-& S to;" VW " T lVt(ftP,W "'$?- r ' 'p i fY"' " -wfhjt" rFv-stp- p'' ,yjw1 -r,,-,. THE gCWAOTON TRIBUNJB-WEDNESDAV, JANUARY 15, 1902 CCe Sccanfon nGtmc V Published Dally. lrpl Pinulm. I'V 'll":,Tr11!, e l'ubllstilns Compntij, nt 1'ltly I trim .1 Month. lino LUY, 8. tllUl,l!l),JMitiir O. I'. IIYMICi:. Mil limn M.m.i;;cr. New Vbrk f.m! 150 Xmoii HI. S. 1. Vlir.Kl.ASH, Rile Went fir fniclun .dteitislmr. Siitrri.il at Hip i'J'lrluie At S.-rjiilon, Vn.i rt Newnl (.law Mall Mttur, Whcn apr.ee will penult, The Tribune Is always glnrt to print short lottm-a from Its friends hear ing: on current topleo, but its vulo is that these must bo signed, for pub lication, by the writer's lfidl name; mul tho condition precedent to no .ceptnnco is that nil contributions shall ho subejet to editorial revision. 'i hi: I'f.AT inn: roc Avi:irfiMsn. The follow In? table rtiowi tin! mice" per Inch rni.li Ihinllun. fpjip to he iKi-tl tvllhlti one '" I lllllinf l-'IilliiirMil Villi I''iilliiirii llp.nfir.tr 1 lilMT.AV. IMic. I'u-wton 1 e.s Hum itfl IpiIip A''. 1 .'JJi I "" im Inclm "ii 1 i I " tvi " tit .17.-. I .ti who 1 si .ir ! .Is' W) " I A Htt ' .! Tor unN if than!.", icsidtilloni of rniidntcner' nml lmll.ir inntrlbuti'ins In tin- lUtme nf n-b milting TI10 'JiIIiuiic nukes .1 uliaup of " icnti a line. Unlr f..r KlnMAotl AclvritWii iirnUlicd on nppllcillon. .SC15A.VTOX. .TAXITAUY W. 102. The fliit batch of 1902 Soi'iinton Uns mul Water bill inukcrf one feci like routining his ell'orts untlrely to tho temperance bevei-ase In order to sot Ills money's woi tli. Our Postal Service. FOR MANY years llio Amerl . ran people have chcrislitd the otiliilon tint their poatal m rvlce wan tho br?t on e'U'tll, Ih that a delusion 7 Kvblontly IMItor Howard of Ritni, Field unci I'M reside thinks so, for In ti paper le contly mul before the National A;iii citlltiral Press lont;iio lie pointed out a number nf particulars in which it burs hcliind the postal standards of a liuni br of other countries. For- instance: A citizen of tho United Stales can not solid a package of lnurchandlso through the United Slates mails that welRhs over four pounds, and the post age 011 such a package is sixty-four cents. A resident of England can send it four-pound package fur twelve routs, and even an eleven-pound pack age can bo sent to any postofllc-e in the United Kingdom for twenCJr-four ci'iils; a resident of Germany can send an eleven-pound package to any posl olllee in the Ooiinan cmpiie, or In Aus-trla-ilung.iry, for twelve and a half cents, and in Switzerland an eleven pound package can go to any post ofilce in that republic for only eight cents. The cu?l of an eleven-pound pack age sent by a, resident of Germany to any postoirice in the United Stales will bo sixty-threo cents delivered. The cost of tho same package mailed by a resident of the United States to any postolllce in Germany will be $1.37 de livered. A littl'.1 calculation will show, therefore, that the American exporter jf an eleven-pound package of mer handibe really pays over one hundred H'r cent. 111010 for its transportation ban his German competitor. It fur ber appears that while an American manufacturer must pay $1.82 express 011 an eleven-pound package to Mex ico, an Knglishman pays eighty-four cents and n German only llfly-elght cents postage. . The conclusion reached by Mr. How ard is that there is "not a nation In Kurope but what has 11 more up-to-date mail service than our own,-' and he notes that the questions of parcels post, sub-stations in the gieat cities, pensions for old employes, etc., have all been settled long ago by the var ious Kuropean nations. Hut he for gets to allow for the immeasurably longer distances required to be trav ersed in tho United Slntes. Let this country become as densely populated as thoie lie mentions, and we are will ing to wager that our postal rates will fall far below their's. The safe plan when there's a small pox scare on is to keep clean, cool and well vaccinated. A flodel Senator. ILIilAM II. ALLISON, who Is soon to be accord ed the honor, which we think is unique In Ameri can history, certainly In recent history, of a sixth consecutive lo-elecllon to the benale of the United Stales, Is a living refutation of the notion that the suc cessful man necessarily has to be blus tering and noisy. For moro than ten years Mr, Allison has wielded more ac tual Influence upon public uffnlrs, meaning by that term tho affairs which uro shaped at AVabhlngtou, than any other 0110 inun in our public life, and perhaps more than any other live men, Joining that peiiod he lias been the un disputed Jeuder of the somite, which Is tho onu, ,pu.rt of tlio government ma chinery that has Its way, and In that capncUy-lma had his -hand on every Important net, of legislation and been eontuilted with reference, to every con siderable diplomatic problem arising in tho course of government. Yet there is no man In the public eye who hi less assertive than ho nnd nono who moves forward to tho accomplishment of practical results with less fuss or racket, Jt bus been said ot biin good-humor-:dly that he could walk from New Yoik to Oniulii; 011 piano keys without mak ing a sound; but It would bo unfair to nssumo'.f'rom this that ho Is a man of no jl;iji)t!s,s of conviction or courage of principle. Tho qualities of quiet tact and unobtrusive diplomacy tthUii bo displays are temperamental, it js his nature to bo affable, conciliatory nnd ndCDUlu. tho practlco of the polished arta of legltliuuto finesse, Homo men thivj; Jio' leads, utu leads so 'cleverly thiijj-ery often thoso who follow do so Without being conscious of his leuder MiIjV Some men overlay, er and over power; he remains on a piano with his fellow senators and dexterously rounds them up as he wills. in" "tho thirty years of Mr, Allison's occupancy of tho senatorial position ho lins had n part In most of tho ijatory aiakjng of that period. It bus been a w period punctuated by many scandals us ull us by ninny splendid achieve ments of honest slutesmanihlp. Uut through It all he him passed without a smirch or KUsplolon, retaining nt once tho eotitlilenco of his conitltuoncy and the esteem of hH 1 olleasuos, Irrespec tive or putty line 1. PropIdentB have united hint to enter their cabinets; ho hit!! been urged mid supported for tho presidency, and practically without op position his stale has leiiirned him as Its i'fpiccutntlve In tho somite a oiios of oituuiiHtuhpos going far to dliprovo tho cynical iiuxorllon that re publics are unginlcfiil. Congrattilatlims, then, to this lino specimen of cleuti-lmudod Republican ism, and boat wishes for the prolonga tion of his lire mid twel'ulnosi. Mr. Costollo nonirm to have a fondness ror running for conlrollor. city or county, It Is all the mine. Hut tho result In February will not differ from that In Xowniber last. Pnir Piny for Alarconi. I' A DlXXKlt given In his honor in New York Mondny by the American Institute oC Kleetlieal Ihiglneers, Slgnor Marconi told more' about his xystciu of wireless tolegniphy. Many have wondered how, with electrical curronls Hying aiotind In every direction, the privacy 01' wlioloss inosagcs was to be maintained, .ir one were In busi ness and wanted to lommunicuto on conlldoiitlal inatt.'r.y with an agent some miles away, it would certainly be provoking to have one's hated rival up the sticet haul out bis receiver and capture tho entire concspondenco. And If one were in love and wished to bold more freciueut correspondence with the adored party than Is conven ient under only two mall dellveiies a day, it can easily bo soon how embar rassment might arise if it were In the power of any jealous outsider to ob tain duplicates of tho tender missives. Hut Marconi, Hit? wizaid, has pio vlded against such a contingency, it lias been found pmslblo, ho assures us, o to ultimo one transmitter to one le celver as to umbo it practically im possible for any 0110 not nciiuuinted with the (pinlllles of those particular Instruments to read the message. There Is, aKo, Hi" obvious possibility of using cipher codex, so as effectually to bjillli snooping. Jut,t how this at tuning Is done he does not explain. It piesuuiably Is one of tin., tricks of the trade. Jlut tho fact thai it is done Is enough for the present. A load of ap prehension is lifted. The Italian Invento.- c::pects within a year to have all these little points work-d out on a practical and ec 0110m ical (onimorciul basis, mi ho says. Lot us hone that he is not over-sanguine. The skeptical may iccall thai Nicola Tenia s-aid nuVh tho same thing months ago, and many other tiling t equally astonishing, causing the public to await anxiously tin- fullllinent of his dreams. Hut Tesla is lUlferenl. Al lowances have to bo made tor Tesla. Marconi has "made good" much that ho li.is promised. There is no reason to suppose that he is at tho end of his tether. 1'reMileiit l!oo?ovoll has chosen w ho ly in his selection or representatives for the coronation of King Edward. The propriety of Mr. Kohl's selection is ob vious. He represented this government at the ipiecii's Jubilee, and for yoais has been a commanding ligtiro in our public lire, both in and out of journal ism. Tho choice or General Wilson to represent the army is cuually huppy. Not only Is ho an accomplished soldier, but ho has also had a career in civil lire entitling him to more tlum oullu ary recognition. Finally, in naming Captain (Jlark to iciircsent the navy the president has at once avoided the controversial points of danger and con ferred signal honor upon one of tho elllcient figures in the late war who hail heretofore not received his due. From every standpoint tho personnel or the special embassy is excellent. Since ISM tho franking stum in ICngland has been abandoned. Mem bers of parliament must pay postage on their mall the same as other Uritlsh 01 s. An attempt not long ago to ravlvo the franking privilege was emphatical ly defeated. The United States ought to follow suit. Abolition of this much abused privilege would go far toward making our postal service self-sustaining. Tho recent collision on the Southern railway in which the fair prima donna received a severe jolt, has precipitated a hart owing Hood of "before and nftcr inking" pictures of Madame Noidlca In the country press. l'reparatlons for tho reception of Prince Henrv Indicate that German royalty will bo given pleasing revela tions as to tho proper up-to-date meth ods of according thu "fieedoin of tho city" to a visitor. It goes without saying that the agri cultural statesman who Introduced the bjll against flirting In the legislature at Albany iun passed the ago when there Is enjoyment In posing as one of the boys. ' In these days of old country Jealous ies and iiuigndoes, it is pleasing to note from Pcklu despatches that wo Mill have llio mol'mmd admiration and ie bpect of the llUistilous daughter of the Mlns. Tammany's nuw leader says Hint tho machine will be rebuilt on u foundation of honesty, and that "graft" must go, To carry this progi annuo thiough will keep Hi other Nixon btiby. opponents luivu dually concluded that II will bo unwise to take out ginveyiird policies lu anticipation of Uncle Mark I In 11 tin's political death. It is now salt! that David 1). Hill Is to bo tho lord high executioner of tho New York Democracy, llo will make 11 good one. - --- Hon. Webster Davis still seems to be liamisfsod by tho Idea that thu world will fee) bad when he drop out of sight. People will soon be able to purchase) Panama canal stock with stuay money, A THOMAS 'JEFFERSON, THE MANY-SIDED 1'ioin Hie "nttuKflelit llcputiliciii. POSTinillT U rtil lo unumlifr .TefTou n 11 M.tti'.iiiitin mill iiollllciin, Milttr uf tlit U.-i'liutiini of Imlcpi telTritnli imtj' in ln) IllolltllJo'tPP. Hip tilcMil'iit Mini linnalit IiiiUI.im 11 mi atj Hut jt lerrlloiv (o Hip ii.itlpn.il ilciiMln, 119 Hip flrt of llio iMllmul li-iiilcit of Hip bono, natle i,nly. It niny )(. duiiliti'il wlirtlicr I1I1 I'lHiiitr.Uiteii ul tml, y fully npprcclale limv iimtii clp Iip hmi. jln Uih (onucclloii it 1 hot lici'ev wiy to 'pc.il; of tilm m n lefotmcr of llio demo. tr.itle typo In tlic iip.tcolullon.iiy il.iy. of Vlr Rinlii, in- in rt ii.iill.iimiiliul.ui ulnw! utlislinl iniininl fir luill.niipntjry I.ivv Is still one of llio liUluxt outliorltlci for ilrliln'Utbr ns3Piiiullo., or ii it wfi'((nl utiU.ln.ill'l iiliio.nl in tlio imrvlrp of liN coiintr.t. In pulillp rrv!ce In tlili lmtillo lio ilcsortpi in 1,111k linnieillillrly nllei WinliliiKtnn nml I.tiKoln niiirnir Hip iiiptlilputd, II1.1t nil Hint nlilc. ,ltni!ioii wis In olliei' ro-iiccls, lutlni; tu tlo hugely tilth ).1 piliule Hfo, tlio lint oNtriiniilhniy in.m who lu Hnii far oipnplnl our lilRlm.t ufllcp of lulo. .leifoifon tvns o pro meloiH Hi it nt 17 Jens of ap lie beiiiine nn In. Ilin.ite (isijilnle of (Iporgo Wjtlip, Hie Rtr.ite?t l.iw.ier of Vhglnl.1, mul Dr. Small, the inot le.unnl fdinl.ir of tlio colony. In Hie contention Hint liieil Hip Jlcil.itatiuti of Imlcpcmlcrce nl? lltri.iry tvlrts wcie c'lpftneil in lilslily ns Dr. ri.iiiklln's nllli'iti.ii ,fvhir'uii w.is llini ;1 nntl Pro'ikllii liter To, UN iolli'.ii!iie knew lilm n iilipaily Hie liiol nicomplMiul mini In Hie iol onp, 1'i.niMiii posilily iMrptnl. Up tv.n 11 flue niilliemilkl.in iinil uilciilatnl the lellpin of 77S with neiiii'ic.t i he 1N0 ie.ul ltomcr, Vlrjtll, D.i'.ito nml (V'ltnnte In tlielr nrtgiii.il n le.ullly :h lie ilhl 'hiikej-inMip, nml in lili olil aiie he lenl Hn Clock tinsiilln In tin niiKli.it n. 1cc10.1t Ion. It li.i linn well talil tl'.it Ii.u1 he hern irmeil In l'.uiope In- mliilit iilly lull,' been :in .mlhor or an mtlit. HU "olei on Virginia" tm lilglrfy liicritoilnn-i ih n llteiniy tuil;; he tt.n n li.i'nioiiile lotii' of in'Jiile nml rnllliMleil in it f.ir lirjiiml the imnlinl .tmnlinl uf lih eotmtry. UN nill-itlc tiinpcraineiit ti.ti in.iliiri'.ti.il, e-p"-dally in tils mullet of nrcliltti ttire, nml !iN il.Mlu t istp Im bcui )ir,irtt'il III hii heu-e 11 1 Moiitici'llo, the Viialnii ( itr i.ipil'il hiillnlin; r.t lllihninuil, .'.ml I lie lieiutll'ul ljiillitiiiK nf the I'liltprlly nf Migli.i.i, tho plain of nil of whleh tteie I'oneelteil .mil ih.iv.n to the hit ilelall by llionus .toITi 1 -on. , lelTiison, lij ipion nf liN literary ami aitLstie tfiiiii'i.iinent, was nniiiie niiiont; pruiilenls yi he Whs al- Mil gcneiH anions tin 1 11 111 liU 'il OUTLINE STUDIES OF HUMAN NATURE Senator Mason Taken for a. Scalpel'. .suntu William Ik .Mi-mi ileii.leil In site his family a N'ew Wji'-. tie.it in Hie fum of nfliiuooii ut the matinee. He went tu one nf the K'.ulltig thc.itcB .mil .i-l.t'cl the man in the win dow if lie had any pood kmI. "Ilu.v mint :" n-I.ed the tliket s llir. "I'outleeii," milled the smatoi, "Vow, mo hue," ic-pundul the ticket villcr, "do ,iuu Mippu-u we ale isoilitf to poll toll thu-o tickets fir juii tu f-calp? V know as well in jou do lhal thcie will be a big iltiiiaud for (-cuts 011 Xcw Yen's diy. Von can't Into thjbi." "Hut 1 iln'i'l eant tn fperulatc ill' them. I ju-t want 1 hi in fm mt ottu fimily," piuli-U'd .Mr. .Ml-uii. '1 lie ticket-seller made it p'.iln tint lie did not kiintv miiih idii.ut laitti' f.indlic-. "I 0.111 trll juii tihu will nuke up the pail," iniilfiiiK'il the senator. "1 aiu Scntlnr Masun, of Illliuii'. I want tu fc,n lo the slum. 'I hen tlriv .lie Mi-. JI.isi.u and our riirhl ehildun. 'Hull's tin. Then Iheie me 111 Imntiei and his wile. 'lh.il'0 Ittclte, .ii'tl " "J In" ticket siller iutciiuptid I lie senator with an upulon as lie handed nut the ikhets. "I hate heiu taken fm .1 wund 111 111 tilings," sdd the en nor ill tellinu' ot his ndtciH're aflei w.ud, "hut 1 iwier ttas taken Inr .1 thi'.il i-lkki't icilpir btfoie. I gtn-a this life ilmvn lieie niu-t lie diiiioialirini,'." Puzzled the Englishman. Mr 'llicmis l.ijitmi I1.1-. .1 fi'cud, IJulishiinu by lilitli .mil 1111 Ameiii 111 by foim nf iiiii.ni stain ps, v.lm his lieoii 111 this 1 online In'ns eiuuijli tn .1I10.-1I1 the Amu ii .111 idea of biiinor. I.i-t Miiuiiier he was in l.omluu mi a tlsit, and happen iiiif tu luxe liusintss with a linn on .111 upp-r lluor nf .1 bill litiilillin;, look llie "lift" to leion his oltlte. ihe cletat-ir was one of ili.e cm 's sltel.v deliberati' lliiti-h idViils, and lis snul-lil.n iiosie'v .mi.o.ted the Aineikanled Ililtuii. 'Ihe uidy utliir neetilJiiit if I lie c til' was a mi Idl -ased KnslUimian, with a manner uf ptulnly r.nii-li .sir!ntisiie-s. 'Hip 11,11111 linui Amuk.i tcinuied lo addiess htm: "I think I cmild nuke a trie.it Impion-nieiil ill this lilt," lie Bald. i'l'P lhisllslim.ni looked dPiluuily Intel,--' -il. "Jfutt ?" he .i-kcd. "Wh," the nther man went mi, "I'd nuke it gi fa-ltr bv a niiiiple lUt'c .iiiaiiAi'iueni. I'd Mui the litt nltoyither and mne the Indhline; up nnd di.wn." 'llio Knetlishmin luokul uliahtly mure inl.ie Ink "llntt .'" he aked. Wife's Tame Overshadowed Him. ltich.ud llaidlu.' Datis was leienlly in Xetv Yolk fur tho ilu jhotv, licit' Mid. Diti-, wni has loner been iiilcii-ttil ill tliis, had entt'ied (nine line cliililt-. .Mr. Hails w.is in the sn.(k iin! ear on ids tilt, tluwii bum Marinn, M ii While he lite-, wlie'll he w.is .innsted In an uuafiald blt.ingcr of sonuttlinl 'Spoilt" appear mice. "ie ou," mIiI 1I1U aintlnum, ihteifuilv soiling hlnuelf b.t Mi. D.itls' fltie, "aic ou Mi. i" uauiiiie; 11 1 eh lirateil dofr f.meiei. "1 am nut," -Mr. Dun lcplii'd, lahuly iinnuh. knowing that lie had facts up his sleeve wlihli lulirhl easily be made In iiiudlilllte (Ids pii'suiiip tnciiis individitll. "1 .11.1 .Mr. Ditis- liiehnj itardiii? Datis." 'llio i-poitlng tieulleiiMii dictv bail, with an ait of defeicuee and ntve. "Do joii mean to say," lie said, "lli.it ou me the liiidiaud of .Ml., DitN, the uwiicl of Woud totu .bimhu? I'm i;l.id tu kunw .'. i,u. 'lint's I lie finest bull" Hut Ml. P.iti-. Ind t.iulshed. The Trouble with Jack. "wlnt'a the nnttcr, J.uki" iiskcil une bit'o uettslioy of .iiiutlur, win) w.is lc.iuiiig ..u.i!n-.t an tiet.ited r.illreml pillar, ihe pletuio of iIkiil-s. "Oh, go 'wiy. Do uii w .111 iff queer im said he with tluleful tb.e, "I lute been u.ilihliu, tint little but ot r thcie," tahl mi lideil' n.jn 10 the tMiui.m In his flile-. ".mil I think llio ihild is .si!,, I .nil and i-ce," "Aie ou III, my timl" he .iskeil .1 mluiiti' later. "Ye, hlr; I'm awfully nhk, ami I uin't till my pipers. I ain't got no money in bti none, and 1110 nii.tlier Is tick and 1110 hiothcr, tou." "Pour thlld," tahl tho old man, "Hire, inv lio.t, Is n dollir, Von trii und gel soiiieiliinv 1 1 eat and ral.c tho iet of tho iiioue,t lu otu iiiulli er. Will jntil" "Yes, h; .aid thank jmi, sir." 'fho iliitiisfiil puso mid tlm jyoiiucil i.n.e laatcd till tho binefavtoi' hid faded fieiu tkw. Then it w: "Conw on, 'i'ul, we'll go do.tn te the island. 'Hut old met was easy. I e;.ivu him ,1 'tun,' and ho iuiie,liul up .1 ikdlir." Vctv Yelk Jumna). Economically Considered. "Smih" lllder tiid the ili.ilns ome pieity i.ji slinics tl.c other .illciuuun at Hie Jluiitliusctls .Medlt.il iueiety illuiitr uhoui Ihcii own pioies--u'i One ttas about an old piaitlllonci'. who, bct.111.-e Of adtumil'K e'..l, lad lellnquhihcd all uf Ills iiut'Of-lottu pi.it tue lo lil jounif u,i-laiu. (bn nlltlit tho older .lit it ..111 wn, railed oil b. tun linn in n IhmkV. one of whuin wanted ilc due tor to torn.' tu liU limue, tiejlit uiilei atta, and atlentl liU wife, who wus teiy ill. "ijho will Hate no one but ton, Ik-tin," sjid the nun. Well, I'll go fJi'MO,, J.-.l not .1 t cut lo -," taid Hie doctor. A uhUpeiid luiuiiltillun went nn in the' tar rljege, and muilly Hie pirjtiilan heaid u t my: "IMlor pay tlit! ten. Ii' u -eui deal chcJivr tlun bui in;; her." Aivl Ihe duefpr cot liU money. llo.i"n .lounul, The Indian's Retott. - Hjlly lu III Wliw im udjuiuiy tn Indians IIWjop WWplv Iwd JoutiM'jod iuto the ImliJii cnllfie Irnrnlnj? mul nchluM'ineiili, HU li.tenllom nlone vcii iiotcuoitliy. Ho lmenleil n topjlng pre-i by which two lellpia couhl K' written ut nine, 11 fotillnjc thilr, the lctolvlnit chair, now In Mieli i-oiniiioti mo In limlncKi oflleen, n. lirinp lneak, 11 pedometer to measure illl.imei Wiilkcd, olid n plow which wilt fo nreit nn linnrotement out dtiyililr.K Hint hi iko that In I7P0 tho I'reneli njtrlclilliiiiil loclety of tho Seine voted him n t.ilu.iWp will nieilll. JcITcikiii'ii houe nt Jton. tkcllo hail nn nbutnhtit ftipply of mlcrorops, tel((icoiie.t iij nn nslronoiner no hyiiiaii of till time 6tnpaeii lilm tlieodelltt?, Iijdromelci, elettrlo b.itlorlei nml so on. lie ..n tho llrt nun In Introduce the tlirehlti m.iclilnu into Atncllci, nml he tt.n 0110 of the uiy flMt III lifiilt ulnllon lo Indor-o vnccliioilon. Mitn WitltN .H1.1111 onijlne w.11 llret licnrd of In DirIiiii!, .lellewon was In I'miicc. nnil lie wnt fo Intel ecd that ho liinde n npccl.il 1 tstt lo sec it, nmt it w.11 fiom 'I'hcinas .feffcrson tint the news of the iiucnttoii first reached Aiiirilca. lie wn nn mil nteur nalmallbl, and it wan solely tbioiigh him that the liec plant wns introduced In tliit coun tiy, n handful of rleo tarried in Jefferson' pocket out of Itaty, in Wolntion nt tho Iliillan law, hciiip; tho besliiiiluir of tho Brent llco clop now nimmlly Rrottu'lit the Soutliern stale?. Jpllcinoii w.11 alo deeply interested In phllolow, nml ho tn.nle vilualilo conipllation of the oe.ihul.irlcj of tho Indian tribes of North Amcrlta. Ai a inein her of the Aineiirnu Plillomiilikal 'society ho tool: the lead In 1702 In raising fund tn send nn esploici' neloss the continent, mid, later on, lilt intense Inteiest In KeoRraphy nml eNplointlnn re ttilted In the Wc-itcm PMicilltiont (.f Zclmlon 1'llie, who ilKeovcreil Pike's peak, and nf Jleib wether mid tl.uk, who wire the llrot white men to tlo'? tho I'aeillo ocean nnd return. It limy 111 will bo s.dd 11U0 that the decimal t'oinme s.tn teni of the United Stnlei is due to .Teffcrson's tll'oili, nml tint, had he hid U way, our tjvtrni of wcigbts nml ineamtei wntilil hate beui placed mi a 1lceln1.1l li.uU. Iinlly, he w.n ninlildcN leiou, couhl tew tiji ;i wound or set n hioten lew. A incillenl authority who knew I1I111 said tli.it .U'Keison ttould l.nte made .1 mailer sui'rcoii, All tlilt w.n Thomas JofTiifon, Jn nildltlon to 'llinnias Jelfeison who Is ctiniimnly lefcned tu n-i liullllr.il philosopher, the author of the Doclau Hou of huh penitence, Hie party politician nml tho thliil president nf the 1'niteil SUlc. It is easy tn tee tint iuch .1 brain as ho had would hate giMii its po.s-csur an eminent place anion? taunts and public men in nny ane or eounliy. uintry to pi each n sermon to the as-i mhled Chip Iie'tv.i.ts in Chief flood Thunder',! tHI.iKe. lllslmi Whipple had with him Ilia costly eranneiits uf his office, which lie ttcie em Mich 110111-1011-1, and it bee mm ncies-aty to iette tlieni tuitraidi'd ill Hie chief's tepee. It -coins that Hie bishop nil his doubts at that time -h tn the inheient hone tv of the .noiaire Indian. Uefore lolling he asked, tiiininer lu liuod Thuudi'i : "(.'hhf do juii think it will he site to lento them heic?" "Xetcr fi.11, bishup," tta, the iiilt: "thro i-11't a ttliltc man within lliiee miles u! hue." ALWAYS BUSY. 1902 Money Saving Sale Is now on. With every pair of our Feet and Health Saving Shoes you get a shoe shiner free. 200 pairs of Men's Double Soled, Vici Kid nnd Box Call' Shoes, worth S2 00. Our 1902 Cash Price 200 pairs of Youths' Vici Kid patent tips, woith $1.00. Our 1902 Cash Price .... 5l)C 100 pairs of Youths' nnd Ho;,s' Legy, ins, mixed lots, not all sixes' in cverv lot, hut the size you need in some of the lots, woith -. $ 1.25 Our 1902 Cash Price 50C 100 paii s ol Men's Solid Tap Boots all sizes, worth $1.50 to $2.50, Utir 1902 Cash Price 100 pairs of Men's Solid Tapped Soled Shoes, lace and Blucher, worth $1.25. Our 1902 Cash Price 90C 100 p.'dis Ladies' V;ci Kid button and lace Shoes worth $1.00 to &1.25. Our 1902 Cash Price JC 200 paiis Misses and Children's Vici Kid School Shoes, woith 7,c to Si. 00. Our 1902 Cash P'ice 50C Mixed lot or Ladies' Diess and l;ancy Slippers, toe a -little bit nar row, woith $1.00 to $1.50 Our 1902 Cash Price You can see by tho above list that very littlo ennh is required to pur chase good reliable and honest foot ware. LeWiS & RelllV, Wjon'venue. rsi:aywupmm!ff!f's for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandesc?nl Gas Lamp, Are You a Lover Of the Beautiful? o joii v.ich tu luto picuy niigi' Wo mil bo ph'uscil tu Iiott ion holitjho IMjinoiel illiijs, Diamond ami Umeruld Kin,., Ibi, li.niul and lluby lllnij,, lllainoinl and Op-4 ItliietS lllaiiiouj unel Sjjiplilt 11 llfliiirf, Lli4 inoiul and Tuiquou ltins. We ttill inouit any ilesluil coinblnation to enl r. . E. Schimpff, 317 Lackawanna ave. 1 Gun8terfiFonsytb a 233-327 Peuii AvemiD. 1 rJiniMisiiiii ......- M regyranfTffirfiTTis-nsCTrrTffiWsj J mat January Muslin Underwear Fine Cambric, Nainsook and Muslin Undergarments of superior workman ship and beautiful finish, some daintily trimmed in nent narrow embroldoilcs, others more elaborate, In wide, rich laces the kind that leflect the repu tation of a store. At this timo of the year great quan tities ot Inferior grades of Underwear uro thrown upon tho market and ad vertised al prices that appear cheap. You don't llnd this class of merchan dise here. Wo believe you do not care to buy such. Wo sell the finest crude Underwear made. Our prices are tho lowest pos sible for this grade of work. New lino of' line French I.liiReile and Uiidal Sets. COltSET C0VE11S from 19c to $0.00 NIGHT GOWNS from 75c to $15.00 CHEMISES from 50c to $4.50 MtAWEflS from 25c $1.50 LONG SKI11TS from )Sc to $15.00 SHOUT SK1KT.S from 35c to $3.00 CillLHKEN'S J)KA WEHS Special lot Children's Drawers, made from good quality fine muslin, nice ly trimmed. Sizes from 2 years to 12 years. All at one price 10c each. 5 10-5 1 2 Lackaawnna Ave Being1 the LAEGEST FURNITURE DEALERS IN SCRANTON We carry tho greatest assortment of up-to-dato Office Furnitur?- You are invited to examine our new line before purchasing. 121 Washington Avenue. A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of IKS, Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercepeaj fc Connell, 132 Wyoming Aveune, S322S2EfHMSSESH a. rujP I ,j There is ns much dln'ovence itV Diamonds ns there is in human faces, nnd not infrequently as much hidden deception, When you wish to buy a diamond come to us. You can lely upon ouv judgment anil representation, E. 5chimpffs 317 Lackawanna ave. V immnwammm ! uum nmmm ii wmm fMmmm wewanoLompseie Assortment 5 ,' Moti! m mu, OWlin il.snrminfn leiimg oiivisawdig l,l'Jl i SCRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES. , I pi THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS -QFEVERY CHARACTER PXDVtPTLr AV 3 SHrlSFAOTDRILr. BUILDINQ CONTRACTOR, . - Blorm wjti and doort, utoin fronU, office nnd pg Jll fr-N tore futnltutc, in bud or noft wood, and Job' g -llv L-tZL Y O bine. ROR SALE - tAKERY. lUfOOItlS nnd WAGONS of nil Kinds! aim 420 SPRUCE ST, Homos nnd lltilMlmr botn nt bawln.i. HOU'I'.S CMI'PIII) nd OitOOMI'.I) ut Suectetor to M' T KErllE, HUNTINGTON LpcKnwjniu Carriago Works. iii i Wo males t tpccltlly of Dne tread itulTl. . ... 0 -. Orders (or Blind, Ojjton, Croqucttci, etc., U. B. WOOLSEY CE Co Pmptlr micii. CONTRACTORS A fu" "no of cc Crenm nd Ices. AND PETER STIPP, at III ncoo General Contrnctor, Ilullder ntnl Dclcr in ou;i-UCi-CO, Bulld.ni; Stone. Ccmcntinej ot cellars a Dtaltn In clalty. Telephone 25M. a, ,r-r. . ... i ....- Office, 527 Washington avcnu, plate Glass and Lumber OF ALU KINDS, ,, i i Theschanton Vitrified brick ; coumTr auiLDma a sawwos uviov and tilc Manufacturing Company Home office, 203-209 Meant tlulluintf, (ransactit a Makers of 1'avtna; Driek, etc. M. II. Dale, cencral lulldlne anil loan business throughout Gci'Cral Bales Agent, Office 329 Washington ate the itlate nf Penntyhnnla. Works at Nay Auir, l'a H. k W. V. n. It. E.JOSEPH KUETTEL. HORN'S MEAT MARKET, rear Ml Lackawanna avenue, manufacturer ot .vn w'lOihurinn Avuuia Wire Screens of all klnc!i fully prepared for u-iii ii n ,i, q,i ... n . n the BprbiR season. V c make all Minis, ot porch u '" "e 0' cn" p.ll,,u ' ' ' '"' J ' tereens, cte. , fho nest Hie Mjikct Altords Only. .MMMMH.a.naMMM,nH...,a.C-iaMaMIHM....Mnma..MMHiiana mwrrmTTiTr fflfrrrra'irifwrrrTNrnri'TrT'rr'TmfiTr We liave determined to reduce our stocic prior to our removal to our new building at our former location, 129 Wyoming avenue. Special! Clearance Prices 00 Entire Stock. erpeis, GflflJS STORED WALLPAPER n ps. 126 Washington Avenue. 0 00000000000000000 THIRD NATIONAL BANK OR SCRANTOM. Organized 1872. Depositary of the United States. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, . $550,000 Ibotllsi'iimt rato to iloposltoM W r per cent, pi'r nullum. Special attuntlon rIvoii to nil ncuaunts wbeitliur lurioor i nv.l. Dpen fc'atnrd.iy ovonlai-i S tJ U u' vliu t. 'J'lueo pere'Oiit, iutereit paid on s-.tvlnja ile-jiaslH. lntciest coiiipouuiloel Juiiuiuy ltt una July lit. WILLIAM CONNELL. Proaitlont. HENRY BELIN, JR.., Vieo President. WILLIAM H. PECK, Cashier. DIRECTORS. William Connell, .Tamos Archbald, Henry Bolin, Jr., Luther Keller, Geo. H, Catliu, J. Ronj. Dimrrtiok, Thomna H. Watkinn, James L Connell, W. D, Zohnder. 0 0 0 0 0 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo f,"U & f. M f. i; t i . v. t n ts v. v. t . ti t ti -saj a- In other leather, On account of mild weather nml other conditions, & v we have reduced the pi ices on Ladies' Shoes os follows; 2 Ladies' Box Calf Lace Shoes Regular Price $3,25, Regular Price 2.50, Regular Price 5.00, Regular Price 3,50, N. B, No old stock: everv tf$tylish lasts. ;& I hlllin minnii nmiinn -RyODV.DAVIESJSHPHY, V 'V it; LHW5 'A U '( m4 mA 'A VI " ' 1 U VJ 'A tH" wmtttKotxim: I f f. roperies, FREE OF CHARGE. 00000000000000000 t s. K vt v, n t t t k it v. t tt it t f. n Box ft The most serviceable leather ff for Winter Footwear you will find is Uo.n Cilf. You will $ get moie real wearing value ft for the inonev than in am- ft ft Special Y,ce,.,,Su7s r Special Price., ,, 2.00 f Special Price..,. 3.50 (! Special Price.... .1,00 V, Dair new and made nn thp mnd ft S n eiiinnnu nnn Lackawanna J Avenue. Snadss, MgAudI Oaf! " 'A U Vt - "A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A "rf '!.' Wyflr t.