The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 15, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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is interesting to look at, but it's the
inside that's the "smoRe"! Think
of being able to buy for 5 cents a
cigar made of all Havana filler. No
wonder they are growing every day
in popularity; there is nothing like
them in value and worth when
it comes right down from talk
ing about them to smoking them.
mnnrin ff jl'f j'n 109 Fill Thn
JbllU l)Ull)U. IK I b
The Commission Selected to Inves
tigate Report Nine Cases
in the City.
Special to tlic Scranton Tiilinne.
Pittston, Jnn. 14. AVord hub i involved
lioic this afternoon of the death of the
second child oP Jlr. and Mm George
Morgan, of Ellsworth, Pa. This Is a
chapter of the small-pox epidemic here,
the Morsan family having left here two
weohs afio, shortlv alterward the
two children were stricken down v.ith
sinall-pox. At the same time the dis
ease Jivokc out hero in the family of
Mr. Morgan's parents, his sister being
tho victim. 'L'ho latter Is recovering
nicely, while young Morgan's two chil
dren died with the disease.
This morning Dr. Troxell, of West
1'lttBton, and Dr. "Wagner, of AVIlkes
Jlnne, a commission selected by tho
councils of Plttston to make a special
examination of the easps on this tilde
of the river, made n tour of t'vs pr
tlents and will repot t at a meeting to
be held tomorrow evening. They, lc
ported finding nine cases of tho disease
within the city limits, one of tho pa
tients being convalescent.
The epidemic has given n check to
matrimony at Exeter borough, whero
Hurgess Gross has Issued a proclama
tion forbidding any wedding celebra
tions. The Finn man, the only victim
In that borough, Is reported aB in n
critical condition. Dr. Hays has been
engaged to attend him at a salary of
?.'."; per day.
The rumor which ualned extensive
calculation on Sunday that Mrs. Theo
dore Crltlgau, wife of tho proprietor
of tho Vienna Dining loom, had been
taken sick with tho disease, has proved
utterly false,' Mrs. Brltlgau was In
disposed for -a few days purely owing
In a severe cold. Site Is now able to be
about as usual.
Ituyinoud. tho 10-year-old son of Mr,
and Mrs. Fowler Cure, of Main street,
while coasting a fuw ilnya ago, struck
against a telegraph pole and sustained
Injutles which may perhaps prove fa
tal. Theru weio no bones broken, but
his symptoms are not resarded as
The jury empanelled to investigate
tlu death of Thomas Lacovltch, who
fell from tho roof orlpdober,i oi
llery last Thursday afternoon, met In
'Squire. Moralmn's office yesterday af
ternoon The Inquest was performed
by Coroner Uerge After hearing tho
testimony they tendered a vernlU lmt
death was due to tho Mils fellow's own
eurpje'bsness, Tlio Juioih were: '. V.
Pntffner, W. J. rtonneninu, Aitltur
Davidson, M, .1. llyun, J. J.'Mornhan,
Jacob 'Webster.
Tim marrlagu of Miss Jvutu Maloney,
(if York. ,i venue, and L-Ww.ud Ollroy, of
Lincoln mil, win bo solemnised in St.
Maiy's chinch tlilu afternoon.
The r.udles' Aid society of the Metho
dist Episcopal church will meet at the
honiu of Mr?, K. t Kclluin this after
uaun at 3 o'clock.
The wildest for a chalice between
Kn J. V. Morrison and Itov. Frapcc?
Ciuuivun will be decided tunifJh'QW
Ndo by ih American Clgcr Co.
niir wholesale inils (? jhminln Finn
11! Disittsoi uUUU iUlU biyU
evening. The proceeds will be for the
benefit of St. Lawrence's church.
William Bennett and Walter Jeffries
are attending the Mine Workers' con
vention at Wllkes-Uarre this week.
Special to tin' Seranlon Trilmnc
Thompson, Jan. 11. Mr. and Mrs.
James Gelatt, of Oakland, returned to
their home today nfter spending sev
eral days at his sister's, Mrs. D. E.
Witter helping to caie for his mother
who is sick there.
MIs Parah Lydeu, of Unlondale,
spent the.Sabbiith with iter parents,
Mr. and Mis. J. P. Lyden near the de
pot. Miss Nellie Clancey spent the Sab
bath at her home in Susquehanna.
The Ladles' Aid of the Methodist
Episcopal church will give a chicken
pie supper for 20 cents in the G. A. n.
ball tomorrow nfternoon.
A concert is announced for Friday
evening in the Methodist Episcopal
Rev. P. It. Tower and Prof. 12. M.
Compton of this place and lie v. Mr,
Urewster of Stnriuccu, arc to be tho
adjudicators nl tho medal contest to
be held In the Methodist Episcopal
church orson, Friday evening next,
Mrs. A. V. Lakin, of Winwood, lias
the enterprise In ehtirge and a tine
time Is assured.
A house and barn belonging to Xoah
Smith, u mile west of lluinwood, was
burned to tho ground early Friday ev
ening. The family had been away for
several' days so the lire was doubtless
of Incendiary origin. Rumor says thoy
followed tracks as far as Ararat Sum
--fcMpiwiiiiiiMiiniiiywwitinni,i i mi win, in, i - "nwMW.Mn
J'nt-n-cuke, pat-a-tuHe, baker's nun,
fjo I will, master, us ra3t as i can.
Pat It and pilck It, and nwtk It wjth T
And bake in the oven for Tommy and
Where Is Vie linker's wife unit i-ou?
2j"N0 BETTER -1 M
ACADEMY Uoelllcr-Cilincy company. .fur.
noon ami nlglil.
STAK The ISIk 'vn-uliun Ilmlc-iiwia. After
noon .mil night.
"The Sign of the Crucifix."
Two law ami uitliiisiaitu.- audience ywcted
Die Uibnpy-Hoeulcr Stock company :t the. Acad
emy of iluilo jcsUuln.v, the afternoon bill liein?
Ihe "l'llnco of Man" nml tho evening "Tlie, bistt
of the CiticifK."
Tho famous lontoitionMs the I'.uitzer tiij,
sraw olio ot the sreatofct v.iuilevillo aits cur
teen in llii-, city, 'the company ul,o c,arln Ilia
lmiilial Goolimtni, -tio ulvc a eiy cntoiliiiiilnj
tpeeialty with unique! musical inurnment;.
This uftci noon's hill will ho "Tin- Indian," .1
play made' f.iitiou-, hv I.cvvn Moii'tan ot ",t"
(nine, and tonight "The Wonuu in 111 it V is the
( luuk", riohmaii ..iii that ho intends to liavc
a l'tcncli theater in New YorU cily, and hopes ti
have the aid of M. C'oirtteliii in the idea and per
liapi in tlic inanagcmcril.
Alt Wlielan, who lias been ihuin; tin1
comedy work of tlic cistern "i'loiodui.i" ioiii
pany, hat been tiaii-fencd In tlic western nigi:i I wl. Tlioin.u Kieiuili and II- II mis o( tho
same company o with liiiu,
Kuiri'iip Conies, mi liuny jean I ho lu;o i-f
(lie BoMnnian-,. will saTl for London in il,e
tprlnsf, and after t.tud.iinir wills the lict vocal
ui.i.sters will make u liy loi ;:un,d upeiu with an
l'nslliili company to appear al tho Comont Gar
den in tint city.
'. II, Sutlicru'd tn-cagLiiuiit in t'liicaso w.n
the Kecond lari-est, tliMiirlall'. in the liltluiy of
rowerr,' theater. Some jcim lnulc Joseph .Inlev
.son canied oft tlie letoid with v-lJ.WXl for the
MiiscJBiil'a Hew i.pi'l.i, "Uadilitl," N repotted
to have tal;en mii'thinar by fctomi In Ituly. It
de.dH with man'-i sihiseIo .uaiml fate, njid tlio
music Ii.h captivated tho iililis, Ot:,i of the
strongeiit munli-is in ils rlilld'a pinjer.
In tin- COU11.C oi n lucnt add i ms In London
Mis. Kendall Kild that inodejt blinuld
woir soma hind of a iiuifoim olf tin- ttuqe, after
die niiimier ot tlie hdvatlon Al my, as a maiU to
distingulih t belli fiom the oer-dre-jed inemben
Of tllC pillft'Snlllll.
Wnll Street lvlotr.
New Yotkt .1.1". H. There was conjiJer.ililc of Fpecmallvo scntlnunt In Pin otoek today and Hid movement to retl izalned
liu'ieutliig foiei'. The tvciikiii'n-i bciniin' rattier
nculi! In tl.o limit hour when tlie fellltu
of the ikiy w.ii done nml Hie market closed iictltc
ifnd weak and urn-Mally nt the lowest, net lo-icl
luniiln-t nil the niy limn one to -.Is tiolnla !or
the inlnclpnl Mock.-. Total sale (ii'.Di.") -iliiiiei.
Actltc lioii'Js wcakfnril In -mpallij' with -Unto,
but. Homo US" actltc IsiueH held early unlin.
Total talcs, iipr vlluo, M,n3,fluu, United Mate;)
bond.- were nil iincliuti'-cd on tlic last ndl.
Ilio (ollowinif n,uolitlon.s are liirni-hed The Trlb
hup bv M. S. .lonliii k Cornpaiij', ruonii T03-701
lcrii billldlns, Scr.lnlon. l'. Telephone, SOtHr
Opsn Itlccli- Low Clot-
' Inir. est,' est, inc.
Ametknn Sugar lot 121 11TV& U
Atchl-oli W TTU MJV TM5
Alilil-oii, IV H7J, WVi WU !'" Coppir iwf'j (K!i ii Hi
Am. Car k foundry .... 2'J 21 2Si 2SH
llrook. Tr.tetlo'1 03V. 0SM -"7 IW
Halt, .t Ohio HU'i 10Jli 101 101-6
('lies, fi Ohio j Id -I0U l.'i!4 l.'.'i
Chle, & (It. Vet 225J 22i 22'.j 'UK
ciiie., mii. i- st. p u, w:n 1(0 HO !i
Cblc, It. I, & 1' 15IK J.11 11J!i lB'IVi
(Wo. Fuel & lion 80 87 SO 8!
Krie It. 11 40U J0H ill's !?
l.'rlo it. It., l'r 72 7.) 70?t 71
I.oul. ti Xasb l'll-i 10ITA lot1; 101
Manhattan i;io l.'l"7i 1SS1S 13H',!. ISO',4
Met. Trndlon 102 1(12 IMHj 100U
Mlmoml i'aolllc 100 10lt !Ki Wli
Norfolk k Western .... f,5 M S". fi'i
X. v., (). A. v :u (i.ii :!i,, ::-!
'. Y, (Vntrit livii mi-; iHi Wl-n
i'omia. It. It IIS HS'i 147 H7r
UcndtnjT ity ClM fij M'J W
Itpadlni; Hv., M l'r .... .SUd SI'A SO'i K)i,
Soiitliein llj iW !UrSi "-2U !12'i
Roullnin It. It., l'r .... Itt'i !f2?i IU tw'i
Kiutliciu Piitlfle fi'iU M"i Wii SS-i
Tinn. A. hen iH'S dlVi til's ill'.i
Tpsh Pnclllc -'Is'i !Nij :i7'i .17',i
C. S. Uulhcv 11 1lu 115, IK,
t. S. I.i.ither, Pi M St Mir sifi
C. S. Ilnblicr lt"j ll'j 1114 H'i
1'. S. Steel Co K'A J2',!: 11- )"
c y, s.ieei Co., Pi .... im-ij !.ith ii.ih my
W'p-tein Inion Iil-i, M, wV, iii'i
Wabash. Pi ll'i -1 1 TA H'd -H'i
t nion Pacific 10-j 101-14 m",, 10l
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Raced
on Par of 100.
I.acknw.ium Diiry Co.. Pr
fount v fcavlni-H llink fc Trust Co..
I' Xalioml Dank (Coibondale) ..
Standard Drilliiipr Co
rhliil National Hank
Dime heposlt and Oiht-ount Hank..
I'conomy l.lRlit, II. k P. Co
'ii-ft National Hank
Lack". Trust Fito Deposit Co
Clark k Snou-r Co., Pr.
5-cranton linn fence & .Mfp. Co. ...
S'cranton Ale Wnik"
S'cr.inton lulngs Dank
Tinder,' National Hank
Sci.inton Holt . Nut Co
Peopled Hank
New Mexico By, k C. Co
Scranton Pai-enR-er Itillwaj-, flrt
MortKage, due 1920
rcople'a stieel Itailway, ilr-t moit-
e;af-c. due 191S ,
I'copji's Stiret Itillway. (ieneial
mortRae, due 1021
Dieloon Manufacturliic Co Township Sc'.iuol u pe.- cent.
City of tcranton St. Imp. 0 per
Scranton Traction (1 nor rent
Hid. AiktM
f 0
10714 ...
.... 75
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. 0. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Aio)
riour Het patent-, per banel, !M.U).
IleaiL. Per biblui, cl.oieo inauow, lii.KS.
Buttci rre-li cieanici, 20c. ; .line cr'.inwry,
24c; c.'iii., 2.1',.je.
CI cep Kull cream, lllialJc.
i;sss Nearby, J2e. ; .storage, famy, lO'.So.
(ireen Pens Per bushel, --1.50.
Potatoes Per biisnel, 1.
Onions Per bushel, $1.00.
New York Grain and Produce Market
New Yoik, Jan. II. Hour lircijular and nomi
nal at old prices, clo-ins ea-y. Wheat Spot
niaiket v-i No. i led, b3!ic. f. o. b. ntloat;
No. 2 led, M)i. elevator; No. 1 noithein Diilutli.
S7Uc. t. o. Ii. ; options openid csiited and
weak ocr the lcportcd failuie ot a piomlnent
bull At Chicago. Ilc.iiy liquiil.itioii broke prices
.1 rent n bushel, after which they tallied towards
noon on covoiinir and ep'oit luinon. Willi a
"iibse(iient of liquidation prices bluke,
but tallied ncai tl'u tlusj iisalu and closed
at it; net loss; Muili closed SC:;ic;
May, bOc; July, 80Te. Coin Spot dull; No.
1, 00c, delator and Wie. f. o. b. afloat; option-,
opened weak on tho wheat break and with
Chicago, tallied on Unlit leeelpts mid a Rood dcuiand; but later declined under fui titer
imlcaillnir n,ud vlth lite hcniiiiw. in other mii
kcl, tin illy inlllcil and ilo-ed steady at :!io.
net loss; .May closed 00'4c. ; July, Os-Jc. Hals
bpol e.isiei; No. 2, 71c; No. .-;, ;o'at. ; No. 2
white, 31c; No. u white, 3'i".c; fi tik mived
western, JlaOl'.je. ; track white, lii'iajSe. ; op
tions lollowinir coin. Mutter Steady;
ueanierj, JO.i23!ic; factory, UalSVijc, ; June
cieamity, 15a-21c; imitation cioamni-, llilS1.;
.state dairy, 11i-21c. cheese I'lim; slate full
cienin laigo fall made famy, 10!."lu7le.; slate
full cieaiu. snnll (nil nude famy, HUull'.n'. ;
late undo be-t larce, !i',4c. ; late iniilo bist mull,
lOaloyc. Kkks I'inn; stile and Pe-iiis.tbanii,
:iui'14c.; we-tein, 27aMc; soutlicin, 2dj32c.
Chicago Grain and Produce Market.
Chicago, Jan. 14. llicie was tumult today !n
the grain pits-, for a 1 true n p.inio ot depicj-lun
tliie.iteucd evci.uhiii'. All ollni" news ,as
.suhordliulc to tlio t.nluie of (leoiite II. I'lilllliis
to adiaucc iii.ulii- on hw dctls mid the
rinciiL unloadim; of inanv million bushels of
ceieals on tlic aheady weakening m.ukets. After
the only wide uml Lipid lluctuations and a
heavily slioit niaiket hid nhsorlud the Phillips
stufl to the ptollt of many a bear, the maik.-ts
iUleted and gradiully came under u-ual inllii
ences, Tlio close was much bc-ttci tlinii had
been expected. .May wheat fiulfeied a nt-L lost f
'ic, .May cuin, 9ia'ic. ; May oats, 'g.i'ic; and
.M.iv i 'c, Si: Proiislon.s closed indopeiidi'iil, loa
lO'.ic to l.ljlT'jf. higher. Ca-h quotations wen
.i follow: 1'lour Hist ; No, 1! spiinj; wheat,
7.1i7il'jc; No, 2 led, RlatU&c; No. 2 o.itu, li'i
illilVii.; No. -2 white, 47.117TII.-. : No. 3 white, J.Trfi
.-147','ji,; No. 2 Ije. 02c,; fair to iholcc inallln-'
lurlej, C2.iO.5ijc; o. 1 ll.ix seed.',i; No. 1
noitliwc-tein, 11.70; inline timothy ecd, tfdj.3;
mess poik. slfl.75alU.SO: laid, is'i.50iO.,55; short
libs,; die iltid slioulder,-, 7"Ba7'ic;
shoit clear aides, ifS.SOaS.'jO; wldskej, Sl.;i2.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Cldiajto, Jan, II. Catlle lleceipts, 0,500;; no diolco lieie; piod tn piime,
f(I.UO.i7.3.5; ior to tiiediiun. $lil.25; slockera and
feedem, 2.2.5il,.riii; cow.-, 1,25.11.73; licifcM,, lf2a
5; raimerii, ?1.25a2.:t0; bulls, i?l,7.5U,jO; calves,
vJ.iil.30; Teas ,strer.s, ijl.2.5.i,5,i,(). los Iteidpts
today, 25,000; tomoiiuw, 10,(100; left ovel, 1,000;
about, 10c hlslin; mixed mid )iit"heis, j,00i
0,15; (food to diolec heivv, isO.JOaO.ij; loiurh
heavy, ri.!)5i0.2,5; lUht. is5.5tii5,U.j; bulk of sales,
lf5.Wla0.3,5. blieep -- HctclpU, ll.O-X); sheep, ; lambs, lower than e.irlv Monday;
good tn choice wethers, Jl,23a3; westein sheep
fed, sdal.75: uitlvo lambs, si,30a5,tH); western
lambs led, i,5.i5.!)0.
Buffalo Live. Stock Market.
Lust Hufliio, Jan. II, -Cattle Itec-eipts, 110;
dull and Riueiully lOalJc. lower; veals, steadv,
Jr5.50a8.5i), Hobs lleceipts, l,500; steady tor gooil
mad(s and Yoikirs; iit,-s. dull, 10 c, lower;
heavy, siU5.-iO.55j luhed, lUOUI.40; plus, J5.731
5.M; ioiirIis. i)5.J(U3.(U; staRS, $lal.25, Sheep
.IIIU ..IIHI'S ltl-l,l'l?, ,,n-., JIlVlU'llllK ,.SJ 1,111
..!.. . ...1. ...1 !..,n.. e o-.t I,,. I I .1
Oil Market.
(Ill lilv. Jan II. Ciedlt lulaiice-, 11.5; u-r-tlfiiati-s,
no bid; Hiipmelits, 102,1)1) binds; uv
i mm, 110,110 luiicls; urns, Tl.JTS luiicls; .iv ct
a,e, 12,112 b.ircl.
IN 111'; V4tato U ll.iv Id S. Cobb, deteated. Oi
plunV Comt ot Lacl.awjniu Count1, JCntic
Is hereby kIvcii a uilo has Ikiii (iiantcd b;
i i...
,-- t.vtui'j itt.,, iiib ., t,t,u ,,a? ,'v,i, i.iiiicii
tlic eaid Orpbaiu' Court, ictuinablc nt tlio nU
arRuinent couu, to show liiitc why AusiMa I'.
Cobb should not lie foicvi-r illschaiKid tn,ui tlie
dutits of admiuUtratiK of thn said estate.
.u''A r. emus,
AiltiiliifsU.itl Is.
IN Hi;: Im oi potation uf the I.ideitafd hlii,,liil,'
Hadet.v, of hcraiiton, 'j. u Hie Court of
Common Pleas c( Count), No. oMl
Jauuaiy Trim. 1002.
N'otlie i, hiu-by -ilvui that 1'ieil. ul..
will on Sjluuliy, I'eliiu.iiy 2nd, ItHt', inAe ap
plication to said Couil ot Comiuoii- Picas untlw
the Act uf Asai nib!)' ot tins Commonwealth, ap
proved April -Mil, IS; I. i.iul the scveial supple
ments ihcicto, to the chiller ot an intended
oimuiiatlon to be l;no-..n as "l.ldeitatd islnsln'i
Sjilety oi .scranton, Pu," the diaiaetcr and di
jeit f whlcli is, tie moinoiloii mil cultivation
ct ItttuinintJl und vocal inusic, and for tliis
pii-putc to luve, pfwiis mill enjoy all thu iliiln.
JH'lviieaes uml hmciils cotiieimi by s,ild Ait and
iU sui nlcimnti. 'Hie ccrtihuito or ai tides of
OMOilatioii nf Ihe piopuMil roiporatiou ii on file
In 1.1IU comt ii the illiove staled uunibyr and
leiuu JOHN" I'- Jirili'liY, ifciUiUoc
(MS, llll.Wtl PlUfj", 9,,u.t."V, iiautiy wetiits,
!.3j3 one load diolcn wp-iein wetlipiii, M.10;
.vcuiliiiBS, $t.raTa5.23i culls to (tooil sheep, i?2.50
4,:0; lop n.itivu lambs, ffl.20a0.23; culU to uood,
7,au. w
4. Lines 10 Cents
n'orc riinn I-'otir Lines, ,1 Cent nr U'acll G.xtra l.liu.
iTov Rent;.
tssfir ssj t -st.
1011 ltr.NT-Hpeeilwny lintel. Apply to J, it.
iveiiniicrcT, nt i inuuiin iivenue.
l'Oll llH.NT M", onc-liail of ilouhto Iioilp, III
upper (Ireen Hldae; lnrrfc ..aid, bath, lint
slid cold water, ruinte, elrctilc llirhts. I!. P.
Hamilton, Paul! btilldlmr, fspruce utiect.
Wanted To Rent.
- r-k-,'ti'ss .. '-li-VA.'N -N
i. ffrrvsr
WA.NTI'.U 10 11KNT Three or four furnished or
luinirnl'hed loonit for lioUMkeipitn,. Addicts
',' JrfTiisou iivinue, elty.
Tor Sale.
- nM'WWU
l'OU SAI.i: Parlor furniture and ulher home
hold booiIs will bo sold pilvnlcly at it ii.f
'onablo figure. Intruiio 520 Linden.
JL'ST AIIUIYLI) with n cailo.ul ot hones; good
woikem mid sevetnl clofely nialthc-d teiuis.
Welnlit from Mtfl In 1,500, Can be "fen nt ll.ll
ltn- ninrnl court, 1', M, Cobb.
Toil fAI.i: Cheap, hone, cnirl.iire nml li-unessj
will sell (in want of use. 207 llolll-tor avc
l-'Olt SAM! Mill: ionic uml covv, loi?other or
nepitatc. Addiisj) Ibuvey .fauiti'-, Moosle, Pa.
I'OIt SAf.K bliavlui. Mvnliwl and klmllius wood.
At Amley's I.tmibet Yard, bill .Scranton fc'.
101! HAbi: Ono 1,200 Hi. woiklnu hoise, one
1,000 Hi. iliivlna; ot uoiliiinr niaie, will lueil
and would milo a Kood blood nine: al-u lltvld
Copperfleld, paccl, 2.2.51,1, luy Roliliiur. Iiiquliu
J. II. Ladw'lir, It. stole, oi lit bain. I civ 5,0
W')oiiiIng iivtiiue. .
lI'Olt SAI.i: Ihe bir mid IKlures f the "I'nioit
noiei on i.ais.iw.niu i sueet. wii'ii.ini.. , il
lation ouclliiit. Lodges meet lii bnlfdlmr. Sell
ins out on aeccunl of 111 hcilth. T. P. Jones,
l'Oll SAM: fclotl: ot the'. Tet Hook
Company of .Sctaplon (foimeily tin1 Collier)
KiiKlneci Co,), 0. S,ui.Ici-oii, Hid Wyoming
iivcuue, !-'ciiintoii, Pa,
fOIt KALI: CII1:aP l'luwond. lion roofine, llr.i-beis-,
board), rcantllni;, etc, lioni old cais;
niilable lor all purpos.'-. .luiti'.uss, Cent-al
Mipes switch, fol of lla'rplun slteet, off Souili
Main avenue.
I'OIt SAM: Two light fnin wagons and v.:
luiln.s-, d.iap. Hi .in, rear 11J2 I.iiCi
roil S.M.t: tlieip; horse, fpilns watron and
li-rnts-", at No. 1S20 Cedar avenue.
Public Sale.
PI I1MC' SAI.i:--Ve will sell at pubUc sale (m
the bmelll of whom it niav loiueiu. on Wed
nesda.v. Januar) 22, at 10 o'dock a. in., at the
Mieu'lt's olllcc, in the Comt Iloiie, of the City
o s,u.nitoii. two (2) slims of stuck of the
Moweis' Poll IMclcinir mid I'lovisimi Coinpiny,
the tame belnpf lipid ns to a note.
WLLLLS .t 'lOltllllV. Attorne.v.s.
Real Estate.
I'OIt SVLH One acie of land, improved with
nine-ioom lioase; plenty and vauely of fruit;
cood location In village of fleet-. Hie. Mrs. Olive
I'lsli, I'leetville, Pa.
Pumished Rooms.
I'OIt HUNT A fme flout loom for Kerllenin. all
conveniences; ten minutes walk Horn Court
lloti-e; piivate family. Addiess 1'., Tiibunu of lire
rUHNISIILl) 1IOOMS tor tcrl, modem Improve.
ments; private family; gentlemen pu'li'iied,
:it 337 Adams avenue.
FOIt ItHNT Two comfottalily furnished loonis
tor Kcntleineii: moduli unpi elements; pii
vate finilly. :U0 YasliliiRlon avenue.
I'OIt HUNT I'mnl-lied fiont loom, with heat,
b.ath and sas; nrar comt house; Bcntliinau
preferred. Address ltootn, Hox 200.
FOIt HUNT riiniislicd loom; heat and bath.
CCO Linden etieut.
rUItNISIILO HOOMS FOH HUNT, with beat, ris
and bath, gentlemen prefcrted, at 5M) Adams
Money to Loan.
straight loan. or Uuildins- and Loan. At
fiom 1 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Waikci,
ill-J13 Connell bulldlne;.
LOaT Two black and white setter iUv-i, piale and
female; both have white stnak between the
I'.ves. lteward. J. It. Ikilni), cue of Hitlenbcn.
der & Co., Scranton.
'llii: AXKl'AL meet ins of the stockhoideis of
The Tiibuno Publi-hlns Company ot Snail
ton will bo held at the olhte of the (onipiuy on
Tin -da), Januiiy 2, ut Ii p. in., to of
liicia lor the i-uatiiug )ear, and tor ihe piuposs
of tiansiitiiiK Mi' other business that limy come
bcfoie the inccling,
O. 1'. UY.NHi:i:, Secrttaty.
OlTICi: OP the Sci.inton Holt (in 1 Net Co.,
Snantoii, Pa. 'the Animal Mietlnir of the
siockholders of the Scranton Uolt and Nut Com.
pany, for the election of diuctoix for the en
ftiiiis je.ii", and fm thn tiaiisactlon of such other
liiislucen as ma)" pinptily be biuivjlit beloie it,
will be held at the office of the Company, at
the Works, on 'Ihursdiy, January 23, nt 2 o'clock
ii. m. L. M. llOHl'OX, Secietaiy.
Till: ANNUAL MKUTINCI of the stockholders of
tho Scranton Hcddlne; Company will be held
In the salesrooms ol the company, 1,00 Lacka
wanna avenue, on Thuisday, Jaiiuuy 21, at 1.30
p. in. 1'. A. KAISKH, Socictary.
'llii: ANNL'AL MIXTINO ol the stoikholdns of
the Diimnore Hlcclile Lisht, Heat unit Power
coinpauy will be held at the office of tlie com.
pany, 500 Linden street, Sciantun, Pa,, on Wcl.
ncsd.iy, .Innuny 15tb, 1002, at 2 o'dock p. in ,
for the election of dlrcitorj for the ciitulin: jcir
and such other business as may conic before
them. I.'. M. STACK, Seeietaiy.
THU ANNUAL nteetliiR of the stockholders of
the Knttiprlse Ponder Maiiuf.utinlnff Com
pany, (or tlio election of diioctors and tho trans
action of su.'h other business us m.iy properly
(onio befole it, will be held on Wcdnesdiy, Jaiut
nry 22nd, KW2, at the office uf ilio coiinnny,
Scranton, Pa nt U.OO o'clock p. in. Nu trans
fer of stoik will bo nudo for ten ilayj next
ptcccdiiig the date ot the ubovo nieetluii.
Ik P, KINfiSHUKY, Sccictaiy.
NOlICi: IS lli:iti:ilY RIYi:X that the Annual
Meetlm; u( the stockholders of the .Sci.inton
and Northeastern Ilillioad Company, for the
election nf President and Diiectoiii, nml tor the
transact Ion of sudi other business nn may pioper
y come bcfoie the mcetiii;, will bo held nt the
' nfllco of the (oimianj, Connell lluiMIiir,
in the city of Scranton, Pa., on Wednesday, ihe
20tli ill)" of .lanuarv, 1!2, at three o'clock p. in.
lly older of the Hoard of Directors.
C. V. UOl'fjiriO.N, Senetaiy.
Scranton, Pa Jan. II, 1002.
XOTlCi: IS IIEHMIY CjlVIIV that the Aiinuil
Mccllni! ot tho stoikhoKicid of the Central
Valley Itnilroad Company, lor ihe ilectlou
of Piesldeut and Dnectcis, and for the
tiansjctlou of sudi other busiiieM as may
propcily como luforo tlio meeting, will b.
Iield ul tlio Koueial ofllco of the company, Con
i ell llulldinsr, In tlio ilty of Siiauton, Pa., on
Weduesdj), the 20lli day cl Janua.j", IW)2, at
three o'clock p. ii.
lv cider of the llo.ud of Ultedors.
('. V. HOl'lJUTON, Miivtaiy,
Scianton, Pa,, Jan. II, 1002.
NoiTci": H lli:ii:ilV (IIVLN that the Annual
Jhttliu of Hia stocklioldeis of the Connell
Pail, and i-ni'eiwuy Sticet Itulway Coliiiuny. lor
the clectliu of Dlicctms, and for the tl.uin linn
of such iitliei btuluiss as may iiiopcly cciue lie
foiu the nn dint,', will be held at the Keiuial .(
ilio of tho company, Connell llulldlu-r. in the dt.v
o( Kciatttoii, Pa., on Wednesday, ihe 2Uth dav
uf J.inu.ay, 1W2, at llueo o'tloik p. in.
i.v older o( tlio iioaid or iiiieeiois.
IH'ltMW OSUIAl's, Seeietaiy.
.Van. II, 1002.
bcianlvik, l'a
NOTICi; LS Ili:ili:ilY (I1VI:.N tint ilio Annual
Melting of tin- stockbulder4 of tie Noitneiu
f,ackavv..lin.i Itillioacl Compaii), lor the election
ot IWltlmt, mid IliiccloM, .'lid lur the tiausu"
Hon of sudi o'.bei badness as may piopei)- come
befoic the nuvlii:, will m licld at the treneinl
ofllcc if the- coiiiiany, Coniull Huildliis, in tho
vlty of Scranion, Pa., on Wediuday, the gJtli
tbv of Jir.ujiy, Uii-2, al llncv u'duik p. in.
liy older of the lloaul ot Ducctott.
C. V. mil'OIUD.N', Sawitiiy.
S union, Pa, Jan. 11, VMi.
Want Aavortlsomonta Will Bo
Received at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stoles Until 10 17. M.
Central City
AMinitT SCIII'LiZ, corner Mulborrj-
etrcet and Webster avenue.
UUSTAV PICIIUL, MO Attain, avenue.
Wctst Side
(iroiiai! W. JIINUINS, lot South Mala
Sou Ih Scranton
Kl(i:U L. TKHPPi:, 729 Cedar avcliu.
North Scranton
OHO, W. DAVIS, romer North Miin
venue and Mail.ct street.
Greeu Ridge
CIIAHLLS P. JONLS, 1537 Dlikson
P. J. JOHNS, 020 Green Itidce sticot.
C. t.ORHNZ, until r Washington ave
nue and Mat Ion stteit.
W. II. KNI'.ITLL, 1C17 Inliis avinue.
J. C. DONi: k SON.
Help Wanted Male.
Indlcalois, ShaUiiK (Hales, ruinaic lilovvci--, Sep
.uatois, Steam Piiuiti. Alum Wain- ( oIiiiiiih,
Sheet and Piston P.u Linj", i tc l nlou -.( 'in
Specialty lo. New 'phone, I'mnMm nvuui".
WANI'IH) A llist-cl.tss iipliol-tuei; sieul) wo k.
Apply to Hiaiitoit Iliildlui; t o.
IIOOKKi:i:i'i:it WAVI'HD-MihI -have sevnul
Jens practical cpeiiinc'e; icijiuti' hut llii"
bonis .-oivicc e.iih da), uioiniUK, aflciuoou t,i
I'lirht. State Mlai) v.-ntite I lor such leivhe.
Addiess .Mr. P.cek, of 'lilbimc
WANTHD Hiln'ble joinis mill lo solicit and
tolhct foi tcsp.jii-ihle liou-c -: per day t
start. (Jood dunic fir adv.imi itciit. Call loom
II, llitir Iniilillnjf.
WAXrilD A Jounir man to wotk In stoic II.
W. llallclt, i:!2 Spiuce xtiect.
WANTIIIJ lin to le.nn Inrbci limit. New sys
tem. Hijiht weeks conipletcs. Speclil iu
duccments ihls month. M aires Saiurda.v.s. Hiplo
lmis an nihil, steady po-ltiou bu it aniecil when
Ihrotik'h. Wilte fm lice ciLiIokiic Address
Mold's ltatber School, N"iw Yoil. ( liy.
WANTi:i)-H.v lending Philadelphia house, ftr.-t-class
.ilesiiiati, lo sell line of paper
tn the ictail ti.ide. one who hu an ncitiiintaiiec
liicfeiied; lnuit Ji.ive best icfeience and bn able
to furnish bond. Address P. O. Ilo-s 20'-. Phila
delphia. Help Wanted Female.
AN'illD (Jood niil for housev.oik. Tao
in family. 110 Webster avenue
1100KKi:i;Pi:i( W.WTID-Onl.v cpeuc-nced, fltst
class lady bookkeeper netd nppl.i. Addiess
Impel l.;l" Co., 100 l'lauklin .tveniie, litv.
AXTi:i)-V (fill tn do rciieial l.n'ispvvork at
(H'I MidUon avenue. Apply at once. Mis.
K. (I. Webb.
A SMALL (illtf, wautid at oi'ic to take (are
bilb)-. 117 Penn avenue.
guaranteed. W. K, Heck k Son, ;1J0 Adams
WANTED QIi! for housework at llalton.
Address II. T caie Tribune.
Recruits Wanted,
WANTI'.D I"0I1 l S. AlIMY-Mile bodied tin rietl men between tin ases of 21 ami :I5;
cilie(5 of the Culled Stale-, ot jronil ter
and tciopeiate habits, who can spuik, i"nd and
vviite LiikII-Ii. I'm- iiifoimalion npplv to llii.iuil
nur Olllie, n. 12.1 Wvotinm; avenue, Suauton,
WANIHU C'ooil second-hand fuini-e, will pay
cash. Addiess Lock Ho": l'!0, rsci intoii. Pa.
Wanted Room and Board.
WAN1HU ltoom and boaid in puvat'
family for tliiee lidlesj lilt to cveed ll per
week. ()i:o loiatcd withi't Ove iiiliiutcs walk fiom
city hall picfened. Addte.s, K. II, Tribune Of
fice. Rooms and Board.
A LAHllP. I'llOST ROOM, with beau!, at 521
Ad.-yiis atcntte. Suitiblo lor twu me.,
KOOMS TO ltLNl", with boaut. tOO Mulberry
Boarders Wanted.
I'ltlVATi: 1'A.MILY wk-hes to hive two nice men
to boaul. (leinian or Kiislish. Call juy tim
after Thuisday. All coiiveni-'iices, -07 Jlariisou
Situations Wanred.
SITL'ATION WANTP.I) A .voun,- womin with
child a jeaiii old; biniekeeiln- piefened;
best lefcunces. Mi. Ilinwn, Sciiut.'ii posUitdcc
fclTl ATIOV WANTLD As iluk m wuikmin in
jev.div stoic; thltty )eus' csPiliiice; (,'ood
irfetenii".." Address A. ('. II., 22- lihir .lint,
Wist Plttston, Pa.
New Ideas, Safe Methods. Large Returns,
Cumulative ( Bonds of
The Southern Mining Corporation
Denomination of Bonds $100 Each.
A limited number of these bonds for sale at par, on reasonable
terms or lor cash.
S200 worth of stock at par given with each bond as a bonus.
The safest and most practical mining proposition ever offered.
All net profits to be applied to tUe p.iyment of bonds.
Write for prospectus.
The Southern Mining Corporation
irl7 1'l'Mikfiml Avi!., PruiikHml, I'ltlltulcluliia. Til.
I rTTT"waig-TTV-f I "MT11- 't'-'ttJT irmirwwTiT .-!
Of Uutte, Alont.
(.Uutle ii ilio feie.neit copper niviluciki; cit In tlie wurld.)
5 First Mortgage
Dcnom. nation itt.OoO, niattnliiif l ta .0
llnhini; tutm. mi caininwi int. a una
Wutv I 'l' upon ui Mi. Samuel lnoll,
cluuiai. ,
3 InseVtl'ons 25 Cents
Alor.'Tlttl I'nur l.lnej, 6 Cents for l-ncli Btr U.l!.
Certlned Public Accountant.
i:iv,fii) o. hi'AUMiixci, VrTitAiTnitsnASr:
itulldlnp. And St. Paul Ilitlldlnff, New York.
i:inAiir n D.vvif, Aiicmriirrr, connixij
i'ni:ni:i!icK i,. intowN. ahcil n w.u
IMato i:ilmii?o lllilir., 12d Wnsblnaton avc.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
hit. c. i:. i:ii,i:Minitoi:ii, pauli huildixo,
Spiuce Mieet, Kciatiton.
1)15. 0. ('. LAI'HVCil, tlTTvYOMiNtl AVHNUlX
ritANK i:, ucTyli:, .vnousi'v-AT-iiAW.
1 ""' 12. 11, 10 mul 13 IMir lliilldliir,.
I'. K. Til AC Y. AIT'Y, COM MOVWIIaTtTi lll.DtL
i. n. uhploiim:, AnoitNi:Y-LOANfl"Nt-(i(T
tlaled on reil estate -io urity. .Mean llitildini,
lornei- Wo'hinitton avenue ami Spiuee sticet.
WILLAHI), W.UtllHV .".. KXAPP. .110HNli3
and i munellors-at-law. Itepublltan IUtlldhij,
liali!itfrlon menu
' " ?.jl "'SI'l'. Al rOIINKYS AND COL'N--ellois-at.I.nv.
Cnmtiionwe.ilth lliiildluv, lloomi
Pi, 20 and 21.
i.nwAiti) w. tiiavi.i:, .vrroitNLY.
"ii-ioi. nin Hour, Mens birldlns..
" .'V. "ATitl'.s. ATroilXllY-Al'-LAW, HOAltl)
f Initio ll'illdliiir, scianton, Pa.
iatti:iox a, tiiaiu:ips national
inl llnlldliw
'' COli:rjyg, n.ij iippunMCAV n'uiLDiNa.
a. w. nnitrnni.r, orncr. movijd to noT
211 Wj-omlig avenue.
Physicians and Surgeons,
hit. W, I
a veil tic
,VI.f.i:S. 31.; NOHTlfwASIHNaTOS
1)1!. S. V. I.'AMOHIlMJV, OIT'ICi: oso WASH
iiiKton avenue. Hi slden.-c 1311 Miilbcny.
Cliinulc olspn.-e, Iii.ij,--, heait. kidneys and
Kinito-uiii-aij- oisaiii u fpedilty. liouts, 1
to i p. nt. ,
Hotels and Restaurants.
ihi: n.K cn:. 125 and 127 rit.Ni;t,iN avi:-
line. Hate: ica-onuble.
P. XliXlLLn, Propiictor.
sender depot. Conducted on the Kuropciti
plm. VICTOR KOCH. Piopiletor.
cc-s pools; no odoijonly iiupioved pumps o-ed.
A. H. flntrs, propiietor. Leave 01 dors llfiO)
North Main avenue, or LieLe'.s diup sto--e, cor
net Adams nml Mulhcriy llotli telephones.
crjinen, stoic "01 Wtsltinston avenue; uic-'n
hou-ci, 1050 Notli Main avenue; sloio tele
phone, 7S2.
Wire Screens.
Sciaulon, Pa., nianufactuier of Wire Screens
also Jadies waists. Louise Shoemaker, 21J
Adams avenue.
MLtiAllfil'.K DUOS.. PHINTl'.HS' StU'I'LILS, l'.X
vclopes, piper buss, twine. Waiehouse, 120
Wa-hinsteii avenue, bcianton. Pa.
Tin:!ih: lirfor.u can hi: had
in Scianton at the news stands of lteUiiiau
Hios.. 400 rpiuee and 50i Linden: M. Notion,
.'122 Lnckiiiauiuf avenue; I. S, ScliuUer, 211
Spiuce sticet.
business Opportunity.
HAVi: lOC vllligo. cu) or town pitpeity, LuI-nc-s
of sti U. of kouiIs to sell 01 c(.han -0 .'
I.i-t join piopctt) Willi J. L. Tiacy, Real i'.stata
LKchanse, Waveily, N. Y.
SlOClv AM) WIILAT 'lltAIII.llS without delay.
Write for our speunl 111.11 ket letter. Tree en
application. S. M. Ilibbaid i: Co., members S.
Y. Ccii-olithli'd and Stock bvchange, -It and 10
llroadivav, New 5 ork. J,'-t.ib!Ulud 1S.I1. Loin
Di-iauci.' Phone 2J-S Utoad.
Dissolution of Partnership.
LM?)lTtI(IV Ol' I'Altl'NHlisllIP-Xnttic 'l
heipbv ulvui dial the copaitneiship b.
tvvecn .Midi mi P. I.iiklti and John Volk
I audi, trading the "Komi IMt.tet C0111
paiM," is di-iihid, Mifhson I'. Lai kin cm
tliuiiuR in the biisinefs with the llalt to u-e tin
same turn nunc nml nuictt all accounts and pay
all Indebtedness of llie linn.
MADISON 1'. LAltlvlX,
I, I'. Megurgel, Hoj Chester Mejarstl.
mTCTww i n. jifc MTirmia-w
17 ITTT fTJ"1 .rf"l'll
VER coiniY
Sinking Fund Gold Bonds
cati. Amply piovnlul tor ty icwive unj
-qiiaiiei inoi-, in nc-s ii.aii.
IV' - nienr, ul llie lliuau lalwuii lo, an J tpeclll