., apprllpitU, 4, comity of Heater,
Bishop of Western Massachusetts.
Uy Ctcluiive Wire from The Associated 1'reei.
Sprluirrleld, Mass,, ,1m. 22. Ihc ltev. Dr. Vin
ton, "of Woic'CMlcr, v.n fleeted bhhtui of the
uewly-cicatid '.Protestant , I'pUcopal dlocrte of
Wcateiu Mj.-s.icIiumHU tcibv.
Patrick Jury Selected.
Dy Kxcliuive Who (rem The Atsoclatcd Pie.
New York, Jan. $i. The work of koleellnjr a
jury (or the trial o( Albert II. Patrick on the
charge of havloc murdered William M. Dice,
formerly of Tciai, vvu completed today.
Mazercno Pascolint Arrested Yes
terday Chargod -with Feloniously
Wounding Massimino Ceconi.
Mozereno Pascollnl was arrested yes
terday on Lackawanna avenue by Pat
rolmen Sartor and Jlaggerty on the
charge of stabbing Massimino Ceconi
last Sunday night. The warrant for
his urrest was Issued by Magistrate
John T. Howe.
Both men arc Italians residing on
Breck street, South Scranton. Ceconi
attended a celebration on Sunday
night nt the home of a neighbor and
was called outside by Pascollnl, who
accused him of making remarks re
flecting upon him (Pascollnl). Ceconi
told him that he wouldn't talk to him
and started for the house. According
to the statement of nn eyewitness,
Pascollnl followed him and stabbed
him In the back with a. long knife just
as ho was entering the house.
Ceconi lost a great deal of blood and
was taken home where he was attend
ed by Dr. James A. Manley. The doc
tor thought at first thut his Injuries
were fatal but has since discovered
that no vital organ was pierced and
stated yesterday that the man would
probably recover,
Pascollnl escaped after the stabbing
but didn't attempt to leave town and
was captured without difficulty. He
will be given a hearing on the charge
of felonious wounding before Magis
trate Howe this morning.
Representative of the London
Mews Hears of Wore
Peace Talk.
lly Kvcliulvo Wire from The Asmclnted Press.
London, Jun. 23. A representative of
the Dally News hi 'the lobbies of par
liament hears that there has certainly
been some sort of peace overtures from
the Boers, but that the unyielding atti
tude of Lord Mllner, the British high
commissioner In South Africa has, as
before, proved an Insurmountable ob
stacle In the matter.
'The Hague correspondent of the
Daily News says that Dr Leyds, the
Ruropean representative of the Trans
vaal, and Abraham Fischer, the leader
of the Boer delegates are having fre
quent and prolonged interviews with
Dr. Van Linden, the Dutch minister of
foreign alTalrs and Prof. Asser, the
jurist, and chairman of the arbitra
tion court nt the Hague.
A correspondent of the Telegraph
wiring from Brussels says that the
Dutch pro-Boer press has published
a note Issued by Mr. Kruger, declaring
that no peace negotiations will be con
sidered except upon the basis of the re
tention of Boer Independence. This
note Is regarded as a reply to the
speech of Mr. .Chamberlain, the Boer
colonial secretary.
Republics Assembled at Interna
tional Conference in Mexico,
Applaud United States.
By Inclusive Wire from The Assoc lateil
Mexico City, Jan. 22. The Pan-Amer-lcan
conference today gave approval
to an hiter-oceanlc canal.
The resolution, which wus carried
unanimously by acclamation, is as fol
lows: "The republics assembled at the In
ternational conference In Mexico ap
plaud the purpose of the United States
government to construct an Inter
oceanlc canal and acknowledge that
this work will not only be worthy of
tho greatness of tho Amerlcun people,
but also In the highest seiihe a work
of clvlllzatlpn and to the greatest de
gree bononelnl to the development of
commerce between tho American
states and the other countries of tho
Volney W, Foster, one of the Unltel
States delegates, In behalf of the dele
gation, thanked the conference for Its
Strikers Return to Work.
Dy Inclusive Wire from The Aoeltcd Prew.
WilUs-Uarrc, -Ian. 2. -Tim .Hike of the union
miner ut the Wist laid collltiy at Miicanaipia,
ended today, the men gnluir bad. on the pioui
l.e of tho company that the iioii-uuiuu nun
now- emplojcd would be dl harmed a fnou as
they finished the liuprcneiiinitii they are vvntk
n' upon.
llj ;ulte Wire from The An-oclated I'reu.
.otilMille. Ivy, Jan. ii.-Piof. r.iuil Micffcr,
aKed I'D, one of the hcrl-kuowu c licuils-.'s In tin
country, died at h'u home in lids illy lodai of
the inllnnltle t( old axe. In I WO, Pif. hliif
fir ilisi om rt-cl the foimula for inaklni,- liquid pep
t'll and the uiiuuuuicinvnl clctiUd a irrcat icn-J-tlou
In all medical and chemical elided of tho
wuild. Two .tcaik later he illfcourcsl Ihc for
mula for makliiK the nit or potvdcied foim ol
Ann Alitor, Jllch., Jan. Si llufus Yaplt-t, a
foiinrr dUtilct Jtidire in lambdaiM ami the au
thor of M-vcral well known law tet hook, among
litem "Waplei on Attchmentu," died ol brut
tlUeam lat iilttiit, aged 7" years. Ho wa bom
In Pelanare, moved to New- Oilearut In lSln,
where lie studied law-, and came to Ann Arbor
in m.
.Sluuv, llt.v, Iowa, Jan. 82. Hob Kneeb, the
horofinaii. who became famous a few- jcais igo,
through hi Imprisonment In Germany for rac
ing an alleged "riojtr," IJctUel, U dead, lit
vtai 05 )cr of igc.
Replies to Questions as to the
Best Methods of Or-
Nothing Could Ro More Fatal Than
the Reckless nnd Useless Perpetu
ation of Recent Difficulties Ho
Believes That It Would Have Been
Better to Have Erabraoed BI
metallsni Than to Allow Republi
cans to Secure Control of the Gov
ernment. By Exclusive Wire from The Ansoclnlecl Prtvs.
Chester, Pa., Jan. 22. Ex-Lleuteunnt
Governor Chnuncey P. Black has writ
ten a letter to Samuel Fetters. II. B.
Schofleld and others, of Chester and
Delaware counties, In reply to a joint
letter sent by them to Mr. Black asking
his ndvice as to organizing tho Demo
cratic party of Pennsylvania.
Mr. Black, In his letter, treuts the
subject at considerable length. In part,
he says:
"You ask me how the Democratic
party may be best organized to accom
plish those great public and patriotic
objects for which it exists. I answer
thittrlf we would succeed, In tho Im
mediate future, the party must bo so
organized as to Include within Its rans
all those who adhere to Democratic
principles. Nothing could be more un
wlse.perhaps fatal, than the leckless and
useless perpetuation of recent difficul
ties. I suppose you and 1, being straight
Democrats, supported Mr. Bryan and
those great declarations of human
rights the Chicago and Kansas City
platforms with all the fervor of which
we were capable. But there were some
Democrats, most of them as honest as
we, who magnified the silver question
Into a vital Issue, and whou therefore,
disagreeing with us, our platforms and
our candidates, assisted directly or In
directly to put the Imperialist party
Into power. They have realized their
error. They see the republic trans
formed Into an empire. They see the
constitution disregarded, the govern
ment administered in the Interest of a
class, the money power omnipotent, the
congress taxing for the benefit of the
few at the expense of the many, gigan
tic Industrial combinations flourishing
unopposed, and mi Kurupeun colonial
system established Instead of our famil
iar and constitutional Ainerlcan terri
torial system, with the mighty military
and naval armaments required to sup
port It. These Democrats, who were
misled by false and corrupt clamor Into
helping to bring on this condition of
things, nre heartily sick and sorry.
They are quite able to see now that
even If bltmetallsm bad really tho
menace to commercial prosperity which
It was represented to be, It was a mere
trifle In comparison with the transfor
mation of our Republican government,
which has taken place and Is taking
place. The limited or unlimited coin
age of silver was a question of mere
economy or expediency. It was not a
constitutional question. It did not touch
the rights or liberties of our people.
Democrats might differ about It with
perfect freedom. A mistake about It
could easily be corrected.
Those, therefore, who left the Demo
cratic party because of It, left with
reasonable provocation, and we, tho
nearly seven millions of Democrats,
who remain faithful, must bo careful
that we do not Incur a like guilt by
continuing to exclude them for differ
ence of opinion upon an altogether
minor matter. We want them all back.
None of us who supported the Chlcngo
and Knnsas City platforms and fol
lowed, with Joy and pride, that glor
ious tribune of the common peoplo
of America, William J. Bryan, feci the
smallest sense of i egret for our action
In those days which tried men's souls.
Wo would gladly do the same again.
Biit for tho present the issue Is ever
past. Tho goid standard has won, Tho
crjmo Is complete.
As to Organization.
"I always have believed that thero
Is no organization so perfectly ndupt
ed tu tliu work as that of popular
clubs or Democratic societies. There
has not been a single Instance In tho
history of the country where the Insti
tution of an honest, earnest Demo
cratic club has not Increased the
Democratic votu tu tliu community
wheio It existed. 1 am still president
of tho Demuc ratio Society of Pennsyl
vania, and I urn a member of the ex
ecutive committee, of the Natlouul As
sociation of Democratic) clubs. I do
not believe utiything Important can bo
iiccninpllshed. either In the statu or
nation, without u thorough club or
ganization. The club Is tho arena of
discussion, the challenge to the enemy,
the engine of ugltatlon, ns It has ever
been and uver will be.
Against tho combined monopolies of
tho country tho club affords the only
support to the Individual voter, When
every true man stunds shoulder to
shoulder with his fellow In tho club ho
Is invincible, Outside he Is open to !n
ttmlclutlou, corruption and seduction,
Let us iiiuke the club system universal
and perfect,
t -r -r 4- -l
-- Washington, Jan. 2J. Forecast for
f- Thurbday and Friday: Eastern l'rnnvl-
4- aula Fair Thurwkiy. Ftldaj, ilotitl.v und,
4- warmer; probably rain In south and wv -t-
4- or rain in north portion; frcc-li to brik -
4- westerly vvlndj becoming varlible. -
4-4t4-4t4-4-4-4-,4-t .4.t