The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 16, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Special lo Ihe Scranton Tribune.
Montrose, January 15. W. V. Alney,
esq., Is confined to hln house by ill
ness. William N. Dcvlnc, of Rush, was tha
miost of Ills ulster, Mrs. aeorge II.
7ruzler thla week,
No Indications of smallpox having
Appeared, It Is expected that tho ban
nenltiBt public nitsomblaKCH wilt bo re
moved by tbe Hoard of Health, niul
thnt the fact will be signalized by the
ringing of tho church bells for tho rcjr
ular weekly prayer meetings tomorrow
Republican cuucukcs to nonilntito
borough and waid tickets will be held
611 Tuesday evening next.
An Interesting event will be the. an
nual meeting of the County Historical
oclety which will be held In this place
on Saturday, January 19. An interest
ing programme has been arranged and
a lurgo attendance and enjoyable ses
sion Is anticipated.
The grand jury Is In session In this
placa this week.
For the first time, this season the
country roads are considerably ob
structed with drifted snow, sulllclent
to interfere with the arrival of the
rural stages on several mornings tills
A number of Montrose people are 111
from the effects of vaccination.
Prothnnotary Henry T. Munzer bus
been elected vice-president of tho
First National bank to succeed the late
0. A. Oilbcrt. Tho selection of Mr.
Muuxer Is n wise one and meets with
a very general and hearty approval
on the part of the bank's patrons.
S. A. Pettis is visiting relatives at
Miss Beshic Tllsbeo Is the guest of
her friend, Miss Jennie Runnel, at
Miss Margaret O'Brien, little daugh
ter of Mr. John K. O'Brien, is ill with
scarlet fever at her home on Chenango
Miss Florence Reynolds has received
word of the serious illness of her sis
ter, Mrs. Robert Mealey, nt New
Brunswick, N. J.
Miss Harriet Kdsel has returned from
n visit to friends in New York city.
Louis Carey, of Buffalo, who has
been visiting relatives In this place and
at Auburn, has returned to bis home.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Honesdale, Jan. 13. A petition
which ia being circulated asking the
town council to reconsider the ordi
nance which forbids coasting in the
borough is meeting with favor by
scores who would grant the youth of
today the enjoyment of old time sport.
The store room next door to the ex
press office so long unoccupied, will on
February 1 be occupied by Bregstelu
brothers, the clothiers.
Rev. J. D. Phelps, D. D., of Syra--use
university, will lecture in the
Methodist church Monday evening,
Tanuary 20. Subject, "Cape Cod and
Capo Cod Folks."
Mr. George Porter, of. New York, was
'he guest of Dan C. Osborne a few days
.his week.
Mr. Harry Mumford Is again in the
law office of E. C. Mumford to resume.
the study of law.
This Thursday evening a sleighing
party of Honesdale ladles and gentle
men will drive up the Dyberry and
take dinner at Kimble's hotel.
Our townsman. George II. Whitney,
0110 of the veterans of tho Thirteenth
regiment, is a candidate for major of
the regiment.
The pool and blllard tournament be
tween the Exchange and Amity clubs
ire now on.
Tho remodeling of the Honesdale
postofllce.which was to have com
menced today has been postponed until
next week. Extensive improvements
are contemplated.
For the small quantity of snow on
tho ground, sleighing could not be bet
tor than It has been during the past
two weeks. Sleighing parties are nu
merous. Lumbermen and others also
make good use of excellent sleighing.
fpiclil to th Sainton Trttiunt.
Brooklyn, Jan. 15. Miss Ella Lath
rop spent a few days with her nunt,
Mrs, C. II. Ely, last week.
There were no services In the Pres
byterian church last Sunday, us tha
pastor, Rev. R. L. Roberts, Is away on
a vacation.
Mrs. E. J. Lathrop has been vlbltlng
her daughter, Mrs. Llewellyn, In
Vllkes-Barre, for some time.
Mrs. J. C. Miller was cut quite badly,
recently, by n saw falling upon her
Drs. Alney and Chamberlain vuceln
tited the pupils of the graded school
last week, also many of the older peo
ple. A Montrose correspondent seems to
think Brooklyn has become much
ularmed over small-pox, from the ru
mors they have heard. There are ru
mors enough, but the greatest one
comes from Montrose, I, e., that sev
eral families have requested their tele
phones to be cut out for fear of small
pox being communicated through them,
MIsh Jcunio Stephens, of Heart Lak4,
Is Ylsltlng relatives in Brooklyn, as the
guest of Mrs. EJdrldge.
Lieutenant Rogers' post, Grand Army
of the Republic, dined at the Brooklyn
house last Saturday and held a public
Installation of their officers In tho af
ternoon. Several comrades from out-of-town
were present.
About eighty persons attended tha
Aid, society at Mrs. S, B. Eldrldge's
last Thursday, Several guests wore
present from Hopbottom. Rev, Smith,
of the Methodist Episcopal church, was
thero and assisted Rev. Sagu In tho de
votional exercises.
Mrs. Florence Eldrldge, of Bingham
ton, Is tho guest of relatives here.
George Caswell, one of our Brooklyn
boys, who has worked in Scranton for
several years, has vecpntly gone to
California and purchased luud,
F, B, Jewett Is making changes in
the Interior of his house. Mr, and
Mrs. Wright will occupy part of It, and
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Sterling the other
Mr. and Mrs. D. c. Perry attended
the wedding of his daughter, Marian,
to Mr. Brlsbln, of Scranton, last, week.
Tho following oflicers were elected for
the Universal Sabbath school for tha
year 1902; Superintendent, Mrs. M, B.
Sage; assistant superintendent, Miss
Oertrudp Waldlc; secretory, iM,U Lil
lian Austin; assistant secretary, Miss
Etta Sago: treasurer, Miss Ethel
Steveris; librarian, Leon Stephens! as
sistant, Edna Eldrldge; organist, Mrs.
31. W. Palmer.
3trs. J, W. Adams has returned from
a visit nt the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Charles Slcklcr, near Wltkcu
Barre. 3Irs. Adams was qulto 111 while
Spulal to tlit Scranton Tribune.
Tunkhunnock, Jan. 115. Mrs. Annie
Crawley, nn aged Indy living on Third
Htrcot, who ban been very 111 with
pneumonia, Is lcported much better.
Tho J. W. Reynolds, post G. A. R.,
and J. W. Reynolds Relief Corps held
a Joint Installation of oflicers this eve
ning at Grand Army hall.
Harry Andrew, of Montrose, Is cm
ployed at the Dietrich granite yard on
Warren street,
Clarence 12. SIckler, broom manufac
turer, of Noxcn, was doing business In
town on Tuesday,
Thomas Boycc, of Pine street, Is vis
iting his father, who Is being treated
at a Philadelphia hospital.
Among the candidates for Justice of
the pence at tho February election, are
William Kutz, Thomas M. Harding,
The dog has chased a. squirrel up u
tice. Cut out tho parts and see If you
can find them.
John F. Slcklcr, Charles 31, Lee, II. W.
Bardwell, and E. S. Handrick. There
aro two to be elected.
Tho regular January term of court
of oyer and terminer and quarter ses
sions convenes on Monday next.
The hearing In the audit in estate of
Ruth C. Myers, deceased, will be had
before O. Smith Klnner, auditor, on
Ftiday morning, January 17.
Dennis G. Keeney, of Laceyville, was
doing business In town on Tuesday.
Arthur H. Squires returned home on
Monday night from a trip to El Paso,
Texas, where he has a. contract to sup
ply the city with water, and Is engaged
in building the necessary reservoir,
Attorneys W. Piatt, C. Oscar
Dershelmer and James E. Frear re
turned on Tuesday from Scranton,
where they were In attendance at tho
sessions of the Superior court.
The smallpox patients are all on the
road to recovery. The Carrington girl
was removed to the Wyoming house
on Monday, and the Carrington resi
dence Is being thoroughly cleansed and
Rnnsloer Wall and family are about
to move into the Ausart residence, re
cently occupied by Dr. A. H. Wooster.
Special to the Saaiiion Tribune.
Harford, Jan. 15. A mock trial will
bo held by tho young men's union class
In Odd Fellows' hull, January 17.
Dr. Hoovnn hns vaccinated over one
hundred people. The Harford people
begin to think smallpox Is u little too
Rev. C. W. Hawkins, of Maine, will
preach In the Congregational church on
January 19 and 28.
Rev. Barnes Is assisting Rev. Fisher
in his meetings here this week.
Lee DeWltt, of New Mllford, wits a
caller In town on Tuesday.
Hurford Butter and Cream associa
tion have Just finished filling their lee
Emmet Flint Is visiting friends at
Whitney's Point tills week.
Mr. Dolawny, of Btnghamtoii, N. Y
Is visiting his brother In town.
Our graded school Is closed on ac
count of so many children being sick
from vaccination.
The Congregational Missionary soci
ety will meet with Mis. Hpruce Sweet
on Wednesday, January 15.
Mrs. Cole, of Syracuse, who litis been
cnrlng for her slster-ln-law, 3Irs, J. C,
Tanner, has returned home. Mrs, Tan
ner Is Improving, but rather slowly,
John Brigs, who Is lenrnlug Die
machinist trade In Owejo, came home
sick on Saturday. It Is hoped he will
recover and lie ab!o to return to Ills
Mfs Susie Matthews hits gone to
Scranton to spend somu time.
Special to tin' Scullion 'J'litiiine,
Duryea, Jan, 15, Tlio botough cutin
rll met lust evening In tho town hall,
Tlio members responding to tlio roll
cull were; Edsall, Allen, Bryiunler,
Winn, Cesoiitlne nud Evuns. Tho
following bills were ordered paid; (1.
V. Cooper, $3:), fur desks und chairs for
ofiice; Harry Drake, $7, for broken
springs on IjIb wagon. Tho bill of $19.02,
pieseiited by Mr, Bryiiiuler, for build
ing watchman's shanty ut the. Barnes'
residence, was ordered to be sent to (ha
boatd of health, Tho bill qf M52 from
Sacks & Blown, of Plttston, wns Bjveii
to the flniitice Vonitultec for Investiga
tion, and otliep minor pills were also
intrusted n Its care. When tho proL
y V"t'"tu i remedy that rtirt'S n cold In one tiny,
iletit caled'"for unilnishcd business, Mr.
Whin jumped to Ills feet and asked
about tho last meeting, declaring that
It was illegal. Tho borough attorney,
Mr. 'Wcscott, vtiH asked If the .meetlhg
Wan legal or not, and said It wus If
hotlccs hud been sent to every mem
ber bf the council and board of health
to attend tho Joint meeting. 31r. Winn
claimed he was not notified, 41ml sharp
ly criticised tho work of tho Joint meet
ing. Attorney Prcscolt wns granted
tho privilege of obtaining T. It. Molvln
ns nssoclntc counsel to fight the Black
Diamond Light company.wlio have filed
a judgment ngnlnst the borough. Tho
mooting wns adjourned until Wednes
day evening, Jan. 22.
31r. and Mrs. Joseph Nolan, of Scran
ton, visited ut tho homo of his father,
Thomas Nolan, 3tondny.
Only one enso of smalt-pox left.
Miss Mnrguret Sullivan, of Old Forge,
left yesterday to visit her sister In
Hpcihil to t lie Scranton Tribune.
Nicholson, Jan. 14. Charles Brown,
who has been sick for tho last week, Is
George Pratt Is in charge of Charles
Brown's barber shop during his illness.
Miss Nclllo Mack Is sick at her home
on State street.
Robert Pratt Is delivering milk for
Arthur Smith, who Is on the sick list.
Mrs. L. N. Boyle has gone to Susque
hanna to reside,
Mrs. Grace Jones, of Waverly, N. Y.,
Is visiting her patents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Warner.
"Be careful! Don't touch my arm!"
Is the general cry here.
John McKlbble, who fell and Injured
his Knee, in Spencer's mill, some weeks
ago, is iiblo to be around 011 crutches.
Mrs. Augusta Benjamin is ill.
Mr. Guild, electriclnn from Scranton,
is sick with pleurisy, at C. M. McCon
nell's. Mrs. B. L. SIo.U entertained some of
the young people In honor of her guest,
Miss Bennett, of Factoryville, on Sat
urday evening.
Special to tlie Scranton Tribune.
New MiUord. Jan. 15. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Lewis are rejoicing over the ar
rival of a little son.
The young ladies' quartette and the
other membeis of the Presbyterian
choir will meet at tho home of Mls-s
Inez Aldrlch on Friday evening.
Miss Nina Moore, of Harford, is visit
ing her mother .this week.
The Women's Christian Temperance
union will conduct a parlor entertain
ment at the homo of Mrs. C. 31. Shelp
on Thursday evening of next week.
The Martha society of the Baptist
church met at tho home of Rev. 1. D.
Mallery 011 Wednesday evening.
3Iiss 3Iaggie Hayden Is In Hullsteiul,
the guest of 3Iiss Anas Brown.
The Republican ptlmaries of the Second w.ud
will be held at t'le usual polling; places tciitui
low evening fioni 4 lo fi n'Uoik,
At .1 meeting of the school board cm Tuedi.v
evening it was decided to cufoua vaccination.
Tbla mint be done by net Tuesday or the pu
pils who rcfiw to comply will ho Font out of
The in.iirl.uic of Mks Kuto Maloney, ot Voib
avenue, und Kdtvaid (lilioy, of Lincoln Hill, was
holeuiiiiod in St. Mar.l's (lunch la-t i-tenlng
by ltcv. Jf, P. Crane. The bride and her attend,
tint, Miss Ai.iu McNtdly, woio landmine blue
doth gowns Willi stone marten Itiutinlngs. Each
vvuie beaver bald Willi black plumes und jet
buckles, Tho groom was waited upon by Ids
brother, Patiick. After tlio cciemony mppcv was
served nt tlio home of the bible's aunt, .Mis. M n
garet McNulty. They will 1 cable in a ptetllly
funiLliid hone on York avor.ue.
The lioinu of Mr. and .Mis. Itoheil Cranston wis
inMidcd by a bon o! fi lends on Tiles toy evening.
They presented Mi. Cranston with 1 hiniUonu
oaken liulr. Tor a time Mrs. Cranston was quite
aveicome but she soon rcwucd and nude every
thing as pleasant a possible, Substintial ic
fiebinent were scned. Tlio usual kocial dler.
xlon were In bilged In, Itobeit Wihbcr fuiuWicd
tho inibli', 'Hie follwinii; wero picu'iit; .Mis.
William lliown, Mrs. J mien Walker, Mm, IM
ward I.ilrd, Mis. Wllll.mi Laiid, Mis, Ito-e New.
ton; Mrs. W. I', l'iev, Mi Chains Ail.nian,
Mrs. I). 1'iiie, Mis. William Howell, li. .dime
Mnitou, JIw. Mull Irs W.iiien, Mis. May McMil
lan. Mrs. James Alexander Mu. .I0l.1t Cunuoi,
Mi. Panlfl Cuiikton, Mi. KiijIi Ulote, Mm.
.IJine.s Dunlin, Ml, biiah Oilier, Mm. John Has.
tic, Ml. James (luliani, Mil. John Sltlcily, Mm.
Alex C'onl.'e.i , Mis. John Andcuoii, .Mu. William
Drown, Jr., Mi., C. Il.iul.on, 5li. U. Mijtlcr,
Mis. Thoicus 1'jrr.i, Mis. llJiiy Jnl.tuoii, Mis.
Dinlel lloune, Mi-sea llellfi Moiton, Manio (!ia
ham, Jennie Wbte, faille Mijder, Jennie Sew.
lu, Mnruuivt Alkman, Janet Allen, Maisarct
A laiite iiudlineo ui In iiilciidaiicu ut tho
tlund Auny nt the IttpubllQ camp the .Sulmdiy
mcnliu. An irdfrcitinii- pioi;ranime was willed
out, Scleral tddresies weie made. Ainone; (ho
speaker who llci. Henry Waulell, of Daleulle,
whose Ibeiiie wan "Tho Catio of tho War of '(11."
llev, Mr. Illicli, alo of IMaWlle, an 1 1
cvllent tiddicn, Ainone: the iiibei' peakciii weie
Her. Mr. Mlnmr and llev. Mr. I'icntlce. of this
place. IHtleitlit piemlicu of the prut leliltij !
efdeut aid linmoroiii loiie. of I ho war. During
I lie eiciiintf tci'tiii) rmi.iiul keUctlons were mi,
lined by lbs rlioir. Mr. Jnhiw, of Haleiille, er.iv
ii wlo und Mr, and Mis. Jolitu, wn;r .1 duet,
Appropilale recilalloni wco itlien by M.r. pipi
Wcinb4tl,er and the .Mlvcj l.'diu Malonu and
Lou a Sajre.
Mi. W. W. Lallaone. of Siranton, icturu.i)
home MoucUy, after liiitlis bci aunt, Mrs. M.
W, Vaujlbu,
This tiguaturo Is on every box ot tUo genuine
Laxative Droiiio-OniniiicTabictt;
WftU Straet Review.
S'cw Yotlc, Jnit. i."t.c -Tlie tnek matket turned
front iU recent contlstcHt t1dinvrard loiirsc today
and .enjoyed oinelldnpt of a rnllj, Tho tlem.itid
wan on k fairly litKC ftale, but the hurktt
tbtrocil ft.teiuJMiey tu fall Into lulenc iliillium
and detcloped u tinllatiiiff lutio on the advance,
Thftc were it number ot leJctlons tlurlni? tho tlty
but the tMint Win near to the top leiol, liut
dullness ami waterlni; ftlll wcie mtulfet. 'Ilia
ilciiund from the elicit Inlerc-t wns u pttpable
Inlliicme in the lite, A tiiunber of Incident aid
ecl the bulls In (limine; the market aiulinc their
opponents. There was a ntrlklnc demonstration
In .Sugar mi 11 ie ntrcnitth of lltrj bcarina; nreorded
by the w.ijs and lneans foniudtko atiMachlngton
to the ndioeatc nt n reduction ot duties on
Cuban twriiM. New Yolk Central developed
Mrenjth cirly In the day und liad ilscn to the
highest point before the announcement of the new
slock Ihiio mill Hie Rubscrlptlon rljlits to toclc
liolder.s. 'Hie pilec wits Inclined lo kik tiller the
announcement, as new bond and capital biie
bate beep In disfavor with spcculatus leeen'ly.
The large italu by llto banks from the mb-lreis-ttry
and the return flow of uiricncy lioin tho ln
terler kIio assurance ol it favorable bank return
on Hattirilay, mil the heaviness of ntcrllnsr c"C
cliaiijci Indli.ttcs tint no gold will go out this
wcik. Thero vttut nlfo u sttUtldcneo today of re
cent rumors of llnanclal tiotildes In the romincr
clal world,, The sharp drop In People's (las
was due to the Icfii'Jl nt a court to nn
Injunction against the Chlcat'o city ordinance re
diiclng the rate for rus to "5 rents per 1,000.
Its Inflttenec on the itenetal market was only
ellght. Total ealcs today, (111,000 fliaicjt. 'Hie
active bonds generally moved In.Hjinpatliy vvitlt
Blocks. Total fales, par value, .!,2J"i.OOO. United
State rr-fmidlng 2'n tlecliucd H and 3'a coupon
advanced i per cent, on the last call.
Tlie followlnf quotatlont are furnished The Trie..
tine bv M. S. Jordan Ii Company, rooms "06 70J
Iteurs bitllJlne, Scranton, l'a. Telephone, 001:
Open- High- Low- Clov
Inir. est, est. in;.
American Sugar UM.'i VJH4 HS",i 121
Atchison 73s Tflii 75',i 7(1
Atchison. IT !7!i M 7i 0V&
Atnai. Copper r.7;i ia' (7l (rtTs
Am. Car k Konndry.... 'W'i 20 2Si "i'.i.
llrook. Traitlo MU (11U fi.l fil
Halt, k Ohio ln-j kij mils wit;
Chen. t Ohio l' 4"',a 3V4 15V'i
Chic, fc (It.. Wet i'V, 2Ji 2J',i 2J"A
Chic, Mil. & St. P 1(11 lU2Vi 111 l'U'.i
Cble., II. I. A 1' I"i2',i HIU I'M Ml
Colo. I'uel it lion 8H SO Sos Sj'i
I'.ilo II. It .TiTA 40 39V K'lTs
Krlo 1!. It., IT 71 Vi 'i'.k 71"s 72
Louis. ,t Nash 101 10", 101 103
Manhattan Llevnted ....13H& 137?; lSCt-i M7
Met. Traction tf.l 101- 131-Vi 1(11
Mlsosuii Pacific Hltl'i 101 HMVi 100)5
Norfolk ,t WiMetn 33 r37i 33 ft57i
N. v., O. k v :',! ;u :i2U :n
.V. Y. Central 102U H3?; 1(12U ICTJi
J'enna. It. It 117'.i HsM ll7i lWi
Heading Hy MT, ClO-s. 3-l?s ";
Kcadinp lty.. lft IT .... Hli fil'j S0',i SHi
Southern lly 32S :7i :!2H i!2-
Southern ll.. IT !H'.i at IUH (i!
i-outherti Pacific 3Si Rl'j, fiS'i 315J,
Tenn. Coal k lion 02 02 02 112',!.
U. H. Leather UK UN 1l's Hai
17. P. Steel C o (Ki 42-:i llr'i 42Vi
U. S. Steel Co., IT .... II life II I ij (it IIPJ
Western I.'nlon 01 in 01 01, IT 41'j 42 41U 42
Union Pacific 100 10U, ; 101
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Lackawanna Dairy Co., IT
County Savings Hank & Trust Co..
First National Danl: (Carbondale) ..
Standard Drlllinp Co
Third National Htnlc
Dime Deposit and Discount Bank..
Keonomy Light, II. k V. Co
Tlrst National Htnk
Lacka. Tiust k Site Deposit Co....
Clark & Suovcr Co., 1-r
Bid. Askei
1 m
107VS ...
Scranton Iron Fence it Mf(
Scranton Amp vvorks
S'ctanton Sitings Hani;
TraJeis' National Hank
Siraiitoii Doll t Nut Co
People's Bank
Now Meiico lly. & C. Co. .
Scranton Passenger Hallway
Mortgage, due 1920
People's Street nallvvay, first mort
gage, due 1013
People's Street Hallway, General
mortgage, due 1021
Dickson Manufacturing Co
Lacka. Township School 3 per cent.
City of Scranton St. Imp. 6 per
Ecrauton Ttaction C per cent
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. O. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave)
Flour Den patents, per bartel, SfLGO.
Beans Fit bushel, choice mariovv, $2.33.
Butter Fresh "cicauicty, 20c; .litre cr-'antery,
24c; ihilty, 2.1'..c.
( hicsc Full cream, ll!j.tl2c.
Kggs Ncntby, S2c. j storage, fancy, lOJie.
(iieen l'eas I'cr bushel, $1.30.
Potatoes For busiiol, ?1.
Onions Per bushel, S1.C0.
Pltiladelplila Provision Market.
Philadelphia, Jan. 11. Vlieal v'ie. lower;
contiact glade, J.iiuuiy, HlaSS e. Com Via.
lower; No. 2 inKcd, January, aiVjaCGc. Oat
lie lower; No. 2 white clipped, 31c. 'Flour
rum, Sc. per bartel higher; wlntrr mper, ?2.73
n:i; do. o.tras, VaS.23; Pcnnsylvutili toller ileal-,
!fJ.W).i:i.0O; do. straight, 3.Ca3.S0; western win
patent, S.'.fj0a4.1ll; spting ejear, M.!!l3a3.uU; do.
straight, J.i.(i3a.1.()0; do. pitcnt, M.(i0il.l.i. Hie
Flour Unchanged. Uiichungcd. But
ter Steady, fair dcnu.nd; fancy wetein iict'it
er.v, 21c. ; do. ncaiby prints, 27c. Hggs Stead;
fresh uearb), UOi',; do. western, ,10e. ; do. south
lvcslcm, S0c; do. smHlloin, 27c. Cheese Finn;
New YoiU full cieatns, fimy biiull, ll'ic; do.
do. do.., fair to choice, n)allc. Mellned Sugar
Utiihaugcd. Cutton Steady. Live Poultry
l'iini, fair demaudl fowls, malic.; old loosteu,
7c; (hlckens, t'alOe.; ducks, ll.tl2c; geese. 10a
12c; linkej.s, Kiallc. Diesed Poultl.t Firm,
good demand; (on Is, choice, lie,; do. fair to
good, lOjlDVtc; old roostets, 7a7Vic. ; t hlckens,
neaiby, llalo'c; western do. do., ViVj;; tutkeys,
ncitibv tlioltc to fancy, ll.ikV, : wcsteui do, do,,
l.'lallllii'. ; do, fulr to good, Pal2c ; ducks, by,
llltlte.; wcstciu do., 10.tl2c.j iriwe, Salic. Tub
biv -Steady and ill belter diiiund; t lly pritm1
In lieu ivj, ti'le.; country do., In barrel', S'.Ji
P'.ic.; do, dark, ua3j4i-.;, iT6c. Ilcetlpts
Flour, 3.0U0 luirels mil 1,17b,000 pounds In
siiLs; wheat, 1(I.1KI buslicU; emp, 5,000 luuhcls;, 10,000 bibbcR Shipments Wheat, 4,010
Ausb U: coin, ,10,oiu bu-hiU; oats, 2S,noo btislfls.
Now York Grain and Produce Market
Nivv Yeik. Jan, 13. Flour Depressed by fur
ther wheat heuvinets and closed ca-y. Wheat
Spot; No. 2 led, bS'ic f. n, Ii. afloat; No.
2 ted, 00a;c. tlcvator; No. 1 lioithetii Dtilulli,
S'?ie. f. o. b. afloat; options generally weak all
il.ty; cloned weak at Rlc net loss; Match l'iWiI
Stic. ; May, S3?i'.; Jul), Sa'.ii. Cum Spo"
weak; No. 2, (j7"ii. elevittof timl bsiic, f. o. b.
afloat; optiuus steady and fur a time was
well mtstalnetl but evciituillv met a seviie tie
clllie, clmlng lu'.ivy ut Ial!!5c net lews; M tj
rloi-cd (JTbCi July. 07thC. Oats spot e.uict; No.
2 oats, file.; No, ,'i, .'iiOjC! No. 2 white, ffl,e.x
No. :t while, Ko.l Hail; iiilsct vvistem, WV..J
"7H'-'.; luik white, ,V1a3re.; oplloiw quiet and
weaker with emu. nutter Stead) ; itcamety,
10a2J,,ii,t: factory, lJal3ltc; bine cieamtry. Hi
21c; luiilallou ueamcry, UaUlii.; hlatc dab),
lldSIVje. Civese Finn; tule full iicatit laige
fall nude finiv, 10'i il()aic . ; statu full ireatn fall
inaile famy, ll'sJlTii.; lalo Made lie.l laige,
I'llt'.; lite niadn best small. PialO'ii. Kgg
Steady; slate and Peni'sylvaiil.t, JJalb,; western,
S7.I3.H..; southern, 2taa2c. '
Ohlcngo Grain and Produce Market.
Chicago, Jan, 13. -Heais In the giulu pits wera
In high phlls today and utinienlfiillv pounded
uway ut pilies until ufter it ilrui up.itlu!. Maj
wheat iloed -lTic lower; Jfji loin l&ie. do-
jnissed. und Ma," nats )((. ilowu. Provision)
.SO, J WtllCC, il74at.74l,. .so .1 Wlllte, SOlj.titluc1 J
V, ,1 r. .. 11.. . i.nn.l l.n.lii, l..vl.... ,.t.. 1.
V. w IJH iw.Jl.l fc.'M,, tlillll, .'.l.llj, 1,11, l'l
thulce malting, lUadHici Vo. 1 tlax seed, fl.M;
No. 1 iioitliueiteiu. ijl.til; prime tiniotbv tcicl,
Sfl.33; mess poik per batiel, lii,7(i.ll(".7ri; lard,
per 00 pouiub, 'l,3a0..V); mit libs, sldet
(Irorf), K.SiitS.401 thy failed .honldet,, 74ii
7V4c.i short i leaf lde, fS.SOdS.l0; whbkev, $ ail
i lover, it).S0.
OhlCBgo Live Stock Market.
Chicago. Jan. 13,-latlle -Ucccipts, 22,(kW; SrtO
Tcsatii; slow and lOulJe. Icmci; good In prime,
sl.'rfi;i7. IV, poor to medium, H.ui; slutkcis: .mil
fiedii-s, ri.2Sal.Tl; ciuvn,; biilcu, W.2'i
a'i; cuionis. ic.2Sa2.23; liulU, s -'a 1.23. Calves
W.2IU0.20, Teaj slecu, Hojis IU
celpts, 2I,'V; luiitoiriivv, ay WO; Kit over
IA; l': hluliti, cloivd easy; mi.ed and bud licit-.
U.U3.IG.14); good In choice heavy, O.I()a0.ll3;
....!. I...... CI1I1..A. Iti.l.l. kH .11 . 1...II. ...
lVil,l, ,ll.l,,, ,.m,,, Q,..u,v,rfl, l'U Ul
sail., $Aiii. 10. Sheep -Itetc lpt, 10,'itH); itejily;
ijinus, aiiiiii io ivi. iiK.uif, iouii to llMtce
willurii, SI.3(U3; ivcitoiii nhcet fed, l,23.i"i; na
tive lamb, iJ.2ualJ; Uistern lambs fed, f3aU.
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
Ea.t lluffalo, Jan. 13. Cattlc-ltccelpu, llabt,
(Klll IU, 1.UIH, ,,UUV9, 11,) ,.tl.MU ,lOICC ly
laucy, fsag.w. lloR-lteteipt, MOu head; lilr.
ly acllve, .lalOc. Idgluv for all but pigs; heat),
&ii33aU(i3; lnh.vl paikeis, plgt, s.-,.7oa
3.1 1'20-liound il4, tfo.'.-J touglu, M. 40a 5. 70;
ttag, lai.2,5. Slep ami LamWlteeelpti, u.v'i)
htvnl; tUep, f.i.Itu top nucd. 50; mils
to b'wl, l.iO; ueiheib, jl.Wjri; yi-ailinj, b
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than pour Lines, 3 Cents (or liacli Hxtra;.
For Rent.
FOIl HI'.NT Livery Ibtblc, SW Ad wis avenue,
now- occupied by , Uolltf.'. App'y F. T.
Vail, 1012 Sunset avenue.
FOIl IIUNT-Spendway Hotel. Apply tu J. M.
Ketnmcier, 123 Franklin avenue.
FOIl llLNT-Jll, one-half ot dotihta home. In
upper Oteen Hldin!! law jard, Itith, hit
and cold water, latiRe, clertrlo llirhlo. 11, P.
Hamilton, l'aull Inilldln, Spruce atieot.
Wanted To Kent.
S VV f v
WANT11I) TO lIUNT-lhrco nr four furnished or
unfurnished rooms for liou'ekeepltuf. Addicts
523 Jeflcriion avenue, city.
For Snle.
FOIl SALti Clli:.P-C.trpcl. Ktandard SewlnB
Machine, Hefilncrator, lledroom Suit mid
other household furniture, third Hour, III Sini-c
FOIl 8ALH A luriie hloik of bunjicJ, stirtle",
wagons and rlcltilis of all kinds'; also mum
handy touts that 1 do not need, as I have told
my large iiitrlatte factory and must tret out und
must hell nt n ticrlllcc at M. T. Ivcllct'a Latka
wiinna Carriage IVoiks.
l'Olt SALH Parlor .MuhIc, III panes, 120 engrav
ings, 100 Hystericus ttlih. Price ten cents.
Dept. II. M. C. Supply Co., Brownsville, Pa.
JL'ST AHIIIVIH with a cailoadlof botses; t'liod
wot ken end several cloiClv niatdied teams.
Weight fiom 1,10U to 1,300. Can bo scut at lilt
11.1) mond coutl. F. .. Cobb.
FOIt S U.F. Cheap, boise, carriage nnd liaiuesi;
will soil for want of use. 207 llollbter ave.
FOIt SALK Shavings, Mvvditil nnd kindling wood.
At Amley'ts Lumber Yard, S01 Kci.mtoii St.
FOIl SALH-Tbc bur und flNluies nE the Union
Hotel on Lackawanna uttcct, Olyiihant. Lo
cation excellent. Lodges meet In building. Sell
ing otiL on account of ill health. T. P. .lonej,
Pioprietor. '
FOIl SAI,i:-Slo(k of the lnleiinttoiia'. Text Hook
Comptny of Scrarlon (formcily the Colliety
Fnglneir Co.), ;iiat. I. Sanderson, lt!0 Uyontlng
avenue, Scranton, P.t.
FOH SALH niHAP l'lrruootl, iron roofing, tim
bers, boatd', scantling, eti, flout old cits;
ctiltable for all putpoes. Jcniuug-, Cential
Mines switch, foot of Hampton sirclt, olT Sottih
Main avenue.
I OK SALH Two light spring wagons and some
harness, cheap. Hvans, rear 1122 Luzerne
FOIl SILK Cheap; hoise. Fprlng wagon and
harness, at No. 1S20 Cedar avenu.
Public Sale.
PUBLIC SALH We will sell nt public sale for
the benefit of whom it may loncctti. on Wed
nesday, Januaiv 22. at 10 o'clock n. m.. at the
Shetilfs nfflce, in the Cmnt House, of the City
(if Scranton, two (2) ehatrn ot stock of the
Stonets' Poilc Packing and IToviiou Coniprny,
the same being hld a collaleial to it note.
WFI.Li:.S i: TOIIRKY. Attornc).
Heal Estate.
FOH SALH $.1,300 will buy a beautiful home In
F.lniliu!.t, worth .2,000. Dr. Ilateson, K)7
Washington avenue.
FOR SALF. One acre of land, improved with
nine-room house; plenty and variety of fruit;
good location In village of Flcetvlllc. Mis. Ollvo
Fish, Fleetville, Pa.
Furnished Booms.
FOIl HLN'T A fine ft out room for gentleman, all
conveniences; ten minutes walk tront Court
IIouc; ptlvale family. Address F., Ti ib'jite office.
ITUNISIIHD IIO0.MS for rent, model n improve
incuts; private family; gentlemen pieicired,
at 337 Adams avenue.
FOIl ltr.NT Two comfortably fiuiiMicd rooms
for gentlemen; modcin impiovenietits; pii
va'te family, 3J0 Washington incline.
FOH HUNT Furnished front room, with heat,
bath end gns; mar court bouse; gentlun.ui
ptcfetred. Address liooni, V.ox 200.
FOIt HUNT Furnithed room; heat and bath.
623 Linden street.
FUnNISHKD HOOMS FOH HUNT, with beat, gas
and bath, irentlenicn prclerrcd, at 3J9 Adams
Money to Loan.
straight loans or Iluilding and Loan. At
from 1 to (I per cfnt. Call on N. V. IVaikcr,
314-313 Council building.
WANTLD Cood FrcnntUiand furnace, will pay
cah. Addicts Lock Bj' 130, Sctanton, Pa.
Wanted Boom and Board.
WANTKD Hoom and boatd in leflnoil ptivato
family for tlurc l.idlc.-,; not lo cmcci! i;12 p.r
week. One located within five minutes walk fiom
city hall prcfcircd. Addtcss, IC. II. Tiibune Of
Ike. Booms and Board.
A LAHOi: FRONT nOOM, with board, at 321
Adams avenue. Suitable lot two joung met'.
HOOMS TO ItKNl", with boatd. aO'J Mulberry
Bonrders Wanted.
PlllVATi: FAMILY wishes lo have two nl-c men
to tiojid, Cctman or l.'ngluh. Call any
altir Tliursdaj. All coni'tulaiuc, S('7 ll.uiison
LOST -Two lilaik and whlli' (.etier ilnw, inalo and
fcniah'; both have v.hite sticik ln-twctu the
c.vcs. Ilewatd, J. It, Dainty, taie of llltlcnbc.i
tier i: Co., riciantoii.
.13,23; lambs, clioug nud stead); tops;
culls to good, !M 23aO.
East Xiuorty Ltvo Stock Market,
Hast Liberty, Jan. 13. Cattle-Steady; iliolie,
Vl.l0uU.UI; prluie, Sr).83all; good. S3.33a3.H3, Units
lllglicr; inline Heavies, WJiauii); luedliuiis,
SO.Il'aU,(4); heavv Yotkerc, Vl.23a(l.;U; pigs, M.M.I
il; umji-hM, ifl.30ad. sheep-Flint; bej.t wclliei., lit; culls and common, $l.Wl.r2.23; jeat
llngv, ts'lal.el; veal calves, .fs.
Oil MnrkTt.
Oil Oil), Jan. 13. ficillt balanic, 113; c r
tlllcatcs, no bid; rhipmcnls 72,223 baiiels; nici
age, SI.Ws btitels; urns, 61,001 bancU; areiae,
7.1,031 ban els.
A birthday unpil.u pally for Ml-s M.tiile
ll.ui-ciii v.a lu'ld nt bci' luiiic in link's sum
mil .Srturduy tvclllng, January II, A veiy plena
ni.t evinlng was spi'iii, tho guests uuniliig them
elves with games, uiid i-o fetlli. After
pailaklug ot Kfre-liuicuU the), itiuludful of llu
coming Sabbath, tid: their depaitute caily. Tin
guets pietuit wiia; The MiWj Mattlo War.
liotk; ('ante Datcmau, Ntlllc Algc-i, Mice Mil
ler, Caule Clllfwil. Nin-i 1'rdrlclt, VnU Pcdtiek,
Hdia Tcwvuicud, l.tla Mivvn, Hlhcl Singer ,ind
MU, Uvaiis, from hu-autoit; Ml.s (.one it lioni
Vllke-llaiti-. 'I In' Mis.i-. Ilaity Leach. Will
Williams, llii t IDmotid, Mllo D'jlph, Aiihur
Dati -ill ill and Call hi ode:, Chiiiililll i.
A Trip to California or Florida.
Those coiUeniDUitlui; such a trip need
lint to call on the local ticket agent of
tlio l-nckawunnti rallroud and lio will
urrango every dotall, lucluijlnx irnns
portatlon, burtlis. icservatlons mid
eliecUliig ot bat'sufjo tlirougli to desti
nation j also will furnlHh rates, foldcra,
descriptive llteraturo and any ohor In
formation desired on tlio subject.
Through sleepers unit day I'oaolies Jo
Chicago. Only one thaiiBc of oars to
California. ,
Want Atlvortisemonts Will Bo
Bccelvctt nt Any of the Ifollow
inff Drttfr fltoros Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALnilllT fiCIHHIZ. corner Mulberry
street and Webster avenue,
HtlSTAV r-ltillUL, CjO Adams avenue.
West Side
aUOIlOH W. JHNKI.VS, 101 South Main
South Scranton-
lTlilD L. TCItPPi:, 72!) Cedar avenue.
TrtV-l C!tsnss t-nt
OKO. W. DAVIS, cotner Not III MaltfH
avenue and Market ttrccl.
Green Ridge
CIIAltl.KS P. JONi:S, 133" Dicksaa
F, J. JOHNS, 020 tiicen ltldgc sttect.
C. LOItHNZ, corner Washington ave
nue and Marion tiled.
W. II. KNCFFUL, 1017 Irving avmue.
Help Wanted Male.
To tend or
call for our
JllUlllLJljIIU linill UU c.itii octte of
Indicators, Shaking (Hale. Furnace Mower. Sep
M.itois, Steam Piuiips, Alaini Water Columns,
Sheet and PIton Packing, cte. I nloit Slci'iu
Specially Co. New 'phone. 131 Franklin atentie.
WANI'IID (ieneral agent lor Stranton nnd vliln
it.v to leprcscnt an old establMietl Life Insur
ance Company of cw Yok, tu man of rvpcil
tnce and good teioid a Hist ehiis lonlratt is of
Icied. Address, i.l.itlng c.pcilcncc nud lefennces.
S'lipcrinlcndent, P. O. Hot 20.31, New lotk city.
WAirLI) WANTi:i) Apply at coiner of Linden
sttect and Wyoming uventie.
WANTHD A llut-cbKs uphoktcici; steady wotk.
Apply to Scranton Bedding Co.
bookki:i:pi:ii have cvrni
c.irs practical epeileliie; lequite but lite
hours bervicc etch day, lnmnliig, afternoon ut
night. Stale ultiy wanted for stub Hi V lie.
Addtcss Mi, Beck, c'aio of Tiibune.
WANTIID Itellable jotmg nun lo tollcll and
collect for ii-siouililo hoii-e. S2 per day to
ttart. Hood chtiiie for adv.miemenl. Call loom
14, Burr building.
WAXTIID Men lo leant bather ti.ide. New t.ys
teiti. Klght weeks iomplete. Special In
duccmeuls this month. Wanes Hattirilaj. Diplo
mas atvaiiled. Steady position gtur.t.itccd when
through. Willi- for flee catalogue. AddrcAS
Molcr'jt Barber Sihool, New Yotk till.
WANTED-By leading Philadelphia house, firaii
class salesman, to ndl line of papef
to the retail ti.ide, oun who has an accpnilutaticc
preferred; must have best refetenco and be able
to furnish bond. Address P. O. Box 203, Phila
delphia. Help Wanted Female.
CHIL- WANTED for gcnetal houscwotk, :!17 Wib
ster avenue.
WANTED-Clirl to take cate ol a baby at 120
Peun tticnue. FrccilmuiiV.
WANTKD -Hood gill for general houscwotk. Ttvo
tu fiiully. 41') Wtb-lcf nvctiue.
HUOKKKKPKIt WANTKD-Oidy ispcritnced, t'nst
cbifS lady bookkeeper need apply. Address
Imperlil Cigar Co., 100 Fiankliu avenue, city.
WANTKD A Girt to do hotisetvoik at
fik! Madliuit avenue. Applv at once. Mis.
K. C. Webb.
guaranteed. W. K. Beck k Son, 250 Adams
WANTKD Girl for geneial housework at Dalton.
Address II. T., care Tribune.
Help Wanted Male and Temale.
WANTKD Men i.nd women lo travel on Hilary.
Addicts II. It. S., Tiibune oflicc.
Situations Wanted.
SITCATION WANTKD By a woman to go out
wotking or to take washing nnd uonliig
home, or go out washing and honing, Addieas
015 Otcliatd htteet.
SI'l CATION WANTKD A .voting woman with
child il jcars old; housekeeping picfeired;
best lefercnccj. Mis. Brown, Scranton poslolllce.
SITCATION WANTKD As clerk or wothman in
jcweliv ftoto; thltty )eats' epe:icnte; gowl
tcfeiences.' Addic.-.s A. C. U,, 223 Sptlng tttcit,
Wist Pilttton, Fa.
SITCA'HON WANTKD lly it )ottng man as a
teamster for ptivato family, or any kind
of vvotU; can give leference if reqitlied. Addic-.s
William Maigan, 7u2 liicoshr couit.
YOfXO American gill vv.tnt.s position nt general
lioiisevvotk in unall ptivnte famll). Best ol
icfcicncn. II. s., Tiibtino ollice.
sriCA'HON WANTKD-lly .t gill to do
hett-cwoik. Call at 213 Putnam slttet.
SITUATION WANTKD As leamslvr or stablf
bens or tako caio of iioixs. A, II., 321
Piltstou avenue.
SITUATION WANTKD -By a .vuting gill 10 )
old to do light lioii-cHiiik, niiiM' und wah
ing. Addrcat 1.'. I)., 210 Walnut .stieet, Dim
WOMAN, aged 24 .vein, with eipeilenco as a
liousihciptT, ilcoltcs tiiiplu) incut ut general
hou-ewoik, .Vclcli. .-.-, ot tall 42') Putnam sticit.
SITUATION W'ANTKD-tliil vv.inls iil.tce to do
light luitscwcrk, Address Minnie S'paubilug,
131 Susquehanna (.tteet, llliighaiiiton, N, Y,
SITUATION WANTKD--By exptrltneed thoa
salibt t; will .uept silaiy. Ad-
diiM '., (ietictal Dclivciy.
SITl'VTIOS WVM'KO-lly tjou-j all or pari
ot time, on coats or tnia-an. Address II,
i .lie of 'lilbmie.
SITUATION W'ANTKD-By .voting lady with ft
peiieuce; dcslics position ds a flciiugiapli'r
and t)pewrllcl. Addie.- A. II., mio ot 'Iiibune
YOl'XO MN wishes positlmt in hotel as night
cltik, or at mi) thing in hotel vvuik; lias good
habits and tan tome well u-i umiiKiidcd. Ad
clreu, J. I!. It., 1000 South Main avenue, A i. ni
ton, Pa.
A TIIOUOl'lllH.Y up-to-date, experienced, tlrst
cIj.'m (lolhlug s.ili"iiiin, wants u Job; willln;
tu inotii illlciency und ablllt) or niiept
without pay; couipcleiii in utile, edit und tjke
rhaige ot all udvcttUing In an i.ij,iiul uuiiiui.
AildicM .1. A. (.Togan, Wllkes-llaire, Pa.
Dissolution of Partnership.
liltby givm that tho copartneislilp be
liieiil MadUuit I'. I.Jlklit und John Vnlk
fjindt. trading as l)ic "Komi KMract Ciiii
IMiiv," Is ilissolipd, M.idloii F. lairklil ion
itm'dng In tlio business with the ngll lo ii'O tha
Mime iti lit name niul cillict all auutiuts ami pay
all judchicdijiiit of the lit lit. '
SK.M.KI) PROPOSALS will be lectived loi lui-
lilshlntr and erecting rompleti, 2l- llut'-tl feet
til bun tt-tti'ci on New lull tttcet elde of Latkt
vvatuia totiuiy prison, plice to be pet llnul IchjI
crccicit aiict iitiun-u luuifiiiti-, i)ta u, mcio ,u
be same as that alic-uly In I rout of Mid piisou,
llldri to be .iddri'fMfil lu iinclii.lgmd and In hipds
uu or before Frbnuiy I, lool. All bids mu be
aicouipanUM by u cetllllid ibcck lor 10 pel' cenl.
to evidence of good faith. 'I lie light to K'jct
j il) vx all biilt is icKivcd. L'. A. -IDS'I.
Cuiiuly Ccinrullr.
SraiiJw'. '.i ii'h n, IS.
3 Insertions 25 Q&nts
AtorjTlut Pour Llim, ftContiforllaciinx'lrAliij.
Certified Public Aocountant.
nulldlng, and St. Paul Building, New York.
i:slalej:jilung(i Hldg., 12fl Washington ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
Spruco street, Scranton.
Hoonn 12, H, in nd IS Burr Building.
r. k. thacy, Arr'v, commonwkalth Dbpn'.
tlatcd on real estate security. Meara Building,
corner Wmhlngton avenue and Sprttco Btreot.
and counsellors-atdaw. Hepubllcan Building,
vVaMiingion avenue. .
'""'s-at-law. Commonweallh Building, noomj
19, 20 and 21.
WJ0l, OH, floor, Mcars building.
'" A- "'atkks. aitoiini:yTat-law, noAim
of 1 ratio nulldlng, Srranton, Pa..
Bank Building
211 Wyoming avenue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
ington avenue. Itesldence, 1318 Mulberry,
Chronic aiscajo, lungs, heart, kidneys an
genlto-urlnary oiguns a specialty. Hours, t
to i p. til.
Hotels nnd Restaurants.
nue. Hates reasonable.
P. ZIEOLER, Proprietor.
tengcr depot. Conducted on the European
,l'"1' VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor.
cess pools; no ?dor; only improved pumps used.
A. Ii nriggs, proprietor. Leave otdcrs 1100
North Main avenue, or Eickc'n drug store, cor
ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones.
er)men, store 201 Washington avenue: green
homes, 1030 North Main avenue; sloro tele
phone, 762.
Wire Screens.
Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens.
also ladies waists. Louisa Shoemaker, 212
Adams avenue.
v elopes, piper bage, twine. Warehouse, ISO
Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa.
in Scranton at the news stands of Rclsmau
Bros., 400 Spruce nnd DOM Linden; M. Norton,
.'(22 Lackawanna avenue; I. 3. Schutucr, 211
Spruce street.
Business Opportunity.
Wilto for our special market letter. Free on
application. S. M. Hlbbard k Co., members 2s.
V. Consolidated and Stock Sxclunge, 44 and 18
Hioailvvay, New Yotk. litabllshcd 1881. Lonf
Distance' Phone 2363 Broad.
OFFICII OF the Scianlon Dolt and Nut Co,,
Sctanton, Pa. The Annual Meeting of tint
stockltoldeis of the Scianlon Bolt and Nut Com
pany, for "the election of directors for the en
(.itlng jear, and for the transaction of such other
lnc-iness as may ptopcrly be brought before it,
will be held at the ofttce of the Compiny, ae
the Woil.s, on Thursday, January 23, at 2 o'clotls
p. m. L. M. HORTON, Secretary.
THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of
tho Scianlon Bidding Company will bo held
in the talcsrooms ot the company, bOO Lacka.
wanna avenue, on lliuisday, January 21, at I.St
p. m, F. A. KAISER, Scct'ctai.
THE ANNUAL meeting of the stockholders of
tho EntitptUe Powder Manufacturing Com.
pany, for the election of ditec tola and the trans
anion of -UvIt oilier business us may ptopcrly
come befoie it, will be held en Wednesday, Janu
ary 22nd, 1002, at the offico of the company,
Scranton, Pa,, at 'J.'M o'clock p. m, No trans
fer of stock will be made) for ten dava need
preceding the date of tlio above meeting.
H. P. KINCSBURY, Secretary.
United States Lumber Stock.
Lackawanna, Trust and Safe Deposl
Traders National Dank Stocky,. ,
igargel & L
Stocks. Bond; and Sscuritiss,
Connell Building. '
.Sjieclul euro is exercised by
us tjl lilt) selection of lllsh
tltisH Itulli'oaJ, Street Hull
way, Uim and Klectrlo
l.lelitliifr Securities, ton-
I'ornliHJ which wo nre pre
I mi fd to submit tho facts
uti n biiBls ot' Judgement.
Wbcjc hlijh late of Income )teld Is
iscml..l, iviihout .iiitvo n n kc t
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MyiiciiSyff. V,- sjggK .111:.