The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 17, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Chief Coiner Render, rotinerly o
Townmln, Languishes In Jail.
Fprc!l lo I he Scratiton Tribune.
Towiindii, Jnn. 1C DiihIioio and xl
plnlty litis been Hooded for the Inst
fpv wpoUh with hihh-Ioiir nlckclB unit
dimes, nmdc In i-Iomj Imitation ot
ttiicle Snni'H real nrtlclc. .Jimunty S,
IJotottlvo llullou wan notified of the
fact and went to Dushoio to InvoFtl
unto. Suspicion pointed Httoturly to one
William Hauler, who lived come ncuti
inllos east of rjushoio In a lonely
plate. Olllcer llollon HOcurod somo of
the boRiiH coin aiul sent a putty to
Rondct'H to puichiific nioic, Ho se
cured seventeen plerow, Jan. V. Com
plaint wan inado foofoio Untied Stated
Coiiuulpiloncr Mix, and Tui'dny foie
noon Deputy Maiahall Samuel Lapp, t
HiiirlHliurflr; ConnUiblc Finnk M. Uttcfc,
of Duahoiu, and olllcer llollon, drove
lo Why's mint, Wily wan dHcovcied
about n mile from homo, helping Far
mer Obert butcher. Upon KlKllt of the
otllci-is he started for the lond, but
wan uvi'i hauled and handtuffed. Upon'
Hc-iuchlng hla person, ten counterfeit
dimes and nono counterfeit then woio
lound. Upon a fuither search at hln
liotissc, bin furnace, a rimntlty of metal
and piutly fltilnlied coins woio seemed.
Mrs. Kmmii Vaney, his housekeeper,
was nlo taken Into custody. The ollt
icis ai lived with their pilsoners Tues
day ovcnlm,-, having been detained un
til 11 p. in. by the vvieck. In default
of 1,000 ball, Header was committed
for a tmthcr hearing on Jan. 21. Mis.
Yaney vat. held on her own lccognlz
nnce for an nppoaianco at this time.
Some .she years ago, Header run a
tnllor-shop In the First wind of To
xt.inda. Ho was rather a queer chai
ncter. He N a native of England, com
ing heie some fourteen yean ago. lie
lemaiked to the olllreis that he bed t
hoventeen-phot Winchester at home and
that things might hae been diffeient
If he had been there, as both himself
and his housekeeper weie crack shots.
The Situation Not ns Bad as Fiist
Spccnl to tho Sermton 'Inliune.
Hallstead.Jan. 1G The smallpox situ
ation in H.illstead Is not as bad as first
tepoitcd. Thorn aie now five cases in
town, and all aie confined to one fam
ily. Dr. Tieinille, who had chaige of the
cases, is ill w 1th v.u loloid at his home.
All pieuiutlons lme been taken, and
there is no fear ot tmthcr piead. Vac
cination Is attended to stiletly, iind
buttons nie woin, tis lollows: "I h.te
hern xaecln.ited; you'.''
Speciil to the Scianloii liibuiic.
Tiuikliannock, Jan. IB. Cluules F.
VosbuiR, of Hussell Hill, Is at "VI!
llamspoiL this -week, set ting as a
grand juior In the United Slates dis
ti let coui t.
Mr. and ills. Hi.ulley "SV. Lewis arc
entertaining li lends Horn BaHlmoie.
Mis. Thomas 11. (Jienvillo was shop
ping at AVllkes-Haue on Wednesday.
Two of Hie ptlsnneis at the county
j.ill a de&peiate attempt to es
inpe on Wednesday. SheilfC Gray was
out of town and they know it. and
when Dr. II. I.. MiKown,. the jail
phssieian, who had been to call on
Haivcy Hupeit, i sick pilsoner, was
lead to leave, the shoiifl'ii wile un
locked the ilnni- for hlni to nnss nut.
ri Just then, two of the Inmates, who
J nr l.nli.o. 1.1.1 n. . 1. . irtu n ,' Inn Tn.
inn'dc a rush, tin owing down the phy-
slcian and brutally beating Mis. Giay
7 about the head, but the lilted gill and
two "tiusty" prisoneis, Allen and To-
lodo, came, to the leseue and succeeded
hi closing the door .tud subduing the
icfruetoiy ones. Theie is ti desperato
ctowd up at the jail, and this la the
second attempt to escape which has
been baffled within a shoit time, the
other attempt being by a concei ted et-
fort to dig through the walls. Six of
the piisoneis me held on charges of
burglaty, and aie no doubt old offen-
deis, some or all of them having served
time in the penitential y for other
ci linos.
"William S. Wlntennute, a hlahly le-
spected citizen lesiding on Fine
stieet, died on Wednesday afternoon
from gastritis.
Walter Slckler, of Northmen eland,
was a visitor in town on Tuesday.
George Kltttldgo, who has been em
ployed at Sernnton for soma time
past, has nccepted a position at Clove
land, Ohio, xtheio he will soon go.
EpcLlal to the Scranton 'inbuilt
Forest City, Jan. 16. The Hcpubll
can caucus w 111 be held on Tuesday
evening next. The Democratic caucus
will be held the followlhg Fildny.
There are few candidates In the Held.
Tho high constable, J. Kretehel,. and
the two ward constables, jr. J. Walsh
and J. S. Johnson, nie candidates to
succeed themselves. J. R. Bell, the io
tlrlng poor dhector, will also tiy for
another teim.
Theie will be a social In tho Congns
gatlonal church Monday evening, To
morrow evening theie will bo a social
in tho Episcopal chuich,
Melvln Hoblnson, the luipeisonator,
gave "David G-anlek" In tho opera
house last evening befoio a good sized
and well pleaced audience.
The l.nteipil&o Hobo company has
elected the following otllcuis: J. w,
Jones, picsldeut; J, J, Connelly, (list
vice piesldentj Moiuoo West, .second
vice president; 13. V, Horton, secietniy.
Will Prjee, assistant secietaiyj T, J,
Pentpeost, treasuier; M. Muehlts!, Will
Forrest, Beit Howard, trustees; U J,
Wells, foreman; John Callahan, Hugh
Pohren, naslstantBj F, V, Caipentor,
dilver; O. F, Coyle, janitor; jj. r.
Buindage, captuiu,
The First National bank le-eleytod
the same board of dliectoiB Tuesday
Bishop Talbott will bo nt Chtlst
church Wednesday evening to admin
Ister tho rite of continuation,
Presiding Hlder Wniner will preach
In the Methodist chinch Filday and
Sunday evenings.
Tho V, M. I. had a ery pleasant
moker and euclue puity at their
, rooms Monday evening.
Benjamin Milton, geneinl Inside coal
Inspector for the Hillside hen?, has
been appointed Inside foi email for tliu
ame company at their Post Qrlflln
mine. He 1ms for jears been n pi em
inent citizen of Potent City and Vnnd
ling, helping In thc'bulldlng up of both
tow us,
Mis. J. J. Walker niul sister, Mrs.
Malone, ate spending this week In Now
York ell y.
triicltl to tin Sainton Trtbunt.
Hnllsloiul, Jan. 16. Dm lug the Ill
ness of PoRtmusW 11. S. Baibor, who
tiled this morning, Mr. M. Kill on has
taken chai go of the postoillce. Ho
makes an olllclent olllcer and Is very
Jits, ileorgi' Fessondeti, of Monti oho,
tiled In Now Votk, at tho homo of her
dauglilpf, on Tuesday, Is to be bulled
today tit - o'clock. Her giand-dnugh-tots.
Mis. Hrnest Heed and Mia. AVI1
llam Ward, nre unable to attend, ns
they have been vaccinated.
L. E. Tiffany was sworn as a mem
ber of the uoni d of health, In place of
Oould Cnpwcll, who sent In his resig
nation. Thomns Pettltl, of Fiankiln, X. J.,
Is engaged in tho Ice business, cutting
Ice off the liver about eleven Inches
thick and of good quality.
Secietury Belden 1ms concluded to
The cat heals four rats in the pan
tiy. Cm you find them?
open the leading and game looms at
piesont, but no moie public meetings
nie to be held until notice fiom the
boaid ot health.
Nicholus Du Bois Chasf, a foimer
lesident of Hallstoad, died at Huston,
Pa. He was a member of the Noitli
ampton bar and a prominent man. His
son, S. Bruce Chase, is a lnembei of
the bai, located at Ifallstead.
Rev. M. J. AVatkins was in Monti ose
today, calling on friends.
R. A. Barber died at 5.13 o'clock this
morning. He was postmaster and a
man who was much esteemed. This is
the only death from small-pcc hi the
town. The otheis patients are doing
S. Bruce Chase is engaged at Monl
lose on legal business.
J. J. Compton, member of the boatd
ot health, has lecelved fiom Philadel
phia a new disinfecting spi.iy to be
used in places wheie
S iet lil to (lie Scr.inlJn 'Inbuilt
PiUston, , Jan. 10. Mr. Lons, of
Blnghamton, seciotaiy of the Good
Roads League, ot that city, ai lived
here this afternoon and this eentnt
addiossod a public meeting held In
the town hall, West PiUston, under the
auspices of the lecently-oignnl.ed
Good Roads League, of that place. By
popular subset Iptlon, the local league
lmR icallzcd about $,',000, which will he
Invested In ioad-maktng machine! y,
and an effoit made to woik in con
junction with the town council lor the
Improvement of the thoioughfnies of
the boiough.
As slated in The Tilbuno on Monday,
"V. L. Watson yesterday lethcd fiom
the position of cashier of the Flist
National bank, of this city, and was
elected to tho vice piosldoncy, to till
the vacancy ciented by the death of
the late Thomas Toid. Mr. Watson
and his wife will make nn extended
tour of Kuiope and tho Holy l.nnd
dm lug the summer.
AVhllo spi Inkling caibollo acid about
her home, as a disinfectant, Mis.
Thomas Casey, of Salem stieot, West
Plttaton, spilled some of tliu lltild on
one of her hands mid It was seveiely
David R. D.iis and Miss Anna
Adrian, of Hughestown, weie united In
niarrlnge last evening at 7.K0 o'clock
by Rev. O. F. Httweln.
Benjamin J. Kvans, one of tho sur
vivors of Battery M. Is critically ill
at his homo on Vino stieet.
James White's limb, which was so
badly squeezed between eais at No, 7
shaft a few days ago, was amputated
just above the knee Inst evening,
Joseph Coldltus, a miner In tho Co.
lumbla colliery at Durjea, was se
eiely Injiued by a blast hi the initio
Ralph Buines, tho otmg man who
hat, for tlio past week been suffeiing
fiom smallpox, succumbed to that dis
ease WedneFday night at 9 o'clock.
Tho deceased Is tho twenty-two year
old son of IMward Barnes, one ot tliu.
btfst know ji men of this plaeo. Ho had
for a number of yeuis been employed
as teamster for Edsull & Clausoii. Ho
was tiikou 111 on the evening of Jun 1, but tho malady was Un,t ion
aldeiod measles, but on tho ovenlng of
.luiiuaiy 7 the case was dlagposed
smUllpoN. Ho was a patient suffeier,
but the disease became so unbeaiablo
that It was at last found necessary to
tie the patient to the bed and he died
In that position Wednesday evening,
Just one w$eli from th$ day It wiib
pronounced smullpox. The U'lnnlns
weie Intel red In the Mnicy cemetery
last night at 13 o'clock. Tliu icsldeuce
Is stljl quai an tined. Theie have been
nomoro cases reported to tho Board of
The funeral of Jntucs, son ot Frank
Wood, was held Wednesday nfteinoon,
It was largely attended by the numer
ous friends of the deceased. The Moral
tributes wete beautiful. Services wero
hold at the Primitive MethodlHt church
and Interment was mndo In the Marcy
cemetery. Local t,l58, U, Jt, W, A. at
tended In a body.
Ily Ihchuhf Wire fium 'Hie Aiwclnteil rrcii,
Kingston, Jan. 16. Mr. Clinton Haiti
spent a few days the Hist of the week
with IiIm parents at West Nicholson,
Wyoming county.
Mr. Hi uco Tltinan, on account ot
sickness, leturned to his homo In Mont
i oso.
Much Interest Is being taken by tho
.students In the special meetings now
being held In the Muthodlst Hplscopul
church. Dr. Wilson, an evangelist
f loin Illinois, Is conducting them.
Among the new students are Mr. It.
Beach, of Waverly, N. Y., who cnteis
the classical course; Mr. Henry Grif
fiths, ot Glenbuin, and Mr. natcman,
of Mount Cnrmel, who enteis the eom
meiclnl course.
The basket ball team was defeated
In a game with Wllllamspoit Y. M. C.
A., Satuiday night, by a score ot 2,"
16. The team will play the Lafayette
team Friday night. January 17, In
Potllbono gymnasium.
11. L. Taylor, chalimau of the He
publlcnu county committee, has ap
pointed the following vigilance cotn-
mlttee for tho rhst and Second wntds
of Dickson City boiough: Fiist waid
Judge, John Hldeikln; John Parks,
Thomas Uawionco. Second waid Judge,
Bonjaniin Jaivis; John G. Miller, Henry
At tho legular meeting of the school
board, on Monday evening, Jan 13, it
was dei Ided to close all of tho schools
of the boiough on Tuesday, Jan. II, on
account of snuill-pov In the neighbor
ing boioughs. If no new cases aie to
ported, they will, lie reopened on Mon
day, Jan. JO. All pupils must piesent
a doctors certificate that they bine
been successfully vaccinated or they
will not be admitted.
The funeral sei vices of James, tho
oungest son of Mr. Frank Wood, weio
held In the Click Methodist Episcopal
chunk on Wednesday afternoon. Hi
was killed while at woik in the Wil
linin A. colliery Monday morning.
The Republican caucus will ho held
on rildny evening, Jan. 17, between the
bonis of 4 and 7, at the legular poll
ing plates.
John V? Thornton announces himself
a candidate for school dhector, sub
ject to the Republican caucus.
Michael Fallon Given Another
Chance Director Wonnser's Or
der Bienks Up Social Events.
Michael Fallon, of 10-M Stone avenue,
was ai tested yesteiday at the Instance
of his wife on a charge of being diunk
and dlsoidetly, and nlso for assault
and battel y.
It appeals lutoijllng to the wife's
evidence, that Michael got drunk and
abusive to his family evciy pay day
and the last one was no exception to
the rule. After di awing his earnings,
she says, ho got diunk on Wednesday
and ill used his family, abusing bel
aud calling her all manner of vile
The evidence for assault and bat
tot y was not sufficient, but sevetal
witnesses testified ns to the charge ot
being drunk and dlsoideily, for which
Fallon was fined StO, or 30 days In Jail.
After Alderman Lentes hud filled out
the commitment, Fallon made a stiong
plea for just another chance. Ho piom
ised to behave hotter In futuie, and
as ho had never before been arrested
ho begged the aldeimnii not to commit
him, His wife joined In the plea for
meicy, and the magistiato suspended
sentence for two months. If ho trntis
gtcsses during that time ho will spend
SO days In Jail.
A notlco was handed to tho wilier
in toniioctlnn with a mask ball to bo
given Febiuuiy 10, by tho Saenger
l unde society, Yeslei day's oidets will
piobably change In the piograiuiuc ns
soon as the committee can nuange a
(leiieial Giant lomimiudtry, Knights
of Malta, will hold their tegular -weekly
meeting tonight, unless pi evented
by tlio health oflleoi.
St. John's hall was lnlllUuUli lighted
last night and u number of people hud
e.itlieied to witness u game of basket
ball which was scheduled lo take place
between the Defendois and n picked
team. At the lust moment an nuler
was received fiom the pollro that no
game should tuke place, that no eath
eilng was allowed, and that the halt
should be closed. Their was nothing
to do but obey.
All niemberb of the Loyalty club and
their ft lends aie Invited to attend a
pop-coin social today, A good tlmo Is
pi outlined to all who come.
. i
Wall Street Kerlerr. m
New York, Jntii 10. Tlio tlrcriRlli nlitcti ile
Wlopml In jctenliijN tock market fallcil to
iirM toil a, Willi tlio mgml domain! from
Ilia kliort MtWllei! t lif Imvlnir bocunio apathc'lc.
The felling iM very light but wo4 not woll nli;
torbcl uml tlio maikot iimictl In a rlwtgUh mm
IrrcRiilir way nil iliy, Tlio Mtlicr unto weJk
Iich whlili wju manleU cjtltcr in tlio Week w.l
not rvtiencit and tlirro wa nuinc uupcarantt ot
support on tho dcclinrt. Thh mnl tlio iiosltlio
trrnrlli of a few utoika in Hie list nlMilkil tlio
tone idler ik'illnoi luil rcaihotl conthlcralilc llj
nro uml rcmltoil In inmirlo". Tlio general
Icvol nt pi Uia tl Id not Rot fir fiom ht nlulit'n
lciil on the rccouij, uml llio inlrkct Ikhiiiiu
lircmilar nsaln nt the (.toting. The opening nil
anec quliklv lame lo ft alatiiutlll. Simp wmik'
IH'1 in Manhattan holpn! the rrartlonary tone,
(hit utoik ilropplntc ihirliiR tho morning to ni".
Tlicrc uJd mutli llii'ilon In a gcntial u ij'
of tho uccnt new bowl niul ntot! Kiuei by
MiriotH rilhond coinpatilrA, uml tlio i.lTnt of tiih
illcimloii wait nnfaiortbto to fpociilllloii. Tliers
. sniuo rpctlal utionvtli In twin's mil kit by
S ml hw extern rillroad block", notnhtr in tho St.
I.miU Si)iithwrterns, tho St, Louis and "an
l'limcl'd) and tho Texas and I'.ulllc idoclu.
hiiRir alio showed otrrngth. Total mica tod iy,
CO.",(00 kharc.
Hgndi weio moderately aclho and rtrni. Total
d, iir alne, s-i,400,mx). Untlid fciiin bondi
wire all uncliaiiRctt on the last call.
The following quotation are fnrnttked The Tilb-
tme hy JI. S. Jordan k Company, ruoms 70S T01
lltan building, Scranton. l'a, Telephone, 001!
Open, lllsli f.oN. Clot-
linr. ttt. fit. Inc.
Amer. Suifiir 121U UiW IM'4 12244
AtchlhOli 704d 70 7511 "C'i
Atchison, IT. t7t iX i,i 07' i
Ilrook. Tiaitlon 01 0I4 CJ'j m'i
Halt, k Ohio tliiU 10JT4 Wl5 lWVi
Cliw. & Ohio I1T4 J'.Ti l"Vi !
(hie. H lit. Wet 'UK 2.1 2ir 2'1i
st. r.mi Kii inri ioiu u:',4
Hock Islnnd t'l IV! lit IV I
Kan. i. Tex., I'r SI 51 51 51
Louie. L Nii'.l 1IU l"-''!l 101 10li
Man. Uleuited 117 117 11li 13U
Met. Tucllon tlUVS 101'i 1(4) lill
lllsao. IMclllo 101 1011, im im'i
Soiitliern l'neine 5'JS r,VA r.9 5'l'n
Vol folk k West 5i'i 50 f.Vi 55
1'rlo 11. 11 Wi I0V4 Wj '"
Kilo It. It.. Ut Pi. . . . 7J 7JU 719 7!
N. V. Cclilml KV4 IMIi ln l'
Out. A. West nt .'ilU .'MS -''a
l'cnm. It. II 143V4 US H31i H'i
PjcIOc Mill 47 47 40; 40
Itcadlnfj 11 flt', C''i 5l 5)T
ItcadliiR llv l'l 81 m'A SI Sli
oiitliern It. II r.1 3JTi U1! ."J
South, it. it, i'i di am i'4 w
Tcnn. Coal A. Iron i (" nj? (JVi
17. &. Leither 11 lUi ll 11
V. S. Leather, I'r. SHJ 81Vi 81 U Sl'i
U. S. Itiibbpi 14',j 1IV4 Wi H'i
Union 1'aclllo 10IH m 1ik)"-4 101
fnlon Pacific, I'i bS kt SV,, SS
Wabisli, l'l tl3! I2'i 4l')4 It's
Al'estein Union P0 Ul't 00 Vli,
Col. Unci k Iron M S0"J Vi't, tfi;
Ann!. Copper OS's 05 l,si,j titt
I'coplc'i (ias !)"; llMii m's 100
Tcis Parltie VS .hi, l.s ::,
m. Cai k nmndiy ... 2'iU 20-4. 2b'i 2i"t
V. S. Miel fo 42 4.".it, ii- li
U. S. Sake!, I'r. 04 01 "I )i&
Sctanton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Hid. Asked
Lackawanna Dairy Co. Pr. CO
County Sa!iirs Uank & Trim Co.. 300
Plrst National Dank (Carbondale) 32',
Stindurd Drilling Co SO
Tlilul Xational Bulk. 6J0
Dime Deposit and Discount Dank.. 27j
Uconomy Light. II. L M. Co 4S
I'lrst Xatiunal Ilink l"0O
I irka. Irml A. Site Deposit Co.... 1"
Claik A- Snocr Co, Pr 125 ...
Scranton Iron Fence K Mfg. Co 100
Fcranton Axle Work? 05
Sainton Savings Dank 500 ...
Traders' Natloml Hank 175
Suanton Poll k Xut Co 107'G ...
People's Hank 115
New Mexico Ity. & C. Co 75
Scranton Paenger Railway, flrit
Mortgage, due 1020 115
People's street Rallwi, first mort
gage, due 101S 115
People's Street Hiiluaj, General
moitgage, due 1U21 115 ...
Dlckbon Manufactming Co 100
Lacka. TowTLhiii School 5 per cent. ... 102
Cit of Scranlon St. Imp. 0 per
cent 102
Scranton 'iiactlon (I pel cent 115 ...
Sernnton Wholesale Maiket.
(Cnnccled In 11. (1 Dile, -'f I.i(1.jivimu i.)
l'lnui ?l M).
Hean 2 50
llitttei I'reli iionuoi, 2"k., .lune ueinicry,
2l'-lc; ililiy cii.iniei, lie.
llm ll'.ilJ.
I's-'gi Si nli, .'i.'e.: fun Mrni,EP, 21c.
Pi iv-Pn IiiiMhI. "rl.10.
1'otitopi IVi Ini.liel. SV
Oiiloiis Pn bushel, l II)
Pliiladslphia Provision M.uket.
Philulclplili, .Liu. IB Wheal V. lowii,
cnnli lit i,'Ude, Jan., 84'iiS5c. Coin 'lead ;
No. 3 mlxid, .1 in , Co'SriM Oitf Dull .Ml
wcik; No, 2 white ctlpiud, .'ill. Iluttei
Steady, full demand; fni(, weteui iii'iiiici,
2k. i do, neilbi punt'i, 2i'l Kkv li. lnwnj
licili neaib, 2k.; tin. uutiin. Jh.: ilu.
voiithwi-itpiu, i'h.; do. iiulliun, 27i. ( hoi.'
lain; Ntw uU full iii'inn, fm, miiiII,
ll'io ; do. do. do., nir to choice, OUillu
ltiliuul nigir I'nilimsul. (ollon l'nm and
1-K.c. liUhci ; iiiidillin upljiiiN. s 'Mi.t. I il
Inw I'iiiii and higher; nit piune in 1hui',
,..; iniintiViilo. lnriLli, 1,14 mac : il til., fj.
ilk.; takes. iii. Liu- poulln Dull and wtik;
fowU, fl'lilO'Ct.: ixicptloiul lot. Hi.; old
meter-, 7,.; tliltkiin, tulOt.j duti. llilUV.:
gie-e, lOilit.; tinkc.ts, lOjllc Dieted poiilliy
Quiet but "to hit; fowl, cliolie. lit.; dij.
fill to Rood, I0nl0',4e ; old rooiUi., 7a7'ic ;
thitkms, neailii, llildc; wvattrii do, OjIJ'i.-.;
tuikitt, niiiby tlioleo lo fine, l.!ilU.; ft
cm do. do, llilii.i ; fail in i,uod do., PilJo.;
ducks, up nli, loitle ; wcfttiu tl. 10i12l.,
feiPte, 8ilU.
Ilicoiptv-rimii, 2,0(lt) l.illtls ami 1,S70.00
pounds ill sicks; wbiat. lli.iklii bu-litds; torn.
I..KM; oat., S l.irnO Nliipintuts WhtJt, l.iiOO
bu.bcN; coin, (1,11V); oat, 2I,').
New Yoik Grain and Produce Mniket
N'ew Yoik, Jin. 10. I'lom Hull and iireguhr
at ii hlnde ik'tline from .M'jttulav. Wlntu pit
tuts, Kl.75il; wlntu i-tr.ilhH, xiuii,."l); Mill
iicmiIi pitt-nts-, 'M.tlil.l'i: winter extns, W.W
a!2D. Wheat wt Mnld; Nn. 2 lid, S7t
t. ei 1 1., .mil fjiHn, (; Nn. I
uoilhmi Piilulli, MVic f. '. b jilml. Option i
iliPKiilu .ill dj; cniuil undoiitv nit down
wjul, but iIomiI fliui .it 'it. net. kmci, lnth t-'tV ! Mn. hj'.ic ; .lnl, b"ie. torn
Spot stuih. No, '.', C7'li. eleiatur, uml
07c f n. li. .llltat. Oiitloiu optned lmvpi but
lilllid iml tlosid about hteadv m 'jit. net
di I Inc. M.i tlospd (17 9i. ; luh. (if1,.". Oils
Siol cikIci; N". 2, .Wt.: No. .1, ll)'.i ; No, 2
white, 5.K.; 'n. .1 white, .li ; tuck mixed
western, IiVinWaf.; track white, 5'iWt Op. Iriegiilai and gtuciall weak with imiii
ami win it. Piillci blead ; iieauur,. 114
Ji'ie ; f.ittoi, Liil'i'st,; June tieamiry. 15i
2k.: lmltatioi nuiiifiv, 14.ilSl!it, ; kluln dali,
lliil'.t' riieese . Iimt kt.ite lull cream laut,
fill nude, fjtiiy, lll'-jilOe ; kliio full clean),
iiull, fall niiile, fjnov, lt'i.ili;i.: lulc bi'it
nuili, Urge, n'ii.. do. do. do.. Minll, 1Hi10i',
li,'Ss-riniil Mate mil IVuna., HJaJli.; western,
.'7.i l.k., koulliein, 2bal2i.
Chicago Oinln and Produce Market.
( hlut.0, Jan 10, (, tain pits went maigiii niul
toda. Iliui stmt; Hie laid on Phillips last Mou
ilij tnokcrd line betu lUmindiui; nuulns to
tliu limit foi fear the mi be cought in oluei
failuio. Humor, that i-curil limn vuic In dire
sti.ills were ilitulateil late cfttrdi oil 11 o
(iilb, omo with a licw to thpreising prlc.-s.
Po.ik elze,l the.c 1 union todi) us iiidtls to
btat down the weaklings and tmercded in laldlu
nikiw. Hulls, h'jwciei, jumped ut the opportiin.
Ily to bti) at the low mite, ami Willi heity
toieilnit b Ibe liortd mipnoiied tho inuket to a
fall)- slraih ton... Ma tltuetl iiiKhaiiKtil;
NI i ioi n, 6.c. lowei, uml x ly uii.. lit., down.
l'0Uliiin lout u thado to 20e. Caili quotation
weie uh rouowKi
lour Wt 11
lijilPJ, H2aUe ; No, I llavwcil, l,tlj; No I
liouuwevteiii. iri.'.va. ptiiut. tiuiuinj-ceti, t,oii
.iia.j i1ll IXlll. IU1. 1..W I U, JlliO illt.,
I ilu, lj,S ,;0.iS 41; dr) silttd klioulilcis, 'ia714e. ;
klioit clear fcldu, f.7'u8.t5; whlke, f I il2,
Buffalo Lire Stock Market.
1 it lluffalo, Jan. 10 Cattle ltt(olit lUlit,
wt ik tor all siad(i eaj, aj ir, )sJJ
lig.-ltipt, 10,7X1 head; falilv ktcady;
hen-, MI.50J0.!); mixed, &0.Ji).i0.iu; pig, u.70
a7.; imiaiis, ii 10a5.70, l ig, lnt.'il.
Sheep jnd Jinbt- lte(iipt, ID.tOU head; heii,
steady; top inUetl, v120jI0Hj culls to fair,
ivi.7iil.15; wethru, tl (.naS, trailing, I.Wi
5.2.1; IjiiiUs, dull, JOtlV. luwei , tup lamb..,
Jil.lUaO.lSi iiilU Ui good, s-3.50.iC,
niilcago Live Stock Mniket,
Uliwgo, Jan. lit (attld Itecelplt, U.'M;
il'iiv and vak, 5c. lowiii good to inline, v.M
a7,35; poor to nieJIuni, islaii; hlotliu and feed
ri, ir2.25at.75; (own. U.iJal 75; heifcx, $2 21
al; iJmicu, ifl.-i"u2.2V. bull, I2al M cah.t,
2 50nO.)0; 'lew fed teer. l,25a5.4).
Ilogk- licit Ipls tula, 32.0UH, (omoiion-, 2o,.
0.XI, Ult tiiii, i,(M; opsiietl 10c. lower; clewed
4 Lines 10 Cents
ft'ore Than four Llne, 3 Cf nt for Cncli Cxtri Llns
TToi Bent.
..StfS... VVS
FOlt HUNT Slore. corner l'lltalnn iiieinie and
Dlrcli elreet; ttotnl lonllou lor giontv
utoie nt hotel. Atltlmi, Coinei IMllttun iitiiiie
mi Illrcli ftrcct, $
I10USI! I'Oll IIIAI' 1520 Waditumi Mrcclj oil
latest improicincnls.
FItOM Al'im,'li')nclllnir lit lOOd I'llie client.
Frederick t'vnncll. llti 1'enn ottuie.
FOH HUNT I.heiy istulitc .11') Adaim aenue,
now oicnpkii by W. Belles. Appl I. T.
Villi, 1012 Hutuct acnue.
lOlt lli:.NT 'pectlwoy Hotel. Appl to J. M
Kenmierer, 128 I'i inklln nxenue.
FOlt Itl'.S'T-llB, one-half of donhla house, In
upper (Hem Illdgui large .Mini, bath, bat
tnd cold water, latige, electric light'. 11. I'.
Hamilton, I'aull biilldlmr. Spruce aticct.
Wanted To Hent.
LKi: MIIIII, COrrAflll, wanted to lent. Juna
to October, I months or .'I nionllH, furnished;
iKitlilniT fun, ; just plain and toiiifnitabli, nt
itaioniible price. Addrevs Cothge, 'lilbune.
VANTi:i TO 11I:N'T Thiee oi four fumts'ictl or
linfiirnlslicil looms for housekeeping. Atldiosi
525 Jetrerhon ucnue, clt. ,
j?or Sale.
srr fvvvvwwx
IOH SI,i:-1lic gieat Cenlril Ntw Voik half
mile track pun- .suimli llo, MO'A, tint
nnkis tlum nil ilbry en the linme ulrctcli wheie
the mono N, Cm be wen ut M0 Dlx tdr.'ct.
1011 SI.i: Milk route and tows, together or
sepnnte. Addicts Hirey Jicquesi, Mooslt, l'l,
l'Olt S Mill Cutter cheap, In good condition.
Apply ut 2ll) Linden street.
Kill SL1) (lli:l'-C'.iipct. Stand ird Vwlng
Muchlue, Itiftlgei itor, llidmoiii Soil and
other household furnltuie, third llooi, 111 Spare
JUSl' AltltlVLl) with tt e.uloitl of horses; good
workeio and seenl closely milt bed town
Weight fiom 1,100 to 1,VX). C ill bo seen at .Ul
Itijinniid touit. 1'. M. Cobb.
lOlt HW.H Hiatlngi), uwdusl nnd kindllns wood.
At Ansley'u Lumbtr anl, S01 Stiinlon St.
1011 StLi: Hie bit und llxtuie of the Union
Hotel on laickiwnnm stnet. 01 pliant. Lo
cation excellent. Lodges meet In bulldhu. Sell
ins out on account of ill health. T. 1'. Jones,
roil SALi: Slock of the Inleimtioni'. lext Itook
Company of Scrarlon (lormerly the Colliery
Ingincei Co.), Chis. D. Miiidcrson, UU SoiiilnK
aU'iiuo, Scranton, l'a.
l'Olt S1L11 CIIIIAl'-rirtttowl. iion roofing, tin
bcrs, board", scantling, etc , tiom old cira;
fiuitable for all pui poses. Jennings, Central
Mines switch, foot of llvrplon sticct, oft Somh
Main acmic.
l'Olt SLU Two light spilng wagons and tome
harness, cheup. Uans, rear 1152 Liucrns
roit SVI.C Cheap; borse. fprlng wa'on and
harness, it No. 1S21 Cedar avenue.
Public Sale.
PUBLIC SLK We Mill sell at public mle for
the benefit of whom it may concern, on Wed
ncwla, Januiry 22, at 10 o'clock a. m . nt lh
Micilfl's office, in the Court Houe. of the Clt
ot Scrintmi, two (2) shares of stock of the
'lowcis' Pmk l'atking and I'nnislon Compaii,
the siiiie being held as eolhleral to a note.
Wi:LLi:S & TOIHIKV. Attoriie.'g.
Heal Estate.
lOlt SLi: Ibe desliable dwelling. 322 Monioe
aveme, toinei Mulbeir; eisy tptm-. Ficd
eruk Council, 118 I'cnn tiMinie.
rOlt SVI.L tilt '10 l,i: SI", Ioi a Inm of xeais,
lino torner piopiiU in upper dictn llldge;
plti-intt-t location in this ille, house li n
nine moms and is in txttlltut uipo. Tcims
ci. Appl to Dr. Deiu. (Hi! Spiute street.
TOB '-M.i: H,"l0O will l,uv u beinliful liome in
Klinlmii.t, woith sjiim, Di. Bate-on, ..17
W.i-hlngtou axenue.
TOB SM.H One acre of land, nnproed with
nine ronn house: plenty and xnuetv ot fruit;
good location in Ullage of ITcctMllc. Mi 3. Olive
Fish, Flcetrille, Pa.
Furnished Rooms.
101! ltl'.Nr A fine fiont mom foi kcnllciuin, all
(OiiMiiiHiites, tin minutes walk tiom Comt
linn p; piii itc fainil, Ai'ilress r liilnma nt.lie
I Llt.Mlli:!) ROOMst foi iti'l, iniideiii liupitne
inenls; pil ite fnniU; (.tntlcnun piefeir-il,
at 5.17 Ail mis .iMi'tie.
POlt BLNT lwo fomfoitably fin nMictl looms
foi (.cutltintn; mndnii iiiipioteiucnts; pi I
atc fiimlli-. J..0 Washington tveiine.
lOlt ItLNTruinlsbcd front room, with beat,
balh und g:.s; near comt house; geiitlcunn
pieleired. Addict, Itooni, Box 200.
l'Olt RL'Xl' Fuinlslied loom; heat and bath
025 Linden sheet.
rURNISlILD BOOMS roll BI'.NT. with beat, fas
and bitli, senlleiiien prelcried, at S,) Adaim
Money to Loan.
ANY AMOUNT 01' MONI. 10 LO VN 1)111?,,,
straight loam or Building: and Loan At
from 4 to 11 nei cent, tall on N. . W.hkei,
oll-.il5 ( oiinell building.
HAMIID-Good iecond-liand ftuiiaie, will pa
ca.h. Address Lock Box ISO, Siraittou, Pa.
Wanted Room and Board.
ANICD Boom and bouul in letined piivite
fanill fm lliieo ladles; iut lo exceed 12 pir
week One ltcatetl wlllilu IHe minutes walk fi mi
clt ball piefcricd, Adtlins, K. II, Tribune Of
Rooms and Boaid.
A I.AIIili: KltONT BOOSt, with boaid, at 531
Auama aieime. atiitumc ioi iwu &uii mcr
BOOMS TO lll'AT. with board. WW Mulberry
Boaideis Wanted.
PltlVAll, 1'AMII.V wishes lo liave two nl u men
to boird. German ni rn-lh. Call an I. in J
uflu 'Ihurtdiy. All content. me, 607 lluiion
another 5 to 10V. off: mixtd and butihciis, si 00
lU.IJ; good In (boko lieiw, wi, ul 53; luiigh
Inmy, ?5 05a0.20; llgb;, i-5,.VIi3.P'ij bulk of
tales, $510.10 30
Mieep BecflpU, 2I,'I00, hecp, nlioiit ttt nil ;
lambs, ltad to shads hmn; good to iholtu
wither. 1H.JU11 i), ubliiiM feil, ?l.2'ia'i in;
uatilo iambi, M.ViaU; wtslein IjiiiIu, led, $5i0,
East Llbeity Live Stock Market.
fan I Hint. Jan 10. Cattle lull; iholie,
so, auo on; prime, if'i.MaOi good. p.'54!M.
llorf Slow; pilmu licaxicj, Mt.VlaO.tU; best
medlunw uml In as; .toikria, Nl.ioatl.0S; Hal i
xoike, M I0a7; pljs, CJfOaJ.HO, lounln, f,i
0 00,
Micc Sluw , wclhtr. fllOilOn; i'ilt
,i,id cai.1111011, 1.50a2.50, taillugs, x)jU, vul
t aires, fT.tb.
Oil (.11), Jan. 10,-CleJlt balJllus, 111. i,t.
llllcult, po bid. ShlpiiiMlU., 51,071, JU'lj;i,
H),b27 Bum, ,ia; atiiaje, 7J.7S'
A TUp to California or Ploilda.
Tlioso contcinplatlng tniclt a trip need
but to call U the local tlckot agent of
the Lackawanna and ho will
auaiiKO every detail, InclndluK iians
portallon, lieitlis, lesoi vatlons and
tliecltlns,- of bab'Bago tlnougli to desti
nation; alJio will fumlsli lates, I'oldeis,
desulptlvu lltciaturo and any other in
fonnatlon. dealred on the tubjeet.
Thiough sleopviia and day coaelie to
Chicago. Only one rliungo of curs to
Wnnt Adveitlscmcnta Will Bo
Received nt Any of the Follow
ing Diue Stoics Until 10 P. M.
Central City
AMIKIU' SCHL't.lZ, comer Mulberry
itreet and Webster at time.
OUSl'AV PICIIBL, 050 Adams aieime.
West Side
ai'OItai! W. JCMUN'S IOI South Main
South Sciantou
THUD L. TEBl'I'i:, 72J Cellar avenue.
North Scranton
OLO. V. DAVIS, coiner Norlli Miln
avenue and Market sticct.
Green Ridge
CIIAllLi:s 1. JON'CS, 1(57 Dickson
T. J. JOHNS, MO Giccn Kltlse street.
C. I.OltllNZ. corner Wadilngton ave
nue and Marion street.
W. II. KNIUTUL, 1017 Irving atcnue.
J. a.
Help Wanted Male.
'In si nd oi
t ill for oui
t ilaloDiip rt
Indicntois, Slinklnt; Orates, I'limite Blowers, Sep
aralora, Slcini Pumps, Alaiui Mater CoIiuhih,
Sheet and Piston Packing, ete. I nlnii Slemn
Specially Co. New- 'phone. 114 1 ranklln .tttmie.
WANTED A oupK man who can Instinct on tie
xiollii, und can play tost violin in i tmnd
orchesli t, to exchinite these sen lets fo. cdu
citionil adtantat;es. Comet p!uci ul-o uaninl
on slinilai terms. Address Musle lit pal tint nl,
State Normal school, Bloomsburfr, Pa.
WAirnit WANT KIJ Apply at coiner of Linden
street and Hoinli atriiue.
MAN, I IlU A flrst-clJKa upholsteici; steady woik.
Applv to Scranton Bidding fo.
llOOKKBLPBlt WAN I hl Must bite setenl
.vears practical cxptilence; iequlio but Hie
boms senico eicb tla.t, uioriilin;, afternoon or
nlRht. State silniy wanted for such eoruce
Atldicss Mi. Beck, caro of liibuue.
WAN rill) Ilellable omitj nun lo solicit and
collect for lesponslblc house. 2 per tin to
stmt, flood eluuco foi jiltiiueeimut. Cull loom
11, Ilurr building.
AN n:i) Men to learn bubei trult. New sys
tem. Blsht weeks eouiplclts. 'peclil In
ducements this moi Hi. Maces Sttmdits. Diplo
mas awaidcd. Steady pesition RUiiaulecd wlien
llinnu'li. Mrite foi fiee tatalogue. Addicss
.Mold's Baiber Sdiool, New Voik ( it.
WANTLD-By leadiiiK Philadelpbla hou", fiiat
class salesman, to sell exeneial Hue ot paper
to the retail trade, one who has an icniiiiiitincc
prefeired: must bate best reference and bf nble
to furnish bond. Address P. O Box 20S, Phila
delphia. Help Wanted Female.
lilltl, M WILD foi liousewoik, :.t7 Mel).
stei avenue.
M NTU) flood Kill foi scneiul hmwcwoik. 'two
ill fiuill. Ill' Mcbsttr .iteime.
BOllKKKBPhlt M NJI.D-Onlt txpiiiinctd, fust
tlKs I idt bnokkei pel in id ipjib . Address
Iripeiiil CierarCo., 10' I'i inklln iiitniie, cm
MANILII - (.111 lo do t'eiicial huucwork lit
hi ., A . ,.. .i n.. . . sr. .
mi it iiiisi'ii i.tiuif. .iiiiii' .ii mill. his.
r. (;. Mcbb.
IIITV OIT.BVrOBS MNTl D-Ste.nlf work
Buaiantccd. . K. Beck k Son, JVJ Adams
M'ANTBD Clr! for Rcneral housework at Dillon.
Addrcs II, T,. care Tubune
Help Wanted Male and Female.
vNTl.D Men mil v omen lo Intel on silut.
Adihisn II. 11. .s , Tribune utile c
Recruits Wanted.
MANTLD l'Olt l. S ltn -Vide liudltd mi
liiirueil nun luttteen the ats of SI mil .!.
eitbiiis ot the Unhid Mali-,, of Rood th.uittii
and ttmpcutc bibit., wlo i in sp, iU, . n ji d
write Pn'lih. l'oi inimmatitni ipplt to l.tciiiit
in? Oilitt, No. I2j Mjoiulnj; .it unit, eiuutou,
Situations Wanted.
SHI A'llOV MAYU.D, b iniirkd in in, .is pii
talu coaihnun; best clt liftinue. Appl
A. V. , Tilbimc oilice
SMUUIOV M' Nli:il Bj I tumiin to s,o out
vtoikin oi lo tike wa-bliii und nouiiiK
bonie, oi ko out wasbiiie,' and iiuiilnj.. AiMl-st
( I', Oicliuil stint.
M1U.VIIOS MvN'lll)- vniiinr wjiiiiu Willi
cldhl J )(.iis old: housckippliin' pieftued,
beft icfeienctsi Mia. Blown, "viaultm jiewtulHic.
Siri'A'lIOV llMi:il s eluk or wotknun In
Jewell stoic; thirl tal' expoiltiite, (.and
leteienets ddiis A, C II, iXi kpiln' slrtet,
West PitUtun, l'a
MIUillOS M'Mi:il-lly a ouiu nun as it
It .until r tut piitate laiull, oi an kind
of work; iju Bite lefntuco II rctiilitd. .ddics
AMIIIam Moijiii, 7"2 Kieosln tuiiu
Mil Mi Anieileiu liiil want, pu-ltiun .11 trtinial
lioiiscwmk in jiiull piltitte 1 mill v . Ileal ot
lefcitlices. II. h., lilbune olllet
Siri'AllON' WN'li:i)-ll a Sill t" tlo -eneial
lieu-ewoik, I .ill t J II PutiMlii stuct,
hill VIIOX VIIH-vs ti'iiu.ltr oi ntable
bis oi taku no of bouts, A. B, 521
1'lltatuii .utirit
SIU'VIION M'Nn:H-Uy I m" Hill I0 car,
old to do 1UI.I luii.iuorl,. iiii'ii uml wish
III),', Addiiss 1. D. 2Hi t nlKlll ,-iitel, Dun
MOSItN, aut'l 21 cui, t.ilh rsniiciieii as a
hctbckecpu, tltallts imilointlit uL
lioiiacwork. XUdiiM, oi call V! Putnam stioel.
bill AMOS .SII.II-(lltl ttuils pl.uo lo ilu
ll-lit lousettuil.. vdiliess Minnie r-i.niltliii,
101 '-iisiiucliauu i stin t, IIiukIijiiiIoii, N. 1,
SHUVHOS' M' vNTLD-B exiiirleneed shui
s.ilcBiii.iu; will .itcpl modtiatc salaiy. ,i
elieas ', l.tneial Delitci
Sill MIIIS MAST 111) Ily tilings, .ill or pail,
of time, on coata oi tioaaci. Ad.litss II,
(aie of 'Iribuni
blltl.VIIO.S MAMKH-Ht .voun kdv Willi ex.
)ili lieu, ill. Ins po.Lltai ii. i aleuo.iapht"
and ItpcwilUl. Addict A II, ult of 'Minima
oflli c.
lOl'S'n MVN wlthis po..itl(ii In lioi.l as nllit
cl.'ik, or at antihlue,' in hotel worl.j littt, ejoud
liabiu "lid (ail eoii'O well uiiiimnii.ilcd. Ad
tlltsj, J, II. 11., 1000 Siutli Mill) atrim.-, Siun
luu, Pa.
A 'IlIOHOL'fllil.Y up to date, txp.rleuted, llrst
elass edothiug aiiletiuan, want ('job; willing
to piote Utlilciii' and abillt or untpi
vtltliout pJt loiiipctcu; to ttiile. edit and lako
diaiKU ot all udtertlalu in an oiluliiil lusmier.
Addle i J A (.H'.lll, Wilkes Bane, Pi
LOST Htlwccii dictn ilitle and Deli aliens,
on 111-' tray limit ixianioii, u Ion.' IiIjcS
fur: fludcf will bo uttaidtd il uniuied to Mu.
'lliiuiiss Mi Wall if, l.l" Dtitt lieei, (Iretn Bldie.
Dissolution of Paitneialiip.
iTTwiM'l7Hv"" "I PAKINUPilHP Noiito I,
lieieby ijltcn that ihe vcpirni'iauli be
tween Meidl)!! 1" l.ilkiu uml John Voik
lundt. tiuilliij a.1 (lie "Kouil lliliatt Com
p.ui'." is l.ii'ii 1'. Lai km use
tluuiuy in Hie buinc t.ltii the ilk' lit to me I lie
wiuie priu lume mnl tollat all avivuiu and (u)
all iudtblediKiM of the Dim.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
Mori Tim Pour Lines. 6 Cent! tor Uacli tUtra Uns,
Cei tilled Public Accountant.
nullilltur, and St. Paul Bulldlnir. New York.
riii:ni:iii(T u tiitnws. abcii. n , nt;.vti
IMatc Lvtliansc Bide,'., 12(1 M'islilntjton ate.
Civil and Mining Englneora.
nn. c i:. !:ili:nbi:iicii:ii, paui.i buildinq,
fpnicc street, Scranton.
1111 C. O. LAUBACH, 113 M'VOMJSaM'BNUli
I'llANK K. nOVLI.', ArroiiNi;v.AT.LAv.
Booms 12, 14, 1(1 and IS Burr Building.
tlatcd on rcil estate accurlt. Mears Bulldlns,
corner Washington aiciiuo and Spruce street,
ami counsellor al-luw. Itepubllcan llulldlny,
wathlngton atcnue.
jellors nt-latt. Coiiunonwcallli Building, Itoomt
19, 20 and 21.
i:mvABD w. rniyi:it, atiohnuy. booms
OOJ P01, nth floor, Mears liinldlni.
ot liade Biillillnir, .Scranton, Pa.
Bank Biilldlnp;
211 W omlne atenne.
Physiciana and Surgeons.
Inslon atenue. Itesldenep, 1118 Mulbciry.
Cluoilc, lu irs, heart, kidnca anJ
Kcnlto uil"ary oigans a specialty. IIouis, 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and Restaurants,
TUB LT.K CUT!, 125 AND 127 1 BANKL1N Al B
nue. Bates reasonable.
P. ZIUrjLKB, Proprietor.
frnptei depot. Conducted on the Kuiopeim
plan. VICTOU KOCH, Proprietor
cess pools; ni idor; only improved pumps ucd.
A It Brigers, propiirtoi. Leave oiders 1100
North Main atomic, or Llckc's dniR stoic, cor
nel Adams and Mulberry. Both telephone..
tr)mcn, stoic 201 Washington atcnue; eieen
homes, 1950 Noith Main avenue; store tele
phone, 7S2.
Wire Screens.
JOSBPH KUI.lin,, Bi:R fill LCKA. AVIi,
Scranton, Pa., manufactuicr of Wlie Screens
also ladies waists. l.ouUe Slioemaker, 212
Adams atcnue.
t elopes, piper bugs, twine. Waicnouic, 1J0
Washlngtcn atenie, Miantun, Pa.
'lill: Wll.Kl'S BABIti: BI'CORD CAN 1115 II l
In Sciantou at the news stands of llclaiuiii
Bios. 400 tpiuco and 50, linden; M. Notten,
W2 1 ackauuima atenue, I. S. Schuticr, 211
Spiute street.
Business Oppoitunity.
HAVi: OU vlllatje. tit or town propeil, bu.I
iie -s oi stock ol Koods to Mil oi exchaiuor
l.lst ouv pioperl with J. L. liaty, Heal Bslate
Bxchanire, W.itcil, N Y.
A I'Mtll until 1st indfn double entry bookkcep
in em i.eiiii' for blmtlt a hue pevitlau 1"
a well estiiblishid dltidclid UliiK eonipam by
inti.tinir .six in i-ctiii Ihou-liid dollars. Addie-s
S. . , lilbune mine.
S101K ASJ WHBVT 'lit MiBIlS without delay.
Milte foi oui spcilil market letter, l'rct, on
stipulation. S M. lllliluid . lo., ineinbera S.
X. Ctnsolitlattd and Moil. kxclianBC, 44 and 10"
llioadwat, Sew oik. lMll. Ui
DUiancu" Phone 2JiS Broad.
'1IIK ASSl l, MI.I.IISII of Ihe atockholrids o(
Hie aeiainnii lleildlni,' lompiiiy will be held
In the Mlftnouis it the tnnipiut, lUH) l.ail.J
w.niiik, atcnue, on lliuitdi, limuiy 21, at 1 iO
p. m. 1'. A. KAImI'.II, fe.'iietiii
I'A'll! HI' Dinlil Iji stall, late of the cltj of
Sciantou, ('nun' ol Litkattimii, I'ciuis 1
Jiltris test iiiKUliiit mi Ihe jImiw i-l.ile natun;
been iiiaiiud In Ihe mideieleinid, nil piiroila bit.
iir,' ilaims in ileininds aK.iliui i-jld istale Ml
pitstnl Ilu in mi pat mem, und those, inelel ud
tlitieto will make iuii'ie llato puimnt to bji.ih
1". I in;t ill. ixuuliix, Niinluii, IV. 11. 31.
"treelei, altoinn
IV 1(1" ii(ipiiielleiii of Hie Washington Soelal
( bib of, I'i nn- haul i In tho Inurt
td ( Pb .a of Uekawamii oiily So.
nM, Jiiiuai 'Idin. 1KU , "
Nolbo li heubt citeli lb it uu application will
be mull! to sild eoint on the 1st du ol I'ebniarv,
lis!.', ut II o'clotk a m., mull l the ii t of vs.
ocniblv tit tho I tunnioiiwealtli u l'tiiiiat,tJ.nU,
(iilllltd. "An el to pictliki for llio inoviiura
lion ami iiuulitlon of eerl iln eurpoiatlons," ap
piottd April 2'. If74, and Hie si pp.leineiiH
tbciclo, tin the tlLiiler nt uu Intrnelril innioia.
tlon to be called "Ilic, W'jflilli.'luli .Vicj Clult
of hciaiitiin, Pcnnsltaiili," the chaiacter nut
tibjiil v heieot Is ilia uialiileinnie of a club
fir mjiIiI inJoiiient, and foi tlieio purpoeco to
lute, pei.sias nnd eiijo .ill (lie iIkIi's, lienelds
and piitllt.iH o the Hid Act of Aasenib) ami
' O'BBIBS' & MMtriN.
Ulouie.ts for Applieauts
Kltrn that application will be made to one
of Hib Judaea of ibe louit of foiiiuion i'!t-M o
l.atkawanni eotiiilt, on Ibe Mil day ot Vflmuiy,
HWi, under the litneral I oipoutloit Act e.1 Pvun.
.vltanla, appiotul Mall 20, tU, und Its mip.
pit menu, for the incorpoialiou of tliu Dtslilet
Nuiao js.oeiJtlrn of Seianlon, Ihe objtet rf
etiiporiliiiii U eciiilnB for the tick in hcianinn
uml vleliitlt tulneil nuiae'S for tboitcr periods
thin ihus' fur tilileli their eniplotment is or.
dliuiilt pradliuble, and the diasiinliijllon il in
fornutli'ii lepiiidlii.- piopei t lie (if Ilic siejs! aiul
foi lhte purpoata tu hate', pOsscv, and rujox, all
tbn riilhla. benrllts and piivlleireo e( llio'fuld
Aei ol Aseiiibl) and iis ninpleiiiniU
The ivrtilliaie oi uuniiimallnn . now on nie
III the (fll-i of the l'liiibiiiintar oj nid couit
to No. 10. Miuli 'letiii, I'iYl.
PWTI'IPjON &- WILIO.S, Silleltors
van! i
1. r. Me.'or,'el. Uoy Chester M;4rd.
OIT If 11 or the 'Minton Bolt nnl Nut Co.,
viunton, Pi Ihe vunu il Mieilnii of In
stotkholilus of Ibe -iiaiiluli Bolt and Nul Com-
iiant. b'l Ibe tltetlcii of tllieilon Ioi the ell-
mint, tin d lui lli" ti.iiw...ttluii of audi other
lill, buss ai mi) piiipelh be hiniicjhl bctolp it,
will be held at Ilu oilice of the Compaii. it
tlic Mulks, on Ihuisdit, J.imiait 2i. ut 2 o'eluck
p. m I. M. IIIIIUON, nielai.