The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 20, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    ft. H-t ith$i& 'ft,1 "Sf
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. '
I Don't I
in Rotting a snwiibo
Morroll'B siuv sot In
stead, Beta every tooth
true no (lunger ot
breaking them oft. Ad
justablewarranted. Price 75c
Foote & Shear Co.
119 N. Washington Ave
Title Guarantee
....1 Crt el nol? fni' S.llO
ttiui j,u-i. v u. ..-. ,--t - .
shaic. The pet nnouciai jiiiiih"
of cur city. It lias all the fcntiucs
of a lunk and scleral that a lunk
1ms not pot.
Clark &Snover
Teliae co Co. stork, common and pre
fcnul: safe as :t Tliu stOCK
makes coed collateral. V
Dime Deposit o
and Discount 11 ink stock, Haie you ()
seen their latest statement! A
Brewery Bonds 0
The Ccntul rcunsjlvanla ntcwlng To. V
is in better shipe than evoi, h per V
cent. poM boniK A
Comegys & Co.,
V Dime Building, Scranton
V 'Phones luP. USt and 'Jlll-2.
W? Are Specialists
In the line of Infants' wcat. and
have miny dainties which you can
not find elsewheic. Our goods
aie ju.-l a little more dwindle
than othcis. We will answer join
questions nml send Catalogue. But,
hotter still, come and see us.
10 Spruce C:reet.
fl Cordial Invitation
Is extended to work
ingmen, clerks, women
and to all to open a
savings account with
this bank.
Dr. J. L. Peek and Edward Lnngley
entertained a sleighing party Tuesday
evening. .Those present were: Miss
Uackley, of Hartford, Conn.; the
Misses Louise Matthews, 13, Mayer, E.
llowells, Charlotte and Helen Hand,
(.'. Bonnell, EIoIbg and Evelyn Qllmore,
and Colonel Fred Sdllwell, Dr. L. Ken
nedy, Arthur Foote, Ilovan Decker,
A'an Duten, and L'larente Ullmore.
The marilugo of Attorney A. J.
Colborn, clerk of, the United States
circuit court, nml Miss Ulauche An
drews, of Philadelphia, will take place
next Wednesday at the Epiphany
Episcopal church, Philadelphia,
The engagement of Mr. M, II. Uur
gunder, of AVllltes-Uarre, Who was
formerly Miss Frank, of this city, find
Max Gallaud, of the firm of Gulltmd
Brother:, of AVIlkeH-Uurre, has been
Mta Kalhryno Do.sle, of ltallioail avenue, U
spending u few elas In Jfcw Voik.
MU Keating, ot Doier, X. !., Is the
gu.vt or Jlrs, 1". 1 Dully, of lt loo ti(c(.
Uj.iu llarilf, of North lliomley au'nuc, is m
llaidcton to .ittcml the funeral of hU aunt today,
Mr, and Mm, I'atilck I'lymi, of 1'iitli menue,
u- cittei tabling their daughter, Jlis. John !.y.
decker, of Ix'jacl;, Jf, V,
Lieutenant Oity lielph and Millard I'. II. by
lean: this morning on a plea.iiie tiip to .lark,
ouvllle, fit, Til-)' will vUlt Washington, llich.
iiiond and I liailotpn liefoic returning.
Itodncy ,, .Mcrnir, Coloi.el Kdwuul D.irlou,
Uill.iii Maell and I .Mel'lienni, 'I'unamlj lit
joiney, aie hem tt aiuno liiadfu.-.l lounly iae
ln'fore, Ihe fiupeiloi loint toda), 'Hii-y ma .top
pliiK at the Jcrmjn,
John V p'Malley, of t'uehlo, Co)., founeily
of tlili city, it lltin lelatlvfs and form?r
noficbbcm l.iro ai.d In Lupine t-ojnty. Mr,
O'Malley ou thiw rlili gold mines in fylonib,
the CJIbbom, tho Uracu ami a third in the lluU
district, m ct imnanicd which vu Jiwt bivn
openeil and which vioniisea to la a bonanza. Mr,
O'MalJey is the, solo owner of lif mines, lie f
brother of Thomaj O'Malley, furniture ileiler,
ot Aioca,
"Boston" , Brown Bread.
A delicious change from the biead
ordinarily eaten, b Hunley's "Boston"
Brown Bread. Properly made and
perfectly baked, It is very grateful to
the breud-tlra palate. Order at 429
gnritce street,
Boiled the First and Last Ball at the
Old Mill.
Fifty-font- yenrn ngo tho Hint rail wast
rolled In the old rolling mill ot tho
Liirkawaiinu. Iron and Steel company.
Oiie of tho men who handled It was
Thoinns Byron, of Mooslc street, now
approaching the end of bin fourth Hcote
of years. Thursday liml tho company
was finishing an order of rails, theJtiRt
to be rolled, prior to the removal of the
mill to Buffalo. The fuel thot the man
who helped roll the first hill was nllll
nllvo and tfttlte active, occurred to Home
of the old officials and they sent for
him to come lu the mill nml insist In
the rolling: of the Inst rnll. Ho came,
took oft his coat, noised t'te nippers,
and swung the rail Into the rolls with
a- vigor that bolokewd plenty of
strength loft In muscles he had hard
ened like Iron in the half a hundred
years he spent In the heavy work of a
rolling mill.
Tho Incident was witnessed by a
large crowd, many of whom had, like
Mr. Byron, spent practically their whole
llvfh In the mill. To them It wns an
nffcetlng scene.
The tearing down of the mill' began
Saturday. Every vcstlgn of It will be
removed with ull tho other buildings on
the company's tract to mako way for
the power station, shops and yards of
the new rapid transit company.
Much Pleased with the Profit-Sharing'
Scheme of the Scranton
Stove Works.
Tliero was a mooting of the moulders
of the Scranton Stove works Saturday
morning, at which John Fish was se
lected to express to their employers the
gratification they felt upon receiving
the money paid them Friday as their
portion of the profits of the concern for
tho year 1901, under tho plan outlined
to them one year ago by President J.
A. Lansing.
The expression took the form of a
letter, which was as follows:
To Mr. Lansiiur, and Ihe Several Members of the
riim of the Scranton Stoe WorU.
Mrs: I am requested by the inoldeis in your
employ, to tender jci a vote of thanks, for the
oluntary girt of hit .ton teim their shaie In
the prolltj of your liuslnc-s fr the jear I00I. We
uppieclatc tint jour object, in so doing is to ic
ment and make mote hm reunions the leli'ions
which you think ought to e.M between our
selves and your We alo wish to Mate
tint we ate awaia that this is not your first
attempt to biing about those amicable feeling!!
tonatds one another; Imt as the awarding of
piizcs for men who bail t tic least disioiml lor a
year was felt bj- onlv a few of lis, tbU second
attempt on jour pail U an iinproMinent on
your generous intent, iniMiiurh as It touches cv-crj-
one of j'our employes, both man and boy.
We alo to state that to our knowledge,
yoms is the only linn in Scranton that has at
tempted to cany out such a piojctt, and that it
is a commendable c.vimplc for the other maun
faituuis to follow, who arc doing business in
our city. We hope that the prosperity of your
firm will continue, and that the j'ear 1002 will be
even more prosperous than the j'ear just past.
I express tl.eje sentiments in lu'lnlf of tli;
mohlers now in jour emploj.
Your cbedient eerunt,
.I.iIim IVh.
The following was tecelved from t
committee representing the other em
ployes of the works:
To the Viosidcnt and Mcmbeis ot the Scranton
Stove Finn.
f-entlemen: We, the eniployw of jour firm,
lender our sinccie thanks for the gencioun and
magnanimous manner jou have tieated us in
i-liaring with us jour profits for the jear 1901.
It is leally inoic than we cNpeeled and we all of
us wi-h 3 the jears roll hj-, a continuance of
j our prospcritj-.
And wo further hope that eaib cmploje will
do bis utmost to advance (he interests ot the
Committee John Twaddle, wood pattern depait
ment; Oeorge 1). niandr, mounting department;
Ceorgo fielder, mounting department; John T.
Kvaius, lion pattern depattment; Charles Rreavcr,
shipping department; James Politic, recorder of
castings; Thomas Hunsichrr, nickel plating de
partment; Joe Wels, cleaning department.
Testimony on the Cost Thereof Being-
Taken for the CourtWit
nesses Heard Saturday.
Depositions were taken Saturday
before Commissioner AVillis D, Coston
lu the matter of fixing the compensa
tion of the sheriff for feeding prison
ers. The county commissioners had been
erroneously assuming this duty, and
were contemplating a reduction, at the
suggestion of Controller Jones, when
Sheriff Sehadt forestalled them' by
showing through his attorneys, O'Brien
& Martin, that it was the court and
not the commissioners, who have the
authority to fix tho compensation.
The sheriff Is at present receiving
twenty-five cents a day for feeding
each prisoner, and he contends that
tills 1b not too much. The controller
holds that this flguie Is too high. The
court declined to pass upon "tho mat
ter until It had some light, and ac
cordingly appointed Mr. Coston as com
missioner to take the testimony cash
side had to offer In support of Its con
tention. SheilfC Sehndt's side of the case win
heard Saturday. He had M, J. Healey
and Charles Senker to tell the price of
groceries; George AV. Beemer, supeiln
tendent of the poor farm, to give the
cost of feeding Inmates of Hillside
Home; T. i Melvln, Peter Rosar and
Martin O'Connor, to tell of the cost ot
different commodities purchased for
hotels, and ex-Sheriffs John J, Fnhey
and Frank Jl, demons to ti-ll of tho
expense of feeding prisoners during
their respective terms as sheriff.
Sheriff Kehatlt also went on the stnnd
and testified to the bill of fare ho
servos in the different seasons, tho
quality and quantity of. provisions pur
chased, and tho expense of preparing
and nerving meals.
The other side of the cube is to be
hoard next Saturday. O'Brien & Mar
tin represent tho sheriff. Tho commis
sioners a ro represented by County So
llcllor H, Ij, Taylor and tho controller
by ex-Judge J, AV. Carpenter,
Annual Meeting of the Title
Guaranty and Trust Company,
The Title Oumnnty and Trust com
pany held Its annual meeting Satin clay
and re-i-lected Its board of directors
composed of O, s, Johnson, Thomas B.
Jones 'J'. H, AVrttklns, AugiiBt Bobln
son, George B, Smith, AA", F, Hallstcad,
C, V. Matthews, E. P, Kingsbury,
EmeU AA'onen, Joseph O'Brien, H. A.
Knapp, h. A. AVatres, E. U Fuller, of
Scranton; Abram Nesbltt, A. II. Mo
Cllntock and John V. Holleuback, of
The directors will meet for organi
zation next Saturday,
Six-Year-Old Child Died Yesteidny
Afternoon and Wns .Hurled last
Night Her Father Unnblo to
Evon View the Body No New
Cases Reported Yesterday Prob
nble Manner in Which Lewis Con
tracted the Disease and Brought
It Here Fliemen Vaccinated.
Much to tlte surprise- of the health
authorities, there have been no new
cases of small-po reported during tho
past two days. This fact, however, has
not caused tho slightest relaxation In
the precautionary measures already
The only Important development in
tlte situation yesterday was tho death
of 0-ycnr-old Grace Brace, daughter ot
Mrs. A . J. Brace, who died lnst weak
at her home on Noith Bromley avenue,
whore 0. J. Lewis died ot small-pox
the day before. Tho Brace child con
tracted the small-pox upwards ot
twelve days ago and has been quaran
tined In tho Meat's hall building, on
North Main avenue, since last Tues
day. Tho little girl died yesterday after
noon at 5.30 o'clock and was buried last
night in the Cambria cemetery. A pa
thetic feature of the death was the
fact that the child's father, who is
quarantined at Ills home, was unable
to take a last look at the body before
it was removed to the cemetery for
burial. He brolw down completely
when told of the little one's death and
begged to be allowed to see tins body
before It was placed In the earth, but
the officers were obdurate imd refused
to permit hint to leave tho house.
The 10-year-old daughter of Mrs.
Charles Parry and the -1-year-old Brace
boy are now the only two patients re
maining afflicted with the disease, It
having been discovered that Mrs. Parry
wits suffering from another complaint
entirely dissimilar from small-pox. It
is a significant fact that none of the
three children afflicted with the disease
had ever been vaccinated, while Mrs.
Parry was vaccinated in her early
A strict quarantine is still maintained
at the Brace house, on North Bromley
avenue, as well as at the Mears' hull
building, and officers are guarding the
premises night and day. Health Offi
cer Thomas A. Lewis Is constantly at
work fumigating all places where
there is any likelihood of contagion.
The Salvation Army barrack, on Price
street, has been thoroughly disin
fected, and the Jacks-cm street police
station was filled u 1th formaldehyde
gas yesterdaj' afternoon.
Superintendent Allen, of the bureau
of health, when &een yesterday after
noon, stated that the situation looked
promising1, but that predictions as to
the possible spread of the disease
would be futile until it has been ascer
tained whether or not any ot the per
sons exposed to contagion in Arest
Scranton contract the disease. It will
be impossible to tell this until the end
of the present week.
The manner in which the disease was
probably brought into this city has
been explained by AV. J. Brace to some
of the officers who have been guarding
his home. He says that Lewis, who
came on hero from Ohio, struck up an
acquaintance on the train with a man
from Plymouth, who had gone to
Johnstown to attend a funeral, and
who was returning home.
Brace says that Lewis stated that
this man had complained of having
felt ill and that he had an eruption on
his face. Tlte health authorities are
inclined to believe that Lewis con
tracted the case of small-pox which re
sulted in his death from this mj-ster-lous
AVork on the emergency hospitul,
which Is being erected on the AArest
Mountain a half mile from any habi
tation, is progressing rapidly, and It is
believed it will be ready for use, if
needed, by the middle of the week.
Forty-seven firemen were .vaccina ted
yesterday afternoon In t ho municipal
building by Superintendent Allen, of
the bureau of health. The others will
be vaccinated either today or tomor
row. Every physician In the city is doing
hardly anything these days except
vaccinating the young and the old. A
certain well-known practitioner stated
yesterday that he had vaccinated no
less than seventy-two persons one day
last week and forty-nine another day.
The physicians say that if as many ate
vaccinated this week as last, that when
It draws to a close nearly every per
son In the city In need of vaccination
will have been attended to.
To the South via New Jersey Central.
Tho New Jersey Central railroad Is
the only lino offeilng Pullman service
to winter resorts In tho South and the
Charleston exposition, with but one
ctmriRo of cars.
Lowest rates and quickest tipie. Pull,
man reservations secured and baggage
checked through. Inquire of J, s,
Swisher, district passenger agent, 002
AVesl Lackuwmum avenue, Scranton.
To show the difference be
tween the fiuest Flour tliat
can be made and the average
brands. We will sell Cour
sen's dem Flour, Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday,
(oue sack ouly) at $r.oo, our
regular price is less than
dealers aslc for inferior grades,
N. B: Always heat'flour
before mixing.
E. G. Coursen
Joint Councllmnnlc Committee Will
Meet Tomorrow Night.
Tho Joint estimates commit ten or
councils Will meet tomorrow night In
the select council room for the pur
pose ot considering the estimates for
the fiscal year, beginning on April L
Tho estimates ot the several heads of
department! as trimmed down by Ue
it'ordcr Council and Ids cabinet are be
ing printed ami a copy will be ready
for each member tomorrow night.
The wotk of tho committee will be
greatly simplified by reason otj the'
consideration which the estimates re
ceived tit the hands ot the cabinet.
The llgurcs have been pnted down to
within a fow hundred dollurs of the
estimated evenness so that any
changes which the committee may de
cide to mako will consist In cutting
down certain Items and adding the
amounts taken off to other Items.
It will bo practically impossible to
pass the appropriation ordinance by
February 1, the date on which the
"nipper" bill says It must be passed
and It la believed that no very ener
getic effort will bo made to comply
with the law as regards this particu
lar Instance.
Strong Resolutions Adopted by the
Central Labor Union at Its Meet
ing Yesterday.
The following resolutions were adopt
ed yesterday by the Central Labor
Whereas. We bollcrp the Citizens' Alliance! got
its Inception fioin men who are known to hive
been niitagonUtlu to organised libor and under
its banner has c-mollcd many innocent people;
Whrrcii", Wc brllee many ot the business and
profession il men ef out city bale allied them
selves villi this oiganballoa under the impie3
sion that It was lor tho betlcuucnt of conditions
gencrallj with iepcct to disputes between cap
ital and labor; and,
iMiciviii', 'Ihe C'iticns' Alliance has only ic
suited in lending the good fcelu.g that did ex
M between capital and laboi, mid created cla--s
distinction to a gicater degree in our midst; and,
Whereas, The lecent developments lead in
to belieie some of these people, who profess
to decry and abhor bojeotts as illegal con
spiiacics, bae resoited to mole damnable tac
tics, adding attempted bilbery to the other of
fense; and.
Whereas, We believe the Cllircirs' Alii nice his
del doped into a conseivatn,- ot tho intercuts of
the Scranton Itailway company in particular
and airaiiwt oiniinircd lahor in general; and,
Whereas, The Central Labor union lnd hoped
that tho Citizens' Alliance might bale passed
out of existence witb its oath-bound secrets tied
up within the bieasts of the men who brought
the oiganization into being; thcrefoie, be it
Itcsolicd, That tho Central Iibor union de
plores the sentiment which developed tlm organ
ization of the Citizens' Alliance, for its whole
piogress has rnaiked n deteimlned effort on the
part of its leaders to encourage a vicious hos
tility to tiades unionism tu the city and vallej-.
Its conlinuinc-e along the lines which it lias
followed must icsult in iiieparnblc liijuiy to
the business and labor inteiesU of this com
munity by sepaiatlng and placing in antagon
Km lhee two potent f.iolois.
ItCMilicd, Tbi.t tiie Citlen-,' Alliance bay been
unable to get icpon-,es to its offcts of leward
for the placing of bojeott, for the iea-.on that
tip to the present date tho Central Lnbor union
has. deemed it inadvisable to leiy liojiotts on
account of the stiect lailway stiike.
Itesolied, That the developments of the pa-t
week indicate eoncbisliclj- the nccolly for
strong and derisive action on the twit of tbii
cuginizatloii to maintain the integrity of oi
gaulzed labor in this I alley. 'Ihe methods lo
fiorted to bj those whom wc bellcie to be the
agents of the Citizen' Alliance and the bnan
ton Itailway company to saciiflce the intcrcits
of the stilking sticet ear men we bclicic ju-tify
us in the adoption of most stringent methods
to bring the prc-ent strike to a t-ucccsntiil ter
mination. Rcxoltc-d, ' the Labor union dc
claies that persons who pationlzc the street cais
are enemies to oiganlzed labor, and in so doing
aumc the lranonsibility of the loss of the
filendship and pationigc of the wage earncis of
this vallej".
llcsohed, That as a uv-ill of this hostility to
oiganizcd labor iu general, the C'cntial Labor
union declares tliat it Is ptoparcd to pick up the
gauntlet tin own down by tho Cillcns' Alliance,
and is determined to conduct this stlikc to a
sucoc-sful i.ue, or until such time as the ineni.
beiship of Division Xo. 10S, Amalgamated Asso
ciation of Street Haihvaj' Kniplojes, is reduced
to below- a working quoiuin.
llesolied, That this strike bis been piolongrd
by the encouragement and as,lstance giien the
Scranton Itailway companj- by the nntl-tradca
union alliance; and wc again appeal (o all fair
minded men and women to continue in their
loyal Mippoit fur light and justice, and to the
thill oicithlow- of the unrighteous attempt to
diag down tiades unionism, which lias con
tilbuted so much to the welfaie of the wage
earners of the cliillzed woild,
Will Continue as Head of Democratic
City Committee.
Sheriff Charles H. Sehadt is again
to be the chairman of the Democratic
city committee. This was agreed upon
Saturday night, at a conference be
tween P. AV, Costello, candidate for
city controller nnd a number of the
Democratic leaders, including Sheriff
Sehadt. The secretary has not as yet
been picked out.
Primaries were to have been held
Saturday lu each of the live old divis
ions of the Scranton poor district to
select candidates for election to the
poor board. I"). J. Campbell wuh chos
en In the North ward; il, . Ilandloy
In tho Middle ward, and John .1. Mur
phy In tho South ward. Who, If any
out', was selected in either the Hyde
Park or Providence borough divisions
could not be learned.
County Bonrd Decides Not to Have
Parade on St. Patrick's Day.
There will be no gencrul observance
of St. Patrick's day tlilB year by the
Ancient Order of Hibernians. This was
decided upon yesterday afternoon tit
the quarterly convention of the county
board, held, In Campbell's hall, when a
motion to have parade wns voted
down after luulng been generally dis
cussed. The only other business of any Im
portance transacted wuh tho receipt of
an application for u charter from a
number of citizens of Dunmore, who
desire to organize n division, Tho ap
plication will bo acted upon ut the next
meeting. Yesterduy's convention was
largely attended and was prc&lded over
by U, C. Douuviuii the county piesldent.
A young man who can Instruct on the
violin, and enn play (list violin In a
good orchestra, to exchange theto ser
vices for educational tidvaniages, Cor
net player also wanted on similar
terms. Address, Music Dept,,
State Normal School,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Hunloy'a Entlie Wheat Bread.
Have you tried 11? If not, that you
do ho is ull wo ask. Those who liavft
iihed It knoiv Its abundant nutritive
quality those who haven't, havp a
tieat In store. LeaVo or phono your
orders to 120 Spruce street.
Five Mombeis Whot Waited on Gen
eral Manager Sllllmnn Independ
ent of tho Executive Board Aro
Subjected to a Severe Arraignment
nt Last Night's Meotlng They
Retort In Kind and a Warm Time
Ensues Motions to Return to
Work Declnretl Out of Order.
For some time pust, dl3Natlhfactlon
has been growing lu the ranks of the
street car strlkcis. Some of tho
strikers believed tliat Inasmuch us tho
executive board was not accomplishing
anything towards settlement and that
the possibilities of settlement had not
been exhausted, a new committee
should bo selected to wait on tho com
pany ofllolals and endeavor to restore
peace. '
Saturday last, live old-time employes
of tho company, Messrs. Fleltz, Lynch,
Dickson, Cavanatigii and Nicholson,
waited on Gencrul Malinger Sllllmnn
and spent nn hour conferring with hltn
as to the possibilities of bringing
about nu adjustment. They went as
Individuals, openly, lit broad daylight
and aware of the fact that two mem
bers of the executive board Matched
them enter and leave.
At last night's meeting of the stt lit
ers, these llvo members came lu for n
Kcuthhig denunciation ut tho hands of
the executive board men and the rep
lOMMilallvcs of the Central Labor
union who are Interesting, themselves
lu the conduct of the strike. They
were characterized as traitors and a
committee of three wns appointed to
Investigate and recommend whether
or not they should be expelled.
The live members were not a whit
disconcerted by tho arraignment, but
Instead made reply to every attack und
took a turn at recrimination when tho
executive board members were calling
names. Charges and counter-charges
were freely exchanged, and, as one of
the on-looking members put It, "They
had t heir coats oil at one another a
couple of times."
One of the things charged against
the live assailed members was that
they were acting at the instigation of
Dr. Luts:, whom the executive board
branded as an emissary of the com
pany or the Citizens' Alliance, hired to
disrupt the union.
The uccused members admitted that
a man named Lutz, who, they under
stood, was a doctor, waited on them
and wante dto deal for them with the
company. They told him he might do
whatever he was capable of, but that
was the extent of their negotiations
with him. The charge that they were
to be i nlils pay while thej- would bo
engaged in settling the strike and the
like o fthat was branded as utterly
The connection of Lutz with tbe
strike problem Is not explained. The
Citizens' Alliance nnd General Mana
ger Sllllmnn do not know him as an
intermediary; In fact neither is at
tempting any mediation o'f the strike.
Several times at the meeting last
night motions were offeted to have a
new committee appointed to arrange
with the companj for n return to work
under the best terms that could bo se
cured, but each time the motion was
ruled out of order, amid much con
fusion. Conservative members of tho union
greatly deplore the internecine trouble.
They sny that If the five assailed mem
bers are expelled a hundred men will
leave the hall with them and that if
such a disruption comes, the strike
will never be declared off.
To Be Held for Chief Mechanic and
Assistant Inspector of Boilers.
The following circulars, with refer
ence to civil service examinations, have
been Issued:
The United Stales dill bcivlco commission an
nounces that on l'ebruary 2(1, l!K)i, an examina
tion will bo held at the places mentioned on tho
.iccompauj ing libt for the position of chief me
chanician. Tho examination will consist of Ihe subjects
mentioned below, which will be weighted as fol
lows; Subjects. Weights.
1, Letter-wilting fi
-'. Arithmetic ami mensuration lr,
:i. Llenicntary physics li
I. Designing of scientltlo apparatus 15
fi. Practical question as to methods ot con
structing phi-slcal and electrical ap
paratus, etc l"5
0, Technical education and cxpcilcin-i" 25
Total irv)
Age limit, 20 jeais or over.
The comniMon ii adiUcd that ilr duties of
this position will lie to eon-tiuit mil itslai In
(ho imi'li iiilc-al design and consluiitlun of ge'i.
rial Mlrmliio iippiiatu, and the appointee should
line a l.nowlcdgo of the fundamental piinclplcs
iuinlud In Ihu construction of such appaiittus
and ability lo oiganUc and supetvUe the woik
of olhei.s,
Hoiu the ellglbles resulting tiom this exam
ination, It Is expected that tcrtitli ulloii will bo
made lo tho position of chief meehauiclaii in the lliueau ut Ktanihiuls, nt u salaiy of
$1,100 per annum, and to other similar vacancies
as thej- may occur.
Applicants miht show in their applka'iona
Ihat they hue bad at least live je.iib' actual ex
perience in iibtmnirnt makers.
This is the time of the year
when your winter
begins to look seedy. We pre
pared for this emergency by
having our KOKLOFS spring
derbies shipped early, The
crowns aro higher and tapering,
the brims in different widths to
suit the wearer.the quality the best
3.00 hat made or it wouldn't
bp here,
Tills examination Is open to nit titlzeni ot tlu
United titates who tonipb' Willi tbc reo,ulrcinenl.
Competitors will be rated without legard In tins)
ronsldeintlou other (ban the iiuillllcnllons shown
In their examination papers, ami ellglbles will
be irrtlfled stflclly In accord ince wllli the cjtll
sen Ice law and nilrs.
Persons who ilwro to rmnpe should at once
apply In Iho fulled Malt fclill service innmils.
sion, Washington, I). ('.. or lo tho seiretiry of
Ihe local bonrd of examiners, at tho offices liwli.
Ilonid oti the ru compiling lltl, for application
Korins ."(II ntul flT.1, which should bo propcrlj'
executed and tiled wllli tho tomnilsslou prior
to the hour nf iloelng buliirs. on 1'ibruary 17,
The t'nlted Slatrs elill setibe innnnMon an
nounces that on 1'ebruity, 2(1-27, limi, nu c(
Inatlon wilt be held nt tho places lurtilloiied In
tbe nccompanjliig list for (ho position of nvlst
ant Inspector nf boilers In tbe steainbo.i"'c
Hon sen Ice.
Tho examination will c-oiubt of the subjects
mentioned below, which v.lll be wvisbtcil as fob
Subject. Weights.
1. Letter-writing (Tliliil glade) . 10
2. Allthmetla 10
". Molleis mid iiuihli cry i0
I. L'xpcrlcneo 20 KM
liifonintiou rebUiie to the subjects and nope
of the c.x'imlnitlnu nay be found In. seitlmis ;!7
nnd 10.1 nf tbe Manuil of I'.xamltntlons ieiled
to January 1, 1002.
Age limit, 2J to A3
l'roin the ellglbles from this ex.imlnit'ou It Is
expected tint certification will be innu to the
position of assistant inspector ot boilers nf sliuui
ics-,els for the district of N'ew Votk, nt a s.iliry
of $2,000 per nnnuin, ni.d to other similar vacan
cies a.s they may occ ur.
Tlds examination is open to -ill citizens of tho
I'nltcd Stales who coinplj- with the icnuhemclits.
Competllcrs will be rated without regard to anv
coiisldeiatlon oilier than the ipiulluoatlim shown
in their examination papers, and ellglbles will be
certlfled strlcllj- In lucordtmu -with the el il
sen Ice law and rules.
Poisons who deolrc to compclo should at on a
apply lo the t'liilod St lie's dill sorilie eonnnle.
Ion, W.uhlliglon. l. (', or n the -.riii'laiy of
Ihe .local I maid nf cinilii"is nt the plafo-i men
tioned on the .loi oinp lining il-l. f. i application
I'oim 10S7 and a conv of the Manual of IIxmiii
inatlotis. The application should bo piopcrly ex.
rented and filed with the conmil-sloii piior to
the huur of closing business on l'chiuary 17, 1002,
Glowing Report from Washington
About "A Royal Rival."'
The folowlng dispatch xvns received
Saturday night by Manager A. J. Duffy,
of the Lyceum:
A, .1, Duff, M linger L.iccuiu Theater, Scianton.
Washington, 1). ('., Jan. 13. 'i blunged and de
lighted audiences wllnejsed William r.iinsham
nnd company in "A Iloial llivai" tbioughout the
week at the National theater. The piess cxtolbd
and curtain calls ucic many at ciery pcrfonu
once. The engagement ;:n or.c of the nolov.'oi thy
ones of the .mison. John Ik Wainei.
ltobcit Coxe, of Alchbald, xias ruoiwd at the
Laikawanna hospital on Sattmlay sulToiiug from
a bioken leg which he recelveil by falling on the
Michael Iltlan, who is cmphvici! at the Hotel, caught Ills hand iu the cogs of an he
cie.ilu freezer while making ice eic.uu on Satur
day and cimhed two linger so bully that thej
had Id be amputated at the Lackawanna hospital,
to which institution be went for tiealment.
Liederkranz Carnival
This evening at S o'clock.
Now going on in our
three stores.
West Scrautou, South
Scrautou aud Peckville.
Hundreds of Bargains.
Ladies aud Gentlemen you
are all invited to attend the
great sale which will only
last for ten days. The entire
stock of Unredeemed Pawn
broker's Pledges consisting
of Watches, Diamonds,
Jcwely, Silverware, riusi
cal Instruments, Fire
arms, 'Clothing, etc at SOc
on the dollar, at the old re
liable broker,
107 Lackawanna Avenue,
Opposite D., L. e& W, Depot.
I ;
I Sate
I Oils, Paints end Garnish
maioney un & manuTacruring lompany,
f 141-149 Meridian Strest. J
! : : 4 & k if
We can ' if.
supply !
your wants
BittenbenderS. ?
126-128 Franklin Ave.
! fr 4 .5. ! .3. .j. 4. . . 4
Clearing Sale ,,
In order lo reduce our slock
before taking our Annual In
venfory we have made si cop
ing reductions on our line of
Pillow Tops
Stamped Linens and
Battenberg Patterns
And for tho ten days xvo offer
the above mentioned goods at
practically cost prices.
I Cramer-Wells Co.,
a 130 Wyoming Avenue.
X 'Phone 3G3-3. &
Broken Ribs
Arc Pa nf ull
Ann an- ininri in the body. The sit
est a;d 1 ti ipi-n w.1.1 Is to uile It lin-
medlat,- alt II' Is lOI'lt IJif.
IIIIDLLV wc .. -polking about. Wo
euro the ahoio im nl join d ailment, and
also carry the Isiue-i line of l.'mbte-llai
onJ I'aiasols in the city.
The Scranton
Umbrella Manufacturing Co.,
013 Spruce Street.
. . f
C07 Linden Stieet.
Board of Trade Building.
Ugoihs 1 i.nJ2,Com'Ita B'l'd'j.
Hilling and Blasting
iiedt At -Moosla and llujh lala Vortci,
Elsetrlo BntterliM. KleotrloRxplO'Hn,'
j ozpioaiag uimis, safety p-usa A,, 1
Renauno Chemical Cos cx&V
i in
I Shovels !
land Scoops, !
I Ms, fire I
Quit 1'iir
811111 villi
'! !
' A
Nails :
A ,