'"5!i3- THE SCRAOTON T1UBUSTE- TUESDAY. JANUARY 21 1902. 71 NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. Fpcclat to die Scranton Tribune. Montrose, Jan. 20. On Saturday af ternoon nit tnlsliieRR activity In Mont rose stood still, mid the jieoplo of the town turned out en nmsso lo do silent homage to tho memory of their depart ed follow townsman, the Hon, W, II. tTpsRup. From the moment on Thurs day morning when the sad tidings of Mr death was received, itho town had not seemed tho same. A solemn hush had fallon upon all and tho citizens moved about with sober mien and with many a tear-stained face In low mid choking volcew dlscUHsed the great loss to tho state and to this town In particular sustained by reason' of Judge Jcssup's death; tho many virtues and lovable qualities of tho Rood man gone wen) reverently rehcursed, over and over again. Montrose had lost one of her most distinguished and beloved sons, and everything pointed to the fact that tho loss was deeply and keenly felt. As the hour for the afternoon train from Scranton to arrive drew near there was n large assemblage of citi zens at tho Lackawanna and Montrose railroad station. Men, women and children turned out to pay their last respects lo tho distinguished dead. There Wore largo and representative delegations of the Susquehanna county Bar association, headed by President Judge Daniel W. Searle: Four Brothers Post, No. 453, O. A. R In charge of Colonel W. H. Dennis and Rough and Ready Fire company, No. 1 (of which Judge Jessup had been a member for more than half a century). Tho officers of the Presbyterian church, In which for over forty years Judge Jessup had lerved as a ruling elder, were also present In a body. On the arrival of the train the stores, offices and nil business places of the town were closed and remained so until after the burial, as. a mark of respect to the deceased. The funeral cortege moved from the station directly to the Pres byterian church where the auditorium was already well filled with sorrowing citizens. The casket borne by nep hews of the deceased was taken up the center aisle while the organ breathed out In muffied tones a sad sweet requiem. The casket was de posited Immediately in front of the altar and was covered with many floral offerings, among them being, besides those brought from Scranton, pillows from Rough and Ready Fire company, Xo. 1, the Susquehanna Bar associa tion and others. The services opened with reading of scripture by Rev. Dr. McLeod, of Scranton, and this was fol lowed by a beautiful and touching eu logy of Judge Jessup, by his pastor, Rev. Dr. A. L. Benton, of the Presby terian church, who concluded his re marks with prayer. Dr. Benton took as a text for his remarks the two words, "Trust and Tiuth," which A-ords, said the speaker, had been the guiding stars through life of the de parted brother. The choir sang softly, "Asleep In lesds." and, following an opportunity ;or those who wished to view the re mains, the service at the church closed. Tho burial was in the family plot in the Montrose cemetery, where a brief burial service was conducted by Rev. Dr Benton. C. C. Knoll has purchased and moved into the old Nichols' homestead on Bank street. E. R. W. Searle, clerk of Federal court, attended Judge Jessup's funeral In this place on Saturday. Alvln Fish, of Stevensville, was the guest of friends in this place over Sunday. Sclden Bunnell and Clarence Sebring, of Rush, were in town on business Sat urday. Republican cauciibes for the nomin ation of borough and ward officers will be held tomorrow evening. Dr. li. R. Gardner and two nieces nre 111 with diphtheria and the Gard ner residence has been quarantined by the board of health. Dr. J. G. Wilson Is attending the afflicted ones. Mrs. II, B. Dennis, of I.eslershire, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. D. Payne, at their home on Park street. HONESDALE. Special to (he Scranton Tribimr. Ilonesdale, Jan, 20. "When Rev. and Mrs. O. L. Percy returned from prayer meeting on Friday evening, they found that nbout twenty of their Immediate neighbors had taken possession of their home. Tho occasion was the eighteenth marriago anniversary of Rev, and Mrs, Percy and was enjoyed by all. The visitors served refreshments, This morning proved to be the cold est morning of tho winter in Hones dale, The thermometer touched fif teen below at an early hour. Mrs. George P. Ross and her Sun day school class of young ladles will conduct a rummage sale on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this weak, in the Bauman store room, on lowerFront street. Donations will bo appreciated. At the borough election, Fob. IS, three councllmeu, two school dlrectora, judge of election, constable, auditor, high constable and two Inspectors of plecllon are to bo elected. Mrs. Short, mother of Mrs, IV. IT. Stone, of Third street, la celebrating her ninety-fourth birthday today. A visit to tho union station on Mon nuy morning when pussengers trains nro departing will convince one that Uouesdato Industries furnish their quota of commercial tourists. A contract has been closed for the usual number of turkeys for the un tuitil Martha Washington dinner, to he given In tho Presbyterian chapel, Feb, 12, TUrWHANNOCK. Special to flie Scranton Tribune. Tunkhaunock, Jun. 20. Court con vened on Monday, with Judge K, M, Dunham and Aseqelute Judges Frank Mi Vuughan and Harvey F. Slckler on the bench. Misses Mury mid Josephine Boyce, who nre employed at the International Correspondence schools at Scranton, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Patrick Jiovee, on Pine street. The Democratic caucus was held on Saturday evening at the court house and the following ticket was natnl Dated: Borough ticket Justice of the peace, JohlrF. Slckler and Charles, M. l,ee; poor master, Draper Billings; au ditor. Fred Piatt; high constable, t hurli's Vaugh. First ward Consta ble, Samuel Jenkins; councilman, Spencer D. llecd; 'jtldgo. of election, Mnrttn Schlatter; inspector of elec tion, Hteplftn Robertson. Second ward Constable, It. M. Piatt; councilman, W. Dean Sampson; Judge of election, Henry Kitchen; Inspector of election, Fred Herman. Mis. Polk Aldrcdge, of Sprlngvllle, In visiting her daughter, Mrs. Solon K. r-yinun, on Putnam street. Mlssr Inez I.eiphatn. of Duryea, who has been visiting Mrs". Stephen Rober ston, on Second street, returned homo on Monday. The Misses Selgfrleds, of Russell Hill, wore calling on friends in town on Monday. FOREST CITY. Special to tlie Scranton Tribune. Forest City, Jan. 20. The subscrip tion dance given by a coterie of young PICTURE Can you find here American cities? men in the opera house Frjday even ing was in eorne respects the most pretentious affair of the kind ever at tempted in Forest City. The hall was most handsomely decorated, hundreds of feet of evergreen rope, bunting, and a large number of palms being used. The music was provided by Lawrence's orchestra of Scranton and was of an Inspiring nature. Leaden, indeed, would have been the feet that could not have tripped lightly under such stiumlous. Saturday evening was an ideal one for slelghriding and several parties went to neighboring towns. The annual banquet and ball of the L. C. B. A. In the opera house Wed nesday Is now the main topic in a so cial way. The decorations in the opera house will be left up for this affair. The banquet will be served by the ladles In Muchlutz new hotel building. The Republican caucus is Tuesday evening and still the dearth of office seekers continues. About the only as pirants so far as known nie J. W. Jones for high constable, Samuel May for poormaster and Messrs, T. A. Sur dam, 12. G. Wakefield and A. D. Kehren for auditors. For school board and council nominations them still seems to be an open field. The cau cuses will be held from 7 to 8 o'clock. In the first ward the Kennedy building will be used and In the Second ward the building of H. W. Brown. It now appears probable tha't the early spring will see the Erie station at this place removed and a new and more convenient structure elected. The old one has long been inadequate to the demands upon it and Superinten dent Davis who has Inaugurated a pro gressive policy on this divisiou has completed the plans and specifications for the sti'ueturc. ' The waiting room will be In the north end of the build ing nnd the freight department In the south, as nt present. Ample office ac commodations will be provided Miss Anna McLaughlin is undergo ing treatment In Dr. AVheeler's private hospital In Carboudale. Bert Smith and Frank Walker who have been helping to light Uncle Sam's battles the past three years, have been discharged and ore again at home wearing citizen's clothes. Right Rev. Ethelbort Talbot will be at Christ church Wednesday evening lo administer the rite ot confirmation and preach, The Hillside tiro alarm system Is again in working order. ITie It In coses of emergency. Presiding Elder Warner preuehed In the Methodist church last evening. Owing to the fact that the viewers report on the necessity of a county bridge was pot presented to the Octo ber grand Jury It will be necessary to begin tho work over, and a petition has already been, prepared asking for new viewers. FACTORYV.LLE, Special to the Scranton Tribune, Factoryvllle, Jan, 29, Mrs, Lee and Mrs. A. C, Caryl entertained their Sun day school classes last Friday evening at dinner at the Methodist Kplscopal parsonage. The Women's Christian Temperancq union will hold a social tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon at the hoiuo of Mrs. S. S. Seamans, at 3 o'clock. This will bo for the women only. From 4 to i o'clock refreshments will be served, and every one Is Invited. The price for refreshments will be ten cents. Rev, J, N, Lee, of tho Methodist Epis copal church, will conduct a series, of meetings this week nt West Ablngton, Rev, Klkanah Ilulley, of Keystone academy, occupied the pulpit at the Baptist church, at Daltpn, last Sunday morning. The borough council met In the coun cil rooms last Thuruday n(ght In spe cial session and took up the subject of electric lights. whcj had been recoup mended by the board of trade. Bor ough ordinances Nos, lti and 17 were SWA fyV'ISmt&Wi i Introduced and passed first reading, there being but one councilman voting against them. They will, no doubt, pass second and third reading at tho nest meeting. I3rvng J. Middleman, the popular clerk at the store of Bliss & Hunt, Is confined to hl home with lonallitls. Tho Nlcholntm people will have to bo satisfied with electric lights and a snnd bank. ' The Mntjonlc lodge nt Nicholson will hold a banquet next Wednesday even ing, January 22. Miss Bertha Knnnp, who has had a severe attack of diphtheria, has so far recovered that she Is able to bo out again. The first week of January term ot court opened today. 'Squire Charles Gardner, of this borough, Is on the grand Jury, and Pardon Knupp goes down as a petit Juror this week. lCx School Controller V. It. Gardner will go down from this place next week us a petit Juror, and, Incidentally, to see that every one from this end of the county gets Justice done them. PITTSTON. Special to Die Scranton Tribune. Pltteton, Jan. 20. Paul Gardner, of West Plttston, who for tho past few yearn has been a clerk In the office of the Seneca Coal company, and since PUZZLE. the names of two the transfer of this company to the Lehigh Valley has remained with the latter company, has resigned his posi tion and lias accepted one at Scran ton, which he will assume the first of next mouth. Tho Plttston Y. M. CV A. aiid the Ninth regimpnt teams will play bas ket ball in the armory at Wilkes Barre Wednesday evening. The game will be one of a series for the cham pionship of the county. Mrs. Martin E. Walsh died at her home In Hughestown Saturday even ing after a. long illness. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning at !) o'clock. The first case of smallpox In Wyo ming borough was reported today, when Dr. Knapp, a member of the state board of health pronounced a young- man named Burns the victim of a genuine case. vrhlH Is the only case that has broken out In this section since last Saturday when three chil dren named Cosgrove, who reside with their grandmother, Mrs. Bender, on East Railroad street, were reported ill with the disease. All the patients are reported as improving very nicely ex cept Mr. Finn at Exeter borough whose condition is quite critical. There Is talk here of organizing a choir to compete at the eisteddfod lo be held In the Congregational church at Edwardsvllle, March 17. For the first time In its history West Plttston will tomorrow furnish a vic tim for a hangman, John Lutz, who two years ago killed his wife with an axe as she lay sleeping, having been sentenced to pay the penalty of his crime Jan. 21. HAMLINTON. Special to tlie Scianton Tribun-. Hamllntoti, Jan. 20, Nathan Houck died at his home In La Anna, Pike county, Pa,, Saturday, Jan. 18, In his eighty-fourth year. He survived his wife but a few months, who died Oc tober 27 last. He is survived by six children, John D., Charles, Mrs. Dr. Fletcher Gilpin, Mrs, Emory Gilpin, Mrs. Dr. Arthur Slmonr, of La Anna, and Mrs. 11. F. Nicholson, of this vil lage. Deceased was born in Boyer towu, Berks county, March 21, 1818. In lSfiS ho purchased several hundred acres of timber land in Greene town ship, Pllto county, where he has over since resided, The neighborhood was practically an unbroken wilderness when he first settled there, and he cut the first road through, leading the first team that entered there. During tho war of the Rebellion he furnished the government wl,th large quantities of tent poles and soon afterward en gaged In the manufacture of umbrella and parasol sticks, toys of all kinds and similar articles. He was a mem ber of tho Salem Free and Accepted Masons lodge, The member.') of the snino will attend the funeral services n a body, which wll take place at his late home, Wednesday, Jan, 22, at 10,30 a, m, C. L. Simons) and Denlson Wetherell made a business trip to llonesdnlo last week. The Republican caucus will be held Saturday, Jan. 23, n tho Independent Order of Odd Fellows' hall. HOPBOTTOVl, Special to tlie Scranton Tribune. Ilopbottom, Jan. 20. Miss Altu Finn visited friends in Scranton tlie past week. Many teams ore engaged at present hauling Ice for the purpose of filling the Ice house, The membeis of the two Sunday schools enjoyed a slelghrlde Friday and Saturday, EpteJla Jeffries has been visiting rela tives In town the past week. The Ladles' Aid society meeting at tho Methodist Episcopal parsonage on Wednesday was largely uttended and was a successs, both socially and financially, o I- d I ' Tbli ilgnature la oo every bos of the genuine Laxative Rinrtinnn!nincTbietr. remedy lliat cure a cold In oiici lj." THE MARKETS Wall Street Review. New York, Jan, 20, bast neck' ilepiMlnx faclori in tlio toik market were fmfelteil today by Hip engagement ot $3M,0W) In gold lor export. ThU ivtm practically the only new development in tho stock market, which lotillnuod lit Ita ml of ilullncM and professionalism. The nulidde public pofdlllely refuse to take any put In the market, l'tlici nie Rcncially lower on tho day. The ppccl.il licuVlncKs of iho Ati lil-mi and ot New York Crrdrat today iva due lo the uU satlnfaellnii fell In the prcKenl .pccultthe temper with capital Mp Union and new bond lwic with prior claim river stocks'. Reports from tho West ili.il that r:llro uls nre feelitut notiic relief Irom the elTeit nf mi-nhorlage, but Hit new lud lit tle oiTeil on tho market, American Tobatio told today at .'100 and llicTt wcie advance of 11'i to G points In the other tobacco Mock, the l!luco slocks, Jlcliopolltan Street IMllwny, American Smelting nnd Brooklyn Union Gn, but tlilt did not nrtcot tho general downward tendency of utoik. Chliago, Burlington nnd (Jiilncy un.iv f cnlci! stoik tinned toclnv at 221). bid. compared Willi 08 bid on Sililiiljy. Ptamkud Oil sold In the ouLddo market M low as M."i but rallied come what, Tn I ill tale today, iV2i,tJml nliaim. Con Follikitcd Tobacco l' made up tho bulk o( the bond nuiket nhleli win nthcrnlw dull and Ir regular. Total mIm, par value, WUO.OOO. United Stntca icfuinlltnr 3V, the roKhtcrecl ,"1' nnd the new 4'jt leiiUtcred advanced U, do, coupon Vi nnd the old I's Vi. '18bo 0'n legUtercj declined U nnil do, coupon ',i per tent, on the bid price. The fnlloivltiE miotaHoiu are lurnUricit The Trib une by M. S, Jordan ic Company, roomi TOO'TOJ neari omiuint, scrniuon, ra. Telephone, wui: Open- Utah- Low- Cloi- In?. e. est Inrr. American Sugar 121 Vi 122 120 121H Alclilwii Tfi 73 7114 73 Atchison, l'r PiU 07',i Ort',4 Wi llrnok. Trait ion a IMV, Mi (& Halt, .fc Ohio KW'l lOJH 101 101?i riie. & Ohio wy w in 4,a; Chic, k (I. W S2,i li3U S-i',6 2i',S M. Paul UUi 1(1,1 IBP'b 1112 Hock Island r...l.Vl 110(4 IV, lfidVi Hon. & Tev.. l'r MV4 Mli r,2 fii l.ouli. & XjIi ri 10," lOllf, Mils' 101 Mniitiittan tile 1.1374 1W-4 l.THi 1831 Mel. Tiacllou lllt'-i 10754 101 liJ70i Mlcosuri I'.icilic 10074 lOHi W 100U Southern I'arillo ........ ., C'Hi fiS'i SS14 .V01 folk i clciu .... OH',4 (M',4 ttiV, S374 Krlo IQK, 10 SOj SU'i Krlc M Pi 7174 72V4V tl'j 7l?'i X. Y. Ccntial 102'A l(i2?i 101 MU& Out. k West 31 31 3.IH "-i Pcnna. It. II 1IS54 U974 US II814 Pacific Mull , 47 47 40"! 47 Healing- Mil .'7',4 5.-.5H 0094 Heading, IV B174 S174 SHI 81 ',4 Soul liciii It. K 32 32i 32U !123i Kouthcm It. It., l'r .... IOU P31i W 1)4 Twin. Coal k Iron 03 03 02'!i 02". U. S. Leather lia; 1K-4 1154 11 U. S. Leather, l'r MU bt'.i Sl'A 81U Union l'uclflo 10074 101 lon4 10014 Union Pacific, Pi 8')',4 SU',4 SS',1 MM Wabash, IT 411 42 W 4154 4174 Western Union 0074 0171 H074 Hl,4 (Vo. lnel k lion 8.V-; SC-ls STili &:, Amal. Copper 60?i 70 (iVJi ilBOA Pcople'H (!ji .... (054 0154 psy, iwij Te-eai l'aolllc 30 W) as 3S',i Am. Car 1'uuuilrv 29 2P14 2'' 2fU I". S. Steel C 424 42H 42(4 42 V. S. (steel Co., Pr .... OlVi 0474 i'l'i W- Scranton Board of Tvnde Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. . I.tckawanna Dairy Co., Pr County Savings Hank k T.uit Co.. First National Bank (Carbomtale) .. Standard Drilling Co Thiid National Hank 1 Dime Deposit and Discount ISjiiI;.. Economy Light. 11. k P. Co I'irst National lianl; Laika. Trust k Safe Deposit Co.... Claik J: Snover Co., l'r Sirauton Iron I'cnie k Mfg. Co. ... Scranton Atlc Woiks Hcruuton b'-uingi Bank Tradcis' National Bank Scranton Bolt & Nut Co People', Bank New Mexico lty. .V (J. Co BONDS. Sciauton Passenger Hallway, flrt Mortgage, due 1020 .- People's Street Ituilnay, first mort gage, due ItUS .". People's Stieet Hallway, General mortgage, due 1021 Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacka. Township School 3 pec cent. Bid. Askei 00 COO 321 30 273 40 U'OO l!i."i 125 100 05 f.00 175 107' ... 135 ... 75 115 115 113 10O 102 City of Scranton St. Imp. j0 per cent r. 102 Scranton Traction d per cent 113 ... licoiiomy Light, Heat k Power Co.. i Scranton Wholesale Market. (Coiiciled by II. U. Pale, 2," LKl.aw.inua Avi.) t'lour 1JJ.U). Beam i2.30. Butter Pitch cieamciy, 23c; June 1 ujnu'ij, 2314c; dairy cie.unciy, 22c. ( liecsi ll'iali--. l'KK NeJibj, 32c; fumy .ituiagf Pea-. Per bushel, il.no. Potatoes Pel bibliel. 83e. Oiilun Per bushel, ?1.C9. 21c New York Grain and Produce Market New Yolk. Jan. 20. I'loiir Mukit iniliieiuel by the wheat decline, four was dull and cay lilt ilaj. Wheat Spot weak; No. 2 led. H7l,jC f. u. b., allont; No. 2 lid, 8014c. elevator; No. 1 1101 tlu-iii Dulutli, tile. r. ti. b. .Miu.it; optimit luoko (-lurply today, aluin-i hmiIiIii,,' the lo.v point of list week; iloiil weak at l.'al'4c n-l lower; March rluieil FlVjC ; May, 84ii.; July, Sl!-ic Coin Spot easy; No, 2, O'vjc clev.itu.' and C854e, f. a, b. otlo.it; optlom at tli-st lather (.tiring and biiilier but cvi-ntually icarfid with wheat and tlo-ed weak at 5m'. net lo-w: .lanii aiy cloned, Il5i.; Mjj, 6hc, ; July, ti7vc. O its Spot hteady: No. 2, 51c; No. 3, 3i)c; No. 2 white, 53'4a54c.; No. S white. 33c: traik nd.cl wnstviu, 51a51',4.; tiaik while, i"2arH.; Ilwie was a fairly active tiadi- in oats jf the west, tihowing early llimnes'), but .subi-ei-pient depiclou vvlb mm. Butter Stiady; cicaineiy, llli2i1i.; factory, 13al5c; Juno eie.uiifiy, l'u21c; iinlta tion iicaineiy, 14.il8!4c; state diiiy, ila-illSc. CheeHe l'liin; Uatc lull iicani largo fall made fjiity, lOVcUlo-tti,; frlale full cicain Muall tall Jiiaile fauiy, 1 1 Ua 11 i'-r-.j late nude bet larne, O1,;. ; do. do. do., nuall, IOjIO'.Jc. Kbs I'Jini ei; -.late and Pennsylvania, -Juvi7i'.; n cite, 11, 20c; Miuthein, 23c. Philndelphln Grain and Produce. Philadelphia, Jan. 20. Wheat -Pic lower; lontinit grade, Junuaiy, St,,4u85c Com i, lowei; No, 2 mixed, Jamurj, tXlibfii&i, Oat Steady; No. 2 white dipped, .lie I'loui Dull and wiak; winter Minei, 2.7,u3; do, cxtius, f-l.i 3.25; Piniiejlvanlii 10 Her ilear. .l.30a.!.50: iq. do. straight, ;3,W)jJ.80: wcsliin winter elui, ljj.404 3.03; do. do. sti-aliht, -;'J.70a3.!IO; do. do. patent, !H3.lJOal,IO; (.pilug ilear, .Sl.25.i3.50; do. i-tutglit, J.'I.COaJ.fc5; do. pattnt, Sl.S3al.10; do. lavoiite liuiida, ifl.I3.il. to. ll.vo i'loui Uiuhamrcd. Ilinl.w he.it I'loui -(2.20.12 .10 per 10U pound-,. But. tci Steady; fancy wcitein cicuinery, 21c; do. neaiby piinK 27i, rirgv-Steaily; fie-.li ueaiby, 23c; do, western, 23c; do, southwestern, 2"e. ; do. (.outhcin, AJc I Iii-mc Steadj ; New Yolk lull (icanis, faniy hin.il), ll'.i.; do, do. do., tajr la ihoUc, U!-iullc. Killnfil Sugaiw (Juki but Mfudv. Cotton -- L'niluused. Tallow Quiet; tit) prime In tlcicer, h'tc; toiiutiy do, do,, barrels, o'4a(lfi.; do, dirk, do., ShaOc; iakc, ti'Jic. Live I'oulftv Steadj ; fowls, !j,al0isc; old roo-,tcrs, 7c; fhlikein, SiJalOc; dutks, lla 12c; (icese, 10al2c; tuikfjn, lOallc. Dies.ed rouitij l'liin, fulr drm unit fow, ilmiie. HHie; exceptional loll, lie; do, fair to good, n!4al0c. ; (dd lootters, 7a7',4i. ; ihlikcns, neaiby, liable ; wejlein do,, lialJ'.c; Hiikcjis, neaiby, iholio to fancy, Hal6c;i wchteiit do. do., 12al.;c; fulr to good, Dalle; ducks, neniby, lOallc; westein, J0al3c; geee, Dalle. Kecripifc I'lour, I,WW bui ie)s and I,2l5,fi00 poumU in (-acks; wheat, 11,00) btitliels; coin, 2,000 bu.lieU; oats, 12,000 biuhels, ShlpiucntR Wheat, none; coin, ,2,000 biiihels! calt,, 21,000 buslicK Chicago Grain Rnd Produce Market. Chicago, Jan. 20. Itain and miow bieaklng the long drought in the winter wlieit tcnltorv look ull aigumeut away fumi liu bull.i in tho gialu pjla today and pikes bioke badly ull aiound in (outequeme. May wheat dosed with a lus of 17ial74v. ', May icrn, Vie. lower, ui.it May oats, ic down, rrqvlsloiis lost from 10 tol7',4c C.nli (piotnllons were as follow: Flour Steady but ....!.... V... .......I . ..!.... On . V-.. .1 I'rmi . No. t.liav teed, l.OQ; Xp. 1 iiorllivmtcin, AlfVSI'., I11I11111 Ihnnllit- kbrt.l hit .-.. .aaJ .....I.. ! , ,'...... .....u,... -.vv.., .'u.M-, ...,d, ,IU,l, SI0.,Vul0.o.-i; aid, fs'.33a').n: fahoit libs, !Ks.:i0.i 8.13) dry salted nhouldcis, 7 a7!ic. ; Miort cl-ar Mm, i.e0a8.U0; wlilAcy, l.32. Chicago Wve Stock Market. Chicago, Jan. 30. Cattle HcicipL, 10,000; 300 Texaus; vvcsteiu aitlvo and stvady to 13c higher, kooiI to prime, I)i,50a7,23; poor lo uicdiiuii, siia SO; utotkera and fecder, S2.20ul.73; lows. U,jSa S.10; helfer. 2.GOaV30; (.iiincit. ?1.2ia.2D: b'lll, 2a2.CO; calves, 2.30a.50; Ti'V.w blceis, fl.VSa u.-i,, iwk niieipi luui, .k,uiji; 101110110W, 37,000; left over 3.000; opined 5c. blghci; closed steady ; uilved uud buttbers, f3.0Uau,02,,4; good io inoiic ny, fo.suau.o.i; iu'hjii WJLy, kU.lOi 0.33; llxht, c3.03jU.1i); bulk ot kale., K0.10a0.i0, Sheep lteielpts, 20,000; tlicip, tcady lo ttroutcj lambs, tteady to ttioui;; ijood lo iholiu vtctliers, W.S0a5; we.teru bet-p fed, ,23.i3.15; native lambs, $3)0aU; wmtcrp laudxi, fUU, Buffalo Live Stock Market. Last Buffalo, Jan. 20. Cittle-lloicipU, 4,(00 bead, iucludimr 1A1 lows; abuiit steady (or iiood shlppliiff and ki bejv import tceis; 0al5c THE TRIBUNE'S "WAN 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than l-'our Lines, a Cents for Each tlxtra Urn. Tor Rent. W.V l'Olt It P.NT Store, coiner l'lttstou ovenui! nnd Birch sticcti Rood loiatlou for Rrncriy fclore or hotel, Address, Corner I'ltbslon avenue and Illicit street, roil IlKNT $1S, one-half of double! home, in upper (Itccii lliilirc! l.irsu J.iril. bath, hot and cold water, lan-aje, clrrlilu llshls. It. I'. Hamilton, Paul I hulldhur, Spruce itticct. Wanted To Hont. tJVVMXXV. X'WXXXX 1.AKU AIIIIH, COTTAlli:, wanted tn lent, .Inns tn October, I month or 3 luontlH, fuinl.bed; iinllilnn fancy; Jutt plilu and comf.'i tabic, at reasonable prlie. Aitdiow CotlaRe, Tilbune. WAXTl'.t) TO ItKNT 'llnee or four fuinU'ieil or tmfurnldicd loom? for iiomckccplni;. Addrc-, r.21 JefTcmou uviuuc, city. aVor Sale. lvsxryNrv rvwvwwN FOB SAM: Sunola Boy, 2.1G',J, by SunnLi; ho by the MlKlity Ulcctlonccr, ThN horse li.n tlie speed on the home tretch to 'tAlrly raise the Riund stand by hl woraleiful llnUliei. Can bo nein at 310 I)l court. l'Olt SAIil! New and cecoifd-hand buunlc and w-ukoiih and pidgin of nil kind-i; ul ninny li.iu.lv tools; itn is t sell ns I hive no loom at .M. T. Keller's f.aikawanno. Cariiiiire Votl.. Jl'ST AI'.ltlVi:i) with a i-uIo.ul of hone; frood woikiif" and Fcvcrnt clonelv nialihed tetUH. V'eluJit hum 1,100 to 1.31X1. Can be iecn nt 331 Ita)mond court, 1'. JI. Cobb. roil SVI.K SIia IriR. tjnilmt nnd kindling wood. At Ansley's t.umber Vaid, 801 Scranton Sf. I'On SAM.' Stock of the lulenullona: Tet Book Company of Kiiartoii (fomicily the Colliery Knglncer Co.), Cliu. 1). Sanderson, 130 Wyoming avenue, Scianton, l'a, roil SAI.i: CIIKAP-Kiiewooil. iron rootlns, tim bers, boards', scuntlinsr. etc. fioni old cam; suitable for ' nil puiposOF. .IcnniuKS, Central Mines switch, foot of Hampton stiect, ott Snub Main avenue. FOIt SAT.K Two light sprlnc; wagon and some baiiiito, cheap. Kvans, rear 1132 Luzenb stiect. FOB SALK Cheap; horse, fpiinc wagon and 1isrncf, at No. 18211 Cedar avenue. Public Sale. Bt'llLlU SALi:-We will wll at public Bale for the benefit of whom it may concern, on Wed nesday, January 22, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the ShcillT'n office, in the Court llonac, of tho City of Scianton, two (2) sJuires of stoik of the Slowem' Pork Packing and 1'iovislon (,'nnipan.v, the mine being held a collateral to a note, WELLES k lOIIIlllV. Attorney. Ecal Estate. FOR SALE One acre'of land, improved with nine-room home; plenty and atletv of fruit; good location in village of 1'leetville. Mis. Olive Fish, Flectvllle. Pa. Furnished Booms. I'L'ltNISIir.I) BOOMS for rent, modem impiovc incuts; piivato family; gentlemen pieteiied, at fl-i7 Ad.uui avenue. FOB BENT Two comfortably fiiiuMied looms for gentlimen; modern lmpiovemouti; pri vate family, '.'0 Wa-hlngton avenue. FOB BENT Fuinished front loom, with beat, balh and aas; near court home; gfutleiuan pielencd. Addie'w Boom, Bo 2119. FOB KENT Furnished loom; heat and bath. 03 Linden stiect. FUBNISHED BOOMS FOR RENT, with beat, pai and bath, gcntlenien picferrcd, at 539 Adauu avenue. Money to Loan. ANV AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN Quick, etiaight loam or Building and Loan. At from -1 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walkei, SH-313 Council building. Wanted l-Koom and Board. BOUtU AND BOOMS AV Wt'EU-Tliieo w four f c.iiiioc lltitf looms Willi bo.ud for lv, in n nicL- location at mnder.uo teuus; home niokii.. Aildre-s T., Tilbune olfke. IV NTED Boom and board In letlncd private family foi thiee lulle; tut to exceed 12 ptr week. Or.iilci.itcd within five minute- walk fioni city ball piefcired. Addict, K, II, Tiibune Of flee. Booms and Board. A LAItiil, FRONT BOOM, with boaid, at C21 Adams avenue. Suitable lor two jouug nier. BOOMS TO RENT, with board, SOD Mulberry etiect. BoRi;ders Wanted. I'ltlVATJ: PAJUI.Y wislic? to have two iii"c men to boaid, Oeininii or i;iiribsli. Call any time after Thuuday. All convenlcnies, &07 llairloon avenue. lower for fair luitclipis and medium giadcs; mm moil cows nnd heifer stock, 15321k'.; lo'vci ; best heavy steeis, ifO.ldaii.iiO; ctm fumy, i0.O3a(l.75; inrilliiiii to gold i-hlppiujr and eNpoit, i.j.33all.2"); light to good buti!ic, I,ri0a3.2i; lommuii, ta 4,10; lii'luis, Ssf.25i3.4ll; fat iows, isliil,25; can ncis and saiHigc, l.70a2.7.1; bull,, c.Tioil, l,10i 4.WI; stoikus ttcadv, lr2.(X).i.).73; feedciv, ifl.llOa 4.25; ficsh mwi, Miougei foi good; other mi i barged; veals, 5.2Uii.CO. Hogs lleieliitu, 17, IXW; aillve mid blghei; heavy, i;i).75a0.s0; iui.ed, fsd.llats.7i); pigs, if3.P3ri.03: lougb. ?5.,0a5.0"; stag', ijluL.'O, Sheep and Luiibi ItecclpU, 21, 000, iiiiludlng l.tWJ Canada; laiilv ut tile; sheep, lulled top', W.50a5; otbeis, W.50.II; HCiueus ?i.ou.n,,.); jearungs, ifi..,u.i,i; tup uinln, itVSOaS.W; culls to good, If3.73a.1.75. East Liberty Live Stock Market. Fast l.lbeilv, Jan. 20. -Ciittle Sleadi; choice, 5u.l0i0.ioj pilnic, Ni.bSail; sood, W.3,a3.ir,, Ilogu Higher; pilme .beailc, i.iVMO.uO; best me dluuis, S(i.l0a0,l3; heavy A'oikeis, ,.3Uaii,35; light do., f-0.I0.itl.20; pK-rf, 115,70.13,00; louglw, " no, Sheep Steady on sbeep, luwer on Iambi; best wethoirf, VI.IU.il.U0; cuIN and coi'imoii, ijl.30 U2.2.T; lejilings S-lal.85; leal ialve?, f7a7.50. Oil Market. Oil tltj, Jan. 20.--C'icdlt balancci. 115; cei lllUatei., no bid; luut, 117,77.1 lunelj; iwtiage, 73,577 bauilsi shlpmeuts, 173,121 luncN; ,u. tiff, S,f5l l.jiitW. ' AVOCA. UefrlunlK- Unlay, all jiupllH avIio uro not A-iu'i'lemited avIH be sent homo jin til tlioy comply ivlth tho Jaw. Miss JenslQ Jlorton litis avreptcil a position as assistant postmistress at the Avoca postoillco. The followinir marriages liai'e been announced: Miss Acnes Murphy and Patrick JCeiirneyj Miss Nellie Cavnu ns;h ami Wllliiim C'orcornnj Miss Nom c:ulluitui mid MU-liuel MelCeou, Mr, and Mrs, I.uko Nolan, of t'.ita Avlssa, spent Suiulny Avlth friends hof. Mrs. Prank Aslnvorth and family left on Paturday for t)ielr homo In Newport News, Kuv, I). T, tsinyllie and Uev. J. J. K. PJetiOier, of Plttston, e:flmnifed pul pits on Hunilny. James Ward, of the "West .Side, i.ts suddenly attacked villi severe pains on Huiulay and bus since then been quite seriously 111, OLD FORGE, At the nepubllcun caucus, held on X-'rlduy evenliur, Jan. 17, the followlug noinlnatlons Avere made: Justice of the peace, Antonio Woncardlj school directors, AVIlllani Repp ajul John W. Thornton: auditor, Donilulco p, Lu cJanl; Judge of election, T. J. Steivart; Iiispector uf election, 8. Urodhead, jr.; register of voters, Richard Gray, 9? SITUATIONS WANTED . PUGB. 3 Atari mwmirwANT oitich.s. Want Advortlsomonts Will Uo Received at Any of the ITollow inp; Drug Storos Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBERT EClll'trX. corner Mulberry atrect nnd Unhslcr iivcnue, ODSTAV I'lCllKL. CM Adtttnave venue. West Side UUOBHi: W. JENKINS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scranton FBF.D h. TEltl'I'E, 729 Cedar aienue. North Scranton OEO, V. DAVIS, coiner Noilb Miln y avenue and Maiket ctrcct. Green Rldgo CUAnLLS 1. JONES, 1337 llickion avenue. F, J. JOHNS, 020 Giecn BIiIec sticet. C, L011EN54. comer Washington ave nue and Marlon stiect. Petersburg W, II. KNEI'FF.L, 1017 Irvln avenue. Euninore J. O. BONE & SON. Help Wanted Male. WANTED S'eveinl ldiablc and cnciifetlc life insurance solicitors lo icprc.sent the "Old Itclll'de" Mutual HciioIU Life- In.surancj ( om pany of Ncwaik, N. .1., In Scranlon and nearby toiiTS. Apply nt ence, 300 Council building. WANTED An eiperlenced Riocery Ralesmau at 171 kerf on'o, 1SW North Main aienue. WANTED A youiiR man for sloie. II. W. 1 fal len, 422 Spruce stiect, WANTED Younir limn lo snllill oideia and de liver Roodi. Apply II. Y. llallrtt, 422 Spruco street. A'ANTED-By Iradintr Philadelphia home, tot clam salesman, to sell pcneral line of paper to the retail tiade, one who I133 an aiijuaiutanco preferred: inrnt havo bcit lefcicnie and be able to furnish bond. Addic-u I. O. Bo 20S, Phila delphia. Help Wanted Pemale. AVANTED A Rood, tollable Bill to do KOlr.-ul boiiJewoik, small funlly, no small rhildreii. Apply ut oti'.i', on Madison mimic. Mm. E. (I. AVcbb. FIFTY OPEBATOBS AA'.WTF.D Steady work guaranteed. AV. K. Bcik k Son, 33J Adams avenue. AVANTED Ciil for Rcneial housework at Ualton. Address II. T., caic Tribune. Wanted. AA'ANTED Good second-hand furnace, will pay cash. Aiitkesn Lock Box 130, Scranton, Pa. Business Opportunity. A l'ABTV" undtistjndliijr double inliy bookkecp inir tan seituc for hlni-clt a lino position in a well established dividend paving iniupany by iiiii'stinir si or seven tliou-uml dollars. .Uldress X. Y. '.., Tiibune oftlie. STOCIv AMI Will VT TIIADF.IIS ivitliouc delay. Write for our special market lettei. Fiee on application. S. M. Ilibbanl - Co., inetnbcis N. Y. CiiiJollclatcd and Stock Sxcbanse, 41 and 10 llioadvuj, New- A'oik. IMablUlicd I10I. Long Distance' IMiono 23f3 Broad. LEGAL. THE A.NNl'M. miitlns of Ibe stoikl.olders of Tl'i- Tilbune I'ublishlnit Cuiiipaui of Snan tcn will be held at the ollice of the company 011 Tuesday, J.iuiuiy 2S, at 3 p. 111,, to eleit of Hens for the ensuinpr e.ir, and fur the puipou of tiau-itliiiK any otlur biisinev. that may lonu bifuie the mcitii.. O. F. BYMIEE, PciTibity. THE ANNCAL MEETIMi of the stickboldiri nf The Lackawanna Tiust and Safe Deposit ( oni pany for Ibe ileition of dnectoH to save for tlu (UiuiiiK )eir, .will be held .it the otllio of 1I.0 lompauy, 401 I.aikawaiiui uvcuue, Siiaiilou, I',:., in Moi'daj , Fcbiuaiy 3, 100', bitwien tin; houij of tluce and four o'clock p. 111. HEMtY HELIX, lit., rctaiy. OFFICE (IF tins Scranton Holt and Nut Co., Siiuntnii, l'a. The Annual .Alccilnt. of tlm sloikholdeiH of the scianton Bolt and Nut Com pany, foi the eleilioii ut illu-itois for the en .siiiupr jiai, and lor llm tiansaction ot suili oilier business as muy piopcilv bi biouvht betoie it, will be held at II to oflito of the Company, ,tt the W'uik", on 'lluusd.1,1, Jamiaiy 23, at 2 o'llotk p. 111. V, I.. M. HOIii'ON, 1'iietaij. THE ANNL'AL .MEF.'UNfl of Ibe stockboldels ot tho Scranton nulling Company will be held in Ho salc-ioonw of tho compaii.v, 300 laika wanua avinue, on 'lluusdiy, Jaiiuny 21, at 1.30 p. in. F. A. KAlsEB, Sjcielaiy. THE AXM'AL meeting nf Hie slorl.lioldois of the Euleipii-e 1'owder Manufaituilnt; Com pan), for the clcitlon of dlieitors and the train action of su.'b otbci bu.lue-s :n 111.1.1 (iropeily ionic biloie It, will be held on A cilncsdaj , .1 inn uiy 22nd, 1002, at the oftlie of 1I111 iniup.ui), Scullion, l'a,, ut 3.20 o'llcik p. in, Nn nan--fer of stock will bo made foi ten d.iv.s uixt liiiifdin',' the date of the ubove meetini:. E. J'. KINllsnntY, Scmlury. THE ANNCAl. MEETI.SC of the jtockholden of The JIoosli I'ovvdei Cuiiipauv wilt be held at their ollice ill the City of Sci.iulou. l'a., m Wednesday, Januniy 22, 1W2, nt s o'clock p. 111., for Hie piupo-c of nlciliiiK diieilon foi tho ensuiuir jear and lian-iitln',' siu.li either bu-lmii. as muy come bei'cie tluui. No li.ui-iir ot stock will be 111111I0 foi tell cla.is lull piicedinit llie day of clei thin, JOIIX D. SliEliElt, SciU'taiy. Till! ANNUAL MEKTIXCi nf the hloikliolilein of the Then. A, White Mamitactuilui,' Conipiny Will bo held 'luesdiy, Jamiaiy 21, ut 2 p, in., in the clfkc of tliiciiiiipan-, 421 Linden stree., for tho puipjse ol lieaiiii;; lepoits, ileitlii'.' the boaid nf illintoin for tlie eusiilui; leal, .mil lor Iho tians-ictlou of suili otber bu.lueiH ,1s may piopeily conic btfoie ihc lut'etliii.'. L, II. STEELE. Sccieluiy, 'Ulil ANNUAL MEETIXCi of the stoikhnldeu of tho Cheiry 1 1 1 1 i-r Boom unci Liuuhir Coiupanv will be held Iho foul lit Wednesday ot Junuii1, beln$ the 22d day of Jauuirv, I002,''ut ten o'clock u. 111,, a lthn offlcc of tho Company, Boaid ot Tiade Jliillillir,-, Siianlon, l'a,, foi tho puipn.e of ilcctliii; 11 iioird of llliectois and for the trans action of suUi other bu-ltieds as nine piopeily ionic bcfoiv the iiieetin';, TltOs. E. JONES, Sen clary. Dated Jamuiy 11, 1002. 1111! ANSI'Al, MEE'llXfi of the stockliolden of Iho IIUhvYood Stoic (ompany will be I eld the foiulli Wednesday of Jamiai.v, belli'; Iho 22d day of Januaiy, 1W2, nt two o'clock p. 111., for Iho puipo.-u nf clectiu'r a Boaid of DiuMuii ami for the iijilv.1 lion of such otlu'i bu.lucsi as may lopci'h icuio liefoio the lutrtlii','. TIIOs. 1). JONES, Scciet.11. Dated Jaiiiuirj 11, 1002. j:tTVIE of F. D. slevcin, l.Uct ot the Ikiciutb of Duiimorc, LackawMiuu tbunt.i, I' iin. haul 1, deceased. I.ltti'is tcstainentiiiy upon the above estate uav iutr beiu (uautcd to ibe undoisiiiiicd, all poison li.i lntr il.iiiui a-fatmt the saiuo will prevent the in for pajmeiit and thusc indebted thcicto will pleafe nuke Immediate pivmeut to DAN I'DWELL, Aduiliii.tralol', ( unci of lli-uvc and Blakely stiect. Duniuoie, l'a. AMLI.A1ID, AYABBL'S' i. liSAI'l', AtloiiH',s tor E-taic. SEALED PROPOSALS. SEALED l-HOl'IMI.S will v lenlud foi fur nislilnir and ereitlus comidelc, 2om lineal Icet if lion ft me on New A'oik flu-el side of iaeki wanna (ciiiuty pilsou, pi ice In be ini Il11e.1l oo crcctid and paliilicl complete, stjlo ut fence lo bo Mine .1 dial ulicady in limit of slid pi I. mi. Illds to be addii-wit to imdeulgued and in hand oil i-r befoie Ftbriui I, 10)3. H bid. imut be accoiiipautc'il by u icilified clieck for 10 pet con'. a evidence of food faith. The lU'hi to lcjct any or all blcii fa U'eived. E. A. JONEs, County Conlrollnr. S-ranton, l'j, Jan. 15, lvoj. DIRECTORY. Insertions 25 Cents Thti P.iur Llnei, o Cents lor' UncliGiitM LHs, PROFESSIONAL. Cortifled Public Accountont. i:invAiii) c. sfai'LHImi. 2.1 tbadebs'iVank Bundliiir, and St. Paul iiiilMln-r, New York. Architects. t EinVABI) II. DAVIS, AltCIlfTEtTr, CONNELb Uiillilinp. FIIEDEBICIC t,. IIBOWN. AltClf. 1).. IIF.AL Katnle Exchange Bldfc.. 12(1 Wahlnton ave. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. II. L. HABDINO, C0.1 COXNKLI, BUILDINO. Dontlsts. DB. C, E. ElLENBElttlElt, l'AUM BUILDINO, Spruce Btrcct, t'cranton. DB. C. O. LAUBACII, 115 WYOJIINO AVENUE. Lawyers. FItANK E. BOYLE, ATT011NEYAT.LAAV. ltoonn 12, 14, io and IS Burr Building. I'. K. TBACY, ATT'Y, CO.ALMONAVEALTII BbDO. D. B. BEI'LOaLE. ATTOBNEY-LOANS NKOO tfnlcd on real catate security. Mcara Bulldlfg, corner AVnshliifstoii avenue nnd Spruco sticet. AVILLA11D, AVABnEN k KNAPP, ATTOBNEYS and counsellors-nl-law. Bcpubilcan Building, na'hinglon nienne. JESSUP k JESSUP. ATTOBNEYS AND COUN-fcllOis-at-law. Commonwealth Building, Boom 15, 20 and 21. EDWABD AV. THAYER, .ATTORNEY. BOOM3 tX)3-C0), pih door, Mear.1 building. L. A. VATI(E. ATTOBXEY-AT-LAW, BOAllD - rndc Building, Scranton, l'a. PA1TEBSON k AVILCOX, TRADEB'S NATIONAt. Bank Building c tomboys, o-i.i ni'runLicAN buildino. A. W. BEBTHOLF, OFFICE MOVED TO NO. 211 lA'yomiiig incnue. Physicians and Surgeons. DB. AV. E. ALLEN. 513 NOItTIl AVASIIIN0.TON aienue. fs DB. S. AV. L'AMOBEAUX, OFFICE 330 AVASH ington aienue. Residence, 1318 Mrtlbcrrv. Clnonlc olsca.-ca, lung?, heart, kidneys and genito-urinaiy organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FBANICL1N AVE nue. Bates leasonable. , F. 7.IEOLF.R, Proprietor. SCBANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. & AV, PA3 eenger depot. Conducted on tho European plan. VICTOn KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BltlOOS CLEANS FBIVY VAULTS AM) cess pools; tin ador; only improved pumps Used. A, B. Driggs, proprietor. Leave orders 11W) North Main avenue, or licke's drug stole, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones'. Seeds. O. B. CLAnKE k CO., SEEDSMEN AND NUBS er.vmen, store 201 AVashlngton avenue; green howl', lfljo Noith Main avenue; store tele phone, 782. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTKL, BEAR 511 LACKA. AVE. Scianton. Pa., manufactiucr of AViro Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOB CHILDREN TO OBDKB; also ladies waists. Louise shoemaker, 212 Adams aienue. MECSABGEE DUOS., miN'TOS' SUl'I'LIES, EN iclopes, piper bags, twine. AA'are'nouse, liO Washlngten avenue, Scianton, l'a. THE AVH.KES-BABBE BECORD CAN BE HAD In Scianton at th" news stands of Relsinaii Bios.. 406 l-pruce and 60: Linden; JI. Noiton, 322 Lackawanna aienue; I. S. Scbutzer, 211 Spruce stieet. Situations Wanted. SITFATION AVANTED--Bi" gill t" do liou-c-work or musing. Addicrs 414 New stiect. AVAMEU By good gill n pluce to do hou-c-wmk in piiuli- family; only -n-.iill fimllv pajiug '.oud wages need icply. .M. C, Tilbniu ollice. A POSITION wanted by :i young man to ivoik .itli moons or eiciilngs, i.m as-ist in stu'i ograpli) and Ivpewiitlng. Addicss, U. i;, S,, 10.C North W.i-hington avenue. OI Nt! MAN if 20, v.'ilh business eduiallon, wauls bookkiiplug position or uttlco wen c of tin i- kind, (He .veils' expeuento ns ilerk; cm flit nl-lt iMclliut icttiences. AiIcIil'Ss, Position, lio 10), Moo-lc, l'a. AVANTED By a .loiuig lady with good iducutlon, a posiiio'n ju an ofhec ol ns assistant book, kcepei; highest iefciinces. Address Box Ml, Haw lev, l'a, AVAXTED Position us bail.ccper ill fii-t-ila-s saloon or deb house In, p.uly who tlioi uglily undirsiauds his luisluess. Luge cvpeiience, t-a-p.ible of taking full iluige; lelcience as lo ilin rtcT, ill.'; bae been owner and manager fur iiiiinbii Jell'-. Addie.ss Box 20, Tilbune olfieo. AVANTED small laiuil) washing done at bom, Moud.ivs, Mis. Ed salmon, 020 i)l couit, city. ' AVAMED A position as bookkeeper by gentle mill with slstecn .ions' cspciLuic; best of icfeicnics. II. Tilbune ofnee. SITUATION WAN'lEI), by inairled man, as pi I. lale co.ip1iiii.iii; best il'y itlcrenie. Apply A, '.., Tilbune ofllic. MUTATION A AXTEll By a woman to go out woiklng c i to tike wadilug and nniiliu borne, or go out washing and Iinulng, Addrcst dl.i (bcliaid Bttrct. SlI'l'ATIOS' AVA.VIED-A joung noiii-m wIMi child 3 years idclt linusekcepliilf piefeued; best icttirniej. Mis. Brown, Scranton postofilco. S1TI ATION AV Willi) As clirk or ivorkmaii In Jewcliy stoic; tidily )cn' c-tpjiieuic; good lefciini Vdilics.s A. C. II., 22S Spring tilled, West i'lttslon, l'a. FINANCIAL. I, F. MEQAROEL S CO, STOCKS. BONDS, SECURITIES CONNBLL BUILDING, I, F. Megaigel. Boy Cheater Megargjl. &$$& Hiei lal I'nro la exeivined liy uh In the selection of hU?h cluss Hullroad, Street Httil wuy, titiB nnd Klectrlu J.lRhlliib" sjevntltien, eon I't'i'iiiiif,' AvhUh aao are pro inn od tu submit tho tacts us a basis of jutltreineut, Yihuo high lale of income jield ll ivciiiIj!, without in live maiket leipiliei.ieriii, we ale in a petition to fuiui.li attiactive ulleiings ot loiiscimtivo ami pcinuucnt char uitir. 'I r Trask k BANKERS 37 &. 20 pinu sj-Rtirr. NUW YORK. MDMBGRS N. Y. STOCK iiXCHANGI;. Spenoe