o-wvt Qir-ritr"ri.mtwtqtlH4r v'WTwWwira,ilfflfWilH-i wl!S,nte-s.'-' ?S1 - p?--"yTe ,i"yl,?Kr H"W ? !" f - -XfC- r " Mhyr-BC V T , .-:?. -tfptTfr ( 1 fTf L v THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22 1902. 5 " i h il - V ooooooocxxxx; THE MODERN HAnDWAna stoiu. Stransky Steel Ware Ih a ware that every Iiouro keeper who vunts ' a really Rootl nrtlcle Hlmultl liavc. Tito body of "Stniimlcy" la of heavy Hliun Hteol; on this four heavy coats of enamel each burnt on separately. "Stranalcy" If) pure and clean It's aula proof It wont chip off. It Is sold by Foote & Shear Co. JJ9N. "Washington Ave IXXXXXXXXXXX! mva W? Are Specialists In the line ot Infants' wear, and hao many dainties tvlileh you can not find eNottlicrc. Our Rood arc Jut a little more dlsttnelito than others. Wo will answer .otir question anil send catalogue. Hut, Letter etlll, como and see m. THE BABY BAZAAll 510 Spruce CJreet. ' ' Idle Money put at work by deposit ing it in THE PEOPLE'S BUNK. at the late of 3 per cent, on time deposits. -urn SbeO PERSONAL. Mis. K. r. Bioss is in Xctv.York attending lie Charity Hall at Madison Square Harden. Jliss Anna Dames, of Datenport, Iowa, lias re. turned lioine from a isit ttith West Seranlon rcl Btitcs and friends. Mr, and .Mrs. W. h. Speeec leave this morning Tor Philadelphia to attend the Andietts-Colborn bedding tliU ctcninjr, T. V. Wahb, tnt cling passenger and freight nirent of the Ontario and V'cttcm lailroad, js in &cv York an buaine.. John 0. McConnell and Adel Jioore, of the ICilobe Waieliouoe, left j?tciday for Xcw Yoik city on a business liip. XN Mis Lucia Schoonoter, of Ash flieet, was tcndeicd n Riipiise paity by a. number of her fi lends Monday ctcning. Mie was equal to the occasion and .entertained them, in a delightful linnner. .lames G. Cow per, who does a monologue (peel lit' with the 1'rankie Carpenter company Appearing this week at the Acedamy of Music, tai mariicd Cbleiday afternoon in Pt. Luke's church to Mi Lillian Schauta, of New Yolk city, a most alliactttc joung woman, the cere mony being peiformed by T!ev. l)r. Iiael, the rector. The lnlde was attended by Miss Cai I liter, while .7cie daily, another member of the company, acted as bet nun. The following is taken fiom the New York cor-n-pondence of the Philadelphia Ledger: Hey. Dr. II. C. Swentid, founeily ot Scranton, l'a,, now of St. Luke's chinch, liioohljn, lias been nominated for bl-l.op of Western M.naehuetts-, n place recently declined b.t'liev. III. (ireer. Dr. Pnentyel mjs that the bMiopUe of Watrn Ma-acliiisetts oilers a lino oppoilunity for any linn, as he could, while i epoetin? "traditions 10 his own foundilioiH for the diocese, which Is a nen one At the Biine tima he has tlNcour tiered the iw of his name, as he should piohably liatc to decline. A FIVE PEE CENT. DIVIDEND. ffheodore A. Whit Manufacturing Company Prospered Last Year. At the annual meeting of the Theo floto A. White Miuuifactuune; company held yesterday In the ofllees of the company, the following directors were elected: Theodore A. AVliltc, J,, it. Stelle, O. B. I'm triilge, W. F. Ketehuin, E. D, Evans, J, Lawrence Stelle nnd C. J. Mutthevs. The dlieotors orsanlzed by electing; Theodore A. White ns presi dent, and Ij. It, Stelle as secretary and treasurer. A dividend of 5 per cent, was declared on the puld-up capital and It wbh de cided to place $9,000 worth of treasury htocl; on the market. The company paid out. over $33,000 in wages during the lust year to its 123 employes, and the increase In business over the previous year amounted to 20 per cent. MATHIAS' NARROW ESCAPE. Floor Gave Way nnd He Was Car ried Into Coal Chutes. Thomas Muthlas, an employe at the llellevue breaker, had a miraculous es cape fiom death yesterday morning, nnd Is now suffering fionj severe bod ily bruises as the result of his experi ence. He was engaged In making re pairs In the breaker when the pooling gave wny, and Muthlas was carried with tons of coal down Into one of the chutes. He was rescued as soon us possible, nnd taken to his homo on liellevue stieet, where Dr. D, J, Jenkins exam Ined him. Ills Injuries consist of se veio bruises about the head and body, but no hones weio broken. THE ANNUAL MEETING, New Officers of Scranton Bedding Company Elected. The following directors were elected it the unnuul meeting of the stockhold ira of the Scranton Bedding company, eld yesterday: AV. II, Peck, Dr. N, Y. (.eel, A, Tappeu, Conr.td Schroeder nnd Luther Keller, Tho directors elected the following Dflicers: President, W, II. Peck; vice president, Dr. N. Y, Leet; seciefury and treasurer, F, A. Kaiser. lend TJs Your Clothing for Renovation Our steam cleaning Is sure death for the germs of smallpox. Davis' Steam Dye Works. 319 Peun Avenue, I PmI NJc3sSB3?1' .SESSION OE ARCHDEACONRY. Begins in Calvary Church, Wilkes Barre, on Thursday. The winter session of the Archdea conry of Seranlon, and ot the Woman's Auxiliary, will be held In Calvary church, Wllkes-Uttrre, on Thursday and Friday, Jan, 23 and 2i. The open ing session will be hold on Thursday evening, at which time the topic will he "The Obligations of Church .Mem bership," nnd the spealtets will be the Ilev. Dr. Israel, of Seranlon ; ittiv. H. A, Sawyer, of Carbondule, and llov, J. 1'. Ware, of Ilonesdale. On Friday morning theic will be n service with sermon, preached by ilev. C. K. Fessenden, followed by n celebration- of the Holy Communion. In the nfternoon the clergy will have a "Quiet Hour," conducted by Ilev. F. It. Dntemau, of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Scranton, followed by tho archdeacon's report, and an exegesis by llov. C. V. Boot. In the evening Archdeacon Coxe and Bishop Talbot will make addi esses. At 2 o'clock on Friday afternoon the Woman's Auxiliary will hold their business meeting, at which time Mrs. Horace Brock, of Lebanon; Miss Mer cur, ot I'lttston, and Mrs. Wood, of Wllkes-Barre, will speak. OUTLOOK IS FAVORABLE, Health Authorities Are Becoming More Hopeful That the Small pox Will Not Spread. As day by day passes without any new cases of smallpox: being reported, the health authorities breathe easier and while they realize that the danger is not yet past, they cannot help hut admit that It Is becoming minimized with every hour. Superintendent Allen nnd Director of Public Safety Wormser do not hesitate to express their surprise at the fact that the disease has not spread. The former was firmly convinced when the first cases were reported that the dis ease would spread, despite the quaran tine regulations which were immedi ately put In force. He still fears that there will be more cases, but hopes for the best. Cuptaln Burke and T. V. Lewis, the two sanitary officers, are still engaged In fumigating the houses of persons whom they learned had been in the Brace house while the disease existed there. Reports from the latter place are to the effect that Mr. Brace and Mrs. Lewis, the two occupants of the house, are apparently in the very best of health and show none of the symptoms of the disease. Mr. Brace has told the ofllceis on guard that he is convinced he will not take the disease, and Mrs. Lewis feels reasonably sure that she will not, be cause of the fact that she was suc cessfully vaccinated last year. THREW DWYER TWICE. McLeod Proves Himself a Regular Little Hercules. Dan S. McLeod, of Hamilton, Ont., won his wager of $100 and the big end of the Scranton Bicycle club's purse of $200 that he could throw Prof. M. J. Dwyer, now of Waterbury, Conn., twice in an hour. He won the first fall in twenty-nine minutes and twenty-five seconds, and tho second in ten minutes and twenty-six seconds. It was a very interesting and excit ing bout, and thoroughly satisfied the two hundred and fifty. McLeod is an Inch or so shorter In statute than Dwyer, but anywhere from ten to twenty pounds heavier. He measures four feet minus an Inch-and-a-half around the chest, his trunk resembling a CO-gallon cask. Being much bigger and stronger and quite as quick and clever as Dwyer, the latter was far outclassed. The dough ty professor, however, put up a good defensive game and won hearty ap plause by his squirming out of tight places. Each fall was gained by a half-Nelson and crotch hold. Hugh J. KeSnan was referee. GRAND CHAPTER OFFICERS. Order of the Eastern Star Met in Annual Session. The Grand chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, held its annual session In Odd Fellows' hall yesterday. Offi cers wore electeJ, and the time for holding the annual meeting was changed from the third Tuesday In January to the fourth Tuesday In May. The following officers were elected: Grand worthy matron, Mrs. Mag gie Lulling, Scranton; grand worthy patron, George C. Blossom, Hawley; associate grand matron, Mary J. Wil liams, Plttson; associate grand patron, E. T, Davis, Scranton; grand secretary, Mrs. Illta A. Mills, Duke Centio; grand tieasurer, Mrs. Belle C. Wil liams, Senanton: grand conductress, MIfs Mary J. Saunders, Philadelphia; associate grand conductress, Mrs. Clara J. Sartwell, Eldred, Pa. There are now twenty chapters throughout tho state, which were large ly represented. The next session will he held In Eldred the fourth Tuesday In May, 1903. REHEARSALS FOR KIRMESS. Miss Stewart Is Delighted with the Material for the Dances. Heheursals for tho Kirmcss, for the benefit of the Teachers' association, are progressing at a great rate. Miss Stewart is delighted with the material for the dunces, and there will ,bo an exceptionally beautiful piogramme, "The Collleiy Engineer Dance" Is nl ways among tho most popular. Tho following is the personnel; Chuperones Mrs, Eveielt Warren, Mrs. Frank Jermyn, Mrs, George Jer inyn, Mrs. Laton S. Oukford, Mrs. Ar thur Twltchell. Dancers Misses Mollle Drake, Har- Vlet Wade, Emma Schlmpif, Gladys Jones, Mnrguiet Pallner, Dorothy Keck, Jeunette Hollock, Ida Hlslop, Allen Olldorf, Anna Matthlus, Mao Hughes, Minnie n. Saxton; Messrs. Milton O'Connoll, J, Vipond, Jr Rob ert W, Kiple, Alvln Armstrong, Milton B. Moore. Joseph F. Cleury, Thomns Russell, Ralph W, Waring, Thomas F. lluehes, John F, Stanton, Frank P, Clarke, Frank It. Collin. Solo dance Mr. O'Connell, To the South via New Jsisey Central. The New Jersey Central railroad Is the only Hue offering Pullman service to winter resorts in the South nnd the Charleston exposition, with but one change of cars. Lowest rates and quickest time. Pull, man reservations secured and bugguge checked thiough. Inqulie of J, s. Swisher, district passenger ngent, 603 West Luckuwunuu avenue, Scranton. NOMINATION CERTIFIED BOTH PARTIES HAVE NAMED POOR DIRECTORS. John Howell Refused to Stand as tho Democratic Candltlato In Hycje Paik Borough nnd His Party Is Without a Candidate There Tho Republicans Names All but One of the Present Poor Directors. Candidates of Both Parties for Clty( and Ward Offices. Certificates ot nominations from the cities of Scrnnton and Cnrbondnle are now all In. Yesterday was the list day for filing them nnd any person who now desires to get on the ballot for tho coming election ns ft candidate, must do so through the medium ot ndmlnatlon papers. Jan. 28 Is the last day for filing nomination papers. Both Domocrnts and Republicans yesterday filed nominations for poor director. Tho Democrats have no candidate in Hyde Park boiough. John Howell was nominated, but requested that his name be taken from the ticket. In many wards the fighting will be very vigorous. Numerous candidates are in the field nnd In some Instances there are several sets of candidates, each claiming to be either the regular Republican or Democratic nominees. Steps must be taken to have the court say who Is who or the commissions) s will have to leave both of the rival sets of candidates off the official bal lot. There ate so many Citizens' and In dependent party ticket )i the field In the strong Democratic wards that P. W. Costcllo has had himself nominated as the Citizens' and Independent par ty candidate for city controller,, that he may not lose Democratic votes be cause of the factional ward fights. The city and ward candidates certified to the commissioners fiom Scranton and Carbondale follow:" CITY OF SCRANTON. Cily Controller Ilvau it. Morris, it.; v. W. Costcllo, 1).; p. W. Costello, hid.; 1'. W. Cos tcllo, Cltlrens. roou witL'croHS. Republican Thomas X. Shotton, 'ioldctice boiough; Samuel Williams, l'iotdencp town-hip; Kcese O. lliooks, Xoith waid of borough of Scranton; 1'redcrick 1'tiller, Middle waul, boiomsh of frcranlon; I'rank .1. Dickeit, South ward, of ho rough of Scranton; James A. L'ans, 11 do l'ark borough. Dcmocials Joseph It. Sllkinan, l'roidence borough; 1'red . Beige, I'roiidence township; I). J. Campbell, Xoith waid of boiough of Scianton; John J. Muiphy, South ward of boi ough of Scianton; M. V. Handle', Middle ward of borough of Scranton. I'lRSf WAlti). School Controller W. B. ( hiktmas, It.; Oeorge II. billies, D.; (ieorge II. Shlies, O. Constable W. M. Moigan, It.; M. J. Duikin, D. Ward Assessor It. J. ltlchauls, It.; 11. W. Amdt, . SfXOXt) WAH1). Select Council John Von Ucrgcn, tr., It.; Martin J. Orrily, B. Common Council J. I!, dstcillne. It.: T. J. Snowden, It.; Daniel n.ii, It.; John J. Item, It.; Joseph 1". i:an-., 1).; L'dwuid Danett, )'.; 1'. P. Knight, 1).; Thomas VI nn, I). Constable Thomas i:. .Mills, it.; Thomas Me Gov. nn, 1). Assessor C. J. Oille-pie, It.; 'ihomas Ion, D. THIRD WA11D. School C'uiitiollci Heniv O. Miller, 1). rick II. llmilt, C; William A Luiett, I. Mul- Put- Wil- Ham A. Lnott, l'co.; William A. Luiott, t'.; William A. Lnott, L. Constable .lames McDonough, P.; W. X. Cole, C; W. X. Cole, I.; Jame-, (illgallon, f.; 1'jtilclc W. McCafferty, Pco.; Michael Heno t'lian, L. Ahes-or Tlionns Caaiuugh, 1).; Michael II. Burns, l'eo.; Michael Hums, I; 'Ihomas C'aian augh, U. FOURTH WARD. Select Council Pa id R. Kians, It. Mo-ei, 1). Common Council William W. Kians, II ward W, Hearing, It.; ilian W. i:an, H. Jud ; I2d. Pat- rick Gibbons, D. ; James Mcllale, 11. Waid Asseor Daniel L. Ldw.iuN, R. Constable John J. Datltu, It.; Mkhael J. Vinn, 1). rivm WARD. School Controller John It. Phillips, it.; John If. Phillip-, 1). Aldeunan Uenaleel D.uls, R. Assessor l)a id M. Owens, R. Constable 'liiuothy Jones, It. SIXTH WARD. Silect .Council John 12. Regan, It.; John V.. Regan, . , Common Council IMIrlik V. Calpln, It.j John Mctirecic, It.; I'atiick V. Calpln, 1).; John F. llcGreeiey, 1. Constable Thomas llpachani, It.; Thomas J, WnMi, D. AaMbaoi John l)er, D. bKVKXTIl WARD. School Contioller Dennis .1, Roche, 1), Aldeunan I'. Lacy, 1). Asicssoi Timothy lluike, V. Constable John O'Douuell, D, LKillTH WARD. Select Council 1'ied Duir, It.; Thomas C, Mel. in, 1). Common Council Jacob llanls, It.; Thomas J. Roche. D. AsiCfcrtii John Uamtoid, It,; Thomas I', (ill gallon, I). Constable William II, 'Ihomas, it.; John Tier ney, I). SIXTH WAltD. School Conlioller William J. Wcl.li, It. An.os.oi O. 11. Wilght, It. Constable- iu Mitchell, It. T12XT1I WARD. Select Council John Xagell, It.; John Xatell, 1), Common Council W. II, Kuoepfel, It,; Iletuy Whining, D. Assessor-John Christ, It,; James D. U'llileu, D, Constable William Toy, It.; John Hell, I), 6oc Fruit.,,, 40c dz r;oc Fruit , 30c dz 40c Fruit , 25c dz All Faucy Bright Fruit, or $3,00 per box. Good for this week. 1 New York Wholesale price ou fine bright Floridas, is $3.50 to $4.50, E. G. Coursen on Florias lXr.VtlNTIt WARD. School Controller Peter Nculs, It.j Olcr J. Robinson, J). Assessow-IMnard It. Oonley, It.; Charles L. Lcucrt, I). t'onstnhle-reler Marker, It,; Joseph P. Vocl Ui., 1), 1U12MT11 WARD, Select r'ouiull .tames V. Oilojle, It. John 1'. Oultiu.ui, I). I James 0'Hole, I. Common Council Daniel (lahln, 'It,! Daniel (fahln. I).; Dinlel (l.ihln, I. Alderman C. C. Donovan, 11, j O. ('. Dono van, I). Assessor .lames CiiIIcii, It. J James Cullcn, II, Mlclnel Heap, I, Constable John O, Morali, It,; John (', Moran, 1). j John V. Moian, I, lllllirCKNTII WARD. School Conlioller II. T. Jiyne, It, J II. T, Jft.ine, P.; Moirls D. Drown, li. Arooi l.divanl W. I'lnn, It. J Thomas W, Kin ly, I).; Thomas J. .Madden, D. Constable T, S. Ilunilng, It.; Michael Lan gun, 1).; Martin Lungau, 1). VOfltTIXYIII WARD. Select Council Joseph A, C.iice, It.; Thom as losgroie, i). Common Council Hit Id Thomas, It,; Wil liam (lurrell, I), Constable John I'lnch, It.; Lamciieo Itoonev, D. Aim John Itechlohl, si,, It.; John Caw ley, D. niTi:i:xTit ward. School Contiollei Hllas I!. I2t.ui, It. Coii'table John Lance, II. .Wcor I2lienercr P. Datl, It, SI.Ti:i2XTII WARD. Select Council )2dtaiil J, Coleman, It.; KiN ttanl J. Coleman, D. Common Council 'Iheodote S. 1'iilUr, It. Asccs-or Xallianiel !Ialtcid, It, Constable Joseph M. Shellleld, it.; 1'iatik Cal lahan, D. si:i2XTr:i:.Tii ward, Sihool Couhollei l". S, Jlail.er, R. Constable Robert l Koehlei, It. i:ioiin:i:NTii ward. Select Council John J. Hob.ui, it.; Thomas O'lici.tle, It.; Thomas O'llo.vle, l). ; Thomas 0'llo.tli- L.; John J, lloban, C; John J. Ho ban, I. Common Council John Mcliale, It.; William IIn-.li, R.; William Rii-h, D.; John Mcllale, f.j John Mcllale, C.J John Mcllale, I. Aldeimin .lohn T. ITanneiy, It.; James V. Xoone, D.; John P. Kell, L'.; John V. Kcll, C. ; John l'ianneiy, I, Assessoi John V. McPermott, it.; John V. Mc Dcriuott, It.; I'atiick Putty, I).; IMttaid Man ly, I'. Cote-table .lohn ('. Jones, II.; John C. Jones, It,; James Ct.nL, D. MM2Tl2l2Xni WARD. School Contiollei Louis Silitta., It.; Titer J. Kiir, D. Aldci man Jacob liuppenthal, It.; Chilstian Storr, 1). Constable Kduaid 12. John-oil, R. ; 'ihomas J. Muiphy, D. Asscviol (jeihaid Dieter, R.; John Mav, jr., D. TWLX'Iir.TH WAltD. Select Council Makichi L. Cocne, P.; .Maik Cildin, It.; M.uk V. Cahlln, D.; .Malachl L. Co nc, C. Common Council Thorna-. Gilllllhs, it.; Mich ael Connolly, It.; M. J. llaiult, It.; M. J. Cu sick, it.; M. J. Raiiett, .: M. J. Cu'ick, D.; Michael J. Connoll, C; Philip .McfJuiie, C. Apcesoi Jo-eph Muiphy, R. ; Joseph .Muiphy, It.; Joseph Muiphy, P. Constable Michael Mctltinay, R.; Michael Mc Muna, 1). TM2NTV-riRST WARD. School Coiitrollei Orlllith T. Patis, P.; 12. J. Leonaid, D. Assewoi John 0. Xlcholson, It.; l'ied W. Ileige, D. Constable William Jenkins, -R. ; James Mc Ginlc, 1. CARBONDALE. M.ior 1'iank Roinniehue.ter, It.; James J. O'Neill, 1. Trca-iuei Mcltiii II. Tappau, it.; I'atiick 12, Comioi, D. Contiollei (teoige W. Lian, It.; John V. Wheeler, I). Ai-sc-'-ois 'Ihomas Scott, It., three eais; John Wateilteld, It., ttto cai.i; William II. Williams, It., one ear; I'atiick C, lint I, P., one ear; Patrick J, Toolan, I)., ttto rais; Andiew J, Han-tii, D., three ears. I'lltST WARD. School Diiecloi Wallace W. Copehitid, It., thiee cai-; William I!. I2tau, It,, one year; Wallace Copeland, I)., thiee eais; A. V. sea man, 1)., one cai. Constable Ileniy II. 1'ieice, It. A.-.iessor A. 0. Vidian, It. S12COXD WARD. Select Council D. W. Ilumplney, It.; Wil liam J. Collins, 1). Common Council It. S. Clark, It.; A. L. Salmi, It.; John Mauley, D. ; I'atiick J. D.tine, I). Poor Director!!. 12. May, R.; John Lnch, 1). School Diieetoi Wallace W. Copeland, P., three ears William 11. Ktans, one jear; Wal lace Copeland, I)., thiee ears; A, V. Seaman, D., one oai. Constable 12. J. Xeaiy, R. ; Ldward J. Xrai.t, D. A.veol John Moon, It.; John Ilennell, D. 'lHIRD'WARD. Sehoul Contiollei W. I). Lewis, It.; ltlchaid II. Keiwln, D,, three cais. Asse&oi John It. Thoin.u-i, II.; I'atiick Hanks, 1). Countable Viank Sloan, It.; Michael Moran, D. FOURTH WARD. School Diiecloi W. D. Lettls, It.; ltlchaid II. Keiwin, I)., tliico ean. Select Council John V, MorrUon, It,; John 1". Mannlon, I). Common Council A. J. Kennedy, It.; Ileniy Cook, It,; Alex. Kennedy, D. ; Ileniy Cook, 1), .Wcnoi James Ilohan, 1). Constable Miutln C'atden, D. 1'IITII WARD. School Contiollei Wallace W. Copeland, It., thiee carH; William II. Ktans, It., one e.u; Walllaco Copeland, D., three ears; A. V, Sea man, P., one citr, Poor DIrcetoi AIe. D, WIlle, ,; John Mc Cabe, V. Constable Hairy Holjili, II.; Caper Weldner, D, A-fcc-sor-I', II. Hlllcr, It. SIXTH WAltD. School Contioller Wallace W. Copeland, thiee cai; William II. Ktaus, one car; Mallaie Copeland, D lluce ear; A, V, Seaman, II., one e n r. Select Council James boloinon, It.; James 1', Addley, 1). CoiinnoH Council I.c Gland Hunter, It.; Geoige llobbs, It.; William Maxttell, 11. j I'atiick J. Smith, 1). Constable John Kmmett, It. J John 12m. melt, D. Assessor J, (J, Iliandon, It.; William Main- waring, ll, , C. E. MEETING. Will Be Held Tuesday Evening at Grace Church, Wyoming Avenue. The members of the Christian En deavor city union of Scranton and vic inity will assemble at Grace church, Wyoming avenue, next Tuesday night, when officers of the union will bo elect ed and other matters of Importance will bo attended to. The tenth birthday of the union will bo fittingly referred to by the president of the union, Ilev, Luther Hess Wur Ing. The principal address of the evening will ho delivered by ney, Albert Hatch er Smith, pastor of the North Main Avenue Baptist church. His subject will be "The Religion of the World ling," Pastor Smith, whllo one of the latest additions to the clergy of our city, Is already firmly entrenched In the affections of ds chuich members, and is one of the most highly esteemed men at tho North End, for his inuiiy sterling qualities, und the city union Is to bo congratulated In securing hint for an address. It is eurnestly hoped that the other pustors of tho city will uttehd this tenth anniversary meeting and urge their church members to do so also. , WOULD REMOVE THE 'ASSESSORS LUTHER KELLER SAID HE'D DO IT IF HE COULD. At a Meeting of the Estimates Com mittee He Strongly Condemned Tholr Action In Appointing a Clerk Without Any Appropriation Having Been Made Items for Clerk's Salary Woro Stricken Out ns Was Also an Item of SOOO for Clerk of Common Council. The city ussessors came In for some hard raps at last night's meeting ot inn joint estimates committee of coun cils. Common Councilman Luther Keller criticized them sharply for their action In appointing a clerk without any appropriation having been inndi;, nnd several of tho other members of the committee re-echoed his senti ments. Some six months ago tho nssessors appointed Daniel It. Wntklns as clerk In their office, no salary having been provided for such a place in the gen eral appropriation ordinance for tho present yenr. Mr. Wntklns has done extensive work during that period and Is at present engaged In compiling tho assessment recently made. In their estimate of their expenses for the coming fiscal year the asses sors ask for an appropriation of $-.25 to pay Clerk Wjitklnn for the time he has already expended In their office and nlso for an appropilatlon of $1,000 to pay his salary for the coming year. When tho committee got along to a consideration of tho assessors' estimate Mr. Keller took the floor. "Let's make short woik of these two Items," said he, "and cut them out altogether. The assessois did en tirely wrong In appointing a clerk wlien tliere was no appropriation and they know that their action Is Inde fensible. Any oniclrtl or officials who would do what the assessors have done In this particular instance should be removed and if I had tho power I'd do It. These men got a raise of $300 In their salaries a year ago and with all the leisure tiijie they have they can well afford to do their own clerk ing." CAN DO IT THEMSELVES. Mr. demons spoke along similar lines, expressing himself as feeling that the assessors are very well able to do Mr. Wntklns' work themselves. The motion to strike out both items was passed unanimously. The item of $600 for the salary of the clerk of the common council was stricken out, after a long argument. Messrs, Keller, demons and Oliver con tended that the office is absolutely un necessary and that the work done by the clerk could bo just as well done by the assistant city clerk. The disad vantage of having the common council papers In an office separate fiom other city records nnd the fact that the clerk of the common council never has any regular hours then he can be found and his assistance procured, were dwelt upon. Common Councilman Joseph F. Evans argued against the striking out of the Item, contending that the clerk of the common council is tin indlspenslhle offi cial. When the estimate of the city clerk's department was leached, Mr. Schroeder moved that the salary of City Clerk Lavelle be increased from $1,500 to $2,000 per year. Mr. Lavelle, he declared, is the most invaluable official In the city hall and It was about time councils re warded his long and faithful career by increasing his salary. Not a word of objection was heard, and the motion was passed unanimously, every mem ber present seeming to find genuine pleasure In voting to do a good turn for "Martin," as he is familiarly known. The item of $2,500, asked by the city treasurer, was reduced to $1,500, which Is $300 more than was appropriated for this purpose for the present fiscal year. Tho increase of $300 asked for the as sistant city solicitor's salary was cut off, and the Item of $720, for a stenogra pher for the law department, was re duced to $G00. SALARY OF RECORDER'S CLERK. Tho old question of the salary of the recorder's secretary was brought up again, Mr. Oliver moving that it be re duced from $1,500 to $1,200, but he couldn't find anybody present to second his motion. The total estimated icvenues for the coming fiscal year, according to Con troller Howell's figures, will be $443, 334.03, while the estimated expenditures amount to about $21,000 more, which means that the committee will have to chop off that amount. Only $2,G0O wus cut out Inst night. On motion of Mr. Clemons It wns de cided to have Chnirman Wasner ap point a sub-committee of five to pie- pare a plan whereby $21,000 can be cut out and report It back to the next meet lig of the committee, to be held on Tuesday night. "Boston" Brown Bread. A delicious change from the bread ordinarily eaten, is Hanley's "Boston" Brawn Bread. Properly made and perfectly baked, It is very grateful to the bread-tired palate. Order at 420 Spruce street. Fancy Jersey Eggs, 30c. doz. Coursen. This is the time of the year when your winter begins to look seedy. We pre pared for this emergency by having our ItOKI.OFS spring derbies shipped early. The crowns are higher and tapering, the brims in different widths to suit the wearer,the quality the best 3.00 hat made or it wouldn't be here. LIST OF ADVERTISED LETTEHS. I.'.sjt of letter i-tntilnlnft uncalled for at the Riranton pmtotncf, LnckauannA county, l'a., January 22, irnj. Prison tilling for fiiet? let ters will please say ndtertUod anil Rite elate of '" ,, , I2tu II. Hippie, Postmaster, Attvorlh, .Mrs, Waller. Kindt. Mr. Susan 11. Addis, 12, Krnmp, Cleorse, Ahdeiion, Alignsla. I.cvtl, Pat Id T. HiMlotv, Mist MaigiierltoMcCoiinell, Mis. (I. A. Iturke, Mrs. Kale. Medulre, (Vila. Illiike, Mks May, Metlulie, Prank. Icrnnclk, Mi, Albert. Moalcter, Mis. Italic. llalid, K. M mother, Mattein, Samuel, pedal. Me tr, Adam, Crllcr, .Mist Ilallle. Mnrpliv, Mamie. Colness, Mks Annie. McWatne, A, Crttagniro, (1. Malonc, .Intnl. Cole, Mm. llartey. Nelbell, Mrs. (In. Cm by, Wm., care of RenXath, Kdward I,.. Mown. ocit, Kstrlll. Crottcll, Prof, JuhiiOttruin, Cniollne L. runklln, 2. 1'oltrr, Mis (Vila. Hat Is, J, llliiehart, Alain, Doren, Henry. lthlnehait, Adam, i.uwnrus. .uoigaii .lonn. milker, c. i:. lllsele. Mis. ('. Snlirart, Mks Maggie. 1'lsher, .Mks Dora, riucmau, U, II, 1'av, (leoi ire. dimly, Tomnile. (Iratott, M, D .1. Huerln, II. C. Houston, Mks caret T. Slgler, James a, Micldon, It. ('. Si runt on Art Co, S.i.tle, Mr. Scott, Win. Smiley, Prof. W. M. Mar-Shaw, Wm, W. Morlc. Mr. Win. Hrrrlncr, Joseph. Hersey, Mis. Chalk. Handcork, David, Smith, Mr. Unity. Si hen ci, John. SIU7iu.ni, Saniiud, Hudson, I rank la lor. Miss Marion. lllemer, So. uh. Ave. TerttlljlgcrMfir Co. 1 1. 1 tier, .mis. Ag.iin.i. 'Ihomiwiou. 1. II. lersey. Miss (icitrude. Tollmin. J. llartey, A. II. Homo, S. H. Hall, Mrs. Ldui, HlgKin, Rev. A, M. Jones, Alfred, .lone', lllttle W, Thlli'iiit. ltlchaid 12. Vnnbiiien, John W. Wood, Miss Alice, 2. Wllfeit, Mi-s Annie. WtBstcr, John fi. Webster, Miss Miry O. Ionian, l.chuinl wallers, ileniy. Knnciijer, John Leonaid Wolfe, jfks Oorlnne. K.iUe, J. 12. Whhi, 'Ihomas II. Keeley Cine. ITALIAN', Dontriilco Mino, (llii'oppe N'c-deo, 12ilmrlo (illmil. l.'ellce Antonio (tnlllano, fllollo Do ltos.1, Ueccbettl Alpredo, Andiei l'eretti. AmVIo Presinte, (Ilcue Varano, Ciililn Pctrtuti, illii. seppe I'ortanota, (ilutimili IVtilllo. POLISH. Maicln W.tocekl, I'rnnchzak Itogliiskl, W'lmentv MirkimsM Mldiuu laikoro.i, Jan Mencko, Prink (VnttimM, I'ellks Kucskl, Prank Mnilatkomkls, Paul Cuchnekl, Anton Sakcntt ir7l, .Ionic II ik donas, l'mll Agei, John lloicimiiiiii, Jekup Lin kenre, (lendiuta Tani tzacwlt'7, Anton Knncskle uio, Vntoni L'niliibulsc, Paul I'jihuk, Wiidtfl. Imt- Stutliiiikk, Jonas Olles, Juzef Macicjewnkl, Mlchat Klrinskl, Ondilcnr. Jur.skie.. IIUXOARIAX. Selnnn Plnjr.iii, Adam Ptu76ki, ( li. Illi. oni, Apobmlenea Mapkemo, Oleksi Kuzendi, Prank Xmtlckl, Mll.uhiko Mlluly, Jo-eph Kllmis, l'olllvs Woj-7, AilunilihM oKuruil, M.ii.tlan llo aber, Ho.to nindin, Peer Viahel, John 11a logas. West Scranton Station. Mrs. II. 12. Ill ul.innri. John Pitchcotitcb, Tied Hughes Mks Meitie Jackson, P. . Ki-ttle, P. J. O'.Malley. William Patterson, John J. Wade, ltobeit Waslihtnn. ' Hanley's Entire Wheat Bread. Have you tried It? if not, that you do so is all wo nsk. Those who have used It know Its abundant nutritive quality those who haven't, have a treat In store. Leave or phone your orders to 420 Spruce stieet. !122X2&32ES3SSS3( W Sale LOCKWOOD SHEETING. Rteacbccl. Ptown. 42 in. wide. . 9 l-2c 8c 45 in. wide., lie 10c 50 in. wide. .13c 10c 6-4 wide 14c 12 l-2c 8-4 -wide .... 17c 15c 9-4 wide 19c ' 17c 10-4 wide . . .21c 19c 4-4 WIDE BLEACHED MUS LIN. Lonsdale Bleached ....7 1-2c Fruit of the Loom 7 l-2c Hills 7c Dwight Anchor 7 l-2c GOOD PINE Sc QUALITY IN REMNANTS. 2 to 25 yard lengths, at yd . 5c 4-4 WIDE BROWN MUSLINS. Atlantic A 6c Atlantic H 5 l-2c Atlantic 5? 5c Lockwood B 6c Enterprise E. E 4c Hndley Oc miffl&m.mmmm3i2BE32m&3 FRED R. SMITH, ELECTRIC AND GAS FIXTURES, GAS STOVES, 507 Linden Street, Board of Trade Building. a h h s v. e 6? . tt v. v t. . v. k v. v. v. h (.' n n 1 in s a mm mwm We are in the midst of old-time Sacrifice Sales of Winter Footwear. The shoes we shall offer during this sale are not old j or shopworn; among them will be the well known makes of U Johnson & Mnrphy and The Stetson. Don't let this opportunity V slip away, Here are some of the values: a Lot 1 J. & M. and the Stetson. Men's Patent Leather, ; Patent Ideal Kid, Gnamel and Box Calf, r a j &j s( t regular 85 and 56 values, all sizes, for. M5- Sfi" p-. OU U Lot 2 Men's Enameled and Box i S'i'rjaTut'lor':8.''!::!?:5.5:?? $2.50 and $3 a Lot 3 Ladies' Box Calf, lace, winter weight, regular 2,50 and $300 values lor 4) I . D J. Lot 4 Misses' nnd Children's Lace and Button, n ? regular 75c and $1.00 value, for 0)C It will be cheaper to buy now than it will be to wait ! LEWIS JODDYJflVJESirayRPHY, -fe fe fe.V) ' 'A U U 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A'A 'A 'A 'A 'A '4 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A li .! JJ I .-...-....W,.,..,-, . l n sra 0 I uw9 A t Oils, Faisils end emisli f & Malony Oil & MantifacNiring Company, 141-149 Meridian Street. TELEPHONE 26-2. . A A '& ' v ! I .j. .j. .j. .j. .(. .j. 4, j. .. .. .j. .5. .ji v ' v We can supply your wants iu Sai Duck, Enameled Dock, I : 4 I 9 I Umbrellas IBittenbender&SL 126-128 Franklin Ave. . .J. .j, 4. ! "i-.:..t..:..j...j :'-'!"-:-.j-i...i..-.4-r. Last to secure bargains in Bat tenberg Patterns. Pillow Tops and Stamped Linen Goods. Our special sale of the above lines has been a great success and will last only six days more. It will pay to visit our store before sale closes. i Cramer-Wells Co., 130 Wyoming Avenue. 'Phono 353-3. HOME MEDICAL BATTERY WITH ALL APPURTENANCC3 AT SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICES. CHARLES B. SCOTT, 9 119 FRANKLIN AVENUS oEcen s Are Pa in fu 1 1 'And causes injiii I 1 the body. The sif. rot aid cheapest tta.t is to Kite It ini mediate attention. 11" IS VOUR UM IIRLLLA wo aro spciLing about. Wo cure the abote-mentionrd ailment, and al-,0 carry the lireet lino of Uuibiellas and l'aiasols in the city. The Scranton Umbrella Manufacturing Co., 313 Spruce Street. ? t t tt . t i tn v. t v. , t? h v. v, b m ft H fi ft ft .v H ft ft ft i ft ft ft ft ft X ft ft ,v . ,v fi f ft X. ,M VI tor mm mm HUB a $$&& 0