"J" , w- t No ,' -i' 1 THE SC1UNT0N TMBUNE-WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1002. I xxxxxxxxxxxx; 8 tug uoDBiw lUtinwAnK CToni. gcv hen you buy a 7 you Know Just whul you tire X Retting mul hundreds ot your JC neighbor!) win bear witness J that you have the best range yt made for they nil' have X STKllMXaS. Sold by X X Foote & Shear Co. X JJ9 N. Washington Ave Sooooooooooooi W? Are Specialists In tlio line ot Intuitu' wc.tr. nntl luvo many dainties which you urn not llnJ elsewhere. Our ruo-I nro just a Iltllo mote dlsllnctlva thin others. Wo will answer your questions and Bend catalogue. Hut, hotter still, come and ec in. BABY BAZAAK 10 Spruce f..reet. The Foundation of Fortune The h.ililt ot Milne foimod in eaily life, is the found.it Ion of many it fottune. Thrifty people pttronizc the savings bank and prosper. The department ot savings Is n spccl.il feature with this haul;. It lias many Luge deposit". It has many small deposits and all draw the same rate of Interest. THE PEOPLE'S BANK. -die bEE SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. The Bible Training class of the Penn Avenue Baptist church held a party at A. J. Kellennan's home on Penn ave nue, Monday evening. A very pleasant time was had by everyone present. Vho guests were: Misses Ida 13. Kapp, Augusta Swink, Myrtle Swingle, Eliza beth Jones, Esther Jones, Miss Perry, Ida Swurtz, Flossie SwarU, Isabella Lewis, Lenoro, Batsel, Lavina. Tonilin son, Miss Kennedy, .Martha Moore, Lil lian Moore, Anna Jones, Elizabeth Min zenberg, Maud Orifilth, Ettlth Keller man, Mrs. A. J. Kellerman: Messrs. James Wills, John "Wills. Frank AVllls, K. J. Snyder, J. I.aBar, II, D. Place, jr., John Hughes, Will Hughes, Will Voltz, Henry Voltz, Lewis Bates, D. Safford, II. Madden. II. Becker, V. P. Long, A. J. Kellerman. A. Meugar, G. Erh, Har ry Murphy. Uofreshments were served. Willard Atherton, of Taylor, and Miss Margaret A. Whiteford, also of Taylor, were united in marriage at 11 a. m. yesterday, by lev. L. It. Foster, ot Green Itldge. The young people are both front old and well known families. The sroom is of the firm of Atherton Bros., of Taylor. AVilllani Whiteford, n, brother of the bride, was best man, and Miss Mary Whiteford, a sister, was bridesmaid. Tito young couple left on the "11,51 u. in. Delaware and Hudson train for Philadelphia, Washington and the south. On their return they will llvo in their newly built and hand somely furnished home on South Main street, Taylor. Monday evening a number of the young peoplo from North Scranton en joyed a sleigh ride to Jerinyn, where they attended a party given in their honor at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Depew on Fifth street. The ride up was enjoyed by all and after a bount eous ropasl, which was served shortly after their arrival, various games were played and the evening spent in the usual party diversions. At a late hour tho merry sleigh riders started. on their homeward journey. Miss Sarah Henry, of Warren street, last evening entertained a number of her friends at her home. Those pres ent were: Tho Ml?ses Kiah Davis, Allot- Lewis, Carrie Kvans, Muuio Jones, Kdlth Ulchurds, Jennie Jenkins, Iluttio Lloyd, Mary Thomas, and David (lames, Hossnr Price, Daniel Davis, 1 tutus Richards, Frank Canvardlno, Ivor Danvers, Evan Thomas and Wil liam Reese. An enjoyable surprise party was ten dered Mlsa Margaret Kramer, of South s'lnth street, recently, at tho homo ot ner parents. The young folks In at ;endaueo had a jolly time. Announcement has been made ot tho approaching marrlago of Peter Snyder, of lumpton street, and Miss Jordan, of Lincoln Heights. William Snow, of Lafayette street, entertained the Bachelors' Camping club ut his home last evening, The engagement of Lewis Jones and May Samuels, of Archbald street, has been announced. Jim. J. J. Iluir, ot Caibuiidjlc, vUllcd Scran tun friend uu Monday. JlM. John llvans, of M'wlMly, It, I., Is vWltluj Inr iclatlvcs In West Scriuiou, Judge John P. KelJy (toei to Muutioeo tpday to preside in the Su.imcli imia eourK Jllw Lena IMtut, of rho.tmit Mint, i spend in? a few days with Will:c-Uano friends. I!, 11, fiilfllth, ot .Mlcnlown, lus lotumcd thtie from a visit with his family In (luj city, John 31. fSannan, iq., cs-clialmun ot (ho Democratic fctale lomnilltec, was In the city yesterday. Ho lett for llauhluier laler in tlio day. Mis (Una Sharer, of Wllkw-Uarie, who has been the Ruosfcf Mr. and 3lis, William Clevc, laud, of North Slain ateuu?, ictuiiicd home yes teiday. II. C. Omvm, of .New Vorit, (tciivral ciafciM. nirtiit of the Buffalo ami Susquehanna rallioad, culled on Delaware, LacUvuuha auj Wctcru of. IcItU la UiU city yesterday. Sterling Range i TIIE I 5 ti?S!2. WMm :mgm&7 EIGHT WABD PRIMARIES. T, 0. Melvln and Thomas J, Roche Renominated. At the Eighth ward Democratic 'au ctis held 111 the St. Citation last nighty tho following ticket was nominated: Select council, T, ( Melvln ! common council, Thomas J, HoVho! conslitblo, John Tlernej'! asgossor Thomas P. Gil gallou, First district Jduge of election, John Loftus; reslslor, John T. Kennedy! In spector, Edward laorman. Second district Judge of election, P. 8. Coyne; reglater, Frank C. DeLong; Inspector, John Miller. All the nominations were made unan imously. A strong speech commenda tory of Air. Mclvln's work for tho Eighth ward during his four years' service In the upper branch ot tho city legislature was made by John T. Ken nedy In placing him In nomination. A seconding speech In a Hlmlhlr vein was made by Druggist John J. Loftus. There was u very large attendance tit tho caucus, many of the most promin ent citizens ot the ward being present. Martin P. Flyniu proprietor of tho Lackawanna Volley house, was chnlr mnn, and Frank C. DeLong, secretary. MTULLoiFGHRbBBED PETER TO PAY PAUL Interesting Embezzlement Case from Blair County Argued In tho Su perior Court. In the superior court yesterday, ar guments were hoard on the appeal of James II, McCullough, of Altoona, for mer delinquent tax collector of Blair county from tho verdict adjudging him guilty of embezzling $10,000 of the coun ty taxes. McCullough, It appears, lost heavily in the panic of 1893 and sought to tide over the difficulties by advancing mon ey to himself from the taxes lie col lected for the county, covering up his borrowings by keeping a year behind In his duplicate. He was re-elected col lector from term to term and by this practice of "robbing Peter to pay Paul," managed lo avoid detection un til January 7, 1001, when his defalca tion was discovered and he wan arrest ed at theinstnnee of one of Ills bonds men. Juno IS, 1901, he was Indicted and shortly afterwards convicted. From this conviction he appealed. Ills attorney, A. V. Dlvely, argued to the court yesterday that the actual embezzlement having occurred In 1804, tho statute of limitations Intervened to bar a prosecution. That np embezzle ment could be charged for the statu tory period of two years preceding his arrest was shown, the defense argued, by the fact that the county accounts credited McCullough for that period with $101,000 and charged him with only $91,628.r,8. H. C. Crolllns and C. O. Teinpleton, representing tho commonwealth, ar gued that while tho actual embezzle ment took place in ISiM, McCullough carried the crime down to tho moment of his arrest, by appropriating county funds each year to make up the short age of the year before, or la other words, that by appropriating money belonging to tho county for the coun ty to pay a debt lie owed the county, he was guilty of a misappropriation amounting to embezzlement. Seven appeals from tho Luzerno common pleas were also argued, among them one with a local flavor. This lat ter was the appeal of Miss Faith A. Bullard, a Luzerne attorney rrom the judgment in her tresspass case against the Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern Railroad company. Last summer while traveling front her l)6mo in Kingston to iter summer home in Xew Milford she lost a satchel at the Lackawanna station In this city. She claimed $15, the value of the whole contents. The company refused to pay for anything 'more than tho wearing apparel, and when the ease went to trial the company's claim thnt it was liable for only $13 was sustained. Miss Bullard then appealed. J. O. Crovellng and Miss Bullard, herself, appeared for tho appeal, but she did not participate in the argu ment, much to the disappointment of the onlookers. Arthur HiUinan argued for the company. Tho other cases ar gued were: O. 1 Wesley airaiint W. II, Sh.upo, appellant. Thomas I l'airell for the appellant; John M. Carman and H. L. Keddcr for the appellee. W. b. ll.icdcr ne-aiiu-t C. K. llutler, appclljnt, M. J. Jlulhall for tho appellee; Kdmund tl. Unt il.!' and A. It. Iluuubgc for ihe appellant, Mary Wright et al,, against the Township of I.ehrnjn, appellant, John if, Oaiiuau for the ap pellee; G. .1. (Jlarl; for the appellant. Harry ,'. Wagner, appellant, agaimt Catherine Hoffman, et al. .lo.scpli II. Jones for the appel lant; I'. P. J.aughran mid Ahner Smith for the appellee. Joseph Mcnov1;y against JIary Meriovol.y, et al., appellants. Ahram Salsherir for the appel lee; John II. Williams ami John Meuovky for the appellants. (J. I,. Ilaldwln, cM'ciitor, appellant, against Ilw l'cmisj lvanl.i rjre In.uiancu company. John McCahrtu for Hie appellant; II. A. taller for tho iipppellee, Only three mora cases from Luzerno remain to bo r.rgued. The Lackawanna list will bo called toda OLYPHANT POISONING CASE IS SHROUDED IN MYSTERY. A child of Frank Maninha, who is. a ueiguuor or tue vnrga tnmlly, at Olyphant, died yesterday from what appears to lo arsenic poisoning. Two children of John Bechech, an other neighbor, lie at the point of death, apparently from poisoning. All Olyphant Is puzzled over tho cases of tho thveo small chlldron ot Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vnrga, who died there Inst week from arsenic poison and tho mystery was deepened yester day, when it was learned that another child had died and that two more uro seriously ill as the result of apparently similar poisoning. An Inquest In tho cases of Mary. An nie and Peter Vargn, aged 7, 1 and 2 years, respectively, was conducted last plglit by Coroner J. F. Snltry In Proko povitz'H hall, Olyphant, but was almost barren of results. Drs. Van. Sickle and Crans testified as to tho symptoms of tho three children, explaining that they had found them In an unconscious con dition and that the external evidences wero of arsenic poisoning. , Tho report of Chemist Barber, of (his city, who examined tho contents of the stomach of Mary Vurga, the oldest child, was read. This report showed that urpenlc In a sufficient tiuuntlty to cause death hud been found In the or gan. Both the father and mother wero put on the stand and subjected to ait ex amination by Coroner Sultry through un Interpreter. They both professed to C0STELL0 FOR NOMINATED BY TIIE DEMO CRATIC CITY CONVENTION. Ho Htul Sixty-tlneo Votes ns Against Seventeen Cast for D. W. Vaughnu, Who Hns Been 111 in Bed Sluco tho Day Following That on Which Ho Announced His Cnn didncy Controller Esdras. Howell Did Not Allow His Name to Go Beforo Cohvontion. 1'. AV, Costello was yesterday nomi nated lot city controller by tho Demo cratic city convention. He received slxty-threo votes against seventeen cast for D. W. Vaughun. Tho present controller, Ksdras Howell, did not al- V. V. COSTKI.I.O, Democratic! Candidate for City Controller. low his name to go before the conven tion. He declined, after the conven tion to give his reasons for dropping out of the fight at tho last minute. Since the close of tho primaries Sat urday, It lias been the general im pression that Costello would be 'nomi nated. He Is now serving the last year of his second term as county auditor and last fall was a candidate for coun ty controller. He was defeated by E. A. Jones, the Republican candidate, by a majority of eleven. Costello carried tills city by a largo majority. THE CONVENTION. It was very unlike the average Democratic convention, was the body that met yesterday in the grand jury room, on the third lloor of the court house. The crowd was small and the delegates were listless and spiritless. They did not look fit for u light, if there had been something to fight about. At 2.20, City Chairman C. II. Schadt said the convention would begin its work and the secretary, Attorney John J. Murphy, road 'the call of the con vention and the list of election dis tricts of the city. As lie performed tho latter duty, the delegates handed in their credentials. The roll of, the con vention prepared, nominations for permanent chairman were called for, and C. H. Schadt and Attorney D. J. Reedy weto nominated. The latter de clined the position, suggesting that Mr. Schadt's services for the party made him deserving of all the honors that could be showered upon him. Ho moved tho election of Mr. Schadt by acclamation, and this was done. Two secretaries were called for, but Attorney John J. Murphy was the only ono who could be Induced to accept, and the convention contented itself with one. The chairman then ap pointed the following committees: Cuntcxtcd Scats J. J. l'.tdderi, 31. J. C'.iililen, 1'. J. lloiun, John Klden, I'. P. Mob In. ltesolutlons I). J. needy, J. II. o'M.illoy, Thomas .Mvlliigh, Joseph Conrad and .1. !'. llamntes. MANY CONTESTS. There were a number of contests and as chuinnnn Schadt turned the pap ers over to the committee he said "Give them all a vote and turn In your report soon." They did and gave dele gates and contestants a vote and the convention approved of tho committee's work. Attorney Reedy read the report ot the committee on resolutions which was as follows: Tho Democratic pirly of the elly of Sciautun. in convention ii'Seuililed, renews Iti allegiance to the pilnciples of the Democratic paity ns We condemn tho "ilppei" legMitloii as oh. noxious and contiar.y to the law, and in tlte the attention of our pcoplu to tin: dissenting opinions of three justices of the Supicme eouit, who vigorously condemn the Fame, and tuither invito attention lo the fact that a majority of the couit declared in favor ot the cniMltiiion.il ity ot the act only by gieat pscssino liom the governor of tlil.i commonwealth. We plechro the candid ite of this convention to peitoiiirilii! duties of the ofilce fcnlcosly, faith fully and honestly and ask the HipporL of all voters to the cud thai a check may bo had upon extravagant expenditure of the people',, money. hnvo no knowledge as to how tho chil dren could hjivo taken tho poison, They snld that tho children had eaten tho same food as themselves and Unit there wits no poison of any kind about tho house. In the course of his examination tho coroner asked the father if ho hud any Insurance on tho children's lives and ho denied that ho hud, Tho jury brought In a verdict to tho etrtct that the three children had come to thelr'ileath as tho result of arsenic poisoning, but did not fix tho responsibility for their deaths upon anyone In particular. A nursing child of Frank Marusha, a neighbor of tho Varga family, died yes terdny after having displayed symp. toms similar (u thoso revealed by tho Varga children. Tho two small chil dren oB another neighbor, John Bechech. are at tho point of death from appar ently tho bante cause and aru being attended by Dr. Kelly. Coroner Saltry stated last night that ho could offer no explanation as to how the children wero poisoned. "I can't even suggest a, theory," said he. "The case Is ono of the most puz zling 1 ever heard of. I shall have a conference with County Detective Phil lips tomorrow, because I behove that It Is u case which he should carefully in vestlsute." The coroner has not been olllcltilly notified or the death of the Marusha child uud will make no Investigation of tho caso until ho Is, Whllo tho convention was walling for the reports of tho committees, Sec retary Murphy called tho attention of the delegates to the necessity of mak ing nominations for poor board. He said that four and three years ago elections Were held and the moiv elcct cded have olnco been fighting In the courU for the offices, Tho court ot this county, ho snld, has declared that the oillco of poor director Is elective and not appointive, ns Is tho present custom, nnd that tho Su preme court of the statu has en dorsed this view. Notwithstanding this Ihe appointing goes on regularly nnd the appointed board continues to conduct the n flairs ot tho district nnd tho men who were elected nro stilt on the outside. Ho called tho attention ot tho dele gates to tho fact that the Scranton poor board Is th6 only body In tho country holding oillco by appointment that has the right to levy taxes. That l against tho spirit of our Institutions which Is that taxation must bo by of Ilcers elected directly by the people. On his motion It was decided to hold caucuses In the six sub-dlstrlcts of tho poor district lying within tho bound enunciated by Jelfcis'nn and us followed sltiie. Wu point with pride In the administration of Democrdtio officials of tills city nnd county, and invito tho attention of tho rltlreiu ot this city tu the economy practiced as compared with the itilhleca extravagance ot tho llcpubllcam. We condemn the action ut tho recent legislature in' depriving the citizen, of this city qf their In herent and Inviolable right tu select those of. llecM who ale to lonlrol tho affairs of the city, and cull upon all voters, linspectlro of paity, lo expie&s by their ballots their condemnation of such revolutionary methods. Tho citizens of the illy of Scranton hhould be peimltlcd tu se lect, without Inlcrfeii'iice from HarrLsburg, those who nic to conduct the nilniliiUiration of its nf fairs, and lo expend our taxes, arles of the city and have tho nomina tion!; made at theso caucuses for tho oillco of poor directors subnilttell to the city committee which was empow ered to have the names placed on tho official ballot. The dates for these cau cuscsLhavo not yet been fixed but they must be held beforo Jan. 21. CANDIDATES NOMINATED. Nominations for controller were called for by Chairman Schadt and J. F. Hammcs was recognized and nom inated 1'. W. Costello in a speech that had In It something reminiscent ot nearly all tho many nominating speeches heard In tho court house. Ho praised Mr. Costello's Democracy, his artistic temperament, his skill with the pen, his popularity with the voters and assured his hearers that if Mr. Cos tello was nominated and elected tho books of the city controller's office "will bo a monument for future genera tions." Just what Mr. llamntes meant by that was not apparent but the dele gates knew ills intentions were good and they applauded John Frederick until he blushed. Attorney Thomas F. Hundley placed the name of D. W. Vuughau before the convention and in doing so spoke elo quently of his services for the city in councils and also his years of work for the Democratic party. He referred to the unkind fate that struck Mr. Vnughan down on the day after he an nounced his candidacy and which has since confined him to his bed. George Monnghfui and J. J. Coleman were appointed tellers and when tho delegates were polled it was found that Costello had (!3 votes and Vaughan 17. On motion of Mr. Hundley the nomina tion of Mr. Costello was made, unani mous. POLITICAL NOTES. llon.ud 1'oihc was ypslciday appointed by coutt iiiinoilly inspector for the Second distiiet ot the l'ouitocnth waul. I'. 1'. Ily.in ptcpoM's lu inn as an independent candidate tor aldciiuau in Hie Twelfth ward. He claims the Democratic priui.it les wcie unfairly conducted. . THE ANNUAL BANQUET. Prof. H. D. Buck's Sunday School Class Dined Last Night in Elm Park Church Parlors. The annual banquet uf the Sunday school class of Prof. II. D. Buck, of the Elm Park church, was conducted last night In the church parlors and a most delightful night was enjoyed by the slxt- odd j-oung peoplo who gathered around the festive board. Prior to the banquet' the annual meeting was held and tlte following officers were elected: President, Benjamin Satterflcld: third vice-president, Mrs. II. T. Thomas; fourth vice-president, Miss Dorothy Fischer; secretary, Benjamin Evans and treas urer, Miss Carrie Fischer. After the banquet, which was taste fully served, a brief list of toasts were responded to, Attorney Lewis B. Cutter acting as toastmaster. Prof. Buck himself spoke on "Our Class," and pleaded for tlte earnest and hearty sup port of all present In his efforts to build up tho class nnd increase its membership. John II. Kemp, the re tiring president, spoke for "The Out going Administration," and Miss Helen Decker had something to say of "Tho Bachelor Girls." Miss Rose Rlehl read a clover class poem and II. T. Madden also spoke. Tho new president, George E. Hook, Unbilled the toast list with a brief resume of the policies of "Tho Incoming Administration." Those present at the banquet wero as follows: Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Thomas, Mrs, Florence Jennings, Mrs, Ethel Pease, Mrs. F. W. Hornbnker, Jennie Kauf man, Miss Edith M. Black, Miss Edith Bovuns, Miss Leanoro M. Edwards, Miss Fischer, Miss Burrltt, Miss Al lethii M. La Bane, Miss Harriet Pal mer, Alius. Isabella S. Okell, Miss Mario Godfrey, Miss Anna M. Siebort, MlS3 Lillian Morris. Miss Besslo Thomas, Miss Lillian Storm, Mlrs Hello Osborne, Miss Mlnnlo 12. Champion, Miss Cnrrio E. Fischer, Miss Mario Paulman, Miss Abbie Erk, Miss Bernlco Conger, Miss Lillian Hogeu, Mies Eva Heckinan, Miss Minnie Dented, Miss Lillian Carlyou, Miss Belle Harpor.Miss Madge Holmes, Miss Hnttlo A. Alberty and Miss Elizabeth Ammerman, Prof. II. D. Buck, Lewis H. Carter. George E. Hunk. R. D. Richards, Ben jamin Evans, Harry T. Madden, Floyd Brutzinnn. Arthur Leach, AV. H. Suua, Will W. Davles, E. L, Warner, J. A, Curtis, D, H. Stone. ,. A. Decker, Wil liam Loyeland, Fred Lyfoid, E. II, Weeks, E. Herrmann, A. R, Whit more, H. C. Hubleiv R. II. Hough, and Benjamin Satterlleld. Tho committee 'having last night's affair In charge consisted pf Lewis B. Carter, Miss Dorathy Fischer, Miss Roso Rlehl and Miss Minnie E. Cham pion. Dr. Lindabury Will bo In his office, 210 Connell build ing dally from 11 to 4 and 7 to 8.30 p. in., to accoinmodato any who desire to bo vaccinated. Fresb vnnlnn virus la received from the laboratory dally. DOCTORS AND DISCUSSED AT MEDICAL SOCI ETY MEETING. President Itoedy Calls for the Sub stitution of Practical Methods In Lino with Advanced Ideas for Those Obtaining at Present in Dealing with This Problem In Scranton Conditions Encountered by Physicians in Their rrnctlco Aro Coming to Cause Alarm. At last night's annual meeting of the Lackawanna County Medical Kocloty tho report of the retiring president, Dr. Walter M. lteedy, gravely deplored tho methods pursued hero by tho authori ties lu dealing with tho social evil, and called for the substitution of a prac tical policy In lino with advanced ideas. This, tho doctor said, was demnnded by conditions at which tho practition ers of Scranton aro coming to feel an alarm, The medical society, ho said, should make It a primal duty to advise with the municipal authorities on this sub ject. It Is a problem that Is almost coeval with the race and since Its first appearance aa a menace to well or dered society, the brightest minds of tho ages have striven for a solution, but In vain. All recommendations ever offered for a total suppression of the Vice have proven futile. Tt Is with us and Is hero to stay. Us curses aro many, but tho part that should con cern the doctors Is the trail of disease that follows In Its wake. Something must bo done lo abate the spiead In this community of the resultant physi cal disorders. Were tho punishment restricted to the evil-doers there would not bo much call for sympathy. But It Is Innocent ones who come to suffer the most. ITS MORAL ASPECT. Let tlte clergymen treat the moral as pect of tho situation as tliey will, refus ing all compromise, but failure only can be their portion. As to the medi cal men thev must bo practical. It is their duty to think of the physical side. We aro fully convinced that a higher standard of morality among men, the inculcation of religion by trained teachers Is of course valuable In tiro battle, but, unfortunatelj-, it can not bo wholly effective, for the evil doers in many cases are beyond tho pale of such Influence. Acknowledging as we must that all means have failed, thus far, to eradi cate the evil, we uro obliged to make the best of the condition that exists. If it can not bo eradicated let it bo con trolled. Legitimatize prostitution, con fine the prostitutes to certain localities, subject them to close surveillance by the police authorities, and assign phj-sl-cians of repute regularly engaged by the city to enforce quarantine regula tions. Tho reception which the paper re ceived at tho hands of tho assembled physicians attested that they too held these opinions. The establishment of a bacteriologi cal laboratory by the city; the regular medical examination of school chil dren were among: other recommenda tions of Dr. Rcedy'a report. OFFICERS ELECTED. Tito election of officers resulted as follows: President. Dr. A. J. Council; first vice president, Dr. W. A. Paine; second vice president, Dr. F. J. Bishop; secretary, Dr. Lucius C. Kennedy; treasurer, Dr. L. M. Gates; censor, Dr. It. II. Gibbons; librarian, Dr. H. D. Gardner. MEXICO AND CALIFORNIA. Forty-five Days' Tour via Pennsyl vania Railroad. The Pennsylvania Railroad personally-conducted tour to Mexico and Cali fornia which leaves Now York and Philadelphia on Feb. 11 by special Pull man train, covers a liirgajand Intensely interesting portion of North America, embracing a great part of Mexico, the beautiful coast resorts of California, and on tho return Journey from Cali fornia, the Grand Canon of Arizona, ono of tho great wonders of the coun try. Fourteen days will be spent in Mexico and nineteen in California. The Mexico and California special, to bo used over tho entire trip, will bo com posed of the highest grade Pullman parlor smoking, dining, drawing-room sleeping, compartment, and observation cars, heated bjf steam and lighted by electrlclt'. Round-trip rate, covering all necessary expenses during tho entire trip, $J7n from nil points on tho Penn sylvania railroad system east of Pitts burg, and $J70 from Pittsburg, For tho tour of Mexico only tho rato will bo $350, and for California only, which will leave Feb. 25, $373. For itinerary and full Information, apply to ticket agents, or address George W, Boyd, assistant general passenger agent, Broad Street station, Philadelphia, To the South via Now Jersey Central. Tho Now Jersey 'Central railroad Is tho only lino offering Pullman service lo winter resorts In tho South nnd tho Charleston exposition, with but one cluingo of cars. Lowest rates and quickest time. Pull man reservations secured and baggage checked through. Inqulro of J. H. Swisher, district passenger agent, 602 West Lackawanna avenue, Scranton. w Specials for This Week Can. Ceres Asparagus .,.,,.,, 25c Mammoth Asparagus .,.,,,,,, 28c Carraolo Asparagus gDo 3 1-2-lb Cans. Coursen's Midget Limns. ,,,,,. 15c Cnlutnot Limns ,.,,,,,, 5c Beach Leaf Peas. ,.,,.,.,,,,,, 15c Sifted Swoot Peas ,,,,,,,. ISo Envly Juno Peas 10c Fancy Green or Wax Beans,,,, 12c Piue York State Corn. 10c Pine Maipe Corn 10c Per Pound. Goldon Bio Coffee. ,,,,,,,.,.,, 10c Plantation Java ,,,,,,,, 25c Irish Mackerel, 3 for. ....... , ,25c E. G. Coursen LEOTUHE ON ALASKA TONIGHT. B-ev. V. H. Luhons Will Spcnk in First Presbyterian Church. Tho Rev. -V. H. I.ukenn will give a talk on Alaska, lu tho First Presby terian church, this evening, lu place of tho usual Wednesday evening ser vice. It will bo tinder tho auspices ot tho Women's HoniO'Mlsslonary society of tlio First church, Mr. Ltikcns Is anxious to raise enough money to build a little ohurch lu Alns ktt, where It In very iimicIi needed, ami In this work ho has the full nympittliy of thii board or homo missions. The lecture will bo Illustrated with store optlcon views taken during Mr, I.ukeim' visit lo Alaska last summer, KILLED AT JESSUP. Michael Budttclc Struck by a Dela ware and Hudson Train. Michael BUiluck, living In Jcssup, Wits struck by a south-bound Delaware and Hudson train while walking tho tracks near his homo last nlsht about 10.30 o'clock, and received Injuries from which ho died utmost Instantly. Both his legs wore cut off. Coroner Saltry has been notified and will make an Investigation toda3'. diedFhisIcell, Hubsrt Albright, Arrested for In toxication, Passed Away in Cen tre Street Police Station. When Sergeant Edwards, of the Cen tre street police station, tried to arouse tho occupant of cell No. i early yester day morning, preparatory to transfer ring him to the central station, he found that he had a dead man on ills hands. Tho dead man was Hubert Albright, an upholsterer residing at 013 Dlx court, who hud been picked up bj Pa trolman McMulIen on Lackawanna ave nue, late Monday night, in a helpless stale of Intoxication. Ho fell asleep Im mediately upon being placed In tho cell and was heard snoring an hour before he was found dead. Tito body was removed by order of Coroner Saltry to Cuslck's undertaking establishment, where an Uiutopsy was performed In the afternoon. The cor oner said after tho autopsy that Al bright's death was duo to heart failure superinduced by alcoholism. He em panneled a jury comprising John Cole man, James Reill, Fred J. AVidmayer, Charles Teeter, John AYnlsh and Titos. Cleary. An Inquest will be conducted tonight In the Centre street station. Albright was 3S years old and Is sur vived by a wife and one child. Tho funeral will be held from the home on Dlx court, tomorrow afternoon and in terment will bo made In the German Lutheran cemetery on North AA'nshlng ton avenue. GREEN RIDGE. The animal congregational meeting of ilia Green ltldgu Baptist church was held last even ing and tlio showing was exceedingly gratifying to Hit ineinbent of this church and congiegatiou. The report of the tieasuici, J. II. Chamberlain, showed a. good condition of Hie flninciat ailalrs of the church, tho debt having Tjpcu quite ma terially ledmcd dining tho year. Tlio report of tlio pastor, tev. V. J. l'onl, gave the present incinbctship us Ihuo hunched and twenty-seven, forty-souii having been teccived into the chuHi during tho p.ial year. After the reports of tlu different boards had been ic.ul and accepted, Thomas Johns and A. 1'. Cullender, deacons, whose tcims of oldca had cxpiicd, wero lo elected. J. 31. Homer wa.- elected tniilee mid I'. S. Cluuibeilaiii was elected to the '1(1100 of tuns mcr fo!" the lenth consecutive tenn. i:. S. Palmer, uf Wajne avenue and Putnam street, and Mi.-.. Amanda Phonic r, of tlio South Side, weto atre-led and brought before Alduman llalley Monday by Officer Itoheit Wilson, charged with selling liipior without u liccn-c. ll-ith par ties wore lined ii, and costs. A Trip to California or Florida. Thoso contemplating such a trip need but to call on the local ticket agent of tho Lackawanna railroad and ho will arrange every detail, including trans portation, berths, reservations and chocking of baggage through to desti nation; also will furnish rates, folders, descriptive literature and any other in formation desired on .the pubject. Through sleepers and day coaches to Chicago. Only ono change of cars to California. ' 'n'U'iiVlJIkWlJWi.WilU'M.'I.UVIbiV.liJAVf.iSrKfS'A'. - n t f" mm eiici S B 0 m Good, warm, soft, fluffy i all-wool Blankets were sever sold so cheap any where. These are bar gains that cau't be beat: All-wool Ulniikels GootJ large size white wool blankets light, warm nnd comfortable. Regul.tr 53.50 y quality, pair.... iJLtJV All-wool IJluiikols Fine large size while wool blank ets that are full of warmth. Regular $.f.SO -. kind, pair 43.5ll Comforlei's Pure cotton (illing.sllkoline covering, large size, Reduced price, eacli 59c, 89c, $1.23. I mTwmsmwsismsEMtmw Urn '1 xOMsXx ooio to K fiN.U h; .., wm. rmm &m I'diimn mtiim tnHHF wmhhwiwiiimiimiiimumhw MaIon?y Oil & MandfacWring Company, $ 141-149 Meridian Strest. Y TELEPHONE 26-2, T .j. .. .. .. 4. ., 4. ,, .j, 4, .j. ,j. ,$, ,j. ,, ,j, ,, , 4, t can supply f I Bittenbender&CL J 126-128 Franklin Ave. .j. . .j. $ .j. .j. .j. .j. .j, ,j. ,. ,j. ,., ,j, ,j, ,j. ,j, ,j. ' January - i Clearing1 Sale I In order to reduce our stock before taking our Annual In ventory we have made sweep ing reductions on our lino of Pillow Tops Stamped Linens and Battenberg Patterns And for tho ten days we offer tho above mentioned goods at practically cost prices. I Cramer-Wells Co., S- 130 Wyoming Avenue. 'Phono 353-3. I, t '! & J ! !'! JI ! I.ii,Jf"2 ! v 5 $! 4 ! Records Only at lUt? 18 I !9 Franklin Ave. Broken Ribs Are Pal of o IS And ' .1 .- inl:i.' to the body. Tile saf. it aid c ii .,'-. nay is tu glte it liu mediate atvn.i t.. IT IS VOUIt UU 1II1ULL.V we ,,i ..peaking about, Wo euro the atioce'iiicntioueil ailment, and oko carry the lirgcl lino ot I'mbiellij pud Paiasols in the city. The Scranton Umbrella Manufacturing Co., 313 Spruco Street. THE MOOSIC P0WOE8 QL Booms 1 ancI2, Coin'Uh DTdfe BOBAWTOK, PA. nining; and .Blasting Ue&a t'. Mooalo and HusbIoIb Worlif. LAFUN RAND POWDllP. C0.-3 ORANGE GUN POWDER Uleetrla JJattorloi. nteotrlo KiploJorc exploding blasts, Safety l'uu tia 1 Repauiio Chemical Go.'s wra IVEH FRED R. SMITH, ELECTEIC AND GAS FIXTURES 3AS STOVES, 507 linden Street. ' Hoard of Trade Building. syour wants A li O. A ,5, I Shovels I 1 Pi 1111 MOODS. :': I Ms, Wire I l cuM tilt ' I ' 1 " I 4. Nfil k i a fi.sl&H.Ji.iV ; j. V