THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1902., B xxxxxxxx; tllE MODItnK HAtTDWAniC STOW. Stranskv Steel Ware 8 Ib a wore that every house keeper who wnntH n really good article uliotild have. The body of "Strnnsky" la of heavy spun steel! on this four heavy coats of enamel each liurnt on separately. "Stransky" Is pure and clean It'll acid proof It wont chip off. It Is sold by Foote & Shear Co. J J9 N. Washing-ton Ave :oooooooooooi W? Are Specialists In tlio line of Infants' near, ml miny dainties which you can not find elacvvhcre. Our gooJa are just a llltlo more dlstltictivo than others. Wo will answer jour questions and tend catalogue. But, belter still, como and see lis. THE BABY BAZAAR 510 Spruce f-.rcet. ackawanna l 'THE 308-310 Perm Ave, A. B. Wurman, a SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs. Frederic "W. Fleilz gave a card party yesterday at her home on Madi son avenue, which, aside from being exceptionally enjoyable, had a num jcr of unique features. The favors were very hand.some and were won by Mrs. J. L. Wonts:, Mrs. William Mat Miows, Miss Eloise Gllrnore, and Mrs. Henry Sheldon. The guests were: Mrs. P.. W. Arcli buld, Mrs. K. L. Fuller, Mrs. F. H. Jermyn, Mrs. "William Matthews, Mrs. It. .T. Foster, Mrs. J. L. Wentz, Mrs. E. G. Coursen, Mrs. A. II. Christy, Mrs. Walter Matthews, Mrs. W. A. Coleman, Mrs. W. A. Avery, Mrs. T. It. Brooks, Mrs. Stanley Allen, Mrs. II. C. IJarker, Mrs. W. A. Coleman, Mrs. G. A. Dounce, Mrs. G. Dale, Mrs. E. II. Davis, Mrs. E. W. Gearhart, Mrs. Wlllard Matthews, Mrs. M-. W. Lowry, Mrs. Frank Okell, Mis. George nice, Mis. T. F. Penman, Mrs. B. H. Frutt, Mrs. Runyon, Mrs. H. G. Dale, Mrs. Ten Broeck, Mrs. T. G. Wolf, Mrs. H. B. Ware, Mrs. Marshall Zehnder, Mrs. William Drinker, Mrs. Foote, Mrs. F. D. McGowan, Mrs. John Sherer, Mrs. A. N. Walker, Miss Sherer, the Misses Gllrnore, the Misses Gereeke, Miss Alice Barker, the Misses I.avei ty, Miss How ell, Miss Buggies. Mi-s lllanche Kcimedv. of 'Ihompson stie-cr, i-prtit Sunday with Miss Sliocinaki-r, of i:lm- lllllst. I'liinU 11. 31c Run .in, who fell a foilnlght ago and sulTcied a t-uIous (undue o( the liip, Is fclovv Jy leonvcilng .it Ills l.cine on Wheeler avenue. ALMOST A CENTURY. Death of Mis. Bridget Clark at the Age of Almost One Hundred Years. Mrs. Bridget Clink died yesterday at iho home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Flynn, 331 Jefferson avenue, aged be tween 03 and 9S years. She hail been In bed for two yeuis but her hearing and vision were good up to the dnte of her death. Mrs. Clark was born In Ireland and came to this counliy half a century ago, bettllng in Scranton. Children surviving her are Mrs. Mary Flynn, of this city; Mis. E. IT. Timlin, of Butfalo; Michael and Wil liam C'Uuke, ot this city. SIXTH ANNUAL BEUNION. Meeting of the Workeis Band of Y. Iff. 0. A. Held Last Night. The tlxtli annual reunion of the Workers' band of the Young Men's Christian association was conducted Itiht night In tho association rooms and bi ought out an attendance of over ojie hundred active and energetic young men. Secretary George G, Muhy presided md n brief muslcul programme was curried, out. AVI1I Stanton rendered a cornet t-olo, while vocal numbers wore given by Pi of. McMurry, William Johnson and the Association male choir, Following this there was a brief period allotted to the heurlilg of perfconal experiences from u number ol members s to the wot It accomplished during the last year. The Workers' bund Is composed of tlioso members of tho association who volunteeer to do personal work among their friends, and to bring by th'tlr own personal efforts as muny Into tho fold of Christ aa possible, , TONIGHT'S MEETINGS. The Hoard of .Wciatcd Lharltl of St-wntou will piect tUU evening at 8 o'clock in tlio pot muter' loom, poilofuce building. After the regular lltriary ncrcUcs cf Ilia Cath olic )lltorkol Society and J"cwuiau JlagJiliio club tliU evcrdoff, there will be a meeting ol the JBtcra and ggvcrucsscs DEATH WAS ACCIDENTAL. Coronet's Jury bo Decided in the Skilisltirx Case. Tho coroner's Jury In the case of Stephen Sklllsklu, who was killed on Saturday by the collapse of a floor In one of tho buildings connected with Anslcy'B lumber yard, after hearing the testimony of several vltn6sscs Irtut night, brought In a verdict to the ef fect that his dentil was purely acci dental, and that no one could be held responsible for It. Coronor J. F. Sultry conducted tho Inquest In tho rotirt house, and several of the workmen employed about the yards testified as to how the accident occurred, James Stevens, who erected the building In which the accident oc curred and who hnB made nti examina tion of the premises since, stated that a beam, calculated to sustain four times tho. weight which was upon It nt tho time of the Occident, had collapsed. He stated that he himself had seen twlco as much lumber piled up In tlio room an was In It on Saturday, and the only explanation ho could offer as to the cause of the accident was that there was a flaw some place. City Solicitor. G. M. Watson represented the Interests of Mrs. M, C. Anslcy nt tho Inquest. . C. E. CHITTENDEN NAMED. Ho Will Be Chairman of Republican City Committee. At it conference between Hon. James Molr, the chairman of last Wednes day's Republican city convention, nnd Evan It. Mortis, the candidate for city controller, held yesterdny, C. E. Chit tendon was selected as the chairman of the city committee. The members of the committee wilt be selected before the close ot this week. STRIKERS' STATEMENT. Executive Committeeman Barrett's Version of the Sunday Night Meeting. . The executive committee of the fetieet car Btrlkerb, through M. J. Barrett, last night furnished the fol lowing statement to Tho Tribune, con cerning the meeting of Sunday night: "No motion was mode to return to work, and consequently, no motion of that kind could have been declared out of order. The motion that was de clared out of order was one for the appointment of a committee ot twenty to deal with General Manager Sllllman. The motion was declared out of order because there Is already a committee appointed, and that committee has given the company its ultimatum. "There was no 'danger of disrup tion' other than that the expulsion of five members was discussed and re ferred to n committee. We feel Justi fied in this action, because one of the five men had previously acted on a self-constituted committee that went to see General Manager Sllllman and was condemned for it by our interna tional president. "Our' position today is stronger than it ever was and wo feel that no think ing man will say we are asking any thing unreasonable." The committee to which the case of the five members was referred will, It is expected, make a leport at the meeting to be held this morning. Much Interest attaches to the outcome of the committee's recommendation and the action of the division, WILL ASK $10,000. Recotder Connell to Request Council to Appropriate That Amount for Handling of Smallpox. Recorder W. Xi. Connell stated yes terduy afternoon that he will send a brief message to common council on Thursday night requesting that an emergency fund of $10,000 be appro priated for the bureau of health the same to be expended by the superin tendent of the bureau in case of the further spread of smallpox. He will tequest also that the ordinance appro priating this .amount bo passed as quickly ns possible. Theio weie no new developments In the situation yesterday, no new cases of the disease having been repotted to the bureau of health to the contin ued surprise of tho authorities. The Parry girl, who Is 111 with the disease In the Meur's building In West Scran ton, is reported to be in a very dan geious condition and fears for her re covery are expressed. Work on the emergency hospital on the West Mountain Is being pushed with all possible speed and everything will, be In readiness for uhc by to morrow. The fact that no new cases have been reported Is not at all deterr ing the authorities from taking every precaution. The vaccination epidemic Is still spreading and nearly every other per son on the street wears a doleful ex pulsion and says things when any body touches his or her nrm. The pris oners at the county Jail have alt been vaccinated during tho past few days. To the South via New Jeisey Central. The Now Jersev Central rallioad is tho only line offeilpg Pullman service to winter tesorts in tlio South and the cimriesion exiiwsmuii, vwm uiu one chunge of cais. Lowest rates and quickest time. Pull man reservations secured and baggage checked through. Inquire of J. s. Swisher, district piiHBenger agent, i02 West l.aokawaunu avenue, Scranton, Wanted. A young nam who can Justruot on the violin, and can play first vloljn In a good orchestra, to exchange these ser vices for educational advantages. Cor net player also wonted on slmllur termB. Address, Muslo Dopt., State Normal School, Uloomsburg, Pa. Card of Thanks. Mr, 1,'inules Kurtz and family, of lis New York stieet, desire to thank nil Who In uny way rendpjed assistance In their late bereavement., Chmles Kurtz apd Family, The ladles of the Fenn Avepue Bap tist church wll serve a chicken supper In the church parlors Thursday even In, Jan, S3, beginning at 5.30 p. m. " Marriage Licenses. Joecpli SUwinsLy ,,,,,, ,., ,..Suji;ton Mary Gutikja , , Seraniou TUonus Caibondalo Male Puffy ,..,,Caibotida,lo Christopher II. Luthge , ..,,., Sorant on Jennie May Price , fc'crauton ANNUAL MEETING OF BOARD OF TRADE Officers Were Elect ed and the Yearly Reports of the Of ficers Were Read. Vice-President A. W". Dickson Had No Opposition for the Presidency . - At the annual meeting of the Scran ton Board of Trade held yesterday tho following officers were elected: Presi dent, A. W. Dickson; vice-president, John T. Porter: secretary, D. B. Ather tonj treasurer, Joseph Levy; trustee for three 'years, Hon. William Connell. Reports of the retiring president, J. A. Lansing and Secretary D. B. Athcrloii were read. The meeting was called to order nt noon by President Lansing who soon after relinquished the chair to Vice President A. W, Dickson ns he hod to leave the city on the 12.45 train. W. II. Taylor, of tho special committee, ap pointed to consider ithe matter of the city councils granting franchises to street railway companies without ade-. quate compensation presented the fol lowing report which was adopted with out discussion. Jin. taylob's nnroii i The Scranton Hoard of Trade, J. A. I.Jii-Ini;, President, Scranton, l'a. Pear Sit: On Ben, 10, 1"01. the boaid of dado adopted tho following resolutions: "Resorted, That it is tho sentc of Ihis lioaid of tradu that the ordinance now pending in coun cils gTantlnjr a, francht-c for new stieet uihvay should not pan in ita ireent fonn. "Keoled, That tliU hoard Is npruMrd to Riant ing (ranchi-M In perpetuity. "Retolvcd, That Ihlt boanl N opposed to Bruit ing valuable frandil'M without some adiquato compensation. "Ilesobcd, That a committee lie appointed to bring our protct before council"." Acting under the same tho undeulgneil com mittee, in conjunction with members of the city common council who nko were opposed to the pas-sago o the franchises as they lead at tint time, met in confeienco the prouiolm; of tho proposed new street railway njstcni nnd the re Flit of those conferences: was the teeming of ei tain modifications of the ordinances as they tXoail on Pec. 13, 1001, which modifications arc indi cated in nccompinjing copy of oidlinnce. Pile of Common Council, No. f,l, as amended Pec. 2, 1901. You will notice that among other things secured was the recognition of tho psinciplo ot the right tint the city should be paid a Uk on the gioss receipts of the company, nnd while jour committee and the inemheis of council who bo ably agisted them In this matter did not Mi cure all that v.n desired, yet It was the best we could obtain. We hae also (retired other important ino'lilica tions, including tho following: First The fleeing of the city fiom liability arising fiout any of the following causes: (a) I'rom all diinages and wt of every natuie arising from the grading of any street or itieets or paits of Btrtet or stioels which might be occu pied by the proposed street railway. (I) Failure to keep protected with phnlts all tracks wheio T Lilts are u-ed. (c) Kteiy accident tlnough any weakne-s in any bridge which lias been subjected to any ad ditional strain from occupation or use by pro posed fatrect ralluajs. Second. The changing of width of narrowc-t street on which double tuck could be laid from twcnty-fio feet to thittv-thrce feet. Third An agreement to lun all ears on their trunk lines at least five minutes headway. 1'outth An agreement to pae and repae on all bridges used by proposed htiect rallw.ijs. Fifth An obligation on tho pait of the Wet I'.nd Street Railway company, the Xoith Kntl Street Hallway company and the South Side Street Hallway company to enlei' into an agiec ment with each other and the city to giie and accept transfer, one from the otlici. no that a passenger could be cairicd from the starting point on any one road to the end of the line on any of the other ptopo-cd roads, for olie fare of five cents. Pcipctuity of l'ianchic3 On this phase of the subject there was very little dUciiSsion, It being early developed that the promoteis did not feel that they could well flnince the road if the tcim of the fisiiclilao ms limited, and the subsequent meetings were taken up with the discussion of the other modifications and befoio Doc, 2H, 1001, no further full dlscii&don of the matter was hail. This icport is respectfully submitted and the discharge of joitt committee requested. ' William II. Tajlor, I'.benezer A'illlain, .1. IlcnJ. Dliumlck, C'ommli'.rc Stiuiilun, Pa,, Jan, 20, 1002. SM'PLUMENTAb JlUI'OIt'f. The Scranton Board of Trade, ,1, A. Lansing, President, (scranton, li. Pear Mr: As n supplementary lepott to that of the above named committee, thu undersigned begs to report that hclieilisg It to be within the fcopa of tho tplrit of the icsolutlons under which that commit tru was acting and believing that the time was opportune for audi action, lie person ally aw the oilkers of the Reunion Traction tonipany and secured frem llicm a volnntaty otter nf taxation on its gro.s teceiptt tu he paid to the city as follow: Jjnuaiy l, 10W. Sir, W. II. '('avlor, 3.12 JI.ulion avenue, Scranton, Pa. Dear Sir: As a ic.ult of tlio recent coiifuicnccs held tvltlt.vou, the .Scullion Hallway company clo thes to t'spuvs Its ircogtiltton of the giowth duilng the past .vcar throughout this coiiimuii!i.v, as well as el-cnlicte throughout the country, of COURSEN' S GEM FLOUR To allow the difference be tween the fiueat Flour that cau be made and the average brauds. We will sell Coiir sen's Gem Flour, Monday, Tuesday aud Wednesday, (one sack only) at $r.oo, our regular price is less than dealers ask for inferior grades, N, B: Always heat flour before mixing. E. Q. Coursen HiigiX IBS A. W. DICKSON. New President of tlio Iloird of Tiadc. a trong public fentlinent In favor of the public coipoiiitlons boning it luge proportion of the' municipal taxation. As explained to oii, there have been icaons In the part, which also apply to the prpsent and the near future, which have made and (till make it impossible for the Scranton Hallway company to Increase its burden of taxation until the ie.ioiis rcfened to arc no longer in force. We fully apprcchle, however, tint the stiong public tentlmrnt rofctrcd to must he recognized and met by our company to as gieat an extent and as soon as the milling power of our company will enable it to do so. The condition? which have surrounded our company during the past, prefent conditions and the prospects of the fu ture, were clearly explained to jou, and any sources of Information within our reach ale of fered to jou for xerincatlon of tho fctatcnients which wu have made to jou, as to whnt this com piny has done in the past, Is still doing, and pioposes to do for tho city of Hcianton, and also as to tho methods by which we hive nnived nt the amount of taxation which the estimated fu ture earning power of the company will enabli It to pay to the city. Wo now desire to make voliuitully, tliiough jou, to the municipal authorities ot the city of Scranton, the following pioposltlon: First That the bcianton Hallway company will agiee to pay to the city the following percentages per annum upon tho gross earnings of all ni Its lines operated within the city limits, beginning with the .voir 1001: 1001 1 per cent. U'Oj V,i per cent. ltHW per cent. 1D07 2' per cent. 1003 3 per cent. 1000 .1 pei cent. 1010 , 3 per cent. 1011 Rtj ptr cent. 1012 3ti per cent. 10K! 3',-i per cent. 10 U 1 per tent. 1013 por cent. 1010 4 per cent. 101" and thcie.ifter B percent. Second That tho above peiccntages on our gross earning are to be in lieu of all taxation or licenses of any l.iud bj the municipality upon the property or earnings uf the lOinpanv, or oth er.-, he. Thltd Tint the oidtnauces alieady passed by tho city million! lo-, creating a tax of 5 per cent, upon the earnings of this company, shall be i. rclndcil. Fourth That ordinances shall be passed cov eting fixation in accotdance with the above proposition, in such fonn as shall be agieed upon between the city solicitor and the counsel of this company. In conclusion, we desiie ito ay that we have done our utmost in this matter, to consider this question in the right siiiiit of falrnc-s aud jus tice, apd have gone as far ns we could, con scientiously, to meet jour views, the extieme limit of r per cent, being reached In the above rising scale of taxation, notwithstanding the fact that an far as our knowledge1 goes, tliete is not a city under 20',U00 population, and vciy few of any ;ie in the United States, where any such rites of taxitlon aie imposed. Vciy trill; yours, Sctanloii Hallway Compiny, lly f. Jf. Cla:k. President. This olfer has been submitted to the city aud an mdliiaiicc covering the same was intioduccd in common council Jan. 0. 1002. Vciy truly joins, William If. Tailor. PHLSIDCNT'S IlKPOllT. The repot t of Piesldent Lansing: was then read by Secretary Atherton. It wan as follows: It Is the custom of the letiiing picsideut to make tonic ic'tciicc to the woik of the boaul dining his administration. Mine xvill be brief and only icfer to the existing conditions, as tho annual lepott of jour seciotuy gives full detailed infoiniation ns to the pcclftii woik of this or ganization. One of the questions which jou will and ou-ht to ask is: What h.i3 ilia liuird done during iho pa-t jeir what has 't contiibiited to the de velopment of jndustrlil intcirsls and the pios prrit) of our city? Jlcasuied by nppaient ic suits, 1 ln.ij- say that little has been accom plished. New manufactories have not been added to our niimhcw, Some plants iu cniiise of erection have been Mulshed and put into oper ation duiing the jcar. Of llio-e alieady located here, iniuj- have largely Inc leased tlulr capacity and output, I.aboi has been continuously em ployed (a.s far as It would permit itFclf to be). A large volume of business has been liaiu.nit'J. Hank deposits, dealings ami postal ticelpts nil show a large increase. In building, we have held our own. There has never been tv jear in the history ot our board when tlieie were as many manufac turing plants that have appealed U us for infoi niation looking tow.inl tho locating' of their plautsTu our citj, Ac have never had so many cheap and satisfactory sites that wu could of fer. 'Iho vailous committees mid indlvlihi'il membets of the boaul, aided by our secretarj", have been earnest, cneigetle and lojal, aud hue Used every cftort to bring woithy and pins-neious manufacturers here. Alas, all rftotls Iu this ill lec tion have come to nought. When all other dlin ciillics have been oven nine, we have stranded upon this tock: "Wo Hud that time is Midi a feeling of among Iho mechanics and la bours of Scuiilon. and vicinity that we won't come," So all ot our advantages have louutcd for nothing. In tliU icpect, we liavo not only stood still,' but some of our huge institutions have seiiomly considered tho advlsibillty of mow ing In whole or in part their plants ftotii our city. This condition of attalis Ins been tinhairiss Ing both to the pctmauciit pioperlly of our In duAlrlea and tho fiituto welfuu of this city. It is not my pliiposc to enter Into a discus sion on tlio value or placo of Iho professional labor agitator, ) will ay, lion ever, that for the past two jeais, he has been a hoodoo and miUaiiio iu Scranton. Our cniplojcs are, iu the main, lionet, fair ami honorable citizen. wish Iu urge upon both tint there ran he no pen malient pio;-pully uncs all pull together for a common good. Without the Incentive for the fullest development of Individual piuoualltj, men cannot lUe finui humble walks o llfo Into p.-sl-tlous of wealth and influence, lively nun of wealth who occupies an Influential position, as well as cvt'iy latgc manufacturer Iu our city, has uisnl himself from humble clicumstaures by thrill, Industry and bclf-dcnlal, ami 1 have je( tu ment a succestful man in Sciautoit who docs not desire, Hist of all, to tec all men enjoy equal success. No man commands gieatcr honor iu our community tluu the honest, Industrious man with a dinner lull, who, If ho doc4 not achieve wealth and honor for h'ni.ilf, will see his chil dren occupjlng the highest positions iu piofes stoiul, political and commercial life, I trust Iho day Is not far distant when the man who works only with the Jaw, will llud no place in tliU community. I desire to thank joa all for the honor of jour confidence, and the ccrdlal support jou have given me duiing tho past two jeais. I wish par dentally to thank jou for again honoring me with a unanimous nomination for u third term and sssutc jou that I have lit vets felt so stiong ' ' i ' ' ' ' - .Continued, on Page 8. WIlESTIiINa TONIGHT. Dan S. ToZood Will Meet Prof. M. J. Dwyer nt Bicycle Club. The wrestllnrr imUcli, between I), H. McLeod nnd Prof. At, J, Dwyer, which Is lo he nulled oft tonight nt the Benin ton Bicycle :lulj, In cieitllnif Widespread Intoteet nnd promises to lie one of tile bent coiiIgfIs ot Its hind ever seen In HiIh city. Mcleod nrrrlved In HiIh city Innt illicit In the pink of condition, nnd mild he would welnh In nt 1C5 pouiulx. Up Is conslderpd to he ono of the hept inlddlcwclKht wrestlern In the country, nnd recently nliiycd for nn hour nnd n half with blfir Tom Jenkins, who clalinn lo ln tho chnmplou ot the'j'nlted Htutcn. Tho match Ih for it purso of $200 put up by tho club nnd a side bet ot $100 each. AIcLcod mtrccn lo throw Dwyer twlco In ono hour, uatch-nn-catch-cun, or lose tho match. Admlsnlou In not limited to club members and tho rjen crnl public will bo received. Heats to accommodate -100 persons liavo been erected In amphitheatre utjie In tho ballroom. The men will go on the mat nt 9.30 o'clock sharp. RECORDER TO MINISTERS Ho Addressed Methodist Clergymen on Municipal Government in the Elm Park Church. llbcortler "W. L. Connell, In the course of un Informal talk on municipal government delivered yesterday morn ing, before the Methodist Ministers' association, In tho Elm Park church, took up the Aluehlbronncr or "rlppor" bill, and declared it to be ono of tho" most admirable measures ever framed and passed by a stnto legislature for tho government municipality. Tlio most ndmlrablo feature of Hie bill, he said, Is that It centralizes re sponsibility and gives the executive of ficers greater scope, so that If any thing goes wrong or If an Injustice be done, the citizen can placo his hand on tho man responsible. There Is no possibility of responsibility being di vided now, he said. The recotder took occasion to com pliment the clergymen present upon tho fact that Methodist ministers de vote their entire time and attention to the spiritual side of their work and very seldom meddle In affairs outside of their province. It Is unwise and un-American, he said, for any citizen to prejudge an ad ministration before it has got fairly started and before the executive head has all the reins of government In his grasp. As an Instance of this point, he referred to the letter sent by Dr. Pnrkhurst to Mayor Seth Low, of Now York city, In which tho latter was threatened with dire things If he failed to strictly enforce the excise law. It was 'unfair, he said, to take It for granted that Mayor Low Intended to wink his eye at violations of the law before ho had an opportunity to set the great wheels of tho administration in thorough working order. The clergymen present at the meet ing woie as follows: Itevs. C. H. Ilenvj-. J. N. Bailey, H. C. McDermott, H. A. Greene, G. C. Lyman, F. P. Doty, Gustav Bobllin, II. C. Nowing, S. C. Simpklns, C. M. Glfiln, M. D. Fuller, G. A. Cure, A. GrliTln, J. Madison. D. P. Bentlej. B. M. Pascoe, F. Gendall, and K. B. Singer. CHARGED WITH ASSAULT. William Bair Accused by George Chamberlain, a Motormnn, Held Under $300 Bail. William Bair, foreman of the Lack awanna Telephone company's con struction gang, was hold under $309 ball yesterday afternoon by Magis trate Howe on a charge of assault and battery preferred by Stephen Dyer, of the Scranton Hallway company, acting in behalf of George Chamberlain, a motorman employed by the company. A hearing in the case was conducted In the municipal building In tho after noon. The story told by Chambeilaln vvus to the effect that on Thursday morn lug lust while his car was stopped on South Main avenue near Bock street he noticed his conductor and the driv er of a brewery wagon In a light. He went over to them and attempted to separate them and while doing so was btruck from behind on the head by some person. He couldn't Identify Dall as the man who had struck him. S. B. McKeevey anil James Anthony, comprising the crow of another car which was nearby at the time of the incident, swore positively that Bair struck Chamberlain on tho head with out provocation. Chamberlain, ho said, had not Btruck tho driver of the biew ery wagon but was simply trying to take his whip out of his hands. Attorney John V. Scragg, who rep resented the defendant, sought to get the witnesses to ndmlt that Chamber lain and lils conductor were striking the brewety wagon dilvor with black Jacks nnd that Bair only interfered be cause ho couldn't stand by and see two men pounding one, but they stucl: to their stories and persisted in saying that Chamberlain was merely trying to take the whip away fiom the drivor, Attorney Scragg offeied to prove by fifteen witnesses that the stoiies lold by .the street cur men woio absolutely false and that Bair meiely Interfered tor humanity's sake. Magistrate Hovvo stated that It was not necessary to This is the time of the year when your winter, begins to look ssedy, We pre pared for this emergency by having our llOHLOKS spiing derbies shipped early, The crowns are higher and tapering, the brims in different widths to suit the wearer.the quality the best 3.00 hat made or it wouldn't be here, 9pr sVsshlogUo AmTT hear tho defense nnd held Bair under $300 ball which was furnished. Theic wiisiimtch unfair criticism of the innBlstriitc's nctlon ntler the hear ing, It being contended that he should have heard tho defense. In explaining bis action ho stilted that even if llf teen or twenty witnesses had sworn directly contrary to the three street car meil he would still have been obliged to hotel Bair under ball because of this very fact. When there Is n di rect contradiction of sworn testimony, ho said, tho magistrate's only choice Is to send tho cane lo cottit ami let u Jury puss on tho evidence. Ills action In refusing to hoar tho defense was mere ly to save time. DIED FROM HYDROPHOBIA Fatal Results Attend a Bito from n Bog, Sustained by Qeorge Dunn, of Bcmlham. George, the 12-year-old son ot Mr. and Mrs.' At. W. Dunn, of Ilendhum, died yesterdny ns the result of an at tack ot hydrophobia, The boy was bit ten by a dog five weeks ago, tho ani mal's teeth penetrating tho lad's upper lip nnd nostrils. Tho wounds were thor oughly cauterized at tho time, and he appeared to bo improving rapidly, Last Frhlny night, however, young Dunn became violent, nnd continued so during Saturday, when he frothed tit the mouth, snarled at his attendants, barking nnd biting at thein, and crawl ing on his hands and knees, drank water from a pall. Kvorythlng possible wns done to al lay his sufferings, but the end wus In evitable, and he died In agony yester day. Tho distressing circumstances at tending the boy's death has excited the utmost sympathy In the little town. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Under tlili headlnr short letters of interest will lie published when accompanied, for publica tion, by the writer's name. Tlio Tribune does not uiume responsibility for opinions here eipressed. The Cost of Vaccination. Editor of The Tilbune. Sir: Under the hendlne; "Ksoibltanl Clniges," In'n Times the following accu sation against the plijlcl,ins ot bcranton: "It is neither fair nor honorable to lake advantag.' ot public cultemcnt or nn epidemic to squeeze the people." JIr. I.'ditor, I vvi-Ii to emphatically deny the charge physician mo now- or ever have been utility of taking advantage of public excite ment to squeeze the people. On tho other hand, we have been nude tlio butt of ridicule by the business world for ntteinptln; to in.iliit.iiii our piofessional dignity by rcfulnlnfr fiom commer cialism. ' I defy the Times lo show tint the physicians arc cluigiiiff for vaccination .my inoic tli-n they duly tlMige for other professional duties lcquii In? i's much careful attention and lhk us does vai'dnation. I ague with the Time.i when it sa.v that "the ph.vsleian in with us at our blith, through our sickness nnd .it our dath, .md vve ate prone not to mvc hint the credit for hi- countless ruil flccv, of lieultli, pleasuie, coiiifoili of home, lcis uie, and many things that go to make lift pleas ant. A Is practically a tlavo and ought to bo well paid for his labor. 1 maint ilu further that iu cvciy epldemlo ot mull-pox or jcllnvv fever, tlio- pbsiri..ins have liecn the Bicitost Hifleirrs. They Invc liken then livess In their hinds and, fiepaiutiug tliem prltes fiom their families' and dear ones hive continued at their pot of duly, livishly using their own scanty for the comfotts ot others; vvoiking fur ollin.s without thought of remuneration until they weakened by ccposide or oveiwoik and surcuinhed to the fatal milady, or until Mich a time .is theii cervices wetc no longer required. Docs this look us if Ihe pli.vslcians are neither "fair no honotablc," and that tlicy "take ad vantage of public eeitcmciit or an epidemic to squcci! tho people"? Moieover, instead of following the spirit uf coimneicialiiiii Iu attempting to increase- their business, the- j.iofctaion has alivavrf been the piactieal phllantlnopiit. Ti it is due all the advances which have been nndc, not only to cuio ilii-casc, but to pievent it. 'J lie central thought of the profession today Is Fanltation or liovv to preseive the health of the people. I will illustralo this by citing the bcnellls do lived from vaccinal ion. for which we aie ac cused of making exorbitant charges'. In a pi.u tire of inedlc'lnc, published ill tho jeir 17".. befflic vaccination was known, the author slates that email-pot was the most common ot all dis eases, only four or live poisons out of 100 atc-up-Ing. Out of this number, seven would die ut the dl'euse. Xovv, thanks to the piofesslon for vaccination, the number of cases is only a small fraction of ono per cent, l'or this, the Times najs It voices public opinion in declatiiig we aie dunging too much for vaccinating ,m applicant. We do not believe that bitch in' the publ'c opinion. Wc know, fiom past rpciieiiies, Hi it the ph,vs!ci!inH of .Seiaiilou have nlwa.Vi, been willing and glad to adiiiiuUler to the wauls of tho needy and if tlieie aio any pei.sons in lbs city ton poor lo pay for vacciimtioii, theie Is no phy.,, who, if they will apply, will nui In willing In vaccinate thcui free of chaige. 'il.o honest public is willing to pay for what it le ceives. It well knows that the pi.ictlcc of medi cine is tho least rciminciatiic of all vocations iccpiiriug an equal pieparatiou, ability aud skill. Wc again agree with tho Times when it says that tho l.uge tiuijoilty of people would picfer to pay a icasoiuble fee to their icgvilar phjslciau to going tu a public station to get fico Inoculation. Aeiy liuly, L. S. nw, M, X). Sir.iiitou, .Ian, 211. Our Second Alii Mil IS PROGRESSING NICELY s- Price k Jenkins, sMs?"$$4 $$$$ ! Qsis, Feints end Varnisli ! v & MaIon?y Oil & Manufacturing Company, t 141-149 Meridian Strest. TELEPHONE 26-2, fa 4 4 4 f J' $ $ 'J ! "' ! 4 4 41 i We can supply your wuuts in t Enameled I- Duck, 4 4 Storm 4 f 4 4- on ' 4 4" 4 4 4" 4- Bittenbender&EL 4 126-128 Franklin Ave. 4 4" 4 4 4 4" 4 41 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .j. ! 44,44,444'4'44i.4'44'411 Last Chance to secure bargains in Bat tenberg Patterns, Pillow Tops and Stamped Linen Goods. Our special sale of the above lines lias been a great success and will last only six days more. It will pay to visit our store before sale closes. Cramer- Wells Co., 130 Wj'omins Avenue. 'Phone 353-3. 4'I4'44"I44:$4444444!'4444444p ANO YOUR OLD PHONOCRAPH SPEAKER BUYS THE NEW BALL BUTTON EDISON SPEAKER. CHARLES B. SCOTT, 1t9 FRANKLIN AVENUE Broken Ribs Are Painfull 'And caused Injun in th" bodv, The 5nf est aid cheapest, it. Iu i.ivo it hit- f mediate attention. II' IS YOU): tnt 1 j IIHIXIA wo ate spc iking about. Wo 1 euro the above-mentioned ailment, ami ' f uUo carry tho largest lino of Umbrolhir '.'.' nnd l'aiasols iu (l.o city. The Scranton Umbrella Manufacturing: Co.f 313 Spiuco Street. OF MUSLIN 1 In piei-eiillng this line vv wish tu stale that each gaiment is guuanteed to lie exactly Ji rip. lifciiUil. Tho vvoikmansliip, tewing, etc., is all tint human skill can .iiinmplUh. Tho iitluo.c e.uu ami attention is given In tho lowest lit piiie as well as the highest, 'tin nulciuls".trj of tlio bent ever nuelu to weal. 'Jh Miles ail of the litest eloigns and up to date pitterun, 'Iho following aro 11 few pikes wu olfei an leaders', I'laln t'oisi't Covers, Xahuuok, 1'eirl t()r" HutloiH , lui Good Jlttslln Ugvvii, lucked joke, lawn Cflr initio v" nccU "3UU Drawers, mule of Tiult of Loom Jlujlin, "JCr" tucked and liciiustltcbid At,u I.nng klrls. 1'Jllilillc, liwu rufile, hciiv- Qfln hlltlhlll, tucU, dust lufllo "JU J-li.nt Skirts, cambiiu liwu, lieinslltclicd Jsp nittlu ,)0L Alsii a lino nt higher giadu giiments, arrang ing iu pilio up to SlS.OO each, Wc nU luatk a Hieeially of maltlieil tulls for Tiuiuscmiis. " Also a laigo lli.e of Ladles' and Maids' Aprons, 130 Wyoming Ave 4 f