The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 16, 1902, Image 1
""r-jsrawa" T '!i 4 trtmtet TIPIWI-V- THE ONLY SCRANTON1, PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE O 1- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. 4 SCIUOTON, PA., THURSDAY itfOllXJLNG, JANUARY 3.0, 1002. TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. 'P"7 f . NAVAL RESERVE BILL ttr. Hale, of Maine, Provokes a Llvelu Time In Which Mann Senators Join. HOAR CALLS ATTENTION TO BERMUDA CASE Pension Appropriation Bill Before the Houae Two Branches Will Meet on February 27 to Listen to Eulogies Upon the late Piesident William McKinley. By rnrliisice ire from The Associated Pica. Washington, Jan . 15. A spirited dls-cut-sion wua pteqipltutcd in tlm senate today by some temaiks submitted by Mr. Hale, of Maine, in respect to bills relating to the foimatlon of a naval rc stre, which he introduced. Ho took ptioiig ground against the organization of n naval rcscne, his comments being construed by sonic of the benutor.s Into a i eflpetlou upon volunteer soldiers and Kind mllltla. Half a dozen senatois were on tlieir feet in an instant to de fend the -volunteer and the National Gua: d of tlie various states, and the debate took so -wide a range that sen atois went back in tlieir lecollcctions to the dujss of the levolullon to seek Illustrations for their ai guments. While no action was possible at this time, It is HUt'ly the diseus-slons upon the lueas uie, should they bo tepeated, would be ciy llely. No business of important e was tiansactod, the time of tlie senate being consumed by ln.Uteis of loutine .Ufa lis. After the adjournment of the senate, Mr. Hale said the naval leseivo bill in loduced bv him today had been pic lented bv request of persons iutetested n smh legislation. In the same man .i( r he had intiocluecd bills lepirsont Jng both the nay dpp.iilment's Ipws nlitl that of indildunls or in gniiiiMtlonft on the question of a naval rescue. He peisonully, however, did not stand coiii initted to any of them and he ques tioned whether any satisfactory lesults would tome from them. In the rourse of the debate today, Mr. Hoar mudc thoieruuilt that it was tlie New Ihiglaiidsaliora who won ourvin dependence in the war of the i evolu tion, whereupon Mr. Tillman insisted that Mr. Hoar should give some of the eiedlt of gaining Independence to other states besides Now Kngland. Amid laughter and applause, he declnicd: "There's, glory enough to go round, as our great admital in command at the battle of Santiago said." In the senate today Mr. Hoar intro duced the following resolution: "That the president, if in his judg ment, it be not incompatible with the public interest, be requested to inform the senate whether the department of state has any ofilcial Information whether the British government ex acts duties on goods intended for pils oners of war in Bermuda, In violation of article 16 of the convention adopted at The Hague, which Is as follows: Gifts and relief in kind for prlsoneis of wur shall be admitted free of all du ties of entry and others, as - ell as of payments for carriage by the govern ment railways.' " In explanation of his icsolutton, Mr. Hoar said that some charitable organi zations in this countt y had sent sup plies and comforts to Boer pilsoneis detained in Bermuda. Upon these sup plies duties had been collected in con travention of The Hague tieaty. ifo desired merely to ascertain whether tlie stato depaitment hud been iufoimcd of the situation. In the House. c The house today passed the pension appropriation bill, which 1ms been un der discussion for tlnee days, and then adjourned until Satin day. No amend ments wero adopted. Tho tesolutlon piepared by the special committee on tho McKinley memorial exercises, pro viding for an address by Sectetary of State John Hay In the hall of repie sentatlves Feb. 27, was adopted. The two houses of congress will nsseinblo in tlie hall of representatives on that day to listen to Seeretaty Hay's address upon the life nnd character of William HnKInlcy. The president pro tenj and speaker tt tho house will also invite the presi dent and ex-presldents of the United States; ex-vico-piesidents, tho heads of tho several departments, tho judges of tho Supremo court, the representatives of foreign governments, the governors of tlie several states, the lluutenant general of tho army and the admital of tho navy and such oiilcets of tho nrmy nnd navy as iiavo leceived tho thanks of congiess who may then be nt tho seat of government, to bo pies-, ent on the occasion and such others as may he suggested by the oxecutlvo committee. Mr, Moody (Massachusetts) lepoited r Joint resolution approptlating J90,Q00 In connection with the government o hlhit at tho Chaileston exposition. Mr. Payne (New York) opposed tho meus tire. Mr, Moody said that with this resolution the government's expeiiBo in connection with the Chuileston expasl tlon would cease. The lesolutlon was passed. On motion of Mr, Pnyno the bill to allow the redemption of wur revenue stamps within two yeats was passed. Februnry 1, at 3 o'clock was set aside for paying tiibute to the niemoiy of tho late Representative Hi otitis of Pennsylvania. Mr, Wooten (Texas) formally announced tho death of tho late Representative Uuike. of Texas. which occurred Just summer, and tho house as a mark of jespoct adjourned until Saturday. S DISCUSSED - WAR ON "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN." Daughteis of Confederacy Begin Ac tive Campaign Against It. lit i:tluihc Wirt! firm 'Hie ssnliled I'm". Louisville, Ky., Jan. 15. At a meeting of a special committee appointed by the Albert Sidney Johnson t haptcr of tho Dtutghteis of the ('onfedetaey to day, It was tleclib'd to begin an active campaign ugulnst the pt eduction of "Untie Tom's Cabin," Resolutions were adopted pledging the meiubeis support to work In oeiy way possible to pi event the play titim being put on any stage In the state nnd the book was denounced ns a base libel on the south, and especially on the In stitution of slavery, Tlie resolutions state llairlet Reedier Stowe, the author of the book, had expiessed legiet that he had written It, after learning the true condition of nffahs In the south. No action was tnken residing an appeal to tho Ken tucky legllntuie. THE POPE VERY ILL. Rome Coi respondent Believes That His Death May Be Expected. Bv IlMlti-she Wire fiom Hip A'snrlaled I'tr'. London, Jan. IB. Vault v Fall's cor respondent at Komo wiltes: The death of the pope may be ex pected any day. as his holiness cm only be said to be just nllve. Ho takes little nouiishment and is geneinlly half unconscious. He suffcts no pain and simply dozes the bonis away with out compiehension of what Is going on mound him." BLOODY BATTLE 0E THE VENCBLSICKS Woman's Despeiate but Vain Eight for Life Against Hei Murdeious Husband, at Pittsburg. Ill Excluic W lie fum lhe Wotifit'd Pints Plttsliuig, Jan. 1". A gh.istlv .Ps ion ciy was made at this morning when some neighbor, liciilnu (tics coming fi oin tlu' ipshlcn. t of Vint ent Voncelhlik, a Pole at .'ni ,ning alley, hi ok" open the doois nnd found tlm bedioom of the homo pat mated with blood. Mit. Voncels'i'k lay beside bri bed, hei Otc a-nl head unshed almost bejottd tei-ognlllmi, iImiI. Tlnee little childien, their hratls and bodies iov eipd with cuts and gashes, ant the husband almost dead, weie thing on the Poor. Fiom what could bo Pvinied It np peais that Vent elslcl: tamo home In toxicated last night and atsaulted Ins wife with a ia'1 euttoi. The (list blow inflicted an uglv gash on her shoulder and knocked hei down but she was on her feet again In an instant, and with such weapons ns she could find in her loom, she defended herself. The thteo children were asleep In one of the beds and the brutal father becoming so angry at his wife uished to the bed nnd mined blow after blow upon tho sleeping little ones. The sharp edge of the cutter hocked the children in a frightful manner and the hospital physicians say that there Is little hope of their recovery. The attack on the children Infuriated the wife and with a knife In each hand she spiang nt her husband and stabbed him a number of times. He managed to get a number of blows dm lug the close battle and seeing that he was getting weak lie gtne her a shove and as she staggeied back, bi ought the cutter down on her skull with all his foice, crushing lmr skull, and she fell to the lloor dead. By the time he had killed his wife, Voncelslck was exhausted, He sank on the lloor and lay theie thioughout the night, unable to move. The moans of the chlldirn this morning, nnd one of them crlng was what attiarted the nelghboi s. Vepcelskk, It Is all, was not mar lied to the woman whose name was Rosa Lock, A strange man who wns found In the house by the pollen was locked up. He refuses to talk. Further Investlfatlou levenls that the name of the mm doted woman was Uosn XmU, aged 40 eais and names of Injuied. Vlneenzo Vlsolek, 3"; Delia, Finnic and Anna Vlsolek, agetl icsppc tlvely S. fi and 2 years, Developments tonight add m story to tho tragedy whkh may end In a wholesale minder. Tlnee Poles who were hoaideis In the hnjso iup under an est nnd the police aio scorning the'; city foi John Okcnshl, who was also a boaider, but who has not been seen since the muider was discovered. U is learned that the woman had $t.!!00 on her pei sop last night and this Is also missing, Okenskl Is accused of having set flic to a limitless 111 the house n week ago and later Vlsolek tiled to huvo li t in ui tested because he hail threatened to nib the luSuse, When found the woman was lying u couch which belonged to OkensUI, with her face ami head bat tel ed almost to a Jelly. Vlsolek's.lieatl was beaten and his skull fioctuied, Tho chlldien's heads weio also unshed In and physicians at tlie hospital say none of the Injuied cup lector. Up to a lute hour tonight pone uf them hud legalned (ousclousiiess. Ohio Mine-Woikeis. fly l-itltu Wire (run 'I lie AsocUtul I'p. CoImuliiH, O., .)jii 13. -ll.c llfucntli miuiut Miintiitlou of tliu Oli'u Mine WurUirs detotal toJaj'. mslou to ait itiuvllgutloii r.f cIuiku UKJliut fconio uf (ho urfitiM. It is nudrritoml the soulUcl Irrtjtilirlttt'i go bat.L (u WHO. Population of Canada. Uy Dxcluflie Hire (luut 'tho Aiilatea Picu, OIIjmj, Out., Jsu. IJ The population of Can ml.i a? officially announced liy tlu citwtt depart ineiit today U liown tg lw fi,S6D,CiM), an Inucnn of J!ii',L'4 lor tlie decade. FURNACES TO BE OPENED. Crown Point Works nt Poit Henry Have Been Leased. Dy Hxcludic ttlie from The Aaociited I'rut PInttBburg, N, Y Jan. 15. Wlther bpe, Sherman nnd company, of Port Henry, N, Y,, have leased Cedar Iron furnaces at Port Henry to Mcssis. Pilling and Crane, of Philadelphia, for a term of years. Woik will be begun at once to put the ftirnuco In good shape and to enlarge the stove and en gine capacity, which will gieatly ln ciense the output of pig lion, lly Apt II the fin mu e.s will piobably bo ipntly to be blown In. Tin1 furnace at Poit Henry lias been Idle for seven years. Two bundled men will be employed. Pilling & Crane will also lease the Clown Point furnaces at Crown Point, N, Y and will use Iron oie fiom mines at Mlnevllh', six mites fiom Port llein.v, at both places. The woiks at Clown Point, which ure owned by the flitted States Steel cot notation will employ tho same number of men. The output of the Port Henry fur nace Is about two hundred tons of pig lion a day. The two furnaces nt Crown Point combined can make about as much more. PRINCE HENRY'S VISIT. He Will Arrive on. the Kion Prinz Wilhclm on Fcbruaiy 22. Prep arations for Enteitainment. He I.ielmhe Wlie from 'Iho .VMiciitttl l'li-t. Washington, Jan. 13. Dr. Von Holle lion, the (icimun ambassador at Wash .ngton. today received a cablegram fiom Rpilln giving the dates of atrhal and departure or Pilnce Henry nnd a list of the pattv who will accompany him to the United States. Prince Henry will auhe on tho Kion Prinz Wilhclm. Febtiiaty 22 and will nail for npimany on the Hambutg-Ainptlcan liner Columbia, Mauh S. He will be accompanied by Hofinaischall. Vice Admlial Von Peekendorft and two aides tie tamp. Liciitontnt Commandeis Schmidt, Von Scliwitid and Von 12gldy. His chief phBieian will be Dr. Reich. Herr Aron Tiipitz, tho nerman sec lPtuiy of state lor the iiiw. with his aide do cm m p. Lieutenant Commander Yon Tiothfi, will also uccompuny the p.nly. Ihnpeior William will send his adlultmt gptietal. Von Plessen: Cup litiu ot the X.tvy Von Mueller and Von Cirtimnu, aide do camp to the eni peior. T'llnto Hciny will 1hp his own re tiniif of -.Pivnnts and p icb of tlm gen tlemen of tlie paitv will bilng his own mi let. Hun Hlnte, eleik to tlm sec lelarj of state for tho nay, will be imp of the party. Hecretaty Iong today called Rear Admital Robley Ramus into consulta tion lpsptttlng the coming jlsit to the 1'nltPd Slntf.s'of Prlntt'-'l'lenlv. of Ger many. The icnr admiral has not yet been gh en wiltten ordeis detailing him to act as the lepiescntntivc of the navy at the loeeption, but that matter ItHi been agieed upon, and Secretary Long today chaiged Admiral Rvtins with the pteparatlon of a naval pto giammo for tlie icceptlon. In view of the number of distinguished offlteis who ate now lepoited to be about to accompany the pilnce on his visit, it is evident that Admiral Evans will le nulie the assistance of a number of junior officers. They will be detailed as occasion requlies. New York, Jan. IS. Mayor Low has taken up tho consideration of plans for the reception of Ptlnce Henry of Prus sia, He announced today that he would name a laige and representative com mittee of leading citizens to arrange for the welcome of the distinguished visitors. In case the pilnce comes hero by steamer n pier will be spe cially reserved ns a. landing place. London, Jan, 13 The Candid Friend, a weekly newspaper, clnlms to be In a position to make tho announcement that should Prince Henry's visit to the United States be as successful as ex pected, Rmperor William himself will visit Ameilca in the autumn, with tlie Hohoni'ollern and a huge escoit of wot. ships. Reilin, Jan. 13. Gorman naval office a mo eager for assignments to accom pany Prince Henry to tlie United States and many young noblemen aio bilng lug Influence to bear to obtain appoint ments for this duty. The list of possi ble appointments Is aheady sevewil times laiger than the suite which can bo sent with Prince Henry. This pres suio to secuio places may cause the pilnce's suite to be enlaiged. The lack of accommodations for a number of pprsons on bouid the Hohenzollein U the real leason why Pilnce Henry does not sail on the Impeiiul yacht. EIRE AT EDINBORO. Disaetious Conilagintion Sweeps n Town Without Five Piotection. II) i:eliisic Who fiom "I In VuUjtul 1'icsj, I'llUlmri;, .inn 13 1 l'lli', Ph., ronniK i ill-.. million turn tint litokp nut uliont 9 o'tlocU tli U etcnhi'j at IMInboto, sltmi miles from that ilt.i ami Is irpoited to lie seeplm; :iuj nwm of the lmlnes lu.n-.ei ami luldemc-i in itn I'-i'.li, As I.illnbnrn lias no (lie luuUitiui, IMu lin ixtit atkul for (.Wtutue, uml lits hint n hteiuar In Ititht the iho "Hi the I'lle mil IMInliiro 'liac. tiou (Oiiiii mi's tuiL-i. Girl Confesses Cilme. D,t Kiiluihi- lie from 'I he .'UMxIaU-il Press, Iihlti, Kiiji , Ian. 11 -Vcllle Ci itielsun, the lilt) wliu Mltnl her lnhj (-Uier with u iiinr .us. Iiubv ami tli'U'.'i'l lu r ft .uur oM lunthii i.illi lh 1 1 inn, coif( stiil Iml.ij tint the illd It, hut M muhle lu iis.slgn miy icusou fm the ail, She mill the notion to Mil the hlstei unm lulu Iter uml thin the could not rinUl her uil, den usskui fui hlooil. Pickpocket Sentenced, fly llidulvc ) ire fiom Tlie Auoehtcd Presv llo,toii, .Jin, JV JMnjid, idlxi "Ohl .Mas" llano, 1' lin iw! Iirought hi)ik from i.w Ane. ha recently to he tiled for hating: tikin a at li from the pocket of I'olUe Captain arn'n in !b', ua kenteiicei to four nui a lulf )iui lu ttato't jirUon totUy. IVvv plckpacUtU ale bet. tti Known throusout the country lluu lluuey, r -t Murderer J3eig pies In Hospital. Dy lUtluklie V)r from 'Ihe Atsotlateti I'iim. MidUon U., .Ian. 3 -PeiiJii)ln JCelj )m inunlered hU wife s duail ut Ihe liopljal, lielj cut lits ulfe'a throat sltli a butcher knife iiul thin thshcil Ilia own. FUSION FALLS IN PHILADELPHIA Negotiations for a Three-Headed Gombine Gome to an Ab rupt Flnlsli. COULD NOT AGREE ON DIVISION OF HONORS The Interests of tho Demociats, tho Unionists nnd Municipal League Are Varied Democratic City Con vention Has a Hot-Air Session and Adjourns in Disorder Eepubll cans Hold Primaries. Dy Exclude IV Ire from The Atsocltted 1'rfw Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 15. Negotia tions between the Democrats, the Mun icipal leugup and the Union paity for a tuslou city ticket came to an abiupt end this afternoon. At a joint confer ence of the tlnee Intel eats the Demo ciats insisted on o--Clty l 'hah man Chailes P. Donnplly and James 1. Gor mun, also a Democrat as the candi dates for magtstiate; the Union party Insisted tliut one of the nominees should be a Union party man, anil Hip Municipal league was willing to accept any two men, but would not accept Donnelly. The Demociats were will ing to nominate a .Republican for c itv solicitor If the other two paitles would accept the two Democrats as magis trate candidates, The conference was a piolonged one, and as none of tho tlnee would yield, the eonfetenec ntl jouined without arranging another meeting. The Democratic city coinentlon met tonight for tlie put pose of nominating a stialght Demociatic candidate fur citv solidtor and two magistrates. The leaders had decided upon Donnelly and Got man for nnglstiatps. This was not acceptable to the fi lends of John IT, Keenan. The coi ventlon proved to be a lui Indent one, and after wiaiigling for tnoie than two homs the conven tion adjourned amid gicat disorder without accomplishing anything. It will be rconvened either on Fiiday or Satutdav. Kepubllean pilmary elections wpip held tonight in tho 1,045 dhlslons in the city nnd delegates were elected to the citv solicitor's magisterial inle revis ing and waul conventions. With but few oveptloiivi tffi pilriaries wcr" without nnv friction, and the delegates chosen will nominate tomoirow the candidates previously decided upon by the party leaders. STATE BASE BALL LEAGUE. Beading Meeting Announces That Scranton Is in It. By Exclujhe Wire fiom Ihe Associated I'rcM. Reading, Pa., Jan. 15. At a meeting of the Pennsylvania Base Ball league heie today, William A. Wlttman, of this city, was elected president, tec rotary and treasurer. It was announced that Scranton. Wilkes-Barre, Reading, Lancaster and Lebanon have Joined the league and will put teams on the field, and that applications have been received from Easton, Harrlsbuig, Pottsville and Ilazleton. Action on these appllca tlons was dofened until the next meet ing, which will be held Feb. I'd. Geoigo Can men, of1 Lancaster, was chosen a ice piesldent. i i THIRD DAY'S RACING. The Philadelphia Contest Marked by a Nasty Spill. Hj Kiclushc Wire from The Associated Treat. l'hilailelnliit, Jun. 13. 'Inch e minute before the (lnUh of the third tU'it riling In tlu bl- dajs' bicjele conttst at tin. ""icond ItcKlmcnt armor)" timWit, there wa-c a iut ndll, ill which four i filer were m'ed up, HatlkUl lud hU collar bout, 1'n.eriiau bully bpraincil his ilulit Miouldit, uml l'Mier usil (Smurnllr wnu (onldeiablj tliikin up. 'Ihe i-plll v.h tinned by feinihi, Illie had bicn t-riurtlni; with the othtr lidirs iluse up Siidileult lie bwcttul i-li.Ittly and his uhicl Mntck that of Haiti. Id. 'Iho latttr fell and the otlicis also went duii, I.c.imlci t"t copul, Ifitlield, 1'lsher and 1'itemin weio im. prlli d to leio the tincU and their pUirs wem taken h their teim miles Cfnuitidts nmtiiiued rldlm; aflu he hid been furulhnl with u n'; wluel f,oimil.'ii tldiuir w u tin" tcitiue of the i1j . Ills 1 i.l 1 1 1 it l , WiUon, i III, mid the I'lilHh. man u H compelhd o ilde the entire eli;ht houm. 'Ihe It. idem cmritd 1UI miles tudai, .ik iliist 112 iitirili, and 173 on MoihIii. The xKUC at the i hi.-e o tnnl'ht's latins was at followi' Mouioc and McDichtrn ,111 1 I'icmiim and Mato , .Ill 1 (loiiKoll und W'll-ou fill t laaudei and ItuU .Ill t I hoallti- and I'l-lur , fU It Hut Held and Kwg ... ,, .112 10 Mueller nnd Piulay .,, , 5IJ J . I. Holland's Premier Returns, II) i:tlusiie Wile from 'I1u Asscilitid 1'ieM. Anuterdaui, lau. !, Pi. Kim pet, the piemltr of llollmd, who Iils jii.t rtturncd here (rotn I'iu laid, t-.ii f- Ms Unit tu London wis on purely pusoiul lunlneM. lie iidd-i tint lu did not U'o .no olitlclans oi and tlut ho his ncur bun uitiiHtcii with a Hi iiiihalnii u llal( of iho IIoim, ilthtr tu 1 ontlnn or llrmnN. Stewnship Arrivals, 1j Kxcluslve Wlie from Ihe Acoclated Pre .Vw Voile, Jun, 11. riiarid! l-i (iaccosne, IliMC. Sdledi J-tT l.ouls-, huutlumploii, I'rlid. Ijnd, ulv.tipi Tiutonic, l.heipool, Uenuj rrvtd: l'in.rt IIUuuicl:, New oik tluf liDuru Ariluil: I'atiicia, ivw Vmk ia l'b liumtli foi llambuiv. . Pour Thousand Out of Wotk, Uy i:c)uhe Wlie from The Aooclatcd i'teaa. lluffilo, Jan. 13. A preiil fiom PunklrU taa Hut more than 1,000 iti.oin 1um been thrown out of work by tho ttoppao of Ihe intake plpj in Lake Illie which t.upplIe-1 thu city ami many of it imluitrici with uaui, 'the pipe U filled wli lus)i lie. m " Tyfo pmdiej?, Peilsh in Eire. By fcei.j)B yif (fcjjii 'lie Associated Prei tt, I.oiiU, JJo.i -Ian. IS.-rJylm and Ilemy Kin der. UKCjil rfspecfluli I ami 8 eii, oai uf htcplu'ii Kinder, ft I'-ikt Sit. JifluU, puljacd to day in tile tJia? iletroicl their borne. Tho pi renin lud left the ihtldien alone In the lioiu. DOWNEY'S RECORD CLEARED. President Pardons the Sailor Who Visited His Dying Wife. Dy llxcludte Wire from The Associated 1'irM. Chicago, Jan. IS. A message Baying "Piefltdent has signed pardon" camo to Ezeltlel Downey, ot Chlcngo, ft oin Washington today. Downey enlisted In the navy In 1SU0 nnd later participated hi tho naval opcrntloiiH In the Missis sippi. In July, 1SC3, hu received wind that his five chilthcn had died in one week or dlphthorlu, and that ids wife lay nt dentil's door. A leciuost for leave of absence was lefuscd. A second let ter to him told him to hurry homo If ho wished tu see his wife alive. Permission to Ieao was again refused and Downey left without It. He wns detained twenty days in Chicago, nnd upon his lotllin to tho poulb found that his ciew had been musteied out of the service and his own name placed among deserters, Numerous bills to clear his lecoid have been presented to congress since that time, and the case has been icviewcd by several admlnls tintlons. Attorney General Knox re cently suggested a pardon by the presi dent ns being the only way out of the dlfllculty. and the latter accepted this suggestion. m SHERIFF AND DEPUTY KILLED IN BATTLE Frank Smith and George Beck Aie Slain in an Attempt to Ar rest Highwaymen, US i:chnio Wire from The Associated I'rew Guthrie, O. T., Jan. 15. Slieiiff Fiank Smith and his deputy, Geotge Beck, were killed by highwaymen early thU morning in the vicinity of Anadiuko, the home of tlie ofllceis, A posse ot 100 men stai ted Immediately on the twill of the murdeiers but no nriests have been made. The post-e expects a fleico light before the men shall he taken, and It is known that the notori ous highwajmen, Hob MtCune, Ben Ciavens nnd Bob Sims aio at the head of the gang in that legion. A number ot murders and lobberles aro chaiged to the gang that murdered the ofucers, and effoits to tupturo them have been made by all the olllcers in that vicinity. Hheuff .Smith and Deputy Reck met death while storming an Indian hut eight miles west ot Antulaiko. Hlgh wumpn, on Sunday night, had held up and lobbed jiersons going home fiom chinch and Smith and Beck, accom panied by Deputy Rnggs, located the lobbeis enily yesterday morning in tlie hut. In attempting to enter, Smith was shot tluough the breast and died in a few minutes. Beck was also shot through the bieast and his left aim was shntteied. Diiggf, was not injuied. The ltehwyymou 'lobbed the dead bodies "dfVthe ofllceis and then fled. Sboilff Smith made a- dying effort to nuest tho robbers and shot several times through the door and walls after being wounded. Beck continued the hie until death. COLUMBIAN GOVERNMENT BUYS A STEAMER The Chucuito PurchasedWill Be Equipped with Artillery fiom the General Pinzon. Dy Exclusive Wire from Tlie Associated I'reai. Colon, Colombia, Jan. 15. The Colom bian government has purchased the steamer Chucuito, belonging to the Pacific Steam Navigation company. Aitilleiv from the Colombian gunboat Genet nl Pinzon will be mounted on the Chucuito. Three hundred of the men bi ought Rom Suvlnilla by the Pinzon proceeded to Panama today. A small sailing tessel, which has just ai lived at Panama, lepoits that the Liberal gunboat Padllla (lied eight shots across her bow, while she was at sea, but that she was pei milted to pio ceed to her poit In the department of Cauca. The Colombian government has cabled General Albau, the military commandu of this dlstilct, that It is aide to send him WW men fiom litieua Ventui.i, on tho Pacific coast. Miould he lequlre them. Tlm steamer Llbertador, the vessel being used by Genet al JIntos, of Vene zuela, lu the i evolution against PiPbl dent Cnstio of that country, ai lived at S.-ivlnllla, Colombia, Jiinuiuy 12, with Matos on boaid. Ujion disem barking Geneinl Mutos took the train for Rairantiullln, s-eveiiteen miles dis tant. It Is believed in homo timuteis that the Colombian government Is In sjmpnthy with thu operations of the Ltbertndor, Ever Liable to Law. Ilj Kxiliitiie Wire from The Associated Presj. Inillanipolls. lud., Jan. 13 Tho Indiana Su preme tourt todiy in nlHimlnr a lower court judgment, held that an employer euunot, by any contract lie may make with hU, ulloie liluuitf fiom ilutlcc and liabilities wbleh the law eprc-b inipoc on him 'Ihe deililnu wns rendered on a mlnei'ii Milt for daiiucen on nc louut of Injiiiv. Charles Ghipp Sentenced. D) Exdnslro u Ire fiom The Anuclattd I'reu Xew nik, Ian. I? Clurlr Chlpp, Ihe cleik nf the bureau of nasem-mints and aiieim of thl eomptroller'-i department, who pliadtd guilty li't week to four tinllttinrnU for Brand linenv and one fur fnnjuj, wai ttnteiicetl tpdij by Judire r'cfttei tu not le.i lun unc u'ai. and not more thin flu- 3cji' iuiirlMinmenl In hint; Sim; at haul labor. ( blpp is 37 iau of at;e N, Y, Cential Stock to Be Inoieased. D Kelujbo Wire from The Associated IV-M. New York, Jin. 1" The boird of dlrutoH l the Xew- vrk t eniral and UuiUon Ithei llail Voad lompjny Added today, tubject to the up. pitnal of the HtmUinldi-.-j, to iiiiriin he tap. Hal luek nf the cniiip.iu) fiom .fll1,im,iXI to lW,0CO,(itW Two Wen Fiozen to Death, Py rjnluilie Wli fiom 1li As-oelalid Piesa. Cumberland, Jld., Jan. 1 llenty Nuitlnuft and Ccorgf I'trltiii wire found Ivotiu Jo dciilli In each cdhera r.nns near Jilui'ti Ml He la-t nltjht. While drhlnf homo tbey thrown oivi an imbiiikiiicnt into a creek. MOVEMENT AGAINST THE PETTY STRIKE: FELL TO HIS DEATH. Body of John Hobbs round at Foot of High Embankment at the Old Bail Mill. Patrick Lynott,tho watchniun at the Lackawnnna lion and Steel vompnny'H old lull mill, wns making his rounds last night shottly ufter 8 o'clock, when lie camo uciosb tho dead body of John Hobbs, of fill I Hnnlson nvenue, Ivlng at the foot of a thlrtv-flvc foot embank ment which, runs from the company's lailtoad track nboc. The dead man had probably fallen down this bank. Clutched in the dead man's hand was an empty dinner bucket and the body lay In a most unnatural condition, as If Hobbs had been instantly killed by the fall. Coroner Saltry was notified and he gave permission to have tho remains temoved to Cuslck's undertak ing establishment, licit' he jieifoimed an autopsy and oscertalned that death had been caused by a biokeu neck. Hobbs was employed at ono of the Connell mines as a cornpuny hand nnd was known to come home along the steel company's inllroad track eveiy night. He was last seen while at woik on Mondav, and it is supposed that he slijipod while on his way home and fell down the bank. Ho was about 30 yeais old and was unmarried. Tlie coroner has empaiineled a jury and will conduct an Inquest at Cuslck's this afternoon. A COASTING ACCIDENT. Bob Loaded with Nine Boys Collided with a Buggy on Pine street. Thiee Lads Were Injuied. The (list coasting accident of any im-poittini-e to occur this season, octuricd esteidsiv afternoon at 4, JO o'clock on Pine stict, between Adams anil .Tef feison avenues, and It Is moit lcmai li able that, under tho clitumstanccs, theie was no one killed. A large ciowd of youngstcis lme been constlnrj down Pine stieet, fiom Madison avenue, ever since the snow now on the giound first fell, endanger ing their lives ecery time thev came down the hill, because of the stieet cais which aie constantly parsing on Adams avenue. Tt wasn't a street tar, how ever, that was lesyonslble. for vestor daj's accident. About nine or ten 1ms came on the hill es-teiduy afternoon, after school hours, with a big "bob" sled belonging to a boy named Charley Murray. There were scveial other "bobs" on the hill, but Mm ray's "double ilpuei" was the biggest ancl fastest of them all, und the lads who weio tiding on it woie tlie most envied youngsters within two miles, The "bob" started down the hill about 4 SO with an extra big load on and skimmed along over the snow at a ter rific rate of speed. A coloied man di Iv lng a horse and buggy belonging to F. S. Godfrey, started to dilve out of Kressler coutt into Pine street at about the same time and had Just reached the center of the street when the "bob" came flying past Jeffeison avenue. Cries of warning were given nnd the coloied man drove light across the stieet, thinking that the steeisman ot the "bob" would tuin to the left. The lattei thou slit that the dilver would stand still, and turned to the light. The lesult was a teirlfic collision, The "bob" sailed Into the buggy with gieut foice, tinning it ovet and tin owing the hois-e to tin- giound. The coloied man was tin own to the giound, but c-taped In jury. The nine small bo.vs who wcie ildlng on tlie "double rippei" went sailing Into the air In all dliections, and the sled Itself was ruined almost beyond icpnir. Jerome Caveney, a 10-year-old lad, ic rldlng on Capouso avenue, stiuck on his bend on the haul pavement and was lendeied unconscious. He icvhed about ten minutes later and was taken to his homo in the police patiol wagon. It Is believed that he also sustained In tel nnl Injuries. t Charley Hi own, a 0-year-old coloied lad, living on Gibbon stieet, iceelved a deep gash on his face and an abnor mally lurgo bump on his head, but when "Cap." Burko, the sanitary otli cur, who witnessed tho accident, sug gested tho culling of tin ambulance, ho hkedaddlPd for homo as fast us he tould go. Cluuioy Muii'u, the owner of tho sleigh, leceived several deep gashes on his head, and tho sis other boys got bad enough shakings up to keep them fiom coasting for hPveial days at least. DEATHS OF A DAY, Dv j:clttjhe Wire from Tho As-elatfd Press, Philadelphia, Jan. ti-fulond Je.e It Mllll son, u utenin of tho t'hil war, dltd at a hospital hue todai of jiueumoula, aiied 71 .u.u-. lie win bom In Wer Town, I'a , uml wns the litt of his f itiilb. At tlm ueaMiiliy of llip w ii Oloni I Mllll on enlUttd us it priute in the Twinty-nltitli PimiMliiiiila Mihiiili.rk His bi.iu-n earned for him the rank of caption .ml he wis IjIii up pointed iiiiJoi, flu ill n.'nitf to Ihe unk of tolouel, Strauldljiuir, Jan, J1 tlfuiico I'. Adams, of IManaie, N, ' pienldent of tho Uiicri'ii lounti, X, J., bank, pas Mteiumhdl to canitr of tho ttomaih, astd oer l .tfirs. Peiedcnt wi (or man) jeirs a luirtlilnl in this plan, uImi diiee Ur ot Iho I'list .National bank and I'K-niBtr lialluaj loiiipaii). He w ii a llitkklio Cricnd and 111 politic a llcpublleau. (ielt.tslmri,-, l'a., Jan, 11. llacld MUwniuglit, tho oldest member of the wlancs lount) bar, is eleae). He was id jijih of ae, air McCon auhy was the oilulmlor ami (or ten )ia picttl ill it of the (Mt.tthintr Uitllcfleld Memoilil as uelatlon In ISt,! lie lepmeuted the franklin datus dUllkt in the nt.ete Kiute, and lme lias held man) local ofdeet. S-j racusc, ", V,, Jan. 13. Udw-arel II. Jud-son, pioldmt of the l'lit National bank ot IhU clti, and pioi.ilntnt in Ihe ttnaueUl and business liti of Centul ew York, (or half a century, died ouddenly at hit home todar. lit wjs b'J jtan old. Resolution Adopted nt the Mino Workers Convention at Wilkes-Barre. IMPORTANT GRIEVANCES ARE CONSIDERED Among Those Mentioned Are tho Eight-Hour Day, Coal to Bo Mined by tho Ton, Instead of Car Piesl- dent Nichols Urges tho Amalga mation of Small Organizations. By r'tcluilte Wire (rom 'Ihe Associated PreM. Wilkes-Hnrre, Pa., Jan. IB. At to day's sessions of the United Mjno "Wot Iters' convention, Dlstilct No. 1, a consldciable amount of business was tumsacted. Kesolutlons weio adopted and forwarded to the secretary of the national coinentlon of mlncto, which meets at Indianapolis next week, te que3tlng that body to .send out wiitten notices to all the opeiators in the an thracite legion lenuesting them to meet the inlneis In joint confciencc to con sider the giloxauccs promulgated by the Hapleton convention. The most Im portant of these gileances are an eight-hour day, coal to be mined by the ton, instead of the car, and the recog nition ot the mlticis' union. A resolu tion was rilbci adopted which will piob ttbly put a stop to some ot the petty strikes in this leelon. Tlie 'resolution piovldes that the membeis of any local who go out on stilke without Hist hav ing obtained the hjui'tlon of the cxecn- "tle committee ot the dlstilct shall bo suspended for a peilod of thiee mouths. Piesldfiit Nil hols. In bis annua! ad dress, urged the cnirvlng out of the suggestion made by the Ameilcan Fed eration of Labor comention at Sctali ton. vl: That the smaller oignnlsia tlons of the same ttado be .subsonient or amalsamntc with the dominant one In the community. Mr. Nichols said the dominant oiganlyatlon in the anthia ctte field was the mlnpis' union. It com piised '10 nor cent, of all the men om plojed In and about the mines. It was, theiefore, not fair to tlie mlneis they should be at the mercy of the other four per cent. -That ivas the case last July, when the statlonaty fheincn went out on sfilke and tluew nil the mlneis out of work. The firemen aie tcluctnnt to give up their oiganlzatlon, and Mr. Nichols' au di ess was .i .soit of an appeal to them to join the United Mine "Woikeis. Theie aie. now 75,73) men and boys emplojcd In the mines lu Dlstilct No. 1, which compitses the tenltory between Forest City and Shlckshinny, and of this num ber, 60,000 belong to the United Mine "Winkers. Theio weie eight strikes in the district the last six months. The tuport of tlie tieasmer showed the or ganization to be in a piospeious con dition. CONTHIBUTIONS TO THE M'KINLEY MEMORIAL. Col. Herrlck Says That Wealthy Men Have Given but Little. Bv Km luslic Wire (rom 'the Associated Tretis Cleveland, O , Jnu. 13 Colonel Myion T. Hei lick, tieasmer o the McKinley National Memoilal association and piesldent of the Ameilcan Hankers' as sociation, said today: "There liae been practically no con tributions to tho McKinley fund fiom the men of wealth or those at the head of our gieat tommeitlal and manufac turing institutions, much to my sur prihe. They have loft tho buildlnff of this memorial to the wage-earneis in factoiies, shops und stores, and to tho school clilldicn, who ae not faltering in this expression of their loo and con fidence lu William MoKlnley. Those men who should coutiibute seem U lme delayed or forgotten," CONDENSED STATE NEWS. Dy FicHuhe Wire (rom Ihe Associated Pres l'hllidelphli, Jan. n. 'Iho directors of tin Cambria Met I coinpiiiy todiy declared a 6Cinl annual ilbldeiid oi J'j per tent , equal to 73 cents pir i-hut' This U the Hut dniilcnd since the re. oicaulratlnn of the ioinp.ini thiKtir, Jiu. fi, i liael and John I'lslier, biothei., weie aillfiKlteil by gaa today while nt woik in the bla.t fuuiice of tho Tllewater Weel (onipiny Jolui Hull in wa-f lecued in time to sjio Ids life, but the oilier two men expired soon aflu beliiK taken from the pit. llirrblniiKt ',al1 IV V (barter n issued by tlie ktatn tleparlinent todj) to ho Champhn hinllurj 1'nuiml eouipany, 1)1 ilrs; lite; cap ital, l0O,00i l'hllidelphli, Jiu li coi.d reiiop was held todic ut the IVmojil Iron woiks Kdwein rep. icHntJthei tif'the Aiuerlean Itrldtro eninpany and tlu- IlileUo .mil lion Workers' Intdnatioiul union on thu wane m.i1o (or the intuitu; eir. Ihe do. iiunda of 111- union include an eight hour daj, ,1 watte rale nf 5U t-tnts an hour and the employ ment of only union lueu. Wiisliliu'tun, Jan, in, lteprescnlathc Voun, of 'lillukl(iliia, und Major John M, Caibon, of this iit, priMiitui to tho president today 1 bc.intjfullv bound cope- of n'solutions adopted bv the hue lily of lllendly Sons ot St, 1'atrlek, nl Philadelphia, on ihe death of President McKinley YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. I.ixal dati fir January 15, JOtei Ulghttt ttiuperituio ,,,,,,,, IT dtifree' l.owvt limpet Him ,,. 13 decreet lliluihc. humldll.i : N 11, in ,,1, 1. .,..,., 8(1 per cent, I) p. 111. m S per cent. Precipitation, "I houra ending 8 p. ni., none. ft -T - -f- WEATHER FORECAST. f - 4- Masliington, Jan. 11. l'orceast for 4- Thursday and Friday: Katern Vmi. 4- ani4, partly cloudy Thurbdaj; 1'rSday - 4- (atri kllifhtly colder; light wuterly winds. " t -ft . t t 4 u.l 1 "-1 j V